HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091070_Meeting Minutes_20080417sonpl_ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTNMNT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F EASLEY LYNDo TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY AGENDA Eastern Concurrence Meeting Thursday, April 17, 2008 Board Room, Transportation Building Raleigh, North Carolina 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM, Karen Reynolds, Project Planning Engineer, PDEA Branch TIP No. R-2612, US 421 Interchange Addition - Pipeline Project Guilford County, Division 7 Team Members: Andy Williams, USACE Karen Reynolds, PDEA Chris Militscher, USEPA Felix Davila, FHWA Gary Jordan, USFWS Travis Wilson, WRC David Wainwright, DWQ Renee Gledhill-Early, SHPO Tyler Meyer, Greensboro Urban Area MPO NCDOT Technical Support Staff and Other Agency Staff: l Kathy Matthews, USEPA Amy Euliss, DWQ Mike Mills, Division 7 Ritchie Tuttle, Division 7 Patty Eason, Division 7 Glenn Mumford, Roadway Design Susan Lancaster, Roadway Design Jerry Snead, Hydraulics Terry Fox, Geotechnical Linwood Stone, PDEA Eric Midkiff, PDEA BenJetta Johnson, Congestion Mngt Erin Hendee, Congestion Mngt Wayne Davis, TPB Steve Gurganus, HEU Ed Lewis, HEU Matt Wilkerson, HEU Mary Pope Furr, HEU Greg Smith, HEU Rachelle Beauregard, NEU Ashley Cox, NEU Elizabeth Lusk, NEU • The purpose of this meeting is to revisit and reach concurrence on CP3and CP 4A. MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE 919-733-3141 LOCATION NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENTAND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WESSITE WWW DOH DOT STATE NC US RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 AGENDA Eastern Concurrence Meeting Thursday, April 17, 2008 Board Room, Transportation Building Raleigh, North Carolina 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM - Wade Kirby, Project Planning Engineer, NCDOT PDEA Branch TIP No. U-3810 - Piney Green Road Widening from US 17 to NC 24 Jacksonville Onslow County, Division 3 Team Members: Brad Shaver, USACE Wade Kirby, PDEA Ron Lucas, FHWA Chris Milrtscher, USEPA Gary Jordan, USFWS Renee Gledhill-Early, SHPO Chris Lukasma, Jacksonville Urban Area MPO David Wainwright, DWQ? Steve Sollod, DCM Fritz Rohde, DMF Ron Sechler, NMF Travis Wilson, WRC NCDOT Technical Support Staff and Other Agency Staff: Allen Pope, Division 3 Joe Blair, Division 3 Robert Vause, Division 3 Mason Herndon, Division 3 Stephen Lane, DCM Roger Thomas, Roadway Design Brian Robinson, Roadway Design Earlene Thomas, TPB Betsy Cox, Structure Design Theo Beach, Structure Design Jerry Snead, Hydraulics Drew Joyner, HEU Mary Pope Furr, HEU Elizabeth Lusk, NEU Chris Rivenbark, NEU Chris Manley, NEU Rob Hanson, PDEA Brian Yamamoto, PDEA Ron Hairr, Kimley-Horn and Associates * The purpose of the meeting is to reach concurrence on CP 3 and 4A. CONCURRENCE MEETING INFORMATION PACKET FOR YOUR REVIEW PRIOR TO MEETING ON Thursday, April 17, 2008 PROJECT ENGINEER Karen Reynolds TIP #R-2612 Please bring this packet to the meeting. 0 4D, IWgR 3 ??R, 008 4QN, sT RVL?r STATE aw.. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTWNT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F EASLEY LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY AGENDA Eastern Concurrence Meeting Thursday, April 17, 2008 Board Room, Transportation Building Raleigh, North Carolina 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM, Karen Reynolds, Project Planning Engineer, PDEA Branch TIP No. R-2612, US 421 Interchange Addition - Pipeline Project Guilford County, Division 7 Team Members: Andy Williams, USACE Karen Reynolds, PDEA Chris Militscher, USEPA Felix Davila, FHWA Gary Jordan, USFWS Travis Wilson, WRC David Wainwright, DWQ Renee Gledhill-Early, SHPO Tyler Meyer, Greensboro Urban Area MPO NC )OT Technical Support Staff and Other Agency Staff: Kathy Matthews, USEPA Amy Euliss, DWQ Mike Mills, Division 7 Ritchie Tuttle, Division 7 Patty Eason, Division 7 Glenn Mumford, Roadway Design Susan Lancaster, Roadway Design Jerry Snead, Hydraulics Terry Fox, Geotechnical Linwood Stone, PDEA Eric Midkiff, PDEA BenJetta Johnson, Congestion Mngt Erin Hendee, Congestion Mngt Wayne Davis, TPB Steve Gurganus, HEU Ed Lewis, HEU Matt Wilkerson, HEU Mary Pope Furr, HEU Greg Smith, HEU Rachelle Beauregard, NEU Ashley Cox, NEU Elizabeth Lusk, NEU ® The purpose of this meeting is to revisit and reach concurrence on CP'3 and CP 4A. MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE 919-733-3141 LOCATION NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE V?WW DOH DOT STATE NC US RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 oM STn7E MICHAEL F EASLEY GOVERNOR MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: /lam 2? ? ?c3C.?:2, SUBJECT: Invitation to Revisit of Avoidance & Minimization of Jurisdictional Impacts Meeting, R-2612A/B US 421 Interchange Additions at SR 3389 (Woody Mill Road) and SR 3418 (Neelley Road) in Pleasant Garden, south of Greensboro Your attendance is requested for the Section 404 / NEPA Team Meeting scheduled on Thursday, April 17, 2008, in the board room of the Transportation Building in Raleigh The meeting time will be assigned at a later date The purpose of this meeting is to revisit avoidance and minimization measures in the areas of the project that were reviewed during the field meeting held in Pleasant Garden on January 16, 2008 An Environmental Assessment for this project was approved in October 1998 and was distributed, prior to implementation of the NCDOT Merger Process The information presented in the Environmental Assessment is being updated for presentation in the Finding of No Significant Impact The materials listed below are attached for your reference and are in the following order Meeting Agenda with revised impact tables and revised functional designs for R-2612A (Woody Mill Road), revision of Ramp A to Loop B and for R-2612B (Neelley Road), revision of Ramp D Sent in November 2007 Meeting Packet Vicinity Map, Preliminary Alternatives Maps, Public Hearing Maps (NCDOT Preferred Alternatives) and Intersection Photographs Please contact me at (919) 733-7844 x-327 or via e-mail at keynolds@dot state nc us with any questions or comments regarding this invitation or the attached meeting materials Additionally, please notify me if you are unable to attend this meeting Thank you for your participation in the planning process for this project Attachments MAILING ADDRESS NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699 1548 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION March 27, 2008 LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY Andy Williams, US Army Corps of Engineers Chris Militscher, US Environmental Protection Agency Felix Davila, Federal Highway Administration Travis Wilson, NC Wildlife Resources Commission Gary Jordan, US Fish and Wildlife Service Amy Euliss, NCDENR-DWQ/Wetlands Renee Gledhill-Earley, NC Dept of Cultural Resources - SHPO Tyler Meyer, Greensboro MPO Karen Reynolds, Project Planning Engineer u^,h. Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch TELEPHONE 919 733 3141 FAX 919 733 9794 WEBSITE WWW DOH DOT STATE NC US LOCATION TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC NEPA / Section 404 Team Meeting Agenda R-2612A/B. US 421 Interchange Additions, Pleasant Garden, Guilford County Revisit of Avoidance & Minimization of Jurisdictional Impacts Board Room - Transportation Building - Raleigh, NC - April 17, 2008 TIP Description The North Carolina Department of Transportation proposes to construct two interchanges on at-grade intersection locations along US 421, south of Greensboro The proposed improvements will also remove existing at-grade intersections within the project limits R-2612A will construct a diamond interchange and service road at SR 3389 (Woody Mill Road) R-2612B will construct a half-cloverleaf interchange at SR 3417 (Neelley Road) Project History (Review from November 15, 2007) The environmental assessment was signed in October 1998 Two alternatives were studied for R- 2612A Alternative A-2 was recommended This alternative was an interchange connecting Woody Mill Road with Company Mill Road, using service roads to connect Hagan-Stone Park Road and Minden Road to the project Six alternatives were studied for R-2612B Alternative B-3A was recommended This alternative was a grade separation connecting Neelley Road to Williams Dairy Road Protect funding was then deferred for several years During that time, additional meetings with Pleasant Garden officials and residents resulted in a change in the recommended alternative for the Neelley Road intersection Alternative B-3, a half clover-leaf interchange is now recommended for this intersection The NEPA / 404 Merger Process did not exist in 1998, at this stage of the project development Due to a reversal of local sentiment among the Neelley Road area neighborhoods, an interchange is now favored instead of a grade separation at this location The following interchange alignment alternatives are currently recommended by the NCDOT, due to the reduction of residential and business relocations and to the reduction of environmental impacts During a Merger Discussion Meeting held on January 22, 2007, representatives from the FHWA, the USACOE and the NCDOT agreed that the environmental impacts were not enough to include this project in the NEPA/Section 404 Merger Process These representatives also agreed that NCDOT would brief the team members concerning the potential environmental impacts in order to obtain agency comments and to reach agreement on the recommended alternatives at the Point 3 and Point 4A stage of project development USEPA and FHWA request that agreement forms be signed during this meeting 1 Revisit Meeting Purpose The purpose of this meeting is to revisit the avoidance and minimization measures in the areas visited during our field meeting in Pleasant Garden on January 16, 2008 These areas were the proposed stream realignment of Stream 2 in R-2612A and the interchange impacts in Quadrant D of R-2612B Since our field meeting, Ramp A and the realignment of Stream 2 in R-2612A have been abandoned by the Hydraulics Unit A loop replacing Ramp A has been added in Quadrant B Loop D in R-2612B has been redesigned to lessen wetland fragmentation The resulting impacts are shown in the corresponding agenda tables November 2007 Meeting The purpose of this meeting is to present relevant Information to the team for review of the NCDOT preferred alternatives and the associated avoidance and minimization measures, to date An Environmental Assessment for this project was approved on October 30, 1998 and distributed prior to implementation of the NCDOT Merger Process As requested by the FHWA, the environmental data presented m the EA will be updated and documented in the FONSI, along with any project design revisions 2 Purpose and Need The purpose of the project is to improve safety along a section of US 421 that is defined by numerous at-grade intersections The project consists of the construction of the final two interchanges along this section of US 421, south of Greensboro During the realignment and widening of US 421 from NC 62 to SR 3314 (Wiley Lewis Road), no funding was available for the construction of the interchanges connecting Neelley Road to Williams Dairy Road and R-2612A/B NEPA / Section 404 Team Meeting Revisit Agenda, April 17, 2008 Environmental Impacts Review, Avoidance & Minimization and Agency EA Comments Resolution Woody Mill Road to Company Mill Road These intersections have been signed as temporary at-grade intersections since the realignment project was completed * Detailed Study Alternatives Carried Forward ?n the Environmental Assessment (Review) The alignment alternatives below were approved by NCDOT for detailed study `A' Alternatives refer to the Woody Mill Road area, while `B' Alternatives refer to the Neelley Road area Asterisks indicate the alignment alternatives recommended by the NCDOT in the 1998 Environmental Assessment a Alternative A-1 - Diamond Interchange at Woody Mill Rd - Tabernacle Church Rd with Company Mill Rd Service Rd (Skewed Interchange Bridge) o Alternative A-2*- Diamond Interchange at Woody Mill Rd - Company Mill Rd with Minden Road Service Rd (Skewed Interchange Bridge Service road has since been slightly reconfigured ) e Alternative B-1 - Half Cloverleaf Interchange at Neelley Rd - Williams Dairy Rd with Neelley Rd and Liberty Rd realignments (Perpendicular interchange bridge) o Alternative B-1A - Grade separation at Neelley Rd - Williams Dairy Rd with Neelley Rd and Liberty Rd realignments (Perpendicular overpass) e Alternative B-2 - Half Cloverleaf Interchange at Neelley Rd - Williams Dairy Rd with Neelley Rd and Liberty Rd realignments (Skewed interchange bridge) s Alternative B-2A - Grade separation at Neelley Rd - Williams Dairy Rd with Neelley Rd and Liberty Rd realignments (Skewed overpass) 0 Alternative B-3 - Half Cloverleaf Interchange at Neelley Rd - Williams Dairy Rd with Neelley Rd realignment (Slightly skewed interchange bridge) e Alternative B-3A*- Grade separation at Neelley Rd - Williams Dairy Rd with Neelley Rd realignment (Slightly skewed overpass) o Service Road Alternatives - Grade Separations over US 421 at Ritters Lake Road and NC 22 just southeast of the 1-85 Bypass Construction of various service roads south of US 421 3 NCDOT Preferred Alternatives (Review) Alternative A-2 Diamond Interchange connecting Woody Mill Road to Company Mill Rd, with a service road connecting Minden Road and Hagan-Stone Park Road to the project Alternative B-3 Half Cloverleaf Interchange connecting Neelley Rd to Williams Dairy Road R-2612AIB NEPA /Section 404 Team Meeting Revisit Agenda, April 17, 2008 Environmental Impacts Review, Avoidance & Minimization and Agency EA Comments Resolution R-2612A & B: Environmental Impacts Table -2 7 eS t?FZ mk- eed Posted SpDivision? *YS. ?5 .t vAccess a a ° FuII,?Fartial -";Service Road It - F,uIIA Mrnirrium Ri htofalVa y4 - ?:?1?10eet" x z `? °r>` < 1 i 0 feet T r? M Railroad Crossings 0 0 Schools 0 0 Recreational Areas and Parks 0 0 'r a k +r ?",aE c x ' K 7 ax^a Ehu .`ches S 2h3 sV ( YJT??. N '" ?[rvK ?v- YAn ` { ro'?> 3; i,^yT •,:e 1?., ?t Uy > 'ff nee r. .,,.Y-£,.. ?"< °,+ ,, n %t? `C ??%vr'? ? L ?TT rs??#F 4,n?'?. Cemeteries 0 0 Mafor'UtdityxG?ossmgs (Right ofYWajr)FS4; ??j x'===;1K ;`' ` ""r 0 Historic Properties 0 0 Archaeological Sites 0 0 Federally Listed Species whn Corridor 0 0 State Listed Species whn Corridor 0 0 5s 910U?Year Flood lain Crossin s?5 ?- ? 0 w _?,. 500-Year Floodplam Crossings 0 0 m yA? i fi racg4 YS'^ e ?+ i?` .? .. 'IAcrea a of Forest im acts .,"? u T,???9t 4mt ,e ^ y ^ N ? "_ l? " r ?, _' " , ,? 4 i ¢ , 3x x 1- z ?' M? res. 297>?x Acreage of Prime Farmland Acreage *** 0 0 r.re =c°x ?' ?. i. 'HI'" a Potential,Res+derittaf,Relocat?ons "' -s ? w."?$»•L"£?'?un "'V'y, "M ?+ x-it a- j +!ele7 .t $ Y1 ??,a,yu :''^,.?. vz :*es .v s.,,? -'+t'+'r??u?a +x q i +?n l< t 5`'4r^ a?i4 `-,. d 's.? ?+??x _?;s Potential Business Relocations 0 iq? ;,Hazardous;Matertal Sites,„Y{, N 0 r ys 1 - (L Rd?/,1IVD'Rd)? s i Deli eatedNeftarids Impacts ; ActpaJe ??, ` ?` 0"26 (0 45) (V11L, 3, 6, 7rj _ a R 5 87 -(6 a (Wt?9, 11) ? '616646d Y,e ,D_, Stream Impacts; Unear feet ?w e ??? w 1;875 (1,775j`r;,, ; :, ,tea-k}r ?' „€: '1,255 (1X255) ; k Water Supply Watershed Protected Areas 0 0 Hazardous Spill Basin Areas 0 0 Wildlife Refuges and Game Lands 0 0 Fish Moratoriums 0 0 Essential Fish Habitats 0 0 Stream Buffer Requirements ** 0 0 Impacted Noise Recepto s ?; }x -? A l raw : ;. ;. 0 @ 0-+6 dBA ;'I Y°5a ws Y? t2,,Ca10 ++6?dBArxx?r Air Quality Effects 0 0 Section 4(f) Impacts (Park / Historic) 0 0 Federal Lands 0 0 Low Income Population Impacts 0 0 Minority Population Impacts 0 0 High Quality Resource Crossings 0 0 Rf ht=of=VNa YCostrEsbmate g, x ;$:1 200,OOOArxrt hr $2 p570,000"; ' Const`r_uctiori Cost Estimate =+ e ss.rax,+. e ` ` `'$16100x000 Ct3n s, ?,>r?-a $13;800 000" 4 a'.^ r Totals Cost s x; to z- ;h' x`, °$17;300,000 h r= ?? '$i 0 OOOn 6 37 ?,s ,? V . ?, * Forest Communities include Maintained, Dry / Mesic-Oak-Hickory Forest, Bottomland-Hardwood Forest, Alluvial Forest ** Draft 2006 Buffer Regulations for Cape Fear River /Jordan Lake Watersheds *** Pending Guilford County approval of Proposed Comprehensive Land Use Plan for Prime Farmland Acreage R-2612A/B NEPA / Section 404 Team Meeting Revisit Agenda, April 17, 2008 Environmental Impacts Review, Avoidance & Minimization and Agency EA Comments Resolution Surface Water Impacts Stream Designation Max Width (ft) Max Depth ( in) Dominant Substrate i 2 Flow Stream Classification Length (ft) DWQ 3 Index 612A:;way,lV%u sEm SL - UT to S2 4 12 Gr, Sd P C WS-IV NSW 310 16-19-(1) S1 - UT to S2 3 6 Gr, Sd P C WS-IV NSW 400 16-19-(]) S2 - UT to Big Alamance Creek 65 8 Gr, Co, Sd P C WS-IV NSW 0 90 16-19-(1) 0 0) (8 S2A - From Pond into 5' Culvert 6 15 Sd, Gr, Co, B P C WS-IV NSW 25 16-19-(1) S4 (Drains into WL 7 & Pond 4) 3 8 Sd, Gr, Co I C WS-IV NSW 60 16-19-(1) S4-A - From Pond into 3' Culvert 3 24 Sd, Gr, Co, B P C WS-TV NSW 50 16-19-(1) S5 - (Drains into WL 6 & Pond 4) 3 24 St, Sd, Gr I C WS-IV NSW 130 16-19-(1) 0 12 Pond - Quadrant B (Gr,Co,Sd - S2) --- -- -- --- --- 16-19-(1) (Acres) -"Neelley road t, U l" 1 1' ? Teal T -? ,1, , ;' `?Iternatcve _ , w 1 53 kgtl . ° 11 lid II'?i J < ; rye, ,t ?,, ; ', E '', n I25S 4? - 4 , w S6 - Big Alamance Creek 5 18 St, Sd, Gr P C WS-IV NSW 500 16-19-(]) (5 00) S7 - UT to Big Alamance Creek 3 6 Sd, St UP C WS-IV NSW 130 16-19-(1) S9 - UT to Big Alamance Creek 15 6 St, Sd I C WS-IV NSW 150 16-19-(1) S9-A - UT to Big Alamance Creek 1 5 6 St, Sd L I 1 C WS-IV NSW 250 16-19-(1) S9-B - UT to Big Alamance Creek 1 5 6 St, Sd P, 2 1 C WS-IV NSW 200 16-19-(1) SL-1 - UT to Big Alamance Creek 3 3 Sd, St, B P C WS-N NSW 25 16-19-(1) Pond - Quadrant A (B,A,Ck-S9) --- --- --- -- A o 16-19-(1) ( c res) 1 Sd Sand, St Silt, Gr Gravel, Co Cobble, B Boulders 2 1 Intermittent stream, P Perennial stream 3 DWQ Index Number for unnamed tributaries is the same as the water body into which the tributary flows 4 Between existing Minden Road and Hagan-Stone Road intersections 5 1 1, 2 1 - Mitigation rate at 0 45 per linear foot R-2612AIB NEPA / Section 404 Team Meeting Revisit Agenda, April 17, 2008 Environmental Impacts Review, Avoidance & Minimization and Agency EA Comments Resolution Wetland Impacts Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland Designation Regime Impacts R ating Type Acres (Acres) tt ?-`; R 261ZA°- Woac7 y ift,Road '1 r 0 7 26 , , 3 b Akernative A 2 k r- l o#al Total L? Permanently 0 WL 3 (Pond Association) 44 PFOIA 0 56 Flooded (019) Temporarily WL 5 37 PFO1 A 0 09 0 09 Flooded Permanently WL 6 (Pond Assn, Minden Rd) 38 PFOIA 0 17 0 12 Flooded WL 7 (Pond Assn, Minden Rd) Permanently 50 PUBHh 0 05 0 05 Flooded 4, Z F 3 ? Y 1 z z '' ? J Ry ?, s ? ?- ,-26I2$i N,eelle Rood ? `,F F- ,.ist} .?-.;?, a'e+>u b ?y 4? t •E' +-rs7Y'*? 3??? TOt81' "?'74 Alternative B=3 ?t Temporarily 325 WL 9 85 PFO I A 4 55 Flooded (332) Temporarily WL 9A 66 PFOIA 0 05 0 Flooded Temporarily 0 35 WL 913 66 PFOIA 0 62 Flooded (059) Temporarily WL 11 59 PFO1 A 2 52 2 27 Flooded PFO1 A-Palustrine, Forested, Deciduous Vegetation, temp flooded PUBHh - Palustrine, Unconsolidated Bottom, Perm Flooded, impounded 4 Preliminary Hydraulic Design for the Stream Crossings and Wetlands of the US 421 Interchanges Site Stream Name/ Existing Proposed ? t:',1Netlend Reting???P Comments No Stream Class Structure Structure .:. And Type Big Alamance Creek None iw.w- rY , Y 1 LIT - Woody Mill Rd , 60-inch (5') CMP - 60-inch (5) RCP under „f Wetland 3 None r-?A Cape Fear River Basin (Stream 2) Abandoned rdwy Intersection (to Lake Jordan) C WS-IV NSW Big Alamance Creek ?r+WeHand t8°-^ ° f x .1 hOt yi iootl Zoneri-" Cape Fear River Basin p Neelley Road Interch None 72-inch (6') RCP jk` GUilfold CoulttV'=tV3tioAff ? o Lake Jordan ( ) 2 Stream 6 ?- ? Flood,Jrisutan eePro as FEMA Emergency Flood C WS-IV NSW < A ' ^ } R ? ra Miti tion Necessa .X r Hazard Zone AE Big Alamance Creek - Wetland;913 t 100 yr sFiood Zoned ? Cape Fear River Basin NeelleY Road Interch None 72-inch (6') RCP , ro ? N W Gutl(ord County Nationwal Z Lake Jordan (to ) 3 Stream 6 r s , Flood,dnsurance?Ftogram,Q" MA Emergency Flood C WS IV NSW Nl i n;Neces b Hazard Zone AE i i o saa Big Alamance Creek Wetland 9B_`-pN;' w y sm r Floo 4 Z n Cape Fear River Basin (to Lake Jordan) Neelley Road Interch ' ; e w r , 00 y d o 4 Stream 6 None 72 inch (6 ) RCP I GuiHordsCOUntV. Nationah, t t=? FEMA Emer enc Flood 9 Y C WS IV NSW FlooilYln§urance Program= ? i Mitigation Necessa` r"'? Hazard Zone AE - G w5-!V N5w Aquatic iite, w smite, recreation, & agriculture - Nutrient Sensitive waters 1NO mgn uuaiity waters witnin i miie of project area ) R-2612A/B NEPA /Section 404 Team Meeting Revisit Agenda, April 17, 2008 Environmental Impacts Review, Avoidance & Minimization and Agency EA Comments Resolution 5 Current Project Schedule Environmental Assessment FONSI Right of Way Acquisition Construction Right of Way Acquisition Construction October 1998 May 2008 FY 2009 (R-2612A - Woody Mill Road) FY 2010 (R-2612A -Woody Mill Road) FY 2012 (R-2612B - Neelley Road) Unfunded (R-2612B - Neelley Road) • 1999 Environmental Assessment Review Comments (Review) ? DWO • Recommends the development of the stream and wetland mitigation plans during the design process ¦ The Wetland Restoration Program will be available to use for stream and wetland m itigation • Based upon the Environmental Assessment, an Individual 401 Water Quality Certification will be required for this protect o NCWRC Due to the environmental commitments included in the EA and the limited scope of the protect, we do not object to the project as proposed At this time, we concur with the EA for this protect NCDOT should continue efforts to reduce wetland and stream impacts NCDOT Best Management practices and appropriate sedimentation and erosion control measures should be employed to minimize impacts to off-site resources e USACOE ¦ There are no USACOE projects that would be impacted by the proposed improvements ¦ Big Alamance Creek does have a significant portion of detailed study in the Guilford County Flood Insurance Study, but the portion potentially impacted by the protect is mapped approximately • Affected water bodies include Big Alamance Creek, and unnamed tributaries, above headwaters • It is probable that an individual Department of the Army permit will be required for this protect • Authorization of aquatic fill activities requires that the protect be water dependent and/or that no practicable alternatives are available ¦ Considering the information on impacts to aquatic resources that is available at this time, including the discussion of alternatives in the Environmental Assessment, Alternative A-2 would be the Corps' preferred alternative for the Woody Mill Road Interchange Alternative A-1 would be the least preferred Alternative B-3A would be the Corps' preferred alternative for the NC 22 Interchange/Overpass Alternative B-1 would be the least preferred ? NC Office of State Planning - Geodetic Survey • This protect will impact one geodetic survey marker NC Geodetic Survey should be contacted prior to construction Intentional destruction of a geodetic monument is a violation of NC General Statute 102-4 ® Public Hearing/ Public Comments (Review) o A Combined Public Hearing was held on December 14, 2006, in Pleasant Garden Approximately 150 people attended both the informal and formal sessions Major concerns and comment follow R-2612A/B NEPA /Section 404 Team Meeting Revisit Agenda, April 17, 2008 Environmental Impacts Review, Avoidance & Minimization and Agency EA Comments Resolution • Support was expressed for the project • Multiple concerns were expressed regarding the closing of the Hagen Stone Park Road Intersection • Several comments favored control of access breaks at the Woody Mill Road Interchange to allow new retail development within the project area • Opposition was expressed regarding control of access breaks at the Woody Mill Road Interchange and potential new retail development within the project area • Concern was expressed regarding the Neelley Road-Liberty Road intersection reconfiguration • Multiple concerns were expressed regarding potential traffic increases along most minor roads in the project area due to the interchange construction at both locations • The Greensboro MPO requested 4-foot shoulders for bike lanes on Woody Mill Road, Company Mill Road, Neelley Road and Williams Diary Road • Some concern was expressed regarding emergency response time, school traffic congestion, PGA traffic impacts and impacts to local businesses once the interchanges are constructed and control of access is in effect at both locations