HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030147 Ver 0_Monitoring Plan_20080620AI.COA June 20, 2008 HAND-DELIVERY Cyndi Karoly, Supervisor Division of Water Quality N.C. Department of Environment & Natural Resources 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 Dear Ms. Karoly: Alcoa Power Generating Inc. Yadkin Division PO Box 576 Badin, North Carolina 28009-0576 Tel: 1-888-886-1063 Fax: 1-704-422-5776 www.alcoa.com/yadkin 03-0141 VZ Enclosed please find five copies each of (1) a plan for sampling the discharge from the Narrows dam and (2) a plan for sampling lake sediment in transects from the Alcoa Badin Works facility to the Narrows dam. The plans have been prepared in satisfaction of the Request for More Information dated May 23, 2008. Per your request, by copy of this letter we are also providing copies of the plans to Alan Johnson of the DWQ Mooresville Regional Office and we are providing courtesy copies to John Dorney. Please feel free to contact me at (704) 422-5606 if you have any questions regarding these plans. We trust that upon receipt of this requested information, the APGI application for 401 Certification will be considered complete. Sincerely yours, Gene Ellis Licensing & Property Manager cc: Alan Johnson, MRO, w/enc John Dorney, w/enc D TORMWR?GH WESIAN?S PNO S D3 - o ??- "] V z Prepared for: Alcoa Power Generating Inc., Yadkin Division Badin, North Carolina Yadkin Project (FERC No. 2197) §@WWR JUN 2 0 2008 DENR - WAVERRUUAU"" W LANDS AND STORMWATER BRANW Sampling Plan for Priority Pollutants in the Narrows Tailrace ENSR Corporation June 2008 ENSR ENSR Prepared for: Alcoa Power Generating Inc., Yadkin Division Badin, North Carolina Yadkin Project (Project No. 2197) Sampling Plan for Priority Pollutants in the Narrows Tailrace Prepared By ? r Reviewed By ENSR Corporation June 2008 ENSR ENSR ENSR Contents 1.0 Introduction and background ..............................................................................................................1-1 2.0 Location of sampling ............................................................................................................................. 2-1 3.0 Timing of sampling ................................................................................................................................ 3-1 4.0 Sampling methods ................................................................................................................................. 4-1 5.0 Analytical methods ................................................................................................................................ 5-1 6.0 Data analysis, reporting and contingency sampling ........................................................................ 6-1 7.0 References ..............................................................................................................................................7-1 List of Appendices Appendix A Figures and tables Yadkin Project (FERC No. 2197) Sampling Plan for Priority Pollutants in the Narrows Tailrace June 2008 ENSR List of Tables Table 1. Parameters to be measured in this study and analytic methods proposed .........................................7 List of Figures Figure 1. Narrows (Badin Lake) and Falls Reservoir sampling stations (adapted from Normandeau 2005) ...3 Figure 2. Narrows tailrace sampling station (continuous monitor is at station F1) and transects used to evaluate tailrace mixing to confirm monitor placement (adapted from Normandeau 2005) ...............4 Figure 3. Temperature and dissolved oxygen profiles in Narrows Reservoir near the dam from 1999 to 2003 (y axis scale of 100 to 160 meters is equivalent to 328 to 525 feet) (adapted from Normandeau 2005). ............................................................................................................................................................... 5 Figure 4. Narrows water level, 1999 - 2004 (y axis scale of 150 to 160 meters is equivalent to 492 to 525 feet) (adapted from Normandeau 2005) .......................................................................................................6 Yadkin Project (FERC No. 2197) Sampling Plan for Priority Pollutants in the Narrows Tailrace June 2008 ENSR 1.0 Introduction and background Alcoa Power Generating Inc. (APGI) is currently licensed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to operate four hydroelectric developments (Yadkin Project - FERC No. 2197 NC) on the Yadkin River in central North Carolina, and has an application for new license pending before FERC. The original license was issued for a period that ended April 30, 2008, and FERC has issued on a year-to-year basis an annual license to APGI under the terms and conditions of the prior license until the new license is issued. A prerequisite of the new license is the receipt of water quality certification from the State of North Carolina under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. As part of the relicensing process, APGI sought comment from agencies, municipalities, organizations and the public on concerns related to the water quality at the Project. The principal concerns are the current status of water quality in the reservoirs and tailwaters and the effects of hydroelectric facility operations on water quality. APGI voluntarily initiated water quality monitoring in the reservoirs and tailwaters in 1999 to establish baseline water quality conditions and assess the current status of water quality. Baseline studies are summarized in Normandeau (2005). In May 2007, APGI filed an application for Section 401 Water Quality Certification. At the request of the NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ), APGI's 401 application was withdrawn and re-filed on May 8, 2008. By letter dated May 23, 2008, the NCDWQ has requested additional information to be included in the pending application for water quality certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. This work plan responds to Item 1 of the letter from Cyndi Karoly of the NCDWQ to Mark Gross of APGI dated May 23, 2008. This item states that: • APGI must provide a written plan for sampling the discharge from the Narrows (Badin Lake) dam for pollutants to include heavy metals and organic pollutants including volatile organic compounds, acid extractable compounds, base-neutral compounds, and PCBs using a priority pollutant scan analyzed in accordance with 40 CFR Part 136. This analysis must be conducted by a DWQ-certified laboratory. APGI recognizes that there is variability in water quality conditions in the tailrace in response to changes in flow, generation, spill and lake level and has attempted to take this into account in the development if this plan. Yadkin Project (FERC No. 2197) Sampling Plan for Priority Pollutants in the Narrows Tailrace 1-1 June 2008 ENSR 2.0 Location of sampling APGI proposes to sample water quality in the tailrace of Narrows dam at the historic water quality sampling station F-1 (N 350 25'05.637", W 801 05'28.767") as referenced in Normandeau (2005). This station has been sampled frequently for nutrients and continuously for dissolved oxygen and temperature during stratification periods over the past 9 years. These historic data will be helpful in interpretation of the testing data to be generated by this plan. A series of surveys conducted by Normandeau (2005) confirmed that the Narrows tailrace is well mixed and that water quality at sampling station F-1 is representative of conditions in the Narrows tailrace. Station F-1 is depicted in Figures 1 and 2. Yadkin Project (FERC No. 2197) Sampling Plan for Priority Pollutants in the Narrows Tailrace 2-1 June 2008 ENSR 3.0 Timing of sampling Narrows Reservoir, as the deepest impoundment in the Yadkin Project, is the only one that consistently thermally stratifies. Associated with this thermal stratification is anoxia in the deeper portions of the impoundment including the hypolimnion (deep cold layer), metalimnion (transitional layer) and the lower portion of the epilimnion (warmer surface layer). Any contaminants in the sediments being studied under this plan (particularly metals) are more likely to be mobilized under anoxic conditions. The samples will be collected to reflect those anoxic conditions under which it is most likely that sediment contamination might be migrating. The proposed tailrace sampling period has been chosen to coincide with a period of strong thermal stratification and resulting anoxia in Narrows Reservoir. This period generally encompasses June through early October with the strongest stratification and anoxia generally occurring from July through September (Figure 3). Many of the substances which are the focus of this investigation are found in littoral zone sediments in the vicinity of the Badin Works on Narrows Reservoir. Migration of these contaminants via surface water from this zone may be maximized during low water when exposed sediments are eroded by surface water runoff and deeper sediments are disrupted by wave action from wind driven waves and wakes from boat traffic. Historic water levels on Narrows Reservoir are presented in Figure 4. Although water levels do not fluctuate greatly in Narrows Reservoir, historically water levels have been at or near their lowest in from July through mid-September. Because this period encompasses both the occurrence of low water and reservoir anoxia, July through mid-September will be the target period for the sampling. Furthermore, flows through the Yadkin Project are typically at a minimum during the July through mid-September period, minimizing any potential dilution of substances and maximizing concentrations in the Narrows tailrace. Most of the water that passes through the Narrows dam during the July to September period passes through the turbines during generation. Sampling will be timed to occur during a period of generation from at least 1 unit at Narrows. Sampling will not start until at least 2 hours after the commencement of generation to allow the tailrace to come to equilibrium, such that samples taken from Station F-1 will be representative of the quality of water discharged. This time period was demonstrated to be appropriate during air injection testing at Narrows in 2001 and 2004 (Normandeau 2005). Yadkin Project (FERC No. 2197) Sampling Plan for Priority Pollutants in the Narrows Tailrace 3-1 June 2008 ENSR 4.0 Sampling methods A single sampling event will be scheduled to occur in July-August, 2008. For this sampling event the discharge from Narrows dam/powerhouse will be sampled by collecting surface water samples at Station F-1. Station F-1 is a historic water quality sampling station located just downstream of the Narrows powerhouse. This station is in the tailrace and well mixed so samples will be collected from the surface. Samples collected will include a field blank and replicate water samples for analysis of all water quality parameters. U.S. EPA's field procedure for Clean Hands (CH)/Dirty Hands (DH) surface water sampling techniques (EPA Method 1669 Section 8.2.8) will be used as a general guideline for surface water sample collection. This method will allow low levels of metals to be detected without atmospheric or sampling environment contamination. Sample laboratory analyses and methods are listed in Table 1. The sample containers will be pre-labeled by the sampling task manager. The labels with the sample identification number will be attached directly to the sample containers, or to the inner bag for the low level metals analysis. Each low level metals sample container will be double bagged to maintain the cleanliness and integrity of the container. Per U.S. EPA methods, the CH sampler will come into contact only with the inner bag and the sample container. The DH sampler will complete the remainder of the activities. Once the sample container is removed from the inner bag, the container will be submerged, capped, directly into the water. While under water, the sample cap will be removed, the bottle will fill with water, and the sample cap replace prior to removing from the water column. Care will be taken to collect the sample upstream of the outboard motor on the boat. Sample containers containing preservative will not be submerged directly. Rather, a clean non-preserved amber glass container will be submerged using the techniques described above, and the surface water will be transferred to the preserved sample container. A sample label listing sample identification number, sample date and time, analysis, preservative, and sampler names will be included inside the outer bag. Field notebooks and sample collection forms will be used to record pertinent data while sampling. All samples will be stored on ice (at 4°C), packed in coolers, and shipped under chain of custody for laboratory analyses to a North Carolina laboratory certified for the parameters to be analyzed. Field replicates will be collected in separate containers. A field blank will be collected by filling a non- preserved amber container with reagent-grade deionized water. Field parameters will be collected at the surface following collection of the surface water sample. Water depth, dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, conductivity, turbidity, and pH will be measured with a YSI 600 XL, or equivalent. Field parameters will be measured by submerging the instrument probe directly in the surface water, and recording the measurements after stabilization. A profile of dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH and specific conductance will be recorded from Narrows Reservoir at station N-4 (Figure 1) on the day of the tailrace survey to confirm that the impoundment conditions represent a period of stratification and anoxia. Visual observations including weather will also be recorded in the field logbook. The field instrument will be pre- and post calibrated for quality assurance purposes. Yadkin Project (FERC No. 2197) Sampling Plan for Priority Pollutants in the Narrows Tailrace 4-1 June 2008 ENSR 5.0 Analytical methods Parameters to be collected along with methods of analysis are presented in Table 1. Laboratory analysis will be conducted by a NCDWQ certified laboratory, following their approved protocols. Yadkin Project (FERC No. 2197) Sampling Plan for Priority Pollutants in the Narrows Tailrace 5-1 June 2008 ENSR 6.0 Data analysis, reporting and contingency sampling Data collected as a part of this sampling plan will be compiled in a data report. Concentrations will be presented along with method detection limits and North Carolina standards for Class C and WS surface waters. Field data and weather, dam operations and water level observations will also be reported. Quality control information will be reported along with explanations of any anomalies in the field or laboratory program. Should concentrations of priority pollutants in the Narrows tailrace collected as a part of this program be detected in concentrations in excess of North Carolina Class C or WS standards, the following steps will be considered after consultation with NCDWQ. First, a confirmatory sampling round will be conducted with the procedures described above and under similar environmental conditions (Narrows Reservoir stratified with anoxia). During this sampling round, samples will be collected in the Narrows tailrace (station F-1), in the epilimnion and hypolimnion of Narrows Reservoir (station N-4), in the littoral zone in the embayment adjacent to the Badin Works and in the tailrace of the Tuckertown dam at the upper end of Narrows Reservoir (station N-1). Should the results of the first confirmatory round of sampling indicate that there may be an export of priority pollutants through the Narrows dam, after consultation with NCDWQ, additional sampling will occur to determine if this export occurs under other conditions of flow, water level and reservoir stratification. Specifically, sampling will occur during two other target periods; after fall turnover in Narrows Reservoir and during high spring flows. Should this sampling be required, it will encompass stations F-1, N-1, N-4 and a station near the Badin plant as suggested for the confirmatory sampling. Field profiles and flow records will be consulted prior to sampling to insure that the target conditions are present. Depending on results of the initial sampling rounds, samples collected during confirmatory and follow up sampling rounds (if required) may only include a subset of analytes from the original list. Reduction of the analyte list will only occur after consultation with and approval of the NCDWQ. Yadkin Project (FERC No. 2197) Sampling Plan for Priority Pollutants in the Narrows Tailrace 6-1 June 2008 ENSR 7.0 References Normandeau Associates. 2005. Yadkin Project, FERC No. 2197 NC, Yadkin Water Quality Monitoring Report, Final Study Report. Prepared for ALCOA Power Generating Inc., Yadkin Division. RETEC. 2007. Characterization of the Toxicity and Bioavailability of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Aquatic Sediments from Narrows Reservoir. Prepared for Aluminum Corporation of America, Alcoa Center, Pa. Yadkin Project (FERC No. 2197) Sampling Plan for Priority Pollutants in the Narrows Tailrace 7-1 June 2008 ENSR Appendix A Figures and Tables Yadkin Project (FERC No. 2197) Sampling Plan for Priority Pollutants in the Narrows Tailrace June 2008 ENSR Figure 1. Narrows (Narrows Reservoir) and Falls Reservoir sampling stations (adapted from Normandeau 2005) Water Quality Sampling Stations in C?nc onrl 111- uc Docon?nirc Yadkin Project (FERC No. 2197) Sampling Plan for Priority Pollutants in the Narrows Tailrace June 2008 ENSR Figure 2. Narrows tailrace sampling station (continuous monitor is at station F1) and transects used to evaluate tailrace mixing to confirm monitor placement (adapted from Normandeau 2005). June 2008 ENSR Figure 3. Temperature and dissolved oxygen profiles in Narrows Reservoir near the dam from 1999 to 2003 (y axis scale of 100 to 160 meters is equivalent to 328 to 525 feet) (adapted from Normandeau 2005). Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) at Station N4 O .m N W 160 155 150 145 140 135 130 125 120 115 110 105 100 Psi I 'i I m m T O O O O O N N N N c`') c`7 (") (`') d' O101 m m O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Z Er J F- Z W J F- Z 0 J F- Z W J F- Z of -? Z O Q Q 7 O Q Q 1 UO Q Q UO Q Q UO Q Q UO Q Month Yadkin Project (FERC No. 2197) Sampling Plan for Priority Pollutants in the Narrows Tailrace June 2008 W N N Ln O N (M t O C d R O' N U) N d d E O cC r O O LO r O O ?a v N X LA M O T O N 3 O m O d N "O o" E O z E > O O L Y G1 c0 a 3 m N M 0 Y R O Z 7 U- 0 Z O d J J LL O 0 00 r- O ? ? M N r O CO lC) In if ) Ln LO In LO 0 0 0 ? r r r r e- r e- r r r r W N O l lt/A3 < -13 z U N 0 O Z U O Q N 07 O 7 Q C 7 c0 o. Q L m z m U- c co c "t 00 00 NN OM 00 00 NN W C? W' OWN W rnoQ L.1. W U c0 F O `m z C C N LL O T Z = U w LL O U C Q, lu 0 a m a E m °o N N ENSR Table 1. Parameters to be measured in this study and analytic methods proposed. Parameter Method Number Heavy metals EPA 1631 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) EPA 624 Acid-extractable compounds EPA 625 Base-neutral compounds EPA 625 PCB's EPA 6-8 Yadkin Project (FERC No. 2197) Sampling Plan for Priority Pollutants in the Narrows Tailrace June 2008