HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100752 Ver 4_Certified Return Receipt_20161025■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivary is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back ot the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. Article Addressed to: Mr Philip S Harns III, P E. CPM Natural Environment Section Head Pro�ect �evelopment and Environmental Anarysis NC�OT 1598 Maii Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1598 i.. S19r'�aWrc X ❑ Agent n n.w... B. Raceivetl hy ( Printetl Name) I C. Date ot Delivery D. IfVES, nt�erdel' � � �� "'.. nr. 2 5 201� 3. ❑ R Ified AIL �.�iiNQ ❑ Insured Mall ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restncted Delivaryl (EM2 FeeJ ❑ Yes 2, Article Number 7 p 0 8 13 � 0 0 0 0 0 112 4 2 517 (Tians/er Irom seMce label) 'S Form $8� 1, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt ioz5ssoz-M-tsa� UNITED STATE3 P03TAL SERVICE I II II I Po�� o. � PaW � • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • Division of Environmental Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Transportation Permitting - Wetlands Kristi Lynn Carpenter Raleigh NC 27699-1617 �I��i111�4'�'�I����i��lllli��ll�lf}I)'����ll!�n,i,�ii���,l1��11 PosU9e I S CeNfletl Fea Retum Receip� Fee Pmimerk (Entlweement Requlrea) Here Restrkled Delivery Fee ^ r^ (EMorsamanlRaqulretl) pa0�0���7dV• Mr Philip S Harris III, PE. CPM Natural Environment Section Head — Project Development and Environmental Analysis I o NCDOT _----1 c, 1598 Matl Service Center �-- { Raleigh NC 27699-1598 I :erti(led Mail Provides: � Ameilingrecefpt � AunquekfentiHerforyourmellplece � A recorcl W CelNery kept by ihe Poafel Servica for iwo yeara mporfant Reminden: � Certified Mail may ONLV be combined with Flrat-Clesa Melb or Priwtly Mai4 ■ Certmetl Meil Is not eveilaDle for eny cless of IMematlonai meil. � NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED wilh Certifietl Meil. Fo valuables, pleese conaitler Insured or Registered Meil. � Po� en et101tlonal fee, a Retum Receipt may be requested ro pmvide proof M tlelNery. 70 oDtaln Retum Hecelpt servce, qease camplate erW atlech a Returt Receipt (PS Form 3811 j to the aNde entl atltl epplbeble postege to cover tM fae.En tloree meilpiece'Retum Recelpt Requestetl'. TO recelve fl feb waWBr fw a Cupllcata�r9dxn r�ceiPt, a USPSs postmark on your CeNfietl Mall receipt k reqwreE. ■ For an additional fee, delivery may be restricletl lo the etltlressee o eddressee's authonzed agant. Advise the clerk or mark ihe meilpiece with tM entlorsement 'FesMctetl De/Nery'. ■ If a postmerk on ihe Cart'rfled Mail receipt is desired, clease present the eN cla et the posl ottice for postmerking. If a postmerk on t�e Certifiatl Mel recaipt is not needed, detech and affiz lebel with poatage antl meil. MPOHTANT: Save thls receipt antl prasent it when makinp an inqulry. �S Fam 3800. August 2008 (Reverse/ PSN ]530-02-00p-9W]