HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000000_HF Lee Permit Application_20160202j.� DUKE ENERGY 2 February 2016 tvir. nradley tsenneu SLormwater Permitting Division North Carolina Det,artment of Environment and Natural Resuurccs 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Subject: H.F. Lee Energy Complex Stormwuter Permit Application Dear Mr. Bennett: Environmental services Duke Eneruy 410 s vviimington strut Raleigh, NC 27601 The purpose of this letter and subsequent application is to address stormwater discharges from the H.F. Lee Energy CutitplCA (heteinattei retched to as H.F. Lee) located in Goldsboro. North Carolina. H.F. Lee contains one simple cycle plant mid une CthubineCl Cyvle plant tacilitim for power generatirn: the Wayne County Plant and the H.F. Lee C�;mbinca Cycle Pimtt. i nu facilities; as well as supporting areas such as ash basins; coal fired units, and a manmade cooling pons, are located immediately adjacent to the Neuse River. Figure 1 depicts the facilities associated with H.F. Lee. It is nctca tact ruturc aZ.4lUpMCHt at tnc a:tc tnc cunstructi-vn of a haul road to move ash from the inactive ash basins to the active ash basin. The design of the haul road will include sturinwater management illfTastructure to convey runoff flows. This design will be cuusi&A in the Cviitcnt ut 51:01111Lwatei dibchargc5 truui iiiaustrial activity, and a modification to this applicatiu., gill bL submitted in tha rutULU as app1;U-priatc. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments regarding this application. I can be reached at 919-546-7457. Sincerely; Steve Cahoon Duke anergy EHS CCP Permitting and Compliance Attammiu13: N=�at;r Fir ..re 1: S;tc; V;cinity Map Figure 2: Wayne County PIant Starmwater Pand Figure 3: Inactive Ash Basins Attachment 1: Letter from Duke EncLgy to NC Divibim, of Energy, Mineial, and Land Rezaurces dateq October 14, 2014 Attammznt 2: EPA Pz;rm;t Appi.cat;;. Furma NAFd<A'1'lVE NARRATIVE FOR H.F. LEE ENERGY CuMPLEX STuRMWATER PERMIT APPLICATION STORMWATER DISCHARGES COMMINGLED WITH WASTEWATER Wastewater discharges from ri.r. Lee are permitted under national rollutant tJischarge Elimi.ation System (NPDES) Permit u.,abe, NC0003417. Thi3 permit alarm covers atormwater discharges comminglea w;th wastewater to the pCrirr;ttcd UUM111b. PCrrrlit riwrLber NCO003417 became etteWVC on November 1, 2009, with an Cxpirat;on date of May 31, 2013. Thu original Permit application and coverage includes discharges from two outfalls: Outfall 001 from the Act;, r, Aan Basi,,; m,d Outla11 002 tro,,, the „anmadu Coutirrg P -„a. A ,,,r'a.6—'at;v„ to tnu pe,mit was approved in July 2010. for the inclusion of a third outfall, Outfall 003= at the Southern perimmur of the Site, which includes discharges from Plant ProCesSes from the H.F. Lee Lombined Lycle Plant. Perm;t ,.umoc, NC0003417 waa therefore reimuea with an effective date or SeptembEL 1, 2010, and retaining the same expiration date of May 31, 2013. uutfalls 001, 002_ and 003 ar shows vu Figure 1. Progreso Energy (Duke Euergy) submitUZ a renewal application on November 19; 2012 along with letters to North Carolina Department of E.,.;rznrnznt m,,5 Natu,ai Rz3—Wuruc3 (vCDENR) i. 2015 wnw'mmg "p5.-t4j a,nvv tnC appl;catiou was Subuiittea. Based on the existing permit and permit renewal documents, stormwater runoff associated with industrial activity from the H.F. Lee Cz;moined Cycle Plant, Loal Fired Units, and Active Ash Basin di5chargG tlllvugh Uutr1115 peL,«ittea uudur Pct,uit N"mout NC0003417. imefu,e, additional permit coveiage is Hot Lrquirea to, aibchargcb. STORMWATER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY The North Carativa NPDES Inaustrial Stv1111watC1 Program prOviaes covetage for 11 categories of industrial aCtivity, including steam electric plamS. However_ a general permit does not exist for steam electric generation; therefore, an individual permit a,.plication must be submitted for coverage. Nunn uarmista utilities Uu;tc5 States EnvirOLLMental Protection Agency (US EPA) Forumb fox application tot coverage: hvwCVer_ these t0tius must be bubmitted to the North Carolina Program rather than the US ErA. Aaaitio,ial areas of i„au5trial ml;v;ty at H.F. Lee ii,ciu5u the Wayne County Plant ana the inactive ash basins. Thebe areas_ and aSSociated storrtrwater discharges_ are ISCu5be3 in further detail herein relates tz; mc;,, ;n a pZ;tm;t appl;Cat;Urn Tw, Cvrv,.igC Ur ;..5ustriat 5tviu.wate, a;5cna,ge3. nr Lee Coag rianr Lemodtion The HF Lee coal plant i5 ill the fls,al 5tage5 ut In the tiear tutu, a the asn basin(s) will begin to be Closed. With ulobure Ut the basins it play be ueUessary to rc111ove COaI ash from the site. When Coal ash removal projects are conducted, the access road to the power plant ( thu access road to old SmitnfiClu Ruaa) DCcume3 the lute fur trucK3 tU .ei.luve ash from the site. nr Lee Combined Cycie Plant Thi HF Lee Combined Cycle Plant at the H.F. Lee Energy Cumplex is a combined cycle tazility that became commercially operatimial o,t December 31. 2012. A u,vdittcatiou to the facilities N� .wPDES wastewater permit was approvedin July 201„0, for the inclusion of a third outfall, Outfall 003. 1 ne Pmd 4Vntaln3 4[itzn D.n3 =6 ovainugV cn=u z;13 mut rV .nvV11 y 3tV.1W UU;t ...nVrL Irvrn the ;.,au5trial at -ca to a 5tvi,u Wa:teL pa,ia st;utnwest at tree Plant as snvw,s u,. F;gu,G 2. D;3cnarge5 chazmel f]u1u the porta entcrs the forested area to the southeast. ThCretole_ there is 110 poillt source discharge of stormwater from this facility. Warne County Simple CyLle Plunt The Wayne Cvunry Plant at the H.F. Lee Energy Complex is a simple Cycle f tuility that became commercially operational on May 15, 2000. The Plant contains catch basins and drainage cna7mel3 that runvuy 3tvrrnWatul iunvtt tivin the illtlu3trial aha to a 3tiirmWatC, puna 3vutnWC3t of the Plant as shown on Figure 2. This stormwater pond contains a riprap lined discharge channel from the pond which enters the forested area to the southeast. The channel dissipates Into tnw wVVQVQ cuva M 5b5L41DC5 !n tnv Iuttvroutc5 OVImm.- 14, 2014 uu,., D%&Ke Enerr,yt7't NCDENR, piov;and a5 Attactument 1. Im lett , ;Aicatm tnat NCDENR 4�-,a,nnsxd tnat tnc discharge tint the 5t0rulwater po11d is nut cunbiderea an outfall as there is 110 point 5Uu1Ce LU a receiving water body. With concurrence from NCDENR; the Wayne County Plant will not be incl used in an applicttt;vr, iul 3t7Orm W atCl 13inarg-.3 a330ciatea W ;tn ;nu..3tria1 activity as it dre3 not have an uutfall. Inactive Ash Basins 'lhv iCLnaining IUCatiULI that generates discharges Ot solely 5tonnW3te, 33avCiated W;tn ;i.Cluatrial aVtivity is the inactive ash basin lanafills located in the ltorthwestern p0rtio1l of the site. The landttlls eacuu,pass appivaimately 170 euies as Shuwn u„ Figure 3. Thee ar three ash basins in this area: Inactive Ash Basins 1 and 2 are located north of Half Mile Branch and Inactive Ash Boa;. 3 ;a iuzatc5 to tnu au,.tn. Inurt;,u Aon Bi—....3 1 m.Cl 2 u.% 3uparvte5 Dy a small germ, but essentially WLIC iu,i as a 5;„ glc bas;u. Bci,us ut varyi„g height (betwuct, 0 an'a app,u..;,,,ately 4 beet) surround the ash basins_ crewing depressions which contain stormwater ruuott: Outlet structures from Inactive Ash Basin 2 and Inactive Ash Basin 3 connecting the ponds to the Neuse Rive, We,e rmuved i„ 2012; tn.s, tne,e;S nv poi„t SUu.eL or u;3unarge Tr,,, the Inactive Ash Basins. During storm eve«ts, stu„trwate, aucutaulates within the aep,essiuns ut the Inactive Ash Basins and dissipates through evapotranspiration and infiltration. Stortnwater discharges from M;5 u:4µ nµ.7, only DCun Mservea to occur a..rinr, extre...e rainfall events. For example, acco,diug to H.F. Lee pe,50,u,u1, d;scnarge ovu tm t,e„n5 (as Sncet now) was rm5erved in me uortheaste,rt corner of Inactive Ash Basin 2 during Class 3 Hucticane Floyd in 1999, and similar type events. As there is no outfall from the Inactive Ash Ponds; there is no point source of dischuag.. ivr sµrnpling rvr to;a punn;t uppi;vutiun. i nu uttucnLa pzrmit appticatiun forms (Attachment 2) include sheet now f-on, the L,active Ash Basin unde, e,%tren,e weatner conditions as the only solely Sturcnwater discharge assoc,'aled with industrial m4tivity tram the H.F. Lee Energy Complex as indicated in Section i v of nnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) Funs 2F. r,1GuxES z 1 a a•- Roit, h N_ v _ ZZ m � O w R 71 � N O N h sod S i �r R ui a ZL E� � aOOr �a � mm Ls 119 c t9 L U a- y F r ti . ATTACHMENT 1 Letter from Duke Energy to North Carolina I)ivislon of Energy, Mu" Iza al, and Land resources October 14, 2014 DUKE ENERGY, PROGRESS October 14.2014 RECEIVED OCT 16 2014 i/GIR -L W QUALff n STMRG lam[. Brealey BcrmEtt NC uivision of Energy; mineral anti Lana Resou,ce, 1612 Mail Service Center Rffleigh, NC 27599-16_g S..oj=t: DuKc Energy Piug u, Inc. (DuKiG) H. F. Lee Energy Complex Storrnwatel pcuilittiug Wciy..0 County near ivir. Bennett: R. F. Lea Eneoyy Complex Duke E —mv, P..;5MV.aS i i vu Cw.T, nark CMRh Rollo "1 -his letter is iLitanded to provide clariticution as NU app@;ab}Ii►y of NPDES storm water petlllk coverage at th., a"bject facility. As was pr'u v&a to your .iffic , in u thorough history ur me site as port of a lett dated Murch 25, 2014 (attached, When the site contained a coal fired steam[ electric p] mit, u1i —.ateguL;cai storm ►nater flows .vele luuted Such that they were aegulatea utider the sites NPLES wastewater permit. i nia ;z still ole cme ror all flows on the rorme, coal fired site. This was in bill uucurUtuice of previous guidance provided by your agency. The coral fired gcne..tiurl nn CC�ca at tnia site att'a the generation al.lits nave buun a-.ulvi;3nz;U. A combined cycle ti 4lity has been collatruUcd On arro-ther part of the pruperty. Thizi `Writ became ava;moic fur ournmCruial Upo.►atiol. on Decetl.ber 31, ..012. DuKc n=. nmet ,r ich Starr thom your regionail office onsite and confirmed through their inves-ligation that there is no point soula.e ut way stulua water rutohing any leceiviug struarn train the facility. Additionally, Cwlent proposed revisions to federal effluent guiaeiines acknowledi;e it is unclear, at nest, if combined cycle t u;lities we subject to federal caWgoricui guidelinm�. Rcgar&ess vt thy; applicability_ with nu point au.i-, a: &6unargca to izizzring waters, uv NrUbS 3turiri ►vatc. permit i3 necm3ary. Doling the uuuatructivn of the cumbined cyvle, Duke (at the ti,ilc Plugs Energy staff) worked With Wayne t.:uu.zry Pluauurag stair Un local sto.a.a vvata.. WVyuZ Cu..,.ty atuff have eunl med fur Duke that the site is exempt from Phase 11 storm water requirements because of the amuilnt utland m3aciutud with the site. Regardless, UuKC hits tuft ill place letrntlull bo3ills designed to meet me requireme.=,ts oI tnC waynz Cvuntj storm water ordinance as a ..,easure of edditiondl stewardship. Should there be a decision to remove ash ira—. this site ;aa me future, Duke whi at that time at.pl f ttrl coverage for associated haul roads as ncedRl. it you feel that anotnei- s;te v sst Wumd null, pvu undcrastai.0 tm; sp-Fc;fic3 at m;3 3;w, 1 zn'wurage yua to Contact our Staff to arrange Such a visit. if there are any questions regarding this requesr, please contact Snurnoi, Lauglvy at (919) 546-2439 of Micky Miller at (919) 722-5419. Sincerely - T'), J&2 Rick GL..t - MfflUalr H. F. Lee Energy Complex cc: Ricky Miller Tommy Hare, QRC Shannon Langley - NC 14 ATTACHMENT 2 EPA Fen -nit Application norms EPA Form General Information Please prim or ,rM_ In ire unsil.eed .ro.a only F.-r—ppromo. UMB No. 60.tpoouo. FORM U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY I C 1`115 -sen CEPA GENtRAC 119FORMAI IOA 't.. C..r..akd led Po. Progra.., F D GENERAL tk.udth_ "G. --d ;) 14 ,- LABEL ITEMS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS IT . preps — la—.la! I11119n MO'— crux it in ale designated space Review the Information carefully; d any of It I. EPA I.D. NUMBER I: Incorrect, nw= mro gn H and ismer the correct data I� the . Ike n11.n .... Ileleli . vo. II .ny or eta praprlmeo i■ —ward (the area to Me !ell or the rabef space lists Me III. FACILITY NAME PLEASE PLACE LABEL IN THIS SPACE tnlbrmabon that shadd.T_r). plea:■ provide It In the rpop7p milm ,.r..(a) Illflon, 1. ale zmi 1: Fo.1.pl.re __ wrraa, you V. FACILITY MAILING neoo not tamplew Items I M. 'r ono :1 (oxwpt 7- which ADDRESS must be coriVeted regardless) Complete all !tams H no label has been provided Rales to ale Instructions far detailed Heel VI. FACILITY LOCATION oasarpti.ns W r,r 7—vie legal .w,or®usns onoer m ass data Is collecled. II. PoEEOT„IIT oR.,R_vTERI;TIv. INSTRUCTIONS: Comp hate A through J to determine whether you need to submit any permit application forms to the EPA If you answer'yes' to any questions, you must sttEmit urts Mrm .rM Ino sej'lplerrrerrtai roan iia._ In me paronu--vis bllwring u,e qu.sw-n. M.m '.,' in um WO in tn. uaro c cxnn Fr M. suM.m.nal r-ur, is a,w..flo-. If you *me to ouch ge.ation, you need net --bruit -my of these feu...., Yen m -y enzwar'ne" if your.cti=ty i= nxdeded from permit regsigrants see Section C of the Instructions. See also, Section D of the instructions far definitions of bold-faced terms. Ia.R MR -e A4�a �' 10 aFeoIFIC OOeu i IL71\J apeCIFIC OEC- nclta A. Is this facghy a publicly owned treatment works which B. Does or will this faclllM !either exisfing or proposed rusela In . dl:ehurga -c. we -Gro of the U.S. -,FORM t X Include . cancan- owa .nim.1 feaoing up.raoon or .qu-ti. _nirr.l pndu■tien fa=llity which rauslt: Ir o +• ,z 1. 1s w discharge to waters of the U.S.? tFORM 251 C. Is this a whRR correnny resolill in uisuharges m waters of th. U.S. ether th.r thy. da,—;bed in A o. B X X D Is this a proposed faahty Jother than those described in A .+-8 ..bo u) which -_11 reaalt it - dla.h.rga to -.tern of X above? (FORM 2C) the U.S.? ('FORM 2D) _ _ _ .r E. Doan -r will this fucili:r a.L Wre, -. oispow m F. Do you or will you Injaor a, mix ooir.r inaos —I or h—rd.u= -F=too? (FORM 3) X murkipol effluent bele- this lowermost :tratumn X containing, within one quarter mile of the well bore, uno.rgroon.. sources or -milling w..rrr iFcRICI ,t _ Is. 17- you or wnl you Into.., ., wits rociiiq any pmoMM w.. -r n 19a you yr wnl you !mutt .. oris m6liiy Nutri ror special or other fls:d= -hi■h urs brought to Ulu sud-mis in press:=_ much _= mining of --offer by the Fresch process, connection with conventional oil or natural gas production, X solution mining of minerals, in situ combustion of fossil X into..: nubs osoo .., anflarim raw■oty ur -"n or noiural Taal, or.ow.ary -r gaomarmal anergy: TORIC! r g.., w Inject flaidz for storage of liquid hydrueurbors? (FORM 4) H a a IT 31 a• I. Iz this fomlity a proposed atstiorary treore. -hick is ane J 1= this facility o P; --Posed rlatlon..ry zoarso which is of the 28 Industrial categories listed In the instructions andV X NOT one of the 28 industrial categories listed In the �/ X which will potentially emit 100 tons per year of any air Instructions and which will potentially emit 250 tons per pollen: regal -ted ender the Clean Air Act and may aRaam your of a, -,y Jr polloznt relimWed ander the Cle.n Air AC: n 41 ■p be 1—ted I.-. am rttalm-■rt.par:? (FORM 5) wnd nr_; _Nett ■p Its 1—ted In _n :ttalrrr.rt .w.? (FORM 5t III. NAME OF FACILITY SKIP H , F . Lee Ener,r Comi,lex 16 1■ - T■ � W IV FACILITY CONTACT MICI@ . i IT CC -,+ s.p.x., .r r..� B. PHONE c 2 rcic rano, rant_ anager As r .9 1 r s, Tin. ■s V FACILTY MAILING ADDRESS .,. STREET OR P O BO7, c 3 Li_,il laC ac1S &Ircla xOa B CITY OR TOWN C. STATE D ZIP CODE 4 Gvl _Da_�v 1■ C l 5 u 4. 4: 61 VI. FACILITY LOCATION A. STREET, ROUTE NO OR OTHER SPECIFIC IDENTIFIER 1 9 l_.c o.cK n.L-on ova 1• 1■ b B COUNTY NAME Wayne M C CITY OR TOWN D STATE E ZIP CODE F. COUNTY CODE ;rrj knao•pt B v 1 8 0 0 C 2 5 0 17 Is 41 N ,1 EPA F■.... 3510-1 (8-90) CONTINUE ON REVERSE rtdeT,14OMId.7J.TrTIT, Ir e:IXtTel7ii VII. SIC CODES (4-dgit in order of d A. FIRST B SECOND 714911 r"rri a,"IN rw.v! a.r,r.cvs % h�7!wrr Nw C. i IRD D. FOURTH ;•lk�er) � r�«nrr 7 Vill. OPERATOR INFORMATION r,. Rr,mC B_ is the name listed in Hem Ascuuxe rnerg, COrporac-o VIII-A.Isathvo..nari D YES D NO e vm�Uu Or Gr�Rn�r7R ri:n,rr unu r.v r+u,r+mrcr +r+rer nn ur+Srrrr ++ru rf "rr,ncr."d .i r D PHONE rarea onleh do.r F = FEVER1SC M = PUBLIC rt_rh--da p.I l r_..r.ry 5=STATE WP i7u4f j8a-mob» P = PRIVATE - O' R=R MPe"frr E STREET OR P O. BOX 4101 Sou,h i min,'I on t.reeI. P. CITT OR TOWN G STATE H. 21P CODE IX INDIAN LAND c 16 ww racllir Itr..letl vn Imran inns=? B xaleiy[1 ��4 Urso, OYES mNO X. EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS A. NPDES f)l..•,6.. .. e. S, -T l -. D. PSD q.. F....__8.......... ir..r .xdSua.... st n iv�.uvu7K=r r 01812T38 r• a ,r ,. - _ ,. v , - ^.1Ivl B. UIC tE. OTHER a ' ' w 0 a 02U Aeh Re,u. Prwgram P=r.it S U 1V!! 9 j(jpc,,fi) e r tt u - r- n n ,. - C. RCRAN..: nl+ V .. E. OTHER M—I . 15=P' ` T T I —....fes; n—i■ s. =wror%nd irl�• w7 -_ 9 R NA-ay,,e-OUv a and rrayaie-vzzn XI. MAP Attach to this application a topographic map of the area extending to at least one mile beyond propeR9 boundaries. The map must shwr the oatline or the facility, th. ,wa ourp or ..w, or ns uAvang an., propos.., inwita -.no oiscrr.rga ow.- mras, a.cn or 8 n...rnoos w.w. uw.w.nt, swwraga, .,r otsposal r—liaws, .no w., We,i wRe,v N Injects fluid= mWergreand. I;;dude -tl zpdnga, ri-re, -nd other eerf. . :..ter bods- in the Tap ore... Sea in=tntetiema for preei:wa rege;remv„ts, XII NATURE OF BUSINESS ffiraWde a brief descni 'on zlcczri. -�eility - Thin r.ciliuy 1. .., a+e..'cric gea+e T.vir.g i.ciliiy.sic w= .+cc Zw-.. gy cwntpacn coa,tai,io Iwo f.ciliti.e for power gen-.v.-.tie..: Th. W.yna Cow ty Pla.-.t (.i-.�.ple Cycle) .7-.d the HF Len Cambi.-,ed Cycle P1.71;., .a -cll .., ether a:; .rw=ti .g area a;;ah Qo --h b.wi .=, de.m.eli=hed avol fired pl- t, -z.d a rna..ar.de veli :g Pa :d. XIII CERTIFICATION rsee instnrcSonsr I cetM under penalty of few that l have personalty examined and am famifier with the information submitted in this appicafion and aH attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those persons immedate,-r responsible for obtaining the information contained in the appOcaffon, 1 Wave that the information is true, accurate, and comprete 1 .+„ .rr , o th.. the,..,. sigWfiu ,t pe+,.Hie„ to, ,RbMitting 101.. i,.fo.,- io,,, ;"doding the possibifily of fine .rid impd..w,...,vnt. A'NAME tic OFFICIAL TITLE rtype or phnlr B. SIGNATURE C. DATE SIGNED Rte, k az--a.t r Fl—t Mtn. ij=z 0U7 COMMENTS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY c C EPA Form 3510.1 j8-901 EPA Form 2F Application for Permit to Discharge Storm water Discharges Associated with industrial Activity Plea- Print er tyr.. In the smuh.ded area=.nly EPA ID Number(wpyfro...Its,,, , ofFo.... 77 Form Approved. OMB No. 20400056 Apps -w-.1 expires FORME ZF NPDES U S Errvirenmantal Protection Agency PA _ Washington, DC 20460 ApNli�ati��t fir Permit tv Di�charyl= S��rm WaLct Mscharua A»z.,tatzd aJth L.da.t�ial Ac ti,rit P.pa—ork Redmdu;; Act Nutl.e Public mpMOng burden for this application Is estimated to average 28.6 hours per application, Including time for reviewing Instructions, searching existing data sources. g.thering .nd m.4 mining the d.-- needed, a,,d ooiapleang u, -,a ,oeierring me o MMIn yr in orm.wn Sari. comments regarding the burden estimate, any other aspect of thi= �Ilection of Infenrretien, •r :a90eetiana for i.npre=ng thio f.nn, including=ugge:tlons which m.y Inerv_m or reduce thin burden M Chief Inform-l"n Policy Branch, PM -223, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20460, ■r Director, Offhm of Infonm.tion .rid Rugal-tory n.T.irs, am= or M.n.gam.ni.rra Coog.t, ;.zMington, DC 20503 I. vutiati location For each outfall, list the latitude and longitude of Its location to the nearest 15 seconds and the name of the receiving water A. Outfall Number D. Reserving Wate.- Usf) B Latitude C Longitude (name) NA; See :.==.ti-. .elated to W-yn. Ce.Y.c F-ric .iia Ash II. IT rWVWMWMt9 A. Are __ rrarr rgaimd b; an; Fado...l, State ar level .ath.rity to meet any Implementation schedule for the oamtruction, upgrading cr operation of waa—aa r treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs which may affect the discharges described in this application? This includes, but is nr_t limited m, parmn wnoiwna, .nminwrw-awavwv or cn,Vr,- ,ism ora.rs, unrorcumanl complian,.. schedule letters, stipulations, court orders and grant or loan conditions. 2 Affected Oatfalis 4 Final 1. identification of Conditions, Compl.ance Date „ greemen.s, E,,.. m -caber =cm .f discharg. 3 Brief Description of Projau, .. req. b pmi .:n B You may attach additional sheets describing any additional water pmlutron (or other en=ronmental projects which ma; affect ,—_a.- di=hag==) ;se Rum h.- and■r Ray or WMERF you pl.n. Inorcae Wa.S,.r....R program is now unuer way or planned, and Indicate your actual or planned schedules for construction. M. Sita Drainage Map M Atteah a =its map =h=ng topography (up indicating the eeglne of drain.ge .re.s zarved by the..tfalls(s) covered in the.pplieetlon If. =pographie map is on.vail.ble) depicting the facility Including each of Its Intake and discharge structures; the drainage area of each storm water outfall; pa=d vi_= .nd building_ within the drainage ..v. m o— amrm waier vctmil, each knv.rn past or present areas used for outdoor storage of disposal of significant materials, each existing structural control measure to red -zee pollutants In storm -alter re-,oK, m..terials leading ..nd accaas araas, .ra.s whore pe _idea, herbicides, sod ea..ditionars and fertilizers are appGea: vacn yr its hazardous waste treatment, storage or dtsp :=I units (IRd_dF..; ..ch -rg= rr_t rag■ired to ha- - RCRA pffmit -hick F aced for .asar..el.ting h.._-.rdasc :_ste under 40 CFR 262 34;; each well where fluids from the facilfty are Injected underground; springs and other surface water bodies which received storm water discharges from the (sect.:, EPA Form 3510-2F (1-92) P.ge 1 of 3 C.ntiRew an P.go 2 Continued from the Front Iv. Marrative Description or Porlutant sources .,. Pbr wean awwl, F11111111!111— e M lab Mu—'a cacao (n000e or) m Impeeose son.oQs (Inaooing payso -as- aailaing meant msinao w u e ....,,cal, w w m wzwe,mo ix senaco carr drained By the outfal Outfall Are., of Isrtrervloua Surf Total Ara., Omkwd Outf." Are_ d Impervi.ec Sud.w Total Area Drained Rem.. ar .Dnn*b m.�... Roereer (proviev ,. ,ai fprorioe area) NA See narrative related to Wayne Ceestg 1.---amm ...d Yecivc ....h Basins. Areae do not have dafi:ed noire -=roe di. ha�5= aOcnL3uin. S. Provide _ n»native dwse.:pdon of .ig.JI'Aent moloriala that .re currently or In the p. -.t three y..nr h. -- been pled, z --red or disposed in . m.n.-,car z .Ikwr axposom to storm water, method of treatment, storage, or disposal, past and present materials management practice, wmplwred to ml�;hntzs wwWAct b, th.=. rrr:tsrt.l_ -ith storm water runoff; materials loading and access areas, and the location, manner, and frequency In which pesticides, herbicides, sod conditioners, and fertilizers aro .pplied Inactive Ash Basins co=tain coal .ah f__w ----_ed_etie=. B_ei�_ ---a dei wzowd _-- - -r_�d=d b7 b--. .gid ha -w he_ -.ae vcgce_Li:e eovc.-, cnha.aci..g c-.poor-n-pir.Lio i.-.aa-r.Ela.-. or a.oma—.faro aGe .nei:o -,..c :.ce.. o:.ae­ ea atormwater via sheet flow over the berms only during extreme rainfall events (e.g., hurricanes). C. For a.ch ooff_II, proi•dw th. lawation _nd a do.-ption of a..i:ting strudaml -nd noRiructur II control mameares to re&= pollutants In storm w.rer runoff; and w description of the treatment the storm water recei-es, including the sehedel- and type of miiinten.nw ter wrdrol .rid treatment mvresme end the eltim.t_ di=I of any solid or fluid wastes other than OF discharge. Ostf.11 List Codes from Number Treatment Table 2F-1 . i0vl'1�toR17-..1e.- �i�all.. e� A. I coMly under penalty of law hat the outfall(s) covered b; this application h_- been to --ted -r o7 -lo -ted for th= pwowrwe of em_tommr_ter dlsch_rle=, .nd th.t .II nonstormwater discharged from these outfallisl are identified in either an accompanying Form 2C or Fmm 2E application for the outfall. Name and Official Tide jrype or print) Sipnatuse D_te SID. --d B Provide a description of the method used, the date of any testing, and the onsite drainage points that were directly observed during a test. A (. Significant Leaks or Spills Provide e..isdng Infvm,awn mg.rd;ng the hi3mry of signifiean: I.aks o: spills of -_'. or h—rdons pollo=nm a the f.cali.r in the I.sl threw ye.re, Inooeing m. a'p;z;;:m_te dote and location of the -'ill or Irk, and the ryA .ad _mount of m.t.rial rel=axed F. egg.-..rric.ne .eon. or sp.11a Z.ve occureu w.[; -.r.. L..c�, a�Lr�e -7 earn.. EPA Form 3510-2F j1-921 Page 2 of 3 Continue on Page 3 EPA ID Nambar (.apy bo... Me.., ofFomm ;, Co.-.tina�8 from Pale 2 Vii. Disciiarge Imurmotian A, B. C, d D: S_ i, -.s -aeons ell m prvcaeoing. cv. upla.v ona set of tables for each outfall Annotate the outfall number in the space provided. T_ble VII -A. VII -B, VI I -C are included en mpa,.te heats nambem VII--, a.id VII -I. E. Potential discharE.o net ee.ered b; -m-lysin - is -my toric polletaml listed in table 2F-2. zF-:;, or �F-., ..ops arca or . componen, or, . sall3ran- wh,ch you currently use or manufacture as an Intermediate or final PMuct or b, prodact? ❑ You (6,r.., .-,. J, ....... ua,.,91r ❑ No W to Section Vq So- W.:ari-� :el, -=.d ev .-ynv eo»wcy ;1.7 ..a -.-a. - -a... a.e,n. .ua.a tie nuc .ova uerined point source discharge luentions. Inactive Ash Basins have been obsrrvnd to dio_h__me zte_—.ter -i- cheat flu- u7e. aha b- z u...ly dez-i:g ..i :f.El a--..�� (e.�. , h�r�i�...�a► - Ill. 6isieyie..1 t V;:Wty f evtins a..ta Do ;se h.- -my knowledge or m_=ii to belia.o th.t.my bi.logiCal =a: to, acem or chromic a :a. y ,,.3 Man mao. on .ny of your discharges or on a receiving water in relation to your discharge within the last 3 years? ❑ -'.3 Z.,r ... ,ern po,,..,a„ is .,Obw; ❑ No Igo to Section mi Ix. Contr_ot ARJysis Inform tion - - Were any of the analyses reported In Item VII perfomwred 6y : eentracti-bamloryer een:ordng firm? L.J Yes (fist the name. address, and talepnone nr mbe. et ..,d x_11 -t -t_ - © N. (g. to Sectio.. X) analyzed by each such laboratory or firm below) A.ma B Address C. Area Code & Phone No. D Pollutants Analyzed sa; X. Certification , �y ..,00, pen.1-1y r r,.w th.t f...s document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a sysiam design■d to ..�. _ lh.t q..kfied pe_.. .,,.I properly g.th.r.,,d er.l .te the t.,so. _.'o„ ,.,b..otted .,.,.a o., .,,y ,ngv,ry u, u,a perso„ o, persons who manage the system or Mass persons directly responsible for gafhering the :nformadon, th. l..lonn.do„ .■bmltted L. to th. be -t of my k...,nWge ..d bel f,. tor., ...u—k ...d aa ... ple.a Il.". -m m.r .....,. , g.,.,.ca„t penalties for submitting false information, Including the possibik]y of fine and Imprisonment for knowing violaAe.._. A. Name & Ofrulall Tit. (T_ O. P..' -q B Are. Cade .nd Phen. No i 6IrA te, t lit) f'oe- yv AA r. cr C. Wan -tom D. D./-�Signad / a `-C V G -i 2 0 tj �0 EPA Farm 3510.21F (1-82� F.g. J or EPA F=m 3510.2F (1.92) P-ge VII -1 Continu vn Re*erre EPA ID Na byr (copy fro.. lfe... 1 of Fvmr :) ll .rm npproved OMB N. 2cmummao Appre-1 _rl�= 5.31-92 VII. Discharge information {Continued from j,aye 3 of Form 2f7 Part A - You mea¢ pmAd. the reeaU of .t lair, on= cmc-tyais -�vr every Miumn; in Mia way. r.—PI.w one MOM for each outfall. See Instructions for additional details Polls=n; -Rd CAS Number Rr yVynvanyr Maximum Values R".—a .",. a1 Average Values Tnerude urrifsr Number of Storm E =pits Sampled Sources of Pollutants Grab SamPM 7 aWon During Firs, 20 MiFiate= Flew-Weighted C■pirpe_fte Grab Sample Taken During Firs; 2e Mi..utes Cempe=tte Oil and Grease NA NIA NA NA 0. as NA Bidogi—IOxygyn Dwm-pid (BODS) NA NA NA NA 4.00 - CM.micai Oxygen D.m.nd (COD) NA NA ^ Total Suspended Solid. (TSSr –^ �^ a. ov IN Total NitmVe., NA NA .. Total Phe=phere: NA NA NA NA 0.00 PH Minimum Maximum Minim■m Ma rrl�m 0. wv a,„ Part B - 1.1=t each 661lutant that 1= limited in an effluent 9uld.li :e which the f sility Ir =abject to or -my pollutant I;:ted in the f...tlity': NPDES permitter Its process wastewater (if the faeilllp is operating under an existing NPDES permit) Complete one table for each ondall See the instructions for additional &taii::nd regeirem.nzi. M—imem V-10.3 A-reg. V.lee. r—ludw.nits) r)nclude_mts) Pollutant Grab S.mpl. I araD 3.mRl. an. T-kw;; Doing T-kepi Deri.-.g CAS Number First 20 Flow-Weighted First 20 Flow-Weighted r:/a allable/ Minorca Cvmposim M.notas Composite Number of Storm E arm Sorpipled Soerees of Polluta..ts -A EPA F=m 3510.2F (1.92) P-ge VII -1 Continu vn Re*erre GonTinues Trom the rmnt ran C - Cist.eCh pRlutant shown In Table 2F-2, 2F-3, and 2F-4 that you know or have reason to believe is pm--.nt S = th■ In_truction_ f=r add:U=nal details and regelre v its Complete one toble for o.ch outfall Maximum Values Average Values Include IM -u— —431 Number Pollutant Grab Sample Grab Sample of and T.kan Do ;ng ...ken During Storm CSS Number Fi-t 20 Flow -Weighted Farr, 20 Flow-Weightoo E-nts (•lam-� �b�) Minutes Composite M:�;ate_ Cwnpe=ke Sampled Sources of Pollutants R.ti wn NA NA NA NA Part D - Provide data forthe storm e-ent(sl -hich malted 17; thm nruximum fur the fl——ighted—mpoaity .-mpfo 1 D•.te of Storrs Event 2 Da adon _f Storm E _nt tfn minutesl 3 awl mini -Il do -'ng, mons a-nt lin inchasi 1 Number of hours between Beginning of worm measured -nd and of p .ulcer measurable rain event 5 Maximum flow rote during rain event specify o.AS) o Total flow from rain event (gallo.pedfy a.,43) .+ a•n nn NA NA NA 7 Provide a description of the method of flow measurement or estimate NA alum Form 3alox2E Z1 -e2) Page V11-2