HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170347 Ver 1_16-09-0029_NoSurveyReq_20170327Project No: WBS No.: Fed. Aid No: Projal Tracking No. (lnternal [lse) 16-09-0029 HISTORIC ARCHICTECTURE AND LANDSCAPES NO SURVEY REQUIRED FORM This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION County: Moore 17BP.8.R.119 Document � MCC n/a Federal I I�SI I'es Funding: No Permit State I I Federal NWP #3 Proiect Description: Replace Bridge No. 14 on SR 1102 (Thunder Road) over Horse Creek in Moore County. Project length is 0.15 miles. The proposed cross-section is a 2-lane bridge with 30 feet out-to-out. Easements are required. The area of potential effects is 400 feet from each end of the bridge along SR1102 and 75 feet in each direction from the centerline of the roadway. SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHICTECTURE AND LANDSCAPES Description of review activities, results. and conclusions: Review of HPO quad maps, HPOweb GIS mapping, historic designations roster, and indexes was conducted on 10/4/16. Based on this review, there are no existing NR, SL, DE, LD or SS properties in the Area of Potential Effects (APE). Bridge No. 14 is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) according to the North Carolina Historic Bridge Inventory conducted in 2005. Moore County tax records indicate that there is only one parcel within the APE that contains a property over the age of fifty years old: a ca. 1930 property on a very large (over 2,000 acres) parcel. However, this property is nowhere near the APE and will not be affected by project activities. The APE is located southwest of the town of Pinebluff consists of mostly forested areas and very light residential development. Therefore, because there are no historic properties within the APE, a survey is not required for this project. W/rv the availab/e in%rmation provides a reliable bnsis for rensonnblv predictinQ thnt tkere are no unirlentired siQnircant kistoric arckitecturnl or landscnpe resources in tlee proiect nren: HPO quad maps, HPOweb GIS mapping, Google Street View, Google maps and Moore County property records are considered valid tools for the purposes of determining the likelihood of historic resources being present. A survey is not required for this project. Nicloric Archileciure andlundvcnpes NO SURVfiY R50(1/RGll jorro for Minor 7iuruporm(ian Projrats as Qtm/ fed in Ihe 1007 Progrumninlic Agrrrmeul. Page 1 of 2 SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION �Map(s) ❑Previous Survey Info. ❑Photos ❑Correspondence FINllING BY NCllOT ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN Historic Architecture and Landscapes --NO SURVEY RGQUIRED � �� NCDOT EYrchitectural Historian in Date �Design Plans 2olCo Hi.cror�m Ar Jmcohrre unAl.nnd�caper A'U SURI7i I' RIiVU[2L'U fwvnJor hlmnr ] raarpnnanon Pruiens n� Oun[Jied in the 200I lTogr rnnrnnhc�: (l �eemen�. Pagc 2 of 2 Bridge 14 - Moore Couniy � � : �r �' ' �` ; ��-: �, � - , . , <� , . �� w. � _ .. _, _ ,.�.,,. — �,�;��o ! 1"~ .til - � . i ` -�g � ` ir':'I�•,�J, [ ' .. . .. ± . _� � 7 �sov l.betdeen v w��� �. - .:�_ ' - : : _- 5 ..�.__ "_ _:::. �'. .c'._. ., - , _' � __-.-_ -_. "_ ,__ ` . . .... __..: : . :.___ �'.. ,._ . .....-_ _.,._ .::-' '—_' ._ .::._ .n: __ _._.,...._ . '. . �� { � ._.. : �. �t �_ y� . ' _��:ti L r... �-_; r�-�: �-t�fSYt- �o < � . . _ .. T�i _'y.� - �: . 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V �s , 4 ".� I �"' � a� i. �l-:�r _.: ,ti �. . �s �.,:�< < . � y' . �_ �.{ 'S� y . , .,�..n.. 1�� F�Pfl �,r� � �r71d Y2 ; fi � , I � .L'�{1 ��71' V" O I "TTI �(' V [ DLJ �: .� lal l"ItiIGA' �Ol IF1I+� E-I �l � l�: MOORE CDUNTY LOCATION: BRIDGE NO. 6200f4 ON SR Il02 (TXUNDER ROAD) OVER HORSE CREEK TYPE OF WORK: GRADINC, DRAINAG6, PdVING CM STRUCTl7RE B£GlA' PRO(£CT CBP.SRll9 -L- Sw. ISH0.00 / � � U GRAPNIC SGILF,S D£SIG.V Od'!.9 PROJEC]' LENGlN I'LL�c� � aoi zo�a = izoo l•� �J 30 0 :o ioo pDi 30a5 = 2n0� IENGTN ROPDWAY PROIEQ I)BP.e.R]fl �]]6 �����—_ K - � PlnNS D - ^,u . , .rr.� .rm iG 0 50 t0Y LENGTH SiR1)C1URE PROJKT VBP.B.N.119 O.D13 � T� 6. NIGII]' Of II 11 O.II �����__ �� 60 MPH DECEMBEB 2016 PNOFlLE (HOR20NTAL� • i}ST = Ol1AL TOTAL IENGTH OF GROIEQ VBP.B.R119 O1G9 m: � O 10 0 10 FUNC CIA55 � f£TJI.\'G Dd]T.: � fllll�� �ou� roNezan PROFlLE VERTICsy $UBREGIONqLTIEN >'.';'. 176P.8nR.119 � N� .��.�. 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