HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160587 Ver 1_More Info Received_20170207v .r PORTER COVE CREEKW C0 00N O RESTORATION PLAN r V N N O � If) N C �ZO Q) x Qj N C: CO N 00 W BILLY GRAHAM TRAINING CENTER AT THE COVE 'Z ou)..0 �I v > Z CLIENT Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove Po rte r Cove Road Asheville, NC. 28805 Contact: Douglass P. Van Wirt Ph: 828.298.2092 CIVIL LandWorks Engineering, PLLC ENGINEER PO Box 1922 Asheville, NC. 28802 PH: 828.230.7958 Marty Kocot, PE GENERAL NOTES: (APPLICABLE TO ALL SHEETS) 1. THIS WORK IS SUBJECT TO 404 PERMIT FROM THE USACE AND THE NCDWQ. THE SITE AND WORK AREA IS SUBJECT AT ALL TIMES TO INSPECTIONS BY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE USACE & NCDWQ, THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER TO VERIFY COMPLIANCE WITH THE PLANS AND PERMIT. 2. ALL WORK SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH USACE, NCDWQ, NCDENR REQUIREMENTS. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL LABOR, MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, SERVICES AND SUPERVISION NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THIS PROJECT AND SPECIFICATIONS. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL AT ALL TIMES MAINTAIN VEHICULAR INGRESS/EGRESS ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY. 5. BARRICADING AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL CONFORM TO BUNCOMBE COUNTY STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC SAFETY MEASURES FOR WORK ON PROJECT. 6. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO: A.) PREVENT ANY DAMAGE TO PRIVATE PROPERTY AND PROPERTY OWNER'S POLES, FENCES, SHRUBS, ETC. B.) PROTECT ALL UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES. C.) FIELD VERIFY HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. NOTIFY THE ENGINEER/OWNER OF ANY POTENTIAL CONFLICTS WHICH MAY EXIST BETWEEN THE EXISTING UTILITIES AND CONSTRUCTION PLANS. 7. THE CONSTRUCTION WORK AREAS SHALL BE KEPT CLEAN, NEAT AND ORDERLY AT ALL TIMES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE STORAGE OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT WITH THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE AND THE ENGINEER. 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN SURFACE DRAINAGE AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. PONDING OF WATER IN ROADS, PARKING LOTS AND DRIVEWAYS ETC. WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. 9. ANY DAMAGES THAT MAY OCCUR TO REAL PROPERTY OR EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE RESTORED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO AT LEAST THE SAME CONDITION THAT THE REAL PROPERTY OR EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS WERE IN PRIOR TO THE DAMAGES. THIS RESTORATION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE OWNER'S APPROVAL; MOREOVER, THIS RESTORATION SHALL NOT BE A BASIS FOR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION TO THE CONTRACTOR. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION MEANS, METHODS, TECHNIQUES, AND PROCEDURES AND SHALL AT ALL TIMES TAKE ANY REASONABLE PRECAUTIONS FOR THE SAFETY OF ITS EMPLOYEES, AND THE PUBLIC ON THE PROJECT, AND SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF FEDERAL, STATE, MUNICIPAL AND LOCAL SAFETY LAWS AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CODES. 11. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING WITH ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION LAWS AND ORDINANCES. BUNCOMBE COUNTY, NC SHEET INDEX: PRELIMINARY SUBMITTAL DATE: CVR COVER SHEET 1/30/17 CO OVERALL PLAN/ DRAINAGE AREAS 1/30/17 C1 GRADING, EROSION CONTROL PLAN 1/30/17 C2 CREEK SECTIONS 1/30/17 C3 PLANS AND MISC DETAILS 1/30/17 D1 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 1/30/17 Zones W z o Slopes steeper 7 days H slopes are 10' or less in than 3:1 U length and are not steeper than 21, 14 days area Z z allowed o Slopes 3:1 or 0Z 7 -days for slopes greater Major Elements of DWQ Construction General Permit August 4, 2011 This document contains the major elements of the recently—revised North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Construction General Permit (NCG01) with emphasis placed on those elements that differ from the previous permit (expiration on August 2, 2011). Since the summary list below cannot contain details of every change, the complete Permit should be used to assure full implementation. See: http: //portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/construction The major change inthe Permit from the previous one is 1) Ground Stabilization the shorter times to apply ground stabilization such as Site Area Stabilization Stabilization Time Description Tflne Frame Frame Exceptions o Perimeter dices, COUNTY: BUNCOMBE COUNTY swales, ditches 7 days None and slopes ZONED: CR o High Quality Water (HOW) 7 days None Zones W z o Slopes steeper 7 days H slopes are 10' or less in than 3:1 U length and are not steeper than 21, 14 days area Z z allowed o Slopes 3:1 or 0Z 7 -days for slopes greater flatter 14 days than 50 feet in length. None (except far o AN other areas perimeters and HOW Zones) with slopes 14 days flatter than 4.1 W Q 11 "Extensions of time may be approved by the permitting authority based on weather or other site-specific conditions that make compliance impracticable" (Section N.B(2Xb)) mulch, wheat straw, or grasses. The NC laws and rules relating to the Sediment Act require, in most places, ground stabilization within 21 days. Based on the new EPA requirements and 9—months' work with a permit advisory group, CTAG, the Division and EPA—development permit, now contains requirements for ground cover within 14, and in some places, 7 days. 2) Building Wastes Handling o No paint or liquid wastes in streams or storm drains o Dedicated areas for demolition, construction and other wastes must be located 50' from storm drains and streams unless no reasonable alternatives available. o Earthen-materiol stockpiles must be located 50' from storm drains and streams unless no reasonable alternatives a l _et� m-erla3 must De Carralleo to ovaia car x0cl w surface waters, wetlands, or buffers. 3) Discharges to Federally4isted Waters o Requirements are the same as in previous permit o The permit allows reduction from the 20 acre minimum if the Director of DWQ determines that other BMPs provide equivalent protection. Elements of DWQ Construction General Permit 4) Inspections o Sane weekly inspection requirements o Sane rain gauge & inspections after 0.5" rain event o Inspections are only required during "normal business hours o Inspections reports must be available on-site during business hours unless a site specific exemption is approved. o Records must be kept for 3 years and available upon request. o Electronically - available records may be substituded under certain conditions. 5) Implementation of New Permit Conditions o Projects permitted under the previous permit can continue to follow the previously - permitted conditions. o Complete applications received prior to August 3, 2011 con follow conditions of approved application. o Applications received after August 2, 2011 must comply with new permit conditions 6) Conditions in Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plans Designation an the plans where the 7 and 14 - day ground state zation requirements of the NPOES permit apply. Designation on the plans where basins that comply with the surface - withdrawal requirements of hte NPDES permit are located 7) Building Wastes Handling o No paint or liquid wastes in streams or storm drains o Dedicated areas for demolition, construction and other wastes must be located 50' from storm drains and streams unless no reasonable altemotives available. o Earthen-moterid stockpiles must be located 50' from storm drains unless no reosonable dtematives available. o Concrete materials must be controlled to avoid contact with surface waters, wetlands, or buffers. 8) Sediment Basins o Outlet structures must withdraw from basin surface unless drainage orea is less than 1 acre. o Use only DWO-opproved flocculants. • In order for the E&SC Plan to satisfy the conditions of the Construction General Permit, it must identify areas where the ground stabilization requirements apply and the location of the basins where the surface - withdrawal requirements apply. NPDE$ Stotmwslar Discharge Permit for GonstrucAoa A1firities (yGG011 NCDENRIDiwsm of Ener9y, fAneral and Land Resources High Quality Water (HQ" Zones I` 7 hays I None Slopes,steeper than 3:1 7'days If slopes are 10' or less in length and are not steeper than 2:1,14. days are allowed.: Slopes 3:1 or flatter 1 14 days 1 T days for slopes greater than 50' in length: All other areas wO slopes flatter than 4:1 I 14 _days I None, except for perime*rS and HOW Zones. PORTERS COVE RD 10 1-40w I TO A91ENLLE 1-4OE TO PORTERS COVE RO POR COVE RD SITE VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE TOTAL DISTURBED AREA = 0.52 AC. SITE INFORMATION OWNER: BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC 0 ASSOCIATION CIVIL ENGINEER: LANDWORKS ENGINEERING, PLLC COUNTY: BUNCOMBE COUNTY PIN: 9677-29-8371 DEED BK/ PAGE: 1469/0177 ZONED: CR i i li 17 o W 0 U) C 0 0 a o a - 0 U 0 o o Z m N m U) N _ m - ❑X❑❑ 1-- SEAL - 17644 1�•FNGINEEEL.•GD`�: z Z 0 U W m O U Z D in Z 0 W 0) Y Y N 10 C12 o 0 }'Ir�Y= o Nmi'mQU) ZaZZLU �L �" •• U QUo°�U Q W = V Unn U60) CL O LO 0 I n 0 N O to C O W O U W 2 1-- Q W W Z Q W z J W U �C.) W Z z > 0Z O -� DC �= W W Q Z UNN !!nn V L.L O W� �.. W > 0 L Co U Z 0 W 0) Y Y N 10 C12 o 0 }'Ir�Y= o Nmi'mQU) ZaZZLU �L �" •• U QUo°�U Q W = V Unn U60) CL O LO 0 I n 0 N O to C O TEMPORARY 24" HDPE AND SHIFT DAM OR ADD UTILIZED SAND PIPE EXTENSIONS AS BAGS TO HOLD WORK PROGRESSES. DOWN. STABILIZE / AS NEEDED. FLOW CREATE TEMPORARY PIPE FLOW SAND BAG COFFER DAM THROUGH w/ HDPE CULVERT IN WORK ZONE STREAM BED. SAND BAG • PIPE COFFER DAM N.T.S. j INSTALL NEW 24" PAVEMENT HDPE CULVERT 30' ENDS. LONG V 1.0% PARALLtL-T0- - CONVERT TO _ GATE XISTING 15" CMP. LUNGE POOL. BURY INVERTS 6"%.,r � 1 0 PROVIDE 1' COVER OVER 24"0 PIPES. ADD CABC / STONE TO BUILD UP 'R D (�/ INSTALL ROX SURFACE IF NEEDED. > \ / PLUNGE POOL / PER DETAIL. X. SCOUR EX. 15" CULVERT HOLE AREA. (DAMAGED).\,�TO BE EX. HEADWALL. REPAI�ED_ / Lu INTERMITTENT /,� -� BRANCH \�EX. 15" CULVERT (DAMAGED). TO BE REPLACED w/ NEW 24"0 -coo HDPE CULVERT 25' LONG Q 1.0%. BURY INVERT 6". Lu " EXISTING INLET _ t -SU NEW-D1ICH TO RUN PARALLEL -T0 ROAD (SEE GRASS DITCH \1). S5 WORK AREA CULVERT REPAIR/ REPLACEMENT SCALE: 1"=30' 70 70 f SCALE HORIZ: I"=2'69 69 VERT: 1"=10' 68 --- 68 67 0,6 40,1 66— 66 _ Q100 21 5.64 65 ____._65 EAVY STONE 64 t 64 (AFTER F�OTING REPAIR),I / 63 ; �— � 063 REPAIR AREA BELOW FOOTING 62 1 --- -- —? 62 (JUST UPSTREAM).-- 16,624,62 1 61 \-REMOVE [)EPOSITED 61 SUBSTRATE, BOULDER. REALIGN 60 CHANNEL. ___� 60 0 10 20 30 S1 BRIDGE CULVERT SECTION 3' 4' 27 2� GRASS LINED CHANNEL w/C125 NAG DITCH LINING STAPLE PATTERN D. GRASS CHANNEL D1 1.5' GRAVEL CENTER SHOULDER COVE RD 2400 0 2399 2398 2397 2396 2395 2394 2393 2392 2391 2390 2389 238 238 238 238 238 238,-, 238 2400 2399 2398 2397 2396 2395 2394 2393 2392 2391 2390 2389 2388 2387 2386 2385 2384 2383 2382 70 80 2400 14,239:5 8i 5 4 W I 75, 398.5j(`�' 1.25 f j / 1 60,2395 0 I W 0 r I F I I W SLUFF AREA I )yr' FLOW 2385. 4 a M LUFF SC LE DE OSIT e W = 34,2 83.5 42,2383.5 VERT: 1"=10' i 1W -- S i 2--- s 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 CREEK SECTION S4 REPAIR AS OUTSIDE MEANDER DETAIL W W .� °qj 0 00 00N W 0 0 0 W "! F_ a ® Q N 000 U 00 J W z C-4 01 () W 1W -- ,J w x�N� U LL 0 m •> � C", c w � (L) 00 / ®_ Z o� p v ° Q>z U F- 0 c � c w 0 z E L c I-';�k rncl) o 0- ® a` o v N ^^ fW m t� 'a 4) ozF71 N N I I SEAL 17640 etA.►t`®®®o�` Z D O W caM O Z m W 0 0 W F_ i Q W z W 1W -- ,J w U LL 0 w z z U) / ®_ Z Lj p �® U F- 0 w 0 z I- I-';�k rncl) O t < N ^^ fW m t� N c 0 s 3 v .i 'o a 0 1 0 v 2 U c 0 0 0 Z 0 � U a) 0 v m z o,ILO 0 =o g cm ®zZ'LLI�mwW M LLI u LLB C)04 I", 000U0'(AIL (A w RESHAPE BOULDER CHANNEL UND O - 1 BRIDGE I INSTALL NSTALL .O.,, 1'' sIL BELOW WK �; - ZO,ZOVE. S� 0 �®ACCESS FOR �ATE ® /-REMOVAL INLET. o�o f- REMOVE DEPOSITED '�° \ "� SUBSTRATE/ SEDIMENT AND `---�� ,�, \ E \ ;•—.fes-� ``\\`."\ RUBBLE FROM THIS AREA. \\\., WETLAND 100 YR. STORM V PLANT ZONE -2 YR. STORM NORMAL FLOW - - - - - - - - - — FLOOD PLAIN BENCH LIVE STAKE - - - ZONE J 1 FT. EXISTING CREEK CHANNEL COIR MATTING INSIDE MEANDER BANK STABILIZATION AREA S1 BRIDGE FOUNDATION UNDERMINED AND CREEK SUBSTRATE/BOULDERS 4 \\ � BLOCKING FLOW UNDER BRIDGE: N 35° 34'31.5" E -820 27'41.4n. ®� `�,v ••�. 1. Work only in (dry weather) low flow conditions. 1. Work only in (dry weather) low flow conditions. 2. Install Rock Dam below eroded area, and small inline earthen dam below work zone. 3. Temporarily dam creek above impoundment area with the installation of sand bags and VIEW flexible HDPE pipe culvert to temporarily divert flow around work area. 4. Slowly drain impoundment area above dam to the baseline flow. SCALE: 1 "= 5. Utiiilizing excavator remove rocks liner and soil forming the small earthen dam. 0.02 AC.. 6. Reshape, repair and stabilize creek section and eroded embankment areas below dam, DISTURBED AREA install channel' linings, matting, live stakes, plantings and seeding as appropriate. e � S UPPER AREA INFREQUENT FLOODING 30' VEGETATIVE GRASSY AREAS sit \--EXISTING GRADE CONTAINER ZONE PLANTS (FILTER/ BUFFER) ON FABRIC NOT TO SCALE AREA S3 CREEK EMBANKMENT REPAIR WITHIN FAILED OUTSIDE CREEK MEANDERS ALONG PORTERS COVE ROAD. N 35" 34'25.7" E -820 27'41.3". (Two Places): 1. Work only in (dry weather) low flow conditions. 2. Install sand bag coffer dam, pipe culvert and sandbags along creek confining creek flow to center of creek through immediate work zone. 3. Excavate keyway and install filter fabric and large boulders at edge of creek and embankment toe. 4. Reshape, repair and stabilize eroded embankment areas, install channel linings, matting, live stakes, plantings and seeding as appropriate. Work to be performed with track hoe excavator with a bucket thumb, loader and dump trucks to haul materials. AREA S3 CREEK EMBANKMENT FLOOD BENCHING AND SLOPING: N 35' 34'25.7" E -820 27'41.3". 1. On opposite bank of roadway, cut a horizontal shelf '6 inches above existing baseflow waterline, approximately 6 feet back, then cut slope 4:1 up to existing grade. Be careful to avoid getting soil into the creek. 2. Reshape, repair and stabilize creek section and embankments areas, install channel linings, matting, live stakes, plantings and seeding as appropriate. This work occurs outside of the creek flow, and it is not an impact. Care is used to keep soil from entering creek. nor r\rrr STONES OUTSIDE MEANDER BANK STABILIZATION AREA S4 GRAVEL ROAD BANK STABIL12ATION: N 350 34' 06.6" E -820 2T 30.9". 1. Work only in (dry weather) low flow conditions. 2. Install sand bag coffer dam, pipe culvert and sandbags along creek confining creek flow to center of creek through immediate work zone. 1. Excavate keyway and "install filter fabric and large boulders at edge of creek and embankment toe. 2. Reshape, repair and stabilize eroded embankment area, install channel linings, matting, live stakes, plantings and seeding as appropriate. Work to be performed with track hoe excavator with a bucket thumb, loader and dump trucks to haul materials from the existinq Center Cove Road. AREA S5 REPLACE & ADD CULVERTS: N 35Q 34'20.6" E -820 27'38.5". Replace a two 15" culverts with a 24" HDPE pipe culverts, add one additional 24" culvert to this intermittent stream crossing of Center Cove Road using a track hoe. Imbed inverts 6". Build roadbed up with cabc stone and add provide 1 ft. of cover over all culverts. NOT TO SCALE TOPOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE BGTC AT THE COVE. EE 4�A � blow 2hdammildit GRAPHIC SCALE 10 20 40 1 1 1 (nNFEET ) 1 inch = 20 & .Z � `\\ c oU O a. it Rock Dam below work zone. W O 2 O (D 0 r� ••v- 1VX1 3. Using a track hoe -Remove sediment and substrate deposit on inlet side of culvert where s\ 11 Qi indicated. Enlarge pool volume and storage capacity above culvert. Stockpile substrate TEMPORARY ® -- and haul away sediment to dry out/waste/spread area. rw ACCESS ROUTE ■ V 4. Utilizing a small skid -steer and tracked mini loader access under the bridge culvert from ® FOR COBBLE ® the discharge end to reshape channel, and remove river rock/substrate deposited under CLEAN OUT. bridge - restore channel and flow to middle of culvert. Expose. Repair undercut footing BELOW CULVERT X aj N 0=o0 under eroded bridge foundation along edge of culvert by fomting and placing concrete in v �Q>z the dry. ROAD SHOULDER- EXISTING RIP RAP AREA. GRASS MEADOW After foundation is repaired reshape channel to full section with a mix of large and medium stones. AREA S2 EXISTING DAM REMOVAL IN CREEK (Conformation): N 35034'27.9" E -82" 27'41.3". 1. Work only in (dry weather) low flow conditions. 2. Install Rock Dam below eroded area, and small inline earthen dam below work zone. 3. Temporarily dam creek above impoundment area with the installation of sand bags and VIEW flexible HDPE pipe culvert to temporarily divert flow around work area. 4. Slowly drain impoundment area above dam to the baseline flow. SCALE: 1 "= 5. Utiiilizing excavator remove rocks liner and soil forming the small earthen dam. 0.02 AC.. 6. Reshape, repair and stabilize creek section and eroded embankment areas below dam, DISTURBED AREA install channel' linings, matting, live stakes, plantings and seeding as appropriate. e � S UPPER AREA INFREQUENT FLOODING 30' VEGETATIVE GRASSY AREAS sit \--EXISTING GRADE CONTAINER ZONE PLANTS (FILTER/ BUFFER) ON FABRIC NOT TO SCALE AREA S3 CREEK EMBANKMENT REPAIR WITHIN FAILED OUTSIDE CREEK MEANDERS ALONG PORTERS COVE ROAD. N 35" 34'25.7" E -820 27'41.3". (Two Places): 1. Work only in (dry weather) low flow conditions. 2. Install sand bag coffer dam, pipe culvert and sandbags along creek confining creek flow to center of creek through immediate work zone. 3. Excavate keyway and install filter fabric and large boulders at edge of creek and embankment toe. 4. Reshape, repair and stabilize eroded embankment areas, install channel linings, matting, live stakes, plantings and seeding as appropriate. Work to be performed with track hoe excavator with a bucket thumb, loader and dump trucks to haul materials. AREA S3 CREEK EMBANKMENT FLOOD BENCHING AND SLOPING: N 35' 34'25.7" E -820 27'41.3". 1. On opposite bank of roadway, cut a horizontal shelf '6 inches above existing baseflow waterline, approximately 6 feet back, then cut slope 4:1 up to existing grade. Be careful to avoid getting soil into the creek. 2. Reshape, repair and stabilize creek section and embankments areas, install channel linings, matting, live stakes, plantings and seeding as appropriate. This work occurs outside of the creek flow, and it is not an impact. Care is used to keep soil from entering creek. nor r\rrr STONES OUTSIDE MEANDER BANK STABILIZATION AREA S4 GRAVEL ROAD BANK STABIL12ATION: N 350 34' 06.6" E -820 2T 30.9". 1. Work only in (dry weather) low flow conditions. 2. Install sand bag coffer dam, pipe culvert and sandbags along creek confining creek flow to center of creek through immediate work zone. 1. Excavate keyway and "install filter fabric and large boulders at edge of creek and embankment toe. 2. Reshape, repair and stabilize eroded embankment area, install channel linings, matting, live stakes, plantings and seeding as appropriate. Work to be performed with track hoe excavator with a bucket thumb, loader and dump trucks to haul materials from the existinq Center Cove Road. AREA S5 REPLACE & ADD CULVERTS: N 35Q 34'20.6" E -820 27'38.5". Replace a two 15" culverts with a 24" HDPE pipe culverts, add one additional 24" culvert to this intermittent stream crossing of Center Cove Road using a track hoe. Imbed inverts 6". Build roadbed up with cabc stone and add provide 1 ft. of cover over all culverts. NOT TO SCALE TOPOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE BGTC AT THE COVE. EE 4�A � blow 2hdammildit GRAPHIC SCALE 10 20 40 1 1 1 (nNFEET ) 1 inch = 20 & .Z � C O v c _U c oU O a. ` 0 O n- U W O 2 O (D 0 W 1VX1 s\ 11 Qi 00 N 0 o W rw a V a) N N ® 00C D Ln J N�� C' azo a) X aj N 0=o0 m a)00w U v �Q>z v � C O v c _U c oU O a. ` 0 O n- U O w o O 2 O (D 0 11 1VX1 11 11 W O U W Z WZw J Q t— J w 0 U �0 W ZZ o >O z c) O-�® �< W O= W U)>. O W _j g N DC m N w W l U C v 2 U c O 0 0 H � Z 0 to � W U GC N O U m I N CD �C%j o i-.®2 o ® a o so P >- i;3 00Y� ® m �0con m< oZUJ ZUj w `— o`_ iv0 2QU _jU QLu LU Lu I o ®10aUO°VU) a `n c\i / w N V N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NN N I, I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e V l y N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N N -2W,- N N. N, N N N, N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -N� N -,QFo G'Ic O�o -34 % _x IN _71 N N N N - - _,:� - - - - - - - - - - - x - 35s� -,4e - - - - - - - - 31,Q N - - - - - - - - - - - 20 N - - - - - - - - - - - zzoo - 71 N N -Zwo, N. N. ft. A, N Zt! Ge N _1_1 --- r-7-7- Z N - - - - - -- - - - - N. N N A5 M `71 �11 N 061 .j.. N N. \ \ I I *ft-* / ,, / ZIla --a, N ava- - - - - s, N N N N N __.Ze40_ ZZ25� - - ­Sel \ N N N. N, ;,zo- -S. HYDRAULJOAL 11 N1% '. I I 0 N N V, < REM079-POINT - - - - - - i rj I v - - - --- - - \ , - " -1� ,� \�,! -,, N - - - - - - - - - - - - N -zlzo- N, N, 00 " cell A 44� -3�4, \ I 1� \ \ % - - - - - - - N, - - - - - - - - - - - N, N, N N - - - - - - - - - - - -- - N I lt, It f N 300 :�bw "k, -c,, -Z�, N yL" ____ I "' \ \ __ __ 7 - _-p , , ? I , \ \ \-V, \ I - zq4& A - - - - - - S�"4- - - I --., -, \ �, \ \ \ \ , . _ - --- N, N_,"N' I , 3 5 I -N N 10 % N Opz N N -Ts, N. N, N f\ N -2uo - - - - - - v N N, --- 1:40m- _�' N - , -q, , , -9,, - N/ , , V!��ActQw, A N N N a "N 1, , - I T , I f , / / I , " 5 CENT"TE �AbW _N N, _N -k 'o, N N 7� N -2aw N N N, 0, -, , '\ \ " / Z 7 �. -2s-k \ -Z�, , \ 'I\ 1, -, \ _�,I/ N I N N. - - - - - - - N Z� -S, Ix, %', "�,, -, I - , � % \ �� \ 1, \\,\ \ - \ , a -Z�, N L AP 010- — / t - - - - @ f j 1\ - -_ - , 0 N N. 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