HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_Mitigation Plans_200807314") A OF? Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, North Carolina 27511 Phone: 919-463-5488 Fax: 919-463-5490 Letter of Transmittal To: USACE - Washington Regulatory Field Project Baker Project #113309 Office No: 107 Union Drive, Suite 202 Project: PCS Phosphate - Upper Back Creek Washington, North Carolina 27889 Mitigation Site, Beaufort County (252) 975-1616 Beaufort, County Attn: Mr. David Lekson Date: July 30, 2008 We are forwarding the following: ® Attached ? Under Separate Cover ? Other DWG. NO. NO. COPIES TITLE OR DESCRIPTION COMMENTS 1 1 DRAFT Mitigation Plan Report - Upper Back Creek Site DRAFT Plan Sheets - Upper Back Creek Site THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ? As requested ? No exception taken ? Revise and resubmit ® For review and comment ? Rejected - See remarks ? Submit specified items ? For your information ? Proceed subject to corrections noted ? Other GENERAL COMMENTS: Mr. Lekson - Per your request, we are forwarding copies of the draft Upper Back Creek Site mitigation plan report and plan sheets to the distribution list below. These are the same plans that you received in our July 23, 2008 transmittal. Please call if you have questions (919-459-9004). cc: Jeff Furness, Heather Jacobs, John Dorney, Richard Peed, David Moye, Ron Sechler, Becky Fox, Sean McKenna, Mike Wicker, Maria Dunn, Eric Kulz, Amy Chapman, Julia Berger ChallengeUs. ?od?? JUL 3 1 2008 DENR - WATER QUAWY yyET WS AND STORMWATER BRANCH By: Kevin Tweedy, PE (919-459-9004) Tale: Project Manner Page: 1 of 1 • DRAFT COMPENSATORY MITIGATION PLAN FOR THE UPPER BACK CREEK RESTORATION SITE BEAUFORT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for: PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. Environmental Affairs Department Aurora, North Carolina • Prepared by: MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. CARY, NORTH CAROLINA JULY 2008 ?uL 312008 WA'?R?p RB?? _?, n?pS PN? SSOR EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Upper Back Creek site is proposed for stream and wetland mitigation for impacts associated with mine continuation of the PCS Phosphate facility. The location of the Upper Back Creek site relative to the PCS Phosphate facility is shown in Figure 1. The site is located in Beaufort County and is a tributary to Bath Creek, which discharges to the Pamlico River. The site consists of several headwater tributaries and the associated wetland areas at the headwaters of Back Creek. The site currently drains through channelized stream remnants and a series of lateral field ditches. The purpose of the project is to restore wetland functions to agriculture fields on the site and to restore headwater stream and buffer functions to the impaired stream channels. Examination of the available hydrology and soil data indicate that there is excellent potential for the restoration of a productive stream and wetland ecosystem. Wetland restoration of the farm fields on the site will involve filling drainage ditches and restoring a natural topography to raise the local water table and restore a natural flooding regime. The stream systems on the site will be restored to a stable condition through the restoration of more natural valley topography and allowing channel forms to develop over time. Riparian wetland functions will be restored adjacent to the stream systems, and non-riparian wetlands will be restored on the higher elevation interstream divides. Drainage ditches within the restoration areas will be filled to decrease surface and subsurface drainage and raise the local water table. In addition, scarification of the fields and breaking of the local plow pan will provide increased surface storage of water and provide favorable conditions for a variety of native wetland plant species. 0 A recorded conservation easement approximately 217 acres in size will protect all stream reaches, wetlands, and riparian buffers in perpetuity. Components of the project will include headwater stream restoration, riparian buffer restoration and enhancement, and riparian and non-riparian wetland restoration, enhancement, and preservation. Expected mitigation amounts are summarized in Table ES. 1. Table ESA Summary of Proposed Mitigation Amounts and Types for the Upper Back Creek Site. Mitigation Type Amount Description Streams 8,215 ft Restoration of headwater tributaries and preservation along the main stem of Back Creek Riparian Wetlands 46.2 acres Restoration, enhancement, and preservation. Non-riparian 126.7 acres Restoration and enhancement Wetlands . Riparian Buffers 5.3 acres Restoration and enhancement. Riparian Buffers (Headwater) 12.7 acres Restoration and enhancement. • PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................1 2.0 PRE-RESTORATION SITE DESCRIPTION ...................................................................... 2 2.1 Historical Land Use ............................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Site Hydrology ....................................................................................................................... 2 2.3 Vegetation ..............................................................................................................................5 2.4 Soils ....................................................................................................................................... 5 2.5 Existing Stream Systems ........................................................................................................ 6 2.6 Existing Wetlands .................................................................................................................. 8 2.7 Endangered / Threatened Species .......................................................................................... 8 2.8 Cultural Resources ................................................................................................................. 8 2.9 FEMA .................................................................................................................................... 8 2.10 Potentially Hazardous Environmental Sites ........................................................................... 8 3.0 REFERENCE SITE ANALYSES ........................................................................................... 9 3.1 Reference Stream Analyses ................................................................................................... 9 3.2 Reference Wetlands ............................................................................................................. 14 4.0 RESTORATION PLAN ........................................................................................................ 15 4.1 Restoration Project Goals and Objectives ............................................................................ 15 4.2 Target Functions .................................................................................................................. 16 4.3 Mitigation Overview ............................................................................................................ 17 4.4 Headwater Stream and Buffer Restoration .......................................................................... 18 4.5 Wetland Restoration ............................................................................................................. 20 4.6 Wetland Enhancement and Preservation .............................................................................. 22 4.7 Natural Plant Community Restoration ................................................................................. 22 5.0 MONITORING AND SUCCESS CRITERIA ..................................................................... 25 5.1 Vegetation Monitoring Plots ................................................................................................ 26 5.2 Hydrology Monitoring ......................................................................................................... 26 5.3 Geomorphic Monitoring ...................................................................................................... 27 5.4 Reference Wetlands ............................................................................................................. 27 5.5 Reference Stream Reach and Reference Riparian Headwater System ................................ 27 6.0 ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES ................................................................... 28 6.1 Adaptive Management ......................................................................................................... 28 6.2 Long Term Management ...................................................................................................... 29 • 7.0 FINAL DISPENSATION OF SITE ...................................................................................... 29 8.0 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 30 PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT List of Figures All Figures are located at the back of the report, immediately preceding the appendices. Figure 1 Project Vicinity Map Figure 2 USGS Topographic Map Figure 3 1938 Aerial Photo Figure 4 LIDAR Map with Project Watershed Boundaries Figure 5 NRCS Soil Survey Map Figure 6 Hydric Soils Delineation Map Figure 7 Jurisdictional Determinations Figure 8 Cross-section and Well Location Map Figure 9 Reference Site Location Map Figure 10 Mitigation Plan • List of Charts Chart 2.1 Hydrographs of the Groundwater Monitoring Wells (March 2008 through June 2008). Chart 2.2 Comparison Between Modeled and Observed Hydrographs (Well #7). Chart 3.1 Headwater Reference Reach Data Relating Channel Formation to Drainage Area and Slope. Chart 3.2 Water Table Depths Recorded Within the Reference Sites. Chart 4.1 Fifty-seven Year Model Simulations for the Longest Period of Consecutive Days Meeting Wetland Criteria for Conditions Predicted at the Restoration Site. 0 PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT i List of Tables Table ESA Summary of Proposed Mitigation Amounts and Types for the Upper Back Creek Site. Table 2.1 Water Balance Data for Existing Conditions of Drained Field Areas (Well #7). Table 2.2 Soil Series Present as Mapped by the NRCS Soil Survey (from Beaufort County Soil Survey, USDA-SCS, 1995). Table 2.3 Summary of NCDWQ Jurisdictional Determinations. Table 3.1 General Functions of Coastal Plain headwater systems. Table 4.1 Summary of Proposed Mitigation Amounts and Types for the Upper Back Creek site. Table 4.2 Headwater Reach Characteristics and Design Approaches. Table 4.3 Proposed Revegetation Species. Table 4.4 Proposed Permanent Herbaceous Seed Mixture. List of Appendices is Appendix 1 Project Site Photographs Appendix 2 Pre-restoration Stream Cross-sections and Geomorphic Classifications Appendix 3 Hydrographs for Fifteen Wells Installed on the Upper Back Creek Site - March 2008 through June 2008. Appendix 4 Agency Correspondence and EDR Transaction Screen Report r\ L_J PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT Iv 1.0 INTRODUCTION • This document describes proposed restoration and mitigation activities proposed for the Upper Back Creek site, located in northern Beaufort County. The 217-acre Upper Back Creek site is proposed to be part of the compensatory mitigation for future unavoidable impacts to wetlands and waters as evaluated in the Final Environmental Impact Statement for PCS Phosphate Mine Continuation (US Army Corps of Engineers [USACE], 2008) and as described in the Compensatory Section 404/401 Mitigation Plan: Comprehensive Approach In Support of the PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. L Alternative Mine Continuation (First 15 Years NCPC and Bonnerton Tracts) (PCS Phosphate Company Inc., 2008). The Upper Back Creek site is located at the end of Ormond Road off of Possum Hill Road (Figure 1) approximately 2.5 miles east of the town of Bath, North Carolina. The main entrance road lies at 35.4615°N, 76.7692°W, and the site is located within the Pamlico Hydrologic Unit 03020104 of the Tar-Pamlico river basin within the Bath Creek subbasin. The site comprises much of the headwaters for the Back Creek system. The site is made up of three tracts that have been purchased or have option agreements held by PCS Phosphate. Much of the historic wetlands on the site were previously cleared and drained, and headwater streams were channelized to increase the acreage of arable land. Figure 2 shows the USGS topographic map of the area. The site has been actively farmed prior to 1938 according to historic aerials (Figure 3), and the incised streams and ditches act as a conduit for sediment, nutrient and possible toxic contamination to Back Creek, Bath Creek, and the Pamlico River. Figure 4 shows the approximate drainage areas for the site reaches. The ultimate goal of the project is to successfully restore and enhance wetland and stream functions on the site, which will include restoring the non- riparian and riparian wetlands and the headwater streams to what most likely existed prior to development for agriculture. Functional uplift will include increased water storage, runoff and flow velocity reduction, reduction of sediment, nutrients, and toxicants delivered downstream, and increased and improved wetland terrestrial and stream aquatic habitats. • PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT • 2.0 PRE-RESTORATION SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1 Historical Land Use The land cover within the project area consists primarily of row crop agriculture and forest. The project site encompasses much of the headwaters of the Back Creek watershed. The site is made up of three tracts that have been purchased or have option agreements held by PCS Phosphate. The majority of the wetlands on the site were previously cleared and drained, and headwater streams were channelized to increase the acreage of arable land. The site has been actively farmed for many years (prior to 1938 according to historic aerials, see Figure 3), and the incised streams and ditches act as a conduit for sediment, nutrient, and possible toxic contamination to Back Creek, Bath Creek, and the Pamlico River. 2.2 Site Hydrology As is the case in much of the Coastal Plain, local drainage patterns have been altered in the past to increase drainage and promote agricultural production. During conversion of the site, wetlands were ditched and headwater stream systems were channelized to improve drainage. The extent of ditching and channelization that has been performed on the Upper Back Creek site can be seen in recent aerial photographs of the site (Figure 7). Based on historic aerial photographs and topographic data, three distinct headwater valleys (referred to here as the North, East, and South Prongs of Back Creek) were channelized, and lateral field ditches were constructed to drain to these three primary outlets. There is one man-made duck impoundment within the project area (approximately 2.5 acres in size) that • will be removed as part of the project (Figure 7). Fifteen automated groundwater wells were installed in the project area to evaluate current hydrologic conditions on site, as shown in Figure 8. These wells provide a basis for comparing pre- and post- restoration hydrology on the site. Water table data were collected from early March 2008 through June 2008, except for wells #14 and #15 that were installed in early May 2008 to provide additional data from the existing forested wetland areas along the South Prong. The fifteen wells were installed in existing field areas targeted for restoration, cleared wetland areas targeted for enhancement, and existing forested wetland areas that will be preserved as part of the project. Wells were installed across a range of elevations and locations to evaluate the range of hydrologic conditions on site. The wells were installed to a depth of 40 or 80 inches below ground surface, and the automated loggers (RDS EcotoneTM WM units) were programmed to record water table levels every 12 hours. Hydrographs from the fifteen wells (Chart 2.1 and Appendix 3) show two distinct groupings: wells located in drained field areas (#1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, and 12), and wells installed in existing wetland areas (#8, 9, 13, 14, and 15). Wells located within existing wetlands generally documented wetland hydrology with water table depths of approximately 12 inches or less from early March through mid-May. Wells located within the drained field areas exhibited much drier conditions, with water table depths rapidly dropping deeper than 12 inches following rainfall events. These data indicate that wetland hydrology is no longer present within the drained fields that are targeted for wetland restoration. I : PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT Chart 2.1 Hydrographs of the Groundwater Monitoring Wells (March 2008 through June 2008). o Ground 0 M-10 _..._._._._ __ ._._._._._._._. _.-. 12 inch depth -20 -30 1 y C 2-40 Well 1 Well 2 MNM±NI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 ., Well 3 - - Well 4 -50 Well5 -- Well6 -------- - - - - -- -- ---------- r? • Well7 - •- Well8 -60 -Well 9 --?--- Well 10 - - --.---Well 11 -?-- Well 12 NOTE: Wells located in existing wetland areas are -70 - Well 13 -Well 14 colored blue. Wells located in drained field areas are - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Well 15 Ground colored red. -80 3/4/2008 4/3/2008 5/3/2008 6/2/2008 7/2/2008 Date 2.2.1 Hydrologic Modeling and Site Water Budget • To further investigate the current hydrologic status of the site and provide a means for evaluating proposed restoration plans, hydrologic models were developed to simulate site hydrology. DRAINMOD (version 5.1) was used to develop hydrologic simulation models to represent conditions • across the proposed restoration area. DRAINMOD is considered an approved hydrologic tool for assessing wetland hydrology by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) (1997). Model parameters were selected based on field measurements and professional judgment about site conditions. Rainfall and air temperature information were collected from the nearest automated weather stations where long-term data were available (primarily Aurora, NC, Pamlico Agricultural Field Lab). Measured field parameters were entered into the models, and initial model simulations were compared with data collected from the monitoring wells. To calibrate the model, parameters not measured in the field were adjusted within the limits typically encountered under similar soil and geomorphic conditions until model simulations most closely matched observed well data. In order to capture the full range in hydrologic, soil, and topographic conditions within the area targeted for restoration, four well locations (wells #2, 4, 7, and 10) from across the site were used to calibrate preliminary models to predict observed conditions on site. Well #4 represents one of the wettest locations within the drained fields, well #10 represents one of the driest locations, and wells #2 and 7 approximate average conditions. Trends in the observed data were represented favorably by the model simulations (Chart 2.2). It is important to note that DRAINMOD uses simplifying assumptions in the estimation of water table depths. The model can be used to assess overall trends and relationships but is unlikely to offer exact predictions of water table hydrology. DRAINMOD computes daily water balance information and produces summaries that describe the loss pathways for rainfall over the model simulation period. Table 2.1 summarizes the average PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT annual amount of rainfall, infiltration, drainage, runoff, and evapotranspiration estimated for the existing condition of the wetland restoration areas, respectively, based on 57-year simulations. The average amounts for the simulated areas are presented in the table. Infiltration represents the amount of water that percolates into the soil and is lost via drainage or evapotranspiration. Drainage is the loss of infiltrated water that travels through the soil profile and is discharged to drainage ditches or underlying aquifers. Runoff is water that flows over land and reaches the drainage ditches. Evapotranspiration is water that is lost through direct evaporation of water from the soil or through the transpiration of plants. 171 • From the data provided, it is clear that a significant amount of the rainfall on the site is lost to evapotranspiration, which is typical for farm fields in the Coastal Plain. For the Upper Back Creek farm fields, runoff is a more significant loss pathway that drainage through the soil, due to the crowned shape of the farm fields which directs rainfall to the ditches via overland flow rather than infiltration and drainage. Restoration of the site will involve restoring the natural topography of the site, filling the network of drainage ditches, and increasing the amount of surface storage available to pond water. In this way, the respective amounts of drainage and runoff are decreased, and the excess water allows the water table to remain higher throughout the year, thus restoring wetland hydrology. Chart 2.2 Comparison Between Modeled and Observed Hydrographs (Well #7). 10 _. _ _ _. __.-_ _ _._ -._ - _- --• 0 Ground M s -10 - - ----- ------- - - ----- - -- - ----------------------------------------------- - ------- - 12 inch depth 1-20 (a Note: Water table 9.30 depth is below 40 inch depth of well ?'^ p 3-40 t after June 13, 2008. --- --- ?- Observed Water Table Depth - -50 -Modeled Water Table Depth - Ground -60 3/4/2008 4/3/2008 5/3/2008 6/2/2008 7/2/2008 Date Table 2.1 Water Balance Data for Existing Conditions of Drained Field Areas (Well #7). ?AEF r e i Amount over 57-Year Simulation Period (in of water) Annual Amount over 57-Y Simulation Period (% of av Precipitation 51.1 rainfall) 100 Drainage 3.8 7.4 Runoff 14.1 27.6 Evapotranspiration 33.2 65.0 PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT 2.3 Vegetation 0 Approximately 68 percent of the project area consists of agricultural fields. The remaining 32 percent is wooded or recently timbered. Approximately 23 percent of the site consists of existing wetlands and 9 percent uplands. The wooded portions of the site will be preserved as part of the project easement. Photographs of the project area are included in Appendix 1, and a general description of each community follows. 2.3.1 Agricultural Fields This community is the most dominant and covers approximately 68 percent of the project area. In the recent past, agricultural fields have been used for corn production. Vegetation within open fields is primarily comprised of grass species and Dog fennel (Eupatorium capillifolium). Restoration efforts will be focused in these agricultural fields. 2.3.2 Cleared Riparian and Non-riparian Wetland Areas These areas contained a mature forest canopy until approximately one year ago when the areas were timbered. These cleared wetland areas cover approximately 13 percent of the project area and are located along the East and South Prongs. These areas do not contain ditches, except for perimeter ditches where the communities transition to open agricultural fields. Species present in these areas have been determined by examining sprouts that have begun to grow on stumps, and includes Red maple (Ater rubrum), Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), Yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), Green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), Swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxii), and American holly (flex opaca). Herb species include various Carex and Juncus species, as well as Lizard's tail (Saururus cernuus). 2.3.3 Wooded Riparian Wetland Areas 0 These forested areas cover approximately 10 percent of the project area and are located along the western side of the South Prong and the main stem of Back Creek. These areas have been cut over in the past and consist of a successional small-stream swamp system that grades to more of a bottomland hardwood forest at the downstream end. The canopy in the small-stream swamp community is comprised of Red maple, Sweetgum, Yellow poplar, Green ash, Swamp chestnut oak, Laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia), American holly, and Ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana). Giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea) is the dominant shrub species. Herb species include but are not limited to Chain fern (Woodwardia areolata) and Lizard's tail. 2.3.4 Wooded Upland Areas These forested areas comprise approximately 9 percent of the project area along the western boundary, outside of the delineated wetlands. The canopy is dominated by Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), Yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), and Black cherry (Prunus serotina). Shrub and vine species include Giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea), woodbine (Parthenocissus vitacea), and Muscadine (Vitis rotundifolia). 2.4 Soils Soils on site were evaluated by a Licensed Soil Scientist using hand auger borings and NRCS Soil Survey data for Beaufort County, North Carolina (USDA, 1995). A map depicting the boundaries of each soil series as mapped by the NRCS Soil Survey is presented in Figure 5. Figure 6 depicts the boundaries of hydric soils delineated on site. The majority of the proposed wetland restoration area is mapped as Tomotley fine sandy loam. The Tomotley series is a hydric soil that is poorly drained and formed from loamy marine and/or fluvial sediments. Smaller areas of the Altavista, Augusta, Cape • Fear, Muckalee, and Portsmouth series are also mapped on site and are described in Table 2.2 below. PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT • • Table 2.2 Soil Series Present as Mapped by the NRCS Soil Survey (from Beaufort County Soil Survey, USDA-SCS, 1995). Hvdric ? l Name Landform Description Soi oil Altavista Marine and No Moderately well drained soils formed in loamy marine and fluvial stream terraces sediments. Slope ranges from 0 to 2 percent. Permeability and available water capacity are moderate. Augusta Marine and No Somewhat poorly drained soils formed in loamy marine and stream terraces fluvial sediments. Slope ranges from 0 to 2 percent. Permeability and available water capacity are moderate. Cape Fear Marine terraces Yes Very poorly drained soils formed in loamy marine sediments. Slopes range from 0 to 2 percent. Permeability is slow and available water capacity is moderate or high. Muckalee Floodplains along Yes Poorly drained soils formed in loamy fluvial or marine sediments. small streams Slopes range from 0 to 1 percent. Permeability and available water capacity are moderate. Portsmouth Marine and Yes Very poorly drained soils formed in loamy marine and fluvial stream terraces sediments. Slopes range from 0 to 1 percent. Permeability and available water capacity are moderate. Tomotley Marine and Yes Poorly drained soils formed in loamy marine and fluvial stream terraces sediments. Slopes range from 0 to 1 percent. Permeability is moderate and available water capacity is moderate or high. Hydric soils on the project site were identified by a Licensed Soil Scientist according to criteria specified by USDA NRCS (2006), and areas of hydric soils were flagged in the field and located using Magellan'" Mobile Mapper Pro GPS hardware. The boundaries of delineated hydric soils on site are shown in Figure 6. Hydric soils present within the proposed restoration areas are dominated by, but not limited to, the Tomotley, Roanoke, Portsmouth, and Cape Fear series. Soil profiles typically exhibit Ap - Btg - BCg - Cg horizon sequence that often includes multiple clayey and/or loamy Btg horizons. Cg horizons typically have upper boundaries at depths of 48 to 72 inches and have loamy sand textures. While investigations indicated some spatial variation in soil profile characteristics across the site, areas proposed for restoration were found to exhibit one or more hydric soil indicator(s). Typical hydric indicators include "Depleted Below Dark Surface" (indicator All), "Thick Dark Surface" (indicator A12), "Depleted Matrix" (indicator 173), and "Umbric Surface (indicator F13)" (USDA NRCS, 2006). The above soil properties indicate that these soils were formed under reducing conditions and that the site once functioned as a wetland system. 2.5 Existing Stream Systems 2.5.1 Channel Classification Stream channel assessments of the Upper Back Creek site were conducted during August 2007 and included the survey of seven cross-sections on the three channelized headwater reaches (North, East, and South Prong Back Creek). The data collected were used to classify the stream reaches using the Rosgen Level II (1994) methodology, and to quantify the level of stream incision. The locations of PCs PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT stream reaches with cross-section locations are provided in Figure 8. The surveyed cross-section data are provided in Appendix 2, and a photographic log is shown in Appendix 1. The data collected document the channelized, incised conditions of the streams within agricultural areas of the site. These reaches are degraded and are classified primarily as incised Rosgen "G" channels. For the upstream portion of the South Prong that flows through a wooded portion of the site, channel incision is reduced and the stream is connected to its floodplain with an adjacent riparian wetland area. 2.5.2 Jurisdictional Determinations A field review meeting regarding jurisdictional stream determinations and stream mitigation potential was performed on August 9, 2007. The meeting was attended by representatives from: PCS Phosphate (Jeff Furness), CZR Inc. (Julia Berger & Steve Beck), Baker Engineering (Kevin Tweedy & Ward Elis) and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) (Eric Kultz & Kyle Barnes). Perennial/intermittent stream determinations were made by NCDWQ on stream reaches for the North Prong (NP1), East Prong (EP1), and South Prong (SP1). Jurisdictional determinations are summarized in Table 2.3 below. Table 2.3 Summary of NCDWQ Jurisdictional Determinations. Stream Reach Length Approximate Drainage Area North Prong 1,600 ft 54 acres Ephemeral (NP1) East Prong 1,177 ft 43 acres Ephemeral (EP1) 877 ft 67 acres Intermittent 357 ft 69 acres Perennial South Prong 1,045 ft 250 acres Ephemeral (SPl) 553 ft 282 acres Intermittent 515 ft 298 acres Perennial TOTALS 3,822 ft ----- Ephemeral 1,430 ft ----- Intermittent 872 ft ----- Perennial The watershed areas for the project reaches were determined using a combination of LIDAR (Light Distance and Ranging) data and onsite investigations. The drainage area of North Prong at its confluence with Back Creek is approximately 54 acres; East Prong at its confluence with Back Creek is approximately 69 acres; and the South Prong at its confluence with Back Creek is approximately 298 acres. Figure 4 shows the subwatershed boundaries for the project area. • It should be noted that the site visit took place during the summer months, when the local water table is typically lower than at other points during the year. Also, the site area, like much of North Carolina, had encountered drought conditions throughout the summer. For these reasons, it is possible that the transition between ephemeral/intermittent and intermittent/perennial was made further downstream than would have occurred had the area experienced normal rainfall conditions, or if the determinations were made during a wetter period of the year. PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT 0 2.6 Existing Wetlands Under existing conditions, the fields proposed for wetland restoration are drained by a network of ditches that allow these areas to be used for agricultural production. The majority of wetland areas once present on site were drained and manipulated to improve surface and subsurface drainage, decrease flooding, and promote agricultural land uses. At present, former wetland areas contain hydric soils but lack wetland hydrology and hydrophytic vegetation. 2.6.1 Jurisdictional Wetland Findings Jurisdictional wetlands and waters were delineated on site based on the USACE 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual (USACE, 1987) and indicators of ordinary highwater mark (OHWM) specified in USACE Regulatory Guidance Letter No. 05-05. Jurisdictional wetlands were flagged in the field and located using a combination of field sketches, MagellanTM Mobile Mapper Pro GPS hardware, and total station survey methodology. Baker Engineering is preparing wetland maps for USACE concurrence with jurisdictional determinations for the project site. Therefore, jurisdictional wetland boundaries depicted in Figure 7 and in the plan sheets should be considered preliminary. 2.7 Endangered / Threatened Species The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) were contacted via a letter regarding the potential of federally endangered and state listed protected species which may be impacted by potential mitigation construction. Correspondence is included in Appendix 4. Responses from NCWRC and USFWS were not received, but we do not anticipate any potential concerns regarding endangered or protected species on the project site. A review of the North Carolina Natural Heritage Database conducted on February 29, 2008 indicated two documented occurrences of federally protected species within one mile of the Upper Back Creek site: the Shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) and the Red wolf (Canis rufus). There is no suitable habitat for the Shortnose sturgeon within the project study area. Although the Red wolf is known to occur in pocosin swamp habitat similar to that found north of the study area, the species is considered to have been extirpated in Beaufort County. There is currently an experimental population located within the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge. 2.8 Cultural Resources The North Carolina Historical Preservation Office (HPO) was contacted via a letter regarding possible affects to potential historical artifacts that may be impacted by potential mitigation construction. Based on their reply, dated September 21, 2007, there are no known historic resources that would be affected by the project. Correspondence is included in Appendix 4. 2.9 FEMA The Beaufort County Floodplain Manager (Paul Spruill) was contacted via a letter regarding floodplain management for the wetland and stream restoration design on the Upper Back Creek Site. Electronic correspondence dated July 16, 2008 indicates that changes to the existing floodplain are minimal and no further study for this project is needed. Correspondence is included in Appendix 4. 2.10 Potentially Hazardous Environmental Sites • A Transaction Screen Report was requested from Environmental Data Resources (EDR). This report evaluates environmental risk levels of a targeted property and its surroundings and summarizes PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT available records from Federal, State, and local sources for hazardous materials, underground storage tanks, brownfields, etc. The reported environmental risk level of the Upper Back Creek site was determined to be "Low Risk" and no hazardous materials sites were identified within one mile of the project area. Correspondence is included in Appendix 4. 3.0 REFERENCE SITE ANALYSES 3.1 Reference Stream Analyses 3.1.1 Identification of Reference Sites Because headwater sites in the Coastal Plain are small and easily manipulated, it is difficult to locate systems that have not been altered or impacted by human activities. Searches were aimed at identifying small catchments (< 300 acres in size) with a mature wooded canopy and no apparent artificial drainage affecting the reference areas. Assessments would then be conducted at the most upstream point that showed a defined valley with periodic surface flow, and continuing downstream until a perennial flow feature was reached. Data collected from these assessments could then used to determine the points at which headwater valleys form channel and fluvial features. An extensive search was conducted of the area surrounding the project site in an attempt to locate reference stream systems. Many potential sites were identified; however, the majority of these sites had been drained for agricultural purposes or local topography had been modified through forestry practices at some point in the past. Ultimately, four reference reaches along two headwater drainages were identified in close proximity to Aurora, NC. To provide additional data, eight reference reaches were identified along three headwater drainages within the Croatan National Forest, south of New Bern, NC. Locations of the reference sites are shown in Figure 9, and each is described in the sections below: UT to Bailey Creek: Two reference reaches were surveyed on an unnamed tributary to Bailey Creek. Drainage areas for the upstream and downstream reaches were 88 and 94 acres, respectively. The upstream reach (UTBA-1A) exhibits wrack lines, scour features, and a somewhat braided flow pattern. In some locations, flow is confined but the channel is not well defined. Further downstream, the valley slope increases and the stream flow becomes confined to a single thread, meandering channel. This area was surveyed as the downstream reference reach (UTBA-113). Channel dimension is relatively consistent, with riffle and pools formed by both channel meanders and woody debris. UT to South Creek: Two reference reaches were surveyed on an unnamed tributary to South Creek. Drainage areas for the upstream and downstream reaches were 215 and 250 acres, respectively. The upstream reach (UTSC-1A) was surveyed approximately 600 feet downstream of NC Route 306. Along this upstream reach, flow patterns are diffuse and braided, with a considerable amount of subsurface flow during field surveys. Further downstream, the valley slope increases and the stream flow becomes confined to a single thread, meandering channel. This area was surveyed as the downstream reference reach (UTSC-1B), and is located approximately 400 feet downstream from UTSC-1A, and 400 feet upstream of a powerline transmission corridor. Channel dimension along this downstream reach is relatively consistent, with riffle and pools formed by both channel meanders and woody debris. • PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT UTs to Brice Creek: Eight reference reach sites were identified along three separate headwater 10 tributaries to Brice Creek in the Croatan National Forest, south of New Bern. These sites were identified as potential references through the help of NCDWQ staff who have reviewed the sites in the past. The three tributary drainages were labeled Sites 1, 2, and 3, with Site 1 being the northern most site and Site 3 being the southern most site. Three reference reaches were identified and surveyed along Site 1. Drainage areas for the three reaches from upstream to downstream (UTBR-1A, UTBR-1B, and UTBR-1C) are 96, 160, and 230 acres, respectively. UTBR-1A is the most upstream reach and exhibits diffuse flow patterns across a wetland floodplain, with few distinct channel features. UTBR-1B is the middle reach within the drainage and exhibits a more braided flow pattern with some sections of defined channel bed and banks. UTBR-1C is the further reach downstream and was located in an area where overall valley slope increases. The reach exists as a single thread, meandering stream channel with well defined bed and banks and a relatively constant channel dimension. Three reference reaches were also identified along Site 2. Drainage areas were smaller than those identified for Site 1. Drainage areas for the three reaches from upstream to downstream (UTBR-2A, UTBR-2B, and UTBR-2C) are 25, 42, and 61 acres, respectively. The flow characteristics for each reach were similar to Site 1, with the most upstream reach (UTBR-2A) exhibiting diffuse flow with poorly defined channel features, the middle reach (UTBR-2B) exhibiting braided flows, and the downstream reach (UTBR-2C) exhibiting a single thread, meandering channel form. Two reference reaches were identified along Site 3, which is a separate drainage just to the south of Site 2. Drainage areas for the two reaches from upstream to downstream (UTBR-3A and UTBR-3B) are 45 and 58 acres, respectively. The most upstream reach (UTBR-3A) exhibiting braided and diffuse flow with some channel features that were not consistent and were not well defined along the reach length. The downstream reach (UTBR-3B) exhibiting a single thread, meandering channel form with well defined bed and banks. 3.1.2 Factors Affecting Channel Formation Most stream restoration projects that have been completed in the Coastal Plain have involved the construction of a single-thread, meandering stream channel. As discussed in Information Regarding Stream Restoration with Emphasis on the Coastal Plain (2007), restoration of a single-thread channel is likely not appropriate for many headwater systems. In some situations, formation of a wetland valley with braided, diffuse flow will be more appropriate. By performing assessments on a range of reference sites (i.e., varying drainage areas, valley slopes, and channel definition), our goal was to determine the conditions under which different channel features (or no channel features at all) are formed. Understanding these channel forming conditions would then form the basis for the restoration approach for a given site. As discussed previously, we identified several reference sites that began as defined valleys with indications of periodic surface flows, and developed into more defined stream systems down valley as drainage area increased. Once these drainages were identified, specific reference reaches were delineated along the fall of the valley and survey were conducted to document channel form (or lack of channel form). Reference reaches were divided into three categories based on channel form: Poorly Defined Channel - These systems are areas that exhibit a defined valley and evidence of • periodic surface flow, but lack defined channel features. Channel bed and bank features cannot be identified, or if they can be identified, are poorly defined and only evident for short distances before PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT 10 their definition is lost. These reaches were commonly found at the upper most portions of the headwater drainage where flow events are not frequent and do not have sufficient energy to form channel features. Moderately Defined Channel - These systems exhibit relatively constant bed and bank features, but the channel dimensions (cross-sectional area and shape) are highly variable. Flows are confined to one variable size channel in some areas, and multiple thread channels in other areas. Channel form appears to be defined mostly through localized scour, small debris jams, and vegetation. Well Defined Channel - These systems can be considered typical, single-thread reference reach quality channels. Channel banks are obvious and constant, and sandy bed material is common. Channel dimension is relatively constant, with alternating riffle and pool areas. Some pools are formed by stream meanders while others are formed by scour from woody debris. Channel form is defined primarily through fluvial processes. Each identified reference reach was surveyed along approximately 200 feet of its length. Cross- sections were surveyed at representative locations to document the dimension of any channel features, the width of the valley, and the general topography of the valley bottom. A longitudinal profile was also surveyed along the apparent center of the flow pathway, to determine overall slope, depth of a pools and riffles (if present), and variations in topography. Along reference reaches that exhibited well defined channels, survey methods followed those used for traditional reference reach stream surveys that document channel dimension, pattern, and profile. In simplest terms, the energy of flowing water is determined by its velocity and depth. Formation of a defined stream channel begins when flowing water has sufficient energy to begin the processes of scour, headcutting, and sediment transport. We used valley slope as a surrogate for flow velocity: the higher the valley slope, the higher the velocity of flowing water in the stream system during storm events. We used drainage area as a surrogate for flow depth and quantity: the higher the drainage area, the higher the volume of water (and depth of flowing water) for a given storm event. Each surveyed reference reach was classified as either a poorly defined, moderately defined, or well defined channel, based on visual observations during field surveys. Valley slope and drainage area data for each surveyed reference reach are provided in Chart 3.1 below. 0 PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT • Chart 3.1 ieaawater Keterence Keacn Uata Ketattng Lnannet rormatton to Uratnage Area ana Mope. 0.016 -- - • Poorly Defined i 014 0 Moderately Defined . Well Defined 0 012 . 0 01 . 0 008 Well Defined . Channels 0.006 Moderately Defined - i Channels 0.004 0 002 P l i D . oor y ned ef Channels 0 10 100 1000 Drainage Area (acres) The collected data indicate that channel form can be predicted by measurements of valley slope and drainage area. As valley slope and drainage area increase, the energy of flowing water also increases and tends to form more defined stream channels. While boundaries have been placed on the graph to illustrate approximate ranges for each channel type, these boundaries should not be considered as distinct thresholds that trigger a change from one channel form to another. The data should be used to indicate ranges in which a particular channel form is likely to develop. In fact, reference sites that fell near the boundary of two channel forms were often difficult to classify distinctly as one of the three defined channel forms based on visual observations. For example, a reference site that plots near the boundary between a well defined and a moderately defined channel will usually display some characteristics of both. Other results that were derived from this analysis are summarized below: • Drainage area alone is not a good predictor of channel form. For example, at a drainage area of approximately 100 acres, all three defined channel forms were identified on reference sites. • The guidance document Information Regarding Stream Restoration with Emphasis on the Coastal Plain (2007) states that "... According to data being assembled by NCDWQ (Periann Russel, NCDWQ, personal communication) watersheds less than 25 acres in size will not support a headwater system. Our data agree with this assessment. All identified reference sites were based on the presence of a defined valley and upstream drainage area, and evidence of periodic surface flow. The smallest drainage area of our evaluated reference sites was approximately 25 acres. • The guidance document Information Regarding Stream Restoration with Emphasis on the Coastal Plain (2007) also states that "... Typically, sites with watersheds less than 100 acres would not support a stream with defined bed and bank." Our data do not support this assessment. We identified two separate reference sites with drainage areas of 57 and 61 acres that displayed consistent bed and bank features, and well as fluvial bedform features. These PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT 12 sites were located within relatively steep valleys, where the small headwater valley transitioned into a deeper valley of a larger stream system. 3.1.3 General Functions of Coastal Plain Headwater Stream Systems While research regarding the functions of headwater systems in Piedmont and Mountain physiographic regions has been published, very little information could be found regarding the functions of headwater systems in the Coastal Plain. By attempting to describe the general functions that these systems provide, based on observations and data collected, this goal was aimed at determining important aspects that need to be incorporated into a restoration design. In addition to design consideration, the monitoring aspect of these projects requires that functions are identified that are specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable, and trackable (Mitigation Plan Development www.saw.usace.army.mil/wetlands/Mitigation/mitplan.html). During reference site assessments, observations were made regarding the functions that Coastal Plain headwater stream systems provide. These systems are unique since they provide functions associated with both wetlands and streams. We conducted a review of pertinent literature and based our functional assessments primarily on stream and wetland functions that have been defined in these works: NC Wetlands Assessment Methodology (NC Division of Water Quality, NC Division of Coastal Management, USACE and US Environmental Protection Agency [USEPA}) Functional Objectives for Stream Restoration (Fischenich, 2006) Using these sources as a guide, the functions that Coastal Plain headwater systems provide were evaluated and four general classes of functions were developed: hydrology, water quality, habitat, and geomorphic. Benefits that each of these functions provides are listed in Table 3.1, along with field indicators. The functions listed and described above in Table 3.1 are not meant to necessarily represent a complete or exhaustive list, but to provide a general description of the functions that Coastal Plain riparian headwater systems provide. The information indicates how these systems provide the functions of both wetlands and stream. This functional list is also intended to provide a guide for developing functional uplift goals for headwater system restoration projects. PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT 13 • • • • • • Table 3.1 General Functions of Coastal Plain headwater systems. Hydrology Water Quality Habitat Geomorphology • Runoff reduction • Flow velocity reduction • Energy dissipation • Reduced erosion and sedimentation • Maintenance of baseflow • Prolonged soil saturation • Groundwater recharge and discharg • Sediment retention and reductions • Nutrient reductions • Carbon export • Toxicant reductions • Temperature moderation • Increased area of terrestrial and aquatic habitats • Increased fringe habitat between upland and lowland habitats • Increased diversity • Connectivity corridors between different wetland and upland habita • Uniqueness • Water source for fauna • Provide topographic diversity and valley corridors • Maintains stream evolution processes • Maintains valley formation process • Variable temperature and moisture Microtopography Floodplain vegetation Wrack and debris lines Overbank flooding Soil moisture Vegetative cover Distance from potential sources Increased retention time Sediment deposition Saturated soil conditions System size/area/extent Connectivity with other natural areas Vegetative cover Woody debris Microtopography Specialized native species Valley topography Valley slope 3.2 Reference Wetlands Two reference wetland sites for the project have been identified on site, with one reference site representing riparian wetland areas, and one reference site representing non-riparian wetland areas (Figure 7). The riparian reference site is located along wooded wetland Foodplain areas of the South Prong of Back Creek. This reference site was chosen to represent reference hydrologic conditions for the riparian wetland areas that will be restored adjacent to the on site streams and headwater valleys. Soils within the area are mapped as the Augusta series by the county soil survey; however, areas have been confirmed to be hydric by on site investigations (see Figure 6). The area has been timbered in the distant past and as a result, has both mature successional species (such as Red Maple and Sweetgum) and climax species (Swamp Chestnut Oak and Laurel Oak), as discussed in Section 2.3.3. Groundwater monitoring wells #14 and 15 are located within this area, and both appear to exhibit wetland hydrology although data for these locations are limited (Chart 3.2), as discussed in Section 2.2. PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT 14 The non-riparian reference site is located in a relatively flat, interstream divide area, far from the influence of any drainage ditches. The site was chosen to represent reference hydrologic conditions for non-riparian wetland areas that will be restored on the site. While timber was harvested from the site one year ago, hydrophytic vegetation is re-establishing in the area, and a groundwater well (#13) installed in this area confirms that wetland hydrology is present with a hydroperiod during the spring of 2008 of approximately 12% (Chart 3.2). Chart 3.2 Water Table Depths Recorded Within the Reference Sites. 10 0 Ground S -10 t -•- --•-------- --------• -•-•-•---- - ------- --------------------- U) v 12 inch depth C u -20 3 0 i m -30 - Well 13 - Nonriparian Reference Site t -Well 14 - Riparian Reference Site -Well 15 - Riparian Reference Site -40 - Ground -50 3/4/2008 4/3/2008 5/3/2008 6/2/2008 7/2/2008 Date 4.0 RESTORATION PLAN 4.1 Restoration Project Goals and Objectives The ultimate purpose of mitigation activities of the Upper Back Creek site is to successfully restore and enhance wetland and stream functions on the site. Wetland mitigation activities will result in the restoration and enhancement of non-riverine wet hardwood forest and riparian Coastal Plain small stream swamp areas. Stream mitigation activities will result in the restoration and enhancement of riparian buffers and headwater stream systems (Figure 10). The entire 217-acre site will be protected under a perpetual conservation easement. The project goals and objectives will be achieved on a multi-spatial scale, and include the following: • ¦ To capture and store rainfall that currently is carried off the site by a system of ditches and canals (site) ¦ To establish a diverse community of vegetation which reflect differences in soil character, topography, and hydroperiods (site) ¦ To improve water quality (site, watershed, and region) ¦ To provide wildlife habitat (site, watershed, and region) PCS PHOSPHATE 15 UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT 4.2 Target Functions Functions of wetlands and waters are the physical, chemical, and biological processes and attributes of a wetland that, in conjunction, operate as guarantors of water quality and are important components of food webs and habitat. The 1990 Memorandum of Agreement between USACE and the USEPA on the Determination of Mitigation Under the Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines, and RGL 02-2, require the replacement of aquatic functions that are unavoidably lost or adversely affected by an authorized permitted activity. Many wetlands and waters have multiple functions, and while accurate assessment of these functions is a dynamic field, scientists do agree that all wetlands and waters either increase or decrease a specific component of the hydrologic cycle. Successful replacement and/or uplift of any of the aquatic functions are driven by proper mitigation site selection and a design that maximizes what the natural conditions of the site will support. The specific functions which are targeted for the Upper Back Creek site are: NUTRIENT REMOVAL/TRANSFORMATION- Transformation and removal of nitrogen and phosphorus will be enhanced by filtration through restored dense vegetation and decreased in runoff and drainage as a result of hydrologic restoration. Restoration and conversion of agricultural fields to wetlands and forested systems will remove and/or greatly reduce the source of some potential nutrients to Back Creek, Bath Creek, and the Pamlico River/Sound estuary. ¦ ORGANIC MATTER PRODUCTION AND EXPORT- The onsite restored streams and connection to Back Creek provides hydrologic links for downstream transport of organic nutrients produced on the restored Upper Back Creek site. Productivity of the site will increase and change through time as the vegetation matures and goes through various successional stages. The range of elevations and network of natural drainages through the site provide numerous opportunities for the production and export of organic material to areas downstream, including Back Creek, Bath Creek, and the Pamlico River/Sound estuary. FLOODFLOW ATTENUATION AND SURFACE WATER STORAGE- Much of the Upper Back Creek site occur within the FEMA 100-year floodplain and based on elevation alone, would attenuate floods only during an extreme event. However, restoration of functional wetlands will decelerate the current rapid delivery downstream of stormwater via agricultural ditches and canals and increase and prolong surface and subsurface storage capacity on the site, relieving downstream flooding that may currently occur on a more frequent basis. Restoration of headwater stream segments and associated riparian wetland systems will provide topographic diversity, and restore and maintain stream evolution processes. CAPTURE AND RETENTION OF SEDIMENT AND OTHER POLLUTANTS-Restoration of the site will reduce the aerial suspension of topsoil that occurs with seasonal agricultural practices and will decrease erosive velocity of runoff and channel flows. Restored wetland areas will increase storage capacity and deliver cleaner water downstream with a decreased sediment load. Also cessation of agricultural practices on the site will remove the seasonal application of herbicide, pesticides, and fertilizers that in the past were transported downstream. ¦ GROUNDWATER DISCHARGE AND RECHARGE- After restoration of the Upper Back Creek site, runoff will be reduced and infiltration will be increased. Shallower and longer hydroperiods in areas adjacent to streams and riparian headwater systems will prolong base flow of Back Creek and the restored riparian headwater systems. PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT 16 WILDLIFE HABITAT- The restored areas of the site will provide more diverse food and cover for a variety of birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. The large size of the site will have positive effects on water quality in the Back Creek watershed and will increase the connectivity between the existing natural areas of Back Creek downstream of the site. Mitigation of large-scale corridor areas, like the Upper Back Creek site, will support important habitat to species that are sensitive to community "edges" and those species requiring contiguous areas of unbroken habitat. The conversion of agricultural landscapes to forested habitats will serve to benefit local terrestrial and aquatic wildlife as well as aquatic resources downstream of these sites. • AQUATIC DIVERSITY- Mitigation design at habitats to support a high diversity of organisms pools, topographic differences that alter site connections to permanent water. Restoration important downstream habitats. the site will include a diversity of stream Habitats will include shallow areas, deeper velocities and hydroperiods, and multiple f the site should improve water quality in 4.3 Mitigation Overview Table 4.1 below is provided as a summary of the proposed mitigation amounts and types that are proposed for the Upper Back Creek site. This information is illustrated graphically in Figure 10, and the mitigation approaches are described in detail in the sections that follow. Table 4.1 Summary of Proposed Mitigation Amounts and Types for the Upper Back Creek site. Mitigation Mitigation Type Description Amount Headwater Restoration of headwater stream systems and valleys, using NCDWQ and Stream 7,066 ft USACE Guidance (2007). Restoration Stream The main stem of Back Creek, downstream of the confluence of the three Preservation 1,149 ft prongs will be preserved through a perpetual easement that protects a minimum of 50-foot buffers on both sides of the creek. Riparian Restoration of wetland hydrology and vegetation within drained hydric soils Wetland 9.4 acres along headwater valleys. Restoration will involve raising streambed Restoration elevations, filling drainage ditches, increasing surface storage, and planting of hardwood wetland species. Riparian Enhancement of existing riparian wetlands along the East and South Prongs, Wetland 18 3 acres which have been recently timbered. Wetland hydrology will be enhanced Enhancement . by the filling of perimeter ditches and vegetation will be replanted to climax species. Riparian 18 5 acres Existing riparian wetlands along the South Prong and the main stem of Back Wetland . Creek will be preserved through a conservation easement. Preservation E • • PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT 17 ?J E C?-l Non-riparian Agricultural field areas adjacent to the headwater valleys, but at higher Wetland 106.8 acres elevations and containing drained hydric soils. Restoration will involve Restoration filling drainage ditches, removing field crowns and increasing surface storage, and planting of hardwood wetland species. Non-riparian Enhancement of existing non-riparian wetlands that have been recently Wetland 19.9 acres timbered. Wetland hydrology will be enhanced by the filling of perimeter Enhancement ditches and vegetation will be replanted to climax species. Riparian Restoration of at least 50-foot buffers along perennial and intermittent Buffer 3.6 acres stream systems. Buffer areas will be replanted to hardwood wetland Restoration species. Riparian Enhancement of wooded buffers along the South Prong. Hydrology will be Buffer 1.7 acres restored to promote higher water table conditions and improved buffer Enhancement function, and supplemental plantings will improve numbers of climax species and buffer diversity. Headwater Restoration of at least 50-foot buffers along restored headwater stream Buffer 11.8 acres systems that were not considered intermittent or perennial by NCDWQ. Restoration Credit will depend on a buffer variance from the EMC. Headwater Enhancement of headwater wooded buffers along the South Prong. Buffer 0.9 acres Hydrology will be restored to promote higher water table conditions and Enhancement improved buffer function, and supplemental plantings will improve numbers of climax species and buffer diversity. TOTALS 8,215 ft Stream Restoration 46.2 acres Riparian Wetlands 126.7 acres Non-riparian Wetlands 5.3 acres Riparian Buffers 12.7 acres Riparian Buffers (Headwater) 4.4 Headwater Stream and Buffer Restoration For design purposes, Baker Engineering divided the project streams into three major reaches labeled the North Prong (NP1), East Prong (EP1), and South Prong (SP1). Several subreaches were also identified and designed (EP2, SP2, and SP3), based on drainage area and indications of a historic valley, and were labeled sequentially based on the major reach that they flow into. The reach locations are shown in Figure 10. Selection of a general restoration approach was based on the potential for restoration as determined during the site assessments, and on data developed from headwater reference systems, as described in Section 3.1. Data indicate that historically all of the reaches on the Upper Back Creek site would have likely functioned as poorly to moderately defined headwater stream systems, and that it is unlikely that well-defined single-thread stream segments would have been present. Reach characteristics and design approaches are summarized in Table 4.2 below. PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT 18 Table 4.2 Headwater Reach Characteristics and Design Approaches. Reach Approximate Drainage Area Design Slope (ft/ft) North Prong (NP1) 50 0.0030 - 0.0067 Vallev Length'(ft) 1,614 esign Channel Form moderately defined East Prong (EP1) 69 0.0020 - 0.0040 2,440 poorly - moderately defined East Prong (EP2) 24 0.0025 - 0.0050 869 poorly - moderately defined South Prong (SP1) 298 0.0016 - 0.0034 2,417 moderately defined South Prong (SP2) 40 0.0034 459 None - system intact South Prong (SP3) 23 0.0040 - 0.0070 397 None - system intact • As discussed in Section 3, headwater streams on the site have been channelized to improve drainage of the site for agriculture. Restoration of these reaches will seek to restore historic flow and flooding processes. Based on valley slopes and drainage areas, it is our belief that these systems most likely functioned prior to disturbance as headwater swamps, or small braided stream systems. Restoration will focus on filling in the drainage ditches and channels, and restoring the pre-disturbed topography of the valleys. The valley bottom will then be roughened to restore the natural microtopographic variability that is common within braided headwater systems. The systems will primarily be allowed to form braided channels and flow patterns on their own over time. 4.4.1 Stream Preservation The main stem of Back Creek, downstream of the confluence of the three prongs, will be preserved and protected as part of the proposed work. The proposed conservation easement will protect a minimum of 50-foot riparian buffers along both banks of the creek for a distance of approximately 1,149 ft downstream of the confluence of the three prongs. 4.4.2 Riparian Buffer Restoration and Enhancement Minimum 50-foot riparian buffers will be restored or enhanced along all stream segments. For stream reaches that have been determined to be intermittent or perennial, these buffer areas will qualify for buffer restoration or enhancement under 15A NCAC 02B .0260. Buffers planted along stream reaches that are currently devoid of woody vegetation will be considered buffer restoration. Along the western side of the South Prong, buffer enhancement is proposed since the western edge of the existing South Prong is wooded, but functions have been impaired due to the channelized nature of the stream. Restoration will restore flooding functions and higher water table conditions, and supplemental planting in this enhancement area will improve buffer density and diversity. Riparian buffer restoration and enhancement areas are shown in Figure 10. 4.4.3 Headwater Buffer Restoration and Enhancement Minimum 50-foot riparian buffers will also be restored or enhanced along all headwater stream segments. Buffers planted along restored headwater valleys in open field areas are proposed for buffer restoration. Along the southwestern edge of the South Prong, headwater buffer enhancement is proposed since this edge of the existing South Prong is wooded, but functions have been impaired due PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT 19 to the channelized nature of the stream. Restoration will restore flooding functions and higher water table conditions, and supplemental planting in this enhancement area will improve buffer density and diversity. Developing mitigation credit for buffers along headwater streams will require a buffer variance from the NC Environmental Management Commission. Headwater buffer restoration and enhancement areas are shown in Figure 10. 4.5 Wetland Restoration 4.5.1 Riparian Wetland Restoration The existing agricultural fields across the site are currently drained by the channelized streams and lateral ditches. To restore wetland hydrology to the site, the channelized streams and ditches will be filled. Grading activities will focus on restoring pre-disturbance valley topography by removing any field crowns, surface drains, or swales that were imposed during conversion of the land for agriculture. In general, grading activities will be minor, with the primary goal of filling the drainage features on the site back to natural ground elevations. The topography of the restored site will be patterned after natural floodplain wetland reference sites, some of which are located in the riparian wetland preservation areas on the site, and will include the restoration of minor depressions (microtopography) that promote diversity of hydrologic conditions and habitats common to natural wetland areas. These techniques will be instrumental to the restoration of site hydrology by promoting surface ponding and infiltration, decreasing drainage capacity, and imposing higher water table conditions across the restoration site. In order to improve drainage and increase agricultural production, farmed wetland soils are often graded to a smooth surface and crowned to enhance runoff (Lilly, 1981). Microtopography contributes to the properties of forest soils and to the diversity and patterns of plant communities (Lutz, 1940; Stephens, 1956; Bratton, 1976; Ehrnfeld, 1995). The restoration design for the riparian wetland areas is based on a targeted "Coastal Plain small stream swamp" riparian wetland type, as identified by Schafale and Weakley (1990). Hydrology of this system will be palustrine, "intermittently, temporarily, or seasonally flooded". The revegetation plan for the overall system, including riparian wetland restoration areas, is discussed in Section 4.7. 4.5.2 Non-Riparian Wetland Restoration As mentioned above, the intent of the riparian wetland restoration practices is to restore a "Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp" wetland system along the historic stream floodplain. Other areas of drained hydric soils are disconnected from streamflow events and active floodplain areas, with the exception of large flood events. These areas will be restored as non-riparian wetland systems, and are located on the higher elevation portions of the site. Whereas the hydrology of the riparian wetland restoration areas is influenced primarily by streamflows and groundwater discharge, the hydrology of the non-riparian areas will be driven almost entirely by rainfall. Drained hydric soils within the non-riparian open field areas of the site are mapped primarily as the Tomotley series and contain smaller inclusions of other hydric soils. In order to restore hydrology to these areas, drainage ditches will be filled and the natural topography of the areas restored, which will increase surface storage and raise the local water table. Restored areas will be roughened to restore a more natural topography and provide increased surface storage. Non-riparian wetland restoration • areas will be planted with native wetland vegetation that is slightly to highly tolerant of flooded conditions, depending on the expected hydrology of planting areas. PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT 20 The revegetation plan for the overall system, including riparian wetland restoration areas, is discussed in Section 4.7. 4.5.3 Hydrologic Model Analyses The DRAINMOD simulations developed to evaluate the current hydrologic status of the restoration site (Section 2.2.1) were used to estimate the hydrologic conditions of the site under the proposed restoration practices. For riparian areas, model parameters that describe the depth of the stream conveyance and topographic surface storage were changed to values representative of the described restoration practices. For example, drain depths were reduced to approximately 4 to 6 inches to represent the water level in the restored, braided channel systems. Surface storage parameters were increased from 0.5 to 1.5 inches to represent surface roughing practices. Input files that describe cropping conditions were changed to represent forested conditions. For non-riparian areas, model parameters were altered to evaluate a system with essentially no ditches and increased surface storage (typically 1 to 1.5 inches). To estimate the average hydrologic condition of the restored riparian areas, a model scenario was evaluated for an average distance from the restored headwater stream with a surface storage of four centimeters. Since riparian wetlands valleys along the restored headwaters range from approximately 125 to 200 feet wide, an average distance of 75 feet from the restored headwater stream was evaluated by spacing drains at a distance of approximately 150 feet. For non-riparian wetland areas, a model was developed with very shallow drains spaced at 400 feet, to simulate a system with essentially no subsurface drainage. Fifty-seven year simulations were run for both the riparian and non-riparian models following the procedure described in Section 2.2.1. Results of the simulations are presented in Chart 4.1. 0 • PGS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT 21 Chart 4.1 Fifty-seven Year Model Simulations for the Longest Period of Consecutive Days Meeting Wetland Criteria for Conditions Predicted at the Restoration Site. • The simulation runs for both the riparian and non-riparian areas indicate that wetland hydrology will be met for a majority of years. The non-riparian areas of the site are completely dependent on rainfall and therefore are predicted by the model to have drier conditions than the riparian areas. Precipitation will be held onsite for extended periods of time, promoting high water table conditions. While these scenarios were modeled to represent average conditions across the restored wetland areas, it is important to note that the model predicts conditions at a specific location and that hydrology across the site is expected to be variable, based on topography, soils, and varying water inputs. It is also important to note that DRAINMOD does not account for overbank flooding events, and therefore model simulations for floodplains may be conservative (i.e., actual conditions will likely be wetter than predicted). The modeled scenarios provide a basis for estimating the average hydrologic condition over the restored site; however, it is important to note that the hydrology of the targeted restored wetland system (Coastal Plain small stream swamp) is highly variable across a given site, supporting the ecological and functional diversity that makes these systems so valuable. Areas of the restored site that are drier than the conditions predicted but still exhibit jurisdictional wetland hydrology should be considered successful and part of a diverse wetland community. 4.6 Wetland Enhancement and Preservation 4.6.1 Riparian Wetland Enhancement Riparian wetland enhancement areas are located portions of EP1, and SP1, SP2, and SP3 (Figure 10). These are areas of existing wetlands along the channelized stream systems that still function to some degree as wetlands, but have been impacted by drainage and/or recent timber removal. Through the stream and wetland restoration practices described above, these areas will experience a more natural hydrology and flooding regime once the project is completed. Since these areas were timbered within the past year, the areas will also be planted with native wetland tree species that are tolerant of flooded conditions and more representative of a climax community, as discussed in Section 4.7. 4.6.2 Non-Riparian Wetland Enhancement Two areas of existing non-riparian wetlands have been delineated on the site (Figure 10). Until one year ago, these areas were wooded in mature trees and had not been ditched for agricultural conversion. As a result, these areas still function to some degree as wetlands, but have been impacted to some degree by drainage ditches around their periphery, and recent timber harvest. Through the stream and wetland restoration practices described above, drainage losses near the perimeter of these areas will be reduced. Since these areas were timbered within the past year, the areas will also be planted with native wetland tree species that are tolerant of flooded conditions and more representative of a climax community, as discussed in Section 4.7. 4.6.3 Riparian Wetland Preservation Existing wooded, riparian wetlands along the South Prong and the main steam of Back Creek will be preserved through a perpetual conservation easement that will be placed over the site (shown as the project boundary in Figure 10). 4.7 Natural Plant Community Restoration The vegetative components of this project include streambank, floodplain, wetland, and upland planting, and have been separated into two primary planting zones described as riparian and non- riparian zones. These zones are shown on the revegetation plan sheets for the site, and include areas PCs PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT 22 targeted for both restoration and enhancement. In addition, any areas of the site that lack diversity or are disturbed or adversely impacted by the construction process will be replanted. Bare-root trees and permanent seeding will be planted and applied within designated areas of the conservation easement. Planting will be conducted during the dormant season, with all trees installed between the first week of November and the first week of March. Selected species for hardwood revegetation are presented in Table 4.3. Tree species selected for restoration areas will be weak to tolerant of flooding. Weakly tolerant species are able to survive and grow in areas where the soil is saturated or flooded for relatively short periods of time. Moderately tolerant species are able to survive in soils that are saturated or flooded for several months during the growing season. Flood tolerant species are able to survive on sites in which the soil is saturated or flooded for extended periods during the growing season (USACE, 1997). Once trees are transported to the site, they will be planted within two days. Soils across the site will be sufficiently disked and loosened prior to planting. Trees will be planted by manual labor using a dibble bar, mattock, planting bar, or other approved method. Planting holes for the trees will be sufficiently deep to allow the roots to spread out and down without "J-rooting." Soil will be loosely compacted around trees once they have been planted to prevent roots from drying out. Permanent seed mixtures will be applied to all disturbed areas of the project site. Table 4.2 lists the species, mixtures, and application rates that will be used. Mixtures have been specified that are suitable for streambank, floodplain, and wetland areas. Mixtures will also include temporary seeding (rye grain or browntop millet) to allow for application with mechanical broadcast spreaders. To provide rapid growth of herbaceous ground cover and biological habitat value, the permanent seed mixture specified will be applied to all disturbed areas. Temporary seeding will be applied to all disturbed areas of the site that are susceptible to erosion. These areas include access roads, side slopes, and spoil piles. If temporary seeding is applied from November through April, rye grain will be used and applied at a rate of 130 pounds per acre. If applied from May through October, temporary seeding will consist of browntop millet, applied at a rate of 40 pounds per acre. Table 4.3 Proposed Revegetation Species. Percent Scientific Name Common Name by Species Non-riparian Wetland Zones - 9'x12' Spacing - 403 stems/acre uercus michauxii Swam Chestnut Oak 25% FACW- uercus lauri olia Laurel Oak 20% FACW uercus alcata var. a odi olia Cherr bark Oak 15% FAC+ uercus ni ra Water Oak 5% FAC Liriodendron tuli i era Tulip Poplar 5% FACU N ssa s lvatica var. bi ora Swam Tupelo 15% FACW+ Ulmus americana American Elm 15% FACW • PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT 23 • • Understory - Non-riparian Wetland Zones - 18'x 15' spacing - 161 stems/Acre Asimina triloba Paw Paw 20% FAC Persea alustris Swam Bay 20% FACW Clethra alni olia Sweet Pe erbush 20% FACW Ilex o aca American Holly 20% FAC- Car inus caroliniana Ironwood 20% FAC Riparian Wetland Zones - 9'x12' spacing - 403 plants/acre Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash 10% FACW Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora Swam Tupelo 15% FACW+ Quercus michauxii Swam Chestnut Oak 20% FACW- Quercus laurifolia Laurel Oak 20% FACW Quercus lyrata Overcu Oak 10% OBL Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress 5% OBL Ulmus americana American Elm 20% FACW Understory - Riparian Wetland Zones - 18'x 15' spacing - 161 stems/Acre Clethra alnifolia Sweet Pe erbush 10% FACW Carpinus caroliniana Ironwood 10% FAC Cyrilla racemiflora Titi 15% FACW Ilex opaca American Holly 15% FAC- Persea palustris Swam Bay 20% FACW Leucothoe racemosa Swam Do hobble 15% FACW Lyonia lucida Fetterbush 15% FACW Table 4.4 Proposed Permanent Herbaceous Seed Mixture. Scientific Name Common Name Percent of Wetness Mixture Tolerance Andro 0 on erardii Bi blue stem 10% FAC Andro 0 on lomeratus Bush blue stem 10% FACW+ Carex lu ulina Ho sedge 10% OBL Carex vul inoidea Fox sedge 10% OBL El mus vir inicus Virginia wild rye 10% FAC Juncus a sus Soft rush 15% FACW+ Panicum vir atum Switch grass 10% FAC+ Pol onum ens lvanicum Smartweed 5% FACW Schizach rium sco arium Little blue stem 10% FACU Sor hastrum nutans Indian grass 10% FACU PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT 24 5.0 MONITORING AND SUCCESS CRITERIA • While any given site may restore many wetland functions, some of these functions are more difficult to quantify within the monitoring period and therefore are not suggested for use in determination of success criteria. However, periodic monitoring is necessary to ensure that the restored streams and wetlands are operating as designed and to document success criteria for chosen functions. These efforts will include installation and data collection of a continuous rain gauge and semi-continuous water level monitoring wells, stream flow monitoring, periodic photographic documentation, vegetation monitoring, and stream and riparian headwater valley profile evaluations. Monitoring efforts will last a minimum of five years, and beyond if necessary, until success criteria have been successfully documented. Photographs will be taken periodically throughout the monitoring year to visually document hydrologic conditions, stability, vegetation growth, and the establishment of wetland and headwater stream processes at the restoration site. Permanent photo point locations will be established and marked to facilitate a record at the same location each year monitoring takes place. The performance of the site will be summarized in yearly monitoring reports submitted by May 1 of each monitoring year. Reports will include a summary of the data collected during the monitoring year (text, tables, and graphs), comparison to data from past years and reference locations, and assessments of whether the site is on trajectory for meeting defined success criteria. Reports will be in general compliance with RGL 06-03. Greater than 70 percent of the total stream miles in most watersheds consist of headwater streams, which underscore their importance to overall watershed health. Collectively, small headwater streams and their associated wetlands contribute largely to the mediation of runoff and sediment, assimilation of pollutants, and carbon production and delivery for downstream areas (Rheinhardt et al. 1999). However, determining specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable, and trackable success criteria to the restored functions can be difficult, especially when working with headwater systems in the Coastal Plain. Because of their small size and location in the watershed, they are very susceptible to seasonal changes and the effects of drought. Furthermore, while headwater systems are important for overall watershed health, their functions in the landscape are variable and baseline data on unaltered headwater streams in the southeastern Coastal Plain are not currently available. This project proposes to restore lost headwater aquatic functions as well as riparian and non-riparian wetland functions (refer to Section 3.1.3). Headwater streams are similar to and often part of a wetland system. For that reason these systems share some similar measurable functions and monitoring techniques. The following table lists the restored functions that are proposed to be tied to success at the project site and how those functions will be monitored and measured. These functions were based on information provided in Functional Objectives for Stream Restoration (Fischenich 2006). Restored Function Measurement Headwater stream processes • Valley cross-sections • Visual documentation Riparian succession • Vegetation lots Surface water storage • Hydrologic monitoring wells (semi- continuous Subsurface water storage • Hydrologic monitoring wells (semi- continuous Landscape pathway for plant and animal • Vegetation plots migration PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT 25 • • 5.1 Vegetation Monitoring Plots Vegetation monitoring plots will be established over approximately one to two percent of the planted restoration area. Individual plots will be 43 feet x 203 feet in size (0.2 acre). Plots will be located to represent a range of conditions within the planting zones across the restoration site and the corner of each plot will be anchored at a semi-continuous monitoring well. The plots will be oriented from the well corner using a random table of azimuths; however, azimuths may be slightly adjusted if necessary to avoid obstructions and/or remain within the parcel boundaries or within a specific zone, etc. Immediately after planting has occurred, planted stems within vegetation plots will be marked with poles and when leaf out has occurred, each tree/shrub will be tagged, identified, and counted. Each monitoring year prior to leaf fall in autumn, planted trees within the plots will be sampled for survival. At the fifth year, all living stems of woody vegetation within each plot will be identified and counted, including planted stems and colonized species. Colonized stems will be tracked separately from the planted trees, although both may count towards achievement of success criteria. General observations will be made during sampling to describe the survivability of stems outside the vegetation monitoring plots, and other vegetation planted across the site (permanent seeding, etc.). 5.1.1 Vegetation Success Criteria Restoration of the vegetation will be deemed successful if at least 260 trees per acre (woody stems- planted and colonized) are alive after 5 years (or the end of the required monitoring, whichever is first). Riparian buffer restoration will be deemed successful if at least 320 trees per acre are alive after 5 years (or the end of the required monitoring, whichever is first). 5.2 Hydrology Monitoring Monitoring wells (semi-continuous Ecotones from Remote Data Systems, Inc.) are currently installed across the site, and distributed in all major mitigation areas of the site. One automated rain gauge was installed prior to restoration in conjunction with the wells and will be removed during construction activities and reinstalled after completion of restoration activities. The gauge is/will be installed in an open area, a minimum of 100 feet from any tall tree or buildings. On site rainfall data will be used in conjunction with data from the PCS Aurora weather station to determine rainfall during the monitoring period. Semi-continuous water level monitoring wells will be installed across the project site (approximately 1 well per 10 acres for restored wetlands) to document post-restoration water table conditions. Data from these wells will be downloaded monthly. These data will be used to assess whether the water table at the project site has been elevated sufficiently to restore wetland conditions. In the riparian headwater system valleys, semi-continuous monitoring wells will also be installed in perpendicular arrays across the valley to assist in identification of riparian wetlands and to increase the density of data points for analysis of hydrographs up and across the valley. Arrays will be approximately 500 feet apart (along the long axis) for each valley. The center well in each array will be in the lowest part of the valley and the number of wells in the array will be dependent upon width and slope of each valley. • Flow in the riparian headwater systems will be documented using a variety of parameters and simple techniques including photographic evidence of observed active flow conditions and evidence of past PCS PHOSPHATE 26 UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT flow conditions including, but not limited to sediment deposits, debris flows, movement of wrack, • sinuosity, braided flow features, and development of channel features. Flow events will be monitored during the growing and dormant seasons. 5.2.1 Hydrological Success Criteria For wetland hydroperiods, using the new regional guidance from the USACE, the growing season for Beaufort County is 28 February to 6 December (WETS table for Beaufort County first/last freeze date 28 degrees F 50 percent-282 days). Soil temperature data collected by Washington, NC USACE personnel over the past several years indicate that the growing season may actually begin 1 February in Beaufort County. At the guidance of the Washington, NC USACE, the growing season for calculation of hydroperiods at the Upper Back Creek site will be 1 February to 6 December, or 309 days. Non-riparian mineral wetland flats will be considered successful with 6 percent or greater hydroperiods, and riparian wetlands will be considered successful with hydroperiods of 10 percent or greater. Hydroperiods will be counted during normal rainfall (rainfall within one standard deviation of the 30-year average). Hydroperiods will be evaluated using three-month rolling totals and the 30- year average will be derived from the NOAA Aurora weather station at PCS plant site. On site rainfall data will be collected and compared to long-term averages for hydroperiods. For riparian headwater systems, surface flow must be documented through well data, photographs, debris lines, sediment deposition or other means at least twice per year for 3 years out of the 5-year monitoring period. 5.3 Geomorphic Monitoring 0 Longitudinal profiles will be established for each of the riparian headwater valleys. There will also be three cross-sections established per 1,000-foot reach of stream/valley restoration. For the riparian headwater systems, these cross-sections will be measured for the as-built report and at Years 3 and 5 if channel features form. 5.3.1 Geomorphic Success Criteria Valleys should remain stable with minimum changes through the monitoring period; however, these cross-sections may show minor changes in flow patterns as valleys develop. 5.4 Reference Wetlands Two reference wetland areas have been identified on site, and are described in Section 3.2. Hydrologic data collected from these reference areas will be used to compare behavior of applicable portions of the mitigation site (similar soils and landscape position). Because of differences in maturity and disturbance characteristics of the mitigation site, these data will not be used for strict success or performance parameters. 5.5 Reference Stream Reach and Reference Riparian Headwater System The reference reach analysis performed on Coastal Plain headwater systems in NC (see Section 3.1) was used to develop an appropriate design approach for the riparian headwater valleys on the Upper Back Creek site. These streams vary in slope, watershed size, landscape location, riparian maturity, • PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT 27 • and soils, and therefore may not be directly comparable to the conditions on the newly constructed Upper Back Creek site. A well array will be installed on the poorly and moderately defined valley segments on the UT to Bailey Creek and UT to South Creek reference sites, due to their close proximity and similar landscape position. These well data will be used to document surface water and flow events during the monitoring period. Data collected from stream reference sites will be used as a guide to infer and compare flow events of the mitigation site. Because of differences in maturity and disturbance characteristics of the mitigation site, these data will not be used for strict success or performance parameters. 6.0 ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Principles of adaptive management have become increasingly used as a tool to elevate the likelihood of success of wetland mitigation projects throughout the United States. Since ecosystem behavior and natural disturbances cannot always be accurately predicted nor can human mistakes always be identified in advance, adaptive management provides a somewhat formalized process for the iterative and interactive approach to assessment and management of wetland mitigation projects. However, adaptive management does not equate to perpetual maintenance. 6.1 Adaptive Management Certain expected natural hazards which might affect successful restoration are fire, flood, erosion, invasive species, and herbivory. Construction mistakes could also affect performance and function of the restored area. Strategies to minimize effects from natural hazards and human mistakes include: • Any flooding from beaver activity will be noted during the monitoring period and beavers will be removed by trapping. • Sections affected by wildfire during the monitoring period will be assessed for degree of damage and replanted at a spacing calculated to restore specified tree densities. Herbivory on seedlings by rabbits, rice and cotton rats, and field mice will be reduced by the foxes, feral dogs and cats, hawks and owls resident in nearby natural areas. Reductions in rodent herbivory will be achieved by the erection of simple log perches at interior locations on the site to encourage raptor use. If monitoring indicates deer numbers are jeopardizing tree survival, decisions will be made, in coordination with appropriate agencies on what, if anything, can be done. • Construction errors will be identified early in the mitigation process with an as-built report which contains spot elevations and topographic data derived from aerial survey. Any correction effort will be coordinated with permitting agencies such that the intended water regime is met. • Planting errors in spacing density or diversity will be avoided by careful coordination of planting crews to ensure fidelity to the planting plan. An accounting of tree plot and monitoring well numbers and locations will be included in the as-built. • PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT zs • Design flaws may not be caught as early in the process, but if monitoring or observation (i.e., excessive standing water) indicates a potential design problem, remediation options will be • explored with permitting agencies. • Parker Farm monitoring wells were subject to frequent disturbance and occasional destruction by black bears, despite efforts to armor the wells against them. It .is expected that bear problems will be most pronounced in the first year or two of monitoring when the animals are becoming accustomed to the lack of crops on the site. Barbed wire fences may be constructed around the more expensive continuous monitoring wells. • During the regular monitoring tasks, biologists will be tasked to note any invasive species that may take root. Similar to practice in Florida against the invasive Melaluuca, during well checks or vegetation plot set up and monitoring, biologists will be instructed to uproot any seedling loblolly pines. 6.2 Long Term Management Long term management will be aided by a controlled access gate on the entrance road of the property. It is anticipated that once the area begins to naturalize, that no long term management will be needed. 7.0 FINAL DISPENSATION OF SITE With agency concurrence of success of the site, arrangements with a suitable non-governmental organization or government agency will be made such that a conservation easement in perpetuity is transferred to such organization or agency. Permitting agencies will be consulted during the decision and negotiation of final dispensation. E PCS PHOSPHATE 29 UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT • 8.0 REFERENCES Bratton, S. P. 1976. Resource Division in an Understory Herb Community: Responses to Temporal and Microtopographic Gradients. The American Naturalist 110 (974):679-693. Ehrnfield, J. G., 1995. Microsite Differences in Surface Substrate Characteristics in Chamaecyparis Swamps of the New Jersey Pinelands. Wetlands 15(2):183-189. Fischenich, J. Craig. 2006. Functional objectives for stream restoration. ERDC TN-EMRRP SR-52. Ecosystem Management and Restoration Research Program, US Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, MS. Lilly, J. P. 1981. The blackened soils of North Carolina: Their characteristics and management for agriculture. North Carolina Agricultural Research Service Technical Bulletin No. 270. Lutz, H. J., 1940. Disturbance of Forest Soil Resulting from the Uprooting of Trees. Yale University School of Forestry Bulletin No. 45. Rheinhardt, R. R., Rheinhardt, M.C., Brinson M.M. and Faser, K.E. 1999. Application of reference data for assessing and restoring headwater ecosystems. Ecological Restoration 7, 241-251. Rosgen, D. L. 1994. A Classification of Natural Rivers. Catena 22:169-199. Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley, 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, NCDEHNR, Raleigh, North Carolina. Stephens, E. P., 1956. The Uprooting of Trees: a Forest Process. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings 20:113-116. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, WRP, July 2000. Technical Notes ERDC TN-WRAP-00-02. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Environmental Laboratory, 1987. "Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual," Technical Report Y-87-1, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and North Carolina Division of Water Quality. 2007. Information Regarding Stream Restoration in the Outer Coastal Plain of North Carolina. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 2008. Final Environmental Impact Statement for PCS Phosphate Mine Continuation, Aurora, North Carolina. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1995. Soil Survey for Beaufort County, North Carolina. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 1997. Part 650, Chapter 19 of the NRCS Engineering Field Handbook: Hydrology Tools for Wetland Determination. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2006. Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States, Version 6.0. G.W. Hurt and L.M. Vasilas (eds.). USDA,NRCS, in cooperation with the National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils. PCS PHOSPHATE UPPER BACK CREEK MITIGATION PLAN REPORT - DRAFT 30 r? LJ FIGURES • 0 • N A A 8ry???co Ripe r • • 69dw Beaufort County Wch- Baker Engll-"g, Inc. - 8000 Re9e^cY P.?., Suee 200 - Cary. North Carolina 27518 PMna 919453.5488 Fax: 919 "35490 I Figure 1. Project Vicinity Map I Upper Back Creek Site 0 0.5 1 2 3 Mils°s Project Location PCS Phosphate ` Mine Location I 0 Legend Proposed Project Boundary WO I ....... '? ?? •• ? ?? tf ..T??'C'.? refl.: ? - ' - ?'' `: ; ' ?y ?, - •' ? :SAL ? 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' CaryN-MCarolina27518 Hydric Soils Delineation Map P-. 919453.5688 Fa. 9'9A 3W Feet Upper Back Creek Site ? 0 • ? srs? .+r fiR'+'d?.--.?sr a?rK' ?,:? + ?.a.?- ?-F:? Legend -SAW { '. ? ti i {x} A,A t„ p _ 1''' :,F" •?... ` 'sir 3f, A.. Ephemeral Stream _1W "At - Intermittent Stream •r '?+. i v r 'q (Ij '" `? Perennial Stream 7f1Y -M _ T - l i-JhT' M f .. Delineated Wetlands Proposed Project 3oundary ? Y?? i ?f f¢ ?t?p ? ??•?,;" $' fi,??b?htl?ri?CdrfR?,i 1 +?'>r',tv? + r °:'?v ?I.,.A.:pA ry?tt'i?J 1 4_ 1`t,'I'fR ?' (s.. /'. 'y?#' 4S"j ?^'.1'F'?gf: f??. H4I'i'• ? cL?n 1'2 r'itt, t y?? „?tY '-k• ???? / '?' • p ,, ,`tom,. 5! IIl?ese?, ? I •? /? '? _ 3i 04N f lJ ? 1 •+? ?. JJ y y fr itt.{ ! •T ?, °.. ? d ?? ??y?J s5 ? '? Mf.'.- y..'X `*?? ' ?r? mss" ° ! f a a y , 41 ?± "7¢ " 41? C?;4 av 1d? Y :, ?'r f +? rid `f.! f}?hr?y'` !a7lK -0.h'dJ ,? /, r.Y':?f % }tit Riparian Wetland r s + Reference Site p Duck sF ` Impoundment j31, J4 i, w? r 1l,r ? ° J ?f r p1 t r' 9k' w s ff» _ _ _ v ' ? +? ,`! ?? a 3?+ z.. .•?^ ,'"i. +. ?-tf.:r.??1 fJW'' .: ? r .?r?.? 4 ? r° x.' ., ,. ^. ;•i ?rwR"w` ?'F s???. s s;4R A r!. dr ] _ 4? •dk p1.16' - ? t+ Yom, ?'Kt 4 iy Note: Stream determination from : ?! st August 9, 2007 onsite meeting with NCDWQ. Ff • -0R -y+ Enyin++ffnq InG. °°°°?°^?o -+y 0 250 500 2 W . C can. Nord, cam;^. 27518 P- 910 a3 . 8 Fa-: 9,9.43.5C9° Non-Riparian Wetland Reference Site 1,000 Figure 7 Jurisdictional Determinations T Feet Upper Back Creek Site I 0 • • 1 ra. .tp S n a9{^. p ors F'k+t f9? ??n .,.+ ;! t ?'e yq ;s m ? en ? ,?k?*f.???? Y '? ?xT,s?v>r ? ?F i r Tx 1 Fx,, +.T• ? ? T v a F ? . _ L .k-'?` •' ? 'cat al €1?.,. ,11" .? " i '? N i .yip Pt{ A. . ?4r j a -1 ;..,. : "h { ?T?" reams ' si?K ..saw by Mt ws ?'? --t? ell ,•?} I j .', _t_s1 t i?'{ ; J F qt.. .,.? 4 "" ri 'vlr t vrM 'fs W c 04 kliehael Baker E Figure 8 ..?ee.l_. 0000 0 250 500 1,000 Regency PaMVrey Cross-section and - Stye 00 Gry. se,e, caeaire 27518 Faa F1 9119 919 38.3 3035198 Feet Well Location Map : 9..5190 Upper Back Creek Site Project Site J Reference N L_ - Y% '-lyde r -JUTS to Bailey UT to South Cr • UT to Brice Creek Site 3 Hofmann State F eSt `-Jacksonville 4 'ice ?9 Camp Lejeu UT to Brice Creek Site 1 UT to Brice Cre Site 2 Lookout Natl W RqFigure 9 ? !OWRe9enryPo? kway 0 2.5 5 10 15 - GIryNwPCadnall5lB Reference Site Location Map P" 919835e99 Miles 9t9a635a9G Upper Back Creek Site • • • rer ? s -: T0+0 ?.R. Legend Headwater Stream Restoration Non-Riparian Wetland Enhancement Stream Preservation Non-Riparian Wetland Restoration °'?f* r ®Headwater Buffer Enhancement j Riparian Wetland Enhancement Headwater Buffer Restoration Riparian Wetland Preservation V ,, r ® Riparian Buffer Enhancement - Riparian Wetland Restoration ®Riparian Buffer Restoration Q Proposed Project Boundary - 3q'e J t. G £r j+` R y rtx 1y``D t t't' . Y ?a?. y S ?"i ,?- -: P c `3 ; i q l• +dr': ,siia>ni+'.. "Y`?a Vii; ~ Tyr: tG Z t' ^/A fir$ 1 IV ; r f + # Cf P r ,?}> r t AG .?'`v+ s as.b; to •S` S ,? h 4 '? I r`+`. a?TE- ? { t ? i'*I''t•'vR ? ?w'r:l?J? 4,x 72? `t ,?'• 'mil ?,e 4?'?T ? .? §F ? a f++,Y k G '? r if f? titAr,1 ,sir r'f + ,?c?g ?t'w. *k+? ,? ,e.A 3??R ? e 'r ? •: • '?`?,. a. ? GSCir r y?'h` ? a.?` 4.t iAIIJ." L" ?Iv A"" 1 as •y. y'f i ? , a i 5"r t r •,? , ? 4 0 AM1 ? w ? ? f js ayu r v?U#.r.'.6? rxe[ '^i?a.•?X•i Y?f,.v?ti ,.:1?.<yK w •r ,? ?,. AA at, `?+ia.• 1 ?a? ?i?N ? '`. + s a. 1'f? ???? 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R` '1a q v t? +d•2,?.. f•,. y m??r y31 sYYyd , -' t tr'i{i' ?' `P 4 t a t' 't X ?ti k (e !' ?,, f r?7a??' }, 4 Y4_ r r.. c. x f ; a t 4 ,2 ar'"av`&C_? :3 < Gt F ti, M"r'SA F ; r,.,..;• 5.$C:4 y-' ' y{ : „y a i t.n ?te"'t yy vr• r't ??#.?'7 ti ( ?"A C + E: t +4f.?.. y, y nh. n +f. . a. i ? f. a + thr az' ?,.., 'k 4A ? -G al. •r, i.,, ,,?..v #f ? 1"` ?t ? ?, 'rte. 1 ?:r '? '.t ?,J.j 3 1}?'?' Al ?'.. MO R Bk., Enyinaerinp, Int. O 2 50 500 1,000 Figure 10 0000 egmcY Parkway • ' Czry'b0i0Ca-2,5,9 Mitigation Plan F-9194 9303 5108 Feet Pav:9r94fi0.0a90 Upper Back Creek Site APPENDIX 1 Upper Back Creek Photo Log C] 0 • • ?s 4 try', t+ l ^ '?? 't r `i S?Ft Upstream end of the South Prong looking downstream. Stream South Prong and adjacent wetland areas after a rain event. is connected to its floodplain. South Prong looking downstream, approaching agricultural field area. Further downstream, the stream system has been chan4ynelized for drainage. f? y T . 4W toot" -Till A.L ? '' 'v' pVr Back Creek system near the confluence of the South and East Prongs. Area has been channelized and partially cleared. Back Creek, just downstream of the confluence of the North, East, and South Prongs. System has been channelized but is relative) functional. 0 Smaller duck impoundment which will be removed and restored as part of the proposed project. • YT ? -441A-t; JI, East Prone looking upstream. NCDWQ delineated limit of intermittent channel is at the woodline in the distance, which has since been timbered and cleared i. "N' AOW?. k Smaller duck impoundment which will be removed and restored as part of the proposed project. Woods in the distance have since been cleared. . . OMW 17 Lateral field ditch within field areas 4¢ S - J. R :? F+Ye Area along the historic valley and floodplain of the East Prong, that has been drained and graded to form an ATV course. UjiW. :kI ! ?y {"jam #h *rt Larger duck impoundment. This area has been CxcludCd tFoln tile project boundary and will remain as a seasonal impoundment. • 0 Lateral field ditch within field areas. • • yy $? ? x A L V??ti??xx, Lower cnd of the I"ast Prom,, looking upstream. North Prong, looking Upstream. ° kip yy }? t .,.+® Lateral ditch through existing wetland areas adjacent to the South I Signs of periodic surface flows within wetland area adjacent to the A- AWk- y 1 Lateral field ditch. 41, r a Middle portion of the East Prong, looking downstream at culvert within ATV course area. \J CJ APPENDIX 2 Upper Back Creek Existing Condition Stream Cross-sections 0 • • Cross-section Data: Upper Back Creek Site - North Prong 102 101 c ° 100 m 99 W 98 97 Cross-section - X1 0 10 20 30 40 Station Pt # North East Elevation Note Station 120 4975.344 5014.722 101.201577 X1 0 119 4985.71 5008.387 100.569116 X1 12.14315 118 4992.714 5004.276 100.122279 X1 20.26339 1 5000 5000 100 X1 LPIN 28.71049 117 5000 5000 100 X1 LPIN 28.71049 116 5002.935 4998.388 100.317755 X1 32.05842 115 5006.747 4996.295 100.021211 X1 36.40641 114 5010.239 4994.378 99.538259 X1 LTB 40.3907 113 5010.974 4993.974 98.161548 X1 41.22865 112 5011.42 4993.729 97.712129 X1 41.73712 111 5012.433 4993.173 97.498818 X1 TWG 42.89349 110 5013.903 4992.366 97.541523 X1 44.57011 109 5015.095 4991.711 97.755336 X1 RCH 45.92957 108 5015.552 4991.46 98.482716 X1 46.45149 107 5016.1 4991.159 99.143882 X1 47.07644 106 5016.755 4990.8 99.504374 X1 47.8232 105 5017.303 4990.499 99.872013 X1 48.44828 104 5018.183 4990.016 100.003917 X1 RTB 49.45168 103 5019.003 4989.565 100.098302 X1 50.38808 102 5022.124 4987.851 100.204052 X1 53.94775 101 5030.294 4983.365 100.430441 X1 63.26773 100 5036.984 4979.692 100.453749 X1 RSTK 70.89895 50 60 70 80 Bankfull o - - Floodprone Bankfull Line Flood prone Line Station Elevation Station Elevation 41.14 98.3 40.66 99.1 46.32 98.3 47.04 99.1 0 r1 LJ Cross-section Data: Upper Back Creek Site -East Prong Fea ture Stream Type BKF Area BKF Width BKF Depth MaBKF Dx th W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Run Gc 3.2 4.57 0.71 1.06 6.45 3.4 1.6 97 99.51 Cross-section - X2 1 10 100 0 99 w 98 ... d w 97 96 95 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9 0 Station O Bankfull o • • Floodprone Pt # North East Elevation Note Station 150 19954.18 19961 100.353399 X2 LSTK 0 151 19964.7 19969.96 100.14427 X2 13.79822 152 19973.56 19977.5 100.193832 X2 25.41383 153 19976.22 19979.83 100.151987 X2 28.93802 154 19977.77 19981.15 99.606188 X2 LTB 30.97658 155 19979.05 19982.21 98.976601 X2 32.63343 156 19979.91 19982.93 97.971256 X2 33.75957 157 19980.65 19983.56 97.681596 X2 34.7242 158 19981.12 19983.95 96.996364 X2 LCH 35.33582 159 19981.64 19984.4 96.199291 X2 36.01707 160 19982.5 19985.04 95.94077 X2 TWG 37.09362 161 19983.38 19985.95 96.176974 X2 38.34325 162 19984.22 19986.59 96.5544 X2 39.39866 163 19984.75 19987.04 97.180583 X2 40.10081 164 19985.37 19987.53 97.923997 X2 40.8842 165 19986.23 19988.27 98.642921 X2 42.02049 166 19987.29 19989.1 99.514663 X2 RTB 43.36643 167 19989.85 19991.29 99.930962 X2 46.7265 168 19995.87 19996.46 99.876166 X2 54.65107 171 20000 20000 100 X2 RPIN 60.08285 2 20000 20000 100 X2 pin 60.08285 169 20008.68 20005.59 100.088476 X2 70.37392 170 20018.93 20010.43 99.916292 X2 81.45612 Bankfull Line Flood rone Line Station Elevation Station Elevation 35.33 97 33.66 98.06 39.9 97 41.1 98.06 0 • E Cross-section Data: Upper Back Creek Site -East Prong 100.5 C 99.5 0 99 m 98.5 Cross-section - X3 100 W 98 97.5 97 0 10 20 30 40 50 Station 60 70 80 90 100 o Bankfull o • • Floodprone Bankfull Line Flood prone Line Station Elevation Station Elevation 46.88 98.1 46.61 98.8 51.39 98.1 52.49 98.8 Pt # North East Elevation Note Station 180 29938.78 29927.36 99.319302 X3 LSTK 0 181 29942.56 29932.18 98.693195 X3 6.119028 182 29949.06 29939.37 98.780932 X3 15.80481 183 29954.52 29946.17 98.998369 X3 24.52029 184 29960.45 29953.48 99.168456 X3 33.93128 185 29964.4 29958.27 99.441753 X3 40.1462 186 29967.23 29961.81 99.896015 X3 44.67282 187 29968.43 29962.95 99.566663 X3 LTB 46.31683 188 29968.75 29963.43 98.078444 X3 46.88415 189 29968.91 29963.62 97.671689 X3 RCH 47.13622 190 29970.25 29965.21 97.400649 X3 TWG 49.21713 191 29970.81 29966.05 97.476477 X3 50.21938 192 29971.23 29966.46 97.718243 X3 50.8057 193 29971.87 29967.09 98.30325 X3 51.69685 194 29972.39 29967.77 98.841463 X3 RTB 52.55327 195 29973.4 29968.83 99.208971 X3 54.01684 196 29977.61 29973.66 99.380435 X3 60.42407 197 29984.21 29981.61 99.592251 X3 70.75071 198 29991.99 29990.6 99.824461 X3 82.64003 3 30000 30000 100 X3 RPIN 94.99182 200 30000 30000 100 X3 RPIN 94.99182 0 0 • Cross-section Data: Upper Back Creek Site -South Prong Feature Stream Type BKF Area BKF Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Run C 5.9 10.44 0.56 0.8 18.62 1.6 9.6 98.4 98.86 100.5 100 99.5 0 99 m 98.5 W 98 97.5 97 Cross-section - X4 20 40 60 80 Station 100 120 140 160 1 0 Bankfull • • o • • Floodprone Pt # North East Elevation Note Station 201 4043.471 3876.365 99.507911 X4 LSTK 0 202 4039.959 3885.99 99.224825 X4 10.24281 203 4037.41 3893.077 98.569461 X4 17.77403 204 4034.138 3901.704 98.342237 X4 26.99532 205 4032.07 3908.554 98.286783 X4 34.14536 206 4029.495 3916.191 98.971961 X4 42.20547 207 4027.71 3921.263 98.857444 X4 47.58159 208 4026.199 3925.196 98.658938 X4 51.7927 209 4023.675 3933.052 98.47832 X4 60.04229 210 4022.417 3937.189 98.191162 X4 64.36376 211 4021.51 3939.36 98.058379 X4 66.71146 212 4020.821 3941.303 98.309259 X4 68.77237 213 4020.198 3943.06 98.744303 X4 70.63703 214 4019.614 3944.707 98.948916 X4 72.38469 215 4018.786 3946.318 98.636536 X4 LTB 74.1766 216 4018.554 3947.006 98.196669 X4 74.90296 217 4018.434 3948.027 97.940773 X4 75.90757 218 4017.633 3950.266 97.761045 X4 TWG 78.28547 219 4016.926 3952.164 98.013022 X4 RTB 80.30975 220 4016.198 3954.222 98.274507 X4 82.49265 221 4014.88 3957.599 98.571865 X4 86.11468 222 4013.931 3960.303 98.487984 X4 88.97997 223 4012.435 3963.846 98.878221 X4 92.81669 224 4011.041 3967.514 98.855908 X4 96.73824 225 4010.375 3969.476 98.707348 X4 LTD 98.81052 226 4009.876 3970.311 98.035507 X4 99.76206 227 4009.235 3971.875 97.70989 X4 101.4491 228 4008.594 3974.278 97.76482 X4 CLD 103.9302 229 4008.03 3976.187 97.601025 X4 105.9188 230 4007.444 3978.417 97.930433 X4 108.219 231 4006.886 3980.035 98.47659 X4 109.9305 232 4006.317 3981.444 99.268192 X4 111.4481 233 4005.901 3982.666 99.799874 X4 RTD 112.7381 234 4004.457 3987.317 100.054553 X4 117.6068 235 4001.409 3995.042 100.076256 X4 125.9024 4 4000 4000 100 X4 RPIN 131.0495 237 4000 4000 100 X4 RPIN 131.0495 238 3994.642 4019.074 100.252263 X4 150.8305 Bankfull Line Flood rone Line Station Elevation Station Elevation 99.25 98.4 10.54 99.2 109.69 98.4 111.32 99.2 0 • • Cross-section Data: Upper Back Creek Site - South Prong Feature Stream Type BKF Area BKF Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool 3.9 11.97 032 0.58 36.93 1 4.4 99.47 99.48 100.4 100.2 100 c 99.8 99.6 U 99.4 99.2 99 98.8 Cross-section - X5 10 20 30 40 Station 50 60 70 80 O - -Bankfull - - o - - Floodprone Pt # North East Elevation Note Station 250 5525.464 5448.98 100.248948 X5 LSTK 0 251 5521.894 5458.52 99.979973 X5 10.14895 252 5519.824 5463.065 99.688774 X5 15.14318 253 5518.022 5466.422 99.544062 X5 18.9482 254 5514.926 5471.404 99.462884 X5 24.7766 255 5512.292 5476 99.40069 X5 30.05799 256 5511.026 5478.471 99.514055 X5 32.83287 257 5509.981 5480.782 99.476813 X5 LTB 35.36936 258 5509.315 5482.128 99.178347 X5 36.87038 259 5508.831 5483.183 99.007759 X5 38.03135 260 5508.188 5484.239 98.886534 X5 TWG 39.26061 261 5507.5 5485.562 98.970845 X5 40.75131 262 5506.474 5487.269 99.080317 X5 42.73316 263 5505.722 5488.585 99.186849 X5 44.24505 264 5504.979 5490.067 99.372506 X5 45.90229 265 5503.504 5492.665 99.570417 X5 48.88126 266 5501.633 5496.186 99.722795 X5 52.86467 5 5500 5500 100 X5 RPIN 57.01025 267 5500 5500 100 X5 RPIN 57.01025 268 5495.946 5511.198 100.18353 X5 68.86487 Bankfull Line Flood prone Line Station Elevation Station Elevation 35.4 99.47 7.38 100.05 47.37 99.47 60.46 100.05 0 • Cross-section Data: Upper Back Creek Site - South Prong Feature Stream Type BKF Area BKF Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W!D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 3.1 8.02 0.38 0.64 21.06 1 7.4 98.77 98.77 Cross-section - X6 101 100.5 C 100 99.5 m w 99 98.5 98 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Station o Bankfull o - • Floodprone • Pt # North East Elevation Note Station 300 5997.101 5932.151 99.367307 X6 LSTK 0 301 5997.513 5941.804 99.336351 X6 9.661289 302 5997.758 5947.531 99.213022 X6 15.39416 303 5997.904 5950.941 99.184527 X6 18.80738 304 5998.037 5954.832 99.193103 X6 22.70006 305 5998.318 5957.186 98.927704 X6 LTB 25.0642 306 5998.381 5958.79 98.521926 X6 26.66942 307 5998.277 5960.156 98.44982 X6 TWG 28.02924 308 5998.329 5961.369 98.185362 X6 29.2433 309 5998.516 5962.791 98.131441 X6 30.67256 310 5998.45 5963.846 98.245622 X6 31.7236 311 5998.488 5964.74 98.490368 X6 32.61825 312 5998.535 5965.831 98.770244 X6 RTB 33.71073 313 5998.577 5970.576 98.87519 X6 38.45289 314 5998.974 5980.024 99.106317 X6 47.90926 315 5999.533 5990.906 99.386092 X6 58.80539 316 6000 6000 100 X6 RPIN 67.91084 6 6000 6000 100 X6 RPIN 67.91084 317 6000.792 6016.029 100.387368 X6 83.95951 Bankfull Line Station Elevation 25.69 98.77 33.71 98.77 Flood rone Line Station Elevation 0 99.41 59.14 99.41 • APPENDIX 3 Well Hydrographs March 2008 - June 2008 0 1? Hydrograph for Well t • Ground 1? -'-'-'-'-'- - -'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-12 inch depth - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [E] Well depth=40 inches - - - - - - - - - 3/4/2008 4/3/2008 5/3/2008 6/2/2008 7/2/2008 Date 10 0 44 -t0 i -20 30 -40 -50 -60 70 so Hydrograph for Well 2 io Ground o -----------------'------ ---------------------------------'-- -to _- _._._._._._._._._._._._._. _•- . _ _._. _. _-_._-_._ 12 inch depth !t -20 C I i s Bo +p O ? -70 -Well 2 Well depth = 80 inches I I fio 3/4/2008 4/3/2008 5/3/2008 6/2/2008 7/2/2008 Date Hydrograph for Well 3 10 0 -Well 3 Well depth = 40 inches 3/4/2008 4/3/2008 5/3/2008 6/2/2008 7/2/2008 Date -10 -20 -30 -40 $ -fi0 O -70 0 • Hydrograph for Well 4 Ground ----------------------------------------------------------- ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ................ _....... _._-_._._._._._._._._--[2 inch depth - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------ --- ---- --------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Well 4 Well depth = 80 inches - - - 3/4/2008 4/3/2008 5/3/2008 6/2/2008 7/2/2008 Date to 0 F. -20 30 -40 -50 -80 C -70 so Hydrograph for Well 5 0 -20 10 0 e ? 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r • • Renee Gledhill-Earley State Historic Preservation Office 4617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-4617 August 30, 2007 Subject: Stream and wetland mitigation project in Beaufort County Dear Ms. Gledhill-Earley, We are requesting review and comment on any possible issues that might emerge with respect to archaeological or cultural resources associated with a potential stream and wetland restoration project on the attached site (a vicinity map, USGS site map with areas of potential ground disturbance, and a soils map are enclosed). The Back Creek site has been identified for the purpose of providing in-kind mitigation for unavoidable stream channel and wetland impacts. The project will involve the restoration of unnamed tributaries and prior converted wetlands in the Tar-Pamlico River Basin, which include sections of channel that are identified as significantly degraded. Project goals include the restoration of approximately 4,000 linear feet of stream channel and 229 acres of wetlands. • It is assumed that Priority 1 restoration activities will be undertaken for the project's streams and wetlands. Excavation will be limited to the stream restoration area, which is shown in Figure 3. In the wetland restoration area, activities will be limited to removing two farm ponds, filling in ditches, disking the soil, and planting native wetland species. A review of the National Register Information System (NRIS) database was conducted and no sites were found in the vicinity of the project area. The proposed restoration activities will not impact any on-site structures, and landowner interviews indicate that no prehistoric artifacts have been found in the project area. The majority of the site has been disturbed by agricultural practices such as tilling. The tributary appears to have been straightened for agricultural purposes during the last few hundred years. As the enclosed aerial photograph shows, the majority of the area within the construction limits of the site consists of floodplain, farmland, or straightened stream channel. As the enclosed topographic map shows, the channel and floodplain through the project area are flat, the project relief was less than 10 feet. We ask that you review this site based on the attached information to determine the presence of any historic properties. Thank you in advance for your timely response and cooperation. Please feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have concerning the extent of site disturbance associated with this project. Sincerely, U Ken Gilland Baker Engineering NY, Inc. 8004 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27511, Phone: (919) 459-9035, Email: killand mbakercorp.com E E N A 1%, ?v U; A a1,14co R4'11r • dEl4w Beaufort County Project Location lk*W LRGVWN"W*sm. 8mq@OwwP--r s". 2m cry, ""Cwdn, 2?sU PA.- M443.54 frc 20.46154" "a Figure 1. Project Vicinity Map ' _ Back Creek Site 0 Project Location 0 0.5 1 2 3 --- Miles • ? 0 • kFt ". 4 s r 41 • r' X Ilk f , 7', o <. AaA k; At o,,`,B?G?C` v t? t AaA TO n 41 !! Pt Soil Types ,. AaA - Altavista fine sandy loam, 0-2 % slopes At - Augusta fine sandy loam t 'Pr % x _ Cf - Cape Fear fine sandy loam. Me - Muckalee loam, frequently flooded at 3 Pt - Portsmouth loam To - Tomotley fine sandy loam .AKx.'kw. Figure 2 5A. 709aI-v 0 375 750 1,500 . ,._7•*• Soils Map hw 1"A"Im F- ,>W»_ Feet Back Creek Site N A 10 -a O to lot w. Olt '.:fie,,, ... . '? _ ... ..?. .. 4 h.•1 .-Y • sawrmvN An. NY. in. Figure 3 UftN"""°""" 0 375 750 1,500 .. , Cagr.N?a,mCarax?r ..,:..e :rs?e Topographic Map Feet Back Creek Site Legend Project Boundary Stream Restoration Area (13 acres) Wetland Restoration Area (179 acres) ...w. ~o ft. II?IY t ?je • • Vxhwl F. Ladey, Govemor I With C Beam, Sammy )ems I Cray, Deply S-Kn7 September 21, 2007 Ken Gilland Baker Engineering NY, Inc. 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27511 Offin of Mchiva and Hiswq Division of HisaodW Rewm a DwW Daeok, Dimme Re: Back Creek Site, Stream and Wetland Mitigation, Beaufort County, ER 07-1929 Dear Mr. Gilknd: Thank you for your letter of August 30, 2007, concerning the above project. We have conducted a review of the proposed undertaking and are aware of no historic resources that would be affected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the undertaking as proposed. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919/733-4763, ext. 246. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Sincerely, Peter SandbeckQ North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources State Historic Preserwdon Office Pew n Ssalm k. Ma idssrswr AOMDCXMTM SM N. Dionne 39MMk Rddelk Mc 4617 Mai scnim QnM RskWa NC 7769}4617 ISSMaAT10N sis N. Ow"t $M a, Rdd& Plc 4617 htai1$CCtiaC Cenur. Ra0.O NC 27690.4617 SURVEY a PLAMIM Sts N. BkMO swab, Rde4b, Nc 4617Mail Ssnira G Rsk NC 21b9S46?T • Dale Suiter August 31, 2007 US Fish and Wildlife Service Raleigh Field Office P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636 Subject: Stream & wetland mitigation project in Beaufort County Dear Mr. Suiter, The Back Creek site in the Tar-Pamlico River Basin has been identified for the purpose of providing in-kind mitigation for unavoidable stream channel and wetland impacts. Several sections of channel have been identified as significantly degraded and the fields in this farm property are prior converted wetlands. We have already obtained an updated species list for Beaufort County from your web site (http://nc-es.fws..eov/es/countyfr.html). The threatened or endangered species for this county are: the Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), Kemp's Ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys kempii ), Red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), the Red wolf (Canis rufus), the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), the Sensitive joint-vetch (Aeschynomene virginica), and Rough-leaved loosestrife (Lysimachia asperulaefolia). The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) includes the Shortnose • sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) in its list of Beaufort County species. We are requesting that you please provide any known information for each species in the county. The project site is currently being farmed and is surrounded by plantation pines. Based on the preferred habitats described for the listed species in the project area, there is no habitat for any federally listed species in the project area. A review of the Natural Heritage Program (NHP) database indicates that the USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle in which the project site is located (the Bath quadrangle) has documented occurrences of Rough- leaved loosestrife, shortnose sturgeon, Sensitive joint-vetch, Red wolf, Bald eagle, and Red-cockaded woodpecker Please provide comments on any possible issues that might emerge with respect to endangered species, migratory birds or other trust resources from the construction of a wetland and/or stream restoration project on the subject property. A vicinity map and a USGS map showing the approximate areas of potential ground disturbance are enclosed. If we have not heard from you in 30 days we will assume that our species list is correct, that you do not have any comments regarding associated laws, and that you do not have any information relevant to this project at the current time. We thank you in advance for your timely response and cooperation. Please feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have concerning the extent of site disturbance associated with this project. 0 0 Sincerely, Ken Gilland Baker Engineering NY, Inc. 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27518 Phone: (919) 459-9035, Email: kgilland"mbakercorp.com 0 C7 • Shannon Deaton August 31, 2007 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Division of Inland Fisheries 1721 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Subject: Stream & wetland mitigation project in Beaufort County. Dear Ms. Deaton, The purpose of this letter is to request review and comment on any possible issues that might emerge with respect to fish and wildlife issues associated with a potential stream restoration project on the attached site (vicinity map and USGS site map with approximate areas of potential ground disturbance are enclosed). The Back Creek site in the Tar-Pamlico River Basin has been identified for the purpose of providing in-kind mitigation for unavoidable stream channel and wetland impacts. Several sections of channel have been identified as significantly degraded and the fields in this farm property are prior converted wetlands. We thank you in advance for your timely response and cooperation. Please feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have concerning the extent of site disturbance associated with this project. Sincerely, Ken Gilland Baker Engineering NY, Inc. 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27518 Phone: (919) 459-9035, Email: kgilland(c?mbakercorp.com 0 Baker Engineering ' 8000 Regency Parkway Suite 2000 Cary, NC 27518 919-463-5488 FAX 919-463-5490 January 15, 2007 Mr. Paul Spruill Beaufort County Manager 121 W. 3`d St. Washington, NC 27889 Dear Mr. Paul Spruill: Baker Engineering is assisting PCS Phosphate in the development of stream and wetland restoration designs for two separate compensatory mitigation sites within Beaufort County. The location of each of these sites is presented in the enclosed Figure 1. The purpose of this letter is to address the floodplain management issues related to each one of these projects. Hell Swamp Project Site. This mitigation site is located roughly three miles southwest of the town of Belhaven and extends across approximately two square miles of the Scott Creek watershed, a tributary to Pungo Creek. The mitigation plan for this site includes approximately 19,100 linear feet of stream restoration and enhancement for the portions of Scott Creek and its unnamed tributaries that cross through the site as well as wetland restoration for the adjacent farm fields. The natural stream design proposed for some of these channel reaches will include reshaping of channel geometry, realignment of channel pattern, and some increase in channel bed elevation (profile) to re-connect incised channels back to their floodplains. The conceptual restoration plan for this site is shown in Figure 2. The confluence of Scott Creek and Pungo Creek lies 4,000 feet downstream of the project location. Discharges through Pungo Creek are substantially large, and its wide floodplain includes the majority of the Hell Swamp project site, as shown on the FEMA FIRM Panel in Figure 3. This indicates that flood levels throughout the sections of Scott Creek and its unnamed tributaries that lie within the project site are controlled by the larger flood levels along Pungo Creek, and not by the slope and cross-sectional geometry of those channels. Therefore, any changes to the slope and cross-sectional geometry of these channels will not affect flood levels throughout the area, as long as these changes do not represent an obstruction to the Pungo Creek floodplain. The type of modifications to channel geometry, pattern, and profile involved in the type of work proposed for the Hell Swamp site will not represent any type of obstruction to the Pungo Creek floodplain, and hence will not affect flood levels throughout the area. For this reason, the Baker Engineering team feels that a detailed flood study is not warranted for this site in order to evaluate the hydraulic influence of the project. 0 Back Creek Project Site. This smaller stream and wetland restoration site is located two • miles east of the town of Bath and covers approximately 180 acres of the upper Back Creek watershed. The mitigation plan for this site includes approximately 5,400 linear feet of stream restoration and enhancement for the portions North Prong Back Creek, South Prong Back Creek, and East Prong Back Creek that cross the site, as shown in Figure 4. These streams all drain small watersheds less than 224 acres (0.35 square miles) in size and all discharge at the same point into the main stem of Back Creek. Back Creek discharges into Bath Creek approximately 2.7 miles downstream of the site, and Bath Creek in turn discharges into the Pamlico River at a point approximately 6,000 feet downstream of the confluence of Back Creek and Bath Creek. As presented in Figure 5, the effective FEMA FIRM map for the area shows flood flows along the main stem of Back Creek are regulated by flood flows along Back Creek and the Pamlico River up to the Possum Hill Road crossing, which lies approximately 3,900 feet (0.74 miles) downstream of the Back Creek project site. The FIRM map also shows that Back Creek flood levels from Possum Hill Road upstream to the project site are equivalent to flood levels along the lower Back Creek and Pamlico River, indicating that flood levels throughout the upper Back Creek section and throughout the project site are controlled by backwater conditions from the lower Back Creek, Bath Creek, and the Pamlico River, and not by local drainage conditions. The small drainage areas of the streams through the project site have insignificant influence on flood levels throughout the area, relative to the influence of backwater from the lower Back Creek and the Pamlico River. The current wetland conditions of many portions of this flat project site further support the backwater hydraulics that occur throughout the site. The natural stream design proposed for some of these channel reaches will include reshaping of channel geometry, realignment of channel pattern, and adjustment of channel bed elevation to re-connect incised channels back to their floodplains. However, because backwater conditions prevail throughout the site during large flows, changes to the slope and cross- sectional geometry of these headwater channels such as those proposed by this stream restoration project will not affect hydraulics throughout the area. This project would not have an influence on flood flows in the area, and for this reason the Baker Engineering team feels that it does not require a detailed flood study. Construction of the Hell Swamp and the Back Creek stream restoration projects would have no negative effects on base flood elevations in the vicinity of either of the project areas. The Baker Engineering team feels no detailed hydraulic studies are needed in order to demonstrate the projects are consistent with Beaufort County's floodplain management requirements, and would like to know if Beaufort County would concur on this matter. If you have any questions regarding this issue, please feel free to contact me at (703)317-3070. Co di lly, E sie Pam*lla Castel ar, .E. 0 • N A rick Neck Rd Hell Swamp e ? ee G? 0 0 ?a Back Creek Sava A a?/ico Riper • 694W Beaufort County Project Vicinity Bak. Engln-dnp NY, Inc. - 6000 Regency Parkway - Su4e 200 Cary, NWh Cardin. 27516 Ph- 919.463.5466 Fek: 919.463.5190 Figure 1. PCS Project Vicinity Map 0 0.5 1 2 3 Miles I• I• •'ORx? Legend Property Boundary A+ - 1st Order Stream Restoration (4,760 LF) Headwater Stream Restoration (10,380 LF) -Scott Creek Stream Restoration (3,965 LF) 50 It Stream Buffer (50 Acres) Possible Wetland Enhancement (30 Acres) -, Non-rivenne Wetland (800 Acres) Wetland Preservation (41 Acres) Rivenne Wetland (80 Acres) ®Upland I UT3 Ayx Ya- 4 -3 11? 1 0 ? 0 A 0 ? 0 • • Legend x ??' y s .y? _ ;... - Stream Channel Restoration (-2,700 R) ?~ 1.\\4 "".? c•' Headwater Stream Restoration (-2,700 lh 'l" r { fir 1r.,r_ M" Stream Channel Preservation (-2,200 ft) ,,;`?•rA Riparian Buffer Preservation (-4.5 acres) ® Riparian Buffer Restoration (-4.4 acres) "? ih.t • "?, `, ® Riparian Buffer Enhancement (-1.7 acres) ? ?.6I.? I? • a -a! ® Headwater Riparian Buffer Restoration (- 5.5 acres) ?• ys?"a. °';t,, t ?r ^•a,?, ^r` « ?`;?c , -` ® Headwater Riparian Buffer Enhancement (- 1.2 acres) ry rr aar+ 4 * « * ':` i ,• as ,, Non-Riparian Wetland Preservation (-15 acres) '-s ?, ,.? 1 ,a•.-f •?; w y ,y, t?«-- h _Non-Riparian Wetland Restoration (-120 acres) ?;+,r-..' _,#t'? _ yy?r y-+ • ` Riparian Wetland Enhancement (-7 acres) ?`"r . `1iy "?'.x ,A^•-4 µ - '"a?« ` _ Riparian Wetland Restoration (-3 acres) ?• 'rRrMe i i?` -.W.it ?4 % Parcel Boundary ? ??? -?'.' S •. J'i a •i ? ? T "? • 11..?11'? ?? 1 1. •,? ? • . ~ Ut-E,4 riR,N,,lnc. Figure 4. Mitigation Concept Plan N - 8000 Regency Pa y dop Cary IN Cemi-21618 Back Creek Site 0 150 300 600 Pi-i 919463.5166 Fa, 9194635490 Beaufort County, NC ?? Feet 10 • 0 (7/16/2008) Jessica rohrbach - Written Approval of Stream Restoration Page 1 • From: "Paul G. Spruill" <paul.spruill@ncmail.net> To: <jrohrbach@mbakercorp.com> Date: 7/16/2008 10:47 AM Subject: Written Approval of Stream Restoration Dear Jessica: Please accept this correspondence as Beaufort County's approval of the written submittal from Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. detailing your efforts to restore stream and wetland acreage specific to Hell Swamp and Upper Back Creek. Beaufort County's review of the proposal resulted in my staff concluding that impacts to the floodplain would not be so significant as to warrant further study. Sincerely, Paul Spruill, Beaufort County Manager is 0 EDR LoanCheckg Basic: Environmental Risk Review August 24, 2007 Property Name 440 Wheelers Farms Road Milford, CT 06460 ORMOND RD STREAM AND WETLAND SITE Phone: 800-352-0050 (EDIR Environmental 100 ORMOND RD Fax:800-231-6802 Data Resources Inc BATH NC, NC 27808 Web:www.edmet.com ENVIRONMENTAL RISK LEVEL I To help evaluate environmental risk, the EDR LoanCheck%asic provides an Environmental Risk Level, based on a search of current government records requested to be searched by Baker Engineering. 1-1 ELEVATED RISK Based on the records found in this report, the environmental risk level for this property is elevated. O LOW RISK Based on the records found in this report, the environmental risk level for this property is minimal. User Instructions For more information regarding this Environmental Risk Level, please refer to page 2 and other supporting reports. User Comments Reports and Databases The following reports an/or databases were requested by customer and were included in the Environmental Risk Level where available: • EDR Radius Map Report Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2007 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. • 0 2013332.1s Page 1 0 • EDR LoanCheckO Basic: Environmental Risk Review FINDINGS CONTRIBUTING TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL RISK LEVEL The environmental LOW RISK is based upon the findings listed below. Refer to the supporting report(s) for additional detail. TARGET PROPERTY Current Govt. Records No records identified (if any) were determined to be of elevated risk. EDR Proprietary Records No records identified (if any) were determined to be of elevated risk. SURROUNDING PROPERTIES Current Govt. Records No records identified (if any) were determined to be of elevated risk. EDR Proprietary Records No records identified (if any) were determined to be of elevated risk. • 2013332.1s Page 2 • EDR LoanCheck® Basic with Geocheck® Ormond Rd Stream and Wetland Site 100 Ormond Rd Bath NC, NC 27808 Inquiry Number: 2013332.1s August 24, 2007 EDR® Environmental Data Resources Inc The Standard in Environmental Risk Information 440 Wheelers Farms Road Milford, Connecticut 06461 Nationwide Customer Service Telephone: 1-800-352-0050 Fax: 1-800-231-6802 Internet: www.edrnet.com FORM-NULL-SIL • L? • TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE Executive Summary ------------------------------------------------------ ES1 Overview Map---------------------------------------------------------- 2 Detail Map------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Map Findings Summary --------------------------------------------------- 4 Map Findings----------------------------------------------------------. 6 Orphan Summary ------------------------------------------------------- 7 Government Records Searched/Data Currency Tracking- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GR-1 GEOCHECK ADDENDUM Physical Setting Source Addendum-----------------------------------------. A-1 Physical Setting Source Summary ------------------------------------------- A-2 Physical Setting SSURGO Soil Map------------------------------------------ A-5 Physical Setting Source Map----------------------------------------------- A-10 • Physical Setting Source Map Findings---------------------------------------. A-11 Physical Setting Source Records Searched ------------------------------------ A-13 Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. • Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2007 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. TC2013332.1 s Pagel N ?V W I@ OU Kw a? w a dJW Mai z ? lsn NVIaNI I a 0 Ism NVIaNI AN3S3M NVIaNI S3adN lOM1NOO lSNI c 1SV o lsn W lsnalIsm ism dl 1SIH 110 ° 119Pue1 -IMS LU SaSH ON F aWl y GPM •ZeH WIS S1VVM S1lW SaVd Z SN311 OdNIa" laa Slld 1SIH SO SdO 100 slant S1SS Slld VaSl SIMl Ia0 0 VM1Wn W a0a 1N3SNOa ui Sa131dNMONS Sn sand a0a lOM1NOO 1SNI Sn S10M1NOO ON3 Sn SMIWH m SNM3 uep •uenp •wS VMOM •uap •uenp Bl VMaM c w aSl VMOM n SlOVMMOa $ dVMdN-OM3a SlIOM30 SN311 ldN ldN Pelsllea 3 ldN PesOdad &L LL ldN w ? ? a66 a Z ? m16 ° z N O S $2 d w G 1 N L Dig 1 L. 0- z m E E m x w N N r? N F • r l J 0 W i argot rroperty A Sites at elevations higher than or equal to the target property • Sites at elevations lower than the target property A Manufactured Gas Plants National Priority List Sites Dept. Defense Sites 114 1/2 1 Miles -Ei E] Indian Reservations BIA Hazardous Substance Oil & Gas pipelines Disposal Sites ® 100-year flood zone El 500-year flood zone National Wetland Inventory State Wetlands SITE NAME: Ormond Rd Stream and Wetland Site CLIENT: Baker Engineering DDRESS: 100 Ormond Rd CONTACT: Ken Gilland Bath NC NC 27808 INQUIRY #: 2013332.1s LAT/LONG: 35.4607 / 76.7656 DATE: August 24, 2007 10:59 am OVERVIEW MAP - 2013332.1 s DETAIL MAP - 2013332.1 s x I arget Property 1/4 Miles Sites at elevations higher than or equal to the target property Indian Reservations BIA Hazardous Substance • Sites at elevations lower than the target property Oil & Gas pipelines Disposal Sites l Manufactured Gas Plants 100-year flood zone 0 500-year flood zone t Sensitive Receptors National Priority List Sites National Wetland Inventory - Dept. Defense Sites ] State Wetlands F SITE NAME: Ormond Rd Stream and Wetland Site CLIENT: Baker Engineering DDRESS: 100 Ormond Rd CONTACT: Ken Gilland Bath NC NC 27808 INQUIRY #: 2013332.1s LAT/LONG: 35.4607 / 76.7656 DATE: August 24, 2007 10:59 am Copyright =, 2007 EDR. Inc. 2007 Tsle Atlas Rel_ 07/2006_ • MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Database FEDERAL RECORDS Search Target Distance Total Property (Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Proposed NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Delisted NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 NPL LIENS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 CERCLIS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 CERC-NFRAP 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 CORRACTS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 RCRA TSD 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 RCRA Lg. Quan. Gen. 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 RCRA Sm. Quan. Gen. 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 ERNS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 HMIRS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 US ENG CONTROLS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 US INST CONTROL 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 DOD 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 FUDS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 US BROWNFIELDS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 CONSENT 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 ROD 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 UMTRA 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 ODI 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 TRIS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TSCA TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 FTTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 SSTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 LUCIS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 DOT OPS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 ICIS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 HIST FTTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 CDL TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 RADINFO TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 LIENS 2 TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 PADS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 MLTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 MINES 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 FINDS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 RAATS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 STATE AND LOCAL RECORDS State Haz. Waste 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 IMD 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 NC HSDS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 State Landfill 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 OLI 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 HIST LF 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 LUST 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 LUST TRUST 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 TC2013332.1 s Page 4 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search Target Distance Total Database Property (Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted UST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 AST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 INST CONTROL 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 VCP 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 DRYCLEANERS 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 BROWNFIELDS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 NPDES TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TRIBAL RECORDS INDIAN RESERV 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 INDIAN LUST 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 INDIAN UST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 EDR PROPRIETARY RECORDS Manufactured Gas Plants 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 NOTES: TP = Target Property NR = Not Requested at this Search Distance Sites may be listed in more than one database • TC2013332.1s Page 5 0 • Map ID Direction Distance Distance (ft.) Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS NO SITES FOUND • • EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number TC2013332.1s Page 6 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP - 2013332.1s i li ?- - j NC V wunry aounaary 1iz 1 Miles Major Roads A/ Contour Lines Groundwater Flow Direction, j Wildlife Areas O Earthquake epicenter. Richter 5 or greater Q D Indeterminate Groundwater Flow at Location Natural Areas ® Water Wells (G D Groundwater Flow Varies at Location Rare & Endangered Species © Public Water Supply Wells Cluster of Multiple Icons ITE NAME: Ormond Rd Stream and Wetland Site CLIENT: Baker Engineering DDRESS: 100 Ormond Rd CONTACT: Ken Gilland Bath NC NC 27808 INQUIRY #: 2013332.1s LAT/LONG: 35.4607 / 76.7656 DATE: August 24, 2007 10:59 am Copyright '% 2007 EDR. Inc. c 2007 Tole Atlas Rel. 0712006