HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0001422_Sutton DWSW&RS Supplement Nov 2014_20150805  Howard Frank, NC PG 2409 Project Scientist    Kathy Webb, NC PG 1328 Project Manager     SUPPLEMENT TO DRINKING WATER WELL AND RECEPTOR SURVEY FOR L.V. SUTTON ENERGY COMPLEX 801 SUTTON STEAM PLANT ROAD WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 NPDES PERMIT #NC0001422 PREPARED FOR DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA SUBMITTED: NOVEMBER 2014   Supplement to Drinking Water Well And Receptor Survey November 2014 L.V. Sutton Energy Complex – Wilmington, NC SynTerra 1.0 INTRODUCTION The attached figure and table have been prepared to provide an update to the Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey Report (SynTerra, September 2014) for the L.V. Sutton Energy Complex (Sutton Plant). The report and this update have been prepared to meet the requirements of the Coal Ash Management Act 2014 – North Carolina Senate Bill 729 (August 2014) and the Notice of Regulatory Requirements (NORR) (August 13, 2014). Additional water well information has been collected by means of a written survey questionnaire mailed to the owners of properties within 0.5 miles of the Sutton Plant ash management area compliance boundary, which is defined in accordance with 15A NCAC 02L .0107(a) as being established at either 500 feet from the waste boundary or at the property boundary, whichever is closer to the source. The purpose of the questionnaire was to determine if additional wells are present in the area that were not previously observed or have not been previously reported. The questionnaire was also developed to collect additional information regarding potential well locations, well use, well depth and construction, date of completion, etc. for the water wells in the survey area. Information reported from the questionnaire responses, received as of October 31, 2014, has been compiled and is discussed below. Due to the private and sensitive nature of the of the questionnaire responses, the well information has been summarized herein. The completed survey questionnaires are available for future reference. A potential area of interest with respect to the ash basin groundwater flow was delineated and presented in the Survey. Based on the available information, this area is considered to be potentially downgradient from the ash basin. Page 1 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Sutton\Supplemental\Sutton DWSW&RS Supplement Nov 2014.docx Supplement to Drinking Water Well And Receptor Survey November 2014 L.V. Sutton Energy Complex – Wilmington, NC SynTerra 2.0 WATER WELL SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE APPROACH A current listing of properties located within 0.5 miles of the compliance boundary was obtained from the New Hanover County (http://maps.nhcgov.com/) Geographic Information System (GIS) website. The GIS data included parcel number, property address, property owner name, and property owner address. A listing of these properties was included as Table 2 of the Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey Report (SynTerra, September 2014). This information was used to send letters with the questionnaires to each property owner within 0.5 mile of the compliance boundary during the week of October 6, 2014. The questionnaires were sent via Certified Mail with Return Receipt to confirm delivery. The recipients were requested to respond by October 20, 2014. The Certified Mail Return Receipts have been logged as received. Letters returned as undeliverable have also been logged. Questionnaire responses received after October 31, 2014 will be incorporated into the Groundwater Assessment Report required by Senate Bill 729 (Section 130A- 309.209(a)(4)). Page 2 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Sutton\Supplemental\Sutton DWSW&RS Supplement Nov 2014.docx Supplement to Drinking Water Well And Receptor Survey November 2014 L.V. Sutton Energy Complex – Wilmington, NC SynTerra 3.0 WATER WELL SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS Information from the questionnaires that have been received is provided in Table 1 attached. Figure 1, attached has been modified to include new and confirmed well locations. The questionnaires were designed to collect information regarding whether a water well or spring is present on the property, its use, and whether the property is serviced by a municipal water supply. If a well is present, the property owner was also asked to provide information regarding the well location and construction information. Summary of Questionnaire Responses as of October 31, 2014 No. of Questionnaires Sent No. of Return Receipts Received No. of Questionnaires Received No. of Questionnaires Returned as Undeliverable No. of Previously Identified Wells Confirmed by Property Owner No. of Previously Identified Wells Confirmed NOT present by Property Owner No. of New Wells or Springs Identified by Property Owner 32 25 (78%) 14 (44%) 4 (13%) 5 0 2 Based upon the previous survey and the questionnaire information, approximately 26 wells may be located within or in close proximity to the survey area (reported wells, observed wells and possible wells), not including the eight production wells used by the Sutton Plant. The designation for the wells previously assumed to be present (referred to as possible wells, not previously observed or reported) that have been confirmed based upon the survey questionnaire results have been changed from ‘PRW- _’ to ‘DW-_’ on the table and the figure. The newly reported wells, not previously observed or suspected, are also sequentially identified as ‘DW-_’. Four municipal water supply well owned by the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority are designated as ‘NHC-_’. The survey information indicates 20 reported or observed wells, ‘DW-_’ and ‘NHC-_’and six remain as possible ‘PRW-‘ in the survey area. Page 3 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Sutton\Supplemental\Sutton DWSW&RS Supplement Nov 2014.docx Supplement to Drinking Water Well And Receptor Survey November 2014 L.V. Sutton Energy Complex – Wilmington, NC SynTerra FIGURE Figure 1 - Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey - Updated November 6, 2014 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Sutton\Supplemental\Sutton DWSW&RS Supplement Nov 2014.docx 0H2 H2 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W G EDR 3 PE-SW2 PE-SW4 PE-SW3 PE-SW5 PE-SW6A PE-SW6B PE-SW6D PE-SW6E W W W W W W W W W W EDR 11 EDR 5 2014-11-06 2014-11-06H. FRANK J. CHASTAIN PROJECT MANAGER: LAYOUT NAME: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: KATHY WEBB DATE: DATE: FIGURE 1 DRINKING WATER WELL AND RECEPTOR SURVEY UPDATED NOVEMBER 6, 2014 11 / 6 / 2 0 1 4 1 1 : 5 5 A M P: \ D u k e E n e r g y P r o g r e s s . 1 0 2 6 \ A L L N C S I T E S \ D E N R L e t t e r D e l i v e r a b l e s \ D r i n k i n g W a t e r W e l l S u r v e y \ S u t t o n \ F i g u r e s \ D U K E S U T T O N - D R I N K I N G W A T E R S U P P L Y . d w g FIG 1 (D WATER SUPPLY WELL & REC SURVEY) 1600 GRAPHIC SCALE (IN FEET) 0 800400800 www.synterracorp.com 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, South Carolina 29601 864-421-9999 L.V. SUTTON ENERGY COMPLEX 801 SUTTON POWER PLANT RD WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA POTENTIAL AREA OF INTEREST (APPROXIMATE ) LEGEND BACKGROUND MONITORING WELL (SURVEYED) COMPLINACE MONITORING WELL (SURVEYED) 500 ft COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS SUTTON PLANT WASTE BOUNDARY HALF MILE SURVEY BOUNDARY MW-27B GENERALIZED GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION•SUPPORTED BY GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA OR TOPOGRAPHIC DATA PRW-1 DW-1 POSSIBLE WATER SUPPLY WELL REPORTED/OBSERVED WATER SUPPLY WELL EDR 3 EDR REPORTED SUPPLY WELL (APPROXIMATE) PARCEL LINE (NEW HANOVER CO GIS ) MW-4B NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATERLINE (APPROXIMATE)W W DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS PRODUCTION WELL (APPROXIMATE)PE-SW2 NHC-SW4 CFPUA PRODUCTION WELL (APPROXIMATE) 0H2 INVISTA REPORTED PRODUCTION WELL LOCATION DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS PRODUCTION WELL (SURVEYED)PE-SW2 MONITORING WELL (SURVEYED)MW-32C 2007 LiDAR CONTOUR MAJOR 2007 LiDAR CONTOUR MINOR 20 DW-1 WATER SUPPLY WELL OR SPRING REPORTED BY PROPERTY OWNER NC WILDLIFE LAKE ACCESS OLD ASH BASIN AREA NEW ASH BASIN AREA FORMER ASH DISPOSAL AREA FORMER ASH DISPOSAL AREA CA N A L C A N A L AST CONCRETE PAD CAPE FEAR RIVER SUTTON LAK E R D RAILROAD COOLING POND SUT T O N L A K E R D SOLAR FARM COOLING POND COOLING POND SUTTON STEA M P L A N T R D TRA N S C O M C T ROYMAC D R F R E D R I C K S O N R D C A N A L ACCESS ROAD NHC-SW4 NHC-SW3 NHC-SW2 (NOT IN USE) MET R O C I R IN T E R S T A T E 1 4 0 ( U S H I G H W A Y 1 7 ) F R E D R I C K S O N R D APPROXIMATE ROUTE OF THE NEW WILMINGTON BYPASS (I-140) N C H I G H W A Y 4 2 1 N C H I G H W A Y 4 2 1 FLE M M I N G S T F L E M M I N G D R SAM P S O N S T N C H I G H W A Y 4 2 1 CLINTON ST HALES LN R A I L R O A D R A I L R O A D R A I L R O A D R A I L R O A D SAMPSON ST NHC-SW1 (ABANDONED) INVISTA S.T. WOOTEN CFPUA FORMER FLEMINGTON LANDFILL SUPERFUND SITE CLOSED IN-PLACE MW-4B MW-5C M W - 3 3 C MW-32C MW-27B MW-31C MW-24CMW-24B MW-23CMW-23B MW-22CMW-22B MW-19 MW-21C MW-28B MW-28C MW-7C MW-11 MW-12 FLEMINGTON TANK PROPOSED WATERLINE RIVER CROSSING TIE-IN PROPOSED WATERLINE RIVER CROSSING PRW-2 PRW-3 PRW-7 PRW-4 PRW-5 PRW-6 DW-1 DW-2 DW-3 DW-4 DW-5 DW-6 DW-7 DW-8 DW-9 DW-10 DW-11 DW - 1 2 D W - 1 3 DW-15 (PRW-1) DW-16 DW-14 SOURCES: 1. 2014 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH WAS OBTAINED FROM WSP FLOWN ON APRIL 17, 2014 2. 2013 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH WAS OBTAINED FROM THE NRCS GEOSPATIAL DATA GATEWAY AT http://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/ 3. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM FIPS 3200 (NAD 83). 4. PARCEL DATA WAS OBTAINED FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIBRARIES AT http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/gis/counties.html FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY. 5. 2ft CONTOUR INTERVALS FROM NCDOT LIDAR DATED 2007 https://connect.ncdot.gov/resources/gis/pages/cont-elev_v2.aspx 6. WELL LOCATIONS AND MEASURING POINTS WERE BASED ON A SURVEY BY JAMES L. HAINES & ASSOCIATES FOR ISH, INC. DATED DECEMBER 23, 2008. ISH DRAWING IS TITLED "POTENTIAL LOCATIONS FOR PROPOSED GEOPROBE AND WELL INSTALLATIONS", DATED FEBRUARY 25, 2009 WITH A CAD FILE NAME Figure 22.dwg 7. NEW WELL LOCATIONS AND MEASURING POINTS WERE BASED ON A TABLE BY PARAMOUNTE ENGINEERING, WILMINGTON NC DATED 2012-03-05 SUPPLIED BY PROGRESS ENERGY. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD83(NSRS2007) AND THE VERTICAL DATUM IS NGVD29. 8. THE PROPERTY BOUNDARY FOR THE L.V. SUTTON STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT WAS BASED ON A COMPOSITE MAP PREPARED BY DAVIS-MARTIN-POWELL & ASSOC., INC. THE DRAWINGS ARE DATED JUNE, 1995 WITH REVISION NOTE FOR MARCH 4, 2004. FILE NAME IS L-D-9022-7.DWG. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD83 AND THE VERTICAL DATUM IS NGV 29. 9. THE LOCATION OF THE FORMER ASH DISPOSAL AREAS WAS BASED ON A FIGURE 2-2 PREPARED BY BLASLAND, BOUCK & LEE, INC. THE FIGURE IS TITLED "HORIZONTAL EXTENT OF THE ASH WITHIN THE FORMER DISPOSAL AREA". NOTE: 1. CONTOUR LINES ARE USED FOR REPRESENTATIVE PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES. 2. DISPLAYED WATER SUPPLY WELL OR SPRING LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. Supplement to Drinking Water Well And Receptor Survey November 2014 L.V. Sutton Energy Complex – Wilmington, NC SynTerra TABLE Table 1 - Public and Private Water Supply Wells – Updated November 6, 2014 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Sutton\Supplemental\Sutton DWSW&RS Supplement Nov 2014.docx TABLE 1 PUBLIC AND PRIVATE WATER SUPPLY WELLS - UPDATED NOVEMBER 6, 2014 WITHIN 0.5 MILE RADIUS OF ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY L.V. SUTTON ENERGY COMPLEX DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA MAP WELL ID PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS (WELL LOCATION)PARCEL ID NUMBER MU N I C I P A L WE L L OT H E R DR I N K I N G IR R I G A T I O N LI V E S T O C K SW I M M I N G P O O L NO T I N U S E OT H E R WELL DEPTH (FEET) WELL CASING OR OPEN HOLE DEPTH (FEET) SCREEN INTERVAL (FEET) DW-1 S T WOOTEN CORPORATION 4101 421 HWY R02400-001-040-000 DW-2 S T WOOTEN CORPORATION 4101 421 HWY R02400-001-040-000 DW-3 S T WOOTEN CORPORATION 4101 421 HWY R02400-001-040-000 DW-4 S T WOOTEN CORPORATION 4101 421 HWY R02400-001-040-000 DW-5 S T WOOTEN CORPORATION 4101 421 HWY R02400-001-040-000 DW-6 S T WOOTEN CORP 230 SUTTON LAKE RD R02400-001-004-000 DW-7 S T WOOTEN CORP 230 SUTTON LAKE RD R02400-001-004-000 DW-8 S T WOOTEN CORP 230 SUTTON LAKE RD R02400-001-004-000 DW-9 EZZELL TRUCKING INC 235 (233) SUTTON LAKE RD R03200-002-001-007 Y X UNK UNK UNK DW-10 L C H HOLDINGS LLC 221 SUTTON LAKE RD R03200-002-001-026 DW-11 ROYMAC PARTNERSHIP 363 5 METRO CIR R03200-002-028-000 Y X X DW-12 ABSOLUTE PROPERTIES OF THE CAROLINAS LLC 331 2 METRO CIR R03200-002-025-000 Y X X X DW-13 WILLIAM L OR LINDA R HARDING 212 TRANSCOM CT R03200-002-023-000 Y X X X DW-14 WIL FERGIE LLC 3901 421 HWY N R03200-001-035-000 Y X X DW-15 (PRW-1)WIL FERGIE LLC 3901 421 HWY N R03200-001-035-000 Y X X DW-16 TERRY, ALFRED SPELL OR PAMELA SUTTON 3535 10 FREDRICKSON RD R03200-002-033-000 Y NHC-SW 1 NEW HAN CNTY 3405 FREDRICKSON RD R03200-002-001-011 NHC-SW 2 NEW HAN CNTY 3405 FREDRICKSON RD R03200-002-001-011 NHC-SW 3 NEW HAN CNTY 3405 FREDRICKSON RD R03200-002-001-011 NHC-SW 4 NEW HAN CNTY 3405 FREDRICKSON RD R03200-002-001-011 PRW-2 MASTEC NORTH AMERICA INC 3857 421 HWY N R03200-001-038-000 PRW-3 SOUTH ATLANTIC SERV INC 3773 FREDRICKSON RD R03200-002-001-003 PRW-4 QUARLES PETROLEUM INC 3601 6 FREDRICKSON RD R03200-002-029-000 PRW-5 SAUNDERS & SAUNDERS LLC 347 4 METRO CIR R03200-002-027-000 PRW-6 MAOLA MILK & ICE CREAM CO 307 METRO CIR R03200-002-015-000 PRW-7 PORTERFIELD, J C JUDY C 218 ROYMAC DR R03200-002-013-000 NOTES Municipal includes County, City, or other municipal water source(s). UNK - Unknown - Possible water supply well. - Reported/Observed water supply well. - Water supply well or spring reported by property owner. Parcel ID, owner and well location address information were obtained from the New Hanover County North Carolina website (http://www.nhcgov.com/Pages/GISData.aspx). Prepared By: RBI Checked By: HJF Last Revised: November 6, 2014 SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER WELL USE P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Sutton\Supplemental\ Table 1 Sutton Supplemental.xlsx Page 1 of 1 11/5/2014