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20170097 Ver 2_Shoreline Stabilization_20170202
DUKE ENERGY INTERNAL USE ONLY: Construction Date Received: FAF Paid Application Application Complete version 13p DUKE ENERGY, Permit No. I I Water Strategy, Hydro Licensing and Lake Services HEI' Fund Duke Energy PO Box 1006/ EC12Q Site 10 Close -Out Date Charlotte, NC 28201 I. DATE OF APPLICATION* 7 dol 7 Permit/Tag If. APPLICANT INFORMATION (applicant mailing address and contact information) Name* Y/5 Arn Address* /I/!. S St e- n 1rG L City*p(^CSVI �� State* © Zip Code* III. PROPERTY INFORMATION (location of Permit) Address* /f 5 iffe C < Cj rG G City* 1701-e5 State* © Zip Code* Lake*: o r .41 Subdivision lzvo r ty"Q Lot(s) l Primary Phone` 5-7� 3 - X54 County Parcel ID number (e.g. Pin, Tax ID, TMS Number._) Plat Book/Page To enter the Latitude and Longitude of the property, please use a Latitude (e.g. 35.12345)*Z- service/software to easily acquire the location information. Values should be provided in Decimal Degrees format (35.1245). ¢� Longitude (e.g. -80.12345)* W • � example service: http✓Titouchmap.comAatlong.htmI IV. PROPOSED ACTIVITY C New/Modification of Existing Structure C1 Maintenance of Existing StructureI Is Dock El Covered? New/Modification of Existing Shoreline Stabilization C Maintenance of Existing Shoreline Stabilization New/Modification of Existing Structure & Stabilization (i Maintenance of Existing Structure & Stabilization C Transfer of Ownership (^ Other (please describe below) Area over land (sq ft) I I Area over water (sq ft) I I Total Square Feet I # of Slips 11 # of Jetports ❑ Shoreline Stabilization (feet)Length of - Distance From Shoreline Wi �� C �eW 'S Ari itN Stabilization 2Jv Materials .5710/v< - Brief /NL Brief Description of the Activity �&jle/4 WA1 T ej.�i 5 er ��A� T�A�iS D^l prop ev, J ���� 5 i � Describe Briefly the Existing Structures Over Land and Water (include sq ft) res ijt^ +A-1 Gee rpt AAJfY aAr,4C�_h ,/ V. Dock Builder or Engineer Name/Company I 07 -WC- >ry R Address L{�L� ©r9Kn;c�gc �.� Nr Phone Number (�QG� cityN i� s.r., 0O rYs tl i l c c ' w State © Zip Code �iiit�S Emai J SCf� k% ��f 1���1/�S in'R At VI. Checklist of Required Documents (to include with Application Submission) e—ecent Survey (stamped/signed by a professional licensed surveyor showing the location of the existing or proposed structure and/or survey of the existing or proposed stabilization) Erphotos along property shoreline and photos of any existing structures and/or stabilization in or near the water application fee (check only, payable to Duke Energy) Signed User Agreement Letter P Applicable local, state, and federal permits ❑ Plan and profile drawing showing all measurements and elevations ❑ Habitat Enhancement payment (if applicable) VII. Approval Process • Application is reviewed and determined if complete. Fields with an asterisk are required. • If application is not complete or does not include all items and information listed in the checklist, the application will be returned as incomplete. • A Duke Energy representative will visit the site to conduct a visual inspection. • Applicant will be notified of approval or denial. • Applicant is to have the notice, to be supplied by Duke Energy upon application approval, posted and must be viewable from water. The notice must remain posted until a representative inspects the project and determines the project is complete and within the application specifications. - Vlll. Diirectiorts by.Rdad Directions by �-- (� Road* 0 o✓ Fe v -A( ! l-1 IX. Appliicadpn,. Subrriission e L�D S S e G C%vGf� Please complete, print and sign this application. Then enclose all items from the checklist above in an envelope and submit all the information to the address below. Water Strategy, Hydro Licensing and Lake Services Print Form Duke Energy Box 1006/ E Ch Charlotte, NC 282078201 I agree that the information contained within is accurate: State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources DWI& Division of Water Resources Division of Water Resources 1SA NCAC 02H .0500 — Water Quality Certification, Shoreline Stabilization FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Shoreline Stabilization Application Form Four copies of the application (including attachments) and the application fee should be sent to: Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 I. Applicant Information [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a)] 1. Owner Infor,,m/ation Name: (.�!r,s CAmp6elI Mailing Address: 1.5,'¢' NNC s se_e_ Ci rdt M oores rt 11 e 9 At C X8//7 Telephone Number: 57- • .25 3 - a 556 Fax Number: E-mail Address: r;s (p /-r ; OA3CCA(5uIii Nq • Co M 2. Agent/ Contact Person Information A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter (a form can be downloaded here: http://www.saw.usace.army.mil/Portals/59/docs/regulatory/regdocs/Permits/SAMPLE AGENT AUTH ORIZATION FORM.pdf) must be attached if the Agent has signed this application form. Name: /-_A If n R r - t dm e 5 Company Affiliation: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: E-mail Address: pAyt'r% &a re_yvi ne "0. ! RQ c 1-W Fax Number: Person to receive the Certification Approval: 6A II. Project Information [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a) & (b)] 1. Attach a vicinity map (i.e. street map) clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. 2. Provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and proposed locations of vegetation clearing, structures (buildings, retaining walls, docks, impervious surfaces, FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Page 1 of 4 construction access corridors. You may use the diagram provided at the end of this application form. 3. Attach a photograph of the shoreline/ buffer proposed to be stabilized. (Include a scale of some sort- a yard stick, shovel handle, etc.) 4. Location of the property (where work is to be conducted) County: Nearest Town: DYE Sd% ll� Subdivision name or site address (include phase/lot number): Alor`/-fr► Woo 4 1 a PA.1�SL Directions to site - please incl de road names and numbers, landmarks, etc.: A lqrwl � �✓'�sscc Cr,rY Latitude (in decimal degreesJ� '6 LK01— Longitude (decimal degrees) 0.11018 _ 5. Describe the existing land use or condition of y site at the time of this application(residential, undeveloped, etc.): rifSidwX0 I 6. Property size (acres): 7 7. Lake/ river/ ocean adjacent to property: 8. Describe proposed work (include discuJsion a to how hardening of sh eline has b n avoided, or why it is necessary): STA6i i Sha jNc ►'rl/cr✓ G!-oSiOA/ 7 10. Will work be conducted from land? P4 From water? [] Total amount of disturbance (including all excavation, backfill, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) 11. Total amount of disturbance (including all clearing, backfill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) above the normal pool)ake level/ Normal Water Level and 50 feet land -ward in square feet or acres: 12. Please describe the vegetation above the normal pool lake level/ Nor all Wa r Level and 50 feet landward to be impacted (number of trees, for instance): S rJ9 I*? Owner/Agent's Signature Printed Name Pate j15A NCAC 02H .0502(f)) 'Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the owner is provided. FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Page 2 of 3 Full Pond/ Normal Water Level Shoreline �C Lake (At Full Pond/ Normal Water Level) S/6 � a 50 ( 6'�P- � �✓PSSee (;'r6A- Moo resvi Ut ., n(C 98117 yCA, Yj- .5'e . 0 5--�" 1-��) gee CSS Please approximately sketch the following information on this plan (provide dimensions for each item, such as 10 ft x 100 ft) *: 1. All proposed vegetation clearing 2. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 3. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 4. Location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks, etc. 5. Location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 6. Location of construction access corridors FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Page 3 of 3 NORTXNOOD CROUP. LLC 1023/81 \ \ \ G \ N NOO RMAN DONALD C. MKLCX. JR COU"O Al l2 X \ 1 I. rm re. m r4 1ae 00N ALLBM k ASSOCIATZ9 P.A. DONALD C. MKLCX. JR COU"O Al l2 X \ 1 I. LOT 3 COLLINS KSTAT6 � BARRY TODD XONKYCUTT 77! NE I \ D 00N ALLBM k ASSOCIATZ9 P.A. 'eha In' • go� P.d1eNg0on IN'" •• •5+010rW - WNyn�T MWtaPogipMWy ' III Q..d"t D"-%tr 102• Vb .LLQ 2M tl7 (701) 0117909 1704) 04-6N1 ft dmew7OMM4.annN LOT 3 COLLINS KSTAT6 � BARRY TODD XONKYCUTT 77! NE I \ i \ III \ \ ] Orrf,—A NOlEB 1) ANY FAg71D11SY AND/OR CT . flCREA M MAY OF BY TNK 2) ACREAGE COOU7F0 BY THE COMM MERDO. 3) OVERNM FOM NO ORD MONIA"T FOUND mm 2DOO FEDI. S) TAX REFOID E NNI9ERS 40309679/9 k 4630469932 6) OW REFERENCE MAMM 1217/1470 LOT ILOT E 7.23 AC. KEVIN SCOTTXOMMU77 IOWA 30' VEGETATIVE \ \ BUFFER ON EACH SIDE OF CREEK \ \ .�- 9URvEvou conmAim L N UJAM M. MIEN OBRIFT THAT 'DQ MAP WAS ORANN USM NY UNOER MY SUPIDWSION FROM AN ACIURN. "VV MW N DEEP O TDN RECd10l0 N eDON_� PACE �D LAW TIE AN D OF PREC90N AS 1:1000% BY T INE 0E8 AND 0EPM1ED A D; 1: 1000% (INAT TIE IM PLOT ES NOT FRO 91D1iTED ARE SHOWN AS 6NaIfEN W!E PLDTi® FR01 eeFOR7uTIDN FOWD N BOO( ►AQ _,k 7NAT 1196 W1P 1M3 PREPARED N AOCOIDANCE NITN 6B. 47_39 As AIEIDEO. wTl eNfO AND SEN. TIMe ri�l. DAY 0/ AA. loll. /ii -1 BOUNDARY SURVEY OF IATS i & 5 NORTHWOOD SUBD., PH• i DAVOSM TMSP. MEW C0. N.C. 60NC r - 60'PAM NONMIM 14 2014 OWNER: PAUL E. LONG a 3D• a tm' SCALE N FEET � y ` 11 � 1� / , \ \ 6` LOT 4 1 161ieua i \ \ 4C. KDNNDTX Y. PARACR 1 1ep14 HA,RR N, V' \ 11 T8R1 /IBBPARM LOT f ix"xrm A Borm". JR Vfa L, �i 2$& }/ 163 LOT 3 \ P/DRRB YOISD 1 \ 1 1 152211754 ISD 2291/163 FRE NN/E NORTHMDOD 1-3 •••p•,� l- - — ..,arc w - —.11w u.vr v --V P-1111,srR be Awed. d) Property Zoned: RR 9) Totaf froct to be subd~ this sheet: ,'14.70+/- Acres to) rotof numbw of lots created this sheet- t/ 11) Smallest lot eswotsd this sheet• tot 2 0113 Arne 12) AN area desfgnated of Per recreation use !haft be owned and mafntained by the homeowners oasocfat/on. 13) bons set 10' on /lie along waterfront lots only /era X17 mo o roo ma e» we Alt ( IN FEET ) I inch - ZDO tL PA=RSON SURVEYING, P.A. P.O. BOX 1367, Mooresville, N.C. 26115 (704) 662-0100 • fox (704) 662-0101 I Joel N. Patterson IA, eerttfy that this plat was dray under my superhslon from an actual syrvey made der my supervision (deed description and/or Mop Book )02J Page 81 That the boundaries not surveyed aro dearly indicated as drown from Information found in Book � Pogo that the ratio of precision as calculated Is 1: 10,000+ that this plot creates a subdivision of land within o county or municipality that has an ordinance that regulates parcels of land. The ratio of precision os calculated Is V: 10,000'+ that this plat was prepared in accordance with G.S. 47-30 as amended. Witness my original signature, registration number and sed. This_ 16t�r Mj2e - A.D. 1997. Nor" Carolina, IiW49fr0tM ty 4Aa�/ JOEL H. PATTERSON III ` REGISTRATION NUMBER: L-3717 1. o Notary Public if the County and State aforesaid, certify that Joel H. Patterson M, a Registered Land Surveyor, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoanq instrument Witness my hand and officid stomp or sed, this Is.+'� day of mss., 1997. "Of f lU4l SEAL" t Notary Fuhir, North Carolina County of Iredell NotM Public Cindy M. Cardamon s 4 My Commission Expires t -i My commission explies: (8-2- o2 I hereby certify that the subdivision plat shown hereon has been found to comply with the subdivision regulations of the county of Iredell, North Carolina. I further certify that all streets, utilities and other required Improvements have been Installed in an acceptable manna or the Installation of the required Improvements in an bond amount and mormw satisfactory to the County of Iredell has been received, and that the filing fee for this plat In the amount of S -0 has been received This plat hos bee approved by "e subdivision administrator far recording in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Iredell County. AnMV &&,/71�� - Date Subdivision Adm-stratur AN lots within Northwood Subdivhlon to the best of my la ow edge IN within the WS -IV. Critical area of the Lake Norman/Catawba watershed bosh as designated by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management and as appears on the Watershed Protection Map of Iredell County. b' Date Subdivision Administrator I, hereby certify that I am the owner of the property shown and des,o ed hereon. which Is located In the subdvlslon jurisdiction of the County of Iredell. And that I hereby adopt this plan of subdivision with my free consent and establish minimum building oetbyks as noted. �5�•� r r f_ / Monger/ Northwood Group. LLC North Caroline, Iredell County. 4 Cindy M. Co. do.. one. a Notary Public for said County and Stole, do hereby certify 1HORN7CW BROLKS on -Wer of 1A0R7NW0X1 QWW,, UC a limited liability company, peraonoAy appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing Instrument an behalf of "e. company. Wain a my hand and official stamp or sed, this 1� day of Li 1997. : 0111CIA1 $CAL••1%&Wry Public (,Q : Notary Pubfit, North Carolina \;� I. r Cou�ryoflrcdell My Commfssion expIrer. %'ZL20QZ � C ` `' TI. Cardamons rr B 0 2 2011 Google Maps Page 1 of 1 Go gle Maps c m F 0 Y• 6 Ci. G O c A ppa Tennessee Q. y.d�?� F 1 Tennessee Cis e9� The Gospelaires Bradbum O N%arietre eF � p � d Google Map data ©2017 Google 500 ft 1 r h4s://www.google.com/maps/g35.6492437,-80.9048191,16z 1/14/2017 MapCard - Print your custom map Page 1 of 1 p 0.5 Mi 4 0 2000 Ft http://map-pass.mytopo.com/maps/print_local.asp?print=l &scale=5.00&layer=DRG&lat=... 1/14/2017 v r � J �%' vo y