HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_Emails_20080710 (9)[Fwd: Delivery Status Notification] Subject: [Fwd: Delivery Status Notification] From: John Dorney <john.dorney@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 15:11:28 -0400 To: Ross Smith <rsmith@pcsphosphate.com>, Jeff Furness <jfurness@pcsphosphate.com> let's try again Subject: Delivery Status Notification From: Mail Delivery Service <postmaster@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 15:07:44 -0400 To: john.dorney@ncmail.net - These recipients of your message have been processed by the mail server: jfurnessCpcsphosphate.com; Failed; 5.3.4 (message too big for system) Remote MTA mail-2.pcsphosphate.com: network error - SMTP protocol diagnostic: 552 Message size exceeds fixed limit Reporting-MTA: dns; relay3.ncmail.net Received-from-MTA: dns; relay3.ncmail.net ( Arrival-Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 15:07:42 -0400 Final-Recipient: rfc822; jfurnessCpcsphosphate.com Action: Failed Status: 5.3.4 (message too big for system) Remote-MTA: dns; mail-2.pcsphosphate.com Subject: draft approach to calculate functional uplift from enhancement From: John Dorney <john.domey@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 15:04:05 -0400 To: Jeff Furness <jfurness@pcsphosphate.com>, Kyle Barnes <Kyle.Barnes@ncmail.net>, "Walker, William T SAW" <William.T.Walker@saw02.usace.army.mil>, "Lekson, David M SAW" <David.M.Lekson@saw02,usace.army, mil> As discussed in our PCS/DWQ meeting yesterday, we (DWQ and hopefully the Corps!) may be able to use the attached method (or a variant thereof) to calculate the functional uplift from wetland enhancement toward DWQ's regulatory requirement for 1:1 wetland restoration or creation (no net loss of wetlands). this attached method has been vetted (not approved!) by various regulatory types (mainly EPA, Corps, DWQ and DCM) and it should serve as a means of beginning the conversation in relation to the hardwood flat in the Bonnerton tract that alternative "L" avoids. Let me know what you (all) think. thankx ;Delivery Status Notifcation.eml Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Encoding: 7bit Part Content-Type: Message/Delivery-Status 1 of 2 8/25/2008 9:47 AM [Fwd: Delivery Status Notification] draft approach to calculate functional uplift from enhancement.eml Content-Type: Message/RFC822 Content-Type: application/msword Functional Uplift and NCWAM - a summary July 2008.doc Content-Encoding: base64 2 of 2 8/25/2008 9:47 AM