HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141138 Ver 2_CAMA Permit Mod Request_20170213 Strickland, Bev From:Renaldi, Ronald Sent:Monday, February 13, 2017 4:28 PM To:Staples, Shane; Pelletier, Josh R SAW (Josh.R.Pelletier@usace.army.mil); Scarbraugh, Anthony Cc:Bodnar, Gregg Subject:FW: Kitty Hawk Landing Dredge Extension Request Attachments:KHL dredge permit extension request 2-10-2017.pdf Hey all, Kitty Hawk landing is currently conducting maintenance dredging in their canal system under CAMA Major Permit#153-09, which has a moratorium in effect from February 15th to September 30 th. They are requesting an extension through March 5 th and per the condition DMF, DWR and the USACE must be consulted prior to any extension. Please see the attached request letter and let me know if you will authorize the extension as well as any comments/concerns. Thanks, Ron Ron Renaldi Field Representative NC Division of Coastal Management NC Department of Environmental Quality Ronald.Renaldi@ncdenr.gov 401 S. Griffin St., Ste 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Brian Rubino \[mailto:brubino@quible.com\] Sent: Friday, February 10, 2017 2:59 PM To: Renaldi, Ronald <ronald.renaldi@ncdenr.gov> Cc: PETER COLLINS <ktyhwkpete@mac.com> Subject: Kitty Hawk Landing Dredge Extension Request Ron, Please see attached dredge extension request letter for Kitty Hawk Landing. Please let me know if you would like for me to contact any other regulatory agency representatives individually to discuss. I know we just received a new CAMA 1 Major for a separate project in Kitty Hawk with an April 1 dredge moratorium start. I do not know if that is going to become a new date across the board in the Kitty Hawk area or not. Thanks, Brian Brian D. Rubino, P.G. Vice President Quible & Associates, P.C. 8466 Caratoke Highway, Bldg 400 Powells Point, NC 27966 P.O. Drawer 870 Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 t 252.491.8147 f 252.491.8146 www.quible.com LEGAL DISCLAIMER The information transmitted is intended solely for the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of or taking action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you have received this email in error please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. 2 ........... ... .. .. .. ...W ... .. .. ... ... ... ... .. ...... .. ... .. .. ......... .. .. .. .... .. ... .. .... ........... ... ... .. ... .... .. .......................... .. ....... ... ... Quible &Associates, P.C. P.O. Drawer 870 Kifiry Hawk PIC 27949 ENGINEERING - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES - PLANNING - SURVEYING Phone: 252-491-8147 Fax: 252-491-8146 SINCE 1959 web: quide.corn RE: Dredge Period Extension Request Kitty Hawk Landing, CAMA Major 153-09 The purpose of this correspondence is to request an extension to the ongoing project at kitty Hawk Landing as permitted in CAMA Major 153-09 and the accompanying Modifications. The mechanical dredging is being completed by Sawyer's Marine Contracting (Ivan Sawyer and Eric Pake). This season's work has included jetty rock work (as permitted under CAMA Major 03-15) and maintenance dredging at the Avery Pond entrance area (under CAMA Major 153-09). Additional work commencing next week is the maintenance dredging at the South Channel Entrance, only in the area already permitted under 153-09 at this time. The CAMA Major Modification for the complete South Entrance Channel has not yet issued, so work will be limited to the already permitted area at the entrance which is the primary shoaling hot spot. Based on conversations with Doug Huggett, the only thing holding up the Major Modification issuance is the US Army Corps General Permit associated with the "291 Process". I have talked the USACE representatives as well and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and we anticipate receiving this permit any day now. If that permit does issue, some minor dredging covered under that Major Modification may also take place. As you are aware, the CAMA Major Permit states: "in order to protect finfish populations, no excavation or filling shall be permitted between February 15 and I — urw-n llwsilkn Iff appropriate resource agencies." past this timeframe will be required to complete this work. Due to the potential for poor weather delays, I respectfully request that the dredge period extension be extended through March 5th. It is understood that State and Federal resources agencies in addition to NCDCM must review and consider this request. Please let me know how you would prefer to handle this. We would gladly contact those representatives individually and/or send them this request, based on your recommendations and preference. And, if it is your preference to meet on-site with the dredge contractors, please let me know when you would be able to do this. Thanks for your continued assistance with this project. Sincerely,