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NC0000396_Application - Sept 2007_20150823
SITE APPLICATION PROGRESS ENERGY, ASHEVILLE PLANT BuNCumitw UUUN'rY, NuRTH LAROLINA Plepm-cd fog: Progress Energy 41u s. winnington St. Raleigh, NC 276U2 Prepared by: WkG+�ldpr ssecaates Golder Associates NC Inc. 49UU Koger ttoutevard, Shite 140 Greebboio_ North Carolina 27407 Suptember 2007 Project No.: 063-6562.001 Progress Energy Site Application September 20UI Asheville CCP Monotill 4- 063-6562.001 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW.........................................................................1 2 SITE DESCRIPTION....................................................................................................1 2.1 Buffet Requueinents.....................................................................................................2 3 SITING REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................................2 3.1 Flnnifplauis...................................................................................................................2 3.2 Threatened or Endangered Species/Critical Habitat.....................................................2 3.3 Archaeological or Historical sites.................................................................................3 3.4 State-owned Recreational Lands.................................................................................. 3 3.5 Airports.........................................................................................................................3 3. 6 C.o"e. Soi6...................................................................................................................3 3.7 Facility Pian Drawings.................................................................................................4 3.8 Facility Developinei,t Plan ...........................................................................................4 4 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS.........................................................................................4 4.1 E.&plu,,ive Gases............................................................................................................4 4.2 Public Access and Satety..............................................................................................5 4.3 surface Water Impacts..................................................................................................5 4.3.1 Discharges.......................................................................................................5 4.3.2 Wetlands.......................................................................................................... 5 4.3.3 Wat-ci shed Resu ictions.................................................................................... 6 4.4 Groundwater Impacts.................................................................................................... 6 4.4.1 seasonal High Water Table.............................................................................6 4.4.2 Leachate Control..............................................................................................6 4.4.3 Compliance Boundary ..................................................................................... 7 4.5 Open Burning............................................................................................................... 7 5 APPLIC;A ION REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................7 5.1 Service Area.................................................................................................................7 5.2 Waste Stream and Capacity..........................................................................................8 5.3 Equipment.....................................................................................................................25 5.4 Local Government Approval........................................................................................8 6 EROSION AND SEll1MENT CON'T'ROL REQUIREMENTS....................................8 7 REFERENCES..............................................................................................................8 t'/N: ,n._ =n.DiLAyc=a1>.aac colder Associates NC, Inc. Progress Energy Site Application �ieptembei 2007 Asheville CCP Monotlll -ii- 063-6562.001 LIST ur' TABLES Table 1 Sail Balance Calculations Table 2 Projected Assn Disposal Rates 1 able 3 Projected Cumulative Ash Disposal Rates LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location map LIST OF DRAWINGS Drawing SA -0 Title Sneet Drawing SA -1 Two -Mile Radius Map Drawing SA -2 Quarter -Mile Radius Map Drawing SA -3 Facility Boundary and Buffers Dl a W ung SA -4 Existing Conditions Drawing SA -5 Conceptual Site Plan LIST OF APPENllIC ES Appendix SA -1 Property Survey Plat Appendix SA -2 FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map Appendix SA -3 Correspondence Concerning Sighting Ciiteiia: 1. Threatened or Endangered Species 2. Cultural and Historic Resources/Archaeological Su, vcy Appendix SA -4 NPDES Limitations and Monitoring Requirements Appundia SA -5 Watershed Classihcation F/N: Golder Associates NC, Inc. Progress Energy Site Application September 2007 Asheville CCP Montell -1- uo3-6562.uu1 1 MTKODUC:TIOIN AM) UVEKVIEW In accordance with the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules, 15A NCAC 13B .U5U3, Progress Energy Carolinas, LLC (Progress Energy) is submitting this Site Application to demonstrate the suitability or the subject property for development as a solid waste landfill facility (monofill) for coal eennnbustienn pnvduet (CCP) disposal. This report documents the results of preliminary investigations conducted to evaluate the sig—Feting and design requirements of disposal sites as required in 5ation 15A NCAC 13B .0503(1) and (2). ine Asheville Plant is located to the east of the Fnenneh Broad Ri,,er and Interstate 26 and is about a quarter mile south of the Blue Ridge Parkway, in Buncombe County, North Carolina (vigure 1). The site property is owned by Progress Energy, and is within the site where the Asheville Plant operates. Progress Energy owns approximately 786 acres with LTZe Julian making up approximately 37 percent of the acreage. Progress Energy also owns several of the adjacent parcels; not counting the Lake Julian acreage (295 acres). The Asheville Plant site includes approximately 491 acres of accessible land, although the topography and on site structures limit the use of much of this land. i ne area where the new CCP monoriII is to be located consists of approximately 104 acres; located south of the plant. Golder Associates NC, Inc. (Golder) has prepared this Site Application in accordance with the requirements of 15A NCAC 13t3.U5u3 and .05u4. As past otthe site suitability and hydrogeologic investigation, several piezometers and soil borings were installed in order to characterise the subsurface. Soil borurgs were abandoned in accordance with the North Carolina Well Construction Rules (15A NCAC 2C). Piezometers that are not used for permanent monitoring will be properly abandoned in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C. The remaining piezometers and rrnonitorurg wells will be used to collect seasonal groundwater levels and other sig—=cant geological information. i SrhE vEScaur i iON This section d'c5iribccs the site location, its physical layout, and current land usage. Geologic and hydrogeologic characteristics are uiscussed in a the accompanying Design Hydrogeological Report. The proposed site is located within the existing Asheville Plant site boundaries in southern Buncombe County, Nord Caro ml m. The area where the new CCP nnnonoflll is to be located consists of approximately 104 acres, located directly south of the plant. A site location map is provided as Figure 1 and a property survey plat is provided as Appendix SA -1. To access the site; head east fionr the intersection of NC Highway 146 and I-26 to the intersection with CP&L Drive. Turn right (south) onto CP&L Drive to enter the Asheville Plant. The site is bounded on the west by Interstate 26 and the Frcuch Broad River; by Lake Julian to the east and north; and the southern portion of the property is bounded by private properties. The %unem use of the property is for the production of energy through the burning of coal to produce steam. A portion of the acreage for the proposed tacility was previously used as a dry stacking area and the remainder is currently used as a NPDES t,cuutted- settling pond. rnv: Site Sniten4ity(mm).0c colder Associates NC Inc Piugrebb Energy Site Applieatio. September 2007 Asheville CUP Monotiil -2- 063-656z.uu 1 'lhe site is characterized by gently to moderately sloping natural topography with a maximum elevation of approximately 2220 feet above iiiean sm level (mz1), located just to the caai of the piopmed facility and minimum elevation of approximately 2M teet above msl, located along the banM of the French Broad River. Very steep embanlanents define the dam and fill structures placed in the natural drainage features of the site during construction of the ash sealing ponds. Physicaal structures (i.e. power plant and associated structures) are located in the northern portion of the site and will continue to operate in their euuicm capacity. The site loeatiou, property boundanes, and 5utiouudaiir ioi,ography are shown on the "two Mile Radius Map (l)rawing SA -1) and the Quarter -Mile Radius Map (Drawing SA -2). 2.1 Buffer Requirements "rhe North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules 15A NCAC 13B .OU3(2)(t) and agency policy stipulate that landtills meet the following butter requirements: L A 20U foot minimum buffer between all property lines and disposal areas; ii. A 500 foot m;n;mum buffer between pr; giro d welhngs and wells Artd d spV3Ul Ur eus. iii. A 50 joor minimum buyer between streams and rivers and disposal areas; Drawing SA -3 shows the boundary of the proposed facility, which is coincident with the private properties to the southeast of the site. the appropriate butters, separating the waste disposal area from pirate property lines; private dwellinsa. Wella and fron, aurfaee Water bodim, have been established and- are ndare indicated in Drawing SA -3. 3 Sn'mu Rm2ut> miviENTS Siting requirements for a disposal site are provided in Sorid waste Management Rule 15A NuAL; 13B.0503. The sitiaciiteiia are listed below L'Ll italic.. with siie 5pccitic intb...tion for the proposed Progress Energy CCP monotill in the tollowmg paragraphs. 3.1 Floodplains 15A NCAC 13B.0503 (1)(a) - A sire located in a floodplain shall not restrict the,jlow of the 100 -year Mood, reduce the temporary water storage capacity oj7thejloodplain or result in washout of solid waste au as tupoae a hazard to hurnurt I;fe, wtldl;ft or land or ware, reaou,cMy. The nearest 100 -year floodplain, as shown on the Federal Ensu gency Managenient Agency (FEMA) Flood insurance Rate Map for Buncombe County, does not reach the tacility boundary (Appendix SA -z). 3.2 Threatened or Endangered Species/Critical Habitat 15A NCAC 13B .0503 (1)(b)(i) and (<i) - A ,;ru shall riot catwe or curaribute to the taking of arty endangered or threatened species of plants, fish, or wi0iife; nor shall a sire result in the destruction or adverse modification of the critical habitat of endangered or threatened species as identified in 5. CER Part 17. Gilder cuniacned the North Carolina Division of Parks and Recreation, Natural Heritage Program (NHP) regarding the potential presence of threatened or enc—ger—species and their habitats on the proposed site. In response to our iequest, Golder ieeeived coi�espondenee fron, the NHP, which stated that no tin: sit,_suitablhy(final).ao� Guuldei Assiumate3 NC Inc Progress Energy Site Application September 2uu7 Asheville CCP Monofill -3- U63-6562.UU1 i=thil of iaic spCCics, significant natural COnunuu!IiM., vi natural heritage areas occurs at the site or within one mile of the project area. copies of relevant correspondence are included in Appendix SA -3. 3.3 Archaeological or Historical sites 15A NCAC 13B .0503 (1)(b) (iii) -A sire shall nor damage or aesrroy an archaeological or historical site. ciolder contacted the North Carolina Department of cultural Resources, Division or Archives and History, State 131stmic Piccseivativvu Office ugm-ding the piesenve of anhacvlogrcal vi historical sites within the project area. In response to our initial contact, we received notice that upon review, no known historic resources would be affected by development of the proposed CLY monofill. Copies of relevami correspondence are included in Appendix SA -3. 3.4 State-owned Recreational Lands 15A NCAC 13B.0503 (1)(b)(; v) - A JLre ahull nor cuuae an udverae irnpaut an a arare park recreation or scenic area, or any ocher lands incluaea in rhe stare nature ant hisroric preserve. This site is adjacent to LTcce Julian, a reservoir owned by Progress Energy and used to provide water for the generation or electrical power. the lake does serve the area throup! recreational use; and a county park is located along the northern shores of the lake. The yroposed facility boundary is located approximately 41U teet tram the southern shores of Lake Julian; theretore, we do not expect adverse impacts to those waters vi any other state park, iecieation Or scenic area. (Drawing SA -1). 3.5 Airports 75A NCAC 13B .050 (1)(c) - A new site disposing o)F-putrescible wastes shall not be located with;r, 10.000 feel of tin uripon 11411 way myO by cur bajer ri;r ur aft ar vv;rhrn 5. 000feer of rzn airport runway user by piston -type aircraft. The proposed tacility will only handle CUP materials which are a non-putrescible waste and should not pose a hazard to the aircraft that utilize the Asheville Kegional Airport; located approurr,ately 1.5 miles south of the proposed facility. See the Two Mile Radius Map, Drawing SA -1, for its location. 3.6 Cover Soils 15A NCAC 13B.0503 (1)(d) - A ,,iw ,,hull have evadable adequutu ausruble avda far cv ver e;rher an-a;re orjrom off sire. The on-site soil resources, usage, and balances are shown in Table 1. The proposed tacility totals approximately lu4 acres with 39.9 acres planned for the total disposal footprint. Approximately z5z,362 cubic; yards of rrratciial will be used to achieve the m umiofill base and top of soil liner grades over the existing settling pond. 'I he total for daily soil cover, for the lite of the monotlll is estimated to be 8Z5,244 cubic yards. An additional 185,345 cubic yards will cover the monofill at the and of its scTviCe for intermediate cover and the protective/vegMtive layer protecting the tlexible membrane liner (rML) cap. Based on trie estimated volumes indicated in Table 1 and described above, the total soil requirement for the life of the facility is roughly 525,950 cubic yards. This includes an estimate of the quantity Of soil needed for initial construction, the projected quantity of cover soils over the lite of the project and FIN: site suhau`uity(Cinm).doc colder Associates Nu Inc P, ugreas Ene,gy Site Applieaim.. September 2007 Asheville CCP Monotlll -4- u63-6562.UO1 projections for construction of the heat cap. For a detailed analysis ot the sou needs, see Table 1.L;L;P material may be used as beneficial fill beneath portioiz of the mOunfill. However, the majority of the soils required to construct and operate the tacility are expected to come from ott-site sources. 3.7 Facility Plan Drawings ISA NCAC 13B .0504 (1)(d)- A conceptual site flan yrese,,ting special engineering fearures or considerations, which must oe incluaea or maintained in site construction, operation, maintenance and closure. The following drawings have been developed to address the requireule.Lita of the facility plan drawings: Drawing SA -1 is the Two -Mile Radius Map; Drawing SA -2 is the Quarter -Mile Radius Map; Diawing SA -3 depicts the Site Boundary and Buffo Extc�; Drawing SA- 4 depicts existing conditions at the project site; and Drawing SA -5. Presents a conceptual site development plan. 3.8 Facility Development Ylan Conceptual site development plans are shown on Drawing SA -5. We anticipate that development of this site will include construction of new monofill cells, sediment and erosion control features, access roads, and other tacility support structures. Detailed landfill design features, as well as mowoii zmd sediment control teatures, are included in the Facility and >ngineering Plans. Erosion and sediment control measures will be constructed at the site as required by the North Carlina SR—memation Pollution Control Act (15A NCAC 4) and the standards of - Buncombe County. 4 DESIGN RE'QUIREME'NTS Design icquiLeii cnia fog a diayoaal aim m -c p�u,,ided ii1 Solid Waste Management Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0503 (2). The design criteria are listed below in italics, with site specific information for the proposed Regress Ei,e,gy CCP Mounfill in the fullowiug paragraphs. 4.1 EXpluSivc UNSCJ 15A 1NAL; i38 .0503 (2)(a) — The concentration of explosive gases generated by the site ahall .gut mreed twe.sry fi ve ye. Coat of -The the yes iii orae arructures ,or the lower explosive limit for the gases at the property boundary. The proposed tacility will only handle inert CCP materials and is not expected to generate explosive gases. rrn: she_su:tabil8y(Eal).ao. Gulduz As3a¢,',ates NC Inc Progress Energy Site Application September 2001 Asheville CCP Monolill -5- 063-6562.001 4=L rubtic Acceais and Safety 15A Nc:Au 13B .0503 (2)(b) - A site shall not allow uncontrol<ed public access so as to expose the public ro purendal health and safely hazards at the &Yyu.,al aite. ACCesa to the facility is conu'vllcd through two aeeeaa wads iiinnitumed by Security guards during operating hours and a secure gate to prevent access atter operating hours. The tacility is not open for public use and is to be used exclusively by Progress Energy. There will be no uncontrolled public access to the disposal site 4.3 Surface Water Impacts 4.3.1 Dischar cS 15A NCAC 13B.0503 (2)(c)(i) A site .,hall „vt unuae a &Yuharge of-.vllutants into waters of the state that is in violation of the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). under aevtivr, 402 of the Clea„ Water Act as amended ur thut is ir, vivlativr, vfaZa„dura promulgates under U.S. 143-214.1 and U.S. 143-215. The Progress Energy Asheville Plant currently operates one NPDES permit (Permit No. NCUUUU39b) (see Appendix SA -4). under this permit there are two main outtalk on the property that discharge to Su.0 uudllng aurtacc wat'crS arid- water on the grounds of the pioperry. Specifically to the French Broad River, Lake Julian, the ash pond treatment system, and an unnamed tributary to Powell Creek. The Clean Wate Act prohibits any discharges to the waters of the US without an NPDES pm,ull. Outfall Oul discharges water from the ash pond treatment system directly to the French Broad Rive. According to the present NPDES permit, the ash pond receives ash transport water, coal pile runott, stormwater runott, various low volume wastes, air puritier cleaning water, chemical metal cleaning wastewate, and wat'eiS froin the flue gas desUlfUriaativn wCt Wiubb'ei wastewater treatment system. Outfall 002 discharges non -contact cooling water directly to Lake Julian. Other putt -116 discharge stormwater to LTcce Julian and to the un -named tributary to Powell Creek. The cumiiuction of the CCP monofill will aahm how the various discharges from the plant are treated. Alteration to the existing NPDES permit will be required to accommodate tine new waste handling procedures at the plant. 4.3.2 Wetlands 15A Nc.Ac 13B.0503 (2)(c)(ii) -A site shall nor cause a sischarge of sredges material or)tll material into wuter,, of the ,,tutu that;,, ir, vivlativr, of the requirements under Sectio„ 404 of -the Clean Ware, Act, as amended or that is in violation of any stare requiremenrs regulating rhe sischarge of sresged orfill material into waters of the state, including wetlands. A preliminary site investigation for wetlands was conducted at the site and identihed potential wetlands within thee Southem portion of the Yioposcd tacthty boundary. However they were not located within the portions of the site impacted by development of the proposed monottll. F/N: site_suhabafty(final).doc ciolder Associates 1QC Inc Progress Eneigy Site Application September 20U7 Asheville CUP Monoftll -6- 063-6562.001 A wetlands delineation for the site is not proposed at this time due to the low potential for impact to wetlands that may require a permit frunnr the US Army Corp of Ergincr�ss uL from the NC Department of Water Quality (NC DWQ). The proposed CCP monotill will be designed to prevent till material trom entering the areas or potential wetlands. 4.3.3 Watershed Restrictions 15A NCAC 13B.0503 (2)(c)(iii) - A site shall not cause non point source pollution o)rwaters of -the state that violates assigned water quality standards. 'rhe site is located in trie French Broad River Basin. According to the NC DWQ, the elabsifieation assigned to waters within this arca is Class C. The NC DWQ has designated that these waters are protected for secondary recreation, tishing, wildlite, tish and aquatic lire propagation and survival, agriculture and other uses suitable for Class C (Apperrdia SA -5). They deacribc secondary recreation as activities including wading, boating, and other uses involving human body contact with water where such activities take place in an infrequent, unorganized, or incidental urarurer. Accordmg to the Nu DwQ, there are no restrictions on watershed development or typc5 of discharges for the area sunuw ding the prupmcd facility. Modifications of exisiting NPDES permits will take into account the changes in the site operations that may attect the current discharges from the site. 4-4 Groundwater impacts 4.4.1 Seasuual High Water Table 15A NCAC 13B. 0503 (2)(d)(i) A .rte ,,hall bu deig xd so that the bottom elevation of solis waste will be a minimum of fourfeet above the seasonal high water table. The proposed tacility is to be located on top of an existing settling pond. The settling pond will be drained during construction of the new facility. Based on results of the hydrogeologic investigation, the 5ca5onal high water table is estimated to be as much as 24 teet below existing surface grades and is a minimum of tour teet below the post -settlement bottom elevation of the landfilled CCP materials. 4.4.2 Leachate Control 15A NCAC 13B .0503 (2)(d)( (<i) - Opuratora of new ;nduatuial wlO waste landfills, lateral expansions of existing industrial soli77 waste landfills, and industrial solid waste lanajtlls receiving solid waste on or after January 1, IYYzt shall submit to the Divis;on a deign which Jar;-fiva mm of the fully vv;,% c. iteria: (A) a design that will ensure that the ground water standards establishes under 15A NCAC 2L will not be exceeded in the uppermost aquifer at the compliance boundary etablished by the Division in Accu, da.tce with 15A NCAC 2L • (B) a deign with a leachate collection system, a closure cap system, ans a composite liner system. 15A NCAC 13B.0503 (2)(d)(iii) the Division reserves the right to require an applicant to submit a liner design tf-the grounswater protection demonstration is Sub -item (ii) of this Paragraph i, .,at P/N: seo_suiab-uny(nueQ.a9 Golder Assomars NC Inc Progress Energy Site Application September 2UO7 Asheville t;t;P Monofill -7- u63-6562.001 satisfactory. The proposed racility will be designed with a leachate collection system, a closure cap system, and a composite liner system. The proposed line. sysimji la a dual coiiipoaJO hire. 5yaten, with a leak detection layer consisting ot, trom bottom to top, a 24 -inch low -permeability (1.0x10' cm/sec) soil layer, a 60 -nil high density dual te..tured polyethylene (HDPE) geonnennbnane, a 12 -inch granular drainage layer (leTcc detection zone), and a second a 60 -mil dual textured HDPE geomembrane. The leachate system will consist of leachate collection and header pipes embedded in a two -foot thicrc layer of granular material designed to remove leachate trom the monotill and ensure that the leachate head on the composite liner does not exceed one toot. The collected leachate will be pumped trom the monotill through a HDPE torce main to a dewatering tank associated with the power plants ash handling system; where the leachate will be used as process water (CCP is to be moistened prior to and atter disposal), discharged through the tacility's NPDES permitted treatment systen4 or sent to the City or Asheville's PuTW th-rough the facility's existing sewer connection as necessary for disposaal. 4.4.3 Compliance Boundary 15A N(.A(;13B .0303 (2)(27)(iv) Inausuial solid wasre lanajOs shall comply wirh ground waxer arandarda earubl;ahed under 15A NCAC 2L at the compl;ance boundary. According to the North Carolina Administrative Code TITLE 15A, for disposal systems individually permitted on or atter December 3U, 1983, a compliance boundary shall be established 250 feet trom the waste boundary, or 5u teet within the property boundary, whichever point is closer to the source. D.awMg SA -4 5how5 the facility bvu..danics and the cumpliance brmudarim fen the p.opo5cd facility. In accordance with 15A NCAC 2L requirements (groundwater standards), the compliance boundary is the same as the pnnposed facility boundary indicated on Drawing SA -4. Monitoring wells will be located such that the groundwater conditions at the compliance boundary can be evaluated to ensure compliance with the groundwater standards. 4.5 Vpen Burning 15A N(.Ac 13B . 05 03 (2)(e) - A sire shall nor engage in open burning of soba wasre. No open burning will be allowed at this site. in the event that a tire should occur at the site, emergency procedures will be taken to extinguish the fire, including the use of fire extinguishers, and the local tire depatent. 5 AYYLIC:ATION KEQUI E+'ME+'N'1'S ,.I Scrvicc Arca i 5A N( -Ac 13B.0504 (I)(g)(i) - A report indicating the population and area being served. Pim site_suitaouity(n ).um Golder Associates NC Inc Progress Energy Site Applicauu.. September 2M Asheville CCP MonofiA -8- 063-6562.UU1 Tne Progress Energy Asheville CCP Monottll is for the exclusive use of Progress Energy and is expected to serve no other parties. The facility will receive CCP from the Asheville coal burning plant, and may receive CCP from other power plants within the state of North Carolina if it is econumiucally and environmentally advantageous to do so. 5.2 Waste Stream and Capacity 15A N(,AC 13B . 0504 (I)(g) (i i) - A , upon i„dicurl„g the type, quaraity and sour ce of waste. Waste reaerated at the plant is estimated to be produced at a rate of about 148,uuu tons/year for CCP, and about 169,000 ton/year of gypsum (Table 2). Progress Energy currently has a contract to beneficiaally use 50,000 tons/year of gypsum until December 2u14. By the year 2u3u, approximately 4,600,000 tons of CCP are expected to have been disposed of in the monotill (Table 3). Addnional quauitities of CCP material may be beneficially reused during the life of the facility as the opportunity to do so arises. 5.3 Equipment 15A Nc,AC;13B .0304 (1)rg)(iii) -A report indicating the equipment that will be usedjvr vE.e, Rti„g the aim. Progress Energy or a subcontracted operator will purchase typical landfill equipment to run and operate the Asheville CCP Mono -fill. This includes but is not limited to, en"avatois, loaders, and compactors to accomplish the day -to day operations of the facility. 5.4 Local Government Approval 15A NCAC 13B .0504 (e)(i) - Ij the site is located w, h,*„ a,, ;nco,—yo.arrd vqof rowril o, W;th;„ the extra -territorial jurissiction oj-an incorporated city or town, the approval of the governing board of the city or town shall be , equi, ed Other wide, the app, oval of the Bou, d of Commissioners of the county in which the site is locates shall be required (To be discussed once a SUP has been received from Buncombe County) 6 EKOSIVIN A1NL ShIDIME'1NT UU1NTKUL KEQU1KE'ME1NTS Du,Lig the irmtallatiOn and operation of the proposed facility, compliance with the Nedtmentation Pollution Control Law (15A NCAC 413) will be achieved through adherence to the Erosion and Sedmiem Control Plan which will be submitted to the appropriate regg atory agencies as part of the Construction Plan Application in Volume Two ofthi5 report. 7 KEYERKNUES Federal Emergency Management Agvn�y. Jairu,uy 15. 2007. Flood map Database.http_//msc.fema.gvv/w�;bWiwcs.; stores/sr,rvlt;t/Fv,tt aWelcomeyiew rile: site suitaoitity(rmw).wv Golden Asso6aies NC Yue Progress Energy site Application September 2007 Asheville CCP Monohll -9- 063-6562.UU1 N.0 Division of Water Quality NPDES information http:;`/h2o.enr.state.nc.us/NPDES/history.html, W atursliea Rustriutions http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/csu/swc.html#C North Carolina Adjudnistrative Code: TITLE 15A Dv,yartmvnt of Environment, Health, and Natural Rusvources, Subuhaptc;< zL — Groundwater Classifications mid zstanaaras ft://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/rules`/documents/2Lbouk.pdf NC Solis Waste Management Rules. Januuy 15, 2007. 15A NCAC 1313 .0503 ana .0504. hLtp://www.t)2t)ays.orp-/rv,f/1 8/17366.pdf Progress Energy. January 15, 2UU/. Asheville Plant. httv://wNk'w.progress- enerp-y.com/enviromnent/T)rojzrain s/aiM uality/asheville. asp FIN: site- sa8abfl ty(finel).doc colder Associates NL Inc TABLES Ilsible 1 Soil Balsincie ASHevill a CICYI Monof>rll Golder A ssociiatcis #0631-6562.001 PHASE AREA ecu es STRUCTURAL F ILA c " 3 CAP d^31 WE E"My COVER d"3 HAL ANC IE (yd,'13) CUMULAI WE HAL ANC E ( &113 .1 91.40 1](1,86.1 431,67( ](1,51031 -16`.1,041 -1651,(14] 3 91.38 313,7168 431,51831 21,31931 -.9-),744 -21621,118151 3 11(1.5171 421,124 451,11121 N,43;1 -130,.1713 21831,(ml 4 11(1.54 (6,CIOFI 48,S17131 27,Sl]1 -142,N2 -52`.,5150 'Dotal: 39.9 2152,2162 185,345 8f1,2144 -5215 9'_10 -'_1115,990 Noll es: *Asb and gypsum den: itiels are al.isumed to be an alvemge of SIO pc£ *Assuunc wie of altein au weekly cover sud as PcsiShellTm wid sail waver onKie a mcinth. Gadder Ass ciaiateis NC, Inci. G.-VlrcjecUVV q II EnergyWst a% IIeX.S to Suitt bilityReport 'IS) I1 13B G503Vables\S to Suits bitity tac llt plan tab es a s labki 21 Projjeuiled Ash E isposall Ralles Ash( wMei C IC IN M anofill Golder Associiales Projjeial A 0104563.001 YEAR CC P GYPSIUM TCIRAL lams av g. tans/dav ou bi a yard: tans Mg. tw1 k av cu bi a yard reu scl tar s 1 on is cub is vards 21010 147,8188 51 SI 131,71151 1681,8183 51513 13EI,SI98 510,00(1 216(,-)71 21151,5E 5 210111 14(,763 515 1210;,931 167,653 588 137,SI8( !10,00(1 .164,41E 3]7,6216 21012 14!1,888 5121 1210,(1721 16(,5S14 585 1371,1114 50,000 ,1621,4821 211(,0135 210113 1421,463 SIM 117,21531 1621,6516 5171 133,SIOE 50,000 2515,1551 21]01,0(17 21014 147,E 131 511 EI 112111,49121 168,95 591 138,737 !10,00( 2(6,17EI 211SI,CI77 210115 ]4(1,81501 494 ]15,513( 16(1,8`15 564 ]321,3191 510,01001 2511,70!1 2107,:1(5 21CI16 ]47,!17!1 !1118 121],261 ]68,51251 591 ]38,704 S10,CIOC1 2E 6,]00 31151,013 210117 148,51901 !123 ]1212,(21( 17(1,143 5913 ]40,(13!1 50SOICI 2(9,133 2121,51(151 21018 14(,-)0( lI.IlI ]I 210,74( 167,535 588 137,88SI 510,01001 2(4,214] 211113,4821 21a151 148,834 !1221 11212,4917 16S1,9651 59f 13S1,88SI 5O,CIOCI 2(8; 9151 2121,2134 2101213 1511,213E !131 ]1214,4134 ] 721,709 (06 142,14 SIO,CIOICI 2731,5145 2125,4(51 210121:1 14,0167 !12(1 ]2111,86( 16SI,C18SI 593 1351,168 SIO,CIOCI 2(7,15( 211151,88:1 2101213 14`_1,37( !111 (I 1119,!1651 lel'S103 5821 13(,!14!1 50,CIOCI 2E ],]13(1 21]14,5](:1 21x213 151],(188 !13(1 1134,352 11321,511SI E05I 142,0013 50,60(1 2133,E 37 212!1,3(113 2101214 144,213SI 5a( :118,71!1 16z,71El 578 ]3!1,57(1 50,CIOICI 258,SI51, 21:13,1313 2x25 149,413E _13 :1213,0216 1130,E 98 59SI 140,45121 .110,6616 27a,1134 21321,31651 2Cl2f 149,413E 534 :1213,0216 1130,(9E1 59SI 1140,45121 S16,0610 xax4 212121,365 2CI213 ]49,413( !134 1213,0216 ]130,(918 `_19151 1140,4SI2 JA0610 37a,1714 2321,3165 2CI28 1149,413E !1214 1213,0216 1110,(918 ASI I4a,4S12 JAM 37a,174 22121,3165 2(12S1 1149,413E 534 1213,a216 1170,(S1fI 59SI I4a,4S12 -IAOCIO 217CI,1114 2212,36!1 2030 11491,476 5214 1231,036 ➢130,(518 !15151 1�C1,4S12 A00 I 37CI,1114 232,316!1 7bilal: 31,100,332 918 71951,7114 3,540,599 592 3,9114 040 1050,0001 '.I 5190 8911 4,601,55d Notes: "'Wass a tonna€le fbir }]ears 21010 - 210215 ablainied filum: URS Hrogrpss HnelrgM 21(1 • yr CC A Management Plan ijAlshevff el; . *'Ilonnafle f✓or years 3036 - 21a3a assumed la to acpail to 3035. *C CP and gyplsumi demsities area assumed to be an aiveraglci al SICI pal. "'Avg. tansildaN basicid an 285 wark'n€1 d ays a year. *Prag iless Enellgy has a cantralcl fur the bclnelficii veuscl of gypsum unf 1 Deacimber 2012. A.n3i gyllsulm ger miteid alften dal dame marA rued to bel lanidfi:lled. Golden Assaaianles NC, Ida. G.\Projwm\Pmgrs FnagyAA.R AHcV iUl Suitah'fl7 Ream 15A1;ICAC 1313050lVabWOteSuimb& faalklplu mlld.xls 7laiblei 3 Hnojeullcid Clumulativei Ash Dbyjusal Rates Ashcrvillc i C C P Mcinofill Goldcr Asscciates WKI-6562,001 Year Projeciledl CC P 71anninsi e* Projected CCP Volume d"31 * C umulsitive ( CP Tuniciage CumullstiveCCP Nlallume d"3 Pb ase Prcljectecl C CP C opacity c `3 2(1:1(1 216(,77] 21151,565 Y6,11171 219,516'1 264,416 217,62( 33:1,187 4371,191 21012 262,482 2116,035 7S13,(6SI 6513,22( Hnd FifineI 210131 i 15EI,L19 21161,007 1,014 8,82181 8E 3,213131 8( 3,21331 201: 216(,178 xSI,aT1 1,315,00E 1,a82,30S1 21015 2151,715 227,11E 5 1,96,111-11 1,2851,4 714 2101E 26(,10a 2➢S1,a12 1,832,8:11 1,5(18, 8( 2017 21651,133 2121,5(19 2,1(1:1,5144 1,729,995 Enc Ahase:1 71018 264,24 1 2117,012 21,3E 6,18'1 1,914 71,4 77 1,084,2144 21019 268,7SI9 2121,234 21,634,5184 21,:1 E 8,7:11 2020 273,95 229,4(9 2,9(18,929 2,394,18(1 210211 267,156 211 S1,881 3,1-,6,085 21,614,(1621 210212 261,178 2114,51(1 3,437,2163 21,82191,(123 20213 273,(27 225,2(17 3,71a,89(1 3,a54,213(1 21x24 258,SI57 2:13,133 3,S1( 9,8411 3,3E 7,364 Eric I hase 3 A1115 210,174 2132,310 4 ,2140,0211 31,4 891,7351 1,94 2,11921 21226 2110,174 222,3E 5 4,511 a,1195 3,112,095 20127 272,174 222,365 4,78(1,3(9 3,SI34,4(0 2CI28 211a,174 2221,365 5,(15(1,543 4,15(,8216 2(129 272,174 222,365 5,33(1,717 4,3179,:1 SI11 Er d A ase 4 21CM 2170174 21212 69 51,59%&1 4 E 01956 1,111,8117 Noles: ' Waslci tannage fdr years.2010 - 2(125 all tair ed fram: URS Aragress EnergS 2CI - yr CCP Management Plan (A stl eruillo] . *lannagle f61 years 2(12( - 21230 assumed la to equal ,lo 201215. * Carntired c enisity cif asb and AGI] material assured 4o lie 9(1 f cf. *"CCA" ncifers 4a batt ash and FCD malerial IlgMsutni) being lanc fillec . Golder Associailes NC, Idk I. Q:VFr*clslProBaa ErffgMs6e4W W Suitability Repot VIIANCAC 131 051134al kASiteSaital M14 facilityplm tat ks zls FIGURES 213 Z Murchison 4 4� L U %I Mill ) N .doe _ Spring Z 3 g 1 Ha mricFC 4 Mount- 2• Z 5 4 Bernardsville 13 Mitchell IFI'g�hest �■ Marshall 1Elmer, 4 I rust �5 1 �' r 197 7 % st. Pk. 251 DiIIingha 3684 in - =LucFC 8 Z ® 5 Easterri DasicLc 5tocksville 128 U S1 'i 63 Cantu ai atu 1 �,a 7 4 Alexander U Weaverville Vance ■ Crug9Y 5 4 2 2 ■ With p "lace Gardens ��� Please Br U N1 Q M B E F mtree Leicester Woodtin ° ,�--� ; � i Montr t Black, z old Fort � D io z 2 ��s Mountalrl l + 4 5wannanoa a '2- Oteensh evi 1 I e 2 1 ., 4 ®2 r P3 3 400 5� iClgecrest 4 4° 2 Z 2 4 1 3 2 Reynolds 18 Bi Itmore Clyde Canton SLuther Enka.4 Forest$ 6 �C�aiadler 5/ 5 74A Fairview 15 - 6 110 1z 7 1�5 5 9 Wuudrow 151 146 Skylcand' 4 Mr is ah 2., Gert KentuckyVnyi�tia Tennessee 1�80ryla South Carolina S� - 5 49 Avery Arden 5 R It h rn n e y REFERENCE ringdale j Bat Cave FC Pro rens Energy Roc_ _ / Laku MWiaasstatePlarmNoRRCaroiinaFlPs Feet Cold Mtn. Cruse bite Coeation r�r (� �} 10 1f i I lage 'Lure rrojeCOon:CSmMIlConronnaiConic �. , • 91 2 ' F l e t c n e r , ` • C • J u �* • r ce 6 4 0 5 Me IMp - no1R1 Carolina i rave Rlap, MrM ;'r �• X Fruitland Academy � Ch;mney � Z.5 5 1U u rst 17 �-�-* i X80 ■ 6 Rock Ea Re - ago Rd.. Mills River , , ' Maunta ,._WW�•.r •� 1:z5o,ouo 8 Gap T� 3 Home 7 Fdneyville 4535 ~% H//E 9 D 6 ` Q 11l �� 9 - TITLE ■ N A T . Cradle of �� _ Site Loc Forestry -� 12 Horse 191 ,4 �� Lake Anger - • �- s n o e Golder ■ in America ,Etu-wah ��� T` g Associates CLIENT Prog 15 Eook;n9 �_ 3 ,� Laurel ° East Fiat P � L Golder Associates NC, Inc. DATE A* 21, Rock C k _. 336-852-4903 DESIGN CGP lii d i rr►'—y ■ Falls 280 _ y '� Park r •� ® —21 lv PROJECT No. 063-6562.001 cis CW Rock 'I CHECK fl :i ure 1 Location Map.mxd iREMEW REV, 15 :i Miles DRAWINGS 1 2 3 —+— 51 5 6 -1- 7 A PROGRESS ENERGY, ASHEVILLE PLANT BUNCOMBE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA RI ASHEVILLE CCP MONOFILL SITE APPLICATION C 0 E F G 110 NOTES: J er ates GOLDER ASSOCIATES NC, INC. GREENSBORO, NC NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY LOCATION MAP . ` /.."� •7� = '"ham k _ •l rR�or[And Spm n •"t ;- 23 1 1 y .y.i"' y 1d„ }. •�"''jF •', �' �{ P # f jv P 1 >�- •'I; .'��i.��.:.�l�hy `" . ��A�h�e+vi[le �, ' � r� �,` tMennrnoa F 1rYilshire.� S r , xMilall.Fonn fIlaeles J �dUw. �Paik �8ne,,m�el1 :.I ..WY9lIt L �Graek l ti 4 Sudpfsur Mr AahawlAe PfCt+n [nth SOON r' 4 tardier % Via'B.� CandlBr-= c . `,r < - � z Slnrnfife PSI F.Caunirq co Regime ' S�• �,� Venable " _ ��'''�``.`'"'�"�""' .�'"P yti ?' I �Uallay ' I W. Ln} , - s. 25 Busbe. t` i 4 199 i X11} -_1� �^I t' �.. - M 6 ..i�} ` ••'�j�! _ R} - l iy ..Il1�85 I�i]�P �# °� �^ f k -. •r �',ci�� l 'P" iy" 2 1e:.: Piles MormPa�n DWG NO. REV- I TITLE DRAWING REFERENCES 1 2 3 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 1 1 FINAL SUBMITTAL, PROGRESS ENERGY REV. DESCRIPTION DRAWING REVISIONS 4 5 1 6 0 10 11 12 SATELLITE IMAGE V'= = 1000' DRAWING NO. DESCRIPTION SA -0 COVER SHEET ALLEG HANY TWO MILE RADIUS MAP SA -2 ASHE ROCKING H AM SURRY GRANVILLE GATES 1 7N FACILITY BOUNDARY AND BUFFERS SA -4 EXISTING CONDITIONS STOKES CASWELL WARREN CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN PERSON VANCE HERTFORD 2 WILKES HALIFAY 5 3 AWATAUGA �� 4 YADY.IN FORSYTH ALAMANCE 13 GUILFORD ORANGE FRANKLINBERTIE YANCEY 11 10 DAVIE DURHAM NA.SH TYRRELL MADISON EDGECOMBE BURKE IREDELL DAVIDSON WAKE MARTIN B DARE CDOWELL RANDOLPH CHATHAM WILSON B U N�'J MBE CATAW BA PITT SWAIN HAYWOOD ROWAN GRAHAM RUTHERFORD LINCOLN MONTGOMERY LEE JOHNSTON GREENE BEAUFORT CABARRUS HYDE JACKSON 14 POLK GASTON HARNETF WAYNE LENOIR CHEROKEE MACON 15 CLEVELAND 9 STANLY MOORE CRAVEN CLAY CUMBERLAN ID PAM LICO RICHMOND HOKE SAMPSON JONES UNION ANSON DUBLIN 1. Currituck 9, Mecklenburg 2. Camden 14. Alexander SCOTLAND ONSLOW CARTERET 3- Pasquolank 11. Caldwell ASHEVILLE ROBESON BLADEN PEhJDER 4. Perquirnans 12. Avery 5. Chowan 13. Mitchell 6, Washington 14. Henderson COLUMBUS 8 7. Northampton 15. Transylvania 8- New Hanover BRUNSWICK er ates GOLDER ASSOCIATES NC, INC. GREENSBORO, NC NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY LOCATION MAP . ` /.."� •7� = '"ham k _ •l rR�or[And Spm n •"t ;- 23 1 1 y .y.i"' y 1d„ }. •�"''jF •', �' �{ P # f jv P 1 >�- •'I; .'��i.��.:.�l�hy `" . ��A�h�e+vi[le �, ' � r� �,` tMennrnoa F 1rYilshire.� S r , xMilall.Fonn fIlaeles J �dUw. �Paik �8ne,,m�el1 :.I ..WY9lIt L �Graek l ti 4 Sudpfsur Mr AahawlAe PfCt+n [nth SOON r' 4 tardier % Via'B.� CandlBr-= c . `,r < - � z Slnrnfife PSI F.Caunirq co Regime ' S�• �,� Venable " _ ��'''�``.`'"'�"�""' .�'"P yti ?' I �Uallay ' I W. Ln} , - s. 25 Busbe. t` i 4 199 i X11} -_1� �^I t' �.. - M 6 ..i�} ` ••'�j�! _ R} - l iy ..Il1�85 I�i]�P �# °� �^ f k -. •r �',ci�� l 'P" iy" 2 1e:.: Piles MormPa�n DWG NO. REV- I TITLE DRAWING REFERENCES 1 2 3 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 1 1 FINAL SUBMITTAL, PROGRESS ENERGY REV. DESCRIPTION DRAWING REVISIONS 4 5 1 6 0 10 11 12 SATELLITE IMAGE V'= = 1000' DRAWING NO. DESCRIPTION SA -0 COVER SHEET SA -1 TWO MILE RADIUS MAP SA -2 QUARTER MILE RADIUS MAP SA -3 FACILITY BOUNDARY AND BUFFERS SA -4 EXISTING CONDITIONS SA -5 CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN u L61 0 E F G W I LKB CJS CDH 09/2007 CONTRACTOR/VENDOR INFORMATION SEAL PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS, INC. POWER OPERATIONS GROUP P ress Energy FACILITY: UNIT: SYSTEM: Golder TITLE: ,n,, PROJECT NO: EC NO: W.O. NO: COVER SHEET Associates 0+ 36562001 ASHEVILLE CCP MONOFILL GOLDER ASSOCIATES NC, INC. SIZE: SCALE: PLOT: GREENSBORO, NC ANSI -D NTS 1=1 DRAWN CHKD APPRVD DATE HE ABOVE IS RESERVED FOR VENDOR'S LOGO, NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE THE ABOVE IS RESERVED FOR THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS, SHT DWG NO: REV: NUMBER AND ANY REQUIRED REFERENCE NUMBERS- ALL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER SEAL INC. AND IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED FOR ANY PURPOSE SA -0 0 DRAWINGS TO BE PRODUCED IN AUTOCAD RELEASE 2000 OR LATER. USE INK -• DO NOT EMBOSS EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED BY PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS, INC. OF 4 �—� T 8 9 10 11 12 i If, Or: % I* mom. II il. Ou it II IdIN OONI III `" Ir \h) IN Ol ,�'. JOU I Or IN ON I /Ll N � , r I IN: '17 r� �hxt..jrNN OF IN,INN it I� ,ILi$mp5' ILI 16 11 Z11— i ��rrr%'� IN NO Norg�bntalYa L �• \ ON 0 No I it y ON If V ?t a� V 'I; it IN- IN` Nr ' K-. INN. rr; JL `00 ` I Or IN y y � t s NIN NO 1, 11 G� �d nq0 -� S ON 1 i r rt1 � �, i rv7 /� > �. it ��J �/i 31) %.0 Gr-o'rvrk 'JFaNr. fI �t tHi c\ iNIN Or 1 11 0 IN rr I IN, IN 11 1u *e�o i iNiI � ,., t 1P a N,/.�. •-fid •' ..t IN v -m - it a v7 `r. I � IIA ic� `"m V i IN ��\ 14 r % Orr AN I 6L 20 — .. Nllr �, � IN - ii 'Q �7 C(1s IN - id 00 �r�� oa IL FroJii ] pke {IN _ N/�. • n {{-q / z Nor INN 111 REGfAI A RPaC, �� x v �, 1 2 3 —}— 4 5 6{— 7 g xmm oil .. u 1Y ., / ar ' o o o a,., GD LAKE JULIAN B SYSTEM oo ❑ ' 21W7 0000 TREATMMT SYSTEM " or �� -,,., •\ C, J FGD TREATM T SYSTE H RRY O °'�ACILI nnoV\ PIPE --_ _ au r _ D ��... „ „ TRA SY$ s m CCP r DRY STACK r �0 _ AREA ET. 21 1 2 m4 . fl r o ' ' ACTIVE \ ti _ \.. �\ SETTLING POND' . , 500 ' x /t EXISTING, EARTHEN EMBANKMENT G � FRENCH ROAD RIVER \ A. .em:a j ,..[,,;[� K x NOTES: J . DWG N0. REV. TITLE REV. DRAVVING REFERENCES 1 2 3 --�-- 4 9 y 10 LEGEND 11 12 �+ro EXISTING 10—FOOT GROUND SURFACE CONTOUR A EXISTING 2—FOOT GROUND SURFACE CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION RAILROAD -- -------- CONVEYANCE PIPING '—•� *— FENCELINE — — — LIMITS OF WASTE FACILITY BOUNDARY EXTENTS OF 500' RESIDENTIAL BUFFER EXISTING ROAD __-- UNPAVED ROAD LIMITS OF DENSE TREES EXISTING BUILDING LIMITS OF 200' FACILITY BOUNDARY BUFFER LIMITS OF 200' PROPERTY BUFFER IMPACTED BY 500' RESIDENTIAL BUFFER UTILITY POLE NOTES: 1) EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY IS BASED ON CONTOURS COMPILED BY KUCERA INTERNATIONAL, INC., WILLOUGHBY, OHIO, USING PHOTOGRAMMETRIC METHODS FROM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY TAKEN 02/08/06. 2) FGD TREATMENT PONDS—ENGINEERED WETLAND TREATMENT SYSTEM USED FOR TREATING FLUE GAS DESULFURIZATION BLOWDOWN WASTE WATER. FGD WASTE WASTER DISCHARGES THROUGH OUTFALL 001. I I C I I D I I E I I F I I G I I H I 200 0 200 400 SCALE FEET 0 CONTRACTOR/VENDOR INFORMATION SEAL PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS, INC. I POWER OPERATIONS GROUP _ -Golder �r ss Em■�FACILITY: UNIT: SYSTEM: eE TITL PROJECT N0: EC N0: W.O. N0: ssoclates 0636562001 FACILITY BOUNDARY AND BUFFERS J 00 PERCENT DRAFT SUBMITTAL Golder Associates NC, Inc. SIZE: SCALE: PLOT: ASHEVILLE CCP MONOFILL ADK JGN CDH 03/2007 Greensboro, NC ANSI -D 1"=200' 1=1 DESCRIPTION DRAWN CHKD APPRVD DATE HE ABOVE IS RESERVED FOR VENDOR'S LOGO, NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE THE ABOVE IS RESERVED FOR THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS, SHT DWG NO REV: DRAWING REVISIONSBE NUMBERANuMYRE UIRED REFERENCE NUMBERS. ALL ROFESSIONAL ENGINEER SEAL USE INC. AND IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED FOR ANY PURPOSE SA -3 DRAWINGS TO PRODUCED IN AUTOCAD RELEASE 20OO OR LATER. INK - DO NOT EMBOSS EXCEPT AS SPEDFIED BY PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINA$INC. OF 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 i 0 i C ❑c E F G H 2 3 4 5 6 i x X21ml �� fJ % 6ua ea.3 r ,r-.- I x i ! i 7zs rr ---- xx, z%sa.0 x { r +1 x21�7 / 1 x 2rx11 2170.4 1 CD x p x LJ _ x1�t.1 4'x1 xnr.® �i f ii, r�rl� 21 e7wf"`^"_ ____ -_ - ~�'~'�'-1'._ _'`4++ie c 1�J A� 1( ~ f _ 247 V _ J+frf 2f 66Ait � e r i 21710 FGD _�_---�, ___ ,�,-, � {�1 - -___ '� `�-.^�--.: :,.��__ ��, x ♦ x`2160 /' WE, 2. t SYSTEM - } ! r 1 ---------zleas I COOLING e'* i p©p x2,e 1 x 1 POND 71 r r I'` il'. %170.6 y(-`�s Cpl 21800 I1 X WE 00dc.5 S!r / ,/'' r } '1,17x.3 ! 2172.4 �. 2`184.7 fj i >F 2170.7 f i f x f(f` ! jj1-- fj � i r 22 " + 2100A `! f %, da.3 t 2462&-:i frJJ /I 29+#!.0 ,M£ x - {x x ]f! 1r 1] 2 4�! /J xzlsze x 21404 �lt2f�J f + f 2X81 f f (\ x 41.E, <�,•" F!F !� 2361.6 Wz X1' - 11 11 p f x TREATMENT2187 x MIA FGD j L-- -= � I 11 COAL OGK I >�r � f 6i� -�1+ i r1 ! i 1 2n14 " 1 F'I OUTFALL ,� r1 r SYSTEM u r f I r � �i � x r I 002 1 1xXr� i fr 1 '��,r \\ I 22x1, 217170/ f + h� a, I x x / ! 1 1 Wx_ 4 1 217" 211621 `;� yy 1 titil 17163.7 7,63.4 f r 1 x25712 / W 1 `.V X rr f , CE'6ETRM rik 1 x 21667�l _� y 11 iV _ x)61.9 x \ -s e-Pyl y ,r f.. �'r--`-�____ rf"v-� x r 2t67.4__ fr p ! FGD 2136-0 '' f x - - _�.� 29710 `� "- 2171.6 f - uzsE 7 i? Ilii lean TREATMENT r ! r / x ` i. r - ------ x i No x SYSTEM 216X 1 1 1f,� I - x �' \ �• 3171.1 r 21719 x _ \ ����,1�l1G_ r _ ����� 4 0 7 .I"' 21'76 I i i,� 211lgT ��eW.L __�__-_ 1-� r'--.` -- z170A 1} i{��� .. ,/ -0 x 2186,0 F 1 Ira:. f 1 L� f v f{ d' x �- yili3E:1m 11X x x \ x VV --` {} 1 2166" `�J/ 1 1lrr x 4 L 4 6.6 11 j y 2%6 %q 1y \\` MVV x a166i � x 2164,3i . W.E. i 1 _ x , 1 2%84J - , x187.4 TREA1VENT 1-''`��`� '� i :� 21673 llj �Y+ed7, x%643 1 SYSTE {x)67.7 x z,64e M sw.w h- GW"1 7 i V x 2170.8 I I fr �. xsrn.4 _�` y x t yt �. '♦} oa17e ]RTES 1 0 GWS '• r9 31 7361.7 k II it it ! PZ -2 xINC? °Er'rb 8166.9 x VV 1 _� x �2)66.6. Y1 Q7.1 2161.7 s --- l ��I 1 iasa 2x16 ry,E, it 17y,,� r! :.1az.c 1 zi64w 146 'y', 2)60.4 V x r ! 31.E II x x 2166.9 t 1, 1 II x cc SL 3:�1r2.1I111 22,6x7 DISC RCiM) .� . i x1602 1V x i r z' 66.0 ' ' `'a:. '-26 i 1 0 LAKE JULIAN 6x �31.o i i 1 ! x z, z, \ x'� 1 ,axsii r PZ -3 Ii 216 +� 1 IN Nt liar. a: r ! P '�, ii x r P,S x,a7� xzrsa7 \ /,r) 7 2463.0 y, C {•a �'V V 1 !'PI- Ii x,6436 x x \\ C a, 1 V F YSa,L x 2166.6 - 2344,7 J \\\ y i1ti ,� IVq 1, 1 2216&1 2,8Y,9 2,66., x 29310 , ,• V +: x�< ti +'i. •�\ 1� i x 2,el.f 2,60.7 r +t `26� rfr +1 -8 1216/0 r/'i7. 'Y18a.T. x 1xt69., 1 , o 1 1e%s 2032.E '+ `\� 17,19.6 r +PZ -7 �rr1 x )7163.6 f 21.1 �� 0a. \.. L, . X2160.7 r/ oa7� , 'So V A. t• V VV f/ rJ il6a ` PZ -9 r/fir 2,6771 z 667 f 13�,6f� 3a lxiii �! 7r x x t t. 4s?'aE >Q � �• x467.6 r 4 ice/ 1 2994.7 V ,V t 1 V x !r f+,/r 2,67.8 x/ xy "1 rr n 7V g r� { r 2)131.7 ���V�1 ..VVVI ]1 I %,M.4 -PZ-12 x x ii ♦S �'� �,, ` �` 11 %1 2176.6 21ba.., 733x1 r t. �t i Il ` P 2164.7 d r 2034.4 x 2031+4 x x 4 DENSE TRES 2[434.7 x 2 7b 2 x 20X., x631.4 DENSE TREES x:037.6 1; 1936.3 7033A x 2ai62 x X 1 20572 x I\ `1�1ti�` xy►{i " •''r/// f /�/(,, /�/i/� 447777. =, \66'.3 2,8►2 /% - -} . t.•.Y� h x 1 G '.� � •` 416 PROPOSED � P " x ,I� LIMITS OF J,� x i • r WASTE '� �r r r ! ✓r �/ 4 EXISTING ,' j .......,.. ,�.., 1 r ,. N. `�' ERTEN x '- \ EMBANKMENT 1x1 j x `♦ J It gins .At ' IN Jj i" 11 -PZ -23 31363 y } x 'C] GW -4 0r'- x sem'' `mow,, yam• x .. V. 30670x W\ 1 068 r X r♦ �T l r 2436.7 � x M V� 5 Py �� 1 `y 1 •� {� W ►J 1TT""" ''mow � \\ 1 � OF3iSE 111tF5 r 3FAii S 1M R;.P r ih 2tE27 sir 2946 - x462 f x 4 I �r ,�� 2♦fi x IL x M� ' x , .4k x , • � p J =54 DENSE TREES ML, x .033 6 x x i�. • x9306 ZW.2 DWG NO. REV. I TITLE DRAINING REFERENCES 3 -�- 7 0 0 !! 90% DRAFT SUBMITTAL 1 f DRAFT FINAL REV. 5 DESCRIPTION DRAWING REVISIONS 6 200 0 200 400 SCALE FEET 10 12 LEGEND EXISTING 10 -FOOT GROUND SURFACE CONTOUR EXISTING 2 -FOOT GROUND SURFACE CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION RAILROAD CONVEYANCE PIPING FENCELINE LIMITS OF WASTE EXTENTS OF 5010' RESIDENTIAL BUFFER EXISTING ROAD LIMITS OF DENSE TREES EXISTING BUILDING LIGHT POLE UTILITY POLE 0GW-4 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL +PZ -2 PIEZOMETER LOCATION IDENTIFICATION NOTES: 1) EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY IS BASED ON CONTOURS COMPILED BY KUCERA INTERNATIONAL, INC., WILLOUGHBY, OHIO, USING PHOTOGRAMMETRIC METHODS FROM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY TAKEN 02/08/06, 2) FGD TREATMENT PONDS- ENGINEERED WETLAND TREATMENT SYSTEM USED FOR TREATING FLUE GAS DESULFURIZATION BLOWDOWN WASTEWATER. FGD WASTEWATER DISCHRAGES THROUGH OUT FALL 001. 3) OUTFALLS 001 AND 002 ARE PRIMARY DISCHARGE POINTS FOR FACILITY NPDES PERMIT, LKB DYR CDH 04/01/07 CONTRACTOR/VENDOR INFORMATION SEAL LKB DYR 9106/07 _ PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS, INC. POWER OPERATIONS GROUPPmgress Irr FACILITY: UNIT: SYSTEM: ASHEVILLE �-PROJECT Tl TLE: Ass • P 063656EC NO.. w.o. No: EXISTING CONDITIONS ates 2001 ASHE GOLDER ASSOCIATES NC, INC. SIZE: SCALE. PLOT: MLLE ��� N10NOFILL GREENSBORO NC ANSI -D 11'-200' 1=1 DRAWN CHKD APPRVD DATE THE ABOVE IS RESERVED FOR VENDOR'S LOGO, NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE THE ABOVE IS RESERVED FOR THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS, SHT DWG NO: NUMBER AND ANY REQUIRED REFERENCE NUMBERS. ALL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER SEAL INC. AND IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR USED FOR ANY PURPOSES��� 1 REV: DRAWINGS TO BE PRODUCED IN AUTOCAD RELEASE 2000 OR LATER. USE INK - DO NOT EMBOSS EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED BY PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS, INC, OF $ 9 10 11 12 Q 0 0 i 0 i C Ic E F G H APPENDIX AYYEIN DIX NA -1 Pruperty Survey Flat arou.�f a+rg:-Jaw APPENDIX SA -2 FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map EEGEND =Proposed Facility 88.80Acres Proyre.. Pr.perty 13,,undary �] limits vt Waste FEMA Flood Map Data ZONE A An area inDnt7ated by 700 -year tivvding. An area inundated by 1017 -year flooding_ for which AE St-ka nave bcerr getcrrnincd. An area that is determined to be DutBi&&- the 100- 0 X and 500 -year fluudulains. An area inundated by 500 year flouuding; an area inundated by 100- year flooding with average depths Q X5UU of IeJJ than 7 Mt Of wr7h drainage VfeaS WbSS tnan 1 square mile; or an area proiecred by levees from 7 UO -year f/vvding. Hydrolog �ic Features within 3 miles VV - SurfClul atCI streets REFERENCE r4RD itP 3 State Plane NoriM L arolina FIPS 3zuo Feet Roiection: UamBert uonrc -al i;.nic FdR!Ws u3 Flood Data - I ne u3 Flood Data are da„alopaa By 3, anniny and „odori,�ny tho a„;3fing hardcopy FIRM to create a rater piuduc-t suitable tur viewing or printing, and a memalic vector ovenay of flood H.K3. For grater daal3 yo to np:/ ftp.rma.yo,dm cdatW4s3par at. 3.0000 '0 3__000 Feet SuALE 1:24,000 APPENDIX SA -3 Correspondence Concerning Siting Criteria 1. Threatened or Endangered Species 2. Cultural and Historic Resources/Archaeulugical Survey 1. Threatened or Endangered Species GOldei A6z,0Clatea 19G, lin.. 4900 Kager 6uuleva,l7, Suit.- 140 uma.aftm, IasRPi Garolina zi4u7 i elepnone: (a36) 852-4903 Fdx: (336) 852-4904 Ms. Linda Pearsall North Carolina Natural Heritage Program Division of Parks and Recreation 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 KE: Endangerea and Tnrcaten Species Progress Energy - Asheville Steam Plant Arden, North Carolina Dear Ms. Pearsall: October 4. 2006 Golder Associates Inc. is performing a preliminary investigation on the referenced situ, located in Buncombe County, North Carolina. The area of concern is indicated on a the attached map. The tract of land is located to the east of Interstate 26 and is adjacent to Lake Julian as indicated on the map. The area of interest is approximately 88.8 acres. The property nas been used as a fly ash landfill and slurry pond for the last several years. We are evaluating the site for potential use as a solid waste landfill facility for fly ash disposal. We anticipate that development of this site will include construction of new landfill cells, sediment and erosion control features, access roads, a maintenance Building and other facility support structures. The regulatory requirements for review and assessment of the presence of endangered or threatened species of plants, fish or wildlife is contained in Section 0.503 of the Nortn Carolina solid Waste Management Rules (15A NCAC 13B). These rules require that a landfill be sited in a manner that it does not pose a threat to any endangered or threatened species or habitat. Out intentions are to develop the site such that the continuea existence of endangered or threatened species will not be jeopardized or result in the destruction or adverse modlficaucn of a federally designated critical habitat. Our goal at this stage oT Me investigation is to identify any obstacles that may deter future development of this site. We would appreciate any information conce, ning the known locations of threatened or endangered species that you nave on record Tor this a, the adjacent properties. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 336-852-4903. Sincerely, GDLDtrc ASSOCIATES N_Q INC, . __.. _._.._.. Charles G. Pippin, PU Project Hydrogeologist Attachments: Figure 1, bite Location Map. Golder Associates NC, Inc. MV/11, v;- 13 u E W.U. lilt r) 'Dip N j k,j 40,Fl .1d: R r w ierb I(A 17 1 Hf R 0 N Z D E� rw P Site lucatiun p " F Fl Mail 2 k -k T, J: IUD I V if E pm V U71 X V 4-,� A IN 4 'A r 7 r 7111 -, . \_ M'. 01 C=1 Proposed—Facility 88.80 Acres Projec—c 0636562001 1 lue It 1 01/0812004 5ite Eocation Map FG01der Asheville Steam Station sociates Design: CGP File: Client Site Locaiian Map 8x1l Fig-l.mxd Progress Energy Fluum 7AA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Michael i-. Rrbley, uuvemui William G. Ross Jr.; Secretary Ociube, 9. 2006 Mr..(;harles G. Pippin Golde, AaaOCiatea_ Inc. 4900 Koger Boulevard, Suite 14U (ireensboro, NU 2 /407 Subject: Proposed Solid Waste Landfill Facility for Fly Ash Disposal—P,og,ess Ene,gy, Asheville Steam Station; Buncombe County Dea, Mr. Pippin: The Natural Heritage Frogram has no record of rare species, signiticant natural communities, or significant natural heritage areas at the site nor within a mile of the project area. Although our maps do nvt 5hew ,ccu,d5 of Such „atu,al he, aagu elc,,,e„t5 in the p,ojeet a, ea; it doeb not necessarily fiean that they are not present. It may simply mean that the area has not been surveyed. The use of Natu, al Heritage Program data should not be substituted for actual Held surveys, particularly it the project area contains suitable habitat for rare species, significant natural communities, or priority natural areas. You may wish to check the Natural Heritage Program database website at wwwaxi hp.o, g fu, a luting Uf rare plants and animals and signiticant natural communities in the county and on the topographic quad map. Alternatively, the NC (;enter for Geographic Intormation and Analysis ((:UTA) provides digital Naru,al Hc, Mage data v„li„e vi„ a cvat rccuuvury babib. Subscribers can get site specific information on UIS layers with Natural Heritage Program rare species occurrences and Signitica„ t Natu,al Het nage Areas. The UUTA website provides Element Uccurrence (EU) Ill numbers (instead of species name), and the data user is then encouraged to contact the Natural Heritage Program for detailed information. 16is se, vice allows the usc, to quickly a„d etficie„ fly get bite specific NHP data without visiting the NHP workroom or waiting for the Intormation Request to Be answered 6y NHP staff. For mo,e Mfv„nat,'vn about data formats, pricing structure and ordering procedures, visit http://www.Cg,a.atatc.uC.ua/cgdb/datalist.html, or call uuIA Production Services at (9 19) 733-2U9U.. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 919-715-869” it you have questions or need further into„nativn. S ince, ely; 7yz� f Harry E. Le(irand, Jr., Zoologist N am, al He, nage P, Og, an, 1601 Mail Sei—mcu center, Raleign, NoM Carolina 27699-1601 One ~none: 919-733:4yt4 - FPX 919-A5-3060 • Internet www.enr.state.,w.us NorthCarolina An Eaual Ocoortunity 0 Affirmative Action Emoiover - 5o % Recyaea • lu is Post consumer Paoer d Ytl77muffil 2. Cultural and Historical Resources/Archaeological Survey Golder Associates NC, inc. 4900 Koyer Boulevard, Supe A4u vree, isbor, I9orth Carolina 27407 I'ol'cPHU"e: (33ti) 852-4903 Fax: (83b) 55Z-4uU4 Ms. Renee Gledhill -Earley State Historic Preservation Office North Carolina Division of Archives and History 451 t Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-4617 RE: Areas of Archaeological or Historical Significance Progress Energy - AShevilie Steam Plant Arden, North Carolina Dear Ms. vledhill-Earley: 'T ►&,° Octubm 4, "mum Golder Associates Inc. is performing a preliminary investigation on the referenced site, located in buncombe Coo, i y, Nortn Carolina. The area of concern is indicated on a the attached map. The tract of land is located to the east of Interstate 26 ana is adjacent to LaRe Julian as indicated on the map. The area of 1, iterest is approximately 88.8 acres. The property has been used as a fly ash lay ,dfill and slurry pond for the last sever al year. Properties surrounding the site include residential and industrial land uses. We are evaluating the site for potential use as a solia waste landfill facility for fly ash disposal. We anticipate that development of this site will include construction of new landfill cells, sediment and erosion control features, access roads, a maintenance building and utner facility support structures. The regulatory requirements for review and assessment of the presence of areas with archaeological or historivai significance is coidained in Section 0.503 of the North Carolina Solid vvaste Management Rules (15A NCAC 1313). I hese rules require that a landfill be sited in a mai ger tPfat it does not pose a threat to any a, cRaeological or historical significant area. Out intention ,s are to develop the site such that the continued existence of endangered or threaten ped species will not be jeopardit-ed or result in the destruction or adverse modification of a federally designated rn itical habitat. Our goal at this stage of Me investigation is to identify any obstacles that may deter futu, e development of this site. We would appreciate any info mation concerning the known areas of archaeological yr historical significance that you have on record for this or the adjacent properties. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 336-u5z=4x03. Sincerely, GOLDER ASSOCIATES NC INC.... Chap ies G. Pippin, PG Project Hyde ogeologist Attachments: Figure 1; Site Location Map. Golder Associates I9u, inc. ' _� b L•_ C. � '\�., � t � •�+ .�- / • t r r o a•=sem and -m 'J� I � !'s�.� - ' � ;r�.a.v rl�'.' ,,�-. •`�(' aJ Jp .( - ,r. B U Nxmnie fY e � � AIoeR m. \ : �... �.crl ���•,._.. 1 ��` • t : y ..• � T to ' i -._ aAo.nlal • u A i �\ , ,1,��.� ,�! ice_ rl' �\ � I � cP _ �_�� _ � _ � • I _, w .. 3 �`tii%1t ��i7- FBI rvi- J/ -• ~'-�� J•��.vn� » ( H9rk • t t / , 1 ,r ♦ ®� r _ e ✓./f .�`_� - i` \. rr�' �I f ( o \ tlrow: rfl swyienaers _ _ ua .,� HO ��� .'S 0 N •: `' rd y .. t, r—.,, �% l x .1�r I r Tl�: �' i• ■ " "."-.Ly�to �rn:;at a c.wilml 1P . Sile Location :•-; �- + • 11 ''I ,�' �` _.�_ 'i '` � \�,J� rJ �� `_. r�',♦N �` _ � .ter r � � i' APP' ��•�y�.��, •.\,// ,� � :.��� "�. tign... affim+ �Ir v �s �( `—___ 11 �'• l� •• al,\ j low ,� /,. s. _ _ ._� . � _ / !`i_„� - ,.• L� �` - 1 ” .e e � / (�irb`t vi71 rSV' 9 �,._.._ �'.:^,��• � ��c3R` _ •'ate-.pij '1, j�� �--re�i `�� `��1 � � ,l ��' G :;i • � �� _' ') � ,�`,, \ \ � ' '� 1 `ter } �`` � -�. ��� —c- v � " ;, . 3577 �Ljo = " r'ITF61 • d // �-' =- S --� �� ' i Tip' t 1 r '; 'i�:,�,r 1 �' %�,, [�>F ••✓ r .ti _ r'� i. _• �'_ `�^ e�.� ,( ,.r= a %� 1 y `��♦]J�` � Ro � � r d� \�� 1 t p �, `� il.• i� J � • � •.1 ` � � (� _ '�. "i 'r" \.J ,;�.L7 Lti•`1• C > •�l ' �41� �i�j T (t� `�\ fr: • I \ 1 ` C3Proposed_Facility 88.80 Acres = Projecr. I Itla va 063656001 =l�, Date. 01/08/2004 Site Location Map �5��� CGP Asheville Steam Station De�lyr,: [File:RwvlF Client Site Louatio�r Map 8x11 Fig-1.mxd Progress Energy Figure 1 Nurth Caruliva Department of Cultural Resources tate HiStMiC PLeaerv:stion Office Peter B. Sandbeck, ndministrato: Michael F. Easley, Governor Ldebetri C. n–ans, secretary Jeffrey J. Crow, Deputy Secretary November 8, 2006 Charles Pippin Golder Associates 49UU Koger Boulevard, Suite 14U Greensboro, NC 214U/ Office of Archives and History Division of Historical Resources David Brook, 1Juceto, Ke: Solid Waste Landfill r'acihty tum Fly Ash Disposal, Asheville SLeam Plant, r;ast of 1-26, Arden. Buncombe County, EX 06-2639 Dear Mr. Pippin: Thank you tot your lever of October 4, 2006, concerning the above project. We have cuuducted a,_eview of the proposed undertaking and are aware of no hi.intie re5uu,ee5 that would be atfeeted by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the undertaking a5 prupu5ed. The abui v e cvLnLieuts are made pursuant to Secnon 1 U6 of the N ativnal HiStork; P, e5ely Gtiou Act and the Adviomy Council on Historic vreservauon's Regulations tot Compliance v-th Sectimi 106 codified at 36 CFR Part SUU. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. It you have juntio.5 euuee,.,-U*Ug the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill-P-arley, environmental tevieW c��, dinat��, at 919/733-4763, ext. z46. In all tuture communication concerning this project, please cite the abuse referenced tracking number. Sincerely, ''1 0, dQ,�tt'c� Peter Sandbeck MFIrl Location mawnb aaa...ae Telephone/Fax ADMINISTRATION 507 N. Blount Street, Raleign 1v% 4611 Matt b.—'.e Center Raleigh NC 27699-4617 (917 ro3-Y•filo/.o3-8630 RESTORATION 5.5 N. Blount street, leel.isn riC 4611 Mad Service Cen.er, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 (9.7133-1341/.13 811 SURVEY & PLANNING 313 N. D1 :t Street, nw.%n, ri% 4617 Mad Service Center, Raleigh NC 276994617 ky17)133-63437113-4801 APPENDIX SA -4 NPI)LS Limitations and Monitoring Requirements DENR/DWQ FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT DEVELOPMENT lwl.) 'S Nu. 1VC;000U396, Frugress Niiergy Curulinas, Iriu. (PEC) Asheville Steam Electric Plat Fac!!Information ti iicant Facility Name: Pro ess Energy Carolinas Inc. fsheville ate= r leetrie rlmit Applicant Address: 200 CP&L Drive Arden NC 28704 Facility Address: same Permitted Flow 001 - Variable - 3.25 MGD avg.; 002 - Variable (Outfall 004 is an internal outfall); SW - 1 through 6 (various stormwater outfalls) Type of Waste: 100 % Industrial Facility/ Permit Status: Major modification - modification of Outfall 001 to include the new wastestream County: Buncombe Miscelhmeous xeceiving Stream: French Broad Klve,L UU1 Regional Office: "D stx v-= Ciassification: C Quad V'81'4 r: 30;3(d) lustrdt: IND Permit write,: Sergei Chernikov Subbasin: 040302 (French Broad Date: July 1, :zOu5 Drainage Area (mi2): 655 (French Broad River discharge, 001 Summer 7Q10 cfs 304 30Q2 (cfs):; Average Flow cfs : 1769 IWC (%): Est., 1.9% (Based on a flow of 3.79 MGD Primary SIC Code: 1 4911 S U MMHKY Progress Bnergy caro ilinas (rr;L;) - Asheville Steam r;lectric Pl�u�i is a coal fired steam electric generating plant (2 Units; 2 interndI combustion turbines). The site has 1 ash pend mid a 32u acre cooling pond (Lake Julie). Lake Julie is a 320 -acre waterbody constructed in 1963 by CP&L to serve as a cooling water source. Dischm ge from Lake Julian to the French Broad River is extremely rare, and any occurrence would be during periuds of heavy rY=n . -1Tiere is a current section 316(a) thermal variance for Lake Julian pending renewal. Recently, the Permit was modified to accommodate changes at the site that are being made in response to North uarolina's wean Air initiative (Clean Smckestaeks Bill), which requires the reduction of SUx and NOx from air emissions. As a result of this initiative, the compauy plans to install Flue uas uesulfarization (FGD), systems at several plaits, beg' i g with this one. The FGll is essentiffHy a scrubber system to remove SOx by mixing flue gas with a limestone sluziy. Operation is predicted to NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET Page 2 Progress- Asheville NPDES No. NC0000396 begin in the fourth quarter of 2005. The FGD blowdown is predicted to generate a flow of 0.108 MGD, with relatively elevated cvncentrativns of metals and chloride. Progress Energy plans to treat the FGD blowdown via elarMuatiun, equa=z tiun, and constructed wetlands (this is the same general treatment scenario that Duke Powe will use). Dilution flow (water from LMEe Julian) will be added to the t;Q basin to provide dilution for the wetland plants (appx. 0.432 MGD) due to the elevated chlorides level. The treated FGI7 blowdown will then be routed to the effluent outfall from the Ash Pond (Uut ll UU1) at the secondary settling basin. This facility is sub]cut to LPA effluent guidelinellimits prr 4U UFK 42o- Stem E;Icctric Power Generating Point Source Category. TOXICITY I ESTING: Current Requirement: Chronic P/F at 1.9%; January, April, July, October. Proposed Requirement: C;sronic P/F at l.y%, Janutuy, Rpril, July, October. The facility has passed all chronic toxicity tcsts during the previous 4.5 years. c OMPLIANCE SUMMARY: BASED ON THE PREVIOUS 4 YEARS There are no outstanding and/ur chronic compliance problems related to the NPDES permit. "There was only one NOV in 2UO3 (one da�i y maximum chlorine violation for Outfa^II 002). Compliance evaluation inspeution conducted by the Asheville Regionaal Office on u3 / 31 / u5 to and that facility is in compliance. INSTREAM MONITORING: Progress is not required to perform any instream monitoring related to OutfaU 001 on the French Broad Kiver. No additionKI instream monitoring will be required with this modification. REASUNABLh; PUTLNTIAL ANALISYs Reasonable potential analycivs were cundut;tcd fur arsciu._, selenium; and copper. PROPOSED c;fycx�s Monitur ing Frrequencies: 'niie monitoring frequency tot Uiil and grease and l otal Suspended Solids have been reduced to Monthly based on 1XVIK data and as a response to the permittee;s request. Analytical monitoring requirements tot stormwater have been eliminated based on D1v1K data and as a response to the permittee;s request. The requirement to monitor cropper for once -through cooling water (Uutfall uuz) has been eliminated based on DMx data and as a response to the permittees request Limits: No changes are proposed. Misc: It is recommended that thermal variance is renewed based on the results of the biological studies aud information trum submitted applit.;dtion (concurrence of h;6 -b staff is attached). selenium monitoring in fish tissue is added to the permit based on the results of reasonableput,-ntial muialy�` NPDES PEKAu-t- r -Au -i Snhh i Progress-16huviIIe Page 3 NPDES Nv. NC00003go PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE Dri f Permit to Public Notice: 08/05/05 (est.) Permit Scheduled to issue: Iz/uI/u5 (est.) STATE CONTACT If you have any questions on any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Sergei Chernikov at (919) -i33-5038, extension 594. REGIOivAL up -mut; C;ummh Iy n5: Name: Date: EPA uummt;N'i'S: Name: Date: Permit No. NC0000396 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER (QUALITY PERMIT TO D1SCH&KuN WAZ51'NWA1NR UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DI5yH—aKGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provisions of Norm Carolina General Statute 143-215.1; other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina i:..vu 0muental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as ame..ded, Progress Envrgq Carolinas, Incorporatect is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater rro,,i a iwdlity located at the Asheville Steam Electric Generating Plant z00 CP&L Drive Arden, ivonn Caroiu.a Buncombe County to receiving waters designated as the F.e.rUn- z&mo a- River Lake Julian, and an unnamed tributary to Powell Creek in the French Broad River Basin in accordance with effluent iimitations, Luonitoririg r equirc..ici.tS, and UME. co.rdiuo..s set forth in Parts I, II, III, and IV hereof. This permit shall become effective January 1, 2006. This remit and the authoA "uoru to discharge shall expire at midnight on December 31, 2010. Signed this day November 16, 2005. lv;� WL -!A an w. nlimex_ P.E.. Director Division of Water W..aarry By Authority of the Environmental Managurrre..t Commission Permit No. NC0000396 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET All previous NPDES Permits issued to this facility, whether for operation or discharge are hereby revoked. As of chis permit issuance, any previously issued permit bearing this number is no longer effective. Therefore, the exclusive aurhoriry to operate and discharge from this facility arises u,,de, rhe permit conditions, requirements, Terms, and provisions included herein. Progress Energy Carolinas, Incorporated is hereby authorized to: 1. Continue to operate the following systems located at Ashevule istcaui zleetrie ueue=ating dant, 200 CP&L Drive, Arden; Buncombe County: Ash Pond Treatment System (Outfall 001), Outfall 001 di5cnarges directly to the French Broad River. The ash pond receives ash transport water; coam pile i muoff, storm water runoff, various low volume wastes (such as boiler blowdown, bamcwash from the water treatment processes, ash hopper seal water, plant drains), air preheater cleaning water and chemical metal cleaning wastewater discharged from Internal Outfall 004 (potentially. ■ Once -i-hauugh loon -Contact Cooling wase. System (Outfall 002). This wa5te5treeEm is diocharged directly to Lake uulian via Outfall 002. Cne,uicaai metal caea ung 17eatuacut Dyateau (internal Outfall 004). This wastestream uiay occuaiviiauy Dec discharged via lrrtuiiral Outfall 004 To the ash pond treatment system or to the old ash pond (with prior ljwy approval). Gaucially chemical metal cleaning wastes are treated by evaporation in boiler 5. ■ Stormwater Discharge System The facility is permitted to discharge storrriwater to Lake Julian and an unreamed tributary to Powell Creek through the following outfalls: Outfalls SW -1, SW -2, and SW -3 - Drainage from the new access road used to transport coal and oil truck deliveries. Outiais discharge to Lake ;7uliari. Outialls Sw-4, SW -5, and Sw-6 - liraaiase frmr the old access road used to transport coal and oil truck deliveiies. Outfalls Sw-2+ dna SW -6 discharge to Lake Julian, while SW -5 discharges to air unnamed tributary to Powell Creek. 2. After receiving an Authorization to Construct permit from the Division of Water Quality, construct and operate a Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) wet scrubber wastewater treatmcut systeua; which will disuhargc to the sucu uda.►y settling basin (after the Ash Yvud) via urterrral Outfall UU5 (with ultimate U15charge via Outfall 001). 3. Discharge from said treatment works and/or outfalls at the locatiorr5 Specified au the attached map into the French Broad River (via Outfall u01), Lake Julian (via Outfall uum; SW -1,2,3,4,6), and an unnamed tributary to Powell Creek (via SW -5), which are au classified as C waters in the French Broad River Basin. Permit No. NC0000396 A. IL). rjr-r-LUJWBT ULDU AXLOnS "D m.ONITORIN%* xwyUEREmENTS liululg the puLlad bugin11i11g 011 the effective date of the pe1111ii and lasting until the FGD treatment system is useu to treat FGD wastewater, or expiratiotL, the Yuj.uiituve is authorized to discharge from Outfall 001 (Ash Pond Treatment System). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENTLIMITS L;HARWU-- 1 Ems 1 lus Monthly Daily Aroreea Rlaia�-1a11. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Measurement Sample Sample Frequency Type Locatlonl Flow Weekly Insstantansaaa E uil ana G'aaar, 15.0 m /L [u.0 M/t. 191ant!'lly Grab E Total Suspended Solids 30.0 m /L 100.0 m /L Monthly Grab E H 6 DH< 9 Weeldy gran t I Mal Aiocnlr Mantnly Grab E Total Selen1um2 Mantliily Grab E Total Copper monmly Grab E I otal laitragaan NO TN03TTKN uaarleny Grab E Total Phosphorus Quarterly Grab E Chronic To)dclty3 Quarterly Grab E Notes: 1. Sample locations: E - Effluent. 2. Seg special cundidu115 A. (9). and A. (13). 3. Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphn;a) at 1.4%; Uamuary, April, July, October; See Special Condition A. (7). After the FGD treatment system is used to treat FGD wastewatel, the effluellt limits u1 Conditions A.(2) and A.(5) will apply. Should the wetland treatment sy5te111 Dr, used, w-1laltion A.(1) applies throughout the period of plant establishment7acclimatization. A5 sva11 a5 FUD wastewater is routed through the treatment system, Condition A. (2) is appiicabie. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visiblejroam in other than trace amounts. There shall be no discharge of polychlorinated biphe11yl compounds such as those commonly used fa1 ILEM fo1111'c1 fluid. Permit No. NC000031J6 A, (2). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS During the period beginning upon commencement of -the FGD treatment system to treat FGD wastewater and lasting until expiration, the Pel Lluttee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 001 (Ash Pond Treacmens System). Such discnm-ges Shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as apecified below: SrrCuENT CHARACTERISTICS CIIfUI S Monttfty Daily Average Maximum MOND UKiNG Kt001renMER15 Measuremeja Samples Sample Frequency Type Cocauonl Flow Weekly Instantaneous E Oil and Grease15.0 m /L 20.0 m /L MonthlyGrab E total Surma, lava solias 3U.0 iiiiL 'I U0.0 m /L MonthlyGrab E H u< R< a wael� Grab E i oral Me, ca 2 0.63 ug/L Weekly Grab E i otal Arsenic Weeks GI -05 E Total Beryllium Weeks Grab E Total Cadmium Weeks Grab E Total Chlorides Weekly Grab E Total Chromium vveeMy Grab E I oral Go a, weemy Grab E i otal Flao, ;ao Wee Grab E i -vial [Gad Weekly Grab E iota[ Manganese Weekly Grab E Total Nickel Weekly Grab E I oral salaiiam3 Weekly Grab E i oral Silver Weekly ura6 E Total Thallium Weekly Grab E Total Zinc Weekly Grab E Total Nitrogen NVZ+lQ03+ I KN Quarterly Grab E i -vial Phospnorus I Quarterly Grab E Chronic Toxicity4 Quarterly Grab E Fish Tissue Sampling Annually Footnote 5 Instream Notes: I . Sample locations: E - Effluent. 2. The mercury limit will become effective one year after commencement of the FGD system to treat FGD wastewater. 3. See special conditions A. (9). and A. (13). 4. Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) at 1.9%; January, April, July, October; See Special Condition A. (7). 5. Fish tissue sampling shall be conducted arnivally as specified in Condition A.(13). After the FGD treatment system is used to treat FGD wastewater, the effluellt limits L.L Collditions A.(2) and A.(5) will apply. Should the wetland treatment systeul De used, uouditiuu A.(1) applies throughout the period of plant establishment/ acclimatization. As Spall a5 r"L*li wastewater is routed through the treatment system, Condition A.(2) is applicable. Progress Energy shall inform this office as well as the Asheville Regional Office, via phone call and via letter, as to when the FGD treatmelli systeuu will be used to treat FGD wastewater. Thee shall be nes discharge of flocWng solids or visible Toam in other that rrtre a,,,.vutas. There shall be no discharge of polychlorin$ra oIpne,�yl compuuxlas Sinn em those commonly used for transformer fluid. Permit No. NC0000396 A. (3). jsirr-Luxam-r i LmYrA:rL4jLm5 AND m0arrVK.L U REQUIREMENTS During the period beginning on the effective date of the peg iuit and lasting until expiradULIL, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 002 (OLLcm •rnro..gh C uoung watca). Sucn discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specined Deiow: EFFLUEN i LIMITS CHARACrEkisi iC5 Monthly Maximum A„arage MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Measurement Sample sample Frequency Type Locations Flow Daily 1UMP Los E Total Residual Chlorinez LUU pg/L Daily Grab E Time or Clflorine HaaCtlon2 2 hours Daily Cogs Temperature 44.4'C Daily Roca' ae" E H I Weekly uFa6 E Notes: 1. Sample locations: E - Effluent. z. -notal .L e5iaual chlui use Shall not be discharged from any single generating unit for more tnan two houiL5 peg day, unieaa the re,uLittee ae,uo.Listrates to the Division of Water Quality that discnarge ion , u u ui a thcui two ho ui s is i squired fon macroinvertebrate control. The 200 µg/L limitation is an uistantaneuus .uaxlmuua eiuueut limitation defined as the value which shall not be exceeded at any time; and is to be measured duiilig the chlorine release period. If the chlorine release period is programmed for multiple iutei vala per day, sampling is required only during one representative interval per day. Sinuultaneou5 multi -unit chlorination is permitted. Monitoring for total residual chlor i�Le is L u.iu;s ed only if chlorine is added to the system. The mixing zone has been defined as all of Lake Julian. Thu pciu.duue ahall obtain authorization from the Division prior to use of any chemical additive in the diacharge. The permittee shall notify the uirector in writing at least ninety (90) days paiui to L.Lotituting use of any additional additive LL the discharge which may be toxic to a%juactic life (uthei than ,xdditivua p.cviuualy approved by the Division). Such notification shall include completion of Biocide wuiksheet Form 101 cif applicable), a copy of the MSDS for the additive, and a map indicating the discharge Iocation. There shall be L.v chromium, zinc, or copper added to the discharge except as pre -approved additives to uiocidal compounds. There shall be no discharge of polychlorinated biphenyl compounds such as those commonly used for transformer fluid. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Permit No. NC0000396 A. (4). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENz-b During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Internal Outfall 004 (Chemical Metal Cleaning Treatment System). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT UHARACTERISTICS LIMI i S MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Montniy Dally measuramemt Sample Sample Average Maximum Frequency l ype Locations Flow Per discharge event Instaritaiieous E I otal Copper 1.0 m iC i .0 m iL Per discharge avant Grab E Total Iron -i.0 m /L 1.0 ii iqlL ray Miacliarge event Grab E Notes_ 1. Sample locations: E -Effluent, prior to mixing with any other wastestream. The chemical metal cleaning waste shall be discharged to the new ash pond or old ash pond (with prior DWQ approval) after pretreatment. There shall be no discharge of polychlo.u.ated birhe..yl compounds such as those commonly used for transforme. fluid. The. a shall be ..v M5cnarge of floating solids or visible foam in othe. than trace a= v—u..ta. rermit No. Nu0vu0396 A. (5). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Du,,u,,g the period beginning upon commeILM111U,Ir of the FGD treatment system to treat FGD wcmreU/Mfel and lasting until pu ado-,,, the rel uiiuee is authorized to discharge from Internal Outian 005 Itreated r -Gu wet avaubbea wsStewatea). Such discharges shall be limited and uaonitoi ed by the rel uiittee as apecined below: EFFLUENT LIMITS C14ARACTERISTICS Monthly Dally Average Maximum MUNI IDKINNG KEQUIREMENTS Measurell+erc Sample Sample Frequency Type Location' Flow Monthly Instantaneous E Total Suspended Solids Weekly Grab E Total Mercu WeeNy Grab E Total Selenium Weekly arab E Total Arsenic Weekly urau E Total Bervillum Weekly Ura6 Total Cadmium Weekly Grab E i otai Cnloriaes Weekly Grab E i otal Chromium weeriy Grab E Total Copper WOOMY Grab E Total Fluoride Weekly Grab E Total Lead Weekly Grab E Total Manganese Weekly tweeklyGrab Grab E Total Nickel Weekly Gla6 E Total Silver E I otai cine I weekly Grab E Notes - 1. Sample locations: E — Effluent from the constructed wetlands treatmeia aystriu piim to discharge to the secondary settling basin. After the FGD treatment system is used to treat r -GD wastewater, the effluent limits iu Coy.,ditimus H.(2) and A.(5) will apply. Should the wetland treatment system be used; Condition A.(1) applies throughout the period of plant establishment/acclimatization. As soon as FGD waatewataL is touted through the =vatment system; Cu dition A.(2) is applicable. Allj7ows shall be reported on monthly DMRs. Should noflow occa, du<i,Lg a given momk rhe words "No Flow" shall be clearly written on the front of the DMR. Aii .M a ples shall be representative of the discharge. Permit No. NC0000396 A. (6). STORMWATER MONITOrunu r wQUIREMENTS/ qualitative Monitoring Qualitative iuuiiitiuuig iequues a qualitative inspection of each stormwater outfall, regardless Of rerAeaeILtddVe ouuall status; for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of the St—viauwate.L rauution Prevention Plan and assessing new sources of stormwater pollution. No analyticam teats are required. Qualitative monitoring of stormwater outfalls does not need to be yurfcLuleii curing a representative storm event. Stormwater Discharge Ularautefistlas Color Mwasumment Fr ue�c Semi -Annual Sample Lou 2 SDO Odor Semi -Annual SDO Uarit y semi -Annual SDO Floating Semi An�ival SDO -Solids Suspended Solids Semi -Annual SDU Foam Semi -Annual SDO Uil bheen Semi -Annual SDO Other obvious inaicaturb of stvrwater, pollution Semi -Annual SDU Notes- 1. Measurement Frequency. The first Yualitative monitat ung e v el.t during the term of the permit must be performed during the "tial analytieaai uza ulturing event. All subseque�At qualitative monitoring will be perfui iuea twice per year; aixu u, the spring (April - June) and once in the fall (September - naveu,ber). 2. Sample Location: SDO- Stv�auwatei Discharge Outfalls Sw-t through SW -6. re,u,it lvu. NC0000396 SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. (7). CHRONIC TOXICITY PERMIT LIMIT (QRTRLY)-- Outfall 001 (to French Broad River) The efflux„t discharge shall at nu time exhibit observable inhibition of reproduction or sign—fi icant .,.urtality to Ce,,odaphnia dun;a at an efflue„t concentration of 1.9%. The permit hulde. shall .perfu, u, at a ..,i,u.0 u,u, quaw1 e,monito, Lig using test procedures outlined in the "North t;arvlina Lx, «daphnia Ch, o„i% r ffluent Bioassay .procedure,” Revised February 1998, or subscque„t ve,sions o, -nurtn Carolina Phase II Chro„ic Wholes Effluent Toxicity Test rrucectu,e7 (Kevised-February 1998) or subsequent versions. *rne tuts will bz purfu...,ed during the months of January, April, July, and October. Effluent sumpiing fu. this Testing shall be performed at the NPDES permitted final effluent discharge below all treatme„t .p, ocesses. If the test procedure performed as the first test of any single quarter results i„ a iailu,e u, unv below the permit limit, then multiple -concentration testing shall be performea at a u,i„iu,u,u; in each of the two following months as described in "North Carolina Phase n unr„ic whole Effluent Toxicity Test Procedure” (Revised -February 1998) or subsequent versions. The chronic value for multiple concentration tests will be determined using the geometric mean of the highest concentration having no detectable i,upairment of reproduction or survival and the lowest concentration that dues have a detectable iu,rairment of reproduction or survival. The definitio„ of "detectable "pairment;' collection methods, exposure regimes, and further 5taristical u,ethods cue s.peciflea i„ the -North Carolina .phase II Chronic Whole Effluent Toaiclry -rent rroCenu,e” (Kevised-February 1998) or subseque„t versions. An toxicity testing results required as part of this permit cu„diriau will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR -1) for the months in Which Tests were .perfo,,,,cd, using the parameter code TGP313 for the pass/fail results and Ttir3rs fm the Chru,.ic value. Completed Aquatic Toxicity Test Forms shall be filed with the Environmental acieuce5 ts,anch no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period for which the report is made. Additionally, DWQ Form AT -3 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Environmental Scie„i cs Sectio.. North Carolina Livi5ivu of watt, Quality 1621 Mail Sc, vice haute, Raleigh, Nurth ucu ulina 2"/699- l5z 1 -lest data shall be complete, accurate, include all supporting chemiad/.physical measureme„ts and all concentration] response data, and be certified by laboratory supe, vi5u. and UxC -v, approved designate signature. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity NeEmpir u,ust Dec measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should there be no discharge of flow fru,,, the facility during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required, the permittee will c u,.plete the information located at the top of the aquatic toxicity (AT) test form indicting the utility name, permit number, pipe number, cou„ty, and the u Guth/year of the report with the notativ„ of "No Flow” in the comment area of toe rarm. -rhe report snall be submitted to the Envi,o,uucc„tal Sciences Branch at the address cited above. Should the permittee fail to monitor during a month in which toxicity u,v„ita, i„g is rejuirud, monitoring will be required during the following month. Should any test data fru, this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division or Wate, quality indicate potential impacts to the receiving swam, this permit may be re -opened and modified w include 5Iternate monitoring reLjuimu,e„t5 u, limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve teat cc..d.tiu..s a5 specind! u, tnc cited document, such as minimum control u.gu„is,,, survival, minimum control organism reproduction, and apprup,iute e..vuu,u„c„tai cuutIvls, Permit No. NCuu00396 snaiI cuiistitute an invaaia test s..a will iuquire immediate follow-up testing m be cu...pleted ..0 late, man the last day uf the ...u..th f-llow;..g the ...u..th -wf the ;..;tial ...vnhoring. A_ (8). SECTION 316(a) THERMAL VARIANCE REAPPLICATION The thermal variance granted under Section 316(a) terminates on expiration of the NPDES permit. Should the permittee wish a continuation of its 316(a) thermal variance beyond the term of this permit, reapplication for such continuation shall be submitted in accordance with 40 CFR Part 125, Subpart H and Section 122.21(m)(6) not later than 180 days prior to permit expiratio... Reayi.licatiun Shall u.ulude a basis w. continuation such as a) plant operating conditions and lured face. S aa -v u..a;hangea and ai a expected to remain so for the term of the reissued yc.uut; b) the.c cu -e ..0 changes to piant Machcu-ges or other discharges in the plant site arca which could liAE.La T with the tne.n.al discharses; and c) there are no changes to the biotic uo...u.u.uty uf the Leceivu.g wate.body which would impact the previous variance dere-..uLLeEtio... A. (9). SPECL&i.rION OF SELENIUM The permittee shall speciate selenium to determine the presence of seivuAv- and �elc..atc ;.i the effluent for Outfall 001. This monitoring shall be conducted monthly (as part of tree . equire8 weekly sampling). Selenate and selenhe shall be reported as an addendum to the discharge monitoring report (DMR) form (total selenium is required to be reported on the DMR form). The percentage of total selenium that each speciated element comprises shall also be reported on the addendum to the DMR. This information will assist the Division in determining the most prevalent form for selenium. A. (10) = 'TOXICITY EZ -OPENER UONDMun 'ihis permit shall be modified, or revoked and reissued to incorpo.ate to"Ir-ity limitativ..s and monitoring requirements in the event toxicity testing or other studies cuuducted au the effluc..t or receiving stream indicate that detrimental effects may be expected ;.. tree rec'eivius stream as a result of this discharge. A. (11). STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN The permittee shall devcloy a Stu....wate.L rollution Yicvc..tiun Plan, herein atter referred to as the Plan, fv. direct discharscs ui sttirmwater to surface wate.s (i.e., via outfa-Us SW -1 through SW -6 located ale..s the vehicle access roads). The Plan shall be considered public information LL &ccu.8ancc with cart 1I, Section E. 10. of this permit. Tne rlan shall include, at a minimum, the tonowing items: a. Site Plan: The site plan shall provide a description of the pnys;cal facility and the potential pollutant sources which may be expected to contribute to contamination of regulated stormwater discharges. The site plan shall contain the following: (1) A general locatiu.. ...ar (usGs jumdrangle map, or appropriately drafted equ;valaut ..Lap), show;..s the mcilitys location in relation to transportation .uutes and surface wate.s, and the name of the receiving waters) to which the stip. Lnwate. rjutfall(s) uischarges. If the Wacharge is to a municipal separate stti..n sewe, system, the name of the municipality and the ultimate receiving waters, and accurate latitude and longitude of tree point(a) of discharge ...ust be shown. Permit No. NC00003v6 (L) A narrative description of storage practices, loading and unloading activities, outdoor process areas, dust or particulate generating or control processes, and waste disposal practices. (3) A site map (or series of maps) drawn to scale with the distance legend indicating location of industrial activities (including storage of materials, disposal areas, process areas, and loading and unloading areas), drainage structures, drainage areas for each outfall and activities occurring in the drainage area, building locations and impervious surfaces, the perleraage of each drainage arca that is impervious. For each outfall_ a narrative Cleearniptioir of the poteirtiam pollutants which could be expzutcd to be present in the regulates storrriwuter alsinarge. (4) A list of significant spills or leaks of pollutants that nave occurred at the facility during the 3 previous years and any corrective actioirs twerp to mitigate spill impacts. (5) Certificatiuu that the stormwater outialls have been evaluated for the presence of non-stormwater discharges. The certification statement will be signed in accordance with the requirements found in Part II, Section B.11. b. Stormwater Management Plan: The stormwater management plan shall contain at narrative description of the materials uranagement practices employed which control or minimize the exposure of significant ureter gals to stormwater, including structural and non-structural measures. The stormwater marragemerrt plan, at a ururuuuur, shall incorporate the following: (1) A study address:rrg the technical and economic ieasibiiity or changing the methods of operations and/or storage practices to eliminate or reduce exposure of rrrater isms aria processes to stormwater. Wherever practicable the permittee should rmuaisei covering storage areas, material handling operations, rrrauuiacturing or fueling operations to prevent materials exposure to stop mwater. In areas where elimination of exposure is not practicable, the stormwater management plan shall document the feasibility of diverting the stormwater runoff away from areas of potential contamination. (2) A schedule to provide 3eeoridary cotita]nui'crrt for bulk stopage of liquid materials, storage of Section 313 of Title in of the Superfurrd RmeucTments and Reauthorization AcT (SAxA) water priority chemioaais, of stop age of hazardous materials to prevent leaks and spills from contaminating stormwater runoff. If the seeorisary containment devices are connected directly to stormwater conveyance systems, the connection shall be controlled by manually activated valves or other similar devices lwfiiich shall be secured with a locking mechanism] and any stormwater that accumulates in the containment area shall be at a minimum visually observed prior to release of the accumulated stormwater. Accumulated stop mwatzr shall be released if found to be uncontaminated. Records documenting the individual making the observatioir, the description of the accumulated storrrrwater and the date and time of the release shall be kept for a per jos of five years. (3) A narrative description of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to be considered such as but not meted to, oil and grease separation, debris control, vegetative filter strips, infiltration and stormwater detention or retention, where necessary. The need for structural BMPs shall be based on the assessment of potential of sources contributing significant quantities of puuutants to stormwater discharges and data collected tnrougn u,o„ito,i„g uf stormwater discharges. Permit Nu. NC0000396 (4) Inspuctiv„ suhcdules of stormwater conveyances and controls and .uea5u.Les to be take„ to limit or prevent erosion associated with the stormwatr, systems. Spill rreve„tiu„ and Response Plan: The Spill Prevention and RespU„sc Tian shall Lzu,po,al'c a risk assessment of potential pollutant sources based o„ a materials i„ve„tory of the facility. Facility personnel (or team) responsiblz fo, "plcu,e„ting the plan shall be identined in the plan. A responsible person shall be o„ -site at all times curing facility operations that have the putca.tial tv co„raminate stormwater runoff through spills or exposure of materials associated With the facility operations. d. Preventative Maintenance and uuoa tiuuauxv-eepuLg rirgram: A preventative maintenance program shall be devclupca. -rhe p, ogn= snall document schedules of inspections and maintenance activities ui stormwater cuutrol systems, plant equipment and systems. Inspection of mate,iaai handling areas and regular cleaning schedules of these areas shall be incorpo, area into the program. e. Training schedules mall be developed and training provided at a minimum o„ a„ annual basis u„ proper spill response and cleanup procedures and p,evc„tative mainr„a„ce activities for all personnel involved in any of the facility's open atia„s that have the potential to contaminate stormwater runoff. Facility pc, sv,niu1 (ur team) ,'cspo„siwe for implementing the training shall be identified in the plan. Tne Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan shall identify a specific pusition(s) responsible for the overall coordination, develupn,c„ t; impleu,entation and revision to the Plan. Responsibilities for all compo„e„ts of the Plan shall be documented and position(s) assignments provided. g. Plan Amendment: The pe,,,,ittee shall amend the Plan whenever there is a change in design, constructio,,, Wipe, ation; or maintenance which has a significant effect on the potential for the dlacharge of pollutants via a point source to surface waters. The Stormwater Pollutiu„ Prevention Plan shall be reviewed and updated on an annual basis. The airector may notify the permittee whez, the rlan dues „ot ,,,cct o„e or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. within 30 days of such notice, the permittee shall submit a time schedule to the Luccto, iu, u,odifying the Plan to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall piLuvide certification in writing (in accordance with Part III, Standard Conditions, Sectio„ m 11.) to the Director that the changes have been made. h. Facility I„spections: Inspections of the facility and all stormwater systems shall occu, at a ,,,i„iu,uu, on a semiannual schedule, once in the fall (September - Nuven,be,) and o„ce du,i„g the spring (April - June). The inspection and any subseque„t jL,ainte„ance activities performed shall be documented, recording date and time of i„spection, i„dividual(s) making the inspection and a un=tivu dcsi;,iptiun w the facility's stormwater control systems, plant e.iuipn,e„t and systems. Records of these inspections shall be incorporated Lao the Stormwater pollution Prevention Plan. Visual monitoring as , u jui ed in A. (7) Stormwater Monitoring Requirements/ Qualitative Monitoring shall be periormed in addition to facility inspections. Implementation: Implementation of the Plan shall incivae ducu.ue..tarion of all .uonitoring, measurements, inspections, maintenance activities ar.d tiairm.g provided M employees, including the log of the sampling data. Activities take.. to i.utrlc.uc..L B1V1Y5 Yc.u.it ivy. 1vCvuU0396 associated witn the u.austrim activities, u.cluding vehicle maintenance activities, must also be recorded. All . equi. ea aucumentatio., shall be kept on-site for a period of five years and made available to the Director or his authorized representative immediately upon request. A. (12). STORMWATER MINIMUM MONITORING AND CWrvacrING REQUIREMENTS Minimum monitoring and reporting requirements are as follows unless otherwise approved in writing by the Director of the Division of Water Quality: a. If a facility has multiple discharge locations with substantially idu..tical stormwater discharges that are required to be sampled, the permittee u.ay petitiuu the Director for representative outfall status. If it is established that the sto.u.wate-L discharges are substantially identical and the permittee is granted representative outfall status, then sa .p1ing .e,4ui,zments ...ay be performed at a reduced number of outialls. b. Visual monitoring for color, ado., solias, foam; outfall staining, visible sheens and dry weather flow shall be performed at all stormwate, discharge outfall locations. All visual monitoring shall be documented and records uua retained with the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. The initial visual monitoring eveut shall be performed simultaneously with the first analytical monitoring event and docuu.e..tation of only this initial visual monitoring event shall be submitted along with the L equired analytical monitoring submittal. C. For purposes of the stormwater sampling required in tnis pe.uuL, all samples shRI be collected from a discharge resulting f.om a representative storm event (See definitions in Part Il, Sectio.. A). Failure io u.onim.L storm events in accordance witn the Sp'ecifi'ed frctiue,.ry shall w..sututc a violatiu.. of this permit. If the stormwatei . u..vff is cautrclled by a dete..uo.. yo..d, the fblluwL,6 sampling requirements shall apply: (1) 11 the artcutivu ru..a aetaa.s the . u..aff generated by one inch of rainfall fo. L4 hou. s, visual o Dse. vationa for color; fvau., outfall staining, visible sheens and cry weather flow are required, but analytical sampling shall not be requirect. (2) If the detention pond discharges only in response to a storm event exceeding a 25 -year, 24-hour storm, the pond shalt be conside.ed a no.. -discharging stormwater control system and not subject to NPDES .equiLeeLuutits, unless the discharge causes a violation of water quality standards. d. S=Fles analyzed in accordance with the terms of this permit shall be suouutted .,.l fb, u.s aypi awed by the Du ectur ..v late. than January 31 for the previous year in which sampling was required to be performed. e. Analytical results from sampling during the final year of the permit term shall be submitted with the permit renewal application. f. This permit regulates stormwater discharges associated with I..dustrial activity. Non- stormwater discharges which shall be allowed in the stormwatel cUtiveyance system are: (1) M other discharges that are authorized by an NPDES permit. (2) Foundation. dreLixis, air -conditioner condensate without added chemicals, springs, wP[tc.linv ana fire hydrant flushing, water from footing drains, flows from ripuric, huDitats and wetlands, fire -fighting training and fire system LesLins. Permit No. NC0000396 (3) Discharges resulting from fire -fighting. g. If the storm event monitored and reported L. accordance with this re...ut cc; L ides with a non-stormwater discharge, the permftwu shall separately L jLmL tv. and report all parameters as required under the ..v..-stv.auwPitca yord-viL uf this reiiuit and provide this information with the stormwater dischvuge ...onitoring ieyUrL. A. (13)- FISH TISSUE SAMPLING Progress Energy shall co..duct fish tissue sampling for Mercury and Selenium on an annual basis. The fish tissue sterling pian shall be approved by the Division's Environmental Sciences Section prior to commeucvLuent of sampling. PART I (continued) Sectio.. ts. Schedule of Compliance Permit No. NCODuv396 1. i*ne permittee shall comply with Final Effluent Limitations specified for discharges in accordance with the following schedule: Permittee shall comply with Final Effluent Limitations by the effective date of the permit unless specified below. 2. Permittee shall at all times provide the oreratiu.. and maintenance necessary to operate the existing facilities at optimum efficiency. 3. No later th= izF cale..dm- nays following a date identii.ea u, the aDvve scnedule of compliance, the yc...unve shag. submit either a report oI progress U. ; uu the case oI specific actions b'cu.g . eyAi, uZI Dy Me..tified dates, a written notice of cauupuance o. noncompliance. I.. the lane, ceme; the ..otice shall include the cause of noncompliance, any remedial ctic..o taxe..; and the probability of meeting the next schedule requirements. PART IY STANDARD CONDITIONS FOR NPDEB PERMITS SECTION A. DEFINITIONS 1. Permit Issuing Authority The Director of the Division of Water Quality. 2. DWO or "the Division" Means the Division of Water Quality, Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. 3. EMC Used he.eu..neans the 1Vvrtn UuL-ulina Environme..taw Manage...ent Commission. �+. Act v. "tne Act" •i•ne Fede.al Water Pollution Control Act, also known as the uleari Wate. Act, as mnauded, 33 USC 1251, et. seq. 5. Mass / Day Measurements a. The "monthly average discharge" is defined as the total mass of all daily discharges sampled and/or measured during a calendar month on which daily discharges are sampled and measured, divided by the ..umber of daily discharges sampled and/or measured during such month. It is the. efore, an arithmetic mean found by adding the weights of the pullutam fou..d each day of the .no..th and then dividing this sum by the ..u....be. of days the tests we.c .cpvrtca. Thu limitation is identified as "Monthly Average' ;.. rur I of the pc. n..t. b. The "weekly average discharge" is defined as the total ...ass of all daily discharges sampled and/or measured during the calendar week (Sunday - Saturday) o.. which daily discharges are sampled and measured, divided by the numbe. of daily discharges sampled and/or measured during such week. It is, therefore, an arithmetic mean found by adding the weigliits of pollutants found each day of the week and then dividing this sum by the number of days the tests were reported. This limitation is identified as "Weekly Average" in PUT I of the permit. c. The ".n ' u. daily discharge" is the total ...ass (weight) of a pollutant discharged dLuiug a caaiendar gay. u only one sample is take.. during any calendar day the weight of pollutant calculated from it is the "maximum gaily discharge." This limitation is identified as "Daily Maximum," in Part I of the permit. d. The "average annual discharge" is defined as the total mass of an gaily discharges sampled and/or measured during the calendar year on whicn dairy discnargea arm sampled and measured, divided by the number of daily discharges sampled and]or measured during such year. It is, therefore, an arithmetic mean iounct by adding the weights of pollutants fau..d each day of the year and then dividing this sum by the ..u...be1 of days the tests we.e .eported. This limitatio.. !s defined as "Annual Average" LL Part i of the permit. 6. Cqj-&cecutrutivaa measurement �. -ine "average monthly concentration," other than for fecal coliform bacteria, is the 5uun of the concentrations of all daily discharges sampled and/or measured during a calendar month on which daily discharges are sampled and u.easu.ed, div;8ed by the number of daily discharges sampled and/o. u.ea5ured du.i..g Such .uvntn (arithmetic mean of the daily concentration values). The daily cauc utrativu vaalue is equal to the concentration of a composite samNle o. i-., the case of graD spies is the arithmetic mean (weighted by flow value) of all the ae=pie5 colleetea curing that calendar day. The average monthly cou..t fo, fecaal coiitorm Dartc.ia is the geometric mean of the counts for samples collected du.i..g a camenaar u.vntn. -rhi5 iimitation is identified as "Monthly Average" unde. "Othe. Limits" in Part I of the permit. b. The "avc.age wuumy conce.L.tration," other than for fecal coliform bacteria, is the sum of the co..%'c..trativ..5 or all daily discharges sampled and/or measured during a calendar week (5 u..Clay/ Saturday) on which daily discharges are sampled and measured divided by the ..uu.D@. vt daily discharges sampled and/or measured during such week (arithmetic mean of the daily concentration values). The daily concentration value is equal to the concentration of a composite sample or in the case of grab samples is the arithmetic mean (weighted by flow value) of all the samples collected during that calendar day. The average weekly count for fecal coliform bacteria is the geou.etric mean of the counts for samples collected during a calendar Week. Thi5 limitation is identified as "Weekly Average" unde. "Othe. Luuit5" u., r'dl t i of the PUL nut. c. The "maximum daily concentratio.." 15 the c uceutrativu or a pouutant discharge during a calendar day. If only one 5ami,le is taken during any cale.LiLdar day the concentration of pollutant calculated fiven it is the 'Maximum Daily Concentration". It is identified as "Daily Maximum" unde. "Othc. Li...its" in Part I of the permit. d. The "average annual concentration," other than for fecal coliform bacteria, is the sum of the co..centrations of all daily discharges sampled and/or measured during a calendar year on which daily discharges are sampled and measured divided by the number of aaaiy discharges sampled and/or measured during such year (arithmetic mean of the daily concentration values). The daily concentration value is equal to the conce..tratio.. of a composite sample or in the case of grab samples is the arithmetic mean (weighted by flow value) of all the samples collected during that calendar day . The avc.agc yea -iy count for fecal coliform bacteria is the genu etria wean of the counts for samples collected during a cale..dar year. -i-his limitation is identified as 'Annual Average" under "Other Limits" in F%TT i of the pe. uiit. e. The "daily average concentration" (for dissolved oxygen) is the minimum allowable amou..t of di55aived oxygen required to be available in the effluent prior to discharge aveiaggeEl ove, a calendar day. If only one dissolved oxygen sample is taken over a cale..dm- Say, the sample is considered to be the "daily average concentration" for the di5cnarge. It is identified as "daily average" in the text of PUr I. f. The "quarterly average concentration." i5 the ave. age of all sampies taken over a calendar quarter. It is identified as "t1 uarr e. iy Ave. age j Lnitatio.i" in the text of Part I of the permit. g. A calendar quarte. is defuied as one of the following distinct periods: January through March, Anil th.vugh Ju..e; July through September, and October through December. t. Other Measurements a. Flow, (MGD): The flow limit c�prc55EU in this p'cruut is the 24 hours average flew. averaged monthly. It is deicruru.LeZ1 a5 the axitnmetk urean of the total daily flows recorded during the calerrdva- urvrrtn. b. An "instantaneous flow measurement" is a measure of flow taicen at the time of s=piing, when both the sample and flow will be representative of the total discharge. c. A "continuous flow measurement" is a measure of discharge flow from the facility which occurs continually without interruption throughout the operating hours of the facility. Flow shall be monitored continually except for the infrequent times when there may be no flow or for infrequent maintenance activities on the flow device. 8. Wyes of sambles a. Composite Sample: A composite sample snall ivrrsist of: (1) a series of grab samples collected at equal time urtervals over a 24 hour period of discharge and combined proportivnnaai to the ure of flow measured at the time of individual sample collection, yr (2) a series of grab samples of equaai volume collected over a 24 hour period with the time infer vale between ammpiea determined by a pn'c5et nnuaubci of gallvnns paszirng the sampling poiurt. Flow measurement between sample intervals shall be determined by use of a flow recorder and totalizer, and the present gallon interval Detween sample collection fixed at no greater than 1/24 of the expected total daily flow at the treatment system, or (3) a single, continuous sample collected over a 24 hour period proportional to the rate of now. In accordance with (1) above, the time interval between influent grab samples shall be no greater than once per hour, and the time interval between effluent grab samples shall be no greater than once per hour e,&vept at wastewater treatment systems having a detention time of greater than l4 nvurs. In sucn %asc5; effluent grab samplers ruay be collected at time inter vale eveniy spaced over the z4 hourp'crivd which cu -'c ekjual iir number of hours to the dctcrrtivu time of the system in nuruD'cr of days. however; un rro case uray the time unto val between effluent grab samples De greater than sia (n) no ur s no, the uuurDcr of scmiplec iess than four (4) during a 24 hour 5amzpiing perivu. b. limb 5eanpie: Grab samples are individual samples collected over a period of time not exceeding 15 minutes; the grab sample can be taken manuOy. Grab samples must be representative of the discharge or the receiving waters. 9. Calculation of Mems a Aritnmetic Mean: TFie arithmetic mean of any set of values is the summation of the individual values divided by the number of iudividuai values. b. Geometric Mean: The geometric mean of any set of values is the Nth root of the product of the individual values where N is equal to the number of individual values. The geometric mean is equivalent to the anthog of the arithmetic mean of the logarithms of the individual values. For Nus Noses of calculating the geometric mean, values of X10 (0) shall be considered to be o..e (1). c. Weighted by Flew Value: weighted by flow value means the summatio.. of eavn concentration times its acsNectivc now divided by the summation of the respective flows. 10. Galundar gay A cale..dar Bay is uefined as the period from midnight of one day until midnight of the iie%t day. Hvwevei ; toi purposes of this permit, any consecutive 24-hour period that easviiably rep-Lese.uts the calendar day may be used for sampling. 11. Hazardous Substance H hazardous substance means any substance designated under 40 Cr -.K rater i 16 pursuant to Section 311 of the Clean Water Act. 12. Toxic Pollutant A toxic pollutant is any pollutant listed as to. -dc under Section 307(a)(1) of the Clean Water Act. 13. Best Mana$'caueiat YrrxCticeg iBMPsI Schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedu. es, and utne.L u.Lanagement practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of watea5 of the united States. BMPs also include treatment requirements, operation procedu es, and Ni actives to control plant site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage tioui yaw waterial storage. 14. Bulk Storage of Liquid Products Liquid raw auatciiaas (e.&cfuuing water), manufactured products, waste materials 0.L by-pivauets with a single above ground storage container having a capacity of greater than 660- gallons or with u.ultiple above ground storage containers having a total storage Cayaa:ity of greater than 1,320 ga iaus. 15. Coal Pile Runoff The rainfall ru�ioff frau o� tnrough any coal storage pile. f 6. Landfill A disposal facility or poT of a disposal facility where waste is placed in or on land and which 15 ut a land treatme��t facility, a surface impoundment, an injection well, a hazardous waste Boar, -tee. ui storage facility o� a surface storage facility. .L7. Representative Storm Event A storm event that measures greater than 0.1 inches of rainfall and that is preceded by at least 72 hours in which no storm evuazt Measuring greater than 0.1 inches has occurred. A single storm event may cauta n up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. For exazaple, if it rains for 2 hour s without producing any collectable discharge, and they. stops, a sample may be collected if a vin ri oaucing a discharge begins again within the next 10 ho ui s. 18. Runoff Coefficient The fraction of total rainfall that is not infiltrated into or otherwise retained by the soil, co..n ete, asphaalt or other surface upon which it falls that will appear at the conveyance as runoff. 19. Secondary Containment Spill containment for the contents of the single largest tank within the containment structure plus sufficient freeboard to allow for the 25 -year, 24-hour storm event. 20. Secdo.. 313 Water Priority Chemical A chemical or chemical category Which: a. Is listed in 40 CFR 372.65 pursuant to Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986, also titled the Emergency Planning and Community Right -to -Know Act of 1986; b. Is present at or above threshold levels at a facility subject to SARA title III, Section 313 reporting requirements; and c. i"hat ...cct at least one of the follvwu.g ciltc..a: (1) IS listed i.. appe..ui& L vi 4U CPR part 122 on eitnei -rabic it tuiga Tic N.iv.ity pollutants), gable III (certain ...etals, cyanides, and phenols) o. -rawe iv (certain tv.&ic pouutants and hazardous substances); (2) Is listed as a hazardous substance pursuant to section 311(d)(;Z)(A) of the UwA at 40 CFR 116.4; or (3) Is a pollutant for which EPA has published acute or chronic water quality criteria. 21. Significant matcrlals I..ciudes but is not dniltr8 to: , aw materials; fuels: materials sucn as solve..ts, dctc. gc„ts, an8 plastic pellets; finished materials such as metallic products; raw ,uate.iaaIs uses i„ Iooc3 p.ocessing or production; hazardous substances designated under section i0i(14) of UE.KC:i,A; any chemical the facility is required to report pursuant to section 313 of Title III of SARA: fertilizers; pesticides;- and esticides;and waste products such as ashes, slag and sludge that have the potential to be released with stormwater discharges. zz. Significant Snius Includes, but is not limited to: releases of oil or hazardous substances in excess of reportable quantities under section 311 of the Clean Water Act (Ref: 40 CFR 110.10 and CFR 117.21) or section 102 of CERCLA (Ref: 40 CFR 302.4). 23. Stv..uwateL Ru..yff The flow of water which results from precipitation and which occurs immediately following rainfall or as a result of snowmelt. 24. Stormwarr Associated with I..dustrial Acti,, -ihe discharge i,am any poi..t sou,ce which is used fo. collecting a„a co..veyi..g sto,u.watc. and which is directly related to manufacturing, processing or raw materiai storage areas at an industrial site. The term does not include discharges from facilities or activities excluded from the NPDES program. The following categories of facilities are considered to be engaging in "industrial 2R.0 v.ty a. Facilities subject to stv....wate, effluent limitario..s guidelines, ..ew source performance standards, or toxic pollutant effluent standards under 40 CFR Subchapte. N; Parts 400-471 (except facilities which are exempted under (k) of this definition); b. Facilities classified as Standard Industrial Classifications 24 (except 2434), 26 (except 265 and 267), 28, 29, 30, 311, 32, 33, 3441, 373; c. Facilities classified as Standard Industrial Classifications 10 through 14 (mineral industry) including active or inactive mining operations (except for areas of coal mining operations meeting the definition of a reclamation area under 40 CFR 434.11(1)) and oil and gas exploratio.., production, processing, v. tr xamej a operations, or transmission facilities that discharge stormwater contaminated by cuutact with or that has come in contact with, any overburden, raw material, intermediate p&oducts, finished products, byproducts or waste p.oducts located o.. the site of such upe.Ladv..s; L.Lactive mining operations are mining sirs that at'c not be.l.g 2LlLively mined, but whim have an identifiable owner/operaTor; Q. Hazardous waste treextmc..t; stvtage, o. disposal Iaiiliticcs; u.iluding those that are oye.Lating under interim status o. a permit under Suutiue C of RCRA; e. Landfills, land application sites, and open dumps that receive or have received any industrial wastes (waste that is received from any of the facilities described under this definition) including those that are subject to regulation under Subtitle D of RCRA; E Facilities involved in the recycling of materials, including metal scrapyards, battery reclaimers, salvage yards and automobile junkyards, including but limited to those classified as Standard Industrial Classification 5015 and 5093; g. Stcaaz cciectric pawc. gc..c.ating facidti'cs; undue -=6 coal handling sites; n. -nm. sportation Iacilities classii eZ1 as Standard I IC1115trial l: lassifiratio..s 40, 41, 42, 44, Arid 45 which have vehicle maintenance shops, equipment C17carm1g vpc.ativ..s, v. ailpvrt deici..g operations. Only those portions of the facility that are eithe. involved L.L vehicle u.auttc..ance (including vehicle rehabilitation, mechanical repairs; painting, fueling arta iubrication), equipment cleaning operations; airport deicing operations; or whicn cue vtne, wise identified under (a) -(g) or (i) -(k) of this definition are associated with industrial activity; i. Treatment works treating domestic sewage or any other sewage sludge or wastewater treatment device or system, used in the storage treatment, .ecycling, and reclamation of municipal or dv...estic sewage, including lands dedicated to the disposal of sewage sludge that are located within the c rn&u.c8 of the facility, with a design flow of 1.0 mgd or more, or required to have an app.'vved p. circatmc..t p. vgr2mi u..Qc. 40 Ur x pant 403. Not included are faro. lands, Uon.Lestie garuens v. Imids uaeEl Iv. sludge manage...e..t whe.Le sludKu; is be..'cficially .eused and wnicn are not physicauy iocated in the conmmes of the facility; or areas that are in compliance with section 405 of the CWA; j. Construction activity including clearing, grading -and excavation activities except: operations that result in the disturbance of less that five acres of total land area which are not part of a larger common plan of development or sale; k. Facilities unde. Standard I..dustrial Classificltie..s 20, 21, 22, 23, 2434, 25, 265, 267, 27, 283, 285 30, 31 (c.&cept 311), 3L3; 34 (except 3441); 35, 36, 37 (except 373), 38, 39, 4221-25, (and which are not otherwise included within (a) -(j) of this definitio..). For the categories of industries identified iaa (a) through 6) of this definition the term include, but s is not limited to, stormwater dischargen irrdustrial plant yards; immediate. access roads and rail lines used or traveled by carries s of raw materials; manufactured products, waste mate., ial, or by-proclucts used or created by the facility; materiai handling sites; refuse sites; sites used for the application or disposal of rsocess wastewaters; sites used for the storage and uraaitenance of material handling U14W.Purcaat; sites used for residual treatment, storage, or disposal; Shipping and receiving meas; auanufaccturirrg buildings; storage areas (including tank farms) for saw materials, and inteaaarediate and finisned products; and areas where industrial activity has takerr place in the past and significant ruaterials remain and are exposed to stormwamr. r -os the categories of industries identined irr (k), the term includes only stormwater discharges froua EM areas listed in the Yrevivus Sentence (except access roads) where material handling eaiuiNruerrt or activities, raw material, iaaterauediate products, final products, waste material, by-Yavducts, or industrial aua%niinery are exposed to stormwater. material handling activities include the: stns age; ioa n—g aha unloading; transportation, os conveyance of any raw material, inter uaediate pr o8 uct, nnisnea pr educt, by-product or waste product. The term excludes areas located on piarat iands separated from the plant's industrial activities, such as office buildings and azoossspanying paricing lots as long as the drainage from the excluded areas is not mixed with stoasuwater drained from the above described areas. Industrial facilities (including iaadustrial facilities that are Federally or municipally owned or operated that meet the dEauLlption of the facilities listed in (a) -(k)) include those facidties designated uaader 40 CFR 12z.z6(a)(lft). 25. Teas Year Design Storm 'i -he precipitation event of a duration which willrs oduce the ru* uua peak s ate of runoff for the watershed of interest resulting from a sainfall eveut of an irrtensity expected to be equaled or exceeded, on the average, once in ten years. 26. Total Flow The flew corresponding to the time period over which the saruyle collectiora oczurs. 'rhe total flow calcuiated based on the size of the area draining to the outfall, the ouut of the built -upon (ivapervious) surfaces within the drainage area, anc3 the total amouaat m rainfall occurring during the Sampling period. 27. caaaiYVc i- va Vehicle rehabilitation, mechanical repairs, painting, fueling, 1 ubr ication; vehicle cleaning operations, or airport deicing operations. 28. Visible Sedimentation Solid pardculate smatter , botn mineral and organic, that has been or is being transpor[ea 4y water, air, gravity; or ice from its site of origin which can be seen with the unaided eye. 29. Waste Pile Any non -containerized accusuulatim, of solid, non -flowing waste that is used for treatment or storage. The FE....ittee ..Lust comply with all conditions of this permit. Any yc.u.it uuncomphance co..5titute5 a violation of the Clean Water Act and is grounds fb. aufm cement action; for p'c....it termination, revocation and reissuance, or modificatiau- -v. venial of a permit -Leueewa[ application. a. "i"ne permittee shall comply with effluent standards oL pioniDitions established under section 307(a) of the Clean Water Act fo. to.%ie ponutants and with standards for sewage sludge use or disposal established u..de. Section 405(d) of the Clean Water Act within the time provided in the regulado..s tnat establish these standards or prohibitions or standards for sewage sludge use o. disposal, even if the permit has not yet been modified to incorporate the requi.e...eut. b. The Clean Water Act provides that any person who violates a permit condition is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $:z5;000 per day for each violation. Any person who negligently violates any permit condition is subject to criminal penagties of $2,500 to $25,000 pe. day of violation, or imprisonment for not more than 1 year, -v. Doth. Any 1,c.sou wnu knowingly violates permit conditions is subject to c.iu.i..al pe..alties of $5,uuu to $5u,u00 per day of violation, or imprisonment fo...ot ...U. a tnan 3 years, or both. Luso, any person who violates a permit condilkhi ...ay De assessed an administrative penalty not to exceed $10,000 pe. vlolativ., with the maximum amount .Lot to exceed $125,000. [Ref: Section 309 of the r ode. al iict 33 U.S.C. 1319 and 40 CPR 122.41 (a)] c. Under state law, a civil penalty of ..vt more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per violation may be assessed agau.st any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, o.. equirements of a permit. [Ref: North Carolina Ge..e. al Statutes § 143-215.6A] d. Any person may be assessed an administrative penalty by the Administratm to, violating sectio.. 301, 3uz; 306, 307, 308, 318, or 405 of the Act, or any pe..uit conditio.. o. limitatimi implementing any of such sections in a permit issues u..der audio.. 402 of the Act. Actministrative penalties for Class I YIolatioL.L5 are not to exceed $10,000 per violation, with the maximum amount of any Cuss i penalty assessed not to exceed $25,000. Penalties for Class II ,iolutiona are not to exceed $10,000 per day for each day during which the violation cuutinue5; with the maximum amount of any Class II penalty not to exceed $125,000. 2. Duty to Mitigate The permittee shall take all .easauable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge v, sludge use or disposdl in violation of tnis permit which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting hu...an nealth or the environment. 3. Civil a ZI Criminal Liability E..Dept as provided in permit conditions on "ByFassi..s' (tat 11 C;-4) ane! "rower Failures" (Fart II C-7), nothing in this permit shall be co..strued to .eheve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties for ..V..coLupliance pursuant to NCGS 143-215.3,143- 215.6 or Section 309 of the Federal Act. 33 USC 1319. Furthermore, the permittee is responsible for consequential damages, such as fish kills, even though the responsibility for effective compliance may be te...po. arily suspended. 4. Oil and Hazardous Substance i.iaaiiity Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve the permittee f.om any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties to Which the permittee is u. may be subject to under NCGS 143-215.75 et seq. m Section 311 of the Fede.al Act; 33 USG 1321. Furthermore, the permittee is resyo..sible Io. consequential damages; such as fish kills, even though the respo..sibility fr,. effective compliance may be te.upm arily suspended. 5. rroperty Riehts The issuance of this permit does not co..vey any p.operty .ights in either real or perso..al property, or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private propeny or any invasion of personal rights, ..o. arty infringement of Federal, State or local laws o. regulations. 6. Onshore er Offs here non This permit does not autho.i,,u e. approve the construction of any onshore or offshe.e physical structures or facilities u. the undertaking of any work in any navigable waters. 7. Severability The provisiuus of this permit are severable, and if any provision of this pe. u.it, or the arYlieation or any provision of this permit to any ci! cu...stzarces is held invalid, the ayr.,licatio.0 of such provision to other circumstances, and the . uiva cle. of this permit, shams ..ot be affected thereby. 5. liuty to Provide Information The permittee shall furnish to the Permit issuiug Authority, within a reasonable time, any information which the Permit Issuing ftutharity may request to determine whether cause exists for modifying, revoking and reissui..g, o, terminating this permit or to determine compliance with this permit. The permittee shall also furnish to the Permit Issuing Authority upon request, %vyies yr .ecords required to be kept by this permit. 9. DuLv To Rea If the permittee Wishes tu continue an activity regulated by this permit after the expi. ation date of this re, u.it; the permittee must apply for and obtain a new permit. 10. Exui. atio.. or rermit The permittee is not authorized to discharge aWte. the expi.atiou date. In order to receive automatic authorization to discharge beyo..d the expiration date, the permittee shall submit such information, forms, and fees as are required by the agency authorized to issue permits no later than 180 days p.ivi to the expiration date. Any permittee that has not requested renewal at least 180 days p.io. to expiration, or any permittee that does not have a permit after the expiratiou aha nas not requested renewal at least 180 days y.im to expiration, will subject the jle.c.ittee to enforcement procedures as provided in NCGS 143- 215.6 and 33 USC 1251 ei. sey. 11. Signatory Requirements All applications, reports, or information sub.,Litted to the re....it issuing Authority shall be signed and certified. a. All permit applications shall be signed as ruows: (1) For a corporation: by a .esponsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this Section, a responsible corporate officer means: (a) a president, secretary, treasu.ei or vice p.eside..t of the corporation in charge of a principal busu.css function, or may othe, person who performs similar policy u. decisiou .caking functions for the corporation, or (b) the manager of u..e c;. c.o.e manuracturing production or operating facilities employing more than z5u pe. sons or having gross annual sales m exp uditui-cs exceeding &5 million (m sec ud Yuarrer 1980 dollars), if authority to sign ducuL"ents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with co,- ate p, vi-cdu, cs. (2) For a partne, ship o, Sole proprietors Ap: by a general partner or the ymp, iety, , respectively; or (3) For a municipality, State, Federal, or other public agency: ay either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. b. All reports required by the permit and other information requested by the Permit Issuing Authority shall be signed by a person described above or by a duly authorized representative of that person. A person is a duly authorized representative only if: (1) The authorization is made in writing by u person described above; (2) The authorization specified eithe, an LAA idual or a position having responsibility for the overall operation of the , egulate8 facility ur activity, such as the position of plant ...aaager, uperato. of a wen v, well field, superintendent, a position of equival-c..t Lesponsibility, u, an u,dividuaai a, position having overall responsibility fo, e..vi, o.nnenial n,a=.L s fU, the company. (H duly authorized representative may thus be eithe, a ,.arced u,diviaual or any u,dividual occupying a named position.); am?! (3) The written authorization is submitted to the Permit Issuu,g authority. c. Certification. Any person signing a document under paragraphs a. o, D. al this section shall make the following certification: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the infr„uation, the information submitted is, to the best of ,,,y knowledge and belief, true; accurate, and eo,,,plexe. I am aware that there are significant penalties fv, suo,,,itting false information; u,cluding the possibility of fines ana unprisvninent Iv, knowing violations." 1L. rrrmit Actions 'this permit may be modified; revoked and reissued, or termi„atea im cause. Tne filing uI a request by the permittee for a permit modification, revocation and Lei5suemce; o, termination, or a notiilcation of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance does not stay any permit condition. 13. -- The issuance of this permit does ..vt pLoh1Dit the pc,uut issuing authority from reopening and ,,.edifying the pc„nit, ,evoking and Leissuing the pe,,.ut, or terminating the permit as allowed by the laws; rules; and Legulations contained in Title 40, Code of Fede.al negulatlGns; r$rs 1LL and u3; -iYtle 15A of the north Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapte, 2H .0100; and worth Carolina General Statute 143-:15.1 et. al. 14. Previous Permits All previous National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permits issued to this facility; whether for operation or discharge, are hereby revoked by issuance of this permit. )The exclusive authority to operate this facility arises under this permit. The authority to operate the facility under previously ,ssued pe,n.;Ts bearing this number is no longer effective. ) The co..ditions, requiren,e„ts te,u,5; and p.ovisions of this permit authorizing discharg-c u„de, the Nario..al rullutant Discharge Elimination System govern discharges from this facility. SECTION C. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF POLLUTION CONTROLS 1. Certified Operator Purouant to Chapter 90A-44 of North Carolina General Statutes, and upon classificatioll of the facility by the Certifioatioll wmmission, the p'crnuttee shall employ in oeltified wast'cwatcl tYcatnl'crrtplant operator in responsible cnarge (VKC) of the wastewater treextmeut Iachitie5. Suin operator must hold a certificatiull w the grade cquiv8Ecrrt to or skater tnan the cla 5hication assigned to the wastewater treatment Imcilitic5 by the Certincation Commissiuu. -ihe permittee must also employ a certified DacK-up operator oI the appropriate type arta arty grade to comply with the conditions of -i"iue 15A INUAL; Chapter 8G .0200. The ORC of the facility must visit each Class I facility at least weekly and each Class II, III, and IV facility at least daily, excluding weekends and holidays; and must properly manage and document daily operation and maintenance of the facility and must comply with all other conditions of Title 15A, NCAC Chapter 8G .0200. Once the facility is cla§sifted, the permittee shall submit a letter to the Certification Commission which designates the operator in responsible charge within thirty days after the wastewater treatment facilities are 500K complete. 2. Prover Operation and Maintenance The permittee shall at all Limes p.L oyer ly operate and uraariain all facilities and systems of treatment and c:orrtrol (and related appurtenances) which arc installed or used by the pezuiATee to achieve compliance witn the conditions oI tnis yc111ait. Proper operatiorl and mairrt'crranCc also irr%ludcs adequate laboratory controls arrQ appropriate quality assurt¢Iccc p1oCe8u1c5. This provision requires the operation of bacic-up m auxllicuy facilities o1 Similar Systems wnicn are installed by a permittee only when tnc operation 15 rrcC05scuy to achieve compliance with the conditions of the permit. 3. Need to Halt or Reduce not a Defense It shall not be a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the condition of this permit. 4. Bvimssing of Treatment Facilities a. Definitions (1) "Bypass" ulearzs the ;lLrel.ziv«al diversion of waste sLreams from any portion of a treatment facility including the collection system, whicn i5 not a de5ignea o1 established or operating mode for the facility. (2) "Severe property damage" means substantial physical damage to property, damage to the treatment facilities which causes them to become inoperable; or substantial and permanent loss of natural resources which can reasonably be expected to occur in the absence of a bypass. Severe propeny damage does not mean economic loss caused by delays in production. b. Bypass not exceeding limitatiurrs. The permittee may allow any bypass to occur whlcn docs uut cause effluent llmitatious to be e=eedea; L)ui MAY ii it also is for essential ma ritcraarrce to a5sule efficient operatiuu. 'i"nese bypasses are not subject to the provisions of raragraphs u. and d. of this section. c. Notice (1) Anticipated bypass. If the permittee knows in advance of the need for a bypass, it shall submit prior notice, if possible at least ten days before the date of the bypass; including an evaluation of the anticipated quality acrd affect of the bypass. (2) Uuanticipated bypass. The permittee shall submit notice of an unanticipated bypass as r'caluiied u1 YMT 11, E. 5. oI this permit. (24 hour notice). d. Prohibition of Bypass (1) Bypass is prohibited and the Permit Issuing Authority may take enntorcement action against a permittee for bypass, unless: (H) JJy.rasa was u..avUldable to p.event loss or life, pe.sonal injury or severe p.LopeM Qau.agcc; (J3) 'rneck weie .,u IcualDie alternatives to the Dyi,aaa, such as the uae of auxlllruy treatme..t iacc itie5, .utention of untreated wastes o, u.au.tc..alzcc du.i..g ..o....au pe.iods of equipment downtime. This condition i5 ..ot satisfied if adequate DaeKup equipu.ent snould have been installed in the cac. ii5c of . uaouuablu c..gu.ee. u.g judgment to prevent a bypass which occurred during normaw pe, inZim or equipment downtime or preventive maintenance; and (C) The permittee submitted notices as required uncier Paragraph c. of this section. (2) The Permit Issuing Authority may approve an anticipated bypass, after considering its adverse affects, if the Permit Issuing Authority determines that it will meet the three conditions listed above in Paragraph d. (1) of this section. 5. Uvsets a. Definitiou. "uysct " u.caas am cnceptlo..al i..cident in wnich there is unintentional and temporary iiaucou.yliaiice with technology based permit effluent limitations because of factors Deynti l the Leaaauubie cuutrol of the permittcc. An upset does ..ot iuclude uonca.upliance to the extent caused by operational e..o., imprope.ly designed treatme..t facilities, inadequate treatment facilities; lack of p.Levc..tive ...au.tc..ari%c; o1 careless or improper operation. b. Effect of an upset. An upset constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought for noncompliance with such technology based permit effluent limitations if the requirements of paragraph c. of this condition are met. No dete.u.i..ation made during administrative review of claims that noncompliance was caused by upset, and before an action for noncompliance, is final administrative actio.0 subject to judicial review. c. Co..ditio..5 ..ecussary for a deu.o..5tration oI up5et. A pe.u.ittee who wishes to establish the Ut rmative defe..5c of upset shall demo..strate, through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs, o. othe. .clevemt evidence that: (1) An upset occurred and that the permittee can identify the cause(s) of the upset; (2) The permittee facility was at the time being properly operated; and (3) The permittee submitted notice of the upset as required in Part II, E. 6. (b) (B) of this permit. (4) The permittee complied with any r'c.ued;O measures required under Part II, B. 2. of this permit. d. Bu, den of proof. In any enforcement proceeding the permittee seeking to e5taDli5h the occuuunce of am upset has the burden of proof. 6. Removed Substances Solids, sludges, filter backwash, or other pollutants removed in the course of treatment or control of wastewaters shall be utilized/disposed of i.. accordance with NCGS 143-215.1 and in a u.am.Ler such a5 to p.eve..t aazy pollutant from Such materials from entering waters of the State o. ..avigable wa:tc. a of the United States. 'rne pe....ittce shall cou.rly with all of costing fedc.al .eguiatio..5 governing the disposal of sewage aiudgc. uyo...p o&,uulgatio.. 40 Cr K Y$r 503, any pe. uut issued by the k ei nut ias ui..g Authv. ity fm the utilizatio,L/disposaa of sluffgc u.ay be reopened and u uZ1inea; v. Luvukud and ielauucd, to L.Lcorpo. ate applicaDie . equi. eu.ents at 40 CFR Part 503. 'rne pe..uittee shaan comply with applicabie 40 CFR Part 503 Standards for the Use and Disposal of Sewage SIuage (when promulgated) within the time provided in the regulation, even if the permit is not modified to incorporate the requirement. The permittee shall notify the Permit Issuing Authority of any significant change in its sludge use or disposal practices. 7. Power Failures The permittee is responsible for maintaining adequate safeguards as required by DWQ Regulation, Title 15A, North Carolina Administradve Code, Subchapter 2H, .0124 Reliability, to prevent the discharge of untreated or i..adejuately treated wastes during electrical power failures either by means of alternate p-vwe. svu cea, standby generators or retention of inadequately treated efflue..t. 1. Ren.ese..tative sa=pling Saiuplcs canuctuZI mall .ueasureLuents taken, as required nervi..; shall be charaCtc.istic of the volume ana nature of the permitted discharge. Samples collected at a frequency less than daily shall be taken on a day and time that is characteristic of the discharge over the entire period which the sample represents. All samples shall be taken at the monitoring points specified in this permit and, unless otherwise specified, before the effluent joins or is diluted by any other wastestream, body of water, or substance. Monitoring points shall not be changed without notification to and the approval of the Permit Issuing Authority. 2. Reporting Mo..itoring results obtained du.i..g the previous mnuth(s) shall be summarized for each .uu..th grid . uportcd vu a ...v..tniy uischarge Monito. trig Kcpert (i nviic) r v..0 (iJ w y vo. MK 1, 1.1. :z, 3) e. alte...ative fe....s approved by the Director; uwy, postmarked ..o latei tnan the 30th Bay fanowi..g the co...pleted reporting period. i"ne nrst uMR is due o., the last day of the month following the issuance of the permit or in the case of a new facility; on the last day of the month following the commencement of discharge. Duplicate signed copies of these, and all other reports required herein, shall be submitted to the following address: NC DENR / DWQ/Water Quality Section ATTzirruuve ce..tml Files 161-/ Mail Se. vice Cu.Lite. Kaleign; worth Carolina L-t5vv-i6i7 3. Flew Measureu.e..ts .hpp.Dp.iate flow measurement aevices and metnoas consistent with accepted scientific practices shall be selected and used to ensure the accuracy and reliability of measurements of the volume of monitored discharges. The devices shall be installed, calibrated and maintained to ensure that the accuracy of the measurements are consistent with the accepted capability of that type of device. Devices selected shall be capable of measuring flows with a maximum deviation of less than 10% from the true discharge rates throughout the range of expected discharge volumes. uace-through condenser cooling water flow monitored by pump logs, or pump by u. u.umi s as specified in Pan I of this permit and based o.. the manufacture.'s puu.p cuu ves shall not De sunjuct tv this requirement. 4. Test Procedures Test procedures for the analysis of polka nts Shall conform to the Erni; , egulations published pursuant to NCGS 143-215.63 ut. seq, the weau. and Air Quantity Reporting Acts, and to regulations published pu. suant to Section 304(g), 33 USC 1314, of the Federal Water Pollution Cu.�trel Hatt, as Amended, and Regulation 40 CFR 136; or in the case of sludge use or disya,sal, appLuvea under 40 CFR 136, unless otherwise specified in 40 CFR 503, unless tithe. Lust p• oceaures have been specified in this permit. To u.uut the intact vi the monitoring required by this permit, all test procedures .LLust p1c3uce minimum detection and reporting levels that are below the permit disa.harge LuquLLu.L.e.Lts and all data generated must be reported down to the minimum detection or lnwer reporting level of the procedure. If no approved methods are determined capabl-- v-1 achieving minimum detection and reporting levels below permit discharge .u%juuuu.ec..ta' then the most sensitive (method with the lowest possible detection and .upurring level) approved method must be used. 5. Penalties for Tamnerina The Clean Water Act provides that any peLSvu Who falsifies, tampers with, v1 knowu.gly renders inaccurate, any monitoring duvicu of LL.ethud .uyuired to be maintainud Lu.aer this permit shall, upon convictio.L, be pubished by a fine of not moiu than $10,000 per violation, or by imprisonment fb1 not Luo,u than two years per violation; or by both. If a conviction of a person is fu. a viulativL, coLuLuitted after a first conviction of such person under this paragraph, puLLiahu.u,,t is a ime of not more than $20,000 per day of violation, or by lmpriao.uuuL.t of .Lot uLv1 u tnan 4 years, or both. 6. igcoz Qs Kutention E.&cupt io. .ecords of monitoring information required by this permit related to the peL.uittee's Sewage sludge use and disposal activities, which shall be retained for a period of at least five years (or longer as required by 40 CFR 503), the permittee shall retain L ucoi ds of all monitoring information, including all calib1 atio.. and maintenance . ecuL ds aha all original strip chart recordings for uuutinuous LLLaLLA LiLig u.stru.entatioLL. copies of all reports required by this permit, for a pet iva of at least 3 yuara frvul the date of the sample, measurement, report or applicatiuu. -r is pe.ivQ LLLay De exteLLded by Lequest of the Director at any time. 7. Recording Results For each LLLuasu.uLLLunt o. sample taken pursuant to the requirements of this permit, the pet L.Litteu snall record the following information: a. �rhu date, exact place, and time of sampling or measurements; b. The individual(s) who performed the sampling or measurements; c. The date(s) analyses were performed; d. The individual(s) who performed the arLaly SeS; e. The analytical techniques or methods used; and f. The results of such analyses. 8. Inspecdon and gLLtry The puL.uittee mall allow the Director, or an authorized representative (including an authaLized contractor acting as a representative of the Director), upon the presentation of ciuilentiams and other documents as may be required by law, to; a. Enter upon the permittee's premises where a regulated facility or activity is located of conducted, or where records must be kept u.Lde. the co..ditions of this permit; b. Have access to and copy, at Luasonable times, any records that must be kept under the conditions of this pet uait-, c. Inspect at reasonable times any facilities; eYuiru.ent (including monitoring and control equipment), practices, or operatio..s .cgulatcd v..uquired under this permit; ana d. Sample or monitor at reasonable times; for the purposes of assu.i..g permit compliance or as otherwise authorized by the Clean Water Act, any substances or parameters at any location. SECTION E. REPORTu i x!;OuiREMENTS 1. Change in Discharge All discharges autnv.izeQ herein shall be consistent with the terms and conditions of this permit. The discharge ci any pollutant identified in this permit more frequently than or at a level u. c.&cess of that authorized shall constitute a violation of the permit. 2. rianned Changes -i-nu permittee shall give notice to the Directa. as soon as possible of any planned phy s;caai auterations or additions to the permitted facility. Notice is required only whe..: a. The alteration or addition to a pe....itted facility may meet one of the c. itc. is for determining whether a facility is a ..e,N souse i.. 40 Cr -x kart 12a.;&9 (b); o. b. The alteration or additio.. could significantly change the nature or increase the quantity of pollutants discharged. -ihis notification applies to pollutants which are subject neither to efflue..t limitations in the permit, nor to notification requirements under 40 CFR Pwt 122.4:z (a) (1). The alts. actio.. oi addition results in a significant change in the permittee's sludge use o. disposaa p.actices; and such alternation, addition or change may justify the apylicatio.0 of permit conditions that are different from or absent in the existing permit; Liciuding notification of additional use or disFosa� sites not reported during the permit application process or not reported pu.suaMt to am aNNrcvcd land aNNlicatic.. pian. 3. taiticivated Norimmutimm-E The permittee shall give advance ..oticu to the lii. ecto. of any alarmed cnanges in the permitted facility or activity which ...ay .esult in noncompliance witn permit requirements. 4. Transfers This permit is ..ut transierable to any person except after notice to the Director. The Directo. u.ay . equire modification or revocation and reissuance of the permittee and inco.Yo.ata sucn other requirements as may be necessary under the Clean Water Act. 5. mo..itoring Reports Monitoring results shall be reported at the LLL vale specified elsewhe. a i.. this permit. a. Monitoring results must be reported ou a uischargc lvlv..ity. i..g xeyort (1JMx) (See Part II. D. 2 of this permit) or forms y. ovidad by the uil ccty. fo. . eporting results of monitoring of sludge use or disposal practices. b. If the permittee ...o..itr. s any pollutant more frequently than required by the permit, using test Y. oce3u. es specified in Part II, D. 4. of this permit or in the case of sludge use on diaFosaai; approved under 40 CFR 503, or as specified in this permit, the results of this u.o..ituring shall be included in the calculation and reporting of the data subuutted in the DMR. c. Calculations for all imitations which . equi, a ave, aging cf u.casu. eiuuuts shan utilize an arithmetic mean unless otherwise specified by the Director in the permit. e. 'twenty-four Hour Reporting a. The permittee shall report to the centr9l office or the appropriate regional oiI-ice any noncompliance which may endanger health or the environment. Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from the time the permittee became aware of the circumstances. A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. The written submission shall contain a description of the noncompliance, and its cause; the period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to cu..tinue; and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurre..ce of the noncompliance. b. -rho fonowi..g snEm De incivaed as information which ...ust be .eported within 24 hours u Ale. tnis paragrapn: (i) Any u..anticipated bypass which exceeds any onivaut limitation L. the permit. (2) Any upset which exceeds any effluent limitation i.. the pe....it. (3) Violation of a maximum daily discharge limitation fu. any of the pollutants listed by the Director in the permit to be reported within 24 no uu s. c. The Director may waive the written report on a case-by-case basis for reports under paragraph b. above of this condition if the oral report has been received within 24 hours. 7. Other Noncompliance The permittee shall report all instances of ..oncompliance not reported under Part II. E. 5 and 6. of this permit at the time ...v..ito.i..g .oporTs are submitted. The reports shall co..tain the i..fb.,...ativ-n listed i.. rUr a. t.. n. of this permit. 8. Othe. information Where the permittee becomes aware that it failed to sub...it any .cievar.t faa;ts i., a pe....it application, or submitted incorrect information in a permit application oi i... any . eport to the Director, it shall promptly submit such facts or information. 9. Noncompliance Notification The permittee shall report by telephone to either the central office or the appropriate regional office of the Division as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occu.. e..:,e or -first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: a. Any occu,.Lonco at the watei pouution controi Iucility which results in the discharge of signii.iant amounts of wastes which are abnormal u, quantity v, rharactc.istic, suih as the dumping of the contents of a sludge digester; the know.. passage of a slug of hazardous substance through the facility; or any othe. unusual cirru...stances. b. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown .ea5on5, Mat .enzIe. the facility incapable of actetluate wastewater treatment such as mechanical or eIectricat failures of pumps, aerators, compressors, etc. c. Any failure of a pumping station, sewe. line, or treatment facility resulting in a by-pass directly to receiving waters without treatme.a of all or any portion of the influent to such statio.. u. facility. rc.so..s Loporting such occu..ences by telephone shidl also file a written report in letter fo.... within 5 days following first knowledge of the occuiiauce. 10. Availabilitveno 5 Except fnn, data iietermined to be confidential under NCGS 143-215.3(x)(2) or Secriv.. 308 of the rederal Act; 33 USC 1318, ail reports prepared in accordance with the te....s shau De available for public inspection at the offices of the Division of Water Quality. As required by the Act, effluent data shall not be conside.ed confidential. KnoWu.gly uuaking any false statement on any such report may result in the c;f e.;...i..aa penalties as provided for in NCGS 143-215.1(b)(2) or in Sectio.. 309 of the r-ede.al Hct. i 1. Penalties for Falsification of Reports The Clean Water Act provides that any peso.. Wno xnaWu.giy makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any . eev. i3 v. atnei avcu...ent submitted or required to be maintained under this pe.....it, u.eiuding monitoring reports or reports of compliance or noncompliance shall, upv.i cmiviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 pe. violation, or by imp.15V.....e..t Ior not more than two years per violation, or by both. PART III OTHER REQUIREMENTS A. Cou3truction i,m canatruction of wastewater treatment facilities or additio..s tv add to the plants treatment capacity or to change the type of process utilized at the treatment piant shall be Degu.. until Final Plans and Specifications have been submitted to the liivislon of Water yuality and written approval and Authorizatio.. tv- Construct has beeu issued. ij. Groundwater Monitoring The permittee shall, upon writtau t.Lotice from the Director of the Division of Water Quality, conduct groundwater ...v.uty. u.g as u.ay be required to determine the compliance of this NPDES permitted facility with the current groundwater standards. C. Changes in Discharges ci -roxic Substances The permittee shall natify the Permit Issuing Authority as soon as it knows or has l casv.. tV believe: a. That any activity has occurred or will occur which would resuh in the discharge; on a .autine or frequent basis, of any toxic pollutant which is ..vt limited i.. the permit, if that discharge will exceed the highest of the follawi..g "..otifieativ.. ieveis"; 0) One hundred micrograms pe. lite. (M Rg] L); (2)Two hundred micrograms paL lite. (200 µg7L) for acrolein and acrylonitrile; five hundred micrograms per lite. (500 µ97L) for 2.4-dinitrophenol and for 2-methyl-4.6- dinitrophenol; and c;..e miuigram per liter (1 mg/L) for antimony; (3) Five (5) tllner, tha maximum concentration value reported for that pollutant a.j, the pe....it application. b. -rnat any activity has occurred or will occur which would result i., any disenarge, on a non- . outine or infrequent basis, of a toxic pollutant which is L.ot limited u. the permit, if that discharge will exceed the highest of the followu.g "..vtifieatiuu levels"; (1) Five hundred micrograms per lir. (su0 pg/L); (2) One milligram per liter (1 mg/L) r. antimony; (3) Ten (10) times the ...aximum concentration value reported for that pollutant uLt the pe....it application. PART N XNNUAL ADMINISTERIn u XNV COMPLIANCE MONITORING FEE REQUIREMENTS Section A. Fee Requirements 1. The permittee must pay the annual admini5riu,,g amd cuuupiiance monitoring fee within 30 (thirty) days after being billed by the uivi5ioi.L. r aZ Lue to pay the fee in a timely manner in accordance with 15,ft iviRC :zti .0i05(D)(4) may cause this Division to inmate action to revoke the permit. APPENDIX SA -5 Watershed Classification Name of Stream Description Curr. Class Date Prop. Class Basin Stream Index # Woodall Lake Ent=tee lake ar,d C:Tr 04/01/96 French Broad 6-57-13-1 cu uctinw strew to Gut, Creek Reed CLeek rrom source Lo gap CLeek C;1 'vq/uL/96 rLeach "road 6 -o7 -L6 -a (Spivey Lake) Webb Creek rrom souLcc L.0 Gap CLeak C;TL 04/01/96 rL=„ch "road 6-57-13-3 Little Webb CLaek Frviu svu,ce tv Gap Creek C;Tr 04/01/96 French BLGad 6-57-13-4 Gravelly CreeK rrom source to Cane C:Tr 04/vl/ya rrencn "road 6-5r-14 Ureex Moore Lakes Enti,e lake and C:Tr 04/01/96 French Broad 6-57-14-1 i:;w .evti"g stream to Gravelly Creek Tweed Creek rLon buuLce rO Caue a;rL -vm/01/96 rrench DLOad 6-57-15 \.L eek Mc—ill Cove FrwU bv"C= LU Cane C;TL 04/01/96 FLE„,h Broad 6-57-16 Creek (Brow.. Creek Lake. G�ovea Lake) skeluon Twin Laxes rncire saxes ana C:TTr 04701/96 rrench "roaQ 6 -55i -L6 -L connecting stream uO merrili Cove CreeK R„binaon Creek From so,.r�ci to Cane C;Tr 04/01/96 Fr—.h Brad 6-57-17 Creek Wasto„ BLanoh rLOm bourne Lo nobinbon Carr 04/0.L/96 rreiu:h mrvad 6-57-17-1 CLeek PI-- CLeek FLO.n sOULie t.0 Cane C;TL 04/01/96 FLench BLuaad 6-57-18 (Mgam, Lake) ..Leek Capps i,ake Entire lake =,d C, -Tr 04/01/96 French Broad 6-5i-18-1 connecting stream to rinner Creek Kimsey Creek FLvui source to Cane C 04/01/96 French Broad 6-57-22 Cr.ak Frady Luke Entire laky sad C 04/01/96 Fr--..uh Brad 6-57-22-1 CG.u.acting stL eam to K"ay Creek niggins nrancn rrom source UO Kimsey C 04/017ya r-rencn "roaQ 5-51-za-a CreeK Line Creek Frva„ source to French C 04/01/96 F—iich Broad 6-59 Bread River Avery Creek From, auuree to Fren-h B 04701/96 F� M,..h Broad 6-60 kuunose Lake) B�zud River imew,lla{7 "ranch vrom source uo Avery " 08/017y5 rrench aroad 5-60-L Creek Spain. branch Pram source LO Avery C v4/vL/95 rLu„ch aroad 6-60-2 CLeek Laze Coma Entire lake and C 04/01/96 Fr --h Brad 6-61 cu.ecting otrem, t- Frz..zh Broad Rx�er Powell geek rrvm source uo wench C 047017VB wench aroad 6-62 (Lake uulian) "road niver Page 3 of 13 NU 1JENx-1XVISON OF WATER QUALITY SIXhAM U ASSIr1C;ATION DESCRIPTIONS CIeo0 Da5cLlption B Primary necreacion, Fresh Watz. C Aquatic Life, Secandary Recreatizn, Fres CA Critical a ea FWS Futuro Water supply waters nQw High Q..allty waters av/A Nut Apprlicable/vux of 5xaue ivsw N..tria..t S=.a ixive waters Uxw Outotca.ding nesvurce waters 5e. Market Shellfiahing, 5alu waxer 5D Pry.=a y R�craation, 5alx water 5% X-gUatiz� Life, Secondary RZCLeaxi DL1, 5a1x Sw Swamp Wwtvrs T1 '1TOut Watcre WS -1 water 5upplr I -- Nrttural WS -II water Supply II -- Undevalupcd WS -111 water Supt,lr III -- Mudmlately uevwloped WS -Iv water 5upilr IV -- Highly Developed WS -V water 5upplr V -- Uretrram 2B .0300 Watershed C:lassirteation Class C Waters protected for secondary recreation, fishing, wildlife, fish and aquatic life propagation and survival, agriculture and other uses suitable for Class C. Secondary recreation includes wading, boating, and other uses involving human body contact with water where such activities take place in an infrequent, u..argattizeq or incidental reanner. There are no restrictions on watershed development or types of discnarges. 1nA 1NukC: 02B.0211 FRESH SURFACE WATER QUALITY STANDARDS FOR CLASS C WALL" Gene.al. The ware. quality standards fur all fish surrace waters at -v the basic standards ayylicable to Class C waters. See Rule .0208 of this Section fo. standards fel r,uc substances and temY...ture. Additional aad more mtagent standards applicable to other specific fresh war.—. classifications are specified in Rules .0212, .0214, .0215, .0216, .0217, .0218, .0219, .0223, .0224 and .0225 of this Section. (1) Best Usage of Waters. Aquatic life propagation and maintenance of biological integrity (including fishing, and fish), wildlife, secondary recreation, agriculture and any other usage except for primary recreation or as a source of water supply for drinking, culinary or food processing purposes; (2) Conditions Related to Best Usage. The waters shall be suitable for aquatic life propagation and maintenance of biological integrity, wildlife, secondary recreation, and agriculture; sources of water pollution which preclude any of these uses on either a short-term or long-term basis shall be considered to tie vi—mating, a water quality standard; (s) Quality standards applicable to all fresh surface waters: (a) Chlorophyll a (corrected): not greater than 40 ug/l for lakes, reservoirs, and other waters subject to gr awms at macroscopic or microscopic vegetation not designated as trout waters, and not greater than i ug/l fur iaKes. i Gr vuua, au3 amen waters subject to growths of mavluscopic or uuclaseopic ver'UMUl. aea;guatea as trout waters tuot applicabie to laKM aII31e5e1 vacs less man 10 ac. es :., surface at -ea): the wenuissivu ar its 3esiguM !slay planiuit ar limit any Mcharge of waste ;utv surface waters 1£ in the opimiun of the viLectar, me surface wawia e,tyelivuce of the discharge would result ;e sruwths of uLic uacupic aliclvscayic vegetative Such that the standards established jv. .smut to this Rule would be violated of the u.touded bwt usage of the waters would be;e.l,aired; (b) Dissolved o,.ygee: eat leas than 6.0 e.g/l fel trout waters; tai eoe-trout watela, not less roan a daily average of 5.0 e.g/l with a ...*..; instantaneous value of euut less than 4.9- leg/l, swamIr wateia, lake coves or backwate.a, and lake bo=rer wamia Bray have lower values ;f caused by natural conditions; (c) Floating solids; settleable solids; sludge deposits: only such a,v,.uts aunbatable to aewago, industrial wastes or other wastes as shall not make the Ovate. unsafe o. unsuitable for aquatic life and wildlife or impair the waters for any designated uses; (d) Gases, total dissolved: not greater than 110 percent of saturation; (e) Organisms of the coliform group: fecal colif.e.a shall um e,.ceed a geometric mean of 200/100ml (I,ff count) based upon at least five consecutive aa.ejvlun e.,a>m�ncd d...;eg any 30 day pe.;od, no. exceed 400/100m1 in more than 20 percent of the samples examined daring such period; violations of the fecal coliform standard are expected during rainfall events and, in some cases, this violation is expected to be caused by uncontrollable nonpoint source pollution; all coliform concentrations are to be analyzed using the membrane filter technique unless high turbidity or other adverse conditions necessitate the tube dilution method; in case of controversy over results, the WN 5 -tube dilution technique shall be used as the reference method; (t) Oils; deleterious substances; colored or other wastes: only such amounts as shall not render the waters injurious to public health, secondary recreation o. to; m1uatic life and wildlife or adversely affect the palatability of fish, aesthetic quality or impair the wares fo. any designated uses; fo. the purpose of implementing this Rule, oils, delurmioub substances, colu.ed o, othe, wabrb shall include but not be limited to substances that cause a film u. shee.. upou vi disculmatiu,. of the surface of the wale. o. adjv;..i..g shv.elinw pu.buaut to 40 CFR i 1u.4(a)-(b) Which mu he.eby incorporated by reference including any subscKuc..t ameudm�uu s and adMiu..s. This u.atoiial is available for inspection at the DepmMent of EnvuuLuUu.t and lvatural xuam.ceb, L.v.D.un of Water Quality, 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Ca.nlina. Copies may be obtained fiv.0 the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Governme..t Printing Office, Washingru.., L.C. 20402-9325 at a cost of thirteen dollars ($13.00). (g) pH: shall be normal for the waters in the area, which generally shall range between 6.0 and 9.0 eAcept that swamp waters may have a pH as low as 4.3 if it is the result of natural conditions; tn) rhenolic compounds: only such levels as shall not result in fish -flesh tainting or impairment of other best usage; (i) xaMoactive substances: (i) CMubiued.aMium-:z26 and radium -228: the maximum average annual activity level (based on at least touu sampics collected quarterly) for combined radium -226 and ..d..228 shall not eAceed five picot l nCs pc. lite.; (ii) Alpha Euuuv—&,5: the avc.asu amtual grubs aipna particle activity (iucludiug.aalu.u-1L6; but excluding .ado. and u.aniuu.) shall uut cAcee3 iD picotiuYes pe. lite.; (111) Beta Emltns: the u.an_u... avu agv amtual activity level (babes on at least fvuu sau.plub, culluctc8 quarterly) fo. 3tr..tiuu.-90 shall uut eAceed eight picoCuries per lite.; uv, shall the ave.age azmual gross beta puftle activity (u&cluding putassiuu.-40 =0 otnci naturally occu..iug .aMa-uucli8cb) cAceca 59 picoCuries per hi.-.; no. shall the u.n.%IL"uavfv u. v.age annual activity level . trltiuuu eAcced zu,uuu picoCuries per liter; 6) Temperature: vut tu eAcecd L.8 degrceb U (3.94 degrves F) above the natural wata. temperature, and in no case to exceed 29 degrees C (84.z deg.em F) fb..vu.tain add uppc. piedmo..t waters and 32 degrees C (89.6 degrees F) for lower piedmu-T and coastal plain waters. The vu.—.ve.ature fur trout waters shall not be increased by more than 0.5 degrees C (0.9 degrees F) due to the discharge of heated liquids, but in no case to exceed 20 degrees C (68 degrees F); (k) Turbidity: the turbidity in the receiving water shall not exceed 50 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) in sue -am not designated as trout waters and 10 NTU in streams, lakes or reservoirs designated as trout waters; for lakes and reservui.s not designated as trout waters, the turbidity shall not exceed 25 NTU, if turbidity exceeds these levels due to natural background conditions, the existing turbidity level cannot be increased. Compliance with this turbidity standard can be met when land management activities employ Best Management Practices k.br rs) [as defined by Rule .0202 of this Section] recommended by the Designated Nonpoint Source Agc..cy [as defined by Rule .0202 of this Section]. BMPs must be in full compliance with all specifications gove......g the p.oper 3esign, installation, operation and maintenance of such BMPs; 0) TuAic substances: numerical water quality standards (maximum permissible levels) for the p.utcctiou or human health applicable to all fresh surface waters are in Rule .0208 of this Section; uume.icaa watei quality standards (maximum permissible levels) to protect aquatic life applicable to all fresn sumer ace warms: (i) Arse.uc: DU ug/l; (u) BcTylhum: b.J ug/l;- (iii) g/l;(iii) Cadmiuu.: 9.4 ug/l r, trout wam-i-a and z.0 ug/l for non -trout waters; attainment of these water quality smdards i.. surface wate.a shall be baseH Du.ucabu.c.ueut or total recoverable ...utals euucentratlu., unless app.vp Lidte z tuMe" have been cun3ucted to translate total .aove.able Luetals to a trAic form. Studies used to determine the toxic fo..LL M traaslatO.a mutt be dos' -d acco.d111g to the "Water Quality Standards Handbook Second rditiuu " pubhshe3 by tnc rnvi.onmental rrotection Agency WA 823 -B -94-005x) o. "The Metals T.anslato.: Guiaamccc ro. Caiculating it i otai Recoverable Permit Limit F.om a Dibsolved uituiluu" published by me rnvimumvutal Protection Agency (EPA 823 -B -96-u07) which are he.eby iucvipo.ated by .efc.euce including any subseque..t amendme..ts. Thu vLoctuv, shall coubidc. confbimance to rrA guidance as well as the presence of u.-vLu uuvutal couditimm that limit the applicability of translators iu app.uvi..g the ubc uuf.uvW translate.b. (iv) Chlu.ive, tutal.eaiaual: l ug/l,- (v) gh;(v) Chromiuu., tutal.c,ovu, able: :)u ug/l; (vi) Cyanide: 5.0 ug/l; unless sate-apecif.c c.itc.ia are developed based upon the aquatic life at the site utilizing The Recalculation P.uccdLue in Appendix B of Appendix L in the Environmental Protectio.. Aguucy's Wate, quality Standards Handbook hereby incorporated by reference including any subsequcut amendments; (vii) Fluorides: 1.8 mg/1; (viii) Lead, total recoverable: 25 ug/l; collvctie.0 of data on sources; transport and fate of lead shall be required as part of the toxicity reduction evaluation to, dischargers that are out of Compliance with whole effluent toxicity testing .0 j"umuuts aaa the Concentration of =ZI in the effluent is concomitantly determined to e..ceed an nmueam level of 3.1 ug/1 from the Mi zharge; (;A) me.ctuy: 0.012 ug/l; (n) Nicicam 88 ug/l, attainment of these water quality mmdards i.l surface wate.s snau ue based on measurement of total recoverable metals concentrations unless a-,p.op.;ate studies have been conducted to translate total recoverable metals to a toxic fo..... Studies used to dete.u.iue the touc ro..0 oi translators must be designed according to the "urate. Quality Standards handbook Seuon3 raition" published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA 823-B-94-9uDa) o. "The metals Translator: Guidance For Calculating a Total Recoverable Pe..nit Li...;t rium a liissoived Criterion" published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA 8.Zs-15-96-007) which are hereby incorporated by reference including any subseyu,—,,ut amendments. The Director shall consider conformance to EPA guidance as well as the presence of environmental conditions that limit the applicability of translato.s iu app.ov;ug the use of metal translators. (xi) Pesticides: (A) Aldrin: 0.002 ug/l; (tt) Chlordane: 0.004 ug/l; (L) t)DT: 0.001 ug/l; (D) Demeton: 0.1 ug/l; (L) Dieldrin: 0.002 ugl; (r) Endosulfan: 0.05 ug/l; (ii) hndrin: 0.002 ug/l; (H) Guthion: 0.01 ug/13- (1) g/1;(1) hot tacmo.: 0.004 ug/l; (J) Lindane: 9.01 ug/1, (K) Methu..yumo.: 0.03 ug/1, (L) Mir,.: Uu i uga; (M) Parathion: 0.913 ugi; (l) io,.apneua: 0.0002 ug/1; (xii) Pulychlo.;uated biphenyls: 0.001 ug/l; (x;;;) Selenium: J ugn;- (xiv) Toluene: i i ugn o. 0.36 ug/l in trout waters; (xv) T.;alkyltin compounds: 0.008 ug/l expressed as tribuEyhin; (4) Action Levels fb. ton;u Substances: it the Action Levels for any of the substances listed in this Subparagraph (which are gene.ally not b;oaccumulative and have variable toxicity to aquatic life because ofchemical f-v.in, solubility, stream characteristics or associated waste charactensncs) are dete. ..ed by the wow load allocation to ue a.&ceeded in a receiving water by a discharge under the specified luw flu criterion fb. to,.ic substances (Ktue .0206 in this Section), the discharger shall monitor the che...;cal u. biological effects of the discharge; extorts shall be made by all dischargers to reduce or eliminate these substances from the. effluents. Thule saustances for which Action Levels are listed in this Subparagraph shall be limited as app.up.law iu the Nri)hS permit based on the Action Levels listed in this Subparagraph if sufficient information (r be dote... muni toi metals by measurements of that portion of the dissolved instream concentration of the action Level parameter attributable to a specific NPDES permitted discharge) exists to indicate that any of those substances may be a causative factor resulting in toxicity of the effluent. NPvrs pe.mit limits may be based on translation of the toxic form to total rumvu.able metals. Studies used to dete.n.ine the tvAic Yuan or translators must be designed according to "Wale. Quality Standards tra 0boorc Second Edition" published by the L"uv;.auu.eutal Protection Agency (EPA 823 -B -y4 - 005a) a. "i ne Metarb i ranslator: Guidance For Calculatint a fatal Recoverable Permit Limit From a Dissalved Criterion" published by the Environm.-utal r.atection Agency (EPA 823-B-96-007) Which are herby : Mrj—pa.ate3 by reference including any subseKu� amendments. The Director shall cons.dci conformance to LFA guMance as well as the presence of euvi.a..u.m= conditions that limit the applicability of translar.ai iu approving the use of metal translar.,. (a) Copper: 7 ug/l; (b) Iron: 1.0 mg/1; (c) Silver: 0.06 ug/l; (a) Zinc: 50 ug/l; fie) Chloride: 230 mg/l; For purposes othe. than ummiae.ation ofNPDES permitting ofrai..t 5ou.ce zribcnarges as 8escribed in this Subparagraph, the Actiau Levels in this Rule, as meas.ed by as appropriate analytical technique, ye. 1JA NCAC uLts .uivs(a), shall beconsidered as numerical ambient water quality standards. hTArv.—y lvvte: Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-21.).s�u1�lJ Eff. Feb,uary 1. 1976 Amended Eff. Ay.;t 1. 2003 • Augusr 1, 2000; Ocrbe, 1. 1 YY.): August 1, 1995; April 1, 1994; Februa,—y 1, 1993.