HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170353 Ver 1_Bridge 133 Yancey SMP_20170328HighW2V North�Carolina Department oF 7ransportation .. ,....,,. Highway Stormwater Prog2m ,7`�f : STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN ryenion 204; ReMasetl Novembar 2016� FOR NCDOT GROJECTS WBSElement: 17.BP.13.R.78 TIPNo.: 990�33 Coun ies: Yance Pa e i of 5 General Prqect Infortnation WBSElement: �7.BP_13R78 TIPNumber: 990133 Pro'ectT e: Britl eRe lacement Date: 12r/201� NCDOT Contact: Ro er B an Controctor/ Desi ner: MOHatt & Nichol�, CCLeah Younc Atltlress: 55 Orange Street Atltlress � 61 u East Millbrook Rtl Asheville. NC 28801 Raleigh, NC 27609 Phone: 828 25b6171 Phone: 979 78ta626 Email: rdb ran ncdol. ov Email: I oun moffattnichol.com C/Town: Bumsville Coun ies : vance RiVer Basin 5: French Broatl CAMA COUn ? No Wetlands within Prqect Limits? No Pro'ect Destti tion Pro ect len th lin. miles orfeet : 0.06 mi Surrountlin Lantl Use: Rural; Agrialturaf, Forestetl Pro sed Pro'ect Existln Sita Pro"eci Built-U on Area ac. 0.1 aa 0.� ac. Typical Cross Section Description: 10' Travel Lane with 3' Paved Shoulder e' Travel Lane with Grass Shoulder AnnualAvgDailyTraffic(veh/hrlday): Desi NFuture' d1Q Year:2020 Existin : 4t0 Yeac 2010 General Prqect Narrative: Bntlge Replacement of Structure 990� 33 with a DBL 11'x5' RCBC. 40 LF of dovmstream antl 30 LF of upSVeam channel improvements are proposed. Armoring the banks will �e (Descnption of MinimizaUon of Water minimize erosion. Rock Cross Vanes will also be utifizetl. QualiTy Impacts) . .. � WaterEOA Informa8ort. Surtace Water Botl 1: Cane Branch NCDWR Stream Intlex No.: 7-2-52-33-t0 NCDWR SurFace Water qassification for Water Body P�ima Classification: Class C Su lemental Classifiwtion: Trout Waters r OtherStreamClassiFication: None Im airments: None A uatic T&E S ecies? No Comments'. NRTR Stream ID: Buffer Rules in Effect: N/A Pro ect Inclutles Brid e S annin Water Bod ? Yes Deck Drains Dischar e Over BuffeR N/A Dissi ator Pads Providetl in Buffer? N/A Deck Drains Dischar e Over Water Bod ? No (�f yes, provide justifcalion in the General Project Narative) Qf yes, tlescribe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the Qf yes, provitle justiication in the Generol Projed Narrative) General Project Narrative) �.... ..._...,. t{�yya North Carolina Department of TransportaGon ,- t ,.....,,. Highway Stormwater Program `�3� STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN ' �'""""`� (Version 2.06: Releasetl November 2015) FOR NCDOT PROJECTS WBS Element: 17.BP.13.R7 TIP No.: 990133 Coon ies : Yance Pa e 5 of 5 Bridge to CulveR Avoidance and Minimization Pro osed Structure Summa Sheet No. & Station Sheet No.: 4 Station: 12+gg.0 Number of Barrels: 2 Draina e Area (ac or sq mi : 1.6 S- Miles Barrel Witlth/Diameter ft: 11 Surface Water Bod : (1)Cane Branch Barrel Hei ht ft: 5 CuiveR T e: RCBC C Wvert Len th ft 50 Avoidance and Minimization Efforts: Bridge Repiacement of Structure 990133 with a DBL 11'z5' RCBC. 40 LF of tlownstream and 30 LF of upstream channel improvements are (Bridge to Culvert) proposed. Rock Cross Vanes will be used downstream. The existing strear� betl siope wjll be maintained. Proposed low flow channpl is�)milarly sized ro existinq channel. Alternating sills/baffles will be used. (o L- F o� �^^ ��ci {� r�, roSS V�.+�CS � oc c.it (�cyo.,d cFow.�S?-res�..n bo...k. Sk�.b:l',z�.+:on Stream Slo Fish andlor A uafic Life Passa e Existin Avera e Stream Slo e%: 3.80 °/ Existing Low Flow Channel Dimensions 5' - 70' Wide (WE to WE); Nortnal Depth = 0.5'; Proposed Culvert Slo e%: 3.80 °/ in the Stream: Left Bank is 1' - 2' High Upstream; Right Bank Culvert Burial is 20' High Upstream: Downstream Banks are Pro osed Culvert 8urial De th ft: 1.5 Existing Streambed Material: Siit and Cobbles Proposed Low Flow Dimensions 9' - 11' wide; 0.5' High Through the Culvert: Proposed SillslBafFles: Low Flow 1.5' sills to be placed 1' inside iniet and outlet barrel with additional sill at centerline. High Existing Low Flow Velocities in the Flow 2.0' sili to be placed 1' inside inlet and outlet Stream ft/s : 3 barrel wiih atlditional sill at centerline. ropose ow ow e ocities roug the Culvert fUs : 3 Alternating Low Flow Sills/Baffles: Yes Culvert/StreamAli nment Stream Pattems Upstream and Property located on downstream left bank. Active erosion occurring. Bank to be heavily armored to maintain structural stability of existing building. Downstream of the Culvert that Could Affect Fish Passage and Bank Stability: Bed Forms Impacted by Culvert (riffles, N/A pools, glides, etc.): Low Flow Floodplain Bench Required? No High Flow Bench provided (provide justification) Sharp Bends at InIeUOutlet? Yes Stream runs parallel to Road Upstream & Downstream (describe culvert alignment with stream) Stream Realignment Necessary? (provide No justifiwtion) Bank SUbii"vation: Bank stabilization required 30 LF upstream & 40 LF downs[ream Outlet Velocities Natural Stream Channel 2- r Veloci ft/s : 7.4 Naturel Stream Channel 10- r Veloci ft/s : 5 Proposed Culvert 2- r Outlet Veloci (ft/s): 3.2 Pro osed Culvert 10- r Outlet Veloci (ft/s : 4.5 Roadwa GeomeVic Conside2tions EvaluatelDescrihe Roadwa Geometric Constraints: Combination of topographic constraints and existing building location downstream limited the roadway antl culvert tlesign.