HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_Emails_20080808PCS Phosphate Alt. L minimization Subject: PCS Phosphate Alt. L minimization From: "Walker, William T SAW" <William.T.Walker@saw02.usace.army.mil> Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2008 11:01:48 -0400 To: "Becky Fox" <fox.rebecca@epa.gov>, <Mike_Wicker@fws.gov>, "smtp-Sechler, Ron" <ron.sechler@noaa.gov>, <Welborn. Tom@epamail.epa. gov>, "Pace.Wilber" <Pace. Wilber@noaa.gov> CC: "Jolly, Samuel K SAW" <Samuel.K.Jolly@saw02.usace.army.mil>, "Lamson, Brooke SAW" <Brooke. Lamson@saw02.usace. army.mil>, "Lekson, David M SAW" <David. M. Lekson@usace. army. mil>, "Jones, Scott SAW" <Scott. Jones@saw02.usace. army. mil>, "John Dorney" <john.dorney@ncmail.net> All, I have been trying to identify further reasonable minimization possibilities for the L boundary based on your comment letters and our July 23 discussion. Attached are three maps with some ideas. I believe these could be logistically practicable but per EPA's request, I have not talked with the applicant about them so am not sure. The proposed new edge of operations lines are in Red. The original lines are mostly visible but I tried to outline them in Blue where they became hard to distinguish. If you recall, the maps in the FEIS indicated both the disturbance limits (visible here as grey) and the excavation limits (visible here as black). The proposed red lines are meant to be disturbance limits. I had CZR do some planimeter work to calculate approximate acreages. All acreages given are additional avoidance over that of the current Alternative L. My graphics capabilities are somewhat limited so the map and lines may not match up unless you view in "Print Layout" in MSword. NCPC - Further minimization on this tract was complicated due to all the tight corners and narrow openings that already exist. The revised lines would result in further avoidance of about 23 ac. (18 ac wetlands) as follows: Bottomland Hardwood Wetland = 3 ac. Wet Pine Plantation = 13 ac Wet mix pine hardwoods = lac Wet Herbaceous Assemblage = 1 ac Upland communities = 5 ac Bonnerton - Again, logistically practicable mining area becomes a factor. EPA has suggested that avoidance be concentrated on the Nonriverine Wet Hardwood Forest and associated communities that have been determined by NC Natural Heritage Program to be nationally Significant Natural Heritage Area (SNHA). The L boundary currently avoids some of this area and also other wetland and upland areas riparian to Porter Creek. It is the opinion of the Corps that the areas bordering Porter Creek should remain outside the impact footprint. Based on comments from July 23, I believe we would all agree that any further avoidance of the SNHA should not be at the expense of areas currently avoided. The arrangement of the SNHA within the tract makes avoidance problematic in that other areas around the SNHA are potentially rendered logistically un-mineable. As we have all learned through this process, there are operational constraints based on mining technology and methodology that cannot be safely overcome. Therefore, total avoidance of this area would likely reduce available mining on Bonnerton by more than 1 year as EPA has suggested. 1 of 3 8/11/2008 8:55 AM PCS Phosphate Alt. L minimization Taking into consideration all agency comments, logistics, and the recent information on the human manipulation that has potentially contributed to the development of this SNHA, the Corps suggests the attached revised boundary. This revised boundary would result in further avoidance of about 90 acres (83 ac. wetlands) as follows: Wet Herbaceous Assemblage = 13 ac Wet Shrub - scrub = 7 ac Hardwood Wetland = 6 ac Wet mix pine hardwoods = 40 ac Wet Pine Forest = 17 ac Soil type and landscape position of these additional avoidance areas are very similar or identical to that of the existing Hardwood wetland SNHA. There is evidence that much of the existing Nonriverine Wet Hardwood Forest areas on this site developed over the last few decades from areas similar to these additional avoidance areas. Therefore, there is good reason to believe that these areas, with little management, could be developed into Nonriverine Wet Hardwood Forest meeting the Schafale and Weakley description. Preservation of this area coupled with the SNHA and other wetlands already avoided would likely, over a short time, result in a 150 + acre contiguous Nonriverine Wet Hardwood Forest at the top of Porter Creek headwaters. S33 - The Corps suggests expanding the buffers on Broomfield Swamp and Cypress Run to further minimize impacts in the S33 tract. It is important to note that both of these systems, within the project area, are channelized and regularly maintained drainages predominately through agricultural land. Few wetlands exist within their riparian corridors. The proposed Broomfield Swamp revision follows basically the SCR line for that area. The proposed Cypress Run revision expands the buffer around Cypress Run proper and avoids more of the Hardwood Wetland located to the south of the run. This revised boundary would result in further avoidance of about 300 acres (19 ac. wetlands) as follows: Bottomland Hardwood Wetlands = 2 ac Hardwood Wetlands = 15 ac Wet mix pine hardwoods = 2 ac I would like to discuss these revisons with the applicant very soon. Please provide any comment you may have on these proposed lines to me by next Wednesday (8/13/08). Should you have any questions, you can reach me @ 828-271-7980 ext. 222 today (8/8/08) and Wednesday (8/13/08) and @ 828-696-6609 Monday and Tuesday. Thanks Tom Content-Description: BonnertonLrevised.doc BonnertonLrevised.doc Content-Type: application/msword Content-Encoding: base64 NCPCLrevised.doc Content-Description: NCPCLrevised.doc 2 of 3 8/11/2008 8:55 AM PCS Phosphate Alt. L minimization Content-Type: application/msword Content-Encoding: base64 Content-Description: S33Lrevised.doc S33Lrevised.doc Content-Type: application/msword Content-Encoding: base64 3 of3 8/11/2008 8:55 AM 8 9 21 7 6 18 8 1C 8 7 7 8 8 8 6 15 21 ? 9 16 i 22 7 1 c\ 8 7 6 21 6 8 17 16 18 22 18 6 4 7 9 7 18 8 7 17 18 1 7 C 6 7 18 17 1 8 6 7 g 7 17 7 7 1A 18 s 8 8 3 g 9 2, 18 21 18 g g 8 7 8 9 22 7 16 18 5 7 ? ... 17 19 81 5 8 18 s 9 5 15 8 22 9 15 s 7 5 8 ?7 ?5 9 5 J?f g / 8 1e? „ 21 7 T-. 7 t7 15 s 22 22 1s 17 LEGEND BONNERTON BASE PROJI BONNERTON L ALTERNAT BONNERTON L ALTERNAT RECOVERABLE CONCENTF 1 CREEKS/OPEN WATER i-"- 1 A DI IRI IP TRI MT API 51 a 0 M 5 NC 306 ZELOCATION ? 15 12 T 0 a a 5 ? 15 5 \? 5 15 a 5 5 0 22 10 y1 17 4 4 10 \0 1 10 1? y1 2y SANDY LANDING ROAD s NORTHERN ROUTE 1 5 A UI5 ? 1 3 16 ? 2 1 ? 0 a 0 ? 0 ? B n 0 03 0 10 10 0 0 ? 0 5 0 2 1? g S TOOLEY CREEK '5 \ 01 15 1z yy a a 5 5 e 5 5 1 121 5 a 15 LEGENp ACRES NCPC BASE PROJECT AREA 3,608, NCPC Extension-ALT L 2,185 NCPC Extension-Excavation Limits 1,3641 15 a Recovered Concentrate = 37,697,000 Tons* CREEKS/OPEN WATER 1A PUBLIC TRUST AREAS 0 LF 0 5 19 PERENNIAL STREAM 0 LF 0, 1C INTERMITTENT STREAM 6,427 LF <1, PA 2 WETLAND BRACKISH MARSH^COMPLE)( ^^rT • O