HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171454 Ver 1_Sampson 148 PJD Package_signed_20170215ATTACHMENT A PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION FORM BACKGROUND INFORMATI�N A. REPORT COMPLET{�N DATE FOR PRELIMiNARY .lURIS�IC � IvIQNL DETERMINATION �JDt: B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REt.tIIES i iN�s rRELlMINARY J�: NCDOT Miyh�ar Diwiaion 3 55Di 9a�adas Blvd., CasUe Hayne, NC 28429 C. DISTRICT OFFICE; FfLE NAME; AND NUM6ER: D. PROJECT LOCATION(S) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Sompson 6�age 1v8 on llunRey 5chool Road �5R 14341 over 141i115wamp �u�L' 1 AC HI IHLlI�G �r►QLETO �OCUMENf MUE.TIPI.� WAT�RBODIES AT DIFFERENT sir�s� State: NC Counrylparishlborough: 5ampsan Ciry: C�nt�� ���rdinates of site �latllong in degree decimal format�: Lat. 35.0808fi "N; L�ng. 78•50897 �W, Uni��rsal Transvcrse Me��ator: »s�z»6ssaezs3o Name �f nearest waterb�dy: M��� swam� tdenti#y {�stimat�) arr�oant of watC�� in the rYiew a�a: Nun-YY�tland ��at�r: soo lin�ar feet: 15 width {ft} andlvT �o.z5 a�res. C�wdTdlfl C�aSs: RlveRnel�acustriae SL�2am F�aW: Perennlal WBt�ail{i5: `0� � aCrES. Cowardin Class: Fores�@d Name or any water bodies on the site that hav� b�en ideR�ified as 5e�tion 1� waf�i s: Tiaaf: N�n-Tidal: E. REVIEW PERFORMED �OR SITE EVALUA710N (CH�CK ALL THAT APPLY�: � Offi�e {DCsk} Determinatiun. Da�: � FiCld Det�rmination. DatC(s): �z�rzfl�s SUPPORTlNG DATA. Data re�iewed �r prelimir�a�y JD (�h��k all that apply - �h��k�d �t�ms should be included in case file and, wher� �he�k�d and r�qne�tcd. apprvpriat�ly re�ren�e ,�ur�es bcl�w?: aMapa, plans, pl�ts �� plat s�bn�itt�d by �� �n bahalr �T th� 8�3Pi1C3ntIC�I15�Itallt: Environme�tal Servlces, Inc. ✓❑ Data sh��ts prpardlsabmitted by or on bChalf af th� aYfr � iiUa.i�nSu�tsiit. Offi�e con�ars with data She�tsldelin�aii�n r�port. OI11{+G U4JCr•7 AVl I.rIJPI{�a4�J' YYllll �OLQ �7�GG�•71�GI�nGQ��Vn �G�iV�. ❑ Data 3h��ta p�pa�d by th� C�rps: ❑ Curpa n�Yig�bl� �at��a� �t�dr: U U.S. G��Iuc�li.al 5arv�y Hrd�l�gi� Atlas: U USGS NHD data � USGS 8 pRd '�2 digit HUC m�pa � U.S. GGL�1Jgi�al SIifYCy map{.S}. V�tG �4Z:�G �I qUQd nam�: �"�QTGE.y, �C: 7:L4,04a ❑✓ USDA Natural RC.1l7CI�G5 C\JPI.SGPPZ:tIVPI S�rvi�� S�.il 5erv�y. G[a[IO[l: �R�S Digital 5011 survay oisampson Louniy, 2009 ❑ National wetfands inventory map(s). Ci�e name: ❑ StatelLocal wetland inventory map(s): ❑ FEMAIFIRM maps: � 1 a0-year Floadplain Elsvation is: {Naii�nal GeodC4ti� Vcrti�al Datam �f 'f929} U Photograph�: ❑ Aerial (NamC & �atC}: �r � Oth�� (I�ame & Date): � P�r►ious determination(s). Fil� nu. and dat� u# resp�nsC i�tt�r. � O�h�r informaii�n (please speGify): 2oa� ��a e�eYa�on Qa�, NCDOT Lidar, Sampson Caun�r 1. The Corps of Engineers beiieves that ther� may be jurisdictional waters af �h� UnitCd State� v� � t�e sabje�t �ite_ and th� pCrmit appli�ant �r �thCr af�Lted parly who requested this preliminary JD is hereby advised of his or her option to rqaCst and obtain an app��YGd j�ri$di�t»nal determinati�n (JD) f�r that s�te. N�„arth�la��, the permit apPlicant or other person who requested this pr�liminary JD has de�liR�d t� C�Cr�i�e thc vpti�n tv ubta�n an approY�d JD �n ti11s ii wtslla.'c 11rICI C� tI11S �Im@. 2. In any {+I'LrYRI.7tan�a Y.h�� a p�n�n�t appliLant obtains an individual permit; or a Nationwide G�n�ral Perrriit (NWP) ur other gCneraf permit Verifi�ativr � rguiring "pr�-�.:n�tr��t��n n�tifi:.ati�n" (PCN), �� r�quests verification for a non-reparting NWP or other g�n�ral p�rmit: aRd the permit dppli�ant has n�t r��uestcd an �pp���d JD �� th� a�iiYiky, th� p�n�nit applicant is hereby made awara or the follvwing: (1) �he perrr►it appli�ank has ele�t�[� to s�Ck a permit aukh�ricativ� b�a�d un a p�lirniRa�r JD, ��hi�h d��� n�t rnak� an official determination of jarisdi��i�nal wdters; (2) thdt the appli�dnt has thC �ptivn t� �qaest an app,U�ed JD b�t�� aL��pt�ng th� t��rns and uVI7�ILI\JI1•7 of the permit autharization, and �ha� basing a permit aath�ricati�n ur� an app��vcd JD L�ald pvssibly re,alt in less 4�mp�r,a�t�ry m�t�gati�n b�ing �qui��d �� dif��� �t �pecial canditions, �3� that �he appli�arn has the riyht ta request aR indi�idQdl permit rather than a��pting tF�� tGrma and �.�nditi�n� �f kh� NWP �� �th�� g�n�ral permit authorization; t4� thai ihe appli�an� �an a���pt a permit auth�� icatian and ther�by agr�C t� Lomply �ith all the t�rm3 and �:.nd�ti�na �f that p��mit, in�lud�ng .rnetever mi#igation r��airemenis th� Cvrps has d�termiRed to be �,���ssary; {5} that andertak�Rg any a�ti„ity in r�lia�n�a upun th� ��bj�;.t p�rm�t a�th��i�atiun �.ithout requesting an appr��ed JD �onsiita�es �he appli�ank's d�;�eptan�e of th� a�e �f the p�1�m�� �a� y JD, but that �it�er �rm �t JD YYill b� p���s��d a� s��n a� i� practicabl�; (6� a��epiing a p�rmi� ao#horization (e.g., signing a pr�ffe�d indiyidaal p�rmit) �r undertaking any a�ti„ity in �lian;.� �� any f�n�n �,f C.:rps permit aut�ariza�ion based on a pr�lirnina�y JD �onskitut�s agrem�nt that all wetlands and vth�r �at�r b�d«3 �� � th� ait� af���d i� any ��ar by #�at a�iiYity are jurisdickional waters af �he Uni�ed S�a��s: aRd pr�;lades any �hall�nge to su�h ��risdi�ti�n in any administrativG �r judi�ial 4�mpl�an�� �� �nf��n��nt action, or in any administrati�� a���al a� in any Fed�ral �oart; and (7} wh�ther th� ap�li�a� �t ele�ts t� QsG �ith�r an app�Y�d JD �r a pr�limin�ry JD, thot JD will ba processed as soon as is practicabl�. FaRher, an approved JD: a prnff�rd indi�idaal permit {aRd all t�rms and ��nditi��s ��ntained kh�r��n), �r �ndiYiduai permit denial can be administratively appealed pursaani i� 33 C.F.R. PaR 331: and that in any adminisk, ativ� aPp�al, jarisdi�tional �ssa�s �aR be � a�sed (3CG 33 C.F.R. 331.5(a}{2)). If, during that administrativ� appeal, it becomes necessary to make aR u��ial d�terminatio� � whethC� CWA �nrisd�cti�� � exists �Y�r a sit�, �r tu p�Yid� an �ffi:.ial d�ii�,eation of jurisdictional waters on the site, th� Corps will prvide an dpp�U�ed JD to a��omplish that rsalt. as so�n as is pra�t��ablc. Kj This prl;mina�y JD finds that there ��ay b�",�atGrs �f the Unit�d Stat�S ui� th� subject project site, and identifies afl aquatic reatures an the site that cauEd be af��d by the prpased a�ti�ity, based un thG t�IlUw;� �g ;� �formati�r�: IMPORTANT NOTE: T�� informativr� re��rded v�� th;s f�nn ha� nvt n���aaa�ilv b��n ,►��ifiad bv th� C�rps and should ���t be reli�d up�.n for later 'orisdi�tional det�rminat��n�. �719iiatuic SnU Ualc vl R�gala�ory Praje�� Manager (REt,�UIRED} 4 Digitally signed by Mason Herndon `%�DN: cn=Mason Herndon, o=NCDOT, �y�� ou=Division 3, email=tmherndon@ncdot.gov, c=US Date:2077.02.15 77:16:34-OS'00' SigRatu� end dat� �,f perso�� requ�sting prelimi��ary .fD (RE�UIRED, �nl�s� �btaining the signata�e is irnprdcticable) Estimated amount Site (:u.�a�di., °f aqua�i� resource Class of number La�itude L�ngiiude CIa33 in review xrC� aquatic �'"���` Acres �'�sourcc ft. N �n-5e:.t�:,.� 14 non- 5A 35.05083� -7u.50855 Riverine 600 ft we�land Non-Se��ian 10 ����,- 5B 35Ab081b -7$.50916 Rivcri��e 50 ri Wetianti N�,�-Secti�n 1 � nvn- S�: 35.06153 -7$.SO�sy$ Ri���n4 100 ft w�land N��,-SGct;un Wp 10 — W�h�►a 3�.06071 -78.548y2 F�r:,�t:.a <4.1 acre Nan-Se��i�n SWA 10 — ii�u- �iaa! 35.06144 -78.50924 Lacus�ri,�e �.25 a��� T • CQT x � I e�'i� I � �-�-� �-_ * _ �PSf Cem • • • ,;u . ``;~�� � �T _''�?qi�"�. „�.;- r, �t, � -' �— �` � `� _ � iV - —��" - ,rs�' d , 4 � . a -�- �• � ti � �ti.,,' �� 1_� � '' � `� .l •' � " .',� Cem � . �m.ae: ' _ . � �`- �{ 1 . � � . -• � i � � � � ,' � . �4 • }_ � � �\ 4 ` � ` _ � ��' . _ ' . � �M1 }, �rs� _ � � ; �� �--' . � �'- �ti _ 7 �, � q _ _ , , � � +_ - �� ' ��.a��,�,� '�TS � `�� 1 y� a- - -1 - - -- �� � - _ '11 �� ��_�� { `` ���1' i -�'��90 � f �S� I � �j'�,! �. _ _'.x"='�T � .` �_ '� � � �•r _ - _ �_ m \..; k324 � rea, . � � . 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The �mformation depic[ed on thls figure is for _ _ _ _ _ � " ` �'�'- � -� � - . �'� � � iniorma[ional purposes only and was not prepared for, and Is , �_-�' ' I " not sultable for legal or englneering purposes. ,� • � Y `', `. �'m '- � C opy r ig h t�, 0 2 0 1 3 N a t i o n a l G e qg r ap h i c S o c i e ty, i- c u b e d �ynni`u�� yN��' ryry '' * �I �' T Y � � �I�'ror r�nri�v�a � Pa[h: P:\GeoGra\Projects\2016\053\00_08\GISVig_topo_V2.mxd Date: 3/7/2016 2:56:12 PM Project: ER16053.07 Date: Mar 2016 Drwn/Chkd: KT/RT Figure: 1 Soil Mappinq Units "`,�' BH Bibb and Johnston soils, frequently flooded �J�� °;�," � . ;; ! 4 � . � : ��! j^: i V :/r�., i ' F '`.. � �S 1' i ��. .� '"��' . . � � + � ... 4 T� 1 '� \ � p 1 4 . k � � .� �� � . . M f �, �,,� �1�. � . � y� _ . *' ` -,,,. . ;,�, 4 .J � f �' , `� F�1 � r ' r ti !��p'I •��� * J �.• ., q�(y,y 8 � 49F. + � � � . .. �i�'� , '�. . : �. �-� � -. '�:,.. � R' . 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Feet - � � 1 T � `y � �� Source: High Resolution NC Statewide Orthoimagery, F- ` WaB �i'•, 1.; c. TJ� CGIA, 2012; NRCS Digital Soil Survey of Sampson County �� " � 2009, Pro�ect Boundary approximated by ESI. � � � ? � .r} Disclaimer The mformahon depicted on this figure is for informational � � �' -. �' "� � � purposesonlyandwasnotpreparedfor,andisnotsuitableforlegalor NCOneMap,NCCenterforyG�eogra�j�hic,InformationandAnalys��`JC' � engineering purposes. ��: "�,: .,.���+, �' 911 Board �F � }�•:i •., .,. .45' waRr+i tR,. i� AQ' '�a`. c, ,.�I � � ��� C.Y 1I�A�r'� Path: P:\GeoGra\Projects\2016\053\00_08\GIS\figJuns_5148.mxd Date: 1 V21/2016 11:4122 AM Project: ER16053.07 Date: Nov 2016 Drwn/Chkd: LJ/KT Figure: 2 ,j / f }u `�1` � �V y . , � :. w � :r^� _ r � + , r � r � � � ` �� � 'f "! '� , J /•,T w`� _ y�. J + �t `1. �_.,-�r �.. „�+ .� � . . � f .a.- '�� ! f ! 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'� ',�j �` 1 ,�� ,':"� , s,, , ; � r , f t r�w ° � ���':�� `i ���,,k„�1�'�u�```•G��}�''"r y��*�r�. �� `.��.. „` ,,j;�,3 � ," r.,��� . �� ,�� �� ��Y.� ,�q '� t� ��j � *•� � �� �<�� r � � .�Q �� ,���. � �, � ��� p� � . � ^ i�* ! '� 1� y '� '(�,',* _�� k . . ��' , � , . .'i � � � � y}� � �i� � :�.{.� . �.>� �,� '�' `:.. � . ;��`� .y�r i. . '� ��,.. � i�:' .��,. . �� . - �� -. ����.. ''� ���C'�fR: J. ^' '1�_� �'' �" e�i ' � r � �'�` . .r� . _ � _.� ��'e �;�7. ,��i � J P�- � � . � �f .� lt ' .+�:"�j� � ''��'�^^"+ .a' ��• _- � �- y.: `�, � �. ��' - . ;/ ,i'' �A``� �a � ..� � � `.�� � t .. , �'r`. Y ° r k � ' '1 r , � , .��•�.�,� �� -. � � �•r, + h ti4 fir�,��. �'7 •1 I, � ���� . ' �,� � "; . OProject Study Area ' � �',.��, `, "� 'Jx -�..-_. � V. �. �.�1. �� M r ��". . � .� Potential Wetland Waters of the US Wetlands ;{„�; :?�! +��`•` r ( ) � � ,. ' "; >� ,� � e.. �', � Potential Non-Wetland Waters of the US (Pond) .,-_ ,�, �1�. �. . . �, � . y'� F � ' q. " , �� ' . Potential Non-Wetland Waters of the US (Intermittent Stream) �41� _,...�; — Potential Non-Wetland Waters of the US (Perennial Stream) � r �., ' �' . ' * ,. � Potential Non-Wetland Waters of the US (Tributary) � +�'c� �- � ;' + ' ,,,;�.'�: �, , �, 0 50 100 = €;�.;k .� j�� i� .�, •�it�r+,.� . ,:%4 f� ,. �� Feet ; i�,� � n: � �'x'..� � ; �� / .II 4�n'.� . � Source: High Resolution NC Statewide Orthoimagery, CGIA, 2012; NRCS Digital Soil Survey of - ���" Sampson County 2009; Project Boundary approximated by ESI. `i '. ^ _�-. ., Y �T� �A Disclaimer: The information depicted on this figure is for informational purposes only and was not prepared For, and is not w� t:� � � '' �',�,,� s°'�ab'ef°�ie9a'°,e^9'^ee��^9 P°�P°ses. Map, NC Center for G`eograph'ic Information and Anal,y.sis"�%NC � �: .t,� i .+;���� � rd 1 a ��•;1r ,„ E�� NGHxk C9 i � �' qp Y y I� � _ _ :�s �;' , ��+'7Oc1PPWr"� . Paih:P:\GeoGra\Projects\2016\053\00_O8\GIS\figJuris_5148_ACOEmxd Date:12/2/20161028:O6AM Project: ER16053.07 Date: Dec 2016 Drwn/Chkd: LJ/KT Figure: 2 � y�'� y, s w�y'��, 4'c^4� „� z", fi'','„�,� . - L YF�{�'h '� � �' . 7 � � , � 4 1� ; a� Q-.5.,�, �� 1 '��"c%�y�. r„ .,+� YCj.• 7;+ .k C.��4rd'' q �, � . � . ��d• � 7+ � y„�;�.,�,}W.�,"`' � t�` � ��. . �.� `4�� ''�� 5� t, r _ _ ;. �:3 � "/ ;, „ � > � u �,x� '• : �►; ,�.r.c .��' ��:r I�ti��. �t ! . 1� �'Y 1 �J� �C� �Y '" �.; . :- f . .+-L ' . � 1 „w �..�c"�i '�, �_ .. i�.` �., H ' l . �� . . � , .�''.Y . ` . ��p � � +�� �4S . . . ..,,�,���a�� i �� ,,f dk .,a '��� . . . �i : . '. s'Y*,�� :,.� � `K- �1''� �,,!� , � ��� • �+� _. .�'`-�.+p+� � i. �. � '� ,>,'^ ,�a`.• � O �d - � . . . ' t'. . . � ,� � `:n .. � � ' :� �' -�. �� � �� ��� - k �iY:. �' � ,a . %3 yi�iif�t �� ' ;�:..�. �_ . �� �:� � '�` V ,r � � ;.. � .. � r P ��,,. � � w.�� � �, - „� �+�t' ..� � �. � R � +,: ;� „ � ;N; � $� �-, � > '�,� �� t� ��� � r r ;y a� - �r ���F� �4 '. �, ' .�: / �� , � � : 1' �. ,+ � � � A� 'Y�� � � � !F �'.._ ,�. I_�-- . f�:� .�, ��, . . .�— — =� "� t � a �.:.. � `:^ " - ��' 33,:;� - � ' ' '* ,r; , �°`?�(!: �-- � rt,r � - ;� � � � � �' O Project Study Area �-'. � ,,, ��_: .,. ,. • , Elevation �' .� � f,�= �`��� ��� , Hi9h �-�'�'1��. ' ''� �' . � �i�,,.,. �. � �`�t�.� �t-, � y' , `� t �'_ , fi: '`.�', Low � � � ;� +A,�i. :$ - �(� _ _ :�. � � � � , - 0 500 1000 ; y �f(+ .`�� �lti5 �,�.' ���,.f� �;t ! "f ^- �b;,�� Feei - - , .., � - r t� Source High Resolution NC Statewide ,�i I'` �� ' � � ` � - �I i• Orthoimagery, CGIA, 2012; �� _ � •' �� f, � Project Boundary approximated by E51. �� � � - �v��' ' �Tyr� a . � � - .. - � � D sclaimer. The information depicted on this figure is f nr �' `� `.i 5 J� � � • -.' nformationalpurposesonlyandwasnotprepa�edfo - �:'� ��... :s,,;� NC QneMap. NC�Center ior Ge�graphi,�e Information.ai�d Analysis, NG" and s not sultable for legal or engineering pur oses . � �' 911 Board '"� :��� +{•� r, �� r� �ynni`u�� yN��' ryry '' * �I �' T Y � � �I�'ror r�nri�v�a � Pa[h: P:\GeoGra\Projects\2016\053\00_08\GISVig_lidar_V2mxd Date: 3/8/2016 9:46:05 AM Project: ER16053.07 Date: Mar 2016 Drwn/Chkd: KT/RT Figure: 3 NC D�'V- Strc�rrt Identification Form version �.ii rl8fe: 3�Z — f 6 Pao�eaUbltc:S�rKwO.� �ya � Eva�ua�or: T�,���� � �� County: �k Sp_ Totaf Points: Stream Determinatian (circie Stream !s at least fnfermittent 3 ir Ephemera! lntermittent erenr if t i 9 or aerennia! if 2 3E' Latitude: 3 j, v6 () 8 3�4 Long�tude: —7�, Sv�,S+{ Other � e-g. Quad Name: ���'" s� R7Y�IGIo1 UIN.I4Ca afO f101 fOlQ4� .�GG LL}.aWry{.TO ��1 TOI1P�n� B. H drol Sub�otal = "� � z. Presence oF Baseflow 0 1 2 Q 13. Iron oxitlizing bacieria 1 2 3 i 4. Leaf lirier 1 0.5 0 i 5. s�imen� on plan�s or Qeoris a '� �•� 16. U�yanic tledria li,-�e� v� piic„ 0 0•5 �•5 '1 �. SviE-6as�� �.id�nee er r�lyn ,at�� ta6le r No = 0 s� 3 �.. 6101� suoiotal = � 1 S. Fibroaa bot� in .,v��n�nea � 2 1 D 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed C� 2 '1 0 20. Macrnbenthos (nota dtverstty and abundance} 0 2 3 21. AquaGc Mollusks � 1 2 3 22. Fish 4 Q. 1 1.5 23. Cra�sh fl•5 '� �•� 24. Amphibians Q.5 1 1.5 25. Algae 0 0.5 �•5 2B. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; OBL =1.5 �ther = D •perennEal slreams may alsa he identifed using olher melhods. 5ee p. 35 af manual. Notes: SRe�cn: t�ti_�� E :1iD= u �� �;r = ,;�e = � in�ia:�s� nn ;�tta�l�e i ��ta��f 0 ST�t�,�A� QU�LITY ,-�SSE�SI1�IEl�T �'1'QR.KSHEET �� Pro� ide t�c fo�lo�i in� infa n:�ilDl+ iv.- t�.� si. ���s� rc:�cis unQci' �SSE5511]@Ill; i. App�scant's nai»e: � 7 .. i,:�l� �i� er ;Ilu�il�s�: 5� Z�� G '. Vt�131z O] ?I�[���;�: � 't'a �:t, .�`.l..�w+�` . 7. :�ppro�imate drainage area: � �SD ac.r�s 7. Le��e�h of re�ch e��lu;�ted: Zd �F�' i i. �;te cooruinaies �ii hnn��n�: p:eier in �rcima9 Recr�es. l. C.1 �IllfliO,- 3,-,i,;iir: . R a. iit�ie of e� alnatinn: �- � e. R i� er l�a: in: Gz� � �. �tres�m �r�e�: � 10. Counn : ��, 4�. Subdivision name ii!'�r�v): I1.oru. I.:.���ed�,�;,.3�.5��33:1: -� {�Ca� h ► on Ili]'ue [ca.•�r,556bi i): ' 78. $��S�y Ri�i�;�� i�ao�:o :�a��-�:�,aa i�irc,e�: ur� � opo �ncci nno;Aerial� Phaio,Gl, Other ��� vtncr i�. i_�.�„r,.;� oi ,-���r. �-�er e��aivation �z�oie nearb. m�ds ai3 I�iti mar •s and a��ach map ide�3,ifj�ing s�reain(s) location): r o, . N�- Jo�-.�-� f- i:. '� � 1�. �ro�.osed chan»el ��•ork ( if an. l:� r�rs�;;• �-�' r,�. IS. Itecen� ��'easher condi�iaiss: ,�.k _ �.:��..� �x �wj.— . ,ir. Si�e condi�ions a� ti�}�e of�isi�: ��� � ��-4t 5 � r. ��en�in� �m� specia� �+�at�n� a�• clas:ifica�ions kna„m: _5ection 10 �Tida11'�'a�er� ��ssential Fisherizs t�abitat _�.c��t �ti�aie.� _�,uts��naine nesource 11`a�ers �Nuaiern Sensiii��e 11'a�ers _1�,'a�er Su�pl�� 1�lfa�erslied �l-1V) 13. Is tf�2r� a f�ond or lake lacatea W�,�t<<w��: o� u:e eraivaiion poi�3i' � i:0 �f �•es, es�imaze t��e �saier sunace area:_'L� 4cru 19. Dors channel a�+pear un USGS quad maN? E` NO �0. u��� .r..,-„-,�j u�,�,�ur on USDA Soil S�n �_' ',�� ri� : i. �.��ima�ed ��•aje��hrd land use: (�° o Residen�ial °o Commercial °o Indu��rial ra �°a ��ricultu��i �°, Fores�ed ° o Cleared J Lo�ged °:4ilier � 1 � �lr�. c f �nn�� — — 3�. a»kful ���id �: Sd �t r�. Bank IZei��ltii (from oealorap oi ��anx�: �.��' 2�f. Channel clope do���n centerof�tream: _Flat,O to?°ol �Ue,-�lke i� �v �°`o) �!1]oderait (� �o i0°a� _Sseep {' �'u=e� =5. �l�ann�l �inuo�in: 5trai�_h► '��ccasiona] bends _fre-yuent meander �Ven� �i�3uous _Brai�ed cl�a��.��i j.-.,-t: �r�:o�.� Ro. �o .:�«�it��s ai «wi'►:s�sE:� {�ut�a��� =�ti pr�ue Z}: DtkYl� U\ t�ElCl7illlilil� i1�a nw�� appruJ,ria�z ecurr��icu� i�ased �n ic�2311011. 121T311'l. 12_2l��1i013. st,�.�r� �Eus-:s;C311011. etC. C\:n ai�ar�cturis�ic n�us� be scnrea usin� tii�e �aine ea��r_��i0i1. �SSI_!1 ])OlillS tu zaclt characirr�stic �ithin ihe ran__� si,o�,;: ��� ine ecaregion. rage � proliaec a r;;ei �escripiion oi na�;� �o r��ie��' i3�z cl»racieri�tic; i�i•rntife� in �he ���orksl�e�t. ticores •13ou13 �e>>«t ��� 0�'2I'3i1 355�SS��}cili Of i�12 S1ira„-� <<acr e��7ra �.��uation. i!' a �hara��.ri��ic �o�}nut hz a�aluat�d due to Gite cr �+•eailszr cos�d'stion�. ent�r 0 in th� �coring bo� and F�ro�ide sn ��}�in��ui�i�� ;,, tn2 ��il]Ille]ll S�Cik611. �;,ter2 sliEre are �h���ic�us chan�_�5 iil 1I12 CI7:li'aCiZP Q�3 SlfZ31Ti lli1C�E'i 1'2\i2��' s�,�.. ih� �,r�. �u �la��s 4'rc�ni a��a�Sl;l'� ;,,�o a��:�:t�. tr� -t���;,� :,.a� �e ai�ia�a in�o 5mallcrr�sclus thai �iispiay raorr concinuin•. and a separa�e �'ant� us-� in ��slua�e each i'�3C�1. TI12 �oial scc,i•� a�•i��iie� to a s,��r���� ��a�E� -ti5l 1'313_2 [�ei���?il Q Sll� iGi►. ��itn a scor2 €�f ivv re�rasEr.tii��� a�traam of tlxe i�i��l�est yus�in. 1 otul ��o:c {11•via, ;r:��_C}: � CGn1nlElitS: •��^��8 , �\ fl�lF3iU�'�5 �i_T1�lll1'f Da�e ��"r � ,� — Tltis cE�annel e�-aluat9c+n foriiy is it�tend lQ �C ElsE{� Glll; �� 3 Ht11aE i0 fl55151 Ia�1�IGti�llEl'S 3flE� ra;:l;'OI11:�EI1Y�1 ];1'G7f5510ri�l5 II1 a�[i1H1'1!l? l�1C C���3 1'CC�llII'Ed �i�' l�iC L`ttlSEd 4�fl�C5 �1'lllt Curi;: of En�.inEEr� i0 illa�iE 3�}I'E�1R3iEi�!'1 A�SESSII]Ei11 4� �tTE�I.-, Y�..1:1� . I Gt 1vi81 ?co:t' 1'r5l3llliiQ li'GI13 lllf CGIli�1IClIGri Gf 1�1i5 �OTifl T� sil�}�ECi iA t'S.aC� a��ro��ai aF�d docs 11GC Illln��` � �]�rSICUI�I' i11111rdiiG�3 M�ilO GP l'CylIi!'c:�.c.ai. !'���'��i �13C;:el 1� ��1F91ie —'. �]':1-.'�l'k �iC ��� . 1 2� t_e!iiilie}il. ��!{'�`: i':.II L!a-� h�+�'.� �'ti ,n. S ! �Z�A1�r� [�uAL�TY ASSESSl1��;1v j� ��U�,�����.1 •:- ��i4S4 �. �' ,�; �• -�[,��`t��-�:r i�` - w 7f. `�1+��:v85�T`a[ ' w '�l�P.[ilil �.'� ",fz.,�51UU[1 A1TI „ _'• i�`'fi �•^�� ��rt. - Nr. i� "'F,-� ,S`l. �' � }��iC.'t: F� .� ' ' ' , y � Presenre of 110�� 1 j.ersist��t �,00�s sn s�reani �_ � 6—� u— � ti:' 1 (no 110�� or sa�uraaon = 0: stron flo� = m� oin�s} ;Y r.�-iaencc af �as� Luraan ulterniio� �_ G p_� 0— 5 �.� � • � ��;� ��i�::s.� e aiieration = U• no al�era�ion = max oinu 3 '` It�;:a�.an zone � 0— 6 0—y u—� {no b�1'er.= 0• ronii ..vw�. w��e.uuffer = max oints - �� .. _. ���idence u!' nvtrfept or c�i�::.:��x aisc7iarges . � . „ . - 0—S 0—� 0--�F �. ea�ensive dischar' e�.= 0• no dis�iiu: es =�i �ax � ints � ` �-� •� �� ' Gronrd�a�er discl�arge � �4�' , - . • � ` - _ . `- 0-3 fl-4 0��4 .�, � ..o u;sc�yar e= U- ian se s�;�e.lands et�, ��.�a�: inis "` 6 :`• c:� rresenceaiaajaceii�IIaodpisin , �—� �-4 0-2 �na {lo� fW... ='v e�:jer�sive fiood lain = ma�c oinis :�' 7 � �nt"renzh.u�..i r aiooup�ain access u—� G—�+ Q— s ;�+� dee l entrenched = v xre neni floodin = rnax oints '��' a ' - PrescaCe af adja«..r :�euanas 0-6 D—� 0—L ;�<<.; no ���e�lands = 0• lar e ad'a�E : e�ianas =�sax oFnw ' �'' Channel sinuosity .'��, y 0-5 0-4 u—s ,_,k {exiensive channeliza�ion = 0' natural mo�..aer= ma�t oinw ��' 10 , .: ,Y Sediment inpUi � � - . 4 — 5 0 — � 0 — 4 ".-ce..�:ve a osirion= 0• little or no sediment � m�;. aan�s : - . . : ,:�....�,,;�N,, ,. . .�,�, i� Siie at �:: �:.,:ry oi cnattnei bec� su�srrate �, •a :��:��,�:;: 0— 4 0— 5 fine haiuo enou� = u• iar e, aiverse s�zes = max oints �-x �-_ �.; .�±�;° �' E��idence of chana�l iu�:s:an or �►'YQeniag 0_ 5 'u —� "v —� ����� ,� ° (dee 1 inc�sed = 0• stable b�a ce �anKs = raax oins �i i j rreseQce of majar Uank faitwa G, 0—� 0— S 0—� �'� sa�rere erasian = 0• no erosian stabie bank5 =�..ax oin�s . p,. 1� xovc �ep;n an� eensi.y on banf:s v—� 0— 4 0— 5 :�_ {no visibl� roaz.s ="u� aense roo�s ihrou out = maa oints � ��� Im �act by agricutltur� li�•Rto�e�, or �im ner produc�ion 0�$ 0-� � 'v —� « .4,�i x�, 7; 1$ substar,►ial im act =0• na e.:aence = max oin�, �;',::�` rresence oFriffle-�ooilri�,i,1e-�,oai �a��pieaes 4—� p—� u— 5 �=''t �s no riiiieslri Zes or ools = 4• uell-develo o�= mex in�s �� - txaniza� comple�:ity Q— 0 4— b Q— 6 H' � 7 lit�le ar no han:�at = �• � uen varied habitats = max oint� ��� � 8 Caua�.r co���ra�� a; er sr�-eambed p_ 5 U_ � v_� (no shadin r•e e�a�ion = 0• continuous cano v= rnax oinU -� � �9 • Se��ssra�eembeddedness ,�� �A� . 0-4 0--4 : �a= . ,.; r,. {aee s embedded = 4• loose struci�ue = sn�. ,^�L ' Presence oistr�W�..:urerteora�es {see page 4) : z. -y4 0—� 'v-5 0-5 (�o evidence = 0: comman. nw..srous es = maX ain�s) � `�. Presence af ami,f►ibiaas :V' �� . Q—� 0—� 0—� : p� (no �: i��s.ce = �: cArnman. numerous es = max ou.0 ��- i'res�n�� oi x�sa :p- ?� 0—� 0—� Q--� �, (no e� idence = 0: co,�u�on numerou; n es = ma.� �n►s) -�= �3 � �.�i�ence aitirildlife u5e 0— S 0— 5 0— 5 � ��c- {na e�'icience = �: abuna�.i e��idencs = max oin�s . _ ���� �; , �: � • _ � � . � - � I00 ' 10� 1�Q�- : F . - .' , : i oiai r.oints Po�si6le _ . - =:='� _ _` ,• ,._ .,, -:.. ��-+ �.: . �. . _� � - ' - :►, * � _ � ���U���AL SL.U1�.G �SiSO �AICI alt tli�t }la�C� � � - - ' c ��z _ . - , _ _ _ - - - - ,�. . . ''" Th�se characteristi�s u.��,-�ot �sses�ea in coanal strearns. , � � 5 3 � 3 Z y � Stij NC D�V S�ream Identifica�ion Far�n Version �.11 �a�e: S_� _ l(� ProjectlSite: �w�Sc�. �'i$ Catit�a�: 3 S. CX,Oc`fl6 E.aIQat4�: f V.��b4�� �fu l�t.� Gaunty: �C�2 SU-. �onyi►ude: -��. ��Y�J TotaE Points: Stream aete Gikle ancj Other i � Stream is at least fntermittent 2 S_ � Ep�emera In�erm�nen� Perennlat e.g. Quad Name: �I�"` `"� i{ z 19 or cerertrtie! if z 30' ___ H. ueomarph�la �i�Gtota� = l3 18' Continuity oi channel bed and bank 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 3. In-channel slruclure: ex. ri�ie-poal, siep-pool, ripple-ponl sequence �. Panicle size o� siream se�Ostreie 5. Activelrelict iloodplain 6. Bepositional bars or benches 7. Recent alluvial deposits e. Headcuts 9. Grade cvntrol 1 Q. Natural valley 11. 5econd or greater order channel arti�iGal Eita�es are not rate'a; see disaissions in ma sent Weak 0 i 0 0 1 0 1 U a � � 0 1 0 0.5 0 0.5 0=0 Moderate 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 1 Yes=3 B. Fl drola 5e��o�u, _'7. 5 12. Presence of Base(Iaw 0 � 2 34� is. Iron oxiaizin oacieria a � 2 3 14. �oaf IittQ� l 0.5 0 15. Sediment on p�anls or debris 0.5 1 �'a. u anic �e�ris �ines or Ni�es 0 �.5 1.5 � �. �ol�-Oaseu evi'uence of hlgh water �able? No = 0 res =� C. Bi�l� Subtotal = �e. �i�rous roo�s in s�eambed 3 Z � � 19. Roated upland plants In streamhed '1 � 2D. Macrobenthas {nate dtversity and abundance) 0 2 3 29. A uatic Mol�usks 1 c 3 �c. EIsR 1f3� 0.� 1 1.5 23. Cra�sh 0.5 1 �,� 24. Amphibtans 0.5 9 1.5 25. Algae 0.5 1 1.5 26. Wetfand planls In stream e FACW = 0.75; OBL =1. Olher = 'perenniaE strearns may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual, i�iote5: Sketch: l�S.�Cf -11D= u�� I� _ �:�� _ � inai�ate ,,iti �nached m:c�� � � S � ���.An�� QU�LITl' ,�►SSLSS]12�NT «'4R.KSHELT Pra� ide �l�e f4[lo�� i�a infarmaiion fo.- u:a �t� ���.. : ���j: e��zticr �s<csstnen�: 1. i.u�Qi+ll)i•3 i�uiiic: �rt1�..i �,�� �. ii�ne af e� s�ltiaii�n: � � u. R i� er L�a�in: G F� n. �ir��m �r�er: U l. A���icai�t's nai��e: C :. i���ie d1�2�qlillflnil: ���-�� __ _ :. ti:�m� of �r�a�i�: u► �n n+�: +� o��� 7. ,aF�prpximate drair�2Le ar�°a: �'.�Ei Cu• � y. �.ans:th of renef� e� alu�tecl: La � i i. S;t< <sor7inat�s �ii hno�cn r,,re��r in arrinra� i�egr=e�. � ,,.. : • � �� '�� .� 10. Counn�: .]av-� � I �. 5ubdivision name i if any): n�'�� I.:,���U�3� ���.: �.K;231_�: ,�5 d(e u� �G _. i 0nnilliuc {ca.-r �.5a66i i f: " 7�_ Ss� �l � S% ni��L-�� i��:.�:�„ �rs� ...;.,2A t�irc[ef: ura iopo �n�ct rtho �flcrial� I'hota�Gl Oth�r G!S Odtcr �3. i_a�.,� ���� Di ,-�r.�i� �-�er e� a�uation tzlote nearb�� macls an an �nar •s and �<<ach mn� iden�ifj ittg ��ream(s) lacs�ionl: �. .c�a.� o•. H�..-�l��. 5[.�al � . So�-��- _� �all�.,�i's Cl�s�i _ I�4. Proposed cham�ei �i�ork f if an; 1: � t.=�ae. f�'�»e.'� - -- - 15. IZereno �reather conditians: .-`� i.�+•�- � �R� ,b. ai�z cnndi�ions �� time t�!'�isit:_ 5�•�•• �....,s, :�� :'-7a u��-%_�� � r. i�e7�in� ai�� specia� �+�aten��a�� classifica�ions kno�j�n: �Secti�n 10 �Tidal l'�'a�er� _Es�en�ia! Fish�, ��s Huu:i�,t _i,-�e1 ����e.� ��utsi�nilin� necource lt'at2�5 �Nu�riem Sensi�i�e 1'1'a�ers _1'�'ater Suppl�� 1'1'a�ershed ,1-1V1 1 S. Is tl�zre a f�ond or lake la�ai�a a�c�<<..�,; o� ine e� ainsiian poini? i�S �0 �f ��es, esiimase tl�e ��•a�er surface area: C� � F 14. Dozs channe� appear on USG5 yuad maN? 1� !0 ='v. �aes cnan.-.�i �,,,,�,.a �a, UJLIR Je:i aun�e��7 � ��4 � �. E�tiit�atizd �satershed land use: �� °b Re�idential 'o Cominercial �o Ind��tria] �au �� �� ;rai�urai ?S ° e Forested ° o Cleared 1 Log�e� ° a O�her { ) �' �lc�. a f �i�►,,��� � ._._. ?3, ankful «��d i: �3. Bank heigh� (frair, bed �o ��p of bank); ,� tt ?�. Cl�annel slnre dn���n centzr of st�enm: ^Fi�t �0 to 3°0) �'uemie i? io �'o} *�n�ioaeraie (� to i 0°0) _����'p i> 1Q°'el :�. �ltann=l sinuosin : 5trai�i�� ✓��ccasiona! bends �Fre-yuen4 meander _�jen �ir�uous ��s� ��a�a ena�mei ia.af; �ci:o,�5 iG!' CG3ii�ifii0ii '-.1 Si�Ci�5lShel ��G2atE� wp `7�rC ?�: �'r�lil 11)� l�Ccz3']illl1111L i�3� 111USi ��?�1'u��ria�e eeure�iott bas�� oT IGC3li01Y. IcTI'�111. :ca�l��l�v;�. '1�e3113 C13551TIC3110Il. 21C. ��3F} CI131YiCt�T]SilC Ilill�l b@ SCDT2� U.l11:= ihe samz �e�re�1011. .��sien l,nints ia zscl� cf�aract�ristic ,-,ith�n ,n� a,.���-e si3u;�n ior tne ecor�s!inn. Pase s�ro�idzc a rrief descrip�ion of lio��• �o re�ie�ti- tl�z ct7�racteri��ics identifie� i�� �!}e �.orksl�ezt. �<<.rr� -�;�ai� ��iiect an o�era�i as�ess»ieni oi tne nre�m reaciS undzr ��aiva�ian. l!' a 3I7�1":i3121'ISSIC ��i7n0i �� 2\3�1131Zd +�ll� l0 �ll@ Gr .i�eatl�er cuna�l����?. e;.1�; U;,-. lE�� aco�;�,g no,; +.�,� t:�0::�2 3M eSP1�313t12�11 lil 1�12 aamm�nt s�ation. 1��I�er_ �he�•e are ob�ious chan��es in �he cl��rac�er �f a:tream �Ei�der r��ie:� (e.�.. the ali'c:illl ifa :; i.��>>: � t•asure into a ia.-est1. ti3e str.sm Enn} be di�idad in�o sr��aller rEachrs th:�t display n�orz coniinuin. and a separa�e %nn uR�� 10 213I115ic rucl: I'c3C�l. T112 101:i� �ca�c .,__14�,�a to a suaa��1 raaen mus� ��an�a berneen 4 and IUD, ��itl� a 4care of lOq re�r<<�r:�i��� a.treanl c+f il�e lti<<�iest yuaiin. j otai �care liroit3 rEr ersri: Can��nen�s: � a.t ��{� __ _ E� aluaiar's �i6�a�ure - �ate �'3-T L _ _ _ j i.:s �i:a�:nts �`�aluatiaci iari�f is ittiFnded n �e vsed onl� ss ���i�E �a a«is� ��t1C�0`iI]E!'S 3I1(� C•II�IF'QIlE]iE111AI �)i•afE:�ioiiais in ��t�1[1'II]� c�1C E�3C3 C(�iVll'Ed �31' tl�c l',-.:t@a �i�1E•5 �I'I11t Cnr�ss c►f Eii6i�EErc io tn�kE a�[•cliniinar� a�5E�5111E11� Gf 5il'F3Ii7 qu��it�•. Tlic totsi �core re:ulti��� froiti� ihE cot�}t�lt�io�� oi ir.ic iarui ic clfp�Eei io ����C�: r.t.�ro«i auti �ae< <tio� impn- a j)afilCUlar llilllQ�if301] i�TiO GI" 1'C�U11'EIItEIIt. Ei�i'ii� 51��;cil 1C� ��7e1i;'t - � c1xl��Il li� ilj, �L• C; i;;,y;��,�. F�1,�A;c 2Gll �?ti`�-$ h-�=� 1\�b, 5� 1t�Ai�'� QURLTTY �SS�;SSn't�:N � �vuxx5t��,� i � r � � k �� rsi c , i r f �"• ' � ..ri �����?�'i' �sf}f ��, �� . .� w .+ Z+�ll.1'a '' �.Z.�i�,,,E. '� � � _ " � �I� � � ����} �!,��L t.: ' �-+,l�L' Js7��>�Et. ..f.� f' yf �. n � �+, .:t ' � ..: r ?r Y .Ers *• 7 5 r;�'r ? �?.� �a� �,� ..a� ,y.k, rT.s�i�� 'v'` �" t• yr+� } ,� r�'.��R��$ �r �qT iA I�R�� .� Y1�711a C. :'-�F Presence a1'i�o.. � pe:sistent �aols in s�ream z � _ 0—� 0—� 0—� �4 , (no 1ia�v c�r satur�.tio�; = v: �tron a�a�v = �naY b113i5 � 4 _ Er•idencc of �,ast Luman alt�...tion 0— 6 U— S 0— S �;�; � �ea�ensive al�era�ian = 0• no alteration =�.:,. oinrs �`'"• _ �vnarit�n zone � 0—n 'v-4 0—� �� y 3 + (..o n�er = v• �on�i uou ��=ide buffer = max oints � - �h � 4 •;i E��idenc� oF.::.r. i�:.r or c��ieiuica� disctiarges p— 5 - u—� � v-- � •. �eafensive dis�har� �.= u• no aiscnar es = m�.�c oin�s �` - Groui�dtvater t�is�u�, be ., ,. : : � . - .. - �� ' nd'discl�ar e= 0• �rin s s «•�tianas etc. = rnax oin►s 0-3 0-4 0=4 �3 � - rrese�te af ad�acent �Iaody,lai.: �, g •. . �-4 0-4 0-2 ]30 �QQCI �S1Il = O• e��ensive fiood lai.n = m.... eyas �=�{ �,nirencurucn� 1 iloodplain uccess u- � 'u - 4 0-? P�� � a�� i envencn� _ �• fr uen� f�aodin = max oints '� �•< � � F� G,on�� oi aa�acen< <►'e�lands :�=�� 8 0-6 v-�+ 0-i ,�� • . no wetlana� = 0• �a, e a�'acens we�lands.-= max oints ;�� 9 Chani.as.u��s:ty 0-5 0-� 0-j ��� {ex�er�sive channelization = 0• ..Nturai meander = max oFn� r„ ". Sedi�nentini,tit � 0-5 Q-4 0�4 ~� ' � ex�ensive d osi►;on 0• litlle or na s�3u..�i = max inss ;� _ �5ize z� �i��ersity af �i�annef bed substrafe :� �"� ;�;'; ��. �� �� ".�'r1VK..:�:;�;-. 0-4 0�5 ! i i,�.e namo enous = 0-1ar e, diverse sizes - max aints .. :„_; _;., :_ y; . �'�' � 2 , E��i��n�� oi �nannei incision or widexting p_� 0_� �— � .� (dc 1 i�cis�a = Q• s�an�e oea a. banks = max nints .�� � 3 Presence of masos b�..x �a9sures p �� 4_� 0— 5 �; se��ete erosivn = 0• no erosion st�ni� panxs = maa� oin�s .�: �� �coa� dep�h and density on banl;s . v—� �— 4 0— 5 ,� (no visia�e roo�s = 0• dense rooLs i}u�ou out a m�:, o�,��s '�,v1. � 5 Impa�t b� ..g� :osurure, iir•estacEc, or �imber productian �_� u_� 0_ � �� substant:a� �... acz =u• no e�idence - max oints �'.,�' 1� Presence of rifi3e-y.00�l.:�.,.i�poni compseaes 0— 3 6— 5 0— S '� no rif#]es/ ' les or oals = 0• ;,eii-aeveio e�= rnax inu � Habiiat camy,lea'sty fl_ 6 0— b 0— 6 E-�� �� ii�ie ar no habi►n� _ �' fr uen varied habitats � �.—.�.., oinis ��~ �� ��,�o,.y co� erage o��er s�rearabed �_ � �— � 0—, (no sl3adin .rt �i�r:o.. ="u• continuous cano �= ma� oins ;,- �. �g Substrafeemh�a���ness =' NA* � 0-4 0—� dee � embedded = 4• ]oose strueruze � Fnax - M1 �' �Q rresence oi s�ream i�rer�ebrates (see �,a� 4) �_� p_� 0— 5 ��: (no e�riae���e = 0; common. �iumerous es = ma.�t ints � �� Presen«oia�..,.ninians 0—q 0—� 0--� _ Q (no evidence = 0; carmnon nu�nero,.� es � max oin� � �- Presence of fis� ^ ?� v—� 0—� U—� �, (no eviden«= "u: cauunan nuinerous t� es =3nati ints .�_ � Evzde�ce af r��ildlifz w�� Q_ 6 0— 5 0—� - —' {no evidence = 0• abundam e��idenca = ma� u�u . . . ., .. � ' ` ` ' TOi,'i� Pai�1f5 YO�s.nje ' . � : i40 " ` �00 � i0v �: ' ; . , .[�i � � � ,��: ti � �. TUTAL �C:Ui� {ai» �ut�L �,u nrst page� : � � ` � ` �_,_, - - - �Tl�e�e Characteristics are not as�e_s�a ��� ao�nai streams. Z V Z Z � G �ream �aen ea�: � Z 1� Evalua�aw ES 2- jZ r�. .. �� r I � o�a� Paln�s: � d St��o..�:��.tiv�st;��to���.;tto..t O :10 i9 0. pe,o�.,,�a1;1230" H. GEQI11Q�pRQl�gy (5llAi0LaI = S. S ) �_� �onti��uit, or GFiannQ� 6�a an� 6a��R 2. 5inuosity of channel alony thalriay 3. In-cFionnel �tradere: �,.. ��tt��-pvol, sicp-Pvol, ripple-pool sequence 4. PaRicle size of s�ream suhs�ra�e �. �cuverreliCt ��oo'uplain 6. �eposi�ional oars or oencnes r. Recent all�,-ial aeposits �. A�Qa�Q� 9. Grade oonirol 10. Na�ural va�ley ��. seoonG or yrea�er oRler u,anne� artifival uilu�es are no� raled; see dlscusslans In manual �G rm V er5ion 4.11 �rojecrr3l�: �a..�.�Tf� I Y�P Lat�.�de: ,y S, d� 15 3 �ounty: S. , o-, �onglwEe: _�S; sa g�� in,.uvo (circk one} umer SalcML �, 1�G �phemeral�termittent Perennial e g. wuau IVema: � Q 0 u 0 Yes = 3 B. Fi ��IQ SL6i0i81 = f • � ,�. Presenoe or Qaser�ow v � Q � ��. Irun oxi�izin-y sa��eria 1 2 3 ��. [ear iiuer �.a �.a � ia. 5�imen� on plan�s or Oe�ris 'u � �,� �8. O,�o.-,ia 8e6.;- lin�.. e� p;l�., 'u O.a i.� � r. 5ail-6aseG evi�fence or 11ign wa�er �a�fie r Ao = 0 es = 3 C. Blolfl Subtotal = S �a. FiGrous roa�s in s�reamCEe a � � � ia. RovteO uplan[I p9an�s in stream�etl � � � 'u Z0. IOluare6�.-�[Pie� (ne�� 8i �rsity ond aben�anca) � Y 3 21. Ayuatic Mollusfcs � � :� 22. Fish 0,5 1 1,5 za. :,ray��sn 0.5 1 1.5 �w. nmpniGians 'u.a � �.� za. Nlgae 'u.3 � ,.3 z6. w�dand plants in atrean+a�d FH�w = u. �a; �6C = i.5 vtRer 'perennia! streama ma� alav 6a Idg,�tifiQd osing vU�e� meihada. Sea p. 35 oT R1a17eol, Notes: �Reicll: l��_a� � :1iD� [�15 1.1 = �i1� = I f111j1C:ilZ CrI1 .11;.,21;c� ��� .k• I �� � S 1 1�LAiV1 �)1,1r1L1 1 lf r�1�SLSSI�'1L1\ ��1'V1tIt5H�L' i PI'011(�C iI1C %II01� 1l3b t[1�OS'i11�1�IOI1 PQC 1EIC S�CL'a111 PP�CII A.-�[-Ic�.-�.»e�s�a�z��l: �. Applicant's naFi�e: 2. E� alu�lor's name: i1� '�4�.+b4 ( � .. I��ii< <.E�. � aivaii��i�: - 2- a. �'ime nf e� al�»ti�n: �� � L�v � , :. 1;�in� of a���am: �'l: il � [. ici�e� �a�itl: C� %c� 7. ���pro�iinate draina�e are�: �lQ Lr�� 8. Str<<,��� ���7er: U y. ,_en��li of reach e� aluated: `o � l0. lou��sti :. �—PS--�- __ i �. �:t< «or�in3i�s iii hiio��n �: ,,���a: :n �icrimoi necr�es. 12. SU�]dil'iSI0I3 1�3Slle ilf ail\'�: �R� E.:.�,;ua���.-,.:a.a'?3<<i: SS.t�IJ i.oneil.i�el�..-�r.5�G611): �/$.Sf�$y8 _ rti�tl;�7 i�ror'r.-. dz�a ::::: ril Icir�ie�: C:r� i �pu an •t vnnn;Hcri�,� �Ey��o,�,S InCt' i�i5 �incr i.�. I_�.�.-,i:�,: oi .r..�i, e,.�er e�aiitation t�iote nearv�� roads mtid landmarks and a��ach m�p i�en�ifi�in� s�ream�s� �oca�ionr: �cr v.— ilwn 7�G. ,�`1hp� 1 �[i ..JD�?� O'T _�w llS�-d�.�$ L�� - I-�. Prai�as�d chanatel �, ork ( if .�n;�): i•� � l4cc.-� � I 5. 12ecen� ��-eather conditioils: KQ.,�. v;�:.• � S ia.o.� � in. Si�e coi�di�inns a� �ime ni'�isi�: ,�:�-c.4 �,�,� -����e �:cic� � r. i�emin� am� speciai ���ater��-a}� classifications kno���n: _Section 10 _Tidal 1'�'a�ers ,�Essen�ia3 Fislte�ies Ha�iita� _ i.�ei ��'a�e�� �vuts�anainL rcesourre �.'atzrs �, Nu�riem Se�isi�i� e 1,'��ers _w�aier au�ply ,��a�erslieci ii-1V r , � s. �S i�72i1 3�,Ol]d 01' IBI�Z I4C��cQ'uNSt�cui�i vl 1114 C:�.1�.�.j�0'+: ��01�31 •.' 1 CJ k\ 11 jC'.�. e:�ii�i"u14 111c "a�t�� a�+1'lw[c �.+@�.: 19. D��s clia�tinel a}�pear on USGS yuad m��`? YES � _,. �.sti�n:�ted «a�ei�hed lai3d use: � °o Residemial ?0. D��� rr,�nne] a��ise�r nn U5DA Soil Sun-e�? 1'ES � °o Comntzrcia] °o Induslria! Co0°o r��_ricultural Z5 ", �orested °. Cleared l Log�ed °e Otfier � � ?2.�a�1 f if�i�ai]-�: 2 �+ � ��. �ank IZei4_ct� (rrom 6ea zo io,, oi ��anti�: � � - - 2-!. Cl�anitei �Inre do���3i cznter af s,r�git�: �Fiat {U to ?°�) _G�,-�ti� {? to �°�) �`A'Eaderale (a io 1 U°�D� _S�cC�, !=' ��'�) 3�. � h;�nnal sinuasin : �trai��ht ���ccasion3l i�ends _�"re�uen� meander _Ven sinuous _Br�ided cl�annel fiiSti'iiCti0i15 iGl' CGii7�5iEilfiTi ei ��ar�s►iE�� (�t�3a�E� �i� �:���c 3}: DCL'IIl �\ �irt�nn�ninz �iie n.us� aNpru�sri�le ecurr_=iun l�as�d on 1d2.,1�v;�, 1c��4;;;. :e�21„1:0;�. Sl,-c3111 CE3�SiT1C�11011. ZiC. C�:I'� CI13!'iiCtzl'iSiiC 1iZUSt �� SC�I'2il 115lli� Ull' S3l11C �aar�ginn. .=1551LI7 �)Olili5 Iv cucEl 2l�u�uc1c175i�c .-�;ll�„-� U�C �4<<�-e 3�vR:1 IOi llle ZCOfZ�1011. I'8C2 ��T'011�i25 3 Da��l aZSCP1�l10T1 O! IlelN' 10 Tl�lZ11' 1j32 CI1,3!'ACS2I'I�iiCS i�en�ifie� in th� ;;orkshezi. �«r�� 31�c.�il+� ,-c112e1 3: o�era�i �;Se�;;;;"-,l nt tl�c slacr,�,-� ��.-��I� ll��+��, �:�I�Ri:���. !1 8 C�l3I'aC121'15SIC C31111uT h2 Z\:iEllAlZd i.jUZ l0 �ll@ v1' :iZalil2P COI1CIIt1P„!. ��aic.- �;D l}lZ SC61'i17� �Q\ 3191� k�!'t1\id2 �17 Z\}.��Rl�a:�Gli ��� ll�� 3?117ki1t'lil SZt11011. ��'l�zri �hcrz arz o���ious cl�an��es in the cl�aract�r of a�u•e�m under �z�ie�;• (e.��.. �he s�feat�i �lo��� fro111 a N�a�ll[f2 inta a f��resi �. lil� �il'23l11 111i1\' L�� l�i\ iC�2d 133�0 51�1�IIl'I' I'E3CIleS II13S CllSpl3� 1110T� C011liflUll�'. �ilC� 3 52j?:iC��t �01'l13 USe� l0 z1 3I116iZ Z�CII 1'�321;. I112 1013� SC0:2 a5c1�.:nz� to a sir�aE�ti rzach niuc� ra�i`3 het�~e�n 0 and l0(1. „isl� a SCCI'2 C�f �Q� reprasentin� a�ii'd�ll7 {��1�i2 r�_li�st -ye�.,i�,.. Ta��l �care Efrom re�ei•�er: c3 5 Coninte�i�s: �+M.���,• l�,v . __ E�aluatar's �i=nutui•H � u�t� ��`I-�L r., `�13is cl»nncl ���aluatio�� Tornti is in�e�ided Ise u�Hd onl: .,s ��w:a� to ��s�i=t ia[tida�r�net�s ���d en;ir�onf�tfni�!'�31'Qf@_�101i3�5 I.+ Q�lEI@I'IIl? lj1C (�a�9 1'FCl011'Ed b�' t�1i L°�lltf•(� ��BICS �I'n7� COI'��S 0� EI1�iElEEPS i0 I11�i:F 3�rtilimin�i'� �55E55li3EE1� 4f �il'EaIll q11S11[�'. ! i1C SOlal SCdI'E' 1'C511}jlliq 11'Glll iliE COl71�]I(110i1 Or 1t1i5 r0I'tll 1� �II�JjfC� i0 �'5.��� 3jij7I'0\3I flIIC� (IO[S 1SQt lRljl��' :l �,artie�lar i711il�uii0ia l'��iio 01' !'CyAii'e::�E1�1. f i�:'.:7 SllCj:el la t�li:ll�: �<<I':1�f1 �JR �<<. i d Le�li's{lie�;l. �:�1:-:�e :«!I `11y-b��?-d�� I,\ _C�. 5� ���A1v� t� ur�Lj ► Y�SSESSn'IENT `'�rQRKSH�;k:�i� "k��'_ _} "1. �T�' ''� ." ' .3. 1" ti� �.. ����1�� , lf �'7 :r ��LVi+-SltlJ��... k..--.M .= rj�y F �` i,{ -+� t� � ;•.�� crSf =u-r'ti l.� ��''.'a + TFC; `'i"' �� ;.� -_, -• � ., ,� RL.'' *• � ���_,� � � n i � �� ' ��T�RI� �.�:�� .`'�� ► : ��Ctia"s,w��. u�;.�e�m3n�:; �y �'[ n�ain .»� y5' •YL. -� �, �J - - '~ Presence a�'#iotii� 1 �,�r���t=u< <�oo�s in s�ream --. "4 � � �-,� Q _ S , � (no llo�v or saiuralfon = D: st�o., nv:v= max oitSfs '. _ E��idcnce af pas� Laman ttltcrntian �_ � v- � fl-� �.';� �ex�e��sive al�era�ion = 0• no al�eration � max oints � =�"�- �ciparian zone 3 0-6 �-� Q�� � :� {�.4 n�.n� = 0• ron�i uous �vide �uffer � max oinis � � � � � �t�idencc of �nu#ri�..t o.- ��:�..:ical uisc�iarges Q _ 5 0 _ 4 d _ 4 � � �� extensive dischar e� � 0• ,-�o a,y�nar es = rnax ines { . Groi�ndw�terdiscl�a� _ � ' "u-� 0-4 0=4 1 �,.,� ±' no discltai' e= 0• �r�n s se s wetlan3s o[�, = max oinis - . C $ rresence of adjaten. tlood �,laia 0-� 0-�+ u-- �. (� '"� (no uoad lain = 0• ea�ensive #lood �ain � max oincs ��' � �,�i. encunjeni � i�ooap��in Aecess 0- 5 u- � 0- 2 {,� a�v � �..ne..cnea = �• Qe uen� floodin � max oin�s '� �"- � Pres�n« oi �8��«.-.� ��•eiianas ��' g 0-6 0-4 0-2 Z :,�. : (no �vetiands = 0• iaa G a�'y�..i weuan�s � max oin�s) ;:;�� . 9 Channel sin�osty 0- 5 0- 4 0- 3 � '' extensive channeiization = a• nat�rai �..�.�.aer � max oin�s .�';� � Sediment ins,ut �`' �� eaiensive de osi�ion= 0' li#t!e or no sed'unent � ma.: i�.0 �-� v- 4 0- 4 � �� - . . .. . r, «. . . �' ` 5:ze � ai��ersity oi cnaanel bed subs�rate ' � �' � `";`; �' � _ �'i' ] j " � N1�i?.°�-,.:: Q - � V - � �:� (t,�.� no :o enous = Q' lar e, diverse sizes s max oints �� �.-;-' �-._. j 2 E`�ideace of �n..u.-.�i �u�:sion or �►�ioening �_ 5 g_ 4 Q_ 5 S � {dee i incised = 0• stau�� n�a � nan,:s = max oin�s �� , 3 Presence of �na�ur �ank ia:��� A , u-� 0- 5 fl- 5 .5 �: se�ere erosion = D• no erosion stable bank� _...ax a.ras �y 1� ►caoi aep�h and density on banl:s �_ j 0-�+ 0-� L Q• �.o visioie roo�s = 0; dense raoW ihrou out = max oints �� 15 ��Pact by a��i�wkt�. �, ie: estocx, or iisnuer �rodue�ion 6- 5 0- 4 0- S � subsfantial im �t�f =u• no eviaence = max oin� '°'_ � 6 Presence af riftIe-i.aa[Iri�,�,l�-�.aof �o �piexes 4- 3 0- 5 0- 6 [7 no rifflesl�i les or ools = 0• �;°ei!-de r�io �a = rnax ainrs �r` Habi�a� rompleaity �� 'u-B 0�"0 'u�-6 Z �' (i:nie or na nabi;a� = 0• fr uen varied habitats = max oints � 18 C.+cuvt.� �o ; erage a��er streambec� 0- 5 0- 5 u-� (no shadin �<<tat:v.-. = V' COnilI3U0l1S C&11U V= II73.K oints U ;�" , 9 � Sabstrafe embeddedu�ss ,•. i�A* . 4- 4 U- 4 � (dee 3 ernbedded = 4• ]oose structur� _ ...ax ';;' rresence oi siresm in`•ene�ra�es (see pa�e h) • . �0 . v-� 'v-� "u-a U � ino �;•1a�..�e = u; commo�. numerous es = ma� oi��sl :r�: . . � � � Presence a� a...y.�t�n,ans p _ � 4 - � 4 - � � O ino e��idence = 0: com�n4n numerous es = rnax in�s `p Presence of fuh �� v-� v-� v-�+ U �� (no e:.�e,-,ce = u: comman, nttmeraus es = n�a�: ints t. �3 E��icience af «�ilajsiz �se 0- G �- S 0- � z -�� {na e��i dence = 4: a bun dant e��i dence = m�x oinrs t- ' • ` 1vi.71 YO:n�sro�sinee � - . ` � iUO " - 100 ib0 - , ` . , , _ . -� � - . ' �_ ���u��'� �Cu�� �ai3v enter on first pag�) - ' . - - 3 L .._ � - - - - - - * These chara�t�� �sr�5 a! e aot assessea m coa��ai ssreams. W�7LAN� DE`�ERMINA'iION �A7A FORM —Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Reylon P�ej�c�5�t�: sampson ��e CItylCoent,; sampson �ounty san+pll.�, D..[e: 3ru ie ApPEi.�nv�wne.. �C�� � 5�..��: �� SaTpIIR=y PeIRS: �wH4 VVBI 111��tiyato�(�j: V"pe�p� Scctlon, io,—aF►Ip, fi��9e: �H CantliOrtn (f1i1[SloYc, terra�e, �la.)' �ep,c�3ivR [v�al ecll�f (coR..aYo, corsrc�, RvRcj: r'o•-'�"e SlnPe ('96): L Subreyian (LRR or MLRA); LRRP Lat; 35A$069 �o�y, -/$.508J� Ootem: �C'�$� ,�oll lelap �n�� Rame: 5��� and Jahnston soils, fre-y�ently flaoded NWi classification: �FO Are cllmadc r 1lyurola-ylc con�Etlans on tlfe slte typlca� �or t,-ds tlme o� year t T es X Ao �If no, explaln in Remarks.) �B vByBwd011 , �011 , Of Ayuf0luyy slynlncandy �ls�ul��,f Are vegetallon , soll , or �ly�rology nalura9ly pro�lematicr Rre "Aormal Llrcums�ances" Nresenti? Yes x Na �If ne�,ed, explaln any answers ;n Remal�s.� s0141141HRr �F FIIVD,Av� — hRac11 s��e map s�owing sampling poln� loca�lons, �ransecu, ImpoRan� fea�ures, e�c. �yaropllyilc v�ye�suon Presen�r Ryd�c so�l Present r vvetlan0 nydroiogy Presenir r�Y oR��v�,r suRace vvaier (Ri) Rl,�i wa[er i ao�e {riej satera�ien (R:s) wote� 141a�k3� (!31) seaiR,ant o�peaits (8z) o�n oepe,i�s ie3� Alyal Mal or Ceaal (6�j �es X IQo I� tt�e 5,.n�pIQU A�e,. res x �Q w1t111n a Wetland7 Tes x No J� Iron �epasils (85) a Inundation Visible on Aerial Imaye� r(B� [], yYaler-ataln� �eaves �Qa� Aquailc Fauna �6131 �arl Qepos�ts (6i5) ([Rrc u} Hyslrogen s�hiae uaor (Ci ) ��ial�ea R�i�o�plf�b� ¢I�.-.y Cl:in, RYYts (C3) F'ec�enae et Redeeed I�en (C;4) Rcccell l�el7 Reaeellell [I� I Illcd Soll� (C;fi) Tnin Meck SeRa� (C7} �tfier (�icplain in R�marfce} Yes x No 5econdarv Indic�tors (minimum oi two,�gquiredl ❑ 5of�aca 5oil ��acTcs (66) 5parseiy veyetate'u Concave SuRace �oo� � �rainage Pattems �s � i,� Mflss � rlm [Ines �610� ❑ �ry-season vva�er i aCle (L2} II C:�.yfioll Berr� (C8) II Sata�[ien vioi4lv on Ae�a� imagery (�y) ❑ G�en��. rfile Pv�l�len (D'1) ❑ Snoll� Aqeita� (�3) II FAG-Flcnt�al Teal (�5) � Sphay,-�om moea (E38j (CRR T, 0} tierTaee W�t�� Prcaenl7 Ya� Ra � �ep[fi (I.-.a�e�): �H yva�er �ao[e�resen�r ,es X Aa DeptR�lnclles�: �� saternuen Pre..en�v YQ,, x I�p �ep[Ii (Inc�es): 4 Weilana Ry'arology Presentr res X �ao Inoli�8�� ee III.. s�i� e Qescri6e Recor�e� oo�w �StltwT ywCya, RIolllloriny .r�]i, acfial pFlolo�, p�.-;va� i.�apa�lEars�), fT o:olt�6la; 'u5 rvir,y �orps o� Enylneers Rtlanuc anu �u6 �oas�al Flain R�yion - Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Four Strata} — Use scientifc names of plants. Absnl�,e Dominan, Indica�or i�ee ouu�ma yFlo� slze: 30fl X 30f1 ' 7p VVYGI ^VCbIGDf o�a�ua �. Aae�reb�en� 20 ya� FAC � L yuldam6ar s�yracif�ua 40 yes FAC 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 4. - 60 = TeT..I C:�e� ��� o� totai cover: 3O w� o� lotal cover. �z SeolinalShru6 5tratum {rlot slze: 30ft X 30ft } �, Llguslrumslnense 6;, yes FAC c. 3. y. 5. B. i. 8. 60 = � o�al Laver 50'76 ei tetal ee:e�: 30 zu'Ya et ietal o-:e�: 12 TICIU JUd1Ul11 �FlD� 51ze: 30u � 30u � � Nvnv 2. 3. 4. 5. s. 7. o. 9. iv. ,,, tz. � _ � ata� Gaver 54�Y6 ot Iolol eo:�� 20`16 vT lelol .�x�: YYCI[JUY Vllltl .711111U111 ��lot sQe: 34R 7( 34R � �. 5mllo.. ��lan�ifolla 24 res FAC z. 3. 4. 3. 20 = I olol l:o:cP 5� ro o� �oial cover: 1 u z4� o� �atal cover. `� 3amplirig raln�: �Hq Wet Dominance Test workahoo:: AumOer or uominan� �pecles i 11ai r�+re v9C, FA�W, or FA�: a �� � et..l (�rrn6e� vr Daminant 5p�CIe� Aeeo�; All SiRltR: 4 (B) Pe�eeA.—��t oT Darnlnani 5pecic.. TI1P�lVG ��C, FACW, v� FAC: 1D0 (qr�) To�al 9b Cove� 4t: Multinlv bv: OBL �peC�e� ,. 1 = Fi�.vv speCles x 2 = FAC �pec�, e� .. 3 = �,� specles x a = OPC specles x 5 = Column iolals: (A) {8j rrevalence �nuex = P1A = Rra�epliytic vagatatlon In'auators: ❑ 1- Rapid Test 4or HydropfiyGc Vc-y�lotion II�- �ominance � es� Is ��v�o ❑ 3- P.�rol�nee In��., i� 53.u' II �ro��emaqc �y�rapllyJc YCye�dcn' �Facplain1 'Indicators ot hrddc soil oncl �,�tlan� fiydrbl.�r mast Ce presen�, unless dis;urbed or pro6lematic. DoTleitien� aT Fvl1� Venvidtiv!! Sila�B: T�v — WvvB� planta, c..c�ealn9 :ie�e�, 3 I�. (7.6 cn+) n.- more in diam�tcr at 6reast Ficiy�it (ABRj, �ego�l��a oT helyfil. �apllny�'ru6 — Wa�r plants, exGudl� �y �ines, less tllan � In. CGn an� yrea�er �r�an �.2a ft�1 m� ,all. Rarb—All hernaceous �non-woo'uy� p�an�5, �arless o� slze, an0 waaay plarns less u�an 3.28 �� tall. wved7 : iee — Ful wooGy vines greater ��an s.zs n In r,�r9n�. nyurop��ycic Vsgetatlan Presentr ras h Ao �a �my �orps o� �nylneers Rllantic anG �ui� �oastal �;aln R�ylon - �ers�on z.� ��iC SoR1p���y PO���t: WA4 Wc[ Prs111� Qeaerip[len: (Ooae�i6o te tFie �optFi nav�od tv ave�rwe�t the i�divatv� e� aentl� tFie ..b�onav oi inaie,.tvre.) De�,th Matrfx nw�i�es� �,�i�� �iiw�au � �,�iui uiiuiau N TYUG iGn�u�c Remarks 0-14 10 yr 212 100 ML hiyh organics '10-20 10 yr 211 1D0 L 'T e: C=Concentralion, D=De letfon RM=Reduced Malrix MS=Masked 5and Grafns. 'Location: PL=Pore Linin M=Matri�. Flltl�i� sod I.-.O�e�t4rs: {RPpliealfrs ts all CRRo, enl¢�� vtRe :i�s nst�tl.} lealsators ror Pro6lematic Ry�Rc sviis°: � His,osol (A1! JJ Polr�alue Below Suriace (58) �LRR S, T, U} 1 cm Muck (A9) {LRR aj �„ RiaiEe Epipe�on (A1j 1 nin E3arTc ser�aeo (59) (LRR s, T, O) z em Rlee�c (Ai 0) (CRR s� 61acR Alsuc (,v�} �[oamy WInGry 14hneral (F� )([Rn u� �--1 Reauced Ven�c (F18� �outslQa I�[rcR � aOR,Q� � l�yuruyen �ulnue �� J_[ �oamy vleyCu Riatrix ��a� u ��e'umoni FlouuNlaln �oils �� ��� R�RR �, ,�, � i �5tralified La7ers (A5) DepleEed Matrix (F3) �..� ,4nomaloo� Br�yhl Coamr 5olla (F20} U,naniv Bv�ie� (ABj (LRR P, T, 0) � R2de.. D�rk Ser%ae (F$) {141LRA 75'36) �s cm I��chy I��neral (�s7j (�RR P, i, uj uepleEen aarR SuRace �F7j ❑ R�C Parent Rlate�al �TPz� 10luu� �resence �Ra� �LRR i,� � R�,ox Depress;ons ��ej � Yery �1lallow CarR aurface �F42� �1 cm Muck (A9) (LRR P, T} n Marl (F10) (LRR U) ,V �iFier {EicplalR In RcTarTcs} E3epleiEtl 6clv : Uork SePf..� (A11) � ��PletcB �.`Fi�io (r11) (MCRA 157) � i rncR OarK SuRaCe (Ai2� JJ Iran-Manganese Masses tF121 �[RR v, P, � � 'IRlllcaiors o� �yarophydc veyelatlon an'u ��oas� �rellle Reuox �A �a� qM�!!R 184A� �m�rlc �uRace T13! ��RR P, �, �� wepanu ��ruroloyy mus� be presen,, 5an8r Moc-kr Min�rol (51) {CRR �, 5) ���Ita �cFir�G (F1� (INCI�A 151j anfea� di�te�6ecl o� pbbl� �ulf�. D san8, GIe,�B �la[�� {Sa) ,�] R�e�B verti� (r�6) {�I[RA �50n, ia09j SanOy �ox (53) P�eEmon� Flaoaplaln salls tF1at;M[RR �49H� s�11pN�, lela�nx t�s, ta,omalaus QRyRt �oamy ao�ls TZu� ���� ���14, �53C, ,53�� n Dark 5urtace (S7} (CRR P, s, T, Q) Raatrlati�v .�arc�{I�obav,.adj: �ype: E3ep[fi (inefi��): Hrd�ie 5ell Presentr ras � Ro Rema�RR: uS w►ny i.0�j35 Oi �Ily�(1EBf5 Rqanuc anu �us� �oas�al Flaln R�ion - Version <.v YYE � �'�lAD ��T�rc14111�H � �GA uN � H rOrcl91— Atlaniic anif GuIT �oaa�al Plain Re�ion ProjeE�site: �ampson ��a Cit,iCeent,: sampson �ounty 5amplinY Qat�: 3-�'�� Appli�nv�vir.,an �L�� � S�a�e: NC Samp�iny l�ain�: WA4 U�. Investyator(s}: Vau'yhan sec:�ion, � owns�lp, Ranye: none �.a�0�orm ��Il�slope, terraca, e�c.1: Depression [ocal re[ier (wnca:e, aen.-Q�, nen�): ConCave Slop� (°�o); � suereglan ([�rc e� ICI[Fi�): [rcRP �oi. 35.06ur� Lony: -�S•����`� �atum; �'GS84 5�i1 Rlap Onit Ramo: �1�6 unt9 �oPin�ton ;oila, treyuently flooded �,,,,, Wassi�ica�lon; NA nre cilma�ic r Ry�rolaylc con'ui�ions on ��e si�e typlcal �or sRis �ime o� yeaR res X Ao Zlr no, explain In Rema�ts.) rue vegeiadan , soll , ar 19y'aralogy signlnca..tl, �I:�tll�aa�( Rre "Aon�nal Cibe�n�tanee� pre.,anC! Yaa � Ae AI'e Vcgetoiion , seil , a� R�albley� nata�allr prv6lcn'safi�7 {It no�a�a, e.,ploin anr answers in Rema�Cs,) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS — Attach site map showing sampling pain� loca�ions; �ransec�s= impoRan� res�ares: e�c. 1lyerap�ydc v�ye�auon �resernr Ryarlc 5011 Presentr wefla,-,a �i�drylvyr P,�ae��t7 HYDR�LOGY Tes X Ro YC� IQD ^ Yas No X Is �he Samplsd Area :i[nin a rveuon8r r�� Rv � rre�lan'u ny'uroroay In'ulcators: Sewndarv_Indicators {minimum or two reqN[redl P�in�ery I.-.dicalors fnsin�mum of onn i� ieavired: check all tRat aoolvl ,^ n Sur�ace Soil Cracks q8o� �auRaee vva�er {n�) ❑,4quatic Faun.. (rsis) sp��a�l, v��ecafe8 Ce��.e ser�o� {gs) Ri9R wote� i a61e (�ej II 141a�1 l7�posit� {8i5} �CRR 0j Dralnaye Pattems (Bi0) Q Satureticn (A3) II Hrdro-yen Sulfide Qdor (C �� IQloss , rim �lnes �a,o� � �va�er �IaFlls �a � � II vxlUlzeQ R�Izos��eres along [ivi�g rcoois {�a} Gry-season vva�er � asle (�c� �s�lmem Deposiis (6c� � Pfe..o.=.ve vT Reae� I�eA (C4} � Lre�sn 6e�.o-a (C9} Q�tt O�po.,its (6s} Q R�cen[ Iren Reaoc-tion in Tilka 5oil� (C6) II 5aturatlon Vsible on Aerial Ima-yery (C9j II Alyal Mat or Crust (B4) Thin Muck 5urfaoe �Cr 1 II"eomorplllc �osi�Eon �Dz1 II Iron Geposl�s �e�� v��er ��cplaln in RemarRs� II snallow Aqui�a� (Ds} u In�n'oauan �islD� on nerlal Imagery (6�) II rAL-�Veetre[ i ��t (�6} a waters[alnea Cea:e� (6yj II SpfiQyn�m moe� (�8� (CRR T, U} Field Observations: suRSce vua�et Preaenrr re�, R� � D�piR (incTio�j: �H vva�er � aole �resen« �es I�o � Dept� �incnes�: '�u Inclles 5ata�ati..n Prt�ant7 Yes No x �epth (inches): 'z� Incnes Wetland Hrdrolayr Presen�? Yes I�o x includes ca Illa frin e uescri�e Reco�Oen Ga�a (stream gauge, monitoring well, ae��al p�iece�, pro:�ee� In�p�c[ie...,), ir a��lla6le: RematTca: OS Amn� Cv� r� et E�yine�ra Atlantic and Guli Coas,al Plain Reyion — Versian z_� VEGETATION (Four Strata) — LIsC s�i�ntific namCs uf pla� �ts. ��solu�e Daml�an� InQica�ar Tree Stralum (rlo[ sRe: ��R � 5urc � • � Sveaies3 _Status_ �. {�one 'L. a. 4. �. fi. r. G. a0 ro o� �o�a� cover: 5aulinal5hrub Stratum (Plot si�e: �fl� x �ft ) 7. Gy��tft1l71..InoR.- Z, P�y�olacca amencana :i. w. 5. 6. r. a. � = I et�� i:v�e� <'u7o or �a�al cover. 80 re� FA�: o ICo !'R�.� Sampling Palnt: �"!"'4 Up Dorrimance , est worRsnee�: Rom6e� of �ominant Spe�iea Tha� r�rre 08L, FACW, or FAC: i otal Aumser or Gaminan� Speoi�� Rab�� All Stti.tR: � (A) � ��� Perten� of �ominant Species � �a� tve �,e�, rPn.vv, or r�.: �vrr3 ��� � oiai �Po l'OVef OI: IYW![fUIY_I]Y: �8� apcWCa D�.r7 n �= D�.r7 FH�vv species � x � _ � FAC sy,ecies "Q x 3 = ��" FA�u �p�a�� zOriS ��= 80�n� uP� species U x�_ � C�la���n Totals: �30 �q� 41Q1395 {g� PrevalEnce In'uex = erR = 3. i�rs.u� J� i- Rapt� i esi ror Fly�ropllydc �ege�a�ion � 2 - Domfnance Tes, is =50°� as- P�:aie�� i�a�� i� s,.u' 83 = � o�al Cover a �raolemadc �y�ropllydc �eye�adon' ��plain� 50�� OI iV4[�I LVYCr. �Z•� ZO�� OT �V4GI WYCr �� Herb Stratum (Plo� sQe: � OR ^ 5�� ) 1. D�cllanu �e�ium sp. � � es �„�o,oee '1. 3. 4. �. fi. !. e. 9. i u. 11. � e. bU°/a vT te181 w:e�: 2.5 yvooay vme aua�u�r� �P�o� SQe: �un x��n � �, Lonicara ja�,onica �. Snsii..,, reten�irelia �. a. �. 'In0lcasors or RyEric soil anR wetlan'a �yErology mus� 6e pre�ent, enle..� �lioca�l3v�l er pro�Iematic, uermluons ai Rour vegeraslon aua�: Tr� - Wvvar plants, a�c1. nalny :i.-.c.,, s in. ( I.$ em} e� mare in diameter at breast heiyhl (DBH), reyardless of 11BIy11�. s..plinnrsli �li - vvee�, �.larns, exuu0ing vines, less l�la+. 3 IR. �Bf� ol7a ylboic� i�lo.. 3."LB ri(1 -m� i8��. 11erD - RII 11erEaceous qnon-woouy� pianu, r�ardless or size, an'a wooay plan�s less dlan a.�e n wll. woo8l �ine -All -aoa� �in�a sreat�� tfi�n s.18 tt In heiyht ' = To�al Cover 1�% v� telol ev:a�: � 9U Yes FACU a� ra� rA� �y'urop�ytic Ad = Tatal Co.�r vegerauon a0°/a Oi IO[SI COVBF: �� z0°� or ia�ai co�er: a rr�ent�r Y�- Ae x Rema�Rs: iir osserv�,, lis� marpllolc�ylcal a'uap�a�ions Delow�. Pre�alence test was performed witF� Dichanthefi�m as FACU and 06C. Prvalen�;e indexes wer� 6otFi �3.0 �s �rmy �orps af �nyineers A�lan�ic and Gulf Coas.pl Plain Reyion - Verslon 2.0 �'� [v tRe �aCLFi :avtlea Lv ave�Rlani [Flo 117aiv�tv� v� evlIIIRII [fiv o6�vnee vT Soenplin� Poinc: vvH� Op Qep�l1 �v�au�x Redox Featu�es linchesl Calor fmaistl � Color lmaistl % Tvoa Loc� 7exiure nemarKs O-� iOYf 3IL IOO 5 5-20 2.5r 414 10Q S `iype: C=Cancentratian, D=Deplstian, RM=Reduced Mat�ix, MS=Masked Sand Grains. `Lacation: PC=Pore Cinin , M=191a[ri�. HTa�lo 5vil I:aio..ton: (Applia�6lo to ..II LRF�.s, ��IQa� aLfie�f�o :vLQB.j I:8ia..[vn ie� PreRilaTaUv F1T�I�fe 50115�: � Ris�aso� �n,� � Polyva�ue �e�ow SURace ta61'yCRR s, ,, u� � cm l�u� �x�� ¢RR v� �isdc L�plp�on 5�� � Illn �a�! �u�ace ���� ��RR �, �, u� z c��l l41uCk �tt i v1(I.RR S) ela�;.111sdc �R�� � �oamy 141uu,y Ielineral qF � J�LRR O� Reduced Vertic (F�8) (outside MLRA 154A,6j Mydroyen Sulfide (A4} � Loamx Gleyed Matrix (F2) U Pietlmo��t FiQoa,.rai�� 5vlb (F19� (CRR P, 5, T} �5t,atiflea Caral'� (A5) �aplotcd Rlat�� (F3} U Anornaloe� t3�9fit l.o�n�� Sod� (FZQ) ��yanfa �oai�a (A6} {GRR P, T, 0} Reao� �orTc Serlo� (�} (141LF�C is36) �o en,141acky 141in�:al {Ar) (CRrc r, i, 0} �epi�c�a oo�R seR ee (F7} ❑ Re� Parent Rlaterial {TFe} nnet�t P�e,.ertCe (H8) (1=RR u} Reaox �epress[ons (r8} � very s�adow Ga�t SuRace � i P � z� �� cm �uCR {xa) {CnR r, i j IOlarl (ri'u} {[RR Oj D v«er (�7tp,aln in RemarR51 Geple�e� 8elow QarR suRace �h � � 1 JJ Gep�e�ea vc�ric S�' � � � SI�[RR , s, � D � n�� �an� surtace �� ��� JJ Iron-IClanyanese IRasses �P �z� �=RR i�, r, i � 'InuIC8i0rS 0� �iyufOpllyilC VByC�d�IG� d11CI ��oas� rralrie Re'uox �r,�'o� �WI�lCs! ���R1 �mDrlc �uRaoe ����J;�RR �, �, �i weJand hydroloyr mus� be present, �an�y IeluGy 1911neral �5 �! (LnR O, 5j � Del�a Ochric �F1 r �(MI.RA 151 j unless disturhed or Nro6lamoli�. � Sandy Glered MaUix (S4) ,Q Reduced Vertic (F1B) (MLRA 15UA,15�Bj �5andr IietEox (55) � P�eBmo��t Floodrlo�,� 5oiie {F19) (MCFiA 7�9A) sf�pp�a �at�i� (5s) Ar,o�,oioe� e�gfit �oo�,, so�i, (Fz�) (�Cr�a ��yw, 753C,,aso} D DarTc serraee (5�) {CRtt P, s, i, uj �ype: O�pti� (i��cTiae}: H,a�je soil P.Q�o.-.rr re� Ae � US Armr Corps of Enyirieers Atlantia ana �alt C:eastol Plo;.-. Rayiv.. - vQ �lon z.0