HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140351 Ver 2_More Info Received - Email_20170206 Homewood, Sue From:Homewood, Sue Sent:Monday, February 13, 2017 9:00 AM To:'Heiser, David' Cc:Bailey, David E SAW Subject:RE: Minor modification to No Rise Dave, Since no additional impacts will occur in the buffer from what was approved, these changes will not require a formal modification to the 401 or buffer authorization. I will include this information in our file. Thank you for taking the time to communicate the changes and verify the steps needed to properly address them. Thanks, Sue Homewood Division of Water Resources, Winston Salem Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality 336 776 9693 office 336 813 1863 mobile Sue.Homewood@ncdenr.gov 450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300 Winston Salem NC 27105 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Heiser, David \[mailto:heiserdm@cdmsmith.com\] Sent: Friday, February 10, 2017 6:33 PM To: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Minor modification to No Rise Thank you, Sue. By no additional impacts, I meant that no fill would be placed in any of the buffer zones, other than the rip rap that has been permitted in both the creek bed and on the hillside surrounding the completed outfall structure to minimize future erosion. The small area of cut shown on my Sketch “A” will be needed to slope the west side of the very small hill downstream of the new structure for the rip rap placement, and will amount to about 8 to 10 CY of earth being removed….not the entire hill, by any means. The existing wetlands will continue to be protected to the best of my monitoring capabilities of the activities along the pipeline ROW; and please note that a much smaller cofferdam than was originally permitted has been installed for this separate new outfall structure. As you saw this morning, David Bailey has given us the USACE’s approval regarding the 404 permit; and this afternoon we also received the approval from the Supervisor of the City of Greensboro’s Water Resources Department, Stormwater Division for the revisions to the (FEMA) No-Rise certification. Please let me know if I can help you any further with your review of this request. Thank you – have a great weekend! 1 Dave Heiser, PE, BCEE Resident Construction Engineer Cell: 919-805-2395 From: Homewood, Sue \[mailto:sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov\] Sent: Friday, February 10, 2017 2:28 PM To: Heiser, David <heiserdm@cdmsmith.com> Subject: RE: Minor modification to No Rise Sorry Dave, I had been receiving them but figured I’d wait until you responded to David’s email to join in. I’m slightly confused about the buffer impacts. You say that a small knoll will be removed in Zone 1 to install riprap but then you said that no additional impacts to the buffer will occur. I’m sure I’m just mis-understanding something, can you help clarify that for me. Thanks, Sue Homewood Division of Water Resources, Winston Salem Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality 336 776 9693 office 336 813 1863 mobile Sue.Homewood@ncdenr.gov 450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300 Winston Salem NC 27105 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Heiser, David \[mailto:heiserdm@cdmsmith.com\] Sent: Friday, February 10, 2017 9:11 AM To: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov> Subject: FW: Minor modification to No Rise Sue – I have not heard back from you, so I am simply trying to find out if you have been receiving these Emails. Please let me know if DWR or DLR need any other information from me. Thank you! Dave Heiser, PE, BCEE Resident Construction Engineer Cell: 919-805-2395 From: Heiser, David Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2017 11:56 AM To: 'Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (US)' <David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil> Cc: Boone, Kelly <BooneKR@cdmsmith.com>; Butcher, James <ButcherJM@cdmsmith.com>; Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Minor modification to No Rise 2 Dave - Thank you for the quick reply, and sorry for being so late in responding (I had to make sure I had the final version of the "Impacts Map" from the 4/18/2014 PCN Application submittal to the USACE, prior to responding). Since the distance we would like to move the second outfall structure downstream is so short (approx. 9’), the proposed modifications to the pipe alignment, the outfall structure itself, and the rip rap (both in the creek and on the banks surrounding the existing and new structures) will not be installed outside of the footprint for temporary disturbance shown in the Impacts Map attached to the original PCN Application. The small knoll due east (downstream) of the outfall structure will have to be sloped back slightly, to install the rip rap to prevent slope erosion at this location after the project is completed, thus a small volume of soil will be removed from the downstream section of the Zone 1 Riparian Buffer prior to the rip rap installation. I do not expect the temporary or permanent impacts to the Riparian Buffers, the open waters/pond, the existing wetlands, or the creek itself to exceed the permitted limits in these areas – either in location or acreage. In addition, I would like to point out that the Contractor has only installed a cofferdam that is roughly 33 feet long \[parallel to the creek’s flowline\], in lieu of the 60 feet shown on the Impacts Map. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information. Thank you! Dave Heiser, PE, BCEE CDMSmith Raleigh, NC Cell: 919-805-2395 -----Original Message----- From: Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (US) \[mailto:David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil\] Sent: Monday, February 06, 2017 4:13 PM To: Heiser, David <heiserdm@cdmsmith.com> Cc: Boone, Kelly <BooneKR@cdmsmith.com>; Butcher, James <ButcherJM@cdmsmith.com>; Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Minor modification to No Rise Thanks for the information, Dave. I can see the changes are minor. However, I do want to clarify: Are the changes to the pipe, grading, rip rap, or temporary construction disturbance areas (within streams, wetlands, open waters) proposed outside of the existing permitted footprint? This question refers to the location, not just the acreage amount, of these impacts. Thanks. -Dave Bailey --- David E. Bailey, PWS Regulatory Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers CE-SAW-RG-R 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Phone: (919) 554-4884, Ext. 30. Fax: (919) 562-0421 Email: David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__corpsmapu.usace.army.mil_cm-5Fapex_f-3Fp-3D136-3A4- 3A0&d=DwIFAg&c=NpiPIT1KNSO0vXgGk6ogJQ&r=6k9ItOc7YN8hJQ6GpFSpkZWzByGaNntXnsYtde4z39o&m=9OHxpyjna YrmUtQ_E9_3X_RmueENz9n3lKP-lZY0U4s&s=l-fpaQ4FOJdWiLLUL26qRGmroQLxZiNoO1MLddITn_0&e= . -----Original Message----- 3 From: Heiser, David \[mailto:heiserdm@cdmsmith.com\] Sent: Monday, February 06, 2017 2:56 PM To: Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil> Cc: Boone, Kelly <BooneKR@cdmsmith.com>; Butcher, James <ButcherJM@cdmsmith.com> Subject: \[EXTERNAL\] FW: Minor modification to No Rise David: This is a followup to our conversation two weeks ago about the new outfall structure for the T.Z.Osborne WRF plant outfall to the South Buffalo Creek in Greensboro, NC. For your reference, the 401 ID number is " DWR #14-0351 " for Guilford County, and the 404 Action ID is " SAW-2014-00820. " As I told you on our phone call, the contractor is having a very difficult time getting the area within the cofferdam dry enough to build the outfall structure expansion directly onto the existing structure, without having a flow of water from underneath the existing box - which is obviously not a desirable situation. He has therefore asked to build the same new box as a separate structure, about 8' or 9' downstream of the location shown on our contract drawings, and create an additional inner, smaller cofferdam for building the new structure itself. To help refresh your memory, I have included herewith a copy of sheet M-25 from the No-Rise Certificate application in 2013, to show the original design of the extension to the outfall structure to accommodate the addition of the second 54" plant outfall pipe. Attached are two sketches regarding the proposed modifications to the layout of the new outfall structure in South Buffalo Creek. Sketch "A" shows the revised location of the outfall structure for the second 54" outfall line, as well as the slight regrading that will be required to slope the ground to the new structure prior to the rip rap installation. No fill will be placed within the floodway or the South Buffalo Creek buffer zone. The approximate wetlands delineations are also shown on Sketch "A", highlighted in yellow. Sketch "B" is a blowup of the area at the outfall structures. The existing outfall structure (that is now proposed NOT to be partially demolished) is shown highlighted in yellow, and the new outfall structure is highlighted in pink, which will be about 8' or 9' downstream of where it was shown on the contract drawings. Please note that the new outfall structure will be exactly the same size and shape, and will be constructed at the same elevation and orientation as what was originally permitted, just as a separate structure. The two boxes will also be joined by a concrete slab on top of rip rap and 57 stone between the two boxes, to prevent any future erosion occurring between the two structures. The outfall for both pipelines will thereby appear as one structure when construction is completed. (This concrete slab will not be allowed to extend beyond the front or rear walls of the existing or new outfall structures.) As you can see, even with this slight relocation of the new outfall and its connecting 54" PCCP pipeline, there will be no additional impacts to the existing wetlands. In addition, I will make every effort to direct the contractor to adjust the locations of the rip rap installations, so that the same area of rip rap lining within the creek and the same area of rip rap lining on the finished banks around the new outfall will be installed as shown on the contract drawings and in the permit application. CDM Smith has determined that there will be no detrimental effect of this modification to the creek and its floodplain, and will coordinate closely with the City of Greensboro's Stormwater Division regarding the No Rise certification. I will also notify both the DWR and DLR at the Winston Salem NCDEQ regional office regarding the 401 and erosion control permits. Please call me with any questions regarding this modification and/or the attached sketches. Thank you! Dave Heiser, PE, BCEE CDMSmith Raleigh, NC Cell: 919-805-2395 4 Homewood, Sue From:Heiser, David <heiserdm@cdmsmith.com> Sent:Thursday, February 09, 2017 11:56 AM To:Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (US) Cc:Boone, Kelly; Butcher, James; Homewood, Sue Subject:RE: Minor modification to No Rise Dave - Thank you for the quick reply, and sorry for being so late in responding (I had to make sure I had the final version of the "Impacts Map" from the 4/18/2014 PCN Application submittal to the USACE, prior to responding). Since the distance we would like to move the second outfall structure downstream is so short (approx. 9’), the proposed modifications to the pipe alignment, the outfall structure itself, and the rip rap (both in the creek and on the banks surrounding the existing and new structures) will not be installed outside of the footprint for temporary disturbance shown in the Impacts Map attached to the original PCN Application. The small knoll due east (downstream) of the outfall structure will have to be sloped back slightly, to install the rip rap to prevent slope erosion at this location after the project is completed, thus a small volume of soil will be removed from the downstream section of the Zone 1 Riparian Buffer prior to the rip rap installation. I do not expect the temporary or permanent impacts to the Riparian Buffers, the open waters/pond, the existing wetlands, or the creek itself to exceed the permitted limits in these areas – either in location or acreage. In addition, I would like to point out that the Contractor has only installed a cofferdam that is roughly 33 feet long \[parallel to the creek’s flowline\], in lieu of the 60 feet shown on the Impacts Map. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information. Thank you! Dave Heiser, PE, BCEE CDMSmith Raleigh, NC Cell: 919-805-2395 -----Original Message----- From: Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (US) \[mailto:David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil\] Sent: Monday, February 06, 2017 4:13 PM To: Heiser, David <heiserdm@cdmsmith.com> Cc: Boone, Kelly <BooneKR@cdmsmith.com>; Butcher, James <ButcherJM@cdmsmith.com>; Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Minor modification to No Rise Thanks for the information, Dave. I can see the changes are minor. However, I do want to clarify: Are the changes to the pipe, grading, rip rap, or temporary construction disturbance areas (within streams, wetlands, open waters) proposed outside of the existing permitted footprint? This question refers to the location, not just the acreage amount, of these impacts. Thanks. -Dave Bailey --- David E. Bailey, PWS Regulatory Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers CE-SAW-RG-R 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Phone: (919) 554-4884, Ext. 30. 1 Fax: (919) 562-0421 Email: David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__corpsmapu.usace.army.mil_cm-5Fapex_f-3Fp-3D136-3A4- 3A0&d=DwIFAg&c=NpiPIT1KNSO0vXgGk6ogJQ&r=6k9ItOc7YN8hJQ6GpFSpkZWzByGaNntXnsYtde4z39o&m=9OHxpyjna YrmUtQ_E9_3X_RmueENz9n3lKP-lZY0U4s&s=l-fpaQ4FOJdWiLLUL26qRGmroQLxZiNoO1MLddITn_0&e= . -----Original Message----- From: Heiser, David \[mailto:heiserdm@cdmsmith.com\] Sent: Monday, February 06, 2017 2:56 PM To: Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil> Cc: Boone, Kelly <BooneKR@cdmsmith.com>; Butcher, James <ButcherJM@cdmsmith.com> Subject: \[EXTERNAL\] FW: Minor modification to No Rise David: This is a followup to our conversation two weeks ago about the new outfall structure for the T.Z.Osborne WRF plant outfall to the South Buffalo Creek in Greensboro, NC. For your reference, the 401 ID number is " DWR #14-0351 " for Guilford County, and the 404 Action ID is " SAW-2014-00820. " As I told you on our phone call, the contractor is having a very difficult time getting the area within the cofferdam dry enough to build the outfall structure expansion directly onto the existing structure, without having a flow of water from underneath the existing box - which is obviously not a desirable situation. He has therefore asked to build the same new box as a separate structure, about 8' or 9' downstream of the location shown on our contract drawings, and create an additional inner, smaller cofferdam for building the new structure itself. To help refresh your memory, I have included herewith a copy of sheet M-25 from the No-Rise Certificate application in 2013, to show the original design of the extension to the outfall structure to accommodate the addition of the second 54" plant outfall pipe. Attached are two sketches regarding the proposed modifications to the layout of the new outfall structure in South Buffalo Creek. Sketch "A" shows the revised location of the outfall structure for the second 54" outfall line, as well as the slight regrading that will be required to slope the ground to the new structure prior to the rip rap installation. No fill will be placed within the floodway or the South Buffalo Creek buffer zone. The approximate wetlands delineations are also shown on Sketch "A", highlighted in yellow. Sketch "B" is a blowup of the area at the outfall structures. The existing outfall structure (that is now proposed NOT to be partially demolished) is shown highlighted in yellow, and the new outfall structure is highlighted in pink, which will be about 8' or 9' downstream of where it was shown on the contract drawings. Please note that the new outfall structure will be exactly the same size and shape, and will be constructed at the same elevation and orientation as what was originally permitted, just as a separate structure. The two boxes will also be joined by a concrete slab on top of rip rap and 57 stone between the two boxes, to prevent any future erosion occurring between the two structures. The outfall for both pipelines will thereby appear as one structure when construction is completed. (This concrete slab will not be allowed to extend beyond the front or rear walls of the existing or new outfall structures.) As you can see, even with this slight relocation of the new outfall and its connecting 54" PCCP pipeline, there will be no additional impacts to the existing wetlands. In addition, I will make every effort to direct the contractor to adjust the locations of the rip rap installations, so that the same area of rip rap lining within the creek and the same area of rip rap lining on the finished banks around the new outfall will be installed as shown on the contract drawings and in the permit application. 2 Homewood, Sue From:Heiser, David <heiserdm@cdmsmith.com> Sent:Monday, February 06, 2017 4:10 PM To:Homewood, Sue Cc:Boone, Kelly; Butcher, James Subject:Minor Modifications to TZO Outfall Structure Attachments:TZO-SBuffalo No-Rise M-25.pdf; 0588_001.pdf Sue: This is a followup to our conversation two weeks ago about the new outfall structure for the T.Z.Osborne WRF plant outfall to the South Buffalo Creek in Greensboro, NC. For your reference, the 401 ID number is “ DWR #14-0351 “ for Guilford County; the 404 Action ID is “ SAW-2014-00820 “; the ATC ID for Package 3 is 047384A05; and the Erosion Control Permit for this project is “ GUILF-2015-026. “ As I told you on our phone call, the contractor is having a very difficult time getting the area within the cofferdam dry enough to build the outfall structure expansion directly onto the existing structure, without having a flow of water from underneath the existing box – which is obviously not a desirable situation. He has therefore asked to build the same new box as a separate structure, about 8’ or 9’ downstream of the location shown on our contract drawings, and create an additional inner, smaller cofferdam for building the new structure itself. To help you understand the project, I have included herewith a copy of sheet M-25 (from the No-Rise Certificate application in 2013) to show the original design of the extension to the outfall structure to accommodate the addition of the second 54” plant outfall pipe. Attached are two sketches regarding the proposed modifications to the layout of the new outfall structure in South Buffalo Creek. Sketch “A” shows the revised location of the outfall structure for the second 54” outfall line, as well as the slight regrading that will be required to slope the ground to the new structure prior to the rip rap installation. No fill will be placed within the floodway or the South Buffalo Creek buffer zone. The approximate wetlands delineations are also shown on Sketch “A”, highlighted in yellow. Sketch “B” is a blowup of the area at the outfall structures. The existing outfall structure (that is now proposed NOT to be partially demolished) is shown highlighted in yellow, and the new outfall structure is highlighted in pink, which will be about 8’ or 9’ downstream of where it was shown on the contract drawings. Please note that the new outfall structure will be exactly the same size and shape, and will be constructed at the same elevation and orientation as what was originally permitted, just as a separate structure. The two boxes will also be joined by a concrete slab on top of rip rap and 57 stone between the two boxes, to prevent any future erosion occurring between the two structures. The outfall for both pipelines will thereby appear as one structure when construction is completed. (This concrete slab will not be allowed to extend beyond the front or rear walls of the existing or new outfall structures.) As you can see, even with this slight relocation of the new outfall and its connecting 54” PCCP pipeline, there will be no additional impacts to the existing wetlands. In addition, I will make every effort to direct the contractor to adjust the locations of the rip rap installations, so that the same area of rip rap lining within the creek and the same area of rip rap lining on the finished banks around the new outfall will be installed as shown on the contract drawings and in the permit application. CDM Smith has determined that there will be no detrimental effect of this modification to the creek and its floodplain, and will coordinate closely with the City of Greensboro’s Stormwater Division regarding the No Rise certification. I have already notified David Bailey of the USACE at the Raleigh regional office regarding the 404 permit. Please call me with any questions regarding this modification and/or the attached sketches. Thank you! Dave Heiser, PE, BCEE CDMSmith Raleigh, NC Cell: 919-805-2395 1 .e Lp 'S z Ix 10L POR 17ALIAM OR -06AI T F EL� 69c).06 WSTALL NCIDOT CLASS RIPRAP 30" Tr'?W�K ON 6 NO. '57 STONE AND -'�11TER FABRIC Ali REV ID, ocAT I W4,07,f� Arr-1-1 fk i'. -gr cAi i C,-rQ 0 Fr-� RD AM UMTS OF CO TOP EL. 690�00 FLDOD�l SOU,�'H. BUFFALO CREEK SILT tXISTING 0 U T FA' Ll� ST RUC7URE REGRADE AREA �Nf FRONT oP CU7FAI LL ,;EE PROFILE POR 17ALIAM OR -06AI T F EL� 69c).06 WSTALL NCIDOT CLASS RIPRAP 30" Tr'?W�K ON 6 NO. '57 STONE AND -'�11TER FABRIC Ali REV ID, ocAT I W4,07,f� Arr-1-1 fk i'. -gr cAi i C,-rQ 0 Fr-� RD AM T *1 - INET111jND 0- UWTS OF CLIP" INSIA CLA Ir 11 � LL SS R -P - RAP AND Ir"ONSTR".)C 5' L E -HN' S7RI C. -UD �NSTALL 'COFFERDAM As RE011PRErl. TO FACIL,'WiE ICIONSTRUCTiON. COFFER DAM SHALL RE DESIGNED By T�4E CONTRACT, CIR'S ENGINEER, SEE TEMPnRARY DIVERSION NOTES THIS SHEET.\ SOUTH BUFFALO CREEK BUFFER ZONE 5 KL--Tci4 11 A q (f �� Co v�� ot b wy. C -7) FLO 0 rL UMTS OF CO TOP EL. 690�00 FLDOD�l SOU,�'H. BUFFALO CREEK BUFFM ZONE 40,0" '—CCNNECT T li EX;ST- 2" -.NPW I '-,�'ALYE E3 D, X TO HE 4- 1-4 NEW 77. �Rr� 0--�ATF VALVE BOX RUC -7 R�- OUT F A L T u SEEEM AND S SHEEfS '\�iNSTALL -zn" hllm� T *1 - INET111jND 0- UWTS OF CLIP" INSIA CLA Ir 11 � LL SS R -P - RAP AND Ir"ONSTR".)C 5' L E -HN' S7RI C. -UD �NSTALL 'COFFERDAM As RE011PRErl. TO FACIL,'WiE ICIONSTRUCTiON. COFFER DAM SHALL RE DESIGNED By T�4E CONTRACT, CIR'S ENGINEER, SEE TEMPnRARY DIVERSION NOTES THIS SHEET.\ SOUTH BUFFALO CREEK BUFFER ZONE 5 KL--Tci4 11 A q (f �� Co v�� ot b wy. C -7) FLO 0 rL 12" To CUKTAIL 54" DIP DD 5L0 W OF 1,JATGR UfA)SK- 6-x, Bcx PlLlt\l WALL exisria&, atiTFALL ION tz 19:-r&VcrJP,G NOT 1-o FRMALLY OW01P LAP (TYP) VIF VIF PLAN 1�V -- V-0- 0WOF OF *3 I-pzvcii taxes cu 04k&lrrw im PlAce '�G(XrH 6VF�'AL-0 C Ri6eK — EXVTgfqcs, TNa.JC14 Sax (fro m Skeet'5-- 17) D M 14 S kitc � kl-2/1 7) 5KG'TCA 4911 d z U; 0 jo 11 L a 4 x oo, u o, 2- 90- BEND, 2' NP:� 2' BALL VALVE VALVE BOI EXIST 54' INV EL 676.5 EL 686.50 VALVE BOX� 2' NP�W. AWNTAIN 2 �-6 _'r C� OVE ........... iX;ST 54' FE SEE NOTE 1 REMOVE EXISTING ' ' VALVE BOX AND 2' NPW TO THE LIMITS SHOWN 2' NPW SUPPLY HEADER 138' SPRAY ANGLE, TYP OF 3 NOTE: 1� FOR THE LIMITS OF DEMOLITION OF EXISTING OUTFALL STRUCTURE, SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS, PLAN FLOODJET SPRAY NOZZLE MODEL 112K-SS80 W177i SST SPtrr EYELET CONNECTOR "ANUFACTURED BY SpSPRAYNG SYSIEMS, INC OR EQUAL NO2ZLES SMU BE PLACED 02'-6' OC 2 N N"2 K S C N G D R SW `2 Y'5M S_ 75 DEGREE SPRAY DEFLEC770H RFMOVE EX151INC SO :X'5 NO VALVE BOX AND 2" NPW TO THE LIMITS SHOWN Et 660.00 OU'rFALL STRUCTURE SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR DEAJLS 2" 90' SEND, TYP " "S L S DRAW'N S FOR DEAJLS TYP EZN 2- D� TYP 2' 45' BEND, TYP VY 2' No 2' BALL VALVE . W HEADER 139* SPRAY ANGLE. TYP OF EL 69-6'50 VALVE BOX EL 685.00 2" NPW 2'-6' MIN (54" FE INV EL 676 A& — -�:W—ST INV EL CONNECT TO EXII 2* NPW SPRAY HEADER - EXISr 2' NPW SUPPLY HEADER NOTEN 1. SEE DETAIL H ON SHEET MD -2 FOR NOZZLE PIPE WALL SUPPORT. PLAN 318" - V-0' FLCDDJE:T SPRAY NOZZLE MODEL 1/2K-SSBO WITH SST SPLIT EYELET CONNECTOR MANUFACTURED BY SPRAYING SYSTEMS. INC OR EQUAL NOZZLES SHALL BE PLACED C2' -S' OC ��'-EGREE SPRAY IIII I 11111111 CM?0- >A 9 - A EL 680-0) EXISTING OUTFALL STRUCTURE sli� 'It! L SECTI 54* FE j-ImV E�L 676.5( 3/8- 1. dw %N.o * * , Q 4t EL 676.0) OUTFALL STRUCTURE SECTION FLKIVII f iL I - NE) I K)K UUNb I HLI I ION DESIGNED fff A. DRAWN BY: 1. OLIVER SHEET CHK'D BY: So LEE CROSS CHK'O EY-- - X YADAV APPROVED 8Y-- J. LAPSLEY DATE� JANUARY 201 CIDM Smith c—P0—'M�)1—&'Sm 540a Glenwood A� Sults 300 R.la%h. INC 27612 1 Tel (919� 767-W20 INC L-- No. F-0412 CITY OF GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA WRF EXPANSION AND BNR UPGRADES PROJECT T2. OSBORNE - PACKAGE 3 OUTFALL STRUCTURE DEMOLITION AND MODIFICATION PLANS AND SECTIONS PROJECT No. ' 145-82159 FILE NAME, ,r25,,P,.DW, SHEET NO. M-25 REV. NO. REMAI FLKIVII f iL I - NE) I K)K UUNb I HLI I ION