HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110931_Meeting Minutes_20080711 P10. .1 'tea ,:.m• ~ ;G s~ 4 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY MINUTES TIP PROJECT No. U-3810 FEDERAL AID NO. STP-1406 (4) WBS No. 35801.1.1 WIDENING OF SR 1406 (PINEY GREEN ROAD) FROM NC 24 (LEJEUNE BOULEVARD) TO US 17 (MARINE BOULEVARD) JACKSONVILLE, ONSLOW COUNTY MEETING FOR CONCURRENCE POINTS 3 AND 4A NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY BUILDING - BOARDROOM THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2008 1:00 PM ATTENDANCE Name UnitlAgency Contact Info Team Members Ron Lucas FHWA ron.lucas@dot.gov Brad Shaver USACE brad.e.shaver@saw02.usace.army.mil Chris Militscher USEPA militscher.chris@epa.gov Gary Jordan USFWS gary_jordan@fws.gov David Wainwright NCDWQ david.wainwright@ncmail.net Steve Sollod NCDCM steve.sollod@ncmail.net Travis Wilson NCWRC travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org Chris Lukasina Jacksonville MPO cukasina@ci.jacksonville.nc.us Wade Kirby NCDOT -PDEA swkirby@ncdot.gov Ron Sechler NMFS (via conference call) ron.sechler@noaa.gov Renee Gledhill-Early SHPO (not present) Renee.Gledhill-Early@ncmail.net Fritz Rohde NCDMF (not present) Fritz.Rohde@ncmail.net Attendees Richard Spencer USACE richard.k.spencer@us.army.mil Kathy Matthews USEPA matthews.kathy@epa.gov Brian Yamamoto NCDOT - PDEA byamamoto@ncdot.gov Sam St. Clair NCDOT - Roadway Design sstclair@ncdot.gov Roger Thomas NCDOT - Roadway Design rthomas@ncdot.gov MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH WEBSITE: RALEIGH NC 27601 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 www.ncdot.org /doh /preconstruct /pe / U-3810 Piney Green Road Widening Concurrence Points 3 and 4A Page 2 of 11 Dena Snead NCDOT - Roadway Design dcsnead@ncdot.gov Andrew Nottingham NCDOT - Hydraulics anottingham@ncdot.gov Chris Manley NCDOT - NEU cdmanley@ncdot.gov Chris Rivenbark NCDOT - NEU crivenbark@ncdot.gov Tom Stoddard NCDOT - TIP Unit ttoddard@ncdot.gov Mason Herndon NCDOT - Division 3 mhemdon@ncdot.gov Joe Blair NCDOT - Division 3 jblair@ncdot.gov Tim Coggins NCDOT - Structures tcoggins@ncdot.gov Omar Azizi NCDOT - Structures oazizi@ncdot.gov Ed Lewis NCDOT - Public Involvement elewis@ncdot.gov Ron Hairr KHA ron.hairr@kimley-hom.com Meredith Van Duyn KHA meredith.vanduyn@kimley-hom.com Jeff Moore KHA jeff.moore@kimley-horn.com Erskine Brooks KHA erskine.brooks@kimley-hom.com Pam Barth KHA pam.barth@kimley-horn.com MINUTES FOR CONCURRENCE POINT 3 Mr. Brad Shaver (USACE) opened the meeting by welcoming everyone, and attendees introduced themselves. Mr. Shaver recognized Mr. Wade Kirby (NCDOT - PDEA), who noted the purpose of Concurrence Point (CP) 3 was to reach agreement on the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA) for TIP Project U-3810. Mr. Kirby noted the (combined) Merger meeting for CP 1 and 2 was held on April 11, 2006. The Merger meeting for CP 2A was held on March 15, 2007. In previous meetings, Merger Team members agreed on the Purpose and Need, alternatives to be carried forward for further consideration, and details for bridging the four major stream crossings. Mr. Kirby briefly described the two alternatives remaining for consideration for LEDPA as follows: - Alternative I extends for 6.6 miles along the existing alignment of Piney Green Road, widening and improving the geometry of the roadway mainly to the west side of the roadway. - Alternative 3A extends for 6.6 miles along the existing alignment of Piney Green Road, widening and improving the geometry of the roadway on a "best fit" alignment (mainly symmetrically). Mr. Kirby noted the Public Hearing for the project was held on November 8, 2007. Most of the comments received in writing after the Public Hearing were in favor of Alternative 3A. Mr. Kirby recognized Mr. Ron Hairr (KHA). Mr. Hairr noted if agreement for CP 3 could be reached, discussion for CP 4A would immediately follow to determine the adequacy of avoidance and minimization efforts to date. Mr. Hain referred attendees to the agenda and to the packet mailed to agency representatives prior to the meeting. Project Details Mr. Hairr reviewed project details as follows: NCDOT proposes to widen SR 1406 (Piney Green Road) to a four-lane median divided facility from NC 24 (Lejeune Boulevard) to US 17 (Marine Boulevard) in Jacksonville, Onslow County. The widening is proposed along the existing alignment, as shown in Figure 1 in the meeting packet (provided here for reference). Mr. Hairr stated the original seven alternatives presented U-3810 Piney Green Road Widening Concurrence Points 3 and 4A Page 3 of 11 were designed generally to follow the existing alignment. He referred to the wide section in the middle of the study corridor and noted two of the original seven alternatives proposed to straighten the alignment on new location in this area. Using Figure 1, Mr. Hairr drew attention to the streams and tributaries in the study corridor. Mr. Hairr stated the project is included in the NCDOT's 2007-2013 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) as TIP Project No. U-3810. According to the Draft 2009-2015 TIP, right-of-way acquisition is scheduled to begin in Fiscal Year (FY) 2009, and construction is scheduled to begin in FY 2011. The preliminary build alternatives, as previously selected by the Merger Team and presented in the Environmental Assessment (EA), include Alternatives 1 and 3A, with one revision. In the Public Hearing Map Review meeting on July 24, 2007, NCDOT staff determined it is preferable to build only one bridge over Northeast Creek. This decision was due to constructability and maintenance issues with a section of fill between the two previously proposed bridges. The dimensions of the single-span bridge are shown in Table 1 in the meeting packet (provided here for reference). Mr. Hairr noted the slope stake line (SSL) in the preliminary roadway design was not affected by the change from two proposed bridges to one. Impacts are calculated based on the SSL plus 25 feet; therefore, this alteration does not affect the number of acres of wetlands. Per NCDOT guidance, streams are not affected where bridged. Table 1 from the CP 3/4A Mer ei Meetin Packet Table 1 Proposed Hydraulic Details for Alternatives 1 and 3A (Presented at CP2A) Change in Bridge Length - Preferred by NCDOT (July 24, 2007) due to Constructability Issues Crossing 1 2 3 4 UT to Stream Name Northeast Northeast Creek Poplar Little Northeast Creek Creek Creek Existing Structure Metal Plate RC Box 21" Cored Slab Type Arch Culvert (2) 21 " Cored Slab Bridges Culvert Bridge - 120' Length Existing Structure - 93" x 72" Bridge 1 - 78' Length (2 @ 39') 2 9' x 8' Size @ (1 @ 35', 1 @ 50', Bridge 2 - 98 Length (2 @ 49) 1 @ 35') Type of Proposed Culvert 21" Cored Slab Structure Culvert (191') 21" Cored Slab Bridge (148') Bridge Bridge 1 - 80' Length (2 @ 40') Bridge 2 - 125' Length (I @ 40', 1 @ 45' 1 @ 40) 125' Length Dimensions of Proposed Structure 1 7 x 6 2@ 9 x 8 (1 @ 40', 1@ 45', 315' Length 1 @ 40') (3@60', I @55 2@40) Mr. Hairr discussed the details of each of the alternatives as follows: Alternative 1 extends for 6.6 miles along the existing alignment of Piney Green Road, widening and improving the geometry mainly to the west side of the roadway. Based on U-3810 Piney Green Road Widening Concurrence Points 3 and 4A Page 4 of [ / preliminary roadway designs, impacts for Alternative 1 include 2.6 acres of wetlands, 870 linear feet of streams, and 76 total relocations. This alternative requires a total of two new bridges, including one over Northeast Creek and one over Little Northeast Creek, parallel to the existing structures. The proposed widening to the west side allows the existing structures to remain in place. Alternative 1 requires installing a new culvert at an unnamed tributary of Northeast Creek and extending the existing culvert at Poplar Creek. It impacts two cemeteries (the Ambrose Cemetery and an unnamed cemetery located along Piney Green Road near Sheffield Drive) and the Jones-Onslow Electric Membership Corporation's Piney Green Substation. It also impacts a water pump station. Alternative 3A (NCDOT's Preferred Alternative) extends for 6.6 miles along the existing alignment of Piney Green Road, widening and improving the geometry on a "best fit" alignment (mainly symmetrically along Piney Green Road). Based on preliminary roadway designs, impacts for Alternative 3A include 3.4 acres of wetlands, 905 linear feet of streams, and 58 total relocations. This alternative requires a total of two new bridges, including one over Northeast Creek and one over Little Northeast Creek, parallel to the existing structures. This "best fit" alignment allows the existing structures to remain in place. Alternative 3A requires installing a new culvert for the unnamed tributary of Northeast Creek and extending the culvert at Poplar Creek. Alternative 3A would not disturb any gravesites but would require easements at the two cemeteries mentioned above. A retaining wall would be required for the unnamed cemetery located along Piney Green Road near Sheffield Drive. Alternative 3A does not impact the Piney Green Substation or the water pump station. Using maps provided in the meeting packet (Figure 4 is provided here for reference), Mr. Hairr drew the Merger Team's attention to wetland and stream sites along the study corridor. He noted the change in the number of bridges (from two to one) at Northeast Creek. Mr. Hainr also indicated the 100 year floodplain, the delineated wetland boundary, and the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Area of Environmental Concern (AEC), which is 30 feet for public trust waters. Project Status Mr. Hairr detailed events after CP 2A and discussed the project status. The Environmental Assessment was signed July 17, 2007, and then distributed. Approximately 200 people attended the Pre-Hearing Open House and Public Hearing held in November 2007. A number of people were in favor of the proposed improvements, and many attendees wanted a five-lane section. The attendees who did not want the project at all preferred Alternative 3A over Alternative 1. The Post Hearing meeting was held in January 2008, and NCDOT decided their Preferred Alternative is Alternative 3A. The FONSI is scheduled for September 2008. Right-of-way acquisition is scheduled to begin in July 2009, and construction is expected to begin in the spring of 2011. Prior Merger Meetings Mr. Hairr summarized prior Merger meetings as follows: Concurrence Point 1: Purpose and Need The Merger Meeting for Concurrence Point 1 was held in the NCDOT Transportation Building on April 11, 2006. The Merger Team concurred on the following purpose and need for the proposed project: Deficient Capacity - The 2005 average daily traffic on Piney Green Road ranges from 16,200 vehicles per day (vpd) south of US 17 to 24,000 vpd south of SR 1403 (Country Club Road). The traffic volumes are projected to increase at a rate of approximately U-3810 Piney Green Road Widening Concurrence Points 3 and 4A Page 5 of 11 1.5 percent per year, forecast to as high as 35,000 vpd along the busiest section by the year 2030. Piney Green Road currently operates at level of service (LOS) E based on the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) two-lane highway methodology. (The LOS is defined with letter designations from A to F. LOS A is the best operating condition along a roadway or at an intersection, and LOS F is the worst. In urban areas, LOS D is generally considered acceptable, while in rural areas, LOS C is considered acceptable.) By the year 2030, most intersections along Piney Green Road are projected to operate at overall LOS E or F (without the proposed improvements) based on the HCM signalized and unsignalized intersection methodology. LOS E and F conditions increase the potential for accidents and contribute substantially to inefficient traffic operations. Inefficient operations will delay traffic accessing three schools, several neighborhoods, and numerous retail and service businesses. Above Average Accident Rates - The 2001-2004 accident rate along Piney Green Road of 410.92 accidents per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (100MVM) is substantially higher than the 2001-2003 average statewide rate for similar roadways (179.94 accidents per 100MVM for two-lane undivided rural primary routes and 336.47 accidents per 100MVM for two-lane undivided urban primary routes). The most common types of accidents from 2001-2004 were rear-end collisions (approximately 54 percent) and left- turn collisions (approximately 20 percent), indicating traffic congestion as a likely cause. Concurrence Point 2: Alternatives for Detailed Study The Merger Meeting for Concurrence Point 2 was held immediately following the Merger Meeting for Concurrence Point 1, on April 11, 2006. The following alternatives were described in detail: Alternative I - Widen and improve the alignment completely to the west side of existing Piney Green Road Alternative IA - Widen and improve the alignment completely to the west side of existing Piney Green Road, with partial possible realignment between SR 1860 (Hunters Trail) and SR 1779 (Balsam Road) Alternative 2 - Widen and improve the alignment completely to the east side of existing Piney Green Road Alternative 2A - Widen and improve the alignment completely to the east side of existing Piney Green Road, with partial possible realignment between SR 1860 (Hunters Trail) and SR 1779 (Balsam Road) Alternative 3 - Widen and improve the alignment using a best fit concept (primarily widening to the east side) along existing Piney Green Road Alternative 3A - Widen and improve the alignment using a best fit concept (primarily widening symmetrically) along existing Piney Green Road Alternative 3B - Same as Alternative 3 but also including the additional width required to accommodate a grade separation for the Camp Lejeune Railroad. The Merger Team agreed to eliminate three alternatives - IA, 2, and 2A - and to retain Alternatives 1, 3, and 3A for further study. The alternatives proposing to correct the alignment on new location (Alternatives lA and 2A) were eliminated because of the U-3810 Piney Green Road Widening Concurrence Points 3 and 4A Page 6 of 11 amount of impacts. The Merger Team agreed to retain the possibility of Alternative 3B should a grade separation for the railroad be required. (Initially the project team was informed two trains per day utilized this crossing, which would exceed the exposure index. The project team later was informed two trains per week utilize the crossing.) In discussions with PDEA on December 7, 2006, the NCDOT Rail Division suggested signals, bells, lights, and gates would be sufficient at this crossing. This was confirmed during a site visit on January 20, 2007, which included NCDOT staff. Concurrence Point 2A: Bridging The Merger Meeting for Concurrence Point 2A was held in the NCDOT Transportation Building on March 15, 2007. Preliminary designs were completed for Alternatives 1, 3, and 3A. Prior to this meeting, several Merger Team members met on-site in Jacksonville on February 15, 2007, for a field review and to discuss preliminary hydraulics design and existing and proposed stream crossings. The purpose of the Concurrence Point 2A meeting was to agree on bridging decisions and alternative(s) carried forward. Since the existing bridges cannot be widened, the Merger Team members agreed to the hydraulic designs and specifications for Alternatives 1 and 3A. In the March 15, 2007 CP2A meeting, the Merger Team agreed to carry forward Alternatives 1 and 3A for additional study. Alternative 3 was eliminated from further consideration in part due to a potential impact to the recreational/athletic fields of White Oak High School. These fields are open for local sports organizations for use after school hours and would involve a Section 4(f) decision by the Federal Highway Administration. It was also noted Alternative 3 presented no additional environmental or traffic benefit when compared to Alternatives 1 and 3A. Environmental Assessment Updates and Comments The project team has received agency comments about the EA (distributed in July 2007) and comments from the public at and after the Public Hearing (held in November 2007). These comments will be addressed in writing in the FONSI. Mr. Hairr presented updates to the EA as well as some of the comments and the responses. • The presence of the endangered species pondberry (Lindera melissifolia) was unresolved in the EA. The study area was surveyed in February 2008, during the pondberry's flowering season, and no occurrences were found. The USFWS concurred with the finding of No Effect in March 2008. • Comments from the NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) raised concerns about sedimentation and erosion impacts. NCDWQ requested the project utilize NCDWQ Best Management Practices during construction. The response to this comment is NCDOT Stormwater Best Management Practices Toolbox will be used since this defines the use of stormwater controls in the linear highway environment as required by NCDOT's NPDES permit. • The NC Division of Coastal Management commented the EA reported the CAMA AEC incorrectly. The correct AEC buffer for this project is the 30-foot buffer for public trust waters, rather than the 75-foot buffer for estuarine waters as had been reported. • The Onslow County School System has requested coordination with NCDOT regarding sidewalk construction in front of White Oak High School. • The project team received many written and spoken requests regarding a canoe/kayak access at Little Northeast Creek. NCDOT will not provide funding for a canoe/kayak U-3810 Piney Green Road Widening Concurrence Points 3 and 4A Page 7 of 11 access but is willing to coordinate with the appropriate state/county agency if access can be acquired by other means and maintained by another agency. The NCDOT property adjacent to Little Northeast Creek was purchased for mitigation in association with B- 2158. NCDOT cannot release this property for canoe/kayak access because of potential impacts. o Mr. Tom Stoddard (NCDOT - TIP Unit) asked if current access is allowed. Mr. Hairr replied observations from the field visit revealed small boats have access but it is blocked by rip rap and a No Trespassing sign. Mr. Stoddard noted the spot is not conducive to boating and asked about access at Northeast Creek. Chris Lukasina stated there is full boat access on Northeast Creek. Mr. Hain stated NCDOT cannot release the site for boat access because of additional impacts. Mr. Lukasina used Figure 1 to identify the Little Northeast Creek boat ramp/park. • Mr. Hairr stated the fire department has requested a mountable median in front of the Highland Crossings shopping center. NCDOT recommends a left-over at this location to accommodate fire trucks. • Mr. Hairr stated a number of residents were in favor of a five-lane divided thoroughfare; however, NCDOT does not recommend a five-lane divided thoroughfare based on the volume projections and safety issues. • Several citizens also requested a new signal be added at the intersection with Halltown Road, which is near the White Oak Shopping Center. This possibility will be checked during final design. • Mr. Hairr stated the project team had received requests for additional bicycle accommodations. Mr. Hairr noted the 14-foot wide outside lane for bikes. • NCDOT hopes to minimize impacts to a childcare center during final design. • Mr. Hairr pointed out several residences between Victoria Lane and Sheffield Drive have front yard septic drainfields. NCDOT performed an additional survey and identified six houses. During final design, it will be determined if City sewer will be available for the residences to connect. If so, then the residences could be preserved. If not, an additional six relocations would be added to Alternative 3A, for a total of 49 residential relocations. Mr. Hairr reviewed the Impact Matrix table (Table 3 in the packet; included below for reference). Red type highlights the revisions. • Stream impacts: per NCDOT direction, there are no stream impacts where the stream is bridged. • The total number of relocations has changed. Alternative 1 has 76, and Alternative 3A has 58. Depending on the outcome of the six houses with front yard septic systems, the total number of relocations (residential, businesses, and institutions) for Alternative 3A could increase to 64. • The values for total construction cost were reversed in the EA Summary Impact Matrix but were reported correctly in the EA's Chapter 2. o Mr. Joe Blair (NCDOT - Division 3) asked about the $4 million difference between the two alternatives. Mr. Roger Thomas (NCDOT - Roadway Design) and Mr. Kirby stated the utility costs accounted for most of the differences. The Alternative 3A estimate assumes waterline to be relocated exists on both sides of Piney Green Road. o Mr. Jeff Moore (KHA) noted it is likely Alternative 3A would use more pavement, which would also cause cost increases. o Mr. Hairr explained the impact to the power substation could be more than $2.5 million. The Jones-Onslow EMC's Chief Engineering Utility Officer estimated the cost at $3.5 million to $4 million. U-3810 Piney Green Road Widening Concurrence Points 3 and 4A Page 8 of 11 0 Mr. Hairr stated previously a KHA senior biologist and Mr. Dave Timpy (USACE) thought on-site restoration would be possible. The project area was recently reviewed for onsite mitigation by the NCDOT/ICI Onsite Mitigation Group. Based on current designs, no practicable onsite mitigation sites exist within the project area. Therefore, it is likely compensatory mitigation for impacts to jurisdictional resources will be provided by the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program. o Mr. Shaver asked where a possible mitigation site might be located. Mr. Mason Herndon (NCDOT - Division 3) replied land prices are too high for mitigation. Discussion ensued about the mitigation possibilities of the manicured field next to a residential area near Little Northeast Creek. Mr. Chris Manley (NCDOT - NEU) stated he would send Mr. Shaver documentation about the field visit for his files. Table 3 from the CP 3/4A Merger Meetin Packet Table 3 (Updated from Table S.1 from the EA) Impact Matrix Impact Alternative 1 Alternative 3A Length (miles) 6.6 6.6 Wetland Impacts (acres)' 2.6 3.4 Stream Impacts (linear feet) 2 870 905 Residential Relocations 63 43 Business Relocations 11 14 Institutional Relocations 2 1 Total Relocations 76 58 Low Income Population Impacts - Relocatees 3 1 Minority Population Impacts - Relocatees 24 10 Right-of-Way Cost Estimate (May 2007) $20,055,550 $17,548,150 Construction Cost Estimate (May 2007)3 $39,400,000 $43,300,000 Utilities (Relocation of Power/Telephone Poles) 4 $2,272,970 $2,272,970 Jones-Onslow EMC Power Substation Relocations $2,500,000 - Total Cost $64,228,520 $63,121,120 New Bridges Required 6 2 2 New Culverts Required 1 1 Railroad Crossings 1 1 Schools Affected 7 1 1 Recreation Areas and Parks Affected 0 0 Churches Affected 8 8 10 Cemeteries Affected 9 2 2 Major Utility Crossings 10 78 78 Historic Properties Affected 0 0 Archaeological Sites Affected N/A N/A U-3810 Piney Green Road Widening Concurrence Points 3 and 4A Page 9 of 11 Federal Listed Species Present in Corridor No No 100 Year Floodplain and Floodway Crossings 4 4 Forest Impacts (acres) 11 16.6 15.2 Prime Farmland Impacts (acres) 0.8 1.2 Hazardous Material Sites 0 0 CAMA Areas of Environmental Concern 2 2 Riparian Buffer Impacts - Zone 1 (sq. ft.) N/A N/A Riparian Buffer Impacts - Zone 2 (sq. ft.) N/A N/A Water Supply Watersheds No No Impact Alternative 1 Alternative 3A Wildlife Refuges or Gamelands No No On-Site Restoration Potential 12 No No Impacted Noise Receptors 23 21 Section 4(f) Impacts 0 0 Federal Lands No No Significant Natural Heritage Program Areas 0 0 Greenway Crossings - Proposed 5 5 Greenway Crossings - Existing 0 0 Impacts to wetlands include slope stake limits plus an additional 25 feet. 2 Stream impacts reported in the EA were 1,160 linear feet (Alternative 1) and 1,195 linear feet (Alternative 3A). Per NCDOT guidance on March 17, 2008 streams are not impacted where bridged. Stream impacts were removed from Little Northeast Creek and Northeast Creek (locations of proposed bridges). 3 The construction cost estimates were inadvertently flipped in the Executive Summary of the EA but are correct as reported in Chapter 2. Please note that the correct (estimated) construction cost for Alternative 1 is $39,400,000 and $43,300,000 for Alternative 3A. Construction costs include relocation of water main, sewer lines, and the water booster/pump station (for Alternative 1). 4 Utility costs were included in the EA in Table 2.6 (page 2-15). s NCDOT staff estimated the cost of relocating the Jones-Onslow EMC Power Substation to be $2,500,000. However, Jones-Onslow EMC's Chief Utility Engineering Officer estimated the cost to be $3,500,000 to $4,000,000. 6 All existing bridges will be retained. Note: change from 2 proposed bridges over Northeast Creek to 1. 7 Schools: Easement only required. 8 Churches Alt 1: Two (2) relocations required. Right-of-way and easements required (6 locations). Alt 3A: One (1) relocation required. Right-of-way and easements required (9 locations). 9 Cemeteries Alt. 1: Relocations (2 locations). Alt 3A: Easements required (2 locations); Retaining wall required (1 location). 10 Substation Alt 1: Possible impacts to equipment. Relocation of Water Booster Station required. Alt 3A: Easement only required. No impacts to Water Booster Station. 11 Impacts include slope stake limits plus an additional 25 feet. 12 The project area was reviewed for onsite mitigation by the NCDOT/ICI Onsite Mitigation Group. Based on current designs, no practicable onsite mitigation sites exist within the project area. Therefore, it is likely that compensatory mitigation for impacts to jurisdictional resources will be provided by the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program. *Updated March 19, 2008 U-3810 Piney Green Road Widening Concurrence Points 3 and 4A Page 10 of 11 Mr. Hairr then opened the floor to questions. None were asked. The Merger Team concurred with the selection of Alternative 3A. During the ensuing break, Mr. Chris Militscher (USEPA) asked Mr. Hairr to include in the FONSI a statement clarifying effects on prime farmlands: although the proposed project affects 1.2 acres of prime farmland soil, those areas currently are not being used for farming but instead are covered by housing and a wooded area. Mr. Militscher also asked for a statement about archaeology along the study corridor. MINUTES FOR CONCURRENCE POINT 4A Mr. Hairr reconvened the Merger Team to discuss Concurrence Point 4A, Avoidance and Minimization. Mr. Hairr stated the project alternatives were based on widening the existing alignment (all alternatives) with possible new location (Alternatives IA and 2A). He discussed Table 6 in the meeting packet (included below for reference), which illustrates wetland and stream impacts from each of the seven original alternatives (1, IA, 2, 2A, 3, 3A, 3B). He explained impacts were initially calculated based on functional designs and survey data provided by NCDOT. Wetland and stream boundaries were field-verified, which updated the impact totals. Finally, impact totals were based on the slope stake line plus 25 feet from the preliminary designs. Table 6 from the CP 3/4A Merger Meeting Packet Table 6 Avoidance and Minimization Results Quantified Alternative Functional Design Preliminary Design Total Change Wetlands' Streamsz Streams' Wetlands Streams Wetlands Streams (acres) (linear feet) (linear feet) (acres) (linear feet) (acres) (linear feet) 1 5.3 1,010 974 2.62 870 -2.68 -140 IA 8.9 845 2 5.2 985 2A 8.5 810 3 5.6 1,055 3A 5.6 836 1,093 3.43 905 -2.17 +69 3B 5.6 1,055 Wetland impacts for functional roadway designs based on NWI files. i. Stream impacts for functional roadway designs based on NCDOT surveys. Stream impacts for functional roadway designs based on field-verification of jurisdictional streams (March 2006) 4' Preliminary roadway designs with slope stake lines plus 25 feet. Mr. Hairr referenced pages 17 and 18 in the meeting packet, which provide a history of the project, and reviewed information presented earlier for CP 3, as follows: • Functional designs were done for seven alternatives. • The Merger Team met in January 2006. • Fieldwork was completed in March 2006, and impacts were recalculated. • The Merger Team eliminated Alternatives IA and 2A based on wetland and stream impacts. U-3810 Piney Green Road Widening Concurrence Points 3 and 4A Page 11 of 11 Mr. Hairr reiterated the history of the seven alternatives, the process by which the Merger Team decided to forward Alternatives 1 and 3A for further consideration, and the decision to change from two bridges to one bridge over Northeast Creek. Mr. Hairr stated the design and elimination of alternatives were efforts to avoid or minimize impacts to the study corridor. Discussion followed as outlined below: Mr. Militscher commented Wetlands 2 and 5 are the nicest wetlands systems and requested NCDOT could consider small retaining walls to reduce some footprint. Mr. Hairr explained NCDOT mitigation site is part of Wetland 5, and the proposed project impacts it. Mr. Militscher requested retaining walls on both sides of Little Northeast Creek. Mr. Travis Wilson (NCWRC) asked how much of the mitigation site would be impacted. Mr. Erskine Brooks (KHA) replied 0.84 is the acreage of the total plot. Wetlands make up 0.28 acres, or 34%, of the total plot. Alternative 3A will place fill in 0.10 acres of the wetlands. Mr. Herndon asked why the impact areas are shown if the area is being bridged. Mr. Brooks replied NCDOT policy is to calculate impacts based on SSL plus 25 feet but not necessarily all of it will be impacted. Impacts will probably be reduced during final design. Mr. Shaver asked why the proposed project impacts area south of the bridge. Mr. Thomas replied the estimation of impacts based on SSL plus 25 feet provides impacts based on a worst-case scenario and these impacts can be reduced. Mr. Militscher asked for a commitment to study retaining walls in the FONSI, as Wetlands 2 and 5 are really nice. NCDOT agreed to investigate minimization by possible use of retaining walls to reduce impacts at these two wetland sites. Results will be reported at CP 4B. The signature sheet was revised to include a phrase about retaining walls (bolded here for ease of identification): The U-3810 Merger Process Team met on April 17, 2008, and concurred with the avoidance and minimization measures for the proposed widening of SR 1406 (Piney Green Road) in Jacksonville, NC, provided additional consideration is investigated for use of retaining walls or other options at Wetland sites 2 and 5 (as identified at CP4A) at Concurrence Point 4B. Mr. Kirby thanked attendees for their participation and adjourned the meeting. The signature sheets for Concurrence Points 3 and 4A were signed after the meeting by those in attendance. Mr. Kirby retained the original copy for the remaining required signatures. NCDOT videotaped the meeting and provided Mr. Hairr with a copy of the VHS.