HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170057 Ver 1_Certified Return Receipt_20170214■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Aestricted Delivery is desired. ■ Printyournameand add2ss onthe reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front If space pertnRs. i. Articie Addressed to: Mr Philip 5. Harns. III, PE., CPM Natural Environment Section Head Projea Development antl Envvonmental Analysis NCDOT 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1598 2. Article Number (rrdnsler Irom servlce /abelJ _ 'S Form 381 1, February 2004 A. Signature X ❑ Agent ❑ Addressee B. Received by ( Pnntetl Name) C. Date of Delivery D. Is delivery edEress diffeient hom item 17 ❑ res Ifi YES, enterdelivery atltlress below: ❑ No t 3. Service Type ❑ CeRifed Mail ❑ Reglstered ❑ InsureO Mail ❑ Ezpress Mail ❑ Retum Receipt for MerChantlise ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted DeIIveM (�� F�) ❑ Yes 70�9 130� 00�� 1124 2548 Domestic Retum Receipt 102595-02-M454f UNRED STAlES POSTAL SERVICE FlrshClasa Mall Postage & Fees Pakl USPS PertnR No. 410 • Sender. Please print your name, address, and 21P+4 in this box • Division of Water Resources Wetlands Branch Kristi Lynn Carpenter 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 ❑ . . � . r n u r � " ti' � L..� '. 'u � "s �:a;. u $ a �� �on��7 a CeNlietl Fee � Poslmark ] Reium Recalpl Fea Here ] (EndoreamerhRepul�etl) � Reetncled �ellvery Fee � (Entlorseman�flequlretl) 7 � Totel Post � Mr. Philip 5. Harris, III, PP_ CPM _ em o Natural Enwronment Section Head O � Sireei,ApC; Project Development antl Emironmental Analysls ..... � orPoeosn NCDOT � Ciry Sieie,: 1598 Mad Service Center --- Raleigh. NC 27699-1598 Cerlifled Mail Provides: ■ A mellin9 recelp[ ■ AunqueltleMitlertoryourmeliplece ■ A record W delivery kept by Me Postel Service tor two yeara hiporfent Rsm/ntls�s: � Certlfletl Meil mey ONLY be combMetl wtth Flret-Clesa Melb or Prbriry Mei4 ■ certmed nAd� r�pravd�aae ror anr dees m �ntemenonel man. ■ N6.INb�1NAN E' C�RAOE IS PROVIDED with Certifled Mflil. Po valuebles. please coneitler Ineured or Repistered Mail. ■ Por en atldkbnel fee, a HeNm Rece!pt may be requeeted to provide proof ol delNery. To ob[aln ReNm Receipt aervke D�ease complete antl etlach e Relurt Recelpt (PS Form 3811� to the artkle enA atltl eppllceble posfege W cover tlie fee. Entloree mellplece Relum Receipl Requestetl'. To recehre a fea weiver iq e du Iicete retum recelpt, a USPSv posMark on your CerNfied Mail recelpt iE requ�retl. ■ For en edditlonel fee, delivery mey be resMcted to the addressee o atldrassee's euthonzed egent. Advise the clerk or mark the mellpiece wtth th� endoraement 'ReatNctedDellvery'. ■ If e postmerk on the Certifietl Meil receipt is tleslreG, please present the erti cle at the post oftice foi postmerking. If e postmark on ihe Certifletl Mel receipt Is not neetled. tletech antl eXi. lebel with postage and mail. IMPOHTANT: Save this recelpt and present It when maklnp an Inqulry. PS Form 3800, AUBuat 2006 (Reverse) PSN ]53UO2-000�904]