HomeMy WebLinkAbout20052255 Ver 1_Public Notice_200603090 V 1 1 1���1 US Army Corps PUBLIC NOTICE Of Engineers Wilmington District Issue Date: March 6, 2006 . Comment Deadline: April 6, 2006 Corps Action ID #: 200533110 The Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) has received an application from McKeough Land Company, Incorporated seeking Department of the Army authorization to impact Ann, Bearpen, Devils Hole, Rock and Toxaway Creeks and their unnamed tributaries associated with infrastructure road crossings within the proposed Round Mountain Falls Subdivision in Rosman, Transylvania County, North Carolina. Specific plans and location information are described below and shown on the attached plans. This Public Notice and all attached plans are also available on the Wilmington District Web Site at www.saw.usace.anny.mil/wetlands 7; Applicant: McKeough Land Company, Inc. Attn: Mr. Andy Baker 208 Franklin Street`4'�'' Grand Haven, Michigan 49417 �ti.ANtta ri:+!rnr�t<gt1N►Nt�l�l ��Eaas� Agent: Wetland Natural Resource Consultants, Inc. Nva oiAVV Attn: Ms. Jennifer Robertson Post Office Box 882 Canton, North Carolina 28716 Authority The Corps will evaluate this application and a decide whether to issue, conditionally issue, or deny the proposed work pursuant to applicable procedures of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Location The proposed Round Mountain Falls site is located at the end of Oscar Chappell Road, north of the North Carolina/South Carolina state line, south of Rosman, Transylvania County, North Carolina (35.0819418° N, -82.84723191 W). The property is approximately 819 acres. The site contains wetlands as determined by the USACE 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual that are adjacent to several jurisdictional streams on site. There are five named streams (Ann, Bearpen, Devils Hole, Rock, and Toxaway Creeks) on the property and their unnamed tributaries. All of these channels are located within the Savannah River Basin. The Savannah River is navigable in fact. Existing Site Conditions The 816 -acre tract is primarily forested with mixed hardwood stands of mixed age classes. Some areas have been recently timbered. Old home sites are also present on-site, though there are no remaining structures, only clearings. There is one grassed pasture on the site. The wetlands on the site are characterized as wetland seeps and occupy less than two acres of the 819 -acre tract. Vegetation within this area includes Juncus spp., Carex spp., Urtica dioica, and Athyrium filix femina. Hydrology indicators for the wetlands include inundation, saturation, watermarks, and predominance of vegetation adapted to living in damp conditions. The wetlands are adjacent to the named and unnamed streams within the project area. Streams on-site include ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial segments. Ephemeral stream segments were not considered jurisdictional and were not included in the impacts for this project. Toxaway Creek, in this area, is in excellent condition with a stable bed and bank, well-developed riffle pool complexes, and frequent, varied habitats. All intermittent and perennial stream channels exhibit an ordinary high water mark. The North Carolina Division of Water Quality has classified the named stream on this site as Class C, Trout. A Nationwide Permit was issued for this project on December 16, 2005. This permit authorized 150 feet of permanent stream impacts, 480 feet of temporary stream impacts, and 0.0068 acres of permanent wetland impacts. Full development of the proposed plan necessitated additional impacts. The new proposed impacts are indicated below in the project description section. Applicant's Stated Purpose The applicant has proposed to construct a low-density, residential development in southern Transylvania County, North Carolina. Impacts to aquatic resources associated with this development would be incurred with the construction of road crossings and lot accesses (driveways). Project Description McKeough Land Company is proposing the construction of 42 infrastructure road crossings (40 jurisdictional stream crossings and 2 wetland crossings) and 10 driveway crossings as part of a residential development that would include 192 lots on the 816 -acre site known as Round Mountain Falls. Of the 40 stream crossings for roads, 19 are perennial streams of which 8 crossings would result in no new impacts and 21 are intermittent of which 1 would result in no new impacts. All 10 driveway crossings would be new impacts. Four ephemeral channels 2 would be culverted for road crossings, but were not included in the impacts as they were not considered jurisdictional. Impacts proposed include 950 linear feet of stream and 0.0068 acre of wetlands. The 950 linear feet of stream impacts can be broken down into 451 linear feet of perennial stream and 499 linear feet of intermittent stream. The applicant has minimized impacts by utilizing existing logging road infrastructure wherever possible in their plan. There is also an old state road that would be utilized to further reduce possible impacts. The pipe lengths have been minimized using boulder headwalls while maintaining a width necessary to meet the county subdivision ordinance. Bridges have been proposed for four of the crossing that occur at larger third order stream crossings. The plan includes upgrading one existing bridge and building three new bridges. No impacts to jurisdictional waters are proposed associated with bridge work. Mitigation for the proposed project consists of preservation. Preservation for perennial stream impacts would be at a 40 to 1 ratio resulting in 18,040 linear feet of preserved stream. For intermittent channels, the ratio would be 10 to 1 resulting in 4990 linear feet. A 25 -foot buffer would remain along both sides of the preserved streams except for 20 -foot wide view corridors from each home and 4 -foot wide primitive walking trails. A ground cover would be planted to prevented erosion in these areas. The applicant is currently revising the mitigation proposal to include restoration by the removal of existing culverts to compensate for impacts to perennial streams and to eliminate the 20 -foot wide view corridors in the proposed restrictive covenants. The applicant requested that this public notice be issued before these revisions were completed. Other Required Authorizations This notice and all applicable application materials are being forwarded to the appropriate State agencies for review. The Corps will generally not make a final permit decision until the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (PL 92-500). The receipt of the application and this public notice in the NCDWQ Central Office in Raleigh serves as application to the NCDWQ for certification. A waiver will be deemed to occur if the NCDWQ fails to act on this request for certification within sixty days of the date of the receipt of this notice in the NCDWQ Central Office. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the NCDWQ Central Office, 401 Oversight and Express Permits Unit, 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-2260. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ), 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 Attention: Ms Cyndi Karoly by April 6, 2006. Cultural Resources The Corps has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places and is not aware that any registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein are located within the project area or will be affected by the proposed work. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistoric, or historical data may be located within the project area and/or could be affected by the proposed work. Endangered Species The Corps has reviewed the project area, examined all information provided by the applicant and consulted the latest North Carolina Natural Heritage Database. Based on available information, the Corps is not aware of the presence of species listed as threatened or endangered or their critical habitat formally designated pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) within the project area. A final determination on the effects of the proposed project will be made upon additional review of the project and completion of any necessary biological assessment and/or consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Evaluation The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit that reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered including the cumulative effects thereof; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historic properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the discharge of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, the evaluation of the impact of the activity on the public interest will include application of the Environmental Protection Agency's 404(b)(1) guidelines. Commenting Information The Corps is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. 4 Any person may request, in writing, within the comment period specified in this notice, that a public hearing be held to consider the application. Requests for public hearings shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. Requests for a public hearing shall be granted, unless the District Engineer determines that the issues raised are insubstantial or there is otherwise no valid interest to be served by a hearing. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received by the Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, until 5pm, April 6, 2006. Comments should be submitted to Angie Pennock, 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208, Asheville, North Carolina 28801. Round Mountain Channel Impact Summary Sheet For Phases 1-4 Road Crossing # Existing Impact Proposed Impact New Impact New Impact linear feet linear feet linear feetyards) Phase 1 1 perennial channel 23 80 57 3.17 2 perennial channel 26 35 9 1 3 perennial channel 35 35 0 0 4 intermittent channel 20 30 10 0.74 5 intermittent channel 20 29 9 0.50 6 perennial channel 25 24 0 0 71perennial channel 30 30 0 0 91 intermittent channel 0 24 24 0.89 10 intermittent channel 20 30 10 0.37 111 intermittent channel 30 30 0 0 121perennial channel 20 30 10 - 0.56 14 intermittent channel 20 30 10 0.19 151 intermittent channel _ - 20 30 10 1.11 161perennial channel 30 30 0 0 171perennial channel -- 30 30 0 - 0 18 perennial channel — - 70 70 0 0 19 perennial channel 30 30 0 0 20 perennial channel - 30 30 0 _ 0 Phase 2 21 ephemeral channel 0 30 0 -- 0 22 perennial channel 15 36 21 0.78 23 perennial channel 0 bridge 0 0 24 perennial channel 0 36 36 2.00 25 perennial channel 0 36 36 8.00 26 perennial channel 0 36 36 5.33 27 Intermittent channel 20 36 16 0.89 28 intermittent channel 0 36 36 2.67 29 ephemeral channel - 20 30 0 0 30 ephemeral channel 0 36 .0 0 311 Intermittent channel — 0 36 36 32 intermittent channel -- —_ _ _ 0 36 36 2 33 intermittent channel 0 30 30 - 1.67 34 Intermittent channel 0 30 30 1.11 Phase 3 - 35 perennial channel 0 30 30 5.56 36 perennial channel 0 36 36 13.33 37 intermittent channel 0 36 36 1.33 38 intermittent channel 0 36 36 1.33 39 intermittent channel 0 36 36 1.33 401 intermittent channel 0 36 361 1.33 41 intermittent channel 20 36 161 0.59 Road Crossing # Existing impact Proposed Impact New Impact New Impact linear feet linear feet linear feetyards) Phase 4 -feet) 42 intermittent channel 20 36 16 0.59 43 intermittent channel 20 36 16 0.89 44 ephemeral channel 0 30 0 0 45 perennial channel bride 20 0 0 461 intermittent channel 0 30 30 1.11 Driveway Crossing # Existing Impact Proposed Impact New Impact New Impact (linear linear feet linear feetyards) All Phases -- -feet) .Alperennial channel 0 20 - 20 1.11 B intermittent channel— 0 20 -20 0.74 C perennial channel — _ 0 20 __20 1.48 D perennial channel 0 20 2Q 1.48 E perennial channel - _ ----0 20 - 720 3.70 F perennial channel -- 0 20 20 2.96 Giperennial channel 0 20 20 - 2.96 H perennial channel 0 20 20 1.11 I perennial channel 0 20 20 2.22 3 perennial channel 01 201 201 2.22 Total Impact to Intermittent Channels 499 24.06 Total Impact to Perennial Channels 451 58.98 Total Impact to Channels 950 83.04 Round Mountain Wetiand Impact Summary Sheet For Phases 1-4 Road Crossing # Existing Impact Proposed Impact New Impact acres awes acres 8 wetland 0 0.0041 0.0041 13 wetland 0.0018 0.0027 0.0009 Total Impact 0.0068 Total New impact 0.005 0 I � IW05733l�0 an:S-3 io The following 8.5 X 11 maps represent the entire site. There are two copies of each map. Both copies show roads, streams, wetlands, and impact locations. One copy also shows topo and lot lines, the other copy does not. (See Impact Summary Sheet for stream classification and ammount of impact at each location.) Legend -. � I V MM,Oftllsft Property Boundary Phase #1 Impact Location us wo 00 0 Existing Road 21 Phase #2 Impact Location Proposed Road Stream Channel aonS 3 2) t I0 ase #3 Impact Location ase #4 Impact Location Driveway Impact Location CD III!` \\ \ ////// ,. \\ \ \ \ \ \ 1,1�/1���%� �\ \\\\\•c— 1`\ 111111 o2w5aa 110 QW53 31 I b N 0 0 ao0.5-33//0 ilk17 I �� �ll/ Illl I 1 I lI 11" /// \�\-/llll l ��_ _ �J1//1 \11111\11111111111{1\\I {IIII ���\�\\ \\ \ \ \\\\ \\ \�\\\\ \\\\I I 1 {II \\\ 1 101, IIII `\\ \\ \11111 \1\\1\\ 11 I I I I I \\\ \\,\\\\\\ \\\ \\\ 1'� \ 11\\11111 11111111 11 \1\ \ 1\ 1\,\ 1111 1 ��11�1I11IIl\I1�1l1/Ii11l! 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STORMWATEk BRANCH? 4 4 t, L - ar✓ _ r~ i _ •yesF ! f n� O iii_:_ _ / - - �� ` ..iia►"^ `��,,,+�.aa, ,r�_ . SOILS _, s p Unit Name ries and Phase): F Drainage Class: Taxonomy (Subgroup): Confirm Mapped Type? Yes ❑ No ❑ Profile Description: Depth Matrix Colors Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, inches Horizon (Munsell Moist] (Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Structure. etc. 0=4 A 10YR 6/1 / sand, cobble/boulders / - i Hydric Soil Indicators: ❑ Histosoi - ❑ Concretions - ❑ Histic Epi ❑ High Organic Content in SurfaceLipiTn-Sandy Soils ❑ Sulfidic or - ❑ Organic Streaking in Sandy Solis - ® Aquic Moisture Regime ❑ Listed On Local Hydric Soils List ® Reducing Conditions ❑ Listed on National Hydric Soils List ❑ Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors ❑ Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation -Present? Yes ® No ❑ Is the Sampling Point Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes 0 No ❑ Within a Wetland? —Ess ® No ❑ Hydric Solis Present? Yes ® No ❑ Remarks: Wetiand seep. 4 Delineation Ferfformed3ly: Wetiand and Natural Resource Consultants, Inc. P.O. Box 882, Canton, NC 28716 Phone: (828) 648-8801 Fax: (828) 648-8802 Weland Data Form — Routine Wetland Cetermination (1987 COE Wetlands Determination Manual) Project / Site: Round Mountain Date: 7/19/2005 Applicant I Owner: il>7ctC2mmh t1d tb. County: Transylvania Investigator: Yelverton State: North Carolina Do normal circumstances exist on the site? Yes ® No ❑ Community ID: Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical situation)? Yes ❑ No ❑ Transect ID: Is the area a potential problem area? Yes ❑ No ® Plot ID:wetland seer) (explain on reverse if needed) 14. VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species -Indicator Stratum Dominant Plant Species Indicator --Stratum 1. Juncus spp. FACW herb 9. 2. Carex spp. FACW--herb 10. 3. Urtica dioica FAC— herb 11. . Athyrium fiGx-femina FA'C---herb 12. 5. 13. 6. 14. 7. 15. 8. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are GBL, FACW, or FAC excluding FAC-). 100% Remarks: Herbacious dominated seep. HYDROLOGY ❑ Recorded Data (Describe In—Re—marks): Wetland Hydrology Indicators ❑ Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge ❑ Aerial Photographs Primary indicators: ❑ Other ® Inundated ® Saturated in Upper 12" ❑ No Recorded Data Available ® Water Marks ❑ Drift Lines Field Observations: ❑ Sediment Deposits ❑ Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Depth of Surface Water: 1"(in•) Secondary Indicators: Depth to Free Water in Pit: 01 in.) ❑ Oxidized Roots Channels in Upper 12" ❑ Water -Stained Leaves ❑ Local Soil Survey Data Depth to Saturated Soil: 0' (in.) ® FAC -Neutral Test ❑ Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Rocky seep. i North Carolina Divjsion of Water Quality - Stream Identification Form; M_q-mion 3.9 Date: 111 O V EA% g Protect: Latitude: 3 Le Evaluator:✓ Site; 17Longitude:,r1� Total Points: �1 1177 Stream is at least lntarmittent County:' ' �.y. ,,/ ,�Other if Z 19 or perennial if a 30 AN l -V =V i A e.g. Quad Name: /1 UeOMCUPODIOPY 4subtotal = L- Absent Weak Madera -ft Strong 1a. Continuous bed and bank 01' 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity 0 1 2 3 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 0 1 2 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting -L 0 1 2 3 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 ' 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0' 1 2 3 7. Braided channel YJ 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits(0) ` 1 2 3 9 a Natural levees 0 1 2 3 10. Headcuts 0' 1 2 3 11. Grade controls 0 0.5 1 '' 1.5 12. Natural valley or drainageway 0 0.5 1 1.5 13. Second or greater -o -r -der channel on existing USGS or NRCS.4r other documented evidence. o = 0 'a Yes = 3 ------ -------•--••�� �.� .w..a•w�, wo wJNY�WII.I 111 IIIGIIYGI R Hvriminnv Mi thtn#ol - 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 1 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - dry or growing season 0 C. 2 3 16. Leaflitter 1.5 1 0.5 1.5 17. Sediment on plants or debris 0' 0.5 1 1.5 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 0 0.5 1 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redo)dmorphic features) present? 0' o = 0' 1 Yes = 1.5 C. Bioloav Muhtnta-I = C° 1 20 b. Fibrous roots in cfia_nnel 3 2 - p 21 . Rooted plants in channel 3 2 1 CO 22. Crayfish -- fl 0.5 1- 1.5 23. BivalvesME- 0 1 -_ 3 24. Fish 0' CO) 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0' 0.5 1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) f 0 0.5 1 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 0' 1 2 3 28. Iron omdizing bacteria/fungus.0 ` 0.5 1 1.5 29 . Wetland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 SAV = 2.0; "Other = U, �•• . •�....� YII Ylc pi -all- ul upianu pians, item [`J focuses on me presence or aquatic or wetrand plants. Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) Sketch: 4 4 �7 ! ill A EAALy911 TE T CHANNEL_ EVALUATION FORM ACTION ID APPLICANT 14AM V(L�2c1,2i- L:iJV}) C J. DATE PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.) X717 �'� � � I ?ti U- --#- 1/6 WATERBODYAUVER BASIN L) r -TV y'L-,,qC COUNTY/Crff �'` = � � �4'si0ki c� RECENT WEATHER CONIDPITONS P SP NP Observation Comments or Description Fish/Shellfish/Cmstaceans Present Benthic Macro Invertebrates }� Amphibians Present/Breeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally ProtectedSpecies Present {Discontinue) - Riffle/Pool Structuff - '— Stable Streambanka-- f Channel Substrate =— (Le. gravel, cobble, -x44 coarse sand) Riparian Canopy Present (SP =/> 50% closure) Undercut BanU/Instream Habitat Structure Flow In Channel t/ Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom (June throeSept) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept) Adjacent Floodplain -Present r, Wrack Material or Dri$ Lines Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel 9mpoetant To Domestic Water Supply, Y N Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or Sops Map? & I+i I anni.rri_ Perennial Channel Intermittent Channel Ephemeral Channel Ditch Through Upland APpro& Drainage Ares: 1 H (stop) Important Channel: LF PROJECT Mme. Initials (proceed) Unimportant Channel: LF (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) (no jd) y Evaluator's S1 nature vv (if other than manager) P=Present SP=Stongly Present 14P --Not Present 11/4/98 North Carolins �avlsl®n of mater Quality - Stream identification Foam;., Version 3.1 Date: Protect: `� v� ., f' Latitude: o' YS" Evaluator: 2 Site:/ Longitude: 2 Total Points: 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 0 a 1 Stream is at least intermittent County: ' = Other r _ if 2 19 orrennial if 2 30 e.g Quad Name: 7 � - h- subtotal = ,J 1a. Continuous bed and bank Absent Weak 0 1_- Moderate 2 Strong 3 2. Sinuosity 0 02 2 3 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 0 a 1 1 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 3 5. Active/retic floodplain l) 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7. Braided channel 001 0 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2 3 9 a Natural levees 0 1 2 3 10. Headcuts 29 . Wetland plants in streambed 1 2 3 11. Grade controls_ _ OT 5 -_ _ _ 1 1.5 12. Natural valley or drainageway 0 0.5 1 1.5 13. Second or greater order channel on existing USGS-IM or other documentedNo evidence. 0 - Yes = 3 ...•... •• ss,..• a_,.va .mou, bee uhbcubbmob al mutual B. hlvdroioav (Suhtntal 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0,1 1 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - d or growing0 season 02 '� 2 3 16. Leaflitter 1.5 1 0.5 0 17. Sediment on plants or debris 0 1 1 3 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack Imes) 0 0. ' 1 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redo)imorphic features) present? No = 0 Co. 1 C. Bioloav (Subtotal = 200. Fibrous roof____ channel 3 2 - 1 5 0 21 . Rooted plants in channel 3 2 .y 1 0 22. Crayfish -- 0 � 0.5 -- 1 1.5 23. Bivalves_ _ _ 0" 1 2 3 24. Fish 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 Co. 1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton �& 1 2 3 28. Iron oxidizing bacterialfungus. L 0`' 0.5 1 1.5 29 . Wetland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 .w.... - c1 ntiub vll ule pl"esence W uplana plants, tem zu rocuses on me presence of aquatic or wetland plants. Notes: (use back side of this font for additional notes.) Sketch: Y Y E V i 3J�jR�1T`iM EVALUATION V Y jC� CHANNEL. j1 7�S1: L ACTION 11D APPLICANT NAteE s�'� o LO -DATE C (— 17— 2.L -Ls - PROPOSED L-LjPROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.) r`-"' � 01-10 ✓ 1.1`l (% 'r1 qS WATERBODY/RIVER BASIN_ � i ce— COIiNTXlI`iT3C � j. y/ RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS C-ec P SP NP Observation Comments or Description Fish/Shelifish/Cnutaceans Present Benthic Macro Invertebrates ', Amphibians Present/Breeding u Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally PMWted Species Present (Discontinue) -_ Riffle/Pool-Structure Stable S r Channel_Su (i.e. vel,=bbie, rock, coarse sand) - Riparian Canopy Present (SP =h 50% closure) Undercut Banks/Instream Habitat Structure Flow In Channel ` J j Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom (June through k) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept-) Adjacent Floodplain Present Wrack Material or Drift Lines Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel Important To Domestic Water Supply? Y /61 Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or SoRs Map.Yq N Apprum Drainage Area v� Determination: Perennial Channel (stop) Important Channel: Lr PROJECT AIGR. Initials _ Intermittent Channel (peed) H Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channep Ditch Through Upland (no id) .r Evaluator's Signature: Y (if other than C.O.E. projetl ringer) Y 1 P=Present SP=Stongly P *esent NP --Not Present 11/4/98 i North Carpl eta Division of Water Quality - Stream ldentification469n; Version 3.1 Date:IV . � � Project j7 rr.Latitude: f IZI Evaluator: � � Site: Lf Longitude: y Total Points: 3 Stream is at least intermittent'' County: ' ' , Other: i� 'Si e.g. Quad Name: if;, 19 or perennial if 2 30 a d I -L twi l = d- 1, - 1a. Continuous bed and bank Absent 0 Week 1 ModendeStrong 2 3 2. Sinuosity 0 1 2 3 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 0 1 2 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 3 ' 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 1 ' 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 . 2 3 7. Braided channel 0 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits 011 1 2 3 9 a Natural levees 0. 1 1 3 10. Headcuts 0 1 2 3 11. Grade controls 0 0.5 1 1.5 12. Natural valley or drainageway 13. Secon or greater order channel on existing USGSvr-MRCS map or other documented evidence- 0 No = 0 0.5 - 1 1 5' Yes = 3' ------_-------•----�� _._ ..v. �c��v�l wp YW�rYA7MIJ 111 111C11ua1 B. Hvdmimv (Suhtntal 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 1 2 3' 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - dry or grovwing season 0 1 2 3C 16. Leaflitter 1.5 1 0.5 0 17. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5) 1 1.5 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 1 0 0.5 1 ' 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redoximorphic features) present? I No = 0 1 1.3` C. Bioloav-7Suhtntal = i I i --- 20b. Fibrous mots in channel 3 ` 2 __ 1 0 21b. Rooted plants in channel 3 ) 2 1 0 22. Crayfish - 0 0.5- 1 ` 1.5 23. Bivalves-- 0 1 - - 2 3 24. Fish 0 --d--0.5 0.5 1 j 1.5 25. Amphibians 1 1.3` 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 0.5 1 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton '0 ; 1 2 3 28. iron oxidizing bacteriatfungus. CO-) 0.5 1 1.5 29'. and plants in sireambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 --- -- wl - II a m -a w upiallu plants, Item zv focuses on me presence or aquatic or wetland plants. Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) Sketch: 4 4 PL�w ME TENT CHANNEL EVALUATION FORM ACTION ID At&(& -it L--VtA) 60. -DATE PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.) Observation 12 SS 4t Fish/Shelliish/Crustacans Present COUP icrry Benthic Macro invertebrates RECENT WEATHER CONDrnONS j - P SP NP Observation Comments or Desg6l&on Fish/Shelliish/Crustacans Present Benthic Macro invertebrates Amphibians PresentlBreeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protected Species Present. (Discontinue) Rifflc&wl Structure &8W c ,,,t.,, ks Ch2olUdZubstrate (i.-e—icobble, rack, coarse sand) Riparian Canopy Present (SP =/> 50*19 closure) Undercut Bank,/Insftm Habitat Structure Fl,, In Channel Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) Persistent Foois/Saturated Bottom (June through Sept) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept.) Adlacer Moodplain Present Wrack Material or Drift Lines Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel linportant To Domestic Water Supply? Y G11 Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or Sods Map.? Y 1(�), Approx. Drainap Air= — Perennial Channel (stop) Important Channel: LF PROJECT MGEL Initials — Intermittent Channel (proceed) Unimportant Channel: — LF Ephemeral Channel (nojd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (noid) 01 Evaluator's Signature: y t ".z) (if other than &&E, project manger) P=-P,.-esent SP=.Stongly Present NIP --Not Present 11/4/98 North taroiina Division of Fater Quality - Stream 9dent'rfica�n Form; Version 3.1 Date: i;; . ; - i - '� y _4 r Project i.:� .. `� i. ` 1; r ; , (1� Latitude: Evaluator. 1a. Continuous bed and bank Site:Longitude: c2 Total Points 3 2. Sinuosity 0 Stream is at least intermittent if 2 19 orperennial if i 30 c County: - ; : / ;1 ! s ' "! Other _ e.g. Quad Name: + �� M. %0V%J1 I KAJA IUIUUY A,1jMjoW = i...+ t D Absiaut Weak Mode/4ate Strong 1a. Continuous bed and bank Co , 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity 0 1 2 3 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 0 1 2 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 3 5. Active/relic floodplain (-0) 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches (T)1 0.5 2 3 7. Braided channel 0 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits (0 1 2 3 9 a Natural levees FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL =1.5 1 2 3 10. Fleadcuts 0 1 2 3 11. Grade controls0 12. Natural vailey or drainageway 0 0. 0.5 1 1 1.5 1.5 -13.-Second or greater order channel on existing - -USGS or NRCS map or other documented evidence. -- ---e '11&.6 -� Yes = 3 B_ Hvdmionv (q, hfntni 14. Groundwater flow/discharge co 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - d or growingseason 0 1 2 3 16. Leaflitter 1.5 1 0.5 0 17. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5,E 1 3 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 0 0.5 1 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redoximorphic features) present? No = 0 0.5 Yes = 1.5 C. Bioioav (Subtotal = - us roots in channel 1 0 21'. Rooted plants in channel 3 ' 2 1 0 22. rrayflsh '' 0 05 1 1.5 23. PMves 0 ' ---1 2 3 24. Fish '0 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians (' 0.5 1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0'J 0.5 1 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton ' 0) 1 2 3 28. Iron oxid¢ing bacteria/fungus. (0 0.5 1 1.5 29 . Wetland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL =1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 UjA4I1U rA911M, MAA ZV IOCUS83 On ine presence Or aquatic or wetland plants. Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) Sketch: I TEHAl'0'3i1 gE 8 CHANNEL. EVALUATION FORM r ACTION 11D APPLICANT NAMA�''�� �� r"�'� {"'➢DAfl� Lf — !` ,— ?y— PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.) � � C r"C'ss 1'N" tt� T- WAaZRBoBYARIVM Br Veyz c �-V- C -V Lt(-- COUN 'rr cT r RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS CAD �—V7 '� b' 1 f'±J P SP NP Observation Comments or DesmPtion Fish/Shellfish/Crustaceans Present Benthic Macro Invertebrates Amphibians PresentBreeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) x Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) y Protected Species Present (Discontinue) e/Pool Structure - -Stable Streambanks -Channel Substrate gravel, cobble, rock, coarse sand) Riparian Canopy Present (SP =h 50% closure) Undercut Banks/Instream Habitat Structure � Flow In Channel Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel i'(Discontinue) Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom June through Sept) Seeps/GroundwaW Discharge (June through Sept.) djacent Floodplain Present k Wrack Material or Drift Lines r Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel Important To Domestic water Supply? Y Does Channel Appear Oen A Quad Or Soils Map? Y':! N ApproL ]Drahmp Area: Perennial Channel (stop) Important Channel: LF PROJECT MGR. Initials _ Intermittent Channel (peed) Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (no A Evaluator's Signature: Y (if other than C. 0. p�bj, ct manager) 1 P _p*esent SP=Stongly Present NTP --Not Present 11/4198 Rlorth Carolina Division of Water Quality - Stream ldeptificatlon Form; Version 3.1 Date. �; 6 is y < `i' Project: i` :v � i:: ii; i r rr � = Latitude: � � fi7-C: Evaluator: Site: Longitude: Total Points. Stream is at least intermittent County: IOther if z 19 or perennial if 2 30 i ' :' >`A' i. i+ +: • e.g. Quad Name: L s,!` A G . vvi r r 1 IUI Subtotal = rAbse 18. Continuous bed and bank 0 Wmak -1-2 Moderate Strong 3 2. Sinuosity 0 1 23 3 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence p ° 1 2 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 3 5. Activelrelic floodplain 0`a 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches CO)1 (-0-5-)-1 2 3 7. Braided channel 0 1 2 3 8. Recentalluvial deposits 9aNatuml-levees 0 1 2 3 Headcuts 0 , 2 3 11. Grade controls 6-) 0.51 1 1.5 Natural valley or draina9Y 0 0.5 1 1.5 , 3. Second or greater order channel on ew•stinu USGS or NRCS map or other documented evidence. N�0_ " es - 3 _ n -made ditches are not rated; see discussions In manual B- Hvdrolrnv f Sr ihfnfmt 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 1 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel -dry. or growing season 0 1 ` 2 3 16. Leailitter 1.5 1 0.5 0 17. Sediment on plants or debris 0 p. 1 1.5 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 0 .5 ' 1 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redo)imorphic features) present? No = 0 (-0-5-)-1 es = 1.5 ; -E Biology (Subtotal = s ) . Fibrous roots in channel 3 - _ 2 1 0 21b. Rooted plants in channel 3 2 1 0 Crayfish 0 0.5 1 1.5 _ Bivalves 1 2 3 24. Fish 0 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 (-0-5-)-1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 (T50 1 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 0 ` 1 2 3 28. Iron oxidizing bacterialfungus.0 0.5 1 1.5 29 . Wetland plants in streambed FAC 7-0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 uN101Tu plaillb, nwn cv wcuses on me presence or aquatic or Wetland plants. Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) Sketch: TENT CHANNEL } . EVALUATION FORD ACTION M APPLICANT NAM L4 C,W--tZJ6�a +DAa>E ( LC'i PROPOSED CHANNEL WORT{ (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.) t �� C"1�'-�:.�i WATERBODYMNER BASIN U T 0 � 'O C -,tom C= Tie-_COUNTYJMT RECENT NT WE' ATHER CONDITIONS (--V C,0 Observation Comments or Description Fish/Shellfish/Ctustaceaus Present VIZ-Z Benthic Macro Invertebrates Amplu3ians PresentBreeding Algae And/or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) ederally Protected Species Present (Discontinue) _ '. e/pool Structure -- --- - e Streambanks Xel Substrate ,- vel, cobble, rock, coarse sand) - - -Riparian Canopy Present (SP =h 50% closure) _- Undercut Banks/Instream Habitat Structure j Flow In Channel Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel s (Discontinue) Persistent PooWSaturated Bottom (June through Sept) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept) -Adjacent Floodplain Present - _ _Wrack Material or Drift Lines -_ Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel ImpmttW To Domesdc Nater Supply? Y Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or Sons Map? I+d Appa+oz Drahuqe Area: Determination: Perennial Channel (stop) Important Channel: LF PROJECT MGR Initials _ Intermittent Channel (proceed) Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (no id) Evaluator's Signature:` Z-, G Y ro'dbt (if other than C.O.E f manager) p manag ) y 'J P=Present SP=Stongly Present NI P --riot Present 11/4/98 .,N6rt h Carolina Division of Water Quality -Stream lde �ti catlon Form; !Version 3.'l Date:;:. , - _ s= : rt Project: < Latitude:] Evaluator: Site: L.L Longitude: Total Points: Stream is at least intermittent 9 . County:Other if 22:30 19 or perennial if e.g. Quad Name: r+. vvv1 rur r rut suototai = 18. Continuous bed and bank AbSOM 0 Weals 1 Moderate 2 Strong 3 2. Sinuosity 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 0 C0 " 1 1 2 2 3 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 C-114 2 3 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 "1 0.5 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 .. 1 2 3 7. Braided channel co -) 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits0 9 8 Natural levees 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 10. Headcuts 29 . Wetland plants in streambed If— 7n ....d_ _- - 1 2 3 11. Grade controls 0 0.5 1 1.5 2. Natural valley or drainageway 0 0.5 1 1.5 - 3. Second or greater order channel on existing USGS or NRCS map or other documented evidence. -_.�Dno t < . Yes = 3 B. Hvdroloav lSuhtnw 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 1 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - dry or grovAng season 0 1 0 2 3 16. L.eaflitter 1.5 1 0.5 a 0 17. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 1 1.5 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 0 ' 0.5 1 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redoximorphic features) present? No = 0 1 1.5 L eris = 1.5 --C. Biology (Subtotal = 1 Fibrous roots in channel -- - -- - 2 1 0 27 . Rooted plants in channel 3 2 1 0 Crayfish Q 0.5 1 1.5 . Bivalves 0 - 1 2 3 24. Fish 0 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 0 5 1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 0.5 1 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 0 ' 1 2 3 28. Iron oxidizing bacterialfungus.0.5 1 1.5 29 . Wetland plants in streambed If— 7n ....d_ _- - FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 --- - - �---- - ..... r..- _ v. ut-4m Nranw, �.���� ca 1 -b -i un me presence or aquaoc or uveuana plants. Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) Sketch: V 4 4 - g9.L'9'ME 1i CHANNEL ACTION ID EVALUATION FORM APPLICANT NAM Alf '%OVt,;1+ 1•- " C&. DATE IRY PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e..�,- culvert, ,relocation, etc.) �- 'ilk) C- j ��f - L WATERBOD�'MWMBASIN Uf l 1 � 0'00 '� l;! j�-L- RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS �'-"� 1-�'� 4 P SP NP Observation Comments or Description Fish/Shell&h/Ctustaceans Present Benthic Macro Invertebrates -40,01 c Amphibians Present/Breeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (ie. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protected Species Present {Discontinue) -- - Riffle/Pool Structure Stable Streambanks Channel Substrate — (i.e. gravel, cobble, rock, coarse sand) _ Riparian Canopy Present (SP =h 50% closure) Undercut Banks/Instream Habitat Structure Flow In Channel j Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel J`(Discontinue) Persistent PooWSaturated Bottom June through Sept.) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept.) Adjacent Floodplain Present --- Wrack Material or Drift Lines Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel Important To Domestic Water Supply? Y /E Does C annel Appear On A Quad Or Soils Map? YN& Approm Drainage Area- Perennial Channel (stop) X Important Channel: LF PIiiON.CT 1bIC,1<t. Initials _ Intermittent Channel (proceed) Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of importandunimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (noid) 1 Evaluator's Signature: l � '' - Y (if other than C.O.EYpr ject manager) P=Present SP=Stongly Present N111 -Not Present 11/4/98 North Carolina Division of Water Quality - Stream �ntification 1=onn; Version 3.3 `- Date: �` :� f i;1' =' - :y� Project:" �-7,1! Latitude:-- Moderate 2 Evaluator:�yt✓t� Site: 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - dry or growing season Longitude: 0 ' Total Pointskr� 2 3 1.5 3. In -channel structure: rtM&j ool sequence _ Stream is at least intemrittent cj if z 19 or rennial if;t 30 J County: 4' ' ' ` ` ` Other - e.g. Quad Name: r r- A- Subtotal = • 7) 18. Continuous bed and bank 0_ Weak 1 / Moderate 2 Strong 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - dry or growing season 2. Sinuosity 0 ' 1 2 3 1.5 3. In -channel structure: rtM&j ool sequence 0.5 1 2 3 0.5 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 1.5 1 2 3 1 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 1 2 3 1.5 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 7. Braided channel 0 1 2 3 0 ` 8. Recent alluvial deposits 1 1 2 3 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 9 a Natural levees 1 2 3 10. Headcuts 1 2 3 11. Grade controls _ 0.5� 1 1.5 12. Natural valley or drainageway 0 0.5 1 1.5 13. Second or greater order channel on existing USGS or NRCS map or other documented evidence. - - 0 Yes = 3 ......• •••��� ........ate a.o �n,. in.w, sna uisc:usswns in manual B. Hvdroloov (Suhtntm = 71 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 1 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - dry or growing season 0 1 2 3 16. Leaflitter 1.5 1 0.5 0 17. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 1 1.5 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 0) 1 0.5 1 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redo)imorphic features) present? 0 No = 0 Yes = 1.5 1.5 C. Bioloov (Subtotal 20b. Fibrous roots in channel 3 - 21 0 21 . Rooted plants in channel 3 ` 2 1 0 22. Crayfish 0 - 0.5 1 1.5 23. Bivalves �- 1 2 3 24. Fish `P) 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 R 0.5 ° 1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 <1 ' 1 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 0 1 2 3 28. Iron oxidizing bacteria/fungus. 0 ` 0.5 1 1.5 29 . Wetland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 1 lu-a ul1 uie presence or upiano pians, nem zu rocuses on me presence of aquatic or wetland plants. Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) Sketch: Y Y Y 4 1 4 s _y INTERAMTENT CHANNEL EVALUATION HA.,NNE L - EVALUATION FORT ACTION ID APPLICANT NAA , jAC V' 66;0f L cAl' • DATE PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.) 1` i 4 st V (_yCF WATERB0DY7RIVXRA&M _ () r TL -W.:ys w L•-Va1"1 h- RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS tia 4 Chi >\ry 1. P SP NP Observation Comments or Description Fish/Shellfish/Crustaceans Present Benthic Macro Invertebrates Amphibians Present/Breeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. backs, feces, shells, others) _ Federally Protected Species Present (Discontinue) Riffle/Pool Structure - Stable Streambanks Channel Substrate (i.e. gravel, cobble, rock, coarse sand) Riparian Canopy Present (SP =/> 50% closure) . Undercut Banks/Instream Habitat Structure Flow In Channel Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom June fibro --Sept) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept) Adjacent Floodplain Present Wrack Material or Drift Lines Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel I Rmto t To Domestic Water Sapply? Y Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or So& Map? U N Approx. IDralmW Ares: Determination: Perennial Channel (stop) Important Channel: LF PROJECT NICR Initials _ Intermittent Channel (proceed) Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (no jd) ?% Evaluators Signature: ti (if other than CJ,b E..p�aject manager) P=Present SP=Stongly Present NP P=—Not Present I?/A/% North Carolina Division of Water Quality - Stream_,ldentlffication Form; Version 3.1 Date: E; . , t <v? ^ _ i '' y" Project: ` o Latitude: Moderate Evaluator.(etve�%� g � Longitude: Total Points 3 2. Sinuosity 0 t Stream is at least intermittent County:;., " `r :. ! Other 1 if 2 19 orperennial if 2:30 3 !r' e.g. Quad Name: . --._ . - v i� -40 AL Subtotal I Absent Weak- Moderate strong) 1a. Continuous bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity 0 1 2 3 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 0 1 1Tjr 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 J 3 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 ' 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches COU 1 2 3 7. Braided channel 0 1 2 3 B. Recent alluvial deposits0 0 1 2 3 95 Natural levees 0 1 2 3 10. Headarts Qll1 , 2 3 11. Grade controls _ 0 1 1.5 12. Natural valley or drainageway 0 0.5 1 1.5 13. Second or greater order channel on ebstina USGS or NRCS map or other documented evidence. - - -__- f No = 0 Yes = 3 -•w • ••. -�. ....».oma ......,. ,amu, btm umwssrons m manual _ B. Hvdroloav (Suhtntal = 3,5-) 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 1 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - d or growingC season 02 CL) 2 3 16. Leaflitter 1.5 1 0.5 0 ,) 17. Sediment on plants or debris - -u 0.5 1Tjr 3 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 0 0.5 1 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redoximorphic features) present? 0 No = 0 1 es = 1.5 C. Bioloov (Subtotal = '5 1 20". Fibrous roots in channel -3- 2 0 21 . Rooted plants in channel 3 2 (1 '° 0 22. Crayfish 0.5 1 1.5 23. Bivalves - -u 1 2 3 24. Fish 0 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 0.O 1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0) 0.5 1 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 0 1 2 3 28. Iron oxidizing bacteria/fungus. 0 0.5 1 1.5 29 . Weiland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL =1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 s� .. N �.. a.... - . u ie 1riesemc:e ur upianu pians, item zu rocuses on me presence of aquatic or wetland plants. Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) Sketch: S' Y Y i EVALUATION ION H ORM ACTION ID APPLICANT NAME ' � � GCC U G C� e d? ' . DATE Q — t } 2 -V -S — PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.) -lac: S� ),'�1 t► ' ,� WATERBODY/RIVERBASIN k:J- TL-, L7�til �S. `' Li COUNTY/Crry t? -4 -4s il- RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS �iC� `c� y2t ti Ll P SP NP Observation Comments or Description Fish/Shellfish/Crustaceam Present Benthic Macro Invertebrates Amphibians Present/Breeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (Le. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protected Species Present. (Discontinue) �- Riffle/Pool Structure -- Stable Streambanks Channel Substrate - (Le. gravel, cobble, rock, coarse sand)- Riparian Canopy Present (SP =/h 50% closure) Undercut Banks/Instream Habitat Stricture Flow In Channel \� 'O Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom (June duough Sept-) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept.) Adjacent Floodplain Present -- Wrack Material or Drift Lines ti Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel important: To (Domestic water supply? Y ,(Iv ; Does Channel On A `-�? 2 N Appear �usd Or �1VIap. Jug App ro& Ama: Perennial Channel (stop) , Important Channel: LF PROIECIr AIGR. Initials _ Intermittent Channel (proceed) LJ Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of importantlunimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (no A ,� f Evaluator's Signature: __�• r (if ot4er tkin C.O.E. projOct manager) P=Present SP=Stongly Present NP --Not Present 11/498 i " North Carolina Division of !dater Quality --+Spar Identification Form; Version 3A Date: tj'�) t 'ts -,5r Project jam.; v ! l" ��, :; . 9 s N Latitude: Evaluator. °''' Site Longitude: Total Points.� Stream is 8t !Best Int@Rl7%fi@nf � N� County: � 'ii��i > 1 Other i �N .7... - q ��.i. r. ' •�•.:! :T^. i = v i "'. if 2 19 or perennial if a 30 01 i - t e.g. Quad Name: r - s A- Gwmo nob Subtotal = l Absent Weak Moderate 9t mg 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, orr Water in channel - d or rowi season 1 a. Continuous bed and bank 0 1 2 3 1.5 2. Sinuosity 0 1 2) 3 0.5 3. In -channel structure: rime -pool sequence 0 C1 2 3 1 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting Q, 1 2 3 1.5 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 1 2 3 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 6. Depositional bars or benches0 1 1 2 3 3 7. Braided channel J O 1 2 3 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 8. Recent alluvial deposits /0 1 2 3 9' Natural levees 0 `' 1 2 3 10. Headcuts 0 1 2 3 11. Grade controls 0 1 1.5 12. Natural valley or drainageway 0 1 1.5 13. Second or greater order channel on existing USGS or NRCS map or other documented -- evidence. o = 0 ' Yes = 3 B_ HvdrrAnnv Miihtnfor = A \ 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 1 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, orr Water in channel - d or rowi season -„ 1 2 3 16. Leaflitter 1.5 1 0.5 " 0-) 17. Sediment on plants or debris 0 '' 0.5 1 3 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 0' 0.5 1 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redoximorphic features) present? No = 0 -CO-6:,) 1 1.5 C. Bioloav (Subtotal = 2-5-1 2ob. Fibrous roots in channel 3 2 1 0 210. Rooted plants in channel 3 2 7' 0 22. Crayfish_ - 0.! 0.5 1 1.5 23. Bivalves - - 1 2 3 24. Fish 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians -CO-6:,) 1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0` . 0.5 1 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton O s 1 2 3 28. Iron oxidizing bactedaftrigus. 3 0.5 1 1.5 29 . Wetland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 •... . a..,. . �.,. u� .n 1 Is presence ur upiana plants, nem zu mcuses on the presence of aquatic or wetland plants. Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) Sketch: Y Y Y INTERMUTENT CHANNEL EVALUATION FORM ACTIONID APPLICANT NAM DATE PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (ie., culvert, relocation, etc.) �- -I=F- W4M=WWA1VERBASW—VF T-0 PCV'L� KtLiE- CMJNTYx= 'TJP-A44SLJ RECENT WEATHER CON DMONS LVI-0 11oporta* To Domeslk Water Supply? Y lk,'� DOM Channel Appear On A Quad Or Sofis Map? N Approm Drainage Area.. k.! -Y Determination Perennial Channel (stop) Important Channel: 11V PROJECr MGR. Initials Intermittent Channel (proceed) Unimportant Channel: -LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (no jd) P# Evaluator's Signature: ? (ifKther than C.O.E. project manager) P=Present SP=Stongly Present NIP--NotPresent 11/4/98 Observation Comments or D094290 Fish/ShelWWCmt,.. present Benthic Macro Invertebrates Amphibians Present/Breeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protected Species Present .(Discontinue) Riffle/Pool Structure Stable Streambanks I Channel Substrate (i.e. gravel, cobble, rock, coarse sand) Riparian Canopy Present (SP =/> 501/6 closure) Undercut Banks/Instrearn Habitat Structure Flow In Channel Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom (June d!rough Sept) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept) Adjacent Floodplain Present Wrack Material or Drift Lines Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel 11oporta* To Domeslk Water Supply? Y lk,'� DOM Channel Appear On A Quad Or Sofis Map? N Approm Drainage Area.. k.! -Y Determination Perennial Channel (stop) Important Channel: 11V PROJECr MGR. Initials Intermittent Channel (proceed) Unimportant Channel: -LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (no jd) P# Evaluator's Signature: ? (ifKther than C.O.E. project manager) P=Present SP=Stongly Present NIP--NotPresent 11/4/98 Borth Carolina Division of Water Qual!!y - Stream Identification l=oran; Version 3.1 Date:- ; .. _ y✓ Project: ��;:+� N f: +li:': y-:? i Latitude: C. Evaluator: t✓�,L���, Site: = Longitude: .gyri` Total Points. 1 Stream is at least inteimi(tentCounty: ; �" Other � r.. -,: if 2 19 or rennial li 2 30 li�i y' ' # e.g. Quad Name: A. Geomomhninnv L ,.F.*, n 18. Continuous bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity 0 1 2 3 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 0 1 2 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 0.5 2 3 7. Braided channel 0 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2 3 9 8 Natural levees 0 1 2. 3 10. Headcuts 0 1 2 ' 3 11. Grade controls - 0 0.5 1 12. Natural valley or drainageway 0 0.5 13. Second or greater order channel on eAstin - USGS or NRCS map or other documented- evidence. I Yes = 3 - Man-made ditches are not rated; see discussien� �►+ �a�ual B_ Hvdminnv /Crnhtnt!mr = 41- 14. i 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 1 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - dry or growing season 0 1 2 3 16. Leaflitter 1.5 1 0.5 0 17. Sediment on plants or debris 0 ' 0.5 1 1,5 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 0 0.5 1 1.5 19. Hydric is (redo)imorphic features) present? No = 0 '0, ' I 1.5 C. Bioloav (Subtotal = - i - 20b. Fibrous roots in channel 3 2 0 21". Rooted plants in channel 3 2 1 0 22. Crayfish 0' 0.5 1 1.5 - 23. Bivalves 0:; 1 2 3 - 24. Fish 0 ` 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 '0, ' 1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton f0 a 1 2 3 28. Iron oxidizing bacterialfungus. 0 ' 0.5 1 1.5 29 . Wetiand plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 N--- -1 upm, a, Pkituw, limit czi iuuuses on me presence or aquatic or wenn plants. Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) Sketch: Y 4 4 i= ice, ppp 6 M} .F EV a1+k1®fig( bE '11 CHANNEL g�� .. n .V13 LUATION FORM ACTION IED APPLICANT NAME �� R"�"1" �.-� Lmp c, DATE PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK(i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.)`'' G'fGdyyC� WATERBODYMVER BASIN I �F i� r% L) -i;1/1 'C' 1 -t-0 L COUNTYJC rY RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS l Z; L� p fz,0f-(= P SP NP Observation Comments or Description _ Fish/Shell&WCrustaceans Present Benthic Macro Invertebrates Amphibians Present/Breeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protected Species Present{Disconduace _ -- Riffle/Pool Structure ._ _ Stable Streambanks - Channel Substrate (i.e. gravel, cobble, rock, coarse sand) Riparian Canopy Present (SP =h 50% closure) Undercut Banks/Instream Habitat Structure Flow In Channel r d Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom (June through Sept) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept) -- ' Adjacent Floodplain Present .✓ Wrack Material or Drift Lines - - Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel Important To Domestic Water Supplgr! Y � 1V Does Channel Appear- On A Quad OrSoflsPVIap� ? �/ N Appros Drainage Area: Determination: Perennial Channel (stop) Important Channel: LF PROJECT MGFL Initials Intermittent Channel (proceed) LJ Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (no jd) I Evaluator's Signature: Y Y (if other than C.O.E. proect manager) Y P=Present SP=Stongly Present NT P --Not Present 11/4/98 01 North Carolina Dlvisa_op of Water Quality - Stream Identification Form; bion 3.1 Date: ,'� 1 i v; ,','7� Project: Absent 0 Latitude: ��� �'v Evaluator. 1.� . �,� til gam: 2. Sinuosity Longitude: ? Ig Total Points: 3 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence %- (. 7 � Stream is at least interment y2• if k 19 or erenniai if i 30 County: �! `' , i'" :T. ` '; Other e.g. Quad Name: r_ _ 2 3 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 . a: i I r%. = t r 1a. Continuous bed and bank B. Absent 0 1 2 Strong 3 2. Sinuosity 0 1 2 3 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 0 1 2 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 3 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 0.5 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7. Braided channel 0 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits Q 1 2 3 9 a Natural levees FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 3 10. Headcuts 0 2 3 11. Grade controls 0 0.5-- 1.5 12. Natural valley or drainageway 0 0.5 1 1.53 13. Second or greater order channel on existing USGS or NRCS er other documented evidence. -_ •1.... -.J. J1 __ _=777-777- No = 0 --Yes = 3 - .�.-•• •••--� �•`^•w�"�+w�.�wV,voV Vlll•VaARAIA III IllilllUill - B. H drol Subtotal = 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 2 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or0 Water in channel - dry or growing season 3 ' ri 2 3 16. Leaflitter 1.5 1 0.5 0 17. Sediment on plants or debris f 0 0.5 1 1.5 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 0 0.5 1 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redoximorphic features) present? 0 0 No = 0 �' Yes = 1.5 1.5 1.5 C. Bioloav (SubtotafiE S 1 -f 20 . Fibrous roots in channel 3 2 _ 0 21 . Rooted plants in channel 3 ' 2 1 0 22. Crayfish COD' 0.5 1 1.5 23. Bivalves 1 2 3 24. Fish ' 0 ) 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 0 6.5 0.5 .i 1 1 1.5 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton "0 1 2 3 28. Iron oxidizing bacteria/fungus.0 0.5 1 1.5 29 b. Wetland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 F/l-woR.- u, uplanu plants, Item zu rocuses on me presence or aquatic or wetland plants. Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) Sketch: j 4 INTERNMTENT CHANNEL EVALUATION FORM ACTION DD APPLICANT NAME rkt %� DATE -�.., PROPOSEDCHANNEL WORIC(i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.) (`"�'�tq-) L-�'-c5s I+,� t%' 'Pt WATERBOIDY/RIVER BASIN oc"-'s r= L'G� c4v, y . COUNT YJCrrY RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS Pi P SP NP Observation Comments or Description Fish/SheilSsh/Crnstaceans Present y1 Benthic Macro Invertebrates Amphibians Present/Breeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (ie. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protected Species =ent (Discontinue) Riffle/Pool Structure Stable Streambanks _-- Channel Substrate- (i.e. gravel, cobble, roct�and) - Riparian Canopy Present (SP =h 50% closure) Undercut Banks/Instream Habitat Structure IX I Flow In Channel •'� Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom June throuSept) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept.) Adjacent Floodplain Present— Wrack Material or Drift Lines-__ Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel lmportaut To Domestic Water Supply? Y DOM L hmmel Appear On A Quad Or Sofis Nap?Y',/ N .r - Determination: Perennial Channel (stop) Important Channel: LF PROJECT MGFL Initials _ Intermittent Channel (proceed) 8 Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (no id) -� —-- Evaluator's Signature: Y (if other than C.O.E jest manager)— / Y -------- ---- -- P=Present SP=Stongly Present F --Not Present 11/4/98 North Carolina ®iwiS f Water Quality - Stream Identification Foram; Vein 3.1 Date:_.y✓ Project: Absent L.atitud e: Evaluator:�� .� (�, Ste; 15. Continuous bed and bank Longitude: �2 1 Total Points: ; 3 2. Sinuosity 0 1:I -;C2 Stream is at least intermittent if k 19 or perennial if 2:3o Y County:''i ;' ; 1 • v > ' s ' Other e.g. Quad Name: •7 r i tr. tzieamo not Subtatal _ .c --r Absent !Weak Moderate or�9 15. Continuous bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity 0 1:I -;C2 1.5 1.5 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 0 1 2 0 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 3 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 1 ` 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7. Braided channel 0 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 1 3 9' Natural levees Cow, 1 3 10. Headcuts 0 1 -1 2 3 11. Grade controls 0 0.5 1 1 5 V 12. Natural valley or drainageway 0 0.5 1 Or 71)- 13. 13. Second or greater Ord&channel on existing USGS or NRCS_ mMrorother documented evidence. No = 0 = 31 '-'�••• •••-�� �•.�.•w �• ,goo Y1.7bYAA1Y11A 111111d11YQ1 6_ Hvdmlcuty M11htnt=l CTI 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 2 1 2 3 i 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - dry or growing season 0 1 1 2 0 16. Leallitter 1.5 1.5 1 0.5 0 17. Sediment on plants or debris 0 24. Fish 0.5 0.5 1 1 1.5 1.5 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 0 19. Hydric soils (redoximorphic features) present? 0 No = 0 1 Yes C. Bioloav (Subtotal =- I C-) ) - 20b. Fibrous roots in channel 3 ' 2 - 0 21 . Rooted plants in channel 3 1 0 22. Crayfish - 0 0.5 1--- 1.5 23. Bivalves - 0 i - -2 - 3 24. Fish 0 0.5 ` 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 0.5 1 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 0.5 1 1.5 9 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 1 2 3 28. Iron oxidizing bacteriatfungus. 0 0.5 1 1.5 29 . Wetland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 SAV = 2.0- Other = 0 a„Y � 1 IY4YA w1 ula pruutwK;e or uptana pians, item CJ focuses on the presence of aquatJc or wetland plants. Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) Sketch: 4 4 ' -- DiTERWrTENT CHANNEL - EVALUATION FORM ACnON ID APPLECAW NA1v1E _ �1 �- (,L"i' '� i � 0 (Z" DATE PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.) � �0 C4Zv&: lid+ (--- wATERBOIDYJRIYI:R &um�✓t t ifv �r ,'r�,. i�: COuNWKM_- RECENT WEATHER CONDMONS d•U �tTt,�i'�f P SP NP Observation Comments or Descrintion Fish/She1l&WCrustaceans Present X Benthic Macro Invertebrates X Amphibians Present/Breeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality'f niction) Wildlife Channel Use (ie. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally PmwcW Spmes Present (Discontinue) Riffle/Pool Structure— tructure--Stable StableSkvamban s- --- Channel Substrate (i.e. gravel, cobble;mcl oa sand)— �� Riparian Canopy Present (SP =/> 50% closure) Undercut Banks/Instream Habitat Stricture Flow In Channel Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom (June through Sept) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept) X Adjacent Floodplain -Present -T-T' Wrack Material or Drift -Lines ydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel Important To Domesbe Water Supply? Y '1..:� Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or.Soft Map? �,,r N Apprm D r Area Determination_ Perennial Channel (stop) Important Channel: LF PROJECT N XM initials Intermittent Channel (Proceed) LJ Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (no jd) f ` I Evaluator's Signature: ,%✓Y' Y (if otherthan C.O.E. prpject manager),/ Y i I ---- - ------ --------- — P=Present SP=Stongly Present NT P=riot Present 11/4/98 North Carolina IgiiyAsion of Water Quality - Stream Identification Form;, ersl®n 3.1 Date:. r i -�Project - Latitude: Moderne 2 Evaluator. SRO:-krLongitude: 2. Sinuosity .2 -3 c Total Points: 0 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 0 Sf►eam is at least intermittent County: )y �,� ! �" ' ; Other 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting if 2 79 or perennial if 2 30 1 e.g. Quad Name: 3 .ft. toeomo nol subkdal = G- 1 18. Continuous bed and bank Absent 0 Waak 1 Moderne 2 Strong 3 . 2. Sinuosity 0 1 2 0 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 0 1 2 3 i 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 3 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches -(-0) 0 1 ' 2 3 7. Braided channel 0 ' 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits 01 1 3 9 8 Natural levees y 1 2' 3 10. Headcuts 0 1 ;. 2 3 11. Grade controls 0 0.5 1 1.5 + 12. Natural valley nageway 13. Second or grealgi'-order channel on e:astina USGS or NR wrap or other documented evidence. No = 0 - Yes = 3: .....•• •••••••.. ... a -avv, ova UmuU iJlV m In manual R- Hvdminnv /S,rrhfnft%l = q X - -- 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 1 2 3 'y 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - d or rov season 0 1 2 0 16. Leaflitter 1.5 1 0.5 0 17. Sediment on plants or debris 0 ' 0.5 1 1.5 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 0 0.5 = 1 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redoximorphic features) present? No = 0 .5 1 es = 1? `• C. Bioloov (Subtotat= % I 20 . Fibrous rootsln-channel 3 2 1 0 21 . Rooted plants in channel 3 2 1 0 22. Crayfish 0.5 -.-1 1.5 23. Bivalves - p 1 2 3 24. Fish 0 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 .5 1 1.5�' 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 0.5 1 '� 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 1 2 3 28. iron oxidizing bacteria/fungus. 0 ` 0.5 1 1.5 29 . Wetland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL =1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 w•• �••� ..... a.a - u.a wasance w uplanu pians, ream zu rocuses on ete presence of aquatic or wetland plants. Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) Sketch: Y Y J d J �i INTERNMTENT CHANNEL. EVALUATION E® t�i'TY(DNYID AVON V!`ArkmMAX" 1�\� Cr�� I �iii�1 d�; ..,.,, ll_1'1_i:-:� PROPOSED CHANNEL WORM{ (ie., culvert, relocation, etc.) ZL++o if= 3"1' WATERBQDXYu VJ AAM UT cyl L� f t -L- L COUNTT/C€Tlt 1 "If 4t, RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS P SP NP Observation Comments or Desgdliton Important Channel: LF PROJEC17 MGR. Initials Fish/Shelifish/Cnrstaceans Present (proceed) Unimportant Channel: LF Benthic Macro Invertebrates (no jd) X (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Amphibians Present/Breeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (Le. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protected -Species Present (Discontinue) -- - Riffle/Pool Structs m -- - — Stable Shnambanks----- Channel Substrate--- (i.e. gravel, cobs coarse sand) Riparian Canopy Present (SP =h 50% closure) Undercut Bankslhwheam Habitat Structure Flow In Channel Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom (June through Sept) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept) Adjacent Floodplain' - Present Wrack Material or -Drift Lines -- Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel Import" To Domestic Water Sopply? Y / N� , Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or Soils N[ap? Q N Approm Drainage Area: Ditch Through Upland (no id) Evaluator's Signature: !' (if other than C.O.E. project manager) Y i P=Present SP=Stongly Present NP=Not Present 11/4/98 Perennial Channel (stop) Important Channel: LF PROJEC17 MGR. Initials Intermittent Channel (proceed) Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (no id) Evaluator's Signature: !' (if other than C.O.E. project manager) Y i P=Present SP=Stongly Present NP=Not Present 11/4/98 North Carolina Division of Water Quality - Stream Rd efitification i=oe4n; Versi®n 3.9 Data: ' kl 1 ! l -- - 7 Project; i ' €: `. �) ,Qa '7j-. � Latitude: S.�` i✓� fit-, vC% Evaluator: ` Site: " e3� Longitude: 7 - , 07 Total Points 2 3 1.5 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence Stream is at least intermittent ff 2 19 orperennial if 2:30 Cou,°- I. 4 ' l ' i'-} ` 1 ` ', Other _ " ° e.g. Quad Name: •77 r►. VCUll1Ur nvi Subtotal = 18. Continuous bed and bank Absent 0 IIIIBak 1 Moderate 2 Strong 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - d or growingseason 2. Sinuosity 0 1 2 3 1.5 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 0 ' 1 2 3 0.5 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 3 1 5. Activelrelic floodplain 19. Hydric soils (redoximorphic features) preseni? 1 2 1 es = 1.5 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 7. Braided channel p 1 2 3 0 8. Recent alluvial deposits 1 1 2 3 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 9 a Natural levees 1 2 3 -10. Headcuts 1 2 3 11. Grade controls 0 0.5 1 1.5 12. Natural valley or drainageway 0.5 1 1.5 13. Second or greater order channel on existing USGS or NRCS map or other documented evidence. = 0 Yes = 3 - B_ Hvdmkww 1.Rl lhtnt-nt 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 1 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - d or growingseason 3 ` 2 2 3 16. Leaflitter 1.5 1 0.5 0 17. Sediment on plants or debris t)' 0.5 1 1.5 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 0 0.5 1 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redoximorphic features) preseni? No = 0 0.5; 1 es = 1.5 --G. Biology (Subtotal = a. Fibrous is channel i rous roti m anne 3 _ 2 1 0 2lb . Rooted plants in channel 3 ` 2 1 0 Crayfish 0.5 1 1.5 Bivalves 0 24. Fish 0 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 0.5; 1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 0.5 } 1 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 0 '' 1 2 3 28. Iron o)ddWng bacteria/fungus. 0 0.5 1 1.5 29 . Wetland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 '----•- -- -• •- - • •mow- -• • u- vv-- w uwanu p-uw, jaenl tz, fuumseb on ule presence or aquatic or 1Neuana plants. Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) Sketch: Y j j l� r INTERMITTENT CHANNEL _ EVALUATION FORM 1, ACTION ID APPLICANT NAW : ��(L'�'�+ �'�t ��+��3 ��= DATE C��' t t PROPOSED C13ANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.) PIJC class 1 ,4 6— WATERBODY/RIVERBASIN_ (,�' T�' OCULx iell,LC-- CaLwWary RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS P SP NP Observation Comments or Description Fish/ShellSsh/Ciustaceans Present Benthic Macro Invertebrates Amphibians Present/Breeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protected Species Present. (Discontinue) Riffle/Pool Structure - - Stable Streambanks u - Channel Substrate (i.e. gravel, cobble, rock, coarse sand) _ Riparian Canopy Present (SP =/> 50% closure) Undercut BankslInstream Habitat Structure Flow In Channel �G Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom (June through Sept) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept) Adjacent Floodplain Present Wrack Material or Drift Lines Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel hmportant To Donk Water Supply? Y 1 l - DM Channel Appear On A Quad Or Si aV. N Determination: Apprm Area: Perennial Channel (stop) Important Channel: U pROiEC r MGEL Initials Intermittent Channel (proceed) Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (noid) Evaluator's Signature: f _ Y (if other than C.&E.p -ect manager) r P=Present SP=Stongly Present NP --Not Present 11/4/98 �.%.'VV1j1U1IJ1iUlUqybuntotal = ✓° JU)SIRM Waak Moderate North Carolina Division of Water Quality - Streat B,denlrtf'icata®n F®evo9; 9/eest®n 3.9 1 1 2 2 3 3 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence Date:"+ l t 'it ^ ? . 7✓e� L, ; 'r! Latitud@:•-- -� 1 4. Sal texture or stream substrate sorting Evaluator: , jL..tUV,V Site: 33 Longitude: t 5. Active/relic floodplain Total Points 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 Stream is at least intermittent if 2 19 or perennial if 2:30 County: "' ' ' f f' j' Other Other "' a e.g. Quad Name: 0 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits 98 Natural levees 10. Headcuts �.%.'VV1j1U1IJ1iUlUqybuntotal = ✓° JU)SIRM Waak Moderate Sti'Oric,� 18. Continuous bed and bank 2. Sinuosity 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 1.5 1 2 3 4. Sal texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 3 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7. Braided channel 0 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits 98 Natural levees 10. Headcuts 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 11. Grade controls 0 0.5 1 1.5 12. Natural valley or drainageway FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 0.5 1 1.5 13. Second or greater order channel on existing USGS or NRCS map or other documentedNo evidence. = Op Yes = 3 B. Hvdroloov (Subtntal c ' 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 1 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - d or rowi season 0 2 2 3 16. Leaflitter 1.5 1 0.50 ` 17. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 1 T5 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 0 0.5 1 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redoximorphic features) present? 0 No = 0 Yes = 1.5 1.5 C. Bioloav (Subtntal = 20 . Fibrous roots in channel -3 2 1 0 . 21 Rooted plants in channel 3) 2 1 0 22. Crayfish -- 0.5 1 1.5 23. Bivalves - 1 2 3 24. Fish0 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 0.5 _ 1 '° 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 " 0.5 1 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 0 . 1 2 3 28. Iron oxidizing bacteria/fungus. 0'- 0.5 1 1.5 29'. Wetland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 -. _•• ..... r....,,.,,,� v. uFm- In0-9w, :ac11: cW :wuMSU %AV me presence or aquatic or wemna plants. Nntwa h:cohnr4aiAn.fx. f... .__. Sketch: Y 4 1 4 _:` :yam;-FYi. INTERNMTENT �CHi9.1\1�1i' L _ EVALUATION FORM ACUON ID APIUCA1VT NA19d1E % &` - V lr&k- � , ,vim �c . DATE PROPOSED CHANNEL WORT{ (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.) I 13r arR n%R BASIN �; �` 1 hal-,A RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS— C—O-L-c-) P SP NP Observation Comments or Description Fish/Shellfish/Crustaceans Present Benduc Macro Invertebrates Amphibians PresentBreeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protected Species Present (Discontinue) --- --- - Riffle/Pool Structure - �( Stable Streambanks - Channel Substrate ie. gravel, cobble, rock, coarse sand) -- p (, vv AIX) - Riparian Canopy Present (SP =h 50% closure) -C,pEW %v'e r Undercut BanksAnstream Habitat Structure Flow In Channel — Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom (June through Sept) Seeps/Gmundwater Discharge (June through Sept) Adjacent Floodplain Present - _—_ Wrack Material or Drift Lines - _- Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel Impm1autToIDoanes&Water Supply? Y(N -- Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or Sm7s Map? N Approz Drainage Area: Determination: Perennial Channel (stop) M 7 Important Channel: 1.PROJECT' MGR. Initials _ Intermittent Channel (proceed) Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (no id) Evaluator's Signature: v (ifother th�rt�roject manager) l P=Present SP=Stongly Present NP=Not Present 11/4/98 North Carolina Division of Water Quality - S r1n 9dentifecation Form; Version 3.1 Date: `; Project; �'l" �iy :, ter Latitude: , Evaluator: � '"=�'L, Site: �v Longitude: ,�'� , �`� 1 5z'Oth Total Points: 3 2. Sinuosity 0 1 Stream is at least intermittent'' if 2 79 or perennial if 2 30 r County: -� t elf 7 iY, Y ;, e.g. Quad Name' �- 1 2 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 /"1.C7turnu7 not (Subtotal= Absent Weak Moderate Strong 18. Continuous bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity 0 1 2 3 3. In -channel structure: Me -pool sequence 02 1 2 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 1.5 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 061 28. Iron oxidizing bacteriaffungus. 2 3 7. Braided channel 29b. Wetland plants in streambed 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits 0' 1 2 3 98 Natural levees 6D 1 2 3 10. Headcuts 0 1 2 3 11. Grade controls0 ' 0.5 1 1.5 12. Natural valley or drainageway 13. Second or greater order channel on existina USGS or MRCS map or other documented evidence. No = 0 `° 0.5 1 Yes = 3 1.5 B. Hvdrnlnav fSuhtntni = 14 1 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 1 " 2 . 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since. rain, or Water in channel = dry or growing season 0 1 2 3 16. Leaflitter 1.5 1 0.5 0", 17. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 1 1.5 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 0 0.5 1 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redoximorphic features) present? 5 No = 0 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 'des Z 1.5 C. Bioloov fSuhtntal = - 20b. Fibrous roots in channel 3 2 1 0 21b. Rooted plants in channel 3 2 1 0 22. Crayfish - r' 0.5 1 1.5 23. Bivalves 1 2 3 24. Fish 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 .5 1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 5 1 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 0 1 2 3 28. Iron oxidizing bacteriaffungus. 0 0.5 1 1.5 29b. Wetland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 F.wo, - uF-m Fiw,�w, iam, ca ntiubts m Ine presence or aquatic or Nenana plants. Alntuc- A- h -L, .64- 441.:_ a1.:_ Sketch: Y 4 s� ACTION ID r INTERMUENT CANNEL EVALUATION FORM APPLICANTNAIOE ,,�'r1Li�cc AiL-yt- � 3 ��. IlDATE(— I ' Zr k-: S7— PROPOSED PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.) WATERBODH/RIVERBASIN i l It- 0-0-"" ffT,-LC— ctDIJNTYICTTY }' tiSrld d 1rt' ori' '� RECENT WEA'T'HER CONDITIONS P SP NP Observation Comments or Descri tion Fish/Shellfish/Crustaceans Present Benthic Macro Invertebrates I Amphibians Present/Breeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protected Species Present (Discontinue) Riffle/Pool Structure Stable Streambanks Channel Substrate (i.e. gravel, cobble, rock, coarse sand) Riparian Canopy Present (SP h 50% closure) Undercut Banks/Instream Habitat Structure Flow In Channel Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom (June through Sept.) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept) Adjacent Floodplain Present Wrack Material or Drift Lines Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel lmpatant To Domestic Mater Supply? Y AN , iDoa Channel Appear On A Quad Or Soils Map? Yki Approm Drage Area; > ,ri Z-4 i; S Perennial Channel (stop) Important Channel: LF PR/UECT lit. Initials _ Intermittent Channel (proceed) Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no A (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (no jd) ✓/ 1 Evaluator's Signature: 1 Y (if I ther than C.O.E. pro)1.6ct manager) rr P=Present SP=Stongly Present Ni P=Not Present 11/4/98 Y . %.7V,I I rUr r rvl (subtotal= �.' Jbso t Waak Moderate y North Carolina Division of Water Quality - Strearh, identification Form; Version 3.1 0 1 2'-- 3 Date: I'\,t �cProject: ' Latitude: 3_ 6S, LI, � Evaluator: L Site: Longitude: 1 Total Points. 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 Stream is at least intermittent if 219 or rennial if 2 30 3 County: ' ' ! r.. '��� v ,,,: ; t.:.r : : , Other i e. Quad Name: :.. 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches . %.7V,I I rUr r rvl (subtotal= �.' Jbso t Waak Moderate Strong 1a. Continuous bed and bank 0 1 2'-- 3 2. Sinuosity 0 1 ' 2 3 3 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 0 1 2 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 3 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches ) 1 2 3 7. Braided channel 0 1-7 2 3 8. Recent alluvial depositsp 0 1 2 3 9 8 Natural levees 0 1 2 3 10. Headcuts 1 2 3 11. Grade controls 0 0.5 1 1.5 12. Natural valley or drainageway 0 0:5 1 1.5 13. Second or greater order channel on existing USGS or NRCS map or other documented _ No = 0,� Yes = 3 evidence. Mnrtmsriu rINn1.e .. _� o.o .a.au, ave urscussjons in manual B_ Hvdrolonv Mi htr tial = a 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 1 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - d or growingseason 0 = ` 3 2 3 16. Leafl'Itter 1.5 1 0.5 ' 0' 17. Sediment on plants or debris (02 0.5 1 1.5 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 0 0.5 1 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redoximorphic features) present? 0 No = 0 1 CYes = 1.5 L. C. Bioloav (Subtotal = '::� 1 20'. Fibrous roots in channel --3- 2 e 1 r 0 21 . Rooted plants in channel 3) 2 0 22' Crayfish - 0.5 1 1.5 23. Bivalves 3 24. Fish 0 ) 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 f' 0.5 1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 s 1 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 1 2 3 28. Iron oxidi2ing bacteria/fungus. 0 0.5 1 1.5 29b. Wetland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL =1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 -' F.........w - aW-..aa M.a.w, .w�.. ca �wlsbt;u un ulu presence or aquatic or Wein plants. Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) Sketch: Y y - 4 j j ENTERMITTENT CHANNEL EVALUATION FORM ACTION 1D APPLICANT NA1bHlE v'� fiy; t i% • HDATE PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.)i WAnMR01D3f1 MM BASIN tO JNA 444, LiF COUNWA ! V `"7 L . V RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS i : O Li > jZ4tt , "] P SP NP Observation Comments or Desgij tion Fish/Shelfish/Crustaceans Present Benthic Macro Invertebrates x' Amphibians Present/Breeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protected Species Present' (Discontinue) - w x Riffle/Pool Structure - Stable Streambanks X Channel Substrate (Le. gravel, cobble, rock, coarse sand) Riparian Canopy Present (SP =h 50°x6 closure) Undercut Banks/Instream Habitat Structure Flow In Channel Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) Persistent Pools/Sawrated Bottom (June throughSept) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept) Adjacent Floodplain Present x Wrack Material or Drift Lines - Hydrophytic Vegetation m/adjacent to channel Important To (Domestic Water Supply? Y (19 (Does Channel Appear On A Quad ®r 1dlap? � Approz Area: I Perennial Channel (stop) 8 Important Channel: LF PROJECT Milt. Initials _ Intermittent Channel (peed) Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (no A Evaluator's Signature: Y (if otherihan C.O.E. project manager) P=Present SP=StonglyPresent NP --Not Present 11/4/98 North Carolina Division of Mater Quality d �trearn Identification Foffn; Version 3A Date: ist7 . t t� -T Project: M f't " . `' 3 : Latitude: Evaluator: j�yt��; Site; 47_ Longitude: -q'19 3 Total Points: � 7 Other Stream is at least intermittent County: j „ if Z19 or perennial if 2 3o .r e.g. Quad Name: A_ Gemmnmhnlnnv I Al e-.4 1 u.... -i 1 15. Continuous bed and bank CO 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity 0 1 2 3 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 0 1 2 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 3 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0\ 1 2 3 7. Braided channel 0 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits CO) 1 2 3 9 8 Natural levees CO 1 2 3 10. Headcuts - - 0 i 1 2 3 11. Grade controls 0 0.5 1 1.5 12. Natural valley or drainageway 0 0.5 : �1 ' 1.5 13. Second or greater order channel on existing---_ USGS or MRCS map or other documented_--- evidence. No = 0 Yes = 3 " Man-made ditches are not rated; see discussions in manaar - B. Hydrology Subtotal = 14. Gro 3 2 1 0 - 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or in channel - d or growingseason CO CO)ater 2 2 3 16. Leaflitter 1.5 1 0.5 1.5 17. Sediment on plants or debris CIO. ' 0.5 1 1.5 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 0" 0.5 1 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redoximotphic features) present? No = 0 0.5 1 Yes = 1.5 undwater flow/discharge 1 2 3 ' 0 C. Bioloov (Subtotal = 2- 1 --- 20b. Fibrous roots in channel 3 2 1 0 - 21b. Rooted plants in channel 3 2 il 0 22. Crayfish ' 0 0.5 1 1.5 23. Bivalves _ 0' 1 2 3 24. Fish 0" 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0.5 1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0.5 1 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 1 2 3 28. Iron oxidizing bacteria/fungus. 0.5 1 1.5 29 . Wetland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 �..�..a �' ulG NlaMIui w uplanu proms, nem/ -v focuses on me presence or aquatic or wetland plants. Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) Sketch: Y Y Y I� tel^ z•' zs+ EVALUATION FORM ACTION IA APPLITCA1dTNAlblfiC ! ° l� ��'?�'� � ��� DATE PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.) L't 5t'V 1 1 r7� wATERBODY/RIVERBASIN L/ TZ= Qalui ff-o Lt" COUNTY/CITY -= �i �� i✓ y ijy . RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS P SP NP Observation Comments or Descri tion Fish/Shellfish/Crustaceans Present Benthic Macro Invertebrates 1-4W0 F4 C—AS Amphibians PresentBreeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) C - Wildlife Channel Use (L, hacks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protected Species Present .(Discontinue)__. __ - Riffle/Pool Structure _ - Stable Streambanks Channel Substrate (i.e. gravel, cobble, tock, coarse sand) - 6beOLe � � b'°r Riparian Canopy Present (SP =h 50%closure) . Undercut Banks/Instream Habitat Structure Flow In Channel Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom (June through Sept ) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept.) - Adjacent Floodplain Present -- - - Wrack Material or Drift Lines Hydrophytic Vegetation iniadjacent to channel Important To Domestic Water Supply? Y Z N Dom Channel Appear On A Quad Or Sods Map? Cy/ lid Appmm iDnainaW Area: Determination: Perennial Channel (stop) Important Channel: LF PROJECT MOL Initials _ Intermittent Channel (ProCeed) LJ Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (no id) /'" y Evaluator's Signature: ✓`i''G-1 1 /.- Y (if other than C.O.E i0ject manager) 21 P=Present SP=Stongly Present NP --Not Present 11/4/98 Y d North Carolina Division of Water Quay - Stream Identification Form;liersion 3.1 • A. UeqfTUXphoJoqy Sabtow4cm Absent Weak Moderate Strong 18. Continuous bed and bank 0 1 : 2 3 2. Sinuosity 0 1 2 3 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 0 1 2 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 ; s _s lis _j�.._.•, _:. INTERAUTTENT CHANNEL EVALUATION FORM ACTION ID APPLICANT NAME % tom' �+� 1. �t} y�� �`�' DATE PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.)'( 4iV 2 3- WA7FRBODYIRIVERsASIN i,`'� vit - =iZ COUNWICITX "T 71-4 4, 1-4 - RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS P SP NP Observation Comments or Description Fish/Shellfish/Cmstaceans Present Benthic Macro invertebrates Amphibians Present/Breeding �r w Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) .,` Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, other;) Federally Protected Species Present (Discontinue) Riffle/Pool Structure �( Stable Stteambanks r Channel Substrate - (i.e. gravel, cobble, rock, coarse sand)_- - Riparian Canopy Present (SP h 50% closure) Undercut Banks/Instream Habitat Structure Flow In Channel Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom June through Sept.) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept.) Adjacent Floodplain Present Wrack Material or Drift Lines Hydrophytic Vegetation inladjacent to channel Important To Domestic Water Supply? Y Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or S2 Map? N Approm Drainage Area: 6 Determination: Perennial Channel (stop) Important Channel: LF PROJECT MGR. Initials Intermittent Channel (proceed) LJ Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (no A Evaluator's Signature: 44 e ' r i Y Y (if other than C.O.E. prof t r0anager);_ i P=Present SP=Stongly Present NP=Not Present 11/4/98 North Carolina Division of Water ouaiity - Stream identification f=orm; Version Date: r`S, J.' Project: 1✓;; ;3 (E7 if 9 :t a Latitude: �j- C3 �A Evaluator: 'I`i.'�t Site: Longitude: Total Points. Stream is at least intermittent County: ' s � if a 19 or rennial if 2:30 """ -'�!' `>' it ; e.g. Quad Name: rL ve:u,ruu - 18. Continuous bed and bank Absent 0 Weak 1 Alederete 2 Strong 3 2. Sinuosity 0 F" 2 3 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence p 1 2 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 3 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 1 1 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 _ 1 2. 3 7. Braided channel Oa 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits 9 a Natural levees p 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 10. Headcuts 0. 1 2 3 11. Grade controls ( 0. 0.5 1 12. Natural valley or drainageway 0 0.5 1 T) 13. Second or greater order charm on existing USGS or NRCS map or other aciiyirnprrted evidence. No = p -- Yes ---a f S_ Hvdrnlnnv fRi ihfntml = 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 1 . 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - d or rows season 0 ' 2 3 16. Leaflitter 17. Sediment on plants or debris 1.5 0 " 1 0.5 0.5 1 O a 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 0 0.5 1 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redo)imorphic featunes) present? No = 0 0.5 1 _ Yes = 1.5 C. Bioloav fSuhtntnl = � ---v- 2 o --v_ 20 . Fibrous roots in channel 3 2 1 p 210. Rooted plants in channel 3 2 1 0 22. Crayfish OJ 0.5 1 - -1 5 23. Bivalves 24. Fish 0 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 0.5 CIV 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 0.5 9 .f 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton0 " 1 2 3 28. Iron oxidizing bacterialfungus. 0''' 0.5 1 1.5 29 . Wetland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL =1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 ------- -- -• •- - • ••,••..., .......a F.--- uP- P -w, will Oft me presence or aquatic or wenana plants. Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) Sketch: Y Y j EVALUATION FORM AMON I APPUCANT NAME ! �'�� �1+' �' �'� �rly �i .(DATE PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, eta) � "�`� cid' l%�i �"'" '�2-6 WATERBODYMYER BASIN 0 t- I'S UtL cour49'Y ccry RECENT WEATHER CON7DITiONS C4C U� �[�ft;�4/I P SP NP Observation Comments or Description Fish/Shellfish/Crustaceans Present P - v- y Benthic Macro Invertebrates i' Amphibians Present/Breeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) X Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protected Species Present continue) Riffle/Pool Structure Stable Streambanks Channel Substrate i.e. gravel, cobble, rock, coarse ! rD Riparian Canopy Present (SP =/> 50`/, closure) Undercut Banks/Instream Habitat Structure ��y� r,�L � d� �• Flow In Channel !"_-:..moi �A, Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) Persistent Pools/Sawrated Bottom (June through Sept) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept.) Adjacent Floodplain Present - Wrack Material or Drift Lines d „C C /L,,�—,A F JAllda S Hydmphytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel Important To Domestic Water &W44 Y / Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or Sots Mar.Ov N �. Area: 13 1 .k -a Determination: Perennial Channel (stop) 1V 8 Important Channel: LF PRODFCr GEL hddals Intermittent Channel (proceed) Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of importandunimportant c el) Ditch Through Upland (no id) Evaluator's Signature: 1Z Y Y (if other than C.U.E. project manager) ti P=Present SP=Stongly Present NP -Not Present 11/4/98 i North Carolina Division q @tater Quality - Stream Identification Form; Versi®pl'.1 Pro ect: Date: 1 ) A 9 :�r 1 t Latitude:Ig - �` Evaluator: Site: (�v'�, Longitude: MT 3 Total Points. Stream is at least intermittent .�� County:> i z Other if i 19 or perennial if 30 ' ` r e.g. Quad Name: +C7 I,- n. vaunwr 11Ul 5Ubtotal = I I 1 Absent ]lye jy 1a. Continuous bed and bank 0 1 1 3 2. Sinuosity 0 1-S2) 1 3 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 0 1 2 3' 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 3 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7. Braided channel 0 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits 9 a Natural levees 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 10. Headcuts 0 1 2 3 11. Grade controls 0 0.5 1 1.5 12. Natural valley or drainageway 0 0.5 1 1.5 13. Second or greater order-cftmthel on existing USGS or NRCS map or other documented evidence. a 1U1- - A:a..1.,.., No = 0 --- ----------•-� �•� ...... VwV, wV VI.T.YBBIVIIO III IIIOIIYiII B_ Hvdminnv Mi jhtntnl = - C I 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 1 2 ` 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - d or rowi season 0 1 2 3 ` 16. Leatlitter 1.5 1 (0:0 0 17. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 2- 1.5 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 0 0.5 I,J,,r 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redoximorphic features) present? 0 No = 0 Yes = 1.5 1.5 C. Bialoav (Suhtntal = -4- 1 - 20 . Fibrous roots in channel 3 2 1 _ 0 21b. Rooted plants in channel 3 2 1 0 22. Crayfish -- 0 ) 0.5 1 1.5 23. Bivalves - 0 h 1 2- 3 24. Fish 0 0.5 j 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 0.5 1 1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 0.5 1 1.5' 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 0` 1 2 28. Iron oxidizing bacterialfungus. 0 ' 0.5 1 1.5 29 . Wetland plants in streambed I--- - _ FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; 0131-= 1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 ------- -- ---- - I. -.w v. YF -I- vim 1w, 1Y3111 4V IM--uZMs on We prESenCe om agUaUC Or W@Uana plant$. Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) Sketch: 4 4 ACTION ID _ ee a �f EqTERNMTENT CHANNEL � .�-w,�* " EVALUATION FORM APPLICANT NA16RE DATE (— ( 20ZS7 PROPOSED CHANNEL WORN{ (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.) r Lj WAT.ERBODYMV=J1ASM V f TO �� t:� t7� - COUNTY/CPlY - 'Rr . RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS P SP NP Observation Comments or Description Fish/Shellfish/Crustaceans Present 1A Benthic Macro Invertebrates Amphibians Present/Breeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (Le. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protected Species2nesent.(Discontinue) - --- x Riffle/Pool Structure - - - - Stable Streambanks Channel Substrate i.e. gravel, cobble, rock, coacw md) " Riparian Canopy Present (SP =h 501% closure) Undercut Bankstinstream Habitat Structure Flow In Channel i� Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom (June through Sept.) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept) Adjacent Floodplain Present— Wrack Material or Drift Lines- _ --__- Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel Important TO Domestic Water Supply'! Y `./ Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or Soils Map?"V N ApPro& Drainage Arca: ✓ �� Determination: Perennial Channel (stop) e Important Channel: LF PROJECT AICR Initials Intermittent Channel (proceed) Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (noid) Evaluator's Signature: / " Y (if other than C.O.E. project ager] - Y P=Present SP=Stongly Present NP --Not Present 11/4/98 North Carglina Division of Water Quality - Stream Identification F ; Version 3.1 Date: 1i >> `f'= 'v;�' ' i Project 4`.= .,i 1:, il, ;�l . :r~ , : Latitude: .7�- C.i{ Evaluator. Site: 1 Longitude: Total Points: _ Other, Stream is at least intem►ittent County: , + % r if 2 19 orperennial if 2 30 ! ` ` i e.g. Quad Name: s r A. U bn1opy 4SUbtotal= b Absent !Meek Moderate Strong 1a. Continuous bed and bank 0 1 2 3 ' 2. Sinuosity 0 1 - 2 0 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 0 1 2 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 3 `. 5. Ac&Wralic floodplain 0' 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 ` 1 2 3 7. Braided channel 0 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 ' 2 3 9 8 Natural levees 0 1 2 3 10. Headcuts 01 1 2 3 11. Grade controls0 % 0.5 1 1.5 12. Natural valley or drainageway 0 0.5 1 1.5 13. SecondZFr greater order channel on wdstina USGS-orNRCS map or other documented evidence -_ No = 0 Irwl Illlauc Ylau+w dIC 1101 rdt rte- .we oiscus$ions in manual _ R_ Hvrimineiv tGuhtntai = 7 1 ---- 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 1 2 3 y 15. Water in channel and > 48 his since rain, or Water in channel - dry or grovAng season 0 1 2 3 s 16. Leaflitter 1.5 1 CO.5 0 17. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0. 1 1.5 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 0 0.5 1 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redo)imorphic features) present? 0.5 (No = 0 Yes = 1.5 0 C. Biolopv-Mu- Motal = q 1 - Rbr-ou-s-rtiots in channel 2 1 0 21 . Rooted plants in channel 3 ) 2 1 0 22• Crayfish- 0 '" 0 5 1 1.5 23. Bivalves (5i -1-- _ 2 3 24. Fish 0 0.5 ' 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 0.5 1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 0.5 1 1.5 3 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 0 1 2 3 28. Iron oxidizing bacteria/f ingus. 0 0.5 1 1.5 29 . Wetland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 IUw* w1 Ute iAgSenGO W Uplanu plants, teem zu recuses at me presence of aquatic or waiatm plants. Notes: (use back side of this forth for additional notes) Sketch: 4 4 'Mri� �i INTERMITTENT CHANNEL EVALUATION (FORM AMON 11DPPL AI[CANT NAIi� Al W C1; L;N• CL:3. DATE PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (Le., culvert, relocation, etc.) WATERBODY/RIVER BAS1N U'J— tT '' (1V'i,`'bL5 0-�"E COUNTYXITX- RECENT WEATHER CONIDMONS !7 r— art i`1L-;j P SP NP Observation Comments or Description X Fish/Shel fish/Crustaceans Present Benthic Macro Invertebrates r Amphibians Present/Breeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, other;) Federally Protected Species Present.(Discontinue) Riffle/Pool Structure Stable embanks lir: a v X(i.e-gravai,.eobble, Channeiate rock, coarse sand) f Ripar—Mdopy Present (SP =h 50% closure) - _ Undercut Banks/Instream Habitat Structure Flow In Channel Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom (June through Sept) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept) AdjacenLFloodplain Present Wrack -Material or Drift Lines - Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel Important'I'o Domestic Water Supply? Y N' Does Channel Appear On A Qaad Or Soils Map?LY N Determination: Approm DrAnge Area: Perennial Channel (stop)Important Channel: IF PROlE,Cr 1lIGEL Initials Intermittent Channel (peed) " Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (no A t Evaluator's Signature: y (if other than C.O.E. proj t managpk) i P=Present SP=Stongly Present INP--NotPresent 1 UA/98 North Caroline Division of Water Quality - StreamJ e etification Foffn; Version 3.1 Date: N'F -� , P. ;r �` :• �^ r Protect � ;: *� a' li l y i Latitude: ] , �, � Z Evaluator.`0". N/ site: : Longitude:'`) Total Points: " Stream is at least intermittentECounty:; r r Other - if Z 19 or ronniai if i 30 "" r e.g. Quad Name: LL Subtotal = 18. Continuous bed and bank Absent 0 Weak Moderate C2). Strong 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - d or growingseason 2. Sinuosity 0 2 2 3 1.5 3. In -channel structure: ditie-pool sequence 0 1 2 3 0.5 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 3 1 5. Active/relic floodplain (6)1 No = 0 3 6. Depositional bars or benches0 ° 1 2 3 1 1.5 7. Braided channel 0 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits (03 1 2 3 9' Natural levees 0 1 2 3 10. Headcuts 0 1 2 3 _- 11. Grade controls _ 0 0.5 1 1.5 12. Natural valley or drainageway 0.5 1 : 1.5 -- 13. Second or greater order channel on existing USGS or NRCS map or other documented evidence. -- 0 Yes = 3 o�a�rn�aua unu Hca aua 11u1 idleu' bee aiscussions in manual B. H drolo (Subtotal=_ 14. Groundwater fl ow/discharge 0 1 + 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - d or growingseason 01 1 0 2 3 16. Leaflitter 1.5 1 0.5 0 17. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 1 1.5 18. Organic debris fines or piles (Wrack lines) 0 0.5 1 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redo)imorphic features) present? No = 0 Yes = 1.5 r C. Biologv (Subtotal = 1 20b. Fibrous roots in channel 3 __- 2 1 0 21 . Rooted plants in channel 3 ` 2 1 0 22. Crayfish I U30.5 1 1.5 23. Bivalves - 1 2 3 24. Fish 0 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0.5 1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 00.5 1 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 1 2 3 28. Iron oxidizing bacteriatfungus. "0 0.5 1 1.5 29 . Wefland plants in streambed FAC =-0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL =1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 my cv u,lu c i wwb on we presence or upiana pians,. Rear zu focuses on the presence of aquatic or wetland plants. Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) Sketch: j i 6�y ENTERNMTENT CHANNEL. EVALUATION FORM ACTION M APPLICANT NAM + Cis � DATA PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK(i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.) WATERBODY/RIVERBASIN N= LLS ffivL K COUNTY/CITY T +LV J RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS P SP NP Observation Comments or Description t� Fish/Shellfish/Crustaceans Present Benthic Macro Invertebrates X Amphibians Present/Breeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protected Species Present.(Discontinue) Riffle/Pool Structure Stable Streambanks Channel Substrate (ie. gravel, cobble, rock, coarse sand) - - Riparian Canopy Present (SP =h 505/6 closure) Undercut Banks/Instream Habitat Structure Flow In Channel Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom (June through Sept) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept) Adjacent Floodplain Present - Wrack Material or Drift Lines Hydrophyuic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel Impa rtinA 1{'o Domestic Water SupW Y' J IDoes Channel Appear On A Quad Or Soils Map? V LST Determination: Appr(m Drainage Area: Perennial Channel (stop) Important Channel: LF PPAMECr AIM Initials _ Intermittent Channel (p1OCeed) H Unimportant Channel LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (noid) Evaluator's Signature:� y (if other than CP.E. project manager) P=Present SP=Stongly Present NP --Not Present 11/4/98 el North Carolina Division of Dater Hty - Strearn identification Form; Version 3.1 a _, Date: �� ._ f ,r ,, ; - Project .'' Latitude:CJS C5 5 25-6 Evaluator.:L'i I%1ZV Site: -:Other - Longitude:~ Total Points Stream is at least intermittent . 7 if 2 19 or ! perennial if 230 L . County: �,r I ' a ; 3 e.g. Quad Name: ` r_ m. veomo nol Subtotal = --,i Absent Weak Moderaft 3 18. Continuous bed and bank 0 1 2 CU 2. Sinuosity 0 1 2) 3 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 0 1 2 > 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 1.5 5. Activeirelic floodplain 0 1 1 ; 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 1 3 7. Braided channel 0 1 2 ' 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2 3 9 8 Natural levees FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL =1.5 1 2 3 10. Headcuts 0 1 2 3 11. Grade controls 0 0.5 1 12. Natural valley or drainagewaY 0 0.5 1 1.5 13. Second or greater order channel on ern USGS or NRCS ma or other documented p evidence. No = 0 B. Hvdroloov (Suhtntm = ! I 1 -- 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 1 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - d or rowi season,, 0 1 2 ,.. 16. Leaflitter 1.5 cl' 0.5 0 17. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5L 1 1.5 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 0 0. 1 ` 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redo)dmorphic features) present? 0 No = 0 1 ; es C. Bioloav (Subtotal = T 5 ) - `�-- 20 . Fibrous roots in channel 3 2 1 0 21 . Rooted plants in channel 3 2 1 0 22. Crayfish 0 ' 0.5 1 -1:5 23. Bivalves - 0`' 1 2 ---3-- --324. 24. Fish 0 0.5 1 ' 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 0.5 1 ; 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 0.5 1 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 0 1 2 28. Iron oxidizing bacteria/fungus. "0 0.5 1 1.5 29 . Wetland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL =1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 -- G 1 -0 YII ult' pltra-m IR up{aml prams, rrem zu rocuses on the presence of aquatic or wetland plants. Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) Sketch: 4 r a�J j2 T' P �..- INTERNMTENT CHANNEL - EVALUATION FORM AMON ID APPLICANTNAW � 'l.c L=2ti f �- g�� L �=. DATA (— 1 , %t s PROPOSED CHANNEL WORT{ (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.) �` �'�'� Qz-c ss l ;v Cl` WATERBODYAHVER BASIN d l t- : cst`i -i1 couNTYxTry- ! `''s' � � L1 L01—'- 1� - RECENfl WEATHER COND1Ti®lVs P SP NP Observation Comments or Descri rion XFish/Shellfish/Crustaceans Present Benthic Macro Invertebrates6AM V) l Amphibians Present/Breeding X, Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protected Species Present.(Disco�nu-e) Riffle/Pool Structure - -. Stable Stn=banks — Channel Substrate (i.e. gravel, cobble, rock, coarse sand) - GILA— Riparian Canopy Present (SP =/> 50016 closure) t - Undercut Banks/Instream Habitat Stracture Flow In Channel Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) Persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom (June through Sept.) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept.) Adjacent Floodplain Present Wrack Material or Drift Lines Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel Important To IIDoffiestQc Water Supply? Y Dom Channel Appear On A Quad Or Sofl Map• ? Y / IV ' Apprt►z Drainage Area:, Determination: Perennial Channel (stop) Important Channel: LF PROdECrNXM Initials Intermittent Channel (proceed) Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (noid) Evaluator's Signature: �� 1 ' , 1 ./✓ Y (if other than C.O.E.pSo ect manager) Y P=Present SP=Stongly Present NP --Not Present 11/4/98 M North Carolina Division of mat Quality - Stream identification Form; Version 3.1 Date: !4r "f' ' <:..y Project: ,, :�i f: ` ''fir' ' %: s Latitude:` f Moderate Sf mg 2 3 Evaluator: �yy.f� Site:it 7 'TIS. Longitude: `' 0 ;.00 'Dotal Points: 3. In -channel structure: rifle -pool sequence 0 1 2 Steam is at least intermittent =50unty: if 2 19 or erennial if 2 30g 4. Sal texture or stream substrate sorting :. , '` ' ` >�f • ' ° Other e.g. Quad Name• µ4 ( 2 3 l 0 1 H. veomo not Subtotal = 1a. Continuous bed and bank Absent 0 W ak 1 f Moderate Sf mg 2 3 2. Sinuosity (0-) 1 2 3 3. In -channel structure: rifle -pool sequence 0 1 2 3 4. Sal texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 ( 2 3 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7. Braided channel 0 .; 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 1 2 3 9 a Natural levees 28. Iron oAd®ng bacteria/fungus. 1 2 3 10. Headcuts 0 1 2 - 3 11. Grade controls 0 0.5 1 1.5 12. Natural valley or drainageway 0 0.5 1 1.5 13. Second or greater order charnel -owe n sti g USGS or NRCS map or other -documented evidence. _ - No = 0 Yes = 3- •••-•• ••••.�.. ...w..vv ...v .ni. �aaoV� aO�tlp 114 111111t7llUill -- - B_ Hvdmkuw (Gt Ihtnfar 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 1; 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, or Water in channel - dry or growing season 0 1 - , 2 3 16. Leaflitter 1.5 1 0.5 0 17. Sediment on plants or debris !, 0.5 1 1.5 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 0 j 0.5 1 _ 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redo)dmorphic features) present? No = 0 0.5 i 1 1.5 C. Bioloav (Subtotal = - i 20b. Fibrous roots in channel 3 2 1 -0- 21 . Rooted plants in channel (3_) 2 1 0 22. Crayfish 0 ' 0.5 23. Bivalves 0 • 1 2 ---3 24. Fish 0 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 0.5 i 1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 OS 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 0 1 2 3 28. Iron oAd®ng bacteria/fungus. • 0 0.5 1 1.5 29 . Wetland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 1 I. Q w l Ulu lifewnue W uplana plants, tem zw focuses on Ute presence of aquatic or %*Mnd plants. Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) Sketch: Y j j FA ENTERAMTENT CHANNEL - EVALUATION FORM ACTION ID APPLICANTNAM ,;' �— �i� DATA 4 PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, eta) �,�� C-YicSS jpj 2- wATERBODY/RIVER BASIN �,T It PXAI� 611 COUNTY/CrrY RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS P SP NP Observation Comments or Description Perennial Channel ){ Fish/Shellfish/Crostaceaus Present PROJFCy MGR. Initials _ Intermittent Channel (proceed) Unimportant Channel: LF Benthic Macro Invertebrates Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of importandunimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland Amphibians Present/Breeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) x Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. hacks, feces; shells, others) Evaluator's Signature:�1.� n : - Federally Protected Species Preseat.(Discontinue) y (if other than C.O.E. ro ect ger) Riffle/Pool Structure P=Present SP=StonglyPresent ' Stable Streambanks -- �j T Channel Substrate (i.e. gravel, cobble, rack, coarse sand)- Riparian Canopy Present (SP =/> 50016 closure) _ Undercut Banks/Instream Habitat Structure Flow In Channel Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) Persistent Pools/San ated Bottom (June throughSept.) Seeps/Groundwater Discharge (June through Sept:) Adjacent Floodplain Present Wrack Material or Drift Lines Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel Important To Domestic Water Supply? Y N - Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or So& Map?�Y 1 lei App moL Drainage Area Determination: Perennial Channel (stop) Important Channel: LF 8 PROJFCy MGR. Initials _ Intermittent Channel (proceed) Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of importandunimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (no id) Evaluator's Signature:�1.� n : - Y y (if other than C.O.E. ro ect ger) P=Present SP=StonglyPresent NP --Not Present 11/4/98 Y SI i ..1 ♦ �i REAM QUALITY ASSESSMEENT WORKSHEET ivaav -1-9—mlibuub am nuE ussessea in coastal streams. # CHARACTERISTICS ECOREGION POINT MANGE Coastal Piedmont Mountain SCORE 000 Presence of flow / persistent pools in stream 01 no flow or saturation = 0; strop flow = max points) 0-5 0 – 4 0-5 5 2 Evidence of past human alteration extensive alteration = A m altezation = max porots 0-6 0-5 0-5 4 3 Riparian zone no buffer = 0; contiguous, wide buffer = maxpoints) 0-6 0-4 0-5 4 4 Evidence of nutrient or chemical discharges extensive discharges = 0; no discharges = maxpoints) 0-5 0-4 0-4 4 5 Groundwater discharge U no dischar e = 0; springs, see s, wetlands, etc. = maxpoints) 0-3 0-4 0-4 0 6 Presence of adjacent floodplain no floodplain = 0; extensive floodplain = max points) 0– 4 0– 4 0– 2 0 7 Entrenchment / floodplain access (deeply entrenched = 0; fieguent flooding = maxpoints) 0-5 0-4 0-2 0 8 Presence of ad_ jacent wetlands no wetlands = 0; laze adjacent wetlands = max points) 0– 6 0– 4 0– 2 0 9 Channel sinuosity extensive channelization-=& aatural meander = maxpoints)0-5 0 – 4 _ —0-3 _ 3 10 Sedjnput extensive deposition-- 0- li no sediment = maxpoints) 0-5 0-4 – 4 4 11 Size & diversity of channel bed substrate fine homogenous. = 0; large, diverse sizes = max porots NA* 0-4 0-5 5 Evidence of channel incision or widening F12 (deeply incised = 0. stable bed & banks = max points)0-5 0-4 0-5 5 13 Presence of major bank failures 0 a4 severe erosion = 0; no erosion, stable banks = max points) 0-5 0-5 0-5 5 14 Root depth and density on banks no visible roots = 0; dense roots throughout = maxpoints) 0 –3 0-4 0-5 5 15 Impact by agriculture, livestock, or timber production substantial ' act �;-no-evidence = max points) 0-5 0 – 4 ---0-5 5 16 Presence of riffle-pool/ripple-pool complexes (no riffles/ripples or pools = 0• well-developed = maxpoints) 0-3 0-5 0-6 6 17 Habitat complexity little or no habitat = 0• lie uen -varied habitats = maxpoints) 0-6 0-6 ---0-6 6 p? 18 Canopy coverage over streambed no shadingvegetation = 0; continuous canopy= max points) 0-5 0 – 5 0-5 5 19 Substrate embeddedness (deeply embedded = 0; loose structure = max NA* 0– 4 0– 4 3 20 Presence of stream invertebrates (see page 4) y4 no evidence = 0• common, numerous types = maxpoints) 0-4 0-5 0-5 5 21 Presence of amphibians O no evidence = 0; common, numerous types = maxpoints) 0-4 0-4 0-4 2 22 Presence of 0 no evidence = 0; common, numerous s = max points) 0-4 0-4 0-4 3 23 Evidence of wildlife use no evidence = 0; abundant evidence = maxpoints) 0-6 0-5 0-5 2 Total Points Possible 100 100 100 TOTAL, SCORE (also enter on first page) Y �T 81 ivaav -1-9—mlibuub am nuE ussessea in coastal streams. USACE AID# DVVQ #_ STREAM QUALITYASSESSMENT Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment: 1. Applicant's name: McKeough Land Company Inc 3. Date of evaluation: 07/22/05 5. Name of stream: Toxawa Creek 7. Approximate drainage area: 1200 ac. 9. Length of reach evaluated: 50 feet Site # (indicate on attachgd map) . 2. Evaluator's name: Ethridge 4. Time of evaluation: morning 6. River basin: Savannah 8. Stream order: third 10. County: Transylvania 11. Site coordinates (if known):35.091197N / 82.853528 W 12. Subdivision name (if any): Round Mountain 13. Location of reach under evaluation (note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location):_ 14. Proposed channel work (if any): potential read -crossing 15. Recent weather conditions: hot and dry - - - 16. Site conditions at time of visit: hot and dry fl7. Identity any special waterway classifications_k-110 WH IISection 10 []Tidal Waters 0EsseaharFis�herres Habitat Trout Waters []Outstanding Resource Waters [] Nutrient Sensitive Waters ❑Water Supply Watershed _ (I-IV) 18. Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation point? YESD NO® If yes, estimate the water surface area: 19. Does channel appear on USGS quad map? YES® NOF� 20. Does channel appear on USDA Soil Survey? YES® NOF 21. Estimated watershed land use: _% Residential _% Commercial _% Industrial _% Agricultural 60% Forested 40% Cleared / Logged _% Other ( j 22. Bankfiill width: 10-18' —-- 23. Bank height (from bed to top of bank): 5-15' 24. Channel slope down center of stream: Oflat (0 to 2%) []Gentle (2 to 4%) []Moderate (4 to 10%) ❑Steep (> 10%) 25. Channel sinuosity: []Straight 00ccasional fiends []Frequent meander []Very sinuous []Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2): Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location, terrain, vegetation, stream classification, etc. Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion. Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion. Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet. Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation. If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions, enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comment section. Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e.g., the stream flows from a pasture into a forest), the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separate form used to evaluate each reach. The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100, with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality. Total Score (from reverse): 81 Comments: Evaluator's Signature I 9 1-Z d 0� v Date 1 4 �! Laced Value: $794,080 Bldg Value: $0 Year Built: XFOB Value: $0 Assessed Value: $78,150 Legal Address: WEST OF 178 j j 4 -) County ID: T221 00003 06 Fire District: Rosman FD Use Code: 0120 Sale Date: 200107 Sale Price: $540,000 Area: 118.86 AC Township: Eastatoe Deed Book: 00= PV: 0589 Sale Inst: WD Sale Imp: V Zoning: Land Value: $368,470 Bldg Value: $0 Year Built: XFOB Value: $0 Assessed Value: $368,470 Legal Address: OSCAR CHAPPELL ROAD Pin: 8550-37-2252-000 Owner. ---- CANUPP SANDRA S 390 CONEROSS RD -- WALHALLA,SC 29691 - County ID: T272 00004 06 -_ Fire District: Rosman FD _ Use Code: 0120 Sale Date: 200408 Sale Price: $0 Area: 70.02 AC Township: Eastatoe Deed Book: 00246 Pg: 0721 Sale Inst: WD Sale Imp: V Zoning: Land Value: $157,550 Bldg Value: $0 Year Built: XFOB Value: $0 - __— Assessed Value: $157,550 Legal Address: NANCY MOUNTAIN ROAD Pin: 8551-22-5163-000 Owner: CHAMPION CATTLE & TREE FARMS PO BOX 7587 ASHEM-E.NC 28802-7587 County ID: T271 0000106 Fire District: Rosman FD Use Code: 0120 Sale Date: 199511 Sale Price: $0 Area: 315.11 AC Township: Eastatoe Deed Book: 00395 Pg: 0264 Sale Inst: QC Sale Imp: V Y Zoning: Year Bulk: XFOB Value: $0 Assessed Value: $79,060 Legal Address: OLD TOXAWAY RD Pin: 8550-04-5801-000 Owner: MILLER CRAIG C & CINDY C 4 LIZ REECE RD ROSMAN,NC 28M County ID: Fire District: Rosman FD Use Code: Sale Date: 200201 Sale Price: $95,000 Area: 1.00 LT Township: Gloucester Deed Book: 00084 Pg: 0561 Sale Inst: WD __ _ Sale Imp: V Zoning: -- Land Value: $-95-,M Bldg Value: $0 — Year Built: XFOB Value4D- Assessed Value: Use Code: 0120 Sale Date: 200209 Sale Price: $0 Area: 77.79 AC Township: Eastatoe Deed Book: 0002E Pg: 0231 Sale Inst: WI Sale Imp. V Zoning: Land Value: $233,370 Bldg Value: $0 Year Built: XFOB Value: $0 Assessed Value: $233,370 Legal Address: FROZEN CREEK ROAD Pin: 8541-81-1461-000 Owner: STEWART ANTHONY CARLTON 83 OSCAR CHAPPELL RD - BREVARDAC 28712 _ County ID: T212 0001206 _ Fire District: Rosman; O - Use Code: 0120 Sale Date: 200309 _ Sale Price: $80,000 - Area: 11.19 AC Township: Eastatoe Deed Book: 00191 Pg: 0192 Sale Inst: WD Sale Imp: I Zoning: Land Value: $46,100 Bldg Value: $44,410 Year Built: 1982 _ XFOB Value: $0 - - Assessed Value: $90,510 Legal Address: OLD TOXAWAY ROAD - - — Pin: 8541-90-2553-000 Owner: BUNTER DOUGLAS L ETAL 10361 CARROLLWOOD LN APT #154 TAMPA,FL 33618 County ID: T212 00014 06 Fire District: Rosman FD Use Code: 0120 Sale Date: 200202 Sale Price: $0 Area: 21.96 AC Township: Eastatoe Deed Book: 00090 Pg: 0200 Sale Inst: QC Sale Imp: V Zoning: Land Value: $79,060 Y r Bldg Value: $0 11 r _, XFOB Value: $0 Assessed Value: $97,000 Legal Address: L7 ROCK CREEK RD Pin: 8540-96-2181-000 Owner: LAKE TOXAWAY CO 100 WATERFALL CIRCLE LAKE TDXAWAY,NG 28747 County ID: T212 00013 06 Fire District: Rosman FD Use Code: 0120 Sale Date: 200409 Sale Price: $0 Area: 819.57 AC Township: Eastatoe Deed Book: 00252 Pg: 0499 Sale Inst: QC Sale Imp: V Zoning: -tand Value: $2,065,320 -Bldg Value: $0 Year Built: _XFOB Value: $0 assessed Value: $2,065,320 legal Address: SR 1142 Pin: 8541-60-3979-000 Owner: MCCALL GREGORY L & MICHELLE F 4353 OLD TOXAWAY ROAD BREVARD,NC 28712 County ID: NONE Fire District: Rosman FD Use Code: 0120 -Sale Date: 199604 Sale Price: $0 Area: 1.21 AC Township: Eastatoe __-Deed Book: 00400 Pg: 0337 Bale Inst: WD Sale Imp: V Zoning: Land Value: $14,470 Bldg Value: $189,060 Year Built: XFOB Value: $0 Assessed Value: $203,530 Legal Address: FROZEN CREEK RD SR 1143 Pin: 8541-61-5514-000 Owner: MCCALL NORMA SAWYER 180 FLAT CREEK VALLEY RD LAKE TOXAWAY,NC 28747 County ID: T212 00009A 06 FirorDistrict: Rosman FD r _y Y Sale Date: 200409 Sale Price: $0 Area: 442.23 AC Township: Eastatoe Deed Book: 00252 Pg: 0502 Sale Inst: BA Sale Imp: V Wig; Land Value: $990,600 Bldg Value: $0 Year Built: XFOB Value: $0 Assessed Value: $990,600 Legal Address: OFF SR 1142 Pin: 8540-68-0589-000 Owner: COHEX PAULA A - 3616 NE 25TH AVE FT LAUDFRDALE,FL 33308 County ID: T212 00010 06 - Fire 116trlct Rosman FD -- UseZcde:-0120 - Sale DaUP-200101 Sale $0 Area: 29.80 AC Township: Eastatoe Deed Book: 00035 Pg: 0809 Sale Inst: QC Sale Imp: 1 Zoning: Land Value: $106,090 Bldg Value: $39,350 Year Built: 1970 XFOB Value: $0 Assesse"alue: $145,440 Legal Address: BEN CANTRELL ROAD Pin: 8540--94-8143-000 - - Owner: ALLISON LARA& PERRY JAMESONIII 1823 FOUR PAWS PATH JOHNS ISLAND,SC 29455 County ID: Fire District: Rosman FD Use Code: Sale Date: 200209 Sale Price: $97,000 Area: 1.00 LT Township: Eastatoe Deed Book: 00120 Pg: 0610 Sale Inst: WD Sale Imp: V Zoning: Land Value: $97,000 Bldg Value "$0 Y Year Built: 4 Assessed Value: $16,000 Legal Address: 29E OFF OLD TOXAWAY RD Pin: 8540-52-4771-000 Owner: ALL SHORES CONSTRUCTION & 413 LINCOLN AVE CAPE CANAVERAL,FL 32920 County Hi: Fire District: Rosman FD Use Code: 0100 Sale Date: 200205 Sale Price: $0 Area: 1.00 LT Township: Eastatoe Deed Book: 00103 Pg: 0430 Sale Inst: WD Sale Imp: V - Zoning: Land Value: $16,000 �- Bldg Value: $0 - Year Built: XFOB Value: $0 Assessed Value: $16,000 Legal Address: 28E OFF OLD TOXAWAY RD Pin: 8540-52-6935-000 Owner: ARNETTE CECIL C TRUSTEE PO BOX 370211 MIAMI,FL 33137-0211 County ID: Fire District: Rosman FD Use Code: 0100 Sale Date: 199301 - -Sale Price: $0 Area: 1.00 LT Township: Eastatoe - --Deed Book: 00359 Pg: 0197 - Sale Inst: OD Sale Imp: V Zoning: Land Value: $16,000 Bldg Value: $0 Year Built: XFOB Value: $0 Assessed Value: $16,000 Legal Address: 27E OFF OLD TOXAWAY RD Pin: 8540-55-2572-000 Owner: CONGRESS ROUND MTN LLC ET AL ,9UITE X31 BOCA RATON,FL 33487 County ID: T221 00002 06 ,Fire District: Rosman FD Y Use Code: 0120 4 4 Area: 1.00 LT Township: Eastatoe Deed Book: 00359 Pg: 0197 Sale Inst: OD Sale Imp: V Zoning: Land Value: $11,000 Bldg Value: $0 Year Built: XFOB Value: $0 Assessed Value: $11,000 Legal Address: 33E OFF OLD TOXAWAY RD Pin: 8540-52-2464-000 Owner: ARNETTE CECIL C TRUSTEE PO BOX 370211 MIAMI,FL 33137-0211 County ID: Fire District: Rosman FD Use Code: 0100 M Sale -Date: 199301 SaWLP-ice: $0 - _-- Area:A�:00 LT — Township: Eastatoe _- Deed Book: 00359 Pg: 0197 Sale Inst: OD Sale Imp: V Zoning: Land Value: $17,000 Bldg Value: $0 Year Built: XFOB Value: $0 Assessed Value: $17,000 Legal -Address: 30E OFF OLD TOXAWAY RD -- I!n: 40-52-3586-000 Owner: ARNETTE CECIL C TRUSTEE PO BOX 370211 MIAMI,FL 33137-0211 County ID: Fire District: Rosman FD Use Code: 0100 Sale Date: 199301 Sale Price: $0 Area: 1.00 LT Township: Eastatoe Deed Book: 00359 Pg: 0197 Sale Inst: OD Sale Imp: V Zoning: Land Value: $16,000 Bldg Value: $0 Year Built: XFOB Value: $0 ! mound Mountain Adjoining Parcels Pin: 8540-41-2947-000 Owner: ARNETTE CECIL. C TRUSTEE PO BOX 370211 MIAMI,FL 33137-0211 County 1D: T221 00002A 06 Fire District: Rosman FD Use Code: 0120 Sale Date: 199403 Sale Price: $0 Area: 20.00 AC Township: Eastatoe Deed Book: 00372 Pg: 0668 Sale Inst: WD Sale Imp: V -- - Zoning: Land Value: $72,000 Bldg Value: $0 -- - - Year Built: - -- XFOB Value: $0 _ Assessed Value: $72,000 Legal Address: OFF OLD TOXAWAY ROAD Pisa: 8540-41-8411-000 Owner: BAMFORD CHARLES S & NANCY L 408 HARRISON AVE APT 16 CAPE CANAVERAL,FL 32920-2348 County ID: T221 00002W 06 Fire District: Rosman FD Use Code: 0120 Sale Date: — Sale Price: $0 Area: 5.32 AC - - Township: Eastatoe - --- Sale Inst: - Sale Imp: Zoning: _- Land Value: $25,320 Bldg Value: $0 Year Built: XFOB Value: $0 Assessed Value: $25,320 Legal Address: OFF SR 1142 Pin: 8540-52-2068-000 Owner: ARNETTE CECIL C TRUSTEE PO BOX 370211 MIAMI,FL 33137-0211 ' County ID: '. Fire District: Rosman FD Use Code: 0100 Y Sale Date: 199301 Y v Sale Price: $0 4 4 4 Ba�C�rPage 3 s ' August 31, 2005 TranVvania County, UTs Toxaway Creek Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. Pending availability of field staff, the Commission may inspect the work site during or after construction. If there are any questions regarding these comments, please contact me at (828) 452-2546 extension 2. Sincerely, Dave McHenry Mountain Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program cc: Ms. Jennifer Robertson, Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants Inc. 4 4 Baker Page 2 August 31, 2005 "---y Transylvania County, UTs Toxaway Creek activities for long-term erosion control. Erosion control matting should be used in conjunction with appropriate seeding on disturbed soils in steep slope and riparian areas. Matting should be secured in place with staples, stakes, or, wherever possible, live stakes of native trees. Straw mulch and tall fescue should not be used in riparian areas. 3. Culverts that are less than 48 inches in diameter should be installed with 20% of the diameter of the culvert placed below the level of the stream bottom to allow the accumulation of stream bed materials and to facilitate aquatic life passage during periods of low stream flow. Larger diameter culverts should be placed i foot below1he strewn1ttom. Culverts should be placed in the main flow channel (i.e. thalweg). Partial burial of culverts in this manner also may require increasing their size to accommodate flow requirements. 4. If concrete is used during construction (e.g., headwalls), a dry work area must be maintained to prevent direct contact between curing concrete and stream water. Water that inadvertently contacts live concrete should not be discharged to surface waters due to the potential for water chemistry change and a fish kill. 5. Rock, sand, or other materials should not be excavated from the stream channels except in the immediate vicinity of the crossings. Instream dredging has severe effects on aquatic life and disturbance of the natural form of the channel can cause downstream erosion problems. The natural dimension, pattern, and profile of the channels adjacent to the crossings should not be modified by widening or changing their depitis. 6. Sandbags, flexible pipe, or other diversion sTructures should be used where possible to avoid excavation in flowing water. Materials aster -flow diversions should be removed from the stream bed after completing the constructiottvvark. Any diversion channels must be lined with _ fabric and/or rock. - - 7. Storm water from roads should be directed to vegetated buffer areas (e.g. level spreaders) or retention basins and not routed directly to streams. Drop inlets on streams must not be constructed. 8. Any riprap placed for inlet or outlet stabilization should be clean and limited to the stream bank below the high water mark and vegetation should be used above. Rip rap must not be placed in stream channels in a manner that obstructs fish passage. 9. All crossings should be constructed as close to perpendicular to the stream channels as possible to minimize stream and buffer disturbance. Road and utility alignments should be set -back as far as — possible from stream channels to minimize -sedimentation and buffer disturbance. - 10. Riparian vegetation, especially trees and shrubs, should be preserved as much as possible. Native woody vegetation (e.g., rhododendron, dog hobble, silky dogwood, sycamore, river birch, red -- maple) should be reestablished upstream and downstream of the stream crossings if it is removed --_ during construction to provide bank stability -and shading. We encourage the use of native plants that must be removed from permanently disturbed areas. 11. All mechanized equipment operated near surface waters should be inspected and maintained regularly to prevent contamination of stream waters from fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids or other toxic materials. 12. Discharging hydroseed mixtures and washing out hydroseeders and other equipment in or adjacent to surface waters is prohibited. 13. The remaining lengths of streams and riparian areas on the tract should be protected in either their existing or improved state (i.e. with native vegetation reestablished where absent) in perpetuity from fill, vegetation removal, and other forms of disturbance with deed restrictions. A riparian buffer width of 25 feet is minimally consistent with the "trout buffer rule", but wider buffers are recommended to provide more water quality and habitat functions. 14. All impacts to jurisdictional areas must be considered cumulatively in this subdivision during any subsequent permitting. Mitigation for Phase I impacts must be successfully completed before impacts for additional project phases are permitted. Y Y Y 0 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Richard B. Hamilton, Executive Director August 31, 2005 Ms. Rebekah Newton U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, North Carolina 28801-5006 - SUBJECT: McKeough Land Co. Mr. Andrew Baker Nationwide Permit Application/s _ -- Round Mountain — UTs Toxaway Creek Transylvania County Dear Ms. Newton: Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants Inc., on behalf of Mr. Andrew Baker of McKeough Land Co., requested a letter of concurrence from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (Commission) for a 404 Permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. I reviewed the application and am familiar with the project area Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (33 U.S.C. 466 et. seq.) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667d). The applicant proposes 149 feet of stream impacts and -0.0068 acre of wetland fills to develop Phase I of -- the Round Mountain subdivision near Rosman. Additional phases of the development should trigger an individual permit in the future. Mitigation will be completed onsite. - Trout should not occur in the UTs, but they do occur --sherd distances downstream. Toxaway Creek has a high sediment load, but last year we found several adult and juvenile rainbow trout near the subdivision's entrance on the state road. Some were found in Devils Hole above the falls as well. The project has the potential to harm trout resources in waters downstream as a result of sedimentation. We recommend that the acreage and phase I limits be defined if this project is permitted in phases. The application includes a map showing the general phase I portion of the 816 acre tract. However, it also shows roads, some of which may be existing, extending off the depiction. The Commission is concerned about aquatic resources in this drainage. Therefore, we can concur with a permit if following conditions are attached and used to help conserve resources: 1. In stream construction and disturbance within the 25 -foot trout buffers must not occur from January 1 to April 15 to protect rainbow trout spawning in downstream waters. 2. Adequate sediment and erosion control measures must be used before construction and maintained until disturbed soils are permanently stabilized. Temporary or permanent herbaceous r vegetation should be planted on all bare soil within fifteen (15) days of ground disturbing Mailing Address: Division of Inland Fisheries - 1721 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1721 Telephone: (919) 733-3633 ext. 281 -'Fax: (919) 715-7643 s� U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS .� WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action ID. 200532735 County: Transylvania USGS Quad: Eastatoe GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Property Owner / Authorized Agent: Mr. Andy Baker Address: McKeoueh Land Company, Inc. 208 Franklin Street Grand Haven, Michigan 49417 Telephone No.: 616-847-2440 Size and location of property (water body, road name/number, town, etc.): The proiect site is located off Old Toxaway Road near Rosman, in Transylvania County North Carolina. Description of projects area and activity: This permit authorizes approximately 150 linear feet of new stream Applicable Law: ® Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33-1�G1344) - ❑ Section 10 (Rivers and Harbors Ac4:a3 USC 403) Authorization: Regional General Permit Number: Nationwide Permit Number: 39 Your work is authorized by the above referenced permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached Nationwide and Special conditions, the attached August 31, 2005 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission conditions, and your submitted plans. Any violation of the attached conditions or deviation from your submitted plans may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order and/or appropriate legal action. This verification is valid until the NWP is modified, reissued, or revoked. All of the existing NWPs are scheduled to be modified, reissued, or revoked prior to March 18, 2007. It is incumbent upon you to remain -- informed of changes to the NWPs. We will issue a public Hoke when the NWPs are reissued. Furthermore, if you =- commence or are under contract to commence this activity Wore the date that the relevant nationwide permit is —_ - modified or revoked, you will have twelve (12) months from the date of the modification or revocation of the NWP to complete the activity under the present terms and conditions -of this nationwide permit. If prior to the expiration – — date identified below, the nationwide permit authorization is eissued and/or modified, this verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below, provided it complies with all new and/or modified terms and conditions. The District Engineer may, at any time, exercise his discretionary authority to modify, suspend, or revoke a case specific activity's authorization under and NWT. Activities subject to Section 404 (as indicated above) may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification. You should contact the NC Division of Water Quality (telephone (919) 733-1786) to determine Section 401 requirements. For activities occurring within the twenty coastal counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA), prior to beginning work you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management. This Department of the Army verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State or local approvals/permits. If there are any questions regarding this verification, any of the conditions of the Permit, or the Corps of v Engineers regulatory program, please contact Rebekah L. Newton at 828-271-7980. r Corps Regulatory Official Rebekah L. Newton Date: December 16, 2005 Expiration Date of Verification: March 18, 2007 -2 - Determination of Jurisdiction: ❑ Based on preliminary information, there appear to be waters of the US including wetlands within the above described project area. Thispreliminary determination is not an appealable action under theArgulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process (Reference 33 CFR Part 331). ❑ There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described project area subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ® There are waters of the US and/or wetlands within the above described project area subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. The jurisdictional areas within the above described project area have been identified under a previous action. Please reference jurisdictional determination -issued _ Action ID Basis of Jurisdictional Determination: Wetlands: The wetland area exhibits hydric soils, along with wetland hydrology and vegetation. Waters: The unnamed tributaries flow to the Toxaway River, which is a tributary in the Savannah River Basin. The Savannah River is a navieable in fact water. Corps Regulatory Official: Rebekah L. Newton Date December 16, 2005 Enclosures SURVEY PLATS, FIELD SKETCH, WETLAND DELINEATION FORMS, PROJECT PLANS, ETC., MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE FILE COPS -OF THIS FORM, IF REQUIRED OR AVAILABLE. - - Copy Furnished: Jennifer Robertson WNR Post Office Box 882 Canton, North Carolina 28716 Y Y Y Q1 1 (:F-q SOOL DLNR -WAIL-k U'jA!,i]N' WERANDS AND STORMWATER URANCH UPPESooe QIJOEGQQ�p 1 Ql(eclg e C21112ESOQ� O 0 N N%l O 11 ES SgQ?f M aap 533 I (( �\\\���//ice �� ���\\\\�\\\\�����t�� \ \\\\\ -�/j//ice - \ \ \ \\\��\ �\ \ \�\: ` ♦cJ / ♦ w. 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