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Lu I ISAACS o CIVIL ENGINEERING DESIGN & LAND SURVEYING C \ 8720 RED OAK BOULEVARD, STE. 420 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28217 DATE: 3/6/2017 JOB NUMBER: 16240 PHONE (704) 527-3440 FAX (704) 527-8335 ATTENTION: Ms.Karen Higgins RE: Broxton Soccer Complex TO NCDEQ-Dept. of Water Quality Room 942E Archdale Bldg. 512 N Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 WE ARE SENDING YOU Z Attached ❑ Under Separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints Plans 0 Applications ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑Disk ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Review Fee(check for$505.00) 2 Original and copy of permit application 1 Original supplemental forms and O&M docs (wetpond) 1 USGS map 1 Project calculations (includes project narrative) 2 Construction plans 1 soils report 1 copy of current deed THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: S For approval ❑ Approved and submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑✓ For review and comment ❑ REMARKS Enclosed, please find required documents for your review and approval.The O&M form were not yet signed and will send as soon as the owner return from his trip abroad. If you have any questions/comments, please contact Brent Cowan @ 704-227-9402 or via email bcowan@isaacsgrp.com.Thank you. rg 2017 40E&BUA FER p SOURCES ERAgfTTING COPY TO SIGNED Ronnie Rovillos - - T = DWQ USE ONLY Date Received Fee Paid Permit Number Applicable Rules- ❑ Coastal SW-1995 0 Coastal SW-2008 0 Ph II-Post Construction (select all that apply) 0 Non-Coastal SW-HQW/ORW Waters ❑Universal Stormwater Management Plan 0 Other WQ Mgmt Plan: State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name(subdivision,facility,or establishment name-should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications,letters,operation and maintenance agreements,etc.): Broxton Soccer Complex 2. Location of Project(street address): 8101 Old Waxhaw Monroe Road City:Waxhaw County:Union Zip:28173 3. Directions to project(from nearest major intersection): Approximately 657 feet west from the intersection of Providence Rd.S(SR 1117) and Old Waxhaw Monroe Rd (SR 1111)towards US Hwv 75 4. Latitude:34°54'54"N Longitude:80°43'32"W of the main entrance to the project. II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1.a.Specify whether project is (check one)• ®New ['Modification ❑Renewal w/ Modificationt tRenezvals with modifications also requires SWU-102-Renewal Application Form b If this application is being submitted as the result of a modification to an existing permit,list the existing permit number ,its issue date(if known) ,and the status of construction: ['Not Started [Partially Completed* ❑Completed* *provide a designer's certification 2 Specify the type of project(check one): ❑Low Density ®High Density ['Drains to an Offsite Stormwater System ['Other 3. If this application is being submitted as the result of a previously returned application or a letter from DWQ requesting a state stormwater management permit application,list the stormwater project number,if assigned, and the previous name of the project,if different than currently proposed, 4.a Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks;information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748): ❑CAMA Major ►/Sedimentation/Erosion Control:18.00 ac of Disturbed Area ❑NPDES Industrial Stormwater 0404/401 Permit:Proposed Impacts b.If any of these permits have already been acquired please provide the Project Name,Project/Permit Number, issue date and the type of each permit: 5. Is the project located within 5 miles of a public airport? No ❑Yes • If yes,see S.L.2012-200, Part VI:http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/statesw/rules laws Form SWU-101 Version 06Aug2012 Page 1 of 6 ' III.. CONTACT INFORMATION 1.a.Print Applicant/ Signing Official's name and title(specifically the developer,property owner,lessee, designated government official,individual,etc.who owns the project): Applicant/Organization:David Broxton Signing Official&Title:David Broxton(Property Owner) b.Contact information for person listed in item la above: Street Address:9809 Saddle Ave. City:Waxhaw State:NC Zip:28713 Mailing Address(if applicable): City: State: Zip: Phone- (803 ) 313-2429 Fax: ( ) Email:dbroxton@mac.com c.Please check the appropriate box.The applicant listed above is: ®The property owner (Skip to Contact Information,item 3a) n Lessee*(Attach a copy of the lease agreement and complete Contact Information,item 2a and 2b below) El Purchaser*(Attach a copy of the pending sales agreement and complete Contact Information,item 2a and 2b below) IT Developer*(Complete Contact Information,item 2a and 2b below.) 2.a.Print Property Owner's name and title below,if you are the lessee,purchaser or developer. (This is the person who owns the property that the project is located on): Property Owner/Organization Signing Official&Title: b.Contact information for person listed in item 2a above: Street Address: City: State: Zip- Mailing Address(if applicable): City: State: Zip: Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Email: 3 a. (Optional)Print the name and title of another contact such as the project's construction supervisor or other 'person who can answer questions about the project: Other Contact Person/Organization:David Broxton Signing Official&Title:Owner b.Contact information for person listed in item 3a above: Mailing Address:9809 Saddle Ave. City:Waxhaw State:NC Zip:28713 Phone: (803 ) 313-2429 Fax: ( ) Email: 4. Local jurisdiction for building permits:Town of Waxhaw Point of Contact.Dennis Rorie,Town Engineer Phone#: (704 ) 843-2195 ext.232 Form SWU-101 Version 06Aug2012 Page 2 of 6 IV.. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below,briefly summarize how the stormwater runoff will be treated. Runoff from impervious surfaces will be collected in drop inlets and swales and routed to a BMP(Wet Pond) sized to accommodate the contributing on-site watershed. 2.a.If claiming vested rights,identify the supporting documents provided and the date they were approved: ❑Approval of a Site Specific Development Plan or PUD Approval Date: ❑Valid Building Permit Issued Date. ❑ Other: Date: b.If claiming vested rights,identify the regulation(s)the project has been designed in accordance with. n Coastal SW-1995 ❑Ph II-Post Construction 3 Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the Catawba River basin. 4 Total Property Area: 61.278 acres 5. Total Coastal Wetlands Area: 0 acres 6. Total Surface Water Area: acres 7. Total Property Area(4)-Total Coastal Wetlands Area(5)-Total Surface Water Area(6)=Total Project Area': 61.278 acres + Total project area shall be calculated to exclude the following: the normal pool of impounded structures, the area between the banks of streams and rivers, the area below the Normal High Water(NHVV) line or Mean High Water (MHVV)line, and coastal wetlands landward from the NHW(or MHVY) line. The resultant project area is used to calculate overall percent built upon area (BUA). Non-coastal wetlands landward of the NHW(orMHVY) line may be included in the total project area. 8. Project percent of impervious area: (Total Impervious Area/Total Project Area)X 100 =20.47 9. How many drainage areas does the project have?1 (For high densihj, count 1 for each proposed engineered stormzvater BMP. For low density and other projects, use 1 for the whole property area) 10. Complete the following information for each drainage area identified in Project Information item 9. If there are more than four drainage areas in the project,attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. 13asi i Infonnation_ = , Drainage Area 1-. Drainage Jkrea,2 D_ rairiage Area 3 Drain age-Area Receiving Stream Name Davis Branch Stream Class * C Stream Index Number* 11-139-3 Total Drainage Area(sf) 801,504 On-site Drainage Area(sf) 788,872 Off-site Drainage Area(sf) 12,632 Proposed Impervious Area**(sf) 174,676 % Impervious Area**(total) 21 80 Irripeiviciti,*,Surface Area, -_ :-Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2. DrainageArea: D iauiage:Area On-site Buildings/Lots (sf) 0 On-site Streets (sf) 19,830 On-site Parking (sf) 57,883 On-site Sidewalks (sf) 0 Other on-site (sf) Future(sf) 96,963 Off-site (sf) 12,632 Existing BUA***(sf) Total (sf): 187,308 * Stream Class and Index Number can be determined at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/zveb/wq/ps/csu/classifications ** Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings,roads,parking areas, sidewalks,gravel areas,etc. Form SWU-101 Version 06Aug2012 Page 3 of 6 ,'Report only that amount of existing BUA that will remain after development. Do not report any existing BUA that is to be removed and which will be replaced by new BUA. 11. How was the off-site impervious area listed above determined?Provide documentation.Topographic Survey and design result in no offsite water entering bmps. See construction drawings for more information. Projects in Union County: Contact DWQ Central Office staff to check if the project is located within a Threatened& Endangered Species watershed that may be subject to more stringent stormwater requirements as per 15A NCAC 02B.0600. V. SUPPLEMENT AND O&M FORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement and operation and maintenance(O&M)forms must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project. The latest versions of the forms can be downloaded from http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/bmp-manual. VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality(DWQ). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. A detailed application instruction sheet and BMP checklists are available from http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/statesw/forms docs. The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Office. (The appropriate office may be found by locating project on the interactive online map at http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/maps.) Please indicate that the following required information have been provided by initialing in the space provided for each item. All original documents MUST be signed and initialed in blue ink. Download the latest versions for each submitted application package from http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/statesw/forms docs. Initials 1 Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form. 2. Original and one copy of the signed and notarized Deed Restrictions&Protective Covenants KA& Form (if required as per Part VII below) 3. Original of the applicable Supplement Form(s) (sealed,signed and dated)and O&M Rev- agreement(s)for each BMP. 4 Permit application processing fee of$505 payable to NCDENR. (For an Express review,refer to http-//www.envhelp.org/pages/onestopexpress.html for information on the Express program and the associated fees. Contact the appropriate regional office Express Permit Coordinator for additional information and to schedule the required application meeting.) 5. A detailed narrative(one to two pages) describing the stormwater treatment/managementfor P42- the project. This is required in addition to the brief summary provided in the Project Information,item 1. 6. A USGS map identifying the site location. If the receiving stream is reported as class SA or the receiving stream drains to class SA waters within 1/2 mile of the site boundary,include the/ mile radius on the map. 7. Sealed,signed and dated calculations (one copy). 8 Two sets of plans folded to 8.5" x 14" (sealed,signed,&dated),including: T- a. Development/Project name. b. Engineer and firm. c. Location map with named streets and NCSR numbers. d. Legend. e. North arrow. f. Scale. g Revision number and dates. h. Identify all surface waters on the plans by delineating the normal pool elevation of impounded structures,the banks of streams and rivers,the MHW or NHW line of tidal waters,and any coastal wetlands landward of the MHW or NHW lines. • Delineate the vegetated buffer landward from the normal pool elevation of impounded structures,the banks of streams or rivers,and the MHW(or NHW)of tidal waters. i. Dimensioned property/project boundary with bearings&distances. j. Site Layout with all BUA identified and dimensioned. k. Existing contours,proposed contours,spot elevations,finished floor elevations. 1. Details of roads,drainage features,collection systems,and stormwater control measures. m Wetlands delineated,or a note on the plans that none exist. (Must be delineated by a qualified person. Provide documentation of qualifications and identify the person who made the determination on the plans. n. Existing drainage(including off-site),drainage easements,pipe sizes,runoff calculations. Form SWU-101 Version 06Aug2012 Page 4 of 6 • o. Drainage areas delineated(included in the main set of plans,not as a separate document). p. Vegetated buffers(where required). 9. Copy of any applicable soils report with the associated SHWT elevations(Please identify elevations in addition to depths) as well as a map of the boring locations with the existing elevations and boring logs.Include an 8.5"x11" copy of the NRCS County Soils map with the project area clearly delineated. For projects with infiltration BMPs,the report should also include the soil type,expected infiltration rate,and the method of determining the infiltration rate. (Infiltration Devices submitted to WiRO:Schedule a site visit for DWQ to verifij the SHWT prior to submittal, (910) 796-7378.) 10 A copy of the most current property deed.Deed book: 6560 Page No:834 11. For corporations and limited liability corporations (LLC):Provide documentation from the NC ('l/A Secretary of State or other official documentation,which supports the titles and positions held by the persons listed in Contact Information,item la,2a,and/or 3a per 15A NCAC 2H.1003(e). The corporation or LLC must be listed as an active corporation in good standing with the NC Secretary of State,otherwise the application will be returned. http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/Corporations/CSearch.aspx VII. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS For all subdivisions,outparcels,and future development,the appropriate property restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes vary significantly or the proposed BUA allocations vary,a table listing each lot number,lot size,and the allowable built-upon area must be provided as an attachment to the completed and notarized deed restriction form. The appropriate deed restrictions and protective covenants forms can be downloaded from http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/statesw/forms docs.Download the latest versions for each submittal In the instances where the applicant is different than the property owner,it is the responsibility of the property owner to sign the deed restrictions and protective covenants form while the applicant is responsible for ensuring that the deed restrictions are recorded. By the notarized signature(s)below,the permit holder(s) certify that the recorded property restrictions and protective covenants for this project,if required,shall include all the items required in the permit and listed on the forms available on the website,that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them,that they will run with the land,that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the NC DWQ,and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. VIII. CONSULTANT INFORMATION AND AUTHORIZATION Applicant: Complete this section if you wish to designate authority to another individual and/or firm(such as a consulting engineer and/or firm)so that they may provide information on your behalf for this project(such as addressing requests for additional information). Consulting Engineer:Anthony Brent Cowan,PE Consulting Firm:The Isaacs Group,PC Mailing Address:8720 Red Oak Blvd.,Ste.420 City:Charlotte State:NC Zip:28217 Phone: (704 ) 227-9402 Fax: (704 ) 227-9403 Email:bcowan@isaacsgrp.com IX. PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION (if Contact Information,item 2 has been filled out, complete this section) I, (pent or type name of person listed in Contact Information,item 2a)David Broxton ,certify that I own the property identified in this permit application,and thus give permission to (print or type name of person listed in Contact Information,item 1a)David Broxton with(print or type name of organization listed in Contact Information,item la) David Broxton to develop the project as currently proposed. A copy of the lease agreement or pending property sales contract has been provided with the submittal,which indicates the party responsible for the operation and maintenance of the stormwater system. Form SWU-101 Version 06Aug2012 Page 5 of 6 agreement or penamg property sales contract nas peen proviaea wim me summmai,wmcn marcates me party responsible for the operation and maintenance of the stormwater system. As the legal property owner I acknowledge,understand,and agree by my signature below,that if my designated agent(entity listed in Contact Information,item 1)dissolves their company and/or cancels or defaults on their lease agreement,or pending sale,responsibility for compliance with the DWQ Stormwater permit reverts back to me,the property owner.As the property owner,it is my responsibility to notify DWQ immediately and submit a completed Name/Ownership Change Form within 30 days;otherwise I will be operating a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit. I understand that the operation of a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit is a violation of NC General Statue 143-215.1 and may result in appropriate enforcement action including .- assessme : penalties of up to$25,000 per day,pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6. 0,.� 2 A ii7 i fore: Date: I,l 6--11.'. 1 &KS ,a Notary Public for the State of teJ'ili Cal-PL-INA ,County of i CCJ013CU1,(r ,do hereby certify that 0.D"0 GOt Tbo personally appeared before me this i? day of fece7N triki '70 it ,a cknowledge the due execution of the application for a stormwater permit. Witness my hand and official seal _ 2 . a Pip r ,`,•`o9?Ft . SE-„,//1, ,„ c NOTA o== M 4'/co, Er 1- _ U) 0 A 17'4'77 ' 3 Cog L IC .o.:? ",,, ?G C01.1\'\ ,%'' x'1,1-1,„111«,,,, SEAL My commission expires NJJ'^�2-`i ,-2A,I7 X. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION I,(print or type name of person listed in Contact Information,item la)David Broxton ,certify that the information included on this permit application form is,to the best of my knowledge,correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans,that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants will be recorded,and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of the applicable St. wati ✓ der 15A NCAC 2H.1000 and any other applicable state stormwater requirements. ignature: Date: I,Qt136(a & 1 ' ,a Notary Public for the State o416(0114 Got2OL4tJ ,County of Y( ––— --V ,uv aicicvy a.ctu-Iy u,M --.. -•, •,..��-� Xi!Lir...3 personally appeared • before me this 141.7 day of 21 Af16 en ,/2°13 ,and .cknowled_•a the due execution of the application for a stormwater permit. Witness my hand d official seal • &IA-) 0,0111117,777/,, „.•N` ERT CF '',,, `4',43,G SEAL My commission expires )& 44i (2. q-\-707 7 Form SWU-101 Version 06Aug2012 Page of 6 agreement or pending property sales contract has been provided with the submittal,which indicates the party responsible for the operation and maintenance of the stormwater system. As the legal property owner I acknowledge,understand,and agree by my signature below,that if my designated agent(entity listed in Contact Information,item 1)dissolves their company and/or cancels or defaults on their lease agreement,or pending sale,responsibility for compliance with the DWQ Stormwater permit reverts back to me,the property owner.As the property owner,it is my responsibility to notify DWQ immediately and submit a completed Name/Ownership Change Form within 30 days;otherwise I will be operating a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit. I understand that the operation of a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit is a violation of NC General Statue 143-215.1 and may result in appropriate enforcement action including • assessme penalties of up to$25,000 per day,pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6. 2 / S/17 ignature: Date: G-<6 ,a Notary Public for the State of fdedirti caZ)LJ 1 ,County of 11/Z( (5N CUr,& ,do hereby certify that C i\O personally appeared before me this day of !Jut/j '2011 , cknowledge the due execution of the application for a stormwater permit. Witness my hand and official seal Allt der. ,, FtTS "1 - ti C - \O Li o- mA,'Cjmrn fx �. 0 - Al'1L4'17 p SEAL uu,,,10° My commission expires N J J^t 1�'q 11,0i7 X. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION I,(print or type name of person listed in Contact Information,item 1a)David Broxton ,certify that the information included on this permit application form is,to the best of my knowledge,correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans,that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants will be recorded,and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of the applicable st s watpx der 15A NCAC 2H.1000 and any other applicable state stormwater requirements. � )•:: Signature: Date: 964I, 61"6 ,a Notary Public for the State oH+) 04120(-41A ,County of Cyt t )r Ufkr. ,do hereby certify that PGV1(J fb(401L1bki personally appeared before me this day of '` '4 , '1� ,and cknowled_•e the due execution of the application for a stormwater permit. Witness my hand end official seal A .6 VVVVVVVVVVV co, n x,p 4.07 n r _ �: G&LIG V•: SEAL My commission expires oacA � Form SWU-101 Version 06Aug2012 Page of 6 Permit No (to be provided by DWQ) OF W A7- A •' NCDENR ' O �Y STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out,printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist(Part III)must be printed,filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. I: PROJECTINFORMATION , - . - . P Project name - - - Broxton Soccer Complex-- = - . - Contact person I - - A.Brent Cowan,PE Phone number 17045273440 - : I Date j2/22/2017 Drainage area number 1B-POST DEV 1 - ! Il. DESIGN INFORMATION Site Characteristics Drainage area ( e 801,5341e Impervious area,post-development 187,3081ft2 %impervious 23 37 Design rainfall depth a 2 81 in Storage Volume: Non-SA Waters Minimum volume required . 18,165ift3 Volume provided 18,1651 ft3 OK,volume provided is equal to or in excess of volume required. Storage Volume: SA Waters 1 5"runoff volume l ft3 Pre-development 1-yr,24-hr runoff 1 - Post-development 1-yr,24-hr runoff 9 ft3 Minimum volume required ft3 Volume provided ft3 Peak Flow Calculations Is the pre/post control of the 1yr 24hr storm peak flow required? Y I(Y or N) 1-yr,24-hr rainfall depth 2.61 in Rational C,pre-development !- 0 28](unitless) Rational C,post-development ; :0 351(unitless) Rainfall intensity:1-yr,24-hr storm 0 14 in/hr OK Pre-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow 1 72 ft3/sec Post-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow 0.76 ft3/sec Pre/Post 1-yr,24-hr peak flow control -0.96 ft3/sec Elevations Temporary pool elevation I 645.671fmsl Permanent pool elevation 1 - - 644 501fmsl SHWT elevation(approx at the perm pool elevation) 1 642 83ifmsl Top of 10ft vegetated shelf elevation ) 645 001 fmsl Bottom of 10ft vegetated shelf elevation 644.00;fmsl Data not needed for calculation option#1,but OK if provided Sediment cleanout,top elevation(bottom of pond) r . 639 001fms1 Sediment cleanout,bottom elevation { - 638 001fmsl Data not needed for calculation option#1,but OK if provided Sediment storage provided 1.00 ft Is there additional volume stored above the state-required temp.pool? N !(Y or N) Elevation of the top of the additional volume ; - lfmsl • Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev 9-4/18/12 Parts I &II Design Summary,Page 1 of 2 5, 1 Permit No , (to be provided by DWQ) II. DESIGN INFORMATION ,. - - ., . Surface Areas Area,temporary pool - 16,65 18 ft2 Area REQUIRED,permanent pool 6,973 ft2 SA/DA ratio 1 0.87!(unttless) Area PROVIDED,permanent pool,Aperm_pool 1 . 12,323jft OK Area,bottom of 10ft vegetated shelf,Abot_shelf F -- '10,5421 ft2 Area,sediment cleanout,top elevation(bottom of pond),Abotyond I 3,501 i ft2 Volumes Volume,temporary pool 18,1651 ft3 OK Volume,permanent pool,Vpe.,-psi I - 39,694)ft3 Volume,forebay(sum of forebays if more than one forebay) I 8,4281 ft3 Forebay%of permanent pool volume 21.2% % OK SAIDA Table Data Design TSS removal r 85?% Coastal SNDA Table Used'? 1 N 1(Y or N) Mountain/Piedmont SNDA Table Used'? 1 , Y, ' 1(Y or N) , SNDA ratio 0 87(unitless) `O�� Al CA�O144\ /1•1', Average depth(used in SNDA table)• %%s0 `� s • sCalculation option 1 used?(See Figure 10-2b) � Y �(Y or N) 'oma� •••••� •••••• ��Volume,permanent pool,Vperm_pool 39,694 ft' THEISAACSArea provided,permanent pool,Apermyooi 12,323 ft2GROUP,P.CAverage depth calculated I- . . 3.18)ft OKm ; ENGINEERING Average depth used in SA/DA,day,(Round to nearest 0 5ft) l 3 O1 ft OK >13 •LAND SURVEYING:A: S Calculation option 2 used?(See Figure 10-2b) ! 1(Y or N) T'.• NO.C-1069 �'I�Q Z Area provided,permanent pool,Ape m pool 12,323 ft2 ' �° .%.®•••o•••.•'Q`� 4. Area,bottom of 10ft vegetated shelf,Abot shelf 10,542 ft2 ''171 F QF Al) ���• o,, 1e�0 Area,sediment cleanout,top elevation(bottom of pond),Abot_pond 3,501 ft2 litim111 "Depth"(distance b/w bottom of 10ft shelf and top of sediment) 5 00 ft Average depth calculated — - 3 22,ft OK ?1 —I�� Average depth used in SNDA,dam„(Round to down to nearest 0 5ft) j - - _3,01ft OK e���iE81 6 t Epi 6 Drawdown Calculations 0e®4,0,.44-n� C'A� , ,,, Drawdown through orifice'? J _ y (Y or N) �® -1 ; se oVESsip. N V. Diameter of orifice(if circular) 2 25'1 in a Area of orifice(if-non-circular) { in2 J.•• _:z; ; z r o Coefficient of discharge(Ca) 1 0.601(unitless) 1p�L. - e _ Driving head(Ho) 0,581ft = +�°�rj'�u.� o Drawdown through weir? N ;(Y or N) ® �%.4)1,'=`- Weir type 1 - '- I(unifless) ®��°�'••°�NI=E?�`,�a i ® w Coefficient of discharge(CW) (unttless) `0. O�, as Length of weir(L) ) !ft o ;a Driving head(H) I - - ?ft , /45j '14 t e ;i Pre-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow j .- 1.721ft3/sec Post-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow 0 761 ft3/sec Storage volume discharge rate(through discharge orifice or weir) ! 0 021ft3/sec Storage volume drawdown time I 2.071 days OK,draws down in 2-5 days : Additional Information Vegetated side slopes 31.1 OK Vegetated shelf slope 101.1 OK Vegetated shelf width 10.01 ft OK Length of flowpath to width ratio .- 31.1 OK Length to width ratio 1 - 1.51 1 OK Trash rack for overflow&orifice'? Y I(Y or N) OK Freeboard provided 1 2.01ft OK Vegetated filter provided'? - I N I(Y or N) Insufficient. Vegetated filter required Recorded drainage easement provided? - Y . . 1(Y or N) OK Capures all runoff at ultimate build-out? 1 Y 1(Y or N) OK Drain mechanism for maintenance or emergencies is. :Drain pipe w/gate valve - -. ' . - . . ___ _ 1 Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev 9-4/18/12 Parts I &II Design Summary,Page 2 of 2 Permit No (to be provided by DWQ) III. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent,the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met,attach justification. Page!Plan Initials Sheet No. }. G.2! 1. Plans(1"-50'or larger)of the entire site showing: L 2 dir -Design at ultimate build-out, e: 2 3 -Off-site drainage(if applicable), -Delineated drainage basins(include Rational C coefficient per basin), -Basin dimensions, :Z -Pretreatment system, -High flow bypass system, 6:12.1 -Maintenance access, -Proposed drainage easement and public right of way(ROW), C2, Z -Overflow device,and -Boundaries of drainage easement Rtl2 C .2. 2. Partial plan(1"=30'or larger)and details for the wet detention basin showing: 62,2. -Outlet structure with trash rack or similar, e.2, I -Maintenance access, 2 Z -Permanent pool dimensions, .� -Forebay and main pond with hardened emergency spillway, L Z L -Basin cross-section, Vegetation specification for planting shelf,and 2' -Filter strip. R C 2,.Z 3. Section view of the wet detention basin(1"=20'or larger)showing: C 2,2. -Side slopes,3:1 or lower, 2. 2. -Pretreatment and treatment areas,and z ,Z -Inlet and outlet structures. et.I 4. If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction,clean out of the basin is specified on the plans prior to use as a wet detention basin. tYt ul-i,5 5. A table of elevations,areas,incremental volumes&accumulated volumes for overall pond and for forebay, to verify volume provided. 1,1 6 A construction sequence that shows how the wet detention basin will be protected from sediment until the entire drainage area is stabilized r � Ml fk E#%aP 7. The supporting calculations. 8. A copy of the signed and notarized operation and maintenance(O&M)agreement 7 4 c L-. Y (-311 T fet-L" fil 9. A copy of the deed restrictions(if required) t t 4-rim k&' 10. A soils report that is based upon an actual field investigation,soil borings,and infiltration tests. County soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information. Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev 9-4/18/12 Part III Required Items Checklist,Page 1 of 1 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) Drainage Area Number: Wet Detention Basin Operation and Maintenance Agreement I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP. This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected,repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures,safety of the public,and the removal efficiency of the BMP. The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided. This system (check one): does M does not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet. This system (check one): does M does not incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay. Important maintenance procedures: — Immediately after the wet detention basin is established,the plants on the vegetated shelf and perimeter of the basin should be watered twice weekly if needed,until the plants become established(commonly six weeks). — No portion of the wet detention pond should be fertilized after the first initial fertilization that is required to establish the plants on the vegetated shelf. — Stable groundcover should be maintained in the drainage area to reduce the sediment load to the wet detention basin. — If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance,the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain should be minimized to the maximum extent practical. — Once a year,a dam safety expert should inspect the embankment. After the wet detention pond is established,it should be inspected once a month and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of operation and maintenance should be kept in a known set location and must be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element: Potential problem: How I will remediate the problem: The entire BMP Trash/debris is present. Remove the trash/debris. The perimeter of the wet Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to detention basin erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully,and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer application. Vegetation is too short or too Maintain vegetation at a height of long approximately six inches. Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin O&M-Rev.4 Page 1 of 4 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) Drainage Area Number: BMP element: Potential problem: How I will remediate the problem: The inlet device: pipe or The pipe is clogged. Unclog the pipe. Dispose of the swale sediment off-site. The pipe is cracked or Replace the pipe. otherwise damaged. Erosion is occurring in the Regrade the swale if necessary to swale. smooth it over and provide erosion control devices such as reinforced turf matting or riprap to avoid future problems with erosion. The forebay Sediment has accumulated to Search for the source of the a depth greater than the sediment and remedy the problem if original design depth for possible. Remove the sediment and sediment storage. dispose of it in a location where it will not cause impacts to streams or the BMP. Erosion has occurred. Provide additional erosion protection such as reinforced turf matting or riprap if needed to prevent future erosion problems. Weeds are present. Remove the weeds,preferably by hand. If pesticide is used,wipe it on the plants rather than spraying. The vegetated shelf Best professional practices Prune according to best professional show that pruning is needed practices to maintain optimal plant health. Plants are dead,diseased or Determine the source of the dying. problem: soils,hydrology,disease, etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide a one-time fertilizer application to establish the ground cover if a soil test indicates it is necessary. Weeds are present. Remove the weeds,preferably by hand. If pesticide is used,wipe it on the plants rather than spraying. The main treatment area Sediment has accumulated to Search for the source of the a depth greater than the . sediment and remedy the problem if original design sediment possible. Remove the sediment and storage depth. dispose of it in a location where it will not cause impacts to streams or the BMP. Algal growth covers over Consult a professional to remove 50% of the area. and control the algal growth. Cattails,phragmites or other Remove the plants by wiping them invasive plants cover 50% of with pesticide (do not spray). the basin surface. Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin O&M-Rev.4 Page 2 of 4 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) Drainage Area Number: BMP element: Potential problem: How I will remediate the problem: The embankment Shrubs have started to grow Remove shrubs immediately. on the embankment. Evidence of muskrat or Use traps to remove muskrats and beaver activity is present. consult a professional to remove beavers. A tree has started to grow on Consult a dam safety specialist to the embankment. remove the tree. An annual inspection by an Make all needed repairs. appropriate professional shows that the embankment needs repair. (if applicable) The outlet device Clogging has occurred. Clean out the outlet device. Dispose of the sediment off-site. The outlet device is damaged Repair or replace the outlet device. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the local NC Division of damage have occurred at the Water Quality Regional Office,or outlet. the 401 Oversight Unit at 919-733- 1786. The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. When the permanent pool depth reads 5.50 feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed. When the permanent pool depth reads 4.50 -feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed. BASIN DIAGRAM (fill in the blanks) 0 Permanent Pool Elevation 644.50 Sediment Removal E .639.00 I Pe maven Pool Volume Sediment Removal Elevation 640.00 Volume Bottom Elevatio 638.00 -ft Min. Sediment Bottom Elevation 639.00 1-ft n. Storage Sediment Storage FOREBAY MAIN POND Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin O&M-Rev.4 Page 3 of 4 i Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Project name:BROXTON SOCCER COMPLEX BMP drainage area number:1 Print name:David Broxton Title:Owner/Developer Address:9809 Saddle Ave. Waxhaw,NC 28713 Phone:(803)313-2429 Signature: Date: Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50%of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, , a Notary Public for the State of , County of , do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day of , , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission expires Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin O&M-Rev.4 Page 4 of 4 r II Project Narrative Project Description The project site is located in Town of Waxhaw, Union County, N.C. and is an approximately 61 acre parcel along Old Waxhaw Monroe Road (S.R. 1111). The proposed project consists of a recreation facility and driveway connection to Old Waxhaw Monroe Road in accordance with NCDOT requirements. The project area drains to Waxhaw Creeks and is subject to the site specific Water Quality Management requirements prescribed by the N.C. Division of Water Quality(NCDWQ) as outlined in the regulations for the Goose Creek Watershed. NCDWQ requirements that have been met in the design of this project include the control and treatment of the difference in the stormwater runoff from the pre-development and post-development conditions for the one-year, 24-hour storm, with structural stormwater controls that promote infiltration of flows and groundwater recharge, if practicable based upon soil conditions. The rainfall amounts used in the analysis of this project were obtained from Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual. Structural stormwater controls have been provided to meet the following minimum requirements: a. Remove an 85 percent average annual amount of Total Suspended Solids b. Draw down the treatment volume no faster than 48 hours, but no slower than 120 hours, for detention ponds. c. Discharge the storage volume at a rate equal or less than the pre-development discharge rate for the one-year, 24-hour storm. d. Meet design of Stormwater Management Measures set forth in 15A NCAC 02H .1008. Additional stormwater management measures have been provided for this project as required by Town of Waxhaw to include the following: a. In accordance with Section 3.1.3 of the Town of Waxhaw Stormwater Design Manual, the post developed discharge rate at the property boundary is less than or equal to the pre development rate for the (2 & 10) two and ten year storm events. Natural Resources Inventory The parcel is covered in approximately 65% woods and 35% grass fields. Soil & Forestry Services of the Carolinas, PA (S&FS) has performed a stream/wetlands delineation/study and confirmed with the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and N.C. Division of Water Quality that an existing on-site wetland and two streams which intersect the property are considered Waters of the State (Reference Wetland JD Dated 3/12/15 per attached in appendix A) Existing on-site slopes range from 2 to 20 percent on average and existing soil types on site is predominantly Georgeville Silty Clay Loam (Hydrologic Group B). Soil & Forestry Services of the Carolinas, PA (S&FS) has performed on-site geotechnical testing to establish soil suitability for proposed stormwater BMP construction, as well as establish hydraulic conductivity of on-site soils for suitability for infiltration devices along with the vertical location of Seasonal High Water Tables at the locations of the proposed BMP 1. Existing and Proposed Drainage Patterns Proposed drainage patterns to the proposed on-site BMP maintain existing drainage patterns to the maximum extent practicable as need to create a balanced distribution of storm water flow thru BMP 1 in a consistent manner with existing flows. Pvoposed BMP#1 (Wet Pond) BMP #1 (Wet Pond) has been designed per the NCDENR requirements of the contributing drainage area (18.40 ac.)to meet 85% TSS removal, 25% TN and 40% TP removal targets. The hydraulic conductivity of the existing soils at the location of BMP#1 are 0.17 cm/hr(0.0688 in/hr) and do not support infiltration measures. Additionally, the SHWT was established as required to establish the minimum vertical separations as outlined by the NCDENR and DWQ requirements. BMP#1 meets or exceeds the following requirements: • The control and treatment of the difference in the stormwater runoff from the pre-development and post- development conditions for the one-year, 24-hour storm. • Removal of an 85 percent average annual amount of Total Suspended Solids (85% TSS removal), 25% TN (min) and 40% TP (min) removals • Draw down the treatment volume no faster than 48 hours, but no slower than 120 hours. • Discharge the storage volume at a rate equal or less than the pre-development discharge rate for the one-year, 24-hour storm • Meet design of Stormwater Management Measures set forth in 15A NCAC 02H .1008. • The post developed discharge rate at the property boundary is less than or equal to the pre development rate for the (2 & 10)two and ten year storm events. 1 :24,000 USGS 'Waxhaw' Topo map _, : -_kC,-: • -- ( \. , 1\1W- , ('cra.-: ,., -- ----,, - 1__ -,,\-,,,--- r-.(,_.-- --Y;:,, ,c- f,, .' 'r-H---,--.-- (--- c-,),,,- --N' ' -_,( �Li 4• , ,-µAX,,, ., , . . ,% \,l - - L----,/ .\ ‘°_.) \� (( '-' ' ;L ,tL ,LTJ b�j . - L- 1-f.. ;�t --�L \ l '. '700 `� \ ''' \ 7_I- .-. . ,\)_`-`\:\017- ',. . , `V �` \ 's i, j V ��. I i' 1 8., ,1\._,- _l r - - Pmey�Grove..,, : ;- - 1�. -`•� / .. �. _ 1s_i �Church!Gem �3 � r �� ti (.,0,..‘ r__;_, . ,/,\___..), .._a_,,7_06: -:\•:,. -7,_.:,, :741,6-7-50,k 1,----,\\:,,,,, ..1- :cL____,A ,i(Q, \ , [\z? ,---,„ ' - o � ��_ ��MS RDS r Gem �,o. .mo. . r _ 4.111.----: _ Acv �� `N: �/fil ,,,- , 1,) .,-;-?-• � k y \~ ,` .` ,,_ .c is ,t,,„ - , . , ,,,,,, ? „.„, 77. , _ /,_ , '" \ , \ s„ ( _ Wil. _ \, \c,i,., j l'yA ^, `..1 \ \\\� '� 1 t{'f t -lip 7 �l l /,/. -w---2-----5'_. Ebenezer 0 \'-'.•,:,-.\--------, _,--; . , —�" \\,) ��) � �� ``f/r =ryj_I' � . `} _/ � Cli1I`rc.e�m_\\���• � )� c...:7f..) )\,,,---.-.\_.--,--_:,.;,-; ___:) - ,i , , , , \. .\_-______i_:=;?.__-_-_)_-- )--.Q--:f--,---,-z--6 isk. ---11 .-i _ . /\._z-i_ii i (------ (<71 '''\ - ' k -i-'---)., ---2- '\.\\ ,--( \)y \ --.9,?---. - -_-__ ,---1 -L - -: -'''' ' L-1\-11N\-- ,.:-.-(r 2-'\'' \ -. ( ',v - 00 /3 ( __.: . k rj ,\ 1}, ( - o - :tt so \\ I� • i1/2:- lL - 1� .' --l` `<-f:,:;; ' oI -- -:6, ( \\\\___,H. Z,� i ?'.� i( N '" /,.:4. . ,6-,,,,„(,), ._. , . '_ � � t of-moo //� 1 (- .11i _ .6 - _ .� L.o k c", , , _ , ( & & L I._t�./:.1s% / \ -' vJ-.•/- L.. , (�`_ ;1' 117�,;MASSEY_RD STIR! Ft"iFDRESTRY:* , SERVICES La of THE`96RF]LCNAS,706A PO Box 832 Mooresville, NC 28115 www.soilandforestryservices.com February 3,2017 Job# 17-1004 David Broxton 9809 Saddle Avenue Waxhaw,NC 28713 Re: Seasonal High Water Table Determination-Waxhaw,NC. At your request Soil &Forestry Services of the Carolinas,PA(S&FS)has performed detailed soil profile descriptions for design of a proposed storm water device. The work was performed at a 61-acre parcel located on Old Waxhaw Monroe Road in Waxhaw. The Isaacs Group,PC Service Industries,Inc(PSI)provided S&FS with a site plan depicting the location of the proposed stormwater device. S&FS performed two hand auger borings in the proposed BMP location. The scope of work involved determining seasonal high water table (SHWT)depths within the location of the proposed device. A brief report of the methods utilized in this evaluation and the results obtained follow. Soil/Site Evaluation Two detailed soil borings were performed by S&FS in determining SHWT depths at two locations requested by project engineers. The evaluation was performed by advancing hand auger borings at the locations proposed for the stormwater BMP. The auger boring locations were furnished by The Isaacs Group,PC. The hand auger boring locations are shown on the attached site plan provided by The Isaacs Group. The evaluation involved identifying and recording soil morphological conditions at the requested locations in order to develop a soil profile description included with this report. The results of our evaluation are listed below. The evaluated area occupied a drainageway on the subject property. An earlier investigation by S&FS determined the nearby stream feature to be ephemeral in classification. Land cover in the evaluated area was predominantly mature hardwood species. Soil and site conditions were moist at the time of field evaluation. The subject property occurs in southwest Union County. Most of the soil series in the area of the property were derived from the weathering of Carolina Slate Belt rocks. As such,the area soils contain high percentages of silt textures. Two hand auger borings were taken in the proposed BMP. One boring was placed in the aforementioned drainageway to a depth of 4 feet. The second boring was taken on a nearby side slope landscape position to a depth of 6 feet. Seasonal High Water Table The approximate auger boring locations are shown on the attached map. The 4' boring contained evidence of SHWT at 30 inches. The 6' boring contained evidence of SHTW at 26 inches. Profile descriptions for both hand auger borings are attached with this report. Evidence of SHWT was determined via the presence of<2 chroma mottles as referenced in Munsell color charts. Soil&Forestry Services,PA is pleased to be of service in this matter and we look forward to assisting in the successful completion of the project. Sincerely, eidef 4-72- Wendell Overby, L S, RF1 ' /:e. � ° ° 21. Enc: Figure 1: Site Plan with Hand Auger Boring Locations Figure 2: Profile Descriptions ; • ,.i - - k `\ \ \ ', I 1 1 -- ‘ ` I \` r ( I 1�j 1 Ii \ \ t \ IWO I /, _', ---. ``,, \ 1 t \ \ - `\ - ~\\ 4 l I�/.! }:• ,�. 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Soil Profile Description - S&FS Project Name: Broxton Date: 213117 Job Number: 16-17004 Conducted By:Wendell Overby Boring Location Test area#1(HA-1) Test area#2(HA-2) , Honzon 1 Depth 0-4" 0-7" Horizon Designation A A , Mathx Color - 7.5YR 4/4 2.5Y 5/3 Mottle Color - ` _ • - Texture Loam -- - • . Silt loam - - • Structure' Granular • " - - Granular -Moist consistence - Friable - ' -- . Friable Horizon 2. -Depth- - - 4-30" - - 7-11".- - Horizon,Designation - Matrix Color 7.5YR.414 - ., •7.5YR 4/4 -, .-.,-. - -Mottle Color = 2.5Y 5/3 7.5YR 3/4" -- " - - _ Texture. - - - Siltyclay loam S illy clay loam ., ,Structure- - - - . , Blocky - • ` Blocky - . - - Moist consistence_ -- - - Friable , •- Friable . - - Horizon 3 Depth, , , - 30-40" •` _ • 11-26" , Horizon Designation - - - Bt2 - Btl - • Matrix Color,.- '.. , . 10YR 5/4 -° 4 0YR 5/6,` " r.•= ' Mottle-Color' . _ -2.5Y 6/1-2.5YR 6/6 - •- • -2.5YR 4/8 , . - _ Texture ' . Silty clay ' Clay Structure. " -,. -:Blocky _ , . ' Blocky - " • Moist consistence , _ .• - Friable• • • Friable- - - . Horizon 4 Depth- 40-48" - 26=50" - - Horizon,Designation . Bt3.- Bt2 - -Matrix Color 2.5Y 616 " 10YR 6/6 Mottle Color G1 7/N 2.5YR 5/8 2.5Y-8/1 Texture. . Clay - Clay: _ Structure Blocky ` ' Blocky • ', Moist Consistence Friable Firm Horizon 5 Depth, - 50-72"-• . • ` Honzon Designation -- - ' BC BC- - . - Matrix Color - - • - - -- , • - , - - . . • 10YR 6/6 - _ - _' - Mottle Color .- ' - _ . -. „ ' - 7.5YR 4/8 5Y 8/1 "_-. 'Texture.- - ` - - - - - -- Silty clay1oarn.' - - - Structure". - - -,. - " - -Blocky - Moist consistence- - Friable - - • Honzon 6 Depth • . r '. - - - . ; , , . . , Horizon Designation- - . - - - -- •. • •Matrix Color,: . . . Mottle Color - : - - - - . . Texture , ' . ., Structure - - -,Moist consistence. - - - -,- -- - - • . - ,-- _ if —1,P,,74Peatt-I SAlig '� ° - 4 .a - ,At -t; ", ,40-4, f* ,I •, 7«I OI*419:ria t i1 A ACM Y�". 11' r' z3":14,,,d. ctS n'°' ":,'"", .'•hex'` latrix d"ifor,".:,—,0" . 'i",,,,,L' ''-g'x',,,), ♦"! ,"? 3•.>. '' ' 1. ::,,,:',-,;.1p.,;,-.11,,,,,..#4...-vv-',Z. ItKassibtra x� ;�ws v.4 M r ''%-...-",:t.".:, s E . F ya"S;;a e' • do%, ,, ;a4 -'4v� pn 1'e�e sa.. �M V �- a ,-;,.C,47-1.4;, '�k � y�^� te& 'ZMpe n:0,1.46 � 7-1(;:,4, -.:-.- rxs, a d 6�-iii ,.,, ;� " a �, d a { Horizon 8 Depth Horizon Designation - , -- Matrix Color . ' - - Mottle Color . _ - . _ _ - :-- Texture - ,- : . - - - Structure ' .' - -- ---- - - . - Moist Consistence = - _ _ _ Depth to seasonal high water , table 30" - 26" . - SOIL.-1 FORESTRY-. - ERVICES or THE GAROLIIVAn, PA www.soilandforestryservices.com February 6, 2017 Project 17-1004 David Broxton 9809 Saddle Avenue Waxhaw,NC 28713 Re: Hydraulic Conductivity Analysis Report-Waxhaw,NC Dear Mr. Broxton: Executive Summary: Soil&Forestry Services of the Carolinas,PA(S&FS)has performed soil profile descriptions and in-situ measurements of saturated hydraulic conductivity at the proposed soccer facility off Old Waxhaw Monroe Road. The profile descriptions and soil conductivity measures(Ksats)were performed to assist project engineers in designing a proposed storm water BMP. The soil evaluation was also performed to assist project engineers with determining the seasonal high water table(SHWT)for the areas of interest. Soil Profile Descriptions: S&FS described soil conditions at two locations provided by The Isaacs Group,PC. A site plan with the boring/Ksat locations is attached with this report(Attachment 1). Boring locations were located in the field using GPS technology from coordinates provided by project engineers. Land cover on the evaluated area was mature hardwood trees. Soil conditions were moist at the time of our fieldwork. Site 1 was located in the lower elevations of a draw or concave landscape position. S&FS classified the adjacent stream feature as ephemeral (storm water channel). Site 2 occurred on a linear slope landscape position southeast of Site 1. The locations. site 1 and 2 were evaluated via hand auger borings to depths of 4' and 6',respectively. The soil boring logs described by S&FS are shown in Attachment 2 to this report. Soils local to the subject property were derived from the weathering of Carolina Slate Belt rocks. As a result typical soil profiles are relatively high in silt textures. The site 1 profile contained a shallow loam topsoil over silty clay subsoil textures. Subsoil textures were subangular blocky in grade and of friable consistence. The site 2 profile contained a shallow silt loam surface texture. A clay texture began in the site 2 profile at 11 inches. Seasonal high water tables measured 30 inches and 26 inches,respectively for sites 1 and 2. A report describing results and methods used in determining SHTW for the 2 sites was prepared separately. Hydraulic Conductivity Analysis: Saturated hydraulic conductivity(Ksat)measurements were conducted at Sites 1 and 2 within the proposed BMP. S&FS completed these Ksat measurements by using the constant head well permeameter technique(also known as shallow well pump-in technique and bore hole permeameter method). Our Ksat measurement procedure is described in Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 1., Chapter 29-Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated Soils: Field Methods, 29—3.2 Shallow Well Pump In Method,pp. 758-763 and in the Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 53, no. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1989,"A Constant-head Permeameter for Measuring Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of the Vadose Zone"and"Comparison of the Glover Solution with the Simultaneous-Equations Approach for Measuring Hydraulic Conductivity." A volume of water was applied and measured with time until a steady state of water flow was achieved. This volume/time with steady state was used to calculate the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the subsoil by the Glover equation. The Ksat values for each site are included in Attachment 3 of this report. Ksat measures were taken at 48 inches and 72 inches for sites 1 and 2, respectively. At site 1 the Ksat measure was performed in clay texture with friable, subangular blocky structure. In the case of Site 2 the Ksat measure was performed in a silty clay loam texture with subangular blocky structure with friable consistence. Low chroma(in Munsell color book)soil colors indicative of seasonal high water table were present at both Ksat depths. The reduced soil colors indicate slow permeability within the profile. The average Ksat for Site 1 was 0.17 cm/hr(.0688 in/hr). The average Ksat for Site 2 was 0.22 cm/hr(.087 in/hr). Ksat measures were averaged fdr each site once steady state conditions were observed. Soil&Forestry Services of the Carolinas,PA is pleased to be of service in this matter and we look forward to assisting in any site analysis needs you may have in the future. Please feel free to call with any questions or comments. Sincerely, MA/et/ Wendell Overby , \ NC Licensed Soil Sci ntist ei'f NC Registered Forester f, �y� of ''`�°°` ': , 1 • it {!' ;" s � ; Attachments: 1)Site Plan 2)Soil Profile Descriptions 3)Ksat Data �7'.`�. ATTACHMENT 1 Site Plan gl .1 - , I - \ \ \ \ 1 I 1 ----_____ _ _ l I \ i `/'— `` ,I 1,; • --' `\ / / r 1 - ,� j\\ \\ \\ t\ It \\ 1\\ --~-- ---- �'.4 ''-\ \h\ ; 1 /—,--,¢}� \\ ` \ \\\ __ ,1 • I• - , a -`I--; II \ \ \ 1----4r— + • 'J /• I % - \ •, •\ • -).A-- --------,- ' ;=`;':;',, ;) X '',' rte. \ I t\ - . / / ' I .,/ \ •1( \ .,. \ • •\ 'tom '1~! -\ It '\ 1 1 —i- \\\ \ \ �'\ //r /.,....'--ss. 1 s-,,, \ I`y �` ; `rr u\ ,`\ �•\,I \` \\ \ \i \ 1 I 1 \ �-� \ 1 1 1 \ \ \\ , \ `\ 1 1 \ \ \ \ 1 / / / ! �♦ ` \ ��♦ .\ I i tet\I • \ ,\ \ X\ \ \ ‘,,_ \,,, `., - -.._ , . \\ t/ 11 \ `\ \\ I \.\ �\ \' ' �„%' '\ __,r-�rIr .� ----I\\\\ \\\I \\\\ • `$,'`_ -,)` / / ij 1l II , I 1 '\ 1 \ \ If 1 // 11 I / \\ \ V \ \ �Yi , 1-'---'-- I 1\� C.`------ ...Is-- -/`'----t-1--\--I1 l 1 1 1_L-_ 1 , 1 ' \ \ e. 1 \ 6 / ------\I ! ,-- \ ` 1 1' �` -// / I I\1 VI \ I 1 t \ .1' \ ' I 1 / /' 1 ! ( J !tel ' r \ , 1 1 `� \ b9 I \ \\\_ '/ / / 11 1 I I I ! I I( L\ /'J/ / /I l i % I 1 +I' 1 1__ '• "\ • \\ \\ j \ \,,--0.-- �2'- !' .p - / I 1 7 „ ,,!„y' f, J / r/' / /1 !I f 1 ,` / / 1 r I t .1------F-'-v"\\ '' �� \ . I l \ _ / \ ! / f G / / I r I / / / ( I I 1 \l _' j •'� Ia } 1 -�`'` / l//' ` I I j / I!/ 1, // ' / j 1 I I // / I 1 I I, 1 I / F r t �:' °sn - .---\ i / , + I r I .” / / , ( r , 1 I 1 I - 1 /�_ / Y \-_-,' , -'%" ,� ' / 1, / / l 1 /-, / , ! r!I / ,/ ri / r / /r / I 1 (! /I1 / / ,1r f ! ,1 ` ~,es. I \,/[L 1'i m, ` / 'mow' 1 I r1 11 ' / // I !-' t ,/' r/' r i /' / � /I I n • --+ ',...1- 1 /1 . / r/ •, i f ,/ i'"1 i i /' ,/ / / // •,r •`'/ 1 1 I,r ' \L) �~ -41, \ \ -t_.7 l/'% I- ' ,' , -- /•l' /', ,,` i/ f ,, /.'/ / ! t r „,1 11 f 11/ ,..„_ -:\ \�J 46 \ . PIt �61�5i r , 1 / / , , ,' r ! I / I I' r / I l / / I ' _ jam-,., V A 6 ` .1 I ///1/...--"1 ' / / / / , / r / / , / / l l ' T ram,et 'V 1-6.;-,t.',.'" .5<y /Y.•:,. TE55T FDR SHWT/ ,/ I „...."--/, / ! / /' • / ! / ! / / l I ' .,,..._,I ` A,..-,,,104_,.. 1 �. Iy5/}T'®,639)19 r it,/ , // / / / / / / _ /' / / / / ' r I ` ° ,`gid+ A` 1 /�6r°'/ / / l y/ i i // / ' / �/ // / I / I 'ter I4 n*11 11'-.%=-4:-I\,te / , /.- / I , / /' / - / f I / ) / / ' I /' !)--' / / "041 1.-I i .-:•/,/,"/// (' //!'/// %' I F/ i f ,/ / /// l i It % i / / I / /' I�I / / s / 8.v -`'I '% ;' ,%65n // //_ I / / f� -y// / r, / _- ! --_ ---t-,---Ir---_-_-L_- / —t_I I-l_.- • ; acint 11� �rpxt®n\Se\` • `\\ \\ ,�/ : I \ \ - , \ \ - - \ • S -• ;- i/ ( Hand.Auger Baring, SI \WT\er ', sat Locations - `- , , . , \ 17.--::_:---::, ---„r$! -\ \- \\.` I --.-_--------------------5- ---------------------_—-------- `.\_ - ------------------------------------:.-- ---_= _ 1� _ --` ATTACHMENT 2 Soil Profile Descriptions Figure 2. Soil Profile Description S&FS Project Name: Broxton Date: 2/3/17 Job Number: 16-17004 Conducted By:Wendell Overby onng oca on Test area#1(HA-1) Test area#2(HA 2) Horizon 1 Depth 0-4" 0-7" Horizon Designation A' A Matrix Color 7.5YR 4/4 2.5Y 5/3 Mottle Color Texture Loam Silt loam ' Structure Granular Granular Tors onsis ence Friable Friable Horizon 2 Depth 4-30" 7-11" - Horizon Designation ' Matrix Color 7.5YR 4/4 Mottle Color . . 2.5Y 513 7.5YR 3/4 Texture := Blocky Silty clay loam Silty clay loam Blocky" r ors oasts ence = Friable. _ = Friab e Horizon 3 Depth 30 40" 11-26" Horizon Designation Bt2 - Bt1 Matrix•Color_ 10YR 514 14YR.6l6" Mottle Color 2.5Y 611 2.5YR 6/6 2.5YR 4f8 - Texture Silty clay. Clay Structure Blocky Blocky y ors °psis ence Friable Friable Horizon 4 Depth 40-48" 26-50" Horizon Designation Bt3 _ Bt2 Matrix Color 2.5Y 6!6 10YR 6/6 Mottle Color G1 7M 2.5YR 518 2.5Y_8/1 Texture Clay Clay Structure Blocky Blocky ors onsis ence Friable Firm Horizon 5 Depth ' _- Horizon Designation BG Matrix Color - = I0YR 616 Mottle Color 7-5YR 418 5Y 8/i' -- - Texture _ - Silty clay loam Structure .- Blocky or onsr ence - - - - - - Friable Horizon 6 Depth Horizon Designation. " Matrix Color Mottle Color ' - - Texture. Structure ' . w, "'its oasis ence .I Ir ` » 'yto, 7a t"4 r. e t' - - g " t ,• -,ta d7• a' 4 ` • Horizon-8 Depth' : _ -- _ Horizon Designation _ - • Matrix Color„ - = _ - - ; Mottle Color = - . Texture Structure :-. . T its oasis ence _ Depth to seasonal high water table 30" 26" ATTACHMENT 3 Average Ksat Values INFORMATION Date 2/212017 Measurement Conducted By Overby F Job Name Waxhaw Site 1 Job Number 17-1004 ' Weather Condition Sunny 1 Temperature 55 y Soil Kirksey Horizon Bt Source of Water Kannapolls 1 1 i 11 I - Ratio H/r _ - �---_ -- - l 8.0000 A factor in Equation[2]of Manual 0.000577 Time Change Flow Flow Flow Interval in Water Volume Rate Rate Level Q Q Ksat Ksat I Minute cm _ cm3 cm3/min cm3/hour cm/hour cm/day 10.00 2.7 54 5.40 324.0 0.19 4.48 f 10.00 2.4 48 4.80 288.0 0,17 3.99 10.00 2.5 50 5.00 300.0 0.17 4.15 10.00 2.55 51 5.10 306.0 0.18 4.24 10.00 2.65 53 5.30 318.0 0.18 4.40 10.00 2.35 47 4.70 282.0 0.16 3.90 .a,1.0. a tlr; T ' 41 y r"` ` . 'or, k,a y �h,,..,,,:.^-`` _ I INFORMATION - .. -. - pate,o-, . ... . 2/2/2017 v _ . ._ -• „ _, Measurement Conducted By Overby' Job Name' :. .. o Waxhaw Site 2 _ tJob Number 17-1004. - Weather Condition Sunny ,, , . - Temperature- 55 - _ _. - k Soil , ., Kirksey - - a Horizon BC .- - _ . Source of Water, - , Karma i olis,. . w „ • - , _' : �:� ----} t .a,,;,.y r Fvr �� � .. :d � .st, i.. .:Y _W p I 1 I. � e, •P tfI K r 1 , � .. - _-- .i .T (I,,,. ° ri; • i .Ratio H/r 11.5556 _ . . { A factor in Equation[2]of Manual 0.000325 F- , =: - i Ir- --'17' 4 '. ' Time Change Flow Flow Flow k t_ Interval in Water Volume Rate Rate Ii ' 1,i'tt,-411; Level Q Q Ksat Ksat - 1 ..°'.._,...�a Minute cm cm3 cm3/min cm3/hour cm/hour cm/day I_" . 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- y i ,• ,,-s 10.00 5.25 105 10.50 630.0 0.20 -4.91 I 6r. : °;_,.' 10.00 5.4 108 10.80 648.0 0.21 5.05 x,,.,, ".: ..'- 10.00 5.6 112 . 672.0 0.22 a 5.24 ti 10.00 5.5 110 1111.2000 660.0 0.21 5.14 N r r 10.00 6 120 12.00 720.0 0.23, _.5.61 -. w • ^ .• . . 5.00 3.2 64 12.80 768.0 0.25 ' 5.99 I a, '`i If • 6560 06560 0834 0834 FILED ELECTRONICALLY UNION COUNTY NC CRYSTAL CRUMP FILED Nov 03, 2015 AT 12:49:00 PM BOOK 06560 START PAGE 0834 END PAGE 0836 INSTRUMENT # 33919 EXCISE TAX $2,866.00 NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax: $2,866.00 Parcel Identifier No.05-090-003 Verified by County on the day of ,20_ Mail/Box to: GRANTEE This instrument was prepared by Southern Law Group, 11535 Cannel Commons Blvd,Suite 204.Charlotte,NC 28226 Brief description for the Index:Metes&Bounds 61.264 acres+/- THIS DEED made this 23rd day of October,2015,by and between GRANTOR GRANTEE All American Properties,LLC David L.Broxton,Jr. Situs Address: Old Waxhaw Monroe Road Waxhaw,NC 28173 Mailing Address: 916 North Poplar Street Mailing Address: Charlotte,NC 28206 Old Waxhaw Monroe Road Waxhaw,NC 28173 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties,their heirs,successors,and assigns,and shall include singular,plural,masculine,feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot, parcel of land or condominium unit situated in the City of v.1a.Xhav4 , Township, Union County,North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: See Attached Exhibit"A" NC Bar Association Form No.3©1976,Revised© 1/1/2010 Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar Association submitted electronically by "southern Law Group" in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement with the union County Register of Deeds. 6560 06560 0835 0835 The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book 5320,Page 618. All or a portion of the property herein conveyed does not include the primary residence of a Grantor. A map showing the above described property is recorded in Metes and Bounds. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee,that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple,has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,other than the following exceptions: Any and all valid and enforceable restrictions, conditions and covenants of record and the lien of ad valorem taxes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Grantor has duly executed the foroeiagek,the day and year first above written. All American Properties,LLC p 1-•� 404_ r / s0 te sa 7� 'JO ISEAL) Billy R drves E ,0a STATE OF NcYth Co.rr 1.1n�, COUNTY OF MCC }P_Y\ t )(0 I, LN n d0,, A . \Al c c da-I 1 , a Notary Public of said County and State, certify that Billy R.Graves, personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is the Manager of All American Properties,LLC, and that he, as said Manager, being authorized to do so, executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of said entity. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the 3 Di' day of ler, 2015. c�L .ems LtJ D e�e No Public My Commission Expires: MON' ON 3, a 01 lq NC Bar Association Form No.3©1976,Revised©1/1/2010 Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar Association 6560 06560 0836 0836 Exhibit"A" That certain tract of land lying and being located in Jackson Township, Union County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron located in the center Iine.of Old Waxhaw-Monroe Road,said iron being located at the northeasterly corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to Waxhaw Baptist Church of Union County by Deed recorded in Book 466 at Page 52 in the Union County Public Registry,and running thence from said Beginning point S 71-43-29 E. 913.34 feet to an iron;thence S.60-48-10 W 50.14 feet to an iron;thence S.20-57-43 W. 64.07 feet to a point located in the center line of Providence Road;thence with the center line of Providence Road in the following three calls: (1)S.04-13-47 E. 146.45 feet; (2)S 04-50-19 E 16.40 feet;and(3)S 05-02-01 E. 793.45 feet to a PK nail located at a corner of the property conveyed to Thomas A.Jeffries, Jr. and wife, Evelyn Jeffries, by Deed recorded in Book 483 at Page 109 in the Union County Public Registry;thence with two lines of Jeffries(now or formerly)as follows: (1)N 53-10-55 W. 110.88 feet to a solid iron,and(2)S 33-27-56 W.452.13 feet to a solid iron located at a corner of the property of the Mamie Massey heirs (now or formerly) (see Deed recorded in Book 145 at Page 467 in the Union County Public Registry;thence with a line of the property of the Marnie Massey heirs(now or formerly)S.32-20-35 W. 554.07 feet to a one inch iron pipe located in the property of Thomas J. Davis and wife Frances L. Davis(now or formerly), passing a one inch iron pipe at 371.33 feet; thence with three lines of the property of Thomas J. Davis and wife Frances L. Davis(now or formerly)as follows: N.52-54-27 W. 1891.66 feet to a nail beside a bent iron, passing the center line of a branch at 789.10 feet, (2) N 48-42-18 E.439.96 feet to a one inch pipe and(3)N.40-43-05 E.427.65 feet to a#5 rebar located at a corner of the property conveyed to Waxhaw Baptist Church of Union County by Deed recorded in Book 466 at Page 52 in the Union County Public Registry;thence wiht two lines of the property of Waxhaw Baptist Church of Union County (now or formerly)as follows: (1)S 68-18-50 E. 346.39 feet to a#5 rebar,and (2) N.26-48-40 E.687.33 feet to the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING, passing a#4 rebar at 657.37 feet, and containing 61.264 acres, more or less, as shown on a survey by Hugh E.White, Jr., Registered Surveyor, dated March 29, 2002.See deeds recorded in Book 3580 Page 373 and Book 1802 Page 659, Union County Register of Deeds. Parcel ID: 05-090-003 Legal Description • 201501383/22 BROXTON SOCCER COMPLEX TOWN OF WAXHAW, NORTH CAROLINA PROJECT CALCULATIONS 1 031011 .. 1�111111I// `,,,,hill!//fi �,0® A�i��il 0`s. CAR *� ����.�= .. -��/ c�©� Q�'••t� 'fir s THE 1SMC s, is ¢ a .r' GROUP, P.C. - 3 SEAL ' : . NOINIENING*` 7 026462 ? LMq?;SURVEYING NO. F1069 •rte . i op,tich OFA o% 0-74';7.4,.;.0e/vi t;y...B.... ''c,CL-t J.:4-.:- 1nn10 ry I = ISAACSmo . CML ENGINEERING DESIGN & - _LAND SURVEYING C 8720 RED OAK BOULEVARD, STE. 420 Q CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28217 PHONE (704) 527-4440 FAX (704) 527 -8335 NO.- ' BY ' DATE ; REVISION TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT NARRATIVE Page 1 -2 STORM DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Pages 3-17 • RAINFALL INTENSITIES TABLE Pages 4 • SURFACE FLOW RUNOFF HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS Pages 5 • STORM DRAINAGE PIPE CALCULATIONS Pages 6 • H/W NOMOGRAPH Pages 7 • DROP INLET CALCULATIONS Pages 8-11 • SWALE CALCULATIONS Pages 12-21 EROSION CONTROL CALCULATIONS Pages 22-27 • EROSOION CONTROL CALCULATIONS Pages 22 • SEDIMENT BASINS CALCULATIONS Pages 23-27 Project Narrative Proiect Description The project site is located in Town of Waxhaw, Union County, N.C. and is an approximately 61 acre parcel along Old Waxhaw Monroe Road (S.R. 1111). The proposed project consists of a recreation facility and driveway connection to Old Waxhaw Monroe Road in accordance with NCDOT requirements. The project area drains to the Waxhaw Creek Drainage Basin and is subject to the site specific Water Quality Management requirements prescribed by the N.C. Division of Water Quality(NCDWQ) as outlined in the regulations for the Goose Creek Watershed. NCDWQ requirements that have been met in the design of this project include the control and treatment of the difference in the stormwater runoff from the pre-development and post-development conditions for the one-year, 24-hour storm, with structural stormwater controls that promote infiltration of flows and groundwater recharge, if practicable based upon soil conditions. The rainfall amounts used in the analysis of this project were obtained from Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual. Structural stormwater controls have been provided to meet the following minimum requirements: a. Remove an 85 percent average annual amount of Total Suspended Solids b. Draw down the treatment volume no faster than 48 hours, but no slower than 120 hours,for detention ponds. _ - c. Discharge the storage volume at a rate equal or less than the pre-development discharge rate for the one-year, 24-hour storm. - d. Meet design of Stormwater Management Measures set forth in 15A NCAC 02H .1008. Additional stormwater management measures have been provided for this project as required by Union County to include the following: _ - a. In accordance with Section 3.1.3 of the Town of Waxhaw Stormwater Design Manual, the post developed discharge rate at the property boundary is less than or equal to the pre development rate for the (2 & 10)two and ten year storm events. . Natural Resources Inventory The parcel is covered in approximately 65%woods and 35%-grass fields. Soil & Forestry Services of the Carolinas, PA(S&FS) has performed a stream/wetlands delineation/study and confirmed with the U.S.Army . Corp of Engineers and N.C. Division of Water Quality that an existing on-site wetland and two streams which intersect the property are considered Waters of the State (Reference Wetland JD'Dated 3/12/15 per attached in appendix A) Existing on-site slopes range from 2 to 20 percent on average and existing soil types on site is predominantly Georgeville Silty Clay Loam (Hydrologic Group B). Soil& Forestry Services of the Carolinas, PA(S&FS)has performed on-site geotechnical testing to establish soil suitability for proposed stormwater BMP construction, as well as establish hydraulic conductivity of on-site soils for suitability for infiltration devices along with the vertical location of Seasonal High Water Tables at the locations of the proposed BMP 1'. Existing and Proposed Drainage Patterns Proposed drainage patterns to the proposed on-site BMP maintain existing drainage patterns to the maximum extent practicable as need to create a balanced distribution of storm water flow thru BMP 1 in a consistent manner with existing flows: - - - Proposed BMP#1 (Wet Pond) BMP#1 (Wet Pond) has been designed per the NCDENR requirements of the contributing drainage area (18.40 ac.)to meet 85%TSS removal, 25%TN and 40%TP removal targets. The hydraulic conductivity of the existing soils at the location of BMP#1 are 0.17 cm/hr(0.0688 in/hr)and do not support infiltration measures. Additionally, the SHWT was established as required to establish the minimum vertical separations as outlined by the NCDENR and DWQ requirements. BMP#1 meets or exceeds the following requirements: • The control and treatment of the difference in the stormwater runoff from the pre-development and post- development conditions for the one-year, 24-hour storm. • Removal of an 85 percent average annual amount of Total Suspended Solids(85%TSS removal), 25% TN (min) and 40% TP(min) removals • Draw down the treatment volume no faster than 48 hours, but no slower than 120 hours. • Discharge the storage volume at a rate equal or less than the pre-development discharge rate for the one-year, 24-hour storm • Meet design of Stormwater Management Measures set forth in 15A NCAC 02H .1008. • =The post developed discharge rate at the property boundary is less than or equal to the pre development rate for the (2 & 10)two and ten year storm events. BROXTON SOCCER COMPLEX WAXHA W, NORTH CAROLINA STORM DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Note: Refer to Construction Document sheet C2.0 for drainage area maps. 3.5 Design Frequency Design ., 6717 Frequencies - 3.5.1 ormrgYAem p ees pitch,'systeems ;G 10 yr, pitch (subdiiilslon sfreefs): kr. 26myr Cu ails( ua-hfare roads p150, r Except as required by section 18.10.5, Storm Drainage Not Contained in Street Rights of Way, of the UDO. - - Rainfall ji dila d',aiot e1fall t'aii n na es 0-00 ,'the�*Ir ostkrecent Intensity s�4 orxo�ier aace tattle sources a x'�?'be userl�fo`r;.1i3!dralogic"�anaf�sis� 3.5.2 Table 3-3 ' Rainfall Intensities-Wazhaw,North Carolina Storm Duration Rainfall lntensitvin,/hr.1 Return Period(Years) hours minutes 2 3 5 10 25 50 100 0 5 5.03 5.60 8.30 7.03 8.21 9.00 9.92 6 4.78 5.33 6.02 6.75 7.89 8.65 9.53 7 4.55 5.09 5.76 6.49 7.59 8.32 9.17 8 4:34 4.88 5.53 6.26 7.31 8.03 8.84 9 4.16 4.68 5.32 6.04 7.05 7.76 6.54 10 3.99 4.50 5.12 5.84 6.83 7.50 8.26 15 3.33 3.79 4.35 5.03 5.87 6.46 7.11 16 3.23 3.67 4.22 4.89 5.72 8.29 6,92 17' -3.13 3.57 4.10 4.77 5.57 6.13 6.74 18 3.04 3.47 -3.99 4.65 5.43. 5.97 6.57 19 2.95 3.37 3.89 4.53 5.30 5.83 6.41 20 2.88 3.29 3.79 4.43 5.17 5.69 6.26 21 2.80 3.20 3.70 4.32 5.05 5.56 6.12 22 2.73 3.12 3.61 4.23 4.94 5.44 5.98 23 2,60 3.05 3.53 4.14 4.83 5.32 5.85 24 2.60 • 2.98 3.45 4.05 4.73 5.21 5.73 25 • 2.54 2.91 3.37 3.96 4.63 5.10 5.61 28 2.48 2.85 3.30 8.88 4.54 5.00 5.50 27 2.43 2.79 3.23 3.81 4.45 4.90 5.39 28 2.35 2.73 3.17 3.73 4.38 4,81 5.29 29 2.33 2.68 3.11 8.66 4.28 4.72 5.19 30 2.28 2.62 3.05 3.60 4.20 4.64 5.09 • 40 1.90 2.20 2.57 3.05 3.56 3.93 4.32 50 1.64 1.90 2.23 2.66 3.10 3.43 3.76 1 1.45 1.68 1.98 2.36 2.76 3.05 3.34 2 0.88 1.03 1.21 1.45 1.70 1.89 2.08 3 0.65 0.76 0.90 1.07 1.25 1.40 1.52 6 0.38 0.44 0.53 0.82 0.73 0.82 0.89 12 0.22 0.26 0.31 0.36 0.42 0.47 0.51 24 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.20 0.24 0.27 - 0.29 Taken from equation for IDF curve for Charlotte,N.C. 3-10 HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS FOR CLOSED STORM SYSTEM DRAINAGE DESIGN Broxton Soccer Complex NOTE:10-YR.INTENSITY OF 7.03 USED FOR CLOSED DRAINAGE SYSTEM AND , 8.21 USED FOR 25-YR INTENSITY IN CULVERT AND ROAD CROSSING LOCATIONS. Storm Drainage Hydrology Drainage Accumulated Runoff Accumulated Contributing Structure Area(acres) Drainage Area Coefficient Intesity Flow(cfs) Flow(cfs) Structure Network#1 - FES 1A - 1.16 1.16 0.70 8.21[ ,:',:i17.4 6.67 DI 2H 0.77 0.77 0.30 7.03' ", 1.62 DI 2G 0.32 1.09 0.30 7.03. .� u' 2.30 2H DI 2F 1.2 129 0.30 7.03" ' °^...%,,f,, 18.46 2G&3A DI 2E 0.53 2.82 0.30 7.03 w 19.58 2F DI 20 0.56 3.38 0.30 7.03; t..'lli 32.91 2E&4A DI 2C 1.16 4.54 . . 0.30 _ 7.03° iz,I4, 35.35 2D JB 2B 0 4.54 0.30 7.03• :F,.1:l'pt 50.17 FES 2A 0 4.54 0.30 7.031 LAO t 4 - 50.17 2B DI 3A 4.15 4.15 0.40 8.21( ',14-1"14i 13.63 DI 4A 1.85 0.80 8.211 "L 4-). ' 12.15 ' DI SE 0.55 0.55 0.30 7.03 Cl'`I , 1.16 Dl 5D - 0.31 0.86 0.30 7.03` ',01 1.81 DISC 0.22 2.78 ,0.30 7.03' ,`w'‘,;, 10.05 5D&6A DI 5B 1.17 3.95 0.30 - 7.03 i faVl,- 12.51 DI 5A 1.09 - 5.04 0.30 7.031 ";,-.14• 14.81 CB 6A ,1.70 1.70 0.65 7.03! ,1,. 7.77 Page 1 MyReport _ Line Inlet GndiRim Invert Invert Line Line Line Line n-val Line Known Flow Capac Vel HGL HGL No. ID El Up Up Dn Size Length Slope Type Pipe ID a Rate Full Ave Up Dn (ft) (ft) (ft) (In) (ft) (%) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) 16 DI 4A 669.00 665.56 655,57 15 142.81 7.00 Cir 0.012 4A 12.15 12.15 18.50 13,03 666.78 656.31 15 DI 5E 677,05 669.99 656.84 15 109.59 12.00 Cir 0.012 . 5E ; 1.16 1.16 24.23 4 07 670.41 657.15 14 DI 50 660.92 656.64 655.20 18 179.67 0.60 Cir 0.012 5D • 0.65 1.61 10.18 2.98 657.15 j 655.84 13 DI 6A 665 41 660.97 657.41 15 37.53 9.49 Cir 0.012 6A 7.77 7.77 21.55 11.45 662.07 657.93 12 DI 5C 660,92 654.71 653.16 24 194.46 0.80 Cir 0,012 50 0.46 10,04 21.88 5.67 655,84 654.23 11 DI SB 660 53 652.96 650.68 24 28423 0.80 Cir 0.012 5B 2.47 12.51 21.95 6.19 654.23 651.87 10 DI 5A 660,72 650.48 642.84 24 127.46 5.99 Cir 0.012 5A , 2.30 14.61 59.99 5.55 651.871 645.26 9 DI 2H 672.39 668,93 667.04 15 188.29 1.00 Cir 0.012 2H 1.62 1.62 7.01 4.07 669.43 667.45 8 DI 2G 672.55 666.84 664.86 15 198.26 1.00 Cir 0.012 2G 0.67 2.29 6.99 2.88 667.44 j 666.12 7 , DI 3A 673.70 670.26 667.95 18 92.57 2.50 Or 0.012 3A 13.63 13.63 17.97 9.62 671.63 668.93 6 DI 2F 672.26 664.66 656.20 18 70.53 12.00 Cir 0.012 2F 2.53 18.45 39.40 10.67 666.12 657.59 5 DI 2E 660.73 656.00 653.16 24 189.56 1.50 Cir 0.012 2E ; 1.12 19.57 29.99 7.67 657.59 654.61 4 DI 2D 659.72 652.66 650,57 30 208.64 1.00 Cir 0.012- 2D 1.18 32.90 44.47 8 31 654.61 652.39 3 DI 2C 660.82 650.37 643.56 30 113.60 5.99 Or 0.012 2C 2.45 35.35 108.78 9.13 652.39 645.26 2 JB 2B 650.71 642.96 642.60 36 35.55 1.01 Cir 0,012 . 2B 0.00 50.16 72.72 9,62 645.26 .644.50 1 FES 1A 686.94 685.15 684.63 18 61.72 0.84 Cir 0.012 1A 6.67 6.67 10.44 5.80 886.15 685.50 Project File: STORM.stm Number of lines:16 Date: 2/23/2017 NOTES: **Critical depth St=Smart Inlet Control Nomograph 190 10,000 168 8.000 EIAUPLE 121 131 Ill 6, 0 = 42 INCHES (3„5 FEET) B. 156 8,000 0 = 120 415 144 , 5.000 5, 4,000 HW HW B. 5. 132 0 (FEET) 3.000 (11 2.5 0.0 5. 4 (2) 2 1 7.4 4, 120 - 2.000 f3i 2,2 7.7 4 100 •O IN FEET ° _ 3 95 3 1.000 500 y 2 94 6002 / 500 // 2 Tz 400 300 * / _/ r 1 s cnc1 x 60 200 / 1 5 ,. s W m-' u F. W - 54 a O = •••'''''w Ia0 s W..▪ 4a / . ! 00 S d O ca U O 42 B0 HI SCALE ENTRANCE 4.81= I 0 1 a W 50 p TYPE R 1.a a 40 (Il SQUARE EDGE WITH c3690 HEADIALL OR F E S 9 9 1-410.11 (2) GROOVE END WITH 11 ` Q,,e? 33 HEADWALL 20 (3) GROOVE END ® � b.67 (I PROJECTING ,® L 30 27 10 TO USE ,`E (2) OR (3) PROJECT HO` '* TALLY TO SCALE 111. THEN -, ,T 3 24 O 'SE STRAIGHT INCLINED LINE THROUGH 0 AND 0 SCALES, OR REVERSE AS ILLUSTRATED 5 21 4 6 1R 3 2 15 5 5 1.0 .5 12 FES .1A BROXTON SOCCER COMPLEX WAXHA W, NORTH CAROLINA DROP INLET CALCULATIONS DROP INLET CALCULATIONS 2/28/2017 Rational Method Project: Woodlands Subdivision Design Objective: PROVIDE 6" FREEBOARD AT INLET FOR DESIGN STORM(10 YR) A B A+B Structure Area Coeff. Tc(t).' Intensity(i) Flow Orifice Weir Depth of Water Rim El. Water El H.P.El. Acerage I (Alin.) (inlhr) cis (ft) ft) over D.I.(ft) (ft) (ft.) (ft) DI-2C 1.16 0.3 5.00 7.03 2.45 0.02 0.16 0.16 660.82 660.98 662.88 O.K. DI-2D 0.56 0.3 5.00 7.03 1.18 0.00 0.10 0.10 659.72 659.82 662.88 O.K. DI-2E 0.53 0.3 5.00 7.03 1.12 0.00 0.10 0.10 660.73 660.83 662.88 O.K. DI-2F 1.2 0.3 5.00 7.03 2.53 0.02 0.17 0.17 672.26 672.43 _ 675.28 O.K. DI-2G 0.32 0.3 5.00 7.03 0.67 0.00 0.07 0.07 • 673.70 673.77 674.88 O.K. DI-2H ° 0.77 0.3 5.00 7,03 1.62 0.01 0.13 0.13 672.55 672.68 674.50 O.K. DI-5A 1.09 0.3 5.00 7.03 2.30 0.02 0.16 0.16 660.72- 660.88 663.28 O.K. DI-5B 1.17 0.3 5.00 7.03 2.47 0.02 0.17 0.17 660.53 660.70 661.50 O.K. _ DI-5C , 0.22 0.3 5.00- .7.03 0.460.00 0.05 0.05 660.92 660.97 662.88 O.K. DI-5D - 0.31 0.3 5.00 7.03 ' •0.65 0.00- 0.07 -0.07 660.92 660.99 662.88 O.K. DI-5E 0.55 0.3 5.00 7.03 1.16 0.00 -, 0.10 0.10 677.05 677.15 678.00 O.K. DI-6A 1.7 0.65 5.00 7,03' 7.77 0.19 0.36 0.36 665.41 665.77 667.29` O.K. P:1Active ProjectslWGM Design\Broxton Soccer Complex 162401Engineering\Calculations116240-DI.xls ' DROP INLET CALCULATIONS 2/2812017 Project: BROXTON SOCCER COMPLEX Design Objective: The flow capacity of a slab type inlet(NCDOT STD.)'with 6"(height of opening) and 10"(height to top of slab). (DI-4A) 0(10)=- 12.15 See previous runoff catc's Slab Type Drop Inlet for 15"RCP Top of Slab Elevation= 668.83 6"opening We thick slab Opening Elevation= 668.00 General Equation for a broad-crested weir for calculating the max.flow capacity: Q=CLHM.5 , I)Calculatina flow using 6"of head. A B C= 3.087 C= 3.087 L= 4.00 L= 2.67 H= '0.50 H= 0.50 0= 4.37 Q= 2.91 The slab type catch basin will have four open sides therefore the flow for , A and B will be multiplied by two and summed. _ Q(total)= 14.56 cfs 14.56 cfs>12.15 cfs,therefore O.K. Opening Elevation= 668.00 Top of Slab Elevation= 668.83 High Point Elevation= 669.20 Freeboard= 0.70 >0.5 ft therefore,OK P:Active Projects1WGM DesignlBroxton Soccer Complex 162401Englneering1CalculaUons116240-Dixls DROP INLET CALCULATIONS 2/2412017 Project: Broxton Soccer Complex Design Objective: The flow capacity of a slab type inlet(NCDOT STD.)*with 6"(height of opening) and 10"(height to top of slab). (D1-3A) Q(10)- 13.63 cfs See previous runoff caic's Slab Type Drop Inlet for 18"RCP Top of Slab Elevation= 674.70 6"opening w!4"thick slab Opening Elevation= 673.60 General Equation for a broad-crested weir for calculating the max.flow capacity: Q=CLH^1.5 The slab type catch basin will have four open sides therefore the flow for A and B will be multiplied by two and summed. Q(total)= 14.56 cfs 14.56 cfs a 28.37 cfs,therefore not O.K. I)Calculating flow using 6"of head. Difference in Head= 1.40 A_ C= 3.087 C= 3.087 L= 4.00 L= 2.67 H= 0.50 H= 0.50 Q= 4.37 Q= 2.91 Q(total)= 14.56 14.56cfs>13.63 cfs.therefore O.K. See attachment for description and dimensions Opening Elevation= 673.60 Top of Slab Elevation= 674.43 High Point Elevation= 675.00 Freeboard= 0.57 >0.5 ft therefore,OK P:1Active ProjectslWGM Design\Broxton Soccer Complex 162401Engineering\Calculations116240-Dl.xls BROXTON SOCCER COMPLEX WAXHA W, NORTH CAROLINA SWALE CALCULATIONS North American Green Erosion Control Materials Design Software was used to determine the following: • The normal depth of the swale under poorly maintained grass depth conditions. • The vegetation stability when the grass is properly maintained by a homeowner. • The temporary liner stability before the site is stabilized. The drainage areas and swale slopes were determined from the construction drawings. The retardance class was changed to D (grass depth 2-6 inches) for a properly maintained grass swale to determine vegetation stability. The normal water depth was determined by using a unreinforced vegetation matting type with a retardance class of B (grass depth 12-24 inches) for an under or none maintained grass swale for use with the freeboard calculations. Then the swale was changed to unvegetated with a S75 temporary liner to determine liner stability. Swales that were unstable for any reason either were widened and/or lined with different temporary liners. If the calculations of the temporary linear showed a velocity of less than 2 fps during a 10 year storm event then the temporary linear was removed. "Each swale cross section was analyzed using the largest contributing flow" Swale Drainage Structure Flow A DI 3A (1.67*.04*7.03) =5.0 cfs B DI 3A (2.89*.04*7.03)= 8.1 cfs C DI 6A (1.0*.03*7.03)=2.10 cfs a 45 55 % I( gOri3L as-VI „ (aL� h X71 1 Lei . 3i8d1SNfl 590 1L00 050.0 Luzoi moi] CPS 318V1S 111 S L5 0 _ EEE 756-SL'tioun8 0 uogelesaa paatolwasun ly I JIS Ow sags LS ssagS tvaIS 611s1-aO 004 J. "g13 ase9d mom aldt:l5 31=14E1 toned 4121eS Parelnole3 eigisswiad sIstfjeub KIVIPIS yoQay sa!ispalaftiey0 ua11ela6a\ -addl 0u9leyi , ate�S vl MNS11f SS U 1d3NI`I II00tAo11o91N1 QS7 'I. . f 0020'0=S I 96.0 . zero o-s`i _ Vet o o s IIIc y1da0 Il,r:wed Is�lr Pouad (P) 03E0-0:44 uolielasanpaatomaEun ISN p!F P'CH Ill 4s1 easy Isdlr�1!oolalr X13'd Q tP 1O piirlsau onnv IOA r------ '01'"wA71V3f1tit:)- N91S30( ----'_19. T 3EfVl39'dNlbdQ(17---- :H3V3d/NOIld1S'01l;' g� ;H3'r3WN011VL5I'WOW' ___ ON 1.331131:11r---7- -' X31d1403 4333305 NODXDHB Bv1 N l33PDdd� `00111/10tid !J18fl3111dW03 Wd9E i LIOZ/8Z/ t' E•d'•'oISO SOW331"MatrduvouautbyPCNI Tv-3 JAL a—rVriS - SWALE E —AN IN odh American Green-ECMDS_Version 4,3�`___ _ __ _ ,_ 2/28/2017. 04;37.PM COMPUTED BY: RROVILLOS,,,,u„--___,w, „__ IPROJECT_NAME:_BROXTON SOCCER COMPLEX_.� _ __._. •,IPROJECTMO.:,„ „_ _b _,___ � _. _ __ IFROM�STATION/flEACH:: __ __ IITO_STATION(REACH: JIDRAINAGE AREA 1,B7 ,,w ,tIDESIGN FREQUENCI';10 _ HYDRAULIC RESULTS - , Discharge Peek Flow Velocity!fps) Area(sq ft] Hydraulic Normal Unre'mforcedVegetation(n-0.100) (cis) Period(hal Radws(R} Depth lit) I t 0.0 - 0.1 1.35 3.71 0.51 0.83 , s-ammo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 11 Bottom 2.00 ft 3,0 LINER RESULTS Not to Scale Matting Type Vegetation Characteristics Reath Stabi6tyAnalysis Permissible -Calculated Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Shear Stress Shear Stress (psi) (psil _ Straight Unreinforced Vegetation B Bunch 75.95:4 573 1.03 5.55 _ STABLE ' Soil Clay Loam 0,050 0.013 3.98 STABLE rtALt-7 vEt0E?p•`1eD �' Type.-4 North American Green-.ECMOS Version 4.3 _._ _ 212812017_ 04:37,PM1COMPUTED BYc�RROVILL05 J (PROJECT.NAME:,_BROXTON SOCCER COMPLEX._.___._ _._[PROJECT NO.:_ ______:_.._ '__. [FROM STATION/REA,CHi PITO STATION/REACH: IDRAINAGE AREA: 1.67, ,,.w �w,,,�IIDESIGNFREQUENCY.�10 }(YORAULIC RESULTS 575[n=0.0531 Discharge Peak Flow Velocity[fps) Area(sq.lt) Hydraulic Normal ` I (cis) Period[his) - Redius[ft) Depth[ft) p.0 0,1 2,16 2.32 0,40 0,61 S o 0.0200 •• 1I1 Bptt 3.0 Width••TOO k LINER RESULTS Not to Scale Matting Type ' Vegetation Characteristics Reach SlabEtyAnalysis Permissible Calculated Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Shear Stress Shear Stress (Psi) (PA Straight , S75- 'kUnvegetated 1.55 016- 2-05 STABLE - Staple D .w 141 r1O JJO in t ob j '1 SO bLE TYPE _ g Worth American Green-ECMDS Version 4.3 `2/28/2017_,04:39 PM COMPUTED BY: RROVILLOS_ IPROJECT.NAME:_BROXTON SOCCER COMPLEX.___ _. _ __ _-PROJECT_NO _ i . _ _, .__ __ FROM,STATION/REACH: AN :TDTH (DRQNAGEARE4 289. . _ :�DESIGN_FFtEQUENC' 10 r HYDRAULIC RESULTS _ UnrenfDiced Vegetation(n.0.030) Discharge Peek Flow Velocity[fps) Area Ng It) tiydrarAc Normal (cfs) Period)hrs) - Radius(It) Depth(ft) JI 8.1 0.1 4.76 1.70 0.33 0 49 5.0.0400 . ...4.1 . , 3,0 Width x[,008 LINER RESULTS Not to Scale Matting Type Vegetation Characteristics ' Reach Stability Analysis Perrnissrble Calculated Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Shear Stress Shear Stress Ipso (Psi] Straight Unreinfarced Vegetation D _Burch 75.95% - 3.33 1.22 ' 272 STABLE Soil Clay Loam 0.050 0.165 0.30 UNSTABLE '.% ' AR.1«LL7 V Etc '' SwbL Types - S 'North American Green' ECMDS Version 4,3 _,____„_,a �_ , _{ !28/2017 104:38 PM ICOMPUTED BY:,-RROVILLOS. „ IriIOJECLNAME: BROXTON SOCCER COMPLEX __,rIPROJECT NO.:, _ d ___ FROM STATION/AEACH;,.�, �(iTOSTATION/REACH: JIDRAINAGE AREA: 209 _ ,IDESIGN FRERUENCY:,10_� )-IYDRAULIG RESULTS Unreinforced Vegetation(nn0.100( Discharge Peak Flow Velocity[fps)s( Area( 4l s ft Hydraulic Normal I (cis' Period(his) Radius(ft} Depth(ft) 8,1 0.1 1.97 4,10 054 080 5.40400 1 Bottom 1 3,0 Wi200 R ' LINER RESULTS' Not to Scale Matting Type - - Vegetation Characteristics Reach Stability Analysis Peirn sasibfe ; Calculated Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Cts Type Density Shear Stress- Shear Stress IPA (ail Straight Umeinferced Vegetation B Bunch 75.95% . 5.73 2.20 - 260 STABLE - Soil Clay Loam 0.050 0 027 1 B6 STABLE Sal.t. 'Type - 8 [North American Green-EUADS Version 4.3__ _ ______._______________ .l 2728/2017 :04:39 PMICOMPUT£D BY_RROVILL05._.:_T._._,..,,_._ . f IPROJECT,NAME:_BRDXTONSOCCER COMPLEX..^________.__._.. __IIPROJECT,ND.:, ...__ „_., ,�_,_ .„--- --6i _— _ w_a.____ _ _-___i - IFROM STATION/13EACH. - IRO STATIONAREACH: IIDRA1NAGE AREA;r2.89 IDES1GN FREQUENCY: 1O.�„ , „ml HYDRAULIC RESULTS - Discharge Peak Flow Velocity(fps) Area(sq II) Hydrau!e Normal 6150(ri=0.052} (cfs) Period(his) Radius(it) Depth(it) II 1.1 - 0.1 3,20 2.53 0.42 0.64 S=0.0400 , ' ` - 1 1 Liz 1 o ' 1 Widthllc=�00ft LINER RESULTS Not to Scale Malting Type Vegetation Characteristics Reach Stability Analysis Permissible Calculated Safety Factor ' Remarks Staple Pattern - Phase Class Type Density Shear Stress Shear Stress (PO Ipso Straight _ S17^�Unvegetated 1.75 1.61 1.09 STABLE J Staple D J , . LUl CAD 300 Il r,00 StobI-.rte -r7PG - c 'North American Breen-ECMDSVersien43_ .. ,__ _. __ _�_ _ .. .1212812017_ _040�PM(COMPUTED BY._RRDVILL0S (PROJECT_NAME: BROXTON,SOCCER COMPLEX_ _____ _____ ___m_ PROJECT.NO: ____ IFROM_STATION/REACH: 'ITOSTATIONlREA_ CH; iIDRAINAGEAREA: 1.0 'IDEYSIG_NFREQUEN_CY__:_1 0 —_„_ !, HYQRAUL.IC RESULTS Discharge Peak Flow Velocity(Ips) Area(sq ft) Hydraufic Normal UnreinloreedVegetation(n.0.030) Ids) Period(hts) Radius(ft) Depth(ft) I I 2.1 0.1 2.71 0.77 0.24 0.51 S=0.0200 • 1 Ln ' 1 Bodo Width=GDO ft 3.0 LINER RESULTS Not to Scale Matting Type Vegetation Characteristics Reach Stability Analysis Penn'Bible Calculated Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Shear Stress Shear Slress (psi) (psl) Straight Unreinforced Vegetation D Bunch 7595% 3,33 0,63 525 STABLE Sol Clay Loam 0.050 0.086 0.58 UNSTABLE IP SO, . TYPE - North American Green-ECMDSVersion4.3.._ _ _____. __ __ _ ___ __ 12128!2017t04:40PMICOMPUTEDBY::RROVILLOS____n__,_,w.,�..___ I II?ROJEC1 NAME:„BROXTON SOCCER COMPLEX ,� ,__,_____ ..UFR{}JECT NO„ ..._,_ ____ .__-_.____ _ __ IFROM,STATION/REACH: „ _ JITO_STATION/REACIi _ , IlDRAINAGE AREA..—.1',1.0_„�„,�, ;IDESIGN,FREQUENCY;,,10 s,_�„__ j-IYDRAULIIC RESULTS Discharge Peak Flow Velocity(fps) Area(sq It) Hydraulic Normal U nrelntorced Vegetation(n-0.100) (cfs) Period(hrsl Radiuspt) Depth(It) l 21 0.1 1.10 1.91 0.38 0.80 5■0.0200 • • 11 Bott 11 30 Width X.00It 3,0 LINER RESULTS • Not to Scale Matting Type Vegetation Characteristics Reach Stability Analysis Permissible Calculated Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Shear Stress Shear Stress (lull (psi) Straight Unreinferced Vegetation B Bunch,75.95% 5,73 1.00 5.76 STABLE Sod Clay Loam 0.050 - 0.012 4.13 STABLE ~' TkLL-`) ¶IE,e-ta b 51J,4 LE. -r,'€--G INorthAmerican Green_ECM DS Version 4 3_ __ _ ___ ____ _ _ iI212872017_;04:41,PM COMPUTED BY:_RROVILLOS___ ._ __ _ _I IPROJECT.NAME:_BROXTON SOCCER COMPLEX__ _. __._. _____.__IPROJECT NO.: ____�_ __ __ ____..____ _ .,______. ___ ___I IFROM STATION/REACH: 'ITO STATl0N/REACH:_ +IDRAINAGE AREA: 1,0IQESIGN FREQUENCY: 10 HYDRAULIC RESULTS S75(n■0A52) Discharge Peak Flow Velocity(fps) Area(sq,it) Hydraulic Normal (cis) Period(his) Radius(ft) Depth(ft) 2.1 0.1 1.79 1.17 0 30 062 5.0.0200 1! Botto 1 I 1 0 Width.�00ft 30 LINER RESULTS Not to Scale Matting Type Vegetation Characteristics Reach Stability Analysis Permissible Calculated Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Shear Stress Shear Stress (psf) (psi) y. Straight 575 1 Unvegetated 1.55 0.78 1.99 STABLE Staple D � — r`oPr) 1Itt'• BROXTON SOCCER COMPLEX WA. HA W, NORTH CAROLINA EROSION CONTROL CALCULATIONS Narrative: Erosion control measures have been designed in accordance with Town of Waxhaw and North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality requirements and standards. Erosion control is maintained on the site via silt fence, diversion ditches, storm drainage inlet protection and riser and skimmer basins. The sediment pond and skimmer have been sized for the 10 year storm event The ISAACS GROUP 2/24/2017 Broxton Soccer Complex Town of Waxhaw, Union County,NC Riser-Skimmer Basin Design&Calculations(BASIN#1) Peak Flow Calculation Total Time of Concentration,T, 18.76 (min,) 1,10 yr.Rainfall Intensity 4.56 (in./hr.) C,Rainfall Runoff Coefficient 0.45 AD,Drainage Area to Structure(Pre-Developed) 761,240 (sq,ft.) 17.48 (ac.) AD,Drainage Area to Structure(Post-Developed) 865,220 (sq;ft.) 19.86 (ac;) Drainage Area to Structure 19.86 (ac.) Post-Developed Area of disturbance for structure 13.87 (ac.) Q,®, Peak Flow=CIA - - - 40.758 (cls) Volume Calculation Bottom of Basin Elevation=, 639.00 Depth of Basin(to top riser) 7.50 (ft.) Riser Spillway Elevation= 646.50 Emergency Spillway Elev.= 648.50 Top of Dam Elevation = 650.00 Contour Area Area Volume Total Elev. _ (sq.ft.) (ac.ft.) (cu.ft.) (cu.ft.) 639.00 3,463 0.079 640.00 4,649 0.107 4,056 4,056 641.00 5,942 0.136 5,296 9,352 642.00 7,359 0.169 6,651 16,002 643.00 8,884 0.204 8,122 24,124 644.00 10,522 , 0.242 9,703 33,827 644.50 12,346 0.283 5,717 39,544 645.00 15,863 0.364 7,052 46,596 646.00 17,292 0.397 16,578 63,173 647.00 18,778 0.431 18,035 81,208 648.00 20,321 0.467 19.550 82,723 648.50 21,883 0.502 10,551 93,274 649.00 22,708 0.521 11,148 104,422 Basin Volume Required(1800cu,ftidist.ac)= 24,965 (Cu,ft.) Basin Volume Provided at Primary Spillway= 72,191 (cu.ft.) Greater than required,therefore OK Required Basin Surface Area(010x435 sq.ft.)= 17,730 (sq.ft.) As,Surface Area Provided= 18,035 (sq.ft.) Greater than required,therefore OK Skimmer Size Calculated Using Attachment: Volume to be drained in 24-72 hrs.= 72,191 (cu.ft.) 5"Skimmer drains,32,832 cf/24 hrs.&98,496 cf/72 hrs. Skimmer Size= 5"Diameter Orfice diameter adjustment(((CF Volume/4,926)/3.14)^0.5)x2= 4.32 Ortiice=4.3 Diameter P:IActive Projects\WGM Design'Broxton Soccer Complex 162401Engineering\Calculatians116240-EC.xls Riser Basin Design Sr Calculations(BASIN#1 CONT'D.) Primary Spillway System Principal Spillway Usina Outlet Structure as Riser: Square concrete Outlet Structure with 3.5'wide openings on 1 sides Principal Spillway Elevation 646.50 Qp,Assuming an a depth of 1.5 ft(CLH"1.5) 19.29 (cfs) Proposed Barrel Dia.= 30 (in.) Proposed Barrel Length(5.0'increments)= 72,0 (ft,) Barrel Flow Qp=(a'2gH)l!(1+Km+KwL) 25.90 (cfs) Greater than required,therefore OK Use©p=25.90 cis - Emergency Spillway Calculation: Om= 40.758 (cfs) Op= 25,899 (cfs) 0a=a-OP= 14.859 (cfs) Spillway Width= 20.0 (FL) h= 0.39 (ft) co.5',Therefore OK P:Wctive Projects\WGM Design'Broxton Soccer Complex 16240tEngineeringlCalculatIons116240-EC.xls Calculate Skimmer Size Basin Volume in Cubic Feet 72191: Cu Ft Skimmer Size Days to Drain* 3 Days Orifice Radius 2 2 Inch[es] 1.2 Orifice Diameter 1,,, ,i-„, 44Inch[es] in NC assume 3 days to drain Estimate Volume of Basin Length Width Top of water surface in feet 148 98 Feet VOLUME [7:7-:1'13140 Cu.Ft Bottom dimensions in feet 100 50 Feet Depth in feet 7:5 Feet The ISAACS GROUP 2/21/2017 Broxton Soccer Complex Union County,NC Skimmer Basin Design&Calculations(BASIN#2) Peak Flow Calculation Total Time of Concentration,; 5.00 (min.) i,10 yr.Rainfall Intensity 7,03 (in/hr.) C.Rainfall Runoff Coefficient 0.45 AD,Drainage Area to Structure(Pre-Developed) 204,481 (sq.IL) 4.69 (ac.) AD,'Drainage Area to Structure(Post-Developed) 71,071 (sq.ft.) 1.63 (ac.) Drainage Area to Structure 4.69 (cc.) Pre-Developed Area of disturbance for structure 2.88 (ac.) Qin,Peak Flow=CIA 14.850 (cfs) Volume Calculation Bottom of Basin Elevation= 664.50 Depth of Basin(to spillway) 3.50 (ft,) Emergency Spillway Elev.= 668,00 Top of Dam Elevation = 669 .50 Contour Area Area Volume Total Elev. (sq.ft.) (ac,ft.) (cu.ft.) (cu.ft.) 664.50 535 0,012 665.00 937 0.022 388 368 666.00 2,072 0,048 1,505 1,873 667.00 3,118 0,072 2,595 4,468 668.00 4,878 0.112 3,998 8,466 669.00 6.621 0.152 9,739 14,207 669.50 7,405 0.170 9,212 17,678 Basin Volume Required(1800cu.ft/dist.ac)= 5,155 (cu,ft,) Basin Volume Provided at Spillway= 8,466 (cu,R.) Greater than required,therefore OK Required Basin Surface Area(00(325 sq.ft.)= 4,826 (sq.ft.) As,Surface Area Provided= 4,878 (sq.ft.) Greater than required,therefore OK Skimmer Size Calculated Using Attachment: Volume to be drained in 24-72 hrs.=8,486 (Cu.ft:) 2"Skimmer drains,3,283 cf124 hrs.&9,849 cf172 hrs. Skimmer Size=2'Diameter Orrice diameter adjustment(((CF Volumef3,369)l3.14)"0.5)x2= 1.79 Orfice=1.80 Diameter Emergency Spillway Calculation: Emergency Spillway Calculation: Q=CLH41,5 C= 3 Qm= 14.850 (cls) Spillway Width= 15.0, (ft.) h= 0:48 (ft.) co.5',Therefore OK • P:\Active Projects\WGM Design\Broxton Soccer Complex 162401Engineering\Caiculations\16240-EC.xls Calculate Skimmer Size Basin Volume in Cubic Feet 8486 Cu Ft Skimmer Size 2 Inch ° Days to Drain* 3 Days Orifice Radius 0 9 Indles] Orifice Diameter Llw , in NC assume 3 days to drain Estimate Volume of Basin Length Width Top of water surface in feet 54F;;---7777,7‘--v,;65 Feet VOLUME 8379 Cu Ft. Bottom dimensions in feet 33 42 Feet Depth in feet Feet BROXTON SOCCER COMPLEX TOWN OF WAXHAW, NORTH CAROLINA . BMP- DETENTION & WATER QUALITY CALCULATIONS b3l01111 ``�0,:av1r:r,,,� ```gr,N:a R 11 �p 4 ,�.GRp iii/ ���`��!�...... ;�t 1//� r,THE'ISMCS %In let �� - ▪ ,� GROUP, P.C. r ` : SEAL f ENGINlgRING 026462 ` r ';LUG SURVEYING ▪ ?!NO. C-10. : /S. • �tt 41 ;f'g. �' ,y• ; U-SAACS! CIVIL ENGINEERING DESIGN & LAND SURVEYING — 8720 RED OAK BOULEVARD, STE. 420 O CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28217 PHONE (704) 527-3440 FAx (704) 527-8335 NO. BY DATE REVISION k t Yryo.k� l _b'.'m mw..v.r4 �, Ni Project Narrative Project Description The project site is located in Town of Waxhaw, Union County, N.C. and is an approximately 61 acre parcel along Old Waxhaw Monroe Road (S.R. 1111). The proposed project consists of a recreation facility and driveway connection to Old Waxhaw Monroe Road in accordance with NCDOT requirements. The project area drains to Waxhaw Creeks and is subject to the site specific Water Quality Management requirements prescribed by the N.C. Division of Water Quality(NCDWQ) as outlined in the regulations for the Goose Creek Watershed. NCDWQ requirements that have been met in the design of this project include the control and treatment of the difference in the stormwater runoff from the pre-development and post-development conditions for the one-year, 24-hour storm, with structural stormwater controls that promote infiltration of flows and groundwater recharge, if practicable based upon soil conditions. The rainfall amounts used in the analysis of-this project were obtained from Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual. Structural stormwater controls have been provided to meet the following minimum requirements: a. Remove an 85 percent average annual amount of Total Suspended Solids b. Draw down the treatment volume no faster than 48 hours, but no slower than 120 hours, for detention ponds. c. Discharge the storage volume at a rate equal or less than the pre-development discharge rate for the one-year, 24-hour storm. d. Meet design of Stormwater Management Measures set forth in 15A NCAC 02H .1008. Additional stormwater management measures have been provided for this project as required by Town of Waxhaw to include the following: a. In accordance with Section 3.1.3 of the Town of Waxhaw Stormwater Design Manual, the post developed discharge rate at the property boundary is less than or equal to the pre development rate for the (2 & 10)two and ten year storm events. Natural Resources Inventory The parcel is covered in approximately 65% woods and 35% grass fields. Soil & Forestry Services of the Carolinas, PA (S&FS) has performed a stream/wetlands delineation/study and confirmed with the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and N.C. Division of Water Quality that an existing on-site wetland and two streams which intersect the property are considered Waters of the State (Reference Wetland JD Dated 3/12/15 per attached in appendix A) Existing on-site slopes range from 2 to 20 percent on average and existing soil types on site is predominantly Georgeville Silty Clay Loam (Hydrologic Group B). Soil & Forestry Services of the Carolinas, PA(S&FS) has performed on-site geotechnical testing to establish soil suitability for proposed stormwater BMP construction, as well as establish hydraulic conductivity of on-site soils for suitability for infiltration devices along with the vertical location of Seasonal High Water Tables at the locations of the proposed BMP 1. Existing and Proposed Drainage Patterns Proposed drainage patterns to the proposed on-site BMP maintain existing drainage patterns to the maximum extent practicable as need to create a balanced distribution of storm water flow thru BMP 1 in a consistent manner with existing flows. BMP CALCULATIONS BROXTON SOCCER COMPLEX PROPOSED BMP#1 (WETPOND) Wet Pond&EFS/LS Designed per NCDENR(Div.of Water Quality)and Town of Waxhaw Regulations See Sheet C2.4&C2.5 for Pre and Post-develop drainage area maps, Soil types,Tc flow path, CN data and overall projet narrative. Project Narrative: Proposed BMP#1 (Wet Pond) BMP#1 (Wet Pond)has been designed per the NCDENR requirements of the contributing drainage area - -(18.40 ac.)to meet 85%TSS removal,25%TN and 40%TP removal targets. The hydraulic conductivity of the existing soils at the location of BMP#1 are 0.17 cm/hr(0.0688 in/hr)and do not support infiltration measures. Additionally,the SHWT was established as required to establish the minimum vertical separations as outlined by the NCDENR and DWQ requirements. BMP#1 meets or exceeds the following requirements: • The control and treatment of the difference in the stormwater runoff from the pre-development and post- development conditions for the one-year,24-hour storm. • Removal of an 85 percent average annual amount of Total Suspended Solids(85%TSS removal), 25% TN(min)and 40%TP(min) removals • Draw down the treatment volume no faster than 48 hours, but no slower than 120 hours. • Discharge the storage volume at a rate equal or less than the pre-development discharge rate for the one-year,24-hour storm • Meet design of Stormwater Management Measures set forth in 15A NCAC 02H .1008 • The post developed discharge rate at the property boundary is less than or equal to the pre development rate for the(2&10)two and ten year storm events. Storm Event 1 Yr.-24 hr. 2 Yr.-6 hr. 10 Yr.-6 hr. 100 Yr.-6 hr. (BMP#1-Wetpond) Pre-Dev. Flow 1.72 2.03 18.86 52.08 Post-Dev Flow 10.99 10.01 37.56 78.23 Routed Flow 0.76 0.93 15.35 54 2 Water Surface El. 646 04 645.81 646.87 648 03 Freeboard Depth 3.96 4.19 3 13 1 97 Pond Drainage Information: Proposed BMP No.: 1 (Wet Pond) Proposed Drainage Area(Ac.)= 18.40 See Drainage Area Exhibit Existing Impervious Area(BUA)(Ac.)= 0.29 Proposed Impervious Area(BUA)(Ac.)= 4 01 Proposed Percent Impervious Area= 21.8 Reference Post-Developed section of this report for Curve Numbers,Time of Concetration values,and Post-Developed Flows for 1,2, 10 and 100 year storm events to BMP#1. P.Wctive Projects\WGM Design\Broxton Soccer Complex 16240\Engineering\Calculations\BMP\16240-BMP 1 Wetpond.xls Pond Stage-Storage Information: Perm Water surface elevation= 644 5 Cummulative Forebay Total Surface AreaWet Volume Forebay Percentage of Elevation Including Forebays Cummulative Det'n Including Surface Area Cumulative total Volume (s.f.) Volume(cu.ft) Forebays (s f) Volume(cu (20%desired) (cult) 639 3501 0 0 414 0 640 4683 0 4,092 744 579 641 5978 0 9,423 1130 1,516 642 7387 0 16,105 1573 2,868 643 8908 0 24,253 2072 4,690 644 10542 0 33,978 2628 7,040 644.5 12323 0 39,694 2925 8,428 2123 645 15708 7,008 46,702 0 0 646 17126 23,425 63,119 0 0 647 18600 41,288 80,982 0 0 648 20130 60,653 100,347 0 0 649 22504 81,970 121,664 0 0 650 25540 105,992 145,686 0 0 Permanent Pool Calculations: Permanent Pool Elevation= 644 5 See Plan Permanent Pool Average Depth= 3.18 Per NCDENR average depth equation Option 2 Interpolated From Table 10.3 in NCDENR BMP SA/DA ratio for 85%Pollutant Removal Efficiency= 0.87 Manual Required Surface Area of Wet Pond(s f.)= 6,935 =((SA/DA)/100)(Ac)(43560) Surface Area Provided(s.f.)@ 644 50 12,323 OK Temporary Water Quality Storage Calculations: 1-yr,24-hr Pre-Development Rv= 0.500 (ac-ft)from PONDPACK A-PRE OUT 1-yr,24-hr Post-Development Rv= 0.917 (ac-ft)from PONDPACK B-POST OUT Water Quality Volume,WQv(ft3)= 18,165 (cu-ft) Water Quality Storage Provided @ elev.• 645.67 Interpolated from Storage Table Temporary Water Quality De-watering Time Summary: See orifice calculations below for dewatering time of WQv Orifice Equation: Q=CA(2gH)112 Orifice coefficient,C 0.600 Average head, H 0.583 ft 48-hr release rate,Q 0.105 cfs Orifice area,A 0.029 sf Minimum orifice diameter, D 2.290 in 120-hr release rate, Q 0.042 cfs Orifice area,A 0 011 sf Maximum orifice diameter, D 1 448 in Using a 2.25"orifice,the time to drain the water at peak elevation of 645.67 is greater than 48 hours. P\Active Projects\WGM Design\Broxton Soccer Complex 16240\Engineering\Calculations\BMP\16240-BMP 1 Wetpond xis PRE AND POST DEVELOPED NETWORK SUMMARY FOR DETENTION ANALYSIS POINT—A (REFERENCE SHEET C2 . 4 & C2. 5) PRE—DEVELOPED A—PRE DEV 1 5R PRE A—PRE DEV 2 PRE-A2 A—PRE OUT ••E-A3 A—PRE DEV 3 W B—POST DEV 2 B—POS DEV 3 POST-DEVELOPED POS -A3 POS 2 B—POST DEV 1 cig? POST-Al W BMP 1 , z/-A4BMP 1 —POST OUT 1\ P ANALYSIS POINT—A B—POST DEV 4 Permit No (to be provided by DWQ) AWahrA Oc.WADc- TF,4 NC®ENR p T STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out,printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist(Part III)must be printed,filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. lLPROJECTANFORMATION Project name Broxton -" -• "" Contact person A Breiit Cowan;'PE•, -;'"_ Phone number 7045273440, _ .. Date ,212212017 _• ` ' - - Drainage area number B-POST•DEV 1,' • ' • ,. Site Characteristics Drainage area ,801,534 ft2 Impervious area,post-development 187,308 ft2 %impervious 23.37 % Design rainfall depth '2 8.in Storage Volume. Non-SA Waters Minimum volume required • " 18,165 ft3 Volume provided • -1(065 ft3 OK,volume provided is equal to or in excess of volume required Storage Volume: SA Waters 1 5"runoff volume ft3 Pre-development 1-yr,24-hr runoff „ ,' ft3 Post-development 1-yr,24-hr runoff , . . ft3 Minimum volume required ft3 Volume provided • - • ft3 Peak Flow Calculations Is the pre/post control of the lyr 24hr storm peak flow required? Y-, (Y or N) 1-yr,24-hr rainfall depth __ •:4 6 in Rational C,pre-development ,0.28 (unitless) Rational C,post-development 0 35 (unitless) Rainfall intensity:1-yr,24-hr storm , • • , >0'14•inlhr OK Pre-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow 1.72 ft3/sec Post-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow 0.76 ft3/sec Pre/Post 1-yr,24-hr peak flow control -0.96 ft3/sec Elevations Temporary pool elevation 645 67 fmsl Permanent pool elevation 644:50 fmsl SHWT elevation(approx at the perm.pool elevation) x`642.83 fmsl Top of 10ft vegetated shelf elevation '.=.1645 00'fmsl Bottom of 10ft vegetated shelf elevation `~644100,fmsl Data not needed for calculation option#1,but OK if provided Sediment cleanout,top elevation(bottom of pond) 639'00-fmsl Sediment cleanout,bottom elevation ,,•-r'638.00'fmsl Data not needed for calculation option#1,but OK if provided Sediment storage provided 1.00 ft Is there additional volume stored above the state-required temp pool? N;;.,; (Y or N) Elevation of the top of the additional volume :. - fmsl Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev 9-4/18/12 Parts I &II Design Summary,Page 1 of 2 Permit No (to be provided by DWQ) 11.L_DESIGN-INFORMATlON .ZZ-_d__ , ,,_>,w_ : -. -z-_.--- ._, - a!.i.,;-:---_-_17_7L-'-_:_7-7-i.„'=.:2-f— i., . �_.__ _, _---.z__- .., ...>g:::::71:::-.:=7714;::'s w.;,-z_ , :-.-_. _< Surface Areas Area,temporary pool -16,658 ft2 Area REQUIRED,permanent pool 6,973 ft2 SADA ratio ; ,, _ ' T0i87't(unitless) Area PROVIDED,permanent pool,Aperm_pooi . _;,'12;323 ft1 OK Area,bottom of 10ft vegetated shelf,Abot sheat ' `,;.10,542 1t Area,sediment cleanout,top elevation(bottom of pond),Abot_pond -_ v_,3,501 ft1 Volumes Volume,temporary pool .;.18,165 ft3 OK Volume,permanent pool,Vpemi_pooi =.:`39,694 ft3 Volume,forebay(sum of forebays if more than one forebay) "8;428 ft3 Forebay%of permanent pool volume 21.2% % OK SNDA Table Data Design TSS removal ".,....,-,,-,-.'85-.,'85 % Coastal SNDA Table Used? ;N' , :-(Y or N) Mountain/Piedmont SADA Table Used? ' 'Y' • •" (Y or N) 00%111 o l 0//� SNDA ratio 0.87 (unitless) ��0 H CA/go/',ifs Average depth(useilinSNDA table) 4° Os- ........ � og Calculation option 1 used?(See Figure 10-2b) Y (Y or N) ® .0. •••4, ��� d Volume,permanent pool,Vperm_pooi 39,694 ft • THE ISAACS Area provided,permanent pool,Apefm—pool 12,323 ft2 — GROUP,P.C. Average depth calculated 3 aft OK _ m ENGINEERING$ Z wAverage depth used in SNDA,day,(Round to nearest 0 5ft) =3.0 ft OK !7�;LANDSURVEYING:et: Calculation option 2 used?(See Figure 10-2b) _(Y or N) e T•. NO.C-1069 .°A-®' Area provided,permanent pool,Aperm_pooi 12,323 ft2 . /C •�'••.°•0.80®®••'Q. Off, Area,bottom of 10ft vegetated shelf,Abot_sherc 10,542 ft` �°°•�T�OF AUTc0 e`%, ov Area,sediment cleanout,top elevation(bottom of pond),Aboi_pond 3,501 ft2 111/1 it "Depth"(distance b/w bottom of 10ft shelf and top of sediment) 5 00 ft Average depth calculated . 3.22 ft OK Average depth used in SNDA,day,(Round to down to nearest 0 5ft) • . .3.0 ft OK ®.011 t i 1 t€tt,,� l()(413_^ 63 Drawdown Calculations ®A% Os a�or� '�'70 d'e� Drawdown through orifice'? ,,y. - _ (Y or N) o> i Q.®FEss�o Diameter of orifice(if circular) 2:25 in 47;®r.- • ,_, = '''''k_f• Area of orifice(if-non-circular) inZ :: �_' r -_ r e Coefficient of discharge(Co) 0.60(unitless) L - e Driving head(Ho) '-_ •- ;;w '058 ft `-_����� Drawdown through weir'? -. TN.,_.. _ (Y or N) �► ` - -- Weir Weir type -. (unitless) oo ��1N1=C� ® Coefficient of discharge(CW) _'. (unitless) ®.o� O ,�• � Length of weir(L) _.- ~". .- ft egg , � °'• ° Driving head(H) ;--1,-.::::-.,-_ -,;---„. , ft , , °'%� Pre-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow ":--7'.„1::',,,-,7„,, _1.72,ft3/sec Post-development 1-yr,24-hr peak flow -;-:J?;.:'O 76'ft3fsec Storage volume discharge rate(through discharge orifice or weir) ,,,--!:,_:',,-',0:02;';0.02 ft3/sec Storage volume drawdown time -'2";;-- ''2.07-days OK,draws down in 2-5 days Additional Information Vegetated side slopes . - I •3 :1 OK Vegetated shelf slope `fn-'' `,.10 '1 OK Vegetated shelf width .: _-= 10 0 ft OK Length of flowpath to width ratio .IIK 3;.1 OK Length to width ratio 4-1'5 1 OK Trash rack for overflow&orifice? JT,..11.�Y,,; _ (Y or N) OK Freeboard provided -•%''-•-';" F20•ft OK Vegetated filter provided? " "",N„"k' ,(Y or N) Insufficient. Vegetated filter required Recorded drainage easement provided? '.„- „SY ; - :(Y or N) OK Capures all runoff at ultimate build-out? ;t-:"s= =' ---n,'(Y or N) OK Drain mechanism for maintenance or emergencies is: iDrain}pipe wl.gafe value . _ s ,. . - - - ;-. , _ • " - Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev 9-4/18/12 Parts I &II Design Summary,Page 2 of 2 Table of Contents i Table of Contents ********************** MASTER SUMMARY ********************** Watershed Master Network Summary 1.01 ********************** TC CALCULATIONS ********************* A-POST DEV 3. . . . Tc Calcs 2.01 A-POST DEV 4. . . . Tc Calcs 2.04 A-PRE DEV 1 Tc Calcs 2.06 A-PRE DEV 2 Tc Calcs 2.09 A-PRE DEV 3 Tc Calcs 2.12 ********************** CN CALCULATIONS ********************* A-PRE DEV 1 Runoff CN-Area 3.01 A-PRE DEV 2 Runoff CN-Area 3.02 A-PRE DEV 3 Runoff CN-Area 3.03 B-POST DEV 1. . . . Runoff CN-Area 3.04 B-POST DEV 2. . . . Runoff CN-Area 3.05 B-POST DEV 3. . . . Runoff CN-Area 3.06 B-POST DEV 4. . . . Runoff CN-Area 3.07 ************************ TIME VS.VOL *********************** BMP 1 OUT 1 Time vs. Volume 4.01 S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32 :18 Date: 02/21/2017 Table of Contents ii Table of Contents (continued) *********************** POND VOLUMES *********************** BMP 1 Vol: Elev-Volume 5.01 ******************** OUTLET STRUCTURES ********************* BMP 1 Outlet Input Data 6.01 Individual Outlet Curves 6.04 Composite Rating Curve 6.08 S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver . 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32 :18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name. . . . Watershed File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Default Network Design Storm File, ID STORMS.RNQ Meck Co NC 24 Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type RNF File RNF ID 1 2.5800 Synthetic Curve DETENT SCS TP II-6 MIN MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion; ) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event ac-ft Trun hrs cfs ft ac-ft A-PRE DEV 1 AREA 1 .224 12.3000 .83 A-PRE DEV 2 AREA 1 .246 12.3500 .85 A-PRE DEV 3 AREA 1 .030 12.5000 .06 PRE-DEV FLOW *A-PRE OUT JCT 1 .500 12.3500 1.72 < B-POST DEV 1 AREA 1 .702 12.0000 10.99 B-POST DEV 2 AREA 1 .012 12.0500 .05 B-POST DEV 3 AREA 1 .190 12.3500 .59 B-POST DEV 4 AREA 1 .017 12.3000 .04 POST-DEV. FLOW *B-POST OUT JCT 1 .908 12.3500 .76 < BMP 1 IN POND 1 .702 12.0000 10.99 BMP 1 OUT POND 1 .690 21.9000 .16 646.04 .556 1-YR 24-HR WATER _it SURFACE ELEVATION S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32:18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Tc Calcs Page 2.01 Name. . . . A-POST DEV 3 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR-55 Channel Flow Area 4.5000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 2.68 ft Hydraulic Radius 1.68 ft Slope .020400 ft/ft Mannings n .0350 Hydraulic Length 1175.00 ft Avg.Velocity 8.59 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .0380 hrs Segment #2: Tc: TR-55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 724.00 ft Slope .038700 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 3.17 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0634 hrs Segment #3: Tc: TR-55 Sheet Mannings n .2400 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 3.1200 in Slope .020000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .13 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: . 3332 hrs Total Tc: .4345 hrs S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32:18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Tc Calcs Page 2.04 Name. . . . A-POST DEV 4 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1 : Tc: TR-55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 446.00 ft Slope .050400 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 3 .62 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .0342 hrs Segment #2: Tc: TR-55 Sheet Mannings n .2400 Hydraulic Length 100.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 3.1200 in Slope .040000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .15 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: . 1825 hrs Total Tc: . 2167 hrs S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32:18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Tc Calcs - Page 2.06 Name. . . . A-PRE DEV 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR-55 Channel Flow Area 4. 5000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 2.68 ft Hydraulic Radius 1 .68 ft Slope .048400 ft/ft Mannings n .0350 Hydraulic Length 300.00 ft Avg.Velocity 13 .23 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .0063 hrs Segment #2: Tc: TR-55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 1049.00 ft Slope .048400 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 3. 55 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0821 hrs Segment #3: Tc: TR-55 Sheet Mannings n .2400 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 3.1200 in Slope .020000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .13 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: . 3332 hrs Total Tc: .4215 hrs S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7.5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32:18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Tc Calcs Page 2.09 Name. . . . A-PRE DEV 2 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1 : Tc: TR-55 Channel Flow Area 4. 5000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 2.68 ft Hydraulic Radius 1 .68 ft Slope .020400 ft/ft Mannings n .0350 Hydraulic Length 1175.00 ft Avg.Velocity 8.59 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .0380 hrs Segment #2: Tc: TR-55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 983.00 ft Slope .038700 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 3.17 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0860 hrs Segment #3: Tc: TR-55 Sheet Mannings n .2400 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 3.1200 in Slope .015000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .11 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: . 3738 hrs Total Tc: .4978 hrs S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32 :18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Tc Calcs Page 2.12 Name. . . . A-PRE DEV 3 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR-55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 513.00 ft Slope .051700 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 3.67 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .0388 hrs Segment #2: Tc: TR-55 Sheet Mannings n .2400 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr , 24hr P 3.1200 in Slope .053300 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .19 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .2251 hrs Total Tc: . 2639 hrs S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32 :18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Runoff CN-Area Page 3.01 Name. . . . A-PRE DEV 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Open Space, Class B Soil. Good 61 9.810 61.00 Woods, Class B Soil, Good 55 5.490 55.00 Impervious 98 .020 98.00 Gravel 85 .140 85.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 15.460 59.13 (59) S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32:18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Runoff CN-Area Page 3.02 Name. . . . A-PRE DEV 2 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Open Space, Class B Soil, Good 61 9.500 61.00 Woods, Class B Soil, Good 55 7.290 55.00 Impervious 98 .140 98.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 16.930 58.72 (59) 5/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32:18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Runoff CN-Area Page 3.03 Name. . . . A-PRE DEV 3 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Open Space, Class B Soil, Good 61 .070 61.00 Woods, Class B Soil, Good 55 3.670 55.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 3.740 55.11 (55) S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver . 7.5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32:18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Runoff CN-Area Page 3.04 Name. . . . B-POST DEV 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Off-Site Impervious 98 .150 98.00 Off-Site Gravel, Class B Soil 85 .140 85.00 Impervious 98 1.780 98.00 Open Space, Class B Soil, Good 61 13. 290 61.00 Wooded, Class B Soil, Good 55 .810 55.00 Future Gravel 85 .780 85.00 Future Impervious 98 1.450 98.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 18.400 68.73 (69) S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32 :18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Runoff CN-Area Page 3.05 Name. . . . B-POST DEV 2 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Open Space, Class B Soil, Good 61 .310 61.00 Woods, Class B Soil, Good 55 .760 55.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 1.070 56.74 (57) S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32 :18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Runoff CN-Area Page 3.06 Name. . . . B-POST DEV 3 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Impervious 98 .010 98.00 Open Space, Class B Soil, Good 61 7.640 61.00 Wooded, Class B Soil, Good 55 7.240 55.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 14.890 58.11 (58) S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7.5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32:18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Runoff CN-Area Page 3.07 Name. . . . B-POST DEV 4 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Open Space, Class B Soil, Good 61 .340 61.00 Wooded, Class B Soil, Good 55 1.430 55.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 1.770 56.15 (56) S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32 :18 Date: 02/21/2017 rH O >> 3 1.0nN1110000MIs, OlOIOOOIr, LnMOIlDNoOMOId• OlCt00NlpOlMl0OlrlchL.D00riM111r, ONctID O • 0 r1 00 r N C) N M Lf LO N. CO O ri r1 N M c• cr Ill LD LD r- r\ co CO Ol Ol co O C)r1 a--I .-1 N N N N M M M M nt •::1' d• N Cr L O ,- rl i N N M M M M M M M cr d• cr cr cr cr cr nt cr cr cr nt d' cr Ln Ln u1 un Ln 111 Ln un Ln 1.11 111 Ln Ln Ln Ln un 111 Ln � a) •• .0 N b.o 4- U (0 C a. N > a) O LU V1 C .. L •r a) }1 a) LnOlctOultod' Od' LDr, 00o0r, LDcr --100 d' rlr. N00M00Mr, riu cnNUl00r1M1D00ONLnr, OlrlcrLO O 7 O u1 M r\ Ol rl M u1 LD r\ 00 Ol O r1 N M nt c• Ln LD LD r\ r-, co 00 Ol Ol O O O ri rl ri N N N N M M M M M nt nt cr CO0 O r- CD .-I N N N M M M M M M M d•. nt d' nt nt nt nt nt nt nt Cr nt nt .7r cr 111 u1 un Ln un u1 Ln u1 un un un of un u1 u1 un un 111 O > 3 CL a-•I 00 a .-. II 0 Q 4-1 L N 4- a-•1 'r 0 N H C 4- L M N U a) >• CO E L r1MLnntONrlr, ricrLnLDLDLn .7rNOnMOlLnr1l\ NNNLDHIcr00r-Iu100OMu1r, ONci• lOOIriMLn L.9 J � a/ 0 ONNuDcn ,-iMd• LOr, W OIOriNMcrd• Lnu1LDr. r\ 0000O101cOOr1r1r1NNNNMMMMM 'CtcrSt H Q L. 4- O s-I N (-4 N M M M M M M M cf cr cr cr d• ct cr nt nt ,1- J. cr d• cr cr u1 un Ln u1 u1 un u1 u1 Ln un Lfl L11 u1 u1 Lf1 Ln un ul In Z LL U U .. < C a) ro a) r E in Z J .r O O a) •+-1 H , H > E in a/ a) F- > 4--1 a/ OO u1 r, LD CO r, cron NMcrcrMN .-i 00 LD N 0o cr O LO r-1 LD ri Ln O ct r,‘-I 'cr r,. O N Ln r, Ol N cr 1000 r1 M un CL HI W 7 VI O OO r1 ul OO O N V u1 r� 00 Ol O r1 N M M ct Ln Ln LD r, r, CO 00 Ol Ol O O O HI HI r1 N N N N N M M M M cr cr cr E O s-i W Q a/ O O N N N M M M M M M M d' Cr 'C1' cr d• d• 'cr nt cr d• 'Cr cr ct cr nt Ln Ln u1 u1 u1 Ln Ln Ln u1 un Ln u1 un Ln Ln u1 u1 un E 0 b.OO •• H 7 Q r0 d• bA F- O a/ I- N CO L LD H s--I 4--1 / 4- H O a) a/ = cl• Z - E O NH C) N M O e-I crcr rf l0 Ol rl N N (N a-1 Ol rN d• rl N M Ol nt O ul CD .1- Ol M r\O M to Ol N cr ID Ol ri M uo 00 co N nt U C U) = C O O Ln OO O N 'ch Ln l0 00 Ol O r1 N N M cr u1 Ln LD l0 1\ CO 00 Ol on on O O a-i .-i ri .-i N N N N M M M M cr cr lD - ri 0 O O N N N M M M M M M M cr COd• cr cr cr cr cr d• d• ,' cr cr cr d• d• Ln u1 u1 u1 Ln u1 u1 Ln Ln un u1 Ln Ln Ln un Ln Ln O / LO • • • • v > Y 1 a1 < H E • d H N Ln > Q I- < > rl O I- 1° N 0 O • E a. / v-) < L F- DO3vl O > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C)0 0 0 0 0 0 C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co • a) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C) O O O O O C) O O O O O O C) O O O O O O C) O O O O O O O O C) ri Y • E ul u1 O Ln O u1 O ul O un O Ln O u1 O Ln O u1 O Ln O Ln O Ln O un O ul O Ln O ul O Ln O Ln O Ln O u1 O Ln O Ln O LC) N U . •r L LD Ol r1 cr LD Ol r1 cr l0 Ol r1 cr l0 Ol r1 cr l0 Ol HI l0 Ol rl cr LD Ol r1 ct LO Ol rl nt LD Ol r1 cr lD Ol r1 cr LCD Ol r-1 cr 4.0 U CO E F— .0 . . . . . 0- a) a) a) al L r1 r1 N N N N M M M M 'd• cr cr 'c- Ln u1 Ln Ln LD LD LO l0 r\ P. N r. 00 00 00 00 Ol Ol Ol Ol O O O O rI r1 rl a-I N N N •• -co Q E r--. 0 ri rl HI r1 HI HI r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 HI HI HI ri HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI rl HI HI HI HI HI N N N N N N N N N N N Z C F- Z LL un Ln Cu Type. . . . Time vs. Volume Page 4.09 Name. . . . BMP 1 OUT Tag: 1 Event: 1 yr File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW Storm. . . SCS TP II-6 MIN Tag: 1 TIME vs. VOLUME (ac-ft) Time Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. 103.4000 .019 .019 .019 .019 .019 103.6500 .019 .019 .019 .019 .019 103.9000 .019 .019 .019 .019 .019 104.1500 .019 .019 .019 .018 .018 104.4000 .018 .018 .018 .018 .018 104.6500 .018 .018 .018 .018 .018 104.9000 .018 .018 .018 .018 .018 105.1500 .018 .018 .018 .017 .017 105.4000 .017 .017 .017 .017 .017 105.6500 .017 .017 .017 .017 .017 105.9000 .017 .017 .017 .017 .017 106.1500 .017 .017 .017 .017 .016 106.4000 .016 .016 .016 .016 .016 106.6500 .016 .016 .016 .016 .016 106.9000 .016 .016 .016 .016 .016 107.1500 .016 .016 .016 .016 .016 107.4000 .016 .016 .015 .015 .015 107.6500 .015 .015 .015 .015 .015 107.9000 .015 .015 .015 .015 .015 108.1500 .015 .015 .015 .015 .015 108.4000 .015 .015 .015 .015 .015 108.6500 .015 .014 .014 .014 .014 108.9000 .014 .014 .014 .014 .014 109.1500 .014 .014 .014 .014 .014 109.4000 .014 .014 .014 .014 .014 109.6500 .014 .014 .014 .014 .014 109.9000 .014 .014 .013 .013 .013 110.1500 .013 .013 .013 .013 .013 110.4000 .013 .013 .013 .013 .013 110.6500 .013 .013 .013 .013 .013 110.9000 .013 .013 .013 .013 .013 111.1500 .013 .013 .013 .013 .012 111.4000 .012 .012 .012 .012 .012 111.6500 .012 1-YR 24-HR DRAWDOWN TIME IS LESS THAN 12 HOURS S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32:18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Vol: Elev-Volume Page 5.01 Name. . . . BMP 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW USER DEFINED VOLUME RATING TABLE Elevation Volume (ft) (ac-ft) 644. 50 .000 645.00 .161 646.00 . 538 647.00 .948 648.00 1.392 649.00 1.882 650.00 2.433 S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7.5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32 :18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Outlet Input Data Page 6.01 Name. . . . BMP 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS : Min. Elev.= 644. 50 ft Increment = . 20 ft Max. Elev.= 650.00 ft ********************************************** OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ********************************************** ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall El, ft E2, ft Orifice-Circular 01 ---> TW 644.500 650.000 Weir-Rectangular W1 ---> TW 646.100 650.000 Weir-Rectangular W2 ---> TW 648.000 650.000 Weir-Rectangular ES ---> TW 648.500 650.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32 :18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Outlet Input Data Page 6.02 Name. . . . BMP 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = 01 Structure Type = Orifice-Circular # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 644.50 ft Diameter = .1875 ft Orifice Coeff. = .600 Structure ID = W1 Structure Type = Weir-Rectangular # of Openings = 1 Crest Elev. = 646.10 ft Weir Length = 3.50 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.100000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = W2 Structure Type = Weir-Rectangular # of Openings = 1 Crest Elev. = 648.00 ft Weir Length = 12.50 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.100000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32:18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Outlet Input Data Page 6.03 Name. . . . BMP 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = ES Structure Type = Weir-Rectangular # of Openings = 1 Crest Elev. = 648.50 ft Weir Length = 15 .00 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.100000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES. . . Maximum Iterations= 30 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .10 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .10 cfs S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32 :18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.04 Name. . . . BMP 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS .PPW RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = 01 (Orifice-Circular) Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q Tail Water Notes WS Elev. Q TW Elev Converge ft cfs ft +/-ft Computation Messages 644.50 .00 Free Outfall Upstream HW & DNstream TW < Inv.El 644.70 .04 Free Outfall H =.11 644.90 .07 Free Outfall H =.31 645.10 .09 Free Outfall H =.51 645. 30 .11 Free Outfall H =.71 645. 50 .13 Free Outfall H =.91 645 .70 .14 Free Outfall H =1. 11 645 .90 .15 Free Outfall H =1.31 646.10 .16 Free Outfall H =1.51 646.30 .17 Free Outfall H =1.71 646.50 .18 Free Outfall H =1.91 646.70 .19 Free Outfall H =2. 11 646.90 .20 Free Outfall H =2. 31 647.10 .21 Free Outfall H =2.51 647. 30 .22 Free Outfall H =2.71 647.50 . 23 Free Outfall H =2.91 647.70 .23 Free Outfall H =3. 11 647.90 .24 Free Outfall H =3. 31 648.00 . 25 Free Outfall H =3.41 648. 10 .25 Free Outfall H =3. 51 648.30 .26 Free Outfall H =3.71 648.50 .26 Free Outfall H =3.91 648.70 .27 Free Outfall H =4.11 648.90 .28 Free Outfall H =4. 31 649.10 .28 Free Outfall H =4. 51 649.30 . 29 Free Outfall H =4.71 649.50 .29 Free Outfall H =4.91 649.70 .30 Free Outfall H =5 .11 649.90 .31 Free Outfall H =5. 31 650.00 . 31 Free Outfall H =5.41 S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7.5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32:18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.05 Name. . . . BMP 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = W1 (Weir-Rectangular) Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q Tail Water Notes WS Elev. Q TW Elev Converge ft cfs ft +/-ft Computation Messages 644.50 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. E1.=646.100 644.70 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. E1.=646.100 644.90 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=646.100 645.10 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=646.100 645.30 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=646.100 645.50 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=646.100 645.70 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=646.100 645.90 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=646.100 646.10 .00 Free Outfall H=.00; Htw=.00; Qfree=.00; 646.30 .97 Free Outfall H=.20; Htw=.00; Qfree=.97; 646.50 2.75 Free Outfall H=.40; Htw=.00; Qfree=2.75; 646.70 5.04 Free Outfall H=.60; Htw=.00; Qfree=5.04; 646.90 7.76 Free Outfall H=.80; Htw=.00; Qfree=7.76; 647.10 10.85 Free Outfall H=1.00; Htw=.00; Qfree=10.85; 647. 30 14.26 Free Outfall H=1.20; Htw=.00; Qfree=14.26; 647.50 17.97 Free Outfall H=1.40; Htw=.00; Qfree=17.97; 647.70 21.96 Free Outfall H=1.60; Htw=.00; Qfree=21.96; 647.90 26.20 Free Outfall H=1.80; Htw=.00; Qfree=26.20; 648.00 28.42 Free Outfall H=1.90; Htw=.00; Qfree=28.42; 648.10 30.69 Free Outfall H=2.00; Htw=.00; Qfree=30.69; 648.30 35.41 Free Outfall H=2.20; Htw=.00; Qfree=35.41; 648.50 40.34 Free Outfall H=2.40; Htw=.00; Qfree=40.34; 648.70 45.49 Free Outfall H=2.60; Htw=.00; Qfree=45.49; 648.90 50.84 Free Outfall H=2.80; Htw=.00; Qfree=50.84; 649.10 56.38 Free Outfall H=3.00; Htw=.00; Qfree=56.38: 649.30 62.11 Free Outfall H=3.20; Htw=.00; Qfree=62.11; 649.50 68.02 Free Outfall H=3.40; Htw=.00; Qfree=68.02; 649.70 74.11 Free Outfall H=3.60; Htw=.00; Qfree=74.11; 649.90 80.37 Free Outfall H=3.80; Htw=.00; Qfree=80.37; 650.00 83.57 Free Outfall H=3.90; Htw=.00; Qfree=83.57; S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7.5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32:18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.06 Name. . . . BMP 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = W2 (Weir-Rectangular) Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q Tail Water Notes WS Elev. Q TW Elev Converge ft cfs ft +/-ft Computation Messages 644.50 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.000 644.70 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.E1.=648.000 644.90 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.E1.=648.000 645.10 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648.000 645. 30 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.000 645.50 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. E1.=648.000 645.70 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648.000 645.90 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.E1.=648.000 646.10 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648.000 646.30 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.000 646.50 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.000 646.70 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. E1.=648.000 646.90 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648.000 647.10 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648.000 647.30 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648.000 647.50 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.000 647.70 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648.000 647.90 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648.000 648.00 .00 Free Outfall H=.00; Htw=.00; Qfree=.00; 648.10 1.22 Free Outfall H=.10; Htw=.00; Qfree=1.22; 648.30 6.37 Free Outfall H=.30; Htw=.00; Qfree=6.37; 648.50 13.70 Free Outfall H=.50; Htw=.00; Qfree=13.70; 648.70 22.70 Free Outfall H=.70; Htw=.00; Qfree=22.70; 648.90 33.09 Free Outfall H=.90; Htw=.00; Qfree=33.09; 649.10 44.70 Free Outfall H=1.10; Htw=.00; Qfree=44.70; 649.30 57.44 Free Outfall H=1.30; Htw=.00; Qfree=57.44; 649.50 71.19 Free Outfall H=1.50; Htw=.00; Qfree=71.19; 649.70 85.89 Free Outfall H=1.70; Htw=.00; Qfree=85.89; 649.90 101.49 Free Outfall H=1.90; Htw=.00; Qfree=101.49; 650.00 109.60 Free Outfall H=2.00; Htw=.00; Qfree=109.60; S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7.5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32:18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.07 Name. . . . BMP 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = ES (Weir-Rectangular) Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q Tail Water Notes WS Elev. Q TW Elev Converge ft cfs ft +/-ft Computation Messages 644.50 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.500 644.70 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El .=648.500 644.90 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.500 645.10 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.500 645.30 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648.500 645.50 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648.500 645.70 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.E1.=648. 500 645.90 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. E1.=648.500 646. 10 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. E1.=648.500 646. 30 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. E1.=648.500 646.50 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648. 500 646.70 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.500 646.90 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648.500 647.10 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648.500 647. 30 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648. 500 647.50 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. E1.=648. 500 647.70 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. E1.=648. 500 647.90 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. E1.=648.500 648.00 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. E1.=648. 500 648.10 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.500 648.30 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.500 648.50 .00 Free Outfall H=.00; Htw=.00; Qfree=.00; 648.70 4.16 Free Outfall H=.20; Htw=.00; Qfree=4.16; 648.90 11.76 Free Outfall H=.40; Htw=.00; Qfree=11.76; 649.10 21.61 Free Outfall H=.60; Htw=.00; Qfree=21.61; 649. 30 33. 27 Free Outfall H=.80; Htw=.00; Qfree=33.27; 649. 50 46. 50 Free Outfall H=1.00; Htw=.00; Qfree=46. 50; 649.70 61.13 Free Outfall H=1.20; Htw=.00; Qfree=61.13; 649.90 77.03 Free Outfall H=1.40; Htw=.00; Qfree=77.03; 650.00 85.43 Free Outfall H=1.50; Htw=.00; Qfree=85.43; S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32:18 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Composite Rating Curve Page 6.08 Name. . . . BMP 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes Converge Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft cfs ft +/-ft Contributing Structures 644. 50 .00 Free Outfall None contributing 644.70 .04 Free Outfall 01 644.90 .07 Free Outfall 01 645.10 .09 Free Outfall 01 645.30 .11 Free Outfall 01 645.50 .13 Free Outfall 01 645.70 .14 Free Outfall 01 645.90 .15 Free Outfall 01 646.10 .16 Free Outfall 01 +W1 646.30 1.14 Free Outfall 01 +W1 646.50 2.93 Free Outfall 01 +W1 646.70 5.24 Free Outfall 01 +W1 646.90 7.97 Free Outfall 01 +W1 647.10 11.06 Free Outfall 01 +W1 647.30 14.48 Free Outfall 01 +W1 647.50 18.20 Free Outfall 01 +W1 647.70 22.19 Free Outfall 01 +W1 647.90 26.44 Free Outfall 01 +W1 648.00 28.66 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 648.10 32.16 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 648.30 42.03 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 648. 50 54.30 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 +ES 648.70 72.61 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 +ES 648.90 95.96 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 +ES 649.10 122.97 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 +ES 649.30 153.11 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 +ES 649.50 186.01 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 +ES 649.70 221.43 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 +ES 649.90 259.20 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 +ES 650.00 278.90 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 +ES S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:32:18 Date: 02/21/2017 Table of Contents i Table of Contents ********************** MASTER SUMMARY ********************** Watershed Master Network Summary 1.01 ********************** TC CALCULATIONS ********************* A-POST DEV 4. . . . Tc Calcs 2.01 A-PRE DEV 1 Tc Calcs 2.03 A-PRE DEV 2 Tc Calcs 2.06 A-PRE DEV 3 Tc Calcs 2.09 ********************** CN CALCULATIONS ********************* A-PRE DEV 1 Runoff CN-Area 3.01 A-PRE DEV 2 Runoff CN-Area 3.02 A-PRE DEV 3 Runoff CN-Area 3.03 B-POST DEV 1. . . . Runoff CN-Area 3.04 B-POST DEV 2. . . . Runoff CN-Area 3.05 B-POST DEV 3. . . . Runoff CN-Area 3.06 B-POST DEV 4. . . . Runoff CN-Area 3.07 ************************ TIME VS.VOL *********************** BMP 1 OUT . .2 Time vs . Volume 4.01 5/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Table of Contents ii Table of Contents (continued) BMP 1 OUT 100 Time vs. Volume 4.10 *********************** POND VOLUMES *********************** BMP 1 Vol : Elev-Volume 5.01 ******************** OUTLET STRUCTURES ********************* BMP 1 Outlet Input Data 6.01 Individual Outlet Curves 6.04 Composite Rating Curve 6.08 S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7.5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Master Network Summary Page 1 .01 Name. . . . Watershed File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Default Network Design Storm File, ID STORMS.RNQ 6 Hour Storms Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type RNF File RNF ID 100 5.3400 . Time-Depth Curve DETENT 100 Year 6 Hour .10 - 3.7220 Time-Depth Curve DETENT 10 Year 6 Hour . .2 2.2800 Time-Depth Curve DETENT 2 Year 6 Hour MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion; ) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event ac-ft Trun hrs cfs ft ac-ft A-PRE DEV 1 AREA 100 1.844 3.3500 23.89 A-PRE DEV 1 AREA 10 .755 3.4000 8.74 A-PRE DEV 1 AREA 2 .130 3.6000 .95 A-PRE DEV 2 AREA 100 2.020 3.4500 24.07 A-PRE DEV 2 AREA 10 .827 3.5000 8.85 A-PRE DEV 2 AREA 2 .143 3.7000 1.00 A-PRE DEV 3 AREA 100 .360 3.2500 5.42 A-PRE DEV 3 AREA 10 .132 3.3000 1.62 A-PRE DEV 3 AREA 2 .015 3.6500 .08 PRE-DEV FLOWS *A-PRE OUT JCT 100 4.224 3.4000 52.08 *A-PRE OUT JCT 10 1.714 3.4500 18.86 *A-PRE OUT JCT 2 .287 3.6500 2.03 B-POST DEV 1 AREA 100 3.386 3.1000 78.23 B-POST DEV 1 AREA 10 1.671 3.1000 37.56 B-POST DEV 1 AREA 2 .498 3.1500 10.01 B-POST DEV 2 AREA 100 .115 3.1000 2.41 B-POST DEV 2 AREA 10 .045 3.1500 .79 B-POST DEV 2 AREA 2 .006 3.4000 .05 S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7.5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name. . . . Watershed File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion; ) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event ac-ft Trun hrs cfs ft ac-ft B-POST DEV 3 AREA 100 1.688 3.4000 21.34 B-POST DEV 3 AREA 10 .674 3.4500 7.51 B-POST DEV 3 AREA 2 .106 3.6500 .72 B-POST DEV 4 AREA 100 .180 3.2000 2.92 B-POST DEV 4 AREA 10 .068 3.2500 .92 B-POST DEV 4 AREA 2 .009 3.5500 .06 *B-POST OUT JCT 100 5.359 3.3500 54.20 POST-DEV FLOWS *B-POST OUT JCT 10 2.449 3.5000 15.35 *B-POST OUT JCT 2 .615 3.6500 .93 BMP 1 IN POND 100 3.386 3.1000 78.23 BMP 1 IN POND 10 1.671 3.1000 37.56 BMP 1 IN POND 2 .498 3.1500 10.01 BMP 1 OUT POND 100 3.376 3.3000 29.77 648.03 1.408 BMP 1 OUT POND 10 1.662 3.6000 7.57 646.87 .895 BMP 1 OUT POND 2 .493 5.7500 .14 645.81 .466 BMP #1 WATER SURFACE ELEVATIONS S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7.5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Tc Calcs Page 2 .01 Name. . . . A-POST DEV 4 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR-55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 446.00 ft Slope .050400 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 3 .62 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .0342 hrs Segment #2: Tc: TR-55 Sheet Mannings n . 2400 Hydraulic Length 100.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 3.1200 in Slope .040000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .15 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .1825 hrs Total Tc: .2167 hrs S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Tc Calcs Page 2.03 Name. . . . A-PRE DEV 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR-55 Channel Flow Area 4.5000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 2.68 ft Hydraulic Radius 1 .68 ft Slope .048400 ft/ft Mannings n .0350 Hydraulic Length 300.00 ft Avg.Velocity 13.23 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .0063 hrs Segment #2: Tc: TR-55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 1049.00 ft Slope .048400 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 3.55 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0821 hrs Segment #3: Tc: TR-55 Sheet Mannings n .2400 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr , 24hr P 3.1200 in Slope .020000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .13 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: . 3332 hrs Total Tc: .4215 hrs S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Tc Calcs Page 2.06 Name. . . . A-PRE DEV 2 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR-55 Channel Flow Area 4.5000 sq.ft Wetted Perimeter 2.68 ft Hydraulic Radius 1.68 ft Slope .020400 ft/ft Mannings n .0350 Hydraulic Length 1175.00 ft Avg.Velocity 8.59 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .0380 hrs Segment #2: Tc: TR-55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 983.00 ft Slope .038700 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 3.17 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0860 hrs Segment #3: Tc: TR-55 Sheet Mannings n .2400 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 3.1200 in Slope .015000 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .11 ft/sec Segment #3 Time: .3738 hrs Total Tc: .4978 hrs S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Tc Calcs Page 2.09 Name. . . . A-PRE DEV 3 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: TR-55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 513.00 ft Slope .051700 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity 3.67 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .0388 hrs Segment #2: Tc: TR-55 Sheet Mannings n .2400 Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft 2yr, 24hr P 3.1200 in Slope .053300 ft/ft Avg.Velocity .19 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .2251 hrs Total Tc: . 2639 hrs S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Runoff CN-Area Page 3.01 Name. . . . A-PRE DEV 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Open Space, Class B Soil. Good 61 9.810 61.00 Woods, Class B Soil, Good 55 5.490 55 .00 Impervious 98 .020 98.00 Gravel 85 .140 85.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 15.460 59.13 (59) S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Runoff CN-Area Page 3.02 Name. . . . A-PRE DEV 2 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Open Space, Class B Soil, Good 61 9.500 61.00 Woods, Class B Soil, Good 55 7.290 55.00 Impervious 98 .140 98.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 16.930 58.72 (59) S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Runoff CN-Area Page 3.03 Name. . . . A-PRE DEV 3 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Open Space, Class B Soil, Good 61 .070 61.00 Woods, Class B Soil, Good 55 3.670 55.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 3.740 55.11 (55) 5/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Runoff CN-Area Page 3.04 Name. . . . B-POST DEV 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Off-Site Impervious 98 .150 98.00 Off-Site Gravel, Class B Soil 85 .140 85.00 Impervious 98 1.780 98.00 Open Space, Class B Soil, Good 61 13. 290 61.00 Wooded, Class B Soil, Good 55 .810 55.00 Future Gravel 85 .780 85.00 Future Impervious 98 1.450 98.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 18.400 68.73 (69) S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7.5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Runoff CN-Area Page 3.05 Name. . . . B-POST DEV 2 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Open Space, Class B Soil, Good 61 . 310 61.00 Woods, Class B Soil, Good 55 .760 55.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 1.070 56.74 (57) S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7.5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Runoff CN-Area Page 3.06 Name. . . . B-POST DEV 3 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Impervious 98 .010 98.00 Open Space, Class B Soil, Good 61 7.640 61.00 Wooded, Class B Soil, Good 55 7.240 55.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 14.890 58.11 (58) 5/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Runoff CN-Area Page 3.07 Name. . . . B-POST DEV 4 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Open Space, Class B Soil, Good 61 .340 61.00 Wooded, Class B Soil, Good 55 1.430 55.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 1.770 56.15 (56) S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver . 7.5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 -0 LA VITz -I O r+ _.. N ,.G 7 z I-. IN1-+ )-sFsFsFsFsrsI•, N1-- N /--‘1--‘ 0 r3 'C Q •• W W W W N.) NJ NJ NJ I-. I--. F-. F-. O O O O LD l0 l0 l0 03 CO 00 00 V V V V al 0l Cr) CFI Ln Ln U'7 Ln .p. .A •A - W W W W NJ '--I 3 (1) (I) (D r 0) (l VD V .A N LD V 44 N VD V .A N l0 V A N LO V .A N l0 V .A N LD V .A N l0 V A N LO V 44 N LO V .P. N l0 V 44 N) LO -1 -I• n NJ Ln CD Ln CD Ln CD Ln CD Ln CD un CD Ln CD Ln CD Ln CD Ln CD Ln CD Ln CD Ln CD Ln CD Ln C) Ln CD Ln CD Ln CD Ln CD Ln CD Ln CD Ln CD Ln in 3 • T. 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W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW Storm. . . 2 Year 6 Hour Tag: . .2 TIME vs. VOLUME (ac-ft) Time Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. 94.7000 .008 .008 .008 .008 .008 94.9500 .008 .008 .008 .008 .008 95. 2000 .008 .008 .008 .008 .008 95.4500 .008 .007 .007 .007 .007 95.7000 .007 .007 .007 .007 .007 95.9500 .007 .007 .007 .007 .007 96.2000 .007 .007 .007 .007 .007 96.4500 .007 .007 .007 .007 .007 96.7000 .007 .007 .007 .007 .007 96.9500 .007 .007 .007 .007 .007 97. 2000 .007 .007 .007 .007 .007 97.4500 .007 .007 .007 .007 .007 97.7000 .007 .007 .007 .007 .007 97.9500 .007 .007 .006 .006 .006 98.2000 .006 .006 .006 .006 .006 98.4500 .006 .006 .006 .006 .006 98.7000 .006 .006 .006 .006 .006 98.9500 .006 .006 .006 .006 .006 99.2000 .006 .006 .006 .006 .006 99.4500 .006 .006 .006 .006 .006 99.7000 .006 .006 .006 .006 .006 99.9500 .006 .006 .006 .006 .006 100.2000 .006 .006 .006 .006 .006 100.4500 .006 .006 .006 .006 .006 100.7000 .006 .006 .006 .006 .006 100.9500 .006 .005 .005 .005 .005 101.2000 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 101.4500 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 101.7000 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 101.9500 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 102.2000 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 102.4500 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 102.7000 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 102.9500 .005 2-YR 6-HR DRAWDOWN TIME LESS THAN 120 HOURS S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 -0 l/1 to TZH 7 Z I--. I- F-. 1H I-. I-. F-. F-. F-. I--. I-. I-. I- F-• 0 r 3 "O d •• W W NJ NJ NJ NJ I--• I--* I--• I-. C) O O O LO LO LO lD CO CO CO CO V V V V 01 al al Cl Ul Ul Ln Ln A A A A W W W W NJ NJ NJ -1 (D (D fD -0 H DJ (1 Ai--. �Dol � i--. LDo) Ai--' LDOIAi--` too) At-. LDol .Ai--. lD OIAI-' lDolAi--' LDo1AI--' l.D01AI--. LDolAI--` iDOIA ' ' ' • n N OlnCul0ul0in0Ln0lnC VI in0UI0In0InCIn0U QU1OUiCtnCUI0tn0U C) Ul0U90lnO to 3 T. IH0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M ' W 0 0 0 O 0 0 co) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O W --I < 0 fD N 0 .• 3 H• -1 > Oim3 • O m -< OF-• V > fD Z < • 03 •--1 0.I 0 In In N J -1 -0 • 3 > F-. F-. I--. I-. (D al < V - 0 00 Ul Ul Ln Ul Ln Ln Ul Ln Ln Ln Ul Ui Ul Ul Ln in Ul Ln Ln Ul Ul III In al al al al al al V V V V CO CO 00 LD l0 O N W 0 I-• 0 O 0 2 I' r al 1-. I--. 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I--. < 0 0) Ln O Ul in Ul Ln Lii Ul Ul UI Ul Ul Ln Ul Ln Ui In Ln Ul Ul Ul Ul Ln Ln Ln U-1 al of al al al V V V V V CO CO CO lD O I--' W A Ul 0 0 r-' 0 N I--. I--. N NJ N) NI W W W A A A Ul Ul Ul al Ol Ol V V CO CO CO ID O F-' N A V O in al Co lD F-, A Co A W W OC) in of O C O r1' A V C) W al LU NJ Ln CO NJ Ul l0 NJ Ul LO NJ al ID W al O A LU al A Ln LC) 00 1--• V Ln CO O m V Ul CO W C) V W CO 03 m W fD C m (D .J. -1 < 7 to fp 7 C) \ 0) Nn UQ O N Ul Ul In l UU-1Ui in Ul in Ln in In in Ul U-1 Ui Ul InUl Ul Ul In Ul Ln Ol al al of of al V V V V Co 00 00 LU O I- NJ A Co F-• 0 -1 0 A NJ I--. I- 1--‘ NJ NJ NJ W W W A A A in in Ln al al al V V V CO 00 LU 0 I--• NJ A al LU A al V lD I-' WV W I--. I-• l O W aO O 0 O -W of N f llP1 CO F-. Ln 00 I--• A CO I--' Ul OO N N aA N l A 4oN N Ul Lo l ID W 00 W a1 coOO f 00 I9 LIDO F-, N V 00 al IH V Z `< F-. I--‘ -1 O V Type. . . . Time vs. Volume Page 4.18 Name. . . . BMP 1 OUT Tag: 100 Event: 100 yr File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW Storm. . . 100 Year 6 Hour Tag: 100 TIME vs. VOLUME (ac-ft) Time Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. 94.1500 .015 .015 .015 .015 .015 94.4000 .015 .015 .015 .015 .015 94.6500 .015 .015 .015 .015 .014 94.9000 .014 .014 .014 .014 .014 95.1500 .014 .014 .014 .014 .014 95.4000 .014 .014 .014 .014 .014 95.6500 .014 .014 .014 .014 .014 95.9000 .014 .014 .014 .014 .014 96.1500 .013 .013 .013 .013 .013 96.4000 .013 .013 .013 .013 .013 96.6500 .013 .013 .013 .013 .013 96.9000 .013 .013 .013 .013 .013 97.1500 .013 .013 .013 .013 .013 97.4000 .013 .013 .013 .012 .012 97.6500 .012 .012 .012 .012 .012 97.9000 .012 .012 .012 .012 .012 98.1500 .012 .012 .012 .012 .012 98.4000 .012 .012 .012 .012 .012 98.6500 .012 .012 .012 .012 .012 98.9000 .012 .012 .012 .011 .011 99.1500 .011 .011 .011 .011 .011 99.4000 .011 .011 .011 .011 .011 99.6500 .011 .011 .011 .011 .011 99.9000 .011 .011 .011 .011 .011 100.1500 .011 .011 .011 .011 .011 100.4000 .011 .011 .011 .011 .011 100.6500 .011 .010 .010 .010 .010 100.9000 .010 .010 .010 .010 .010 101.1500 .010 .010 .010 .010 .010 101.4000 .010 .010 .010 .010 .010 101.6500 .010 .010 .010 .010 .010 101.9000 .010 .010 .010 .010 .010 102.1500 .010 .010 .010 .010 .010 102.4000 .010 100-YR 6-HR DRAWDOWN TIME LESS THAN 120 HOURS S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Vol : Elev-Volume Page 5 .01 Name. . . . BMP 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW USER DEFINED VOLUME RATING TABLE Elevation Volume (ft) (ac-ft) 644.50 .000 645 .00 .161 646.00 .538 647.00 .948 648.00 1 .392 649.00 1.882 650.00 2.433 S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Outlet Input Data Page 6.01 Name. . . . BMP 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 644. 50 ft Increment = . 20 ft Max. Elev.= 650.00 ft ********************************************** OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ********************************************** ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall El, ft E2, ft Orifice-Circular 01 ---> TW 644.500 650.000 Weir-Rectangular W1 ---> TW 646.100 650.000 Weir-Rectangular W2 ---> TW 648.000 650.000 Weir-Rectangular ES ---> TW 648.500 650.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Outlet Input Data Page 6.02 Name. . . . BMP 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = 01 Structure Type = Orifice-Circular # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 644.50 ft Diameter = .1875 ft Orifice Coeff. = .600 Structure ID = W1 Structure Type = Weir-Rectangular # of Openings = 1 Crest Elev. = 646.10 ft Weir Length = 3.50 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.100000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = W2 Structure Type = Weir-Rectangular # of Openings = 1 Crest Elev. = 648.00 ft Weir Length = 12.50 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.100000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) 5/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Outlet Input Data Page 6.03 Name. . . . BMP 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = ES Structure Type = Weir-Rectangular # of Openings = 1 Crest Elev. = 648.50 ft Weir Length = 15.00 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.100000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES. . . Maximum Iterations= 30 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .10 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .10 cfs S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.04 Name. . . . BMP 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = 01 (Orifice-Circular) Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q Tail Water Notes WS Elev. Q TW Elev Converge ft cfs ft +/-ft Computation Messages 644. 50 .00 Free Outfall Upstream HW & DNstream TW < Inv. El 644.70 .04 Free Outfall H =.11 644.90 .07 Free Outfall H =.31 645. 10 .09 Free Outfall H =. 51 645 .30 .11 Free Outfall H =.71 645.50 .13 Free Outfall H =.91 645.70 .14 Free Outfall H =1. 11 645.90 .15 Free Outfall H =1.31 646.10 .16 Free Outfall H =1. 51 646.30 .17 Free Outfall H =1.71 646.50 .18 Free Outfall H =1.91 646.70 .19 Free Outfall H =2. 11 646.90 .20 Free Outfall H =2. 31 647.10 .21 Free Outfall H =2. 51 647.30 .22 Free Outfall H =2.71 647. 50 .23 Free Outfall H =2.91 647.70 .23 Free Outfall H =3.11 647.90 .24 Free Outfall H =3. 31 648.00 .25 Free Outfall H =3.41 648.10 .25 Free Outfall H =3. 51 648.30 . 26 Free Outfall H =3.71 648. 50 .26 Free Outfall H =3.91 648.70 .27 Free Outfall H =4.11 648.90 .28 Free Outfall H =4. 31 649.10 .28 Free Outfall H =4.51 649.30 .29 Free Outfall H =4.71 649.50 .29 Free Outfall H =4.91 649.70 .30 Free Outfall H =5. 11 649.90 .31 Free Outfall H =5. 31 650.00 . 31 Free Outfall H =5.41 S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.05 Name. . . . BMP 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = W1 (Weir-Rectangular) Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q Tail Water Notes WS Elev. Q TW Elev Converge ft cfs ft +/-ft Computation Messages 644.50 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El .=646.100 644.70 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=646.100 644.90 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=646.100 645.10 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=646.100 645.30 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=646.100 645.50 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=646.100 645.70 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=646.100 645.90 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=646.100 646.10 .00 Free Outfall H=.00; Htw=.00; Qfree=.00; 646. 30 .97 Free Outfall H=.20; Htw=.00; Qfree=.97; 646.50 2.75 Free Outfall H=.40; Htw=.00; Qfree=2.75; 646.70 5.04 Free Outfall H=.60; Htw=.00; Qfree=5.04; 646.90 7.76 Free Outfall H=.80; Htw=.00; Qfree=7.76; 647.10 10.85 Free Outfall H=1.00; Htw=.00; Qfree=10.85; 647. 30 14.26 Free Outfall H=1.20; Htw=.00; Qfree=14.26; 647. 50 17.97 Free Outfall H=1.40; Htw=.00; Qfree=17.97; 647.70 21.96 Free Outfall H=1.60; Htw=.00; Qfree=21.96; 647.90 26.20 Free Outfall H=1.80; Htw=.00; Qfree=26.20; 648.00 28.42 Free Outfall H=1.90; Htw=.00; Qfree=28.42; 648.10 30.69 Free Outfall H=2.00; Htw=.00; Qfree=30.69; 648.30 35.41 Free Outfall H=2.20; Htw=.00; Qfree=35.41; 648.50 40.34 Free Outfall H=2.40; Htw=.00; Qfree=40.34; 648.70 45.49 Free Outfall H=2.60; Htw=.00; Qfree=45.49; 648.90 50.84 Free Outfall H=2.80; Htw=.00; Qfree=50.84; 649.10 56. 38 Free Outfall H=3.00: Htw=.00; Qfree=56. 38; 649.30 62.11 Free Outfall H=3.20; Htw=.00; Qfree=62.11; 649. 50 68.02 Free Outfall H=3.40; Htw=.00; Qfree=68.02; 649.70 74.11 Free Outfall H=3.60; Htw=.00; Qfree=74.11; 649.90 80.37 Free Outfall H=3.80; Htw=.00; Qfree=80.37; 650.00 83.57 Free Outfall H=3.90; Htw=.00; Qfree=83.57; S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7.5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.06 Name. . . . BMP 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = W2 (Weir-Rectangular) Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q Tail Water Notes WS Elev. Q TW Elev Converge ft cfs ft +/-ft Computation Messages 644.50 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.E1.=648.000 644.70 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. E1.=648.000 644.90 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.000 645. 10 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.EL.=648.000 645.30 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648.000 645.50 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.E1.=648.000 645.70 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.E1.=648.000 645.90 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.000 646.10 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.000 646.30 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648.000 646.50 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.E1.=648.000 646.70 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. E1.=648.000 646.90 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.000 647.10 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.000 647. 30 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.000 647. 50 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.E1.=648.000 647.70 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.000 647.90 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.000 648.00 .00 Free Outfall H=.00; Htw=.00; Qfree=.00; 648.10 1.22 Free Outfall H=.10; Htw=.00; Qfree=1.22; 648. 30 6.37 Free Outfall H=. 30; Htw=.00; Qfree=6.37; 648. 50 13.70 Free Outfall H=.50; Htw=.00; Qfree=13.70; 648.70 22.70 Free Outfall H=.70; Htw=.00; Qfree=22.70; 648.90 33.09 Free Outfall H=.90; Htw=.00; Qfree=33.09; 649.10 44.70 Free Outfall H=1.10; Htw=.00; Qfree=44.70; 649.30 57.44 Free Outfall H=1.30; Htw=.00; Qfree=57.44; 649.50 71.19 Free Outfall H=1.50; Htw=.00; Qfree=71.19; 649.70 85.89 Free Outfall H=1.70; Htw=.00; Qfree=85 .89; 649.90 101.49 Free Outfall H=1.90; Htw=.00; Qfree=101.49; 650.00 109.60 Free Outfall H=2.00; Htw=.00; Qfree=109.60; S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7.5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.07 Name. . . . BMP 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = ES (Weir-Rectangular) Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q Tail Water Notes WS Elev. Q TW Elev Converge ft cfs ft +/-ft Computation Messages 644.50 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. E1.=648. 500 644.70 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. E1.=648.500 644.90 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. E1.=648.500 645.10 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.500 645. 30 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.500 645. 50 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.500 645.70 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El .=648.500 645.90 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648.500 646.10 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv. El.=648.500 646.30 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648.500 646. 50 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648.500 646.70 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El .=648.500 646.90 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648.500 647.10 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.E1.=648. 500 647.30 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.E1.=648.500 647.50 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El .=648.500 647.70 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648.500 647.90 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648.500 648.00 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.El.=648.500 648.10 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.E1.=648.500 648. 30 .00 Free Outfall HW & TW below Inv.E1.=648. 500 648.50 .00 Free Outfall H=.00; Htw=.00; Qfree=.00; 648.70 4.16 Free Outfall H=.20; Htw=.00; Qfree=4.16; 648.90 11.76 Free Outfall H=.40; Htw=.00; Qfree=11.76; 649.10 21.61 Free Outfall H=.60; Htw=.00; Qfree=21.61; 649. 30 33.27 Free Outfall H=.80; Htw=.00; Qfree=33.27; 649. 50 46.50 Free Outfall H=1.00; Htw=.00; Qfree=46. 50; 649.70 61.13 Free Outfall H=1.20; Htw=.00; Qfree=61.13; 649.90 77.03 Free Outfall H=1.40; Htw=.00; Qfree=77.03; 650.00 85.43 Free Outfall H=1.50; Htw=.00; Qfree=85.43; S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver . 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017 Type. . . . Composite Rating Curve Page 6.08 Name. . . . BMP 1 File. . . . W:\PONDPAK\16240\16240-DETENTION ANALYSIS.PPW ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes Converge Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft cfs ft +/-ft Contributing Structures - 644. 50 .00 Free Outfall None contributing 644.70 .04 Free Outfall 01 644.90 .07 Free Outfall 01 645.10 .09 Free Outfall 01 645. 30 .11 Free Outfall 01 645. 50 .13 Free Outfall 01 645 .70 .14 Free Outfall 01 645 .90 .15 Free Outfall 01 646.10 .16 Free Outfall 01 +W1 646. 30 1.14 Free Outfall 01 +W1 646.50 2.93 Free Outfall 01 +Wi 646.70 5.24 Free Outfall 01 +W1 646.90 7.97 Free Outfall 01 +W1 647.10 11.06 Free Outfall 01 +W1 647.30 14.48 Free Outfall 01 +W1 647.50 18. 20 Free Outfall 01 +W1 647.70 22.19 Free Outfall 01 +W1 647.90 26.44 Free Outfall 01 +W1 648.00 28.66 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 648.10 32. 16 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 648.30 42.03 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 648.50 54. 30 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 +ES 648.70 72.61 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 +ES 648.90 95.96 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 +ES 649. 10 122.97 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 +ES 649.30 153.11 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 +ES 649.50 186.01 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 +ES 649.70 221.43 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 +ES 649.90 259.20 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 +ES 650.00 278.90 Free Outfall 01 +W1 +W2 +ES S/N: C21B02A06A82 The Isaacs Group PondPack Ver. 7. 5 (786c) Compute Time: 12:26:54 Date: 02/21/2017