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20140957 Ver 1_U-03_Appendix B_Wilmington_Nash NC waterbodies Part 1_20170227
USACH A11D#,I DWSI— - ��� _ SiteI (til c icate cit ailtached r,t apl) ST R EAM QUALIT Y ASSBSISIMENT WOR KISHEBT Pro' "de Illte following infarrrlaticn for the Aream ieaiall under asse!!nienl: :I. Aplpllicant's name: ,AAI ((110 .--__.. 3. Dale ( f evalu, lien: 7 s.Nall leofstream: I. Approxintate drainage arca:_ 7Q `' 6,1 S 9. 1-cliglli ofmach evaluallad: /GC I "11. Site cac tic inalea (Iilf kn mvr ): piefer in decirral degree;•. n � Latitude ilex. ;4.8, 2 12): s, It 3. Mcthod locatian d'ta 2. Evaluatc:Cr nania: [P& ,�.Tillieillfwlallualler: t. Riven basin: ;� E. c tream order: % 21)0 I (I. Cal 11ly: �/� A -g 1121. � u be iviiic n parse (if ani Ilongitude (ex. C (utincd Qurcle):(I S 0<i po Sheet Ortho IlAerial) f hotailGlS Other Cl] S Other 13. Lcct lien cl reach under evaluation (Iniale mart) roads anc lanchrarAr and atllaeh ill, I-, icen1ifying ;ulrcanl(v lacalian' 14. Proposed channel wcrA Ali Fall I fl.144 cell t weatli er a on d itiott 9: 11 t. Site condi lions at link of vigil: 1Ti.Iderilif) ary special waterway classifleationsAnewn:—�ectiatr 1CI —Tical Waterr _Ev-ertial FisH cries Habital frciuf Waters _._„Culsianc ing Resource Waters — Mirienll Sen/sitiiv�eq Waterr __Wallen Suplply Walar,,hec 18. Is there a 111citd or lake localled uplstreatn c the evaluallicit painll? YES if yes, eslintale the waler surface area: 19. Dc c; cls ar nel ap pear on L SC S cluad maul?ESQ T C 2(I. Ilacs channel appear or USDA Soil S u vay i YES N C 21. EsTirniaticd walernc�c ]arc are: l0-f,o/a Residential '�o Cerurnercial — _'io lndurlrial �°io Ac�lnicullunal l :121. Ball kfill width: — t> eat ec ,l L egged _'/o Other l 213.Eark height (fronlLedtelcplofLanA;: 214. CI-_ann el nape dawn cenictl of shears: X1.,F lal (0 la 2'io --.. �—Genila 112 to 4'rc)—Mocerate (lz l0 1(11°ro)—Sleapl Q>l(11'ir) 215.Chanrelsinucsit5: Straiplh? Cecariurrilller,ds—Frequentmeancer Ve illu,rus—Braicedahanrel Instruction! for ec triFletic n oil' wcu-1, Sheet (loealed on pate 2; : Begin Ly determining the rr csl appp-oppria le eearegic n ba rec on loaalien, tenpin, ve('eiaticrr, s?reant elv'6fieatior, etc. Every char�eilerirtic nn rt be ,-ecu•ec using the Matra eccreplian. Assigr ploirits tci each characteristic within the range shown fon the ecoragiar. Page _ pravices a I HeF ceseriptian of how 'Pa review lie characterisllics icertifred in (Ila worksheet. Scare9 should ref cot an overall a-;essmert of tLa ,trearn reach under evaluation, if a eliaraeleristie cannel Le evalualed cuc la site ar mea?her ecncillicim, eaten 01 in the sealing box anc pravice an exllanallictl ill (lta e(rrlmcnl section. Where Iliere are obvious changle:i in the cli iracter of a sh•carr under raviem i�e.g., the shlaarl flown from a plasture it to a faresi), the strearl ria) lie divic ec illk smaller reaehe: Ilial c i; pla3 mere catilinu ity, and a separate faro t sec to evaluate each reach. The total .•core assigned tc a sh-earreach mast flange between Cl and 1(11(11, .Nitl, a score of ; aal replreser ling a slllear� of the higheil gt�lily. Toted Sec re Iftcml reverse;: r1_1 Comments: EN alualor'll Sigr atu re �� / `'--- E ate This chanr el evalu ailrc in four rr intended Ic he u! ed on 13 a! a lru is a to aa3ist landclwn ers and er vironmentail profelilii(lnals in gathering tte catai recluired b3 Ohe United States Army Camps Df Hr gin ears to mare a Freliminar) assessment cd stream qu ailit). The tufa 1 score netts; Itir g 1r•om tt a carr Flletion of tlll iti form is st h jeal la USA C E alpprim.il air d dues rat irl a palrlliculair milligatlicin ratio in, requirement. form subject to change- versian 0116,103. To Cortintert, please call 91gl-876-84z I x 2C. 5111L 6 0 STMEAM QUALI-UY ASSIESISMEISI WORKSHEBT NC Division of Water Quality -Metl odolagy for Ides r tificlz 11ior of Intermitter 1 anc Perch nial I111rearra and Their Origins v. 4 A'I NC DWQ Strcaln 1dem11ifiaallior Fol•m Varsicln 4 Data: 7/ZZI�Cf n F uajecit,ISite: S e RP ENoaluatcn: L�GOt � Glauniy: V41, yc 1 alal Poirils: stream is at least intermittent Stnearn Delanmir al iar ( if Z 19 on perennial ill Z 30" EpH emewal Ir 1 eirmitten't 4 (-cnmc m1- I /2J, 1. r— -- Lalituce:! i2/ l Lar gitu c e: 7 ' �''–I h role -off OtH er Pener r ial l e.c. Quac A ame: 18 Canllinuity of channel bad and bank a. sinuosity o1 channel along thalweg 3. In -channel sinucluner Eix. riffle -pool, step -goal, ri le- ool se uence N u sent CI CI 0 we12 k 1 1 Modern le 2 21 2 G3 Slrorig 3 3 4. FartiCIE size afl slnEian si tstnale d 212. Rish CI 0.9 Sadirrenl on plants on de tris CI (1 5. Active Anelict I aodplain 0 (1.5 -I 29. Algae Cl �I CI 9 n a = 0 1.9 EI. Deposiiianal bars on bEinches 0 Yeis = 3 SkEticr: 3 a. Rece n1 alluvial deposits3� —Cl .I 2 EI. Headculs CI 1 2. 3 9. Gnade canlral 0 3 10. N alunal valley 0.9 1 1 11. Secand ar greaten andE n channel CI (L.`I a artifliai� I ditches a me not ua ted; ; ee discussions in m� �� �_� na=0 eis=� B. Hvrirnlnnv Icy t -+r i -.i – PnesEince afl BaSEIfIaW ---------- 0 �I 3 __ Inan oxidizing baclEnia G3 F13- I-Elall litiEmCL9 3 212. Rish CI 0.9 Sadirrenl on plants on de tris CI (1 Organic dElbnis lines an pile s 0.;11.9 CI (1.5 -I 29. Algae Cl 'II Suil•based EvidEince al hich VAalEln able? -------------= CI 9 n a = 0 1.9 CI. Bic logy f9L Ftntcl - --- -"`-- Yeis = 3 I EI. Ribraus raols in stneambed 3 a '19. Raoled upland plants in slnearrbed � — 3 0 'ICI. M acrabentH as (note diversity and a bundance) 0 �I ill. Aquatic Mollusks Cl 3 212. Rish CI 0.9 3 33. Crayfish Cl 1.5 I 0 1 2z. AmFlhitlians 1.5CI (1.5 -I 29. Algae Cl 1.9 (1.9 :]El. V�, elland plan s in sloe ambed 1.9 RACW = Cl.�i 9; OBtl = '1.9 O' he n = Cl ' pere nnial stneams may a Iso be identified using other methods. See f . 35 otl manual. Nc 1es: ' SkEticr: I snag001 a 'lo` USIACE AIDS IlW Q # Site #� (incicate an attached map S7lREAM QUALITY ASSIESISIMENT WORKSHEET Pr( rida itha foliewing)uiformatior forlhesiraam reacp rnderasse!!rrerl: h 1. A plAllicar is name v s, i .n 31. Uate of cvaluailian: 5. Name of stream:4 � 7. AFllplr-oiximatedaainage area: 9, f1 er gl l of rc< ch ct al < ted: 2. Elvaluatar'e uarrie. 4. Tits c of cualuattan: a F i 6. River lia,, in: 8. SIre2rr crcof: w� kyYX 11 01. Cau fit) p { 11. Hilc coorc inates (if kr owr): pro Iindecirnaldeg,ees. 12.Suhdivisiar ii, r.acilifaiN): Latitude (ea. 34.872312): � � Q,� 32 L IJongitude(ex.-77.ss�611>: � � � d Z c� '_3C 2 - Method Method location deteinrined (circle 149 71opo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) 11hoto/IGI S Other GiS Othea 131. Laicaliain of reach under evaluate"b 1 (norlc,r(arLN roads aq. lartctnarks and attach rrapl icenlifyinfl rtreamir, la(arliatt': Allr sA,�a 14.lrapcvec chant el work llif at N): 19. P ecent Aeather cancitici s: ��.......... Al reg, 1 16. Site (arieitior,,i al time ofvisit: { , r 17.Iccr,tifN ar,ySpacial waterwaN classifications kriawn: Secliom 10 —Tidal Waters —Essential fisheries HaLital _,Trout Wafers __Outriancirg Resaiurca Watars Nutrient Sen,•itive Walers ___Water 9upplI Watershed (1 -IV; ]f1. , s 4here a plond ar Ialle locoed upsilrearr of the evaIualior point? HIES NCI If Net, estimate Phe water sw-face area: 19. r]acs cliarr el appear on USG9 qu d.jr ape? YES N." 201. E oes char rel applcar on USDA Sail Survey? X1119 iN C Ef sk ..i., 21. Lsiliriated wads rslicc land use: °ra Residential /o Conry encial % Indrtstrial — /o A gricultural Pareslec Vo Clearec d floglged _'% Clther I 22. Banldfvll width: 231. Bank height (front Led to top of Laula;: NJ` 24. Cl arnel recipe dawn center of silrearre Mat il0 to 2'ra) _Geritle ill to 4ON) _Mocarate (z 10 l0°ro) _Stc(p (>10'io) 29.Cliarnclrinumity: —Su aight?"'CIccasioralbernds _Frequcntnican( er Veryrinuous Brticcc channel iwilutielions for comAlletion of workstleet 111ccailec on glade 2): Begin fly celerrriningl the nurst apprapiniate ecainegioin leasee on location, terrain, uepetatian, ,tnaam classification, etc. .Every characterisilic must Le scored using 1he ,anle (coregion. Assign Foints la each characlenistic withir the range ,hawn for the eaaregiain. Rage 3 pravides a brief descripllioin of haw to rc,/iew the chartcteri,tic, icewiflec iu 1he warNsheet. Scares sl-oulc reflect an overall rassessmenl cif the sirearrr reach urccr evalualion. ]f a characteristic aannot Le ewiluatec due to ;ile or wether (anditions, erter 0 in d c sieoring box aid lira-ide an cxplaratior- in the carrmenl seclimn. Where there are of viour change;, in ti -e character cif a stream under review (e.g., the stream flaws frcorrl a paslure into a fore9tl, the silrean- nraN be c ivic(d into smaller reaches that displlay niore continuilN, arc a , eplar-atc loin used to evahtate each vetch. The taital score assigned tai at scream reach must range Iletween 0 and IOC, wid, a scare of IN reppiererting a stream afll_e higl- ( art quality. Total Sc( re 111I in revel 4•e; : C ouir lent! Evaluatcu•'s Signalure Dalen Thi! chrnnel eNalualior lcrnr ►s�inlano, tlo lei used only as a guide to assbl landaivneu! and enmircnmie�rlrl rrofessionals in gathering) rlhe darla require( ty the Unitec Starlet Arny UrFIF of Englineer� to rake a preliminary, assessmerl of stream gralily. Tpe dotal scoue resulling from the compllefion of this farm b sub;ect to USACE arlpliumal amc toes not in F113 ai plairliculair milig� lion ration cm requirement. Farm , uh.ject to change – versic r 06/0C . Tai O-mmer t, }:lease call c 1S476-8441 x 26. r STREAM QUIIA L ITY A S S E SS MENT VNIORNS HE E'D . '-. " , . �'w ni.w� Iai�w a c IV I i : 3C; : GC t[I c ( i a ; IHI S[Cean1.81. 2 f" _Vp11 1 "P, N C C ivisior ciif Watei QL allitN -IV ethoc ollogy for Ic entificaticiin of Intermitter t ar d Perenr lial Streams and M ehi Origins v. 4.11 YC DWQ Shearn Idutif elation Form V(i-.qfar 4.11 DEOCI: 21", 11"�"",,,"11110JElabsiter P Id sent Ll al ill u da Gs E % alu etc it: Caunily: A? Ll anclift dcr. Oz -2 Tollal Pcinlis: Stream is at lea,, t intermittent Stwarn DvIciiimiriallian (al are: Clt[ar om erennial h z 301 p EpIcimeiial IriewriflItent Pciiierrial e.g. Quac Name: A. GEC morphology (Suflioial = L P Id sent Weak Moderalle 14. Leal lillEin §11 _1C ng n,9V' 'I`'Continuity all channel ItEid and Lank 0 15. SediMEini an plants on dEIbIIiI G 0.9 3 2. Sinuosity af channel along thalweg 0 0 5 2 17. Sail -based EividE nce cif high walEln tat le? 3 3. In -channel siructurEl: EIX. IliffiEl-racil, slag-racil, ripple -pool sequence 0 Oz. Arriphibans 2 0 .5 3 Far icle size of SInEiarri sultslmalEl G 1,.x 21 26. Welland planl,, in sIrEarribE d 3 5. ActiVEIhIEIliCl flacidplain G perennial streams may also be idantified using otl er roethods. See 2 3 El. Deposilianal U ars an bEinches 21 3 1. ReCEinI alluvial de posits 0 1.. 0 3 El. FaadCLIIS 2 3 GmadEl canInal Ch 0.5 1.5 10. N alural valley C1 1.5 I'l. Second an giiealer ardaii channel YEIS = 3 a r ificial dita I es aif not natec ; see dis a us siions in manual El. Hvdroloqv (Sunuial 10. F nE,' once of Rasaflciw 13. han oxidizing Haclaria O.jl = 0 1 1 2 3 3 14. Leal lillEin i.5 1 0.5 C 15. SediMEini an plants on dEIbIIiI G 0.9 1.5 '16. Organic dEbiiis lines ai pile S G 0 5 1 I.5 17. Sail -based EividE nce cif high walEln tat le? No yes (_ - BIC 10gy (SL t t0l€ I = -11 1— 'ld. Fit KILIS noals in sMearritIEC 'IE. Raciled upland plants in sIrEiarriltEid 3" 3 21 OC IN aCKILEintha, (nate diversity and abun dance)b 21 3 01. Aquatic Mallusl s 3 22. Fish r" 03 0.15 1 1.1 03. Crayfish 1 .5 1.5 Oz. Arriphibans 11 0 0 .5 IA 29. Algae 0 0.19 1 1 1 1.5 26. Welland planl,, in sIrEarribE d FACW = C,79; ClEIL = IA ClIheii = G perennial streams may also be idantified using otl er roethods. See p. 35 of manual. l\ cileE: nag nag003 snag003 Waterbody snag003 facing east upstream Waterbody snag003 facing west downstream snag003 Waterbody snag003 facing south cross stream t SAC➢I A 1Dtl DVdQ Site P__ (Iinc icate on altachec rear) STIR EAM QUALI TY ASSES S MEIN T WOR KSHEET Provide the followinhl informiatior, for the stream rev 14 h u in der aisses,rricr I: -4 41 1. Aprlicant's name x t, U 3. Date of ew haiion: )I. Nat ie ofsiream. 4/, f ` I. Arpuaxir►ate c rainage a ne i . SI. Ler filth a 'reach evaluatec : 2. Elvaluatar';• name: �.Tirreofavahatior: f. Rived basin: H. Stream order: I(I.Col. nty: 111. Site aoordinaIle: 1li:f kncwn;: prefer in decin-al degrcea. 1121. Stbeiui; isr name (Jifany' L,titude(er.34.fl-?317): �� C��, (,2_ a i Longitude (e).,',' "N6ll}: (� (�� Nethod location daitermin(-d Iuncic) GT S Topo Sheet Ortho ilPlo-ricl) I holodGl5l Other GIS Other 113. Location (if leach ur cer cvaluafi6r (Incite ricarby roads ane Ian( narks anic atlach mar icentifyir.ig streant(s 14. p rarjusec ch a nnel wark (if ail)): 11. Recent weather cant itianr: 6. Site canditions at time of N isit: L I S_ location 71.1ccnlify anA special walerwa) ela:sifrcatior,s knawn: _Section 10 _Tidal W alms _Essential F'iaherics HlaLital _TrautWaters _Clul,'tandinq Resourca Waters 1vutrient'1er.,itiNeWaters ____WaterSurlrly Waterrhed (11. IV' llbl. is Ill era a pant cir latch locatec upstream of 1:11e evaluation paint? 'y ES(T` Cl llf yes, estimate the water surface area: Lql. Does chanrel appear an t SGS quad maps DI) TrC 210. Does channel alfrear an L SDA Sail Survey? (,YE NC 2111. N timatec waters}:ed land use: "AX 1/o Rc;-icer Iial _% Con-wercial /> ]Inc usil:rial ,fie/, Agricullural °/, ficirestac 0/0 Cleared / Lg, --- earec pt�ec ._—r� Glther(— ) 21:1. Banllfull wit the 1 231. Bank heihlh1 (fi•am bec 11 tall of bank] 14. Channel slope town center of stream; l Flat (0 to 21/i; Cen Ile (pi to � °/; o — � _Modera,le i�4 to 10°/' _Steer (% 10 /,; 23. Channel sinuoriiy: Straight Clecasicina] Lenc s _FrcgtcnJ niearider �Mery sinuoius_Braider channel Insilructions for compleliein (11wurksheet ihoaated cin page 21): Begin b) cetermining tl-e mast ifrropriate ecuregien based cin location-, 1ar-air. vapetatian, ;cream classifleaticui, etc. Bary aharaeteristic must be scarec using the same eeoragicin. Assign paiir.ts to each characteristic within the r lle shown far the ecoregion. Rape 3 Aluouice9 a brief cesauipticn 01 haw to review tl-e cltaracicristics icentiflec it the wcirkshect. Serres sfloulc refleal an aucrall assessinenl of the streair reaal- uncer evaluation. if a characteristic aanncit be evaluate( due is Sita au• weallier aaucitioin,, enter 0 in the scauing bux anc 11,101lice cin explaraliar in the caanmew seclion. Where theue are cibuiour charipe.i in the character cif a ;•beans under review I�e.p., the slrearl flows fram a rasture intc a lforestj, the stream r:aN lie ciNicac inti smaller reaches Ilial di,Pllay more canlinuit�, Inc a aelt�rate dorm used taevaluate each ueach. The tatarl score a3wihned la a s1reanl rcach must range between 0 and 100, with a scare of 100 represertinh, a sirearr cif the highe,it quality. 110talScore Qlrarrireverse): Cummend, Evaluator's Sigr ailu lie Uate This cl: am el evialu ail►on l6rtlI intended 1c tie u i konly w a },mete to ai, ►iist lan6owr ers and a nvirar mental profs, 9ionals in gatlerirA tle data required h) the Lni'ied States Army Corps of Erj4ineers la mafle a plrelimiinauy a::essment of strearr quality. The total score resublirg irom tNi� ccmirletior of tlhir form is srbjeell to L;SACE apprInval and dae:i not imply a pi rilicular miiligadion ratio �nr requirement. Alam sirbjeat to ahanhlc — uersiain 06103. To Comr►ert, please call 919-87C-844 1 r 2d. f ST R EAM QUALI TV ASSIDSISIMBN T WORKS -BEET i iuo uaUaucna11cs AUC 11m 1„CTse❑ iii coasiai shleanu. #` cRAER�csr�+wsCORxo r+T RrE OE s�cR Coastal Pi�dmont : 1Vfountain 1 Presence of flow / persistent pools in stream (no flow or saturation = 0, strong flow = max points) 0--5 a-5 Evidence of past human alteration _ P (extensive alteration = 0;no alteration = max points) 0 - 6 0-5 U, 5 h' 3 Riparian zone (no buffer = 0; contiguous, wide buffer max points) 0-6 0-4 0-5 4 Evidence of nutrient or chemical discharges (extensivedischarges = 0; no discharges = max points) 0-5 0-4 0.._.4 h , F 5 Groundwater discharge (nn discharge = 0; springs, seeps, wetlands, eto, =max points) 0-3 0--4 0-4, �, 5 Presence of adjacent floodplain no floodplain = 0• extensive floodplain =.maxpoints) 0-4 0-4 0-2 Entrenchment / floodplain access- ►.,0 (deeply ennlrenched'= 0; frequent flooding = max points) 5 0'M - 4 0_ 2 8 - Presence of adjacent wetlands (no wetlands = 0; large adjacent wetlands = max points) 0-6 0 _ 4 0'_ 2 9 Channel sinuosity (extensive `ehaiunelization = 0; natural meander= nnax points)' 5 0-- 4 0-3 10 Sediment input (extensive deposition= 0• little or no sediment = max points) 0-5 0�- 4 0-4 i l Size & diversity of channelbed substrate fine, homogenous = 0; large, diverse sizes = maxpoints) 0- 44 0'- 5 12 Evidence of channel incision or widening (deeply incised= 0; stable bed & banks = max points) 0-5 0-4 0-5 11 Presence of major bank failures (severe crosioni = 0; no erosion, stable banks= max, points) 0 -_ 5 a 5 0-5 14 Root depth and density on banks (no visible roots = 0; dense roots throughout= max points) 0--3 0--4 0--5 15 Impact by agriculture, livestock, or timber production (substantial impact =0; no evidence = mux points) 0 5 0-4 0 - 5 16 Presence of riffle-pool/ripple-pool complexes (no riffles/ripples or pools = 0; well-developed = max, points) 0-3 0-S 0-6 ° 17 Habitat complexity (little or no habitat = 0 frequent, varied habitats = max points) 0- & 0�- 6 0 G 18 Canopy coverage over streambed (no shading vegetation = 0; continuous canopy = max points) ! 0' 5 0,.-,5 0 ` 5 19 Substrate embeddedness NA* (deeply embedded= 0 loose structure = max) 0-4 0--4 20Presence of stream invertebrates (see page 4) (no evidence= a• common, numerous types = max points) 0-4 0-5 ' 0-5 21 Presence of amphibians (no evidence - 0; common, numerous types =max points) 0-4 0-4 0- 4 C7 22 Presence of fish (no evidence = 0, common, numerous types = max points) 0--4 0-4 0 - 4 To=x 23 Evidence of wildlife use (no evidence = 0; abundant evidence— max points) Oi- 6 0-5 0-5 Total Poants°Possible 100 1b0 . 100 TOTAL SCORE (also enter ora first i iuo uaUaucna11cs AUC 11m 1„CTse❑ iii coasiai shleanu. NC Division cif Water Qh ality —Methoc ology fol Ic entilicaticin of IntermiiIorit and Perenrlia I Streams and TI' eir Oriqins v. 4.11 NC DWn SItreinm lrllPnfifir a fine Crwn Vnn•c-v it 11 Dater. Aroje at)l5i'le I�- 4r Lalliluc E:SC 9veluatar� r, Caurly:�I Langilude:�� .Zf 3 J. Sinuosity o1 channel along thalweg lclal Poiris: CI.9 1 ;� 1 9lrean is ail least inEermi4Eent 11411� 54ieam Deterrnjna0D,n.,(cir(lIE1 anE) 0111heu , ifl>_ 19 on perennial ill>_ 30" Eph eME i a 1frile 11 ittent €PE re nlnial a.gl. Glr ac Name: 1,0 1{2; 3 4. Parlicle size all sNeam subslrale H. yeornor nolo (5u t is 1al = i" " ) 1 ` Continuity cd channel bed and bank At sent Cl �I =-- —TT �I - Weak Moderate Strong .Zf 3 J. Sinuosity o1 channel along thalweg CI CI.9 1 ;� 2 3 3. In -channel stnucttine: ex. piffle-pacd, step• pacd, ripple -pool sequence Cl 16. Organic debris lines or piles 1 1,0 1{2; 3 4. Parlicle size all sNeam subslrale Cl YEis - 3z. Amphibians 9. Active.InEdict floodplain CI1 , I 3 6. Deposilicinal bans an t enches -Cl .: W. "elland plants in stneanibed 3 71. RecEint alluvial dEiposits 0� p. 35 of 1 �I 3 8. HEfadcutsOFn nag003 �I 3 9. Grade cantual 0 'I(L Nalunal valley 0 0.9 '11. Secand all greaten onden channel ' No 0--1% Yes = -•.••••�•�. �.. +. ��� �,.� „vc .c+�i.�� �c c JI.0 url7 III ... cl' B. Hvdrolonv (Si htrt.d =711 11 PneSElnce al BaSElflCIW CI a �I =-- —TT �I - 3 13. luor oxidizing taclEmia — - 0 f; -- -- a3 -- . _ - _ _-._. '14. LEiaf litlEm 1 5 � CI.9 CI 19. 9edirrient cin plants all dEitris EI 3 22. Rish 16. Organic debris lines or piles CI (1.91 1.9 171. Soil-tasEid evidence o11 high vwalEm table? F o =. 0 YEis - 18_Ribnuus rcials in slrearribEid _ 19. F odtEid upland plants in sinearnited ---- 3t 3 �I =-- —TT �I - - 1 0 0 30. IVacnohenthas (note c iN arsity ar d abL ndan(je) 3 211. Aquatic Mollusks 0( I EI 3 22. Rish r CI.9 23. Crayfish n";u CL5 3z. Amphibians CL5 39. Algae t' Or CI.9 1 .: W. "elland plants in stneanibed RAC" = CL71C ; OB L = 'I.: her = C1? `perennial streams may also be identified using otl e i meth( ds. Flee p. 35 of mane al. Notes: 9 snag nag003 ff snag002 Waterbody snag002 facing south cross stream r U' ACHE P IDtl DWQ #I dile Al.— 1lir dice le an altachec map, STREAM M QL A L I TY A SISIF SSM.ENT VNORKSIHDET >f► civic e the fallor-Or A i r I ormanlf am far th a sil rear reach ur c er assessment: 11.App licaul'rMarro +zfEF4 � _. Dal( of evalualior_i: 5. Name of slrean:. a.p r , °?,+� y �.F r r r Appiiw iniate crainage auca: b a a 9. Length cf reach evaluatec: Ii. SiteccordinaIea lifWn(wn;: pmllerindecinaldegrees. 2 I atitude(ex. 14.117211_):. 6}� _53. C J J ' Method location determined (a•ii cle) I'l. Locatiar, of reach t rider- oval 14. Prc l ased channel work i f any 'I fl. Recer I weather caucitien,•: I (. Site conditians at time of uiail: 21. E) aluator's nan.e. 4. Time of evahtaticr.l: r f. Riven basin: vh�, SII. Stream order:. 1 r 10. County: r„ t 12. St L div ision name i f ar y_ : Longitude (ex.–77.55(iC t I):d- 3FS, Topo Sheat Ortho (Aerial) 13hoto/CjIS Other GIS Other cin (role nearby roa(� and lardmairks and attach n:ap identifyii 9 rtrcarillr; lacalia)n,: d 17. ldenilify ani} epecial wialenva) cla,iriflcatior,s known: Section IC _Tidal Waters Esserilis I ] i,-hcrie:' Hat-ital —7lrautWailers _Culstarding Rewurc( Wailers _Nutrient Illenril.NeWalers _WaterStppllyWatershed (fl.iv,, ]ISI. :r there a plant ci lalle locate( upstream cf llie evaluation I:aint? '�1E, SNC . If } ea, estimale The water slu-face area: 1191. Iaces ahanniel aplplear c U S C S q u a c niap? YE(II NQ :10. I]oes cliaitreI applear on USDA S c i I Survey? PIIS 'NCI,' 21. Eslintaled walerslicc lane use: M. Batikft 11 Aiid I h: Residential `' a/ Connterlcial % Fc re,,tec `/o Clearec d L egged '/o Industrial '/o Agricu]hral a/o Otll er 231. Bank height (fron pec to Icp of Lanll;: 14. Charnel :l,rP1e dcwin ceniler of silrear t: h,_Ellat (C to 31/0) _Gentle lI2 to 4'Ya, _Mcc orale (I4 to 10'Ya; _Silo epl (>lC11/o) M. Cl anneleinuestty L straight _Cccasianal bends _Frecuenl nt(ander _V cry sill ntous Braidec charnel It! Ill- Bans far complelian cif warkstleet 111aaate( an plagle 21): Begin by c eteumining the mash aplpp•clpriate ecauegion based cn location, terrain, ,egetailicni, stream (lassiflealicin, este. Evary characteristic trusil La scorec uFirg the same eccr(gion. A,'Fign pains to each characteristic will in the range ,-hciwut far the ccaregi ir. Tillage 3 plrovices a L•rief c(wiipltion cit lciv, I'a review the characteri;'ti(,• icentifle( in the wcrk-heet. Sccrer sl-aulc reflect ant overall a,,F(,•arrienl, of the slrearni reach. inter (valuation. If a characteristic carnet Le evaluated cue ilo stile ar wieallier ecncilians, enter Cl in tllie sccrirg tax arc pnovice an cxpllanalian in the corrimenil section. Where dere are obvicus chau�g(,' in the character of a slream ur cer review ile.g{., INe stream fluwi,� fr(tr a plaature inla a forest), the stiiea ri ma} be clivi(ec inl( smaller reaches that ciapla) r►cre cantint ity, and a separate arr► taec la evaluate each reach. The l(iml gcere assigr(d to a str(ant peach rnu,'t nange betwicen CI anc 100, wills a score of l(10 replresenlingp a sluearl of the highest qualit}. TO al Score illl'rarr ►everiie : Cammenls: Evalualar's �ignalure 171laile This aLarrel evaluanion farm is rt►tencecl ta,be tisk an IS as a g!uicle Ie aiaist Ianclawners ane 6nviraninentaI professicmaIs in gathering the clataii recluiredl b] 1111 Il States Army Carps elf Engin ears ilo maille a Upelininaar3l assessment cf strean gcOit3l. The tclal score nesulilirg from the canplletion cf lhis farm is sulljeal to CISACE aplproval and daes not irrp111, a pa rllicular rriilipatlioni ratio or ragluiremenl. Fcrri subject to changle -version (16,103. To Camnient, pleviie call 919-876-84z 1 x L6. ,-STRFAM QLALITY ASSESSMENT IAIORNSIHEET 21 .- i rego ci ara ctci is tics arc t cit assessed in ccia,,tal sIrcams. NC Divisior of "atell QlLafity-Nethocology foi Icentillication of IntermillErt ard Perenrial Streams and lVell 011igins v. 4.11 NC DWQ St -cam Ideni if ual ion F c inin Vensic r 4.11 Dallo:C ffiiojecit�SitEl: La tiftft: �(' ,-)-7'f'E 0 E% alualan: CICIL nil V: Lar gift c e: C CT I a Cantinuity of channEil bed and bank G 1 Totz I P ciiints: 21. Aquatic K/ollusks v Sh eam is at least intenmittent TrEianri Delernriinat' ,, :)_n ((Iirale o i i) Cff Icir Ad! 19 or perennial if > 30 Elp1hurrieral I ti rmittenl r Herein r ial e.g. Quad Name: P. Geomarphology (SuLlatal = "tt,"' AbSE ril W eaY Moderate I Leal li ter Strar g I a Cantinuity of channEil bed and bank G 1 2 21. Aquatic K/ollusks 3 2. SinLICISity of channel along thalweg a 1) 2 11. Sail -based ElvidEince at high WEItEln table? 3 3. In- cl annel StMUCtUMEI: EIx. nifile. pcial, ItElp-pacil, iiipple- pool seqLIQnCEI 1.5 1h a a C1.5 3 4. Parlicle size of sNearr substrate a a 5"' 3 I Active,relict floodplain 0 1 3 El. DElplasiticinal bans an benches RACW = CILM; OBL = 'I.11 edther = 6'� 1penennie I streams may also be identified using other met[ ods. See p. 35 oil mE a ual. 3 I REICQnI alluvial deposits G 3 El. Headcuts 2 SkEtClh: 3 9. GnadEl cantral G 10. N atLIMal valley G 1.5 I'1. SEIcand ar greater ardEIM channel No YEIS = 3 artificial ditches ane i of rated; s ee discuss, in rn� nual B. Hydnoloqy (Sut total 12. Presence arl Elaseflaw '13. Incin axidizing bacteria t a i, 1 2 3 3 I Leal li ter 1 0.9 0 '15. Sediment an plants an debris Cl. 9 21. Aquatic K/ollusks 1.5 '16. Organic d8biiis lines on PjilEIS a C1.5 3 1.5 11. Sail -based ElvidEince at high WEItEln table? No CI YEIS 1.5 C. Bicilogy (Su twilal '18. Fibnaus nciats in sirearnbEid '19, F OCItEid upland plants in SIrQarr bend 3 3 "2"' 2 1 1 1 0 0 20. Macinben has (note dive nsity and abundance) 3 21. Aquatic K/ollusks 177 3 22. Fish C1.5 1 1.5 21 Crayfish a a C1.5 1 1.5 2z . Amphibians a 5"' 25. Algae a C1.5 26- Wetland plants in S IlEiarribed RACW = CILM; OBL = 'I.11 edther = 6'� 1penennie I streams may also be identified using other met[ ods. See p. 35 oil mE a ual. No1Es: SkEtClh: 41 ♦ : ',MOW* ` ~' 7 � 40P �— ftx,�� T�l r, r,.. \• � '� �. •ter � _,�; r- +p� r r ��• + �k , s � All r 7Y 61ill HC&2- Open Waterbody Oa9z Sheet Survey Description Project Name: Waterbody Name: Waterbody 10: O alle: SoL1NElaslern Raliability-( State: County. Company. Crew N en ber-Initials: PHolcrs: Tract Number(s): Nearest Mile1pasl: Associated Wetlan d ID(!)-. Survey llype: (shack ona) XlGen tei line ElRe-Route ]Alccass Fload :7011 en: Physical Attributes Waterbody Tyr e: , (rla'ak on") E'9to6 Rlond iJ � atonal Rlon d 11 Lake " Fleservoin II In poundment C)11 ow got[ er. 6C o U tr -- - - u --- - -----------....- -- -- Hydrologic Regime: �Flleornanently Flooded EJ Semi[ errnanently Flooded 7 Sea: anally Flooded "- Temponanily Flooded OHWM OHWM lndicalcul: ( ". tookalithataply)Clloanline C'9l elving CIV\ lestecl ❑9couning C1Water Height: , o ban1, vegetation staining ❑E ent, matted, on missing DW lac I i_'Litter and ❑Flbnupt plant Cl9oil chane atenistic cha nge vegetation line debris community cl e nge Dep th of Water: �ft• Bar k heigH l (average): Bank slaple (average): eft. ) degrees NIA❑ Qualitative Attributes Water Appearance: (ahaak one) ❑N o watE n C_IGE an lurbid ❑Sheen 0I9unace i'' Fllgal C C ther: on sur e a e s cum mat: Substrate: ❑ Bedrock D Eollldel ❑ Cobt le 7 GravelS 91 and >`SilU clay -I C nganic C:II 00ev (i ha c k a// fht t appf) t} 'A al Sc bs,lra'le: yr yo % % �r Width of Riparian Zone: Vegelalir a !layers: { 1! 1t• (check a!1 that app/}� llrees : c ,2�1 Japlings 19hnubs: F ellb; Avg. DBH cif Darminanilll Z v , �- I NIA❑ in. in. in. (approx.) Dominanll Bank Vegefaliar (/ist): & C " 1"j'kc t Aquatic Habi le is (e:c submerged c r emerg@d a yw lir ie{tela tion, o ierha nllin9 t anti Vroals, lecf p� a' :, lergai skit rnerg(d wood, riffle;, dee, poaL , ela.): Aquatic Organisms Observed (list): T&E Species Oil served (Yis t)e Disturbances (¢x: ti e(stt 6 acre: s, manure in H aterrbody, Hiaste di: charge pipe! ): J IJ V'I�61t S(-'VrflU'�1 SCI. Waterbody is: (aheakcne) ❑I Natural Artificial, me n -made ❑ N anipulated Waterbody Qualilly' : (al'ark"'0) High ❑ N oderate LONI Form R— 04130/:.OI l Form Rm (M/301,2(13 Waterbody ID: High C uality. Natural, r atural banF vegetation anoun(I entire waterbod)l; banF s stable and pnotecta d by roots; water color is clean to tea-aoloned; no t anriens to fist movers ent; many fist cover types a\iailable; divense and stable aquatia habitat; no disturbance by livestock or n an. Mac ei ale M alis y. Ota red t y nip -rap; natural ve 9letation extends 1/3-1/2 of tl e active a l annel widtl on eaa l side; filterin 91 lunatic n of t a nk vegetation on hl n oderately compromised; banks modsratel)d unstable; Haters color is cloudy, submerged objects covered with greenish film; mode rate odor; minor t ani lens to fist movers ent; fail aquatic habitat; minimum (distwt ance bid livestock or man. Lcm Quality. Flip raF and ahannalization e)icessiN e; natural vagetation less tl an '113 of the active char nel widtl on each side; lack of regeneration; filtening function severely cornprornised; banFs unstable (ero(ling); water col( n is muddy and hinbid; obvious p( Ilutants (algal mats, surface scum, surface sl een); hea\i)d odor; severe barrieus to lish movement; little to no a( uatic habitat; severe (disturbance Irom livestocl or n an. Notes - i ( Waterbody Sketch'(lnicluoe north arrow, ca ntarlina dh tance !rom cents rline, data point locailions. sunieyd boundary„' and IDs of associated features) rsa —nao2 IB -014 I Form Rm (M/301,2(13 onah002 Open water data point onah002 facing east Open water data point onah002 facing south USA CE AIM IIWQl A site f1 . Mined cake ori attached map) SITRDAM QUALITYI ASSESSMENT W ORKSH EIET Plravidcr ilk fallawirig information for lhci strcram reach under assessment: 1. AIIIFIIicar is nama: j 0,11 », `.11. - ta,:. 21. Dma of awiluandiarr I I P( -,l 1S i J. Name of slrciam:y SC! 1. ApplroNimata drainages arcia: 21. Evalu alor's riamt; - I C -%j XN`� p,i 4. Time of avaluanlian: 6. River basirr n - ai m 8. Sfileam arc or: 1 9. Lenigth of roach evalu al ad : '- % ' 14. C ourrty: 11. Sites caarc inalles (if knawn; : p ieiler in cecirrial cepecs. 13. Sukclivisian mania (if airy): Lai ilude (ex. 34112312): tlonitlilude lac. —77.556611;: Malhod location delerminad circle): C AS To po �Ihee1 Or I C (�Aenia1' hoio/IC IS O'Iheu GISI Other 121. Lacal ian of reacll unc or e�v�a lural ian (Inatei nidoiky raw s ahr ] marks anc attacil maplidkem) ifying stileam(s; local ia®n; :� GI6"- 114. Proposed chanineI wark (if any): cg -s,,, ]I!I. Relcerl wclalhar canCillclns:� cu n i� ;a,, �i r 116. sit e coned itians at tim a of v isii : 111. Identify any special wantarwaN classiflcaticA known: Suclian 10 _Tidal Walas _Essanllial Fisheries Habital Trauit Watars Culstalnc inrg Rlesaunce WWaus c/ Isurtr'iciml 11ensitiva V1ladens _Waler culllpllN Warlenshad (:I-IV; 18. is there a pant cm lake localad uplstream of tha evaluallicm ploinl? YEs (9> yes, asilimade the water swiface avea: 19. Llocis c1lannel appuar cin USGS quiac map? YES RC,) 20. Does ct anncd aplpean an USIA tail curve}{? YIES NO 311. Eslimalec wiarlev9hcid lane uise: S% Aes:iclanlial % Commcmcial % Inc uistilial Agricultural 3 C11% Forested _ % C leianec d it agp ec ^'i° C tN en 11 212. Blamkfulll width: J . C1 33. Bankheighl (Ifdcirrm tec 10 tap oftank): �I 214. Channiel 9laplei c awn center of srlrciam: ✓ Flat (l(I la 2%) _Gan1lIa 1j2 to z %) _Madmate (14 to 10%) slciepl (1>1(1%' 219. Channel simaosity: StiAgttV/,cccasianal bents _Frequent rrmeiancor _Vaal s:inuiaus Braidec channel Instructions far camplelliari of morksiflecrt (localled an parge 3): Bagin b}1 dckcn-mining the most applrallpriatei ecaragiar facet or localian, lcirraini, vagckarliari, stream classificantior, etc. Evart characicmislic mu91 he scared using the same ecoreigion. Assigni ploimis 10 each characlarislic wiilhini 1ha ram€le showin far 1ha acaragion. Page 3 plrovices a triief cascription of haw 10 review tta characlerisl ics idcmlified in 1ha wo4shocd. Scares shauld raflcicl ani overall assassmani of tta stream react under avaluiadicm. If a characl(rislic cannot to civaluialad dura to sites or wiealhcr cancilians, einwr 0 in lhci scaring hor amid pprovidei an axpllanation in tte command seclicm. WINirc ttene ane abviauis chamglos in the characlen of a stileam uncer raviewi (ei.g., the sfteiam flaws fram a plastrue into a forasf, the stream mat be civic cc inta smaller vaachcs lhat displaN more camlinruiit), avid a seplanaw farm msec 10 evaluate teach react. Tl ca tatad scarce assiignec to a sbaam react must ranglei 1:awecmr 0 amid 1CIO, will a scares of 1C10 vepprciserling a stream of tte higtest cluality. rk , T 4 LI P �l e s 'Intal Scare 11fram reverse): �0 cbrnmenlls: e.kc "X,3MkN r1L—A.%e '-.o EWailuatar'sSignvIuire--�-Lc-k �-------^�—Dade l Tllis chanrel (iwlualliani form is irlerided to be used only as ai guide to assisll landowners a4d enAronmental professianails in gallkering the datai requircrd by the United Slates Army Clarpls of Englinercrrs to melte ai preliminairy assessment of stream qualillyl. 'Ilhcr ilatad scare resulting from lhcr camplelion of t1lis form is subjErct to USACIE appraHal and does noll impll3i al particular mitigation ratio or requiremenill. Harm sut.ject to chanrgei - versior (16/CI3. Ta C amment, pllleasei cad] 91S -K6-844 I x2(. STRBAM QUALITYI ASSESSMENT WORKSBIIEET * These ch z vacl evisl ias ai e nat z essc d 'ri caasl a] � trez ms. NC Divisic n oil Water Quality-Meilll a do Ic gy for Identificatie n of Intermittent and Plellennial Simms and Their Oriains v. 4.11 INIC D A Q Shlrcam Identification form1 Version 4.11 "C',IKPNZ;y 00 Mille: , Rnolect/Elite: Lallitlade: Evalwilop- �; PA- COIL rty: Longituca: 1 3. Sinuosity of aharinel along thalweg Total Points: Sli-Gam Delerminallian Icirclei ore) CIOar Ilbearr is ail /easel it termiticinll �1I E F hernerall Irltelllmitllelrlt Penenriial e.d. Quao Name: ill - 19 or perennial i11- :ICI* _I 4. Pari iale siae of sVne am substnale 0 A. Geomorphology (Sc t iollal = ` ) A t serll Weak Moderate Strong 'la Cariliriuity of aharine I t ec aridbank 0 1 2 3 3. Sinuosity of aharinel along thalweg 0 1 2 �I 3. Iri-(harine I stimalure: ex. piffle -pial, slep-gaol,0 ripple -pool se ueriae 0 1 2 3 4. Pari iale siae of sVne am substnale 0 CID 2 3 9. Aalive /reliat flaoc plairi 0 1 2 3 9. Depositional tars or t o naheis 0 C) 2 :I 1. Recent alluvial deposits 0 0.5 I 2 ;I 81. Heaiccuis 0 RP CW = (1.19; C El = 'I.9 C lher = 0 2 ;I 9. C pace aarilral 0 0.5 1 1.EI '10. N atunal valley 0 0.5 I 1.EI 'I'1. Eleaaric on greater orcer oflannel Na =(I Yes = 3 a artificial ditches are not iaieid; seie discussions in manual B. Hvdroloqv (Scktoial = ) 12. Flneseriaei of BEISElflo% 0 '13. hion oxidizing baiallenia 0 I 2 ;I '14. Leaf lifter 1. I 0.5 0 '15. 9edimeinil on plants tui cet pis 0 0.5 1 1.5 '16. Orgariia deibris lines or piles 0 0.5 I 1.5 '17. Mail -t asst evic a nae oll high wales iable? Na = 0 Yeas = 3 C. Biology (Subtatal = G ) '18. Fibrous naafis in streairritec 2 1 0 '19. Roaiec upland plarits in sireamtec 3 2 1 0 210. IVaonaberithos (note diversity and abundance) I 21 3 211. Aquatic N allusks 0 I 21 3 212. Rist 0.5 '1 1.5 213. Crayfish 11.5 '1 '1.5 34. Amphit ians 0.5 1 1.5 215. Algae 0.5 I 1.5 216. "Eltlanu planIsK plants'stnearribe c RP CW = (1.19; C El = 'I.9 C lher = 0 'perennial stream rria) also bei identified using otheii mail ods. Ste p. 39 oil manual. Nates: x�, Slkelcr : CI �s 5G " 6L 0' " 41 S ,rlil+ r r ` F f i 1 I A 1 iC C `•r 1Si � S�x��? r t'' / „ 1 1 SNAB100 facing east downstream Open W aterk odv Data She a I Survey 10 escription DNA 1_'' 6C t Rnal Name: Waterbody h amie: WaScvbndy In: -� Date: SOC II E a9lErn ReliialtHitN C T l f Ll State: County.. Company. C�hieew Memhen Inilials: PF alas: Tract D mill: Nearest Milepost: Associated Welland IE (s): fen(s): �u Survey Type: (check a no) C erterliri a i -J Re -Route ❑Access Road - Other: Physical AIt1Obulles Wall ent ady'll yp e: (checkcno) - 9tock Flond ; t IN atural Hond ❑ La4e �,_ Reservok El lmpt undment �[.-I Oxbow XOthen: Hydradac is Regimie-�.__-- ' Permanently Flooded _- 9emipermanently Flooded El 9emona lh Flooded Jlen pore. ily Flooded OHWM OHWM Indicalloa: (chec1 ail it at EPPly)Clear line C Shelving DWre sted='Ila ouiin( f *ater H e ig h1:[ _ on bank vee elation staining H. IBent, niatted, or missing ❑" rack "-;Litter and [_]Ab upt plant Aoil chanacteristia change vegetation line d(ibeis conmunit) change Depth all AlaIer: Bank height (average): E ark slape (averac e): �fl.- ft. t�( degrees N/ACl Qualilallive Attributes Water Appearance: (check ane) LIN Aater EClear Xurbid [:79haen 08urface ._;Algal Cl Other: c n surface scum mats Substrate: I Bedrock _7 Bc ulder El Cobble Gravel 9 Sand L) gilt clad _ ! Organic ❑ Clther: (check all that s pply) %a' Ss hstnate: °+ °,d % %° °! % `/a Width of Ripaalian Jane: Vegetative Layers: R (a*ha ak ell that aAjpIj i6rees: 9aplinc s/9h rubs: I- erbs t. ts: �� ` Avg. Oe H otl Damiinannin. i�.: i. n . NIA (aPPrai ai) Dorn l Bank Vegetation (list) ------------ ---- — - - — _ s�{ i�.�lcrnlwn�.i � 4 u� c.-��� �i C) �E c�_�. ��iI-v � AtFUatlC HabltatS (ei x: suC merged or emaryn rl agluaGc Diet elatioln, rtungiag ba(n4 slrc ol:,lae(naspi,la rge tut nmirged wa o(l. rirfle .deEpnools etc): �avr Aquatic Ons asnsmis Oh served �istl: rt1a�.�� Cc:,1Cis_ _ S�' Yt T&E Species Observed IVist): Disturbances (c xr lig e stod aacess , rn z nure in wat( rt c c )I, waste disal e r( e l ipes): Waterbody is: (check (ne) C I\att ial Artificial, n an -made (.- Manipulated WallenHady Qs ality (check ( „e) - f- igf ❑ Moderate I ow Fon, nee- 04"30,21019 H igh Quality, N z tural, natural ban k vegetation around er tire watenbody; banks stable and protee ted t y noots; waten color is clear to tea-coloii( d; n( barrians to flish mmiament man)l fish cover types available; clip a nse and stat le aquatic hat itat; no distu It ance It y lig estock on man. Mciderale Quality. Altered by rip -rap; natural veget< tion exten ds 113-112 ofl the aative channel v idth on each side; filtering tun ction or bank ve( etatior only moderate I) cc mpromised; It anks nmoclerately unstat la; wate i aolc r is cloudy, submerc ed otje ats aovened m it1 gneen is h film; m c Berate odor; minor barriers to flish mo\iement; Hain aquatic f abitat; minimun disturbance by livestock or man. Lciw Qualil y. Flip r p and char neliaation ex( essive; natunal vegetation less than 113 c fl the active c l annel v idth on each side; lab of ra genenation; fliltening lunatic sevanely compromised; banks unstable (enoding); waten colon is muddy and tumid; obvious pollutarts (<Iglal mats, surlace scum, sun as a sheer ); heavy odor; severe barriers to fish rn ovemert; little to no aquatic I abitat; severe disturbance flnom live stock on man. Note s I ) (b' ,�,t W all e rboc y Skel ch (Incluc a nosh an ow, centeiVine c isdance from centerline, data poind Foca lions, sunieyl bouncary, anc IL s of associatec features) 18.929 onah001 Waterbody onah001 facing east Waterbody onah001 facing south onC USACE AIDIAI I3WC hi Site M (inc icale an attache( map F—T] � STR EAM Q L A L IBI ASSES S MENT NVORNSHEET Provide the fcillawing infectriatian for the strea rri reach ur der assessment: 1. A F p licaril': nia m e: E ?E/t_(y .t �s�� .1. Elv alnatar's name: ` T- 3. Date cif ( ,aluati(in: 4.Titnectf(valuatian: e 5. Name af: lream:_ 6. Riven basin: (I� �� �✓t i Cc`° 7. A raN iruiale drama . a area: (� G' � Fp €I � �.� 91. SI'Inearn order: 9. Len tl of react ev alualed: �� 7 €I l 11 a1. Ccturty: 111. dile cctoudir ales (Jif kr awl : prefer in decimal degrees. 112. Subdivisian name (Jif an}:: `Ctl Latitude(ex.74.87777:): .��_��c� IJongitude(ex.-77.556611): Meil loaation df termined (lcircle): CIFS Topo Sheet Ort io IlAaIial) Ill oto/GI8 Clflrer GIS Other 13. I aeatictn of ieaeh under evaluation (rale neauby macs arc lancmark s and attach map idertifying sllreami(s, laeallian;: 14. Prapased channel A ouk (if any 15. Recer 1 weal her condilions: 16. Site condilians a1 lime of certify at y special walerwaN ch: sificatictns known: (lien 10is al Water: _...'Essenllial Pi<.heries Habiilat uau l Waters F—Outstanding Re<, autice Vv alers (/"J? - Nutrient Sensi�live W aters sh_,�alleti SIur[I IN W a lersheV 111-I�1) 1 8. Is 1l ere a panel ar lake lacaled t psilneam afilll a evaluation Flainll? YEC) If yes, esilirriale 1Ne w aler suufaca area: S1.11aes channel aF pears an USC S quac IT ap? YES NC_) 2C1. Does char rel appears an US17A Soil Survey? SIE S N --Q,)' 21.Eslirriatecwatershedlard use: _%Resicential _'ioCamrrieucial % Ind uslrial 76%Agrictltural °/o Fanestec _% Clearec it Laglgec _9a Ciher :121. Bank fu 11 wid1N: 213. Bank height Ifratr bed a lap all bank; : L? 214. Cha nnel sial e c awn centif sllneatr: Flail (IO ala x a/o; _Gentile (2 to 4°N) adera1a i 4 to 1CI1/; _Sleep i = 1(11/; 215. Cham el sins asity: ;llraight _C ecasiar al N cc s _Are( u enl mien rl c en 2—<�'v ery sin a at s _E iiaic f d char nel Irslliucliars far ecimplleiliein a1 morksheet (locall(d on page 21): Ee€lir Hy ceterrniining 11e mash apprapriale econegian based an location, lerrair, ve€lalalian, :lream classificallian, etc. Every chanacterislic rrt:1 be : caned u: ing the same econf giar. Assign pairt: ilo each clanacleristic "ilhin 11he uan€le sl awn far the ecouegiar. Aage 3 pravides a brief cescriPtian cif haw to rsevievv tla cl anaclenistics idertifled in the warAsheet. Scares :hauld ueflecll at avauall assessment of Ill stueam ueacl- tncen evaltalian. If a chanacleristic carrall he evalualed due la :he ou weathers cantilfors, erter a it the scarii g bah arc pravisf an explanation it the carr meal : eciliar . W here ll ew arse obv iat : charges it the cl atiaater of a stueam in( er rev iew i le,g., ill stuf ami flav<s from a F as lune it la a fouest;, the :Uiearr ma} Ile diviced fila sr allers ueacl es Ihal cisplay traue carth uity, and a separaile farm usf d to evaluate eacl- rsf ach. The tatal scare assigruad la a stuearr reach rrusll range betAef n Cl aid 100, with a :care cif IOU of preserling a slreann of the highe:l quality. TcitalSeclre (framreverse): Ccirritrienls: .41 >wa luatcu's Sigr ature Date This channel evaluatli(ur for is indended a he used only as a €luide to assisl landawners�and envitanmentlal Irofessi(mals in gathering the data required by the Unite( Stales Army Carps cit En€lireers to rrtake a Preliminary sisesirrieni cif stream (Iii The lalal score iesuhling frarri the toimplelioin of Ohis form is subject to USACE aplprcval and (cies nal ill a patliculai n itigatian ratio er requiiementl. hlanm subjecl lct than€e—version aE/C13. Ta Cariment, please call 919-876.8441 x 2(. STREAM QUAIJITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET # Th oma .,1. .... ..�,...,.,i:,.,.... ,. .,.� ..............a ._ ,.__..�_1 _. 'Z. Z- D f if cf Nl C Divis ion Of A EltE r Quality AVleil hoc ology for Identification of Inteiirn ittent End Reiiannial Streams and Their Oriciins v. 4.11 NC DW® StRciarn lciciritifilcaticin Form Wigien 4.1 1 Dale: ". 2 �'� _ 4- Ftiojecit/5iRr 5 � ' Latitude 60 4- 37, (r L Evaluator: p`�� �� (' Gcunty, 21. Sinuosity achannEil along thalweg Toti I POiri9s: rr is nll2! 30 er 4 `� Stre�irri Deter ci®EIEi cre; E harneral termitten ial C tNer ift ,1 e e nialst if >_ '19 c ri erennia! ill? 30" P , eter r e.. Quao Nanie: g P. GEOmnrnhnlnnv (Srrhtntai = d hwir11 1 U11ciak Minriarnta I wtrnnn 1a. Cc nlinuity c l c_hanneil tEid and be nk 0 3 2 J V 21. Sinuosity achannEil along thalweg 0 CI.5 0 15.: Edin Eini on plants cm CE tris C 3. Irnchannal siuucluue: ox. uiffe-pool, stEip••pcal, ri le- ool se uenca 0 'I EI. C rganic c ad itis lines ou piles C C. 19 '1 -1.5 _ 4. Flarticle size of slrean sut: tnale 0 1 �I ;I 5. Acli\ ei,InE licl floodplain 0 2)I El. Depositional t ars cm tEinct EIS 0 0.: 1 1.9 71. RElcenl alluvial dEiposils ( 1 a 1.5 E. HE ac cuts ( 1 3 S. Grace canlrai ( (.E 1 1.5 1C. Naiunai galley ( (.E I 1. '11. SE cant ar gnealer c nc eii channel No= 0 YES = 3 or iiia rdr unare: aie riot nt;[eo; suEl orscussrons in mi nuai �✓ R. Hvdroloov (Si,F inial =. % . ) 'I . Pnesence o f aseflow C I 2 3 13. 1rar axis izing bac E ria C 2 3 14. deaf litter 1.E CI.5 0 15.: Edin Eini on plants cm CE tris C C. 1.5 'I EI. C rganic c ad itis lines ou piles C C. 19 '1 -1.5 171. Sail-tasec evidence of high wa1En bie? INC =C es _ 3 U. t:510iOQv (SMctal = 1, : f. ;7 ) 1E, Flibnaus raciis in stiearribEd 3 2 19. Rcotec upianc plan s in stl nE anit ec 2 1 �0. Naarat ONE as (note diversity and abundance) 'I . Aquatic N c 11L sks �I �2. Rish 213, Crayfish 0.: 1 1.9 214. Amphibians C102 1 1.5 215. Algae 0 2E1. We' land pianls in shaambEid FACM = O.a9 C El = '1.9 Otlheir'= `penenni� i sbei rris may also be identifies using oihen method:. FIs E pl. 35 of manual. No- ED snah001 aa1 0 M snah001 Waterbody snah001 facing east upstream Waterbody snah001 facing west downstream i»� w r #R � r , USACE AID#. DWQ9 (i 46U Site # (indicate on attached map) STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Provide the following ikformation for the stream reach under assessment. 1. Applicant's name: P ttt+l�rd�- 2. Evaluator's name: [ y 3. Date of evaluationAks 6 2 t 4. Time of evaluation: d 5. Name of stream: 10I k 6. River basin: ' ►°Fs Q I�U�Nt s� 7. Approximate drainage area: t✓ � $. Stream order: 9. Length of reach evaluated: Z () 10. County: Ai.+ 11. Site coordinates (if known): prefer in decimal degrees. 12. Subdivision name (if any): Latitude (ex. 34.872312): 74 G V q Longitude (ex. -77556611): Method location determined (circle): GPS Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo/GIS Other GIS Other 13. Location of reach under evaluation (note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location): V.- r, J 6Y S 6e- ta i -i Z19 14. Proposed channel work (if any): am t 15. Recent weather conditions: 41' 16. Site conditions at time of visit: ,2� '��' d 17. identify any special waterway classifications known: `Section 10 °Tidal Waters ,Essential Fisheries Habitat Trout Waters �Qutstanding Resource Waters _ Nutrient Sensitive Waters Water Supply Watershed (I-IV) 18. Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation point? YES 40 If yes, estimate the water surface area: 19. Does channel appear on USGS quad map? Y N4 20. Does channel appear on USDA Soil Survey? NO 21. Estimated watershed land use: %o Residential _°/s Commercial _% Industrial °Ia Agricultural % Forested �% Cleared / Logged _% Other 22. Bankfull width: :2 23. Bank height (from bed to top of bank): 24. Channel slope down center of stream: ,Flat (0 to 2%) Gentle (2 to 4%) Moderate (4 to 10%) ,Steep N 0%) 25. Channel sinuosity: Straight _Occasional bends requent meander _Very sinuous _Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2): Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location, terrain, vegetation, stream classification, etc. Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion. Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion. Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet. Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation. If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions, enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comment section. Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e.g., the stream flows from a pasture into a forest), the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separate form used to evaluate each reach. The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100, with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality. r Total Score (from reverse): Comments:t?rCP��I"r Evaluator's Signature IV Date/Ll _ �`5�'- � Q This channel evaluation form is Intendedto ht used only as a guide to assist landowners and a roman assestalsment ment f -professionals m gathering the data required by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary assessment of stream quality. The total score resulting from the completion of this form is subject to USACE approval and does not Imply a particular mitigation ratio or requirement. Form subject to change version 06/03. To Comment, please call 919-876-8441 x 26. SWA-H6zl STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams, 50A N62g NC DWQ Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 Date: �. d �¢f� ProjectfSite: Latitude: dQEc/;0, 2-ly Evaluator: � L- County: Longitude: 77. 3 t '3F,1 Total Points: Stream Determination {circle one) 14T ea Other Stream is at least rntsrminent r z 19 or perennial if z 3Q' Ephemeral Intermittent Perennial e g Quad Na e: A. Geomorphology {Subtotal = � 111( ) Absent Weak Moderate Strang 1'Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 0 0.5 3 3. in -channel structure ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, ripple -pool sequence 0 1 2 3 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 2 1.5 5. Active/relict floodplain 0 1 1 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7 Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 1 3 8. Headcuts 0 1' 2 3 9. Grade control 0 0.5 C 1 1.5 10 Natural valley 0 0.5 1.5 11 Second or greater order channel No 0 Yes = 3 Sketch: 1 artificial ditches are not rated; see discussions in manual B. Hydrology Subtotal 12. Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 3 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 3 14. Leaf litter 1.5 0 0 15 Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 1 1.5 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 0.5 1.5 17 Soil -based evidence of high water table? No = 0 Yes 3 Cr Biology Subtotal = 1 o In 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 2 1 0 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed LV2 1 0 20. Macrobenthos (nate diversity and abundance) 0 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks 0 1 2 3 22. Fish 0 1 1.5 23. Crayfish 0 0.5 1 1.5 24. Amphibians 0 0.5 1.5 25. Algae 0 0.5 1 1.5 26 Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; OBL z 1.5 Other' = 0 'perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Notes. - Sketch: 1 K 1 �+ *ok 5 W it. 'Y Al // snah028 Waterbody snah028 facing east cross stream J-//-�I.—loves USACE A ❑# ❑wQ 11 Sile Al (Jin( icate or, atached map) M] S TREA MI QUALI TAY AS S ESS MIHNTI WORKS HEET F i ov is a the fo llowk gl it formal ion fc r it h e : II m am reaa H under assessmer it : 1. Applicant's name: 1)-"/� c 1 Evalualoii's narr e: �O n_Ll:1. Dale of evaluailiar : 7 ( . Titre of evalua1ian: ( Z J. Name cif viieam:_0�1 r1'p t„A n E (. idiveii basin: 'V I. A um irriate duaina e auea: �% pP g � c° � Q� fl. Stream ouder: SI. Length ofueach e\ all 101. County: � 11. Site ccu idir ales Of know n:: prefer in decirr 2 1 deglraas. 11. Subdiv inion name (if an),: / � 4 Lalitude(ex.1,1.8111u): Y�ci ZW �� 21y� 1 C Longihideilex. -77.'I:Itltl1l): ��� �/9 Metlu d loo: tion datennined ilcircle): (IPS) Topo Shat t Clyd o 1lAarial) I t oto/GIS Other GIS 01her 131. Lacatior afiieacH under evaluation (vale nearby tioacs arc lancmarb3 and attach mal idertifying slream(s lcicalian;: 14. Frapased channel wank (i 15. Recent weather candition 16. Site acinditions at titnie cif 171. Icentify an) special Aaterway classifications knawn: ��Jealicin 10 /Aida) Waters E- s3an1ial flisheries Hatlilat 6ti�iaut Waders N)i4 Culslanc ing Resauuce Walt is L�"rienl Sensilke Waters 1 6i—Avaleu Supply WalenshadP('/„( -IV' 181. Is there a pore ar lake kica1ad upstueari of the e\ alt ation pc int? YES ]f) es, estinale Vhe water surface area: 19. Dlaas channel appear cin USGS c uad mall?, 09 210. Dlaas channel appear an USDA Jail Surve)l YES CNC 211. 93tirrl waleistlec land use: %Residential _% Ccitrmercial _% ndustrial SLD/ Aguiaulttral % Haresled _% Cleaned / Lag€led _% C iHei ( _) 22. Bar kfull wicih: 23. Bank Haiglhl (1fram tlec is lcip of banN;: 214. Channel slope dav<r center of stream: Flat ((I la 2%) _Gentle (12 Ila z'/o; —Mac ei ale (14 to 1Clora) _Steep (j>1CI0/a) 215. Channel sinuosily: Stiaighl _ZOccasianal benc s _Frecuent meanceii _Ver) sinuous _Braided chanrel lrAructiors fon complelior of NwrksHeell (located on page 21): Begin by deteurriiningl the mast apprapuiale ecareglian based an kicalian, teniair, \egetailian, stitarri classification, etc. Every characteiistic must be scares using the sane eccmegian. Assign paint! la each chaiaateris^lic within the range shawl fai 11he eccmegicin. Fage 3 preview a Hrief ce:ciipticin of hciw tai review the chauacterislics i(entified in the warldsheet. Scaues should reflect an overall assessment of the stiearr reach tncei evaluatian. fa chauacterislic cannot He evaltatec due 1a site ou weather cancilians, entei 0 in the scaring bay arc pia\ice an e)planalicin in the comment seclian. Ahere Iheue are abvicu: changes in 11he character of a stat art unc ei review le.g., the stiearr flows from a pasture into a fewest:, the stream ma) He diviced into siralleu ueaclies Thal ci:play rroia conlinuity, and a separate farrr tsed to evaluate each ntach. The total scone assignad la a stiearri reach Must range betwet 0 and 100, with a snare all 1001 uepreserting a stream of the highe! t quality. 'Molal Sc( re (Ifr( mi reg erne): C29 Cc mimier Is: Ev alualar's c iglnatu re � 1 , `""-�.��e..`L Date % — 2_ llt / L Tl is a h ar nil er alu atior form is in tended tc i -C used only as a gu is a la assist lard own ens and `er v ire n mental prdfessionals in gathering ilhe dada required by ilhe United Silales Army Ccnps of Engineer: to make a lreliminar) assessmerd of stream quality. "DH a total , ae re resulting from the corriplletlic n of flis form is su h jest to Ill aplpli of al ar d dues tot imply a parilicular mitigaliar rallio ar requiremiant. Hanri sudject to change — teusian C16103. To Carrirrent, pllease call SI1SI-871(-8441 x 2C S-FREIA M QUALITY ASISIEISSIMEN T WOMIKSIHIEIEIT PA * '1Ihese ci-atactei istlics are ncit assessed in coast I sItean's. NC DWQ S1realm Idelrtiflcallion Fclrm VflrSlon 4.1111 <1 fl. /-,) l c 6 -2 ----- Dater _ r i� �L- Prajeict Siler L aililue e: Evaluatar: Caurt�: Landilimei:*�.7 Totall Pciinls: Shneam is at least li to u, ittent 31 Stream l]eteirmiriatiari (clir 7__oe) � EpE ernemal lrite nrnittent Pelrenr ial CtFer Cluac Name: if >_ 19 or perennial ill >_ 30' 2. flinuosity of channE I aking thalweg e.g. A. Clelomor holo (Su t tcdal = E ) A t sent W ea Y Moderate Strcing la Continuity o ahanne) bEc anc bank CI 1 �`2_ 3 2. flinuosity of channE I aking thalweg CI 19. Se dirrient on plants ou dEibuis CI 9 3 3. In-ahanne I slrucdure: ex. riffle -pool, slE p• plaol, i i le- ool sequence CI -, 2 3 4. FlartialE size cif silream subsilrale 0 1 ) 2 3 9. Acdivelrelicit f oodplain r0) 1.5 2 3 EI. Depositional bans cin been rhes CI 2EI. "eitlan c plants in stie arribec _2 - 3 7. Reicent alluvial deposits CI 1 a 3 8. Hcac outs CI 2 3 9. Grace canticil CI CQ .1 1.9 I(I. Nalural vallcy CI CI.9 1 ' '1.9 '11. Scocinc an greater crcei channel No = 0 , Yeas = 3 "arlificial Glitches are not nated; seei ssin ma nual B. Hydrology Sublolal J. Preseincie cif Baseflm CI 2 /2 3 '13. Iran awidiaing bacteria CI 1 } 3 1z. Leaf litieu 1.9 _) CI.9 0 19. Se dirrient on plants ou dEibuis CI 9 I '1.9 'I El. Organic c ebris lines cu pileis CI CI.5 CI.5 CID '1.9 '17. Soil -based civic ence of l igh water -,table? N a = CI __ e s = 3' '.5 C. Biology Sublolal = JU,5 )"- 18. Fibrous loots in s1InEarribEid 2 I (I '19. Roclec upland plants in slnEiarribeid .I (I 2CI. N acrcbEinthos (note diN a nsity and abundance) CI 'I ' 3 21, Aquatic M cllusks CI .1 0 3 22. F ish CI CI.5 CID A 23. Crayfish CI 0.5 rJO '.5 2e . Amphibians CI 0.5 1.5 25. Algae CI 0.v 1 1.5 2EI. "eitlan c plants in stie arribec FACVA = 0.79; C BL = .5 CthEir =0 'pere nnial stre ams may also be identified using ott en nt ethod:. E ee p. 3;1 of manual. Notes: I f f i gnahUO2; k ` ,vo"dt- ., 3�_ snah002 �<��• 2. \ � .. : \ \AE I . y »! . .,. . . . . Waterbody snah002facing east cross Stream — ----- -----___Q dreate on at ached map) 1 Ill AI04 l3W AI IileAl I_r STREAM QUAL] TY AS S E SS MENT WORKS HIE E T At odic a the followir g in formall ien fc n ilhe 3111 eam reach u nder assessmentl: 1. AF Plicart's name: �C��Yyt t (5�1_I. Evaluallor's name: 7 ' t �:Dada afevalualian: Titre cif t > 5. Name of! treamr S'ZA I. Riv eu basin: 1 ! F t t q7 7. Approximate dnainage area: ter' (5 -Dr) r) t �� £I. Stream order: Z� SI. Lenllth of ueach eN al tared: 1. 10. County: 11. Site ccordir les (if krl n): prefer in deeiiT, l degrees. 1121. Subdivision name (if anN Latitude (ex, 3,.V: 3 l: ):.� !/ / .�- >� 1 �� Llongitude (ex. -77.776611): Method too, tion determined (Icircle): FS) Topo Shaat Clrt o ilAarial) I hoto/GIS Clther GIS Other 131. Ideation ofneach under evaluati( n (nalle reauby uciacs ane lancrrianbs and attach ma111 idertifyirg silneatri(s; lacaliar;: 14. F rapased channel m ark (lif ar : 15. Recent %Aeathen coir diti( ns: )LI) i 16. Site cariditicros at lime of visit: 17. 1(entify arN :pleaial waterway classificatieins known: Vi Section ICIVidal Walers I i E:;ertial Fisheries Habitat rcut Walaus *— Upstanding Resauuce Waleus k2 _' ulrient Slensitive'A aters ateu 9uplply Waleusltec 181. is there a pond c r lal(e localec upstueam (if the aluatian p( int? 11E9ri 1\g- If yes, estimate the Aateu Surface area: 19. DlaeS ch ar nel appear un Ill S qu ad map? 11E,S 0 210. DlaeS cls ar nel appear un Ill Sail Su rveN 9, Y E:S NC 211. E stimalec walenshec lane use: "/oRe! iceniial %Ccimimereial _"ioIndustuial �%Aguieill unal F crested _% Cleaned / Lugllec _"io Other ( ) }/ 212. Hankfull wicth: �)- 21 .Hank 11eigh1 I1fram bee 1( top oifbar k;: 214. Chanral slepa conn center of stream: _HIal (1(I l(i:l ell lie (1711c 4"io —Mc derale (141e ICI%) _9leep il> ICI%) 215. Channel sinto1ity: 91raigh1 _Occas ianal bents Hrequerit meancau _Mery sintous _Hooked channel Ir3lruetion3 ler lampletlian of morksheeil (Ilocalled (n page 21): Hegin by cetermiuinll the rrioSt apprcpinialle eearelicn based en location, leruain, vegetalian, stream classificallieir, etc. Every chariacterislic mull be 3carec using the same eccmegion. Assign pains to each chauacleristic villin tlhe uanlle shown for the eccmegian. Fage 3 plrcvides a thief ce:cription of hcw to review the cllanacleristics identified in the wcnNsheet. Sacres:h(uld ueflecl an overall assessment of Ile stream reach uncei evalualiein. If a chauacleristic cannot be evaluated cue to side au vreatlleu con(illicim, enter a in ilia sacrinll flax arc provice an explanation in the c(mmenl Seclian, Where lheue ane abNiauS changes in the chauacler of a Stream under review (e.g., the stnearr flows frcm a pasluue int( a fone3l , the !Cream may be divic ec inl( smaller reaches that c isp lay{ nn eire carl anc a seplarale farm u s ec to eN aluate each reach. The total same assiglnec to a stneart neaah rrius'l range betmaer (I and IO(1, with a !cane of LOCI replresenling a stream of the highest qt ality. C C Tc 131 Score 11fr(m reverse): Commer ds: C Enialualor'3 Slignalure�` "� Dalle THis channel enialualior fo s mtende tc be used only as a guide to assisil larcawners an9d enniircinmienlal professionals in gallhe1ing the calla recluirec by the Uniled States Army Carps of Engineers llo mane a preliminary assessment of silream cluality. The tetal scare resulting flloim the ccimiplleticm of this farrr is suhjeal to USACE aH1lre)ial anc does neit imply a particular midigallien 1allia air requirement. Harnt subjeat lei chanlle—veision (16JCI3. Tei Corrunanl, pllease call SI1SIlz I x:16. ST REAM QUAIJIITY A S S DS S MEN T WORMS HEET 5—,,() " NJ ,3 *I hese chaia( IerisVics ate nat assessed in caasIal stieams. NC DWO Staearr ldcntificatialr Foam Vensfor 4.11 L it AnoluallYSille: <c_.�<- Latitudes °� 9valu alor: (/ Clciu ri ty: L,\,) Lcin gitt, der. 72 r, TClteIPointE: Stream is at least intermittent Strearr Detarminatior I1circl pe) Ctller if � 19 or erennial id z 30t Sp he m(nal Ir lenmitter 1 erenr ial e.g. Quad Name: c)(,� A. Geomorphology (Sut lolal = _) A t E elnt A elak Mac enalle Str ng 1"Continuityofahannelbedtint banV (I 1 2 (Z 3 2. Sinuosity c it cheinneil along thalweg (I 1 CI ` 3. In-ciheinnol structures: ex. riffles-pciol, sleep -pool, ripple -pool sequence (I 1 2 3 } �. PaMiale size cil sireiarri subsineite (I 1 2 21,e. Arniphibians 5. Acflive lrelli(It float plain (I 1 2 0 EI. Deposilioneil beans of beinciheis (I 2EI. V\edlanc plants in stiwaimbec 2 ; 1. Rccenl alluvial deposits CI 2 3 EI. Heeu cuts (I f 2 snahO(O f . C roc ei aantncl (I CI.5 1 10. Naluial valley (I C1.5 I= 1.5 III. Seiaonc an greater one eu ahannel 6 a = 0 <y es = 3 anmaai aitcnes ane not naiea; see aicus ions in manual -- B. Hvdroloav (Sr.h1irl;:il = 12. Rreisence c it BaSEIfia\A (1 1 2 3 1 13. Iran cixicizing beialenia (1 1 2 k . Lead Iitleu 1.5 1 C1.5 Q 15. SEldimelnl cin plants ou dEibuis (1 C1.5 IEl. Organic c ebris lines ar piles (I I C1.5 '17. Sciil-b8ISEld evic ence oil hig ater le? I Na = (I Yes = C,. blCllogy (Sublollal = ( _[ 1 '�, ) ,<- 11, �- '18. Fibrous racits in slneiarribeid;` 2 1 0 'I � . Rootec upland plants in stwarnibcc _� ! 21 1 0 21(1. Maerclbelnlhas (note diveisity and abundan(e) CI 2 y 21. Aquatic N ollusks CI 2 212. Fish CI C1.5 1 213. Crayfish CI 01.51 1` 21,e. Arniphibians 0 C1.51 1 219. Algae 0 C1.51 - 1 '1.5 2EI. V\edlanc plants in stiwaimbec FAC W = C1.15 CBL = 1.5 bther= (I `perennial stre ams ma y also be identified using othen rn ethods .:lee p. 39 oil ma nual. Notes: f snahO(O II, WNS -IN19.1 M s rx WNS -IN19.1 snah003 Waterbody snah003 facing west cross stream USACBI AMM Dw1�� M_ �.,�Site # (in( icate ar altacHcc snap ST REAM QUALITY ASS11SISLMIOnT WORKSIHEEZI I rcvide Lhe 1c 110 wit Mir forma tic in 1c r tile stream ri aich under assessmen I: ll. Alipllicanl's r an e: Larti'�A.,�„ na- 2. Evaluatar's nan-e:_ 'L Dale c1f(valuatiar: ��— 4.Tir afevaluaticnl: FI. Nann e c f Flrearn: �h je1"�1 � �y ( (�� ` I � iiL_—_��r � b. ,IZtver � assn: t VA C 1. Appliaxirrale drainage arica: ( 8. Stream order: 91. Length c f reach evalualed: �- 110. Cou nry: �.. I1.Sileeocnchales (Jif krewr): pneforindecimaldegracr. 112.'Hu bciv6ianrarse(if anN): z,� Latitude (ex. l2): �} D �I� Ilcngitude(ex. '.556611 D Met[ od location deterni ined (1circle): GAS l opo Sheet Ortho (IAarial) 1111otoACIIS Other GIS Other 13. Laca liam all reach under evaluation (no I e ii( art) roads ar c ]an crnark;- ar d all,, ah niap is eniitifying s treannil la( al ioi 14. Frcpcsed cliannel wcrk 1IiJ'aty J. Recent weather a cit titian r:_—- 4. Site cc ndiiic ns at tan c c f insist: Ill 7< l 1]�. ildenlify any ,pedal wiatcrway alassiftcaliamis kncwin: Sccti�i>n ICI f'`` tical Water, -ssenlial Fiisheries Haff llat '' I'cul Waters—Culslardin g Rescuree Waterr LEN Nttrient Sensitive Wiatere t1A alen Sur lll) Walershec 1 -'vi) 1H. Is there a perk cr lake Ic( ated urFNeam of tl-e evaluaticn p tint? YIES(_J�b If yes, estirrate tha wiater surface area: J! 1. Dc c,- channel aplpear cni USES quad mapl? D NO 20. l7 ares• chanalel appear or USDA Soil Survey'? llE NO 21.Es'[iniatod watenhec ]an( tse: ____o/ Residential '�oCommercial _ —,— "iolndt,'ri-ial ��%AgpriaulOnnal o/a Aloraited `% Clearer ,1 Ucgged _% Other iI 22. Bankilull wiidth:�� 23. Bank height (front fled tc tap of Hank,: 24. Channel ai(pc dcw7cen n ofstlrean : _ZHla1 110 tai ?Jo/a) _G 2 tc 4%entle( ) _Moderate (1-'10 ]0°ia) _gleepl (>10'io) 25. Channel ,irucisill:t", iglhl _Ccoasi( nal Herds _Frequent meander —Very ,-itiucus Braicec chanrn(1 llr,truetior, 11'(r ecrrFlleticn of wcrHst(cl (Ilocailed on Plate 2;: Begin Hy ceterrtining Idle rrest <pjllropriatc eaareglicni basec cn lc(alicrt, terrain, vegelatior, slnearr classification, etc. 11very ellarael(rioi( mugs be rccred using Ilse ;•acre eccregicn. Assiglt points to each elrnacleni,tic wi9hin the range spawn for the eccregicn. Page 3 provices a lrniief deseriptian cf liowi to reviews Ilre etraraeterislics identified in 011e w(ikslieell. Secre, ,•hould rcf eel an aiverall assessment cf Ile stream u(acll under eualuatian. if a characteristic eannoll be evalualled cue tc site ar weather cur(itians, enter U in the scaring be> enc prcvice ail explanaticn in Ilre conrrlent seclion. Where there are (tvicus cliantlles in ilhe chainaeler of a streams uncen review (e.g., ilhe,trean-i flaw: from a pasurc ink a fdrest,, 11 e stuaanr may be divided in1e smaller neache9 That c isplal mere curtinuily, and o separate Rrrn tiec I( evaluate aach reach. 11he ilolal score assignee i10 a ,,lream ncaclr mu,t rangle between U anic NO, wiillt a score of ]UCO rapresenlir,g a smears of the E iglhestl qt alit}. T(ft I Sc( re 111rom reverre' : C C or int en ts:� Eva Ill ail or's Sig natt re_( Dale l y This channel ev�ltation fisfYm is inlended ilo a used only as a guide ila assbl hndctvnei, indl emircnmenlal professional, in gatherings the dila required ty the Lnhedl ;I�leii Arniy Ccnp,i of Engineers to trlake a preliminar] assessm(nl of ,dream cuilili. The IDllal score resulting) from ile completion cif tHis farn is subject Oo LhACE aplplruial aril does nol inF11j a particular n itigation ratio or rec siren en1. Farm sul'jeel to charge— veriiain 06/CI3. 11c Ccnnlienl, please pall 919-876-•8241 x 36. ��REA QLALITIYASSES SMENT WpR KSS HEE T J A s Theso cl araa•tcristic9 aia natl as;iesscc in coasilal 9tica m9. 2 NC Civisior of waters Qualilly "ME ilt odology for Ides Q Periernial Sltneams and 1Helir ilification of Inllermitllart and NCI UVb Origins v. 4.11 Stneiam Idenlificatioli Forty Version Daile: �i _ ZS Evaluilor: Prciacll/,Lille: c � �,� Lafitu �t S e e: , tali I Point.: Ccunly: i 4 C> SAI 61 is a 1 'be lS1 inilerMh1i1ent � �� ifs 19 oriperennialffl ,1' Lcin9itUce; /� I(I' -7. CL �j Stnea m DEitElrmina tion circt , r 2 E F helrr era I Interrn ittent< Oltlar . Geom erennial e.56 c uac Name: c1r holo (SLblcltal Con tinuityoi channiel bEid enc barik A HS ant �L Sinuosity 01 chaninial alc n WEia k Modara to 3, in-charinel structure: g thalweg CI Strong ri le- ax, nifila-Flaal, ste (I �I 3 ool se uence FI• dual, 4. FlarticiEl site of stmarr substnata 0 2 3 C. ACtivEl/rEllict fl --Pain �J 2I 0 1 3 6. Depositional bars an bEinches0 2� � . REicant alluvial deposits 1 3 CI � 2 3 9. Heac cuts . Gnaide cc ntral 1 i c 3 CI a 3 'I0. Natunal valley a 1111 9econd c n greater crcei cl-anrliel 0'5 3 CI 1 1.5 artiflraiai ditches E ne not uated, see did N(I % sion; irl mar ual o (I i B. F-1 drolo Sublolal = Yas = 3 l ISI. Presence oll EasE1flaw 13. Ivan axidi2ing bacteria 14. I-Eiai litters - -- '15, SEiainlent on plants ar c afinis 2 3 . Organic cEibris lines c (I CLC (1 piles 0.; 1 . 60d-basac eviaEinlce c I high AatEir table? 0 1.5 __ CLC 1 C. B(OIO (SLbtatd)---____— __ T_ No= Cl '1.5 —..� -- -- ___ Yas a 18. Fbious coat; in stmarritEic - i 19Roatac upllL3 and plants in stnaarr Eid --— i. �M-rLlUar thcs (note diver; its and abundance) (1 1 (I I I. Aquatia McHusks I 2 EI2 0 3 risk 1I a 3 2;1.' Crayfish a (1.5 � 'I '1.5 24-'ArT Oitians 0.5 29. F lgae Q (1.5 _ ' 9. Wall land plants in stnearrid ad O.E I > -- -- 1.5 'pe renr ial stnet ms Mt y also t a identified usin othen methods. Sea p. 39 011 manual. F AICW ] OBIL _ 1. OthElr = 0 Nates: _ Sketcf- 41 ,4� t y - f : Ak 4• "0.4; .MIN Ak r � ,R .�},� ,� � T ►� ,;,yam .,`s � _ �' snahOO6 qj Waterbody snah006 facing south cross stream I USACEA1DAI WQ# �R — ------------- STREAM QUALIT 0110 icate c n attached ma F r ovrde 1t a follo'ASSESSM�+JN71 IL s rn g in far mention for ilhealncaimre�IcF Lnder ORK`�E�� A-IF,licancs name: aissessment: � }` � 3.1Jateofetialu<lion. �.Ev aluatcr',y name: 7-- �. Name aifsltcam: 1t C o 4. Time et aluatian f���{ �- `.2. Appraxirrate drains e FC n g area: .+ �� �� 4. 11 r asm: 5 • Length c f ren cl, et hl. Stream u -der: luated:�_ U-���t-- Site accrdinatev Iji;fWncwn,. 1a• CCU nty: i Latitude y f refer it decimal dogree, Ilex.34.t3723rzj: �I� � b 1121. Su(ldivisicn name Ilri'any]: Method locati<i11 1ILtl11, "'lied �2� �� 1;L Locatic n oit reach uncdrrervalualrarp a nginrde (r.. ',,.55661 1): 70po Sheet Ortho (Aerial; Photo,ICIIS2 3 2� Ilnote nearly reads enc lancinarP and attlarOtlrnap ie'ent�let' atrearn , 114. Iraporec channel wark f ). Iw) Iccation):_�_ (i an}lr.____�_ 15. Recent v7eatiler, e enditions: I' 16. site cancitll at lime ofvrsit: r:` ;I.Ideml f}'an., pedal 'vaterivay Classifications knaAn: �J4c >, � ectran ICI dr `��_ut��'ater� ���Y C)utstancin7 �r r��lrcail Water:- b Ras'ouriae Waters L�utricnt Sen,itive VUalers ` ssential Fisheries- Hahilat there a plcrnc ar lak e laettec upstrean of the e���gGater ❑ 1 aluatian pc int? YIEI pP Watershed 51. >:ves channel appe rr on USGS ��,. f y,es, esfimate the wailer surfer e area:�� quad mapl? NC 2(1.17 sea char,ri el a UN EA walershec land Lse: o appear U,IL1A Soil Survey; � NC Residential �/„ Conune'ueiai � �`A ]ncuslrial ?�j, Agricutlural f/ `A Farestec ____ON Cleans / Lc ec 22. Baal:full width: � gll %Other ( �' X. Bank height Vrerl bec is tcp of Hann': 24. Clta,r:nel :�laipe ala�rn center of stream: l �l tat IAC) to 2"r� ____Gentici i12 to 401c) _Mc Cerate (4 io 10%1 c - o -'�. Channel sinucsitrl: 9triai ht ____.,�Iteep (� 1(II/�; ti ____OccaaianalHencs Frequent11cancel, lnstneticros for ceirnplellion of worlksheel (located ciin ai�e Zme'r'simrans ____Braidec channel tile racatiori. terrair, ve(letaticn, stream a lass]ficatian, etc. Evary characterislricbriudst berscores lrsinrllcthe same ecaregionr.e Assigr1 noires Alpl p wd� ach charucteristie within the range ,hcrwn far rhe cr crellian• hags 3 l rovides a brie) description oa' haw to review the karlac:ear,trc, racntifiec ill ilhe worksheet. Scores s-hauld reflect all overall assessment of the stream reach under eaaluEll If - �haaa,tcristie cermet be evaluates due to site cr weather eonditicu�s, ender (I in the scaringbay Eine a mrvr '£t 9e; tion. Where '.fl ere are obvicnrs changes in the character of a sircarnr L neer reviw (c -g-, rravide an ext lanaticn in the ir�lo a farestj, the ;cream may be divides rola ;matter ucaiehaa that cisllayl more ecntinuil ( g , 11re 'Ircarm flow,• from a plaalule reach. The Mental ,cane assignee ilo a ,•trealli rash must range Y, and a separate Icrrn uses la evaluate each highest qualit} . de betwear (I Enol 1Q(I, with a score of WO represenlinll a stream aflhe Tolal Score 111ronrre'et9e': — C or rmentr: Elalwillou'a Sigrnature This char nel evaluatlion rm is inter de r]atle— guid( gartl ering If e c atz required by the United Slleates Army Cc rf r of Engito neer iiatlo milk( a prelirnir ary aFsvi rr enit of l is m quality. Tile toted score resuhirg from 11he corn ledionl of Ihis farm i,• , p l a i,ry n of ,tree a PO r diet It r milligallion r atic c r requirement. F orrr P b ract to change —version (16/03. To Cmn Eerathl pllea,e X11 9and 1 ii g7� 84�mp12Ga 1 sp) /,I Hf 666 S7IREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT! WORIKSHEDT NC Di% ision of Water Quality —Metl- odalogy for Iderltificlalion of Intermittent and Perer vial EIrElams arid Their Origins v. 4.1' NCI DIN Strum Idanllificaltlion Fanm Ve,-sian 4.111 DaIEI: — I vh� — _ F nojeciblSitcl: a . 9valualcn: F �1iJt � t t _- a Ccunlly: /,t �T Tclal Poirls:���'�� 1' Stream is � t least intew�iittent l �? Slllearn DEItElliMillalian (attic if � 19 ori erennial iAz 30' ( 'I3. Crayfish EpIF ememal Ir temmil ler 11 P . Cleomar holo (Subtotal = 1, ) 9 Absor l A eak 'I a' Cantinuity of channE 11: ed and bank 25. Algae 2. Sinuasity cm Cf an nal alang thalweg 0 0 1 2E. Welland plants in sinElarniked 3. In-channEil structure: Elx. uifllEI-ghat, stopl-placll, (1.9 1.5 ri le- ool se uence (I RACW =° (1.7,11; OBIT = •1.9 01hEln- CI �.Par ICIEI3iZElafslrElan SubslnatEI cl 9. ActiVEI/nElliCl floodplain E. DElpositional leans an benches (I I RE cent alluvial deposits CI E. HEladcuts 0 1 S. Grade canuol a 'ICI. Nalunal valley 0 0 CL9 'I'I. flecand on guealEr andChannEll a Nci 0.5er CI ar i ficial ditc f es are not natec I; see discu sions in manual E . H drolo Sublolal 'I2. FnesenCEI aI E1asellluw J. Inan oxidizing kaClenia — 0 1 ------ --- - I ,� . 11 Ball lltier 5. SEdimant an plants ar debnis (1 IE. Organic dekris linES an piles (1 1171. flail-bEISEI[I Elvidence al high water tablo': C. E iolo (Sut lolal = — — ------ �— LatilludElL i Ilcndi9adEl:7 C -Ter e.q. Cluac Name: MCC it Yes = 3 s'i r is Stror g W. (l.9 (1 C1.9' 1 5 0.5 I✓ 11.5 --Na = 0Yes = -- 18. Rib nclus nclals in strearrbEld 1I . Roatad upland plants in slnEan IrEld — 20. N acnabElnthas (note diver; ity and abun(lance) 3 .....-- - — _ — 0 3 L1 — a _- a 21. Aqualic Mallusks 3 ,12. Fish0 `l 0 'I3. Crayfish (1 0.5 1 9 214. Amphibians C1 25. Algae CI 2E. Welland plants in sinElarniked CI (1.9 1.5 "perennial s tnean s ma)I als o be identified using c ther metf ods. See p. 35 o1 man ual. RACW =° (1.7,11; OBIT = •1.9 01hEln- CI No1e� SkE ltlr : ��aY"V- H 116 �..� a __ � � � • 4 `{r Ir ■e 1 -.- -4F_ _ . ow - AK IwoOL, � - r i 4z - a .� was# h `' !. '`K, w 61� YL-i`e WA AJDAI _ -- EWQ# � )I o C u Site � _ 011Cicate or, S T1 REI A Nj _ -_ Provide the folio QUAIJITy AS Itacheci n-ap SESISI �rng infar'nailfoir fcu• tlhe, M.E1�T �,ORK�HFIE7 -1• ApAlican,l's Warne: lraanl reach tnder asse99m al- 11: 31.Lale ofettluailia A.111,aluatcr';"ranra: �• 1\Ua, an,L ofstream: C, _ % f 4. Til- of et a luatian : 1, Apprcxi'rate _: �o :JL_ 1. Z C� d'o'nate area: a/ '} IIL.� � asin; 51. Length c f lea eh e� a iva ted:_ �2r� H. Stream ruder: 1 ��I 1i1. Site cacrdinate, Ili;l,ldncwn` r• 1u'efa�r' in decimal de� 10' County: � ,� Latitt de (lex, 14.872112): bticel. 1� Sulldivisian name divan Netf od location detc°nmined y. Location of reCIPSD act' enc erre aluatren f on�itude (ex.—�a.ssn6t 1): Toto Jha'et Ortho (AcrialJ PhotoJG1J Inc ter car -Hy rcads anc lancn,arl,l,' and attaOtln aG15 Other p idenilifyingl strear 1W') location):�� la It'ogasec ehannelw(rk(if any): i JI-` • Reee;' l wea Ther conditrc ns: I f Site conditions at time of 1%%���}}• ldentif) any sl:ecial waterway classificatrorni, ]dmawr: ------- ,JWL__�i-out NV' ters lsitardin g Res cctiar 10 f Resource Waters ��lydal «atcrs �%�SSerttal B'isheries I4arbi1al 18• IS there t W -N, irien'�l Sensitive Waters pend or lake lata ted urstre<u-' of the evaltialicn foil t-1 ygq � ""ater Sr 1 —a, 1!a } VUttershec 1151. r acs ell appear on USCS glad ma v � C 1173 es', e,•timate the water surface t rda:�_ii 21I, Esfinnatac )rater;-hed lane u;e: op �IjS C 20. Doasi ell annel appearor US[7A Soil Snrve r ' c � _/a Residemit l a y'• YYF NC _ /� Conmlercial _ a/o lndrstr-ial z 60 Fonestec —/1 Aglricultursil 22, IRaOlfull °victhe Clea rec / Loggec —% Cther :31. Bank heiglhl (If roll bet to taf of banl•I;:-_____`� ) 24Clr,,tnr4tl;kfedowr ccnter(if stream: Z Mat (IQ to 2111/01 entle 112 tc 4%) 25 Cl aaUl sinuosi �) _ Madcrate (4 to 10%] _ Stec h- S ftiaiZ P t ____Occa,•icural bent; P h 1(I I1 s�lruclicros for rumple lion a9l warkspeet ihoa ated am alae 2 Iiregc c�r,t n ear ter ____-�lery simtati _ Braider c1 al- Wel I terrain, vcgeta[ian, , fieari classiflaa[ian, etc. Eery char�ac eristic n us1 be scared using) dhe cane ecare icm I din by c ctrl' lining the most appral riaw acoregion baser on to each charactauistia within tl c range shawl- far the ecaregian• Page 3 characteristics annot teal in ilia wocuc cet. Scores• should ref cc1 an overall arsessnert of thea hean� react rider e� al�r plaints g trovides a brief'descriptior of laws to review tIe characteristic cannot be eNtltated cue to site at wewher conditicna, enter (I in the ertscol(Ig bora anc gravida al- r c-val-a cotrrtent scct'or h here thera are obNious chap€la,• to the character of a sttcartt under revraw q,• on If e inta a :farest), the sdeari tna) be civiced into sr tallerrcaehes 1haCdispf n arc c ofoi ceill i I al- s the 11 g., the stream fill fiorr a Pasture 'cacti. T1 c tat,al score asridncd tc ra silrcan' reach trust large betweer 0 and 3CGI, with a :•care of ora re reg �, and a sefarate foam used to etalcatc each highe, t quality. I c nting a "cream of tile T011al Scare Ifrum reverse]:.. COUlmenlc. n Evnilu ailat's Siginallure d aile This channel P,,alualian, Jormlfs imlerded ilo be used only as ai gu ide to aissirl laondri��ners and n�rr� � gla9herin€1 the dally reyuirPc h the Lnilaal Slade, Army cmimer lal F rofessior ails in qualily. The total scare resulting from the eompleliar mf tHissl'orrrof rigireejs tctle� LSACEreliminaryd�sessment of stream pardieularrritigaticn ratio Iwreyuirement. iarrisrbjeeltochan€le—�et•siian(16,I03. To Cla,nnmcri,rlleasecallS191-8761-81241 � 26. PIP dl does not irrIP11y a 1 STREAM QUAIITlYA cIcIESSIVIENT WpRKSIHEET �fv/,-� f�C�Z (I ' These characteristics ane not assusad in coastal streair,s. NC Division of Water Qua lily —ME if odology for Idc r tificlz 11ior of Interrr iltenl and Rerennial SlireE rr si and Their Origins %. 4 .'1,I NC DWQ Strcialn Idcnllif lo11ion Rim Veisicn 4.11 Da1c: ` FlrojflcttISitEI: j Elvahallcr: (�� �5 j— �} Ccunly: '�4�S f Tctal Poirils: Stream is at least inteitmittent Siliciam C Eiterminatior (ai ifL, 9 or perennial if z 30" 9FIh erriEual IritEirmitllevil , A. CIEIOmornhnl j /1.�O4-j C�C� 4 Latif a de: * Z 6�z F , 4Ci Lcnc ill udEi: 011hal e.g. Quao Name: annecial ditches ate rot rated; s( e snah004 f7; 40- ji' Waterbody snah004 facing west upstream Oii; 411 AO 17 f:iz 9� *V Waterbody snah004 facing east downstream snah004 Waterbody snah004 facing south cross stream NC DWQ Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 Date: Project/Site: Latitude: Evaluator: County: Longitude: Total Points: Stream Determination (circle one) Other Stream is at least intermittent Ephemeral Intermittent Perennial e.g. Quad Name: if> 19 or perennial if >: 30* 2 3 A. Geomorphology (Subtotal = ) Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1' Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 2 3 3. In -channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, ripple -pool sequence 0 1 2 3 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 2 3 5. Active/relict floodplain 0 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2 3 8. Headcuts 0 1 2 3 9. Grade control 0 0.5 1 1.5 10. Natural valley 0 0.5 1 1.5 11. Second or greater order channel No = 0 Yes = 3 Sketch: artificial ditches are not rated; see discussions in manual B. Hydrology (Subtotal = ) 12. Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 3 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 2 3 14. Leaf litter 1.5 1 0.5 0 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 1 1.5 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 1 0.5 1 1 1.5 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table? 0 No = 0 Yes = 3 1.5 C. Biology (Subtotal = 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 3 2 1 0 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 2 1 0 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks 0 1 2 3 22. Fish 0 0.5 1 1.5 23. Crayfish 0 0.5 1 1.5 24. Amphibians 0 0.5 1 1.5 25. Algae 0 0.5 1 1.5 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 Other = 0 *perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Notes: Sketch: USACE AID# DWQ# Site # (indicate on attached map) STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment: 1. Applicant's name: 2. Evaluator's name: 3. Date of evaluation: 4. Time of evaluation: 5. Name of stream: 7. Approximate drainage area: 9. Length of reach evaluated: 11. Site coordinates (if known): prefer in decimal degrees. Latitude (ex. 34.872312): 6. River basin: 8. Stream order: 10. County: 12. Subdivision name (if any): Longitude (ex. -77.556611 Method location determined (circle): GPS Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo/GIS Other GIS Other 13. Location of reach under evaluation (note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location): 14. Proposed channel work (if any): 15. Recent weather conditions: 16. Site conditions at time of visit: 17. Identify any special waterway classifications known: Section 10 Tidal Waters Essential Fisheries Habitat Trout Waters _Outstanding Resource Waters Nutrient Sensitive Waters _Water Supply Watershed (I-IV) 18. Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation point? YES NO If yes, estimate the water surface area: 19. Does channel appear on USGS quad map? YES NO 21. Estimated watershed land use: % Residential % Forested 22. Bankfull width: 20. Does channel appear on USDA Soil Survey? YES NO % Commercial % Industrial % Agricultural % Cleared / Logged % Other ( ) 23. Bank height (from bed to top of 24. Channel slope down center of stream: _Flat (0 to 2%) _Gentle (2 to 4%) _Moderate (4 to 10%) _Steep (>10%) 25. Channel sinuosity: Straight _Occasional bends _Frequent meander _Very sinuous _Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2): Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location, terrain, vegetation, stream classification, etc. Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion. Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion. Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet. Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation. If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions, enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comment section. Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e.g., the stream flows from a pasture into a forest), the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separate form used to evaluate each reach. The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100, with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality. Total Score (from reverse): Comments: Evaluator's Signature g / ' -A-- Date This channel evaluation orm is intended to be used only as a guide to assist landowners and environmental professionals in gathering the data required by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary assessment of stream quality. The total score resulting from the completion of this form is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a particular mitigation ratio or requirement. Form subject to change — version 06/03. To Comment, please call 919-876-8441 x 26. STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams. # CHARACTERISTICS ECOREGION POINT RANGE SCORE Coastal Piedmont Mountain 1 Presence of flow / persistent pools in stream 0-5 0-4 0-5 (no flow or saturation = 0; strong flow = max points) 2 Evidence of past human alteration 0-6 0 5 0-5 (extensive alteration = 0; no alteration = max points) 3 Riparian zone 0-6 0-4 0-5 (no buffer = 0; contiguous, wide buffer = max points) 4 Evidence of nutrient or chemical discharges 0-5 0-4 0-4 (extensive discharges = 0; no discharges = max points) 5 Groundwater discharge 0-3 0-4 0-4 U(no discharge = 0; springs, seeps, wetlands, etc. = max points) 6 Presence of adjacent floodplain 0-4 0-4 0-2 (no floodplain = 0; extensive floodplain = max points) x 7 Entrenchment / floodplain access 0-5 0-4 0-2 (deeply entrenched = 0; frequent flooding = max points) 8 Presence of adjacent wetlands 0-6 0-4 0-2 (no wetlands = 0; large adjacent wetlands = max points) 9 Channel sinuosity 0-5 0-4 0-3 (extensive channelization = 0; natural meander = max points) 10 Sediment input 0-5 0-4 0-4 (extensive deposition= 0; little or no sediment = max points) 11 Size & diversity of channel bed substrate NA* 0-4 0-5 (fine, homogenous = 0; large, diverse sizes = max points) 12 Evidence of channel incision or widening 0-5 0-4 0-5 >� (deeply incised = 0; stable bed & banks = max points) ,F'., 13 Presence of major bank failures 0-5 0-5 0-5 a 04 (severe erosion = 0; no erosion, stable banks = max points) M � 14 Root depth and density on banks 0-3 0-4 0-5 (no visible roots = 0; dense roots throughout = max points) 15 Impact by agriculture, livestock, or timber production 0-5 0-4 0-5 (substantial impact =0; no evidence = max points) 16 Presence of riffle-pool/ripple-pool complexes 0-3 0-5 0-6 (no riffles/ripples or pools = 0; well-developed = max points) 17 Habitat complexity 0-6 0-6 0-6 � (little or no habitat = 0; frequent, varied habitats = max points) a1 18 Canopy coverage over streambed 0-5 0-5 0-5 x (no shading vegetation = 0; continuous canopy = max points) 19 Substrate embeddedness NA 0-4 0-4 (deeply embedded = 0; loose structure = max) 20 Presence of stream invertebrates (see page 4) 0-4 0-5 0-5 (no evidence = 0; common, numerous types = max points) 21 Presence of amphibians 0-4 0-4 0-4 O (no evidence = 0; common, numerous types = max points) O 22 Presence of fish 0-4 0-4 0-4 (no evidence = 0; common, numerous types = max points) 23 Evidence of wildlife use 0-6 0-5 0-5 (no evidence = 0; abundant evidence = max points) Total Points Possible 100 100 100 TOTAL SCORE (also enter on first page) El * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams. snah029 snah029 facing upstream snah029 facing downstream snah029 snah029 cross stream USACE AlD# DWQ# S`0A9J 2,,5 -- Site # (indicate on attached map) M STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET A4P Provide the following ii/n��formation for the stream reach under assessment: %% 1. Applicant's name: rl0%. 2. Evaluator's name: 4L) P, 3. Date of evaluation: 4. Time of evaluation: d" 7 5. Name of stream: r+. a P.� �` ►. River basin: 1- — 7. Approximate drainage area: D b 1 +► 8. Stream order: !—n at 9. Length of reach evaluated: 4® F 10. County:- 11. ounty:-11. Site coordinates (if known): prefer in decimal degrees. 12. Subdivision name (if any): Latitude (ex.34.872312): a Q1 3. 2 3 !i Longitude(ex,-77.55&fill):_ Method location determined (circleCPiun Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo/GIS Other GIS Other 13. Location of reach under evanote nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location): -w I . I r _ -A J. 14. Proposed channel work (if 15. Recent weather conditions:_ KA 16. Site conditions at time of visit:o 0 I&Ji s At J 17. Identify any special waterway classifications known: Section 10 :Tidal Waters Essential Fisheries Habitat Trout Waters Outstanding Resource Waters Nutrient Sensitive Waters !Water Supply Watershed (I -M 18. Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation point? YES NO If yes, estimate the water surface area: 19. Does channel appear on USGS quad map? ES O 20. Does channel appear on USDA Soil Surveyor?-� NO 21. Estimated watershed land use: _% Residential _°/n Commercial°fo Industrial % Agricultural �°lo Forested % Cleared / Logged ,°/a Cather 22. Bankfull width: Q 23. Bank height (from bed to top of bank): 24. Channel slope down center of stream: ?' 41at (0 to 2%) _Gentle (2 to 4%) _Moderate (4 to 10%) _Steep (>10%) 25. Channel sinuosity: Straight _Occasional bends y- Frequent meander _"Very sinuous Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2): Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location, terrain, vegetation, stream classification, etc. Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion. Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion. Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet. Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation, If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions, enter 0 in the scoring box and ,provide an explanation in the comment section. Where there arc obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e.g., the stream flows from a pasture into a forest), the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separate form used to evaluate each reach. The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100, with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality. r, 1 Total Score (from reverse). Evaluator's Signature Dates � Zd � This channel evaluation orm is intended to be used only as a guide to assist landowners andne vtr no mental professionals in gathering the data required by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary assessment of stream quality. The total score resulting; from the completion of this form is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a particular mitigation ratio or requirement. Form subject to change - version 06/03. To Comment, please call 919-876-13441 x 26. STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams. ECOREGION POINT RANGE # CHARACTERISTICS SCORE Coastal Piedmont Mountain 1 - Presence of flow / persistent pools in stream 0-5 0-4 0-5 (no flow or saturation --0; strong flow = max points) 2 0-6 0-5 0-5 Evidence of past human alteration (extensive alteration = 0; no alteration = max points) 3 Riparian zone 0-6 O-4 0-5 (no buffer = 0; contiguous, wide buffer = max points)_ - 4 Evidence of nutrient or chemical discharges 0-5 0-4 0-4 (extensive discharges = 0; no discharges = max poinis) 5 Ground)~ ater discharge 0-3 0-4 0-4 Q (no discharge = 0; springs, w eps, wetlands, etc. = maxpoints) 6 Presence of adjacent floodplain 0-4 0-4 0-2 no floodplain = 0; extensive floodplain = max_points) 7 Entrenchment 1 floodplain access 0-5 o-4 0-2 (deeply entrenched = 0; frequent flooding = max points) 8 Presence of adjacent wetlands 0-6 0-4 0-2 (no wetlands = 0; large adjacent wetlands = max points) 9 Channel sinuosity 0-5 0--4 0-3 (extensive channelization = 0; natural meander = maxpoints)_ 10 Sediment input 0-5 0-4 0-4 (extensive deposition= 0, little or no sediment � max points) 11 Size & diversity of channel bed substrate NA* 0-4 0-5 fine, homogenous = 0; lar e, diverse sizes = max poin s 12 Evidence of channel incision or widening 0-5 0-4 o-5 (deeply incised = 0; stable bed & banks = maxpoints) _ F" 13 Presence of major bank failures 0--5 0-5 0-5 (� a (severe erosion = 0; no erosion, stable banks = maxpoints) 14 Root depth and density on banks 0-3 0-4 0-5 (no visible roots = 0; dense roots throughout = max points) 15 Impact by agriculture, livestock, or timber production 0-5 0-4 0-5 J —1 substantial impact =0; no evidence = maxpoints) 16 Presence of riffle-pool/ripple-pool complexes 0-3 0-5 0-6 no riffles/ripples or pools = 0; well-developed = max onus) dHabitat 17 complexity 0-6 0a6 0-6 (little or no habitat = 0; Crec uent, varied habitats = max points) 1g Canopy coverage over streambed 0 5 0 5 0-5 �j `� no shadingvegetation = 0; continuous canopy = max points) 19 Substrate emheddedness NA* 0-4 0-4 (deeply embedded = 0; loose structure = max) - 0-4 0 - 5 0-5 Presence of stream invertebrates (see page 4) _0 no evidenee = 0' eammon numerous es =max aints 21 Presence of amphibians 0-4 0-4 0-4 Q (no evidence = 0; common, numerous types = maxpoints) - 22 _ Presence of fish 0-4 0-4 0-4 (no evidence = 0, common, numerous es = maxpoints) - 23 Evidence of wildlife use 0-6 0-5 0-5 (no evidence - 0; abundant evidence = maxpoints) Total Points Passible 100 100 100 i TOTAL SCORE (also enter on first page) * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams. �t�AHr�2� NC DWQ Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 Date; i � I ProjectlSite: rj t' f ; Latitude: 6 �3 ('7' `1Loel ' Longitude:oun : f �Y 'Z� Cv- O' rr Evaluator: � � � _ h' V,� Total Points: Stream Determination (circ Othsr� vT Stream is at least intermittentLf Ephemeral Intermittent erennial e.g. Quad Name: lf� irk 19 or perennial it a 30' A. Geomorphology (Subtotal = G ' ) Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1n Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 1 3 3. In -channel structure: ex. riffle -pool. step -pool, 0 1C2 3 ripple -pool sequence 3 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 2) 5. Active/relict floodplain 0 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 2 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 2 3 8. Headcuts 0 1 3 9. Grade control 0 0.5 E� 1 1.5 10. Natural valley 0 0.5 1 .5 11. Second or greater order channel No = 0 Yeq= 3 artificial ditches are not rated: see discussions in manual B. H drolo Subtotal = Sf 12. Presence of Baseflow 0 1 _ 2 3 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 2 3 14. Leaf litter 1 0.5 0 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 1 1.5 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 1 0,5 Yes a 1.5 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table? No = 0 - C. Biology Subtotal = 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 3 2 1 0 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed Cv 2 1 0 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks 0 T 2 3 22. Fish 0 0.5 1.5 23. Crayfish 0 0.5 1 1.5 24. Amphibians 0 0.5 1.5 25. Algae 0 0.5 1 1.5 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 Other "perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Nates: Sketch: r r ✓ f l I� DP. � S►�A X16 �' snah025 Waterbody snah025 facing south upstream Waterbody snah025 facing north downstream w . \�\� \\ \ \/��\ A Waterbody snah025 facing north downstream snah025 Waterbody snah025 facing upline cross stream _54 HQ -4 LiS.A('E AID# DWQ # Site # (indicate on attached map) STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Provide the following Inf mation for the stream reach under assessment: 1. Applicant's name:_ a M" h.- A ^ 2. Evaluator's name:_ S ~ 3. Date of evaluation: b 4. Time of evaluation: 3. Name of stream: , 6. River basin: rcrt 7. Approximate drainage area: is 8. Stream order::11 S` 9. Length of reach evaluated: a o (- 10. County: IDS .1 11. Site coordinates (if known): d prefer in decimal degrees. 12. Subdivision name (if any): C3 r Latitude (ex. 34.872312): 6 � 16 t Longitude (ex,-77.55(fii i):_ Method location determined (circle): P Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo/GIS Other GIS Other 13. Location of reach under evaluation (note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying strearn(s) location): 14. Proposed channel work (if any): lVo 15. Recent weather conditions:J 16. Site conditions at time of visit: 17. Identify any special waterway classifications known: Section 10.Tidal Waters :Essential Fisheries Habitat Trout Waters _Outstanding Resource Waters _ Nutrient Sensitive Waters Water Supply Watershed (I-IVj 18. Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation point? YES C If yes, estimate the water surface area: 19, Does channel appear on USGS quad map? 6NO 20. Does channel appear on USDA, Soil Survey? (9 NO 21. Estimated watershed land use: Residential �% Commercial �% Industrial �C n Agricultural % Forested ,% Cleared 1 Logged —% Other ( ) 22. Bankfull width: 23. Bank height (from bed to top of bank): 24. Channel slope down center of stream: _Flat (0 to 2%) �<�Gcntle (2 to 4%) _Moderate (4 to 10%) !Steep (> I0%) 25. Channel sinuosity: Straight —Occasional bends requent meander ,Very sinuous _Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksheet (located an page 2): Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location, terrain, vegetation, stream classification, etc. Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion. Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion. Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet. Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation. If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions, enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comment section. Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e.g., the stream flows from a pasture into a forest), the stream may be divided iinto smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separate form used to evaluate each reach, The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100, with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality. /I Total Score: (from reverse): C Evaluator's Signature -4J 7 Date '��'d el This channel evaluation fori is intended to be used only as a guide to assist landowners and environmental professionals in gathering the data required by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary assessment of stream quality. The total score resulting from the completion of this form Is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a particular mitigation ratio or requirement. Form subject to change - version 06103. To Comment, please call 919-876-8441 x 26. -�Pfi N © 24 STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET * Thcsc chairactcristics are not assessed in coastal streams # CHARACTERISTICS ECOREGION POINT RANGE Coastal Piedmont Mountain SCORE 1 Presence of now 1 persistent pools in stream 0-5 0-4 0-5 (no flow or saturation = 0; strop flaw- max points) - Evidence of past human alteration 0-6 0-5 0-5 2 (extensive alteration = 0; no alteration =max oints) 3 - Riparian zone 0-6 0-4 0-5 (no buffer = 0; contiguous, wide Buffer = maxpoints) Evidence of nutrient or chemical discharges 0-5 0-4 0-4 4 {extensive discharges = 0; no discharges = max points) 5 Groundwater discharge 0-3 0-4 0-4 2— (no discharge = 0; s rips see s, wetlands etc. - maxpoints) U 6 Presence of adjacent floodplain 0-4 0-4 0-2 Z (no floodplain = 0• extensive flood lam - rnax paints) 7 Entrenchment 1 floodplain access 0-5 0-4 0-2 (deeply entrenched = 0; frequent flooding - maxpoints) H Presence of adjacent wetlands 0-6 0-4 0-2 3 (no wetlands = 0; large adjacen( wetlands = max points) - Channel sinuosity 0-5 0-4 0 -- 3 9 (extensive chane_ elization = Q; natural meander = max points) 10 Sediment input 0-5 0-4 0-4 extensive deposition 0; little or no sediment = max points) & diversity of channel bed substrate NA* 0-4 0-5 1 ISize -fine, homogenous = 0, large, diverse sizes =maxpoints) Evidence of channel incision or widening 0-5 0-4 0-5 i(deeply 12 incised = 0; stable bed & banks = max pints Presence of major bank failures 0-5 0 - 5 0-5 d 13 _ (severe erosion = 0: no erosion, stable banks = maxpoints) Root depth and density on banks 0-3 0-4 0-5 14 (no visible roots = 0; dense roots throughout = max points l CA Impact by agriculture, livestock, or timber production 0-5 0-4 0-5 15 Substantial lm act =Q; no evidence = max pints Presence of riffle-pool/ripple-pool complexes 0-3 0-5 0-6 2- 16 (no riffles/rippics or pools = 0; well-dcvcloped =max pints) 17 Habitat complexity 0-6 0-6 0-6 3 (little or no habitat = 0; Frequent, varied habitats = max points) 18 Canopy coverage over streambed 0-5 0 5 0 5 (no ;hadin = vegetation = 0; continuous canopy = maxpoints)- - Substrate embeddedness NA* 0-4 0-4 1 deeply embedded = Q; loose structure = max) Presence of stream invertebrates (see page 4) 0-4 0-5 0-5 20 no evidence = 0• common numerous es = maxpoints)- 21 Presence of amphibians 0-4 0-4 0-4 �} no evidence = Q; enrronon, litunerous types =max points G 22 Presence of fish 0-4 0-4 0-4 (no evidence = 0; common, numerous nTes = max points) 23 Evidence of wildlife use 0-6 0 - 5 0-5 (no evidence = 0; abundant evidence = maxpoints) - Total Points Possible 100 100 100 TOTAL. SCORE (also enter on first page) j * Thcsc chairactcristics are not assessed in coastal streams NC DWO Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 ,f0kH 6 2- c Date: T _ ? O� �r RrojecUSite: Latitude: Tg ¢p 3 016 - 4 Evaluator: � County: Longitude: Total Points:Stream Determination (circle ane) Other[, Stream is at lease intermittent if 2:19 or erennial if a 30' Ephemeral Intermittent Perennial e.g. Quad Mame: A. Geomorphology Subtotal = 1 Absent Weak Moderate Stra g 1a. Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 i 0 15. Sediment on plants or debris 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1CD @ 1 0.5 3 3. In -channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, ripple -pool s uence 0 1 2 l 3 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 1 3 5. Active/relict floodplain 0 1 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 2 3 8. Headcuts 0 FACW = 0.75; ❑BL = 1.5 2 3 9. Grade control 0 0.5 Notes; 1.5 10. Natural valley 0 0.5 1.5 11. Second or greater order channel No 4N Yes = 3 . artificial ditches are not rated; see discus ons in manual 13- Hvdroloav [Subtotal = 3 12. Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 3 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 3 14. Leaf litter 1.5 1 0 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0 OT31 1.5 16. Organic debris lines or piles @ 1 0.5 1 1.5 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table'sNo = 0 YeSt 3 C Biola Subtotal 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 3 2 1 0 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed Z55 2 1 0 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 2 3 21, Aquatic Mollusks ITD1 2 3 22. Fish 0 1 1.5 23. Crayfish 0 0.5 1.5 24. Amphibians 0 0.5 1.5 25. Algae 0 1 1.5 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; ❑BL = 1.5 Othe z 0 *perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Notes; Sketch: pt. S I��H 62 c 3or -10 P, *o4,t, snah026 *71 Waterbody snah026 facing downline cross stream USAC E A1114 DWQ # Sile h (Jirid cafe or attachcld mar) -,5 �4 AM 10"1 M SITRY AM QUA IJITY ASSY SSMY NT WC RKSIH EET PlnavWci the fallowing information fdln the slrezim rezich under assessment: y 1. Arlplicarl's niame: e 6 `, i A6-7 3. Evalualcn's PIS 31. ❑al a of eva1L al ian: 3 9 1141; 4. Time of evadu al ion: 'ACJ 9. N ame of 9troa rri: St4 YN164 0 %j tyr A o V \ ,- T- elIVr, (.Rimer 1. AT prax ima:l a dlnainago arch : E . Shleam ore er : J S1. Leriglh of react evailLaled: b 1 CIO' 101. Cor;nty: 11. Site caorc iriale9 (if kr awn': Ipnefern in decimal de€pees. 13. Su be ivisicn name (if any': Lal ituc e (lex. 34.872112): Ilor€lilude ilex, — 7.556611): Melhoc loc alion delern fired ilc ire le : GP ➢o o II Ort erial' fl �� I� 01Nau GIS Other 131. Location of ueach unceli evaluation (male nmads and lancmiar`bs and attach mar idelnl ifyirig strleam(s; Iocartiani;: V-� 14. Prapa9elc chasm ell w any; 19. Accent weabor conidit sans: 3 ](. Situ canditiorisatlimeafvisil: aL4 .. — SS 11. Icanitify anN sfllecial waeimaN classifications knawn: Seel icin 1(I Tidal Wartelrs Esselnlial Hisherie9 HaHilal TraulWalen9 Oulstar dirigRelsourcaWaters NuttlieniSlanisiliveWaters _WalerSurply Walershed Ill -Iv 11E. Is theme a plane cir lake located urstroaim al the evalual icn paint? YHS If Nes, eslimallle ti-cl wialllen surface area: ? ]ISI. Duels channel appez,ir an USC19 quad mar? MES NC 21. Estimal c Id wale, shed lane c se: 15 °ra Mes idelnrtial 20. Daes channel applear on USDA Sail Survey? NO ON Commercial % Incustl sal -15 % Agricultural So 0/a Fares ted ^°ra Clearrcld / Lagded % Other (I ) 211. Bank full w:idilh: 221. Bank heiight (filam bed to lop of bank; 24. Cbarincll slape c awri cerlelr of sftearrl: fIlart ((1 to Mase) -�g Genlle (12 to 4%; Maderarte (4 is 1(1%0) _Steep (>1 CI°/; W. Cbanincll sinuosity: Slrai€11-t Occasiar ail Harid s >eFrequient meaner x filar}{ 9inLiouis Brak& channel ]Irnslruictiaris flan camplellicmi oflwiarksheet I1Iacatedl on page ?J): Begin by duelrmiiningl the mast aprroplr lle ecoreglian based an lacationi, terrain, vegetallian, stuclam classificarlian, etc. Ever}{ characteristic must be scorec usin€1 the same ecarlegicn. Assigln ploinls la each characteristic wilhin lhel raride shown for the acoregioni. Page 3 provides a brlief cescriplicn of how to review the cbaracterist:ics idelnlified in the warkshoet. Scones should lieflecl an avernall assessmerit al Ilia stueam reach under evaluatiani. if a cbaracter:ist:ic cannat He clvaluiarted cuicl la side ar wealher concilians, crier (I it the scoring) bax and rrovice an erplarialicn in lhcl carrlmelnl section. Whercl these are otviaus changes in the character of a stream unidclr relviclw Ile.g., llhe stream flaws from a pasturEi inlo a fouesl), ilhe st[leam niaN He divided into smalleir rclaches lha display, marc) cantinuity, and a separate farm used to evakiale each reach. The fatal scare assigried la a sttleam rleach mu9l range between (I acrd 10(1, wiilh a score) of 1(I(1 represeril: ng a sttleam of ilhe higlhclst quality. Total Score (flromneversei): ra` Cammerills:V%; "a � ai Hvaluallar'sSligniature Data 3 /-F1IS This channel evadualliani Itirm is initerndledl to be used only as a guide to assist ]lanidlawnersi and ne iviranimental blraflessianialsi ini gathering the da11a required by ilbei Uniited Stales Anmy Corps at En14ineers 11a make a Plreliminiary assessment cif stream qua lily. The lotal scare res uilting flrom the camrlletion ofltbis ikirm is subject to USIA CH ablblravoI at dlaesi niat imply al pa rticuila r mitiga licm radio ar recluiinemfmt. Farm) act act arige - vcrosian C16I03. Ta Comment, plleasie calls 19-87(-8441 x26. STREAM QUALITYI ASSESSIMENT WORKSHBE-B * Those aharaalenislicis are nc t a,, scissud it cic asilal strem,, . NCI Civisier1 oft Water C uaMy —Meth oda Iegy flor Identificatior oft Inilermiililent and Rerer nial Streams and Their Origins v. 4.11 NIC UWQ Stream k c ntificlation filunm V(nsiun 4.11 Date: c (� Projecit Ei9e: Aa ,A 6 v �� Lall i1 ude: Eva I altar ---T"� Cau my : Longitu de: Total Points: Stream Detenrnination Qairole ane) Oil her Silreem is at least it leirnittent if >_ 1 f I or perennial if > 5 ( ' L' ` E heinlemal Intermittent P sal p e. Gluad Nan e: 6 " A. Geomorphology (SLIrtaial =as -S ) Absent Weak Modeiate Strong 1' Cardinuity oilahanried bec anic bank Cl 1 21 3 21. Sinuosity of ahanriEll along IHalweig Cl 1 21 Cl 3. Int-aflanrled siruaiune: ea. riffles-rocd, stein-rloctl. ripple -pool se ueinae Cl 1 L CI �. Rartiale sizes cdstnearri suldsirate Cl 1 C9> 3 . AciNeJnellicd flaac plain Cl 1 21 214. Amphibians EI. Depasiiiorial bans cuff benches Cl 1 21 X. Algae(02 a. Record alluvial c eposits Cl 1 21 21E1: VAeilarld plants in sireambec El. F elac oui s Cl 21 3 fl. C nac ei acirrinol Cl CLE 1 1CL Naiunal valley Cl CIA 1.E 11. SElacirlc on gneiaier cuic ein chanriel Na = Cl Yes 3 a ar ificial diicl as anei not naffed; seei discussions in manual B. Hydrology (Subs atal = A . S ) 121. Presercie of Basefla%A Cl 1 21 3 13. Iran o)(idiaing Uaciteinia 1 21 3 14. UEMI litieui 1.5 1 CLE Cl 19. Seicimerit or plants ar c eibris Cl C1.9 3 1.E 1El. Organic celd nis lirlEls an piles Cl (LE 1.E 1.9 171. Sail -based ev idericei cd H igh wafer lald le? Na = Cl Y s =3 214. Amphibians C. Bicdogy (SL tloia[ = a ) 18. Flitnaus naois in silneiamtleid 3 21 1 Cl 19. Roateid upland plants in slneiambeid 21 1 Cl 'ICL N acwtardlicis (r oie divemsiiy and abundance) Cl Cp 21 CI 21'1. Aclualia N allusks 1, 21 3 2121. Flish Cl 1 1.E 213. Crayfish Cl 1 1.9 214. Amphibians Cl X. Algae(02 0.9 1 1 1.9 21E1: VAeilarld plants in sireambec FACW = 0.7E; C BU = 1.9 01hen = a ' perennial slreanis may also bei identified using) oil aii nmedhods. aeei p. 35 of manual. IN cfleEr Skeiah:.�3luig 1.5 ci -- I 1 CL "50 N 41 Waterbody SNAB102 facing west upstream Waterbody SNAB102 facing north downstream Waterbody SNAB102 facing northwest across Ll SAC B AIII4 L1Vbil�� Sile Al (Jiridicale ori attached map) cN� 1g3 M SIZIREAM QUAI IZIY ASSDSSMDNT WIORKSHEET Plromidei llhc itllowing information Itir thea 911 ream reiaich under aisseissment: 1. Applieairlt's nlame: �orvgti„� ;oma 21. Evaluadan's panne: Ire w��_� 3. Dade of evadualian: Ct ! 4. Tinge of eVMLWicin: '. Naunc of stream: o a - u Wr -Vo V► $ � �� E. Aider basin: i. AplplrciNimale drainage area: i . Shleam orceir t =� S1. Lerigih cif rc acili c valuialed: -1— ' 1f1. COLnity: 11. Site ecicirciniales (if kr ciwnl;: prefer in decimal de€pees. 121. Subc iiiisicin name (if zlny : Lalituda Qex. 34.8,: 112': Dongliludeilex.–".556611): Melhod lacalian delermined ilii ale': a'po heel Cnitro erial' FICO, a/G O1Har G119 Cther 13. Loczdicin of peach unceli eiialuation (mole nczulbN reiads and. lancmarks ni attacih map idenlifyir.ig slneamlls; location": 14. Prapased chznnel wiarld (if ainj] : 15. Aec(rd we zither eonid it icins: %,,, m' -k - % a sk c1 �,^ 1,-), u, < S lb. Site canditionis at lime cifvisil: 0-J 1 41 0 ”' til, Icendify anj special walerwaN classifii✓ tions bnown: _Seclicin 1C1 _Tidal Waiters Essenlial Hisherics I all ill asl Troull Waters Outslaniding Rescurcie Wzders Nutnienl Serisi:live Wzdcrs _Water Supply Watershed 111-I`l; lir. Is thara a plane cir lalkci headed upstlleaim cifthe evzluialianpciirl? YHS (9 If Nes, eslimale the wailer surface area: 11 SI. Doles channel zippeizu' en USC S quaid map? YES NCI U. Daas cihanmel alpplearc on USDA ``tail Sulivey? NO 21.Estinlaledwial(iushcidlam user 15 ON Rlesidenlial ON Commerc'al %Incuslrial IIS' %A€piicultural sa ON, Fcircistcid ON Clearcid / Lo€18ed % 01 ter (I 2'I. Bank fual width: 3 221. Bank height (filam hcid to lop of hank; : e, -i S 24. Chanrel slaplei cawni cenleli cif sitreann: —Hl zit (CI 10 20/o) —CI Genlle (] 1 c 40/; Maderme (z :la 1(1% _Stacip (>l ao/a; 25. Chanrel sinuosity: Sttaiglhl Oecasianal bends _Frequierdmearider `lery siruousi Bra'd(id channel lnisitlructions far campleliam of worksheet 111acailedl an page 2): Begin by c elleliminingl the mast apprcipldwe ecciia€liar bascid cr.i locadiori, terrain, vogelallicin, sirciam clasisiificalicin, cite. ENiery chairacterisitic musl be scorec using) the same ecculegicin. Assign pciinls to each charactaristic wilhin tho aarigci shawn far the eeoregior. Pagel 3 pravides a bnicif cescriplicin of howl to reiiiciw 1he cbaractcristics idenlified in lhei wcirksheel. Scones shaiuld aefleci an civerall assessment afllho stlleam mach under eiialwitioni. if a chalractcristic cannot he eiialuzded cuci to rile ur wcialhor conditians, cinler Cl in the scoring) bax avid plravkt an eNplanialicn in the cummeini suclian. Where llherci arca cihvicius charigesi in 1he charalctor cif a strciarn unidcir raview 11e.g., the stream flaws filam a paslurci into a f(mesl), the sttleam map{ ba dividcid into smaller reacheis Thal display mare condinu4y, and a scipzirzde fbra used to evaluiato eiach lnaacih. The icital scarce ws igncid to a slAciam lieacih musl rangci bcdwleen Cl and ICICI, wiilh a scora cif lq(1 repreisenilirg a stream of the higlhest quality. Total Score Qf loom revejirs ei : V S Cc mm(it 1 s:',r><� N.') T' •l � l b ®6 � ! Y i°�P ros � 'i'!' I � �. �9 ba rs � � ," Evaluailcr's fligniaitute Tlartei L 'Ibis ehairrel evalualllicml flalrm is intemdeidl tc be usedl anlly as ai gluiclei ile vssist la ndlewncrs adcl environmental Plrafessicmals int gathering ttei dada required b3i the United Stades Army) Corps of Enginceirs to makes ai preiliminlary assessment cf stleaim quadily. '11hei lotal score resuililing f1rum t1le camplletien of 4is krm is subject to LISACE aiP1P1reval amidl dloeis not imply ai pairtieulalr mitigailic n raitlia ar req uirfimeint. Farm subject to ehanlge – version 0(/(13. To Comment, please call SI1 SI -81(-i1441 ), 16. STREA M QUA L ITY A �ISD�ISMIHNT WIC RKSIHEET * These charaderisl ics ane nci u s s essed in caasila] strep ms. NC Divisic n of Water Quality -Methodology fc r Identificatic n of Iritermittent and Penelnriial Streams and llheir Criciinsl v. 4.11 IN C UNN QS tr clam Identification Form Mersion 4.11 ' h A'v- %c 3 Date: q I Pra,leiat/SiterLatiilude: Weak Evalualan. �� Counily:. Lanigituca: j 2 I 2. Sinuosity a1 ahanriel along Ihalweg Total Points: Sireiam Delermination Ilairclei oriel) Oter 3hearr is ail leash inlarmidenE •19 E �Ih emeral Initermi n1 Peureniniial e.g. Quae Name: ill 2. cul perennial ill _ 3G" 4. Panicle side of silneam sr,bsinale 0 A. Geomorphology (St, k total = ) Alb sielnill Weak Moc orate Strong 'la Caniinuitycdaharinielljec an( Bank 0 1 2 I 2. Sinuosity a1 ahanriel along Ihalweg 0 1 2 CI 3. Iri-charm I stnucilurE: ex. riffle-K1aol, sie pl-rlaol, ni le- ool se ueriae 0 1.9 2 CI 4. Panicle side of silneam sr,bsinale 0 1 2 CI 5. AciliVE/IlEliat flaadplairi 0 D 2 CI 6. De rlositianal N ars or b Eniah E s 0 1 2 CI 7. Re ae rii ally u ial deposits 0 1 2 I 8. Heacculs 0 1 2 I 9. Cnade aandral 0 0.9 1.9 1 G. IN al u ral valley 0 0.9 CD 1.9 11. Seaonic ar gneEkln ondem ahanriel Cl Yes = 3 a artificial ditcheis are not iiated; see discussions iri rric nual B. H dralo (Sl.btalal = '4 - S ) 1 J. PnelSe nuc of BEISElflCIW 0 1 Q:� d 1 CI. Inan cu icizing baalenia 1 2 111 '1 2 . LElaf liber 1 1 0.9 CI 19. Sec irneni an planils an debris 0.9 1 1.9 'IEI. Orgariic c Eibris linel5 cm piles 0 0.9 1.9 'I a. Soil t asec eivic er ica cd Nigh wafer 1aN le? a = 0 Yes = 3 C. E iology (Sub1lotal = -)-.--5 ) 1 EI. FiN nous mails in stnearnbeid 3 J 1 CI 19. Raolec Lplarid plants in sinearribeic CI 2CI. Maarabeiniihos (note diversity c nd abundances) 21. Aquatic Mollu sks 0 2J. Fish CO CL9 1 1.9 213. Crayfish 0 r11 1 1.9 24. P mph it iaris CI ti'0.5 1 1.9 29. Algae 0 GA 1 1.9 20. Wellanc plants iri siriaamNec I FAV = 0.75' BL = 1.9 Cihem = CI *penenri ial stneiarris may also be identillied using oiheir rriesthods. See p. 35 of manual. Noll Els: ., „M a " �A• Sketcih: r4.1ar,1,v, I -- IMj R S N A9 1 V+I.j 9 pyJzr ID -- 41 Waterbody SNAB103 facing east upstream Waterbody SNAB103 facing west downstream Waterbody SNAB103 facing north across Open Waterbody Data Sheet Survey Description Project Name: Waterbody Name: Waterbody ID: Date: Atlantic Coast Pipeline Unnamed Pond ONAC001 3/9/2015 State: County: Company: Crew Member Initials: Photos: North Carolina Nash NRG CR, AS ONAC001_001-003 Tract Number(s): Nearest Milepost: Associated Wetland ID(s): 18-058-AO04 338.5 None Survey Type: (check one) ❑Centerline ORe-Route ❑Access Road ❑Other: Physical Attributes Waterbody Type: (check one) OStock Pond ❑ Natural Pond ❑ Lake ❑ Reservoir ❑ Impoundment ❑ Oxbow ❑ Other: Hydrologic Regime: ❑ Permanently Flooded ❑ Semipermanently Flooded O Seasonally Flooded ❑ Temporarily Flooded OHWM OHWM Indicator: (check all that apply) ❑ Clear line ❑Shelving ❑Wrested ❑Scouring DWater Height: on bank vegetation staining NA ft. El Bent, matted, or missing ❑Wrack []Litter and ❑Abrupt plant ❑Soil characteristic change vegetation line debris community change Depth of Water: Bank height (average): Bank slope (average): 2.5 ft. 8 ft. 60 degrees N/A❑ Qualitative Attributes Water Appearance: (check one) El No water ❑Clear DTurbid ❑Sheen ❑Surface ❑Algal ❑Other: on surface scum mats Substrate: ❑ Bedrock ❑ Boulder ❑ Cobble ❑ Gravel 0 Sand 0 Silt/ clay ❑ Organic ❑ Other: (check all that apply) % of Substrate: % % % % 70 % 30 % % % Width of Riparian Zone: Vegetative Layers: (check all that apply) ® Trees: 0 Saplings/Shrubs: 0 Herbs ft. Avg. DBH of Dominants: N/AD (approx.) Y V Dominant Bank Vegetation (list): Loblolly pine, sweet -gum, red maple, wool grass Aquatic Habitats (ex: submerged or emerged aquatic vegetation, overhanging banks/roots, leaf packs, large submerged wood, riffles, deep pools, etc.): Downed logs in the pond Aquatic Organisms Observed (list): Tadpoles, frogs, water skimmers T&E Species Observed (list): None Disturbances (ex: livestock access, manure in waterbody, waste discharge pipes): Pond appears to have been artificially dug out over twenty years ago Waterbody is: (check one) ❑ Natural 0 Artificial, man-made ❑ Manipulated Waterbody Quality a: (check one) ❑ High 0 Moderate ❑ Low Form Rev. 07/09/2014 Form Rev. 07/09/2014 Waterbody ID: ONAC001 a High Quality: Natural, natural bank vegetation around entire waterbody; banks stable and protected by roots; water color is clear to tea -colored; no barriers to fish movement; many fish cover types available; diverse and stable aquatic habitat; no disturbance by livestock or man. Moderate Quality, Altered by rip -rap; natural vegetation extends 1/3-1/2 of the active channel width on each side; filtering function or bank vegetation only moderately compromised; banks moderately unstable; water color is cloudy, submerged objects covered with greenish film; moderate odor; minor barriers to fish movement; fair aquatic habitat; minimum disturbance by livestock or man. Low Quality: Rip rap and channelization excessive; natural vegetation less than 1/3 of the active channel width on each side; lack of regeneration; filtering function severely compromised; banks unstable (eroding); water color is muddy and turbid; obvious pollutants (algal mats, surface scum, surface sheen); heavy odor; severe barriers to fish movement; little to no aquatic habitat; severe disturbance from livestock or man. Notes: The soil was not hydric. Pond may be dry during the growing season. Waterbody Sketch (Include north arrow, centerline, distance from centerline, data point locations, survey boundary, and IDs of associated features) All<N d WNW_ O �o Form Rev. 07/09/2014 i p w R �i✓ LSE "�� " .`- I �, FI�y+ Xv w t �' Open waterbody ONAC001 facing north USAC E AIDA,, DWQA Site (ins icado an attached map) NAT MSTREAM QUALITY ASISIE SISIMEN T WORKSHE E T Pruv'ele the follawing intbirmailicni for Ilhe stneaim reauih ur teen aissemsmenit: 11. Appllicaml's name: --p-,"", Nl ',Dril I Aa 2. L va]ualar's name 1 �®tI ,• i� 3. f ale of oN aluadiorr -91101 ! C, 4. Time cif eN a:luadioni: D� S. Name of stileam:� )Pri�, ),11�-N - �w t� t I A Vo V 13r e 6. Rliver basun:71 c 71. Aplpplaximate crainiage aria: 8. Stream order: 1 Vii} 91. Leng 1H of ueach ev aluailec : 1 c O ' 1(I. Caunt) : N P �-� 11. Silo cocmdinades (if knawni): puefer in deairrial da ghees. 1121. SuHdivisiioni niamo (Jif an N): 11 atiluce ilex. 14.872312): Lori glituc e (ix. —77.99(1611): Melo& location cetermiried (circle): GAS ToI o Sheet Ortho IlAerial) Aho a1G11S O her GIS 01Ner 13. Llacalian of reach c rider (lush align (nate nearby roads and landmarks and attach map kertifying streaun(s) lacv6cin): 14. Broplased channel wcuk (if aiy): 15. 121ecenl weal her candil ions: Vo.o r-:,- 16. -; 16. Silo canei1ions at time of visit: c,1,,tAra , US 171. Identify ary special wateirway classificalians krlawn: _Section 10 �Tlkal W;Aers _Essential F sh(mies Habitat Arout Walters Clullstancinig Pllesaurce \Maleusi Nltri(nt Sensitive \Malersi \Mallen 9uppIN Waleusbed (I -1V) 18. 1s there a paned ou labo lacalud uplslream of 1ho evaluations plaint? YE NC ]f yes, estimado III wader sunfacci arca: 191.oes channel aplpleau an USGS gcac map? YES NO 210. floes ctlanrel aplpean an USDA Sail 9urveN? YB9 1`O .)Eslimaded watarated land uau: 1 % Residential % C ammencial o/a Industrial i 5 % Agricuiltunal Fouesl ec % C loauec it II egged % CItil er 212. Harkfil] wicth: `> 213. Bank height (Ifilam Hcc 10 tap of Hank): y 214. Channel slope dawn center oflst cam: '>< Flal (10 to 2%; _Curflu 112 to z `/o) Madeuale (l4 to loon) 91eep1 (j>7 (I% 219. C hanne I situ asity: X- StllaigHt Clccasiional bents �L reglucnl meander Vary sinuous _Braided channy el Instructions fen ciompletiou aflwarlc9heiet (located cmi page 21): Bugin bN determining 1he most aplIrappuate acaregioni beset an localicn, Ileniain, wigetatiori, stream classiflcad:ion, dc. Every cl•auaclenislic mast to seemed using tpc same ecore€liana. Assign plaints 10 eacH chauaclenislic within lho range shown fdr lho ecar(igian. Aage 3 pravices a brief) descriplian of Naw to review the charactenislics identified in the woukshaet. Scares shauld reflecl ari oveuall assessrrmerd aflthe stream reach urdor evaluialian. Ifla characlenislic cannal Bei evaduialed due to sites or wieatten ccnditians, enter (I in tho scaring bor and lIrovice an explanation iri the camment such icn. A h (me th eue aie abv iau s changes it i the ch anacll en off a stiluam unc er raviewi (e.g., the stll earn flaws fi tom a pastuue irta a f✓,rest;, the stucam may bei civicec into sma len• ueaehes shad cliisplaN mace ecnlliruiit), and a sepaiade farm used to evaluate (each roacH . TT e tcdal scam assignee to a sUeam roach must range H etwle(in (I and ] 010, with a scars aft 11(10 ueplresentingl a s tream of th e h:igl1asll quality. Talal Socirci I1firam newirsei): Comments: u <aN( _ 61 � Emailuiaitun's Signailure ---,I 6j Mite This channel evalluialli(mi femm h inilenidlecl to be msec) only ais ai guide to assist Ilanduwners and enmirormentad Elraflessionads in ganlbering the data required by the Uniledl Spates Arm)) Carps of Eugineieirs to maiLe a Elnelimirairyl assessment afl9llream quality). the Ilatad scare resuiltiinig from the ciamplellian aflthis form is suflticll to USACE aplflraval arc) cues nal imply) a plarticulan m'tigatiar ratio ar reiquiremen 1. Forni subject to chanige — veus iari (16103. Tea Comment, pllew e call M9 -87(-8z 411 x2(. STREA M QUA IJITM A SISIES S MEN -1 WO RKSHDDT T l nasei orauiaatanstws ara viol assassec in ucas toil stileiams. NC Division oil Water Quality -Methodology 11or Identification oil Irltermittent and Penelnrlial S treams and Their Origin: v. 4.11 NC DIVNQ Silneam Idflntification Form Mers ion 4.11 Mile: 1 G Proje ct/S iter: `�n°,°anPc L atiil u de: %alualor COL r IN: L ongitu c 0: 21 �I 3 3. In-aharinEll sinucrlure: Ea. riffles-pocll, s1Eirl-Fain, ripple -pool se uencEl Notal Poir it l: Si laim Determ' tion QciralE ore] Cll R2Agl r ail loasenni it i`2 m30deine iA _ �I91 or erennial if _ 30" � c� -� Hrlh emeual I ermitt int PE ner Hall a.S1. Quad Namer A. Geomorphology (Subtotal= La, 5 ) 1 Alk siaril ( Weak I Modewate I Sltronq '1" Clontinuity of ahannE11 tec anc bank - xw �;� G 0 0 3 2. Sinuosity al chariniEd along iHalwElg 0 21 �I 3 3. In-aharinEll sinucrlure: Ea. riffles-pocll, s1Eirl-Fain, ripple -pool se uencEl 00 CI.9 Cl 4. RarticdEl size oil sirEiarri sub si ratEl CI 1 21 3 5. F alivElPoelicrl floodplain Cl CI.9 1 21 3 6. 0 Eipasi iarial t ars au h eri& es 0 1 21 3 7. REminii alluvial deposits CI 21 3 8. Headauls ,.a 1 21 3 9. GradEl aontnol CI 0.5 1 1.9 ICI. Nalwlalvalley CI 0. 1 1.9 11H. Seaand or greater anc Eir ahanniEll N a = <4 Yes = 3 a ar itlicial ditches ane not naffed; see discussions in manual B. Hydllology (Subilatsll = 11r6, G ) 121. PrEISEIncie of 9asail Cl 0 3 13. Iran oxidizing tiacdEll 0 I 21 3 14. 0 Eld Hill 1.9 CI.9 Cl 19. SEic imerit or plants or c abnis Cl 5 1 1.9 1 EI. Organic c eb nis Iinas an piles Cl CI.9 214. Arl hibiansX00 .1.9 11. Sail-bEISEld av id MCO of h igh %A aler tat le? Na = 0 (YEis = 3 1.5 C. Biology (SL t 101al = ) 18. Rik rau s i ocds in si rEiamt ac 3 3 1 0 19. ROC11Eld uF lanc plants in sirEiamldEid 3 21 .1 0 210. Naciobardhcls (note diversity and abundance) 0 .1 21 3 211. Aquatic Ncdlusks 00 1 2 3 210. FlisH CI.9 .I 1.9 213. Crayfish CIA '1 1.9 214. Arl hibiansX00 (1.9 .1 1.5 219. Algae r: 0 .I 1 1.5 218. "eiland plants in sNeamlCElc GW = C1.75) C 8L = '1.9 C 111E1r = 0 'perennial s1iiearm may also be identified using olhen melt ods. See p. 35 oil manual. ,.a �_ -1, - �. .alai c�..,y s^^:_.�- ,-e- s Ske1cN: 1^x;;1,1 411lo <4 fi Z1 §I Waterbody SNAB104 facing southeast upstream Waterbody SNAB104 facing northwest downstream Waterbody SNAB104 facing southwest across USAC E AIL]#. DWQ# Sita #I (1iridcale or attached mar) MSTREAM QUAIJITM ASSE SSME Nl W a RK!;_IH EET F rovide thea fd1lawiiiniq inldrmailioni 1dr the stream reach under assessmenill: 11. Applicant's rianie: ?J. Evaluatar's name: 3. Dale of eivaduaitan: 1 4. Tlme of evaduaitior : 5. Name of streann: S t A)NR m,5 - u V- 1«N + r 6. 14iven Yasin: r- e 7. Arpuaximae crainaga wea: S. Stream corder: 9. Length of react evalluaited:'- I o ci 10. Cauinty: N —u 111. Sita eocmdinates (Jif kriawini): grefer in c c(in al (eglrees. 1:1. Sul c ivision riamc (Jif anN): llatilude flax. 14.872312): Lori e (lex. —77.3'1(1611': Iv e1Nod lacatian cetermined (circle): GH' Tollla 11 et CIrtNo IIAeria hotali Other GISOlflen 11?I. Ilccatliari cf rciach unideir evadualxiri (mate e6arhy roads ani 1 mau�ks and attach map keritif} ing slrea m(ls) lacaliar): W. Bropasad ch annul wank(if anN): 15. Macanl weialhar candi`lianis: LA6 cice;, L a 16. Site eonciticns al time of visit: \ 17. Identify any special wadcrway alassiflaad ans krlowni: Sectian 10 _Nidal Waters Essertiad Fisheries Habitat 'raut Waters Clulstancing Mesawice Watens _Nutrient Sensitivei Valens Wallen Suppl]yl Watershed (l -1V) 18. is theira a pand an hike located uplstreairn of tfle evaluatiari roinV? (YES N G If ales, eislimade the wmeir surfacia araa: 19. Llocis channel arpeau cin USGS quiac niafll? NCI 30. Does channel airpeaa an USDA Sail Suirwe q ; NO 211.EslimarledviatenEedIancuise: \S %liesidenlial %Cammeraial %hicuist(lial \5 %Agricultural % Fcmesled S % C leamec it Lcgglec _% Cltllen l 212. Mnkfu 1 width: °' _c2 214. Chantel slarla dawni aaciteir of shlaann: _Hkit ((I 4a 21/a; 215. Chanrel sinuosity: Stilaight Y— Occasianad 1 encs 213. Bank Height (fram 1: ed to ilap of hank): I . 10 Gent le 112 to 4 %' _Mad enite (14 to 100ru) --Steep (1> 1 CI%; FraquerI meancen Vaq simicus _Braicec channel lnslruictions far complcnliani of wiarhsheet Illocaled an pag(i 21): Bagin bN determining) the mast aprrorriarle ecoregion based or lacationi, lerrair, vegctalian, s)neam c assificalian, da. Evcit-{ aharaclerislic niuist be scored using) the same ecimagicn. Assign points la aaah characiterislic within the range shown far the ecaregion. Pago 3 pravidas a buicif cescripilicn of lowi to reividW ilhe charaateiristics identificid in lhei wankshact. Scones shauld neflaal an avenall asscissmanit al lha stream reiach under civaluiationi. lfl a characteristic carnat to eva united cute to side ar wealhor aoncilicns, enter Cl it the scoring baN and plrovica an wipllanialicin in ilha comment sectian. Whom ilhare ane o[vicus chanigu� in 1ha aharacler afla shieani under review I1e.g., lha silraam flaws fllom a pastura into a fonasl), lha straam may, la dividad into smalleir raacheis That displaN, marc eonitinuity, and a saparata fhirm used to evaluate each reach. 'I1he tata scara assignad la a stilaaom ne,9ah mu sl range hatweicn Cl and IOCI, with a scone cif 100 neplreserting ai stileam aflilhci h ighast quality. 'llotal Score (from reverse': Cammcmils:'c-ca- Evaluallor's Signiatur(i_ef:�<_+ ]late 'd 1,�.! 1� 'phis c1lamini(il eivaluialiom floirm is intended to be used anil3l as a guide ila assist lamidlownieirs anic (inimiranimentail plrolkissiainials iim gatHeiring the data recluiirec bbl lh(i Lluited Stales Army Corps oft Engincers to make a preliminary aasessmemill al stream quality. The tonal score resullingl Rolm the completion oft 1111is flairm is subject to LISACE approval amid dlocis niot imHlly a particular rnhigation ratia or miquiircmemt. Harm subjaail 10 change — versicn 0(/(11. 'Ito Cammerit, please cad S1'1 S1-8)6-844 1 N 16. STREAM Q UTALITYI A SISIESISIMENIT W OHNSHBIOT * 'Resei ciiaracftiristic: arei nal asseissadl ini coastal sUciams. NC Division of Walter Quality -Methodology for Identification c f Interrr itterlt and Perennial EItrearrs and Theii Origins v. 4.11 NC UWQ Strflam Id unt ification Form Mursion 4.11 Dale: ` Prajecit/She: Latitu c e: E%alu ator Counily: Larigiluda: q - 1 0 Notal Points: Silnearri Detenmiriationi (thiole one) Man Eldriearri is ail leaisl it dermitler'I/ if _ IS or perennial ill _ 3C I' ., ass EpH emeratl Irllern itllen it PE ren I ei.g. Quac Narrie: A. Geomlor holo (Subtotal = Absent WeaN Mod ate :iluang 'la Canlinuity till charinel HEid and barik q - 1 0 3 3. Siriuosily oil al1arinel alang thalweg q 1 2 3 3. Iri-charinel stnuatunEi: er. nifflEi-paal, siepl-plaal, ripple -pool sequence q ( Els'_ 3 2 3 4. ParialEi siae of slnEiam substnaile q 0 a 3 9. Acrl yahieliat floodplairi q (;t 0.5 3 6. Depositional Heins ar HEinahEis q 0 71. ReClEin l alluu ial c eplasiis q I 2 3 El. Heaccu is RP CIV\ _ (1.715; 2 3 9. Cnade aaritral q 0.5 1.5 '10: � atural valley 0 1 0.5 1.5 '11. Seaaric ar gnealEui arc en ahanriel SN EltClh : ' No = 0 Eis = 3 artificial ditches are not rated; see discussions in rr anual B. Hydrology (SL t ioi al = _) 'IJ. RnEisarice of BasEiflow 0 3 'I J. Iran oxidizing bacileria 2 3 '14. LEiaf lit ler q.5 0 'I:. SBC irrtEini an plants cut ceb nia 0 0.5 1.5 'I EI. Ongania c Etbris IinEis ar pules 0 0.5 3 '13. Sail-tasec Etvic Einoe oil high walEtn tablEt? Na = 0 ( Els'_ 3 C. Biology (Subtatal = ) 18. Fibnous ncials in citnearritec 0 19. Raoiec upland plants in sirearrtbec 2 0 2(I. MaclrclbEtnlhos (note diversity and abundance) 0 '1 2 3 21. Aqualia Mollusks Q,) 2 3 2J. Fish 0 23. Crayfish (;t 0.5 .; 2z . P mphibians 0 21. P Igoe Ct 0.5 .: 2EI. Wel lanc plants in 81110ambEid RP CIV\ _ (1.715; CBL = 1.5 C# er = G *penennial stnearrs may also be idenii ied using other rrethods. See p. 35 of manual. SN EltClh : ' 411 Waterbody SNAB105 facing southeast upstream ns :r Waterbody SNAB105 facing northwest downstream 9 i fir . w A 22 ns :r Waterbody SNAB105 facing northwest downstream Waterbody SNAB105 facing southwest across USACIE AIJDtl DWQ # S' it e tJ 11 and trope ori attar its c d mapl; I M; STREAM QUA LI -EY ASSDSSM E NTI WIC RKSHDDTI NAcm Arovk a the folllcwin g it forma 11 icor Eton th a stream reach under 11. Appllicanl's nanne: ®(y) 3. Elale cif evaluation: �1 (� a 9 sessmet ll: 3. Evaluatar's name: N R 6L 4. Tlime of cvaluatian: 5.1,amcofs1neam: 1 I�CG�� �('C 7. Appinaximatte drainage area: �10 0 6.14iverbasin: TCA VQd S:n S. 111ream ardcr: 0% 91. Lenggh of reach cvah ailec: 100 10. C(it nty: N&S1, 11. Silt coardinales (if known': pia ferrins decim�(al detlrees. Latitude lax. 14.872312 : 2 6° C I l L g' 6 7�+' � 12. Sulk ivisian niamc (Jif anal,: Longittdelex.-77.916611 : —776 5,R X 10• (05 Mel llod location de1atiminad (circle):CIA Topo Sliest Ortl10 jAerial) Photo.IG1S OtherC1,11 01he 12. Dacalian ofreacl- Lncer cvahadlan (nate nearby roads and lanicmanks avid attachmap icenitifying slneam(s; locadioni,: 14. Proplast d ch arm el wark (if any): QA12 15. Rlecenl wcalher ciancilians: NO re(c ltd" 16. Sill e cond it ians ad time of v is it: N ® (tY (Al 17.11dcnil ifyany speoialwailerwia)l elassifiealicnsknawn: PO Secitiovi ]a IJA'Bic alWaiers lvA Esscnlialflisileric, Fabilal A AHRILt Waiters M Oulstancinig Me;aurce Wader: 01 .Nulrierit Sensilivc Walers 6JA Watcr Supply Walershec (111-11VI) 18. 1s there a pant cm lakc lacartcd uplilream of the evalualtion plairit? YES (DIf ycs, cstimade the wialeti surfacie area: 19. Eoes channel appear an USC J gLac map? ES NO 2101. Eaes channel appear an L:ISDA Soil Survey? NC 2111. Eslimatec wialer,hed lane Lse: % Resid eriti al 1 5 % Fore sl ec 212. Bankfulll width: 3 214. Channel slaplc cawn ccnrler of sfticam: v/Flal (Ja to 21% 215. Channel :iniuosity: Straight _Cccimiarial bents _% C ammet tial _% Iniduslrial % Agriou 11 ural I % Clearec J Lagged % O1her (J 213. B ank he iglhil (Ifllam b cc iI a tap of bank ; : Ceritle (21104%) Moceraie (z to 7(I%' _SOeep (= 10°/a) I Irecluenl meant er v/ Vc ry sir uoL s _ Braided channel Itsilructions fbr complleflaini oflmarWheet (located an page 21;: Eeglin by detcnnining the mast aplplraplriadc eccmegicn based an localian, lerrain, vcgeialian, sOtieam classiflcation, clic. Evcry charac-leristie mull be scarcd Lsirg the same eacmedian. Assigns paints to each characteristic within 1he range shown fru Vhc ecandian. Aagle 3 plrovices a brief dc;cripllian of hawi la tevicw 1he characicristics idenlifled in the wctrkshect. Scares shack rcflect ani overall assc:smenl of the slrcam reach under evaluatiani. If a characlerislic cannat be evaluatcd cLe to site or wieatther aanditions, enler 0 in the scaring bax zinc plravidc an explaniatian in 1he comment seclian. Where ilherc etre oflvicus than€les in the character of a stream Lncer review (c.gl., the slrcam flaw: fram a plasture imla a foresil), Vhe silream maty, be divicec inta smaller reaches thal di:pllay more ccnilivitity, anc a scparate fora user 4a evaluate each reach.' 'Me tatal scare as;iglnied Oa a stream reaab must range betwleeni 0 and ]CIO, with a scare of 10(1 represenling a stream cif the biglhe:l quality. � 1•na: T ata 1 Scare (jfrom re` erse' : C amments: SSC&, (n a55 es e,4 8o ' �� G V4Ieen1- Ckle,(a t- 'AIttuaygtN the i5 ct,-rr`1 b0 e( f( -O(" -t�e t; le°,,r 6,, 41 cActo, ;ortg '50A, (YIMn otne svnoff cif( ent-ef.:r►cq_ t7�4C -15 en CeS131t; P— `2 bvalluatar'sSignature Il� �eci n Dalle - Ii T h is chanin el evaluo tion farm is i n tend d o b e uis ed only as a gui d e to ass's 1 lila ndam niers amid cmivircmimentall praflcissicmials ini gathering tfie data reclvirecl b31 ilfie Uniledl Slates Army Carpi cif Engineers to make a preliminiary !essmenil of stream gmil'1y. The Jolla score resuillling from the camp.elliani of thi! fbrtri is suflecil lila UISACE approval amid does niot imp)y a partf rude r mitigation ra lio or recluiiremEinil. Form subject to change — ver: ions CINC13. Ta C ammerit, please call 91 SI -K6-84/ ] x ?J( . STREAM QUAMITYASSB,4;I,IMENT WIORMSSIMEET ,_ mese aneiraclerimas are riat assessed rri coastal silreams. W ECE}REGION PONT RANGE # SC �' .CHARACTERISTICS �oastai : P>edtnan Mountain, t 1 Presence of flow/ persistent pools in stream 0 5 0 5 (no. flow or saturation, -, 0; strong :flow = znax-points) Evidence of past man alteration ' - 6 " 5 0 5 (extensive alteration = 0; no alteration = max points) .0 -0 ; , 3 Riparian zone (no buffer - 0; contiguous, wide buffer = max points) 0-6 0-4. Evidence of nutrient or chemical discharges (extensive discharges = 0; no discharges = max points) -� a 5 -, Groundwater discharge 0-3- 3° 0 =4 - ' 0 4, no discharge =0; springs, seeps, wetlands, etc. = max points) -` � rte, 6 Presence of adjacent floodplain . (na- floodplain = 0; extensive floodplain = max, points) 0 4 0 4 0 2 I Entrenchment / floodplain �� access 0 - 5`0 dee entrenched 0• frequent floodin = (deeply � 9 g- max points) �8 Presence of adjacent wetlands 0 - 6 0-4 (no wetlands = 0; large adjacent wetlands= max points) 9 - Channel sinuosity, 0-5 (extensive channelization = 0; natural ineandet =max points)' 1.0 Sediment input (`extensive deposition-_O;little or na sedimen(= max.�points) 0 11 Size& diversity of -channel bed substrate 0 -4 0 (VA(fine, homogenous = ;0; large, diverse sizes = max points) ,; < , _„�._, , - , r �,; ,-; 12 Evidence of channel ;incision or widening L� (deeply incised = 0; stable bed & banks = nax points) l Presence of major bank failures N (severe erastorf = 0; no -erosion, stable banks ;-max points) ; ` 5 0 Root depth and density -,on banks:: visible toots-= 0; dense -roots throughout =max points) 0 - 30 ' Impact by agriculture, livestock, or timber production 15 (substan"'tial iritpact 0,`" no evidence = max points) .., 0 4 „ 0 5 16 ' Presence of riffle pooUripple-pool complexes no riffles/ripples ar`-pools - 0; well-developed = rriaX' points), 0 17Ifabitat comprezity 60 H Iittie ar 6bitat 0; frequerft, varied habitats =-max points) 18 Campy coverage over streambed (no shading vegetattan 0, cortinrzgus canopy =max points)” I ", Substrate embeitdedness I9 : `(deeplyertmbeddod, .. O;laosesfruature - max) 0 4 0 4 NA 20 - Presonce 6 It eam invertebrates (see`page 4) 0 4 0 5 0 5 (ria evidence = 0, Cornmom,numerous fypes =max points) O 21 Presence of amphibians 0 - 4 0 4 _ 0 4 c ' (no evidence = 0; conitnon. numerous types = max points) �. 22 Presence of flsli. (no evidence - 0, coinon, numerous ty es= inax. points) 0 4 23 Ev�Bence o f wildlife use. S0 5 (na.'euidence 0.;abundant.evidence =. max.points)© ,_ mese aneiraclerimas are riat assessed rri coastal silreams. W NCI Divisie ri o1 Water Quality -Methodology for Identificatic n of Inteumlittent arid Peuennial Streamis and T heir Origins v. 4.11 NIC DWQ Stream ldfmltificlation Form Version) 4.11 r2 /t,'( Daitei: / (� I CCO f PrcyEiot/SitEi: �,�Ve1, rid uartitucel: 36 ()) �%� Elvaluador: VG- Cocrly: ���� ucirgilucc: 7705- 1 c 605" Total Poi rIs: � � Blream is at lease in leivritterit Elilnearrn Deilerminalicir Qcircile ore) 8 h emeral Irtenrrritllcirt Einer r i AI Others e. Quac Name: g' if? ,I9 cir perennial if >_ 0' 2.: inuosity of ahEinnEd alang thalweg 0 A. Geomorphology (Sudtaial Albserdl Vl eak Mcc eraile Strong 'Ia Claniinuiiy of aheinnEll tee anc uarik 0 1 2 3 2.: inuosity of ahEinnEd alang thalweg 0 1 2 0.5 3. In-ahannEd Sint cdune: Eix. riffle-poal, s1EiFl-Flaol, ripple -pool se uEinaei 0 F a = (I es= 3 2 ` 4. Fleirtiale size cel sirEIEim suusinate 0 1 2 J4. Amptibiaris 5. Acii Ei/nelicrl floodplain 0 1 2 0 6. Degasiiianeil tans cur tenches 0 1 RC = 0.7 CBL ='1.5 Ctheir = (1 7. REIaElrli eillWal deposits 0 1 Nodes: 8. Heaidouis 0 1 9. Grade aoritnol 0 Qi�® sfiC� 5 NflC 1 'ICI. Natural valley 0 (I.E 1 1.f '11. Seaorid or greater ane Ein channel a a artificial ditches anEr not nated; see discussions in rna nual B. Hydicllogy (Subiatal = q ) 10. PrEISEinae all E aseiflam 0 1 2 I '�. Inan oxidizing u ac l is 0 1 2 3 '14. ueall Wien 1.5 1 0.5 1E. Secirrieint on plants ar dErbris 0 O.E I.E 1 EI. Organic c eiu nis lines ari piles 0 0.5 171. Soil-LEISEIC e\ ideriae of high waleir laid IE1? 23. Fish F a = (I es= 3 C. Eiology (SL kloial= � ) 18. Fiunaus rads in sinEramued 3 J I (I 19. Ro(dErd ugllanc plaints iri SinErambErd 3 J I 0 ICI. Naaral ihcrs Inoie diversity and abundancEr) 0 1 2 J1. Aquatic Nallusks 0 1 2 23. Fish 0 (I.E 21�. CnEiy ish 0 0.5 I 1.9 J4. Amptibiaris 0 I 1.9 T1. Algeie 0 0. I 1.9 JEI. Weiland plarits in sireanitec RC = 0.7 CBL ='1.5 Ctheir = (1 'perennial sireams may also be idenlilied usinc other methods. SEre p. 35 of manual. Nodes: Skeiah: F( �i®1: r, CI��,fICv � Qi�® sfiC� 5 NflC 1 41 1V A .y r'4SiiQ� 1'.r_ YT A Y iAMR Waterbody SNAC001 facing south downstream USACH AIEM _5A)4(,y 0 ) -2- I:I)MQ 11 � Site A (inc icate on attache( map) STREAM QUAIJITY AS,IES,qIMDNT WORKS -SHEET - Mi Provide the kdlclWing infarrriaticm for the streg m reach undler assessment: 1. A licanl s name: pp �D ►� r ,U 1 y � ?J. Elv alu atar's n ane: n Q % 2.Eale afevaluation: -7, i . S 4. Dime cif evaluation: �2;ocl '_I. Tama of stnearn: b. Miveu basin: Tr) �cr, 1. A plliiaximate dnairage area: I rjol QG. E. Stream arc en: S1.Lenglthofueachevaluate(: I 10.Caunit}l: AS1, 11. Sile coarndimalles (ifknawn(: prref;rrirn decirrial degnas. 12. Subc ivisiani niarrie (if any): IoA- Lalitude (lex. 7 .3111 11): (( Loriigiti de Qaai. —77.]]6611):' / Meullod loaatiori delerminec (Icircle, : GPS Topo Sheet Ortlo (Aerial) HHolo,IGIS Others GIS Othe i 131. 1] acatian aflueacll under evaluation (made remby macs an( landmarks anic attacll rriapl icenillifyingl stueamlls) lacatiani] 14. Hraplas a d channel mark (if anN, : g � 19. Rlecenll Aeatbeu aar ditianis: t�r,�Q1r C '7� 7- I C IC Sile canditionis a1 time (if lvisil: ry 9 111. Identify anlj special walerway classificallians known: _Section la _Tidal Waters _Esseniliad Ehheries Habiut _Traul Wateus _CuVstarnidinglRlesaurceWateus _I\u(IriZSiveWalers Wallen Sluppl}l Walerslied (1•IM) 181. Is theue apond an lake lacartec ulllslrearn afthe evalualiar plairt?O If }les, estimaile Ilhe wallern sunfiae area: Z C e I S1. Eoes channel aplpeair cern UK S quad map? O N 0 210. Dues (Hammel appear an USDA Sail Survey??� NC :I1.Estimate( wiateushec lane use: /LO-11.Fdesicennlial _�/ Carnmercial _%Industrialy� %Aglriaultural b G'/o Forested _ `/ Cleaned / Laglgla d _% C 1N eu (I ) :121. Bankfull widlb: 12.13. Hank height I�fram tlec la lap of banill): 1 Z 24. Cbaninel slape (awn denten cd strearrr Y- Fllarl (144a'I%] _Gentle Ila to 4'/o _Mac male (14 lo Ia%) _Steep (I>1a°/a :19. Cllaninel sinuosity: Sllraiggbt _Cccaisiornal bends Hrecluenl meanceu -2�Mer31 sinuous _Buaided cllanmel Insilruclliolns for camplledian of wairksheet Illacadecl on eagle 21): Heglini by cetertninimg the moil allllpral1uialle ecareglion based an lacatiani, leurain, vegelatian, stream classificatian, etc. Hvery cllaiaaterisilic musl be scare( using the same ecanegion. Assigln painrls to each characlenistic miilhin the rarge sfi(mri far the ecauegliam. Rage 3 provides a brief cescriptian of haw to review the charactauislics idenlified in the Aaiikmheel. 11ccires should ueflecil an avetuall assessment of ille sttueam reach unceu evalualiam. If a charaicteuislic cannat be evadualled cue to site ar meatfletu canditians, enter Q in tfle scarirlgl flax amc pravice an explanartian in the camrrenit sectian. Where there aje abviaus changes in the chaiacler of a stream under review (e.g., the stuearri flaws fham a pla:lure inila a fares)), the stream may be divided imlo smaller reaches tNit display mare cantinuit), and a separaila farrro usad to evaduaite each reach. the halal scone assiglnec to a slream peach must range betmaeni CI and im, with ai scare of MCI nepresenlingl a stream of the biglhesil quality. Tlolal Slcore I1frami reverse); Commend;: �e'-- Evalualor's Siglnalure V / /2 Z Dale ell 7—d r 1, This cpalnnel evaluation— rf�m"�isintende to a used) only as a guide la alssisll lair&,Aners and ervirammentall prcdessiorals in glallheringl the dlata regluirecl by the Uniledl Staltes Arnim Ccwpls of Engineers 1c make a plreliminiarM assessmenll of stream gluaditj. The total scarce resulting) fnalm the camipleticn of this furmi is suh'ect 11ai U'SACE aplproval and dales ncl imipllyl a plarticular mi(liglalliain railicl olr requiremenil. Harrr subject4a charigge— vernsiari C1 i1C13. Ta Cammenl, pjease call 919-816-8441 x 2E. STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET * THesa cflasiaclerislics eine ncit assessed in coeistal streams. ' EWUREGION "PC1INT RANGEo �O 9.N fCpastal 'Piedmont, ` F Mountain �4 .t. lno Preseiaue(if flowiAper.isllentpeolsir slrep m 0-1 (1-4 (1-5 v flow or saturation = 0'• strong flow = max points) �E Evidence of past hrlmaln altera lion , 0-5 (I - 5 1 extensive alteration = 0• no alteration =max Dints Riparian s (in e CI'- 6 Cl - 0-5 F o no buffer = 0• cont!us wide buffer = max oints a 4 Evidence of nutrient cir chemical discharges CI -5 CI -4 01-4 extensive discharges = 0;' -no discharges =max pots }- 5 Groundwater discharge 3 CI 4 0 - no discharge = 0; springs, seeps, wetlands, epic. = maxpoints)(- 6 Preisencie (if aclji aenil f1c odlpl ai n ( -4 (1-4 CI -: N(' ,nwO Cfrnaim >Irlpmllifiriatinn T1nrw Vpireirmi d_11 :5, to 44 6= % Dalu: -- 2 -JS Prc(jeclt/Sitel:Latituc el: 2[0�f Evaluataii: Cou rlty: 1�'1o6 64 Larlgitu de: 7 ' 1512-0 Total) FICIint51: Sldream is al ler: stl imlermitlen l Stucam Dell errrlirall ian Icir EglNemelrall Intermittenerenni Cifler e.g. Quad Name: if Z 19 or perennial if a 30* 2. Sinuosity all channel Along thalweg (1 n A. Geomorphology (Sutl lolal = ) At ser t Welalil Moc rlratrl Strong 'I a' Continuity ci l channel bold anc bank (I a 0.5 'I 1.E 2 D3 Cl .9 1 A 2. Sinuosity all channel Along thalweg (1 I 2 3 3. In-clhannell stnucluic: ex riffle -pool, siarl-pocll, ripple -pool sequence 4. Rarticllel siael a1 stream sut stl ales (1 (I (I 2 cl <I 5. FlclivOlhelicl floodplain 0 1 2 3 a. Depositional bars an li elnclhes 0 1 22. Rish 3 7. Racent alluvial deposits 0 1 3 8. Headcluls a 1 0 0.5 9. Gnaldel clontnol a (1.5 1 1 10. IN alunall valley a0.: 1 1 1.5 1'I. Secanc an greater clncen channel Na = 0 Yes = 3 1I artificial dilchcs are not iatecl; see discussion,�jA manual R W%Mrnlnnv /Ci ihlln+ml = /1 J _ .4� 1 12. Rnasencel oil Basaf A Cl 2 3 13. Iran oxidizing talcielnia Cl 1 2 d 14. Lelall litter 1.9 1 0.5 Cl 'IE. cecirrlenil an plants arcebnis a 0.5 'I 1.E I EI. Organic deibiis liners an piles Cl .9 1 A 17. Elcil-basad elvidem clef of high wallea to lel'I No = (I els = 3 (,I Rininrni lCiihtntal = Irl D 1 ,ii . Ribllous na ois in streambed 2" Cl '19. Raoicd uplalnc plants in sirealrrlbeu 2 Cl 2(I. M alarabelnthos (note diversity and abundance) (I 1 2 <I 21. Acluallicl Nclllusks 0 1 2 <I 22. Rish 0 2'1 Crayfish 0 0.5 2'. Amphibians 0 (1.5 1 1.5 2;1. Algae) a 0.: 1I 1."I 2(L Welleinc plants in staeamtec RAC = (Llr5 OBL ='1.; 01heu = 0 'perennial streams may also be identified using other n ethods. See p. 35 c f manual. Ncltacr Skeltclh: 4r t y A PJL 2 SNAGO12 Waterbody SNAG012 facing upline cross stream Open Waterbody Data Sheet Survey Description Project Name: Waterbody Name: Waterbody ID: Date: Atlantic Coast Pipeline Unnamed Pond ONAC002 3/11/2015 State: County: Company: Crew Member Initials: Photos: North Carolina Nash NRG CR, AS ONAC001_001-003 Tract Number(s): Nearest Milepost: Associated Wetland ID(s): 18-071 340.2 W NAC006 Survey Type: (check one) ❑Centerline ®Re -Route ❑Access Road ❑Other: Physical Attributes Waterbody Type: (check one) ❑x Stock Pond ❑ Natural Pond ❑ Lake ❑ Reservoir ❑ Impoundment ❑ Oxbow ❑ Other: Hydrologic Regime: ❑x Permanently Flooded ❑ Semipermanently Flooded ❑ Seasonally Flooded ❑ Temporarily Flooded OHWM OHWM Indicator: (check all that apply) ❑ Clear line ❑Shelving ❑Wrested ❑Scouring ❑Water Height: on bank vegetation staining NA ft. El Bent, matted, or missing ❑Wrack []Litter and ❑Abrupt plant ❑Soil characteristic change vegetation line debris community change Depth of Water: Bank height (average): Bank slope (average): 3 ft. 5 ft. 80 degrees N/A❑ Qualitative Attributes Water Appearance: (check one) El No water ❑x Clear ❑Turbid ❑Sheen ❑Surface ❑Algal ❑Other: on surface scum mats Substrate: ❑ Bedrock ❑ Boulder ❑ Cobble ❑ Gravel ❑x Sand ❑ Silt/ clay ❑ Organic ❑ Other: (check all that apply) % of Substrate: % % % % 100 % % % % Width of Riparian Zone: Vegetative Layers: (check all that apply) ® Trees: ❑x Saplings/Shrubs: ❑x Herbs ft. Avg. DBH of Dominants: 12 in. 2 in. N/A© (approx.) V V Dominant Bank Vegetation (list): Loblolly Pine, Sweet -Gum, Water Oak, Giant Cane Aquatic Habitats (ex: submerged or emerged aquatic vegetation, overhanging banks/roots, leaf packs, large submerged wood, riffles, deep pools, etc.): Downed trees within pond Aquatic Organisms Observed (list): Frog T&E Species Observed (list): None Disturbances (ex: livestock access, manure in waterbody, waste discharge pipes): Manmade pond Waterbody is: (check one) ❑ Natural ® Artificial, man-made ❑ Manipulated Waterbody Quality a: (check one) ❑ High ® Moderate ❑ Low Form Rev. 07/09/2014 Form Rev. 07/09/2014 Waterbody ID: ONAC002 a High Quality: Natural, natural bank vegetation around entire waterbody; banks stable and protected by roots; water color is clear to tea-colored; no barriers to fish movement; many fish cover types available; diverse and stable aquatic habitat; no disturbance by livestock or man. Moderate Quality, Altered by rip-rap; natural vegetation extends 1/3-1/2 of the active channel width on each side; filtering function or bank vegetation only moderately compromised; banks moderately unstable; water color is cloudy, submerged objects covered with greenish film; moderate odor; minor barriers to fish movement; fair aquatic habitat; minimum disturbance by livestock or man. Low Quality: Rip rap and channelization excessive; natural vegetation less than 1/3 of the active channel width on each side; lack of regeneration; filtering function severely compromised; banks unstable (eroding); water color is muddy and turbid; obvious pollutants (algal mats, surface scum, surface sheen); heavy odor; severe barriers to fish movement; little to no aquatic habitat; severe disturbance from livestock or man. Notes: Waterbody Sketch (Include north arrow, centerline, distance from centerline, data point locations, survey boundary, and IDs of associated features) Form Rev. 07/09/2014 r � •� ry�e•. >1� � f / 1 Open waterbody ONAC002 facing south f USACEAIM I7WC hi Site #A (in dicaleon attaclec rriap; ,, ; STREAM QUAL l TY A SISDSISIMDNT NNIORK SIH HDTI Prov id a l h e follaw in g in flarmatior fair 1 he stream re ach ur c e r a!! e! s trier t: 1. AplplicarVs varve:.. �:�i v1t C-71-11, 21. Evialuatan's narrie: �1 21. Eale afevalualion:_ 4. Time ofevaluatior: J.1\ arrie of stnea w: River d a sir: - f c A plppiax irr. ate ( pair age area: SlUearri arc eil: NJ SI. Ler g1h of reach (valuated: 10. Cauntyl 111. Site ca(Indir ales (ill knom n': prelen in daairri al deguees. 12. Subc iv isi(In nat'le ilif ar y): Lati ude (i r. 1,17', 112).' Longiluda (() . - ; ; .91661 1):. Melhod location daterm ined (circle): GPS Topo Sheet Ortho (lAerial) Photo,ICIIS Other CIIS Othea 13. Lacatian afeeach under evaluation iInole neanNy roads anc landmarks and attach rriapl icenlifyingl stream(!) location): 14. Prapased channel work (if ar y r 15. Recent weather cordilians: c.l 16. Site canditicros at line till visit: ll (')�(`� V ��������� 17. Identify any !plecial wateimza cla!! ifications known: ��5eclian 10 N)ATical Wateus L? ssenlial Fisheuies Hadilat M Tnaut Walens ,r__)kCuls1lanc ing Resauece Walens )L�Nutrierit Seri! ilive WatersW en Suplplly Watershed 1I-1VI) 18. Is Ihere a plond ar lake lacaled uplsteear, cif he evaluattian painV: YES Ifye!, eslinnale It walen surfac( area: 19. Dae! chail rel aplpleau cin USIG H qua( tr apl<,�T 1\C 21(1. Does channcI aplplean an USDA Sail Survcy? ,O)1`C 2111. H!timalcd wailershed land u! e: a Residerllial _% Cammercial _Y Indusllrial Aglricullural A Hare! led _°rc Cleared J 11 egged _`A C th er ( ) 212. Bar kfull width: 21.21. Banti Iheiglhl (fnarr bed to tap of bar k):� 214. Channel slope dawn cenlen of stream: Flat (CI to 210rc) C entle (12 lo 2 (A] _Mocenate (2 la 10'io Sleepl (>101io; 219. Chanrel sinuwityl: Sltnai€lhil �Occasianal ber ds _Fuequert rleander Kvery sinuous _Braided channel !n!Iructior! fcu camplelian of work!heell (located an page 211: Begin by delentniningl the mast aplppiaplriale ecauegian basec on localicin, terrain, vegletaliar, !tiiaani class ificalion, etc. Every characteni! lic must be scared usin€l the ! arrie ecare€lion. A!!ign plaints ilo eacli characlerislic within llhe nangle spawn fon Vhe ecanegiou. Page 3 plravides a trief de!cnipllian of haw to review the clanacieristics identified it the worksheet. Slcaue! !hcwld neflecl an overall assessment of the strearri reach t:nden eualuatior. If a characteristic cannol He evaluated due la site on weather candiliar!, enlen 0 it the scouirg box and pnaviide an e)ipllanalicul it the canrmenl !ectian. Where lhenc are abviiau! charges it Vhe character of a !trcarr under review i1e.€., the slneam flaws fiiam a plasture inla a forest', Ilre !tueam may He divided inla srlaller neache! Thal cispllay rroiie cotrliruity, and a separalle fanr used to evaluate each ueach. The total scare assigned llo a strearri reach musil uarge between Cl and Wa, with a snare of WC1 neplresertting a strearri of the IiigHesl quality. Total Score 11frurri rev erse): Carr trienlls: Er aluall or's Sidnaluret'i Dale This eHant el eralualian fore to r s inlende o e used anlyi as a guise to a!!isll [at damnew and environmental prcdlessianals in gallheuing the (ata requirle( ty the United States Army Coupls of Engineer! to irri a preliminary assessmenll of dream quality. The total secuie resulting f icim tt a ecitriplletian of this kurr is sr t jecl to USA CE ap p uan al and dice! rail irri a [articular rriitig ailian natio aw re lc irerrienl. Horni subject la change — vew ian (16,103. Ta Cammenil, pllease call SI1 Sk8716-8441 x36. � J,� SITRDA M QUAUITY ASISIESSIMENT WORKSIHDET� ' Thuechaiacle►isIics aiencl wse <.cd in ccastal <tiaam:. NC DWn Stranm Tdontifiriation Form Vorciirni d 11 Dal(: �� -C,i Iq PrgjecUSitei: Latiiludei: 6101 . � (, E\allatan: V -)V-) LJF,5'T- County: (,� LangitudEr c Sill' ?7 - Total Poirll s: � SGieam h at least intermittent I 91reanl Delewmlinaliar (circ Erlhe rr elral Inllermitten ll erE n nial ry' Cldeir Quad A ill z ,19 or perennial iM z 30' a 3. In -channel slruciue: ex. niffle-pool, stEp•Klool, i i le- ool se uE nce e.g. a me: A. ClEiamoroholoav (St hiatal = I P ) I Abs Emil I Weak I N c c Ewatel I Strona Ia Clontimlity oil channel dec and bank CI I 2 3 2. f inuosity of channel along lhaMEg CI I 2 3 3. In -channel slruciue: ex. niffle-pool, stEp•Klool, i i le- ool se uE nce CI I 2 3 4. FlarticlE size) of silrearr sudslrale OI 1 2 3 5. Active lrelict t oodplain CI 1 2 3 EI. Depositional bars of bEnches CI 1 2 3 7. Recent alluvial cEiposils CI I 2 3 8. Hcac cuts CI �. 2 -3) 9. Gnac ei contiol CI 0.91 S snah008 1.51 10. IN alunal valley CI O.EII 1 1.5 11. SEicon c of greater orc(in channel o = CI YEis = 3 anincia i aitcnes ane not natea; see as c ns in marl ual . B. I•-vdroloav (SLbloial = ) ) 12. FlrEisence ofl Ba: Eiflow CI I 2 3 13. Inon c xic izing baclEinia CI2 3 14. LEia111itleii 1.5 0.5 ` CI 15. ScciniEinl c n plants ou dEibuis CI 5 ' 1.5 16. Organic c ebnis lines cr piles CI 1.5 17. Sc it -Ii as(ic evic encei oil 1 igi� a1E n lat le? No = CI Yes = C . Bialoav (Sublolal = _` 't) ) -�' 18. Fibre us rec is in slrEiarr bE d 2 CI 19. Fccleic upland plants in slicanitEic 2 CI 20. Macnc bElnihcs (note diversity anti aburidance) 0 1 2 3 21. Aquatic Mc Ilusks 0 2 3 22. Fish 0-) CLU 1.5 23. Crayfish CI 0.5 1.5 24. Amphitiars CI CI.5 1 ` 1.51 25. Algae CI .5 ' 1.5 26.We11anc pianlsinslieamtec = CBL = 1.51 01hEr= C1 'perennial s tneams may also t e identified using other n ethods . E ee p. 3E of ma n ua . . �. NatE s: S snah008 1 � A 4 MMMMLr- .; a C pen W ate rk odv Uall z Sheet Survey D esc ription Project Name: WaterboName- Waterbody lD: (Date: SOL IFEiasiern Reliability �'���"' ` —C_ State: County Company. Crew Mem ber Initials: Photos: i ) C. i\: S �. z. yrs ,S�; W\ � Tract h urr ber(s): IN eares4 Milepost: Associated ID(s): /Welll(a�nd Survey Typ e: (ahr E.k ane) MC en teiline El Re, Route 11 Access Road Ci OtF en: Physical AlIrik L Ies Waterbody Tyle e: , (Ehaak one) )Sto(F Rond 7 I\atw al Rond C1 t ake C Reservoin C Impoundment -Regi _rr E Oxbaw C Others: Hydrologic e: Renmanently Floode d El Seminenmanently Flooded ED seasonally Floode d 1 Flooded emponanily OHWM OHWM Indicator. (�,he, k all Thal all Al: <! Clean line i.Jhelving El" nested !.=;Scouring CIVlater Height: on bank �egetaltion staining ❑Bent, matted, on n issin g 11Wra6 :-;Litten and C Plbnupt q lent Cl9oil c hanacte nistic change vegetation line debris aomrllulm'ty change Depth of Water: Bank heigh9 (average): Bank slope (average): G ft 3-- ft u degnees N/A❑ Qualitative Attributes Water App a at ance: (check ona) ❑po waten [.iC lean )4�unbid 111101 een'-J,9urlace r]Othe n: onstrlace got mals Substrate: ❑ E ednoal i' Boulder C_ Cobble C Gra vel Sand ASHY clay C1 Organic ❑ Other: (check all N at i llpl}V try % al Sutlslralle: % °�i �� 145D 1/1, . ,,% % °/at Width of Riparian Gane: Vec elalive Layers: ft• (ane.F a that pply) Trees: U] sap lin gs/S Nut s: yaCF erbs N/A❑ Avg. E UP aid C air inanls: in. in. in. (approx.) Dominant Bank Vegetation (list): ��� L"`"Z.,�.`"F r' 1 Cf — ---- ---- - Aquatic Hatl flats (e n: sut marc ed or a ma— rc eil a qt tie vE getdtian, (vi than ging banl Jra °!; Iazf ac4 s, lett a aubr -- e—-- --- �_.— rgeil— weai if! as, deep nc ols, ( lc.): Aquatic Organismis Observed —Species T& Obsen ed (list): _ Disturbances (e;l: liv(stock a-ageess, Vont re inWaterb©6l, waste cliscl arse pipes): fY�CA-t-N��?«�.vti-��?.J ' d...�..7-►� �:.ly'"Y�'Z✓�_,)i' • ��-2..'�✓t- Wale rt lad y is: (ahEal one) IL] I atuna I Ovifiaial, man-made C Manipulated Waterbody Quality z : (cher ! one) ' F igt C Modenate XL—.W Waterbody IDL: C' high Qualily: I`E tural, natural banl vegetation � round entine waterbod)l; bar! s stable � nd protected b)l roots; w� tei ooloi is alear to tea-aolored; no bai riens to flis h movement; many M h coven types E Mailable; diverse and stable aqui tic habitat; no distwbance by livestock or n an. Maderate Quality{ Altered by i ip-rap; natural vegetation extends '1/3-1/2 ofl the active c I annel widtl on eac t : idejiltering luno tia n of tank vegetation only moderatel)l corn promised; banks modeiatehl unstable; m atei colon iE cloudy, submerged objects cove red with greenish film; modE nate oclor; mir of t ai riE IS to flis h movE ment; lainaquatic habitat; n inimum dis twt ance b) INE s tock Orman. Lc,A Qualily. F ip nap and channelization e)n E sshie; natural uE getatian less than 1/3 of the active charnel width on Each side; lack of regE neration; filtE ming lunctior severely compromised; barls unstable (eroding); water color is muddy and turbid; obvious pallutants (algal mats, surface Baum, s unace s heen); hea�pl odor; severe barniei E to fish movemer t little to no aquatic hat itat; E evene (R turbance Irom livestoc I or man. Notes: Waterbody Sketch ,(dnc Jude nor h arromi, centerline distant a hom aen.letuline, cata p(int locadions, s t rveyl bounc ary, and ADsoJI associatec featurE : ) 1&087 1 ��nacs 1s ansa «mama mehaEF5 h 10 13485 onah004 Open water onah004 facing north Open water onah004 facing west Open Waterbodv Data 9haell /c'1 a i >A [J ^ / 11 <"-- Donn R v. Pd/300013 Survey Description Project H arc e: Waterbody H : m e: Waterbody ID: Date: Soulhezlslernl REIHEILMIN ✓ � , .._ i_ State: y. Counlmpa Cony. Crew Member Initials: Photos: r -o 1 FI -1 �— Tract Number(s): Nearest Mil(pas1: Associated Wetland ID(s): 4'F E urvey Type: (ahrck ani) XkIente line JRe-F aute CIIFIc(ess Road El Ott er: Physical Attributes Water Waterbody Tyl: (check a) toy I Rond --- Natt lal Ford J lake L; Reservoir J In poundment " Oxbow C_] Othea: ydrologic Regime: 14 enmaner tly Flooded ❑ Semipenmanently Flooded l ,feasor ally Flooded C 1 empolanily Flaoded -HWM OHWM Indicator: - (check �.o ther a;p1j dlean line .�:9heltling DI" rested `iScourirg CVl sten Heic Htl r� / on t ank ale getation s taining 11Ber t, matted, on missir g 'JV1 rack -a itter and JPlbrupt I lant J9oil chanacteristic chant e vegetation line debais c ammt nity chane e Depth of Water: Bank height (average): Bank slope (avers e =.fl. � ft. egrees N/FI ❑ Qualitative Attributes Water AF pea(ance: (cnerknne) CRo\Aatel C Clear Au bid I:_19haer �=lSurfaae CiAlgal OLIOther: on surface scum mats Substrate: C Eedrock E Boulder J Cot ble C Graveland Silt/ clad CI Onganic ❑ t7then: (chock sit that apply) % al S u h s'h ate: i,l C/o �/ „`/c Width of Riparian 21ane: Vegetative Layc is: (check all u,ar ar pl)p Jlluees: C Sapling2/9hnubs: leets i t Avg. DBH c Dam inan9s: in N/A C in in (app.eX.) Dominant Bank Vec efa-lian (list): iV Gam% CIV\ I uatlC Hlanbelt7tS (en: sul malrgei ar emered aqui tic viice}etipn, amerhanc ing b,rk;/ro(ts,Iea(pacI E, large tubmerg e d Hn a d, rif I i s, (l of r pc c I:, etc.): c Aquatic Organisms Obsrrvest) T&E Species Observed (list): Disturbances (e. is livast ck sa c els, ni: a in waterbod)1, waste disci : r e p iF es): Waterbody is: (check ane) -I hatunal artificial, man-made E Manipulated Waterbody Quality': (check r neJ F igh ❑Moderate ow Donn R v. Pd/300013 Waterbody ID: UIf tM H a High h uality. Natural, r atural ban[ vegetation � round entine watenbod�l; banl s stable and pnotected bpi noots; wate c olou is c lean to tea aoloned; no It aerie ns to fish movern ent; many fish cover types available; divense and stable aquatic habits t; no clisturb� nce by livestock or rn an. Mac euate Qualilly. illtened by nip -rap; n atun� I Niegetatia n extends 1/3-1rl2 of the active al arnel width on eaaf s icle; filterir g 9unc tion on t ank vegetation only moderately compiorn is ed; banks mode nate ly un E table; water color is cloudy, submerged objects cove ned with greenish film; modenate odou; minou b� miens to fis h moven ent; Hain aquatic habitat; minimum (Ii, tunbance by livestock or man. LeK 6 uality. F ip nap and ahannelization e> cee e iva; natural vE getation less tf an 1/3 of the � ative channel width on each side; lack of meganeu� tion; filtering Ilunction severely con prion ised; banes unsU ble (enoding); water colon is muddy and turbid; obviou pallutants (algal mats, surface s aum, sur -lace s I een); heavy odor; sevene bamiens to fish movement; little to no aquatic hat itat; : evene die tunbance Irom livestoal on man. Notes: U d '4' %\, S(I:(A`Y'ZzL 'I1AkL I i1 . Waterbody s N etc h ;Illncluc a nor h arrow, center line distance from centerline, oata F pint locations, survey bounc ary, and ICI,, oil associated feature,, 1� 13 -OW wah809 anahaa4 mah4G5 h 18 48-988 �r --- A _ 6�r a Y s , S a P. 3" ih M LSSA CE A IDAI D VAI Cel Site 11 ilindicate ani attached maul, ST R EAM Q UTA L IT M ASSES SM ENT W ORNSHEDTI Provide the Ilollomng infer rriatior for the stream reach under assessment: 1. Appllicanll's nairrie:_ /yam ,t -yam 21. l1valuatcr'< name: ?I. Dale of ev alt ation: L 4.11'e c f e�alu atic n: '_.1\arriecfslteann: c t,`er11win:_Tf\(Z- (�cAll1�L(CC) i. ApplraximaIe dtainage area: ��Z 3 ��` 8. Stream arc en: SI. Lengllh ( f teach evaluatec: �( 7� 10. Count: 111. Site eo(rc it ates (if Nn(v♦ n' : puelen in decimal de ghees. lit. St be iv i� is n man- a i f any L a titudi () a . 1.872312 z Longitude (ax. —77.556611): = : 4/ i %3 , 7 �I [ �J / 1 � r ? � � � � i �� N ethod location detan-iined (ciiwle;: `+: J Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial_ Ahoto,IGIS Othan GIS Oil en 13. Location of ueaah under evaluailian ijn(le nearly roads and lanidmai ks and attach n-iarr icenlifying stuaatri(Is) lacatian 14. Prclllcsed cpannel wank ilif any): 15. Recent weather candilians: 16. Site cordiiions al Iirrie cfvisi ,X�17. Icanilify any <pecial klgwq cla:9ificatians kromn: kl actiar R &L-t'tcat Water< 6&- ssential Fist euiesFabitatl /`° Trout'A aters Outsilanding Re out ca 'A alers �`�It trier I Ser itive Water len 9i pp ly W ater:led t• -IV 18. Is there a rand cr lake lacaled uplstueam of the avaluatian painil`: YES Ifye<, esiliri ale IHe valet sun8ace area: 19. Daes ch annel app am an US GS quac tr ap `: YES NC 2111. 13stimalled walensilec land use: _% Residential WIX Foiested 212. Bainkfull width: 21(1.I11aeschannelappleauar USDA Soil Survey? YES lrCl L11), Cammei cial _V Inc uslrial f L, %)' 8ricultui at ON Cleauedd Cleaned,IJ agged _V/ C th et 2121. Bank height Qfuotn bad tat(p (fbanE): - 214. Channel store dawn centen of: treani: Flat (Cl t( 3%) C enitle (12 to z%; _Mocenate (z I( 10%' _S1aer 1>101/o, 215. Channelsintosity: Stuaighil _Occwicnal bet cs Fiequentmeander _Very iniu(us _Braidec chanral lrslructior! fat campletiar of Aorkifoel (located an page 21): Baglin EN deleiminingl the m(st appiaptiate ecoregicn Hasec cr localian, terrain, viegletatlicn, saaam classificatian, etc. Every aharacteuistic not<t be <carec t<ing the same acaregian. A <ign paints to each cl anacterislic within the imma shawn fon 1Ihe ecategian. Page 3 provide: a lriaf ce.ciirtian of Ham la review the cHaiacteristics identified in the wc6sheet. Scores shculd reflect an overall assesstniert cf the stnearri reach uncei evaultation. If a clwacteristic cannot He evaltated die to site or weatthen canditiars, erten 0 it the scaring boN anic puovice an eaiplaniaticn in the canunenl : eclicn. Where theca are abNiicu: cliangles it 1Ihe cLanacter of a stnaarn i nc en review le.g., the suearr flaws &cm a pastune inta a fouast , the :cream maN He divicec int( smaller react es lhal cisrlay rricre corth uity, and ar separalle farm used to evaluate each peach. The fatal sccme assigned to a stnearri reach rriusil range betwear Cl and IOC, will a scare of MCI uarresentinig a stream cf the h igll est 911 ality. 'Molal Score Qfrow reverse): a> Corrimer IIs: Emaluallar'i flignalure DIale f? - q — I'I This cH am el ei alital'am tori intended sed an ly as a gr ide to ai i isil Ian c awn eri ar d ensircinmelntai professiar als in gallhering the cats requirefly the Lnilled States ArmM Carry of Engineers Ila malls a prelimirary assessment of 11ream clualily. Me tcdal scare re�ulling fram the completion of this lartri is srljeal to USACE aflrlraimal arc does rat imply a particular n iti€laticm ratio or requirerrier II. F arnn subject to change-versian (16,103. To Corrnnanl, please call SC SI -8716-8441 r 216. ST IR EAM QUAL 17 V ASSESISIMENTWORNSHEBT * I hese characterisl ic! are no I assesses in coastal sil reani s. NC DWO'Sllrcatr lclemitificiaition tarm Veirsion 4.11l1 L aite: --� Plrc je ct : HE : 1C L allitu c e: .5 E �� 9valualor: cjc " CcUnty: Lorigilucer" *7 ,S LJ 'q ', llcltal Points(: S Cream is at least intermittent % - Stieam DEterniratiar (lclirc gp H emumal Ir termitten even n rail Cthei C Name: ifl z19 or perennial i l z30* l o 2 e.g. uac A, Geomc r holo (Sut lolal = ) P Id sent W eaA Moder le Strong 'I' Coni in uity cif channel hEid and tl anl, (1 1 2 3 7. Sinuosity all channel along iheilweq (I I 2 .5' 01 3. in -channel struclunEr Eix, iifflEi-pact, silep-pocl, nipple -pool se t EincEi (I 2 1 1.5 4. Rar icle size all stimairri sutstnMEi (I 1 (1.5 3 5. Active/nEilict floodplain (I 1 2 3 6. Depositional t ans c r t enchui: (I I 3 7. RecEini ailluviail deposits (I 1 2 3 8. F eadculs 0 1 CBL = •1.5 Olher= Cl 9. Giaido cc rnlnal 0 (1.5 1.5 'ICI. Natural valley 0 (1.9 1.5 '11. SElccnd c ri gimarlei eudElr chin nol Nc = 01 )i es = 3 ar itialai drtat es aie rot n ted; see discussioWn manuP I B. Hvdre loav (Su t tolal = I f � 1 '12. Pi esEincEi of 9aiseflaw 0 1 2 53 1.1. Ircn Oxidizing liaiceuia 0 1 2 1k. Leaf lit Ell IA 1 .5' 01 'I EI. SEldirrient c n plants c r c all i is a (1.9 1 1.5 •I E . Organic dElbi is lines on piles a (1.5 1 1.51 '17. Soil -t �isEid Evidence c t high waiter IaNEi? a 0. El Na = CI ces 775 C. Bioloav (Subtotal = 1 ,4 j 1 3) •If1. Hitrcus iccis in slreairribec 3 1 a 'I f1. Rc c led upland plants in silnearribEld 3 2 1 CI 2C1. N acre ll enthos (note diversity and � bundance) a 1' 3 21. Aquatic N cilusks a 1) 2 21 22. Fish a 0.9 1 1.51 2:1. Crayfish a 0. El 1 1.5 2,e. Arriphitriains a 0. El 1.51 29. Algae a 1 1.51 2E. Vlefleinc plants in stnElairritec AM= (1.75 CBL = •1.5 Olher= Cl 'perennial streams rr r y also be identified using other methods. melee p. 35 c 1 mar ual. No'l E e: 009 ah010 -onahOO onahoa4 Y/////////X//A 1 1 132- 11 snah009 ke 4t _� .;��-. ansa► ,+ Waterbody snah009 facing north upstream L Waterbody snah009 facing south downstream snah009 Waterbody snah009 facing upline cross stream LSACEAIM ❑W� Al Site # (ir dicalle c attachlec miap; FE -11 ST REAM QUAUITY A SISESISIMENT VN ORNSHEET -AM* Prov id4IhefollamingWIFmationfarlhe!lreamreach uncermie99rrlenl: 1. A p p licaml's name: L �`r'Y`\.,4 21. Ev ah alc C! n a►rie: ?I. ❑ale of ev alt alicr : 4. Tit e of evaluation: '_1.1`amiecfst►ear-: %t ''1 L`^�,'�%f 1�, ► (' ��� F�ivertla:in: "' �k LlL�� 1. Appltaximate ( mirage auea: / IhC1( F> � EI. Stream one eir. SI. Length of peach evaluate(:- 10. Caunty: t 111. Site aac t(inales (if krom n; : pea Ilur in daaitral deglnees. 12. Subc Mi ian riam e ilif any): �y n Latituda�(an.'4.8 :.12)' C 5- 71 % Loneitud((ui.-9191.``6691): Method loaation da termined (circle): GPS Topo Shaet Ortho ((Aerial) AholoXIIS Othen CIIS Other 13. L ccatian of ueach under evalualicm Iniole neantly rc ads anc landmarks ani( attach map is on lifyinig s lreamlj:) location): 14. Flroposed channel vvouk (if any): b�/ 15. Recent weather cor di I ions: L�r1 16. Site conditians at llimia till visi 171. I(emlify any special vvatervvay classifications kramn: 1 eclion 10 al WaterEssemlial Fisheries s P4 HaHilat �r IP uaut Walleus ulslancing Resouuce Walleus L� ulrienl Sen! Waters A)Iwaleu Suplly Walenhed� `� - 1m) 181. Is there a pont or lake laca4(d upstream till the evaluation pain 11 YIES MC)f Nos, estimate Ille waters suufem area: 19. Dlaas channel app ear on U S G' quad map ?ES NO 20. Doe; cihannf 1 app f au on USDA S ail Su rvf y? AES 1,0 211. Estima4ad waensNec la ° ° 1 G. land use: / Residential _/ Cc _ /° In<usllt►al X%Agricultural OX F oresled _% Cleamed .I Loggled �/° C th f n (I ) 212. Elankfull v icth: 21 Bank N4 hIl (Ifuam Hec to lap of Hank): 214. Channel slape davun eenillen of stre20cca,, Flat (( la 2%) _Gentle (12 to z%] _Mccf nate (z 1c 10"i° Sleep (1>I /o 2151. Chanuelsinuosity: Straightianalbencs _Frequentmean den Very :imucus _Braide( clarm( I In s I ructior s fan (ompleliar of m orks h ► eI (Iota led (n page 21): Begin b}l deteurr in ing the me s t ap prop male ecareg ian base( oni localicur, leniain, vegetalion, stream classiftcalian, etc. Every aharacteuislic mint be sacrec wing the sanne f cctegian. Assign p oinills Ito each cl►anaclerislic v<i1Nin Ilhe nangf slcwni fau tlhe ecuiegion. Flage 3 provi(es a Hnief cascuiptiani of Iav to review the chanacleristics idertified in the worksheet. Scares should nefecl an overall assessment of 1Ne stneami wawh uncen evaluation. If a cl►anaclenistic cannol Ile evalualed due 1a side ou weather cancillicns, enter 0 in the scaring box anic puovice an e)planalicn in the comment. seclion. Where 11 eua ane obvious changes in the character of a stream unicer review (e.g., Me stueami flcws frcm a pasture inl( a fmast ,the :cream maj He divi(ec inila str alleu ueaches'Ihal cisplay more continuit), and a separate formi used tc evaluate each reach. The Ictal scare assigned lo a stneami reach must rarge betweani C and 10C, wilh a ,ccre cf 1(C of presemling a dream cf the H ig 11 esl qu ality. Tc Ial Score Ifr( mi reverse): �11 Carrigenils: Evialualor's'i€lnalure Uale This ell aur el evialualion f rm is intended la be u!rd anly as a guide to aasistl lancawn era and erviircnmen tal pr( fessiorals in glailhetirgl the cats r►quirec by the Lniled States Arm] Ccrpls of Engineers Ila mane a preliminary assessmenil of sir►am cualily. The tctal secre resulting fuom the eorripheticn of This fcurr is stbjeel tc USACE ,[rPuovial are does nail imply a N articular ni itiglatl is n t atic cu reqs iretrieu I. F orm su bjea I la than g e — vers ian ( 6,103. Tc Cc m mienV, p lease call SI I SI -8716-8441 x 2( . S NP, ,f) r S TRDA M QUALITY AS S ESS MIEN T WORKS HEET I These chauacileuistics ana roll assessed its coastal stueams. NC DWQ Stream Idcrilifiaailion Form Velrsion 4.11 sjul+)f-� Oalle: L. ._ � Prc{'ectSilc: �ti ti Lalittde: Evalualcm:`�.%� ( ty Cour Lcir9. t1L de: Total) Plaints: Stream is at least it terrniittent % ce' Sll(am Dete cilclE cm) Er Herr er Intern ittcnt'' erennial ME ii Quaa Name: if;-- 19 or perennial iii z 30' 2 e.g. A. Geomor h olo (Su t talal = A t ser t WeeiN Moderate Strong 1a Continuity of channel bed and bank CI .I 2 . 3 2. Sinuosity oil Cit annE I along thalweg CI 2 3 3. In-cihannE I stnucture: ex. riffle -pool, stE p-pcol, ri le- oc l sequence CI ` 2 3 4. Pan ick size (ill sire am substnate CI l 2 3 E. ACrlive,lrelici flciodplainCI .I 2 3 EI. Depositional bans on be riches CI I 2 3 7. RE can 1 alluvial deposits CI C2D 3 El. Feadcuts CI 2 3 fl. Gnade ccintnol CI I 1.° 1C1. � atonal valley CI 1'I. 9eccnd cir gneate n oriden channel � a = Cl Yes = 3 a a rificial ditches ane not nate cl; se discuss' s in manual B. Hydrology (SLIClcrlal 12. F ne sence of Base floes CI 1 2 ' 3 13. Incin oxidizing baClle nia CI I 2 3 14. Le all litter 1.r 1 CL5 CI 15. 9ediME n1 on plants cr cE bris CI f I 1.5 19. Organic debriis line s cin piles CI CL5 1.5 17. Sail• based evide nce cr high H ale ri toe? o = Cl es = C. Biology SLIClalal= 7 L 181. F id acus ncois in strIE anrt E d 3 2` I CI 19. FCIotE( uplanc plants in sure amt ed 3 2 I CI 20. MacnotE nit os (note diversity and abr ndanae) 0 I 2 3 29. Aquatic Mcllusks I 2 3 22. Fist C1 C1.5 I 1.5 23. Crayfish CI 1.5 24. Amphibians CI CI. I 1.° 25. Algae CI I 1.5 29. Welland plants in staeamded ACW = Cl.75; ' BL = I.E Cihe n = Cl "pe rennia I s tneams may also t e identiPoe d using other methods. e p. 15 oil manual. NCItEIS: 009 ah010 '. %k vnarh004 onah005 l snah010 - t AL Waterbody snah010 facing north upstream Waterbody snah010 facing south downstream ,;. JJ 'i E` - t AL Waterbody snah010 facing north upstream Waterbody snah010 facing south downstream �_ �. � � ` r :y� � ti � -'� - " 47 1i y "r USACE AID#I E1WQ Al Site #A (incicaile an attacllec map; SITRDQ A M UABI TY A SISIESISIMEN T NAIORKSIMEET � 14 Provica ilhefollowing irkrmalian forlhe;Iream peach uncera:,,e:±rrenl: II . A ppliaar I's name: 21. EN aluatc r'! r arrle: - L Llale of evalualicr : - t_ _3 4. Time of evalualian: fl. Nani ecf�tuearri: f. River Ill in: 'T� '' 0M— we -'o L A pl uoxirriate duainage area: ( C*� .a. C./lt2. N FI. cream cmc eir SI. Length of ueach evaluate(: �� ( � 10. Caunty: j 111. Site cacmdinales (if known;: proper in dacin- al degw as. 12. Subc iv is ion earn a llif any): Latitude (ex.1,1. ;:312): ���/ -5,3-, 2_ % y Longitude(ar.—. ;.11(1(111): 7 l " 5`1 _ �3 C� (c Method loci tion d(termined Qeircle): GAS Topa Sha c t Ortio (IAerial) IlholaIGiS Others GIS Other 131. L acatior of leach urider evalualian (mote neauNy roads anc lancmark s anc attach rrar i( entifyingl sireamils,' lacatiani): 14. Hrapased channel wouk (i 19. Recent weather cardiliun 16. Site canditians at ilirie of 171. I(ertify any speciallv%aterway class ificatiars knawn: _ Secilia.��";l'i(n Ia �a[ Water: t' 1, Issenlial Hi!heries Hallilat LP�Tiiaut Walleus �F4;u1slan( ing Re: auuae Walleus a�&ulrienl Sensiilive Waters waileu Surl IN Water: hed ,ill -IV) 19. is (here a ron( an laWe localad ur�tneanii afthe evaluation paitrl? YES CI ' lfyc;, eslimaile the waileu suuface area: 191. Due: channel arl ear an USGS quad mapl? YES )NO 210. Doe! channel apr eau an USDA Sail Surveyy E Sj NCI 2171.E timet(d wale nsllec land use: _(/o Residential 0/4 Commercial _a/o Inc uslnial °/c Agricultural f 9�- Haresled _% Cleai ed / Lc gg ed 1/a 011411( ) 212. Elarkfiill wicth: 2:1. Bark Hc iglhil (Ifiam Nec tc top of banW): 24. Chanral slopla corn eenilleu of stream: X fllal (0 la 211/4) _Gentle (171 la z%; _Macerate (� to Ia% _,.Steer pIa% 219. Channel sinua: ity: StnaighI Glccasianal bencs krecluentmeariceii —Very sinuous Braidec channel InArueliow lcr aamplalian of workAiieil (Ilocaled (n page a): Begin by deteutriiniingl the most arpraluiale eaareglian base( or location, leruain, vegletalian, :cream classiflaalion, etc. Every characteuislic mu!t be score( using the carne eccmegion. A s: ign painV� ila each cNauaclerislic within Vhe iiangle spawn far the ecanegion. Hage 3 rravi(es a Nuief ce:cuirtiun of Ilaw 'lo review the cllauaclenistics identified in the warp�heet. Scares should nefccl an avenall assessment of IN �tucani reach uncen evalualian. If a cliamacleni!tic cannail lle evaluated due la :ile ou weathers can(iliaw, enter 0 it the scaring Nax anc puavice an e�planalian in the ccmimenl : eclian. Whene lheue ane abviau: changes in the chanaater of a :Uieam un(eu review (e.g., the slreari flaws frcun a Alastune into a faim t , the !cream may be divi(ec into stnalleu reaches that c isrlay traiie continuity, and a separaile farrl used to evaluate each leach. The total scare assigltec ilo a stuaarl reach miusil range between CI and 100, with a scare of 1(ICI uerresenting a stream afthe highest quality. Tlollal Score Il1ron reverse):5 CorWents t � 11'+ Q 4- I 6 i 1�{ Evaluallar's %gnallure ( This cE ann el ev alualian Xrm is it lenide b gailheringl the (ata necluired Uy the United S caahily. 7Uhe tclal sere resulling frem the i parliaular ntitigaticni ratio cr requirerr enll. Fe — /L Dail used c n ly as a guide Ilo assist Ian( awnie rs ar d env irc nma n tat p rofe! sic naI1 in tes Army Ccrps of Engineers to maNe a preliminary assessment of 111neam mpletioni of Ilhis lcrrri is suNjecl t( USACE appreval anc does rat imply a r subject to ahangle- version (IE/a3. To CorrilTent, [lease call S IS•87E-84� : )1]6. jail i-&1 STREAM QUALITYI ASSIESSMEN'I1 WORKS -SHEET I These ch ai acle► islics ane nal asse! s e d in caastal s ti a a►T s . NC EINN n Stnieiam Identi4inati nr Fn►im Ve►icinn d 11 ""'j" Date: Rroluctl9ite: llaitiilucei:'� �`�� 9%aIuaitar: County: llangitude: Tollal Poirls: ftreami: at least intermittend Jlreiarr Determination I�circ 9Flheirreral Intermittent C0or Name: ill 2,119 on perennial if 2,30' rennial e.g. Quac A. Geomor Nolo (SLbloisll = ) 9 a5) Abs ant Weak Mcldarrlla Sticing 'I" Continuity al at annE 11: ed and 1:1 ank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity al channel along thalweg 0 1 2 3 3. In-cihannel stnuctunE: Ex. riffle -pool, step-pacd' ri le- oal sequence d 1 2 3 4. F article size a4 slnezim sut stnatE 0 1 ' . 2 3 5. ActivE AHE lict flaadplain 0 1 2 3 E. Depositional tans an benahE s 0 F ACW = (1.7 , OBL = 'I.,' ) C then = 0 3 7. FIEcenl alluvial deposits 0 1 2 3 8. HE adcuts a 1 3 91. Grade can Inal 0 (1.5 '1.5 -1 CI. Natural valley 0 0. 1 1.5 1. SE card an gnE sten audE n ahari nel Na = � es = 3 ar marai ancr es ane r of ratea; see aiscussio s it manua I B.Hvdrelloav (Su ttoial= %_ 7 '12. PnesEin CE cif E aseflaw 0 1 2 3 '13. Iran axidizing dactenia 0 3 .14. Leaf litiE n 1.5 (1.5 0 '15. SE diment an plants an de bnis 0 (1.5 '1.5 1 E . Organic dE tris line s an piles 0 5 1 1.5 '17. Sail -b dSE d E vide nce o11 hi h w ter laiblE? o = 0 Yes = 3 L. ti1010av (SII ticd"ll= t "i 1 '18. F ibuous nocils in sireamtled 2 1 0 'l E. Raa'IEd upland plants in slrearritlEd 3 2 1 0 20. Macrabenthcis (note diversity and abundance) 0 n 3 21. Aquatic Mallusks 02 3 22. F ish 0 ''(1.5 1 1.5 23. Crayfish 0 C1.5 1.5 24. Amphibian s 0 (1.5 1.5 25. AlgaE 0 (1.5 1 1.5 2EI. "E tland plants in s1nE arrrbE d F ACW = (1.7 , OBL = 'I.,' ) C then = 0 'pens nnial sfieams mE )I ala o be identified ua iri g othen methods. See p. 35 of manus 1. Notes: Skelct snah612 snah612. snah012 Waterbody snah012 facing north upstream iL.v. F Am- Waterbody snah012 facing south downstream snah012 Z L Waterbody snah012 facing east cross stream L 9ACF, A ID#i 11 W Q ## Site #1 ilir diaale c n attached mapl' E' EA l!i IN : ST REAM QUALITY ASSIESISIMENTI WORKSHEET �n. raEt h� PilletHefallcvvinginfcrrrall for lheArta►n reacH ill wse„rrer1: 1. P Fllllliaartt':• name: l l �tR '� �: `r < �2. BN alt atur';r it e: 1. 11ate of evalualil ' d% 4. 1 ime of eu ala a1 iam : P 9, h arre cif -tream: �_ % � � �{° 6. River La ,,il 7. Ap1Alrloxitttate drainalle area: 8. Sweat, irrcetr. Z 91. Len MIli ofneach et aluail ed: ��— 1 �A T- IIC. County: 111. Site aacndinatle, tlif kncwn;: prefer in decimal dcgaeea. 1121. SuHcivi,iun narie (if anN),: llatittld�(cn._1.11':3l?):ems—`—�. ff llongitude(cx.-,,.99(i(611)��� N r thod location determined (circle): GIS Topo Sheet Ortho IlAerial) Photo ,il Other GIS Clther 1;1. Loc atiain of reach under euaIt attan llnaite nearlly roads ail landmark: and at tach narl idertifyin11 sIream (s Ic caIian I4. Prn1 aged et antler wicrk (it, ally): ��---k'z 'I'_I. Recent weathercanditions: OV` --k :16. Sile car diIiains at 11irne ofvi,'i1: 117.. denlify any ,•pecial watermiay classifrcalicurs known: i'��ectiurl ICI 6S!`I!ical Wrdter,• %�AssenIial HIM cities lliii at Nrail Waters N46.0 l:tanding Res( r;rceWaters Nutrienl Jensit ive Watery 1�aifan Supply Wal(r,,hec�1-IM) ]ISL 1, there a plant cu' lalde lacatec uHlrlream air lhe evaluation pain I? 11L8 L .. lf yeF, esil le the wader ,•urface area: 11911. Utes char l appear an USGS gcad map?GNC 30. I4aes cllanniel aplrlear cn ll Sail Scrvey'! 1 ES' NO :11. Estirrialed wialershed lar d use: '/o Rericcntial _% Curiniencial o/ llncusilrial J/ Agricultural Yo Farertec _'% CI( arec it LoPlgec _% Clthen ( ) 212. Bankfull wll 2:1. Batik height Ifrarn Led la tat of bank): 24. Chars el,•Icpe dcwn eenlen of strearr: lar IJ0 to �'/o Clenire I tai 4%)_Macerate (4 to 10°% _Sltcep (%ICI`% 29. Charuelsit- il StnaillhI CCaasiUraIHerds _>(Frecuent,meancen—Very ,•irucur _Bnaicedchar r.cl In,lluuclions for comflletior of Aorkslleet (llucaillec at Fla€1► 2': Begin Hy celerrnining the mast ar1lrorriale eccrellicn Laeec cn locaticn, terrain, ,egetaliarl, m•aarn classifiaatiau, arc. Every characleri,tic rril Le sccred usinll the sane ecarellion. Assign rloirts to each characteristic within the ranlla shcwr far the eaairellion. Page 3 prcvides a brief deseriplicn of lici to rcviewi the claracleni,tic, icerriflec ir, the wcrkFheet. Soares sl•ol lc reflect art avcrall assessment of tlhe shear- reach under evaluallictn. if a citaracileristic aannat Le evaluatec due la ,isle at- weather aanditionF, enter 0 in the scarittll bax and plravide an explanation in the corrn-enl seetiani. Where there are obvicu, change,, in the characlen of a Ftream under review (e.g., the slrcan- f cws frarn a pasture inla a llaresl), tha shear- rraN He c Mcec fi la smaller reaches trial di,•pray store cantirnril}l, anc a wranatc, form used to evaluale each mach. The talal ,care assigred la a stream reach musl range Helweeni Cl anial IOC, witl• a scane all' IT repnereuting a stream of the itigllesl quality. Tlc tall Sc( re 11fror r re,r'erme; : C oil Imell ts: Evaluailcr'! Elilnallure Uall( This altairniel evailuallion forrh is intenide a u�c(d only ails au guide to aus,i;ll laircuwriers arc environimental prcdessianauls in gaahermig the c alta rec aired by the Ur ited Stlates Army Corps oil Enigineerai Ito mall a au prelimir airy ai„ emn en tl of anlreairr quality. The tokil score uemulting from tha carrplletioni of dhi, form is ;utjeel to USACE appIrciwil and dao,, meld imply a plaurllicular midigladion ratio (r requirement. Alam subject tc change- jersian 06,03. Ta Cornintcnl, pleava call 919-87(-844 1 x 26. '51C )A �l 6 /"S- SITRDA M QUA LIT M A SISIESISMIENT Wa RKSHEETI 110 * I hese cl-araalcristics aua ral a:: essec in co astal s1ne� r �. �&/,i-Alf 0 f _5_, NC DWQ St realm h urni ificladon Aolrm Velrsion 4.11 Date:_ % t Prcl,jelctSilE: � ' �� � LalitudEl:3� Evaluator: ms's' Courty: -� Lorgitude:?�Ll C Tc till PointE : Streamor at /erennial �I StnE am 0ellermir allian (cir 011hE n niast lhl2!30,ent if z 79 or erenniai iil z 30' �,. pes EpFlemerlal Interrritten erennia e.g. Quao Name: WA A. Geomorphology (Suttcllal= 11 0.) Atsent WeaM Mod ate Sliong 'I' Contir uity of chanr Ell bE d and tank Cl I 15. cledirrlE nt an plants or c et nis 3 2. Sinuo: ity (01 cif annE I along thalweg Cl I 2 3 3. In -channel stnuctunEl: ex. nifflE-Flcial, StElq-•goal, ripple -pool se uenaEl Cl I 2 3 . Par idle size cdl StnElam sub striate Cl I C1.5 1 1.5 5. ActivE.InE list floodplain EI. DeFlosilionai tans all tE nct ES CI I Cl 1 C1.5 OD 1 3 ' 7. Reconi alluvial deposits Cl 1 2 cl 8. f eadauts Cl I 2 1.5 9. C rade cor tral Cl CI.5 FACW = C1,75; OBL = 1.5 Other = Cl 1.5 'ICL � alwal valley CI CL5 1 1.5 1'1. Elecionc on greater one er ahannE I � a = Cl YE s = 3 arificial ditches are nat uated; see cliscussions.anual B. Hydrology (St. t ICltal = _ ,) 12. FIIrIE SE nCIE all Basel ow Cl 1 2 3 13. lion axidizing taCIE iiia Cl 1 2 3 14. LE a l IittE n 5 1 C1.5 0 15. cledirrlE nt an plants or c et nis C1.5 I 1. I EI. Organic dE t nis ME s an piles CI C1.5 1.5 '17..Iciil. based EvidE n CIE of high watE n tab ci = (I YE s = 3 C. Biology (SL ttatdl = '18. Fibncius naals in stnElamtec 3 2 '1 Cl 19. RootE d upland plants in sNeamt ed 3 , 2 1 Cl 20. Maanotenthas (note diversity and at undance) Cl 2 d 21. Aquatic Mollusks Cl CL 2 d 22. Fish Cl C1.5 1 1.5 23. Cuayfish Cl C1.5 OD 1 1.5 24. Flrrlphit ians Cl C1.5 1 1.5 25. Algae Cl CI.S 1.5 2E. WEtland plants in Strealrnbec FACW = C1,75; OBL = 1.5 Other = Cl 11 even n ial o trea rn s may a h a be idea tilled using othen met[ a ds. ; ee p. ; 5 al manual. h CITE S: i a •; �. _ _ gUFAr Y 1w. •; �. Y U� A UE A 1DII DAN Q hl Site #__ (incicate cn attached map' a'F SITRDA M QLJ A LITIM ASISESSISIME NTI WOR KSHEBT Hrenrde the fclllo,'viing informrulion far ilhe scream reach undler avlessnenil: I Evalualaii's name: L Allpllicant's i ame:__ 3. Date of cv alt < Iiori : 5. Namc of stream:U14 A 7. AHIFIrc ximate ( nainage area: 91.Ilergth cfreaali avaluatec:_ l� 4. Time of evaluation: , River basin:— Pay L M. c Iream order: (�5 t 10. Clcunty: 111. c i I c caorcinates (it known: 1 refenin el ccirnal,degrees. 12. Si bdivision name Ilifany La'Iitude(ex.34.872312):,3 5 Longi'lude(ex.-77.556611): -77 5,2, -5 L1 c� Method location deter ined (circle): (IIIS Ilopo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) photo/fll Othen GTS Other 113. Lac atian of reach under evaluation(r_ale raartA roads and landmark';- and attic h map identifying ,tn antllr) localiou): 114.1noplosed charnel work (if an}):__AJO— 15. Recent weather conditions: ),�)h / — 16. Siiie ccncilicrir a1 lura ofvisit: 17.1dentiIA ariy sHlecial watcr"ay classi icailiotir known: k✓ ecitiori 10 �Kdal NNail ars V&ssential Firherier Habital CL ail WE ters �wllslancliql i, esaurce Wall k*utrienl Sensitive Waters r ter Suppl}l WE lershedil-iV, 181. ]r there a pant cr lake Icca1ad upstream of the evaluaticui Hlain4'. YES 60DIyes, eFiin ate the)AE ter surface area: 1 g. Does charir,el applear on USGS c uad map'? `. H IN V. Deer charniel aFpear on USE A Soil Survey? 'IES .NCS 21. E:limated w atershcd land use:o Rcricenlial "Pacrestec :2. Bankfull widilh: 24. (Iharriel :lope dawn center of siream: Flail 0 to :Ioo; 25. Chariiel,inuosilA: Straiplil Cccasianaltlends °/o Corrrtrercial _%lncuorial t °/o Agricullunal _o/a Cleared / Laggec _°/o Cther ( A) 2'. Bank heityht ilfi-cur bec ilo lep of bank C'entle 1I2 to 41io _Moderate iI4 to 1(No; Steep il% ICA: _Fre quent meant en IvIery siruour _Braided channel lnclutj(lions for comlletioni of worksHeet (Iocallecl ani place 2 : Bagin ty ceterntining the niost apFnopriate ecoregicnt basad on locatian, ilerrain, vegetarian, ,,traarr elassifiaaticn, etc. Hlvery characteristic must be sccred usinEl Ilie Maria eciaregicn. Assi€pr plaints Po aacli characteristic within the range �hciwn far tha eaarccllion. Page 3 provides a brief descriptian of haw to review the cliaraclarirtiar icenilifle( in 1hc, worksheet. Saares shoulc reflect an overall assessmenl of ilhe slreann reach under evaluatian. if a cliaracilaristia cannot be evaluated due to rile or weather acnditions, crier 0 in the ,caring bax and plravide an eyplanatian in Clic ecnirrienl section. Where there are cbvicius changer in tha character (f a ,trean7 urder review (lc.gl., the stream flews cram a pasture into a laresi), the snieam ma)l be dividec into smaller reaalies Ilial display more cantinuit}, anc a seplarate J'arm used tc eve luale each reach. The Molal ,care assignad la a stnc,ari react mu,,t range between Cl and 100, witt a sccre of 1CI(I repric;erting ra sirearr cf ilic highesil quality. TOM Scare Ifnom reversel : (,:C om men ts: Evaluailor'sSignattre 171ate This cHamnet evahatian for i intend d to donlN a' a guide to a ist laurclowners anti envirai memlal profess—� canals it glalhering the dila regtire by the Unitedl States Army Carps rf Ergineers to make a preliminary{ arressmenil of silrearri clualily. The iloilal score restlting from the complelion of tHis farm is stHjecil le USACE appruwil ai l die! not ill ai flarticulam mitig; iliani radii cr regt iretrlenil. Fcrm sub,jecl to change — ver<,iion (ICA13. To Camntert, please call ql 1-876-84z 1 x 2C. SJ RDA M QUALI TY ASSUSISIMBIN T WOMK,';IHEET luak u ioLa�ik 11allk a dIL; IILIL d""'L;'1')L;U Ir Ukld"'Ial "Itilcalils. 7 ECORE,GIONTOI.NT,RANG1K, SCORE� Coastal Piedmont Mountain, Presence of flow persistent pools in stream flow or saturation = 0, strong j, 'I iflow -- rn, x poiits) 0-5 0-4 0-5 2 Evidence of past human alteration 01----6 Q - 5 0-5 (extensive alteration = 0; no alteration = max points) 3 Riparian zone C - 6 0-4 0-5 (no buffer= 0, contiguous, wide buffer= max points) 4 Evidence of nutrient or chemical discharges 011115 CI - 4 0--4 (extensive discharges = 0, no discharges = max points) 5 Groundwater discharge 11-3 (1-4 0-4 (no discharge- 0; springs, seeps, wetlands, etc.= rndX —K_ points) 6 Presence of adjacent floodplain a 0-4 0-2 (no p loud lain = 0; extensive floodplain = max points) 7 Entrenchment / floodplain access deeply entrenched ,= 0; frequent flooding = max points) N'-- 5 0-4 0-2 8 Presence of adjacent wetlands 01-6 0-4 0-2 (no wetlands 0; large adjacent wetlands max points) 9 Channel sinuosity (extensive channelization = 0; natural meander = max points) a - 5 0--4 0-3 10 Sediment input ---fextensive deposition-= 0, little or no sediment max points) a - 5 0-4 0-4 I I Size & diversity of channel bed substrate 'NIA* 0-4 0-5 (fine, -horn geno-us = 0; large, diverse sizes = max points) 12 Evidence of channel incision or widening (deeply incised = 0; stable bed & banks = max points) 0-5 0-4 0-5 13 Presence of major bank failures a - 5 0-5 0-5 4* (severe erosion = 0; no erosion, stable banks = max points) 14 Root depth and density on bks ensan (no visible roots = 0; dense roots throughout := max. points) 0-3 0-4 0-5 15 Impact by agriculture, livestock, or timber production 0-5 0-4 0-5 {substantial impact =0; no evidence = max points) 16 Presence of riffle-pool/ripple-pool complexes (no riffles/ripples or pools = 0; well-developed = max points) 0-3 0-5 0-6 17 Habitat complexity 0-6 0-6 0-6 (little or no habitat = 0, frequent, varied habitats = max points) 18 Canopy coverage over streambed 05 0-5 0--5..... .(no shading vegetation = 0; continuous canopy = max points) 19 Substrate embeddedness N A 0-4 o-4 (deeply embedded = 0; loose structure = max) 20 Presence of stream invertebrates (see page 4) 0 4 0-5 0 5 (no evidence = 0; common, nurnerous types max oints) 21 Presence of amphibians 0-4 0-4 0-4 (no evidence = 0; common, numerous types = max points) 0� 22 Presence of fish (no evidence = 0; common, numerous types max points) 0--4 0-4 0--,-4 — 1-37 Evidence of wildlife use 0-6 0-5 0-5 (no evidence 0; abundant evidence = max points) Total P nts T ossible 1001, too too , an fifst.pno luak u ioLa�ik 11allk a dIL; IILIL d""'L;'1')L;U Ir Ukld"'Ial "Itilcalils. 7 NC E WQ Stnelam Identifiaatiani Fonm Version 4.11 Dater: `� Rriojcict/: i9e: ` L allilu de' & Evaluall or:—� e �e Cawrt}�; �%��� �� LorGilucel: 'Ralla Er SIreal s at as SheamIellerminallicln(circleone) 011her J Shlream is at le asd intermidten l � - if z 19 or erennial hl z 30' > Eq hernlElrial interrnlittent rennla e.g. Quaa Name: �• UV1 w. tww taur:taro = ✓) All Wcak MacElnatei Strong 1a Car tinuity aIahannel tlesc an bank CI 1.5 CIA 01 '19. Seldinlelnt cin plants cirl c eltl leis IEI. Organics dEIICJs lines on piles0 17. Sail-taSEK EhIcesncic all highw Mr tables? rRinlnrn. �c. Na .�..� _ 2. Sinuosity of ahannell along thalweg CI 'I. Aquatic) Mallusks 2 3 3. In-ahannell struuluiie: ex. niffle-pcsol, stEirl-rlcicll, 2. Rist 0 2 3 --nipple-pool se uesnae 01 11 2 3 4. Rarticdel size) cif stream : ut sluatEI 0 2 01 5-12 ativel/Ilieliclt flaadplain 0 LO 3 EI. Depositional Bali: an tienchels 'perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See g. 35 of manua I. 2 3 Notes: x 0 2 3 7. Recelni alluvial desposits 0 1 3 8. F Esadcsuts CI 9. GIIadEI ciantral CI C1.5 1 3 I Cl. ll� atuiial valley CI C1.5 1.9 7SIE9cicinc Cir greater cult els ahannel a = CI Yel: = 3 a rfifininl riitrhaa a ro nA* a• � „ ll:..........:_ B. Hvdrolonv fSi hllnlal 12. Rrelsenae til BaSEIfIOVv CI 3 13. Incin cl:iidizing bacltelria 0 1 3" 'I Leal lit en 1.5 CIA 01 '19. Seldinlelnt cin plants cirl c eltl leis IEI. Organics dEIICJs lines on piles0 17. Sail-taSEK EhIcesncic all highw Mr tables? rRinlnrn. �c. Na .�..� _ 0 (1.9 C1.5 cl = 0 0 1.5 11 5 Yes = 3w 'IF, Fibliaus liacits in stneamtec CI 'ISI. Rcsoleld upland plants instlieamtac 3 2 1 CI Cl. IVacsuatenIhas (note diversity and abt ndance) CI 1., 2 3 'I. Aquatic) Mallusks 1 2 3 2. Rist 0 C1.5 1 1.5 3. Crayfish 0 0 9 24. Amrlt itians 01 0.9 1 2 5. Algae 01 0.51 5 2EI. Wetlar c plants in stneian tec FFCIW = C1.7`I; OEIL = '1.5 ther= 0 'perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See g. 35 of manua I. Notes: x ------------------ i5nah01 O ---------------- Z S'll 4 PW JAV USP CE AID# CIWl�j hI Site # (indicala an attactled map; M STREAM QL ALITY ASSESISM ENT WC RNSHEE -V Prc vid a the &I IwAin gl in fonrr atiou for tH a strearr reach tin der assess m4 in t: 1. Applicanll's narrie: �—Doq`y21. Evaluatar's name: > uo 31.Uateofevaluation_ _ 4.11 ineofavaluation: 5.1yarrie of silream:A✓ � �q, `�"� 6. River basin: � P,ra" 1—( �! 1 1. Appraximala drainal a area:�P l(�LN "LCt 8. SIwarri arden: 11 ff3 91. I englll till reach evaluallad: t, - 4— 11 U. Caurit}: � �- 11. Sile caordinale! ilif knawn): prefer in deciiu i l deg`eem. 1121. Subdivisian name Qif anj' : Ualilude((x.34.872312): � / Hongitude (ex. -77.556611): 7�'� N t thod localion detemiirad il(ircle):GHplopoShcct Ortto lAeiisI)PhotoilG:IS OtFer GIS Other 1131. Laoalian of reach undau evalua i le noauby uoacs and lancrriauks and attach map identifyinslrearri(s; lacalian;: 114. Fluora!ec channel work Qifan}1;:� 115. Recant AeatHau cariditions: 116. Site canditions at lime of visi 117. ]Identify anN special waterway classifiaalian! knawn: & Seclian la A-Aidal W,,lers �- ) s<anlial Plisheries HaHillat aul WalensV=F(�luilstandirig Rescwuce Walans fv-1\utrienl Sensiliva Walers 4. len SuppIN NMatersHed/,WVl) 18. Is there a rand an !aka located upstueam afthe evaluation paiirl? YIES IAC IfNes, eslimala tlhe walan suufaae area: 19. Clue! charnel arpear an USGS cluad marl? YES 210. Dae! channel apr ear an USDA Sail Survey? YE NO --,1j^� °/a Cam/o mercial 'Inic usilni< l 4d)44' ricullural :1.1. Hltimaled walanshed land use: I/ Residential Forested 212. Hankfull Aic lh: 214. Channiel store dawn center of stream: _Flat (CI to ao/() _% Cle, red .I Logged _% C th a n ( _ ) 3?1. Banill height (Ifuarn Had to tap of bank): 4 _C entle (12 to 41/o; _Moceuate (4 la 101io _Silaep (>101i0 215. Channel sinuosity: Stuaillhil _Occasicmal bends _Fliia quer t nneander XVery !muco[! Braidec channel Inllructious foi complelior of wcrhshecl (located cn eagle 3": Begin bN delauminingl the mast arpuorri:te ecouaglion basec an lacalion, teruain, vegetailian, lniearri clas! ification, elc. Every characlaristic must be scoued usinll the !arrie eaarellian. Assign roirils la each characteristic within the range shaven fcw the acarellion. Page 3 puavides a brief descuiplion of how la review the chauaaterislics icentifiec in 11he warksHeel. Scone! spcmld reflect ar overall asle!srrietrl of the silnearri reach under evaluation. If a characteristic cannot He evaluatec due to site on weather canditions, eater (I in the scauinll bax and pnavide an explarialion ini the ccrnnient !action. Where tlieue are abviaus changes in the characleu till a stnean unceu ueviay. I�a.l., the siream f aws fuotr a raslure inta a ilauesl;, tlhe ltuearri it ay He c iviced rota smaller reaches that display mane continuity, and a ! epauate faun used to evaluatle each ueacll. Tha talal scare assigned to a slrearri ueach must uanlla between a and 1C10, with a scone of 1010 nepuasenling a stueam of Ille h igh e! t clualiq . L Total Slcorne (from reverse;: Comments: Hvaluaton's Sign atu ne C Haile ' 70hi! channel evalual, n fo is iwiended a t!ec ornl3 as a gluide to assist Ian(cwrers arc environrrerlal pnofclsicnals in gathering) the data required b3 IHe Uniilec Shales Army Corps of Englineers to make a prilirriirary assessment of sllteam gtaliily. The lolal score ra!ullingl frorr the completion cf this form is sulljeall to USACH approval anc does rot imply a pain k u lar mitigation ratio or requinemenil. Foram su b; a ctl to ch and e — ver! ion 06/CI3. To Cammenit, r1 lease call S IS -81(-84z I x 216. STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT w a RKSaET T i nese cnaracIem: tic: ale roll assessec it coasIail sl rear is. NC T]VN() Rtieam TrlPnt'fieatif in, Fnlm Un. cirri All _�A F yv-71 0 / I Dater ` . - G' j L F r ojcat/,lille: � + 11 atiluc ei S 9valua9or:�t'�,. Claunty: l _l% �1 IJandi9ucer` ��"�L 4 a 3 3. In -channel slnuelure: ex. uifflEi-pcal, sleep-peal,CI nle- ool sequence llclal Poing: Stream is at least intermittent 7 Sltreami Derteirrniinaticr Ic' Spry eimemal Ir teirmitten r ial othei J, iA z 19 oferennial ifz 30" ei en e.51• Glc ac Name: �� H. ueomorpholo (Sutlola] = r I q la Cc ntinuity cf ahannel bead and tank Atsent Weak CI •1 Moderate 2 Strong 3 A. Sinucsity of channel along lhalweg CI •1 a 3 3. In -channel slnuelure: ex. uifflEi-pcal, sleep-peal,CI nle- ool sequence 1 2 3 . Panicle size c sinEiarr substrate CI 1 Yeis = 3 3 5. AalivedrEilial flcodplain C1 2 3 6. Depositic n al bans oil beiri ahes CI 2 3 7. Reiaeinl alluvial deposits CI 2 3 8. Heaidauls 0 24. Amphibians CI 51. C nac a cc ntnc 1 0 0.5 1.5 1.5 10. Nalunad valley 0 0.5 1 1.5 11. Seiacnc an gueaiteii crcem ahainnel o = CI Yes = 3 B_ Hvdrnlnnv (R11l lntal '1,1. Pueseinae c Baseflcw 0 3 '13. Ircn oxidizing bacilenia (1 1 3 . z. Leaf litlein 1.5 (1.5 0 '15.. Seidirr ent c n plants c n c ebnis '16. Organio dEibnis liners (I PHEis (1 0. (I C1.5 1 5 1 '1.5 '17.19cil-balSEld evidence cf high wailen tablER c = 0 Yeis = 3 'IF. F ibnous nc o,ls in stueieimbed 151. RCIOiEId upland plaints in s lneamt ec 3 i a CI 20. Macmabenihcs (note diversity and at undance) (I 1 2 3 2'1. Aquatic Mollusks 0 2 3 23. FlisI 0 C1.5 1.5 23. Clrayfish CI C1.5 1 1.5 24. Amphibians CI C1.5 1 1.5 25. Algao CI 0 1 1.5 26. Welland plants in s lneambec ACW = 0.75 CBL = '1.5 0hEir = Cl 'penennial : tneam: may also t e identified using other methods. melee p. 31 of manual. NatEIS: -snahOl 7 snah017 Waterbody snah017 facing east upstream fir�l Waterbody snah017 facing west downstream L SIACE AIC# CWC A Elite h♦ Oncicala c attache( rrap STl R EAM QUAM Y ASSBSISIMENT Via RKISH EE11 Pr(lvide tt a f(dlavring infeirtrnadian for tte sdreami react undeu assessment: 11. AIpIicaris name: UC 'r �, m n 3. Dalt cfevalualicn: l; .1•�<,'` Q ,.;at<. �I 5. Name (f s tt aarr: t i� 7. A pinp(xirriate (tainage auea: SIL Length cfneaah evaluate(: SO _AQF 2. Evaluaooi's name: '-J ' ' r-�" 4-Tirrecfevaluailicr: )ate (. River Has in: 51.Eti(amcn((t: (1. County: P,)P' -`' 11. Site coclrc inates I Iif known;: lltefrn in decimal depeem. ]I21. Slulldivisien name (lifany : L atitude (ex, 34.8723 12): i a ngitude (ex.-�77.55r6 11):_ M ed od location detenmin(d Ilcincle): f GA 110110 Sheet Chrtho ijAanial) Al oto/Gll,' Other GI; Clther 131. L (cation eft( acH uncet evalunoile neat by toacs anc lancmarks anc attach rnlapl i(( ntifyingl;lreamlls) location): 14. Prcpclsed charnel w(iuk ilif arty): A)ate, 15. Recerit weather cun( hiclns: f .If ,fv lec(m(iliems ail time ofvisit: Nciat,.t,,AI 1171.;denlifj ary sp(cial waterway class iflcalicln; known: —Section ICI _Tidal Waters H; sen lial Flisheries Hallilat —Traul Waters—Culstandingl Resource Waleus—__-Nulrienil Sensiiva Waters Wal( ii Euplply Watershed Ii -.V) 18. Is thete a plond cui laka located uplatuaatr cif the evaluation plain l? YES i J If yas, eslimaile the wales sur face area: 19. Da(s chanriel aplp(ati an L E GS c ua( it ap 1 YES NC 210. L cies channel app eat an L SDA E ail S urvey? 11HS N 0 211. Eslirr aled walershad land us e: _% Resi(ential % Camtr et a ial — —% ]nduslrial —°i° Agriculilutlal Futestec —% Cleared d Loglgec —% Oilher I 221. Bankllull widlfl: C', f A. E ark height ilfrcim bec 1(1 ilopl cif Hank': 24. Channel slanle dawn caplet cifsilrearri: _Fllal (10 1(1 0%)\N11 Gerilla 12 la 4'i ° E o I—Mc1(etale(14ilo 101ru) — teenlll>101r°) 215. Chann(I sinuasity: S iraigh l —Occas i0nal bencs —Frec uent meandet —Very s in u( us _Braided charm( I Imlruetions 1(111 (elmplelian off vrarksheeil (located cin Iage 2.: Begin by del(tmininpl the mast aplptoplriate ecot(gion llasec cin lacalian, tertair, vegetailicu , stt(ari classification, etc. Evary characilatistic rnlusl He scotled usingl ilhe sarrl( ecaregliati. Assign points 10 each chatacterisilic within the range shown foul the ecclreglian. Palle 3 ltovides a brief descriplicin Of haw 110 u(vi(w the chat aeterisilics ic(niliflec in ilhe wotlksH(el. Se(11es shaulc reflect an clverall assassrrenl of the stream teach un(et1 evaluailicu. if a aharacterislic cannot he evaluated cue to site c1r mealieu canditi0ns, enter Cl in the :cclringl Ham and prclvice at- explanation iri the acinunent secti(m. Wheta there atle ciHvictus cliangas in the cliatlacilet cif a stream under review (e.g., ilhe sUlearr fl(1ws from a lllaslute in la a faresil), ilia silreatr n -ay be divide( inilo smaller reaches that ( isplay rrlelre eantinuit), anc a separal( fclnr wad tc1 evaluate each reach. The total scotl( wsiglnec 1a a streani teach trust range Hetmaen CI and 100, with a scare cif 100 tlepreseritingl a strearnl of the Higlhesil quality. To at Score (Ifr(irr, reverse): _ Carrimenls: Evaluailor's Sign: ilure Daile ) e ) 7 , This ct onset evaluation farm is i tende to fi sed only as a g( ide to assisil Iancamners and env ir(inmental professionals in glailheuingl tte (ata regluirec b the Lnited States Arm3l C(111ps of Englineers ilo male a prelimin.r3l assessmenil of stream glualill. The teltal sc(we resulting fuolm tte carrtplledi0n of Itis fclrm is sutject to UEIACE approval and dais not imp131 a 1: articular m iiliglatian railicl ar reclu irem(n t. Flarrrl a uH.'ect ilo cl ar ge — v (t sieln 06413. Tc Comment, pll( ase call S119-816-8441 x26. S'DREAM QUAIJITY ASISESISIMENT WC RNSHEDTI • ••""" ....•.......... o..w — uM L aaaaaacU Ill W db Ull staca 1119. NC DWI 'Stream Idf r tiflaition Fanm V(nsion 4.111 Danes: � Prciject Si1c: _ Lafiiuce: -6 EN aluatar County: � tnLongituce: Totall Poin Is: I J l Jfream isd leasd intemiid lend :1lrelarniDEllEumiinerliein circleo C1IHEIr if? 119 on perennial if z 30* 01 47 Sphelrrieral (ntermittenj� F eren n is e.g. Quad A ame: A. Geomar holo (Sublolal = ' ) A N selnt eak Moderallel Strc 'Ie Contin uity cif chann Ell bEld anc bank (I 1 . Sinuosity cd ct annEil along thalweg CI 3 3. In-channEll stnucture: ex. piffle-plaol, stEIp••pcioi, 3 ri le- ool sequence Cl 2j 3 4. PartiCIIE size cif stream sullstrate Cl 5. FlolivE )relict floodplain q ( /2. 2 3 El, Depositional tlars cm benchE s 0 3 7. F ecent alluvial deposits 0 f1� 2 3 a. F E ac cuts 0 1 3 9. GriadE ocintrol (I 0.5 3 'I.5 Cl. N atural valley (I Cl.a�1.5 11. Seccinc cir greater uric er channE I _ N o� (I a a rlificial ditches are not rated; see dis a c s s ions in manual `�--- YEIs = 3 B.1- drolo Subilolal :. PresE nce afl Baseflow Cl 'I3. Ircin oxidizing bacteria 0 1 'I4. Leaf Hurl 'I5.'lEc 'I.5 0.5 3 q invent cin plants cm c abriis 0 ICl. Organic dElbnis linos un piles 0 t) 5 1. Moil-basec E viden CIE cif hic h wateri table? N ci = 0 1 9 C. Biology SLtr'latal = 19. Ritlncius nciots in sirlEarritud 3 19. Racitec upland planls in strrelambE c (I 3 2 2(I. Macnciban thas (note diversity and abun(lance) Cl 3 21. Aquatic N cillusks 23 22. Fish a 0.5 1.5 23. Crayfish 0 (1.5 1 24. Amphibians (I 1 29. Algae (I 5 9. WEtlanc plants in strearribEc RACW = C1.7,11; C 8L = 1.5 Otheu = (I 5 'pc nennia I s tnean s may also be identified using other meths ds. ;lee p. 3 5 o l manual. Nateis: Sk snag006 0$ snac,008 snag007 snag008 c - rot V1 r r a9! h7 va w c - rot V1 r r a9! h7 i - it}�. 1 r. h7 snag008 snag008 side shot NCI Division of Water Quality —Methodology for Ider 1 ificla tion of Ir IIE rrr ittent and Pereriniz I Slrearrs and Their Origins v. 4.11 X� NCI nR C) Sti•na m TdciriCfiris anri A'nrm Vn ;c n 1111 z I) A / /' n ;� Dale: PnaJeClUsile: "eaN Lalituce: 'I" Cantinuity of channel ted and bank 0 —2 0 ,I 3 E%aluE ou: ��. Cciunty: ��t�� � LangituceF�+ f 3 Total R ointi : l C it 3 Stream is at least interrnittent 9lream Dete 1 rale or El) ci Men 3 ii z 'I9 or perennial if 2! 30' 9F herrieral ntermitlen F erEinr ial e.g. Quao Name: 3 A. Elomor holo (SL IC ICItE l = ) Ab: aril "eaN N ac Elratel Stror g 'I" Cantinuity of channel ted and bank 0 —2 0 ,I 3 21. clinuasity al channel along thalweg 0.5 C '15. Sediment an plan is ar del: nis 0 3 3. In -channel sinuctune: ex. riffle-paol, step-paol, ripple -pool sequence l C it 3 4. fllarticle siza Ell stneam sulj slnaiEl 01 Yes j3j 11 3 5. Flclive)lrelicl flaadplain Co. 'I_ 2 3 8. 0 epasitian al bans ar ten( hes 0 1 ~ 2 3 71. Recent alluvial deposits p d 2 3 8. HEiadcuis 0 snag008 3 9. Gnade cantnul 0 'ICI. Natunal valley C >5 5 1 f '11. Sea and an greaten under channel r NO = 0 Yes = B. Hydrology (SLLtclt€ l ) 1�1. PIIeSElnce al BaSElflCI%A CI 1 C J 'I _1 Iran axidi2iing bactEuia 0 _ —2 0 14. Leaftililen . 1" 0.5 C '15. Sediment an plan is ar del: nis 0 C. E 1 EI. Organic detris lines an piles C .5 1.5 1T Flail Lased evidence al high waten table? Na = C Yes j3j V- UTAJlllliV 1.111[11( 111 _. G...-2 l 18. Ribious naats in stnEiamtEid_ 3 0 _ 19. Raated upland plants in stneamtled 3 _ —2 0 2C. Nacradanthos (note diversity and at undar ce) C 1" -1 2'1. Aquatic N allusks 1 2 3 22. Rish 0 1.5 M. Clrayfish C (; I 1.5 X14. Plmphitl ians 0 Co. 1.5 X15. Algae C 0. 1.5 X16. Wetland plants in stneamtedRACW = C .A5; OBL = '1.5 OthEm0` panenr ial streams may also bE identified using other mett ods. See p. 39 of manual. NatE S: SkE t $' sna 006 g snag007 snag008 snag006 o, USA CE ATE #I]WQ tl __ Site tl__ ilindicale cur attaches map, SITREAM Q UA IllTY A SISIESSM ENT VNIORNSIHEEIT �1 F rcivide the to ilo,j it g it formallicin to r tla stream re ach unc er assessment: 11. Applicant's nap e: 2. Evalua1ar's pante: 3. Date aif (valuation: 4. Time of evaluation: % L t J. Name of stream: (/ ' _ r F` ,h F. Rig=er basin: Appuaximate ciairtage area: Stream order: 1 t S. Lengltl- of reach evaluates: i(5b.10. Cour ty: )t^_ 51 z� 111. Site cooudinales ijif llnaiun;: Cnciller in dmeitral degrees'. 12. St Lc itiisic r haute (if any I r titude (Cr.:. 4.9 71: Lor gituda (e; . --77.:: H61 1): ��' ` 7 Method for tion determined Icircle): ,i'GP Topo S1 ect Clrtho i1/Leri: 1) Yhoto,ICiS Other G S Other I'I. Locati( n of ue ach under evaluation 11r c to neartl y rcoac v ar d lar do auks an( attach mall iden tif) it g stnean- (Is Iccati( u): Ff F C 114. Prollased channel wicrk (liif any; 11 °I. Recen t weather ccr diti( r. s_ 11(. Sits eanc iiians at tirre (iif,,i,,il: /�),,i'>, k-- e, 1 1).11denitifj any, special wiaterway ciassificaticns kn(wri: �'Hecticn 10 _11ical Water;, _flss(ntial flishariies Hall ilat _Trc url Water: — C utstar ding Resource Water- _ Nu triew Sensitive Watersi —W ater Suplplj A ail ersh ec III-IV) 18. Is thare a pane or lake lacatad upl,,treari (ftl( evaluaticin point? YES U ;If yes, e:lirrate 111 wiater surfa( e area: 191. Doics chaurel a[ Flear cr USG1 quad mall? YEAS /C 20. Dc e,, ell anr cl appear or USE A Soil Survt y? YES NC 21. E,-tiwatec wiatersl'cd land w- e: _�/„ Resicentlial _°Ic Ccmiicrcial _oio 1r custrial _oia Agluicullwial —%, Flaresiled __'/o Clleared / Lcgglec _oro other 22. Barllfull wic it : 231. Bank I: eig l l (ftom bec I( it opl of N ark' : 24. Chant el slopla c cwt n < er ter c f s't e am: _FIai ((I b i 2° 4 , ✓Gentle (I2 1 o z a/o; _Maiderale i 4 to 1(11/4; _Steell I1>1 CI%; 2'_. Channcl sinuosity: 1//Straigtt _OeeaFicnal t•enc,, Fregtcnt riearder V(ry simrous _Braidec cl arincl Instrueilians for cumplell an of worksheet (seated (n page 2): Begun bN delerwining the morC applrcpriale eecucgien based en loeatian, teruair, viegletatian, stream claes'ificati(n, etc. Every cl-ara<teri,,tic r usl Ile Ftarec using tfe same ecoregior, Asrigln pairts to each characteristic within the rarge sten lkni the ec(region. Fags 3 Irmicts a grief c(scuipticr cl h(wi to reviiew the characteristics icertified it tht work!+eel. Sc(re;' slculc refect an cverall w'ee::mier,t of tl-e strcan react- unser a,,aluaitior:. if a characteristic canrol Ile e",ialtated cue 1a site cr wiealher canciticn;, enter CI in dhe secring ho)a ail( pnaiic( ar explainalioin in tt-c corrn-ent section. Where IT ere are (hvii(us ctangles it Ii e character of a stream ur ccri renew i�c.gl., 111e stream flus fitorr a plwilure info a forest), the ,ti(ari may Isle divides into smaller ueaek., that cispllaN more conlinuily, and a separalc Ierru uses tc evaluata cacl- reach. '111Ihe loilai .Icore assigrec ilo a <Itream reach muet range hetweer (I anc IN, will a scare of 100 replresertingl a shear,- of 1he it iglhest qu alit) . Total Score Ifrom reNerse : Canltri Is: g4"�� Hitaluatcr'si Siglnwlure Darla Tris ehanrel evalualien min'fis tended tdlle used) only as a guidf tcl assist) lakouners anis en rV, orRientlal F rafessianads ins gatterittg the data recuired bbl the United Silates Arm} Corpi of Enigineem to mane a preliminary wisiessrriemil of sllnearri quality,. The toluol score rviuhlir8 frons the ccnipletiani o:r ilhi;l form is subject to UISACE applrovad and toes poll imply a particular mill iglall icmi natio gar requirement. Fortr siibje<t tc (Mange - �crsici Cl6,l(13. Tc Cornn-ent, Flea<e call 9191-8-,C-8441 x 26. I/ ST REAM QUAL ITY ASSE SSMENT WORKS -HE ET � uuaic a awuici isuus arc not aS5c990c it CC29fal sircams. ��, t y1 1 f• i M 1�1 71 r 1 h a 41 y 1 1 I' 00 LI 71 RI R i 1 V snag008 int snag008 int side shot USA CIE A 1D DWQ #. Mile tl tlinidicate an at ached marl 071SITiREAM QUALITY ASISIESSIMENITi WORKSHEET -AQP Piovice iihe followingl infcirmalion feu the stream reach unc er ass essmien 1: licanl's nail e: I. Evaluator': nam e: 21. C ale of evalualiar : � 4. Time of evaluation: '_. Narre ofsiream: 'A. AprraximaiVa drainagle area: 9. L ( ngph of reaictl evaluated: _'::�,! ) 6. Rives basin: r/: -`l 8. 311earr arder: • IC. Caunty: 'IN M 111 Mi11e caoidinales (if knam n : prefer in deci(ral degre(s. 12. Siubdivisian name (ifan)): E� / Latitude(ex.:,I.E7;"17): j°1uy �� L ongitude Q n. —77.9 96611): �, br Method loastion daternined Qciraleyl` Topo Sheet Ortho QAeriall Hhoto,IGIS Othan GIS Others 13. Lacatian of reach under evaluatian Iniale nearby raads and laindmauks and at1acb rr, p idenlifyi ng stnaarr (s lacatian): 14. Pt ap ased cl- anni( 1 wark Ilif aniy, : 11(1. Reaent %Aaall en canditions: 16. Sile car ditions a1 lime (if visit: -Ai�i ]q. Idertify an)I special materv%ay classificalians knamni: _Secliat lq _Tidal Waiters _Essential Fisheuies Halbilalt _Tiaut Waters _Culslanding Resaunce Waleis _Nutrient Sen!illive Water; _Waler Supply Watershed Il14V' 18. Is there a rand ar lake laaaled urs1nean- of tlhe evaluation paint? YES NC 7 f yes, estimate tha v, ater sunfaice anaa: 19. Maes channel aprean an USC SI gluad mar? YES NC MCI. L7aes channel appear on USE Sail Slurveyl? YES NC 21. Estimated matershed land use: _%Residenilial _'/oCory rrencial _%Indu!tuiad _1/ Agricultural Fares Ied _% Cleaned / Lag€led _% Olhett II 2. Bankfnll wic ib: 13. E ank beiglh l I1fram bec to tar of bank): i 4. ChannaI slap( dov%n center of stream: _ Flat ((I to 2°/�Genitle 112 ilo z %' _Madanate (z to 10"io _Stae \ p(1>10'io 2 9. Ch am el sinuos ity: Sltnai€lhil Occas ianal bends _Fuequent ill eainder _Very s inuaus _Braided channel lnstructions fail completion of warElheel (located cin ragla 2;: Begin b)I delenmining tlhe nasi arptiorriaite eccinegior bas(d an lacalian, teunain, vegelalian, slrearr classificaitian, etc. Ever)l chauacleristic mush be sccired using lite same ecaregiar. Assign raints ici each characteuislic wilhini tlia range sho,vn fan ili( eaare€lion. f agle 3 provides a brief descriplian cif haw to review ilia aharacteuislic; identified in the "onksheel. Slcanes should reflect an aveuall assessment of the stream reach under evalualian. If a aharactenistic cannot be evailuailad due 1a side ar v,eatl en candilians, enter q in the scaring) flax and pravida an exrlanatian in the camaenil section. Whane Vhere ane abviaus changes in the char,,cter of a sireaim under review (e.g., the stream flavus from a pasture imla a fares)), the stream tray be divided inks sinailler reaches than disrlay ryare canitinuiq, aind a sepairalle fairly used to avaluate eaah reach. The latal score assignec Oa a sift( ani neaah Rush range between CI and MCI, with a saare of im representing a stream of tlhe highest quality. i TOM Secire ((from rev erse): V Camimienis: Evaluator's S ign<ilure,d Dale This channel evalualiain fcirm,i4inlended Ici he used Only as a guide tlo <ssist lancowner: and environmental professionals in glailheringl tfle cats tagluired ty tl a Uniled States Army Carps of Englinears to mane a prelimin<r} assessmentl of stream dualill. The total score resultingl flour tfle ccyrirletian cif Itis faurri is subject tai USIACE arprmal and d(es not imrll) plarticular nAlliglaliain railic air recluiremient. Harry subject 10 change—versicitt (16113. Ta Carrmenl, rlaase call qlq 8'16.824I x 26. STREA M QUALITY A SISIESSSIMENT WORE SHEET �,r ; �,� NC DWO Stmalm IdenIificntian Farm 17n-, ni All SWI Ukly tau L icndl = _,-2 ) A t sen t a. Data: Miclecit/Site1: R Lath udc: Evaluail cir: u Claunty: ,� E ,ul}, Lcinlitudu ' �// f izZ, IdIal Points: 2. ( : inuosity Cf channEll along 1hal'AElg C Stlream is at toast intermitilent if z 19 or Mi 30' C7" < Stream Deterrgi QCurClle ore) E plil arn(mal I�itermitten Flerer ial C tF er perennial : , r e.g. Cluac Name: SWI Ukly tau L icndl = _,-2 ) A t sen t Weak Moderate S1 non g 1` Ccrltinuityc' channel LEK anc bank C r1 2 C 2. ( : inuosity Cf channEll along 1hal'AElg C '19. SEidirr ent c r plants an dE1bI is 0 0.5j 3 3. In-channElislruclure: ex. riffle-pcol, ; IElp-POC I, IE1. Organic dElbris lines oI piles 0 0.5, 2 3 ripple -pool sequence C1� Yes _ 3 2 3 4. FlartiClEI SIZEI 0' Stream SuljsiratEI Q 1.9 29. Algae CI' 9. AC1ivEI/IEIlic1 floodplain 0 1 2 3 61. Depositional bass or benchEiS q 1 77__ - 3 7. FlacElnl alluvial deposits 0 1 2 3 8. F eadCulS 0 1' 2 2 3 9. Gnad Ei cc r11 rc l ( C.9 snag007 3 l A IC. alural valley (Ii -. (1.9 1.9 1'1. ecC nc or greater c Ic ar channEll a INC = (I ) YEis = 3 a dificial ditchers a ner not aarA,I� c.ra..�,�. ;,. .�.,us; lois In manual ..,. B. Hydrology (Su bI o al = I) 12. Aresence o1 BaSEiflow Cl 2 I3. Incn cxidizing bacteria Cl t J2i 3 'I,1 . (leaf libel C q.9 CI '19. SEidirr ent c r plants an dE1bI is 0 0.5j 1 2 3 `I IE1. Organic dElbris lines oI piles 0 0.5, 1 1.9 I7. I CII-baSEld EIVIdEIncEI 01 high Water table? INC = Cl Yes _ 3 1.5 r Rinlnn . rc., L. a.. a,.i _ 0 4 1.9 18. Flibnous IC cis in , flicambec '19. Rco1EId upland plants in slreambelc '3 2 0 0 ICI. NacnobEinlhcs (note diversity and at undance) C 1 2 21. Aquatic MC llusk: ( 1 2 3 `I 22. AishCI f' Cl. 'I.5 23. Crayfish CI OF5 2� . Amphibians 0 4 1.9 29. Algae CI' CI $ 1.9 2E1. VI Olan c plants in stimamt ec ______ FACW = (1.79; CIBII = '1.5 C11har = '0 *perennial stre ams may also be identified using ott en me thod; . Eee p. 35 a t manual. 77__ - Nol eE : _08 sna 008 g snag008 snag007 snag00fi F . ���. �. .: ,�' 4 l 1" � � ., A� _ 3-�. � .. x'r"C � ... \' i � ` ��� N► ��_�� .s z\r � - .,\:Pte t' � I�t �` r 4�__ z fi � '. '� Tz T '�, y � • f. � � c , ��r 1 F r r _ � a y r. ��' r J.,1' r.. .. � _ ���.� •, �� '�•t �k �.� L �}., y,. h y,` ��' h' ' . ��'_. �y�_ snag007 snag007 side shot L SA CE AIDi; D WQI h1 Site # (ir diaail e ar attaclled map; Lig S_ TIREAM QUTA LITIYII ASS ESSMENTI WORK SHEET Hrctvide tll a fallawing infarmatlian llar tt a stlrealrr react u ndeu assessment: I . Applicant's rarre: 2. Evaluailoi's name: 3, Dale cif evalualicln: p . 4. Titre cif evaluallicm 'tM 5. Name efslUeant: f.14iver basin:_ 7. Appnox irr ate di air age ai ea: 8. Stream cider: der: S . Length of tueach e%aluatec : b (I � 10. County: 111. Site eeicmc inales (ill kncmn;: pnaIll in docirnal dogiees. 1:1. Sub civisian narre iIifany): Ilatituda ((),.34.8723(2): � 0 v ,,>< Longitude (a x. --77.55661 I): '_7 ,I Method location determined (cii ala): �S _Fopd o Street Ortho (Aei ial) FhotoAGIS Other GIS Od at I:I. Lcicalien of reach under evalrialioir 1lncite nearbj roads ar d landrraiks ar d a tae h trap ider lifjing sliearri(s 114.l1lioposec chanral work (lifanj': 115. Necenl v<eallieu ecinditiors IG.Elite ccindilionsal lime cif vis it: "",,JPA, "' d lc icallicin; 111 Idertify any special u<aterway classifications known: _Seclian i0 Tidal Waters _Hssenilial Hisheries HaHitat _Tuaut Wailans _Culslanc ing Resauice Wailers —Nutrient Sensiilive Waters _Wailein Supllly Walershed lI-IV) 18. Is there a penc cir lake lacaled upstiearr ciflhe cvaluatien pciinVl YEf!,, NC Afye<, estini ale Ille water swilace area: 19. Does elanrel appaai an UISGS cluac inapt YES NC 21(I. L cies ehanrel appears or LISDA Soil Survey? -Y EIS No 211. Es'litraled walersHed lard us a: —°ru Resider tial _% Fc a es tec 2121. Bank f ill widltl: � _%Carntniencial _%Inc usIrial _%Agricuhlunal _% Cleared il Logged _°ia O'Iher 213. Bar k height ilfrcim bed 1(i lap of dark;: 24. Channel s lclpe c awn centeu of sltearrr NHlal (10 lo -,I%' _Gentle 1121 to 4%) _Moderate I4 to ICI°ru) _Steep II% CI°ru) 2151. Chanrel sinuosity: Straight Ceaasion al Hancs _Hrecluenl meancat —Men sinucius Bruaided ellarnel Irstrualians for campletiein cd workstleet (Recalled an page 21): He€lin Hy deterrrininll the meed allpralluiaile eccregliar basec on locaticti, lenrair, veglelalicn, stream classifiaaliar, etc. Every characteuistlic must be accred using the same ecenegicin. Assign llelinis lot each cllauaclenistic villin Vhe uange shown fan the eccuiegion. Flage 3 pravices a Hricf cesaiipticun of Ioiw ilci review tlhe cllauaclenistics idertified in the wcirWsheet. Scores should uef ecl an civenall assessrr ert of the sltea rr reach ur der evaluaticin. ]If a clianacleristic cam-ol Ile evalualec due Icl site cm weather ccncilioirs, well (I it the sccuiirg bcix and puc,vide an explaralioir in the cclrrmew seclicn. Where lheue are cbviaw changes it the aharacteu of a stuearr unceu ncvia A (a.gl., the stream f cws fiorr a pasture ince a fcmest;, the stncarmay He c iviced irtc sing Ileo ueaehes lhall display mane ccinlinuity, and a sepauale fcmm usec tlo evaluate each .eacl. THa tonal sccire assigred to a sgnearr reach rrusl uanglc between a and ILIO, witll a scone of 1CIO nelliesenlirg a sltuearr cif IIle higlast duality. Total Scare (from reverse': C ammen Evaluators Ji nature This eHannel evalualian fo air rs4frte"d la be used anly as a gtide to assisil landawners and eilvircmmental pralessiarals in glatheimg the cats regluirec ty tte United States Arn} Coups of Engineers Ito mane a preliminar} assessmewl of stream q1u alit} . The tatal s ccu a resultingl fl am tt a carrplleticm of tt is farm is sr t ject tei 1i CE app ray a 1 and dues n oll irr p ly a particular willigalliemrailiaarrequireini Harrrsulljectlacharge—vensian061(13. Ta Carr menl,please call SlS1-8;16-8z 41x26. SITIREA M QUALITY ASISIESSIMENTI WORKSHEET I These chanacreriis tics are nal assessed in aaastal stiaanis. NC C IVIS iorl of Water Qt, Z lity -N ethos ology for Ic entificatic n of Intermill i erit and Perenriia I Streams E nd T F eel Origins v. 4.11 NC DWQ Sttteam I dell tificlation Norm Version 4.11 Dater: Prc jecll/9iile:`J , P L aliluc a: 9valLailcr: Cour 1 w .°I Y .t1 Lonicill uce:^ Tctal Poiris: SUielam Ileterminatior (cirp one #trearn is at least intermittent ) 011 hew if z f9 on perennial it >_ 30' EAIh ernieme I IntelnmitteFnt F erenniz e.g. Qua a Name: P . ueorncir i c110 (Sl i:tGta) = l Ca. j Absor 11 0 VI oak N c c eluate 2) Stror g la Ccnllinuity c channel bed and bank 2. Sinuosity oil channel alc ng thalweg (] 1,n) 3 3 3. In -channel slnuctune: ex. riffle-pcol, steep-pcol, CI 2 3 ripple -pool se ueince 0 1 3 4. F article size c 1 stneiarni substnatei 0 1:7 2 3 5. Active )1nelict ilc cdplain 0 23. Crayfish 3 9. Depositional bans en be nchei: 1.5 C, 2z. Amphibians (] ;'0) 2 3 7. F ecent alluvial deposits 'LS 216. Wetland plants in streanibed FACW = Q.711; 09L = 1,5- --Other = CI 0-)2 p. 35 oll mnual a 3 8. F eadcuts CI 1? 2 9. Glade cc ntrc l cl 0 57 snagOOB 1`5 1 Q. IN atural valley snag00 rC, 0.5 1 5 1'I. Second c n giieater c rden channeil" a No =,0 T YES= 3 F rtlficlal ditc t es Au not nat—f. moo di, ";___ B. Hydrology Su b lolal 12. Rlreisencei c l 9aseilc w 0 2 '13. Inc n c xidizing t actei is 0 (2� 3 'I . I eal litteir 0 I `I. Seidirniemt on plants c n de k leis 0 CI.5 1 El. Onganic dek nes line s c n pileis 0 Q.91.5 a. Sc it -t ase d evide nce cf high water tables? Nc = CI `Yes -3--) — CI. Biology (Sublaicl 10. r- 1011c u! noots in stne armbed �3� 2 CI 19. Rceteid ufland plants in stneamked �� _ — -- ----- 2 ,1 —.. -- CI -- 20. Macrct anthos (note diversity ar d at undar ce) CI 2 3 2'1. Aquatic M ollus ks 1 2 3 22. Fish p 0 5 23. Crayfish 1.5 C, 2z. Amphibians (] 1.`I 29. Algae q S 1 'LS 216. Wetland plants in streanibed FACW = Q.711; 09L = 1,5- --Other = CI 'perennial ; tream; may a I: o be identified using otl en meths cls. flee p. 35 oll mnual a r snagOOB snag6t18 snag00 snagOO6 yj .yy EVI 4�ri `a, „ars"w`. l � _ T ..}.t a *q J � A �� ' 9TH d• : .. sr 50 >a. • � * .�,�� � • �� 'ice° •�Y ti r snag006 snag006 side shot USACE AID# DWQ Site # (indicate on attached map) STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment: 1. Applicant's name:- ti ��,r, ; ,�; v� Z. Evaluator's name: 3, Date of evaluation: S 140 � -Z_C) 1 L1 5. Name of stream:y W- 7. Approximate drainage 9. Length of reach evaluated: 4. Time of evaluation: % U d 0 6. River basin: lar "'r --b:„S.vr 1 §� 8. Stream order: 10. County: (° +l 11. Site coordinates (if known): prefer in decimal degrees. 12. Subdivision name (if any): Latitude (ex.34.872312): ,31$I ,p , j r a! Longitude (ex. —77.556611): q-7 , Method location determined (circle): GPS Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo/GIS Other GIS Other 13. Location of reach under evaluation (note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location): 14. Proposed channel work (if any): 15. Recent weather conditions: L c. t '? No vp 16. Site conditions at time of visit: 17. Identify any special waterway classifications known: —Section 10 :Tidal Waters _Essential Fisheries Habitat Trout Waters _,Outstanding Resource Waters `Nutrient Sensitive Waters Water Supply Watershed (I-IV) 18. Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation point? YES '1Vo-�lf yes, estimate the water surface area: 19. Does channel appear on USES quad map? YES NO 20. Does channel appear on USDA Soil Survey? YES NO 21. Estimated watershed land use: �/a Residential �% Commercial z%o Industrial �% Agricultural Forested �% Cleared / Logged _%° Other ( 22,13ankfull width: e e �l 23. Bank height (from bed to top of bank): 24. Channel slope down center ofstream�Flat (0 to 2%) _Gentle (2 to 4%) Moderate (4 to 10%) ^Steep (>10%) 25. Channel sinuosity; Straight _Occasional bends Frequent meander _Very sinuous _Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2); Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location, terrain, vegetation, stream classification, etc. Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion, Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion. Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet. Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation. If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions, enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comment section. Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e.g., the stream flows from a pasture into a forest), the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separate form used to evaluate each reach. The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100, with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality. Total Slcore (from reverse):—i Comments;_ r� cUAVetrct5 't Evaluator's Signature Date SAVv3 it d�014i This channel evaluation for s intended to be used only as a guide to assist landowners and environmental professionals in gathering the data required by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary assessment of stream quality. The total score resulting from the completion of this form is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a particular mitigation ratio or requirement, Form subject to change - version 06103. To Comment, please call 919-876-8441 x 26. ��1�G adf STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET # 1 2 3 4 5 6 yi 7 8 9 10 CHARACTERISTICS Presence of flow / persistent pools in stream no flow or saturation = 0• strong flow = max oints Evidence of past human alteration extensive alteration = 0• no alteration = max oints Riparian zone no buffer = 0; conti uous wide buffer = max points) Evidence of nutrient or chemical discharges extensive discharges = 0; no dischar es = max Dints Groundwater discharge no discharge = 0; springs, see s, wetlands, etc. = max points)0-3 Presence of adjacent floodplain (no floodplain = 0; extensive floodplain = maxpoints) Entrenchment/ floodplain access (deeply entrenched = 0; fre uent flooding = max points) Presence of adjacent wetlands 110 wetlands = 0; large adjacent wetlands = maxpoints) Channel sinuosity extensive channelization = 0; natural meander = max oints Sediment input (extensive deposition= 0; little or no sediment = max points ECOREGION POINT RANGE SCORE Coastal Piedmont M ountain 0-5 0-4 0-5 J t 0-6 0-5 0-5 0 - 6 0-4 0-5 E' 0-5 - 0-4 0 - 5 0-4 0-4 0 - 4 0-4 0-4 0 - ¢ 0-2 0-2 0-6 0-5 0-5 0-4 0-2 0-4 0-3 0-4 0-4 r 11 12 H 13 ,.., 14 E., 15 16 17 18 Size & diversity of channel bed substrate fine, homogenous = 0; large, diverse sizes = max oints) Evidence of channel incision or widening (deeply incised = 0; stable bed & banks = maxpoints) Presence of major bank failures severe erosion = 0; no erosion stable banks = max Doints) Root depth and density on banks no visible roots = 0; dense roots throughout = maxpoints) Impact by agriculture, livestock, or timber production substantial impact =0; no evidence =max .Dints) Presence of riffle-pool/ripple-pool complexes no riffles/ri les or ools = 0; well-develo ed = max points) Habitat complexity little or no habitat = 0; frequent, varied habitats = max points)0 Canopy coverage over streambed NA* 0-5 0-5 0-3 0- 5 0-3 3 - 6 0-4 0-5 f 0-4 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-4 0-5 0-4 0-5 1!5 0 - 5 0 - 6 2 0-6 0 - 6 ) 14 no shading vegetation = 0; continuous canopy = maxpoints) Substrate embeddedness deeplyLdeeply embedded = 0; loose structure = max) 0-5 NA* 0-5 0-5 �J- 0-4 0-4 j 20 i 21 O(no C 22 23 Presence of stream invertebrates (see page 4) (no evidence = 0 • common numerous types = max Dints) Presence of amphibians evidence = 0, common, numerous types = maxpoints) Presence of fish no evidence = 0; common, numerous tvves = maxpoints) Evidence of wildlife use no evidence = 0; abundant evidence � maxpoints) 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-6 0-5 0-5 Z 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-4 Z 0-5 0-5 Total Points Possible 100 100 200 TOTAL SCORE (also enter on first page) 2 * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams. c, 2 NC DWQ Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 Date: S AQ Z Fect/5ite: Evaluator: ES County: Total Points: Stream is at least intermittentStream Determination iii' f9 orperennial if >_ 34" 30 Ephemeral Intermittei A. Geomorphology (Subtotal Z ) Absent 1" Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 3. In -channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, 2 ri le- ool sequence 0 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 5, Activelrelict floodplain 0 6. Depositional bars or benches 1 7. Recent alluvial deposits 3 8, Headcuts 0 9. Grade control 0 10. Natural valley 0 11. Second or greater order channel a No= artificial ditches are not rated; see discussions in manual 0 5 B. Hydrology Subtotal = l 1.5 12. Presence of Baseflow 0 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 14. Leaf litter 1.5 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table? No = C. Biology Subtotal = 18. Fibrous roots in streamb d t SV) SO s Latitude: �®�.? S�,SyB " Longitude: Other nnial e.g. Quad Name: weaK 1 Moderate Strong 3 1 3 �^ 2 3 1 0 3 1 2 `3 1 2 3 1 2 3 0.5 2 3 0.5 l 1.5 0 5 1 Yes =3 1.5 1 2 1} 2 0.5 0.5 Yes =3 e 19. Roofed upland plants in streambed 3 3� 2 2 1 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 21. Aquatic Mollusks 0 _1 2 22. Fish 0 0.5 2 1 23. Crayfish 0" 0.5 1 24. Amphibians 0 25. Algae 0 0.5 1 1 26. Wetland plants in streambed `perennial FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1,5 Other = 0 streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. _ - NntRc 3 0 1.5 1.5 0 0 3 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 A 110 2410s« � � �� o r �•r + . ,,,•Y } f.F�1A,,� '� w#'� �. .. � .� :fit'„' ., sir y AAt r y . - 4p ,`. �;'^►io.`7-fit. snag005 snag005 side shot L MACE AIE# EW( A Site hl (linc icate on attachec rr ar) FM 11 ST REAM QUAL I TY A SSSSESSSSMDNT WORK SHEET it -A hN Pr(v id a the fallovmin g information for Ile stream reach under w.4 es swen l: 1.Applicanil'snatre: D dI 21.11va[nator's name: 31. E ate of emalu ation: 4. lirr a of evalu ation: 5. Narrie cfslream: iRtiL a / ,River basin: ThR - UkM, L t Cej 7. Aprrcximatle cramage area: ;` LrzA.'iG�l�_ 9. S'Ine�rr arden: 9. L enb11N of reach evaluated: (� � q-- 1 C. Courty: fj �- 1 1. Siii e cc ordina11es Ilif kr cwr): prefer in decimal degrees. 1121. Suidimisior name (Jif t nil;: ^1 Latitude (ex. 14,11T 11, ): �� � �`7 r '�>~fi. ¢; s �� �� Longitude (ex. -77.:A(I 11): Method lovation determined Ilcirclel : GHS Topo Sh(lat Cir he 11Aarial) Allioto/GIS Clther GIS Other 131. LocationafneacN urderevaluation(rotlenearby macs arc lancmarNsanc attach map i(ertifyinblsireamis; I(aalior): 14. Hrapc sed charnel A onk (if any): �-- 15. Recer I weather con( itic ns: 16. Site conditic ns at I irrie c f v isi 17. Z any slecial waVerway classifications lIn(v,n: tL eclior 100cal Waters essential Fisheries Elahitall t i Tn(ut Waters �,� utslancirnbl Resource Waters tutniert Sersitive Waters &1ler 11upply Watenshec ISI; Al. I: theme a pond or lake locate( upstream oflhe emalualicm Heim? YEla 6&fyes, estimate the mater surface area: 11SI. Coes channel appear on USCS quad map? MHS G :Ili. Eoes clianinel appear (ini USEA Sc it Survey? YIES '11.Es1irriatec matershe( lanc use:oResicenllial /o plc rest ed 2121. E ankfiill wicth: /� 214. Chanr e l slop e c ovv n cenlen of slream: ><1al (01( a%; 215. Clhanrel sinuosity: SUiaibIVI ccasicnal limos % Corr rriencial—'/olydustrial 30Y.Agpiicultunal _V Cleared / Lc Mlled _% C 1h er II 2131. E ark Height tlfrern bec tc 1( r of Han N;: _Gentle 1121 'Io z %] _Mcc enale (I/ tlo 10°ro _Steep (>10°io _Frequent meariceri _Very sin ucus _Braidec eNnnel lnslructians fon completion of Nvorksheell (lacaled an page 21 : Beglin bj determinin€1 the most appuorniale ecoregicn basec (r I(caticu, teniair, vegletallicu, strearr classification, etc. Every characleni:lie must Ile seorec usirli the sarnie eccreblicn. Assigln points 1( each chanaeterislic mitHin the rangle sHcmn fon tllie eccregicn. Page 3 puomices a brief descuiplicn of Hove to remiem Vhe chtnaateristics icentifrec in the mcrkspeet. Scones sltculc reflect an overall assessrrierl of the stnearr reach under emaluaticn. If a chanacterisilic cannot He evaluatec due tc site cn weallher ccnditiors, enlen (I in the sc(ring hcx and provide an explaralior in tlhe ecnmrent seclier. Where tHene are oHvious changes in 11te character cf a stnezrr uncer neviem, te.gl., the scream flows fiiorr a pasture into a fctiest;, 1he stream tray He cimided irtc smaller retches Ilial display mone cuilinuity, and a separate form usec ilo evaluaile each peach. Tie IeVal secre assibined tc a stream ueacH must rangle between 0 anc 100, milli a scone of ]CIO nepnesenlirg a stuezrr of 1He highest qualitN. Total Scare (fnom i eviers e;: J C omments: 7� Evaluator's Slipinr Ilure �� ,. Uale This cH antiel ev alualiairm s intended to be used anly as a guide la assist lainc omm ers and en v ircmmen Ito professionals in gathering the cats regluirec Hy tie United States Army Ccrpls of Engineers to make a preliminary assessmenil of stream quality. The total secre resulting from tile ec rrir Ietic n of IN is fa i rri is su h jeet tc USIA CE ar pp avial and does n oil imply a [articular miliglatiein ralic or requirerrieul. Elcrrri subject to change-mensicn (16103. Tc Ccrrmenl, please call 5119-876-8441 � Y. STREAM QUALITY A S SIESISIMEN T WORKSIHEET 0 A C 0;,"l NC DVN Q Stn cam Identificatic r Fon m Ver sion 4 11I / Date: r, l t •N RnojErct/,lille: �\ U� IJatilucel 4� nlv% cn altl JULI1t�. 31 2. 11inuosity cf ohannEil along thalweg 9valualor: Cclunq: /v �• j'�-- IJorigiluce:f`.� Points: 31. In-ohannEll Slul crll u r Eix. niffle-pc( I, StEip-pcc I, ripple -pool se uence CI - strew Stream is at least intern iitten�l � '� if z 19 Sfica m Delerrninalion c iur E f h erriarai InterrriittElnt OilhE or perennial if 30" eren nial e.g. quac Name: A. C eomorohology (Subtotal = 1 A hcclr 11 11A.... _ .a.. r la Ccnlinl ity e1 channel tled and bank ---•• CI � 1 nlv% cn altl JULI1t�. 31 2. 11inuosity cf ohannEil along thalweg CI 1 2 31 31. In-ohannEll Slul crll u r Eix. niffle-pc( I, StEip-pcc I, ripple -pool se uence CI CI 2 31 4. FartlolE SIZE csliieam sub91iia1E a 1 2 3 9. AdivE /uE liat floc dplain 0 1 2 3 6. Deposi'lional bans or benchE s 0 1 X 31 7. F ecant alluvial deposits CI 3 8, F Eiaduuls (I 1E#E 3 9. GnadE oc ntrcl CI 0 'ICI. t aluual valley CI C1.5 1.5 1'I .,lea( nd c r greater c nde a ohannE I a rlifirini rlitrh- : nt -ta.t• YE s = 3 B. Hydrology (Su b' (1 2d _ I 12. FrEsence o1 BasEfleuv CI 1 2 3 13. Inc n c xidizing bac1E ria CI 2 3 I'. Leat litleu 1.9 1 .5 CI 15. SE dirriE nt on plants ort dE bilis CI 0:5 1 1.5 'IE . Organic dE tris lines eu piles 17. Soil -base d evidence < 1 h' watertable? a 0.5 No = CI 1 1.9 YEas = 3 '18. Ribuous nook in slueamilled 3 2 1 a 9. R001Ed upland plants in strearritlEd 2 1 0 20. MaciiiobenIh09 (note diver; it) � nd abundE r ce) C1 2 3 2'1. Aquatic N ollusl s 1 2 3 221. Rish CI.9 .1 1.9 23, Clrayfish CI C1.9 1 1.9 24. Amphibians CI C1.9 1.9 29. AlgaE CI 1 1.5 '16. Welland Flants in slueamided A = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 Ctt Er = CI 'perennial s twams n ay also It e identified using othe i m ethod; . See p. 3:1 oil manual. silri gOl X snag011 snag011 facing upstream snag011 facing downstream snag011 snag011 side shot USA CE A IN DIVA Q M Site 11 ilindicate on at aciled man; STIR EAM Q UA L ITIM ASSESSMENT VG ORNSHEE-V Provide the lcdlov`ing infcunr atiou for the stream reach under a!se!sment: 1. A pplicanil's r art e: ,` ��Er. ;<' ,� . < 21. E valuator': name: -"; r'° 31. Oal e of ev alu at ian v , , "'� ? ��' 4. Time of ev alu at ion : 9.1v art a all s'I nearr : .t )�:) ` ; + �� � 6. River ba! in: i 7. A ppnaxirrate uiairage area: b. Stuearr cmc en: SI. Ler gllh of reach eva luatec :1- 0 10. County: 111. Site coon( males (ill knovvn : pre ten in daairral dognees. 12. Subcivi ion rianiie (if any Lati'It d a i. 3 E 12 p' iB r`"� Longi) uda Method location da teriu ined (circle):SSP Topo Sheet Ortho QAerial) F h( to, ICIIS Other CIIS Others 131. Locatian of ueacil urder evalualian )bole neanby toads anc landmarks arc aitacH rr an icen1ifyin€1 <lreamlj:) location): 14. Aroposed channel mock (ill anN): IS. Recent weathet conditians: 1 C. Site car dition s at 1iniie of visit: 17.ldertify an }I spec ial vvaterway classifical ion, known: _�ec1icur la _Tidal Waters _F<<enVial Phheries Habilat _Traul Wa1en� _Outstanding Resource Waters _l;ulrienl Sensitive Walers _Wales Supplj 'A aletisi-ed (I -IM) 18. is ti -ere a pond ou lakle located un! cream of ti -a ev alualiar pairt? YES' NOS If}les, estimate the wales ! urface anea: 191. Roes char nel appea r an USC S quad in ap? YE S 1v C XI. Dlaes cle ar nel appear cin UE DA Said Su rveN `: YES NC 21. Est irr atec vv ater! h ec l 221. Bankfitll wid1H: 24. Cli ar nel ! lape (awn 29. Ch an nel ! it uasity 1 nstru c9 isms for completh Icicalian, teitiain, vegeValion to each c h aracte iisl is wit) characteristics icenliftec in chatiacterisilic cannot He ev camment section. Where t irtci a lcuiest;, the �trearr rr reach. THe ta1a1 : care ass higfle!I cluality. TOM Scare Qfrarr rev use: �'ioRe! icenlial _% Corr rreticial _'/oIndUtniai _t/ Agnicthural Foties1ec _'/o Clearec / Loggec _oro 01 her :13. Bank heigl1ti1frambe( loliap of Hark]: er afs1neam: =Hilal 0 la'1% _Cen11e iI21 to 40/0 _Mcideratle 114 to 1(I0/a) _Steep it%1CI%) SlraigHt _Cccasiona]Hend: � Atiequenitreancen _'lery sin uciu: _Enaicedchannel n cif wor(sheet illoeatec on page :1,: Begin by celertniinirg llie rrcisl apptiapriate econegion bayed an sltiearr cla<<ifrcation, e1c. Ever)II chanacletiistic rrusil be scared using) the game ecaregian. Assign pciirts n the range shovvn )cin the ecciregicin. Aa€1e 3 provides a brief descriplian of hciw to neview 1He the morksfleel. Sccuies sHoulc reflect an civerall a!<e<<rrerrl of the stream peach under evalualicin. If a luated due to site cul meallrer canditians, enletl CI in the sccuiinpl bcix and provide at explaralion in the ere are oHvious changes in llre characcler of a sltiearr undeti rneview (je.g., the stream flowfticirr a paslune y be civided into <rrallen neaclie� llial display motie eanlinuity, arc a eparate fcmm used to e)aluale eacH ,tied to a sltiearr reacH rru;l ran€1e between a and RIO, miler a score of ICICI tiepne!enlirg a slnearr al Me t Carr rr en Is Evalualor's Signalure � Dale "3 4.� This clannel evaluayalfform C i to ded Ice be used emly as a guise to as!isll landovinem and er`'vireinmental prolessiorals in gaVhenirg tle cats required by tle Uniled States Army Coups of Engineers to malie a preliminary assessmenll of!Iream c ualily. The total : cure resulting fucim tle catriplleticin of This fcmm is su t jecl to U,� ACE ar p naval ar d diel roll implly a particular tuilig ailian ratio'eui requ iretnenl. Saran subjec 1 1a change —ver! ian (16,103. To Con-rren1, please call SIS -876-8441 r 16. r STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT VWRIKSHEEI " These chataaleii! tics aie rof a<<e!!ed in coagtal!hearv. IS C Division of Water Q1. ality Methoc oIogy for Icentification of Intermitlle rlt arid Pererlrlial Streams and 111 eir Oriains v. 4.11 NC DWQ Sticam Iderllifilaailior Alarm Vei-sicrl 4.11 Dalu F najecrtdSita: r / Latitudci: It 4k Strong 1'' Conlinuity ofl channel bead and bank E% atuatou:W Ems' County: (�� � J t_. Longituce: ;3 2. Sinuosity c11 channell along lhaltieg 0 Total F e ints: 91rciam Dellerrr iriatiori (circ1q,naeC11hcm 3 St) eam is a I h asil in lerrnittent - d? 19 or erennial if _. 30' 3 t BFlhcirr eiral Initeirmiticmt E'erenr ial e.g. Quao Name: A . Geomc r f c to (SL tWWI = �) A li I eak N c c errata Strong 1'' Conlinuity ofl channel bead and bank 0 1 2 ;3 2. Sinuosity c11 channell along lhaltieg 0 1 2 -' 3 3. In -channel stnucllune: ex. riffle -pool, SIEIPI-p( al, ripple -pool sequence 23. Crayfish 11 -0 ' 3 �. Particle size alsinearn substnaie 0 1 2 3 5. Ac1ive1lne1liCi floodplain Cl 1 2 ' 6. Deposilional flans an bemches 0 '2""' 3 7. ReCElnl alluvial deiplosits 02 3 El. 1- eadculs 0 1 2 3 CI. Gnadel aminal Cl 0.9 1' 1.9 10. IN mural vallely ' Cl) 0.5 1 1.5 111.: elcond cm greater ander channel Na a ,% Yes = 3 P ar ificial ditc I es are not rated; see discussions in manual B. H yd11c logy (Scbilateil _ ) `12. Fllnetseince of Ba: eii 0 I 2 '13. (non oxidiaing baclemia 0 2 3 '14. Leaf lits en 1.5i CL9 Cl 5. Sediment c n plants ar debnis Cl 0.5? 11.9 6. Organic debnis liners oo pliles Cl 0.5 _ _ 11.9 7. Soil -t ascid eyJdencei c high waren tablel? 23. Crayfish No = Cl �`� hes = 3 C. Biology (St,blateil = y ,, IFI. Fibrcus rccits in stneiamtad - -- - -.. --- ICI. Raaled upland plants in siiielambeid ---- � _ _..__..- 2 - - - -- ----- ------ ----------------- 2 (I Cl 20. Nlacrcbenlhas (note diver: it) and abunclance) 0 1 rf2 3 2 1. Aquatic Nl allusk� 0 3 22. F ish 0 a.5 1.5 23. Crayfish 0 0. } 1 1.5 24. Amphibians P (I �. ` 0"�5 1 1.5 29. Algae 0 'a.5) 1.5 2E. Actland plant: in slreiarritEid FAC" = a.79; 09L = ' .5' Oihein,= 0 "perennial stneam: may a I: c be identified using othen rn ethods.: ee p. 35 of manual Notes: snn 009 9/ snag009 snag009 side shot USA CE A iDAI DIVA Q M Site tl Iindia ate cri attached map; ;,,,; !SITREAM QL A LIMY AS!SIESSMENT WOR KSHEE 11 - Prc vide ttl a fc Ill win g info rrriail is n 1 c r th a sil ream reach t in deu assessmen t: 1. Appliceinl narre:2. Hvaluator's name: r 3. Bade c f evaluadi( n: ��.�a �� 4. Time c f evaivalic n: !� 5. Name cfslream: 6. Riven basin:,< 71. Appres imaile drainal e airea: 8. Silwanrl arder:___ t 9. Length c f reach evaluated: I Cl. Cc unty: 1' 111. Sill ( ccardinal(s I1if kncwn): pnefen in decimal degrees. 121. Subdivision name (Iifan) Al ;: Latitude ilex. 34.872312): "'" ° � I F 7 Longitude ilex. —77.:1:16611): -z Method location detenminad Ilcitcle): ! GP� Ioil o Sheat Clrtio ilAarial) Hhoilo/GIS Clther GIS Clther 1131. Lceaulian afreaeh nicer evaduatior (Jwle neanb) ioacs and IancrramN! and attach mat identifyinl slreaiml:; lcaadian): __.. gathering ilhe data regtired by the Unitec 91ala: Army Carps cl En€lireers tc tualke al plueffivinauy al::essrriant cl strearri qualit). The ilotal ;acre resulting) from the eemphlien cl this form is :ubjeet to USIACE alpprcvall and tees nct imply a particc lar miligalior rade or uecuirement. Pourri suH.jecl la change—version 06/G`. Ila Comment, please call 919-£'R-8441 x:6. 14. F ncipa! ed ahannel Nlcrk (Jif any)): i�Aj v 15. Receno weather acmditians: 16. Site ccnditi( ns at lime of -visit:r" classifical knawn: _Secticn 10 _Tidal Waters HssenllialRheriesHal 171. Identify any, :retial Aaterwary _Trcut Wat(rs _Culstandingl Rescurae Wailers _Nutrient Sensitive Waters _Warleu Slurp]) Watershed II -IM) 18. Is there a pard c n lake 1( cadet upstream of the evaluatior pc irrl? YES,/NO/ If)( s, eslimalle the wapler suuface eirea: 191. Daes channel apt ear an USGS quad mat? YES NO 210. Does channel apt eau c USDA Hcil Survey? 'i HSI NC 213. Hstimarled warleushec hind use: '/o Residential _% Cammercial _1/o Inc usllrial _Oro Agricultural _`/o Ao rested _% Clemed , I II aggled _(/o C th ei (I 212. E ankfiill Niicth: _ 21:1. Banti height (Ifiom Hed tc tcp c f bank): 214. Channel slate d( An center of stream: N Flat (0 to 20/ C entle Q: 1( 4%; _Moceuate (4 1c IW/o; _Sleep (>1(1%; 215. Channel sinu(sity: Straight Occasianal bends Fuegluent rneainder _Very sinucus _Braic ec chauniel Irslructiors fcu eomplelior of 1( caticln, terrain, vegletallicn, stream i( each chaauaalerislic within the chauacterislics icentifiec in the worksheet. orh;heet (located cn palge 2 : Begin b) dell eirniningl the mast arpiopriate ecou(gior tlasec (n classificatior, etc. Every characlerislic must Ile scored using the sarrie e(arglicn. Assign rol is mingle shaven for the ecaregian. Paige piovices a brief descriplicn (f how la revievii the Scones shcul( reflect ani overall a sesirrierrl of the slrearri reach under evaduaticn. If ar chaiawierislic cannot tle evaluated ccmmenl seclicn. Where there ar hill a fcniest;, 'the stueam map Ila diviced due to site (u weather canciliors, emleu (I in the scauing box and puavide an extllamarlion in the ativicus changes in the ahairacteu of a stueam unceu ueviev< I1e.g., the stream flaws fiorri ai parslure into smalleu waehes that display micnie ecn4inuity, and a sepamate f( urri usec 4o evaluate each ueach. THe tatail scare assigned to highest quality. ai stream reach rriusl wangle between 0 and 1(la, with a scone of 1C10 repuesentingl a stueam (if itle Total Sc( re (Ifrcm reverse : Ccmrrienis: Evalualc is Hign att re Ilalte Th is eh ann c I evalu atic n fe r i; ed to d e used on ly al: al flu id a to alssi; t Ian do wr ers an( a lviror rrien lal r i ofe: ; is nails in gathering ilhe data regtired by the Unitec 91ala: Army Carps cl En€lireers tc tualke al plueffivinauy al::essrriant cl strearri qualit). The ilotal ;acre resulting) from the eemphlien cl this form is :ubjeet to USIACE alpprcvall and tees nct imply a particc lar miligalior rade or uecuirement. Pourri suH.jecl la change—version 06/G`. Ila Comment, please call 919-£'R-8441 x:6. STREAM QLALI'I1VI AS�,;IESSMEN'D WORKSHEETI * These aharacteui;iIias arencrl w!iessec in cca!Ial sl reams. NC Clivision of"alle1r Qt, aility-Methoc ology for Ic entification of Intelmitlelnt air d Perennial Streams and 1 N eir Origins v. 4.11 NC DWO Stream Idenlifiaailion Atom Vewinn 4.11 Dale: ' �`" �� Hloeat4Sitei: ;°t� C, J k� LaudEi:r� 7r til ,. fr 1.9 311arc E%aluatcu: Claunily: HcirgitudEi:r7�=© ^_ 16. Organic dEibriE lines ar piles Cl I Total Paints: 0 .1 Itreamia at lea:tintermittent _ Etrearri Dalairririallieir (circle'an CtHer M? 719 o,i erennial iP! 30' �3 BnNerrieral InlerrnilltElnit''.Penelllrlial e.cl. Quac Name: A. GEcimor holo (Sublolal = 2,_, ) Abse nit WeaH MocerallE 1.9 311arc •1' Cantinuity al channel bed and Hank p j 16. Organic dEibriE lines ar piles Cl I 2. 9inuasity of channel along thalWEi9 0 .1 2 22. Fish 0 3. In -channel structure: ex. piffle-glacil, sterl-paal, ripple -pool sequence 0 II') 2 4. Farticle si2Ei of stnearri substnale (I 0. 2, 25. Algae .I 9. ActiveAnelicl I aodplain (1 .1 2;' FIACW _ (1.79; OBH =A..5 OthEr'- Cl .I 6. Depositianal bans on lcanchEV (l! Notes: 2 ;I 7. F ecent alluvial deposits (I r. 2 .I 8. F eadculs 2 J 9. Gnade contncil A5) 1.9 'ICL Natural valley 'b ; CI.5 1.9 '11. Second on greater cinder channel a Nci = 0 Yes = 3 ar mcial alta r es are not llatud; see discussions in manual i B. Hydrcilogv (Sublateil - 12. F Eisen ca of Baseflovt 13. Inon axidizing bactenia 0 Cl 2 3 14. I-Eia'l Ii11Em 1.9 0.9 Cl 19. 9edirrient an plants on clams Cl 0. Ell 1' 1.9 16. Organic dEibriE lines ar piles Cl ( 0.5) 1.9 17. Sail-baseid E vidence oll high vA al Em table? .Ci' IN ci - 0 Yes`= C. Biology (Su HIolal _ ) 18. Flibnous noco in slrearr bed _ 31 2 1 0 19. F ciolE d upland plants in stnE arrib ed ` � 2 0 - 20. IVaciiob enthas (r ote diversity and abundar (ie) �� 0 (1) 2 3 21. Aquatic MolluE ks .Ci' 1 2 = 3 22. Fish 0 (I. 1.5 23. (Inaylist 24. Amphibians 0 0. 1.5 25. Algae 0) 0 9 '1.5 26. Welland plants in sinEarribed FIACW _ (1.79; OBH =A..5 OthEr'- Cl 'perennial stneams may also be identified using other mett ods. See p. 35 o1 manual. Notes: ag p 41 w;� V/4 OL c If ME- snag010 snag010 side shot