HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080194 Ver 1_DCM Permit_20080808Permit Class WTV : D%- O 1 qiA Permit Number NEW , b g 118-08 STATE OF FORTH CAROLINA Department of Environment and Natural Resources U j 5 ?Q? and l a Coastal Resources Commission AUG g 2008 rrint? DENR S ORMWA1E4c LANDS AND for X_ Major Development in an Area of Environmental Concern pursuant to NCGS 113A-118 X Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 Issued to Red Apple Group, LLC, 712 Village Road, SW, Shallotte, NC 28470 Authorizing development in Brunswick County at adj. to AIWW, 1085 B-Var Rd., , as requested in the permittee's application dated 7/21/08, including the attached workplan drawings (9) as referenced in condition No. 1 of this permit. This permit, issued on Au1just 6, 2008 , is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may be subject to fines, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. 1) Unless specifically altered herein, all development shall be carried out in compliance with the attached list of workplan drawings: sheets 2 through 8 of 11 dated "revised 7/17/08", sheet 9 of 11 dated "revised 10/3/07", and sheet 10 of J l dated "revised 7/21/08." Upland Development 2) Unless specifically altered herein, this permit authorizes the grading and other land disturbing activities associated with the development of the above referenced property, including but not limited to the access road, and turn around area, all as expressly and specifically set forth in the attached permit application and workplan drawings. Any additional land disturbing activities and/or construction may require a modification of this permit. Contact a Division of Coastal Management representative at (910) 796-7215 for this determination. (See attached sheets for Additional Conditions) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work initiation or continuance as the case may be. This permit shall be accessible on-site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered hereunder requires further Division approval. All work shall cease when the permit expires on December 31, 2011 In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DENR and the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. i James H. on, Director ivision of Coastal Management This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. Signature of Permittee ?_r-sr:?ac.o-xK.a.ra?u :?o-ao-xo-:ar H>,w.-?.c?;•r.o.o-m::->f.-xrx??xA;w,?ac?.aac-rrx.*o-o-.?cw;o-aN-r.?r•;c.lAr ;?.-:?tn.wa*r;-;a?c-?oox-x-?•:w ,?,?,oca?*:ho-;n-;o-;-P?asaoo-x-,?»m;=onr?c--..,;.:,sv,?.c.o-.? S Red Apple Group, LLC Permit # 118-08 4 Page 3 of ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Excavation 3) Unless specifically altered herein, the dimensions of the area to be dredged shall not exceed the area that is expressly and specifically set forth in the attached permit application and workplan drawings. Any proposal to change the area to be dredged shall require permit modification. 4) Excavation depths shall adhere to the depths depicted on the attached workplan drawings, and shall not exceed -9 feet below the normal low water level. In no case shall the depth of excavation exceed the depth of connecting waters. 5) No open water areas or vegetated wetlands shall be excavated outside the alignment depicted on the attached workplan drawings. 6) The temporary placement or double handling of fill materials within waters or vegetated wetlands is not authorized. Spoil Disposal 7) All excavated materials shall be confined to the upland waste disposal site located at 172 Landfill Road, NE Bolivia, NC. Any proposal to change the location of the spoil disposal.site may require modification of this permit. Contact a Division representative at (910) 796-7215 for this determination. 8) In order to ensure proper containment of the spoil material, and to prevent unnecessary contamination of private property and state-maintained roadways during transport of the spoil material, the permittee shall establish a "wash down" facility for all vehicles used to transport the spoil material to the disposal site. The transport vehicles shall be "washed down" of all excess material prior to leaving the site. 9) The permittee and/or his contractor shall take all necessary precautions to ensure that the spoil material is properly contained during transport to the disposal site, and that all the proper coordination has taken place with the local or state governments to ensure that any damage to public streets caused by transport of the spoil material has been addressed. Boat Ramp 10) The boat ramp shall either be poured at an upland location and pushed into place once hardened, or poured entirely within a watertight containment structure. Live concrete shall not be allowed to contact waters of the State or waters that will enter waters of the State. Boat Ramp Retaining Wall 11) Unless specifically altered herein, this permit authorizes the boat ramp retaining walls all as expressly and specifically set forth in the attached permit application and workplan drawings. 12) The alignment of the authorized retaining walls shall adhere to the alignment depicted on the attached workplan drawings. Any proposal to alter this alignment shall require a modification of this permit. Red Apple Group, LLC ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Permit # 118-08 Page 3 of 5 13) The retaining walls shall be structurally tight so as to prevent seepage of materials through the structure. 14) The retaining walls shall be solid and constructed of treated wood, concrete slabs, metal or vinyl sheet piles or other suitable materials approved by Division personnel. Docking Facility 15) Unless specifically altered herein, this permit authorizes only the access pier and floating dock, all as expressly and specifically set forth in the attached permit application and workplan drawings. No other structure, whether floating or stationary, shall become a permanent part of this docking facility without permit modification. No non-water dependent uses of structures shall be conducted on, in or over public trust waters without permit modification. 16) No sewage, whether treated or untreated, shall be discharged at any time from any boats using the docking facility. Any sewage discharge at the docking facility shall be considered a violation of this permit for which the permittee is responsible. This prohibition shall be applied and enforced throughout the entire existence of the permitted structure. 17) Should the adjacent property located to the east be sold prior to the initiation of construction, the permittee shall be required to obtain a signed riparian corridor waiver from the new property owner prior to the placement of any structures within the 15-foot riparian corridor. 18) All portions of the access pier/walkway located over Coastal Wetlands shall not exceed a width of 6 ft. and shall be elevated a minimum of 3 feet above the marsh substrate as measured from the bottom of the decking. 19) No attempt shall be made by the permittee to prevent the full and free use by the public of all navigable waters at or adjacent to the authorized work. 20) The permittee shall maintain the authorized work in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. The permittee is not relieved of this requirement if he abandons the permitted activity without having it transferred to a third party. 21) This permit does not authorize the interference with any existing or proposed Federal project, and the permittee will not be entitled to compensation for damage to the authorized structure or work, or injury that may be caused from existing or future operations undertaken by the United States in the public interest. 22) The permittee shall install and maintain at his expense any signal lights or signals prescribed by the U.S. Coast Guard, through regulation or otherwise, on the authorized facilities. At a minimum, permanent reflectors shall be attached to the structure in order to make it more visible during hours of darkness or inclement weather. 23) This permit authorizes a maximum of one boat slip. At no time shall more than 1 vessel be moored or docked at the facility. The restriction of the number of vessels shall apply to all marine vessel types, including but not limited to motorboats, sailing vessels and personal watercraft. .t-,-:.o-r>w o-r;.o-o-o-?-wars.:yo-x-:,rNP:ox-?n'->.rhrrr?-;.racm-rhaw,w.,.r,c-r?•?.rr?-ruc.:?rwrc.r,-,.o-:--...,.,•,•w,-,..,,-rm-,-.V-.?. -,..-.-.-..-.?-.-,-. ............ ..................... _ Red Apple Group, LLC Permit # 118-08 4 Page 4 of 5 s ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS NOTE: The permittee is cautioned that this permit does not authorize the placement of tie piles in { association with the docking facility. Furthermore, due to the proximity of the AIWW, boats utilizing the docking facility shall be subject to frequent wavewash from passing vessels. The issuance of this permit does not relieve the permittee from taking all proper steps to ensure the integrity of the structure and the safety of moored boats. The permittee shall not hold the State of North Carolina or the United States liable for any damage to the structure or moored boats. Sedimentation and Erosion Control 24) Appropriate sedimentation and erosion control devices, measures or structures shall be implemented to ensure that eroded materials do not enter adjacent wetlands, watercourses and property (e.g. silt fence, diversion swales or berms, etc.). 25) All disturbed areas shall be properly graded and provided a ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion within thirty days of project completion. Stormwater Management 26) The N.C. Division of Water Quality approved this project under stormwater management rules of the Environmental Management Commission under Stormwater Permit No. SW8061034 on 4/18/07. Any violation of the permit approved by the DWQ shall be considered a violation of this CAMA permit. Mitigative commitments 27) Any mitigative measures or environmental commitments specifically made by the applicant in the Environmental Assessment, the project narrative, and/or the attached application and workplan drawings for this project, including but not limited to the marsh restoration plan, shall be implemented, regardless of whether or not such commitments are addressed by individual conditions of the permit and any subsequent modifications. Shellfishing Closure 28) The waters adjacent to the permitted project are classified as "Open" to the harvest of shellfish. The construction and/or operation of the authorized facilities shall not directly result in a permanent closure of these open waters. Any such permanent closure directly attributable to the authorized facility shall require that the permittee undertake remedial actions to remedy the situation. Such actions may include, but are not limited to, a removal of any unauthorized slips or mitigative measures to reduce or eliminate the cause(s) of the closure. This condition shall remain in force for the life of the permitted project. Red Apple Group, LLC ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS General Permit # 118-08 Page 5 of 5 29) The permittee understands and agrees that, if future operations by the United States requires the removal, relocation, or other alteration of the structure or work authorized by this permit, or if in the opinion of the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative, said structure or work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to free navigation of the navigable waters, the permittee shall be required, upon due notice from the Corps of Engineers, to remove, relocate or alter the structural work or obstructions caused thereby, without expense to the United States or the state of North Carolina. No claim shall be made against the United States or the state of North Carolina on account of any such removal or alteration. 30) This permit shall not be not be assigned, transferred, sold, or otherwise disposed of to a third party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. NOTE: This permit does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional state, federal or local permits, approvals or authorizations that may be required. NOTE: Future development of the permittee's property may require a modification of this permit. Contact a representative of the Division at (910) 796-7215 prior to the commencement of any such activity. for this determination. The permittee is further advised that many non-water dependent activities are not authorized within 30 feet of the normal high water level. NOTE: The N.C. Division of Water Quality has authorized the proposed project under General Water Quality Certification No. 3642 (DWQ Project No. 080194), which was issued on 3/28/08. NOTE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has assigned the proposed project COE Action Id. No. Saw- 2007-00336-010. r ((33nIVM) 13S NOV8 w NVIaVdla Q 0 C) co co r N O a 3 pp J Z ti I V S ? o I I CL O Of Z I Y d J U 0 0 U 0 I 0 z o o ¢ 00.001 M „Z4,LV.bB U 3 O - .n 000M 313aON00 X3 w z 3 U D U CL W 7 I cn m n z ` ? , l Vr { J x O O a<i 0 a } a 0 z a c? O Y H Q > w Q. J a w 0 CO nX L? M ' NOV813S NVl8V dla 0'Sl I ' i I I I I )? I 95 , .'- - - U J Z a 'F y ? • s ° 00 - , - - : - - , _ I & Oi N XI' XI' • WI uj N000 OOOM 'X3 O ? W b ? N ?N cIr W ? J R 3 c P x D ? 00 8 3YYY 0 • ??? E ` R n . o s o o 6 a 00 O 0 J Xca Wm } m r N O U Z} O I J J N JO 0- 0 LLJ Q 2 11 Ld HEN w N O0 0mo 1 Q a w aay. zz z aC0 ? ' < J J N C a Y = m 0LL) H N w 0 O w zW0- N U 0 -0 1: )- J 3? wto JdQ m0 -j Jm0 1-<0 0M0 m0Qf NZO ? 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