HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_Emails_20080807Fw: Draft Flexible Buffer Mitigation Strategy Reports & RMS contac... Subject: Fw: Draft Flexible Buffer Mitigation Strategy Reports & RMS contact info From: RSmith@Pcsphosphate.com Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2008 07:27:28 -0400 To: John Dorney <john.dorney@ncmail.net> CC: JFurness@Pcsphosphate.com John: Please provide status of the EMC-WQC PCS Phosphate buffer variance request agenda item. Please identify any information items required to be submitted to DWQ from PCS. Note: similar request sent to your DWQ-Raleigh voice-mail. Thanks. Ross ----- Forwarded by Ross Smith/EnvA/Aurora/Phosphate/PCS on 08/07/2008 07:24 AM ----- Ross Smith/EnvA/Aurora /Phosphate/PCS John Dorney <john.dorney@ncmail.net> To 08/04/2008 10:25 AM John: CC Jeff Furness/EnvA/Aurora/Phosphate/PCS@P CS Subject Draft Flexible Buffer Mitigation Strategy Reports & RMS contact info Thank you for the return voice-mail left on Saturday (08/02/08). Based on Fed-Ex documentation, the Kimley-Horn reports, "Draft Flexible Buffer Mitigation Strategy Report", were received by staff in your office on 07/31/08. Based on coversations this morning with personnel in your section, the reports may have been distributed to another office in your building. DWQ staff have retrieved the reports and have transferred them to your office. Please let me know if you do not find the reports as described. As stated in my voice-mail to you on 08/01/08, PCS' first priority for EMC-WQC variance approval on 09/10/08 is for DWQ to have authority to issue buffer credit for buffers associated with successful headwater system mitigation. The second priority is for approval of flexible buffer mitigation strategies. Please contact me at any of the numbers/addresses listed below. Thanks. I of 2 8/25/2008 9:45 AM Fw: Draft Flexible Buffer Mitigation Strategy Reports & RMS contac... Ross Ross M. Smith Manager, Environmental Affairs PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. (o) 252-322-8270 (c) 252-916-3061 e-mail: rsmith@pcsphosphate.com 2 of 2 8/25/2008 9:45 AM