HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151279 Ver 2_Final Construction Monitoring Report_20170315Burdette, Jennifer a From: Anna Stuart Lambert <alambert@res.us> Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 1:09 PM To: Dailey, Samantha J CIV USARMY CESAW (US) Cc: Burdette, Jennifer a Subject: Hathaway Final Construction Report and As -Built Attachments: Hathaway Final Report Combined PDF - r.pdf Good afternoon, I have attached the Final Construction Monitoring Report for the Hathaway Stream Relocation Project for your records. The report includes construction monitoring photos, the as -built, and the conservation plat. Please let me know if you have any questions. Best, Anna Stuart Anna Stuart Lambert Environmental Specialist Angler Environmental, a RES Company 17: 804.729.8984 10: 804.353.6017 Please note my new email address: alamber°t(tures,us ('0'\ s\ f D I \ I IA L f I Y \0 I I C I... I his b,_11mil mc.s au inc Iudim1n ° ttachII) 'nts,1s for thc 4soIc. use of the, intc.ndb.d rc c ipic.nt(s) and ma° contain confide.riti l and177s71b1 b d inforl'IM601) 07 ( thc.7�viSC D1'0 c.ctc.d in, I �z An-\' iknattr11ori/cd rc.� n , use, disscIo77sure. o distribution 7s nrohihitc.d ff OU are, not the, intalndcd r5,'mpi crit, Ne.ase contact t the. send in, 75 oh, c, -n iI an dc.sstr(�\' +.flI conk's of the, ori?>imfl m s sa c_ s . A. ANGLER Final Construction Monitoring Report For HATHAWAY SWITCHING STATION STREAM RELOCATION NASH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared For Virginia Electric and Power Company ATTN: Amanda Mayhew 701 East Cary Street, OJRP 12th Floor Richmond, VA 23219 Prepared By Angler Environmental, a RES Company 3751 Westerre Pkwy, Suite A Richmond, VA 23233 February 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE I. Project Summary................................................................................................................ 2 11. Existing Conditions............................................................................................................. 2 A. Reach 1....................................................................................................................... 2 B. Reach 2....................................................................................................................... 2 C. Reach 3....................................................................................................................... 3 111. Restoration......................................................................................................................... 3 A. Design Approach......................................................................................................... 3 B. Construction................................................................................................................ 3 C. Problem Areas............................................................................................................. 4 IV. Monitoring...........................................................................................................................4 APPENDICES Appendix A: Construction Photos Appendix B: As -Built Survey Appendix C: Conservation Plat 1 I. PROJECT SUMMARY The Hathaway Stream Relocation Project is located within an agricultural watershed in Nash County, North Carolina, approximately 0.3 miles south of Battleboro. This stream relocation project was proposed as mitigation for impacts resulting from construction of a new switching station that connects to the electrical grid. This switching station will provide additional reliability to the electrical grid in the event of a power outage and address additional electrical needs in the region. On-site construction activities included the clearing and grading of approximately 5.5 acres for the construction of a switching station, a new entrance for ingress/egress, and a stormwater management facility to control runoff and manage water quality. In total, the project permanently impacted 1.0445 acres of jurisdictional wetlands and 511.77 linear feet of jurisdictional streams. This was the result of the installation of the access road, fill pad for the switching station, and proposed stormwater detention management facility. In addition, the project involved the relocation of 656 linear feet of perennial stream channel around the toe slope of the newly constructed fill pad. The primary impacts associated with the construction of the switching station involve mechanized land clearing and filling associated with the fill pad for the switching station and the stormwater management facility. The goal for the Hathaway Stream Relocation Project was to relocate a channelized stream based on reference reach conditions, enrich the aquatic ecosystem through restoration and riparian buffer habitat improvements, and provide ecological uplift within the Tar -Pamlico River basin (HUC 03020101). The design was based on reference conditions, USACE guidance, and criteria developed during this project to achieve success. EXISTING CONDITIONS The project area was primarily undeveloped forest and open land. The dominant drainage feature on-site was a perennial stream, referred to as unnamed tributary (UT) to Beech Branch. UT to Beech Branch flowed southwest to the confluence with the main stem of Beech Branch at the southwest boundary of the site. Beech Branch continues to flow offsite, southeast to its confluence with the Tar River. The project impacted UT to Beech Branch. The stream had three distinct reaches as described below. A. Reach 1 This reach flowed under the existing high tension power line right-of-way and was crossed by the existing gravel access road. The channel was heavily overgrown with herbaceous vegetation and lacked well defined channel bed forms. The right-of-way was periodically sprayed with herbicide to kill woody species. The channel lacked a well-defined floodplain and was probably ditched as part of the installation of the existing access road. This reach was impacted by the re -alignment of the access road into the substation. B. Reach 2 This reach extended downstream of the power line right-of-way for approximately 500 linear feet. The channel was incised and straightened with a lack of floodplain connection. The bedforms were poorly developed with only a few shallow riffle sections, and long, flat pools. The left bank was heavily forested and stabilized with root mat, mosses, and woody F, vegetation while the right bank showed significant erosion and lacked woody vegetation. This reach was impacted by the footprint of the substation. C. Reach 3 This reach extended downstream from Reach 2 to Beech Branch and was not ditched or straightened. The channel had a slight meandering pattern with stable stream banks and connectivity to its floodplain which was a mature forested wetland system. The channel was a sandbed system with a few well defined bedforms and was heavily shaded by the mature forested floodplain. This reach was used as a reference reach for the project. III. RESTORATION A. Design Approach The restoration included 656 linear feet of stream restoration efforts along UT to Beech Branch. Geomorphic conditions and watershed characteristics were analyzed to develop a design. The design approach applied a combination of analytical and reference reach based design methods that met objectives commensurate with both ecological and geomorphic improvements. Natural design concepts were applied and verified through rigorous engineering analyses and modeling. The objective of this approach was to design a geomorphically stable channel that provided habitat improvements and tied into the existing landscape. The restoration design of this coastal stream focused on re-establishing a highly functional floodplain connection. The floodplain bench has a minimum width of 5 ft and the channel is designed so that most storm events will access the floodplain. The planform for this stream includes several curves around the proposed substation, then the channel follows the fall of the valley. Small-scale meander patterns were not included in the design since the design focus was on floodplain reconnection. Over time, the channel will develop a small scale meander pattern as point bars form and the banks adjust. The width of the floodplain provides sufficient area for the stream to develop an appropriate belt width. B. Construction Construction of the proposed stream channel began in July 2016 and was completed in September 2016, while planting activities will be completed by early spring of 2017. Construction on the switching station itself continues and will be completed in 2017. The construction of the new channel generally followed the sequence below. Initial site preparation involved clearing and grubbing all wooded areas for the entire site, including areas for the fill pad and stormwater detention management facility. Silt fence was installed downslope of all disturbed areas in order to prevent sediment from entering the existing jurisdictional waters of the U.S. Once all erosion control measures were in place, grading began with the removal of topsoil. The topsoil was stockpiled onsite for later use in the wetland floodplain and riparian buffer. Crews then began excavating the new channel design by cutting the floodplain bench and new channel simultaneously. Log structures were then installed to provide grade control and create pool scour. These were installed at designed intervals, using logs salvaged from site clearing. Once enough progress had been made excavating the new stream channel, salvaged topsoil was applied to the banks and floodplain bench and seeded with a native plant seed mix. Erosion control matting was then placed on top to secure stream banks and the wetland floodplain. This process was continued throughout the stream corridor until the tie-in with the existing stream channel. Once the entire stream channel had been constructed and 13 stabilized, the original channel was blocked off with backfill, the culverts were opened, and the relocated stream was brought online. Stream banks were stabilized using a combination of grading, erosion control matting, native seed mix, and log structure placement. The floodplains will be planted with native tree species creating a vegetated wetland, which will provide numerous water quality and ecological benefits. These live -stake plantings will be installed in February 2017 to obtain the best stem survival rates. New channel construction was performed offline and "in the dry" to avoid any potential sedimentation downstream. Stream flow was maintained in the existing channel while the new channel was constructed. However, multiple heavy rain events in the early stages of stream channel construction slowed progress significantly. Excess water had to be pumped out of the new stream channel and saturated soil had to be allowed to dry before in -channel work could continue. C. Problem Areas Prior to completion of the access road crossing, the area upstream of the culvert was not permanently stabilized for some time. Construction drawings did not have a permanent erosion control plan for this area other than temporary seeding and silt fence. Work on the new stream channel had been completed by this time and was starting to show germination from seeds planted. Before work on the access road crossing was finished, the site received over six inches of rain during Hurricane Matthew. Heavy erosion, including headcutting and incision of the stream channel occurred in the unprotected areas above the road crossing. This sent large amounts of sediment downstream into the newly constructed channel, covering up herbaceous vegetation that had recently germinated and filling in log structures. The area above the access road crossing was assessed by an engineer after the storm and given a permanent erosion control plan. The stream banks and floodplain above the culvert were brought back to the designed grade and armored with rip rap to help stabilize the stream as it enters the culvert. The stream channel has since recovered by moving sediment under normal baseflow conditions but vegetation remains bare. A temporary seed mix was planted after the storm but a lack of significant precipitation on site has slowed the process. Native live -stake plants will be planted in the winter/early spring of 2017 and will provide stabilization for the stream banks and wetland floodplain. Overall the new stream channel was stable even with the unusual amount of precipitation in one event. Photos of the stream channel before and after the repair can be found in the attached photos (Appendix A). IV. MONITORING All stream construction activities have been completed and planting is expected to be completed in February 2017. The site will be monitored on a regular basis and a physical inspection of the site will be conducted a minimum of twice per year throughout the seven- year post -construction monitoring period, or until performance standards are met. These site inspections will identify site components and features that require maintenance. Annual monitoring shall be conducted for stream and vegetation monitoring parameters as noted below for seven years or until success criteria have been met. The annual monitoring data will be reported and submitted to the USACE. 11 An as -built survey was conducted on the constructed stream channel and adjacent floodplain areas in January 2017 to document post construction conditions (Appendix B). Measurements included the longitudinal profile, stream structures as seen in the field, culvert crossings, monitoring cross sections, vegetation plots, and the stream gauge. The survey was tied to a permanent benchmark to facilitate comparison of data year to year. Two permanent cross sections were installed to monitor channel dimensions and stability. Each cross section was permanently marked with 3/8 rebar pin to establish a monument location at each end. A marker pole was also installed at both ends of each cross section to make them easier to locate during monitoring activities. The locations of each cross section are depicted on the as -built drawings. One auto -logging stream gauge was installed to measure stage (water depth) on the site near the first major bend of the constructed channel. The auto -logging gauge was installed within the channel and will continuously record flow conditions at an hourly interval. The gauge will be checked during each site visit to determine if a bankfull event has occurred since the last site visit. Gauge readings and debris rack lines will be photographed to document evidence of bankfull events. Four vegetation monitoring plots were installed near the constructed channel with the locations of each vegetation plot depicted on the as -built drawings. Within each vegetation plot, each planted stem will be identified by species and measured for height. Species composition, density, growth patterns, damaged stems, and survival ratios will be measured and reported on an annual basis. All identified problematic areas or areas of concern such as stream bank erosion/instability, aggradation/degradation, lack of targeted vegetation, and invasive/exotic species which prevent the site from meeting performance success criteria will be evaluated on a case by case basis. The USACE will be notified if monitoring or other information indicates that the mitigation site, or a portion of the mitigation site, is not progressing as anticipated towards meeting the site specific performance standards as defined in the Mitigation Plan. In such an event, the USACE will be provided with recommendations for adaptive management measures, which may include site modifications, design changes, revisions to maintenance requirements, and revised monitoring requirements. USACE approval will be obtained prior to conducting any adaptive management activities. Appendix A Construction Photos w. ANGLER r� ENVIRONMENTAL a ni reS company Hathaway Stream Relocation Nash County, North Carolina Construction Monitoring Report: December 2016 Date: 7/15/2016 Orientation: Downstream Subject Description: Early phases of channel construction Date: 7/15/2016 Orientation: Upstream Subject Description: Early phases of channel excavation w. ANGLER r­w ENVIRONMENTAL a ni reS company Hathaway Stream Relocation Nash County, North Carolina Construction Monitoring Report: December 2016 Date: 7/19/2016 Orientation: Downstream Subject Description: Multiple heavy rain events in early stages of stream channel construction slowed progress. Note ero- sion and water marks. Excess water had to be pumped out and saturated soil allowed to dry before work could contin- ue. Date: 7/29/2016 Orientation: Downstream Subject Description: Coir erosion mat- ting installed on stream banks and wet- land floodplain w. ANGLER -ftb--w ENVIRONMENTAL a ni reS company Hathaway Stream Relocation Nash County, North Carolina Construction Monitoring Report: December 2016 Date: 8/5/2016 Orientation: Upstream Subject Description: Jute and coir ero- sion matting installed on side slopes, stream banks and wetland floodplain. Matting secured with dead blow stakes. Date: 8/15/2016 Orientation: Downstream Subject Description: New channel tie-in to existing channel and culvert. w. ANGLER r ­w ENVIRONMENTAL a ni reS company Hathaway Stream Relocation Nash County, North Carolina Construction Monitoring Report: December 2016 Date: 8/15/2016 Orientation: Upstream Subject Description: Tie-in to existing channel. Picture taken from culvert look- ing upstream. Date: 8/26/2016 Orientation: Downstream Subject Description: Construction on access road crossing. Area upstream of new channel construction. x. ANGLER -ftb--w ENVIRONMENTAL a ni reS company Hathaway Stream Relocation Nash County, North Carolina Construction Monitoring Report: December 2016 Date: 8/26/2016 Orientation: Downstream Subject Description: Pool developing downstream of log structure within first week of opening flow to new channel. Date: 8/26/2016 Orientation: Downstream Subject Description: New channel after first week of opening flow. Temporary seeding has started to germinate and come through erosion matting. w. ANGLER -ftb--w ENVIRONMENTAL a ni reS company Hathaway Stream Relocation Nash County, North Carolina Construction Monitoring Report: December 2016 x..,41 Date: 8/26/2016 Orientation: Downstream Subject Description: Temporary seeding starting to germinate and come through erosion matting. Date: 9/19/2016 Orientation: Downstream Subject Description: The site received over an inch of rain while on-site, result- ing in near bankfull conditions. x. ANGLER -ftb--w ENVIRONMENTAL a ni reS company Hathaway Stream Relocation Nash County, North Carolina Construction Monitoring Report: December 2016 Date: 9/19/2016 Orientation: Upstream Subject Description: The site received over an inch of rain while on-site, result- ing in near bankfull conditions. Looking at stream flow out of culvert for access road crossing. Date: 9/19/2016 Orientation: Downstream/Right bank Subject Description: The site received over an inch of rain while on-site, result- ing in near bankfull conditions. Looking at stream flow into culvert for access road crossing. Note area bare due to work on culvert for access road. w. ANGLER r ­w ENVIRONMENTAL a ni reS company Hathaway Stream Relocation Nash County, North Carolina Construction Monitoring Report: December 2016 Date: 10/11/2016 Orientation: Upstream Subject Description: Area upstream of road crossing after 6 inches of rain from Hurricane Matthew. Date: 10/11/2016 Orientation: Downstream Subject Description: New channel after 6 inches of rain from Hurricane Mat- thew. Note evidence of bankfull event with wrack lines, sediement deposition, and water marks. w. ANGLER r� ENVIRONMENTAL a ni reS company Hathaway Stream Relocation Nash County, North Carolina Construction Monitoring Report: December 2016 Date: 11/8/2016 Orientation: Upstream Subject Description: Area above the access road was regraded and armored with rip rap after the storm. Area above rip rap was covered with erosion matting and seeded. Looking upstream from culvert. Date: 11/8/2016 Orientation: Downstream Subject Description: Area above the access road was regraded and armored with rip rap after the storm. Area above rip rap was covered with erosion matting and seeded. Looking downstream as stream flows into culvert. w. ANGLER -ftb­w ENVIRONMENTAL a ni reS company Hathaway Stream Relocation Nash County, North Carolina Construction Monitoring Report: December 2016 Date: 11/8/2016 Orientation: Downstream Subject Description: New channel start- ing to recover from sediment deposition after the storm. Some volunteer wetland vegetation has reappeared in bars. Date: 11/8/2016 Orientation: Downstream Subject Description: New channel start- ing to recover from sediment deposition after the storm with bars and pools start- ing to develop. Appendix B As -Built Survey Revisions NOTES 1. THE SURVEYED STREAM DELINEATED HEREON IS LOCATED AT HATHAWAY SUBSTATION IN NASH COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA. 2. VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD 88 AND HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NORTH CAROLINA STATE GRID, NAD83 (2011) BASED OFF AN OPUS SOLUTION AND TIED TO NGS MONUMENT "BATTLEBORO". 3. THE SURVEY SHOWN HEREON IS NOT IN A 100 -YEAR FLOODPLAIN. IT LIES IN ZONE "X" (UNSHADED)(AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN) AND ZONE "X" (HATCHED)(AREAS OF 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD; AREAS OF 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD WITH AVERAGE DEPTHS OF LESS THAN 1 FOOT OR WITH DRAINAGE AREAS LESS THAN 1 SQUARE MILE; AND AREAS PROTECTED BY LEVEES FROM 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD) AS SHOWN ON FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FOR NASH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, COMMUNITY -PANEL NUMBER 3720386300J, EFFECTIVE DATE NOVEMBER 3, 2004. 4. THIS AS BUILT SURVEY WAS COMPLETED BY BOWMAN CONSULTING ON DECEMBER 22, 2016. 5. CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' Typical Drawing Information n OF O Z \ > \ mM 0_4J U 0) bi m = -A D U CENTERLINE STREAM PROFILE C) OD> 't Z_ o N QJ m 99.28 110 �, co O C 97.24 m 7a 96.77 O 8 D IRS KD \_OG SSR 5� /S TF 10 11 12 U N Z ry o z O Uj0 SANITARY w MH TOP=103.91 o -SSS s\ PNGN SANITARY s -S s\ N BR MH TOP=98.55 s 0 s gEE� F_ S Seo \sem i� o z ��s� w s\ SANITARY sus Y < VARIABLE WIDTH s\ MH TOP=97.10w S \ `� STREAM CONSERVATION Oo „ s Yates- Z `" o v 00 EASEMENT X + �o-� O 0 U-) Z + CD /5 F- Z + bi ycr- n 5 LLJ�� � \ VEGETATION w w_ \ �� N wV) 0 PLOT #3 �\ `` GRASS �v IRS IRS 13 w �k Z zo Qo �\ z IRS 18 \ o X V LL OFA �00I\ 0 X v~i �PIPE - - C) \ �_ \ '` O 0� \ \ �k a SILT FE�CE P C PIPE + 0 9S\\ \\ xX 3 X N - 1-EC� - _ IRS 11 RS 10 / \ FF \ N ;EE QTREECL STREAM 4 �R VX SECTION EGETATION PLOT S # STAKE SET VEGETATION 19 7� F9\� X X (TYP.) X PLOT #2 \ S 9 ����0���0�\G� \ \ SILTXFENCE\ X X \ �\ S WOODS T i IRS 14 GRASS RS \ \ \\ PG'G����RGc'S \�Z / IRS 15 / \ \�\ vP OQ G 00 \C>� INV=93.47 _ - X / CONK. \ \-� IRS 6 \ ��c Q\e IRS 4 \ EADWALL \\ CONCRETE CURBO� X X XSUBSTATION CHAIN LINK FENCE X \\ \ \ �IRSk5 \\ IRS 1 �P GRAVELS VEGET\\ N \ IR f GRASS o r7\ �kGO I \ / \ \\\4 \\ I SSP \\ _F �P \\ \ 9\ HATHAWAY SUBSTATION \\ \ INV - 151631 I 1 �\ X' VIRGINIA ELECTRIC f 3. c�o 0 1 � I I Io RIP RAP AND POWER COMPANY 1 \ / �� ti� (TYP.) 1 U yob I \ CROSS SECTION I PROFILE CO � C� Cn 7 N C6 co � ri v 00 0) 0) rn0) 0) M M M M a9f a7 36 )5 a4 a3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (n 0 O O O O O OV, O cr_1' 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 PID: 018274, 040250, 1 020042, 037306, 1 \ J 1 x 1 1 /V=93.28 I D.B. 2828, PG. 796 1 (PROFILE I 1 \ 0+55) \I I �\ GRASS CROSS SECTION 2 \ \ PROFILE \ �` N � � V � C� C� V N N N r) rj 95 1 9 5 94 a 94 93 93 \ /\ 92 92 \ 0 o O O O O o OD LOO N r) V Ln co - + + + + + + + 00 O O O O O O� O 0 96 Q 95 U Cn 94 J U 93 w 92 .00. o co 6) 07 0+00 0+25 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 r) O CD O r) N r) O O 0� N O O Cfl 0+50 0+75 1+00 1+25 1+50 1+75 2+00 2+25 2+50 2+75 3+00 3+25 3+50 3+75 4+00 4+25 4+50 4+75 5+00 5+25 5+50 5+75 6+00 6+25 6+50 6+75 7+00 7+20 HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1:1 Stand foundation Odle Stand foundation CNIs Foundation Calls for Odw Toloal Structuna I Stell D" & 40 0 40 80 GRAPHIC SCALE NV=95.98 IN 94.00 (PROFILE 0+00) SITE MORNING ST CHURCH RD VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1"=2000' LEGEND CONC. CONCRETE 0IRS IRON ROD & CAP SET • CROSS SECTION STAKE SET PVC PIPE x x FENCE STREAM (EDGE OF WATER) -s s SANITARY SEWER \ PROPERTY LINE MONITORING POINTS SET IRON ROD ELEVATIONS O ft� O 00 of N 0 0_4J U 0) bi 0- 'j 0); 2 U CENTERLINE STREAM PROFILE C) OD> 't Z_ 00> �Zca, 00 -° @ 0 96 Q 95 U Cn 94 J U 93 w 92 .00. o co 6) 07 0+00 0+25 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 r) O CD O r) N r) O O 0� N O O Cfl 0+50 0+75 1+00 1+25 1+50 1+75 2+00 2+25 2+50 2+75 3+00 3+25 3+50 3+75 4+00 4+25 4+50 4+75 5+00 5+25 5+50 5+75 6+00 6+25 6+50 6+75 7+00 7+20 HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1:1 Stand foundation Odle Stand foundation CNIs Foundation Calls for Odw Toloal Structuna I Stell D" & 40 0 40 80 GRAPHIC SCALE NV=95.98 IN 94.00 (PROFILE 0+00) SITE MORNING ST CHURCH RD VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1"=2000' LEGEND CONC. CONCRETE 0IRS IRON ROD & CAP SET • CROSS SECTION STAKE SET PVC PIPE x x FENCE STREAM (EDGE OF WATER) -s s SANITARY SEWER \ PROPERTY LINE MONITORING POINTS SET IRON ROD ELEVATIONS POINT ELEVATION IRS 1 99.39 IRS 2 94.81 IRS 3 94.53 IRS 4 99.28 IRS 5 98.31 IRS 6 97.24 IRS 7 96.77 IRS 8 94.13 IRS 9 94.28 IRS 10 93.41 IRS 11 93.32 IRS 12 95.88 IRS 13 96.46 IRS 14 94.66 IRS 15 94.42 IRS 16 92.86 IRS 17 93.00 IRS 18 94.05 Dominion, Professional Engineer J Approval �omini*W STREAM RESTORATION AS -BUILT ON A POR11ON OF HATHAWAY SUBSTATION SITE CITY OF ROCKY MOUNT NASH COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Nall • Dab I Proint No. I Shut Na 1 OF 1 I I 18/M Na I ReMNons I ICad Fie Nave: PLIOTIED: Dra " No. J Appendix C Conservation Plat A - co W. BATTLEBORO AVE IRO ,Q. Q� 301 S SITE 4�O 1524 O �0 0-- 9 a N0 OLij � NQ VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1"=2000' TAR-PAM NOTE: THE 50 FOOT NEUSE/TAR PAM RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE IS MEASURE FROM THE TOP OF BANK OF DITCH OR CREEK. NO ACTIVITY IS PERMITTED IN ZONE 1 (1ST 30'). LIMITED ACTIVITY IS ALLOWED IN ZONE 2 (20'). OWNER/DEVELOPER TO CONSULT G.S. 15A NCAC 2B.0259 BEFORE ANY DISTURBANCE WITHIN THE BUFFER ZONE OR CALL NCDENR, DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY, SURFACE WATER PROTECTION SECTION FRO OFFICIAL DETERMINATION. rx� �O / ^Co GR\O a h a � NOTES 1. THIS PLAT IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY PERFORMED BY BOWMAN CONSULTING GROUP IN JUNE 2015 AND SEPTEMBER, 2015. 3. BOUNDARY INFORMATION AS SHOWN HEREON IS BASED ON D.B. 1256, PG. 716, P.B. 16, / PG. 574, D.B. 1767, PG 73 (NCDOT PROJ. # U-3329) & DEED BOOK 2520, PAGE 570 AMONG THE LAND RECORDS OF NASH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. 4. THE SURVEYED PROPERTY AS SHOWN HEREON IS SUBJECT TO ALL COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD AND THOSE RECORDED HEREWITH. BOWMAN CONSULTING GROUP, LTD. WAS PROVIDED A COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE FROM COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. 5. THE SURVEYED PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON LIES IN ZONE "X" (UNSHADED)(AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN) AND ZONE --X-- (HATCHED) X"(HATCHED) (AREAS OF 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD; AREAS OF 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD WITH AVERAGE DEPTHS OF LESS THAN 1 FOOT OR WITH DRAINAGE AREAS LESS THAN 1 SQUARE MILE; AND AREAS PROTECTED BY LEVEES FROM 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD) AS SHOWN ON FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FOR NASH COUNTY, NORTH IPF `"� 4,j'° e 98 82 CAROLINA, COMMUNITY -PANEL NUMBER 3720386300J, EFFECTIVE DATE NOVEMBER 3, 2004. N / O / PARCEL ID: 037306 PARCEL ID: 020042 �IpvTeRIOR p D.B. 2828, PG. 796 AROF� vNE (ryp\ EXIST/NG 30, SEWER —DB' 7p�2, p R E9gEMENT HOSPIRA, INC. A DELAWARE CORPORATION PARCEL ID: 019045 D.B. 2055, PG. 92 \ ZONED: 1-2 Q 617 i e78 L2 L3 �' / ���t TED STREAM CL RELOCp ANNEL) / g14 (6' WIDE CH 81 LA Cl\- B10 PROPOSED \ -� VARIABLE WIDTH 0) 0 4\ �Z / Q Q. c 4� Q �b / o Co Q m� / PARCEL ID: 018274 D.B. 2828, PG. 796 4S a � OS E / /26.29 N 31 °33' MON m Q Q STREAM CONSERVATION EASEMENT \ m \ 28" E / Nccs "BATTLEBORo" i Q 60,615 S.F. OR 1.39152 AC. 0� 2212.04' N 838,921.76 _ 2212.10' E 2,369,678.40 Q O n U � / (GROUN NC GRID COORDS �� � /Q � �� D) (NAD83) Ln Ct- m CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY AND ACCURACY f (5), W - / I RICHARD L. FRALIN CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION \A_ ^ / w � FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION (DEED DESCRIPTION ~ ,v n :H f= z \ RECORDED IN D.B. 2520, PG. 570 & D.B. 1256, PG. 716 AS RECORDED IN NASH � w / � N COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY); THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE CLEARLY L N O~+� INDICATED AS DASHED LINES AS DRAWN FROM RECORD INFORMATION; THAT THE O 7Z '� VQ o W __j/ ��` / RATIO OF PRECISION AS CALCULATED IS 1:31516 (UNADJUSTED) AND A MAXIMUM Q Z Q / z VIRGINIA ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY T�/= FIELD ERROR OF ANGULAR CLOSURE OF 3.4"/ANGLE; AND THAT THIS PLAT WAS O G, S o / PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GS 47-30 AS AMENDED. WITNESS MY SIGNATURE, � W o u7 PARCEL ID: 040250 T / = o� REGISTRATION NUMBER AND SEAL THIS 1st DAY OF AUGUST . 2016. oG�Y l Q D.B. 2828, PG. 796 0 / - P.B. 16, PG. 574 ���Q�co I, RICHARD L. FRALIN, CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT IS OF A SURVEY OF ANOTHER e CATEGORY, SUCH AS THE RECOMBINATION OF EXISTING PARCELS, A COURT-ORDERED SURVEY, OR OTHER EXCEPT _-ON TO THEDEFINITION OF SUBDIVISION. "o LP" IN PART" / \ J�� / PARCEL ID: 040252 c�QQQ ,,0\�°°°C ARO��,i� O Q / RICHARD L. FRALIN �� °°goc� SS%�°ool/moi \ LA '" P.B. 16, PG. 574 m 0 9 �O 128.93' — T EXISTING 100' WIDE VEPCO POWER LINE R/W D.B. 838, PG. 624 EXISTING 30' ACCESS EASEMENT AS SHOWN IN P.B. 16, PG. 574 IRF S 23°29'01 " W IRF S 23°29'01 " W 2129.16' 64.09' DIRECTOR AND DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING CERTIFICATE: BY SIGNING BELOW, I/WE CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS APPROVED BY THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ON ___________ (DATE) AND MEETS THE CITY STANDARDS PLATTING REQUIREMENTS. DIRECTOR: DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING: ------- CSX TRANSPORTATION RAILROAD COMPANY (130' R/W) 60 0 60 120 GRAPHIC SCALE / a NORTH CAROLINA PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR oQ� 91g� / REG. N0. L-3698 �° 0 o SEAL g g L-3698 o l % / oo PLAT SHOWING ��000°�L`; *v STREAM CONSERVATION EASEMENT m1u / ON THE PROPERTY OF VIRGINIA ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY IZ04Dil6D A110WWtoDItow"DoN16WCONIto)�I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA , NASH COUNTY I, ___________________ REVIEW OFFICER OF NASH COUNTY, CERTIFY THAT THE MAP OR PLAT WHICH THIS CERTIFICATION IS AFFIXED MEETS ALL STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS FOR RECORDING. REVIEW OFFICER: DATE: DEED BOOK 2828 AT PAGE 796 CITY OF ROCKY MOUNT, SOUTH WHITAKERS TOWNSHIP NASH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE: 1 "=60' DATE: MAY 24, 2016 REVISION EASEMENT LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE B1 S 47'34'51" E 43.35' B2 N 83'00'07" E 16.79' B3 S 16'00'04" E 9.36' B4 S 70'21'42" E 35.33' 85 S 42'49'33" E 54.64' B6 S 80'08'15" W 144.76' 87 S 49'00'50" W 89.22' B8 S 16'06'27" W 299.51' B9 N 74'19'42" W 20.00' 810 S 16'06'27" W 22.75' B11 S 73'53'33" E 30.00' 812 S 15'33'33" W 20.99' B13 N 74'26'27" W 6.40' 814 N 15'33'33" E 20.99' B15 N 73'46'40" W 30.62' B16 N 03'16'02" W 57.20' 817 N 16'06'27" E 1 299.76- B18 I N 49'00'50" E I 150.05' 819 S 80'08'15" W 103.04' N 31 °33' MON m Q Q STREAM CONSERVATION EASEMENT \ m \ 28" E / Nccs "BATTLEBORo" i Q 60,615 S.F. OR 1.39152 AC. 0� 2212.04' N 838,921.76 _ 2212.10' E 2,369,678.40 Q O n U � / (GROUN NC GRID COORDS �� � /Q � �� D) (NAD83) Ln Ct- m CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY AND ACCURACY f (5), W - / I RICHARD L. FRALIN CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION \A_ ^ / w � FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION (DEED DESCRIPTION ~ ,v n :H f= z \ RECORDED IN D.B. 2520, PG. 570 & D.B. 1256, PG. 716 AS RECORDED IN NASH � w / � N COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY); THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE CLEARLY L N O~+� INDICATED AS DASHED LINES AS DRAWN FROM RECORD INFORMATION; THAT THE O 7Z '� VQ o W __j/ ��` / RATIO OF PRECISION AS CALCULATED IS 1:31516 (UNADJUSTED) AND A MAXIMUM Q Z Q / z VIRGINIA ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY T�/= FIELD ERROR OF ANGULAR CLOSURE OF 3.4"/ANGLE; AND THAT THIS PLAT WAS O G, S o / PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GS 47-30 AS AMENDED. WITNESS MY SIGNATURE, � W o u7 PARCEL ID: 040250 T / = o� REGISTRATION NUMBER AND SEAL THIS 1st DAY OF AUGUST . 2016. oG�Y l Q D.B. 2828, PG. 796 0 / - P.B. 16, PG. 574 ���Q�co I, RICHARD L. FRALIN, CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT IS OF A SURVEY OF ANOTHER e CATEGORY, SUCH AS THE RECOMBINATION OF EXISTING PARCELS, A COURT-ORDERED SURVEY, OR OTHER EXCEPT _-ON TO THEDEFINITION OF SUBDIVISION. "o LP" IN PART" / \ J�� / PARCEL ID: 040252 c�QQQ ,,0\�°°°C ARO��,i� O Q / RICHARD L. FRALIN �� °°goc� SS%�°ool/moi \ LA '" P.B. 16, PG. 574 m 0 9 �O 128.93' — T EXISTING 100' WIDE VEPCO POWER LINE R/W D.B. 838, PG. 624 EXISTING 30' ACCESS EASEMENT AS SHOWN IN P.B. 16, PG. 574 IRF S 23°29'01 " W IRF S 23°29'01 " W 2129.16' 64.09' DIRECTOR AND DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING CERTIFICATE: BY SIGNING BELOW, I/WE CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS APPROVED BY THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ON ___________ (DATE) AND MEETS THE CITY STANDARDS PLATTING REQUIREMENTS. DIRECTOR: DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING: ------- CSX TRANSPORTATION RAILROAD COMPANY (130' R/W) 60 0 60 120 GRAPHIC SCALE / a NORTH CAROLINA PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR oQ� 91g� / REG. N0. L-3698 �° 0 o SEAL g g L-3698 o l % / oo PLAT SHOWING ��000°�L`; *v STREAM CONSERVATION EASEMENT m1u / ON THE PROPERTY OF VIRGINIA ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY IZ04Dil6D A110WWtoDItow"DoN16WCONIto)�I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA , NASH COUNTY I, ___________________ REVIEW OFFICER OF NASH COUNTY, CERTIFY THAT THE MAP OR PLAT WHICH THIS CERTIFICATION IS AFFIXED MEETS ALL STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS FOR RECORDING. REVIEW OFFICER: DATE: DEED BOOK 2828 AT PAGE 796 CITY OF ROCKY MOUNT, SOUTH WHITAKERS TOWNSHIP NASH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE: 1 "=60' DATE: MAY 24, 2016 REVISION Bowm n C O N S U L T I N G Bowman Consulting Group, Ltd. Phone- (804) 616-3240 3951 Westerre Parkway, Suite 150 Fax- (804) 270-2008 Richmond, Virginia 23233 www.bowmanconsulting.com LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 N 08'05'40" E 27.96' L2 N 30'32'50" E 46.78' L3 N 25'29'16" E 19.78' L4 N 04'34'16" W 38.79' L5 N 09'56'24" W 83.93' L6 N 01'36'15" W 58.20' L7 N 06'10'25" W 68.23' N 31 °33' MON m Q Q STREAM CONSERVATION EASEMENT \ m \ 28" E / Nccs "BATTLEBORo" i Q 60,615 S.F. OR 1.39152 AC. 0� 2212.04' N 838,921.76 _ 2212.10' E 2,369,678.40 Q O n U � / (GROUN NC GRID COORDS �� � /Q � �� D) (NAD83) Ln Ct- m CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY AND ACCURACY f (5), W - / I RICHARD L. FRALIN CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION \A_ ^ / w � FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION (DEED DESCRIPTION ~ ,v n :H f= z \ RECORDED IN D.B. 2520, PG. 570 & D.B. 1256, PG. 716 AS RECORDED IN NASH � w / � N COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY); THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE CLEARLY L N O~+� INDICATED AS DASHED LINES AS DRAWN FROM RECORD INFORMATION; THAT THE O 7Z '� VQ o W __j/ ��` / RATIO OF PRECISION AS CALCULATED IS 1:31516 (UNADJUSTED) AND A MAXIMUM Q Z Q / z VIRGINIA ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY T�/= FIELD ERROR OF ANGULAR CLOSURE OF 3.4"/ANGLE; AND THAT THIS PLAT WAS O G, S o / PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GS 47-30 AS AMENDED. WITNESS MY SIGNATURE, � W o u7 PARCEL ID: 040250 T / = o� REGISTRATION NUMBER AND SEAL THIS 1st DAY OF AUGUST . 2016. oG�Y l Q D.B. 2828, PG. 796 0 / - P.B. 16, PG. 574 ���Q�co I, RICHARD L. FRALIN, CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT IS OF A SURVEY OF ANOTHER e CATEGORY, SUCH AS THE RECOMBINATION OF EXISTING PARCELS, A COURT-ORDERED SURVEY, OR OTHER EXCEPT _-ON TO THEDEFINITION OF SUBDIVISION. "o LP" IN PART" / \ J�� / PARCEL ID: 040252 c�QQQ ,,0\�°°°C ARO��,i� O Q / RICHARD L. FRALIN �� °°goc� SS%�°ool/moi \ LA '" P.B. 16, PG. 574 m 0 9 �O 128.93' — T EXISTING 100' WIDE VEPCO POWER LINE R/W D.B. 838, PG. 624 EXISTING 30' ACCESS EASEMENT AS SHOWN IN P.B. 16, PG. 574 IRF S 23°29'01 " W IRF S 23°29'01 " W 2129.16' 64.09' DIRECTOR AND DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING CERTIFICATE: BY SIGNING BELOW, I/WE CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS APPROVED BY THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ON ___________ (DATE) AND MEETS THE CITY STANDARDS PLATTING REQUIREMENTS. DIRECTOR: DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING: ------- CSX TRANSPORTATION RAILROAD COMPANY (130' R/W) 60 0 60 120 GRAPHIC SCALE / a NORTH CAROLINA PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR oQ� 91g� / REG. N0. L-3698 �° 0 o SEAL g g L-3698 o l % / oo PLAT SHOWING ��000°�L`; *v STREAM CONSERVATION EASEMENT m1u / ON THE PROPERTY OF VIRGINIA ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY IZ04Dil6D A110WWtoDItow"DoN16WCONIto)�I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA , NASH COUNTY I, ___________________ REVIEW OFFICER OF NASH COUNTY, CERTIFY THAT THE MAP OR PLAT WHICH THIS CERTIFICATION IS AFFIXED MEETS ALL STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS FOR RECORDING. REVIEW OFFICER: DATE: DEED BOOK 2828 AT PAGE 796 CITY OF ROCKY MOUNT, SOUTH WHITAKERS TOWNSHIP NASH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE: 1 "=60' DATE: MAY 24, 2016 REVISION Bowm n C O N S U L T I N G Bowman Consulting Group, Ltd. Phone- (804) 616-3240 3951 Westerre Parkway, Suite 150 Fax- (804) 270-2008 Richmond, Virginia 23233 www.bowmanconsulting.com 0 Bowman Consulting Group, Ltd. DWG: R\5454 - Dominion Power\5454-01-036 (SUR) - Nash County NC\Survey\Plats\5454-C-RP-003-EASE.dwg BY: CSM CHK: RF QC: BCG PROJECT NO: 5454-01-036 TASK: SX003 NORTH CAROLINA FIRM COA #C-3556 SHEET 1 OF 1 co O O 1 a 1 V LO V LO