HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160952 Ver 1_Certified Return Receipt_20161215■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Nso complete item 4 if Restnctad Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and atldress on the reverse so that we wn retum the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mallplece, or on the front if space permfts. I. Article Adtlressed to: Mr. Louis Mitchell. P.E. Division Engineer Highway Division 10 716 W Main St. Albemarle. NC 28001 2. ArtiCle Number (fians/er /�om service laben 'S Form 3811 , Februarv 2004 A. Signature X V[, �� � l Il � yt,. - B. Recarved by ( Pdnfed Nema) ( 1=1�ci.bc-16 —� f�c.-�-�s�.:. D. Is dellvery address dMerent from ttem If YES, enter Eelivery atldress below: 3. Service Type ❑ Cert'rfled Mail ❑ Reglsteretl ❑ Insured Mail i6 Agent � � Fxpress Mall ❑ Retum Receipt tor Merchandisa ❑ C.O.D. I 4. Restricted Deliver� (Extra Fee) 70�8 1300 000� 1124 2531 Domestic Return Receipt ❑ Ve5 10259502-M-154( UNITED STA7ES��. %�€:. .�'`�.�'. � -�s'+�.� � �,$ FliaGqesa Meil Poslage 8 Fees Paid USPS Permn Mo. Cr10 print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • Division of Water Resources Wetlands Branch Kristi Lynn Carpenter 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 a-1E� �5� �h�i�lh�l��������i��i�hr,�in�����ll�uililhl��hun�rll�l � � � � r u a i Postege I $ Cerlilietl Fae � � 7 ReNm Recelpl Fee � (E�Morsement Requlretl) � Reshktetl Delivery Fee � (EnGorsemeniRequlretl) 7 � Total POslage 8 Feee I i m o � � . ..-- - - - - -------� � Sneei.Apr N'o.: oi Po Bax No. ` ---- - - - -----�---- c;ry, se�e. z�wa ;, : � �4 :;;a d�. • 3011c O^�S� Poslmerk Flere Mr. Louis Mitchell. PE. Division Engineer .---------� Highway Division 10 716 W Main St. - �-�-�-- Albemarle. NC 28001 Certifled Mall Provides: ■ A meiling receipt ■ AuniquelOentiliertoryourmellpiece ■ A recortl of tlelivery kept by the Postel Service tor lwo yeare mportant Rsm/ntlero: ■ Certfietl Mail may ONLV be combined wlth Flret-Clese Meils or Prlority MeiM ■ Certified Mail is rrot flvalleble for eny claes of intematbnal mell. ■ NO INSURANCE CAVERAOE IS PROVIDED wIM CeNfled Mall. Fo valuebles, please conalder Inauretl a RepiBtered Meil. ■ For en atltlitlonel fee, e ReNm Recelpfmay be reques[ed ro GioWde proof a Oelhrery. To obtein ReWm Receipt aervks qiene camplete antl eltach e ReWrt Receipt (PS Form 3871� M Me artlde erW etltl eppllceble poatage fi cover 1M lea. Endoree meilpiece petum Receqt Requested'. To receive e fee weiver la a duplicate reWm recelpt, e USPSm postmark on your Certllletl Meil reCaipt k tequired. ■ For en eddNiond fee, tlelivery mey ba restncled to the atltlresaae o etltlressee's euthorizetl a9ent. AWise the clerk or merk the mailplece with tM entloreement 'Reahicted Delhreiy. ■ If a postrnark on Me Certifietl Mail receipt is tlesiretl, please present the eriF cle et the post oMice for poatmarking. If e postmark on the Certified Md receipt is not neetleQ detech and atliz lebel with postege and mall. IMPOHTANT: 8ave this receipt and present It when makinp an Inqulry. �S Fo�m 3800. Aupwt 2006 (ReveraeJ PSN ]530-02-0OP904]