HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080950 Ver 2_401 Application_20080808•N -•w BURDETTE LAND CONSULTING, INC. 10212 Creedmoor Road - Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Telephone (919) 841-9977 - Fax (919) 841-9909 S PAYM M` XE ? 6y- 0950 V;_ August 7, 2008 Mr. Ian McMillan NC Division of Water Quality Central Office 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 p R ^ RE: Request for More Information Response (? TT & E Facility Expansion, Wake County, NC AUG 7 2008 DWQ Project #: 08-0950 BLC Project#: 7147 DENR WATERQUALI`I`( ? WETLANDS AND STORMWATER BRANCH Dear Mr. McMillan: We received NC Division of Water Quality's letter returning the subject project application dated July 18, 2008. NCDWQ returned the application due to inadequacies in the diffuse flow provisions and stormwater management plan. On August 5th, you agreed that a revised PCN application without the non-stormwater attachments, stormwater documents, and a new $250 application fee would be sufficient to reapply because the impacts have not changed. On August 6th, Ms. Annette Lucas recommended that we re-submit the PCN application with diffuse flow provisions that meet the State Stormwater BMP Manual (Item 1) while we are awaiting further clarification from Ms. Lucas of the stormwater treatment requirements discussed in Item 2 of NCDWQ's July 18th letter. Attached are revised stormwater plans with diffuse flow provisions that meet the specifications of the State Stormwater BMP Manual. Two paper copies of the updated maps, supplement sheets, supporting calculations, and inspection and maintenance agreements and one CD are included. It is important to note that the new facility has been designed for stormwater to sheet flow from the impervious area into the proposed dry detention basin (#2). The dry detention basin to be expanded on the existing facility also receives stormwater via sheet flow. Mr. Ian McMillan August 7, 2008 Page 2 of 2 Please feel free to contact Mr. Matt Collins of Development Consulting Services, Inc. directly at (919) 329-0051 if you have any questions about the stormwater information provided. Sincerely, Burdette Land Consulting, Inc. Jennifer A. Burdette Environmental Specialist c: Ronnie Thompson - TT&E (letter only) Matt Collins - Development Consulting Services, Inc. Office Use Only: Form Version March 08 USACE Action ID No. 200802870 DWQ No. 08-0950 (If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A".) 1. Processing Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ® Section 404 Permit ® Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ? Section 10 Permit ? Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ ® 401 Water Quality Certification ? Express 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: 39 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ? 4. If payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts, attach the acceptance letter from NCEEP, complete section VIII, and check here: ? 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check here: ? II. Applicant Information D ?? 41 U Owner/Applicant Information ? AUG 7 2008 Name: T T & E Metal and Iron Works Inc. AIITY' Mailing Address: Contact: Ronnie Thompson piANDSANDSTORMWA ACM 508 N. Garner Road Garner, North Carolina 27529 Telephone Number: (919) 772-5041 Fax Number: (919) 772-8790 E-mail Address: ronniethompson@TTandErecycling.com 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Jennifer A. Burdette Company Affiliation: Burdette Land Consulting, Inc. Mailing Address: 10212 Creedmoor Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Telephone Number: (919) 841-9977 Fax Number:_ (919) 841-9909 E-mail Address: JBurdetteBLC@bellsouth.net Page 1 of 10 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: TT & E Facility Expansion 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): NA 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): 1711-17-1540, 1711-18-1238, 1711-171716, & 1711-17-3847 4. Location County: Wake Nearest Town: Garner Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): Directions to site (include road numbers/names, landmarks, etc.): From Raleigh, take Interstate 440 Beltline to Ext 299 at Hammond Road and go south. From Hammond Road turn left on Tryon Road then turn right onto Garner Road. The site is located on the west side of W Garner Road approximately '/2 mile south of Tryon Road's intersection with W Garner Road. 5. Site coordinates (For linear projects, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) Decimal Degrees (6 digits minimum): 35.7220769 ON 78.6249717 °W 6. Property size (acres): 7. Name of nearest receiving body of water: UT to Big Branch 8. River Basin: Neuse (Note - this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: Approximately one-half of the site contains pine forest Page 2 of 10 while the existing metal recycling facility occupies the other half. Figure 1 depicts the location of the property on the US Geological Survey (USGS) Garner and Lake Wheeler, NC 7.5-minute quadrangle topographic map. Figure 2 shows the location of the site on the applicable Wake County Soil Survey map. 10. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: The project involves the expansion of the existing metal recycling facility acilit through construction of shredder on property adjacent to the existing facility. The proposed shredder facility separated from the existing facility by a perennial stream channel. The project includes construction of road across the stream channel to provide critical interconnection between the new shredder and the existing facility. Please refer to the attached Surface Water and Wetland Impact Map (Figure 3) and Insets (1-3) for the details of road crossing impact. Heavy equipment typically used for road construction and grading will be used to complete the project. 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: The purpose of the project is to construct the proposed shredder and to route vehicles carrying recycling materials to the appropriate area of the facility and allow much needed stacking space especially for heavy weekend traffic. IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules.. On July 24, 2007, Burdette Land Consulting, Inc. (BLC) conducted an on-site meeting with Chad Coburn of NCDWQ to confirm that Feature B, located on the existing facility property and shown on the Wake Soil Survey Map (Figure 2) is not subject to the riparian buffer rules. Mr. Coburn's letter is attached (NBRRO# 07-153). This March, BLC conducted a delineation of the surface waters and wetlands present on the existing property and the adjacent property to the north. Because a marginal wetland area was identified on the property, a request for a desk review including wetland data forms and photographs of the area was submitted to Jamie Shern of the USACE on May 12, 2008. This marginal wetland area lacked hydric soils. On June 3, 2008, Lauren Witherspoon conducted an on-site review of the stream and wetlands present on the existing facility and expansion area to the north. Ms. Witherspoon determined the both Features B and C are not subject to the riparian buffer rules and verified the boundary of the isolated wetland present on the site. We have assumed the marginal area mentioned above is a nonjurisdictional area for this PCN application based on the absence of hydric soils. Page 3 of 10 We submitted the original PCN application to the USACE and NCDWO on June 10, 2008 On July 18, 2008, NCDWO requested more information on the necessity of three lanes going in the same direction at the crossing. Ms. Kathryn McPherson of Tony M Tate Landscape Architecture, PA prepared the attached letter and Circulation and Layout Plan explaining the vehicle stacking requirements of the facility, which was submitted to NCDWO on June 30, 2008 This letter was also provided to Ms. Crystal Amschler of the USACE on July 2 2008 We received the attached Nationwide Permit 39 approval for the project on July 11 2008 On July 18, 2008, NCDWO returned the application due to incomplete and/or inaccurate information. The information requested pertained only to the diffuse flow provisions and stormwater treatment for the project. The impacts have not changed from the original application. This application includes a revised stormwater management plan All of the attachments to the original PCN remained valid and have not been provided again In a telephone conversation on August 5 2008, Mr. Ian McMillan agreed that re-submitting the non- stormwater PCN attachments was not necessary. V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. This PCN application covers the all phases of the project; therefore future permit requests are not anticipated for this project. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. Each impact must be listed separately in the tables below (e.g., culvert installation should be listed separately from riprap dissipater pads). Be sure to indicate if an impact is temporary. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed, and must be labeled and clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) should be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: The proposed impacts consist of a road crossing of a stream channel and removal of a small isolated wetland to construct a wet detention basin. Please refer to Figure 3 (USACE - 3A & 3B) for the entire project and Insets A & B for the details of each impact. Page 4 of 10 2. Individually list wetland impacts. Types of impacts include, but are not limited to mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. Wetland Impact Type of Wetland Located within Distance to Area of Site Number Type of Impact (e.g., forested, marsh, 100-year Nearest Impact (indicate on map) herbaceous, bog, etc.) Floodplain Stream (acres) ( es/no) (linear feet) No impacts proposed to jurisdictional wetlands Total Wetland Impact (acres) 0 3. List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: 0.5 4. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts. Be sure to identify temporary impacts. Stream impacts include, but are not limited to placement of fill or culverts, dam construction, flooding, relocation, stabilization activities (e.g., cement walls, rip-rap, crib walls, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. To calculate acreage. multiDly length X width. then divide by 43.560. Stream Impact Perennial Average Impact Area of Number ? Stream Name Type of Impact ? Intermittent? Stream Width Length Impact indicate on ma ( ) Before Impact (linear feet) (acres) 1 UT to Big Branch culvert/rip-rap perennial 5 138 0.016 Total Stream Impact (by length and acreage) 138 0.016 5. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.). Open water impacts include, but are not limited to fill. excavation. dredging. flooding. drainage. bulkheads. etc_ Open Water Impact Name of Waterbody Type of Waterbody Area of Site Number (if applicable) Type of Impact (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, Impact (indicate on ma) ocean, etc.) (acres) No impacts proposed to open waters Total Open Water Impact (acres) 0 6. List the cumulative impact to all Waters of the U.S. resulting from the Droiect: Stream Impact (acres): 0.016 Wetland Impact (acres): 0 Open Water Impact (acres): 0 Total Impact to Waters of the U.S. (acres) 0.016 Total Stream Impact (linear feet): 138 7. Isolated Waters Do any isolated waters exist on the property? ® Yes ? No Describe all impacts to isolated waters, and include the type of water (wetland or stream) and the size of the proposed impact (acres or linear feet). Please note that this section only applies to waters that have specifically been determined to be isolated by the USACE. Page 5 of 10 A small isolated wetland (<0.010 acre) is present in the area of proposed dry detention pond #2. The applicant proposes remove 0.006 acre of this isolated wetland to construct the pond 8. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ® uplands ? stream ? wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): See attached SW Plan Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): See attached SW Plan Current land use in the vicinity of the pond: See attached SW Plan Size of watershed draining to pond: See above Expected pond surface area: See above VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. Impacts to the only jurisdictional wetland on the property were avoided The location shape and most importantly size of the isolated wetland present on the property made it impractical to avoid The perennial stream channel could not be avoided as it bisects the site. The proposed road/driveway crossing is necessary to interconnect the two facilities. This interconnection is required to provide a flow through system, which will also accommodate stacking of vehicular traffic entering the facilit . The alignment was designed to cross the channel perpendicularly to minimize the length of stream channel affected. The impact will be further minimized by burying the culvert one foot to allow for aquatic life passage. VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on January 15, 2002, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland Page 6 of 10 and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCEEP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/strmgide.html. 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. The applicant avoided impacts to wetlands where possible and minimized the stream channel impact that is unavoidable to the maximum extent practicable as described above A 50-foot- wide riparian buffer will be maintained around the stream channel present within the facility in accordance with Neuse River Riparian Buffer Rules and will serve as a permanent vegetative buffer to the stream channels Because the applicant minimized the project impacts to the maximum extent practicable proposes less than 150 linear feet of stream channel impact, less than 0.10 acre of isolated wetland impact and no jurisdictional wetland impacts, BLC believes that compensatory-mitigation should not be required for the Nationwide Permit or Water Quality Certification 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCEEP at (919) 715-0476 to determine availability, and written approval from the NCEEP indicating that they are will to accept payment for the mitigation must be attached to this form. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCEEP, check the NCEEP website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wrp/index.htm. If use of the NCEEP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): NA Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): NA Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): NA Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): NA Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): NA Page 7 of 10 IX. X. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) 1. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? Yes ? No 2. If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ? No ? 3. If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ? No ? Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. 1. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Neuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 02B .0243 (Catawba) 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ® No ? 2. If "yes", identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact (square feet) ltiplier Multiplier Required Mitigation 1 6,825 3 (2 for Catawba) NA 2 4,158 1.5 NA Total 10,983 NA * Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from the top of the near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. 1. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0244, or .0260. The proposed driveway crossing of a buffered stream channel involves less than 150 linear feet of stream channel and 1/3 acre of riparian buffer. Therefore BLC does not believe that buffer mitigation is required. Page 8 of 10 XI. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. If percent impervious surface exceeds 20%, please provide calculations demonstrating total proposed impervious level. The existing facility has impervious surface area in excess of 24%. An old barn is the only impervious surface area currently present on the adjacent property to the north. . The project engineer, Keith Roberts, PE, prepared a stormwater management plan that has been approved by the Town of Garner. A copy of the Town's approval letter and the approved plan including an excutive summary, stormwater calculations, and plan view were attached to the original application. On August 6, 2008, Ms. Annette Lucas recommended that we re-submit the PCN application with diffuse flow provisions that meet the State Stormwater BMP Manual (Item 1) while we are awaiting further clarification of the stormwater treatment requirements discussed in Item 2 of NCDWQ's July 18th letter. Implementation of an approved stormwater management plan and a Neuse River riparian buffer around the stream channel are anticipated to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. XII. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. Wastewater generated from the proposed project will be disposed of through the Town of Garner sewer system. XIII. Violations (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (I 5A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ? No Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ? No XIV. Cumulative Impacts (required by DWQ) Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional development which could impact nearby downstream water quality? Yes ? No If yes, please submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent North Carolina Division of Water Quality policy posted on our website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. If no, please provide a short narrative description: The proposed infrastructure serves only the proposed commercial expansion. Therefore, the project is not anticipated to result in additional development. Page 9 of 10 XV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). C?. f' Apecan gent's gnature bate (Agent's signature is va id only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 10 of 10 Y DRAINAGE AREA #1 (SCOUR HOLE #1) DESIGN CALCULATIONS TT&E IRON & METAL GARNER, NORTH CAROLINA SUBMITTED BY: DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING SERVICES, INC. 1401 AVERSBORO ROAD, SUITE 206 GARNER, NC 27529 (919) 625-0411 ••o?tN CAS 1 % SEAL g o23728 E 19 Iq 0 w R 0 AUG 7 2008 DENR - WATER QUALITY WETLANDS AND STORMWATER BRANCH PREFORMED SCOUR HOLE #1 OUTLET PIPE DIAMTER = 18 in. Q (cfs) = 5.68 cfs REQUIRED BASE WIDTH = 4.5' DEPTH = 1' Pond Report Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesday, Jul 30 2008, 2:5 PM Pond No. 1 - TT&E - POND 1 Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas. Average end area m ethod used. Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sqft) Incr. Storage (cult) Total storage (cuft) 0.00 323.60 01 0 0 0.40 324.00 1,414 283 283 1.40 325.00 4,688 3,051 3,334 2.40 326.00 5,725 5,207 8,541 3.40 327.00 6,831 6,278 14,819 Culvert / Orifice Structures Weir Structures [A] [B] [C] [D] [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 18.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 16.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 18.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 326.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 0 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 0.00 0.00 Invert El. (ft) = 323.45 323.60 0.00 0.00 Weir Type = Riser --- --- --- Length (ft) = 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage = Yes No No No Slope (%) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .013 .013 .000 .000 Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage = n/a Yes No No Exfiltration = 0 .000 in/hr (Co ntour) Ta ilwater Elev. = 0.00 It Note: Culvert/Orifice outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Weir riser checked for orifice conditions. Stage (ft) 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 Stage / Storage Stage (ft) 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 v ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.00 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 Storage Storage (cuft) Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 4 TT&E - POND 1 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Storm frequency = 10 yrs Inflow hyd. No. = 3 Reservoir name = TT&E - POND 1 Storage Indication method used Wednesday, Jul 30 2008, 2:5 PM Peak discharge = 5.68 cfs Time interval = 1 min Max. Elevation = 325.80 ft Max. Storage = 7,507 cuft Hydrograph Volume = 22,253 cuft TT&E - POND 1 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 4 -- 10 Yr Q (cfs) 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0 00 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0 00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Time (min) Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 3 9.11..1.1HEII Req. Stor = 7,507 cuft Hydrograph Summary Report Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to peak (min) Volume (cult) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Maximum storage (cuft) Hydrograph description 1 Manual 0.00 1 0 0 ---- ------ ------ MALCOM METHOD 2 Reservoir 0.00 1 0 0 1 0.00 0 <no description> 3 Rational 10.16 1 23 22,439 ---- ------ ------ TT&E - POND 1 4 Reservoir 5.68 1 44 22,253 3 325.80 7,507 TT&E - POND 1 TT&E1-ALTERNATE.gpw Return Period: 10 Year Wednesday, Jul 30 2008, 2:06 PM Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesday, Jul 30 2008, 2:6 PM Hyd. No. 4 TT&E - POND 1 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 5.68 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hyd. No. = 3 Reservoir name = TT&E - POND 1 Max. Elevation = 325.80 ft Max. Storage = 7,507 cuft Storage Indication method used. Outflow hydrograph volume = 22,253 cuft Hydrograph Discharge Table (Printed values >= 1 % of op.) Time Inflow Elevation Clv A Clv B Clv C Clv D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Exfil Outflow (min) cfs ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 3 1.33 323.76 0.13 0.13 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.13 4 1.77 323.87 0.36 0.35 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.35 5 2.21 324.00 0.71 0.69 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.69 6 2.65 324.03 0.82 0.81 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.81 7 3.09 324.07 0.94 0.93 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.93 8 3.53 324.12 1.08 1.08 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.08 9 3.98 324.17 1.26 1.25 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.25 10 4.42 324.22 1.45 1.45 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.45 11 4.86 324.28 1.67 1.67 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.67 12 5.30 324.35 1.94 1.93 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.93 13 5.74 324.42 2.23 2.22 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.22 14 6.19 324.49 2.53 2.52 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.52 15 6.63 324.56 2.82 2.81 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.81 16 7.07 324.64 3.14 3.13 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.13 17 7.51 324.72 3.47 3.47 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.47 18 7.95 324.80 3.77 3.77 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.77 19 8.40 324.88 4.02 3.99 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.99 20 8.84 324.97 4.24 4.21 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.21 21 9.28 325.04 4.39 4.36 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.36 22 9.72 325.10 4.51 4.49 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.49 23 10.16 << 325.16 4.63 4.63 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.63 24 9.96 325.22 4.76 4.75 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.75 25 9.76 325.28 4.89 4.86 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.86 26 9.55 325.33 4.99 4.96 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.96 27 9.35 325.38 5.07 5.06 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.06 28 9.15 325.43 5.16 5.15 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.15 29 8.94 325.48 5.25 5.23 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.23 30 8.74 325.52 5.32 5.30 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.30 31 8.54 325.56 5.38 5.36 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.36 32 8.33 325.59 5.44 5.42 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.42 33 8.13 325.62 5.48 5.47 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.47 34 7.93 325.65 5.52 5.51 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.51 35 7.72 325.68 5.56 5.55 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.55 36 7.52 325.70 5.59 5.59 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.59 37 7.32 325.72 5.61 5.60 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.60 38 7.11 325.74 5.62 5.62 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.62 39 6.91 325.76 5.64 5.64 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.64 40 6.71 325.77 5.65 5.65 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.65 2 Continues on next page... 3 TT&E - POND 1 Hydrograph Discharge Table Time Inflow Elevation Clv A Clv B Clv C Clv D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Exfil Outflow (min) cfs ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 41 6.50 325.78 5.66 5.66 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.66 42 6.30 325.79 5.67 5.67 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.67 43 6.10 325.80 5.67 5.67 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.67 44 5.89 325.80 << 5.68 5.68 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.68 << 45 5.69 325.80 5.68 5.68 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.68 46 5.49 325.80 5.68 5.68 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.68 47 5.28 325.80 5.67 5.67 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.67 48 5.08 325.79 5.67 5.67 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.67 49 4.88 325.78 5.66 5.66 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.66 50 4.67 325.77 5.65 5.65 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.65 51 4.47 325.76 5.64 5.64 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.64 52 4.27 325.75 5.63 5.63 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.63 53 4.07 325.73 5.61 5.61 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.61 54 3.86 325.71 5.59 5.59 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.59 55 3.66 325.69 5.57 5.57 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.57 56 3.46 325.67 5.54 5.53 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.53 57 3.25 325.64 5.51 5.50 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.50 58 3.05 325.62 5.47 5.45 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.45 59 2.85 325.59 5.43 5.41 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.41 60 2.64 325.56 5.39 5.36 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.36 61 2.44 325.52 5.34 5.31 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.31 62 2.24 325.49 5.28 5.25 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.25 63 2.03 325.45 5.21 5.19 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.19 64 1.83 325.42 5.13 5.13 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.13 65 1.63 325.38 5.06 5.05 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.05 66 1.42 325.34 5.00 4.98 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.98 67 1.22 325.30 4.93 4.89 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.89 68 1.02 325.25 4.84 4.82 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.82 69 0.81 325.21 4.74 4.73 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.73 70 0.61 325.16 4.64 4.64 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.64 71 0.41 325.12 4.55 4.54 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.54 72 0.20 325.07 4.45 4.43 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.43 73 0.00 325.02 4.35 4.32 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.32 74 0.00 324.95 4.19 4.16 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.16 75 0.00 324.87 3.99 3.96 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.96 76 0.00 324.79 3.76 3.76 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.76 77 0.00 324.72 3.49 3.49 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.49 78 0.00 324.66 3.22 3.22 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.22 79 0.00 324.60 2.95 2.95 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.95 80 0.00 324.54 2.74 2.73 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.73 81 0.00 324.49 2.53 2.52 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.52 82 0.00 324.44 2.33 2.32 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.32 83 0.00 324.40 2.15 2.13 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.13 84 0.00 324.36 1.97 1.96 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.96 85 0.00 324.32 1.81 1.81 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.81 86 0.00 324.29 1.67 1.67 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.67 87 0.00 324.25 1.56 1.56 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.56 88 0.00 324.22 1.45 1.45 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.45 89 0.00 324.20 1.35 1.35 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.35 90 0.00 324.17 1.26 1.26 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.26 91 0.00 324.15 1.18 1.18 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.18 Continues on next page... 4 TT&E - POND 1 Hydrograph Discharge Table Time Inflow Elevation Clv A Civ B Clv C Clv D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Exfil Outflow (min) cfs ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 92 0.00 324.12 1.10 1.10 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.10 93 0.00 324.10 1.03 1.03 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.03 94 0.00 324.08 0.97 0.97 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.97 95 0.00 324.06 0.92 0.91 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.91 96 0.00 324.05 0.86 0.85 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.85 97 0.00 324.03 0.82 0.80 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.80 98 0.00 324.02 0.77 0.75 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.75 99 0.00 324.00 0.73 0.71 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.71 100 0.00 323.95 0.59 0.58 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.58 101 0.00 323.91 0.46 0.45 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.45 102 0.00 323.87 0.37 0.36 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.36 103 0.00 323.85 0.30 0.29 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.29 104 0.00 323.82 0.25 0.25 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.25 105 0.00 323.80 0.21 0.21 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.21 106 0.00 323.79 0.18 0.18 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.18 107 0.00 323.77 0.15 0.15 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.15 108 0.00 323.76 0.13 0.13 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.13 109 0.00 323.75 0.13 0.12 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.12 110 0.00 323.74 0.13 0.10 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.10 111 0.00 323.73 0.12 0.09 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.09 112 0.00 323.73 0.12 0.08 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.08 113 0.00 323.72 0.12 0.07 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.07 114 0.00 323.71 0.12 0.07 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.07 115 0.00 323.71 0.12 0.06 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.06 116 0.00 323.70 0.12 0.06 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- n nF ...End I y DRAINAGE AREA #2 (LEVEL SPREADER #2) DESIGN CALCULATIONS TT&E IRON & METAL GARNER, NORTH CAROLINA SUBMITTED BY: DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING SERVICES, INC. 1401 AVERSBORO ROAD, SUITE 206 GARNER, NC 27529 (919),625-0411 N CA/? ? Jr-H? g • G ?:? 023728 • 4f R OS #top 1110110% OF `NATE9 O? QG A n NCDENR ° STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM LEVEL SPREADER, FILTER STRIP AND RESTORED RIPARIAN BUFFER SUPPLEMENT This form must be completely filled out, printed and submitted. DO NOT FORGET TO ATTACH THE REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST AND ALL REQUIRED ITEMS (NEXT WORKSHEET)l l PROJECT INFORMATION Project name TT&E Iron & Metal Contact name Development Consulting Services, Inc. (Matt Collins) Phone number 919-329-0051 Date July 28, 2008 Drainage area number 2 (Detention Pond #27 Level Spreader #2) II. DESIGN INFORMATION For Level Spreaders Receiving Flow From a BMP Type of BMP Extended Dry Detention Pond Drawdown flow from the BMP 5.54 cfs For Level Spreaders Receiving Flow from the Drainage Area Do riot complete this section of the worksheet. Drainage area f? Do riot complete this section of the worksheet. Impervious surface area fig Do riot complete this section of the worksheet. Percent impervious % Do riot complete this section of the worksheet. Rational C coefficient Do riot complete this section of the worksheet. Peak flow from the 1 in/hr storm cfs Do riot complete this section of the worksheet. Time of concentration min Rainfall intensity, 1 0-yr storm in/hr Do not complete this section of the worksheet. Peak flow from the 10-yr storm cfs Do not complete this section of the worksheet. Where Does the Level Spreader Discharge? To a grassed bioretention cell? N (Y or N) To a mulched bioretention cell? N (Y or N) To a wetland? N (Y or N) To a filter strip or riparian buffer? Y' (Y or N) Please complete filter strip characterization below. Other (specify) Filter Strip or Riparian Buffer Characterization (if applicable) Width of grass 0.00 ft Width of dense ground cover 50;00 ft Width of wooded vegetation 0.00 ft Total width 50.00 ft Elevation at downslope base of level lip 325.10 fmsl Elevation at top of bank of the receiving water 323.00 fmsl Slope (from level lip to to top of bank) 4.20 % OK Are any draws present? N (Y or N) OK Level Spreader Design Forebay surface area sq ft No forebay is needed. Feet of level lip needed per cfs 13 ft/cfs Answer "Y" to one of the following: Length based on the 1 in/hr storm? N (Y or N) Length based on the 10-yr storm? N (Y or N) Length based on the BMP discharge rate? Y (Y or N) Design flow 5.54 cfs Is a bypass device provided? N (Y or N) A bypass device must be provided. Form SW401-Level Spreader, Finer Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer-Rev.5 Parts I. and II. Design Summary, page 1 of 2 r ? Length of the level lip 73;00 ft #VALUE! Are level spreaders in series? N (Y or N) Bypass Channel Design (if applicable) Does the bypass discharge through a wetland? Does the channel enter the stream at an angle? Dimensions of the channel (see diagram below): M B W y Peak velocity in the channel during the 10-yr storm Channel lining material (Y or N) Do not complete this section of the worksheet. (Y or N) Do not complete this section of the worksheet. Do not complete this section of the worksheet. ft Do not complete this section of the worksheet. ft Do not complete this section of the worksheet, ft Do not complete this section of the worksheet. ft Do not complete this section of [lie worksheet. cfS Do not complete this section of the worksheet Do not complete this section of the worksheet • W t : ----------- y, : t ------------ M M B Form SW401-Level Spreader, Filter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer-Rev.5 Parts I. and II. Design Summary, page 2 of 2 {Ii. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST" Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Pagel Plan Initials Sheet No. 1. Plans (1" - 50' or larger) of the entire site showing: C - z - Design at ultimate build-out, C _? S Off-site drainage (if applicable), ` Delineated drainage basins (include Rational C coefficient per basin), ,J 14 - Forebay (if applicable), O/A High flow bypass system, e- -Z. - Maintenance access, C- 2 - Proposed drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), and <--- 2- Boundaries of drainage easement. C` Z 2. Plan details (1" = 30' or larger) for the level spreader showing: Forebay (if applicable), High flow bypass system, One foot topo lines between the level lip and top of stream bank, Proposed drainage easement, and Design at ultimate build-out. 44t, . C--Z- 3. Section view of the level spreader (1" = 20' or larger) showing: Underdrain system (if applicable), Level lip, Upslope channel, and Downslope filter fabric. 14 {- 4. A date-stamped photograph of the filter strip that clearly shows the type of vegetation that is present. G - 3 5. A construction sequence that shows how the level spreader will be protected from sediment until the entire drainage area is stabilized. S-10 6. The supporting calculations. ANN G / / - 3 7. A copy of the signed and notarized operation and maintenance (0&M) agreement. A IJ t, 8 A co of the de tri d ti if i d . py e res c ons ( requ re ). Form SW401-Level Spreader, Filter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer-Rev.5 Part III, page 1 of 1 Lh V LL SFF FADER #2 Pond Report Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesday, Jul 30 2008, 2:12 PM Pond No. 1 - TT&E - POND 2 Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas. Average end area m ethod used. Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sqft) Incr. Storage (cuft) Total storage (cuft) 0.00 325.50 01 0 0 0.50 326.00 1,706 427 427 1.50 327.00 3,525 2,616 3,042 2.50 328.00 5,974 4,750 7,792 3.50 329.00 9,054 7,514 15,306 4.50 330.00 12,766 10,910 26,216 5.50 331.00 17,107 14,937 41,152 Culvert / Orifice Structures Weir Structures [A] [B] [C] [D] [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 36.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 36.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 330.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 0 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 0.00 0.00 Invert El. (ft) = 325.25 325.50 0.00 0.00 Weir Type = Riser --- --- --- Length (ft) = 46.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage = Yes No No No Slope (%) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .013 .013 .000 .000 Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage = n/a Yes No No Exfiltration = 0.000 in/hr (Co ntour) Ta ilwater Elev. = 0.00 ft Note: Culvert/Orifice outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Weir riser checked for orifice conditions. Stage (ft) 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 Stage / Storage Stage (ft) 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0 4,000 8,000 12,000 16,000 20,000 24,000 28,000 32,000 36,000 40,000 44,000 Storage Storage (cuft) ?A&Z ' ?m,E 1 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesday, Jul 30 2008, 2:11 PM Hyd. No. 4 TT&E - POND 2 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 5.54 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hyd. No. = 3 Max. Elevation = 328.38 ft Reservoir name = TT&E -POND 2 Max. Storage = 10,683 cuft Storage Indication method used. Q (cfs) 30.00 TT&E - POND 2 Hyd. No. 4 -- 10 Yr 25.00 20.00 Hydrograph Volume = 14,334 cuft 15.00 10.00 5.00 Q (cfs) 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 v 1 , 1 1 1 ' J -- _4__.___ 1 ' 0.00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 3 [I.ra...Ll..(..I..i.a] Req. Stor = 10,683 cult Time (min) 7: ? i- r, 7 Hydrograph Summary Report Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to peak (min) Volume (cuft) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Maximum storage (cuft) Hydrograph description 1 Manual 0.00 1 0 0 ---- ------ ------ MALCOM METHOD 2 Reservoir 0.00 1 0 0 1 0.00 0 <no description> 3 Rational 29.87 1 5 14,338 ---- ------ ------ TT&E - POND 2 4 Reservoir 5.54 1 14 14,334 3 328.38 10,683 TT&E - POND 2 TT&E2.gpw Return Period: 10 Year Wednesday, Jul 30 2008, 2:12 PM Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve 05-7?z r- 9' Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Wednesday, Jul 30 2008, 2:12 PM Hyd. No. 4 TT&E - POND 2 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 5.54 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hyd. No. = 3 Reservoir name = TT&E -POND 2 Max. Elevation = 328.38 ft Max. Storage = 10,683 cuft Storage Indication method used. Outflow hydrograph volume = 14,334 cuft Hydrograph Discharge Table (Printed values >= 1 % of op.) Time Inflow Elevation Civ A Civ B Civ C Civ D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Exfil Outflow (min) cfs ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 1 5.97 325.70 0.51 0.18 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.18 2 11.95 326.09 1.29 1.27 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.27 3 17.92 326.39 2.48 2.39 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.39 4 23.90 326.81 3.51 3.39 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.39 5 29.87 << 327.19 4.12 4.04 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.04 6 27.16 327.49 4.48 4.47 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.47 7 24.44 327.76 4.94 4.80 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.80 8 21.72 327.99 5.17 5.09 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.09 9 19.01 328.11 5.37 5.23 ----- , ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.23 10 16.29 328.21 5.40 5.36 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.36 11 13.58 328.29 5.54 5.44 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.44 12 10.86 328.34 5.56 5.50 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.50 13 8.15 328.37 5.56 5.53 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.53 14 5.43 328.38 5.56 5.54 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.54 << 15 2.72 328.37 5.56 5.53 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.53 16 0.00 328.34 5.56 5.50 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.50 17 0.00 328.30 5.55 5.45 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.45 18 0.00 328.25 5.47 5.40 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.40 19 0.00 328.21 5.39 5.36 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.36 20 0.00 328.17 5.37 5.31 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.31 21 0.00 328.13 5.37 5.25 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.25 22 0.00 328.08 5.34 5.20 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.20 23 0.00 328.04 5.27 5.15 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.15 24 0.00 328.00 5.19 5.11 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.11 25 0.00 327.94 5.08 5.04 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.04 26 0.00 327.87 5.01 4.96 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.96 27 0.00 327.81 5.01 4.87 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.87 28 0.00 327.75 4.92 4.79 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.79 29 0.00 327.69 4.82 4.72 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.72 30 0.00 327.63 4.71 4.65 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.65 31 0.00 327.57 4.61 4.58 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.58 32 0.00 327.52 4.51 4.50 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.50 33 0.00 327.46 4.48 4.42 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.42 34 0.00 327.40 4.48 4.33 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.33 35 0.00 327.35 4.40 4.26 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.26 36 0.00 327.30 4.31 4.19 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.19 37 0.00 327.24 4.22 4.12 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.12 38 0.00 327.19 4.13 4.05 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.05 Continues on next page... 2 r?-aE9 3 TT&E - POND 2 Hydrograph Discharge Table Time Inflow Elevation Clv A Clv B Clv C Clv D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Exfil Outflow (min) cfs ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 39 0.00 327.14 4.05 3.98 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.98 40 0.00 327.09 3.97 3.90 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.90 41 0.00 327.04 3.89 3.83 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.83 42 0.00 326.99 3.81 3.75 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.75 43 0.00 326.91 3.67 3.60 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.60 44 0.00 326.83 3.55 3.44 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.44 45 0.00 326.75 3.36 3.27 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.27 46 0.00 326.68 3.17 3.11 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.11 47 0.00 326.61 3.07 2.95 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.95 48 0.00 326.54 2.90 2.78 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.78 49 0.00 326.48 2.72 2.62 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.62 50 0.00 326.42 2.57 2.47 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.47 51 0.00 326.37 2.39 2.29 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.29 52 0.00 326.32 2.20 2.11 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.11 53 0.00 326.27 2.02 1.94 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.94 54 0.00 326.23 1.86 1.79 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.79 55 0.00 326.19 1.71 1.64 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.64 56 0.00 326.15 1.55 1.50 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.50 57 0.00 326.12 1.40 1.37 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.37 58 0.00 326.09 1.28 1.26 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.26 59 0.00 326.06 1.18 1.17 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.17 60 0.00 326.03 1.09 1.08 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.08 61 0.00 326.01 1.00 1.00 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.00 62 0.00 325.97 0.86 0.85 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.85 63 0.00 325.91 0.71 0.69 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.69 64 0.00 325.87 0.57 0.56 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.56 65 0.00 325.83 0.51 0.46 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.46 66 0.00 325.80 0.51 0.38 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.38 67 0.00 325.78 0.51 0.33 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.33 68 0.00 325.76 0.51 0.28 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.28 69 0.00 325.74 0.51 0.25 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.25 70 0.00 325.72 0.51 0.22 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.22 71 0.00 325.71 0.51 0.19 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.19 72 0.00 325.70 0.51 0.17 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.17 73 0.00 325.68 0.51 0.15 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.15 74 0.00 325.67 0.51 0.14 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.14 75 0.00 325.67 0.51 0.12 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.12 76 0.00 325.66 0.51 0.11 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.11 77 0.00 325.65 0.51 0.10 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.10 78 0.00 325.64 0.51 0.09 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.09 79 0.00 325.64 0.51 0.08 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.08 80 0.00 325.63 0.51 0.08 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.08 81 0.00 325.63 0.51 0.07 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.07 82 0.00 325.62 0.51 0.07 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.07 83 0.00 325.62 0.51 0.06 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.06 84 0.00 325.61 0.51 0.06 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- n nF ..End -p.44 to Permit Number: e1)$ - F59 -0 (to be provided by DWQ) Drainage Area Number: 2 Filter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer and Level Spreader Operation and Maintenance Agreement I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP. This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BMP. Important maintenance procedures: - Immediately after the filter strip is established, any newly planted vegetation will be watered twice weekly if needed until the plants become established (commonly six weeks). - Once a year, the filter strip will be reseeded to maintain a dense growth of vegetation - Stable groundcover will be maintained in the drainage area to reduce the sediment load to the vegetation. - Two to three times a year, grass filter strips will be mowed and the clippings harvested to promote the growth of thick vegetation with optimum pollutant removal efficiency. Turf grass should not be cut shorter than 3 to 5 inches and may be allowed to grow as tall as 12 inches depending on aesthetic requirements (NIPC,1993). Forested filter strips do not require this type of maintenance. - Once a year, the soil will be aerated if necessary. - Once a year, soil pH will be tested and lime will be added if necessary. After the filter strip is established, it will be inspected quarterly and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inch (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of operation and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element: Potential problem: How I will remediate the problem: The entire filter strip Trash/debris is present. Remove the trash/ debris. system The flow splitter device The flow splitter device is Unclog the conveyance and dispose (if applicable) clogged. of an sediment off-site. The flow splitter device is Make any necessary repairs or damaged. replace if damage is too large for repair. Form SWU40I-Level Spreader, Filter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer O&M-Rev.3 Page 1 of 3 BMP element: Potential problem: How I will remediate the problem: The swale and the level The swale is clogged with Remove the sediment and dispose lip sediment. of it off-site. The level lip is cracked, Repair or replace lip. settled, undercut, eroded or otherwise damaged. There is erosion around the Regrade the soil to create a berm end of the level spreader that that is higher than the level lip, and shows stormwater has then plant a ground cover and bypassed it. water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer application. Trees or shrubs have begun Remove them. to grow on the swale or just downslo e of the level lip. The bypass channel Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then reestablish proper erosion control. Turf reinforcement is Study the site to see if a larger damaged or ripap is rolling bypass channel is needed (enlarge if downhill. necessary). After this, reestablish the erosion control material. The filter strip Grass is too short or too long Maintain grass at a height of if applicable). approximately three to six inches. Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer application. Sediment is building up on Remove the sediment and the filter strip. restabilize the soil with vegetation if necessary. Provide lime and a one- time fertilizer application. Plants are desiccated. Provide additional irrigation and fertilizer as needed. Plants are dead, diseased or Determine the source of the dying. problem: soils, hydrology, disease, etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide a one-time fertilizer application. Nuisance vegetation is Remove vegetation by hand if choking out desirable species. possible. If pesticide is used, do not allow it to get into the receiving water. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the NC Division of Water damage have occurred at the Quality local Regional Office, or the outlet. 401 Oversight Unit at 919-733-1786. Form SWU401-Level Spreader, Filter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer O&M-Rev.3 Page 2 of 3 Permit Number: 0 r- o150 (to be provided by DWQ) I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Project name: 1_? 4 05-?_ tXDJ BMP drainage area number: Print name:?n t `?'t cry N Title: I r<s, d" -? S2?i Address: (52.5 w ' 27 Phone: 9f9-7? 'Z- Signature: Date: Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. a Notary Public for the State of County of?pk V1S ?,14 , do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this .L day of UDC , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing filter strip, riparian buffer, and/or level spreader maintenance requirements. SEAL My commission expires J D /11 Form SWU401-Level Spreader, Filter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer O&M-Rev.3 Page 3 of 3 Witness my hand and official seal, 001 ialM ? '? 7 Td.YTff N a stz s nf+Q[# ChM z y ?ta!lr?w?r 1r!lJISJJt'1 ........ DRAINAGE AREA #3 (LEVEL SPREADER #1) DESIGN CALCULATIONS TT&E IRON & METAL GARNER, NORTH CAROLINA SUBMITTED BY: DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING SERVICES, INC. 1401 AVERSBORO ROAD, SUITE 206 GARNER, NC 27529 (919) 625-0411 ',,aNU???Nq SEAL ?,? g 023728 g GINS'd O?OwArF9?G -i ??? NCDENR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM LEVEL SPREADER, FILTER STRIP AND RESTORED RIPARIAN BUFFER SUPPLEMENT This form must be completely filled out, printed and submitted. DO NOT FORGET TO ATTACH THE REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST AND ALL REQUIRED ITEMS (NEXT WORKSHEET)! I. PROJECT INFORMATION ?, ._.. ,a... . Project name TT&E Iron F Metal Contact name Development Consulting Services, Inc. (Matt Collins Phone number 919-329-0051 Date July 28, 2008 Drainage area number 3 (LEVEL' SPREADER #1) IL DESIGN,INFORMATION For Level Spreaders Receiving Flow From a BMP Type of BMP Drawdown flow from the BMP cfs For Level Spreaders Receiving Flow from the Drainage Area Drainage area Impervious surface area Percent impervious Rational C coefficient Peak flow from the 1 in/hr storm Time of concentration Rainfall intensity, 1 0-yr storm Peak flow from the 10-yr storm Where Does the Level Spreader Discharge? To a grassed bioretention cell? To a mulched bioretention cell? To a wetland? To a filter strip or riparian buffer? Other (specify) Filter Strip or Riparian Buffer Characterization (if applicable) Width of grass Width of dense ground cover Width of wooded vegetation Total width Elevation at downslope base of level lip Elevation at top of bank of the receiving water Slope (from level lip to to top of bank) Are any draws present? Level Spreader Design Forebay surface area Feet of level lip needed per cfs Answer "Y" to one of the following: Length based on the 1 in/hr storm? Length based on the 10-yr storm? Length based on the BMP discharge rate? Design flow Is a bypass device provided? 41,128.00 fe 12,694.00 ftz 30.86 % 0.48 0.45 cfs 15.00 min 7 99 in/hr 3.27 cfs N (Y or N) N (Y or N) N (Y or N) Y (Y or N) Please complete filter strip characterization below. 0.00 _ ft " 50.00 ft 0.00 ft 50.00 ft 320.00 fmsl 318.00 fmsl 4.00 % N (Y or N) 25.00 sq ft 13 f /cfs N (Y or N) Y (Y or N) N (Y or N) 3.27 cfs N (Y or N) OK OK OK A bypass device is not needed. Form SW401-Level Spreader, Fitter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer-Rev .5 Parts I. and II. Design Summary, page 1 of 2 Length of the level lip Are level spreaders in series? Bypass Channel Design (if applicable) Does the bypass discharge through a wetland? Does the channel enter the stream at an angle? Dimensions of the channel (see diagram below): M B W y Peak velocity in the channel during the 10-yr storm Channel lining material 43.00 ft Level spreader length OK. N (Y or N) (Y or N) Do not complete this section of the worksheet. (Y or N) Do not complete this section of the worksheet. Do riot complete this section of the worksheet. ft Do riot complete this section of the worksheet. it Do not complete this section of the worksheet. ft Do not complete this section of the worksheet. ft Do riot complete this section of the worksheet. cfs Do not complete this section of the worksheet Do not complete this section of the worksheet • • t ?- ---------- Y M Form SW401-Level Spreader, Fitter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer-Rev.5 Parts I. and II. Design Summary, page 2 of 2 111. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Pagel Plan In' ials Sheet No. C - 2 1. Plans (1" - 50' or larger) of the entire site showing: C--t- Design at ultimate build-out, •+/+ Off-site drainage (if applicable), G-cj Delineated drainage basins (include Rational C coefficient per basin), -A Forebay (if applicable), N!A - High flow bypass system, C.-Z- Maintenance access, C-- I- Proposed drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), and c- -Z Boundaries of drainage easement. C -3 2. Plan details (1" = 30' or larger) for the level spreader showing: Forebay (if applicable), High flow bypass system, One foot topo lines between the level lip and top of stream bank, Proposed drainage easement, and Design at ultimate build-out. ?C L - 3 3. Section view of the level spreader (1" = 20' or larger) showing: Underdrain system (if applicable), Level lip, Upslope channel, and Downslope filter fabric. v y 4. A date-stamped photograph of the filter strip that clearly shows the type of vegetation that is present. G -3 5. A construction sequence that shows how the level spreader will be protected from sediment until the entire drainage area is stabilized. 6. The supporting calculations. 7. A copy of the signed and notarized operation and maintenance (0&M) agreement. ry(r= 8. A copy of the deed restrictions (if required) Form SW401-Level Spreader, Filter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer-Rev.5 Part III, page 1 of 1 Lr_ V rlL, 3YK-LHULK IF 1 TT&E IRON & METAL LEVEL SPREADER #1 - DRAINAGE AREA CALCUALTIONS DRAINAGE AREA: 0.94 AC EXIST. IMP AREA: 0.00 AC 0.0% PROP. IMP. AREA: 0.29 AC 30.9% RUNOFF COEFFICIENT ( C ) Cpre= 0.94 AC x 0.25 + 0.00 AC x 1.0 = 0.25 0.94 AC . Cpost= 0.65 AC x 0.25 + 0.29 AC x 1.0 = 0.48 0.94 AC . 10 YEAR STORM Qpre=CIA= 0.25 x 7.22 x 0.94 = 1.70 cfs Qpost=CIA= 0.48 x 7.22 x 0.94 = 3.27 cfs STORM DATA STORM EVENT INTENSITY( I) PRECIPITATION DEPTH (P ) 10 YEAR 7.22 in/hr 3.9" DETERMINE SOIL STORAGE CN= 98 x 0.31 + 55 x 0.59 + 61 x 0.10 = 69 S= 100 -10 68 90 -10 = 4.51 RUNOFF DEPTH * _ (P-0.2 *S)2 (Q*) Q - (P+0.8*S) Q* x DA x 43560 SF/AC TIME TO PEAK (Tp) Tp- 12 in/ft 1.39 x Qpost 10 YEAR STORM 1.39 x 3.27 cfs ? PEAK 3.27 cfs @ 15.0 min. * - _ (3.9 - 0.2 x 4.5 )^2 Q = 1.20 in. (3.9 + 0.8 x 4.51) 1.20 in. x 0.94 AC x 43560 SF/AC Tp= 4 -n ,La = 15.0 min. Permit Number: 89- 69'? d (to be provided by DWQ) Drainage Area Number: 3 Filter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer and Level Spreader Operation and Maintenance Agreement I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP. This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BMP. Important maintenance procedures: - Immediately after the filter strip is established, any newly planted vegetation will be watered twice weekly if needed until the plants become established (commonly six weeks). - Once a year, the filter strip will be reseeded to maintain a dense growth of vegetation - Stable groundcover will be maintained in the drainage area to reduce the sediment load to the vegetation. - Two to three times a year, grass filter strips will be mowed and the clippings harvested to promote the growth of thick vegetation with optimum pollutant removal efficiency. Turf grass should not be cut shorter than 3 to 5 inches and may be allowed to grow as tall as 12 inches depending on aesthetic requirements (NIPC,1993). Forested filter strips do not require this type of maintenance. - Once a year, the soil will be aerated if necessary. - Once a year, soil pH will be tested and lime will be added if necessary. After the filter strip is established, it will be inspected quarterly and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inch (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of operation and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element: Potential problem: How I will remediate the problem: The entire filter strip Trash/debris is present. Remove the trash/ debris. system The flow splitter device The flow splitter device is Unclog the conveyance and dispose (if applicable) clogged. of an sediment off-site. The flow splitter device is Make any necessary repairs or damaged. replace if damage is too large for repair. Form SWU401-Level Spreader, Filter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer O&M-Rev.3 Page 1 of 3 BMP element: Potential problem: How I will remediate the problem: The swale and the level The swale is clogged with Remove the sediment and dispose lip sediment. of it off-site. The level lip is cracked, Repair or replace lip. settled, undercut, eroded or otherwise damaged. There is erosion around the Regrade the soil to create a berm end of the level spreader that that is higher than the level lip, and shows stormwater has then plant a ground cover and bypassed it. water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer application. Trees or shrubs have begun Remove them. to grow on the swale or just downslo e of the level lip. The bypass channel Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then reestablish proper erosion control. Turf reinforcement is Study the site to see if a larger damaged or ripap is rolling bypass channel is needed (enlarge if downhill. necessary). After this, reestablish the erosion control material. The filter strip Grass is too short or too long Maintain grass at a height of if applicable). approximately three to six inches. Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer application. Sediment is building up on Remove the sediment and the filter strip. restabilize the soil with vegetation if necessary. Provide lime and a one- time fertilizer application. Plants are desiccated. Provide additional irrigation and fertilizer as needed. Plants are dead, diseased or Determine the source of the dying. problem: soils, hydrology, disease, etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide a one-time fertilizer application. Nuisance vegetation is Remove vegetation by hand if choking out desirable species. possible. If pesticide is used, do not allow it to get into the receiving water. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the NC Division of Water damage have occurred at the Quality local Regional Office, or the outlet. 401 Oversight Unit at 919-733-1786. Form SWU401-Level Spreader, Filter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer O&M-Rev.3 Page 2 of 3 f 1 Permit Number: dS- -4C) 9'5-0 (to be provided by DWQ) I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Project name: --lt'* 15' tlf A'??rA?- BMP drainage area number: 3 LEt/F?-mot Print name: '4 Cony1ie A ? 11c, vwoSo..j Title:- r i 'ESIh ,Xr Address: / S_'4RI Ll • Gip a ?A? ?4 Et-? 4(, Z-7527 Phone: 9 ( `I - 712- - 1100 Signature: a Date: Gi O Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. a Notary Public for the State of County of do hereby certify that n?nin ie I?. ThOO'Os o n personally appeared before me this day of -} and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing filter strip, riparian buffer, and/or level spreader maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, r?,an r N f?n?nnm?a0 SEAL My commission expires 02-2/-20// Form SWU401-Level Spreader, Filter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer O&M-Rev.3 Page 3 of 3 'JO 3: ?J. !.