HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081473 Ver 4_Phase II Yr 4 Monitoring Report_20170210MONITORING REPORT YEAR 4 of 5 Arrington Bridge II Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site DWQ Project # 2008-1473v.4 Wayne County, North Carolina Neuse River Basin Prepared For: EBX-Neuse I, LLC 302 Jefferson Street, Suite 110 Raleigh, NC 27605 919-829-9909 Prepared by: pres Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 302 Jefferson Street, Suite 110 Raleigh, NC 27605 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY / PROJECT ABSTRACT...........................................................................2 1.1 Project Goals and Objectives........................................................................................................ 2 1.2 Project Background......................................................................................................................2 1.3 Vegetation Condition.................................................................................................................... 3 2.0 METHODOLOGY................................................................................................................................. 3 2.1 Vegetation Monitoring Plots........................................................................................................ 3 2.2 Photo Stations............................................................................................................................... 3 3.0 REFERENCES......................................................................................................................................4 APPENDICES Appendix A. Site Maps Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Overview Exhibit Figure 2A Neuse Buffer & Nutrient Offset Restoration Areas Figure 3 Monitoring Locations Map Appendix B. Visual Assessment Data Photos MY4 — 2016 Vegetation Plot Photos Photos MY4 — 2016 Photo Station Photos Appendix C. Vegetation Plot Data Table 1 Riparian Buffer Vegetation Totals Table 2 CVS Stem Count Total and Planted with/without Livestakes by Plot and Species Plot Data CVS Vegetation Plot Sampling Datasheets Arrington Bridge II — Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 I Monitoring Report: Year 4 February 2017 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY / PROJECT ABSTRACT 1.1 Project Goals and Objectives The goals of this nutrient offset mitigation project are to: Improve the overall water quality and aquatic habitat in and around the unnamed tributary of the Neuse River by reducing nutrient and sediment loads into the streams caused by agricultural influences, Improve the richness and diversity of the plant species within the conservation easement, and Provide perpetual protection for the unnamed tributary to the Neuse River and associated riparian and upland buffers. These goals will be met through the following objectives: • By establishing a native plant community to match the endemic plant species at the Bank Site, • By reducing the quantities of exotic invasive species at the Bank Parcel through chemical methods, • By establishing a conservation easement to provide long-term protection for the Bank Site, and • By donation of the conservation easement and all of its interests, in perpetuity, to an accredited or approved land trust or stewardship program. 1.2 Project Background Located off of Arrington Bridge Road, at its intersection with John Street in Goldsboro, North Carolina (Figure 1) is the Neuse buffer and nutrient offset restoration area previously referred to as the Wayne County Development Alliance Bank Parcel and currently known as the Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel (hereafter referred to as the Bank Site). The Bank Site was developed in two (2) phases: Phase I and Phase II. According to the Wayne County Development Alliance Bank Parcel Development Package (EcoEngineering, April 2012), Phase II consists of Parcel Numbers 2598632250 and 2598543857. Since approval of the Bank Parcel Development Package (BPDP), Parcel Number 2598632250 has been subdivided into two parcels (Parcel Numbers 2598538731 and 2598622980). Parcel Number 2598538731 is located immediately adjacent to the east of John Street, while Parcel Number 2598622980 is located immediately adjacent to the east of Parcel Number 2598538731. Phase II construction of the Bank Site easement consists of 13.973 acres on Parcel Number 2598538731 (Figure 2). Figure 2A (Appendix A) is provided to illustrate the constructed Phase II Conservation Easement (CE) compared to the approved Bank Site as described within the BPDP. Future construction within the Bank Site will be consistent with the previously approved BPDP. The Bank Site and the Bank Site Service Area is contained within 8 -digit USGS HUC 03020201. Stormwater runoff from the Bank Site drains into an unnamed tributary of the Neuse River (Stream Index #27-(56)). According to the Basinwide Information Management System (BIMS), the Neuse River is classified as Class C and NSW (Nutrient Sensitive Waters) in this location. The purpose of this Bank Site is to improve water quality within the Neuse River watershed by providing off-site mitigation for development (both existing and proposed) requiring Buffer Mitigation and Nutrient Offset Credits. The Bank Site will provide Neuse Riparian Buffer Mitigation Credits and Nutrient Offset Mitigation Credits for development impacts within the Neuse River Basin USGS HUC 03020201 (Figure 3). The Phase II CE of the Bank Site is 13.973 acres and contains a Neuse Riparian Buffer restoration area of 4.460 acres (194,267 sf) that will be used to generate 4.460 acres (194,267 sf) of Neuse Riparian Buffer Credits. The remaining 7.788 acres (339,245 sf) of riparian restoration area within the Phase 11 CE (i.e. areas outside of Arrington Bridge II — Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 4 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 February 2017 the Neuse Buffer) will provide Nutrient Offset Credits for nitrogen (currently based on 2,273.02 lbs of nitrogen/ac of riparian restoration). Therefore, Phase II of the Bank Site will provide 17,702.28 pounds of Nitrogen Nutrient Offset Credits. This Bank Site has been established under the terms and conditions of the EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank (Bank) made and entered into by EBX Neuse I, LLC (EBX), acting as the Bank Sponsor, and the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality (DWQ), and was entered into by the parties on November 10, 2008. The Division of Water Quality is now hereby referred to as Division of Water Resources (DWR). 1.3 Vegetation Condition Current stem counts (i.e. stem is defined as single living tree species) were calculated using vegetation plot monitoring data. Success will be defined as the survival of a minimum density of 320 planted stems per acre after five (5) years. Monitoring Year 4 activities at the Bank Parcel documented four (4) plots encompassing 0.0988 acres, containing 44 planted stems, which yielded a density of 445 planted stems per acre. Monitoring Year 4 field activities were conducted on December 8, 2016. The planted vegetation survival threshold was met for all four vegetation plots. On December 8, 2016, CVS Level 2 was performed in Year 4 to document volunteer generation. A total of 8 volunteers were observed across all 4 vegetation plots and were primarily located in Plot 1. Year 4 monitoring recorded an average of 445 planted stems per acre and 526 total stems per acre (planted and volunteers) across all vegetation plots. Year 3 - 2015 monitoring activities documented areas of encroachment and low stem density survival. All problematic areas were addressed during late 2015 and early 2016. NCDWR was notified in June 2016 with the Remediation Work memo to notify planting and encroachment had been addressed. All 4 of the Vegetation Monitoring Plots were successful during monitoring Year 4 and are a track to meeting Year 5 minimal density of 320 planted stems per acre. Summary tables of the data collected are provided in Appendix C. PXI U 1 �_y [I 1 9 19" 2.1 Vegetation Monitoring Plots All monitoring methodologies follow the most current templates and guidelines provided by NC DMS (EEP, 2010; EEP, 2011). Baseline vegetation monitoring was conducted in accordance with CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation (CVS-EEP, v4.2). All four (4) vegetation plots were located in Monitoring Year 4. Table 1 (Appendix C) provides a success summary for each vegetation monitoring plot. Based on the Year 4 vegetation monitoring, all four (4) vegetation monitoring plots were above the five (5) year monitoring period requirement. Table 2 (Appendix C) provides a stem count total and planted stem total by each individual vegetation plot. Vegetation monitoring plots were photographed and are located in Appendix B. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheets are provided in Appendix C. Each Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheet provides measurements, location, and vigor of each planted species within a respective vegetation monitoring plot. 2.2 Photo Stations Photographic documentation is a key essential to monitoring the success of the Bank Parcel. Digital photographs provide a visual assessment of the vegetation conditions. Four photo stations are located across the Arrington Bridge II easement and are visited each year during annual monitoring activities. Each photo station location is mapped on (Figure 3 Appendix A). A photo log of the photo stations can be located in Appendix B. Arrington Bridge II — Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 4 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 February 2017 3.0 REFERENCES EcoEngineering — A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. April 27, 2012. Wayne County Development Alliance Bank Parcel Bank Parcel Development Package. The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. April 27, 2015. Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Neuse Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation, Phase I and Phase I Expansion — As- Built Report. Lee Michael T., Peet Robert K., Roberts Steven D., and Wentworth Thomas R., 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Level. Version 4.2 North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) October 2004. Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration. Available at internet site: http://www.nceep.net/news/reportsibuffers.pdf. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) January 15, 2010. Procedural Guidance and Content Requirements for EEP Monitoring Reports. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) November 7, 2011. Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and/or Wetland Mitigation. Schafale MP and AS Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Raleigh, North Carolina. Arrington Bridge II — Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 4 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 February 2017 4 Appendix A Site Maps Arrington Bridge II — Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 4 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 February 2017 A-1 FIGURE 1 - USGS QUAD 0- SW/SE GOLDSBORO EcoEngineerin 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 g 1 inch = 2,000 feet Feet A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. aw ami +aAlm .tee INM am, a rpr�Apnre w a M Irl aw f a mm" r m 60. aaala7Jiac FIGURE 2 mdw�mm.ffi-,w "PRELIMINARY PLAT" NOT FOR SALES, CONVEYANCES, OR RECORDATION. • �..r�w[xr iY. - aa[f.0 9 [fit.' s+• x..qY avry +'Y !;.M 175 r= 011�R Y� Now "m E8x-NIEUSE I, ac . Z%. Mn rarMa`t a aa; aR awaarra ara.. a�wtrrq+r�. aa�aaav _awrwsas .wsa��nrr r�.aari wMrsr�iaws a�rK raaaa�sasfrawK � �e ��+►R rrA���enara[aaaa +t FIGURE 2A - NEUSE BUFFER & NUTRIENT OFFSET RESTORATION AREAS[JEcoEngineeringPHASE II 0 255 510 1,020 Feet A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. 1 inch = 500 feet VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SYALE) FLOOD STATEMENT ROS PROPERTY lS LOCATED IN AND /5 LOCATED WITHIN A SPECML FOOD HAZARD AREA, AS OERRMINEO BY NFIP RATE WP DECEMBER 2 2005 CUMMUNITY RA— 'T ANEL N i, NO NO GRID MONUMENTS WERE LOCATED WRHIN 2000' OF ALLSOINCES 2 ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND MEASUREMEN/S /N FEET & DEG/MALS )HEREOF, VNLE55 OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. TH5 PROPERTY 5 A PORTION OF P/N NO 2598.632250_ / I / PH= hA H 4 / / EV5TING 1`7 EASEMENT y 5' EAC SIGE OF CENTERLINE /• l / I � v I Lax-NEusE I. GL. n(^ /// / PC2 N9BSLP88084 °Iecxxx:'sicxx A alSTING 00' IDE15' EACH SIDEWOF C£ANTERLIN£-- Be 2777 / SOURCE OF 0999. 15 Ps I l i �G+ X' \ F \ �P f \� ACREAGE LurR) o 1.3.933 A- rCrT 4 �iS il) STAT(AJ 3 S IJP i - nI ae o a c°ss oRQ PC L SL R9 -H9 Is�W7 111111 g, G]y gyEq� � a Sog A UNf �� // ❑ ❑❑� To s�s a T � \ w r � 3/ R/E CRY OF GOLOSBORO 0BC2038, ,9569 4 L - I REVIEW OFFlCER OF WAYNE COUNTY, CERIIFI' ]HAT TH£ MAP OR PLAT TO WHICHTHIS CERTIFICATION IS AfFINEO MEETS ALL STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS FOR RECORDING REVIEW GFFlCER DALF REcSraATiON 112011. M PLAT CABINET PAGE _ REOISTEft OF DEEDS WAYNE COUNTY "PRELIMINARY PLAT" NOT FOR SALES, CONVEYANCES, OR RECORDATION. IOTAL GONSERNAT/ON EASEMENT AREA = 608,616 SF (1.1,9] ares) RIPAaMN BVFFER PREA (GREEN AREAS )= 199.691 5F (4.4] orrea) NUTRIENT OFFSET AREA (ORANGE AREAS) _ 329.708 EF (7.80 oc�cc} ODISEMHAMN EA 11ENf SI Wr FOR EB%-NEUSE 1, LLC. GOLDSBORO TOWNSHIP JANUARY 29, 2013 WAYNE COUNTY, NO SCALE: 1" = 120' 120' 60' 0 120' 240' GRAPHIC SCALE R/W = RIGH OF C 5 WAY = NEW IRON Sl E EIS FAN = EXISTING IRON STAKE N- EPK (TL) = EXISTING PK NAIL = BE UNE (CIA —--- - --L =AOJ[NNI RGPERry LINE I. CHRISTOPHER K PAGER/CK. PROFESSIONAL LANG SUR— NO. 4189, CER7f THAT TNIS SURVEY IS OF ANOTHER CATEGORY. TO WIT, AN EASEMENT SURVEY. Elm STATE " NORM CAROL NA WAYNE COUNTY 1. ,HER K. PAGER/CK CERTIFY — TH/8 PLAT -T DRAWN NO£R 1AY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL RECOROE1 MAP & DEED'— " 0J,£9H°£SCRIR SON -T — ARE ILEA11AS OP WN FROM /NFORMATION REFERENCED EREONV TNA, _ _D OF PRECISION AS CALCULATED I5 T WNR70.000+, THAT THS PUT WANAMENDED, WRNE55 MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE,, REOISTPoIRON NUMBER ANO SEAL THIS 29TH — OF JANUARY 2013 Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Arrington Bridge II — Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 4 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 February 2017 Vegetation Plot 1 (12/8/2016) Vegetation Plot 2 (12/8/2016) Vegetation Plot 3 (12/8/2016) Vegetation Plot 1 (12/8/2016) Vegetation Plot 2 (12/8/2016) Vegetation Plot 3 (12/8/2016) Arrington Bridge II — Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 4 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 February 2017 Vegetation Plot 4 (12/8/2016) MY4 — 2016 Photo Station Photos Photo Station 1 (12/8/2016) Photo Station 3 (12/8/2016) Vegetation Plot 4 (12/8/2016) Photo Station 2 (12/8/2016) Photo Station 4 (12/8/2016) Arrington Bridge II — Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 4 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 February 2017 General Conditions (12/8/2016) General Conditions (12/8/2016) Arrington Bridge II — Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 4 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 February 2017 Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Arrington Bridge II — Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 4 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 February 2017 Table 1. Riparian Buffer Vegetation Totals (Per Acre) Arrington Bridge II, Wayne County DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 Plot # Riparian Buffer Stems' Success Criteria Met? 1 324 Yes, barely 2 486 Yes 3 405 Yes 4 567 Yes Project Avg 445 Yes 1 —Native planted hardwood trees. Does NOT include shrubs. No pine. No Vines. Arrington Bridge II — Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 4 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 February 2017 Table 2. CVS Stem Count Total and Planted with/without Livestakes by Plot and Species Arrington Bridge II, Wayne County DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 Color Key for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10.9 Arrington Bridge 11— Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 4 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 February 2017 Current Plot Data (MY4 2016) Annual Means Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 20081473-01-0001 20081473-01-0002 20081473-01-0003 20081473-01-0004 MY4 (2016) MY3 (2015) PnoLS P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Pnol-SIP-all T Pnol-S P -all T Baccharis baccharis Shrub 1 1 Betula nigra river birch Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 2 2 2 Liquidambarstyraciflua sweetgum Tree 2 2 Pinus taeda loblolly pine Tree 2 2 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 12 12 12 8 8 8 Pyrus calleryana Callery pear Exotic 3 3 Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 5 5 5 4 4 4 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 6 6 6 10 10 10 11 11 11 Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE 8 8 16 12 12 12 10 10 10 14 14 14 44 44 52 30 30 30 1 1 1 1 4 4 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.10 0.10 4 4 8 7 7 7 4 4 4 6 6 6 8 8 12 7 7 7 324 324 647 486 486 486 405 405 405 567 567 567 445 445 526 304 304 304 Color Key for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10.9 Arrington Bridge 11— Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 4 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 February 2017 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Plot 20081473-01-0001 VMD Year (1-5): F5] Date: Taxonomic Standard: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Latitude or UTM-N: (dec.deg. or m) Longitude or UTM-E: Coordinate Accuracy (m): Plot Dimensions: X: 584078.436 Datum: NAD83/W 2295853.494 UTM Zone: 17N 0.5 X -Axis bearing (deg): Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Kole 10 Y: 10 ❑ plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis ( Date last planted: Newlanting date m/yy? Check box if plot was not Notes: sampled, specify reason below is 90 degrees to the right of X Dec 2016 Data THIS YEAR'S DATA Map Source* X Y Height DBH Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species Name char 0.1m 0.1m lcm* 1 cm lcm* 1 cm sprout 2 Platanus occidentalis 0 c R 9.6 2.1 165.0 1.0 F-] 3 Platanus occidentalis O R 6.6 2.9 55.0 0-1 cm 4 Quercus michauxii O R 3.7 3.8 54.0 5 Platanus occidentalis O R 0.3 4.3 55.0 6 Platanus occidentalis O R 2.4 6.4 65.0 7 Platanus occidentalis ® R 3.2 0.4 Missing ❑ 9 Taxodium distichum R 5.2 7.6 56.0 1-1 11 Quercus nigra R 1.6 9.2 260.0 2.0 12 Platanus occidentalis O R 4.8 9.1 80.0 # stems: 9 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: X Y Height DBH Species Name Source* (m) (m) 1 cm* 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Notes Natural Woody Stems -tallied by species Explanation of cut-off & subsamulin¢**: ei htCut-Off(Allstemsshorterthanthisareignored. If>10cm,explain why totheright): ❑ 10cm ❑ 50cm ❑ 100cm ❑ 137cm Species Name 0 c SEEDLINGS - HEIGHT CLASSES SAPLINGS - DBH TREES - DBH Sub- Seed 10 cm 50 cm 50 cm 100 cm 100 cm 137 em sub- saps 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH) **Required ifcit-off >10cmorsubsample?100%. 101 •2 •3 0 111164 00 "5 00 }-•6 'a �7 �8 } ) �10 FormWS2,ver9.1 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Map of stems on plot 20081473-01-0001 rd (0,0) X:5m X-axis: 5o # stems: 9 map size: 0— N small *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Plot 20081473-01-0002 VMD Year (1-5): F5] Date: Taxonomic Standard: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Latitude or UTM-N: (dec.deg. or m) Longitude or UTM-E: Coordinate Accuracy (m): Plot Dimensions: X: 584101.084 Datum: NAR 83/W 2296153.300 UTM Zone:17N 0.5 X -Axis bearing (deg): �16 Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Kole Date last planted: New lanting date m/yy? Check box if plot was not Notes: sampled, specify reason below 10Y; 10 El Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Dec 2016 Data THIS YEAR'S DATA Map Source* X Y Height DBH Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species Name char 0.1m 0.1m lcm* 1 cm lcm* 1 cm sprout 13 Quercus phellos R 1.2 1.5 93.0 1-1 15 Fraxinus pennsylvanica ® R 1.3 6.2 95.0 16 Fraxinus pennsylvanica O R 12 8.2 Missing ❑ 19 Taxodium distichum O R 6.1 7.9 110.0 DBH"? J 20 Betula nigra O R 3.8 6.2 300.0 2.5 21 Platanus occidentalis ® R 2.1 4.2 175.0 2.0 22 Taxodium distichum R 4.3 4.2 105.0 DBH? 23 Betula nigra O R 3.6 1.6 300.0 3.07 24 Fraxinus pennsylvanica O R 5.7 1.7 120.0 1.0 J 27 Platanus occidentalis O R 6.3 4.1 130.0 DBH? 28 Quercus michauxii O R 5.9 5.7 160.0 1.5 J 29 Taxodium distichum R 8.9 5.6 100.0 30 Quercus lyrata R 8.2 5.7 48.0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ El # stems: 13 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: X Y Height DBH Species Name Source* (m) (m) 1 cm* 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Notes *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Plot (continued): 20081473-01-0002 map source X Y ID Species char (m) (m) Dec 2016 Data ddh Height DBH (mm) (cm) (cm) (mm) THIS YEAR'S DATA ddh Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes (cm) (cm) sprout Explanation of cutoff Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species & subsampling**: Uei htCut-Off(Allstemsshorterthanthisareignored. If>10cm,explain whytotheright): ❑ 10cm ❑ 50em ❑ 100em ❑ 137em Species Name CSI c SEEDLINGS — HEIGHT CLASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Sub- Seed 10 cm 50 cm 50 cm 100 em 100 cm 137 cm Sub_ sap, 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH) **Required if cit -off >10cmorsubsample?100%. •I •2 • • 3 •• •*4 •♦ NS •• :67 • �8I:Z �10 Form WS2, ver 9.1 Map of stems on plot 20081473-01-0002 Y:4� (0,0) X:5m X-axis: 16' # stems: 13 0map size: N small *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, OtheriUnknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Plot 20081473-01-0003 VMD Year (1-5): F5] Date: Taxonomic Standard: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Latitude or UTM-N: (dec.deg. or m) Longitude or UTM-E: Coordinate Accuracy (m): Plot Dimensions: X: 583482.505 Datum: NAD83/W 2296006.449 UTM Zone: 17N 0.5 X -Axis bearing (deg): Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Kole Date last planted: New lanting date m/yy? Check box if plot was not Notes: sampled, specify reason below 10Y; 10 El Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Dec 2016 Data THIS YEAR'S DATA Map Source* X Y Height DBH Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species Name char 0.1m 0.1m lcm* 1 cm lcm* 1 cm sprout 31 Quercus michauxii® R 1.3 0.0 100.0 ❑ 32 Taxodium distichum O R 4.7 2.0 Missing ❑ 33 Taxodium distichum R 3.5 2.0 160.0 2.0 34 Platanus occidentalis ® R 4.4 5.7 201.0 3.0 35 Taxodium distichum O R 6.0 3.8 260.0 3.0 ❑ 36 Quercus nigra (1) R 6.7 1.5 180.0 1.0 ❑ 37 Taxodium distichum J) R 9.6 1.7 300.0 4.0 ❑ 38 Platanus occidentalis 0 R 8.9 3.0 340.0 4.0 ❑ 39 Taxodium distichum R 9.7 5.4 290.0 3.0 ❑ 40 Taxodium distichum O R 8.3 5.8 230.0 2.0 ❑ 42 Taxodium distichum O R 9.5 7.9 280.0 3.0 43 Taxodium distichum J) R 8.4 9.2 Missing ❑ 46 Taxodium distichum O R 0.0 9.2 Missing ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ # stems: 13 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: X Y Height DBH Species Name Source* (m) (m) 1 cm* 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Notes *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Plot (continued): 20081473-01-0003 Dec 2016 Data THIS YEAR'S DATA ID Species map source X Y ddh Height DBH ddh Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes char (m) (m) I (mm) (cm) (cm) (mm) (cm) (cm) sprout Explanation of cut-off Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species & subsamplina**: 7 el ht Cut -Off (All stems shorter than this are ignored. If >10cm, explain why to the right.): ❑ 10Cm ❑ 50cm ❑ 100Cm ❑ 137cm Species Name 0 e SEEDLINGS — HEIGHT CLASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm sub- sapl 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBI ® 0 5rr T 0 4 **Required if cut-off >1Ocm or subsample ? 100%. 01 •2 •3 •164 •-•5 :46 ::8 1 } 0 Form WS2, ver 9.1 Map of stems on plot 20081473-01-0003 (0,0) X:5m – X-axis: 3' # stems: 13 mai size: 0— N small *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown l=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to I Ocm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 0 O ® 0 5rr T 0 4 (0,0) X:5m – X-axis: 3' # stems: 13 mai size: 0— N small *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown l=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to I Ocm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Plot 20081473-01-0004 VMD Year (1-5): L51 Date: Taxonomic Standard: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Latitude or UTM-N: (dec.deg. or m) Longitude or UTM-E: Coordinate Accuracy (m): Plot Dimensions: X: 583144.541 Datum: NAR 83/W 2295690.904 UTM Zone:17N 0.5 X -Axis bearing (deg): �32 Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Kole Date last planted: New lanting date m/yy? Check box if plot was not Notes: sampled, specify reason below 10Y; 10 El Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Dec 2016 Data THIS YEAR'S DATA Map Source* X Y Height DBH Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species Name char 0.1m 0.1m lcm* 1 cm lcm* 1 cm sprout 47 Quercus michauxii R 0.2 0.8 260.0 1.5 52 Platanus occidentalis R 7.5 8.1 270.0 1.5 55 Betula nigra O R 3.2 3.6 200.0 2.0 123 Quercus phellos O R 2.0 2.0 60.0 J 124 Quercus lyrata R 6.8 1.0 51.0 125 Fraxinus pennsylvanica O R 9.0 1.5 58.0 126 Platanus occidentalis O R 7.5 3.6 60.0 127 Quercus lyrata $) R 5.0 3.6 70.0 128 Platanus occidentalis ® R 2.5 6.0 62.0 129 Quercus lyrata R 4.5 6.0 43.0 130 Fraxinus pennsylvanica R 8.7 7.6 78.0 El 131 Fraxinus pennsylvanica O R 6.0 7.6 120.0 DBH? 132 Quercus phellos Q R 2.5 8.1 50.01 133 Quercus michauxii ® R 1.5 7.6 30.0 El I ❑ ❑ ElEl ❑ ElEl El El❑ ❑ # stems: 14 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: X Y Height DBH Species Name Source* (m) (m) 1 cm* 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Notes *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Plot (continued): 20081473-01-0004 map source X Y ID Species char (m) (m) Dec 2016 Data ddh Height DBH (mm) (cm) (cm) (mm) THIS YEAR'S DATA ddh Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes (cm) (cm) sprout Explanation of cutoff Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species & subsampling**: Uei htCut-Off(Allstemsshorterthanthisareignored. If>10cm,explain whytotheright): ❑ 10cm ❑ 50em ❑ 100em ❑ 137em Species Name CSI c SEEDLINGS — HEIGHT CLASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Sub- Seed 10 cm 50 cm 50 cm 100 em 100 cm 137 cm Sub_ sap, 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH) **Required if cit -off >10cmorsubsample?100%. •I •2 • 3 •*4 NS :67 ::83 ::10 Form WS2, ver 9.1 Map of stems on plot 20081473-01-0004 Y:4� (0,0) X:5m X-axis: 32 ° # stems: 14 ON map size: small *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1