HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140033 All Versions_EPA Environmental Assessment Comments_20080506 U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION 4 RALEIGH OFFICE TERRY SANFORD FEDERAL COURTHOUSE 310 NEW BERN AVENUE RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27601 Date: May 6, 2008 Dr. Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Manager, Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 SUBJECT: EPA Review Comments on the Environmental Assessment for R-4047, NC 209 Improvements, Haywood County, North Carolina Dear Dr. Thorpe: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 (EPA) has reviewed the subject document and is commenting in accordance with Section 309 of the Clean Air Act and Section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) propose to provide improvements to NC 209 from west of SR 1801 to north of SR 1523, in Haywood County for an approximate distance of 0.8 miles. EPA has file correspondence from NCDOT dated April 3, 2000, concerning the proposed project and it is further described as a `Stage IF of the improvements to upgrade NC 209. The original project was State-funded under TIP # R-2117 and involves widening NC 209 to a three or four lane section. Current improvements proposed by NCDOT include widening NC 209 to a four-lane, divided facility with a raised median and other improvements on US 23 Business and NC 209 to facilitate the transition to the two-lane section. NC 209 will also be realigned from SR 1526 to SR 1523 and include replacement of a railroad structure and other minor improvements in the project study area. Due to the scope of the proposed project and the anticipated minimal impacts to streams and wetlands, this project was not placed in the NEPA/Section 404 Merger 01 process. Most of the impacts to the human and natural environment are identified in the Summary Table on page v and in Section 5 of the Environmental Assessment (EA). This table was very helpful in identifying important environmental quality indicators. However, noise receptor impacts were not included. Section 5.D.2. of the EA refers the reviewer to Appendix C, Table N2 for noise abatement criteria (NAC) . Section 5.D.4 identifies that 12 noise receptors would be impacted (approach or exceed NAC) from the "Do-Nothing Alternative". However, this specific table in Appendix C does not actually summarize the number of impacted receptors with the recommended alternative. From Table N4, EPA estimates that approximately 20 receptors will experience a noise level increase. Most of the increases are +7 and +8 dBA above existing levels (i.e., 19 out of the 20 receptors). Also, information on receptor ID #5 is missing and the table skips this number without an explanation. One (1) impacted receptor (Residence ID #12), is expected to approach or exceed NAC. For the "No build Alternative", the Table N4 information indicates that 14 receptors will experience noise level increases in the design year. Moreover, 12 of these increases are +1 dBA, with one at +2 dBA and one at +3dBA. The N3 summary table should be revised to reflect this difference. This information may need to be appropriately characterized and provided in the Section D noise text and in the environment impacts summary table for the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). Other Project Impacts Relocations: 9 Residences/8 Businesses Wetlands: 0 acres Streams: 420 linear feet Sections 4(f)/106 Properties: 0/0 Archaeological Sites: 0 Churches/Schools: 0/0 EJ Communities: None Terrestrial Forests: 0 acres Prime Farmlands: 0 acres Hazardous Material Sites: 5 Endangered species: 0 Critical Water Supplies: 0 acres Air Quality: No EPA also acknowledges that NCDOT and FHWA have included a qualitative assessment on Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSATs) in the EA. Pages 37 to 45 of the EA contain similar 2006 FHWA interim guidance information on MSATs as what has been included in other NEPA documents for other projects. EPA notes that the EA's MSAT analysis on the identification of any specific near-roadway sensitive receptors (e.g., Nursing homes, hospitals, children daycares, schools) is not included. It is important in a site-specific analysis to identify and describe the affected environment. If NCDOT and FHWA have determined that there are no near-roadway sensitive receptors, the NEPA document should state this situation. From EPA's review of features in Figures 2 and 3, there does not appear to be any near-roadway sensitive receptors. The Tuscola High School appears to be more than 500 feet from the nearest proposed roadway improvement. Richland Creek and its tributaries are Class C, 303(d) listed waters (Impaired biological integrity). The proposed project will potentially impact 420 linear feet to unnamed tributaries (UTs) #3 and #5 to Richland Creek. EPA requests that stringent adherence to Best Management Practices (BMPs) be implemented to minimize any downstream impacts from soil erosion and additional roadway runoff. Further, EPA is concerned that the EA states on Page 28: "currently, specific mitigation measures for this project are not warranted." The guidelines developed pursuant to Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(1) (Guidelines) require that impacts to aquatic resources be avoided and minimized to the maximum extent practicable. The Guidelines apply to all impacts subject to Section 404. EPA recommends that measures to avoid and minimize impacts to the UTs be proposed and outlined, such as steeper side slopes, narrow medians, and compensatory mitigation plans. Summary EPA does not have any environmental objections to the proposed project. EPA recommends that the specific avoidance and minimization measures are identified in the FONSI and discussed and included in the meeting minutes during the future hydraulic and permit review meetings. Please include Ms. Kathy Matthews of EPA's Wetlands Section on future meeting notices. EPA also requests a copy of the FONSI when it becomes available. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Sincerely, Christopher A. Militscher, REM, C M Merger Team Representative NEPA Program Office For: Heinz J. Mueller, Chief EPA Region 4 NEPA Program Office cc: Steve Lund, USACE Clarence Coleman, FHWA Brian Wrenn, NCDWQ