HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_Public Comments_20080707 (4)July 7, 2008 NC DWQ Attn: John Dorney 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 RE: Comments on 401 for PCS Mine Continuation To Whom It May Concern: The Pamlico-Tar River Foundation (PTRF) submits the following comments regarding Potash Corporation Saskatchewan, Phosphate Inc., Aurora facility's (PCS) application to dredge and fill 4,135 acres of wetlands and waters regulated under the Clean Water Act. PTRF, founded in 1981, is a grassroots environmental organization representing 2500 members. Our mission is to enhance and protect the Pamlico-Tar River watershed through education, advocacy, and research. PTRF submits the following comments regarding the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the proposed Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan, Phosphate, Inc, Aurora Facility (PCS) mine advance. Along with the comments below, PTRF is enclosing two comment letters provided to the Corps of Engineers that respond specifically to impacts to wetlands and waters of the State. The first is a document produced by PTRF, "Impacts to the Aquatic Environment Associated with PCS Phosphate, Inc. Proposed Mine Expansion." The second is a letter dated March 3, 2008 to the Corps regarding the Entrix report. Below are comments on several issues of concern to PTRF related the impacts to wetland and waters of the state. Flexible buffer mitigation PTRF continues to have concerns about the Flexible Buffer Mitigation scheme. The first concern is related to the "exhaustive search" completed by the company. There is no indication as to what constitutes and exhaustive search. PTRF questions the indication by PCS that there is not enough buffer available to restore. What cost limit was placed upon the determination of whether a buffer restoration was feasible? At a sufficiently high price, much more buffer restoration might be available. Secondly, the methodology to calculate existing riparian buffer nutrient load reduction is flawed. The buffer loading estimates for existing buffers only consider surface runoff. Most of the nitrogen travels through buffers as subsurface flow. In forested buffers, nitrogen can be removed in the root zones. When only surface flow is considered, this subsurface loading (and possible reduction) is missed. Thirdly, and more importantly, if PCS buffer mitigation requirements will consume all available buffer restoration in the area of consideration, the next buffer restoration needed will also likely need to use a flexible approach as well so this is setting a precedent. And finally, PTRF is gravely concerned over the ability of PCS to use multiple appeals when the outcome is not to their liking. Much of the methodology requires, and rightfully so, sign-off by DWQ staff and director. Point 4 located on FEIS Appendix I page 9 provides PCS with essentially two appeals when the outcome is contrary to their needs and/or conclusions. The first appeal is to the Director and the second to the EMC Water Quality Committee. This is overly gracious and could work to undermine staff recommendations based on the available information and relevant science. While PTRF continues to question the validity of a variance request in this matter, if this approach is ultimately used, then the calculation of credits is essential to this mitigation scheme. PTRF fears the process will not be transparent and the overall benefits of riparian buffers (including nutrient removal) will not be realized by alternative mitigation practices. Therefore, we request that the public have the opportunity to review the credit calculation methodology, research results and conclusions. There are many within the scientific community who could provide very useful information to DWQ regarding this issue. Heavy Metal Contamination Due to the expansive information regarding heavy metal contamination and availability to wildlife, elevated levels of metals in groundwater and surface water, as well as future reconnections of reclaimed drainage areas to natural stream segments, PTRF again urges the Corps and DWQ to include in any permit extensive groundwater monitoring within the reclaimed areas and adjacent aquatic habitats, including sediment monitoring of any impacted or adjacent tributaries to the mine advance. We suggest DWQ follow requirements to those of the NC Solid Waste Management rules, where monitoring must continue for 30 years after reclamation activities have been completed. Most importantly, included in this requirement should be a provision that any contamination issues found must be remediated immediately, and that the Corps reserves the right to revoke the permit and the company discontinue mining until the problem has been solved to the agency's satisfaction. PTRF Recommends the following as it pertains to a groundwater monitoring plan: - Groundwater monitoring wells should be placed in reclamation areas and peripheral areas. Number and location of wells shall be determined in consultation with the Department of Natural Resources (Department). - Groundwater monitoring should commence with weekly samples for a period of 5 years to generate an acceptable baseline. After 5 years, monthly monitoring is acceptable. - Monitoring shall continue for 30 years post-reclamation. The post-reclamation time period can be lengthened by the Department. - If elevated levels of heavy metals are detected, monitoring should continue to be conducted weekly. - At a minimum, heavy metals, including cadmium, arsenic, and chromium should be analyzed. Other parameters may be added per the discretion of the Department. - Surface water and bottom muds of downstream, un-mined creeks should be analyzed monthly for a period of 3-5 years to develop a baseline prior to reconnection of upstream reclaimed channels (ex. Whitehurst Creek). Monitoring of bottom muds should continue 30 years, conducted quarterly after the baseline is established. - PCS Phosphate shall develop a remediation strategy for heavy metal contamination of groundwater and tributaries that drain or are adjacent to mined areas. Due to the potential for wildlife and human contamination from both mining and the chemical plant activities, PTRF requests the Corps consider the following requirements: 1. PCS must fully fund a complete epidemiologic study of the mine, general vicinity and downwind sectors with the purpose of determining the impact on human health as a result of the mine and processing operations. 2. 1 % of gross annual revenue should be set aside in a trust or escrow to be managed by a group of stakeholders independent of PCS to insure that the reclamation and future environmental and human damage that may occur can be mitigated whenever possible and that the required reclamation will occur and meet acceptable standards. This does not relieve the company of meeting existing requirements and complying with the reclamation and mitigation requirements already included or to be included as a part of their permit. 3. PCS must fully fund a complete epidemiologic study of the mine, general vicinity and downwind sectors with the purpose of determining the impact on fish and wildlife as a result of mine and processing operations. 4. PCS must fund a study to determine the existing effects from reclamation areas that have been capped and are not capped. The focus needs to be on plants and animals since the reclaimed areas are to be utilized as wildlife habitat. PTRF supports ongoing water quality monitoring within the project area, especially to look at ecosystem effects of headwater impacts and drainage basin reductions, as well as possible heavy metal contamination. Data provided to PTRF from WARO of groundwater monitoring wells located within the PCS plant site indicate that currently groundwater quality standard violations occur often for total dissolved solids, sulfate, and fluoride (assuming GSA classification: PTRF assumes this, since the rights to the pumped groundwater from the mine has a possible future use as water supply, as well as past local uses of surficial aquifers for drinking supply via wells). SNHA on Bonnerton Tract The nonriverine wet hardwood forests on the Bonnerton site have been identified as a site of national significance, meaning that the site is one of the five best examples of that community type in the nation.' The Bonnerton site has two features that make it a site of national significance, its size and quality. As noted above, large tracts of nonriverine wet hardwood forests are rare. Of the 25 known sites in North Carolina, only seven are greater than 100 acres.2 Covering over 200 acres, the Bonnerton site is the fourth largest known site. In addition to its size, the Bonnerton site is high in quality, with large trees that are increasingly uncommon. The N.C. Natural Heritage Program describes the site as "very good" quality. Alternative L includes The publication noting the site as a site of national significance is in press. (Schafale, pers. comm.) 2 Schafale at 9. substantial mining in the Bonnerton tract. This mine alternative would destroy the nationally significant nonriverine wet hardwood forests in the Bonnerton tract. Because these forests are large, rare, and high-quality, the impacts to them under this alternative cannot be mitigated. PTRF urges DWQ to protect this natural resource. However, we do not wish to see this area protected at the expense of other aquatic resources of national importance (areas within the NCPC tract). Economists from North Carolina universities as well as EPA believe that all alternatives with the exception of the No Action alternative are practicable. Therefore, the SNHA areas on the Bonnerton tract can be avoided while maintaining at an absolute minimum SCR avoidance areas in the NCPC tract. Mitigation The proposed impacts via the L mining alternative would directly and indirectly impact estuarine stream and riparian wetland ecosystem health and function. While some functions, such as aquatic habitat, may be restored within 10 years, many other functions and natural wetland characteristics will only be restored with a significant lag period on the order of decades. Furthermore, the FEIS fails to demonstrate the feasibility of reliably scaling up mitigation efforts (compared to much smaller past projects) that would yield a high probability of success. The complexities of the systems located within the NCPC tract cannot be replicated through mitigation without an associated significant lag time. Existing riparian wetlands within the NCPC tract provide quality protections for the inland PNAs, and resulting mitigation must also provide this protection. Many individual functions of the wetlands and stream channels located within the NCPC track are interdependent. Replacing a contiguous wetland/stream system with smaller, fractured mitigation sites will result in the loss of interdependent functions, the interaction of upland, flat and riparian wetlands and coastal streams, and the complexity of the system presently occurring within the NCPC tract. Due to the complexities and quality of the ecosystem within the project area, the required ratios of wetland and stream mitigation are extremely important. Federal and State resource agencies have continually provided information on the importance of estuarine streams, particularly within the NCPC tract, and how impacts to those streams may affect downstream ecosystem quality. It is our opinion that a ratio of 1.8:1 for stream mitigation is inadequate in light of the quality and importance of the streams that could be impacted by mining Alternative L or other alternatives with jurisdictional stream impacts. Furthermore, due to the fact of the massive size of the overall impact within the South Creek, Durham Creek and Pamlico River drainage basins, and the cumulative and indirect effects from such an operation, a 1:1 restoration ratio for any wetland type, regardless of its deemed quality, is also inadequate. To determine significant degradation, the Corps must analyze the proposed mitigation and compare to the overall impacts of mining to the ecosystem. The mitigation plan found in the FEIS only accounts for the first 15 years of mining and does not provide details into how South of 33 mining impacts will be offset. Therefore, the Corps does not have the information necessary to make an adequate analysis significant degradation. Conclusion To conclude, PCS Phosphate is unable to counter the incontrovertible body of scientific evidence showing that mining through headwaters of estuarine streams and their associated riparian habitats and contiguous wetland systems will have a significant negative impact on the functioning and structure of streams affected by proposed future mining activities. What we do have is a large amount of information detailing the importance of headwater streams and wetlands on downstream water quality. Alternative L, due to its direct, indirect and cumulative impacts to stream ecosystems as well as the Nationally Significant Natural Heritage Areas located on the Bonnerton Tract would result in the significant degradation of aquatic resources. Such impacts cannot be adequately mitigated in a reasonable timeframe to offset the impacts and. loss of wetland and stream functions. PTRF does not concur with the Corps practicability analysis nor do we concur that Alternative L is the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative. We appreciate the opportunity to provide comments. IF you have any questions or concerns related to this material, please contact our office. Sincerely, Heather Jacobs Pamlico-Tar Riverkeeper Pamlico-Tar River Foundation February 8, 2007 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District, Regulatory Div. ATTN: File Number 2001-10096 P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 To Whom It May Concern: This letter and attached document is in response to the request by the PCS Phosphate, Inc. which applied to the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for a Clean Water Act Section 404 permit to impact and fill wetlands and waters of the state for the purpose of continuing its mining operations along South Creek and the Pamlico River in eastern Beaufort County near the town of Aurora. The permit request includes excavation of 2,408 acres of wetlands and waters, including brackish marsh and public trust areas, and greater than 38,800 linear feet of stream. Sections of three designated inland Primary Nursery Areas that drain to South Creek, a Secondary Nursery Area, would be excavated under the Applicant Preferred mining alternative. This alternative lies within a tract of land known as the NCPC tract, which is bordered to the north by the Pamlico River and to the east by South Creek. Due to the special nature of the upland-, wetland-, and estuarine-creek ecosystem within the NCPC tract, we, the undersigned believe that the Applicant Preferred alternative would result in a significant adverse impact to the aquatic ecosystem that cannot be replaced through mitigation in a reasonable time frame. Furthermore, we contend that any mining through the headwaters or other downstream portions of the three PNAs and their associated riparian wetland complex would result in significant degradation. The attached document, "Impacts to the Aquatic Environment Associated with the PCS Phosphate, Inc. Proposed Mine Expansion" produced by the Pamlico-Tar River Foundation has been included to support this claim. Sincerely, Heather Jacobs Pamlico-Tar RIVERKEEPER® Pamlico-Tar River Foundation John Alderman, President Dorothea Ames Alderman Environmental Services, Inc. Geologist, PG David Knowles, Ecologist Michelle Duval, Ph.D. Greenville, NC Scientist Environmental Defense Joe Rudek, Ph.D. Doug Rader, Ph.D. Senior Scientist Principal Scientist for Oceans Environmental Defense and Estuaries Environmental Defense William H. Schlesinger, Ph.D. JoAnn Burkholder, Ph.D. James B. Duke Professor, Biogeochemistry Director, Center for Applied & Dean Aquatic Ecology The Nicholas School of the North Carolina State University Environment and Earth Sciences Duke University William W. Kirby-Smith, Ph.D. Robert R. Christian, Ph.D. Associate Professor of the Practice of Marine Ecology Coastal Ecologist Duke University Marine Laboratory Norm Christensen, Ph.D. Emily S. Bernhardt, Ph.D. Professor of Ecology Assistant Professor Nicholas School of the Environment Department of Biology Duke University Duke University 2 Impacts to the Aquatic Environment Associated with PCS Phosphate, Inc. Proposed Mine Expansion I) INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose: The purpose of this document is to evaluate the impacts to the aquatic environment located within and adjacent to the proposed mine expansion by PCS Phosphate, Inc. This tract of land is commonly referred to as the NCPC tract (formerly owned by the North Carolina Phosphate Company). Information originates from peer reviewed journals, the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), and personal communication with researchers and DENR Agency personnel. 1.2 Significant Degradation: Under 404(b)l guidelines of the Clean Water Act, the US Army Corps of Engineers (hereafter referred to as the Corps) must deny a permit to fill wetlands if it will result in significant degradation of the waters of the U.S. The burden of proof lies with the applicant to prove that wetland and water fill activities will not cause significant degradation. Two considerations that are balanced in determining whether significant degradation occurs are a) impact to the environment and b) the mitigation required by the permit. The Corps may be more likely to find significant degradation if: 1) the impact affects a particularly sensitive or unique area; 2) the impact affects a large area; or 3) the affected environment has other features that are not easily replicated by mitigation. Four broad categories of impacts can result in significant degradation: Impacts to human health; 2. Impacts to wildlife; 3. Impacts to the aquatic ecosystem; and 4. Impacts to recreational, aesthetic, and economic values. When evaluating these impacts, the guidelines specify a focus on the "persistence and permanence" of the impacts. This paper's focus is on proposed mining sequences and their associated aquatic ecosystem impacts. Certain impacts to aquatic environments that are scrutinized by the Corps include but are not limited to: water chemistry nutrients shoreline erosion salinity eutrophication aquatic communities temperature diversion of flow aquatic habitat invasive species dissolved gas levels hydrologic changes spawning areas nutrient cycling contaminant levels altering upstream or downstream areas 1.3 Applicant Preferred Alternative: PCS Phosphate, Inc. has applied for a permit to impact 2,408 acres of jurisdictional waters and wetlands. A breakdown of the impact can be found in Table 1. The request includes more than 38,800 linear feet (If) of intermittent and perennial stream impact and a 70% to > 90% reduction of the drainage basins of 6 named tributary drainage basins (Table 2). Some reductions are considered permanent, others temporary in the DEIS. The present natural hydrology within and in the periphery of the mine site will be permanently altered. Three streams located within the NCPC tract proposed to be excavated are listed as inland Primary Nursery Areas (PNAs) (Street et al. 2005). Table 1: Breakdown of wetland and water impacts by biotic community type (DEIS) Biotic Community Type Applicant Preferred Site Public Trust Waters acres 5 Public Trust Waters linear feet 14564 Perennial Stream acres 3 Perennial Stream linear feet 7008 Intermittent Stream acres 3 Intermittent Stream linear feet 17267 Wetland Brackish Marsh 38 Wetland Bottomland Hardwood Forest 102 Wetland Herbaceous Assemblage 235 Wetland Scrub-Shrub 202 Wetland Pine-Plantation 514 Wetland Hardwood Forest 509 Wetland Mixed Pine/Hardwood Forest 564 Wetland Pine Forest 195 Pond 19 Upland Herbaceous 234 Upland Scrub-Shrub 262 Upland Pine Plantation 55 Upland Hardwood Forest 67 Upland Mixed Pine/Hardwood Forest 140 Upland Pine Forest 38 Upland Agricultural Land 117 Upland non-vegetated/maintained areas 92 Total wetlands, waters, upland) 3412 Total linear feet streams 38839 Total Uplands acres 1005 Total Wetlands/water acres 2407 4 Table 2: Drainage basin reductions for tributaries to the Pamlico River and South Creek under the applicant preferred (AP) alternative (DEIS) Creek Name Existing Total Drainage acres Drainage in NCPC Tract acres Drainage in AP to be Excavated acres Proposed Drainage Basin Reduction Jacobs 418 407 370 89 Jacks 320 310 280 88 Toole 444 430 375 84 Drinkwater 426 418 373 88 Huddles Cut 756 707 702 93 Hudd Gut 392 285 285 73 1.4 NCPC Characterization: More than 70% of the NCPC tract proposed for mining consists of delineated, federal and state jurisdictional wetlands and open waterways. Riparian wetland types located in this tract of land and within the AP site include estuarine, riverine, headwater, and flat or depressional hardwood and pine wetlands. Certain wetland types such as brackish marsh, bottomland hardwoods and scrub-shrub within the NCPC tract are irregularly inundated due to dominance of wind tides, which can cause dramatic fluctuations in salinity and water levels. The soils are poorly drained with a high runoff potential. Under natural conditions, the seasonal high water table ranges from ground surface to 2 feet below ground level. Wetland types are noted in Table 1. Jacobs, Jacks, and Tooley Creeks are designated inland PNAs and South Creek is a special secondary nursery area. These nursery areas are important habitats for numerous finfish and shellfish species. Complete descriptions of the significant tributaries to South Creek within the NCPC track can be found in the Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society (1985 v.101). In general, tributaries to South Creek within the NCPC tract have complex marsh biotic communities that are influenced by complex, interacting environmental factors rather than one environmental gradient. They occur along steep physical gradients where laterally uplands and forested wetlands dominate and upstream areas gradually give way to swamp forests. Most of the tributaries are relatively shallow, narrow systems where runoff is greatest during the winter season when evapotranspiration is low. Downstream reaches of the tributaries are bordered by brackish marsh dominanted by Juncus romerianus (needlerush), but also include a mosaic of other marsh species. Creek sediments are high in organic content. South Creek is dominated by wind tides. Annual precipitation is around 50 inches/year. The following sections provide information on the potential for water quality and other aquatic environmental impacts associated with the proposed mining alternative. The first discussion below in section H is related to downstream and peripheral impacts to areas not directly impacted via the proposed mine expansion within the NCPC tract. II) Impacts to Downstream/Peripheral Wetlands of the Proposed Mine Site Wetlands perform many functions critical to the health of aquatic environments (USEPA, 2001). North Carolina has lost approximately 50% of its original 11.1 million acres of wetlands (Dorney et al. 2004). Today, approximately 95% of the remaining wetland acres in the state are found within the coastal plain (Bales and Newcomb 1999). The Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary is a nationally significant estuarine resource. This estuarine system provides essential nursery habitat for most of the commercial and recreational fish and shellfish species caught on the US east coast. Over 90% of North Carolina's commercial fish landings and over 60% of recreational harvest by weight are comprised of estuarine-dependent fish species (Street et al. 2005). Wetland and stream functions (2408 acres) within the mine excavation site will be permanently lost, as noted in the DEIS. The uses of the land to be mined will also be permanently altered. Section III of this document describes functions that will be lost within the mine site (AP), and assesses whether or not these functions can be recovered through mitigation/reclamation within a reasonable time frame (10 years). Table 3 includes functions that will be lost or reduced in wetland and stream systems along the periphery of the mine site within the NCPC tract. Impacts to downstream areas are not required to be mitigated; therefore, any impact or loss of function in these areas will not be replaced. Table 3: List of functions provided by downstream and peripheral wetlands of the proposed AP mine alternative and associated impacts. Functions Provided Impacted by AP Alternative Explanation Flood control Impacted Section 2.4 Nutrient cycling Impacted Section 2.4a Carbon sink or source Impacted Section 2.5 Loss of upstream functions as Sink for pollutants Impacted sink and placement of dike constructed with contaminated sand tailings. Section 2.6. Sediment accumulation Not-Impacted Soil Organic Matter Not-Impacted accumulation Increasing load from upstream Primary Productivity Impacted nutrients and groundwater input. Sections 2.4a and 2.5 Dampen wave energy Not-Impacted (erosion control) Habitat (terrestrial & aquatic) Impacted Section 2.3 Nursery Impacted Section 2.4 Detritus export Impacted Section 2.5 2.1. Elemental Contamination A study conducted prior to the implementation of the wastewater recycling system at the plant site revealed that sediments in the vicinity of discharge sites on the Pamlico River and South Creek contained elevated levels of cadmium, molybdenum, arsenic, Manganese, vanadium and titanium as well as fluorine (Riggs et al 1989). All of these elements are found within the phosphate grains. The toxicity of heavy metals to the aquatic environment has been well studied. Specifically in the Pamlico Estuary several studies have associated metal contamination with crab shell disease (Engel and Noga 1989; Brouwer et al. 1992; Gemperline et al. 1992; Weinstein et al. 1992). Since the recycling system has been in place in the mid-1990s for PCS Phosphate, crab shell disease has declined (personal communication, Sean McKenna, DMF 2006). The reclamation process uses a blend of gypsum and clay, which results in elevated levels of metals, specifically cadmium within the mine site. Studies conducted by North Carolina State University and outlined in the DEIS also found that cadmium had bio-accumulated in several plant species located on existing reclamation areas. Further studies revealed elevated levels of cadmium in benthic organisms, blue crabs and clams adjacent to PCS outfalls and ponds on company property. Of particular concern is the potential impact of metals leaching into downstream muds from reclamation areas. The company proposes, at some point in the future, to reconnect natural downstream areas with reclaimed streambeds within the mine site. It is clear in the DEIS that current levels of cadmium and other metals around the mine site are elevated, including areas in the NCPC tract which could cause adverse biological effects. The future long-term impacts from mining and reclamation activities on cadmium and other heavy metal accumulation within the aquatic environment are unknown. The potential suspension and transport of contaminated muds during hurricane events or other strong storm events should also be evaluated. The DEIS fails to consider these long-term impacts to the downstream aquatic environment. 2.2 Flow Dynamic Impacts on Salinity Gradient The tributaries of South Creek have varying salinities (0-17 ppt). During low precipitation years, it is evident that salinities are mainly driven by South Creek and ultimately by the Pamlico River Estuary (Davis et al. 1985). Watershed input of precipitation and potentially surficial groundwater flow are sources of freshwater to the headwater portions of these streams, and also play an important role in producing a downstream salinity gradient. The greatest runoff occurs during winter when evapotranspiration is low (Bradshaw et al. 1985). Both vertical and downstream stratification occurs after periods of runoff. Groundwater salinities for the Jacks Creek watershed ranges from fresh (4) to 13 ppt (Brinson et al 1985). Sun et al. (2002) suggest that topography affects stream flow patterns and storm flow peaks and volumes, and is the key to wetland development in the southern US. The unique features and diversity of the contiguous forested wetlands, uplands, and riparian wetlands (marsh, bottomland hardwood) within the proposed mine block underscore the potential difficulty of providing mitigation that replicates the complexity of this system. The 2006 DEIS uses a similar argument to the previous permit EIS against any significant salinity change due to large drainage basin reductions and excavation of ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial stream segments. The basis for such an argument appears to come from two studies: West's (1990) benthic study comparing Project Area II to 4 natural stream channels, and the NCPC monitoring program in Jack's Creek (CZR Incorporated et al. 2005). West's (1990) study sample size for water quality parameters is 4 replicates throughout one year, of which the report states, "It should be noted... that these data address only gross trends in temporal variation in water quality because the time scale of sampling (trimonthly) far exceeded the time scale of significant change in water quality parameters (<1 day)." Furthermore, the sample sites were located in the lower stream segments (lower half to third approximately) of each tributary (Jacks, Jacobs, Drinkwater and Tooleys) where influence from South Creek likely is the dominant factor. The 2-4 ppt salinity change in this study does not capture the salinity regime of the upstream portions. The second study on Jacks Creek is seriously limited because 1) Only one year of baseline sampling took place, and 2) The impact described for Jacks Creek (37% drainage basin reduction) cannot be reliably scaled up to assess potential aquatic system impacts from 73-93% drainage basin reductions as proposed in the DEIS. These cited studies do not provide sufficient evidence to support the premise that drainage basin reductions will not result in salinity changes to downstream segments. By mining through upland and adjacent wetlands areas, as well as headwaters and perennial stream segments, the drainage basins will be severely reduced. As a result, there could be potentially significant increases salinity for at least 15 years until reclamation can, at best, re-establish a drainage basin. At this time it is unclear how the drainage basins will be permanently altered by reclamation activities, but it is clear that the alterations will be significant and long-term. Due to the significant increase in elevation of the reclamation area and altered soil horizons that will not resemble natural conditions, drainage basins could potentially be permanently and significantly altered. The affects of salinity changes on stream systems are further described in the following sections. 2.2.a Groundwater Alterations: There is little information in the DEIS regarding the nature of groundwater--or surface water flow in reclaimed areas as compared to flow under natural conditions. Castle Hayne Aquifer impacts have been studied fairly extensively, but there is a lack of information on how surficial aquifer or subsurface (rain-driven subsurface flow) may be altered in either adjacent natural areas or in reclaimed tracts. The potential loss of groundwater input as well as surface drainage loss to South Creek tributaries could further impact the naturally occurring vertical and downstream salinity gradients. 2.3. Salinity Change Impacts to Other Factors Eliminating the freshwater /saltwater interface will most likely significantly alter natural function of the creeks, including nutrient cycling (discussed in section 2.4.a below). Salinity changes will also result in the loss of freshwater habitat for beneficial finfish species such as pumpkinseed, largemouth bass, and bluegill. WRC shock studies from November 2006 (Data provide by Maria Tripp, NC WRC) as well as Rulifson (1990) confirm freshwater species present; including those listed above, in South Creek tributaries within the NCPC tract. There also exists the potential for accelerated sea level rise that would result in salt-induced stress to forested and bottomland-hardwood freshwater wetland areas and more rapid succession to brackish marsh. Such salinity stress could affect the carbon and nutrient dynamics of these wetlands, resulting in nutrient and energy loss (Lugo et al. 1988). This could. in turn, result in the loss of bottomland hardwood- and freshwater marsh functions at a much faster rate than what would occur naturally. 2.4 Hydrologic Changes and Consequences EPA estimates than one acre of wetland can hold up to one and a half million gallons of floodwater (US EPA, 2001). Verry (1997) suggests that wetlands can reduce flood peaks even when wetlands are at water storage capacity, behaving similarly as reservoirs or lakes. Such flood storage loss will alter the local hydrology within the NCPC tract. Dike construction may induce more lateral flow and floodwater movement to areas previously inundated on less frequent levels. Altered hydroperiods would result in an increase in frequency and magnitude of anaerobic conditions within the riparian wetland areas. Increased anaerobic conditions can promote release of nutrients (especially phosphorus and iron) from sediments into the water column. Increased nutrients could result in increased algal blooms, further exacerbating anaerobic bottom waters and mortality of fish and benthic fauna. Elevated levels of phosphorus can also stimulate blooms of potentially toxic cyanobacteria (Burkholder 2002). 2.4.a Nutrient Cycling Changes in hydrology resulting in prolonged anoxic conditions could significantly alter the nutrient dynamics of the system. Mitsch and Gosselink (1993) stated, "Anoxic conditions during flooding have several other effects on nutrient availability. Flooding causes soils to be in a highly reduced oxidation state and often causes a shift in pH, thereby increasing mobilization of certain minerals such a P, N, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, B, Cu, and Zn. This can lead to both greater availability of certain nutrients and also to an accumulation of potentially toxic compounds in the soil." Phosphorus sorption potential in forested wetlands is partly a function of flooding and saturated soil conditions that cause the accumulation of organic matter and aluminum (Axt and Walbridge 1999). Natural wetlands appear to have superior P sorption capacity in surface soils and, conversely, upland P sorption occurs in the subsurface soil. Thus, wetlands appear to perform P sorption via surface runoff and upland areas are more suited for improving groundwater quality. (i.e. differences in soil chemistry as a function of landscape position). Again, it is important to point out the diversity of upland, riparian wetland, and forested wetland systems in the NCPC tract. It is unclear from the DEIS whether groundwater input is significant in the wetland and estuarine creek systems of the NCPC tract. If groundwater input does play an important role, then there is likely to be a high input of nutrients entering the system from the subsurface flow through organic soils. Therefore, the primary productivity in upper areas of the creek systems may depend on this high nutrient groundwater input. An active point in the nutrient cycle is the naturally occurring die-offs of freshwater algae. The potential loss of freshwater input and subsequent loss of freshwater algae could eliminate this part of the nutrient cycle (personal communication, Robert Christian, ECU 2006). Finally, marshes act as sinks for nutrients, sequestering them in plant tissue and sediments thus removing them from the water column. The major tributaries to the Pamlico Sound, the Neuse and Tar Rivers, have been designated by the NC Environmental Management Commission as "Nutrient Sensitive Waters" due to consistently elevated levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and other pollutants and basin-wide nutrient reduction strategies have been implemented. This nutrient enrichment has promoted algal productivity, hypoxia, anoxia, and fish kills in the lower estuaries 9 (Burkholder et al. 2006). Removal of wetlands in the Pamlico Sound system would exacerbate the impacts of this loading by removing the nutrient uptake capability of the marshes. 2.5 Carbon Cycle (Export and Sequester) The interaction of marshes and adjacent, aquatic systems can be very important to the supply or sequestering of organic carbon to those aquatic ecosystems. Some studies suggest that marshes can either export or retain carbon, depending on the relationship between aerobic microbes and their consumers (Mitsch and Gosselink 1993). Marshes are detrital-based systems and conversely many studies have found the export of detrital (particulate organic) and/or dissolved organic carbon to be an important input to aquatic systems. Bottomland Hardwoods (BLH) perform functions such as nutrient uptake and transformations, sediment retention, floodwater storage, and organic C export to downstream ecosystems (Mitsch and Gosselink 1993). Other studies have found that much carbon is exported from marsh systems in the guts of migratory feeding fish and birds or cycled through the marsh to the upper ends of tidal creeks and back to the marsh. (Mitsch and Gosselink 1993). Mining in the areas close to the estuary as proposed in all alternatives (except in the area south of highway NC 33) will remove mature watersheds that are potentially significant sources of organic carbon to the estuary. Unless the impact is mitigated with creation or effective, carefully evaluated restoration of systems that can provide a similar magnitude and quality of organic carbon to the estuary, the estuary will suffer a net loss of habitat quality. 2.6 Headwater Stream Function The proposed mine site includes mining through more than 38,000 linear feet of stream, including 100 acres of BLH wetlands and other areas of riparian wetlands. Of particular concern is any mining alternative that would eliminate the headwater stream channel as well as its associated BLH and freshwater riparian wetlands. A memo from John Dorney (NC DWQ), April 2006 states, "Headwater streams are very common and provide significant benefits to downstream water quality and aquatic life. Intermittent streams have significant aquatic life even though their flow is not constant throughout the year. Headwater wetlands are often associated with these streams and provide important water quality filtration to protect downstream water quality as well as significant aquatic life habitat. Therefore based on this on-going research, the Division of Water Quality believes that protection of these headwater streams and wetlands is essential to protect downstream water quality." Headwater stream areas are typically influenced by adjacent riparian zones and should be considered jointly with their associated riparian wetland areas. Physical hydrology/topography (geomorphology) defines ecosystem function of headwater wetlands (Havens et al. 2004). Coastal plain headwater wetlands typically have higher frequencies of overbank flows, flatter hydrograph and longer inundation periods than piedmont or mountainous headwater regions (Hupp 2000). 2.6 Other Mining Impacts Construction of the dike system that will transect South Creek tributaries may also directly impact surface water quality via sedimentation and increased turbidity. Another main concern is 10 the direct erosion of contaminated sand tailings, which are the base used in dike construction. The DEIS notes that a 1980 study found cadmium present in all three ore-processing by-products (sand tailings, clay, and phosphogypsum) in levels that exceed natural background concentrations at the ground surface (Wakefield 1980). Therefore, dike construction may cause direct contamination of surface water and/or muds of the tributaries within the NCPC tract 2.7 Section II Summary Existing in-stream data for South Creek tributaries within the NCPC tract suggest that drainage basin input of freshwater is important to the overall function of those stream systems. The direct mining of headwater, intermittent, and perennial stream channels as well as their associated riparian wetlands would impact the hydrology, salinity gradient, nutrient cycling, and carbon availability of the downstream portions of the south Creek tributaries, listed in Table 2. The DEIS fails to demonstrate that mining portions of the estuarine creeks and riparian wetlands would not result in a significant impact to downstream and peripheral areas. The following section discusses direct impacts via the mine expansion, including a discussion of existing wetland functions and the possibility that these functions can be replaced through reclamation and mitigation. III) MITIGATION The DEIS notes that the existing functions of the 2,408 acres of wetlands within the mine expansion boundary would be lost. The question then remains is whether resulting compensatory mitigation and the reclamation process can replace the functions lost through mining- and fill activities (Table 4). PCS Phosphates' conceptual mitigation plan could result in approximately 4,000 acres of restored, enhanced or preserved land. Mitigation ratios in this plan depend upon the wetland type. At this time, it is unclear where mitigation will take place, although it is understood that one planned site is located on a tributary to Pungo Creek, which drains to the Pungo River. It has not been demonstrated or suggested by the company that all of the mitigation would take place within the South Creek watershed, where the impacts would occur. Furthermore, the buffer mitigation requirements are so large that the company has requested a flexible plan that will replace required buffer restoration with other BMPs aimed at reducing nitrogen and phosphorus runoff. This telling fact should be clearly conveyed in the DEIS. The more than 2000 acres of wetlands and waters, along with the 1000 upland acres proposed to be impacted within the South Creek watershed, comprise a contiguous and interdependent system, which currently includes three inland primary nursery areas (PNAs). Will the resulting mitigation of unknown acreage per mitigation site result in complete replacement of the functions lost from the proposed wetland- and waters, within an appropriate timeline (10 years)? Will the resulting mitigation offer the full suite of functions and protection to PNA that the existing wetlands and upstream channels of the NCPC tract provide? As compensatory wetland mitigation becomes increasingly important in the health of our aquatic ecosystems, the research related to assessing the functional equivalency of restored or created sites to natural conditions has also increased. The section below summarizes research conducted on-site or in similar wetland systems found within the NCPC tract, including the success of restoring wetland function. Table 4. Wetland functions (combined for all wetland types) and whether such loss of functions from mining activities can be replaced within a 10-year timeframe. Lost / Recoverable with Mitigation within 10- Functions Provided ears Explanation Loss of floodplain due to reclamation and resulting Flood control Lost higher elevations; potential for net loss of 100-year floodplain. Mitigation may enhance flood control functions, but flood plain acres will be lost Nutrient cycling Lost Aspects of complex biogeochemical cycling will not recover within 10 years. See Section 3.1 and 3.3. Carbon sink or source Lost Not recoverable within 10 years. See Section 3.3. Sink for pollutants Recoverable with However, it is unlikely that mitigation will occur mitigation upstream or adjacent to an inland PNA. Sediment accumulation Not wholly recoverable See Section 3.3. SOM accumulation Lost SOM content will be lower and will not recover in 10 years. See Section 3.2. Primary Productivity Recoverable with PP is a function of stream depth. See Section 3.4. mitigation Dampen wave energy Recoverable with Highly dependent on location of mitigation site. A Parker (erosion control) mitigation Farm-like mitigation effort will not replace functions lost in riparian wetland systems adjacent to estuarine streams Habitat Recoverable with See Section 3 5 (terrestrial & aquatic) mitigation . . Nursery Recoverable with However, successful mitigation projects a function of mitigation location. See Section 3.5. Detritus export Lost Not recoverable within 10 years. 3.1 Denitrification: A study comparing restored to natural BLH wetlands found that restored wetlands have lower denitrification potentials, even though the correct hydrology and vegetation was present (Hunter and Faulkner 2001). This study suggests that restoration of water quality functions of BLHs are dependent on more than hydrology alone. 3.2 Soil Organic Matter (SOM): Soil properties of created and restored wetlands systems differ from those of natural wetlands (Verhoeven et al. 2001). In restored and created wetlands in the NC coastal plain, mean SOM content for all created and restored wetlands analyzed was significantly lower than the mean SOM content in adjacent natural wetlands for four HGM settings (headwater riverine, mainstem riverine, non-riverine mineral soil flat, and nonriverine organic soil flat; Bruland and Richardson 12 2006). Bailey Creek and Parker Farm are compensatory mitigation sites for PCS located within the South Creek watershed. The Parker Farm restored areas have only 24.2% SOM content, whereas SOM content of the adjacent natural wetland is 77.4% (Bruland and Richardson 2006). There was no significant difference in SOM content between the created site and natural site on the Bailey Creek area. However, it is important to note that the natural area of Bailey Creek had the second lowest SOM content (8.9%) out of 11 natural wetlands analyzed. Low SOM content may hinder development of microbial communities, which are critical to wetland function (Duncan and Groffman 1994, Bruland 2004). Bacterial communities that rely upon this organic matter for energy provide via mineralization, inorganic nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon to the wetland system. 3.3 In-stream and Riparian Wetland Soil Structure: West's (2000) analysis of Project Area 2 (created estuarine creek/marsh) as compared to Jacobs, Drinkwater, Jacks, and Tooley Creeks revealed that PA2 sediments lacked woody-detrital covering, significant peat component, and predominance of silt and clay found in natural creek sediments. West also pointed out that evidence is lacking for detectable accretion of these components over a 10-year period in PA2. Based upon a 15-year study of vegetation and soil development in the created PA2 brackish marsh system, wetland soil formation is slower to develop than the plant community (Craft et al. 2002). Biomass of the regularly inundated Spartina alterniora reached natural levels within three years. Juncus roemerianus and S. cynosuroides, two species inundated less frequently, required nine years to match natural marsh conditions, and the upland S. patens had not achieved natural marsh equivalence after 15 years. Soil characteristics, including porosity, organic C and total N reservoirs, along the streamside and interior areas were estimated to require 70-90 years to reach natural marsh conditions. Wetland soil conditions of the upland border, dominated by S. patens were estimated to require more than 200 years to recover. 3.4 Sediment Interaction Bradshaw et al. (1985) suggested the physical attributes of South Creek tributaries strongly influence sediment chemistry: "The large amount of metabolism per unit surface area in such shallow waters also means that primary productivity is highly concentrated per unit area, an important characteristic for a viable nursery. Because these creeks are so shallow, activity of the sediments is necessarily a large proportion of ecosystem function." This is an important aspect to consider if estuarine stream channels are to be impacted. The resulting mitigation must match not only the hydrology, soil, and vegetation of the natural area, but stream depth as well to replace the high productivity found in the existing NCPC South Creek tributaries. 3.5 Habitat Replacement An assessment of nursery function of the created brackish-marsh / estuarine-stream complex PA2 over a 10-year period found that nursery functions. as related to ichthyofauna and benthic infauna (Rulifson 1991), were supported in the created area (West et al. 2000). West et al. (2000) linked the success of the created area to four aspects related to its location. First, the created habitat is surrounded by the same habitat it was intended to replace or mimic. Second, the surrounding area is a large undeveloped habitat that eliminates anthropogenic sources of pollution and other aspects that can negatively impact restoration or creation projects. Third, due 13 to its non-tidal nature, erosive forces are minimal. Lastly, the created area, similar to its adjacent natural habitats, is limited in the amount of fauna it can sustain under highly variable abiotic factors. As West et al. (2000) points out, the majority of the taxa found in the area are part of a small subset of resilient, tolerant estuarine species. Due to the proximity of PA2 to two relatively undisturbed natural creek systems, invertebrate recruitment pools are large and ultimately may play an important role to the success of the PA2 mitigation site. Considering that the proposed mining alternatives would require a much larger scaled salt marsh mitigation site, it is questionable whether recruitment pools will be sufficient to garner similar results. The DEIS needs to provide evidence that scaling up a project such as PA2 is feasible with a high probability of success. As noted above, the sediments are dissimilar between the natural creeks in the NCPC tract and the created PA2 area, and there was no evidence of accretion of peat, woody detritus and silt and clay over a ten-year period. Perhaps this is a function of a lack of upstream watershed, including riparian and forested wetland habitat. However, this difference seems to play an insignificant role in the ability of mobile benthic and fish fauna to inhabit the area; there appeared to be enough high quality food to account for the equality of abundances of invertebrates in created vs. the natural system. Other potential functions of woody detrital material, such as nutrient cycling functions, were not tested. The soil and vegetation study described in Section 3.3 estimated that wetland soil characteristics in created brackish-marsh systems require 70-200 years to re- establish natural conditions (Craft et al. 2002). While the West et al. (2000) and Rulifson (1991) studies demonstrate that created marsh creek system can support fauna, these studies did not address whether created wetlands can establish the biogeochemical, microbial and other functions of natural wetlands. There is also an important question related to reference sites for future mitigation. If a mining alternative were to be permitted that would directly impact the estuarine creek systems and their associated riparian wetlands in the NCPC tract, what wetland and streams systems would be used as a reference for evaluating future mitigation success? Due to climate change and off-shore evidence of shifts in range of species, it will be important to have a contemporary reference point to evaluate future mitigation efforts. Use of a static reference point, from historical South Creek tributary data, will not be sufficient to adequately evaluate the success of future mitigation efforts. Final aspects to consider are the loss of a native seed bank with the removal of wetlands under any mining alternative, and the possibility for invasive plant species colonization. Wetland mitigation also cannot replace seed bank loss. The DEIS fails to consider the potential for spread of invasive plant species to peripheral and downstream wetland areas not directly impacted by mining activities. Phragmites sp. and other invasive species are present on the current reclamation areas. 3.6 Section III Summary The proposed impacts via the AP mining alternative would directly and indirectly impact estuarine stream and riparian wetland ecosystem health and function. As evaluated in Section II, the AP alternative would result in significant degradation of the aquatic environment. Section III analyzes the potential for functional equivalence between restored or created wetland systems to 14 natural conditions. While some functions, such as aquatic habitat, may be restored within 10 years, many other functions and natural wetland characteristics will only be restored with a significant lag period on the order of decades. Furthermore, the DEIS fails to demonstrate the feasibility of reliably scaling up mitigation efforts (compared to much smaller past projects) that would yield a high probability of success. The proposed brackish marsh mitigation will be similar to PA1 and 2 located between Jacobs and Drinkwater Creeks on the west side of South Creek. The loss of the salinity/ freshwater interface by mining through a major portion of South Creek tributary's drainage basins will not be recovered through this type of mitigation. The complexities of the systems located within the NCPC tract cannot be replicated through mitigation without an associated significant lag time as mentioned. Existing riparian wetlands within the NCPC tract provide quality protections for the inland PNAs, and resulting mitigation must also provide this protection. Many individual functions of the wetlands and stream channels located within the NCPC track are interdependent. Replacing a contiguous wetland/stream system with smaller, fractured mitigation sites will result in the loss of interdependent functions, the interaction of upland, flat and riparian wetlands and coastal streams, and the complexity of the system presently occurring within the NCPC tract. IV) CONCLUSIONS The applicant has failed to demonstrate that mining activities within the NCPC tract, especially within riparian wetlands and stream channels, will not cause significant degradation of the aquatic environment. Furthermore, the applicant has failed to demonstrate that appropriate mitigation will take place in a timely manner to replace the functions lost through the excavation of wetlands and waters. Situations identified in this document that would lead to a significant adverse impact to the aquatic environment include: - Elemental enrichment of estuarine streams from mining and reclamation activities, including cadmium and fluorine. as well as phosphate enrichment, that would cause adverse biological effects. - Hydrologic alterations due to drainage basin reductions that would result in downstream salinity changes. - Hydrologic alterations that would result in increased anaerobic conditions in riparian wetland areas resulting in changes to the nutrient cycling. - Loss of freshwater habitat due to drainage basin reductions from mining. - Changes to the carbon cycle due to the removal of mature watersheds that are potentially significant sources of organic carbon to the estuary. - Loss of headwater stream function and their associated wetlands that would result in the loss of water quality filtration. - Direct sedimentation and metal contamination impacts from dyke construction across estuarine streams. Therefore, it is our determination that mining riparian wetlands and streams, including sections of three designated inland PNAs within the NCPC tract will result in adverse impacts on the aquatic ecosystem that cannot be appropriately mitigated and would constitute significant degradation under 404(b)1 guidelines. 15 V) REFERENCES Axt, J.R., and M.R.Walbridge. 1999. Phosphate Removal Capacity of Palustrine Forested Wetlands and Adjacent Uplands in Virginia. Soil Science Society ofAmerica Journal 63:1019- 1031. Bales, J.D. and D.J. Newcomb. 1999. North Carolina Wetland Resources. Raleigh, NC: US Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 2425. Bradshaw, H.D., M.M. Brinson, E.A. Matson, and G.J. Davis. 1985. Composition and Metabolism of Sediments in Irregularly Flushed Estuarine Creeks in North Carolina. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 101(2): 52-75. Brinson, M.M., H.D. Bradshaw, and M.N. Jones. 1985. 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Shell Disease and Metal Content of Blue Crabs, Callinectes sapidus, from the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System, North Carolina. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 23:355-362. West, T. L. 1990. Benthic Invertebrate Utilization of Man-Made and Natural Wetlands. Report to Texasgulf Chemicals, Inc. Aurora, North Carolina 27896. West T.L., L.M. Clough, and W.G. Ambrose Jr. 2000. Assessment of function in an oligohaline environment: Lessons learned by comparing created and natural habitats. Ecological Engineering 15: 303-321. Wharton, C.H., W.M. Kitchens, and T.W.S.E.C. Pendleton. 1982. The ecology of bottomland hardwood swamps of the southeast: a community profile. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Services Program, Washington, D.C. 18 March 3, 2008 Tom Walker US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District, Regulatory Division Attn: File Number 2001-10096 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Re: Entrix Report and Significant Degradation Dear Tom, PTRF would like to submit these comments regarding the Entrix Report on "Potential Effects of Watershed Reduction on Tidal Creeks- An Assessment ". PTRF consulted with several scientists and resource agency personnel while preparing these comments. While the Entrix report clarifies the currently known characteristics of South Creek tributaries (variable systems and important primary nursery habitat for numerous aquatic species) it fails to support the conclusion that current and future proposed drainage basin reductions (DBR) and mining activities would have no significant effect on downstream ecosystems. The Entrix report, along with data presented in the Draft Environmental Impact statement, has been PCS Phosphate's response to the growing concern of plausible significant degradation of aquatic resources within the South Creek Watershed. PTRF previously submitted information on the impacts to aquatic habitat from the proposed mine advance ("Impacts to the Aquatic Environment Associated with PCS Phosphate, Inc. Proposed Mine Expansion") What follows are our concerns about the Entrix report. We have determined the Entrix report selected data that cannot be generalized to support unsubstantiated claims that mining through headwaters of estuarine creek systems will pose no threat to the streams functioning and use as primary nursery habitat. Compilation of Studies Of primary concern is that the Entrix study attempts to take data collected from studies that were not designed to look at DBR effects. For example, Rulifson's 19911 paper on Finfish Utilization was designed to "assess whether man-created marshes and open water areas can resemble natural areas in the same vicinity." The project goal that was carried out was described as "to determine if man-initiated wetlands can develop fauna communities (fish and benthic) that are similar to those of natural wetlands in the same vicinity." ' Rulifson, R.A., 1991. Finfish utilization of man-initiated and adjacent natural creeks of South Creek estuary, North Carolina, using multiple gear types. Estuaries 14: 447-464. Pamlico-Tar River Foundation West (2000)2 study objective was to "determine whether created marshes could be a viable solution to the alteration of wetland and subtidal habitat by phosphate mining operations." By comparing PA2 to natural creeks within the same vicinity, West noted that PA2 did take on the faunal characteristics of the local natural streams with respect to wetland vascular plant productivity, ichthyofauna (partially based on Rulifson's study) and benthic infauna. West did note that these findings were in contrast with most of the other restoration work carried out in estuarine systems. He then related the similarities in the above-mentioned factors to four aspects related to PA2's location. 1) The created habitat is surrounded by aquatic environs it was intended to mimic, thereby providing proximity to sources of infaunal recruits. 2) PA2 and the adjacent natural creeks are part of a large expanse of undeveloped habitat and therefore are remote from municipal anthropogenic influences known to impede restoration. 3) It is a non-tidal habitat and therefore not as subject to sedimentary erosional forces as restored inter-tidal projects. 4) The oligohaline ecosystem of which the PA is a part is characterized by intensely variable abiotic factors. This variability evidently limits faunal diversity to a small subset of resilient eurytolerant estuarine taxa. The study's objective was to assess how well PA2 could provide suitable habitat for fish, benthic and plant species. It was not intended to evaluate the effects of DBR on these populations. The data was collected from the lower reaches of the stream channel, and did not fully assess the upper channels biota. Consequently, these results underline the potential for species repopulation in the lower reaches of NCPC streams. There is no support for the proposition that DBR will not impact the upper channel's biota. Section 4.6 of the Entrix report points to West's study in arguing broad scale functional equivalency of PA2 to local natural creeks. It is important to remember that the equivalency West's data suggests is limited to the similarities of fauna between the creek systems. This report does not provide data on functional equivalence of such factors as stream substrate, biogeochemical processes, wetland plants, etc. In fact there was no evidence of accretion of natural sediment structure (woody detrital covering, large peat component, and the predominance of silt and clay) or organic carbon content in the 10 years of study in the created marsh system. Furthermore, West points out limitations to the study regarding inferences of functional equivalency: "the limitation imposed by reliance on that single site as the primary basis for our comparisons of structural and functional attributes of local created and natural oligohaline creeks." 2 West, T.L., Clough, L.M., Ambrose Jr., W.G. 2000. Assessment of function in an oligohaline environment: Lessons learned by comparing created and natural habitats. Ecological Engineering 15: 303- 321. 2 Pamlico-Tar River Foundation West also points out this study cannot evaluate the utilization of PA2 by the fish community, and assessments other than population surveys are needed to accurately assess function from the perspective of the motile community. Finally, the Entrix report uses PA2 as an example of a natural creek with limited drainage basin to examine the effects of DBR. The use of a created creek is not a valid example of a natural creek system with limited drainage. Hydrologic Studies Dr. Skaggs3 (not included in Entrix report) from NC State did design a study to look at the hydrology of several streams within the South Creek watershed. The objective of the study was to look at DBR effects on hydrology. The report recognizes that three important factors influence the wetland hydrology in Huddles Cut, Jacks, and Tooley creeks. These factors are precipitation and overland flow, upland groundwater flow and estuarine influences. The report clearly shows that precipitation is a significant factor in the downstream hydrology and peripheral wetlands. Dr. Skaggs correctly states that precipitation effects cannot be teased out from the other two influences, however he also correctly states that precipitation is a major factor and that up to 30% of rainfall results in flow. Review team meeting minutes from August 26, 2003 also confirm this analysis: "Mr. Wicker stated that the presentation thus far indicated that catchment basin is critically important for these streams, because rainfall is the stream's source of water. Dr. Skaggs replied that Mr. Wicker's summation was correct. " What Dr. Skaggs' report fails to do is connect the collected data to conclusions made. The report concludes that because precipitation events cannot be singled out as the most significant factor (or out from under the mask of the other two influences) then the resulting DBR that would reduce magnitude and frequency of overland flow events would have no noticeable effect on the stream basin's hydrology. The problem is that there is no evidence to connect the loss of overland flow (magnitude and frequency) to the conclusion. The hydrology in natural wetland/upland/stream complex ecosystems is variable in nature (as the data suggests). The data does not support a conclusion that a loss or reduced magnitude/frequency of pulses of freshwater will not have an impact on the biology, physical habitat, or biogeochemical processes of these streams and riparian wetland habitat. Pulses of flow and organic matter export are important for secondary downstream production (Brinson et al. 1981; USFWS Letter 2006)4. Furthermore, wetland ecosystems are tightly coupled to upstream and downstream ecosystems (Brinson et al., 1981).5 s CZR Inc., Skaggs, R.W., and Stanley, D.W. 2003. NCPC tract stream monitoring program for PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. Year five (2002) end -of-year report. 4 USFWS Letter to the Corps of Engineers. December 20, 2006. Review of Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed PCS Phosphate Mine Continuation. s Brinson, M.M., Lugo, A.E., and S. Brown. 1981. Primary productivity, decomposition and consumer activity in freshwater wetlands. Annual Review of Ecological Systems 12:123-161. Pamlico-Tar River Foundation The limited baseline data does not allow a robust statistically pre and post DBR analysis. What the data does provide is the insight that there are three important factors controlling hydrology. Groundwater from uplands and precipitation are two that would be most affected by mining and reclamation activities. Future mining activities will increase DBR and potentially eliminate the connection to an upland groundwater source. With the loss of two important factors that influence NCPC stream and wetland hydrology, then this report strongly suggests that hydrologic changes will occur. The Report does not account for the different scale of proposed DBR Impacts An additional concern we have is the extrapolation of studies that analyze a 50% DBR to greater than 70% DBR situations. There is no data available from the monitoring programs that suggest a 70% or greater DBR will result in the same downstream effects as a more limited reduction. Therefore, doing so is a leap to conclusions that cannot be supported by the available data. Furthermore, the Entrix report does not account for the synergistic effects on the watershed of multiple DBR of more than 70% of the streams' respective watersheds. To the contrary, there is supporting research that suggests DBR's do have an impact on downstream quality. The study is limited from the start due to only one year of baseline data prior to increased reduction of drainage basin for Jacks Creek. It is also critical to point out that the Pre- DBR data for Jacks Creek includes a 17% reduction in drainage area. Therefore, the so- called pre-DBR data is in fact already influenced by DBRs. Because of these limitations, data from Jacks creek cannot be reliably used to assess DBR. The recent and on-going NCPC studies on DBR do not include any direct mining of intermittent or perennial stream channels. Therefore, there is a possible future scenario that includes greater than 51 % DBR as well as excavation of intermittent and/or perennial stream channels. The Entrix report's conclusions that no effect will occur on downstream channels based on existing data is not sound. It fails to recognize the crucial variation between previous and proposed DBR impacts. Finally, there is significant concern over location of monitoring stations in lower sections of reaches that may not adequately capture freshwater-saltwater interface of upper reaches and habitat. Resulting in an overly optimistic assessment of the limited devastation created by large scale DBR. Muddy Creek as a Reference Site Concerns over the use of Muddy Creek are three-fold. One, Muddy Creek has a much larger drainage basin than the comparison creeks. Second, Muddy Creek is located closer to the mouth of South Creek, where South Creek and Pamlico River influences may be greater. Finally and most importantly, Muddy Creek has a recent history of nutrient pollution and stresses associated with its landuse. Several aquaculture ponds, mainly Hybrid Striped Bass (HSB), drain to Muddy Creek. These nutrient problems have caused the Division of Water Quality to require HSB pond operators in the Muddy Creek, Bond 4 Pamlico-Tar River Foundation Creek, Spring Creek watersheds to obtain NPDES permits. Aquatic organisms located in muddy creek may be impacted by this organic pollution. A comparison of land use would provide necessary information to the Corps regarding the appropriateness of using Muddy Creek as a reference site for NCPC creeks. Without this information showing more substantial similarities between Muddy Creek and the NCPC creeks, it cannot be accepted as a reference site. Headwater Flows A memo from John Dorney (NC DWQ), April 2006 states, "Headwater streams are very common and provide significant benefits to downstream water quality and aquatic life. Intermittent streams have significant aquatic life even though their flow is not constant throughout the year. Headwater wetlands are often associated with these streams and provide important water quality filtration to protect downstream water quality as well as significant aquatic life habitat. Therefore, based on this on-going research, the Division of Water Quality believes that protection of these headwater streams and wetlands is essential to protect downstream water quality." Headwater stream areas are typically influenced by adjacent riparian zones and should be considered jointly with their associated riparian wetland areas. Physical hydrology/topography (geomorphology) defines ecosystem function of headwater wetlands (Havens et al. 2004).6 Coastal plain headwater wetlands typically have higher frequencies of overbank flows, flatter hydrograph and loner inundation periods than piedmont or mountainous headwater regions (Hupp 2000) . There exists an abundance of research linking headwater streams to downstream water quality, organic export, biodiversity and overall ecological integrity (Meyer and Wallace, 2001; Gomi et al., 2002; Alexander et al., 2007; Meyer et al., 2007; Wipfli et al., 2007).8 b Havens K.J, D. O'Brien, D. Stanhope, K. Angstadt, D. Schaff, and C. Hershner. 2004. Initiating development of a forested headwater wetland HGM model for wetlands management in Virginia. Center for Coastal Resources Management; Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences. Final Report to The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (CD 4983596-01). Hupp, C.R. 2000. Hydrology, geomorphology and vegetation of Coastal Plain rivers in the south-eastern USA. Hydrological Processes 14: 2991-3010. a Meyer J.L. and J.B. Wallace. 2001. Lost linkages and lotic ecology: Rediscovering small streams. In: Ecology: Achievement and Challenge, M.C. Press, N.J. Huntly, and S.Levin (Editors). Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts, pp 295-317. Gomi, T., Sidle, R.C., and J.S. Richardson. 2002. Understanding processes and downstream linkages of headwater systems. BioScience 52(10): 905-916. Alexander, R.B., Boyer, E.W., Smith, R.A., Schwartz, G.E., and R.B. Moore. 2007. The role of headwater streams in downstream water quality. Jounal of the American Water Resources Association 43(1): 41-59. Meyer, J.L., Strayer, D.L., Wallace, B., Eggert, S.L., Helfman, G.S., and N.E. Leonard. 2007. The contribution of headwater streams to biodiversity in river networks. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 43(1): 86-103. Wipfli, M.S., Richardson, J.S., and R.J. Naiman. 2007. Ecological linkages between headwaters and downstream ecosystems: Transport of organic matter, invertebrates, and wood down headwater channels. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 43(1): 72-85. Pamlico-Tar River Foundation The loss of headwater streams has regional implications (Freeman et al., 2007)9. It is important to consider the cumulative impacts of mining activities since mining began in 1965 (e.g. loss of Lee Creek) on Pamlico estuarine functions and overall health. Organic Carbon Export and Elemental Contamination Our final concern is about what is lacking in the Entrix report. As many state and federal resource agency staff point out, the Entrix report does not have data to provide insight on the biogeochemical processes of these streams, nor how DBR will affect organic carbon export. Furthermore, there is existing evidence of accumulated heavy metals in Jacks Creek and other adjacent waterways to the NCPC tract (DEIS at Section4.1.3.1.). The Entrix report has not provided any answers to the potential heavy metal contamination of Pamlico River tributaries from mine activities. Summary Entrix bases conclusions on studies whose outcomes and data do not measure DBR effects. This report does not reliably demonstrate that increased DBR will result in the same impact or minimal degradation the Entrix report suggests. Entrix report does not evaluate the whole picture when it comes to functional equivalence-organic carbon export, quality of nursery, etc. There is a lack of pre-DBR data. - Use of PA2 as an example of natural creek with limited drainage is invalid. Using Muddy Creek as a reference creek is suspect due to land use influences. To conclude, PCS Phosphate is unable to overcome the body of scientific evidence showing that mining through headwaters of estuarine streams and their associated riparian habitats will have a significant negative impact on the functioning and structure of streams affected by proposed future mining activities. What we do have is a large amount of information detailing the importance of headwater streams and wetlands on downstream water quality. We appreciate your consideration of these comments. If you have any questions or concerns related to this letter, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Heather Jacobs Pamlico-Tar RIVERKEEPER® Pamlico-Tar River Foundation 9 Freeman, M.C., Pringle, C.M., and C.R. Jackson. 2007. Hydrologic connectivity and the contribution of stream headwaters to ecological integrity at regional scales. 43(1): 5-14 6