HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170081 Ver 1_Certified Return Receipt_20170328■ Complete items 7, 2, and 3. Also complete A. Signatum� item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. � l ■ Print your nama and address on the reverse „_ •- �� ��'"� Z V� l� so that we can retum the card to you. - B. Re elvetl by (Pnntetl Ni ■ Attech this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on tha front If space permlts. Article Atltlrassed ro: Mr Larry Thompson. Div. Environtmental O/ficer NCDOT Divison 10 716 West Main Street Albemarle, NC 28001 ❑ Agent `�- L7 Addressee C. D�te ot Oelivery �-�CP /. O. Is delNery adtl�ess dHFerent hom ttem 17 ❑ Yes If YES, enter tlelivery address below: ❑ No 3. Service Type ❑ Cert�ed Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Retum Racelp[ tor Merchandise ❑ Insured Mall ❑ C.O.D. 4. Rasiricted �ellver� (EMra Fee) ❑ y� 2. MIcleNumber 7�08 1300 0000 1124 2562 (iransler from seMce laben 'S Form 3$11, FebruaN 2004 Domestic Return Receipt io2595�o2�M-15ai UNfiED STATESLP�.O„S�AL:.�.SE�O(1F_� i i i iii FlBUCIess Mall Postage 8 Pees PaW USPS Pertnk No. G10 • Sende�:'#31e�A�e print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • Division of Water Resources Wetlands Branch Kristi Lynn Carpenter 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 ili���i�i��n���,��m�lluii����irnlii,i��p,ii��i,�q�„iull ,, : .; pw�ege S CerlHletl Fee RaNm Racelpl Fee P�e� (EMw9emenl Requlre0) Here ResVktetl �elNary Fea (ErMorsement Required) To�al Pwtage 8 Fees I$ I �� " �I�v���� Mr. Larry Thompson. Div. Environtmental Officer NCDOT, Divison 10 ""'1 716 West Main Street ..... Albemarte. NC 28001 Cerlified Mail Provides: ■ A malling receipt ■ A unique ItlentXier for your meilpiece ■ A reCord of delNery kept by Ihe Postel SBrvICe for two yeere Nnportanf RemUMen: ■ CertiNetl Mail mfly ONLY be comblrred wNh FlreFC�ass Meib or Priority Maip ■ Certifletl Mail Is irot avellable for eny cless of intematlonal mail. ■ NO INSURANCE COVERADE IS PROVIDED wNh CertHietl Mall. Fo veluebles, please conskler Inaured or Registeretl Meil. ■ For en atltlltlonal fee, a Retum ReceJpt m�y�r �u �edantl atleCdh a Relurt delhrery. To obtain Retum Recelpt servica f RBCBipt (PS Fortn 3811� to the artble entl atltl eppliCeDle p08�ege to Cover tlle fee. ErMorae meilpiece ReNm Recelpt Requeatetl'. To receive e fee waiver fa e tluplicete reW m receipt, a USPSp postmerk on your CarllHed Mail receipt k requued. ■ For en etltlttionel fee, tlelivery mey De reatricteG to t�e fltltlreasee o etldressea's euthorized apent. Advise Me clerk or merk the mellpiece with tM entlorsement 'ReatricMed Delivery'. ■ If a postmark on the Certifietl Meil receipt is tleairetl, Cleeae present the ertF cle at ihe post oXice for postmarking. If a postmerk on the CertHietl Mel recelpt is not neetled, datech end eXix label with postage end mall. MPOHTANT: Save this receipt and presant It when makinp an inqulry. 'S Form 3800. Aupuat 200fi (Reveisel PSN ]530-02-0OQ904]