HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0001422_Table 9-1 Proposed Groundwater Monitoring Parameters_Rev1_20160201TABLE 9-1 PROPOSED GROUNDWATER MONITORING PARAMETERS L.V. SUTTON ENERGY COMPLEX DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, WILMINGTON, NC PARAMETER RL UNITS METHOD FIELD PARAMETERS pH NA SU Field Water Quality Meter Specific Conductance NA PS/cm Field Water Quality Meter Temperature NA °C Field Water Quality Meter Dissolved Oxygen NA mg/L Field Water Quality Meter Oxidation Reduction Potential NA mV Field Water Quality Meter Turbidity NA NTU Field Water Quality Meter INORGANICS Arsenic 1 fag/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Boron 50 pg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Chromium 1 pg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Cobalt 1 pg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Selenium 1 pg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Thallium (low level) 0.2 pg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Vanadium 0.3 pg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A RADIONUCLIDES Radium 226 1 pCi/L EPA 903.1 Modified Radium 228 3 pCi/L EPA 904.0/SW846 9320 Modified Uranium (233, 234, 236, 238) Varies by Isotope pg/L SW846 3010A/6020A ANIONS/CATIONS Alkalinity (as CaCO3) 20 mg/L SM 2320E Bicarbonate 20 mg/L SM 2320 Calcium 0.01 mg/L EPA 200.7 Carbonate 20 mg/L SM 2320 Chloride 0.1 mg/L EPA 300.0 or 9056A Hardness NA NA Potassium 0.1 mg/L EPA 200.7 Sodium 0.05 mg/L EPA 200.7 Sulfate 0.1 mg/L EPA 300.0 or 9056A Total Dissolved Solids 25 mg/L SM 2540C Total Suspended Solids 2 mg/L SM 2450D Prepared by: RBI Checked by: BDW Notes• 1. Select constituents will be analyzed for total and dissolved concentrations. NA indicates not applicable. P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\108. Sutton Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\20.EG_CAP\CAP Part 2\Tables\Table 9- 1 Proposed Groundwater Monitoring Para meters —Rev 1.docx Page 1 of 1