HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0001422_NC Eco Checklist Sutton_20150805 A- CHECKLIST FOR ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENTS/SAMPLING I. SITE LOCATION II. SITE CHARACTERIZATION _________________________________________________ _____% Heavy Industrial _____% Light Industrial _____% Urban _____% Residential _____% Rural _____% Agriculturalb _____% Recreationala _____% Undisturbed _____% Otherc aFor recreational areas, please describe the use of the area (e.g., park, playing field, etc). ________________________________________________________________ bFor agricultural areas, please list the crops and/or livestock which are present. ________________________________________________________________ c ________________________________________________________________ A- Indicate the radius (in miles) of the area described: _____________________________ _____% Heavy Industrial _____% Light Industrial _____% Urban _____% Residential _____% Rural _____% Agriculturalb _____% Recreationala _____% Undisturbed _____% Other c aFor recreational areas, please describe the use of the area (e.g., park, playing field, golf course, etc). __________________________________________________________________ bFor agricultural areas, please list the crops and/or livestock which are present. __________________________________________________________________ c se of the area. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 6. Has any movement of soil taken place at the site? If yes, indicate the likely source of the disturbance, (e.g., erosion, agricultural, mining, industrial activities, removals, etc.) degree of disturbance, and estimate when these events occurred. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 7. Do any sensitive environmental areas exist adjacent to or in proximity to the site, (e.g. Federal and State parks, National and State monuments, wetlands)? Remember, flood plains and wetlands are not always obvious; do not answer "no" without confirming information. See Table 1 for a list of contacts. Please provide the source(s) of information used to identify these sensitive areas, and indicate their general location on the site map. 8. What type of facility is located at the site? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ A- 10. Check any potential routes of off-site migration of contaminants observed at the site: A- 20. Describe reasonable and likely future land and/or water use(s) at the site. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 21. Describe the historical uses of the site. Include information on chemical releases that may have occurred as a result of previous land uses. For each chemical release, provide information on the form of the chemical released (i.e., solid, liquid, vapor) and the known or suspected causes or mechanism of the release (i.e., spills, leaks, material disposal, dumping, explosion, etc.). __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 22. Identify the media (e.g., soil [surface or subsurface], surface water, air, groundwater) which are known or suspected to contain COCs. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ A- __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Checklist Completed by______________________________________________ Affiliation_________________________________________________________ Author Assisted by__________________________________________________ Date______________________________________________________________ A- III. HABITAT EVALUATION III.A Terrestrial Habitat Checklist III.A.1 Wooded Are any wooded areas on or adjacent to the site? If yes, indicate the wooded area on the attached site map and answer the following questions. If more than one wooded area is present on or adjacent to the site, make additional copies of the following questions and fill out for each individual wooded area. Distinguish between wooded areas by using names or other designations, and clearly identify each area on the site map. If no, proceed to Section III.A.2: Shrub/Scrub A- Wooded Area Questions Name or Designation:_______________________________________________ Estimate the approximate size of the wooded area (______% ______acres) Please identify what information was used to determine the wooded area of the site (e.g., direct observation, photos, etc). Dominant plant species, if known:_________________________________ 5. Specify type of understory present, if known. Provide a photograph, if available. A- III.A.2 Shrub/Scrub Are any shrub/scrub areas on or adjacent to the site? If yes, indicate the shrub/scrub area on the attached site map and answer the following questions. If more than one shrub/scrub area is present on or adjacent to the site, make additional copies of the following questions and fill out for each individual shrub/scrub area. Distinguish between shrub/scrub areas, using names or other designations, and clearly identify each area on the site map. If no, proceed to Section III.A.3: Open Field A- Shrub/Scrub Area Questions Name or Designation:_______________________________________________ (e.g., direct observation, photos, etc). __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5. Specify type of understory present, if known. Provide a photograph, if available. A- III.A.3 Open Field Are any open field areas on or adjacent to the site? If yes, indicate the open field area on the attached site map and answer the following questions. If more than one open field area is present on or adjacent to the site, make additional copies of the following questions and fill out for each individual open field area. Distinguish between open field areas, using names or other designations, and clearly identify each area on the site map. If no, proceed to Section III.A.4: Miscellaneous A- Open Field Area Questions Name or Designation:_______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ A- III.A.4 Miscellaneous Are other types of terrestrial habitats present at the site, other than woods, scrub/shrub and open field? If yes, indicate the area on the attached site map and answer the following questions. If more than one of these areas are present on or adjacent to the site, make additional copies of the following questions and fill out for each individual area. Distinguish between areas by using names or other designations. Clearly identify each area on the site map. If no, proceed to Section III.B: Aquatic Habitats. A- Miscellaneous Area Questions Name or Designation:_______________________________________________ 1. Provide a description of the terrestrial miscellaneous habitat and identify the area on the site map. 2. Estimate the approximate size of the area (_____% _____acres) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ A- III.B Aquatic Habitats Note: Aquatic systems are often associated with wetland habitats. Please refer to Section III.C, Wetland Habitat Checklist. III.B.1 Non-Flowing Systems Are any non-flowing aquatic features (such as ponds or lakes) located at or adjacent to the site? If yes, indicate the aquatic feature on the attached site map and answer the following questions regarding the non-flowing aquatic features. If more than one non-flowing aquatic feature is present on or adjacent to the site, make additional copies of the following questions and fill out for each individual aquatic feature. Distinguish between aquatic features by using names or other designations. Clearly identify each area on the site map. If no, proceed to Section III.B.2: Flowing Systems A- Non-Flowing Aquatic Feature Questions Name or Designation:_______________________________________________ Estimate the approximate size of the water body (in acres or sq. ft.)_______________ 3. If known, indicate the depth of the water body (in ft. or in.)._____________________ 4. If a water body is present, what are its known uses (e.g.: recreation, navigation, etc.)? 5. Is aquatic vegetation present? Yes No If yes, please identify the type of vegetation present if known. Emergent Submergent Floating Bedrock Sand Concrete Boulder (>10 in.) Silt Debris Cobble (2.5 - 10 in.) Clay Detritus Gravel (0.1 - 2.5 in.) Muck (fine/black) Other (please specify):____________________________________________ A- Non-Flowing Aquatic Feature Questions (Continued) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ If yes, indicate the features from the following list into which the aquatic feature discharges, and indicate whether the discharge occurs onsite or offsite: A- Non-Flowing Aquatic Feature Questions (Continued) A- III.B.2 Flowing Systems Note: Aquatic systems are often associated with wetland habitats. Please refer to Section III.C, Wetland Habitat Checklist. Are any flowing aquatic features (such as streams or rivers) located at or adjacent to the site? If yes, indicate the system on the attached site map and answer the following questions regarding the flowing system. If more than one flowing system is present on or adjacent to the site, make additional copies of the following questions and complete one set for each individual aquatic feature. Distinguish between flowing systems by using names or other designation. Clearly identify each area on the site map If no, proceed to Section III.C: Wetlands Habitats. A- Flowing Aquatic Systems Questions Name or Designation:_______________________________________________ Yes No If yes, please describe the indicators observed. Bedrock Sand (course) Concrete Boulder (>10 in.) Silt (fine) Debris Cobble (2.5 - 10 in.) Clay (slick) Detritus Gravel (0.1 - 2.5 in.) Muck (fine/black) Marl (Shells) Other (please specify):____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Is the system influenced by tides? A- Flowing System Questions (Continued) If yes, describe the origin of each discharge and its migration path. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 10. Describe observed color and area of coloration. 11. Is any aquatic vegetation present? Emergent Submergent Floating A- Flowing System Questions (Continued) 12. Mark the flowing water system on the attached site map. 13. What observations were made at the water body regarding the presence and/or absence of benthic macroinvertebrates, fish, birds, mammals, etc? A- III.C Wetland Habitats Are any wetland2 areas such as marshes or swamps on or adjacent to the site? If yes, indicate the wetland area on the attached site map and answer the following questions regarding the wetland area. If more than one wetland area is present on or adjacent to the site, make additional copies of the following questions and fill out one for each individual wetland area. Distinguish between wetland areas by using names or other designations (such as location). Clearly identify each area on the site map. Also, obtain and attach a National Wetlands Inventory Map (or maps) to illustrate each wetland area. Identify the sources of the observations and information (e.g., National Wetland Inventory, Federal or State Agency, USGS topographic maps) used to make the determination whether or not wetland areas are present. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ If no wetland areas are present, proceed to Section III.D: Sensitive Environments and Receptors. A- Wetland Area Questions Name or Designation:__________________________________________________ If yes, is the water primarily: Indicate the approximate area of the standing water ( ________________ Indicate the approximate depth of the standing water, if known (ft. or in.)_________ A- Wetland Area Questions (Continued) If yes, please describe: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ A- Wetland Area Questions (Continued) If yes, to what water body is discharge released? If yes, indicate which of the following are present (mark all that apply). 11. If a soil sample was collected, describe the appearance of the soil in the wetland area. Circle or write in the best response. Color (blue/gray, brown, black, mottled) _________________________ Water content (dry, wet, saturated/unsaturated)_____________________ 13. Mark the observed wetland area(s) on the attached site map. A- III.D Sensitive Environments and Receptors __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. Is the site potentially used as a breeding, roosting or feeding area by migratory bird species? If yes, identify which species. 3 Areas that provide unique and often protected habitat for wildlife species. These areas are typically used during critical life stages such as breeding, hatching, rearing of young and overwintering. Refer to Table 2 at the end of this document for examples of sensitive environments. A- Sensitive Environments and Receptors Questions (continued) 4 Ecologically important species include populations of species which provide a critical (i.e., not replaceable) food resource for higher organisms. These species' functions would not be replaced by more tolerant species or perform a critical ecological function (such as organic matter decomposition) and will not be replaced by other species. Ecologically important species include pest and opportunistic species that populate an area if they serve as a food source for other species, but do not include domesticated animals (e.g., pets and livestock) or plants/animals whose existence is maintained by continuous human interventions (e.g., fish hatcheries, agricultural crops, etc). A- IV. EXPOSURE PATHWAY EVALUATION Please provide an explanation for your answer.____________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Please provide an explanation for your answer.____________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Please provide an explanation for your answer.____________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ A- Please provide an explanation for your answer.____________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ A- __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 0 feet (i.e., contamination has reached a watercourse) 1-10 feet 11-20 feet 21-50 feet 51-100 feet 101-200 feet > 200 feet > 500 feet > 1000 feet What is the slope of the ground in the contaminated area? A- __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ A- TABLE 1 SENSITIVE ENVIRONMENT CONTACTS CONTACT TELEPHONE # SENSITIVE ENVIRONMENT NC Division of Parks and (919) 733-4181 State Parks Recreation National Fax: (919) 715-3085 Heritage Program Areas Important to Maintenance of Unique Natural Communities Sensitive Areas Identified Under The National Estuary Program Designated State Natural Areas State Seashore, Lakeshore, and River Recreational Areas Rare species (state and federal Threatened and Endangered) Sensitive Aquatic Habitat NC Planning and Natural (919) 846-9991 State Wild & Scenic Rivers Resources National Park Service (404) 562-3103 National Seashore, Lakeshore Public Affairs Office and River Recreational Areas National Parks or Monuments Internet www.nps.gov/rivers Federal Designated Wild & Scenic Rivers US Forest Service (828) 257-4253 Designated and Proposed Federal Wilderness and Natural Areas (828) 257-4864 National Preserves and Forests (828) 257-4810 Federal Land Designated for the protection of natural ecosystems. A- CONTACT TELEPHONE # SENSITIVE ENVIRONMENT NC Division of Water (919) 733-6510 Critical Areas Identified Under Quality the Clean Lakes Program (919) 733-5083 State-Designated Areas for Ask for Clean Water Act Protection or Maintenance of 305b report Aquatic Life NC Division of Forest (919) 733-2162 x 234 State Preserves and Forests Resources US Fish & Wildlife (919) 856-4520 x 11 Terrestrial Areas Utilized for Service Breeding by Large or Dense Aggregations of Animals NC Wildlife Resources (252) 451-2534 National or State Wildlife Commission Refuges NOAA (301) 713-3145 x 173 Marine Sanctuaries NC Department of (919) 733-4763 National and State Historical Cultural Resources Sites NC Division of Coastal (919) 733-2293 Areas Identified Under Coastal Management Protection Legislation Internet http://dcm2.enr.state.nc.us Coastal Barriers or Units of a Coastal Barrier Resources System NC Wildlife Resources (919) 733-3633 Spawning Areas Critical for the Commission Maintenance of Fish/Shellfish Species within River, Lake or Coastal Tidal Waters. Migratory Pathways and Feeding Areas Critical for Maintenance of Anadromous Fish Species within River Reaches or Areas in Lakes or Coastal Tidal Waters in Which such Fish Spend Extended Periods of Time State Lands Designated for Wildlife or Game Management US Army Corps of (919) 876-8441, ext. 28 Wetlands Engineers A- TABLE 2 EXAMPLES OF SENSITIVE ENVIRONMENTS National Parks and National Monuments Designated or Administratively Proposed Federal Wilderness Areas National Preserves National or State Wildlife Refuges National Lakeshore Recreational Areas Federal land designated for protection of natural ecosystems State land designated for wildlife or game management State designated Natural Areas Federal or state designated Scenic or Wild River All areas that provide or could potentially provide critical habitat1 for state and federally listed Threatened or Endangered Species, those species that are currently petitioned for listing, and species designated by other agencies as sensitive or species of concern. Marine Sanctuary Areas identified under the Coastal Zone Management Act Sensitive areas identified under the National Estuary Program or Near Coastal Waters Program Critical areas identified under the Clean Lakes Program National Seashore Recreational Area Habitat known to be used by Federal designated or proposed endangered or threatened species 1 Critical habitats are defined by the Endangered Species Act (50 CFR §424.02(d)) as: A- Unit of Coastal Barrier Resources System Coastal Barrier (undeveloped) Spawning areas critical for the maintenance of fish/shellfish species within river, lake, or coastal tidal waters Migratory pathways and feeding areas critical for maintenance of andromous fish species within river reaches or areas in lakes or coastal tidal waters in which the fish spend extended periods of time Terrestrial areas utilized for breeding by large or dense aggregations of animals National river reach designated as Recreational Habitat known to be used by state designated endangered or threatened species Habitat known to be used by species under review as to its Federal endangered or threatened status Coastal Barrier (partially developed) Particular areas, relatively small in size, important to maintenance of unique biotic communities State-designated areas for protection or maintenance of aquatic life Wetlands