HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170057 Ver 1_Other Agency Correspondence_20170322� " Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY March 14, 2017 M�MORANDUM: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Applicant: Project Location: �r��r�adr�D MAR 2 2 2�11 �A�N ApER�M�"f1NCasl1llff Kristie Carpei�ter Division of Water Resources Cathy Brittingham Major Permits Processing Coordinator CAMA/DRFDGE & FILL Permit Application Review NCDOT-6ridge No. 1C ���-700�—, ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secre7ary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Director ly�� �ti �dW Pamlico Count��, on 5121324 over Maso� Creek at I3ridge No. 16. (T.I.P. No. B-4598), Proposed Project: Proposes to replace thc esisting (1' long bridge on SR1324 over Mason Creek with a new 110' long cored slab conerete bridge and associated infrastrucCure within the c�isting right-uf-way. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project a�d return this form by April 3, 2017. If you have a�y questions re�;arding the proposed project, please contact, Stephen Lane, Permit otf cer at (252) 808-2808. ExL 208. When appropriale, in-depth comments widi supporting data is requested. REPLY SIGN�D This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves o£ the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. DATE StateofNorthCaroOna I Environme�talQualitylCoastalManagement Morehcad CRy OfFlce I 400 Commertt Avenue I Morehead Gcy, NC 2&557 2528082808 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT , FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: North Cazolina Department of Transportation 2. LOCAT'ION OF PROJECT STTE: The project is located on SR1324 over Mason Creek at Bridge No. 16 in Pamlico County (T.I.P. No. B-4598). PhotoIndex-2006: 82-8267(N,12-14) 2000:82-974(K,11-13) State Plane Coordinates - X: 2,692,250 Y: 510,921 Latitude:35°07'S4" Longitude:76°41'04" 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA and D&F 4. INVESTIGA'TTVE PROCEDURE: Date of Site Visits — February 14, 2017 and Mazch 1 Q 2017 Was Applicant Present — Yes, No 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received Complete: March 7, 2017 Office — Morehead City 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Loca1 Land Use Plans — Pamlico County Land Ciassification From LUP — Rural with Services/Conservarion (B) AEC(s) Involved: EW, CS, CW, PTA (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Public (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing — N/A Planned — N/A (F) Type of Stractures: Existing — Bridge for public use Planned — Bridge for public use (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source — N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] EXCAVATED EILLEp QT�R (A) Open Water Existing Shading 1,617 sf Additional Shading 454 sf (B) Submerged (�rassbeds Shaded 125 sf (C) High Marsh 259 sf 4,125 sf �IId cleared 6,969 sf Temp. fill 436 sf (D) USCOE Designated Wetlands Hand cleared 1,742 sf Hi Ground Disturbed b ro'ect 17 508 sf (D) Total Area Disturbed: 33,235 sq. ft. (E) Primary Nursery Area: Yes (F) Water Classification: SC; Sw, HQW, NSW Open: No 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant proposes to replace the e�cisting 61' long bridge on SR 1324 over Mason Creek with a new 110' long cored slab concrete bridge and associated infrasCruchue within the e�cisting right-of-way. ' �I�LI) .�TV]E�TIGATI�I�T 123EPORT: 1�OIaTH C�ZOLIl�A DEPA1tTMEl�T ��' '�ItA1��PORTATI01� ���G� l��e 16 ��EI� l��Ol�t C][�EK� A .. . - _ . . . - . -- ���E #2 . . _ _. _. _ . . . . _ � --------------------------- 9. l�AItRAT� I➢ESC�TIOl�T: - P�roject Set4img � � � Bridge No. 16 is located on SR 1324 (Florence Road) over Mason Creek, approximately three miles nortkeast of Merritt, Patnlico County. Elevations in the project area range from 0 to 5 feet. The predominant lanc� uses in the proj ect area are agriculturaUsilvicultural in nature with a few residential dwellings located within the project vicuv.ty. The northern area of the project has a 40' wide x 3 00' long causeway leading from high ground to the bridge. The south side of the bridge has a 40' � wide x 250' long causeway leading to �high ground. The side slopes of the causeways are . vegetated with sod grasses, with Coastal Wetland type vegetation in all four quadrants of the bridge at lower elevations. There are no known historic places or archaeological sites in the project area. The existing bridge was constructed in 1966 and is 61' long by 26.5' wide. The bridge has 24' of clear roadway width, with two 8.0' wide travel lanes, 4' wide shoulders, and 1.25' wide guardrails on each side of the bridge. The bridge is a fixed bridge consisting of two spans, with a maximum of 30' horizontal distance between spans. The bridge is supported with concrete caps on timber piles, and pre-stressed concrete channels. The fifty-one year old bridge piles are currently deteriorating and the bridge has received a sufficiency rating of 29.46 out of 100 according to NCDOT Bridge Management Unit records. The bridge has a vertical clearance of 3' underneath the bridge. Horizonal clearance under the bridge is restricted to approximately 12' by relic .piles and the headwalls from a previous bridge. � There are no stormwater runoff controls on the bridge, as the existing bridge deck drains flow directly into Mason Creek. An overhead power line parallels the east side of the bridge and crosses �- �� -�� aerially over 1Vlason Creek. Two underground telecommunication lines parallel the east side of the road and bridge, while another telecommunication line parallels the west side of the bridge and crosses over Mason Creek. A 6" water line also parallels the west side of the bridge a.nd crosses wider Mason Creek. Mason Creek is classified SC; Sw, HQW, NSW by the EMC in the area of the proposed construction. Mason Creek is located within the Neuse River Basin and subject to the Neuse River Basin Riparian Buffer Rules. Mason Creek is designated by the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) as a Primary Nursery Area within Coastal Waters, however, the waters are closed to shellfishing by the Shellfish Sanitation Section of the DMF. Mason'Creek is appro�mately 50' — 60' wide and has a maximum water depth of 5' below the normal water level of the creek in the area of the bridge. Submerged aquatic vegetation was noted to be growing along the north shore of IVlason. Creek and adj acent. to the proj ect at the time of the latest site visit. Project Proposal NCDOT proposes to replace the e�sting Bridge No.16 over Mason Creek. The project involves replacement of the e�sting bridge and related approaches with a cored slab concrete bridge and new approaches. To initiate the project, the existing bridge would be closed and traffic re-routed to an off-site detour route utilizing NC 55, SR 1322 (Trent Road), SR 1321(Straight Road), and SR1329 (Sanders Road), appro�mately 14 miles in total length. The existing bridge would be completely demolished and removed from the project site utilizing NCDOT approved BMP'S. � � �'1�LI�.II�E�TIGATIOI� I2EPORT: � .., _ _ .- .�- ;�-.:1��RTII ��OL�A DEPA_l�'I'1�1��C �F ��I��P�RTATIOl�T �_>. . , � � ` - BRIDGE 1��.16 OV�ER l�dAS�l� CI�IEI� ' . _ . .. . � � FAGE #3 - - --_ _ � ._ _ _-- - - - _T _ _..... _ __ �-=- -Thenew bridge aspropased-would be � 1=-U'_in length�and 36'��n width; wh'teli would be=49' longer -- ==—�=- -== . and approximately'10' wider than the existing bridge. The bridge as proposed would include two � - 12'� wide travel lanes, with a 4.9' wide shoulder on each side. The bridge. would also have a l. l-' , wide concrete rail along each side'for safety purposes. The new bridge would consist of two spans; � each 55 feet in length, with one bent centrally located in the creek. The design would provide 3.3' of vertical clearance underrieath the bridge and appro�mately 32' of horizontal` clearance through the , bridge. . The applicant has proposed to remove the relic piles of previous bridge proj ects from Mason Creek during the new bridge's construction. � To facilitate construction of the new bridge, the applicant has proposed to excavate a 20' long x 50' wide section of existing roadway filTfrom beneath the southem base of the .bridge; and excavate a 29' long x 50'. wide section of fill from beneath the northern base of the:bridge down to natural � floodplairi level. These areas of excavation would provide access to the underside of the bridge for . maintenance purposes and increase the opening under the bridge for :tlie passage of floodwaters. The applicant has also proposed to replace the approach'struciures to the bridge. The asphalt on the north and south ends of the bridge would be raised for 251' and.212',:respectively, from the foot , of the'bridge: The grade would be raised by up to:1' in the areas that are approximately .40' to 65' � wide with 3:1 slopes in Coastal Wetland areas. The applicant analyzed util'izing steeper fill slopes at the project and concluded the �3:1 were appropriate due to concerns with stabilizatiori issues and • m'inunal impact differences at this site: The road would then be re-striped with two 12' wide travel lanes with a minimum ,, of three-foot wide paved shoulders. New ` guardrails would also be constructed along the approaches to the bridge for up to 80' from each end of the bridge. The bases ... of the bridge are to - be stabilized with Class II riprap. The riprap as proposed would be` `�` ' approximately 180''in total`length,l5'` in width under the bridge; arid would be placed entirely above � � ` the normal water level.. The NCDOT has committed to construct the bridge utilizing top down construction methods and to build the bridge with no deck drains over surface waters. The stormwater from the bridge would be conveyed by curb and gutter to grated drop inlets at eaeh end of the bridge. The stormwater � would be directed from the grated drop inlets via 15" pipes onto riprap dissipator pads that would be ' setback landward of Buffer Zone 2. � . - The replacement of the bridge would require that the existing water line on the west side of the bridge be relocated to 55' west of the centerline of the proposed bridge by bori.ng under Mason Creek with a directional drill from high ground to high ground. The water line would be installed at least 10' below the mud line of Mason Creek. � All of the existing telecommunication lines within the project limits would be replaced/relocated into a 4". eonduit located,approximately 40' east of the centerline of the proposed bridge. The conduit would be installed by directionally drilling from high ground to high ground, with the line at least 15' below the mud line of 1Vlason Greek. The existing overhead power line would remain an aerial line, however;,it would be temporarily repositioned 15' east of the e�risting power line's location to allow for the necessary clearance from the construetion equipment during project consiruction. � � � Anticipated Impacts The proposed bridge would permanently shade 2,196 sq. ft. of the waters of Mason Creek, which ' �I�LI➢ I1+1V�STIGATI01� REPO1tT: _ ' � . NORTgI CAROLII�TA DEPA.R7C1VI�1�T OF TIdA1�SPOIaTATIOI�T � _ B�GE 1��:16 O�� N��OI� CR:EEI� - . - . _ - . - �� : . . . _ . . __ a . . .. . . _ _. _ � " � � _:��.� . =. . :.. . - �__ � = , : PAG1� #4 _ . _ .. .._ . _ , � � . - would be 579 sq. ft. more t�ian that which e�sts with the current bridge, of which includes up to 125 -- � — - - _ - - - - - _- - ===-=sq:=ft.-of submerged,aquatic-vegetation. �T=he-constr-uction of-the-br-idge=wouid-result=in=an 0.3'==--_�- - -_ -- - -: � �increase in the navigable clearance under the bridge, from 3.0' to 3.3'• above the normal water level of the: creek. The horizontal clearance under the bridge would be .increased from 12' to 32' by � lengthening the bridge and removal of the previous bridge structures from the water. - _.The iricreased width of the causeways and the construction of the rip rap dissipator pads at the ' ends of the bridge would result in the f lling of 4,125 sq. ft. of Coastal Wetlands and 3,049 sq. ft. of hand clearing in Coastal Wetlands. The installation of the erosion control devises"for the project would result in 436 sq. ft..of temporary fill in Coastal Wetlands, which would be removed after project completion. To allow for construction of the longer bridge, a total of 259 sq. ft. of Coastal Wetlands would be exeavated at the ends of tYie bridge. Approximately 3,707 sq. ft. of area within the Neuse River Basin Riparian Buffer Area acljacent to Mason Creek would be impacted by the, construction of the bridge and roadway, of which 2,526 . sq. ft. �would be in Zone I and 1,181 sq. ft. would: be in Zone II. The project would result in 17,508 � sq. ft. of high ground disturbance.for the grading and pa�ing'of the new approaches to the bridge. The utility.relocations associated with the bridge proj ect would result in an additiona13,920 sq. ft. ofhand clearing in Coastal Wetlands and 1,742 sq. ft. of hand clearing in Section 404 Wetlands. The utility relocatioris would also require 146 sq. ft. of hand clearing in Zone -1 of the Neuse River Basin�Riparian Buffer Area and 750 sq. ft. of hand cleari.ng in Zone 2 of the Neuse River B'asin . Riparian Buffer Area. Wetlands would be crossed in transporting equipment to the proj ect site. All utiiity pole placement inside the wetland areas would be accomplished with the use of mats. � -.The applicant withdxew the initial proposal to utilize the N.C. Division of Mitigation Services as __. _ a source of mitigation and has proposed to mitigate for.the Coastal Wetland impacts of the proj ect by __,___ ___.: _ .. _ . _. , , . - . - . . . _. __ ..___ .: _ � ----debiting-4.18 acres-from-the Lengyel Mitigation-Site �debit ledger. T�ie mitigation site is located �: -- �� adj acent to the Neuse River Bridge in New Bern, Craven Coun.ty within the USGS HUC 03020202. The site was authorized for mifigation credits in 2004. -. , - A localized increase in turbidity can be expected during the in-water work portions of the bridge proj ect. No additional closures of shellfislung waters are expected in association with the proposed proj ect. Impacts to anadromous fish in Mason Greek are expeeted to be minimal with the applicant's commitment to avoicl any in-water work between the dates of April l to September 30 of any yeax. The applicant has also committed to implementing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's "Guidelines - for Avoidin�pacts to the West Ind.ian Manatee: Precautionary Measures for Construction Activities in North Carolina Waters" to avoid any unpacts to any threatened or endangered wildlife. The applicant has committed to implement NCDOT's Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds „ during construction. � � - � Traffic along SR 1324 would be re-routed during the construction perio,d of fihe project wluch will result in increased travel distances for some users of the transportation system, however, the public is expected to benefit upon completion of the proj ect by the increase in the safety and efficiency of the new structure. Submitted by: Stephen Lane Morehead City District – March 14, 2017 DC� �9� 9 t -� � � � �������,�� ,,,,�� �� 2017 .. - P�I�ATI N ���' - . . ; � f .� .._ _. . _ a._.�_ . . _ _. . �� a � : . ...}y+3fi ..�' y�3 �� _ ^ � � � �a�a � �h� G'��,� n°-° �` �`" . � or �e��ao �c� ���m� � ��� � us � p las4 rev�sed 12/27/06 -�--- - -� — - --- - — -- �----� - -- - - -- - --- --- — - ' - --- —= -- _— ___ .. _ �__ - - _ -- — =_== -- -=North`Carolina=D- IVISIOP!'OF=C-OAST-AL='Biii4�AGEMEMT ""- --= _= .,. ,. . � .. , _ � .- . � 1: Pr�mary.4pplicant/>Laridowner Inforrriafion . Business Name � Project Name (if applicable) North Carolina Department Of Transportation B-4598 Bridge Replacement over Mason Creek Applicant 1: First Name MI L"ast Name Philip S. - Harris Applicant 2: First Name MI Last Name If additional applicants, please attach an additional page(s) with names listed. Mailing Address PO Box City State 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC � ZIP Country Phone No. FAX No. 276991598 t USA 919 - 707 - 6156 ext. - - Street Address (if different from above) City State ZIP Email tstanton@ncdot.gov .,�, � .-�, �� �, ,; 2.. Agent/Confracforinformabon: . � • _ Business Name � AgenU Contractor 1: First Name MI Last Name AgenV Contractor 2: First Name MI Last Name Mailing Address ' PO Box City State ZIP Phone No.,1 Phone No. 2 - - ext. - - e�. FAX No. Contractor # Street Address (if different from above) City State ZIP Email <Form continues on back> ���-�i3�3-:��i�� :; �-���>•�i�����"�` y: ��ar�r.sac�w������as�s�����a�n�.�a�� Form DCM MP-1 (Page 2 of 5) 3. Project Location �. � County (can be multiple) , Street Address Pamlico Florence Rd - - - -- Subdivision Name�- - - Phone No. - - ext. a. In which NC river basin is the project located? Neuse c. Is the water body identified in (b) above, natural or manmade? �Natural ❑Manmade ❑Unknown e. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? �Yes ❑No APPLICATION for Major Development Perrriit - State Rd. # SR 1324 State _ _ Zip_______. _ ---- -, - -- - - --- ---_- -= _ - ='-_ ---- — --- NC------ 28556 _ _ — - -- Lot No.(s) (if many, attach additional page with list) b. Name of body of water nearest to proposed project Mason Creek d. Name hhe closest major water body to the proposed project site. Bay River / Pamlico Sound f. If applicable, list the planning jurisdiction or city limit the proposed work falls within. Town of Merritt, NC ; - . •.._, , , . 4 :S�t,e.Descr►piion � . a. Total length of shoreline on the tract (ft.) b. Size of entire tract (sq.ft.) 275' � 43705 sq. ft. c. Size of individual lot(s) d. Appro�omate elevation of tract above NHW (normal high water) or NA, NWL (normal waterlevel) . (!f many lot sizes, please attach additional page with a list) 0.0' �NHW or ❑NWL e. Vegetation on tract Marsh, maintained-disturbed, forested f. Man-made features and uses now on tract Roadway, bridge, utility structures g. Identify and describe the existing land uses adiacent to the proposed project site. Cropland, woods, rural residential. h. How does local government zone the tract? i. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? Rural (Attach zoning compliance certificate, if applicable) DYes ❑No �NA j. Is the proposed activity part of an urban watertront redevelopment proposal? OYes �No k. Has a professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? If yes, attach a copy. ❑Yes �No ❑NA If yes, by whom? i I. Is the proposed project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a DYes �No ❑NA National Register listed or eligible property? <Form continues on next page> �S�-��i�-��t3�i .. �-���-��s,e'���'�` .; var�rv�x.ncc+a�s��tsts�s�ag�asa�rat,�a�� s Form DCM MP-1 (Page 3 of 5) m. (i) Are there wetlands on the site? (ii) Are there coastal wetlands on the site? (iii) If yes to either (i) or (ii) above, has a delineation been conducted? n. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. N/A - ti`"i„��'� ���� � ��` k� � '� � � .4PPLICATIOM for Major Development Permit ��� � � �Q�� ���3a�� �����Y����N� �Yes pNo �Yes ❑No o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. 'N/A p. Describe existing storm water mariagement or treatment systems. • Stormwater runoff on the existing bridge discharges directly into the water through deck drains along the full length of the bridge. ' S,.A�ctivities anaP:/►npacts, � t ` � � _., ,_ .,. ,. ,:_ _... , ,......, _..: � . .v. ;;� ... a. Will the project be for commercial, public, or private use? . ❑Commercial �Public/Govemment ❑PrivatelCommunity b. Give a brief description of purpose, use, and daily operetions of the project when complete. B-4598 is the planned replacement of bridge 16 in Pamlico County. The project lies within a CAMA county and CAMA wetlands are involved. The existing structure over Mason Creek was built in 1966 and is a dual span bridge on prestressed concrete channels with a total length of 61'. The proposed structure will be a dual span 21" Gored Slab structure with an overall length of 110'. The final proposed structure does not require deck drains. c. Descrihe the proposed construction methodology, types of construction equipment to be used during construction, the number of each type of equipment and where it is to be stored. Cranes, pile driving equipment, grading equipment, bull dozers, excavators, offroad trucks, and boring machines. d. List all development activities you propose. Removal of the existing bridge. Installation of the new bridge. Grading, paving, clearing, utility relocation, excavation and fill associated with the roadway and bridge work. e. Are the proposed activities maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? New Work f. What is the approximate total disturbed land area resulting from the proposed project? 1.0 ❑Sq.Ft or �Acres g. Will the proposed project encPoach on any public easement, public accessway or other area. �Yes ❑No ❑NA that the public has established use of? � h. Describe location and type of existing and proposed discharges to waters of the state. Stormwater runoff on the existing bridge discharges directly into the water through deck drains along the full length of the bridge. However, the proposed' bridge will have no direct discharge into the water as no deck drains will be installed. The majority of stormwater runoff from the proposed bridge is to flow to two (2) proposed drop inlets, located at the approach on each side of the bridge then to junction boxes and outlet 10'+ outside BZ 2. Stormwater runoff will be discharged at minimum practicable slopes, yielding minimum velocities and diffused with riprap pads at pipe outlets, which the existing drainage does not benefit from. All proposed stormwater runoff is discharged as far away from the stream and at lowest velocities as practicable. i. Will wastewater or stormwater be discharged into a wetland? �Yes ❑No ❑NA If yes, will this discharged water be of the same salinity as the receiving water? �Yes �No ❑NA j. Is there any mitigation proposed? �Yes ❑No ❑NA If yes, attach a mitigation proposal. ���-��5�-���2e� �. �-��$-�������'� .. ��rv�rn�°.�;��ssx���1��r�qW.��:s����.�a�:: Form DCM MP-1 (Page 4 of 5) APPLICAiION for Major Development Permit _........--------------....---.._.__._ .................__..._.......:..........._.................._..._.........__......._..................._...........__..._...:.<For.m..continues on-back:>._..................................._.:.....,__..�....__..........-..........::.._...__................................................................_.....__._..........._.....:...._......................... . 6 Addr�io�at (nformafion In atltlit{on .to th�s compl�ted apqll�s�U�n form� �MP 1) fhe following r#ems belo�v tf applica�(e must 6e subrn�l�ed in o�der fo� tl�e ap,p�fcatron --- -- p3ekage to;bedcom�Iefe�, ltems are ai �yswappttcakle to any m�/dG de�!elopment;a. Uca,ho�t _�Qleasg consulit�e applicafiae d __-_ _-- --_ -- ---- -- ---- �-(�� _%� .. ..�' � FP . ' a. H pro�ect narrative. • , b. An'accurate, dated work plat (including plan View and cross-sectional drawings) drawn to scale. Please give the present sfatus of the .proposed,project. Is any portion aiready complete? If previousiy authorized work, clearly indicate on maps, p�ats, drawings to iiistinguish between work completed and proposed. c. A site or location map that ie sufficiently detailed to guide agency>personnel unfamiliarwith the area to the site.. d. A copy of the deed .(with state application only) orother instrumenf under;which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. e. Tfie appropriate application fee. Gheck or money order made:paya6le to bENR. f. A list of the names and compiete addresses of the:adjac,enfiwafe�front (riparian}lando�rtners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail, Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to'submit comments on the proposed project to t6e Division of Goastal Management. Name Address Phone Mo. g. A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permitiee, and issuing daies. h. Signed consultant or agent authorization fohn, if applicable, i. Wetiand delineation, if necessary, j. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in ocearifront and inlef areas. (Must be signed by property owner) k. A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A 1-10}, if necessary. If the project involyes expene of pubiic #unds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. 7 Certiftcatron and Perm�s�lon to �nter on Lanrl - . �:.- ._ . . .,- . � . .... _ . �.. . _ , . . .,, .: � .. . ... . . . . .. . . .. . . _ . . .. . . I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only,tfie development described in the app�ication. The project will be subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the permit I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and. follow-up inonitoring of the project. I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of rny knowledge. Date �3 � �� "��l? �"rPrintName i N'��-�� s• �q/�Q�S • —'--�-----�a_ Signatur��'��� Please indicate applicaiion attachments pertaining to your proposed project. ❑DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information �DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts pDCM MP-3 Upland Development ❑DCM MP-4 Structures Information �..��.-iiS,!il-;�EzL�i� .. �§'rri5't::.�..+gS;�W4°"t�":.. A .. 41tV:'L'.?3: CG*i,.if=::3:4�'s5i..a !uji�.i3i...tYi'.xe27a ����1 ��9� MP�� __ . w .. v _ - - --.. :__.._.�. _ ._ _. x_._ . _� �R���E� ��� �������T� Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information. 1 BRIDGES ` � � �' pTh�s,section not appl . . . ,. a. Is the proposed bridge: b. Water body to be crossed by bridge: ❑Commercial �PubliGGovernment ❑Private/Community Mason Creek � c. Type of bridge (construction material): d. Water depth at the proposed crossing at NLW or NWL: The proposed bridge is a two span 21" cored slab bridge 4.5' at MTL (Mean Tide Level) e. (i) Wiil proposed bridge replace an existing bridge? �Yes ❑No If yes, (ii) Length of existing bridge: 61' (iii) Width of existing bridge: 26' (iv) Navigation clearance underneath existing bridge: 3.0' (v) Will all, or a part of, the existing bridge be removed? (Explain) All of the existing bridge and abandoned piers are proposed to be removed. 9� Length of proposed bridge: 110' i. Will the proposed bridge affect existing water flow? ❑Yes �No If yes, explain: Flooding source controlled by Pamlico Sound tidal surge. k. Navigation clearance underneath proposed bridge: 3_3' m. Will the proposed bridge cross wetlands containing no navigable ' waters? ❑Yes �No If yes, explain: , f. (i) Will proposed bridge replace an existing culveR? ❑Yes �No If yes, (ii) Length of existing culvert: � (iii) Width of existing culvert: (iv) Height of the top of the existing culvert above the NHW or , NWL: (v) Will all, or a part of, the existing culvert be removed? (Explain) h• Width of proposed bridge: 36' j. Will the proposed bridge affect navigation by reducing or increasing the existing navigable opening? �Yes ❑No If yes, explain: The existing bridge has a navigational clearance of 3.0' but the proposed bridge will have a navigational clearance of 3.3'. I. Flave you contacted the U.S. Coast Guard concerning their approval? �Yes ❑No if yes, explain: An Advance Approval Letter was issued (see attached). �• Height of proposed bridge above wetlands: 1' to 3' ��������'� JAi� � � 20�7 2 CULVERTS � : . �� �,�� � , ��� �!!��,fhi� �i�fic��nof applicab/e' a• Number of culverts proposed: b. Water body in which the culvert is to be placed: ���-���-��t�� :. �-�£���� �'�?�::� � �� �������;������ E:�a�r�a�����;���°a�..��� e�������: s iSr'��7€��S ... .. .... �e�iaa� ��� � �� ���«3���� ��� �s������, ����._ � �u �� < Form eoe�tinues on back> - - c. Type of culvert (construction material): d. (i) Will proposed culvert replace an existing bridge? _�___ ___ __e Q) Will proposed culvert replace an existin culvert? - _ ;- _ - _� - g -_- — --- - _ _--- -- __ _ .,: - -- ---- -- ----- --- �.�- - - -- �= - __ _ � - � ❑Yes ❑No DYes ❑No u If yes, (ii) Length of existing bridge: (iii) Width of existing bridge: (iv) Navigation clearance underneath existing bridge: ._ (v) Will all, or a part of, the existing bridge be removed? (Explain) f• Length of proposed culvert: If yes, (ii) Length of existing culvert(s): (iii) Width of existing culvert(s): (iv) Height of the top of the existing culvert above the NHW or NWL: (v) Will all, or a part of, the existing culvert be removed? (Explain) 9• Width of proposed culvert: h. Height of the top of the proposed culvert above the NHW or NWL. i. Depth of culvert to be buried below existing bottom contour. j. Will the proposed culvert affect navigation by reducing or k. Will the proposed culvert affect existing water flow? increasing the existing navigable opening? ❑Yes ❑No DYes ❑No If yes, explain: If yes, explain: a. c. (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any excavation below the NHW or NWL? DYes �No If yes, (ii) Avg. length of area to be excavated: (iii) Avg. width of area to be excavated: (iv) Avg. depth of area to be excavated: (v) Amount of material to be excavated in cubic yards: (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any high-ground excavation? �Yes ❑No If yes, (ii) Avg. length of area to be excavated: 45 ft (iii) Avg. width of area to be excavated: 28 ft (iv) Avg. depth of area to be excavated: 3ft (v) Amount of material to be excavated in cubic yards: 170 CV �b. ❑This secfion not applica� (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any excavation within coastal wetlandslmarsh (CV�, submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. �CW 259 s.f. ❑SAV ❑SB �WL ❑None (ii) Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas: Excavation was recquired for the spill through abutment. ' � i� �� y� � � � � ������ ,�!-'i �� � 9 G � i / � _�'Fl.c ���_�g� ?� � � ��°'a�" _' `��-2 ���-�€��-���� :. �#-���-� �°����°�` �: ��;.�����sa�����r������se��?��,rs�� r������dl: 1�II��;'�� r ' � . �a��� ����� ���`���� �����.z�� ��a� ��:��:���, ���� � ���� - �- d.• -!f the•placement of-the bridge or culvert invoives any excavation, please complete the following> --- _... .... . . (i) Location of the spoil disposai area: TBD by contractor; however, excavated soil will likely be stored under proposed roadbed and used for roadbed fill or removed for off-site storage on high ground. (ii) Dimensions of the spoil disposal area: N/A (iii) Do you claim title to the disposal area? �Yes ❑No (Ifno, attach a leftergranting permission from the owner.) (iv) Wili the disposal area be available for future maintenance? ❑Yes �No =--- -- T- —:-- . .,=_ —= -- =— _ - - - - :;— ,�- --_ -:_- — �:-; _ __ __ .._- . _— _ _� _� -- — —_ — � � (v) Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands/marsFi (CV�, submerged aquatic vegetation (SAVs), other wetlands (WL), or shell - bottom (SB)? ❑CW ❑SAV �WL ❑SB �None If any boxes are checked, give dimensions if different from (ii) above. e. 9• a. (vi) Does the disposal area include any area below the NHW or NWL? ?❑Yes �No If yes, give dimensions if different from (ii) above. (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert result in any fili (other than excavated material described in Item d above) to be placed below NHW or NWL? �Yes ❑No If yes, (ii) Avg. length of area to be filled; (iii) Avg. width of area to 6e filled: (iv) Purpose of fill: There are fourteen proposed 12" x 12" concrete piles at interior bent. (i) WII the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert result in any fill (other than excavated material described in Item d above) to be placed on high-ground? �Yes ❑No If yes, (ii) Avg. length of area to be filled: 465 ft (iii) Avg. width of area to be filled: 45 ft (iv) Purpose offiil: To construct roadway embankment. GEhIERAL WiII the proposed project require the relocation of any existing utility lines? �Yes ❑No If yes, explain: Water line, power line, fiber optic, copper (telephone). See attached Utility Plans If this portion of the proposed project has already received approval from loca! authorities, please attach a copy of the approval or certification. f. (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert result in any fill (other tharrexcavated material described in Item d above) to be placed within coastal wetlands/marsh (CV1n, submerged aquatic vegetation (SA�, shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. �CW 4125 s.f. ❑SAV ❑SB ❑WL ❑None (ii) Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas: To construct roadway embankment. b. Will the proposed project require the construction of any temporary detour structures? ❑Yes �No If yes, explain: • � Form continues on back> ���-���-���� ;: �-��t�-���;=��:�`"�' ;» u�a�.���.�vi���s����k����;�����e��.�s�� � ���������:� ,���I � � Z017 � �, ����� a_. ��.,�.T. ���;��ts �� � � �� �� t��=�����: '� �i��si�� , . � ' � �,, d�'€a4��`� ���� �����*^�# ��4:�r��e�;; ��� �'.a"a"�.5��`3S� ���� � :3a �6i . .. c. Wili the proposed project require any work channels? d. How will excavated or flli material be kept on site and erosion ❑Yes �No controlled? � - � �• -�� �lfyes� complete-Form DCNI-MP-2. - - - - � - NCDOT Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds wiil be _ • implemented during project construction - - -:- -r = _ - --.: :. �-- --= � _ ,_,__ .__ —� :--. ---. - -- - --_- -- - -_- - - - -_ — .-- _ _ - _: . - ---= - — - e. What Eype of construction equipment will be used (for exarriple, - f. Wiil wetlands be crossed in transporting eqwpmenfto pro�ect site? .._ . dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? �Yes �No Cranes, pile driving equipment, grading equipment, bulf If yes, explain steps that will be taken to avoid or minimize dozers, excavators, offroad trucks, and boring machines. environmental impacts. Crane Mais used to reach temporary power lines. g. Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any shoreline stabifization? ❑Yes �No lfyes, complete form MP-2, Secfion 3 forShoreline Stabilization only. � ., . �:i;�-�s��-: �.i",5 :: �- :��...�:t�.;�sa:�'�' :: r:F�;na:.r.�::r.r��•D.� =�t�n���r�s�:��..��t>: ���'������� _�'. �z� ._ �i 7U�� �����'�°� ��°��� ���� _��� a;���; � :=:��;c�� Lengyel Mitigation Site ONEID 025-001 '�������� : . . . ` ... � . . . .. _. _ MAR � � ,�� -_ . ���� ��� ���� � - �_ _ - -- -- -. _ _ �:._. -T- =: __-, --- - - �: __, ._ _ ._ __t . ___ __�.- ___ _-_..,. __.. _ r:-__ ; �_-,� _--- ^ The �Lengyel Site is located in Craven County within the USGS hydrologic unit 03020202 of the Neuse River. NCDOT acquired the 11.9 acre brackish marsh site to mitigate for unavoidable, jurisdictional impacts associated with TII' B-2531. Monitoring requirements were performed from 1999 to 2003 and the site was closed out in 2004. Table 1 shows the final mitigation quantities approved for the site. The site has been placed on the NCDOT On-site Debit Ledger for use within � . HUC 03020202. Table 2 indicates all mitigation debits that have occurred per regulatory agency approval. In order to offset 0.09 acres of unavoidable brackish marsh impacts, the Lengyel Mitigation Site. will be debited at a 2:1 ratio, totaling 0.18 acres of brackish marsh mitigation. Table l. Mitigation Quantities Approved Table 2. Mitigation Debits — Brackish Marsh Restoration . ,��a �„�a ,;� �r*._ _ <� �.,�...=a - �, . � � ,.� � � ^� ;w � � .-� � . �- � :x �.�. � `� 'a� � �x.. ''a`� � ����. � �� . �� a'i.'�� s� ;�_,� ��in . . ���' , �. ��,.��>. � � �. � �� ��s = i Brackish Marsfi.Restoration 1.56 Close Out'' B-2531 ' 199401568 _._ _ _...._ . .._. . _... . Brackish Marsh Restoration 1.08 Close Out B-2531 Mod 1994-01568 ;,46 acres of these 'impacts were charged to , Sawmill _ ... . . _ _ _ .. _..... . ._ . _.._ _ ___ __ _ .. ... .. .. .... .. __ _ .. __.._.._ . . . __. _. Brackish Marsh Restoration 0.18 Close Out B-4598 Impacts were 0.09 � I @ 2:1 ratio � �� � ���� �1,�� 2, ,: gq, 4'� .:�i`l � 1 ; r d„� {�i � . .� ,� Power . � � � �. �� - ��,��� ���� �� °���� Tideland EMC- John Marsh stated #here are two poles on the east side of the bridge that will be moved back 15' to accommodate crane clearance. In addition one pole to the north of these poles � will be moved to eliminate pull and the need for a side guy. A 15' wide TUE will be needed from. -- � .�;.. �the_center-_of-the,-poles;on-each:side _It,is=recommended-:that.the-trees=cutfor=cleacing be left=—= .. _ --=- � , where they fall as there will be no other work in this area by any other contractors. This would leave a minimum irripact on the wetland areas. All clearing will be with non-mechanized means. The existing poles will be left in place. At the completion of the bridge replacement the IineS-can � � be transferred back to the existing poles, as the proposed poles will be unreachable by a pole truck should an outage or maintenance be required. " All .pole placement inside the wetland areas will be accomplished with the use of matts. There will �be minimum impact to environmentally sensitive areas due to the non-mechanized clearing and the use ofmatts. ' Telephone � Century Link/Embarq- Mitch Averitte, stated that Century Cink/Embarq has facilities in conflict.. Relocation of the telephone facilities will be accomplished with a 4" directional drill. The proposed cables w'ill be placed inside of the 4" plastic pipe pulled back with the directional drill. � There are (2) buried copper cables on the right side of SR1324 (Florence Road) and (1) buried copper on the left side of SR1324 (Florence Road). This one buried copper crosses -L- at station 15+75 and transitions to an aerial crossing. This aerial crossing and all buried cables inside of the project limits will be replaced with (2) copper and•(1) fiber optic cable. The relocated cables will be placed/relocated by directional drill. The bore entry will begin at station 13+75 RT-L to 19+50 RT-L. As outlined in the bore profile the bore will be a minimum of 15' below the stream bottom of Mason Creek. � There will be no impact to environmentally sensitive areas due to the buried cable relocation ' because all trenching will take place in the roadway fill. All telephone lines constructed in wetlands, streams, and buffer zones will be by directional drilL Water --� - Pamlico County Water- AI Gerard-, it has been determined there will be a conflict with the water line. Pamlico County W,ater requested the NCDOT handle the design, specifications, surveying, ` construction, inspection, ie., and all permitting required to relocate the existing water�main located at the waterway crossing on Florence Road in Pamlico County. An existing 6" water line on the left side of SR1324 (Florence Road) will be replaced in kind by a� new section of 6" water line. The relocated water line will be constructed by directional drill. The directional drill will begin approximately 25' after the start of the project in the roadway fill and end approximately 25' before the end of the project in the roadway fill, This bore will be a minimum of 10' below the stream bottom of Mason's Creek. � . There will pe no impact to environmentally sensitive areas due to the water line because all trenching will take place in the roadway fill. All water line constructed in wetlands, streams, and bufferzones will be by directional drilL Cutoff valves will be provided on each side of the stream. .Summary of Environmental Impacts - � Based on the preliminary relocation plans provided by the power and telephone companies, there appears to be minimum impacts. The proposed directional bores will enter and. exit as such with minimum impacts. Silt fence and all proper erosion control measures will be required and implemented. Any proposed telephone splice pits will be outside ofthe wetland boundaries. Hand clearing is typically expected in the wetlands and required foc most buffer impacts. In addition mats can be placed as well to further minimize impacts. B-4598- ENVIRORflENTAL NARRATIVE ����-�ar����n� a �.:..��.:J��.—a ��� Utility Owners �JIA� � F� zQ17 ������� ��� �� ���� Water- AI Gerard, Field Operations Manager Pamlico County Water System Pamlico County, N.C. (252)745-5453 a gerard(a�vahoo.com Century Link-Phone- Mitch Averitte 311 Hancock St. New Bern NC 28560 252-636-6620. M itchell.Averitte@centu rylin k.com> Power- John Marsh Senior Staking Technician Tideland Electric Membership Corporation P O Box 38, Grantsboro, NC 28529 252-637-8314 / 1-800-637-1079 x4324 iohnrriarshCa�tidelandemc.com ' www.tidelandemc.com General Utility Relocation: � All utility lines inside the project limits currently within the construction limits will be adjusted or relocated as necessary before the project Let Date. ' U.S. Departiment of Homeland Security ' �•� ' _ Unitet� SYates"' '''" - - Coas� Guard � ' - Commander United States Coast Guard Fifth Coast Guard District _. - " ' _' __ _ "_ _.. _ .. �:. _.. . .: _ __� _:_ .."_._'.. y--_--" Mi-Phi1 S. Hams,�Iil; l'.E.-._ ._ North Carolina Department of Tr.ansportation Natu�•al }�rivironment Section 1598 Mail Service Center Italeigh, NC 27699-1598 � Dear Mr. Harris: 431 Crawford Street Portsmouth, VA 23704-5004 Staff Symbol: (dpb) Phone: (757) 398-6587 Fax; (757) 398-6334 . , _ - Emait: Mickev.O,Sandars2(i�us�_rn1_� Or GGD�iva6ridaesCcr7uscq.mil �6J`�� 13 DEC 20.16 �� � f 3 :...�'{ � i A -� � �1' ��. � t; :1 NA7'URAL ENVIROf'Jh,9r�1�' Ccast ruard revietu c�f vot�r prc�pnseel pr.c�je^t as prcvided Yn yc�ur �;mail dated November 17, 2016, is complete. Based oYi the d�cumentation provided and our researeh, it is determiiied that a Coast Gua�rd bridge �ermit will not be required for the proposed new bridge construeti�n �n S:R. 1324 (Flor�nce Road) across Mason Greek, at Parnlico; NC. The praject wili be placed in our Advance Approval cate�ory as per Tifila 33 Cade of Federal Regulations Part 115:70. `I'his �ldvance Approval deterniination is far the location and structure described above and is valici for �ive y�ars from the d�te of tkiis letter. If the construction pi•oj.eci does not com.mence within this time period, you must contact this offiice for reaffrmation ofthis authcirization, Future bridge pr�jects along the same waterway will ha�e to be independently evaluated before they may be considered for placement in the Adva��ce Approval category. � _ `I'he fact that a Coast Guard bric��;e permit is not required does not relieve you of the responsibility Eor cornpliance with thc requirernents of any other rederal, State, or l�cal agency who may have jurisdiction over any aspect ofthe �roject. Althou�h the project will not require a bridge petznit, other areas �f C�ast Guard jurisdiction appIy. The fallowing must be met: a. You or yc�ur c�iitractor rnust n�tify this office at least 30 days in adyance of the start of consfruction and any other v,rork wh'ich may be an obstnic#ion tio navigati.on, st� we may issue and update the 'infoimatian in our Local Notice to Mariners and monitor the project. b. At no time during the praject will the waterway be closed to navigation without the prior notification and approval ofthe Coast Guard. a'l:he lowest portion of the superstructure of the bridge across the waterway sh�uld clear the 1Q0-year flood hei�ht elevatian., if feasible. d. In addition, the requiretnent to display navigatinnal lighting af the aforernentioned bridge is hereby waived, as per Title 33 Cod� of Federal Regulations; Part 118.40(b). This waivei• may be resciiided at anytime in the future should nighttirne navigati�n d�rough the proposed bridge be increased to a lavel determined by the District Comma��i�r ��r��r�t� lighting. � � �v, � ���� �.:�, � .JA � � '� � � i � � � �� ����� � �� � � �:� ��.: 1 fi590 13..DEC 2016 The National Ocean Senrice (NOSj o� the National Ocea.nic and Atmosphexe Administration (NOAA) is resporisibie for maintainin�; the eharts of U.S. waters; therefore; they musfi be notified of this proposed work. You must notify nur of.fice and the NOS at the address below upon include as-built drawings or certificatinn of the followin�: a. h. c. a. c. f. �� h. i. Bridge name Action type (new construction, madification, t•elocation, conver�ion (fixed/draw), etc.) Dates (commenced and completed) - Lacation (latitude and'longihide at �iridge center and centerline of channel, statute miles above mouth of waterway, and bricl�e or causeway oricntation or �eographic' positions of approaches) Type of t�ridge (fix�d,'vertica� Iift, basculP, s��sperision.; swan�; frestte, pontnon; ete.) Navigation cl.earances (iTertical at mean high water and Y�arizontal) (Maveable — vertical at niean high wat�r in open and cl�sed positions) _ Whether or not the bridge is tittcd with clearance gauges � Wliether or not the bridgc has pier protection and/or fender systenl. Type of Iand tra�'�fic (highway, railroad, pedestrian, pipelitie, etc.j Mr. Clu�s Libeau Nationat Ocean Service NlCS26, Room 73 J 7 1315 East-West Hi�hway Silver Sprurg, M.D 209 � 0-3282. If you have any further questions, pleasc contact Ivlr. Mickey Sanclers at the above listed address or telephone number. , Sineerely, � �-���:� HAL R. PI1 `I'S Bridge Program Manager By direction of t��e Commander Fifth Coast Guard D'istrict Copy: Clu•is L'ibeau, NOS CG Sector North Carolina, Waterways Manabement U. S. Ariny C�rps af �tigineers, WiTmington i�istrict 2 �������� JAN � � 2017 ����� ����� ��� � `�' ��������� � �.}Y$ ^''a. u� � � ��°.� � ���,F� � � Z0�17 .. . _.. - - . . �. - - - � = ' - „_ . ��`��� .� x�� . .. ... _ . �.. _. . l _ - _ - .�, __ � . . �������� � ��� �,r.�;�,� ���� ��� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPAR�NT OF TRANSPORTATTON -=-= ___ _ , - _ _ _. -_= -- �- --;_�_.. _.-- - -: _ ..---- .._ . _ �_-._. _._ . _ . _,._ - _-._- . ..._ . --- . . _ - _ -_ - _ . . , _ . _ . �� . -- _ . -_- ._ ,--T ROY COOPER 7AMES H. TROGDON, III. GOVERNOR SECRETARY March 6, 2017 Washington Regulatory Field Office U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 2407 West Sth Street Washington, North Carolina 27889 ATTN: Mr. Tom Steffens NCDOT Coordinator N.C. Dept. of Envirorunental Quality Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Avenue 1Vlorehead City, NC 28557 ATTN: Mr. Stephen Lane NCDOT Coordinator Subject: Revflsed Application for Section 10 Pea-mit, Nationwide Permits Y2, 23, � 33, Sec4ion 401 Water Quality Certniication, Buffer Authorization, and CAl�'IA 1Vlajor Development Permit for the Proposed Replacement of Bridge No. 16 over Mason Creek on SR 1324 (Florence Rd) in Pamlico County, North Carolina; TIP No. B-4598; Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1324(5); Debit $475 from WBS No. 38426.1.2 Reference: Pernut Application dated January 13, 2017 Dear Sirs, The NCDOT submitted a permit application to your agencies for this proj ect on January 13, 2017; however, due to Session Law 2015-246 (§143-214.23A. Sec. 13.3(b)) buffer limits�in coastal wetlands have changed. Therefore ttie permit and buffer drawings have been rnodified. In addifion to the revised buffer impacts, the proposed tempo'rary work pad has been removed .and proposed stormwater discharge outlets have been relocated out of the revised buffer zones. Please see enclosed copies of the revised permit drawings, buffer drawings, utility drawings, pre-construction notification, mitigation debit ledger summary, and CAMA MPl form for the subject project (there were no changes to MPS). This project calls for a letting date of June 20, 2017 and a review date of May 2, 2017. Regulatory Approvals Section 10 Permit: Application is hereby made for a Section 10 Permit as required for the above- described activities in accordance with Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of March 3, 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403) . Section 404 Permit: We anticipate that the bridge replacement, including all approach work will be ' authorized under a Section 404 Nationwide Permit (NWP) 23 (Categorical Exclusions), the temporary work pad under a NWP 33, and utility relocations under a NWP 12 in accordance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). MailingAddress: Telephone: (919) 707-6000 Loca[ron: NC DEPnRTMErrr oFTxANSPORTnTION Fax: (919) 212-5785 1020 BIRCH RIDGE DRIVE NATTJRAL ENv[KONMENT SECIION Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 RnLEIGH NC 27610 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER Rni.E�GHNC2�699-1598 Website: www.ncdot.gov • - � Section�401 Penui:t:-We anticipate 401 General Certification numbers 3891, 3893, and 3884 will apply to � this project. NCDOT is requesting rvritten conctu�rence fi•om the Norttl Caro(ina Department of ............---............_ ._Env.ir.onm.e�ital:..Qnality_,Divisian of,Water ��s.Qu�ces ....... ....... ............................................... ....... ....:.......__....... _. .___._._ _..... . ._....._ _ . _ ......_._ . Neuse Riparian Buffer Authorization: NCDOT isrequesti�g a Neuse Ri.parian $uffer Authorization from ,-_ -_ .: _. : r _ _ _ .-. ,the_North Carolina Department of Environmental__Qtialrty;_Diyision of Water Resources.. CAMA �Iajor Development Pennit: NCDOT requests thatfhe proposed work be authorized under a Coastal. Area Nlanagement Act 1Vlajor Perznit. Adjacerit riparian landorvner cerkified mail receipts have been provided. Autliorizatio» to debit the $475 Permit Application Fee from WBS Element 38426.1.2 is hereby given. A copy of this revised permit applicatioi� and its distribution list will be posted at the NCDOT Website at https://connect.ncdot.gov/resources/Environmental. Should you have �iy questions regarding this izaformation, please contact Tyler Stanton at (919) 707-6156 or tstanto�i@ncdot.gov. Sincarely, � ��� _ _._._ ,�- Philip S. Harris III, P:E., C.P.1VI. Natural Environment Section Head '' i :�Y ?:;�;' fra#spt!�tarPon January 13, 2017 RCiY �QC1PE�. �G�nrr+ve� MI�tiAEL L, tiOLDER �w����;s�x�,�;.� _ . _ _. _ .Washington_Regulatory Fie1d,Q�ce_ _ __ _ ___ . , _ N:C,_Dept., of Env_ironmental Qualiry _�_ _ _ .. my orps o ngmeers ivision o oas a anagemen 2407 West 5th Street 400 Cominerce Avenue � Washington, North Carolina 27889 Morehead City, NC 28557 ATT'N: Mr. Tom Steffens ATT'N: Mr. Stephen Lane NCDOT Coordinator NCDOT Coordinator . Subject: Application for Section 10 Permit, Nation�vide Permits 12, 23, & 33, Section 401 Water Quality Certification, Buffer Authorizatiou, and CAMA Major � I)evelopment Permit for the Proposed Replacement of Bridge No. 16 over Mason Creek on SR 1.324 (Florence Rd) in Pamlico County, North Carolina; TIP � No. B-4598; Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1324(5); Debit $475 from WBS No. � . 38426.1:2 Dear Sirs, The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace the existing 61- foot bridge no. 16 with a 110-foot, on the existing ali�iment. Traffic will be maintained on an offsite detour diuing construction. Perinanent impacts to coastal wetlands total 0.09 acre. Please see enclosed copies of the Pre-Construction Notification (PCI�, Division of Coastal Management Major Permit Forms 1 and 5, permit/buffer drawings, USCG Advance Approval Letter, stormwater management plan, utility drawings, and desi� plans for the above referenced project. The Division of 1Vlitigation Services Acceptance Letter is attached. The Programrriatic Categorical Exclusion (PCE) was completed in April 2016, and was distributed shortly after. Additional copies are available at the NCDOT website: /' J This project calls for a letling date of June 20, 2017 and a review date of May 2, 2017. Regulatory .�l�p! oval� Section 10 Permit: Application is hereby made for a Seetion 10 Permit as required for the above- described activities in accordance with Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of March 3,. 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403) Section 404 Permit: We anticipate that the bridge replacement, including all approach work will be authorized under a Section 404 Nationwide Permit (NWP) 23 (Categorical Exclusions), the temporary work pad under a NWP 33, and utility relocations under a NWP 12 in accordance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). �������� --"--�^Nothing �ampare�l-L,... J��� � � 2017 State ofNorth Carolina � Depuhnent of Transportation � PDEA IQatural Enviromnent Section 1020 Birch Ridae Drive, 27610 � 1598 Mail Sen�ce Center � Rnleigh. Nortli Carolinn 27699-1598 919-707-6000 T 919-212_S7g5 F � �,'� � � ��� � � � � �a� �' Seciion 401 Permit: We anticipate 401 General Certification numbers 3891, 3893, and 3884 will . n ,� _ apply to this proj ect. NCDOT is requesting written concurrence from the North Carolina = - -- - - Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Resources; � - -�- - - � - - - Neuse Riparia� �uffer� Aathoriaation: N��OT is requesting a Neuse Riparian Buffer - Authorization from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Qualiry, Division of Water Resources. � a�or eve opinent ermi : reques s a e propose wor e au orize , under a Coastal Area Management Act Major Permit. Adjacent riparian landowner certified mail receipts have been provided. Authorization to debit the $475 Permit Application Fee from WBS Element 38426.1.2 is hereby given_ A copy of this permit application and its distribution list will be posted at the NCDOT Website at https://connect.ncdot.gov/resources/Environmental. Should you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Tyler Stanton at (919) 707-G 156 or tstanton@ncdot.gov. Sincerely, .1�� � Philip S. arris III, P.E., C.P.M, Manager Natural Environment Section cc: NCDOT Permit Application Standard Distribution List ���� 6�` � 4 _.. JAN � � 2017 ����m ���a�� � ��� li�l 9 I ��� 1 lt�h�i'.9t ���� North Caro�ina Departn��ent of Transportation � � � �S1 pu2lla �Y+�° - � Highway Stormwater Progrem � ,;� STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN ���':__ (Version 2.06: Released June 2016) FOR NCOOT PRQ.IECTS WBS Element: 38426.12 TIP No.: B-4598 Coun ies): Pamhco Pa e 1 of 1 Generel Project Information � � W8S Element: 38426.12 TIP Number. B-4598 Pro'ect T pe: Brid e Re lacement Date: 2/25I2017 NCDOT Contact: Paul Atkinson, PE Contractor I Desi ner. TGS En ineers David B. Pett , PE Address: 1590 Mail Service Center Address: 706 Hillsborough Street Raleigh, NC 27699-1590 Suite 200 Ralei h. NC 27603 Phone: 919-707-6707 Phone: 919-773-8887 E�R.104 Email: a&inson ncdot. ov Email: d e t sen ineers.com Ci lTown: Merritt Coun ies : Pamlico River Basin(s): Neuse CAMA Coun ? Yes Wetlands within Project Limits? Yes . . , . __,.: . . .. , �. <-.s� -+-; "" d.�?:�' � �� Pro'ectDescri tion '� a " '� '� � ' - ..: .,„;„;� _ �_. n -� . . . . ..,..._ - �°. _ Pro'ect Len th lin. miles or feet : 575 feet Surroundin �Land Use: swamp, marsh, forest, cropland, some rural �residential� 'i��<:- '� � � � .v.'-'�" `�Pro osed Pro'ect ��' ':�.: Existin ':Sl�e �- --,,� -,,_ ... . `-�. .�_ Pro'ect Built-U on Area ac. 0.4 ac. 0.3 � ac. Typical Cross Section Description: Two 12' wide paved trevel lanes w/ pavement to face of guardrail. 0 to 2' paved Two 9' paved travel lanes wl 2' to 5' wide grassed shoulders, w/ gressed side slopes shoulders and 1' to 3' grassed shoulders and 3(H):1(V) grassed side slopes. ranging from about 3(H)�.1(V) to 4(H):1(V). Annual Avg Daily Traffic (veh/hr/day): Desi n/Future 1326 Year 2037 Existin : 1065 Year 2017 General Project Narrative: Replacement of Bridge No. 680016 on SR 1324 (Florence Rd.) over Mason Creek (a tributary to Bay RivedPamlico Sound) in Pamliw County northeast of Merritt, NC. (Description of Minimization of Water Proposed 110' long (2@55') by 36' wide double-span bridge to replace ezisting 61' long (2@30.5') by 26' wide double-span bridge. The proposed grade across the bridge Quality Impacts) exceeds existing by about 1' to maintain navigable clearance. Stormwater runoff on the existing bridge discharges directly iMo the water through deck drains along the full length of the bridge. However, the proposed bridge will have no direct discharge into the water as no deck drains will be installed. The majority of stormwater runoff from the proposed bridge is to flow to two proposed drop inlets, located at the approach on each side oF the bridge then to junction boxes and outlet 10'+ outside BZ 2. Stormwater runoff will be discharged at minimum practicable slopes, yieldfng minimum velocities and diffused wi[h riprap pads at pipe outlets, which the existing drainage does not benefit from. All proposed stormwater runoff is discharged as far away from the stream and at lowest velocities as precticable. All wetland impacts occur within CAMA wetlands. GVaferbod' in!ormation =��� Surface Water Bod 1: Mason Creek NCDWR Stream Index No.: 27-150-9 NCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body Prima Classificatio�: Class SC Su lemental Classification: Swam Waters Sw HQW NSW Other Stream Classification: Prima Nurse Areas Areas of Environmental Concern Im airments: None A uatic T&E S ecies? Yes Comments: Construction activities to adhere to Guidelines for Avoidin Im acts to the West Indian Manatee NRTR Stream ID: Mason Creek Buffer Rules in Effect: Neuse Pro'ect Includes Brid e S annin Water Bod ? Yes Deck Orains Dischar e Over Buffer? No Dissipator Pads Provided in Buffer? No Deck Dreins Dischar e Over Water Bod ? No (If yes. provide justification in the General Project Narrative) pf yes, describe in the General Project Narrative: if no, justify in the Qf yes. provide justification in the General Project Narrative) General Project Narrative) =�:=4������ � � 7 ��,-, ��,i�- �-,�H� �IT'� See Sheet lA For Index of Sl�ets ... __. _n � �" See Sheet- 9B ` fo� Conventlonal Symbols ' a _ �°I[`'�°I[°l� �l� -.��:i�]E��� ��is���]IaIII�� ����1[���l�T �I�" IE�i��C�I€������ ������� �� ��� - LOCATl0111: REPLACE BRIDGE 16 OVER MASON CREEK 011i SR 1324 (FLORE11lCE RD.) TYPE OF WORK G�DI11lG, DRAINAGE, STRUCTURE A11iD PAVI11lG N - �. k' l.- a � � i �� � if' 4t f f — r ' { � `� ' BE li� BRIDGE ; � •�� '-;� C STA: xS�F Q o 0 • ' �� �. :"z . - o • •A j,'O ` A'\ __ � v\i���S.��� � • •p � • o • r ' • •� . , v� . •7�'�• �`\\ � • . . � • � S� � • • "- `�^ \`` � ^ . , , , _ _ � � a- �a END BRIDGE ' �,�l. .. ... -L-'f' C STA. 1� r ` ., R ��.. ,_ •��a• � ��% .�r � � • ���• `: `�� � ` , . ___cA--�-13�� __-s -' ' e . . + . . 4 "" '__- . :�-., ` ��• --- —L— POC STA. 13 + 75.60 •', • .'�. -. __'— =�-;, ��'� `^ ' ." •' ' -�� J�, , -. BEGIN TIP PROJECT B-4598` • ' •' � ' � � ' " �� � . •� ` • DESIGN EXCEPTI011tS _i_ • HorizontalSSD,Sfa.13-F75 fo Sta.19+50 � Superelevation, Sfa. 13+75 to Sta.19+50 V GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN DATA 50 25 0 50 loo ADT 2017 = 1065 ADT 2037 = 1326 PLANS • DHV = 10 % �� D = 55 % � � 50 25 0 5o to0 T= 10 %* V = 60 MPH OPROFILE (HORIZONTAL) _�nST 1°/a + DUAC 9%) 70 5 0 10 z� FUNCT CLASS=RURAL LOCAL VPROFILE IVERTICALI SUB=REGIONAL TIER DESIGP � •�$���''',�; �'' • .' • , ' ' ,' •' ' . , _ . ,�� WETLANDS `� `e� WETLANDS ��? _ Q 4 9 ` .� 11 �� - � _ � .. .. . !—� •� � �� � �.I�� �� t0 F�pREN L— , .. . :... + �tf�-�TIP PROJEC CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD II . THIS PROJECT fS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. PROJECT LENGTH LEIYGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT B�598 = 0.088 miles LEIKGTH STRUCTURES TIP PROJECT B�598 - 0.021 miles TOTAL LEIITGTH TIP PROJECT B-4598 = O.I09 miles Preparcd For: DIVISI0111 OF HIGHWAYS 1000� Birch Rid'ge Dr., Raleigh NC, 27610 TG5 �' ��y�y 7GS BNGIN5&RS� PH (704) 476-0003 �— 80Q-C N.LlF9YETlE ST COfiP.L7CENSE NO.: ,� SIffiLBY,NC Y8150 G-0275 zan snaxnaxn SP6ClF/CATIONS JIMMY TERRY, P.E. RIGHT' OF WAY DATE: rao�ecr axcnv�n MAY 16, 2016 BURKE EVANS. P.E. PHOJECf DESIGN &NGINE&R LETTING DAT& GARY LOVERfNG. PE JUNE 20� ZO��% PROJECT ENGINEER NCDOT ROAD{VAY �DBSIGN 'e eT�,TC�PaaM,Cl' P¢PEReNCe N4_ �'�Na�.-. -. � B-4598 � STAiB VppJ.N6 F.AVqOAN6 DPSCPIYIION 38426:1:2• - - BRZ-1324 5 - . _ � - pE -- 38426.2:1.' `. ` -- -- WW. UTL. DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED . / ; -�1a`? ��-`� �� � � � � yw�-,�f�,��� ���. �Q � ;�lG� � � Z��� �. HYDRAULICS EIVGINEER ROADWAY DESIGIY EAIGINEER P.E. ��g��r^ ��� �� P� 1�' �� �_��,,..� , SF����' � �F 7 � j .__._ _.___,..__...........---�._.___.._._.___� PRO)ECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. PERiviIT DRAWINGS - - - - EXISTING BRIDGE-DIMENSIONS 60'X26' DOUBLE-SPAN 90 DEG. SKEW B-4598 4 - WETLAND IMPACTS pROPose� BRIDGE DIMENSIONS 110'X36' (DOUBLE-SPAN), 90 DEG. SKEW ww SMEET NO. Excavation Permanent Fill Hand Clearing TOl'AL PROJECT LENGTH - 575- F O R�-4.5 9� ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS in Wetlands in Wetlands in Wetlands ENGINEER ENGINEER - - - . _. - - - - _ ._. ..�- ---- ' - - - -•., . - - - : E E F �- - - --. _ -� - � - - -- -�- . _ : _ -:-- ---- - � - . . . PAMLI�CO- COl`JI�lTV. . � _ . __ . � - STRE�4lV1 AIoID VV�ETLAI�lD If�iPACT� ��I��E #6�0016 r � 7 ,j ; N � . � , � , �' ; � �� tiq ti� �\ �� �, :;� �:; � r� �,- � � �: � �°�' � � � ," - - - -- - - - - - � � o- 8 0 � -; -, - ' `3 CR�� � � \ • � TGS TGS ENG/NEERS N �, � 5 N4 2 S 7� ' r' WDD�S MAR �� 20ii ENa� SU/TE,2000ROUGH ST � , 1 '' i . . � _ � � �j/ � rn 1 r✓ �� RALE/GH. NC 27603 • .� � ` ) � . • PH (9/9J 773-8887 ; � r � � r� � � ;� �— t r✓ A y t,� DOCUMEPIT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL � ,.r.�l ,� �,�p �'i g # UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED i'' � � !„ i � -.� /n ft � q n O � ` i � � 5 4� tl " r .-3,J ., � � f3 � r�. � � �' � � �r S�' � �!/`liVi1`1 � ^ ''L �� � . � :..� Z�-i.. c��,' �% _ �,�� � � ;t ;��i �,.. DARREL ,Ez �J�YENRY f�r' �;.� ,� � � �-> a ?.� `t, .r ` �e, l � �N� '' � ' �� ,1c. • -�;,J;�� 7 r.;� �jJ ^� LASS B RIP RAP � �'� O � \ .�.1__y�"'� • . � \ ' r� / � � � h,�'j-�'�'�� � �.Y � �L ISSIPATOR PAD `' AL X J " S H E I RS` ..,� �, ��" � 04, �y �� y,, ,� 1G� `� _�.; .�_�-}��,v�- � I JS EXIST. POLES TO � �� \ � --- ���'`�'� � I / `_ • �� � �. .� � . �� c ��.-� � � BE REMOVED � ,� � �� � L' � / I � � -� ; � 404 � �, ��-�-,:�� .� � - , �. ,.�.�--�,� �. '� . � i , � '� � • CLASS II RIP RAP � � � Cp FkI�T�N� --'t�Le— � \ WOODS � . � � �cs� .r ( � � � � � J�;,r��_15 � � �. i/' END PR�OJECT � ,• �iil'' w � � �' `'�; � � � � � --� �3N � �- � �'".:, ' B-4 98 �.�,,, �,. `, \.�� �+.�:� � ;.f f � y� ` j5 ��f� � � STA. 19+50.0� `'�� � ` ��'�; . � < � - / r� ,.� `�-�''` . . �_,,,.,-, ��, �� � � � �.... � , Q2=0.26 CFS � _ ,--_r.'',ti..rr�. � �'�. �'� \`��, � �F- Q10=0.33�F5 N '� � �' �, �.`? • . � ;E ��' \ / / �' ` ;: � �..- �. � z�^'`.�� � � � cAMA � v;a o'., �r,s m �,^' ' � �. � ,� ,.�sr. . �--z . . A � �:,� � - ..�: ��.�\ •''.�.., ... g p � � `XI�N . ._� r � �. ABANDO ED �" � Q�' ' .3�ECFS t�..r..t. . �i � ? . � �."`�'�. a. "\ - VC � ` �R� . �s. .� � � PILES TONBE � � N "„�_�''`.�� �i""'� �/ `� f-,�✓-� �i �� � �: �, � ���_, W '���. • ,� 1 Q10 = 0.41 C FS �`.- �'•�, � `� � �- �. � /�/ �` V2 = 0.3 FTiS 'C -� u.. [� � � -� � � � REMOVED yj � E 15 �� =i;��� � � ``` �,�,` -�_ • � — -_ w � � `� � � y I Q�� , VI O = 0.3 FTiS � �.�F X � `�' - _ � (� �� �.� �-. "-�.:�xa �J � Y�� �� , �••, `��� � B � � 1 t----____ � •.I Y � � __ � ,�-�'-- 1 --- -- � , .� � �` \ \�\\� � .�i {� -- W -_. ' .��, u� . �- •-� �. 91. R � �L l�LB-~' _" �- ��" _----- P V C M_,---- "+ - �J O o � _____ __ � �\��_```•.\' � T,� _`-`- ��`��?� ----� -� - - ' - `,�, g f- - Z+ �' ��:N`,� � �� �- ° �-�.-�. --� ' — - 1' i' - -=- ` '_. �'==--.- - Z . �.� ��'•� t..__ ---4 --_ � — -- -- — � � — - _.�---- _ � � orn � _ _ � .��..�,�.,...,,`�_ -_______ --......_ `�--__._- --- -. ;q.`.__ - _ •— �' ,�._._-__----r_ _._-•--�''".��_ � '� I �_.� P " '_ ��"-�...�,,..� ...--�.. . ,� . �..�� , ' "�, �`"-,..�"� --� ----_.�, - --__.� FCp E __ - -- �U ,J.• D . _ , � . � — — — — -�� rv'2� .,. �--�_-_ "_ -� _-�.` 'q NCE RD f E'�� vJ�ii'� ' . , -�::�,..t�' .xc•..s. J — � -- �- _ _ � � • \ `1..��� �.1 "'- y '-,-�__-.�___- ---�___�-��_� S� �4J � � _ . �.._._ '_� ��Wr' / � j GO i�hl.�_--�''', WOODS \ �' � �''Y'��,,... � � � _--_-�_'---- �` ---._-�,.�_r TB�2��s i ��:��,,._r�'C.=�-�� �H ��_�__.__..r---�_.�� T �- ---�.. , � ---___ -- ---_- ;-� , i ; r- i v CI � _ __--- _ � R�W _ J--�"_, . \ � �.. � - ` � � �,;�i -- --' ---- � I i � � ------- _ ,,,�� �.1�-EX�STiN�_ �""_ .r✓ _ EXI ;t .� --.--` -- --_' % '�" S'- . - - � `t _ " t` 1� STlNG =W � ,�.yi - --�--.. _-____— -- -`.t�=.='_ : -- 4�.__ � / ; - _--�` _'— �,r^.=__._,_.�- -- �_--� �., .= �,,,. � � �^ ��---._ ~ ; -- ___-------- �-�-- \ `'--�' " '( � � .;� , , � - ,�-- � F _ \ ��-,-, \ - F i e .r� - � �� � � - - m , � � � ,9 �, , � � � � - - - - _ _ �� �: _ - - � � � ��`��` �.�_ 404 E � -� / � '� � i..,-z FI�E� 9�TiE — _" � — CA t'i W v' v � ��-,-,L; r�-ti__tr,-' '`� � -\ � `V��3 / � BEGIN PROJE •I �- ��.�MARKER � -�B � .i � �� v� � �4`-� WOODS ` � / � 8--4598 `� � � `--r'r�Lr."�^r: L -�� . \ � - � r� " '� WOODS /y � � \ ` � � �. � C`� R1 t � � i5'. � �C � ` 4. � � .k -� STA. 13+75.00 G � f j/ , � ' '�' �(•-,.�r , '.T ,� `�'�..�.r,. . , � � � � F _ T � m �� ��, , .�� � � f�.�� � � ,��� �-CAiVIA � ` �N �- � � � j E� � ` ' . . , ,:,� � � �� � ; �� � �- 404 � =� � � \ TUE � TUE "" � .� � f Ny`C . NOTES: � � � '� \ UCE �.� `I,LLIE '' �,� -� � '� � .�' 1G \ : .=� �1,�, �-'J 4` •�,.1�' � � —_ 0 1. MASON CREEK IS IN THE NEUSE RIVER BASIN. � ;� �?-� S� �' .N"`:;�–�^J' � -' y'_^!`l�. .� � m 2. NEUSE RIVER BUFFER RULES IN EFFECT. � � � � / �--- , \ � $ �' � �e r ---� � _��= • O � �' � � �F ".-��–��� . ✓� -,r_' = %'� .-- Q 3. NO DECK DRAINS REQUIRED. �yc. � � ` , } • ✓S `�% � � .:,>� �-'^��-�'"' —.�.,-''" � � 4. CLEARING SHALL BE PERFORMED PER NCDOT L.V. BROUGHTON HEIRS �� -� / j =J _;_f�_ � �9 '`� _�_�_. - --� o METHOD II. l� � • \ �,C'/ ., ��� _' o -_ f! w 5. FELLED TREES OR PORTIONS THEREOF TO BE �A /�-� Z+ _�_.,---'' ; f J� � HAND CLEARED THAT FACL WITHIN PROPOSED WOODS ��,r CAlVIA ��'�`�.,� �_ . _� , �-��� =N ' __ � 't -�_' - ' w RIGHT OF WAY SH A L L B E R E M O V E D F R O M T H E �� ;� �S_� ��� ,, O Y� =�=_`^ f_ J�...,_,_- ; SITE. FELLED TREES WITHIN TEMPORARY UTILIN � �6 ' f.,,,__ ' o EASEMENT BUT OUTSIDE PROPOSED RIGHT OF 4 ��" �� �L_���,�-� '(v� = WAY MAY BE LEFT IN PLACE. s�, \.,_` f ALEX JONES HEIRS � �1., �.. GRAPHIC SCALE = j r.l r�n–� � � 25 0 25 Sa PERMIT DRAWING �.:{ �, � � s: � � � z SHEET 2 OF 7 ':� `� - s�x \ � r� - INSET A ' PROJECT REfERENCE NO. SHEET NO. - --- - - �-EXISTING- BRIDGE DIMENSIONS b0'X26' (DOUBLE-SPAN), 90 oE�. SKEW - PERMIT DRAVNINGS 8-4598 - - - - - 4 - WETLAND IMPACTS pROPOSED BRIDGE DIMENSIONS 110'X36' (DOUBLE-SPAN), 90 DEG. SKEW fWJ SHEET NO. TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH - 575- F O R B-45 9 8 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAUIICS Excavation Permanent Fill HOIICI CIEOflt19 ENGINEER ENGINEER in Wetlands in N/etlands in Wetlands .� _ . _• . ..,..__ _ , . , , � . .. . ,� _ ._, .. .,,, ., ... � .... .�__. .. .. ._ . . . < -- - r. _ ,� ._ ..-- _.f. .. - � >., w._..._- .a.> -_ . . � - a �I���p�_yv� _. _ .. _ . � . _.. .. l� _ - � ' ., -- - � . . �- -.. _ - -- '. _ _,. _ _ . a . . . _ .' . _ � : . � I � V �±� 1 � \ If _ Y � .... �: e ' _4 - '. .. - . .' _ _. . E E�� STREl�M AND WETLAND IIbIPACTS RIDGE #680016 ., ; y � { : � ; N ', � � f y� ` . , ,� � ; � r' ;� > � -v-' � � �,�, �' _ /� ; ; j� : Nqo �y q�, ����{� ���� , : � -�� .. _ .S. . > _ � _..- - - �f' �- - - - - - ... .. .. . - - - - � - - - . �. _,B .G,R�� � y � f� � . . . TGS � res ENGINEERS ..... _ ' � '� 3� �� WOODS ENci� SU/TE 2000ROUGH ST i, � , � , � � �o, s �, �,�`� ev�AF � � 2017 rr � �� \ r RALE/GH.NC 27603 i / ' � , � \ �T: PH (9/91 773-8887 i � � � }� 7 � �'� �'' / � �S DOCUiNENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL r��I � � €• �� �y UNLESS ALL SIG ATURES COMPLETED ;" , •� , �'� �j�fl� /� � � �; . � �-'--�,�. ����� ���'�� ���� � `� r � � / � �/"l, l V I /"'1 `�' `^�` £'�1, i "�? ' � t . � '�' . ' J % `�;S rtj�% � ' �+ T- �`t.n��• ��N t; � ` � ,.. DARREL `�I'ENRY �-�-� �,� 4 , j �,�,_ `, ��. , �.. 4�� . � �' — .� � . • �-" ,- r t�.� � � '�� LASS B RIP RAP ` _� ' • � Z� / -" y� ���r��`� �l'- '�` `' � � �Y,- ` ISSIPATOR PAD � A "S H' I 4�''� 04„ � � � ____— JS `r � � � `~,� � � � � � � .�� , - •1� BEIS EMOVED T� � � \ � �; / I � / �' n_ � '� . `� m � � � � 404 � �� � � ��-� � _.��..; .� ; . � � ; �' �� 2 �-.'el '✓ � C SS I RIP RAP � ` �-.-• `l � �-:,� / /_ \��'^,f.�js�','� —N1LB— WOODS ,� 1� � �, • - J�---UJ'��__jS � i � END PROJECT �' -- � ..._.... � ................... - - � • � �'r -.r-� c(,' '-' --- - " �'�,;, B-4 98 ., . ` T-� . ... � � � . 1 � � � � • � - � � h \ : �C- STA +�O.Oj . , . .,�G. ', �, , �� `Y d ` ' / `\�� ` ��J' \ : .._........ _.. - " . . t _ � _. .. , _ _ .............. .__._._..._ ._I`^�L._ � F. l�n � ` \ � c / � � 1 ZL.r��. :1 � , � < i Q2=� CFS :'� �' r ' ..,, •E B t � � `�,�,� yy , ``����,�`, � �(- Ql � 0. 3 FS N � ,,�. ( / � � � . � ` `—,. ` , —`'� ��,�,.J-�`'� � MA v2 0., H ti � � , �. , ��. sr. . . , . -t.� � � �``��, `,.` -, L-`��.; e � =o.i m c� ,. „ ,`t `'`•s �' Q 3 �FS 1� ' �,..,� � �.� � �. �-�. XIST ,�_�� r,� � ABANDO ED � � ' - . \� �^`� �e '� Z �. �- '�,G_ RiW ,�~. . Z_r. . � N�. PI LES T BE � � ry � V�2 � 0 3 4F CiSFS •' .r' y�, �� �� �_. �lG' � - . � � ` � � - �..���„�` ��'- ...� ..� � `_ -_ ' �� REMOV D �'�/ _ :� EX�S_- .�.•� —="- _ =y� .. .. __,_ ���-. �� '•�,�.'�. ',-,.._ �� � _"' � ____ ��Ci . . ...�, -'- _ , . .� � - ,.,, w. ._ __ �-- — r<<a _ �-�"�� . ' -.... ��.._ ...... � _ R / oxo. ...-�--�___� , o , s Q7 Vl 3 FLS � \ � `�.�•.�� �_�Ll% �-�_,,,�, ' h --_.. ` '` - �J r'r� �� _ ' 1 / .` l � �._Y�Lt�-,.. - —_ � '._��._�- MI Y ` o � \ `�,�-�., x/� -' . - P rt °;" _ __-�-----_ � — -- ����5�� z-F � 2^ '' ��` T - - ----"'' - .,-� moo -�,.� \ fi���___ ---- ��\ �-�2 — — - -� =�_� Z _..�_� �-'�� � _.��. .• --� ' _ � � • ���v�` �L'�'�� T �- _--_--�_ - ` L` `---.___' , 9 _ �._ __-.-_, __s � Y _ .�_, � . ��.••..�. �� "'--- _-----_ -�---_ _-� ----__ _._ FCORENC - _ _ � _ � -- - ;�" ' .:- _.--�".�-- � — — — — -� ��r''.r1 �,.rY� � �`� � � -" --=-� - ---_._`-L- E R� �S� � 4J �� `i `-j - - -- - _ � Y��Ps . AR�'I + - �"` _ � � � '" �- � . 1� �-„ _ __ - .___. "-----'---- — ,—_ _ _ 3- _ _ .._ ! r... _ __ ..r _.. ._ �"., �' --�-.__._-.� � --. �'s ,_. � � ! �'�'s`,Z��� r----- i w �_�-.� ` _ 1` ..-- W 0 0 D S � . 'l...rr� •- `-- � � `--._ _..�'-� �_._. i i C� � _ __..____ �----_ � � -� .. 1NG R�.,--- � _ '--- � � , - _...-_-�.--�_. __,� ,IV 2 �c'. r,'� '.--� __—_ '' : � , l ----" ` --- � r,., � � . ,, . `"'� Ek , .__ � . -----`� -� _..._.._. 1 ,� , _,�� -rr- l 'C ,. .i' ' - � � ' � Riw �-"----_� — -- --.�` , ' � - - - — . . "--�--.__ c - - - -- _ -..- - - - `� .� "` �",.-.-.� i ` �J . � � _. .. . i �__.— � �� � G,�� _'ZM \ ' -- _ F _ � ` - � - - y � � � _ ` � 2 g �, �'a,,,,-. � `� � R .��--;1 � ,, , � ,� �� ` ? ' � 4 ; � > ,� _ _ q ' � J! 1, �I-ti-;__S� � � r � \ ' � @ � � �ry-� FI T�f£. ` --.i� / / ' N ..-.._....+�4�N � ��.. '''�..' . � Z ` / /� , Cf"l /-i � E '� � - WOODS ' / � BEGIN PROJE `� � ^ ^ � �Wte` y ` . �M� f ,-rti, ��. , jg ; �-.-'.� ,� WOODS /_' �V � \"�� m � � / � 4598 � � � � � . . . - - .,- 1�`m ; `�'- ........_.. � +� , � r�� �r �. • �C � � " , -E�' STA. 13 + 75.00 � �j�. � � �L.� �,� - - x � �{ Y, � �'� � � :e �''' ��-�Jr-,• ,� � ._ � � m �..� N �,�� 1 � � ` � �.�� �CAMA ;� � , � /.�. .';- t ��.\ � � � / � �z_ � 'r7 2 ,� \ \ � E� ._` ` Tu � ` �Y.f � E ' �v.) J; � � � �y� . ; •�. � :� � ` ;\ I i ', , �"i". � � � . NOTES: � \ � r. I , � � , r ' ; . /� � � i � �...� , 1� . . 1. MASON CREEK IS IN THE NEUSE RIVER BASIN. � .� '� \ " " i L� � �"`�"-N �"� ,�. � '� � `I b/ _.••-��'""�� J","' � � E 2. NEUSE RIVER BUFFER RULES IN EFFECT. '�' � �� � � 0 �—"` 3,��y��' 6 ,� � �i Ci � � � ^_,, . �, • n �; 3. NO DECK DRAINS REQUIRED. PO � � `� � / ; � � � , �. J �J`��: � == � L.V. BROUGHTON HEIRS �� ` ,- �i � _, -- `.-""--_-`=' - 4. CLEARING SHALL BE PERFORMED PER NCDOT " � \, �- �� -�':� - EMETHOD .II. . S` 9`rpn� ���-/�, u,�o l,-- "'-�._.-- + � 5. FELLED TREES OR PORTIONS THEREOF TO BE < ^'`` CAMA ��F� � � �' .--- --''� ��—"J �/_. �-_- ` `a_ t HAND CLEARED THAT FALL WITHIN PROPOSED WOODS �� � c� :� �� _, ----` �""l � RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE • � ,� ,�s,` � %••' �-. Y� - �---�-�"`l � � SITE. FELLED TREES WITHIN TEMPORARY UTILITY �� � t""��~ = EASEMENT BUT OUTSIDE PROPOSED RIGHT OF 1 � `ff � � � �a �~��� �JJ` ✓ � r I+ _,_..._- ' �� � ~' ALEX JONES HEIRS � � � �� 2 -�.���"'- ���� ��� = WAY MAY BE LEFT IN PLACE. s , _ r• 7 �-". , �r � ;� � Z5 GRAPHIC S2ALE 50 PERMIT DRAWING ���� � �� - �.� 0 o SHEET 3 OF 7 `� � � �:� - �, �Z r t). INSET A S�x �- 10 � ._=1_�-- ��������� .. , - - -- --- - .— — —=� -- � .. � _ . �. ., . i�1,4P, � 7 2Di7 . _ .. , _ e ������� ������ �9� � � ..._...___... _...._�...__......_._.__...._ __ :_ _...__ ,.�..--- _......._...;�_.___._ _....____ ._... _.__ �._.___. ._._�____:�_.____ _ �____. _..�._._._._____.__.----.;_. _..____._.._..�._ _.. ._ ; , ' _. __ _ .._._._ _........ _--- .._ _.... .. ___ _ �.._..._ _� �.�..,. ......._._ ._. __ _ _......� _ ___.. ___ _ ...__. _ ..__. =t_. -S�;s;. 1- _:�_q; . ....� � __ .... .._ ...._ _� _�..._ _ __ _ ; �;.._. �� _.__ ........ _..._ :._ - — — - - - - - --- . - - � - - ; — ; ; ; : : --(LEVEL .l.�.a.._..._A�/- --.S..T- .D.�.__._.._._..__-_-----.� ._--�--- __._.....__.._...--- ---;--��------ �----.EXI TIN:G : -.----..---.--___ __ __ __.-; —.� RID_E O___BE RE^OV D ._ __._ �_— _.--- __.----..._..--- ; , . ...-- ---- --�--- -- ; ; ; -- — - ; ; ; ; i � � ; � __--- �----._.._._...-- —._..-- ---_. _. _ � — — .. __..._.... ._'___.i--.........._..___..._' _'___........_.�___....... _._�...___�_......_...__.. _�_.._'__"_ __...____. ..........___ '___._..� �._..__._ _..._._._.... .__ _ .. .._ _—�__ _ ... o . . j/___'___'._._ _........_..._..._'_ __' . a i ! :. :I D E ; V — �10; _. �---�--�.----... _...___ -- --�-----..._.__.;_..---- ....__, __...._..- ---.. -- ----;--------- r LO E ISTI;NG PR PO�SED [---- 3� =_.._.--.—.--.. ; LO H RD � — � RAD':E G DE� /' � � ; ; ; � ____. ___ .__.__ __l Q. _... °� ��-- __ _ __.. _ _._ . _____ _._. . __ ; _ _._ _�__ _._. _ , , - ----- -- — — -_ _._— ---- - -- ----- -- ------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- , ; _ , , —_ _ _ �..�_,___....__ _._ _ _ ��_._ _ .____ �._Y____ ....._.... —� — , ; � --- --------- — -- _ � - i --- -- — -- --;-- -- -- -- -- -- � -- -- --, ---- — ; ,; , . ) __ �___ _ �� __' ___ �_.�._ .�__ ._ �__ I ' t _. �: . . �..� �._._.__._._ : 1 . . _ .:. « _ 1 i : . . I 1 : _ _�.._ __ '_ _ ____"__ _. ___ . . . .. __ �._..�.....__ ' � — '_ _ _ _ — i ' , _ ___ ___ __ _._ .'_______ _'.�_ 1 ' � i \ I i� • I � I i • \ ' ._._ _...._._�_—__" _—_______._ � � .__�_ ..__'___...___'_—__ __....�.... .____ro_'_' • : .......�..� '___ ._...._ _ _. _. ..._._.._._;__.. � . _ __ _ _ __ _�..�.. __ _ __ _ : . . ; __ . _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _'___ _ — __.. _ _ _ ��� .. ... . � r i , _ _ .. ___ . , ._ _ _c SS i._R1 ��.. � .�Y.. .N _�.�� ..�r�rP. PR P. � ; _ _ H = .D' ' - - P OP. EX AV TION O LE . 0. ' ' - - - - ; � - ______ �.. .___._ ______.._____�._.____..__ ..__..._ ____ _____.�.�.__.__ _— � , __._.�._._._�� - - 0_4__._. _.__ ._.�_....__.. _.._�__._ �_ ___ ____. _ ____.__�__ ___ _ _.__�._._._ _________. , ; � ' � AB N D N E;D I LES -- _-- --�-- --..__ _ ____ _ �__� LW =—Q.8' � E ; � � ; ` 15+00 16+00 ST RUCT URE HYDRAULIC DAT A ������--�� DESIGN DISCHARGE _ --- CFS DES/GN FREQUENCY = �5= YRS DESIGN HW ELEVATION = --- FT BASE DISCHARGE _ --- CFS BASE FREQUENCY = l00 YRS BASE HW ELEVATION = 11.4== FT OVERTOPPING D/SCHARGE = 5,800 CFS OVERTOPPING FREQUENCY= �5 YRS � OVERTOPPING ELEVATION = 3.7�x= FT x DESIGN MAINTA/NS EX/STING LEVEL OF SERVICE.NOT PRACTlCABLE TD SERVICE 25—YR EVENT. z; 100—YR WSE INAVD 881 FROM LEVEL ll/ WAVE STUDY X�FOVERTOPPIN� ELEVATION REPRESENTS LOWEST HI�H POINT ON DECK/ROADWAY, WHICH OCCURS AT RIGHT EDGE OF PAVEMENT c—L— STA. //+03 17+00 18+00 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 4 OF 7 ����� �IVd�g�N �� H�GHWAYS PAls'��.IC� C�UN7[°Y 1�&��JIE�T:3�42�i.1.� (�-459�) P E RMIT D RAW I N GS �������M�N°� �� ��I��� N�. ��00�� FOR B-4598 �N s� 1��� Q��.���Nc� ��� PAMLICO COUNITY ��'�� M���N ����� �RI DGE #680016 �-� ������'.�� . . , .� � . _ . _ . � � . �_ �"-::. `.. � V41�TL-AND PERMIT III!lIIPACT SUMIVI�4RY � .. � - _ _._.. ---. ---.-- ��(� �� �� WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE 1NATER IMPACTS Hand Existing Existing Permanent Temp. Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fillln Fillln : in Glearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No. , (From/To) Size / Type Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Fermanent Temp. Design (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) . (ac) (ac} (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 14+46 to 18+64 Roadway/Bridge 0.09 1 15+94 RT to 16+96 RT Roadway/Bridge < 0.01 1 14+35 to 18+90 - � Roadway/Bridge 0.07 1 16+10 RT;16+76 LT Excavation - < 0.01 - , TOTALS*: 0.09 < 0.01 0.07 < 0.01 0 0 0 *Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: Wetland impacts listed in table above are all in CAMA Wetlands. � 0.01 acres of Temporary Fill in Wetlands in the Hand Clearing areas for erosion control measures. <0.01 acres of Permanent SW impacts for interior bent at 16+43. �Revised 2013 10 24 � SHEET 7 OF 7 � ' `._' ;:' ; 0^0 'V^\ v J � � � � U W � � � �� See Sheei 7A Fo� Index of 5/eets See S.ze1 7B for Cornienllonol5ymbols DESIGN EXCEPTIONS �- Na�=o��mizso,sm_ia+�s ra sw.is.so Suo����evo�ion, Sfo.I]+JS lo Sm.19+50 GRAPHIC SCALES 50 25 0 50 100 ��71��� PLANS 50 25 0 50 100 �..�_ __._._� PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) �� $ � �� 20 �I�ll�-fi—� PROFlLE (VERTICAI) —�— � BEGI 0 . p0 "•�`� .v�L, � ti�' �RR,� . . S� . • - STA. 13 + 75.00 ' � . — ° PROJECT B-4598' DESIGN DATA ADT 2017 = 1065 ADT 2037 = 1326 DHV = 10 % D = 55 % T = 10 % ' V = 60 MPH ' (TTST 1 % + DUAL 9%) FUNCT CLASS=RURAL LOCAL IUB—REGIONAL TIER DESIGP iJ lt .`",�1 iL:� S�� 1�' �'\ �S'✓1L4 il�il'� ��,..�� lI� V'.���i'; .��\1 D:I�'.[�5`[�;� �F ]E;(1[�U�Z��',��'S PAM�ICO C� U1�TY LOCATIOIY: REPLACE BRIDGE 16 OVER MASON CREEK OlY SR 1324 (FLOREIYCE RD.) TYPE OF WORK: GRADING, DRAINAGE, STRUCTURE AND PAVIAIG r r . � y r'r ` * , � , �, ' � � � + � ► � �,.�-, � � 1 ��Ip` oo�A ` �ll � o 00 l / o , . � � o. ° c o� o � • .� � �:� �� — WETLANDS � �� END BRIDGE L f C ST? � i c SR�t�'" =� ����y�'��''���. � 4- 9 19 ` i�_ 1 �' � j� FIpREN�E —L— ,9C-�� : +50.00 Q��TIP PROJEC B-4598 DS �"�--�.--- _ CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD II . THIS PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. PROJECT LENGTH LENG7H ROADWAY T!P PROJECT B�1598 = 0.088 miles LENGTH STRl1CTURIiS TIP PROJECT B-059R — 0.02/ mile.c TOTAL LENGTH TIP PROJECT B-0598 - O109 milet Prepared For. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 1000 Ai.aA Ridge Dc, RufeiYh Nq iI610 �res � u.wns TCNENGfNFPRS PH (]W)1)60W3 �— ew-c .urnrerrE sr conruccvsc nv.: �i SN£(BY,NL ZdSO CJ/ll5 zaasr,wn.u+u srcciriranoNs ��MMY TERRY P.E. WGHT OF WAY DATE: PROJECT ENLCMcea � nnnY 16, 2016 BURKE EVANS P E PNOJ£Ll'OSSIGN ENGMd£A LETTtNG DATE: GARY LOVERING PE JUNE 20, 2017 PRo�acr e,vcwccx —__— Nf.Dp]' ROADWAY DESILN �B-4598 �� ' 384Yb.L2 BRZ•13]45 PE N 38426.2.1 ILW, UTL. � OOGUMENT NOT CONSIUEREO FINAL UNLE55 ALL SIGN�TURES COMPLETEo NYDR9(JLICS ENGfNEER PF ,nroae: -__. .. AOADWAY DESIGN ENGMEER PE / / qh v`� 0 2 �R �'7 2; n a �= . r s s PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO! """C' `-""c �"`i ""N""' EXISTING BRIDGE DIMENSIONS 60'X26' (DOUBLE-SPAN), 90 DEG. SKEW PE RMIT D RAVi/I N GS 8-9598 4 - PROPOSED BRIDGE DIMENSIONS 110'X36' (DOUBLE-SPAN), 90 DEG. SKEW WW SHEET NO. ,4rea of Allowable Area of Allowable TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH - 575- F O R�-45 9� ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS Impacts within .BZI Impacts within BZ2 ,.r. , . . _.. . , _ . ,.,. _ , -.. INE . NG , .._ . .:, , . t S _ ,. .., . . , , ' � � . � ' '_ ' ' _ � :,_. . . < . . _ _ . . _ - .. .. _ _ "_ '_ ' . . .. �. _,�, a .. .- _. .. ....... .. ... .. -�--. . PAIVILICO COUNTI� = � LEGEND T�`xXxXx'�,� ;�,�,%; � � �UFFER IMPACTS BRIDGE #680016 ,� - �-: � - � .J \ . 3 ; � ,.' � ` � � 1 � �, 4�� �,.% � Y j �; � . ,J . �, Nq �yc � v, : � 1 �'' �' rr.I I �S) O B3 CR/O �� � f✓`� TGS TGS ENG/NEERS r j i �, ' ) ) �'9 � i � ( WOODS . Ervci� S�U/TE 2000ROUGH ST � �' i` ,-.C`' •) 2� S �� � RALE/GH. NC 27603 ) � � + ! � ,' � r , �/ � j � P � PH (9/91 773�-8887 � � � )rC. r� r� DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL ( (� � ' � � ' }, J ' ' i � I J ! , �� / � ` ` � UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED � 7 J � � � � � ��� � CAMA O �n,�L '� Z � ',_�' �) . \ �� �' � .� � � ,� .i"� DARREL E.`�Yt�NRY f�:r' ��v' \ 7'. t,�-, � �'�N�.. , � .. t, a \ �-�%- �_ � � -�v,--' �� � �� '� CLASS B RIP RAP � �.: O � `t�"-r � . G �/ � — — — �� � ��,� � ��!. y � �,� � �� ,� �DISSIPATOR PAD � AL X J -S HEIR� .� �'�''��,�„1�,OL�. � �i � ;e • � '���ti_- � '",!S_.rt+�d- __'-i JS EXIST. POLES TO � '�' � � _"" �. '� / ,f �'� "---J���--r---S�- �' . BE REMOVED \ ,� � � i-�: � � � I � � � �.� � � 404 �' � � :�. �' � � . �����, � � �4. � � � �m ' � �� EXISTING T SPORTATI�N CLASS .II RIP RAP ' Cp��'�„e,Yj '� WOODS � 1 � Zt1� .'r' r. ( f.�.....���---JS- � �i . I/' END PROIECT � �T�- -w�a- _ •� ) � �,, FAGLITY WNDARY � r���� ' .i��',_.,�._ '� �Yt~• 6-4 98 . \ '��N`�.�., \ � � i yc K.,� (TYP.) � J r •`, +' n3n �' J5 N.�y � `"� � STA.19+50.00 � �.. 4��. \ �f � � i 1� .� �� � \ �'. ;� \ iv� ��''` ` \ r:,,� ..�1�.�,,'\ � .l � � / ^ N `'C��� r-.__�__�r. �r . �M � �� � \ / `C �� ` , �; ;',_ Zt�.✓� . � � � ry � / T j ) � • � y n � , / �\�'�., `\ �\ � �... �``1 � `�� � �-�/ J � ��MA � � � Qi- v / � � �` �-'`'�r , � � ��/`r'"C ��� �.�`��ty.,n.^��� � � �\ _� � r-_� '_% N �..\' :�,� 6" pVC �. \ ���j�-•,R_/ �����--rf - �_rY'�. � � IBES �TONB�E �� � N 't.i.�~��,iyi �-v�.��,/ ;� � � a ��`'`` \?°� ��' `1..�� � � -•� =-�.__ �/ `�' � REMOVED �'V Q)�V � �, ` EX15��'�.�`�?•`�.,--t�_i=� _�� �` ��� � \\`�.. � �` ` � � - - __z i • . '� - .LG � �• �--•- '- _ _ � T--- �- -'"�--.'_".-.__.� .� r C1 ��� � � \ �`..\\�� �..� -�ti ._. `- _L- rr� a _ _�~�;� _ � ' � �-�'''� 1' :'r _yv,_r�=- -=�'"� =-'_____-----� p V C_,_,-F�� - p „s �• `�' \ \'�. ���.�����`� ` �'l!/_` �-�., �' : �i -_. -�e�� �-+�• r'• _ � � �� ��_r-w �� 'N��J�� I�� Or �?,��.� _ �`\ �`�. T � �'�- f � ��_ — = -----��--_� � -- -�- - _ _�,-- .- .Yi =� '__--_'_-�- ' ' �- �f6 5 .,.�_.- R, oi '�''�';��`�� w�-- � ' �.rvi '^' � �,�.� Ci-_.._ -� ,` __„� - --._ -� - � � �"� �/J% _ _ I I j j�,,, ,�..-�.--"_ „_.�_ �---" r _�--' ' �1 . �` •�^ ` �T` ;'---_�---.._"'�,-��- __ --`' ----_._ .. : ~ �.,, r "_!_"7__7 --'- � •-""'"_ � -.�---�,"___.. � ' � . i' ,ZG � ^' ^ �` --�--""--- - - F( �`-�-" -- -`-� �� � � -..__�--...�.--- � � — — — — -. ' L, r^n�'`� ,;,� � - ..�'-- �.._�_ ORENCE RD (5�� �Pi - �;?= . �" � § __— - ---` '�� i _- ; FO �': �C�-� ---""�. _ _ -..�__, .._. _ �, . - .. �. "� _ �� �� � _ (��s t �"i - , .._ - " ,"-' � . _ -�. _ ,'"--_.. � �•^�''1�.r^-'`� `" ' `" '��.'---�'�' --�'=-� ��i��a� � . f`�ii.s���'� _ _ �- -""� ��==---"R� --, -"" _ _ _ _""'__ _ -�. ' _ - WOODS � � • .',...r�,....--'� ` __^ ------ �=.____ ._- '" -�_____--� j� . � C'/ _r---- _ ��-�=`-- � '-- X�� � �r�.,� �.2 �"'^- _� '''--- _ `\ ---_.... � J --- J �--fr� _. - --'�".. �� f___- _ ,� E ,W. ..- \ � '----_,_ \ ' __"'-'-_ -- I I ; v .� -T-�-' --`- _ �� �' '� J ^-,.-5'' � � E' ....__ --- . 7, �k�Sfi1Nc- � 1,�:, ----_-- _-_._ _--.--.'t'---- � l __.----..---- _ �_- . - \ � -- � ? `R7W-' �'�,�__ _'�-�----._ - _ -'�' _i .:. ;-} _ � -- � ___ _,.'z�-- ,� -� ��__ .�-;�' \ ��''--� � \ y� � s �`� � \ -----�.� ._\ _-------_' - - -w�a.F-� - x ---_= ------- -- � _ _ �� _= �-" `- �' � �� � � 1 �-- - ___-- , , • j `.--- j-�f1_/ X K `w� � � `rv'� �� / JC'7� '� ' _. . _ ......J _. ... __ _� �� --.� �...� � '���.n� � 404 �. � Z„-.. � � .., � , � -,�,'-`,--� �"i �� � �``�, � �' � % � � �'',,,_ FI�E-!� B�T+E - -- - _ C/� � A W " ,���.s°� � � , � � __� �� >-� �V ..�.�-.,�;�`4� � os ` ��✓�8� / / � BEGIN PROJE -- _ �{� MARKER � � tg � �-�'' -� WOODS ''j � � , �i��.�.s I .. � �s�� � � � / �' B-4598 � � '�� . 1� 'L . '.�._ � � � � _ � t 6� 6•. � `C ��' ` _, Z'�:..�.r . ALLOWABLE �`^�' � '� � � -� STA.13+75.00 � TG� � \ � m� � �I �v(/ IMPACT BZI� ; � � �-� � �- y r � \`�,; ,� � =� � ._ � T � m � •� � N � � `.S`� � :,�'�� � �CAMA � C� n� � � ?017 �� � � � 404 � � .� �. \ E. _` TUE �` '� UE s:�� � � � \ ,,. � � � . , , , .� � . ���'� y � , l• "`F"��� � \ 1_ .y5• y !�� b " � � F NOTES• � \ UCE �: � ���.-LIES,�� �� . � � �� ��,- _ � `�" `%V �� 1. MA50N CREEK IS IN THE NEUSE RIVER BASIN. � :� � � . �� S� i °-''' •J. y , '� � � . � ,,...•--''r� J � ��.%� . . �--�a3 � i �" � � � ,/ � 2. NEUSE RIVER BUFFER RULES IN EFFECT. '�' � �� ` t y � � �0 �,� -� • . }•._�J -u�'��. � ` � -- f, � � J��._ 3. NO DECK DRAINS REQUIRED. OO � � � ` / '� '�J' � � ,�� J�:"`-1_:�,__.__.---�+��~`� L.V. BROUGHTON HEIRS . � � "" �`" 4. CLEARING SHALL BE PERFORMED PER NCDOT " v ,��� � �- " � "' �� " J METHOD II. � - �s'p �--��i� o � l� ...--�� ". y,i J� �' Z + ��.. . �-- 5. FELLED TREES OR PORTIONS THEREOF TO BE <;�`� �'� � �� _�'l ��� - HAND CLEARED THAT.FALL WITHIN PROPOSED WOODS ��� CAMA FF.' �,��' j--'" �Y _.--�Y�---;"�-• y� _ RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE .� � �� �, v� ---='`"' � i r _l__----'"`�� �_.-- �-�". SITE. FELLED TREES WITHIN TEMPORARY UTILITY �, `s / /-' O � �4 `-` -' � EASEMENT BUT OUTSIDE PROPOSED RIGHT OF .)� � �� / ��• �n --�'� ���lr-,.tiSn-;_,Y., v�G WAY MAY BE LEFT IN PLACE. r' , � ALEX JONES HEIRS �� �.5� � ,�:_,r�. . 25 GRAPHIC SZALE 50 BUFFER DRAWING � � '� �� � SHEET 2 OF 5 �.1, � � � , � � ,. INSET A ^ PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. _ BufferZone (BZ)Impacts � � ����/a�� � \�,��j�,��� 8-4598 4 EXISTING BRIDGE DIMENSIONS 60'X26' (DOUBLE-SPAN , 90 DEG. SKEW �ne n n �'c� RNJ SHEEf NO.' PROPOSED BRIDGE DIMENSIONS 110'X36' (DOUBLE-SPAN), 90 DEG. SKEW �� � �—� g� �� , ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS Area of Allowable Area of Allowable TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH - 575' a� ENGINEER ENGINEER Impacts within BZl Impacts within BZ2 LEGEND E� �� - - - - - . . .. - " � - " ___. . - . _. _. . .� .. . � - � _ P�l90�I�O �O�i�l 9 Y _ :-. , - � - ,.hX x x�,� ,�,�,%; �IJF��R Ii�PAC�'S ��A�GE #25�0016 �, � ,�" �.l ;' � ; �.5 �. : i � � _ ' .J � � �`� . r i� �S. cis�., `4J �Yi � T . , , 7 :.�. tiq �y� 9 f ,.' � � � �7 � ��. . J �' ( Z f , 1J O 83 �R/Q � O �\ \ t, j� � ;.% � TGS TGS ENGINEERS i ENGINEERS 706 H/LLSBOROUGH ST i' � J � SU/TE 200 � ',r� �'� i C"r j r, } � 2O// t9 � \ � � 4' W O O D S - � RALE/GH. NC 27603 / cn 1 ) rr� PH (9l91773-8887 � �� i�% � ---- • -� � T ` / � � � . ��� ,' � � � . �''� � 1 ! ✓ DOCUYIAEPIT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL �� / � t ` ' �" • � J -��7 . _� UbLESS ALL SIGWlTURES COMPLETED �J�r �r�� ,i � � � � � O r�"` r'r'• f 1 �� � j � .1 �` � . ` '�. �� r`� �� � � � '�' � C j C}�M DARREL �.'�NRY �-�' �'r' � �K;. �C"� �i,�...; a�r, 1' (r _ _ � � • �'� � �_? s : s , CLASS B RIP RAP � ' , 4 � \ �.,-, � � � , � / -- .� �%- �.i� ;_r.i � � � � `�"' y DISSIPATOR PAD E- A y � •-h�j� �H' �� �'c'- • � � �� .� �� - .__� JS t ���. ` ��.,.'Zr.�, ^� �- � � � - - ' EXIST. POLES TO � 1 � � � , � � � � � �`.. � � � �, ' BE REMOVED � � , � � �� � 4Q4 �. -�-�-.���� � '' �, � .,��.-�� �. � �.; � � ,' � 2 `���., �`Se �-- -y�ri -�,,_ � WOODS i?�' �' � n EXISTING T SPO TATI N : - C SS I RIP RAP � � .�'.'' -�.__ � �, ��'} /� .,. T� n.. -� \ -Z`- ) i r, s FACILITY �k1NDAR � T�, �. _.i'.- ----.. .. __�'_`:�,_. _ ..............~._1S� END PROJECT. Z •- , .. � � K,' � - - \ .. 1/� � `� � �\J�-i".. � � ' l� � �cTM T � � � ` l _ �- � > P•i . � „ ,_ `� . +�v _ . . , - � __ _,,-� , -� �'�,-.` `... ,,::�=_ ,�.�, � �� ` � ___..._ _.__....._� l.,Y�.'�.�,�. \�,�. � �.o _.... _. �� , , f . .... r. . . � �� .. � -_ �... . ... ,� , ���`' �i STA 0 / -L;:....... � / � �'' ,. i � _ `c :,-�-z . i F. �, � ,� � T ti - r : � s =•� � ,� / �� y ,.� � � ' '."`��:�;-�.� � nJ�[� ti ti �. C ; R—_�sr �� �. \ , 1`� � n,..'�-'-� IYII7 41 Q7 _ ;( � �' i.�` `.��✓ "�.i� �`:�.r.� � '� :.,. •�..`4'�... � � �.� �.€ ,� / , � � � ....\ ��.,,`1 1` ` ` � `�- ` _� r� .�, -- ��"� ABANDO ED � \ t�, '` t nJ-` �,-; �L� ` � � � u+ .\� ,• \� ,�, 2 � �,-Ri �--'-- - �_rY'�-, �' ¢ � �r \ �'"-'' C1�� � `�::, .. _.1Y �'� � PILES T BE /V � XiS���� -%= , '' y �-. � � .^�, `'`� "- � =�- :;___ y � z�' REMOV D � % - _ __ •�, ,, � �. _ ,� --=_ �� � � E.= r' _ `�'� -__-= -- - _--- �. . S `• > � «. "-- ._ � • �=--`- _- -- -_ J _ - n �=�\, - � �.•..\. '� ` ...\ . " _ �N`L�— -- xvi_ � . j ^ > ; I --"'_ _-�;- -- - �.._ _--� �� _ •.. _ . • . �w�� "� �� ., --- - ----�^ - -- _'� - - - _ —"-- � 3-= - � _� - - - O � � '�,;��� �;��; `� Mi �. --- p -._. � - _ �.� �, ` '-� - - Y _ . -_ -_ "`�� - �� ='.= l _ -M� +�` o � , _ _ _ -` � \ �\ � T , „_`` fi; --_. _ "" " %' _ �,. � ��� __ -1- _ _ __ e� { ... r _y1. � ---- 2 �` \ � � � . �'�� �� "" � �` ��. �_ �. �-'y" _ fv� f � � _ � � y-_���..-._----"= --_ _=== -- Z� ___----' ' 5 r...---� m O . • _.__ . �. ___` -._ -�. •, �., r . - •---_.._, � - / _ _�,. _ ' ,�L �-...•v...' `Z''.,` .,-.�_ _ ,'__ _ 1 �.._. __ -' --y_ 'i - - - -� �� _.-_ __ ._._ ,-.-,"' ' ..� ,, � �-:.. . � , " _^•, y r — — — — � �' �.r�. -•����.� ---..;�---�.__ ' _._�_ � FLORENCE' RD � ; '�i'� _ - .� .,�a � ------' _ , -�,_�� �'_;;-_-->�"""_ -- . _ _, `.. � ' `•••.r�'1�� � `� ` ' ' -�_�� '�'_--__._�_.-_... 5 �4J - 1 �`�` -�c�:.� ��o�� ��i� --."".. ' -� Y t.. �' _-_ ;=,_-- WOODS �; 'z..r� ;..�.�-= ---'� � 1 (��� � ' . - j -'�'$2�i -- � .____--_�_-� �_,__�---__W -" � �J`r'�, � �'--__ ��"`�- -- �` ;'r=-=--_`_ ' i3� u i .`� �,/ �__— 3 --' - l_ - ,�„<r �T� T1K� R� ~�' f-n � 2 ��� -� —'- _ _ --_- --- - ' �' ; .. _ _____-- - . _ �_ r, _ . _ _ V - t„_, ., , � EX _G,' �___-___`--- _ _'-' __ -1�:_3_'- ' i : { -__-- "r-'''' -- ----'!f � -'�'� fr^�' -- � '� -- � � -- R%W ' _ -_` �= � -_._._ ----_— € - � � � __ _ : _. __ - — ------ -- -- �- - - --�`'- =.'�._,- � ('. ? `, -� --- � - .--- +���.�� � _. -. --- ' -- � . _ - - C _s__ �- -- . � - --- _ _ _ _ _-, � � � ` --- ----= ------------- � � . � � 3` i.��- ____ i f,�.__�-'_ � � ry�� � - �C � :� �/�(; J "'� �^ 1-'� '=�_ =-'---_ _ u� i _ - � ,. ` - � ,�_'- ' _� r �. - : '� - �� �`r� . _ _ _. , ,: , � �2 : ,r,-, \ '_' � . ' ' � - � - - � • ,� - I- 1_/ 'R' � ' - r_'_""_-_ -- `'� � �_ 4" i � / � � � \ 2 �. �„- �� '� � '� ` I •'�.!: ,�, ' ti .� � `+ ` '? _ � [/�� v J v � !"y.t �1" i�+ �. Y } � }� E '1 � \ , � `� � `,.� F, � T�� — — — CA �i N F ..._...�`,Vf `� _ � C � --- •i � _ ���9 / � BEGIN PROJE �� � "'��MrA�"�.�. "tr. �` T8 1.�.� �,%`���.! WOODS i''� � �vE � ���� ��-�.��� �DO-,D;S � ` � / �� �4598 ` ,�; -- . � . . •- � � �,,,., \ � __ •.. . . LO AB ( 6� t6� \�;. . :� ' 4 . �� � �. % � N � • M < I PAC lV �• I � .. r.a r�.,.� �:� \�, . � -L� STA.13 + 75.00 � G� • � � �\ � � �G �, 'T " �; _.., . � �Y � �_ �. i m � cn o ( 'k"/ l ���tJ' � ��� / x�1�i�/"'1 �`�,1J';��i�`. �." � Z�'i�� \-t''1-• � 2 \ �E� �. '' "`/ s�, � .,.; y� / `�' � `L�." �y r � Z � � � ��.- r �' y ! n J \ � \ � � `Y � � � ;�' � � � � � � �• � _�—:\`\� ,� � T• � � '�" ' � f � � ���� �r�at� *� � '� C 3:� i NOTES: � �t , \ � .��. �' ; , �'., : � �. � f,'. � ,�. . � �' � � :� \ /�'�� � ` 7� � �.r-� • -i.i' ,�.1' �'- � ' q/ f`!^- - e 1. MASON CREEK IS IN THE NEUSE RIVER BASIN. ^•.%' �, « € 2. NEUSE RIVER BUFFER RULES IN EFFECT. � � � � � \ ;z � G � ;� � �0� .- �J I._,3,���'; \ J , ' � � � I J_ 4.✓� � !!I �.��`!� '; 3. NO DECK DRAINS REQUIRED. 4O � .�- � � ` � � ,� � �" �, ` �.�y; --- ° 4. CLEARING SHALL BE PERFORMED PER NCDOT L.V. BROUGHTON HEIRS � ., �- ,/ � / __--- __ �-�---- E' METHOD II. �� quo ., �.�� - a�- � J��_ � '�t" � '� -,' -,'_' � k """ 5. FELLED TREES OR PORTIONS THEREOF TO BE <�, ('�/��q � `'P \ '"� �J � � o -�-" I rn•-'"'.. "' l.�l"�IV:/� F ✓'' N ._-- -' " ` 2 _ ; � • � HAND CLEARED THAT FALL WITHIN PROPOSED WOODS i. � F`� /- / ; � ✓ �- �j � '. -- t.-_ � ` ----''�._ � --- ;- :" . RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE REMOYED FROM THE �'J f S �.,\ � /, /J � 5 ��� F", ~--'-'�"�~ �._-----"" � SITE. FELLED TREES WITHIN TEMPORARY UTILIN '�� � O � Q-, � ; EASEMENT BUT OUTSIDE PROPOSED RIGHT OF • }� �.� � �t- ,,} ,_�--�-" _ , ` J ALEX JONES HEIRS ��� `� �' w-r' � WAY MAY BE LEFT IN PLACE. J 9 2 � ��Pgrre sc�r.E �U F FE R D RAWI I�! G ��::� �� t ; c�� _ �'. , � `^ — - �_ 1 ^ Q 25 a 25 So S H E ET 3 O F 5 '_,. � � ,� / J s(V£z �' �\ � >'� ONSET A � N'o Ji � � � �% 1 � w �e ■ 1 � � � ■ � � �■ �■ . ■ � . . . � -�.� •.• • • • � � • • � • • '• � -• :- � .. � a � : .. _ � :. . ,. �e-i���_�-�� - - ... . , : . : a�■�■�������� � ���e���e��� � ��_���_���� � ��������__� � �_����e_��_ � ����������- � ���__������ � ����������� � ����������� � ����������� � �����_�_-�� � ����������� o ����������� � ����_�_���- � ������s��-- � ����������� � ����������� � �����e��_s� � ���o�_����� . . �■ . , � „ „ „ „ �■� NOTES: m �����jjj�������� � 3 � ��?R � 7 2017 ����a�� ���� ��`� � Rev. May 2006 . ����� ��`��� ��'���� �� " �nR � � 2017 ������•�� ���-�� ���� Rev.Jan 2009 , . .. • a � � E � � � � � � � 3 O � / 0 � a� E c 0 .� c w � � � � � V w � U .� 0 L a T � x i � � O� u, L P � mc O �t �r� op+- "�° V Qu� NZ 01 \ .. �/1 NX� _ _ _. m See Sheet fA For Index of Si�ets See Sheet 9B for ConventlonolSymbols BEGI DESIGN EXCEPTIONS -�- Horizontal SSD, Sta. 13+75 to Sta. 19+50 Superelevation, Sta. 13+75 ta Sta. 79+50 S�A��I� (�1F{ 1�C�1T�' �[°1�--]� �C'��I���.,1[1�A� � ID����'][C��� �IE�' IE�[��][�['� ��� .... . � ..._ , . ...0 t . ���1���� �� ���� LOCATl0111: REPLACE �RIDGE I6 OI�It 11�AS011i CREEK 0111 SR 1324 (FLORE11iCE RD.) TYPE OF WORK GRADIIIIG, DRAI11lAGE, STRUCTURE AND PAVI11lG �x - � - 3 'y 4 _ � � � � , i t.. . . \ '' E, a 3 i� �; ' : a � aW � n � b�" i 3 f 3 � i�. A BE .1i9 'BRIDGE , � _ `�� -; p C STt�: x5� � a o 0 . �''^ �. �\ %; ' , _ • ' - ° ' ° ••�� � "\`\y���-- • • w1 .•.'�,.° •.�. •.ii f� . 'tii� :. � , -- - . -,'?�%YyRR��'i, • -` �'� �:_.' — • , . S� , • - -- _ -_ , � � _ � _. "_-==`��; -: ' STA. 13 + 75.00 ' • ��_ ' •���' `��_--= � �' / ' � . '-j:�_.. . ' `� ��� TIP PROJECT B-459�' - ' ' ,• •.S��f�,',`,�:- _ WETLANDS ? GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN DATA 50 25 0 50 loo ADT 2017 = 1065 ADT 2037 = 1326 PLANS DHV = 10' % D = 55 % 50 25 0 50 100 T= 10 %" V = 60 MPH PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) s(�ST 1% + D U A L 9%) 10 5 0 10 Z� FUNCT CLASS=RURAL LOCAL PROfILE fVERTICALI SUB-REGIONAL TIER DESIGP �t �V� k OO(� e. J END BRIDGE �� . _L_.f. C STA � .o.. .,�'^`'`. � ✓'t � • �•`....;. �� ••-- '--= -Si�'13�_ � �-� �—:--- . . �• : . . . ' •: , • ,':� —L— ���� ' • ', . - . ���---;-- I � • . . , �� ' � � � - WETLANDS CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD II . THIS PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. PROJECT LENGTH LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT B-4598 = 0.088 miles LENGTFI STRUCTURES TIP PROJECT B-4598 = 0.021 miles TOTAL LENGTH TIP PROJECT B-4598 = 0.109 miles � Prepare0 For: DIVISI0111 OF HIGHWAYS f000 Birch Ridge Dr., Ra(eigh NC, 27610 �. � 7'CS 6NClNEERS PX (704) 476-000? �- 80i-C N. fAFAYSTlE ST CORP. LCSNSE NO.: �� SHELBY,NC 2BI50 C-027$ 2072 STANDARD SPECIFICATfONS �IMMY TERRY. P.E. RIGfIT OF WAY DATE: rnolEcr Enrcnvr�x � MAY i6, 2oi6 BURKE EVANS. P.E. PROJ6CT D&SfGN ENGIN6ER LETTI11lG DATE: GARY LOVERING. PE JUNE 20� ?O�7 PROJECT ENGINFFR NCDOT ROADWAY D6SfGN ATE SI'AT¢ P4UIE4T R8P0RHNC6 N0. ��. B-4598 STATB VPLf.N¢ P.AP0.0l.N6 - 38426:7.2 BRZ-132415' HYDRAULICS ElYGINEER ROADWAY DESIGX ENGINEER P.6. wesr ror�i ' NO. 9HECT9 b ��.�IIPTION DOCUMENT NOT CON5IDEREO FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED . � a`' �� ��O � -� ;.�; ��� � � F� � �� �� �� ���,� � �� zo�7 � �s 6'�� � ��.� � � � � � �i � � .� '' �;', <w i r � ,u �g PdORp�y q@�� C��A! . o s �a . � g s � A���p �F YAAM`�@��4e � . • � � � " PROJECf REFERENCE NO. SHEEf NO. P E RM IT D RA�/VI N GS 8-4598 4 WETLAND IMPACTS EXISTING BRIDGE DIMENSIONS 60'X26' (DOUBLE-SPANj, 90 DEG. SKEW WW SHEET NO. PROPOSED BRIDGE DIMENSIONS 110'X36' (DOUBLE-SPAN�, 90 DEG. SKEW Q��{ �Kp j��p ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS Hand Clearin TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH - 575� �OI\, Y-4,59V ENGINEER �����i eer� in Wetlands9 - - - - _ - - ` ' ``� �� �:�. �' � � a G _ . - - • - - -- --- - _. . _ � - • - --- -'- � - � �'§.���.'���,� - � - � _ �P�MLICO - COUNTY STRE�IvI AND \NETLAND IMPACTS ��IDGE #6�0016 �st,�R � � 20�7 {J � %�� -�"� �t'� -� �'" � � `r Y � �, %� � [ �� � � � ��� . 5 J t q C \ � �� �� �. END 1WAT R INE 4.39 `� ,.r- , t• WL STA o+oo N N u� . N ���'~��" '' ,` BEGIN WATER LINE .� D o G' � TGS ENG/NEERS T I E T O E X I S T. � 8,� R/ 0 �- � ,� TIE TO exisr. T G SS � o e H/ L L S B O R O U G H s r '`� J� �� � 6" WATER LINE � St NQ � � \ � WOODS 6" WATER LINE � SU/TE zoo t � � RALE/GH,NC 27603 ; i �� .1" ` J 2�/ � .� ( � / m � PN f9/9J 773-8B87 ,r I �` �'� � � � ' �� / x � /� � UOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL ` r'� � DRY BORE �� / UNLESS�ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED ', ; % INO IMPACTS) � � ' � ��/� C!"1MA O �-r �'� � � �� \ � � �! � ` ' '� �,. � - �"�• } .� �` r� C; . �„r� O `��� •�' 8),, �/ ,� � � ���� � DARREL�`^b1�NRY `ti � -�,�r a \ � � �-�r:. 1� _ , 5 � .,� ��, � `�` `'�'''��-�,,' -� ��� — — — � � WOOD ���,i �'" .� t�,� `�,r- � �, ��.f gi=- AL X J S HEIRS` � \,�t,.'��`. 404 \ � � � � .f ,s-�- �s� � y � _ �:.� � � �� � • .- - -� EXIST. POLES TO �� � � :�� BE REMOVED � � � �� f � / � � �� � ^ ^. , \ ____�•�_����--y��'�-�" � '� � � PRO LIMITS OF OPEN � � � � � �� �F'O�t' r� �' `� ���^J � � � TRENCH INSTALLATION � � / / J .�� — �v�a — -� � ��, '� �� '� �-: s � � � � l ;�—u1-r�--15—�..� � � � I /' � 98/OJECT F'�a o T�h`�� \ i ,� K,�' `r � ;� � n3n .�c � •� �� � STA.19+50.00 �` �h',o ��`� . . \ � ' i PROPOSED �� JS �`' � � } . / � � .�- PROP. LI�TS OPEN �. y -�(��/ �,. . ,� \ / '\ � \\��� 4 ,.r ' S � WATERLINE BY ���Z.-f". . `" �-- F,-.`� � �, 2' � \ , , � TRENCH INS AL TIO _ .r--1"• �-y1��' � /�� / �' rN F� �^'�� � � ; � DIRECTIONAL BORE � • � (�J��q� � � � i �\ ���� JST-°"�r PFH � C.`��.. . , :rj � � � N � �� �� (NO IMPACTS) � � � % � � S Y' `IVI/,��,1 � � �'�. ` � � �.' � � �,` _,�'-�`,''` ' �� CAMA m m^' � „ , ; `�-�,,_, �� � ��.,:.r�ti; �' ���—t;.ti� � �.3 �.\� ' —" � ��, \ ` 6 p`C � ` FXI�NGrRi{y �'� -, '� �� �E •� � � L �.�„ic T1 � \ � J nY � � ` ` �r � (/�� �V �, E 15� � -�:`�- y � � _` \ \ � � � ` � .� �L / v �� � `J,� ,,.,_.-,_..�...-�� . � r n '� � '� � '^ � -_ .� /� c� � s�-- ._,! "_` _�� '� � S l' \\� \ `� \ ���� `�� .�` ��._��_.���"���,. `� �c �'��`�ti �? p � .� - �'��~ ^ - .��,���-�'��Y'� ��� O �� y/-���`� \ °'�% ,���V - tf � �� a, .�=� �'. /C r ,t _ ":- " y �~�;.� ------ L �N Z+Z • � � - � ����, `�,-F��. T � g --= �---�----�-s�'� ���. — ,. � _ "' � -. _�.- -- — -�.i ` _.._ =--�.---""_._._. � -- __.�-- -- m�om 1� �-� ""p",, �� ,. —_•_--.-_�'� '---__ __ .-- ��— -- �' �� _ t - _ —' __ . ;,, � � _ __----' " �,_--_ _. -�_ � � ...- _ . \L`\;r �. __ - -� -x�--- - —� _.__ - .. — , . f� ��� ---_____ �i",-...._,_ ---_. -� r __. _ - __ '� _,,,r.y.r- _ � _ � - - - - �� v, ~�'`�' �[ — - -- -y��Y"?- �_1 FCORENCE RD (5����g� � "�fi$„ - - s 3'""�"'".t- ��r,r3t`_.�� --�'---i�r-""`i� %�4�"i' ' � �_� _? `� 44��---"` W � � WOODS \ ,Y �`�,��^` ;_�` FS -'E+n�Fs�`� C"-----=_� _._.,.__._._,_._ T�i� i .�n.� � u C.� - --t�--'�BL� ��'' __---•-'" _ -_s^' "'"�_l � i oP ��N"PO � ' �_"",.--�_�_ . _ � � r' �. __._.- _ �- n- �� PR .i � .�"`L.,•• -_'_ � �_ i� --�_ _' _""__ — --� ' � _ v I - -- ' .� y _' _ --_`_ � i , ~� ,�:'� �' S PROP. OPPEWFIBER _ -p}�^' � �--------- _. � - _ _ By DI�CTIONAC BORE - � -�' ^� EC ��-- --_` - _ — - � _ 'G - ,�.__._--___.___----- 7._---- ,;dt6-.__ ,,- �- _ _ (NC� IMPACTS)� Ir.-� -'= ---_ -� � _ - -YtLR� - ; .' .._- - -` `. - � �� �iaes__- � . � _� . I ... .. . .. . �. P BEGIN CENTUR\Y LINK BORE �'`"."� \ ��- - .y- � -- TF��gLE�.__---�-- `extsT � afloa � -- � _e.aoP�11 - STA 50+00 \ .L 9 � �m " -�T �-�Es _ _ �s __.. _ __ ; _. \ - - _- � -- 0 INEs :� � ����. •� 404 � r p�„ Es EXIST. POLE TO� REMAIN n � � �F' � `� FICS - T-I� - EMP 0/H POW LINE � � J � M4 '� \ "� � \ '� � WOODS � �� / TE 0/H POW L h}ES �v ` E ` ��''Lg / � BEGIN PROJE MA KE EX,IST. OLE T � REMA -�g �� � �r /� �V � `� � � � � ' ��"1"L C. . ,-r � � � � / � B-4598 �EMP. t � � ; �� .��,� � ,J.� '� ;� �t� . . � � � �- -L� 5TA.13+75.00 �, UTILITY R�LOC �\ � �, , > � TEMP. MA9� FOR UTILITY REL06�10`l�!'-`� �`� �, ��� � � � f �CAMA � � ��'- m � i � �� y� �ROPOSED POLE � � ��,i� �� _� ' �. TEMP. MATS FOR � EXIST. POLE '�O "� „ y � 4O4 �, � � \ \ � � ` TUE � � '' UTILITY REL(��ATION _ �F � � '9 � � � , r . ;� � yBE REMOVED ,� - � � UCE 1�`� . I L E� ` , r� ��i , „u ,3��� TE�v1P. POWER POLE , NOTES: ;� � ��q, � •J � � ? �'r � END OVERIj�EA[3' � ',Y� � S^ � �` ���`'�.�J-'^�' TEMP. GUY WIRE 'C D ipRE i ELE�iR�E' 3 � r"�-' 1. MASON CREEK IS IN THE NEUSE RIVER BASIN. :� �.� �� ,- :,;r�.- _ .�r �� NO PACTS) S1`A 30+16_+. • y�• .- 2. NEUSE RIVER BUFFER RULES IN EFFECT. '� �` � �1 TEMP. OVERHEa,� ELECTRIC LINE �u- ..--��� �;`j.i:�'�` ,,._-� ��=��"'` 3. NO DECK DRAINS REQUIRED. O � ��,,� 1 � __'~,��~ ~ . . , �":�r �� - " 2 y'' � � �C ✓ `c ".S�-.��' =`' . � � a� L.V. BROUGHTON HEIRS EXIST. OVERHEAD gLECTRIC LINE ` � v � �'i S�,\ �,� � „ � '_ _- _' =�"`� F�ORENGE RD �SR.132 � 4. CLEARING SHALL BE PERFORMED PER NCDOT TO BE TEMPORARILY"DEENERGIZED " .�� .S, O ,� ,_..-�J - METHOD II. �i"� `so � " _ - _,._ Q r-{ �Y \ 'Y ALEX JONES HEIR � �'� — ! ' r.-� � 5. FELLED TREES OR PORTIONS THEREOF TO BE TEMP. POWER POLE < <'�,� � /��� '� Z N _.�-- "`� � f __r �a""����- "��--„" r�' „ CAiVIA HAND CLEARED THAT FALL WITHIN PROPOSED WOODS sTn 2s+3o± �,� � F� // �r-� y�--�" __-----� - - RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ��'� � ✓s � �I r� --'"=�-�"�� .�wE� SITE. FELLED TREES WITHIN TEMPORARY UTILITY TEMP. GUY WIRE �. —� � �a �`� ~ °�, CENTURY = EASEMENT BUT OUTSIDE PROPOSED RIGHT OF �. S\ � � � N-�--- �-, � WAY MAY BE LEFf IN PLACE. • r �jE LINK BORE PROP. COP�FJtlFIBER .;� `-' ' � ` STA 58+75± GRAPHIC SCALE PERMIT DRAWING � (NO IMPAOSj d,BORE r'/` � �(Nb;CIMPAQ7S)ORE m \ � omo Z5 ° 25 5° SHEET 2 OF 7 '�j l �; � � If�ISET A so. � � PROJECT�REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. WETLAND IMPACTS EXISTING BRIDGE DIMENSIONS 60'X26' (DOUBLE-SPAN), 90 DEG. SKEW PERMIT DRAWINGS e-4598 4 PROPOSED BRIDGE DIfv1ENSIONS 110'X36' (DOUBLE-SPAN), 90 DEG. SKEW ww SHEET NO. Hand Clearing TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH - 575� Q ROA�WAY DESIGN rrcow.uucs . _ . . . . _ . __ __ . _ � . _ . _ F O R 6�� � 9 y , ENGINEER ENGINEER �. . . - in. Wetlands . , -- r . , - _ . � - , - _ � - - - . .. . _ ._ _ �_ _ . _ . _ . . . . .. . _ _. . _ PAIVILICO COIJNTY � " ������� �' �'�,� � � STREAM AND V!lETLAfiID INIPACTS RIDGE #6�0016 �,,�� �� z��� J �/ • } j + �' C"i� � � � � f1 l . f� : • '� r . ,r ,' C' WL STA 0+00 � " �� `v� � � �. -WLOI- STA. 5+64.39 'Q� • F �Y N , � . cn ��t . r.�'a b� �, �.,� 6`�g g'� 9 �^s� ,: �j r'� ' BEGIN WATER LINE :� q0 �' � p \ , -+ �� END WATERLINE ' "-_ ' 5 ��� � 8 C L� � �TGS ENG/NEE�S � g � r � TIE TO EXISL � 3'Q/p � �/ TIE TO exist TGSS 706 H/LLSBOROUGH sr �`� ; 6" WATER LINE � N,q c� ' 6" WATER LINE ; ,� , �j 2 � � � w000s � SU/TE 200 i, a � �'T �// n .. f✓ � RALE/GH. NC 27603 '� �.- i �� � PH f9/91773-8B87 i`, i �- ` �`�/ � ' DR`�BORE `' ' �r / / ` ,: S"� � UPILESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED . ; � (t O IMPACTSj ' � �� CAMJ"� O '' ��j ` �� ` \ ��' � � ' � � � n� DARREL �k�NRY `�� �`-r � . �,.:;-% 4 �i�r � N. �• � a� �� — � � �/ woo� � ,,-_,���:�3.�.s � � �� � � � AL S yy,. i �V ��,:.2 � / `c ~ `e � IC ,ir IC� JJ. I / ` \ � 1.�� � � ��i � �Y �� � � �"�-�___1__ _ y �"' ''� EXIST. POLES TO � 1/ �� �' � � � , * �- / BE REMOVED � " � `�,�,� / I � � � / � � PRO�LIMITS OF OP N �. / � � � � 404 �� � � j � �� TREN H INSTALLATI N y�- �� 3 � z � � .`.ti .� --. � �\..e� r� -- —�r� e_ � "� � _: �cr , ; - o . . � -. � , � I � �� '� , �;' ; _ __ , .... _ . . .. �5--��—__� `_, ,,�.5 . � ' B dD 98ROJECT �� � ,.__ _.. ..-.----- - _ .�.. _._ ��,,c i.; . � Q{ � �y ,� � �• ,' '``� � `� -�L� STA +50.00 � � "''Z' � 1� ��' � PROP. LIM1T5 OPEN + � POSED _._._-..-- - }• / � j,y • t''�'Z;,,,,f\, ;F .J -� TRENCH INS ALI.�TlO� TERLINE BY / __ --��"- ��.,���i'.��,'..?�..�?' � y � / `���. 4� , f �- •? � �r /' '� IRECTIONAL BORE �' ( - ` � n�fl ��� / � \ `\�w�i Z:,'v-- . .-.r p Aq N � / � '�� (NO IMPACTS) C �' � �Si`�,��(� � � �' � \� �s `'�-- `�^,��-;.% � INI m m� �„ :-�-�; ,� <<;,,.z. . SI.' - r-- � . � 1 . z � \ ��- �.�� =`,f.XI�NG` �--� � ry � ,�,�1�'�r.�r .�J�'. ' --,./` `C..� `F `D '� �.� ` � 2 � .. R�{y �1_r" �v-� i '`� /� �- 1 �� :� ^ \ �"" -.=_�-__ Z� � �`' `� �` � �' � ' � 2�v � m� � � E 15�1�_- T-"J ny� '��^ � ��� --� � . � � :../ h � - �-�"" _� r fl \ \ - �,_'� -� ` — -_ . 1 :. _ 7 �� ,_�- '� 1 S � � ,������ � s--�-""---�_. ,�'_ ^'i`� 1- _ _ . R i r y�,.a= , __ -- +,- � o �� i .� _a, •. � ... . . D ,� � H- - _---•- i = \� . � \ `�\\�\ r / g — = - � 2- P - �- .����_ :�._ - -- - _ - - -�-- �--__ __ --- '�- �` - -- - - L 5����r N o rt, �,*,• R , �\ • �-- --�� ,�_ � _ � N`� E01� y - - Zf ___,__ --'` � _.•-1 � m o '� \ � <G�'�� i -- 't7/�.�` ----_. - ' - - y - ---''" ..-- ""r.--.. � ! _ � v�Z„1,,`LCq��—' �'-p -- _._ _�-_ FLORENC __�_ .. ,�,�--_ r -Z . _ _ � .___-_ _.._____ _-"--- o„�_r-- y - - - - ,� .� -_ _.__ '�----_ E RD �S � h.. _ -ta5 lt� _ ' --_.-_.�- � `.!`�'1� -,,,_� +� --._ "'` . _ 4J _ . �..- _ .. ,� `� .. " ���"'.-����B4U nY1I"'f _ - '..- - j _ r� i�_�----. � _ •. , � . _..: • •-,-_.. _ W00DS • .�,m,� �- _. s �"x��F---_�-._ -�`'-_''_-. � � — `:� - - -�$`1"Gi� -�- _ - �� `� o�N poW � � �.. t ���/�, - - ;—_.-_ -�--�--�--� ; , � e� -_____ --�-- '- _ _ ^ ... _ � _ ppOP � _ Y._. - LJ 2 �c� vY � - P.ROP. EWFIBER ' - • ,.__,"'- -_ '�--'----_.; -'--'----� � + _ ----- - - i = - ,�� r - . - �Y DI C L BORE- � . -- � `"'3-. 1.._._:__ _ "' - i u O �/ _ - ��- - - _ �- - - �%� - \ ,-' (NO�/Ry1PACT y ". I ` - .Et ��_� t _. - ---'"_'._ _._^L.__. . _- ''`� - �'/ M -""` �— '- -- —• — . :.. . ... ' � ' � � «-. i M �l �C '1 Q ' — — __ ISS P� �flE'�+_ � ` � B GIN CENTU LINK BORE '� �""> � �- op f�' � v rFL_Cnsi-�----"" �" � -{ S A 50+00 \ ,� ' �� " � E5 _ - ,. ...._' , ._ _ oP..1U�- r INES ,� `�� � �- " \ 2 � r. P«-+ es � ST. POLE TO REMAIN y L � / MP rr'' ` � "a. � ��Zn�-� o � ; ^ ` " � ' `,.� FI - � T-I� —TEMP �FI POW LINE I N - '-`'�\..-� ^ � " �. � ... '� � � MA EXIST. OLE T`REMA� -( �: E 0/H POW L 1aEg -•,� - �v� � � WOODS � �"''�8� / B GIN PROJE ' ��-.-� .J�. � : ; i f \ \`� m � � � v / �'- 598 . .z . . MP. �'� � � --� . ': � ��/ .��� �' � .:r�}� � ;r � ��. ` � �, -E� STA. 13+75.00 jILITY R LOFCA�,FJ jn � ��,.., � � � '� \� m � � �' ..` _ �z � �' � � c : V�' �CAMA TEMP. MA`dS FOR UTILITY R LOSATIOthI^'`� . : ` , � �'- �� 2 � ,` `X , �' y� �ROPOSED POLE y� N � '� z E' � � , TI� � , / �; � V ,� T MP. MATS FOR '�- �<5 , m .� � _ � � ����\\ I ��'�, ' �. ,�,,�v...' �UTILITY RELGZ£ATION �EIREMOVED� ` � � ' NOTES: ,�. `� „ � \ ' , � - � � �' � ti� ,�� iE4�tP. POWER POLE � . o y � ,l� � � `„�,.� � ',� t�J` . . �r �Y- � ' � END OVERH.EA{•3""" .. . . 1. 1NASON CREEK IS IN THE NEUSE RIVER BASIN. .� � TEMP. G Y WIRE � �jY � I ELE�TR�E''� _.�,,;_�K. € 2. NEUSE RIVER BUFFER RULES IN EFFECT. '� � � \� � �j TEMP. OVE EA� ELECTRIC LINE � PAC �' / 3 ti _�- �� 3. NO DECK DRAINS REQUIRED. OO � \ � � � ��y, � `� � � ``-� -- � I--y-''".'` ~"y-J! J ll Z ' ; � - f-,--.�=-!`"�� cE RD ! a = 4. CLEARING SHALL BE PERfORMED PER NCDOT L.V. BROUGHTON HEIRS EXIST. OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE �' "� �s ".-.-'�"_ �SR 13 TO BE TEMPORARILY DEENERGIZED �' . •,5� �> " s :.----'� `� FL�REN �.. E METHOD II. 9so � o--- Y�---'` ~ 3 - �j� �� \ '��, ALEX JONES HEIR��--� /" z+ - ,._..--�-�" � w 5. FELLED TREES OR PORTIONS THEREOF TO BE TEMP. POWER POLE < rJ� CAMA ��� �� J� '"`� � � °~�'�"'��p � HAND CLEARED THAT FALL WITHIN PROPOSED WOODS STA 23+30± �,�,� � �`F� ��-�./� = j.._---'" �-�� '�_ ..--~ W RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE `.- u n SITE. FELLED TREES WITHIN TEMPORARY UTILITY TEMP. GUY WIRE C� � �`s � �//-"� ~ Q�'�" � t'° I� � CENTURY o EASEMENT BUT OUTSIDE PROPOSED RIGHT OF •� � � �,, , �� � WAY MAY BE LEFT IN PLACE. = .,.y� LINK BORE - � PROP. COP ERlFIBER 2'�_ STA 58+75± � GRAPHIC SCALE PERMIT DRAWING � BY DIRECTIONA�d, BORE (, � N d tC I M P� � SBORE �•� (NO IMPACTS) \ � o Q_ 25 ° 25 5° S H E ET 3 O F 7 �, � �� s;= �.s �\ INSET A so� ; � R .,� , . � . _ —� . . _. _ _: -- ------ .._ - -. . <, . ,_ - - , , : . .._ . - - - - - --- - m_�. �. . .� .� .. �. _ �f – - ---- – -_. . .. s _,. _ , . .,. , -' . -_:- - - _ - -= � .. - VUETL�►IVb P�RMIT IN�PACT SUMMARY • - �-=`�=- � •� -' . -- .__ . ' WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS an Existing Existing Permanent Temp. Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fillln Fillln in Clearing in SW SW Impacfs Impacts Stream No. (From/To) Size / Type Wetlands Wetlands , Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanent Temp. Design (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 L 13+68 to 20+15 Overhead Power Line 0.13 � 1 ����- ������ ��-� _i��� � �' 20�7 . , � - �� � x `�f ���a �� � ��� TOTALS*: 0.13 � 0 0 0 *Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOl"ES: Wetland Impacts listed in table above are total quantities for both CAMA & 404 Wetlands. 0.09 acres of Hand Clearing are in CAMA Wetlands. 2013 10 24 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 2/24/2017 PAMLICO PROJECT: 38426.1.2 (B-4598) SHEET 7 OF 7 . . � c.� K. Q � _ __ = u "^�J 'V^\ v 1 � � � � W 0 � � � � V � O V See Shee/ 1A For lndex of Sf�els See Srze! 1B for Con✓enNonal Symbols DESIGN EXCEPT(ONS Honxomal55D,51a.13t)5 �a Sia.19t50 Saperelevo�ioq5m.10a)5 b Na.19+50 GRAPHIC SCALES 50 25 0 50 100 ��l �, � PL4N5 50 25 0 50 l00 �r�n= !-; PROfILE (HORIZONTAL) �� 5 � �0 20 T�` � ,� /v�' �.RR��T�_' . : � . S�,' . _. � � ���nn �' --- BEGIN TIP PROJE DESIGN DATA ADT 2017 = 1065 ADT 2037 = 7326 DHV = 10 % � - 55 � T = 70 % ` V = 60 MPH ` (TTST 1% + DUAL 9%) FUNCT CLASS=RURP.L LOCAL U8-REGIONAL TIER DESIGI S''C'.\ �C'I, 0�� �� TO�`]C'1[=[ �('.���ZO[,I��1:=\. i�� � .��L�):�! ��.�� �Jl��17�1�:;�'.� .1�� PAMLICO CO U1�lTY LOCAT701V: REPLACE BRIDGE I6 OVER MASON CREEK O1V SR I324 (FLORENCE RD.) TYPE OF WOTcK: GRADING,DRAINAGE, STRUCTURE AND PAVING E r . � � i . .� � �' ` �' + ; � •• ,► � � • ��_`}:, �,— ° l.Jl .a � °° � / �..�— �o, . .o o. ',QR� � • � . .:� _ ,.�`,,�1.���.'_'_ ��_'>:: `�� ��'_�-' ````.Nv�'��,�` .�.[—. r,� END BRIDGE a a 4 � - if �- � SO F Ol RENGE �X�: "T�,+ 50.00 a5Yt3 - .SITE• 1;� � r�� � ' ' .' •� • ..`�_ ".�r.rr��TIP PROJ � • . . *--- �� \` ' • ���— �-, � ,_, �'��� � WETLANDS �� . �~� `�`�„�.-= � WEfLANDS � CLEARING ON THIS PROIEQ ShIALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED 8Y METHOD II . THIS PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. PROJECT LENGTH LENG7H ROADWAk' 71Y PROJECT 8-4598 - 0.088 miles LENG7H STRUCTURES TIP PftOJECT B-4598___ 0.021 miles TOTAL LEh'GTH TfP PROJECT B-4598 = 0.109 miles Prep�ie0 For: DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I000 8:roh Rid6+ Dr., Aeleigh NC, 2>6(0 TG� Br: � res Evcr.v�nns rx nw� nzoam �r �K � ,�A.E,� s, �o� u��,E �o s.��..�� =„=o �_„ 1orz srnHo.uu srecrrmnrm,vs JIMMY TERRY P.E R7GHT OF WAY DATE: rxo/acr �erz�eu - _ hwY 16,2m6 BURKE EVANS P.E. YROJEC]' D£5lGN ENL/N££X � LET77NC DATE: GARY LOVERING PE IUNE 20,2017 rxa�cerEvr,ixern �� __ rvrmr aowwer �enc.v �. B-4598No 'XIl? 3842611 eRZ-1324 5 PE 384261.1 RM', UTL. OOCUMENT HOT CONSI�EREO FIHIIL UNLE55 ALL SIGNATUHFS COMPLETED HYDRAULICS F,NGfNEER _ P£ ,�n,,a�r_— _ - ROADWAY UF.SIG,Y ENGMEfiR _ rc ��1FP� 4 `� 2�' �_� PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEEf NO. Buffer Zone BZ Im acts EXISFING BRIDGE DIMEN510NS 60'X26' (DOUBLE-SPAN), 90 DEG. SKEW PER�VIIT DR,�1�/INGS B-4598 4 �) P PROPOSED BRIDGE DIMENSIONS 110'X36' (DOUBLE-SPAN), 90 DEG. SKEW WrY SHEEf NO. TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH - 575' Area of Exempt Area of Exempt w - �. .., .. - -• _ ----• _ �,_- --- . . . . . ._; .. _ . -�. w. - .�. . � : ._ ._ �..._-- , ..- - -� . _ . . - -� „ -. .. _, ..-. ` _ .RO,_..EtyGIN€ERIGN._" . _ ENGIN E�5 . . .. R � 4.59�=. . .,. �. _ ,. . - _� . .. ..Bri ge Impacts Bridge�lmpacts - - �- . . Pti1VILI�O CO�I�11 I ' . . ._ ' ' within BZl" � within BZ2 - . ' - _ - . _ _ � _ - - - - - . . LEGEND ,,hX x x�,� ;�,�,%, �UFFER IMPACiS �RIDGE #6�0016 �������������� > � �Y J� V ! S' i -7 � ti \ ` ^ `� � � i WLOI-STA.5+64,39 ���+�� �� �O�r WL STA 0+00 � q0 C r � 1. BEGIN WATER LINE :3 B,� CR�Q � � ;� � END WATERLINE �j % C,� TIE TO EXIST. Nq � .,/f � TIE TO EXIST. TGS .� ' 'z- TGS E/VGINEERS ` L 6" WATER LINE � S 2 n 6" WATER LINE ENGINEEfl ; 7OG H/CL.S'BOROUeG s're � ,r✓ � 5 �ii °a x� ' � wooDs ��� ���.�`7' zO�� d i � � � � �'` , ` ' � W O Q p S �.T S"�� �. ��� A GH, iVC 27603 '� / ''r C,' S � ( PN f9/9J 773-8B87 r �— T (( DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL 1 I , � '� � �-/ / ry/' � �� y � DRY BORE � � � �,S / � �` � UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES GOMPLETED l� l _r (NO IMPACTS) i ''� t "`�� �AIVI( i� O ��'i ` � . �`ti' �(' � � � � , i �� r-� (i� ;� i , 1 -�� ` ���'� ` — " � � -'r~� � DARREL E. HENRY �-i,., �t, � `ti S� L�,-�.2,`, r- � ��a,�.� ,; � "� ` � 9 t;�', � �• ,y� _.,.z�.r} � / � i � �i� f \ � �` Zt..; "� - ,� � � o _ _. � �' �--�—�.� � , J; 4 E' 4O � � � � � � " � �s � � ;� ��."z404 � . �`! � �.' -1 �_ - ' --�----��� E�REMOVEDT� \ ALEX� ONE HEIR� � -� ��. � � / � � `'� � � 404 � � �--�' � � P• �IMITS OF OPEN � � ;� �,r�� r� PRO�cLIMITS OF OPEN �. / �; • � � '�'� � S TRENCH INSTALLAT�bN ., � • . � � TRENCH INSTALLATION � t � / , \. �' . '1 `�r' � c, �-.- `2 /3 T �,`Xi T�� , '--vrLB_ -_ :� � � � �;, � � '� ;�'z-�:��--_—�$—<`ic.__,\ 1� S.�• �/' ENk� PROJECT �� � ��A o �%�� \ '� s' �,�r� � � EXI ING TRANSPORTATION }�� �� n3N- � -`.� u ' � -L- STA.19+50 � � �y ��`* \ � .� ` � '` ` � F ILITY B0�1P3Dlk#tY �y , PROPOSEO '-�'- 35 N�f� \ . ''A \� < F `````` �'r �'`,"'�.. � ' �' '� P. ,. / , WATERLINE BY • � - �-`�_' . . �i � i � +rsT � N � DIRECTIONAL BORE i • � \ , ��F . p�",<r ` PFH`�����' t' -. � � �.. � (NO IMPACTS) / � �' � a � � � � � � �� ��s w�:.�' � � CA A � � m� � � - � � t�,- . sc .� : � � s � � . ��� 1�'��€ 1� �' „ �Z�, �� . �' � ��y' ? � N w � .-= _-==�" �n � ~\"a[ �.. � 6 PVC � \ �`''��-�,,,�z�� = n"�_ 1,,.� �"r _._,� ,�� �'- .� ' �I—�l� '�.� 'ti.I'`�' ��{;� W . —�-,- � —1 '`�` •� � ___ �" � � �- � ^/ � 15T1`�- ' ;�f =—. tt��--- - � y� � J ti 4� E s'_`^- _ � .� �� \ ���,,.� ��'� � � _ �' ' -•=�--_„-.% � � � �' � �'�'- � _.e__,r ...y _ __ __ �' �-` a� y � \ ` _,,,`/-` '` ` — � � �_ ' :F '� � � - p .f _- _ •,t;�,a� =-'� �! C ---� O . , ' � ���\\\\ '�i'' x''��V -tv � `�------ $�� It �'L- — H _ ___-��t;_ � � -+�- oG . - . _ --- - -•- - ---- '` � �\�� � -� T -- � �z., � " F �f � _._.- �- ` -__ _--- __ _ =�'�- - -- �-- �' o ` � F ---------- ��-- ,._---•_-"` ,z�, m y�,,, -_. � - �- i ' ------ - - '� � �'"`l '\L�� � x __,__' �,y S ''�- — _" .-- -- — ,. �.,- Wi s� —� _ _ - _ - �- .--� ,� � vv-� _ \ � '` �.'_--�, O '^-- '�—�. _ � . . . _ --'- --^—`j' � Ti - 4V . , _ _ "_-- ---'_ -._---" ..-.- ''^ .�,_r � — — — � -__"-- _"��- -.._` "'--------� F/A!� �y E �__'.' - � - '� -� y-.�._ `4��_ �------ -�-� _ � ���e�.� . � ` =----__='o� _=1 --_._--_, E c Ra rsr��.�z�'4��tti i---- - �' �J -�`�7� %ttRH - - = __ r ; o -%`"-�-=-�--= "' _ _ WOODS � _�`,`_'� �, - rNFS -�i-rKFs -=�:�� ;_ ._ �-�� T�2 � ! -- - C� �} —.. .- --� _..��vi�' ..�E.-� �_ _---. _------'".._^ __/�! = ;-- — _=- ItiEs � -.���-- __ 1-- _ � \ _- .� ��_ _________ � : `-, � C� ` _ ____..__.._i �—`��r --�o N POW � ,,..�.i -.__ .- _ _ PROP. GOPPEWFIBER " �ry ' -�-�-�-�- __. ---vr -�` _ -- " 04 ,,,, �' - - - B�' DIR�CTIONAL BORE ^ ,,.. � - _'1- �,�,r,_� ` � ,�� �.. � - - __------s-----------;w��-�----���� - \ �`` 1�~�'--��. �( , � . , _ _ (NC� IMPACTS) � G`� ' � ��_ _--------- - -T � _ _ -wL'{y� ' . - � - ---------=1C� ,,-' _ �S. ^i�. _ '_____' _ "`C __ . .'. .. I. �� ... _. _'_� =__'__--___�_ — _. P�lIt7i5._--- � � � � � __'___'___ _ ' =—�� — —� �SSi �. BEGIN CENTURY LINK BORE � ` � � -- 8 p� i�- - � s____ � _ _ .�oP.y1�_r.El-�G��-= - `� M STA 50+00 \ ,� 9 � Zvv, \x - u+es _ - - -.� ... _.— � -- -- � INES f � "� � 404 \ `' � isr r` EXIST. POLE TO REMAIN ��� " � V• �•. T�t�L TO R IN - �rt NE �� ��_S . �� _s. rti� .� '� \`t.� � / � �H,�POW LINE Cn � � � � FI�E 9�T+C- — � � � �: �. ` ` `Vr�g� � / �/ � 8-4598 PROJE � 2= �MARKE,R.h,`t.;yL ��\ _ .�B � re , o/N row � �s -�"ti"',� WOODS y � �v� � '� � �� WOODS � � �,�' � -L� STA.13+75.00 �, `rG� � \ ,/ j/ • � ��� �� •�[� w� •..� � �`�l�-����-- � � N � .� � r . ��' � � � TEMP. MAT�S FOR UTILIN REL06ATI0`h!''r� d �. � T � , ,� � j � � t;� CAMA .� , y SITE�"� � r�� �� � � 1� ��ROPOSED POLE ,� �� „ �� < � � '� 404 � '� � ` ` � TUE � '� � �;� r� � x � EXIST. POLE'�O � y m .� ,� � � • , � ;,�' yBE RE/v10VED ,� ' NOTES: � � UCE �:'_ I,LL.E� � � - ? TEIbIP. POWER POLE 1. MASON CREEK IS IN THE NEUSE RIVER BASIN. � :f � MPACTS BZl '� � ��s^ �`�v'''�-i.-��-�`"-��'~~r � �'r , DRY BbRE END OVERFIEA{Y''�� TEMP. GUY WIRE ELECiR�E' r'�r%}"� ' �' \ �, (NO/IMPACTSJ 51`A 30+16± • -- � �� '' 2. NEUSE RIVER BUFFER RULES IN EFFECT. '� � .� ` •'�} TEMP. OVERHEA� ELECTRIC LINE � �0 ,�.__•----' __-��St� �:~ -" =1324 � Y :.�J'_.--•�' SR z 1� . � �.. � ✓ � .Z _ _-�.`, ._---�''`___ 'i 3. NO DECK DRAINS REQUIRED. O � � ��.�,i S �- EXEMPT �,--1J;.3-��'. -- � L.V. BROUGHTON HEIRS EXIST.OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE ��' `s/ IMPACTS 6�1 -- --"" 4. �� RIopG'ISHALL BE PERFORMED PER NCDOT TO BE TEMPORARILY DEENERGIZED " .�,� �'�,�� " o-�' �" l�'^'! _��.. -.-'"'� � I ,� '� �'j � y o '."'"�- 5. FELLED TREES OR PORTIONS THEREOF TO BE TEMP. POWER POLE � n �,p O �/��'` �o ,_ •--�'" ~J `� ��--� .----~�_ -�� ' HAND CLEARED THAT FALL WITHIN PROPOSED WOODS STA 23+30± \��. CI-�MA F�.r , �� y� _.._.- � ,_ __ • ,_--- �1 Y RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE .�. ,�� A�C JONES EI v� �. `='-"-"~�~�--"' � SITE. FELLED TREES WITHIN TEMPORARY UTILITY (� '' �� 1"��' ! ' µ� ` EASEMENT BUT OUTSIDE PROPOSED RIGHT OF - �� � �,- • � � Y"" CENTURY , = WAY MAY BE LEFT IN PLACE. TEMP. GUY WIRE �, PROP. COPPEftlFIBER � N .r-,. -� �"` -�v� STA 58+R75± � GRAPHIC SCALE .� BY DIRECTIONA BORE 1� ��� IRECTIO�N.�4L BORE B U F F E R D RAW I N G � t cNo IMPACTSJ� i �o Z5 ° 25 5° S H E ET 2 O F 5 �, � cNo IMPACy�TS) ^ � ��`3 `\ INSET ,4 so� �� � � PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEEf NO. • EXISTING BRIDGE DIMENSIONS 60'X26' (DOUBLE—SPAN), 90 DEG. SKEW P E���- ���� ��� 8-4598 4 Buffer Zone (BZ) Impacts PROPOSED BRIDGE DIMENSIONS 110'X36' (DOUBLE—SPAN), 90 DEG. SKEW ww SHEET NO. TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH — 575- FOR �-459� ROA�WAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS Area of Exempt Area of Exempt Bridge Impacts Bridge impacts - - -- -• � � -~ . - - � - �� - EER ENGINEER within BZl " within BZ2 - - - -- - - - . � ; __ _ � - -- - - - - �-- - _ __. � . , . _ _�. _ �: ... . _ _ '. - ." � �...� _.,� � c''ss � � - - - ,, x x x , , , , �UFFER IIV1PACTS P,�MLICO --COUi�iY � � ,y � r LEGEND �` X X '�,� �i � � � �RIDGE #��0016 i'J,�'R � � ��17 WL STA 0+00 �JI O� v 1 ` i C� � � N4 C `P^ t'� `u" S � �. WLOI- STA. 5+64.39 � � ��F�r � .� � �'��"'' �' BEGIN WATER LINE :� B,� CRj p l• ;� END WATERLINE '' °�`� �� � -� � Z� ' I TIE TO EXIST. TGS ENG/NEERS ��} �� TIE TO EXIST. � N TGS !-� %� �' 6" WATER LINE � � ��O�j cy A � � WOODS 6" WATER LINE ENGI�E� surrE� z000Roucy sr �'(' I W���.S l�� � � "r �� P�9/9J 77328887 ' ' } � ) � / }.' S f ,-., � �', `�f' t DR`f�BORE � ' . '.� / / � �OCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL ` i ` ' i• � UNLESS ALL SIGyATURES COMPLETED ^�'V'J C,' . '` '' �./ �NO IMPACTS) f � "`� � 1 ii� ` . ; � � O r � � `� ,' �•� , � � � � . �� CAMADARREL E. HENRY `t� c4.Y � � '� � �-t.���� . ej� ` ' � , _ , �`i" /� �, `t.r.r-Z� ` � `' / — — � � � J � } ��?' � � ~ 1 ` �, � .� �co4 � ' ��' ��� �T � 1S r �� �' ..., . ` ,ti �� � � " " EXIST. POLES TO � LE ONE ,M IR� � �^-�. �� � f ' '� i ,^ / BE REMOVED -� y4 `r � / I � S � 4Q� `�_-. '�' � OF OPEN � / � �. �., � - m `-'�� � '� ,� ��-" � RENCH INS � ' t ;� �. • �� TRE�NCHMINST�ALLATI N � �.' / / �' . - � . ' :-� - F,1y r,ro �; —v"-a— — � � �`'� fi:� , .. _ ._._ ;.r�-�r��_��=-_,_1S� 1 � END PROIEC _ -- � ' ---- � ^•� p �+�L' • \ � RC ` � �' EXI ING TRANSP RTATION � �s \ � 1 - ..._._...._.._..._,.,, �•� � �'�-�`t� .� � .J' � `� 'r , F IL,`I,TY BO , �.;� �" f� POSED / / _...__....:...._. ,-r�;.�,,,�r�- ' _ �' L 5 �+50�0 �v\ � ��_ `' �. .F '�' P'� � ' RECTIONAL BORE ti - , r-� . . _ :_..r�.t"'�y.��t.�.ti ' �, � � �' � , /,� �, \�.�_p���s 1 ` �--; _-^'��C�.�.�)S"r J q . N ti x ,�� (NO IMPACTSJ �� � Sr. Y(^?�' IVI � ��. \ :( `��� � �y.,. '�`� �, � j���,� � �', � �1 „ `'��; '`� �c�..---�,l.i r '" � �C.ns.. ` .\ `, `; \\ � �` 2� \� �,�"�`��3/ `'r��-�'�"1_� � �'." �m�.. .� N ` d �� Cr�k.�,� �"�°� � W �-__----� ^-�� � �� � � � � lY ;- . . � U �� ��V •r � E IST� � "'f�T"-�--- iy � -,-, \ � `� � \ ,_''_, � _ �� J � ,�-_""3 _-----" _--- -��c� � � � � � �` `���; -.�� � _ — — � __ _` _ �� -�"ar-.-, �._ _.,Q:l ` , � : � . _ _ Vil.�"—> r�_ _-- - _ --Mj - +� � ° �'' r \ i - ' ".3--_.� C ' y "` - __ '-^ 5 � �� . `,\�`��\� � xi� y _ ` _ . .. . - __ _----- -- L SZ� Z+Z � � L,.,, R ;,���` ; � � �=-�,� S -�_ -~-£�2--= - _�-- _�-.a= g � r- x ` � l -:.� .� �. �-- =y-_�!p_-`���—�- _.�.� `! _.- �orn � �,�, � _ '_'_-_ � - - -_�= � - - - " ------ -- -'"'"_�. --�-- '-� -' � �' �---_.----_ o ` —�_ �-� � �r �.� - v - - - -� "1,�Gqel` ` `"'--._.-''-l✓t� _ FLORENCE RD`/ � ~� '�t�"F - � - - _ ,_ `- `'" = =- / � � �� �-.`� � S 4, �, �� —��B�B %tt�1H! _._,_._ --_ � ._ �. ____�___-- ' _ . WOODS ��,r1, '--�-,.� 'vFs, e '_� '�-__„'-f,-_--�__. �il � � � r%� �i`L'�� -� _�-.__----_---_" ��� J---_-� ,�W-�-1N�S �.S - ,�'- , _ �' - _ ___ _ -- P - PRO�� ER�FIBER "�. _-�._'-- ..._ � _"---��`1=--'�-'� -� _ __ _ � � ' _. -----• =- = � --- o o H sl �... • - �_ --_ _... PK --�_ �- M _'-�,� - ._ -_. -'�-- - � BY DI C� L BORE -^ � - ��- --- - .-_."'3---_--- �___ -'• / - -��____ - -- _ -- _ ��� - 1'r��--�'r.. � � (NC� PAC � � � `�'- � -- e ------------��- - �� � „ ` _ -- ---- - � . ��/ � � � G ^^ � --- - - _ - ------------- _ _._ - t � � � � � . . _ "' � . `` _" ._.�-. ._---- Pay`L N�S._- `C B GIN CENTU� LINK BORE �' � � �- --- ------------ �(�p-- � �_ - - 'atst �� � � P INES _ _ � � __ _ —��c._rF�caai-� � �_ - � ��� � � � S A 50+00 � :� 9 �� \ - ., , _ .,. _..�.... ., _ --` � INEs 2 � �` pn L TO R IN � � ;sr-q Np p ST. POLE TO REMAIN .'� ` � N ` � ` � � � FI • T+E --rENfP �li ppW LINE j iv ._._.....,..� ,N . :� N'L{V. � �� � � } `� � ���Q� / / � BEGIN PROJE -- � � „ MAR � .�� � / E 0/H POW L T�ES �-•���; J� �V� � � � WOODS / Z'' 598 �` � - LV`1�-• ..� ^ � � �.. ° ....._.� i ;,' � ,�� r�.�.- '� WOODS �' �, y�- \ � :� _ � � " -t� STA. 13 + 75.00 � ��� � � j . . f � � �` �� � .� ,ti � � � �.; - � � / / ' �� u' - � �� � `� ,.� . � � �C�IVIA TEMP. MAi'S FOR UTILITY R Lt�.�TlO' ' ,� � � 2�, � \ / / � � h,� ''� ` . � ,/ � Y � � , ��ROPOSED POLE � � N� �- � z SI`TE 1� � \ ' T � ;"/ , .�: �' � , ,� < � v � ` `\ `;� � i EXIST. POLE "� `t m ;� � � � '• r � • ;�� ` � yBE REMOVED ' NOTES: '� v \ ' v S, � �' ` , � Lj ,�: ,%" �'TEiS�1P. POWER POLE „ � `� EXEMPT � ';-> t`ti,._ vJ�;�-' �f � END OVERI��EA{3-'� � 1. MASON CREEK IS IN THE NEUSE RIVER BASIN. .� IMPACTS BZl � ..�� TEMP. G Y WIRE � DRY Bb v ELSTR�E" �� '� \ �, I /IMPACTSj ` �;; � � ; f.. 2. NEUSE RIVER BUFFER RULES IN EFFECT. � ,v� �` .� � i TEMP. OVE EA� ELECTRIC LINE ;� �0 _- _�3 �"<< •--~' - ` , �f - � • �3 3. NO DECK DRAINS REQUIRED. OO � � � � •{ � EXEMPT ` ~r` ` '' :`=-`_" � --"���J:^l-- _ L.V. BROUGHTON HEIRS EXIST.OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE � V � �� � TS B�1 � �� �� �, - `� 4. CLEARING SHALL BE PERFORMED PER NCDOT TO BE TEMPORARILY DEENERGIZED " •� �, �'�. " ~-"�.----� ` -l'`� E. METHOD II. r�. / o..-....- _.-- --` 3 _.�-- �,�" y� �ry �rf� �yo, - �..�-•-'- - � 5. FELLED TREES OR PORTIONS THEREOF TO BE TEMP. POWER POLE � r r� �'.Q O �- � o �--''` �� r J`.� cC-" - " HAND CLEARED THAT FALL WITHIN PROPOSED WOODS STA 23+30� ��� CAMA � �`�.� �J^/� =N �-- `..----�`'�� � RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE L--- A JONES �EI v� —"�" e" ..a . SITE. FELLED TREES WITHIN TEMPORARY UTILIN � �`r � � —� � �-i—'"`` �� � r �9 EASEMENT BUT OUTSIDE PROPOSED RIGHT OF �\ -`_�� � � � �, .� �.�,.; y LINK BOREURY WAY MAY BE LEFT IN PLACE. TEMP. GUY WIRE PROP. COPPFJ�lFIBER 2,.M. - �� STA 58+75± �. � BY DIRECTIONA BORE Z5 GRAP�HIC S SALE 50 B U F F E R D RAW I tvl G ��� (NO IMPACTSJ � /. � (NO CIMPAqTS) ORE � � SHEET 3 OF 5 ':ti '• � � - ^ � � `� INSET A 's;Z .< so � � � � �, � � � � � � � � - � � 1 � l 1 ■ � � ■ � ■ � _ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � i � � � � a . _ _ . . : . _ _ . . , e���� : � . ����� � �������_��� � ����������- � ������■��■��� � ��■�������■■�■�■ � �����������■■■ � ����������� � ����������� � �������_��� � ■������_���� � �� ������� � ■■��■��������■�■ � ��■�����■���� ■� ��������■��� � -�_��_���-� � �����o����� � ����������� � ��� ������� - __- ____--_ - -______�--- • ' _. '. � 1 � :•. � � � � � � � -- NOTES: , All Zone 1 and Zone 2 impacts are due to overhead power line relocations which are exempt impacts. �����-���� : P�Af� � `� 201� - �t ���������������� � s Rev. May 2006. e � P � � � 5 a � 'e�� �� s��� � �tii�R � � 20�7 ����� �:���� �� � �� Rev.Jan 2009 0 See Sheet 1A For Index of Sheets � See Sheet 9B for Conventionol Symbols ���i�� �� ����� �c������� Il���%����,�T �lF I�[��I�[��1�� lr'AM�ICO COU1�lT�' LOCATI011L• REPLACE BRIDGE 16 OVER MASON CREEK 01V SR 1324 (FLORE11iCE RD.) TYPE OF WORK GRADI11lG, DRAI11tAGE, STRUCTURE A11ID PAVI11tG BEGIN BRIDGE —L— POC STA. 1 �O�\ � _ c tiwj.Rs��i'i S —L— POC STA. 13 + 75.00 BEGIN TIP PROJECT B-4598 DESIGN EXCEPTIONS — �, -�- � HorixonfalSSD,Sta.13+75 to Sto.19+50 � � � S�perelevation, Sta.13+75 to Sta.19+50 � � � V GRAPHIC SCALES DESIG11i DATA . � � "' ADT 2017 = 1065 � � 50 25 0 50 �Q� ADT 2037 = 1326 "' DHV = 10 % Z PLANS c� n�y� D = 55 °/u ��� � 50 25 0 50 l00 T= 10 %' ��� ��w V = 60 MPH N�Z O PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) �(7-rST 1% + DUAL 9%) r4»� ��= 10 5 0 10 2� FUNCT CLASS=RURAL LOCAL � ��� ��� PROFILE (VERTICAL) SUB-REGIONAL TIER DESIGP ��� � � � END BRIDGE � --� CE R�' y-���- `�� F�pREN��'f/� - SR 132a �i'' .�� _FI�RENGE . —L— POC STA. 19 + 50.00 END TIP PROJECT B-45� CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD II . THIS PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. PROJECT ZENGTH ' LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT B11598 = 0.088 miles LENGTli STRUCTURES TIP PROJECT 8-4598 - 0.02I miles TOTAL LENGTH TIP PROJECT B-4598 = 0.109 miles Prepared For: DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS l000 BircF Ridge- Or., Ra(eigb NC, 276I0 ei': �xcs sxcnvserrs rx pa) n�aoa� �l, aw-c ararnr�rrs sr conr.uc�,vsa xo: � srrrusr,xc iarso aons 20I2 STANDARD SPECQ�7CATTONS JIMMY TERRY, P.E. RIGfiT OF WAY DATE: rao�ecz sxc��ax MAY 16, 2ot6 BURKE EVANS. P.E. PROJBC! DBSIGN L]YGINHBR L&TTING DATE: GARY LOVERING, PE 1UNE 20� �LO�7 PROJ&CT ENGINEER NCD07 ROADWAY D6S7GN 6 dlAiB P0.0I6Ct IfEP6Pffiil8 NG �� B-4598 ,�.n �d.No ..ti��.Hv 38426:1.2� BRZ-1324 5' HYDRAULICS ENGWEER ROADWAY DESIGIV ENGINEER P.E. DOCUMENT NOT CONSICERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED ah �� �a 2 ��������� d1AN � � 20i7 ���� ��� ������ o� �eoarq a@4� cg�o � !a o a � � 8 s o �A���r �� YWA�a@�4e � N � . : � m � P m BOUNDAR�E,S' �10TD �'.R�P,ERTY.• __. . . .. State Line County Line --- — Township Line — City Line — Reservation Line — - — - — Property Line Existing Iron Pin � Property Corner --x Property Monument � Parcel/Sequence Number izs Existing Fence Line -x—x—x- Proposed Woven Wire Fence e Proposed Chain Link Fence e Proposed Barbed Wire Fence „ Existing Wetland Boundary ----�---- Proposed Wetland Boundary � Existing Endangered Animal Boundary �a Existing Endangered Plant Boundary �a Exisfing Historic Properfy Boundary �a Known Contamination Area: Soil -XX--XX-- Potential Contamination Area: Soil -3�--�C-- Known Contamination Area: Water -�--�-- Potential Contamination Area: Water -X?X--�-- Contaminated Site: Known or Potential �� BUILDINGS AND OTHER CULTURE.• Gas Pump Vent or 11�Ci Tank Cap O Sign � Well ° Small Mine 'SZ� Foundation 0 Area Outline 0 Cemetery 0 Building � School � Church � Dam HYDROLOGY Stream or Body of Water — Hydro, Pool or Reservoir r_ = J Jurisdictional Stream —J5 _ Buffer Zone 1 ez � Buffer Zone 2 ez z Flow Arrow -E Disappearing Stream ; Spring p^•`_.� Wetland � Proposed Lateral, Tail, Head Ditch �� E— ,�. False Sump C�`��,,,,>. ��L ]1�LJ �ll' i V�J�� J� f[f� ����J��1 V L]lg �������A V �ll� ���� tW S]l�� CONVENTI�F�lA�. P�I� SH�ET SYM�O�� _• ' _ Note: Arot to 3'ea�e" • *S. U.E. ,= Subsurface Utility Engineering RAILROADS.• Standard Gauge ax raexs�r,vaN RR Signal Milepost y��Po�S! J5 Switch 0 swrrcn RR Abandoned --- -*- -•- -.- RR Dismantled - RIGHT OF WfiY.• Baseline Control Point ♦ Existing Right of Way Marker � Existing Right of Way Line - Proposed Right of Way Line --�-- Proposed Right of Way Line with � Iron Pin and Cap Marker Proposed Right of Way Line with � Concrete or Granite WW Marker Proposed Control of Access Line with Concrete C/A Marker '�—� Existing Control of Access —� ' `� '`9% — Proposed Control of Access —�—.— Existing Easement Line --E-- Proposed Temporary �Construction Easement - e Proposed Temporary Drainage Easement— TOE Proposed Permanent Drainage Easement — PDE Proposed Permanent Drainage /Utility Easement oue Proposed Permanent Utility Easement Pu¢ Proposed Temporary Utility Easement rue Proposed Aerial Utility Easement Aue Proposed Permanent Easement with O Iron Pin and Cap Marker � ROADS AND RELfIT�'D FEATU�'S.• Existing Edge of Pavement ----- Existing Curb ----- Proposed Slope Stakes Cut --- �--- Proposed Slope Stakes Fill --- F--- Proposed Curb Ramp CR Existing Metal Guardrail Proposed Guardrail T '' T Existing Cable Guiderail " Proposed Cable Guiderail " " Equality Symbol � Pavement Removal � T�EGETATION.• Single Tree Q Single Shrub � Hedge �'•~' Woods Line �^v"�'"-""'� Orchard Vineyard EXISTING STRUCTURES.• MAJOR: Bridge, Tunnel or Box Culvert Bridge Wing Wall, Head Wall and End Wall - MINOR: Head and End Wall Pipe Culvert Footbridge Drainage Box: Catch Basin, DI or JB Paved Ditch Gutter Storm Sewer Manhole Storm Sewer UTILITIES.• POWER: Existing Power Pole Proposed Power Pole Existing Joint Use Pole Proposed Joint Use Pole Power Manhole Power Line Tower Power Transformer U/G Power Cable Hand Hole— H-Frame Pole U�G Power Line LOS B(S.U.E.*J lLG Power Line LOS C(S.U.E.*) WG Power Line LOS D(S.U.E.*) TELEPHONE: f;} f3 {§ fi Vlneyard CONC � LONC NW I � - -WATER: _ Water Manhole Water Meter Water Valve � Water Hydrant' lYU Water Line LOS B(S.U.E') U/G Water Line LOS C(S.U.E*) lL� Water Line LOS D(S.U.E'J Above Ground Water Line — CONC HW : C ❑� OO • • 0 ►�1 r •---• � Existing Telephone Pole -�- Proposed Telephone Pole -o- Telephone Manhole O Telephone Pedestal pp Telephone Cell Tower .,i„ U�G Telephone Cable Hand Hole p lNG Telephone Cable LOS B(S.U.E.*) ----T---- WG Telephone Cable LOS C(S.U.E.*) ---*--- ll� Telephone Cable LOS D(S.U.E.*) * WG Telephone Conduit LOS B(S.U.E.*) -----*_---- lLG Telephone Conduit LOS C(S.U.E.*)— ---*�--- ILfG Telephone Conduit LOS D(S.U.E.')— *� WG Fiber Optics Cable LOS B(S.U.E.*) -----*�o---- lL� Fiber Optics Cable LOS C(S.U.E.*)— ---*Fa--- U�G Fiber Optia Cable LOS D(S.U.E.'')— * Fa O 0 � � ' A/G Maier TV: TV Pedestal ❑c N Tower � lLG TV Cable Hand Hole HH LY� TV Cpble LO$ B(S.U.E.') ----r---- lLG N Cable LOS C(S.U.E.*) ---r--- U�G N Cable LOS D(S.U.E.") r lLG Fiber Optic Cable LOS B(S.U.E.*) ----*���--- WG Fiber Optic Cable LOS C(S.U.E���,-������� WG Fiber Optic Cable LOS D(S.U.E.*) rv�� GAS: JA�N � � ZOI! Gas Valve Q Gas Meter � �� � � �,� y� � �� �� ��'��e' lLr Gas Line LOS B(S.U.E.*) ----�---- WG Gas Line LOS C(S.U.E.') ---�--- U/G Gas Line LOS D(S.U.E.*) � Above Ground Gas Line "'� c°s SANITARY SEWER: Sanitary Sewer Manhole OO Sanitary Sewer Cleanout p WG Sanitary Sewer Line u Above Ground Sanitary Sewer A�G Sanitary Sever SS Forced Main Line LOS B(S.U.E.*) ----�s--=- SS Forced Main Line LOS C(S.U.E.*) ---.,,--- SS Forced Main Line LOS D(S.U.E.*) �s MISCELLANEOUS: Utility Pole � Utility Pole with Base p Utility Located Object p Utility Traffic Signal Box ❑s Utility Unknown U�G Line LOS B(S.U.E.*) ,�T� WG Tank; Water, Gas, Oil � Underground Storage Tank, Approx. Loc. — usr A�G Tank; Water, Gas, Oil � Geoenvironme�tal Boring � IL�G Test Hole LOS A(S.U.E.*) m Abandoned According to Utility Records — AATUR End of Information E.O.I. DATUM DESCRIPTION THE LOCALIZED CODRDINATE SYSTEM DEVELOPED FOR THIS PROJECT 1S BASED ON TNE STATE PLANE COORDINATES ESTABLISHED BY NCDOT FOR MONl1MENT "84598-1" WITH NAD B3/95 STATE PLANE GRID' COORDINATES DF NORTHING: 511580.0040(ftl EASTING: 2692942.SBOIftI ELEVATION: 3.19(ft) THE AVEAAGE COMBINED GRID FACTOR USED ON TNIS PROJECT (GROUND TO GRID) IS: 0.99988041 THE N.C. LAMBERT GR1D BEARING AND LOCALIZE� HORIZONTAL GR�l1ND DISTANCE FROM "B4598-1" TO -L- STATIDN 13+75.00 15 S 53° 21' 20.4" W 1174.21' ALL LINEAR DIMENSIONS ARE LOCAL]ZED HORIZONTAL DISTANCES VERTICAL DATUM USED IS NAVD 88 S ZIR VE�' �O.litTIZOL SHEE7' �-4�98 BASELINES BL POINT DESC. NORTH EAST ELEVATIDN � STATION OFFSET """""" '•"""""'_" """""""" '_'_"""""" """""_""' """"_"""' """_""""' 1 BL-1 510827.5970 2691145.1150 3.08 OUTSIOE PROJECT LIMiTS 2 BL-2 510817.3170 2691740.9710 2.76 11•09.63 13.73 RT 3 BL-3 510999.9990 2692287.5200 3.30 16•85.05 15.16 RT 4 BL-4 511266.7730 2692600.5720 2.77 20•94.26 14.12 RT GPS1 84598-I 511580.0040 2692942.5800 3.19 OUTSIDE PROJECT LIMITS BENCFIMARKS ........................................ BMI ELEVATION • 2.33 N 510674 E 2692095 L STATION 14•60.00 38 RIGHT R/R SPIKE SET IN POWER POLE •57965 ........................................ BL- 1 � � TO q+� RMFRA� •YYSS �' � -BU 2 -L- POC STA.13+75.00 '�-"� BEGIN TIP PROJECT B-4598 BM-i LOCALIZED PROJECT COORDINATES: N: 510879.180 E: 2692000.444 R v m� �o \z" v �T SR 1324 F�� .,,., _.,:., ,-. -BU 4 BU 3 _ ROW & EASEMENTS ROW MARKER IRON PIN AND CAP-E ALIGN STATION OFFSET NORTH EAST L 14•48.22 40.80 518867.0669 2692989.2377 L l4•48.22 -40.00 510941.2445 2692054.2762 L l4•48.22 •29.38 510931.3996 2692058.2527 L ]4•48.22 30.62� 510875.7660 2692980.7240 L 19•14.38 -40.90 5I1182.526B 2692432.8781 L 19•14.38 40.80 511124.0424 2692487.4556 L 19•14.38 -30.00 511175.2162 2692439.6933 L 19•14.38 38.00 511131.3529 2692480.6324 DESIGN ALIGNMENTS L TYPE STRTION NORTH EAST POT 1D•80.00 510827.2539 2691638.6694 PC 10•87.84 510830.0896 2691718.4663 PCC 14•48.�22 510904.1557 2692869.2569 PCC 19•14.38 511153.2846 2692460.1628 PT 22•62.2B 511394.1385 2692711.1949 NOTE: DRAWING NOT TO SCALE ,GE R�• f� NCDOT GPS To F�pREN�E B4598-1 -L- POC STA. 19+50.00 END TIP PROJECT 8-45� LOCALIZED PROJECT CC N: 511177.628 E: 2692486.171 IVOTES: 1. THE CONTROL DATA FOR THIS PROJECT CAN BE FOUND ELECTRONICALLY BY SELECTING PROJECT CONTROL DATA AT.• HTTPS•IrCONNECT.NCDOT.GOD/RESOURCESZOCATIDN/ THE FILES TO BE FOUND ARE AS FOLLOWS: B-4598 LS_CONTROL.TXI' SITE CALIBRATION INFORMATION HA�S NOT BEEN PROVIDED FOR THIS PROJECT.IF FURTHER INFORMATION IS NEEDED, PLEASE CONTACT THE LOCATION AND SURVEYS UNIT. � INDICATES GEODETIC CONTROL MONUMENTS USED OR SET FOR HORIZONTAL PROJECT CONTROL BY THE NCDOT LOCATION AND SURVEYS UNIT. PROJECT CONTROL ESTABLISHED USING GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM. NETWORK ESTABLISHED FROM NGS ONLINE POSITIONING SERVICE (OPUS) ��������� JA�! � � 201� ����� ����� ���'� v� . PAVEMENT .SCHE-DULE _- ' FINAL PAVFMENT DESIGN: SEPTEMBER 6, 2072 Cl PROP.APPR0X.2.5' ASPHALT CONCREIE SU0.FACE COURSE,7YPE SF9.SA,AT AN AVERAGE R4TE OF 137.5 Lhs PER SqUARE YARD IN EACM OF iW0 IAYERS. PROP.VAR1AeLE DEPiH 0.5PHAlT CONCREtE SURFACE COURSE,TfPE SF9.SA,AT AN C2 AVERAGE RATE OF 170 lbs PER SqUARE YARD PER 1' DEPTH, TO BE PIACED IN WYERS NOT LE55 THAN 1.0' OR GRFATER THAN 1.5' IN DEPTH. El PROP.APPROX.4S' ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COURSE,7YPE B25.OB,AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 513 l6s PER SqUARE YARD. PROP. VARIABLE DEPRi ASPHAIT CONCREfE BASE COURSE, iYPE 825.08, AT AN E2 AVERAGE RATE OF 114 Lbs PER SqUARE YARD PER 1' DEPTH, TO BE PIACED IN IAYERS NOT 1E55 THAN 4.0" OR GREATER THAN 5.5' IN DEPTH. R CONCREiE SHOULDER BERM GUTfER T EARTH MATERIAL �J IXISTING PAVEMEM V INCIDENTAL MIL4NG N/ VARIABLE DEPTH ASPHALT PAVEMENT (SEE STANDARD WEDGING DE7AIL THIS SHEEp PAVEMENT EOGE SLOPES AND TRENCH SLOPES ARE 1:1 UNLESS SHOWN oTHERWISE. DETAIL FOR SHOULDER BERM GUTTER SEE CORRESPONDING NPICAL SECfION FOR PAVEMENT DESIGN. SEE NPICAL SECfIONS AND PlANS FOR ACNAL OIMENSIONS. 3' 4'-9" FULL DEPTH Z PAVED SHOULDER g O � 0.025 W �.�� b R � l- ORIGINAL GROUND GRADE TO THIS LINE LINE STATIONS -L- 15+58.00 fa 15+75.06 LT -L- 17+10.94 to 17+28.00 LT �,_�.. 42" VERTICAL� CONCREfE BARRIER RAIL o.o2s �- C� -L- SR 1324 (FLORENCE ROAD) - -- - . . . __ �- _ - _ __- - -_ . - _ - TIE TO EXIST ~ � INCIDENTAL MILLING AS NEEDED C� I CROWN Cj POINT IX. SE EX. SE � _-- -- � -__ � �/// \\\\ ///��� V V ��\\\ � \� ' .` _ �� �� _.1' ORIGINAL Tl(PICAL SECTION NO. 1 ORIGINAL GROUND GROUND FROM -L- STA. 13 + 75.00 TO STA. 14 + 00.00 FROM -L- STA. 19+25.00 TO STA. 19+50.00 C� -L- SR 1324 (FLORENCE ROAD) L � -70" CLEAR ROADWAY � 12'-0" VAA �e" C� I GRADE 0.025 �._�„ 42" VERTICAL � CONCRETE BARRIER RAIL TYPICAL SECTION ON STRUCTURE FROM -L- STA.15+86.81 TO STA. 16+99.19 (SEE STRUCTURE PLANS FOR BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION DETAIL AND DIMENSIONING AS WELL AS DETAILS OF BRIDGE RAIL AND ASPHALT OVERLAY.) � I� ORIGINAL GROUND � -L- SR 7324 (FLORENCE ROAD) TO 72.0' i TO 12.0' FDPS , GRADE 0' TOE2' I I POINT D.�g i�D,02 0.025 FT/FT 0.025 FGF►' ....,._ . . . ._. _. . . _ . -�------ 3•;� � ` GR.4DE TO THIS LINE 3'� � FDPS VARIES 0� T� 2' TYPICAL SECTION NO. 2 FROM -L- STA. 14+00.00 TO STA. 14+50.00 FROM -L- STA. 18+75.00 TO STA. 19+25.00 C� -L- SR 1324 (FLORENCE ROAD) 3' 12' 12' 3' 7' WiUR 7' WiGR 2' � 2, FDPS � FDPS � � oi�T � 0.08 0.08 I lo,0z o.ozs Fr�r � o.ozs Fr,Fr .0z� I J 3% �: GRADE TO THIS LINE � � _i' ORIGINAL GROUND � GRADE TO THIS LINE J ORIGINAL TYPICAL SECTION NO. 3 GROUND FROM -L- STA. 14+50.00 TO STA. 15+86.81 (BEGIN BRIDGE) FROM -L- STA. 16+99.19 (END BRIDGE) TO STA. 18+75.00 NOTE: PAVE TO THE FACE OF GUARDRAIL �� ��- ORIGINAL GROUND