HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000396_J15060029F_Speciation_20150823+ DUKE Analytical Laboratory ENERGY 13339 Hagers Ferry Road Huntersville, NC 28078-7929 McGuire Nuclear Complex - MG03A2 Phone: 980-875-5245 Fax: 980-875-4349 Order Summary Report Order Number: J15060029 Project Name: ASHEVILLE - AB GW ASSESSMENT SPECIATION Customer Name(s): Todd Plating, Kathy Webb, John Toepfer, Tim Hunsucker Customer Address: 200 CP and L Drive Arden, NC 28704 Lab Contact: Peggy Kendall Phone: peggy.kendall@duke Report Authorized By: -energy.com Date; (Signature) 2015.06.23 11:34:46 Peggy Kendall -04'00' Program Comments: Please contact the Program Manager (Peggy Kendall) with any questions regarding this report. Data Flags & Calculations: 6/23/2015 Page 1 of 38 Any analytical tests or individual analytes within a test flagged with a Qualifier indicate a deviation from the method quality system or quality control requirement. The qualifier description is found at the end of the Certificate of Analysis (sample results) under the qualifiers heading. All results are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted. Subcontracted data included on the Duke Certificate of Analysis is to be used as information only. Certified vendor results can be found in the subcontracted lab final report. Duke Energy Analytical Laboratory subcontracts analyses to other vendor laboratories that have been qualified by Duke Energy to perform these analyses except where noted. Data Package: This data package includes analytical results that are applicable only to the samples described in this narrative. An estimation of the uncertainty of measurement for the results in the report is available upon request. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of the Analytical Laboratory. Please contact the Analytical laboratory with any questions. The order of individual sections within this report is as follows: Job Summary Report, Sample Identification, Technical Validation of Data Package, Analytical Laboratory Certificate of Analysis, Analytical Laboratory QC Reports, Sub -contracted Laboratory Results, Customer Specific Data Sheets, Reports & Documentation, Customer Database Entries, Test Case Narratives, Chain of Custody (COC) Certification: The Analytical Laboratory holds the following State Certifications : North Carolina (DENR) Certificate #248, South Carolina (DHEC) Laboratory ID # 99005. Contact the Analytical Laboratory for definitive information about the certification status of specific methods. Sample ID's & Descriptions: Collection Sample ID Plant/Station Date and Time Collected By Sample Description 2015016803 ASHEVILLE 28 -May -15 9:21 AM Synterra MW-05BR 2015016804 ASHEVILLE 28 -May -15 11:11 AM Synterra CB-09SL 2015016805 ASHEVILLE 28 -May -15 1:32 PM Synterra CB-09BR 2015016806 ASHEVILLE 28 -May -15 10:42 AM Synterra MW -16A 2015016807 ASHEVILLE 28 -May -15 2:15 PM Synterra MW-18BR 2015016808 ASHEVILLE 28 -May -15 9:24 AM Synterra GW -01 D 2015016809 ASHEVILLE 28 -May -15 12:31 PM Synterra MW-16BR 2015016810 ASHEVILLE 28 -May -15 1:36 PM Synterra MW -18D 8 Total Samples Page 2 of 38 Technical Validation Review Checklist: COC and .pdf report are in agreement with sample totals Yes No and analyses (compliance programs and procedures). All Results are less than the laboratory reporting limits. ❑ Yes F./] No All laboratory QA/QC requirements are acceptable.❑ Yes ❑ No Report Sections Included: U Job Summary Report ❑ Sample Identification n Technical Validation of Data Package ❑ Analytical Laboratory Certificate of Analysis ❑ Analytical Laboratory QC Report Page 3 of 38 Sub -contracted Laboratory Results ❑ Customer Specific Data Sheets, Reports, & Documentation ❑ Customer Database Entries 66 Chain of Custody [I/0] Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) Sent Separately Reviewed By: Peggy Kendall Date: 6/23/2015 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 4 of 38 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060029 Site: MW-05BR Collection Date: 28 -May -15 9:21 AM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Speciation of an Element - (Analysis Performed by Brooks Rand Labs LLC) Vendor Parameter Complete Sample #: 2015016803 Matrix: GW—WW Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Vendor Method V_BRAND Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060029 Site: CB-09SL Collection Date: 28 -May -15 11:11 AM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Speciation of an Element - (Analysis Performed by Brooks Rand Labs LLC) Vendor Parameter Complete Sample #: 2015016804 Matrix: GW—WW Page 5 of 38 Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Vendor Method V_BRAND Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 6 of 38 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060029 Site: CB-09BR Collection Date: 28 -May -15 1:32 PM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Speciation of an Element - (Analysis Performed by Brooks Rand Labs LLC) Vendor Parameter Complete Sample #: 2015016805 Matrix: GW—WW Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Vendor Method V_BRAND Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060029 Site: MW -16A Collection Date: 28 -May -15 10:42 AM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Speciation of an Element - (Analysis Performed by Brooks Rand Labs LLC) Vendor Parameter Complete Sample #: 2015016806 Matrix: GW—WW Page 7 of 38 Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Vendor Method V_BRAND Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 8 of 38 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060029 Site: MW-18BR Collection Date: 28 -May -15 2:15 PM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Speciation of an Element - (Analysis Performed by Brooks Rand Labs LLC) Vendor Parameter Complete Sample #: 2015016807 Matrix: GW—WW Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Vendor Method V_BRAND Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 9 of 38 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060029 Site: GW -01D Collection Date: 28 -May -15 9:24 AM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Speciation of an Element - (Analysis Performed by Brooks Rand Labs LLC) Vendor Parameter Complete Sample #: 2015016808 Matrix: GW—WW Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Vendor Method V_BRAND Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060029 Site: MW-16BR Collection Date: 28 -May -15 12:31 PM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Speciation of an Element - (Analysis Performed by Brooks Rand Labs LLC) Vendor Parameter Complete Sample #: 2015016809 Matrix: GW—WW Page 10 of 38 Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Vendor Method V_BRAND Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 11 of 38 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060029 Site: MW -18D Collection Date: 28 -May -15 1:36 PM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Speciation of an Element - (Analysis Performed by Brooks Rand Labs LLC) Vendor Parameter Complete Sample #: 2015016810 Matrix: GW—WW Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Vendor Method V_BRAND Page 12 of 38 BRO�©KS RAND LABS MEANINGFUL METALS DATA June 19, 2015 Peggy Kendall Duke Energy Analytical Laboratory Mail Code MGO3A2 (Building 7405) 13339 Hagers Ferry Rd. Huntersville, NC 28078 980-875-5848 Project: Duke Asheville Plant (LIMS# J15060029) Mr. Perkins, Attached is the report associated with eight (8) aqueous samples submitted for hexavalent chromium, selenium speciation, arsenic speciation, iron speciation, and manganese speciation analyses on May 28, 2015. The samples were received in a sealed cooler at 0.0°C on May 29, 2015. Hexavalent chromium analysis was performed by ion chromatography inductively coupled plasma dynamic reaction cell mass spectrometry (IC -ICP -DRC -MS). Selenium speciation and arsenic speciation analyses were performed via ion chromatography inductively coupled plasma collision reaction cell mass spectrometry (IC -ICP -CRC -MS). All samples requesting iron speciation analysis were analyzed by spectrophotometry. Mn(II) analysis was performed via IC -ICP -CRC -MS. Mn(IV) analysis were performed via digestion and subsequent analysis by inductively coupled plasma triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (ICP-QQQ-MS). Any issues associated with the analyses are addressed in the following report. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, it L7�-- Jeremy Maute Project Manager Brooks Rand Labs, LLC 3958 6th Ave NW • Seattle, WA 98107 • T: 206-632-6206 • F: 206-632-6017 • www.brooksrand.com • brl@brooksrand.com Brooks Rand Labs, LLC Report prepared for: Peggy Kendall Duke Energy Analytical Laboratory Mail Code MGO3A2 (Building 7405) 13339 Hagers Ferry Rd. Huntersville, NC 28078 Project: Duke Asheville Plant (LIMS# J15060029) June 19, 2015 1. Sample Reception Page 13 of 38 Eight (8) aqueous samples were submitted for hexavalent chromium, selenium speciation, arsenic speciation, iron speciation, and manganese speciation analyses on May 28, 2015. All samples were received in acceptable condition on May 29, 2015 in a sealed container at 0.0°C. All samples were received in a laminar flow clean hood, void of trace metals contamination and ultra -violet radiation, and were designated discrete sample identifiers. Sample fractions requesting hexavalent chromium, selenium speciation, arsenic speciation, and iron speciation analyses were field filtered by the client. Two containers were submitted for each client sample requesting manganese speciation, one field filtered fraction and one unfiltered fraction. An aliquot of each sample submitted for hexavalent chromium analysis was decanted into a clean polypropylene tube. All hexavalent chromium sample fractions were stored in a secure refrigerator maintained at a temperature of 4°C, until the analyses could be performed. An aliquot of each sample requiring selenium speciation evaluation was decanted into a polypropylene centrifuge tube and each filtrate was stored in a secure, monitored cryofreezer (maintained at a temperature of -80°C) until selenium speciation analysis could be performed. An aliquot of each sample submitted for arsenic speciation analysis was decanted into a polypropylene centrifuge tube; all filtrates and original bottles were then stored in a secure, monitored refrigerator (maintained at a temperature of <6°C) until the analyses could be performed. The sample fractions requesting iron speciation analysis were stored in a secure, monitored refrigerator (maintained at a temperature of <6°C) until the analyses could be performed. Page 14 of 38 An aliquot of each filtered sample submitted for manganese speciation analysis was decanted into a polypropylene centrifuge tube for Mn(II) analysis. These fractions were stored in a secure, monitored refrigerator (maintained at a temperature of <6°C) until the analyses could be performed. Subsequently, the original bottles (filtered and unfiltered fractions) intended for Mn speciation were preserved to pH < 2 with concentrated HNO3 and then stored in a secure polyethylene container, known to be free from trace metals contamination, until the digestion could be performed. 2. Sample Preparation All sample preparation is performed in laminar flow clean hoods known to be free from trace metals contamination. All applied water for dilutions and sample preservatives are monitored for contamination to account for any biases associated with the sample results. Hexavalent Chromium Anal vsis by IC -ICP -DRC -MS Prior to analysis, an aliquot of each sample was filtered with a syringe filter (0.45µm) and injected directly into a sealed autosampler vial. No further sample preparation was performed as any chemical alteration of a sample may shift the equilibrium of the system, resulting in changes in speciation ratios. Selenium Speciation Analvsis by IC -ICP -CRC -MS Prior to analysis, an aliquot of each sample was filtered with a syringe filter (0.45µm) and injected directly into a sealed autosampler vial. No further sample preparation was performed as any chemical alteration of a sample may shift the equilibrium of the system, resulting in changes in speciation ratios. Arsenic Speciation Analysis by IC -ICP -CRC -MS An aliquot of each sample was filtered directly into a sealed autosampler vial. No further sample preparation was performed as a buffered EDTA solution was provided by Brooks Rand Labs for field -preservation of the submitted samples. Iron Speciation Analysis by Spectrophotometry No sample preparation was required as a de- gassed HCL solution was provided by Brooks Rand Labs for field -preservation of the submitted samples. Manganese Mn(LI) Analysis by IC -ICP -CRC -MS An aliquot of each sample was filtered (0.45µm) directly into an autosampler vial for Mn(II) analysis. No additional sample preparation was performed as any chemical alteration of the samples may shift the equilibrium of the system resulting in changes in speciation ratios. Manganese Mn(IV) Analysis by ICP-QQQ-MS Each filtered and unfiltered sample submitted for Mn speciation analysis was preserved with 1% HNO3 (v/v) upon sample receipt. Each sample fraction was then further digested on a hotblock apparatus with aliquots of 50% HNO3 (v/v) and 50% HCl (v/v), in accordance with the digestion procedure specified in EPA Method 200.8. All resulting sample digests were analyzed for total manganese via inductively coupled plasma triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (ICP-QQQ-MS). Page 15 of 38 3. Sample Analysis All sample analysis is preceded by a minimum of a five -point calibration curve spanning the entire concentration range of interest. Calibration curves are performed at the beginning of each analytical day. All calibration curves, associated with each species of interest, are standardized by linear regression resulting in a response factor. All sample results are instrument blank corrected to account for any operational biases associated with the analytical platform. Prior to sample analysis, all calibration curves are verified using second source standards which are identified as initial calibration verification standards (ICV). Ongoing instrument performance is identified by the analysis of continuing calibration verification standards (CCV) and continuing calibration blanks (CCB) at a minimum interval of every ten analytical runs. Hexavalent Chromium Analysis by IC -ICP -DRC -MS Each sample for hexavalent chromium analysis was analyzed by ion chromatography inductively coupled plasma dynamic reaction cell mass spectrometry (IC -ICP -DRC -MS) on June 5, 2015. An aliquot of each sample is injected onto an anion exchange column and mobilized by a basic (pH > 7) gradient. The eluting chromium species are then introduced into a radio frequency (RF) plasma where energy -transfer processes cause desolvation, atomization, and ionization. The ions are extracted from the plasma through a differentially -pumped vacuum interface and travel through a pressurized chamber (DRC) containing a reaction gas which preferentially reacts with interfering ions of the same target mass to charge ratios (m/z). A solid-state detector detects ions transmitted through the mass analyzer and the resulting current is processed by a data handling system. Retention times for each eluting species are compared to known standards for species identification. Selenium Speciation Analysis by IC -ICP -CRC -MS Each sample for selenium speciation analysis was analyzed by ion chromatography inductively coupled plasma collision reaction cell mass spectrometry (IC -ICP -CRC -MS) on June 3, 2015. An aliquot of each sample is injected onto an anion exchange column and mobilized by a basic (pH > 7) gradient. The eluting selenium species are then introduced into a radio frequency (RF) plasma where energy -transfer processes cause desolvation, atomization, and ionization. The ions are extracted from the plasma through a differentially -pumped vacuum interface and travel through a pressurized chamber (CRC) containing a reaction gas which preferentially reacts with interfering ions of the same target mass to charge ratios (m/z). A solid-state detector detects ions transmitted through the mass analyzer and the resulting current is processed by a data handling system. Retention times for each eluting species are compared to known standards for species identification. Page 16 of 38 Arsenic Speciation Analysis by IC -ICP -CRC -MS Each sample was analyzed for arsenic speciation via ion chromatography inductively coupled plasma collision reaction cell mass spectrometry (IC -ICP -CRC -MS) on June 4, 2015. Aliquots of each sample are injected onto an anion exchange column and eluted isocratically. The eluting arsenic species are then introduced into a radio frequency (RF) plasma where energy -transfer processes cause desolvation, atomization, and ionization. The ions are extracted from the plasma through a differentially -pumped vacuum interface and travel through a pressurized chamber (CRC) containing a specific collision gas. Polyatomic interferences, due to their inherently larger size, collide more frequently with the collision gas and therefore may be separated from the analyte of interest via kinetic energy discrimination (KED). A solid-state detector detects ions transmitted through the mass analyzer on the basis of their mass -to -charge ratio (m/z), and the resulting current is processed by a data handling system. Retention times for each eluting species are compared to known standards for species identification. Iron Speciation Analysis by Spectrophotometry All sample fractions submitted for iron speciation were analyzed for Fe(II) quantification on May 29, 2015. All sample fractions submitted for iron speciation were analyzed for Fe(III) quantification on June 18, 2015. The samples were analyzed for iron speciation in accordance with the scientifically accepted method outlined by: Stookey, L.L., (1970). "Ferrozine - A new spectrophotometric reagent for iron", Anal.Chem., 42:779-81. Manganese Mn(II) Analysis by IC -ICP -CRC -MS All samples for Mn(II) analysis were analyzed by ion chromatography inductively coupled plasma collision reaction cell mass spectrometry (IC -ICP -CRC -MS) on June 5, 2015. Aliquots of each sample are injected onto an anion exchange column and mobilized by an acidic (pH < 7) gradient. An ion pairing agent provides a dynamic ion exchange mechanism for the cationic manganese species on the chromatographic column. The differences in the affinity of manganese species towards the ion pair agent and the column results in separation. The eluting selenium species are then introduced into a radio frequency (RF) plasma where energy -transfer processes cause desolvation, atomization, and ionization. The ions are extracted from the plasma through a differentially -pumped vacuum interface and travel through a pressurized chamber (CRC) containing a reaction gas which preferentially reacts with interfering ions of the same target mass to charge ratios (m/z). A solid-state detector detects ions transmitted through the mass analyzer and the resulting current is processed by a data handling system. Retention times for each eluting species are compared to known standards for species identification. Page 17 of 38 Manganese Mn(IV) Analysis by ICP-QQq-MS All samples submitted for Mn speciation quantitation were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (ICP-QQQ-MS) on June 5-6, 2015. Aliquots of each sample digest are introduced into a radio frequency (RF) plasma where energy -transfer processes cause desolvation, atomization, and ionization. The ions are extracted from the plasma through a differentially -pumped vacuum interface and travel through an initial quadrupole (Q 1), which filters the target masses prior to their entrance into a second chamber. The second chamber contains specific reactive gasses or collision gasses that preferentially react either with interfering ions of the same target mass to charge ratios (m/z) or with the target analyte, producing an entirely different mass to charge ratio (m/z) which can then be differentiated from the initial interferences. The ions then exit the collision/reaction cell into and additional quadrupole (Q2). A solid-state detector detects ions transmitted through the mass analyzer, on the basis of their mass -to -charge ratio (m/z), and the resulting current is processed by a data handling system. 4. Analytical Issues No significant analytical issues were encountered. All quality control parameters associated with the samples were within acceptance limits. Preparation blanks were not analyzed for Fe(II) analysis. The preparation blanks were analyzed or Fe(III) analysis. All preparation blanks yielded non -detect results for total iron, demonstrating the absence of iron contamination due to the containers, the preservative employed, and the equipment used to collect the samples. Two client samples (MW -16A and MW -18D) yielded Mn(II) results greater than the value of the associated high calibration standard. A linear range verification standard was analyzed at 2000 µg/L. The Mn(II) recovery for the linear range verification standard was acceptable, at 100.1%, demonstrating that the linear range of the analytical platform extended to 2000 µg/L for Mn(II). All reported Mn(ll) results were less than 2000 µg/L with the dilutions at the instrument factored in, and thus were within the linear range demonstrated by the linear range verification standard. No corrective actions were necessary. For the Mn(II) analytical run the client sample, identified as MW -18D, was analyzed as the matrix quality control sample. The matrix spike sample and matrix spike duplicate sample (MS/MSD) spike recoveries for Mn(II) were below the lower control limit of 75%, at - 494.8% and -541.0%, respectively. The native Mn(II) concentration in the quality control sample was significantly greater than the spiking level. Acceptable spike recoveries are often not realized when the ambient level analyte concentration is greater than the spiking level. No qualification of data was necessary. Mn(IV) is quantified by analyzing the water samples for total Mn and dissolved Mn. Mn(IV) is operationally defined as the difference between the filtered and unfiltered total Mn concentrations, since it is thermodynamically favored to be in the form of a precipitate. Page 18 of 38 For the Mn(IV) analysis the total and dissolved Mn results for the client sample, identified as MW -18D, were greater than the value of the associated high calibration standard. A linear range verification standard was analyzed at 500.0 µg/L. The Mn recovery for the linear range verification standard was acceptable, at 100.4%, demonstrating that the linear range of the analytical platform extended to 500.0 µg/L for Mn. All results were within the linear range demonstrated by the linear range verification standard. No corrective actions were necessary. The estimated method detection limit (eMDL) for hexavalent chromium is generated from replicate analyses of the lowest standard in the calibration curve. The eMDL values for selenite, selenate, and selenocyanate are generated from replicate analyses of the lowest standard in the calibration curve. Not all selenium species are present in preparation blanks; therefore, eMDL calculations based on preparation blanks are artificially biased low. The eMDL values for methylseleninic acid and selenomethionine are calculated from the average eMDL of selenite, selenate, and selenocyanate. The calibration does not contain methylseleninic acid or selenomethionine due to impurities in these standards which would bias the results for other selenium species. The eMDL values for arsenite, arsenate, and dimethylarsinic acid are generated using the standard deviation of replicate analyses of the lowest standard in the calibration curve. The eMDL for monomethylarsonic acid is calculated from the average eMDL of the three arsenic species contained in the calibration (i.e., arsenite, arsenate, and dimethylarsinic acid); the calibration and CCVs do not contain monomethylarsonic acid due to impurities in this standard which would bias the results for other arsenic species. The eMDL values for both Fe(II) and total recoverable iron were set at 1/3 the value of the associated reporting limit since the standard deviations associated with the replicate analyses of the lowest standard in the calibration curves were zero. The eMDL for Mn(II) has been generated from replicate analyses of the lowest standard in the calibration curve. The eMDL values for Mn(IV) been calculated using the standard deviation of the method blanks prepared and analyzed concurrently with the submitted samples. Page 19 of 38 If you have any questions or concerns regarding this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, it L7S�-- Jeremy Maute Project Manager Brooks Rand Labs, LLC Speciation Results for Duke Energy Project Name: Duke Asheville Plant Contact: Peggy Kendall LIMS# J15060029 Date: June 19, 2015 Report Generated by: Jeremy Maute Brooks Rand Labs, LLC Sample Results (1) Page 20 of 38 Unknown Se Sample ID Cr(VI) Se(IV) Se(VI) SeCN McSe(IV) SeMe Species (n) MW-05BR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR CB-09SL NR NR NR NR NR NR NR CB-09BR 0.014 ND (< 0.12) ND (< 0.16) ND (< 0.072) ND (< 0.12) ND (< 0.12) 0 (0) MW -16A NR NR NR NR NR NR NR MW-18BR NR ND (< 0.12) 0.72 ND (< 0.072) ND (< 0.12) ND (< 0.12) 0 (0) GW -01D 0.046 ND (< 0.12) ND (< 0.16) ND (< 0.072) ND (< 0.12) ND (< 0.12) 0 (0) MW-16BR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR MW -18D NR NR NR NR NR NR NR All results reflect the applied dilution and are reported in pg/L NR = Analysis not requested ND = Not detected at the applied dilution SeCN = Selenocyanate McSe(IV) = Methylseleninic acid SeMe = Selenomethionine Unknown Se Species = Total concentration of all unknown Se species observed by IC -ICP -MS n = number of unknown Se species observed Page 21 of 38 Speciation Results for Duke Energy Project Name: Duke Asheville Plant Contact: Peggy Kendall LIMS# J15060029 Date: June 19, 2015 Report Generated by: Jeremy Maute Brooks Rand Labs, LLC Sample Results (2) Unknown As Sample ID As(III) As(V) MMAs DMAs Species GW -01D ND (< 0.018) ND (< 0.11) ND (< 0.054) ND (< 0.038) ND (< 0.054) All results reflect the applied dilution and are reported in pg/L ND = Not detected at the applied dilution MMAs = monomethylarsonic acid DMAs = dimethylarsinic acid Unknown As Species = Total concentration of all unknown As species observed by IC -ICP -MS Page 22 of 38 Speciation Results for Duke Energy Project Name: Duke Asheville Plant Contact: Peggy Kendall LIMS# J15060029 Date: June 19, 2015 Report Generated by: Jeremy Maute Brooks Rand Labs, LLC Samale Results (3 Sample ID Fe(II) Fe(III)* Mn (II) Mn(IV)** MW-05BR 25100 4010 266 0.807 CB-09SL 14.6 17.2 80.0 5.07 CB-09BR 70.0 57.3 71.3 8.67 MW -16A 108 55.7 2260 ND (< 0.098) MW-18BR 67.1 39.7 368 ND (< 0.098) GW -01 D 46.7 112 274 0.318 MW-16BR 41700 16000 860 ND (< 0.098) MW -18D 5540 1730 3290 212 All results reflect the applied dilution and are reported in lag/L ND = Not detected at the applied dilution *Fe(III) defined as the difference between total recoverable Fe and Fe(II) **Mn(IV) operationally defined as the difference between total and dissolved Mn Speciation Results for Duke Energy Project Name: Duke Asheville Plant Contact: Peggy Kendall LIMS# J15060029 Date: June 19, 2015 Report Generated by: Jeremy Maute Brooks Rand Labs, LLC Quality Control Summary - Preparation Blank Summary (1) Page 23 of 38 Analvte Woo PBW1 PBW2 PBW3 PBW4 Mean StdDev eMDL* eMDL 5x RL 5x eMDL 50x RL 50x Cr(VI) 0.002 0.005 0.001 0.005 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.007 0.050 - - Se(IV) -0.05 -0.05 -0.05 -0.05 -0.05 0.00 0.002 - - 0.12 0.50 Se(VI) -0.05 -0.05 -0.05 -0.05 -0.05 0.00 0.003 - - 0.16 0.50 SeCN 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 - - 0.072 0.46 McSe(lV) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.002 - - 0.12 0.49 SeMe 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.002 - - 0.12 0.49 eMDL = Estimated Method Detection Limit; RL = Reporting Limit *Please see narrative regarding eMDL calculations Quality Control Summary - Preparation Blank Summary (2) Analyte (Pg/L) PBW1 PBW2 PBW3 PBW4 Mean StdDev eMDL* eMDL 10x RL 10x As(III) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.018 0.20 As(V) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.011 0.11 0.20 MMAs 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.054 0.20 DMAs 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.038 0.21 eMDL = Estimated Method Detection Limit; RL = Reporting Limit *Please see narrative regarding eMDL calculations Page 24 of 38 Speciation Results for Duke Energy Project Name: Duke Asheville Plant Contact: Peggy Kendall LIMS# J15060029 Date: June 19, 2015 Report Generated by: Jeremy Maute Brooks Rand Labs, LLC Quality Control Summary - Preparation Blank Summary (3) Analyte (fag/L) PBW1* PBW2* PBW3* PBW4* Mean StdDev eMDL** eMDL 1x RL 1x eMDL 100x RL 100x Fe(I1) 6.7 6.7 20 670 2000 Total Fe 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.7 6.7 20 670 2000 eMDL = Estimated Method Detection Limit; RL = Reporting Limit *Preparation blanks for Fe(II) were not analyzed. See narrative. **Please see narrative regarding eMDL calculations Quality Control Summary - Preparation Blank Summary (3) Analyte (lag/L) PBW1 PBW2 PBW3 PBW4 Mean StdDev eMDL* eMDL 10x RL 10x eMDL 25x RL 25x Mn (11) 0.24 0.05 0.02 0.72 0.10 0.32 0.086 0.86 5.0 - - Total Mn 0.057 0.005 0.064 0.004 0.042 0.033 0.000 - - 0.098 1.0 Diss Mn 0.000 -0.003 0.042 0.023 0.013 0.021 0.000 - - 0.063 1.0 eMDL = Estimated Method Detection Limit; RL = Reporting Limit *Please see narrative regarding eMDL calculations Page 25 of 38 Speciation Results for Duke Energy Project Name: Duke Asheville Plant Contact: Peggy Kendall LIMS# J15060029 Date: June 19, 2015 Report Generated by: Jeremy Maute Brooks Rand Labs, LLC Quality Control Summary - Certified Reference Materials (1 Analyte (Ng/L) CRM True Value Result Recovery Cr(VI) LCS 2.002 1.781 89.0 Se(IV) LCS 10.00 9.967 99.7 Se(VI) LCS 10.00 10.28 102.8 SeCN LCS 8.92 8.896 99.7 McSe(IV) LCS 6.47 6.560 101.4 SeMe LCS 9.32 9.431 101.2 Quality Control Summary - Certified Reference Materials (2) Analyte (pg/L) CRM True Value Result Recovery As(III) LCS 5.00 5.824 116.5 As(V) LCS 5.00 5.244 104.9 MMAs LCS 5.07 5.657 111.5 DMAs LCS 3.63 3.700 102.1 Quality Control Summary - Certified Reference Materials (3) Analyte (pg/L) CRM True Value Result Recovery Fe(II) ICV 500.0 458.2 91.6 Total Fe LCS 500.0 495.7 99.1 Mn (II) LCS 1.00 1.053 105.3 Total Mn TMDA-70.2 312 295.2 94.6 Diss Mn TMDA-70.2 312 308.1 98.7 Page 26 of 38 Speciation Results for Duke Energy Project Name: Duke Asheville Plant Contact: Peggy Kendall LIMS# J15060029 Date: June 19, 2015 Report Generated by: Jeremy Maute Brooks Rand Labs, LLC Quality Control Summary - Matrix Duplicates (1) Analyte (pg/L) Sample ID Rep 1 Rep 2 Mean RPD Cr(VI) Batch QC 0.059 0.060 0.059 0.9 Se(IV) Batch QC ND (< 0.12) ND (< 0.12) NC NC Se(VI) Batch QC ND (< 0.16) ND (< 0.16) NC NC SeCN Batch QC ND (< 0.072) ND (< 0.072) NC NC McSe(IV) Batch QC ND (< 0.12) ND (< 0.12) NC NC SeMe Batch QC ND (< 0.12) ND (< 0.12) NC NC ND = Not detected at the applied dilution NC = Value was not calculated due to one or more concentrations below the eMDL Quality Control Summary - Matrix Duplicates (2) Analyte (pg/L) Sample ID Rep 1 Rep 2 Mean RPD As(III) GW -01D ND (< 0.018) ND (< 0.018) NC NC As(V) GW -01D ND (< 0.11) ND (< 0.11) NC NC MMAs GW -01D ND (< 0.054) ND (< 0.054) NC NC DMAs GW -01D ND (< 0.038) ND (< 0.038) NC NC ND = Not detected at the applied dilution NC = Value was not calculated due to one or more concentrations below the eMDL Page 27 of 38 Speciation Results for Duke Energy Project Name: Duke Asheville Plant Contact: Peggy Kendall LIMS# J15060029 Date: June 19, 2015 Report Generated by: Jeremy Maute Brooks Rand Labs, LLC Quality Control Summary - Matrix Duplicates (3 Analyte (pg/L) Sample ID Rep 1 Rep 2 Mean RPD Fe(II) MW -18D 5545 5837 5691 5.1 Total Fe Batch QC 177.4 177.4 177.4 0.0 Mn (II) MW -18D 3291 3258 3274 1.0 Total Mn MW -18D 2834 2689 2762 5.3 Diss Mn MW -18D 2622 2632 2627 0.3 ND = Not detected at the applied dilution NC = Value was not calculated due to one or more concentrations below the eMDL Page 28 of 38 Speciation Results for Duke Energy Project Name: Duke Asheville Plant Contact: Peggy Kendall LIMS# J15060029 Date: June 19, 2015 Report Generated by: Jeremy Maute Brooks Rand Labs, LLC Qualitv Control Summary - Matrix Spike/ Matrix Spike Duplicate (1 Analyte (lag/L) Sample ID Spike Conc MS Result Recovery Spike Conc MSD Result Recovery RPD Cr(VI) Batch QC 5.000 4.824 95.3 5.000 5.180 102.4 7.1 Se(IV) Batch QC 251.0 221.2 88.1 251.0 219.1 87.3 1.0 Se(VI) Batch QC 250.0 209.3 83.7 250.0 208.5 83.4 0.4 SeCN Batch QC 228.8 199.6 87.2 228.8 200.1 87.5 0.3 Quality Control Summary - Matrix Spike/ Matrix Spike Duplicate (2) Analyte (lag/L) Sample ID Spike Conc MS Result Recovery Spike Conc MSD Result Recovery RPD As(I11) GW -01 D 20.00 21.09 105.5 20.00 21.05 105.3 0.2 As(V) GW -01 D 20.00 21.07 105.4 20.00 20.99 104.9 0.4 DMAs GW -01D 20.98 22.06 105.2 20.98 22.04 105.0 0.1 Quality Control Summary - Matrix Spike/ Matrix Spike Duplicate (3) Analyte (lag/L) Sample ID Spike Conc MS Result Recovery Spike Conc MSD Result Recovery RPD Fe(I1) MW -18D 50000 63620 115.9 50000 62740 114.1 1.4 Total Fe Batch QC 500.0 650.3 94.6 500.0 659.4 96.4 1.4 Mn (II) MW -18D 50.00 3027 -494.8* 50.00 3004 -541.0* 0.8 Total Mn MW -18D 1000 3633 87.1 1000 3544 78.2 2.5 Diss Mn MW -18D 1000 3549 92.2 1000 3568 94.1 0.6 *Ambient analyte concentration greater than spiking level. 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If you are not familiar with the term and conditions associated with your Project, please contact your $RL re rescntative as soon as possible 425 483-3300. rMethoEdof,Saalc sted 'fum Around Time: Dclivcumber: No"nation Of Sample ],teception: Yee A Methods Comments Matrix Volum Preservative llniti Requested Analytes an field filtered - EDTA - 7 _ -.. _.,..__._._�As Spec _�__._ Cr{VI) ...._____.. ...- field filtered_ NH40H/NH4SO4_ ----- - - —_ ----- �_^. Fe Spec field filtered______ Degassed HCI -e -- �p�_._-•�-^ _ Mn Spec __ ___ tieHd Itered _None No __.._^..__.....� -pec - _ _ unfiltered_ None __ _ __ _n S field filterede None _. _ _.._.^ _Spec As Spa field filtered EDTA -1 _._ �_- field filtered NFL40HINH4SO4 Spec r ZS J Degassed —HCl_..._Fe Mn Spec fieldd filtered NHone one _ i3,i,?,�� ---_.. 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'Matrix: Air, Freshwater ]- , scawatcr (:1w), groundwater ((',n wastewater , soil (, L), sediment (SO), tissue US}, product (P), other (0) ro nev 1.1 (April 20,05) Page 36 of 38 18804 Northcreck Parkway Phone (425) 463 33Q0 Bothell, WA 98011 Fax (425) 483-9818: BRL Project MRna r: leremV Mante Com n .Name: ;1Q•- By submitting of samples the client a8rees to all terms and ccinditians set forth Contaet 1'ercnn: %. 2b in the quotation provided by the BRL project manager. If you are'not familiar Address: v t with the term and conditions associated with your project, please contact your. 4MI41 tj _ �' BRL re resentative as soon as nsible 42 483-3300:: ]'hone Number. %(4q-. kA'1.ti - 't Re uested Turn Around Time: Fax Dumber. ^t5 - 4 - �l1 Method of Sam le Delivery. EaYA Address: Project Name: 'r'�1R� '♦✓ +� � ' ���! �'`' Courier TrackingNumber. Confirmation• of.; trl-y Nom, :t P ate! Number: 0 a Page 37 f 8 18804 Northcreek Parkway Phone (4 4$33300 Fax (425) 483-981.$ Bothell, WA 98011 BRL Nr©-ect Manager . erem Maute By submitting of samples the client agr`ee�s to all terms and conditions set.forth `et in the notation rovided by the BRL project manager. If you ate not familiar t 20 quotation p lease contact our with the term and conditions associated with your pxoject, p Y nl� it Ise b [. BRL;r resentadve ;as soon as pOs6ble 425 483-3300., Re nested Tum Around Time, Method of Sam to De-- : (i1, , �"{uEi�+R•• � Courier Tkackin Number: �t MSI AN C;onfirmatiiin of Sample Reception: yes � N6 tt • d 12176013 Comments Matrix Volume Preservative Initials Requested Analytes and Methods Bottle ID Date and Tune As Spec field filtered . . Ll t�O�{ S �5 �. ;12s EGTA - 7 -- -- — -- .. field filtered_ NH4pHgV Ii4SQ4 Crt1/l field filtered' De assed .HC1 Fe Spec _ d _-- ed �i3�1S Mn Spec field flitered None. WWI _ _ - — - Mn Spec � unfiltered Nanefield filtered ----- None Se Spec field filters EDTA - — f {j Wired Cr(V� l} -- - _ ^INH4SO4 field filtered^ Degassed HCl JFe SSS-- `- g one _ Mn Si�ec - — field filtered _ N unflltered Mn S None . perm iy�te/lime: 15 Comments; ped by. (sigh) rint} j a y { S. DatelTirne: '�• ''� A�jo'� Q' b {+(� Tern by: (sign) (print) _ Comments: oatelTime:-,--- Relinquished by: (sign) (print) DatelTime: Redeived by:. (sign tint} Please account for each sample bottle as a seperate line item for verifieatiun p p:sedimcnr (SO), tissue (('*Product (P), other (0) (1Wj gnwiidwatcr (CVS, wastc:watcr (5 }' Nfatrix: Air, Freshwater (FV10, seawater , Rev 1.t (April 2005) . ,TIS0U,�C Page38 3 Phone (42�i 4633-33QU 18804 Northcreek Parkway Pax (425) 483-9818 :N Bothell, WA 98411 kgsJeremy BRL Project Man er: Maute terms and conditions set Forth �m zl Name: ^ By submitting of samples the client agrees to all in the provided by the BRL project manager. If you are• not familiar ontact Person: V¢ r t quotation with the term and conditions associated with your protect, please contact your ddress: $LUVt i1 �C ( BRL representative as soon as possible 425 483-3300: hone Number: 4 �' Rec uested Turn Around Time: ax 1+lumbet. �S JU - it ( Method of sa le Delivery: :mail Address: -r V)zN t� Olt 'R' � V►1 �"°' Courier Traciciri Number �{ Confirmation of Sample Reception: yes � lr� . 'ro ect Name: "roi ect Number:4 gU Num ber: .1217606 Initials Requested Analytes and ivlethods Comments Bottle YD Date and Time Matra volume Preservative' AS Spe�,______ field filtered ;ample ID i S - � Cr(VI) _ _ r field filtered NH field filters(-�-- �e Spec OW �pekassed HCl Mn Spec field filtered one _ Mn Spec unf@ r 38' _ None field.filtered - Se 'pec �.�_.�. ..�....�� Spec _ field filtered _ Y EDTA -1 Cr VI field AlWed w NH4OHINH4SO4 _ _ _ __ — S field filtered Spec Fe __•_ q assed NCI -- - Mn Spec — field fl1tered ____ -- - None_--�-_ Mn Spec unfiltered - None - - Se Spec field—filter7ed - None___ ------- - -l--- -_ -------- -- { } DatelTrne: h ►5 fkJl�-1 . Lommen�s.. (print) tZa 3eiinquished by, (sign) C . C_ t p ®d deceived. by: (sign) (print) DatelTime: Tem : ('� . Comments: (print) Date/Time:_____ Relinquished by: -(sign) Temp: Date/Time: Reoeived.by: (sign) (pant) Please account for each sample bottle as a seperate line item for veater (tiori,, oilp(Sl.) sediment (Sq), tissue (1's), product (P), other (0) \iairix: Air, Freshwater Q,W), sea.,I (SW), groundwater (GW), wastewater (WW}, • , Raw 1.1 (April M)