HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170247 Ver 1_R 1628 NHC permit package 022717_20170322_ „, siMrF„' yd5 '�a�'4� '. Y7'� � 4 �<�' � �� :,u � • r: �'( �'N¢��� ��4�suY�M�Y � STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER GOVERNOR February 27, 2017 Mr. Stephen Lane Coastal Management Representative, Transportation Projects Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Ave. Morehead City, NC 28557 JAMES H. TROGDON, III SECRETARY Subject: Application for .2300 General Permit for pipe replacement on SR 1628 in New Hanover County. WBS number: 3.206511 Dear Mr. Lane: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is proposing to replace an existing 18" x 48' RCP with another RCP of the same dimensions on SR 1628 (State Park Rd.) in New Hanover County. The existing pipe is failing which is causing settling of the road. The pipe is within a drainage pattern in wetlands which are adjacent to Snows Cut which is classified as SC waters. The pipe is located on SR 1628, 0.88 mile northwest of SR 1573 (Dow Rd) within Carolina Beach State Park. Please find enclosed the completed DCM MP-1 and DCM MP-5 applications detailing NCDOT's proposal under Section .2300 General Permit. The WBS number noted above should be utilized by the Division of Coastal Management for the .2300 General Permit fee. NCDOT is also providing a courtesy copy of this request to the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Resources (DEQ, DWR) to notify them of NCDOT's intention to perform this work under Nationwide Permit 3 and Water Quality Certification 3883. In addition to the completed DCM MP-1 and DCM MP-5 please find the following attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Aerial Map 3. Plan sheet showing relative elevations in the vicinity of the pipe 4. Aerial image showing relative elevations in the vicinity of the pipe 5. A copy of the letter sent to the adjacent property owner representative NCDOT will follow all applicable permit conditions associated with the DCM General Permit .2300 as well as those listed in the Nationwide Permit 3 and DEQ, DWR Water Quality Certification 3883. The original return receipt from the certified mail notice to the adjacent property owner will be forwarded when it is received. Please let me know if I can provide any further information. MailingAddress: Telephone: (910341-2000 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Fax: (910) 675-0143 DIVISION OF ffiGHWAYS Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 5501 BARBADOS BOULEVARD CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429-5647 Website: www.ncdot.gov Location: 5501 BARBADOS BOULEVARD CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429-5647 Sincerely, �'� "—t Anneliese Westphal NCDOT L7i�isian 3 En�iranmental Specia[ist cc: Brad Sh�aver, US Artny Corps �if Engineers, Wilmington, NG {electronic coAY) ,�oanne Steenhuis, X7EQ, Dir�isiun of Water Resources, Wiimington NC (electr�nic ct�py} EncIasures ��CM ��-1 �PPLlC�TIOM �r �I�'o� �e�elopment Perm�t {last revised"l212710fi} Nort�h Carolina DI11iSl[3N UF Cf}AS7'AL MAwA�GEME�J7 7. Primary Applicar��' Landawr�er lnfarmatron Busir�ess Name Pro�ect NaKme (if applicab6e} NC[70� Divisior� 3 S�2 1 B28 (State �'ark Rd) - Ripe replacement AQ�licant �: �drst �lame Nfl Last Name Anrrefiese Westphal Applicant 2: First f�ame Ml Last Nam� !f additlorral applrcants, please atiach arr additianal page(sj wifh names Irsted. Mailing Address PO Bax City 5tate NCDOT 155Q1 Barbados gl�rd. CastCe Hayne h�C Z]F Country P�hone Nfl. FAK No. �8429 U5A 8`E CY - 341 - 2Q(70 ext. 91 �- 675 - 4143 Street Address {if dr�`erent from abovej i City State 2a'P Email awest,�phaC c�ncdot.gow 2. �lg�n�'Corr#raGtor lnfvrma#ion Business Name Agentl Coo�tractor 1: First �tarne MI Last �Pame Agentl Corrtractor 2: First Narne MI Last �fame h7a�ling Address PO Box C9ty State ZIP Phone No. 9 Phone �lo. 2 - - ext. - - ext. �AX Na. �ontractor# Street Address {if elrf�erent from atrove) City State ZIP �mail �Form eor�tinues on bac�C3 �52-�(}E�-2�3UFI .. 'i-i��i$-4'€�CAAST .. w��Uvw.rwcc�pa�#��In��i�ac��o��c^i�e,r��f Form DCM MP-1 (Page 2 aF 4} APPLICAI7QN for Majar Development Perrnii 3. Prajecf Locafran Caunty (can be mulfiple} 5freet Address State Rd. # New Hano�er 5R 1 B28 {State Park Rd) Q.88 mi NW of SR 1573 [Dow RdJ SR 1628 Subdivision Name City 5tafe Zip NIA Carafina Beach NC 28428 - Phone Na, l.at Na.{s) {"rf many, attach addition�J page with Jistj _ _ ext. , , , , a. In which NC river basin is the project locaisd7 b. Name of hody of water nearest to propased projeot Cape Fear SnQws Cut, which is a part of the Iritracoasta[ Waterway. c. Is the wafer body identified in {h) abave, natural or manmade7 d. Name the closest major wate� bvdy ta ths proposed project site. �iVatural �Manmade ❑Unknown Cape Fear Ri�er e. Is propc�sed work within eity Eimifs or planning jurisdictian? f. If applicable, list the planning jurisdiction or city lirnit the proposed �Yes �tdv wvrk falls within. All wark will be wifhin fVCD�T RIW. Plannfng jurisidictian of surraunding area is New Hano�er Gounty, 4. Sife Descriptian a. Tota1 length nf shoreline on the tract (ft.j b. Size of entire tract {sq.ft.) There is no shareline within the imrr►ediate projec# lirrtits. NIA - Area of work is within the 60' wide NCDOT RIW c. Size of individual lot(s) d, Approximate elev�tion of tract above NHW {nrxmalhigh waferJ or �fA NW L {rrormaJ water levelJ , (!f many lotsfzes, please aftach addrtronalpage wrfh a lisfj Roadbed is ~ 2.5 feet aboVe �NHW or �NW L e. Veyetation on tract , Primarily grass on fhe raad shoulders. Distichlis spicata, Spsrtina altemiflara, Iva frutesceris, and Baccharis hafimifalia are present in the lower efevation areas. f. Man-made feafures and uses now on iract In the irnmediata project area, which is the fi0 foot WW, the main man-made feature is a two-lane paved raad and Ehe main Iand use is transpartatian as 5R 1628 is the main road wifhin Caralina Beach State Park. g. Ider�tify and descrihe the �acisting lend uses a�'acer�t to the proposed project site, The land use5 adjacent to the propased praject site are mainly recreatiflnal since t�ris area is a state park with fac�lities which include hiking trails, camping, picnic�ing and a marina with a boat I�unch area. h. How daes Ir�cal govemment zona the trac#7 i. Is the proposed project consistent with the app(icable zoning? N!A since it is NCO(7T public R/W. (Attach zoning compliance c�nt�cate, if appHcable} �YeS ❑Nv ❑NA j. Is the proposed activity part of an urban waterfrant redevelapment propasal? ❑Yss �Na k. Has a prafessionaE archaeolc�ical assessment been done for the tracY? ff yes, attach a capy. ❑Yes I�Na ❑NA If yes, by whom? (. Is the proposed project Socated in a Natianal Registered Historic Oistrict nr daes it involve a ❑Yes �No ❑NA National Register listed or eiigible property? =Farm con#inues nn next page� 252-808-2808 .. 1-888-4RCOAST .. www.nccoastalmanagement.rtet Fnrrsi DCM MP-1 (Page 3 af 4) APPlI�ATIQN for Major [7evelopment Permif m. (ij Are there wetlands an the site? �Yes ❑No {ii} Are there coastal weflands on the site? �Yes ❑No {iii) If yes to eifher (i) nr (ii} a6o�e, has a delineation been conducted? ❑Yes �Na (Rttach daaument�fion, iFavailableJ n. descrihe existing wastewatertreatment faciiities. NIA v. Des�rihe exisking drinking water supply source. Nra p. Describe exis�ng storm water management or treatment systems. sheet flow 5. Actrvrties and lmpacts a. W i31 the project be for commercial, public, ar private use? �Canmercial �PubI�clGavemment []PrivatelGommunity b. Give a brief des�ription of purpose, use, and daily npera6ons of the projeet when compfete. When compCete, #ha daify c�perations in the immediate prajec# area will be fhe same as the existing daily operations. ihe pipe repacemen# will allaw SR 1628 fa carrtinue to fuction as a two-lane paved road. It will aflow cantinu#ed access ta the marina and boat launch area, and other faciliiies which �re at the end of SR 1628 (which is a dead-end road}. c. Descrihe the proposed canstruction methpdofogy, types af eonstruction equipment ta be used during construction, the number �f each fype of equipme�rt and where it is to he s#ared. 7ypical canstruction equipment will be associated wifh this proje�ei including an excavator �1 y, dump tr�cks �2 or 3}, and a pavement roller (1 }. 'T'here are pa�+ed parking areas within #he parlc on either s�de af the propased pipe replacement for storage af equipment. d. List all der�elopmenf acti�ities you propc�se. Replacement of an existing pipe across SR �fi28. e. Are the proposed ac#ivities mair�tenance of an exlsting praject, new work, or both? Maintenance. f. W hat is the appraximate total disturbecl land area resulting fram tiie proposed project? 756 �Sq.Ft or ❑Acres g. Will the proposed praject encroach on any public easement, public �cessway Qr ather srea I�Yes ❑Ko ❑NA that the public has established use oi? h. Describe location and type of existing and proposed discharges to waters af the sta#e. 'There will be shee# flaw of stormwafer, but since there is na additianal built upan area associated with this project, this will be the same as wF}at is existing. i. Will was#ewater or stormwater be discharged into a wetland? ❑Yes I�No ❑NA tf yes, will this discharged water be of ths same salinity as the receiving water? ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA j. Is there any mitigatian propased? ❑Yes �No ❑NA If yes, attach a mitigation propos�l, �Form continues an hack� 252-808-28Q8 .. 7•888-4RCflAST .. www.nccoastalm�nac��rnent.net �orm �CM MP-1 (Page 4 af 4) APPLfCATIC3N for Majar Development Permit 6. Addifional ►nformation frr addrtion to this campleted appllcatiorr farm, (MP-ij the fo!lowir►g Items belotv, if applrcahle, musf be submrtted iR �derfor the applicatfan package ta be complete. ltems (a) -- {fJ are always applrcadfe fo any ma,j�r develapment applicatlon. Please consult the applicatlon instru�trorr bo�klet on how to properly prepare fhe requ,'ved items bek�w. a. A projecf narrati�e. b. An accurate, dated woric plat (including plan view snd cross-sec#ior�af drawings} drawn to scale. Please give the present status of the proposed project. Is any portion atready complete? If previously authorrted work, clear3y indicate on maps, pla#s, drawings to distinguish between work completed and propased. c. A site or €acaiion rnap that is sufficientiy detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to fhe site. d. A cs�py of the deed {with state applicatian only} or other instrument under which tF�e applicant clairns title to the affecked properties, e. The appropriate application fee. Check or moneyr order made payable tu DENR. f. A list of the nam� and camplete addresses of the adjacent waterfront {riparian} landowners and signed reiurn receipts as proo# tha# such owners have received a capy af the appli�atian and plats by certified mail, Such landowners must he advised tha# they ha�e 30 days in which to submit cnmrnerits on the proposed project ta the Division of Coastal Management. Name 5tate of North Caraiina, Carolina Beach State Park Phvne No, Address NC Department af Natural and Cultural Resources 1 alvisan of Parks and E2ecreation 129 West Jones Street Raletgh, NG 27601 Name Phone No. Address Name Phone No. Address g. A list of previaus state orfederal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. h. Signed consultant ar agent authorization form, if applicable. i. W£Qland detineation, if necessary. j. A signed AEC hazard notice far projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. (Must be signed by properry ownerJ k. A statemenf af campliance ur+ith the N.C. Enviranmental Poliey Act {N.C.G.S. 113A 1-10}, if necessary. If the projeot in�ol�es expenditure of public funds or use of p�blic lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the Narth Carolina En�ironmerrtal Palicy Act. 7. �ertifr`catron and Permissian to Enter on Land I understand tha# any permit issued in response to this appli�ation will allaw only the de��lopmen# dsscr+hed in the applicatian. The project will be subject fo the conditions and restrictians cnntained in the permit. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to representati�es af state and federal review agencies to er+ter on the aforementianed lands in �annectian with evaluating informatian refated ta tF�is permit application and foNow-up monitoring ofithe project. 1 fu�ther certify that the informa#ion provided in this application is truthful to #he best of my knawledge. Date 2/2412017 Print Name Anneliese Westphal . .. - �i.,.. .�_ �,_/1�J Please indicate application attachments pertaining to yo�ar proposed project. ❑DGM MP-2 Exca�atian and Fill fnfarmation i�DCM MP-5 Bridges and Guh+erEs ❑DCM MP-3 Upland De�elopmen# ❑DCM MP-4 Structures Information ZS2-808-28n8 .. 1•888-4RCOAST .. www.nccoastalmaisage�nent.net Fonn OCM MP-5 BRIaGESandCULVERTS Attach this farm to J�oint Applicaiion for CAMA Major Permit, Farrn DCM MP-1. Be sure ta complete all other sections of the Jpint Applicatian fhat relafe ta fhis proposed project. Please ir�dude all suppl�nental infc�rmation. 1. BRIDGES � Th�s seeiion not appFrcable a. Is the proposed bridge: ❑Commercial ❑F'uBficlGovemment �PrivatelCommunity c. Type af hridge {cons#ructiqn ma#eriafy: e. {ij W ifl proposed bridge replace an existing bridge? f�Yes ❑iVa If yes, (fij Length of ewisting bridge: (fii} Width af extsfing bridge: �ivj Navigation cfearance underneath existing br�dge: (v} Will all, or a part af, the existing bridge be removed? {Explain) g. Lengkh of praposed hridge: b. Water' 6ady to be crassed 6y bridge: d. W ater depth at the proposed crassing at NLW ar N W L: f. (i} Will proposed hridge replace an existing culvert7 ❑Yes ❑IVo If yes, tii} Length vf e�cisting culvert: {iii} W�dth of exisfing cul�ert: {i�] Height o# the top of the existing culvert abave the NHW or NW L: (w} Will all, or a part of, the exs'sting cuivert be rema�ed? {Explain) h. Width af proposed bridge: i. Wi11 the prop�sed bridge aff+ect existing water flc�w? ❑Yes CINo j. Will the propased bridge affect na�vigation by reducin or If yes, explain: increasing the existing navigahle opening? �Yes []No If yes, expfain: k. Navigation clearanae undemeath propnsed bridge: f. Have yau norit�ied #he U.S. Caast Guard canceming their approva!? ❑Yes ❑Na If yes, explain: m. Wilf khe proposed bricige cross wetlands con#aining no navigab4e n. Fteight of prapnsed bridge a6ove weUa�ds: waters? ❑Yes ❑No if yes, explain: 2. C�'lLVERTS ❑ Thr`s sectr'an not applrcabfe a. Nurrther of cul�erts prapased: 'f b. Wat� 6ody in which the cufvert is to be placed: Unnamed drainage pattem ad�acent io Sr�ows Gut (clas�fied as SCj �C Forrn co�tinues an baak� 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RC{3A5T :: www.nccoastalmanac�ernent.net revised:7U12GIU6 Farm DCM MP-5 [Bridges and CufverEs, Page 2 of 4j c. Type vf culvert (construction material}: 48" diameter reinforced cancrete pipe d. tij Will praposed cul�ert replace an exssting bridge7 []Yes I�Nv If yes, (ii) Length of existing krridge: {iiij Widfh af existing bridge: (iv} Navigaffon clearance underneath existing bridge: _ ��} Wiil all, or a part af, the eacisting bridge be remo�ed? (Explainy f. Length of proposed Culvert: 48' h. Height af the tap � the propased cuf�ert above the NMW ar NWL. approximafely +�.5' j. Will the proposed culvert affect navigation by reducin or inareasing the eacisting navigabfe opening? �Yes �hla If yes, explain: e. (tj Will proposed culvert replace an existing cuivert? �Yes ❑No If yes, (ii} Length of existing cul�ert[s): 48` {iii) W idth of existing culvert{s): 18" (iv) Height nf the top of the existing cuivert above the NHW or HW�.: aonroximatefv 0.5' (v) Will all, or a part of, #he existing culver# he removed? (Exptain} all of the e�asting cul�erk will be remaved. c�. W idth af prc�pvs�ul culvert: 1$" i. Depth of cul�ert to be buried below escisting battom contour. ap,�raximately '!.0' k. Will the proposed culvert aFfect existing waterflgw? If yes, explain: '■ -w �. � . 3, EXCAVATl+DN and F1LL ❑ 7"hrs sectro►a r+ot applicable a. {i) Will the placement of the prcrFsosed bridge or cul�ert require any eaccauation helow the NHW vr NWL? ❑Yes �No If yes, (3i} A�g, tengih af area ta be sxca�ated: (iil] Avg. widtti of area tv be excavated: (iv� Avg. depfh of area to be excavated: {�} Amaunt of matetiaE to be exca�ated in cubic yards: c. �i] Will the placement csf the pragosed bridge nr culvert require any high-ground exca�aFior+? �IYes ❑Na If yes, (ii) Avg, length af area to be excavated: 48' (iii) A�g. width of area to be excavated: 12" (ivj A�g. depth af area to be exca�ated: 2,�5' jvj Amount of material to be excavated in cuhic yards; 51.1 cu vd {actual arr�ount will be less as the existinq qipe is a partion af the calcufatiasi). b. �i} Will fhe placement raf the proposed bridge or culvert require any ex�avatian within coastal wetlandslmarsh (CW}, submerged aquatic vegetation {SAV}, shell botfom (5B), or other wetlands {W L)? If any boxes are checked, pro�ide the number of square fest affec#ed. �CW �D ❑SAV ❑SB ❑WL ❑Norse (ii} Describe the purpase of the exaavation ir� these areas: The purpase is to rerno�e ihe exis#ing pipe �aRd itll} and to exr,avafe as needed to pface the new pipe ir�cluding hedding stone and fill in the same lacation, 252-808-28Q8 :: 1•888-4RCQAST :: www.nceoastalmana�c ement.net revised: 'f0l2GfDG Farm DGM MP-S (Bridges and Ce�[verts, Pac�e 3 vt 4} d. If the placement of the hridge or culvert involves any exca�ation, please camplete the follouving. [i) l.ocation of the spoit disposal area: NCaOT approved di5posal site (ii} Dimensians af t�e spvil dispc�sal area: varies (iii) Do you cfaim title to the disposal area? �Yes ❑No [lirro, aftech a 1�tter grantir+g perrrr�ssron fmm hhe orvner.] {iv) Will the dispasal area be availabls far fuiure maintenance? �Yes ❑No {vj Does #he disp�al area include any coastal weUandslmarsh {GW }, submerged aquatic �egetatiQn (SAVs), other wet[ands (W L), or sheU Bo�tarn {SB}7 ❑CW ❑SAV ❑WL ❑SB �fVone If any haxes are checked, give dimensions if difFerent from (ii) above. (vi} boes the dispcas�l area include any area below th� NHW or M1iWL? ? C1Yes I�No If yes, give dimensions if differe�t fram (ii} abave. e. {i) Will the pfacemerrt of t�e pr4posed bridge or culvert result in any fill {other than excavated material des�ribed in Item d abvve�to Ge placed belaw NHW or NWL? ❑Yes No If yes. {ii) A�g. ferigth of area to be filled; (iii} A�g. width of area to k�e filled: (i�j Purpose o�i fill: g. (i) Will the placement of ths proposed bridge or cufvert resuR in any fill {other than ex�a�ated material described in Item c{ above} to be placed on high-grvund? �Yes ❑IVo If yes, (ii} Avg. tengfh of area to be filled: 46' (iiij A�g, width af area to be filled:l2' (i�) Purp�se of fiil: The purpase is 6edding stane for the pipe, arrd ths earth fill to surround the pipe. This 552 square feet dimensivn will �eplace the amount exca�ate+� and describeci in "c" above. 4. GENERAL a. WiA the propased projeot require the re[oeaiion of any existing utttify lines? �1'es �Na If yes, expiain: (i) Witl the placement of #iie propased bridge or culvert result in any fill (other than exca�ated materfat described in Ifem d abovej tn he placed within coastal wetlandslmarsh [CW ), S�nmer�ea aqua�ic vegetation (5AV}, shsll bottom (SB), or ather wetfands {WLJ? !f any boxes are checked, provide the numher of square feet afFecied. ISICW � ❑SAV ❑SB ❑WL ❑Nqne (iij Describe the purpose af the sxca�ation in these areas: The purpase vf the fill in f{i} is ta 1. carrectly set ihe new pipe after exca�atian af the e�aisting pipe, 2. #ie the disEurbed shoulders to wha# is existing, and 3, for dewatering measures and assoicated ac#ivites during r.onstruction. Of the the 75 sq� ft., 45 sq. #t� af this fill amount is cansidered t�nporary. b. Will the propased pro�ect require the cnnstruction af an temporary detourstructures? �Yes �N❑ If yes, e�lairt: 252-808-28D8 :: 1-888-4RCUA5T :: www.nccaastalmanagement.n�t reviseci:741261U6 Form DC[VI iViP-5 (Bridr�es and Cuiverts, Page 4 of �� If thfs portioR of the prapos2d project has already received approva! from lacaf a�thoriii�s, please aftaGh a copy �fi the approvaf or cerF�''�cafrorr. � Form cantinues on bacl�� c. Will the proposed projec# require any work channe3s7 d. How wilE excarrated or fill material be kept on site and erosion ❑Yes I�Na con#rolled? ff yes, cvmple�e Form t�CM-MP-2. If rr�aterial is kept onsite it will be sEared entirely on high ground and wifl have all required erosion control measures instaA�ci, e. What type aF constructian equipment will be used (far exampfe, dragline, backhoe, or hydraufic dredge)? An e�ccava#or, dump trucks, and a roller will de used. g. Will the placsment of the propased br�dgs or cul�ert re�uire any shoreline stabilizatipn? ❑Yes �No !f yes, complefe farm MP-2 Secfiorr 3 for 3horeline 5tabil'natron only. �ebrtaary 24, 201i Date SR 1fi28 Sta#e Park Rd Pipe Fteplacement Project Name Anneliese Westphal �PPlicarrt Name l.d�l ���� �ili� � Applicar�E Signature f. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting �quipment ta projecf site7 ❑Yes I�hlo If yes, explain steps that will be taken #o a�roid or minimize enviranmental impacts. 252-808-2808 .: 1-888-4RG4A3F :; www.nc�oasEalmai�a.gement,E�et reviseci:10126lOG New Hanarrer Gc�unty -- S� � 6�8 pip� repEa�err�ent February 2�, 2017 1:44,062 0 D.375 Q.75 1.5 mE DOT Roads In�erstat� l!S highway Sec�rrdary road Loca9 raad FE{feCal I'a�d State Pa�}t road 0 4.5 1 ram p res� area raaci �C ill�hVV�]I ---- Projected road � Caunty Boundaries 2 km Swrces: E�, N£RE, AeLorme, USGS. Irxertnap, �NCREMENT R; hFRCa�, �sri ,�a��,. hn�n, esri cn�ng (}tmg Kong}, Esri Kcrea, Es�i �n,ai�ay. 1�laprttylndia, NGCC, @ qpenSireel�vlap conlrrGators, and the GIS User Coirenun;ty N�vv H���ver ��aunty - SR 1��� p�pe repla�emeni �et�n.�ary �Q, 2017 1:2,754 0 C7.�225 0.(]45 D.09 mi dt�T Ftaads !��—��,���' �' � '—r Scc�ndary ra�d State Park road Q a.o�� o.o� 0.14 km Inte �state US highway NC highway Local road Feder�al road ---- Projecied road rarn p rest ar�a road � Gounty Boundaries Soucce: Esri, CS�t�Gld7e, GeoEye, Earth�a' Geogaphics, CkES1Air6us ❑5, USdA, USGS, A�roGl�l�, IGN, andYhe� G�IS User Ccmmurtity � - - -- — — � ApAroxlmate Nor�rral �l, :1-, ��V�ter � ° ;' ,+, _ , f"�� ' --. � ,_� � �r _ �+4�. - ,� _.�,, �� � � a . � ti. �� . � �� . � � ^r„•� , � _ . - ��i -'J1 ��r� t �.�, ia'.f�� rOi���i y �� �r ` _ - ,` .� .`•� �- _ �`• ��""',�� ' ' � �- \ �� - � � ___ _-�:. - _ � _ � , � - .� � � � ,. .� , � , ,, � �:�� �� � . � � � ,� �°° , � �. � � - :: �� � , , . - �,, :� � : � ; . �r� � � . � — ( y �} [� r, [� ' -. _ �� ,jr_, "� a�. ��F�l�l�1� `1��1 �'{ �Cl���� f7�f �'V I �,_', I � _ ^T �. 4�, �.. , \ _ _ � . - � , �/ ' �� � ���i - \\ _ _ . . ,.111�. � _ -.r 'T-r - "�� � f[� -_�y' � � _ ' 4 . r� r,.�e � .�,�•"r- ,i._ ,�%"' � S � � � . '7� I � ♦ -'; ; �, ��.�M ' " � Jp} � - „ I. yJ " ' � I i', + r . D /� Y '1 � �VV r'V I - � ,�.71..��::ln _ . . . . . '� - X � ' r ' - . . . , ' . . 7. ���'�,� ,f 3 � �' �/lut'rf =A%� � , +; ����' � ,_ �. , ' i � K+i Ir ,; � +. f.'. '� _ ,r` � � , - - �- t !,Ir�p I�I p ,yV, � ,� x ,� 1 � ���iir�' }�r �l � MfJ%� 0�'���i �Cl" RCP i ' . .� : insial,'r� x"lat octl,�g as 'equQldz�� } : . "�'. � ? -_ � pipe and:'Wlll m��r�qfri'�Xisfing fr�ver� eJ�votlo� �,� x�rn� c�rt� �r. �frr«,���� � 2.QR L�!] .� � Q�'f7C�;�'�S{lCif,'"UU.I` �U1�.�7�"�` �q1 :� _ �-,.� �_ I)ivrsfon ofHighways— 1}ivisian 3 � J�� . � .. p� j'WU.�� .�7M�5 �QF,��i r�,��✓/ �VI! Ji] 11���h�'� •� A� '� . Caro07rro Beoch S�vate Park � �:'� � f y},,, ���:-.r� PI'pe �RaPdocemnnt ofi Ext#t��rp 1�'GiCP t! v `.I nl� G'pndl�tl�ns. neor ! f T. r%��. �V. �J, o... 'M14h IB' RCP r ,{ � Rofao 02f2112016 1'�iS' '.' _ �.^ '!1� SCd4� 1' m jp• 6rQrn bYt JDn C3b& , _ _— _ — ���`-� .��— - � . , Nbw HonovOr Cou�tY Lw1 i of 2 STATE OF NORTH CARQLINA I]EP,AI�TN�'NT 4F T`RANSP+ORTA'IT�N ROY COOPER Go�tcrrox February Z4, 2017 Mr. Or�en Daniels Project Manager NC I]epartme�ct a£Natural a�►d Cultuxa� Resaurces Division Qf Parks and Recreation 12I West Janes Street Raleigh, NC 27641 Dear Mr. Danieis; J��s H. T�.o+��vrr, II� SECR.ETAAY As required by th� NC Division of Coastal Manag�ment Regulations, you ar� heing natified as an adjaceut riparian praperty owner that the North Carolina Depa.rtment a�" Transpartation plans ta reptace an exist;in.g 18" diameter crossline pipe on Slt 1628 (State Parlt Itd.} in New Hanaver County, The aitached sketch and applicatian depict the propnsed construcfio�:, Please indicate ya�zr position or viewpoia.t on fhe praposed projeet ax�d zetuna the completed fornr� and any camments to Stephe�a La.ne, lli�ision of Ca�stal Mana�etn�en�, 4UQ Cammexce .A.�ve., Morehead Cxty, NC 2855'1 nr call (252) $OS-28[18. Should yau laa�ve object�flns, yaur comnaen� must bs r�ccei�ed within.l0 days of re�ceupt of tbis nDtzce. Na response within IO days will be cansidered the same as na vbj�ctian if you ha�e been noti�ed by certifted mail. Sincerely, ���t.G�G� UU,,��2:� Anneliese Westphal En�viraaunental Specialist, NCDDT — Divisian 3 I ha�+a no objection ta the praposed project as described in Wis carrespondence. I ha�+e an ohjectian to fh.e project as presently proposed and har�e ezictased comments. Signature P`i-int 3+Tame Phone Number with Area Code h�ailiiig Add+'ess: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPaRTATI0h1 D[V]SI(liV {]F HIGHWAYS 550] BARBAD05 &DULEVAR.0 CASTLE HAYNE, TiC 28424-5647 Tefepha��e: {91p341-2�0� Fax.• [9 i D} b75�a143 C�rstor��erSe�vrce: i-8'77-36$-4968 li'ebsite: www.ncdot.gov Date La[atior:: 5501 BAItRAD05 $DUL�EVAAD CA5TLE HAi'i�lE, NC 28424-5647