HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170057 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20170331£nviron me�� t�z ( Qualrty IiOY COOPER r�„��,,,,����� MICFIAF,L S. REGAN s,-� �„-r. n�, � ti. JAY 71MMERMAN u„�, ���;,, M��cL 31.2C17 Pamlico Cour.ty NCDV✓R Proiect Na :0170057 BriJge No. 16 on SR 1324 TIP B-459R APFROVAL oFJ01 WAT'ER QUALITY CEkTIFICATION aod tiEUSE BUFFCR AUTifORILATION witi� ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Mr. Philip S. Harris, II1, P.E., CPM Natural 8nvironment Szciion Head Proiec[ Deoeloprnent arid Environmentai Analysis North Carolina Department of Transporta[ion 1598 Mail Service Center Raieigh, North Caroluia, 27699-1598 Dear Mr. Harris: You have our approval, in accordance with the conditions listed b:low, for the fellowinp impac!s for the pwpose of repl�cing Bridge No 16 over Mason Creek on SR I;24 (Florence R.d) in Pamlico County: Neuse Ripxrian Bii Sile �� Buffer Zone t Bu(fer Zone 2 (Sy r�> (�q rt� 3.708 Weilsnus I 1�'ellands W'etlands Fill Excavation Hand (ac) � (ac) Clearing Open Water (ac) <.o i <.—o � 'Ihz project shall be constructcd in accordance with your revised applicatiun dated received March 7, 2017. After reviewin2 your application, we have decided that these impacts are covered by Gencral Water Uuality Certification Numbers 3891, 3893, znd 3884. These certifications correspond to the hationwide Permits 23, 33, and 12 respeccively issued by thz Corps of Gngineers. This approval is also valid f'or the Ncuse Kiparian Bufter Rules (15A NCAC 2R.0233). In additinn. you should acquire any other federal, stare or local permits bef'ore you proceed with ycw project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Cortrol, NomLischarge and Water Supply Watershed rcgulations. 'This approval wili erpire with the ecevmpanying 4G4 pennit. This approval is valid solely tor the purpose and design dcscrihed ir. you- zpplication (un!ess modified belou•). Should your project change, you mus[ notify the NCDW R and submit a new applica[ion. If the property is sold, [he new owne� must be viven a copy oY this Certificatien and approval letter, and is thereby responsible ror complying with all the condicions. If tutal wetland fills for this projzct (now or in the iuture) exceed one ttere, or of [otal impacts tu sircams (r.ow or m thr fu:ure� exceed 1`0 !inear i'eet, compensacory mitiga:ion muy be required as descrbed in ISA NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). Addi[ional but'fer impac[s :nay �equire compensa[ory mitiga[ion a� d�;crined in I S A NCAC 2DA254, �o; this approval to remain va�id, you must adherz to the conditinns listed in the attached certification(s) and any additional conditions listed'below. -'"�'Noihing Compares`=- � Stale of Nenh C�arM�na � Em�iro�mien[al pu21!ty 1�I7 Mail ServiceCtncer I�lei,h, Nonn Caroline 2'/o99-Ibi 7 Condition(s) of Certification: , L T'he issuance of this certification does not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and a11 stahrtes, rules, regulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by other government agencies (i.e. local, state, and federalj having jurisdiction, including but not limited to applicable buffer rules, stormwater management rules, soil erosion and sedimentation control requirements, etc. 2. Ti:e permittee w�ill need to adhere ±� �ll :.r��ropriate :r.-wa±er vaork znorato:ia (Lneluding the use of pile �aN•ivir.g or vibratio�� t�ctuiiques)' prescribed by the NC Wiiclife I'ceseu.rces Conunissior� and \TC Division o[ Co�stai T�lanagement. I�To in-ivater wor� is pei�rnitted beriveer� April i and Septeir,ber 30 cf any �zar, without pri�r apprcval from ihe NC Division of Water Reseur�es and the ?�TC �Iildl:fe Resources Cammission. In addition, th� germittee shall conform to the NCDOT policy entitled "Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage �May 12, 1997) at all times. 3. The Permittee snall ensure tl�at the final design cirawings adhere to the permit and io Yne pennit drawings submitted for approval. [15A NCAC 02H .0�07(c) and ISA NCAC 02H .0505 �'b)(2) and (cl(2)j 4. If concrete is used durir.g construction, a dry work area shall be maintained to prevent direct contact betvveen curir_g eonerete and stream water. ��ater that �r_advertent!y con±acts uncured concrete shall not be dischar�e� to surface waters dt�e to t1�e potentia] ior elevafed p�-I and possihle aquaric lif and fish kills. [15A NCAC 02B.0200] 5. Th� o;ztside buffer, wetlun3 0� water baundary located within the constructior. corridor approved by this . authorization shall be clearly marked by highly visible fencing prior to any land disturbing activities. Tmpacts to areas vvithin the fencing are prohibited unless otherw�ise authorized by this certification. [15A NCAC 02H.Q501 and .0502] 6. During the construction of the project, no staging of equipment of any kind is permitted in waters of the U.S., or protected riparian buffers. �15A NCAC U2H.0506(b)(2)] 7. The dimension; pattern and profile of thP stream above and belnw the crossing shall not be modified. Disturhec� floodpla:ns a�d st�eams shal? be restr�red tc na±u*al �eom.orphic c�nditions. [15A I�iCAC 02H.0506(t�)(2)j 8. Pr'a rock, sand or other matzrials shall be clredgzd froni the stream channel except where auihorized �y this certification. [15A NCAC 02H.0505(b)(3)] �. All fil sto�,es located ;n juris�ictional ��etiands shail be placed a: slopes not Ylatter than 3:1, unless othe:wise by this certiftcation. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)] 10. Fra�ion an� sediment contral pructices must.'�e in full cor.�pliance �vith aIl specificatior.s governi�g tUe praper dPsign, installaticn and operation and rria:r_tenance of such Best Maiiagement Practices in order t� protect s��-face waters standards [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3) and (c)(3]): a. The erosian and sediment c�:�ri•ol measures for the project must be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordarce v�ith ±he most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment arr� Er�sion Control Plar�ning and Design _Manual. b. Tt�e d:.sign, installation, o�eration, .and t�aintenance of the sediment and erosion control me�sures must be such that they equal, or exceed, the requn•ements speciiied in ihe most recent version of the North Carolina Sedinzent aJzd Erosion Cvntf�cl ,�iaizual. :fie devices shall be maintair.ed on all corstruc�ian sites, borrow _ sites, ard waste pile �spoil; projects, including cor.tractor-owred or leasec� borro«� pits associated ��ith the project. . c. For borrov: git sites, the erosioz an� sed:ment control measures must be designe�, installed, opera+ed, and maintained in accordance with the most re;,ent version of the Nort,'� Ca; olina Suf�'ace Alining t�lanual. :- u. Thz reciamation measures ar�d imp�:,mentation mus� comply with the r�clzmation in accordance ��i�n_;1ie reGuirements o�the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act. ] 1. cedi�ri�n� a�id erasicn contro! mezs�.u�es s�al! not be plac�d in w:,tlaads or tivaters unless c�ther��ise a,r,�,i�eve�:Ly- this Certificatioii. [15A NCAC 02H.O�C6(b)(�) and (c}(3)] : 12. All fill slopes located in jurisdictional wetlands shall be placed at slopes no flatter than 3:1, unless otherwise authorized by this certification. [15A NCAC 02H.05�6(b)(2)] , 1�. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 2B.U233(6), sediment and erosion control devices shall nat be placed in 'Lone 1 of any Neuse Buffer without prior approval by the NCDWR. At this time, the NCDWR has approved no sediment and erosion control devices in Zone 1, outside of the approved project impacts, anywhere on this project. Moreover, sediment and erosion control devices shall be allowed in Zone 2 of the buffers provided that Zone 1 is not comgi•or:�ised asi� that dischar�e is released as diffuse flo��. 14. Erosian cant�ol matting in ripari�a areas shall nat �ontai., a nyion mesh grid vrh:ci� can impir�ge and entrap smal! �.nimals. �'Iattina si�oul� be sec�reci,in place by sFaples, stakes, or ;��her�ver possible li�e stakes of nativP trees. Riparian areas are dermed as a distance 25 feet from top of siream bank. [1�A NCAC t�2B.0224, .0225] 15. �There s1ia:1 b� ne e�:cavation �from, or waste dispasal into, jurisd;cticnal w�tlands ur watet•s associated with this , permit without annropriate moaifcation. Should waste or borrow sites, or access roads to waste or borrow sites, � be loca�ted in wetiancis or strearns, compensatory mitigation witl be reGuired �ince tnat is a direct impact iiuom. road consiructicn activities. [15A Ii?CAC 02H.�SOo`�a)(? i ai:d (c)(3)] . i6. The use of r;p-rap above ±he Nermal High Water Mark shali be minimized. Any rip-rap placed for siream �- stabili?arion s'r.Qli b� placed in s�ream channels in such a nianner tLat it does r�ot impede aq�.�atic li �, plssage. [1SA NC�C 02H.0506(b)(21] � 1-7. As a condition of this 4J 1 Water Quality C�rtification, the bridge demotitian and ccnstructian must be accomplishec� in st_rict compliance with the most recent version of NCDOT's Best Mana�ement Practices for Coastruation and Maintenance Activities. [15A NC?>C 02H .0507(d)(2) ar.d 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(5)] 18. Bridge deck drains shall not discharge directly into the stream. Stormwater shall be directed across the bridge and pre-treated through site-appropriate means (grassed swales, pre-formed scour holes, vegetated buffers, etc.) before entering the stream. To meet the requirements of NCDOT's NPDES permit NCS0000250, please refer io the mosi recent version of tne North Carolina Department of Transportaiion Stormwater Best 1Yfanagemeni Practices Toelhnx. manual for. approved measures. [15A NCAC 02H .OSQ7(:�1(21 and 15A NCAC 02.H .oSnE(��!��] i9. Bri�i ;e p;.:e� �n.� b�nts shall be constra.cted usin� cL-iven �iles (hamrre: c�r v�.brator;�) or drille� shaft co�s�;uction • meihods. Pvlare specifically; jetYing or other methods of piie driving a�•e prohibited without prior written approval fsom the NCD�JR first. �15A NC�C 02H.0506(b)(2)] �0. All bridg� car.straetior. shal:1�:, perfoizned fr•em tne e:isting b:id�e, �emporary v,oric t�ridbes, lemporary causeways, or floafing or sunlcen barges.. If work conditions requ.ire barges, they shall be floated into nosition and t1�Pn sank. Tl:e barges s:�all rtot be sunk and then dragged into pasition. Under r_c cscurnstances shoul� barges be d; abg:,d alon� the bottorn of the surfa�e water. f] SA NCP.0 02�i .OS�b(b)(3)] 21. A hu'bidity curtain will bz installed in the stream i.f driving or drillin� activities occur within the streara channel,. �n the stream bank, or u�ithin 5 feet of the top of bank. This cor.dition can be waived with prior approval &om the �dCDWR. [15A NCAC 02H .OSG6(L}(3) 22. Heavy e��zipment sha!1 �e eperateci from the hanks rather than in the s�-eam s.hanne,l in orddr tc� minimize sedimer±atiaa and reduce.the intreductien of other pollvtants ir.to the st-eam. f I SA 1�TCE1C Q2H.05�6(b}(3)] 23. �ll: mechat�ized equipment operated ��ear surfa:,e �vaters niust be regularly inspected an3 maintai.ied to prevent � centam�nation of st*�eam v�aters from fuels, lubricaats, hydraulic fluids, ar o:her toxic rna�erials. �1�A NCAC Q2H.OSQ6(b)(3)] 24. ��11 ripa�iar. buffers :mpa��e� �y cne placement af tempora.ry ilt �r ciearing activities shali be restored to the pi�ec�:�siracti�.► ccntaurs u�d revebetate�. �`fai.ntained buffers sfial? �e perrr.anentiy :evzgetatei �virh t,ar.� , woody species by the end of the growing season following completion of construction. For the purpose of this . condition, maintained buffer areas are defined as areas within the transportation corridar that will be subject to rLgaiar:�;C�?i.�T zr,an�te„ance activit?es iricludirig mo�*�;ng. 7'he a�p4 wii7 i�on-_n,tainta�ned buffers shal� i�P .l�er!�iane:3tiy� reve�etaiPd �vit� na�ive woac;y species befor.. tre nex,t �cw:r_a seasnn fc��owir_� completion of corstruction. (15P.1`1CAG 2j3.Q233) 25. All stormwater runoff shall be directed as sheetflow through stream buffers at non-erosive velocities, unless otherwise approved by this certification. (15A NCAC 2B.G233) 26. New roadside ditches that do not control for nitrogen and attenuate flow before discharging through the riparian buffer are prohibited [15A NCAC 2B.0233(6)] 27. Native riparian vegetation must be reestablished in the riparian areas within the construction limits of the project by the en� of the g;owing season ie:lowir.g completion o: coastruction. [15 �i NCAi, 02B.Q506{b)(2)] 28. For projects impacting waters classified'by tne NC En�ironmental Management �onunissioa as Trosi (Tr), High Quality Wa±ers (.�ICV��), or V�later Supply 7 or II(i�VSi, W�II) sto:-mwate� sha?1 be directPd t� vegetated buffer areas, grass-lined ditches or other means appropriate to the site for the purpose of pre-treating storm water runoff prior to d?SCha2'g1lla dirPctly into streams. Me�ving of existing v�getated b��ffers is strongly discouraged. [15A NCAC 02�.0224 and 0225] 24. "�e perniit'�ee shall use �'3�esign Stanciards in Sznsitive Vdatersheasi(15Fi i3i:;A� �BA124[aj-[e]) i�-� areas drau�ing to HQW waters. 30. NCDrT shall be in compliance with the NCS00250 permit issued to the NCDOi, including the applicable _ reyuiren�ent:�_ of .ti;�e rdCG(�1000. Please ncte the exri•a �rotectic�ns f�: the sznsitiv:, wattirshels. fiSA NCAC 02B.0224 and 0225] 31. iischarging hydr�seed mixrares and wasring aut hydroszeders and oth�r equipmer.t in or ad�acent to surface �vaters is nrohibited. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3)] 32. The permittee and its authorized agents shall conduct its activities in a manner consistent with State water quality standards (including any requirements resulting from compliance with §303(d) of the Clean Water Act) and any other appropriate requirements of State and Federal law. If the NCDWR determines that such standards or laws are not being met (including the failure to sustain a designated or achieved use) or that State or federal law is being violated, or that further conditions are necessary to assure compiiance, the NCDWR may reevaluate and modify this certificatinn. [15A NCAC 02B.0200] , 33. Th� P.,r.n�ttee shall repert any violat;ons of this c;,rtification to the Bivision of Water Resources witr.in 24 hours af disc�very. [ i �A. NCAC 02�.�5�6(b j(2)] ?4. Jpan completicn �f thz project (�ncluding any impacts at assaciated borra� cr waste site.�), the NCDOT Division Engineer shall complete and return the enclosed "Certification of Completion Form" to notify the NCDWR when all work i�cludecl ui the 401 CPr��fication l:as been coinple±ed. [15A IvTCAC C�2H.�502(fl] 35. _<1 cop; of this Water Ctua!ity Certification shati be maintained c�n ttie censtr.xction site aC all times. In addition, ttie .'�Iat�r �uality �ertif ca±ion anu' all subsequent modificatians, if ai�}�, shall be maintaine� ;�ith the Bivision Engineer an3 the on-site project manager. [15A NCAC 02H .0507(cj ar�d 15E1 Iti�CA� 02H .0505 (b)(2) and (c)(2)] L�you wish to centest any statement.in the attached C:ertificatier. yon must f�1_e a petition fer aa administrative hearing. Yon may c;�tain thL petition form from the office of Administrative hearings. You must file the petition with t1�e off ce af Administrative Hearings.within sixty (60) days of receipt of this notice. A_ petit:on is considered filed when it is received in fhe ofi�ce of Administrative Hearir�gs dw•ing normal office hours. The OtFce of Administrative Iiea:ings acc�pts filings Pdior.day through Friday between the hours of 8:OOum and S:OOpm, except for officia! state hoi_idays. The original ar.d �ne (1) copy Qfthe petition must be filed w:th Lhe Office of Administrative Hearings. The petitian rr,zy be faxed-�rcvidzd the original an� one copy of the document is received by thz Office of Admii_istra�ive F�earir,gs wiihin ; �e (5� business days fe1lc��vi:,g t�e faxed r•ansmission. The mailing address for the Office of Administrative Hearings is: C3ffice oT Ei�imi-�is`ra��ve Eleat�iri�s ' - � - 5714 Mail Service Ce�lt;,r P.�;eigh; NC L%69n-573� Teleph�ne: (9191431-30CC, Fa�simile: (R19) 431-3IU0 A copy of the petition must also be served on DEQ as follows: Mr. Sam M.Hayes, General Counsel Departrnent of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Resources under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. [f you have ar.y questions, please contact Gazcy VI'ard at (252)946-6481or garcy.ward@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, � �� S. a 7.immerm , Director � Div�sion of Water Resources Electmnic wpy only distribution: Tom Steffens, CtS Army Corps of Eogineers, Washington Field Office Jay Johnson, Division 2 Env'vonmental Offrcer Colin Mellor, NC Deparknent of Transportafion Chris Rivenbazk, NC Departrnent of Transportation Stephen Lane, NC Division of Coastal Management Cathy Brittingham, NC Division of Coastal Management Garcy Ward, NC Division of Water Resources Washington Regional Office File Copy Environrnenta! Qua(ity NCDWR Project No.: Aapiican[: --_ --- Project Name: Rate of Issuance of 401 Water Quality Certifc�tion: Cuunt�: ROY COOPER �; ,,. . , MICHAEL S. REGAN �i�. �,o�.,,-i ti. JAY "1.IMMERMAN �,, �,�. �n, Certificate nf Completion Upon completion of ali work approved within tiie 401 Water Quality Certification or applicable F3uffzr Rules, and any subsequeni n:odifications.. the applicant is required [o return this czrtifica[e to the 401 Transportation Pzrr.iittir.e Unit, North Carolina Division of Water Resouroes. 1617 Mail Service Center. Ralei�.h. NC, 27699-1 6 1 7. This form may be re[urned [o NCDWR by d�e apulicen[. tiie auplicnnrs authorized agen[, or [he projec[ engineer. It is uot necessarv :o send certificates from all of these. .ApplicanP.s Certifrcalion 1, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial comphance and inrent of the 401 Water Qualiry Cenitication and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting matcrials. Siansture: Date: .4gen!'s Certifrcuii�n L . hereby s[a[e that, to [he best o� my abilities. due care and diligence was usea m the observation of the construction such that [he construction was observed ro be built within substantiai compliance and intent uf the 401 N'aler Qu:�lity Ct:-tification anJ B�±'fer Rules, thr app�nved plaus and specifications. and o[her supportine mTterials. Signature: 6'ngineer's Cerlificatiorr Partiai Final Date: : , as a dWy registered Prof ssional En�ineer in the Sta[e of North Cazol�na, I:aving been authorized to observe (periodicalfy, weeldy, F�II time) ,he construction ofthe project for tlie Permittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due cnre and diligence was used in the observation of ine constmci ion sueii thxt the conctruction was obseived tu be built withiu substaniial enmpliance and intent of ihe 401 Water Quality Certification and F3uRer Rules. the appro��ed plar.; and specitication;, znd other supporting materials. S;enamrc Dale _ Registra[ion No. '"Nothing Compares =- . 5[aie efNor'vh Cn�olins I Finaronmenial (uaiiry 14 t7 i�Inil Service Ccmer I naleigh. Yurti� Cnrolum P699-16I �