HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170427 Ver 1_signed_NLEB_form_20170406Northern_LOIIg-E�red B�t 4(d) RuIe Streamlined Consulfation Form Fed�ral agencies should use this form for the optional streamlined consultation framework for the northern long- eared bat (NLEB}. This framework allows federal agencies to rely upon the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service°s {USFW S) January 5, 2016, intra-Service Program;natic Biological Opinion {BO) on the final 4(d) rule for the NLEB for section 7{a)(2) compliance by: (1) notifying the USFWS tUat an action agency will use the streamlined fiamework; (2) describing the project wi�h sufficient detail to support the required determination; and (3) enabling the USFWS to track effects and det�rmine if reiniti.ation of consultation is required per 50 CFR 402.16. This form is not necessary if an agency determines that a proposed action will have no effect to the NLEB or if the USFWS �as concurred in writing with an agency's determination that a proposed action may affect, but is not likely to advexsely affect the NLEB (i.e., the standard informal consultation process). Actions that may cause prohibited incidental take require separate formal consulta�ion. Providing this information does not address section 7(a)(2) compliance for any other listed species. Information to Determine 4(d Rule Com liance: Y�:S NQ t. Does tiie proj ect occur wholly autside of the WNS Zonel? ❑ � , 2. Have you contacted the appropriate agency2 to determine if your project is near � ❑ known hibernacula or maternit roost trees? 3. Could the project disturb hibernating NLEBs in a known Y�ibernaculurn? ❑ � 4. Could the project alter the entrance or interior envixo�ent of a knawn ❑ � hibernaculum? 5. Does the project remove any trees within 0.25 miles af a known hibernaculum at ❑ � an time of ear? 6. Would the project cut or destroy known occupied maternity roost trees, ar any ❑ � I ofhez trees within a 150-foot radius from the matemity roost tree from June 1 throu Jul 31. You are eligible to use this fonm if you have answered yes to question #1 or yes to queshon #2 and no to questions 3, 4, 5 and 6. The remainder of the %rm will be used by the USFWS to track our assumptions in the BO. Agency and Applicant� (Name, Email, Phone No.): NCDOT, Division 12, Trish Beam, ndbeam�ncdot.�ov_, 704-480-9044 Project Name: Pipe Repair Project Location {include coordinates if known): Hwy 127 B�sic Project Description (provide narrative below or attach additional information): Repair of a failed pipe under Hwy 127 at intersectian with 1St Ave NE, Catawba County 1 http:l/www.fws.gov/midwesdendangered/rnamtnals/nleb/pdf/WNSZone.pdf Z See htCp://www.fws.govlmidwest/endangered/mammals/nleb/nhisites.html 3 If applicable - only needed for federal actions with agplicants (e.g., for a permit, etc.) who are party to the consultation. General Pro'ect Information YL:S NU Does the proj ect occur within 0.25 miles of a�own hibernaculum? ❑ � Does the proj ect occur within 150 feet of a known maternity roost tree? ❑ � Does the project include forest conversion4? (if yes, report acreage below} ❑ � Estnnated total acres o� farest conversian If �nown, estimated acres5 of forest conversion from April 1 to October 31 If known, estimated acres of forest conversion from June 1 to July 316 Does the pmject include timber harvest? (if yes, report acreage below) ❑ � Estimated total acres of timber harvest If lmown, estimated acres of timber harvest from A ril l to October 3I If knawn, estimated acres of timber harvest from June 1 to Jul 31 Does the project include prescribed fire? (if yes, report acreage below) ❑ � Estimated total acres of z�escribed fire If known, estimated acres of rescribed fire from A ri11 to October 3I If lrnown, estimated acres of rescribed fire from June 1 to Jul 31 Does t�e project install new wind turbines? {if yes, report capacity in MW below) ❑ � Estimated wind ca acity (MW) A�ency Determination: By signing this foran, the action agency determines that this project may affect the NLEB, but that any resulting incidental take of the NLEB is not prohibited by the fina14(d) rule. If the USFWS does not respond within 30 days fram submittal of this form, the action agency may presume that its determination is informed by the best available information and that its project responsibilities under 7(a)(2) wi#h respect to the NLEB are fulfilled through the USFWS January 5, 2016, Progranunatic BO. The action agency will update this determination annually for multi-year activities. The action agency understands that the USFWS presurnes that a11 activities are implemented as described herein. The action agency will promptly report any depariures from the described activities to the appropriate USFWS Field Qffice. The action agency will provide the appropriate USFWS Field Office with the results of any surveys conducted for the NLEB. Tnvolved parties wi11 promptly natify the apprapriate LTSFWS Field Office upon finding a dead, injured, or sick NLEB. Signature: Prs'� Date Submitted: -,� � �' I 4 Any activity that temporarily or permanently removes suitable forested habitat, including, but not lrmited to, tree removal from development, energy production and transmission, mining, agriculture, eta (see page 48 of the BO). 5 If the project removes �ess than 10 �ees and t�e aoreage is unimown, report the acreage as less than 0.1 acre. °�f the activity includes tree clearing in June and July, also include those acreage in April to October.