HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000396_01_Boring Logs Const Diagrams_20150823PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: AB-01 PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/12/15 COMPLETED: 3/12/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644775.33 EASTING: 944013.914 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2149.143 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 41.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin w p U Q O w CD U) D DESCRIPTION w OJ � mO a Q WELL CONSTRUCTION ASH I 5 10 ASH, soil at — 15.5-16'. 15 , 20 SOIL, turns to red dirt —22' (interface). 25- 530SOIL, 30— SOIL,rock fragments, larger fragments beginning —35'. 35 Rock at 41', saprolite. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: AB-01 PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/12/15 COMPLETED: 3/12/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644775.33 EASTING: 944013.914 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2149.143 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 41.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL w Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of CD < Q� m0 Rock at 41', saprolite. (continued) 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: AB-03 PROJECT NO: 1026.102.1.4 STARTED: 4/13/15 COMPLETED: 4/13/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644144.716 EASTING: 944484.125 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2150.742 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 10.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U U) OJ WELL W Q O D DESCRIPTION � 0 a Q CONSTRUCTION p Of CD W m ASH. I 5 RK Partially weathered rock. M GNEISS, light gray, strong, competent. 10 Terminated at 10'. 15 20 25 30 35 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: AB-09 PROJECT NO: 1026.102.1.4 STARTED: 4/6/15 COMPLETED: 4/6/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643012.99 EASTING: 944896.278 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2133.073 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 67.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U =c7 a O^ �z OJ o E WELL w Q O DESCRIPTION U Z) a Q CONSTRUCTION Col R- < �`" m0 1 5- 10 15 ASH. 20 25 30 35 Saprolite. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South la 29601 GreenvsynTerra l864-421-9999 Phone: PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: AB-09 PROJECT NO: 1026.102.1.4 STARTED: 4/6/15 COMPLETED: 4/6/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643012.99 EASTING: 944896.278 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2133.073 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 67.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL w Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of CD < Q� m0 45 50 Saprolite. (continued) 55 60 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: AB-10 PROJECT NO: 1026.102.1.4 STARTED: 3/25/15 COMPLETED: 3/25/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643624.6 EASTING: 945829.103 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2138.459 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U U) OJ WELL W Q O D DESCRIPTION � O a Q CONSTRUCTION p of CD W m Saprolite, brown, relic structure apparent throughout. I 5- 10- - Same as above, becoming dark brown, heavy oxidatin 14-15'. 15 Boring terminated at 15' bgs. 20 25 30 35 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-02 PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/12/15 COMPLETED: 3/12/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644193.446 EASTING: 944173.886 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2147.48 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2150.304 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 30.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O W p DESCRIPTION Q o J p a CONSTRUCTION p m0 Protective locking cap 5 Grout 10 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 15 ASH 20 �— Bentonite seal 25 —Sand Pack 2" pre -packed well screen 30 35 Foliation, fabric visible in part. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-02 PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/12/15 COMPLETED: 3/12/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644193.446 EASTING: 944173.886 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2147.48 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2150.304 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 30.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of 0 < Q� m0 Foliation, fabric visible in part. (continued) 45 Biotite Gneiss, hard to very hard, slight to moderately - weathered, black with dark gray medium grained, _\ medium to coarse grained throughout, fine to medium mica present in part. 50 - GNEISS, very hard, very slight to slight weathered, -'\ ; dark gray, fine to medium grained, no fractures - observed, abundant fine to medium grained pyrite, ` abundant fine to medium garnet, coarse (2-5 mm) quartz clasts, very thinly foliated when present, - brecciated in part. 55 ' - 02, 60 Same as above, barely any coarse grained clasts of _ - quartz, more aphanitic to fine grained biotite, black, _ amphibiotite/feldspar inclusion —6' long at approximately 61'. 65 BIOTITE GNEISS, very hard to hard, very slightly 70 weathered aphanitic (biotite) to fine -medium grained (quartz, feldspar), black. Feldspar (veins), very thinly foliated when present. Occasional close, tight, low angle to horizontal joints along foliation place, increased weathering and fairly brittle 74 76'. 75 _ BIOTITE GNEISS, very hard, very slight weathering, - aphanitic to fine grained, abundant pyrite, occasional - ` garnet (fine to medium grained), no fractures present. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-02 PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/12/15 COMPLETED: 3/12/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644193.446 EASTING: 944173.886 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2147.48 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2150.304 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 30.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O WELL W p DESCRIPTION 0O� –j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p C� m0 - _ - BIOTITE GNEISS, very hard, very slight weathering, aphanitic to fine grained, abundant pyrite, occasional garnet (fine to medium grained), no fractures present. (continued) 85 - 90— GNEISS BRECCIA, very hard, fresh to very slight _- weathering, aphanitic biotite matrix with coarse grained, - massive quartz coasts, abundant pyrite, breccia zone - ends approximately 89', back to fine grained biotite gneiss. 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-02BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/10/15 COMPLETED: 3/11/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: EASTING: DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 96.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U =c7 a O �mE O WELL Q O DESCRIPTION U � nw CONSTRUCTION p U <wVO 5- 10 15 ASH 20 25 30- 035Foliation, 35— Foliation,fabric visible in part. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-02BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/10/15 COMPLETED: 3/11/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: EASTING: DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 96.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of 0 < Q� m0 Foliation, fabric visible in part. (continued) 45 Biotite Gneiss, hard to very hard, slight to moderately - weathered, black with dark gray medium grained, _\ medium to coarse grained throughout, fine to medium mica present in part. 50 - GNEISS, very hard, very slight to slight weathered, -'\ ; dark gray, fine to medium grained, no fractures - observed, abundant fine to medium grained pyrite, ` abundant fine to medium garnet, coarse (2-5 mm) quartz clasts, very thinly foliated when present, - brecciated in part. 55 ' - 02, 60 Same as above, barely any coarse grained clasts of _ - quartz, more aphanitic to fine grained biotite, black, _ amphibiotite/feldspar inclusion —6' long at approximately 61'. 65 BIOTITE GNEISS, very hard to hard, very slightly 70 weathered aphanitic (biotite) to fine -medium grained (quartz, feldspar), black. Feldspar (veins), very thinly foliated when present. Occasional close, tight, low angle to horizontal joints along foliation place, increased weathering and fairly brittle 74 76'. 75 _ BIOTITE GNEISS, very hard, very slight weathering, - aphanitic to fine grained, abundant pyrite, occasional - ` garnet (fine to medium grained), no fractures present. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-02BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/10/15 COMPLETED: 3/11/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: EASTING: DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 96.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O WELL W p DESCRIPTION 0O� –j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p C� m0 - _ - BIOTITE GNEISS, very hard, very slight weathering, aphanitic to fine grained, abundant pyrite, occasional garnet (fine to medium grained), no fractures present. (continued) 85 - 90— GNEISS BRECCIA, very hard, fresh to very slight _- weathering, aphanitic biotite matrix with coarse grained, - massive quartz coasts, abundant pyrite, breccia zone - ends approximately 89', back to fine grained biotite gneiss. 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-02S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/10/15 COMPLETED: 3/10/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644193.4 EASTING: 944173.9 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2147.48 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2150.286 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 45.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O w p DESCRIPTION Q o J p a CONSTRUCTION p m0 Protective locking cap 5- 10 Grout 15 ASH 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 20 25 30 �— Bentonite seal 35 Foliation, fabric visible in part. —Sand Pack CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South la 29601 GreenvsynTerra l864-421-9999 Phone: PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-02S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/10/15 COMPLETED: 3/10/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644193.4 EASTING: 944173.9 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2147.48 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2150.286 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 45.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of 0 < Q� m0 pre -packed well screen Foliation, fabric visible in part. (continued) 45 Biotite Gneiss, hard to very hard, slight to moderately - weathered, black with dark gray medium grained, _\ medium to coarse grained throughout, fine to medium mica present in part. 50 - GNEISS, very hard, very slight to slight weathered, dark gray, fine to medium grained, no fractures - observed, abundant fine to medium grained pyrite, ` abundant fine to medium garnet, coarse (2-5 mm) quartz clasts, very thinly foliated when present, - brecciated in part. 55 ' 60 Same as above, barely any coarse grained clasts of _ - quartz, more aphanitic to fine grained biotite, black, _ amphibiotite/feldspar inclusion —6' long at approximately 61'. 65 BIOTITE GNEISS, very hard to hard, very slightly 70 weathered aphanitic (biotite) to fine -medium grained (quartz, feldspar), black. Feldspar (veins), very thinly foliated when present. Occasional close, tight, low angle to horizontal joints along foliation place, increased weathering and fairly brittle 74-76'. 75 _ BIOTITE GNEISS, very hard, very slight weathering, - aphanitic to fine grained, abundant pyrite, occasional - ` garnet (fine to medium grained), no fractures present. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-02S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/10/15 COMPLETED: 3/10/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644193.4 EASTING: 944173.9 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2147.48 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2150.286 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 45.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O WELL W p DESCRIPTION 0O� –j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p C� m0 - _ - BIOTITE GNEISS, very hard, very slight weathering, aphanitic to fine grained, abundant pyrite, occasional garnet (fine to medium grained), no fractures present. (continued) 85 - 90— GNEISS BRECCIA, very hard, fresh to very slight _- weathering, aphanitic biotite matrix with coarse grained, - massive quartz coasts, abundant pyrite, breccia zone - ends approximately 89', back to fine grained biotite gneiss. 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-04 PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/23/15 COMPLETED: 3/23/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 944356.036 EASTING: 2153.101 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 643664.02 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2156.407 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 55.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O w p DESCRIPTION Q o J p a CONSTRUCTION p m0 Protective locking cap ASH, dry. 5- 10 ASH, saturated, interval from 13 15 20 ASH, dry. Grout 25 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 30 ASH, saturated 30-37'. 35 No recovery. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-04 PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/23/15 COMPLETED: 3/23/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 944356.036 EASTING: 2153.101 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 643664.02 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2156.407 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 55.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q D DESCRIPTION 0 Z) a Q CONSTRUCTION p of CD <Q� m0 i No recovery. (continued) 45 �— Bentonite seal 50— an Pack 2" pre-packed well screen 55 Ash/saprolite interface at 59'. 60 Saprolite. 65 Partially weathered rock, competent rock, gneiss. 70 GNEISS, mica, strong, dark gray to black, medium to " coarse grained, banding almost indistinguishable, fresh competent, no stones or weathered fractures apparent. 75 _ Minor garnets and trace pyrite observed. Same as above, no pyrite or garnet observed, no notable fracture zones observed. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-04 PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/23/15 COMPLETED: 3/23/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 944356.036 EASTING: 2153.101 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 643664.02 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2156.407 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 55.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O WELL W p DESCRIPTION 0O� —j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p C� m0 - - Same as above, no pyrite or garnet observed, no notable fracture zones observed. (continued) 85 - go - _ Same as above, becoming more schistic, dark gray to - black, moderate to strong, fresh slightly decomposed, - ` trace weathering. 95 - 100 - Same as above. 105 - - Same as above. 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-04BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/21/15 COMPLETED: 3/23/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643658.2 EASTING: 944364.242 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2153.203 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2156.408 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 117.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O w p DESCRIPTION Q o J p a CONSTRUCTION p m0 Protective locking cap ASH, dry. 5 10 ASH, saturated, interval from 13-14'. 15 20 ASH, dry. 25 30 ASH, saturated 30-37'. 6' PVC surface casing 35 Grout No recovery. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-04BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/21/15 COMPLETED: 3/23/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643658.2 EASTING: 944364.242 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2153.203 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2156.408 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 117.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of CD < Q� m0 —2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser No recovery. (continued) 45 Ix 50- 05560 55- Ash/saprolite interface at 59'. 60-- Saprolite. 65 Partially weathered rock, competent rock, gneiss. 70 �— Bentonite seal GNEISS, mica, strong, dark gray to black, medium to " coarse grained, banding almost indistinguishable, fresh competent, no stones or weathered fractures apparent. 75-1/ Minor garnets and trace pyrite observed. —Sand Pack Same as above, no pyrite or garnet observed, no 2" pre-packed well screen notable fracture zones observed. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-04BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/21/15 COMPLETED: 3/23/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643658.2 EASTING: 944364.242 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2153.203 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2156.408 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 117.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O WELL W p DESCRIPTION 0O� —j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p C� m0 - - Same as above, no pyrite or garnet observed, no notable fracture zones observed. (continued) 85 - go - _ Same as above, becoming more schistic, dark gray to - black, moderate to strong, fresh slightly decomposed, - ` trace weathering. 95 - 100 - Same as above. 105 - - Same as above. 110 115 Boring terminated at 117' bgs. Bentonite chips placed to a depth of 87' bgs to facilitate well construction. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-04D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/23/15 COMPLETED: 3/23/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643658.738 EASTING: 944355.794 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2153.232 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2156.43 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 66.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O w p DESCRIPTION Q o J p a CONSTRUCTION p m0 Protective locking cap ASH, dry. 5- 10 ASH, saturated, interval from 13 15 20 ASH, dry. 25 Grout 30 ASH, saturated 30-37'. 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 35 No recovery. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-04D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/23/15 COMPLETED: 3/23/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643658.738 EASTING: 944355.794 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2153.232 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2156.43 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 66.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U =c7 a O WELLoODESCRIPTIONW Q O p 0 CONSTRUCTION p C� < �VJpa No recovery. (continued) 45- 55055Bentonite 50- 55– Bentoniteseal Ash/saprolite interface at 59'. 60 Saprolite. i,` —Sand Pack 2" pre -packed well screen 65 Partially weathered rock, competent rock, gneiss. 70 GNEISS, mica, strong, dark gray to black, medium to " coarse grained, banding almost indistinguishable, fresh competent, no stones or weathered fractures apparent. 75 _ Minor garnets and trace pyrite observed. Same as above, no pyrite or garnet observed, no - - notable fracture zones observed. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-04D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/23/15 COMPLETED: 3/23/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643658.738 EASTING: 944355.794 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2153.232 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2156.43 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 66.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O WELL W p DESCRIPTION 0O� —j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p C� m0 - - Same as above, no pyrite or garnet observed, no notable fracture zones observed. (continued) 85 - go - _ Same as above, becoming more schistic, dark gray to - black, moderate to strong, fresh slightly decomposed, - ` trace weathering. 95 - 100 - Same as above. 105 - - Same as above. 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-05BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/25/15 COMPLETED: 4/2/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644066.825 EASTING: 945458.711 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2134.519 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2137.68 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 92.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O W p DESCRIPTION J p a CONSTRUCTION p of 0 m0 Protective casino with locking cap 5 10 15 Saprolite. 20- 6" PVC surface casing 25 30 Grout Partially weathered rock. 35- 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerm Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-05BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/25/15 COMPLETED: 4/2/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644066.825 EASTING: 945458.711 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2134.519 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2137.68 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 92.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O WELL W p DESCRIPTION 0O� _j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p C� m0 - GNEISS, hard to relatively hard, light to dark gray, fine _\ to medium grained, 3" vertical fractures (x2) '41.5' with -- visible light brownish weathering and pyrite mineralization. Sub vertical fractures continue from 43-44'. Abundant pyrite/filing veins and fractures. Px 45 - - Local garnet, heated fissure throughout. Increasingly _ pegmatite 44-47', very coarse mica muscovite appears brownish bronze. (continued) 50 _ GNEISS, hard to moderately hard, gray, slightly weathered to very slight fine grained. Healed, tight, _ subvertical fractures. Healed fractures throughout. - ` Interlayered with dark gray schistose with bronze/brown - mica. Pyrite abundant in schistose, local garnet. _ pegmatite in part, some pale green mineralization in part. 55 - / / 60—f GNEISS and SCHIST interlayered. Mica weathered to appear bronze throughout, steeply dipping fracture ('5") /� from 59-60', steep fractures continue locally from / 60+62.5', 4" subvertical fracture from 62-62.5' with / pyrite and pale green mineralization on fracture face. '63.5 f Frequent garnet in schist layers. Pegmatite vein to 64.5, abundant pale green mineral present in gneiss, overall gray with green sheen. Calcite present locally. 65 / �— Bentonite seal SCHIST, garnet mica, abundant coarse grained pyrite, is weathered and appears bronze, dark gray, 70—moderate /jmica weathering. " GNEISS, slightly to moderately weathered, local garnet '73', —Sand Pack interlayered with schist. 2" thick pegmatite vein " also pegmatite ' 76-7T, 1" subvertical fracture at 76.5', 2" pre -packed well screen 75 _ some pale green mineralization and pyrite on face. GNEISS, garnet with minor pyrite, 1-3 mm feldspar e mantite '77' slightly weathered. GNEISS garnet with coarse grained pyrite and semi linear to linear feldspar. Garnets 1-5 mm, abundant CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-05BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/25/15 COMPLETED: 4/2/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644066.825 EASTING: 945458.711 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2134.519 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2137.68 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 92.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of CD < Q� m0 ace, teldspar pe ma i e near base, weathered s igpL/ GNEISS garnet with abundant coarse grained pyrite. Subvertical fracture near 81' with abundant pyrite on fracture faces. Subhorizontal fracture near 82', fractures are thin, feldspar pegmatite near 82', garnets 1-4 mm. %,- GNEISS garnet, abundant feldspar with <4 mm zones of mica and garnet. Biotite dominant at 82.5' with and 85 coarse >5 mm feldspar. Abundant coarse pyrite in biotite rich zones. Garnets 1-6 mm, slight weathering, shear fabrics present in biotite zone '83', high percentage of garnet also present. Sheer zones (fabrics) thin, around 2-3 mm, pyrite present in biotite rich zones. ` Becomes feldspar dominant with zones of concentrat biotite and garnet. go_--Gneiss becomes biotite dominant with abundant garn (1-8mm) and pyrite. Sub horizontal fractures present ON/0 near 84.5', feldspar tend to be elongated. Fractures present at 85', 85.5', and 86'. fractures sub horizontal and range in thickness of 1-4 mm, coarse pyrite present on fracture faces. Coarse grained quartz concentrated in areas 85-87', slight weatherin . GNEISS, hard, slight weathering, fragmented, biotite and quartz veins 5-11 mm thick, rough open fractures 95 partially filled by quartz mineralization, fractures rang from horizontal to '45 decree angle for horizontal, arnet 1 mm and feldspar 1-3 mm present. GNEISS, dominantly feldspar and quartz with biotite bands, fractures present at 88' and 88.5'. Fractures open and inclined <'45 decrees, quartz, pyrite mineralization of fracture faces, fracture faces rough, sliqhtly weathered, hard. 100 GNEISS, alternating zones of biotite rich and feldspar and quartz rich zones 3-6" thick. Biotite rich zones containing fine grained quartz, coarse grained pyrite, and dark green fine grained mineral concentrations. Feldspar and quartz rich zones contain minor pyrite. Tight to open fractures present, rough with quartz vei and pyrite mineralization, quartz vein with minor gree tint. 105 GNEISS, hard, slight to moderate weathering, fine grained feldspar and biotite with quartz. Garnet 1-2 mm, minor amounts present, fracture around 90', rough, open, contains pyrite and quartz vein mineralization. Boring terminated at 92' bgs. Bentonite chips placed to a depth of 80' bgs to facilitate well construction. 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-05D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/27/15 COMPLETED: 3/27/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644060.609 EASTING: 945458.767 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2134.364 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2137.512 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 40.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O W p DESCRIPTION J p a CONSTRUCTION p of 0 m0 Protective casino with locking cap 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC 5 riser 10 Grout 15 Saprolite. 20- 025Bentonite 25— Bentoniteseal 30 —Sand Pack Partially weathered rock. 35- 2" pre -packed well screen CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-05D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/27/15 COMPLETED: 3/27/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644060.609 EASTING: 945458.767 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2134.364 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2137.512 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 40.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O WELL W p DESCRIPTION 0O� —j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p C� m0 - GNEISS, hard to relatively hard, light to dark gray, fine _\ to medium grained, 3" vertical fractures (x2) '41.5' with -- visible light brownish weathering and pyrite mineralization. Sub vertical fractures continue from 43-44'. Abundant pyrite/filing veins and fractures. 45 - - Local garnet, heated fissure throughout. Increasingly _ pegmatite 44-47', very coarse mica muscovite appears brownish bronze. (continued) 50 _ GNEISS, hard to moderately hard, gray, slightly weathered to very slight fine grained. Healed, tight, _ subvertical fractures. Healed fractures throughout. - ` Interlayered with dark gray schistose with bronze/brown - mica. Pyrite abundant in schistose, local garnet. _ pegmatite in part, some pale green mineralization in part. 5 55- / 60—f 60 f GNEISS and SCHIST interlayered. Mica weathered to appear bronze throughout, steeply dipping fracture ('5") from 59-60', steep fractures continue locally from / 60+62.5', 4" subvertical fracture from 62-62.5' with / pyrite and pale green mineralization on fracture face. '63.5 f Frequent garnet in schist layers. Pegmatite vein to 64.5, abundant pale green mineral present in gneiss, overall gray with green sheen. Calcite present locally. 65 / SCHIST, garnet mica, abundant coarse grained pyrite, mica is weathered and appears bronze, dark gray, 70 /j moderate weathering. GNEISS, slightly to moderately weathered, local garnet " interlayered with schist. 2" thick pegmatite vein '73', " also pegmatite ' 76-77', 1" subvertical fracture at 76.5', 75 _ some pale green mineralization and pyrite on face. GNEISS, garnet with minor pyrite, 1-3 mm feldspar e mantite '77' slightly weathered. GNEISS garnet with coarse grained pyrite and semi linear to linear feldspar. Garnets 1-5 mm, abundant CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-05D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/27/15 COMPLETED: 3/27/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644060.609 EASTING: 945458.767 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2134.364 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2137.512 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 40.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of CD < Q� m0 ace, teldspar pe ma i e near base, weathered s igpL/ GNEISS garnet with abundant coarse grained pyrite. Subvertical fracture near 81' with abundant pyrite on fracture faces. Subhorizontal fracture near 82', fractures are thin, feldspar pegmatite near 82', garnets 1-4 mm. %,- GNEISS garnet, abundant feldspar with <4 mm zones of mica and garnet. Biotite dominant at 82.5' with and 85 coarse >5 mm feldspar. Abundant coarse pyrite in biotite rich zones. Garnets 1-6 mm, slight weathering, shear fabrics present in biotite zone '83', high percentage of garnet also present. Sheer zones (fabrics) thin, around 2-3 mm, pyrite present in biotite rich zones. ` Becomes feldspar dominant with zones of concentrat biotite and garnet. go_--Gneiss becomes biotite dominant with abundant garn (1-8mm) and pyrite. Sub horizontal fractures present ON/0 near 84.5', feldspar tend to be elongated. Fractures present at 85', 85.5', and 86'. fractures sub horizontal and range in thickness of 1-4 mm, coarse pyrite present on fracture faces. Coarse grained quartz concentrated in areas 85-87', slight weatherin . GNEISS, hard, slight weathering, fragmented, biotite and quartz veins 5-11 mm thick, rough open fractures 95 partially filled by quartz mineralization, fractures rang from horizontal to '45 decree angle for horizontal, arnet 1 mm and feldspar 1-3 mm present. GNEISS, dominantly feldspar and quartz with biotite bands, fractures present at 88' and 88.5'. Fractures open and inclined <'45 decrees, quartz, pyrite mineralization of fracture faces, fracture faces rough, sliqhtly weathered, hard. 100 GNEISS, alternating zones of biotite rich and feldspar and quartz rich zones 3-6" thick. Biotite rich zones containing fine grained quartz, coarse grained pyrite, and dark green fine grained mineral concentrations. Feldspar and quartz rich zones contain minor pyrite. Tight to open fractures present, rough with quartz vei and pyrite mineralization, quartz vein with minor gree tint. 105 GNEISS, hard, slight to moderate weathering, fine grained feldspar and biotite with quartz. Garnet 1-2 mm, minor amounts present, fracture around 90', rough, open, contains pyrite and quartz vein mineralization. Boring terminated at 92' bgs. Bentonite chips placed to a depth of 80' bgs to facilitate well construction. 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-05S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/30/15 COMPLETED: 3/30/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644055.808 EASTING: 945458.926 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2134.277 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2137.208 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 27,0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O W p DESCRIPTION J p a CONSTRUCTION p of 0 m0 Protective casino with locking cap 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC 5 riser Grout 10 15 Saprolite. i �— Bentonite seal 20 —Sand Pack 2" pre -packed well screen 25- 30- - Partially weathered rock. 35 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-05S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/30/15 COMPLETED: 3/30/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644055.808 EASTING: 945458.926 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2134.277 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2137.208 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 27,0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O WELL W p DESCRIPTION 0O� —j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p C� m0 - GNEISS, hard to relatively hard, light to dark gray, fine _\ to medium grained, 3" vertical fractures (x2) '41.5' with -- visible light brownish weathering and pyrite mineralization. Sub vertical fractures continue from 43-44'. Abundant pyrite/filing veins and fractures. 45 - - Local garnet, heated fissure throughout. Increasingly _ pegmatite 44-47', very coarse mica muscovite appears brownish bronze. (continued) 50 _ GNEISS, hard to moderately hard, gray, slightly weathered to very slight fine grained. Healed, tight, _ subvertical fractures. Healed fractures throughout. - ` Interlayered with dark gray schistose with bronze/brown - mica. Pyrite abundant in schistose, local garnet. _ pegmatite in part, some pale green mineralization in part. 5 55- / 60—f 60 f GNEISS and SCHIST interlayered. Mica weathered to appear bronze throughout, steeply dipping fracture ('5") from 59-60', steep fractures continue locally from / 60+62.5', 4" subvertical fracture from 62-62.5' with / pyrite and pale green mineralization on fracture face. '63.5 f Frequent garnet in schist layers. Pegmatite vein to 64.5, abundant pale green mineral present in gneiss, overall gray with green sheen. Calcite present locally. 65 / SCHIST, garnet mica, abundant coarse grained pyrite, mica is weathered and appears bronze, dark gray, 70 /j moderate weathering. GNEISS, slightly to moderately weathered, local garnet " interlayered with schist. 2" thick pegmatite vein '73', " also pegmatite ' 76-77', 1" subvertical fracture at 76.5', 75 _ some pale green mineralization and pyrite on face. GNEISS, garnet with minor pyrite, 1-3 mm feldspar e mantite '77' slightly weathered. GNEISS garnet with coarse grained pyrite and semi linear to linear feldspar. Garnets 1-5 mm, abundant CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-05S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/30/15 COMPLETED: 3/30/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644055.808 EASTING: 945458.926 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2134.277 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2137.208 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 27.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of CD < Q� m0 ace, teldspar pe ma i e near base, weathered s igpL/ GNEISS garnet with abundant coarse grained pyrite. Subvertical fracture near 81' with abundant pyrite on fracture faces. Subhorizontal fracture near 82', fractures are thin, feldspar pegmatite near 82', garnets 1-4 mm. %,- GNEISS garnet, abundant feldspar with <4 mm zones of mica and garnet. Biotite dominant at 82.5' with and 85 coarse >5 mm feldspar. Abundant coarse pyrite in biotite rich zones. Garnets 1-6 mm, slight weathering, shear fabrics present in biotite zone '83', high percentage of garnet also present. Sheer zones (fabrics) thin, around 2-3 mm, pyrite present in biotite rich zones. ` Becomes feldspar dominant with zones of concentrat biotite and garnet. go_--Gneiss becomes biotite dominant with abundant garn (1-8mm) and pyrite. Sub horizontal fractures present ON/0 near 84.5', feldspar tend to be elongated. Fractures present at 85', 85.5', and 86'. fractures sub horizontal and range in thickness of 1-4 mm, coarse pyrite present on fracture faces. Coarse grained quartz concentrated in areas 85-87', slight weatherin . GNEISS, hard, slight weathering, fragmented, biotite and quartz veins 5-11 mm thick, rough open fractures 95 partially filled by quartz mineralization, fractures rang from horizontal to '45 decree angle for horizontal, arnet 1 mm and feldspar 1-3 mm present. GNEISS, dominantly feldspar and quartz with biotite bands, fractures present at 88' and 88.5'. Fractures open and inclined <'45 decrees, quartz, pyrite mineralization of fracture faces, fracture faces rough, sliqhtly weathered, hard. 100 GNEISS, alternating zones of biotite rich and feldspar and quartz rich zones 3-6" thick. Biotite rich zones containing fine grained quartz, coarse grained pyrite, and dark green fine grained mineral concentrations. Feldspar and quartz rich zones contain minor pyrite. Tight to open fractures present, rough with quartz vei and pyrite mineralization, quartz vein with minor gree tint. 105 GNEISS, hard, slight to moderate weathering, fine grained feldspar and biotite with quartz. Garnet 1-2 mm, minor amounts present, fracture around 90', rough, open, contains pyrite and quartz vein mineralization. Boring terminated at 92' bgs. Bentonite chips placed to a depth of 80' bgs to facilitate well construction. 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-06BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/25/15 COMPLETED: 3/25/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643639.995 EASTING: 946150.286 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2149.308 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2151.497 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 64.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O W p DESCRIPTION o J p a CONSTRUCTION p of 0 m0 Protective casino with locking cap Partially weathered rock, saprolite to rock fragments, brown (7.5YR, 3/4), slightly moist, sand with silt, relic structure and highly weathered rock fragments throughout. 5 Grout Interlayered schist and gneiss, rock, gray, schist, gneiss and pyrite observed, abundant oxidation (7-9') 10 Same as above with some clay, moderately disintegrate, moderately decomposed (9-11') Brown (7.5YR, 4/4), same as 0-7', less moist, dry, layer rock fragments. 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 15 Mica schist, grey, mica, schist, medium to strong, moderately distinguished, moderately decomposed, oxidation or pyrite apparent. �— Bentonite seal 20 Same as above, oxidation noted through 18'. _ 2" pre-packed well screen 25 —Sand Pack Same as above, only slightly disintegrate and decomposed, strong, minor garnets observed, no pyrite 30 (27-34'). Drilling extremely hard, GNEISS, fine to coarse grained, light gray, white, highly fractured (vertical), k 35 fresh, some secondary mineralization along fractures I i pyrite, garnet present (fractures dry). (34-37') Same as above (34-37), continued hard drilling, light gray to gray, continued fractures. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-06BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/25/15 COMPLETED: 3/25/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643639.995 EASTING: 946150.286 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2149.308 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2151.497 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 64.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of (D < Q� m0 Same as above (34-37), continued hard drilling, light gray to gray, continued fractures. (continued) 45- 550Same 50— Sameas above, approximately 7' recovery, slightly wet, rounding —46', fractures appear fresh, no oxidation observed. 55 Same as above, fracture at 61' with blue/green mineralization. 60 Mica schist material, garnets abundant, pyrite mineralization on fracture at 62'. Boring terminated at 64' bgs. Bentonite chips placed to 65 a depth of 37' bgs to facilitate well construction. 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-07 PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/9/15 COMPLETED: 4/9/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642758.8 EASTING: 945393.7 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2141.666 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2144.621 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 12.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U OWQ Om p DESCRIPTIONU Q J0 FL CONSTRUCTION p 0 0 U—Protective casino with locking cap Grout 5 �— Bentonite seal ASH. 2" pre-packed well screen 10 Sand Pack 15- 520ASH 20— ASHcommingled with saprolite at 12'. Saprolite. 25- 530RK 30— RK Partially weathered rock. 35 Mica Schist, moderate to strong, dark gray, fresh, garnets observed. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-07 PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/9/15 COMPLETED: 4/9/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642758.8 EASTING: 945393.7 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2141.666 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2144.621 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 12.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of CD < Q� m0 Mica Schist, moderate to strong, dark gray, fresh, garnets observed. (continued) 45- 550Same 50— Sameas above, quartz vein at 51' and 56', blue green mineralization present. 55- 560Same 60— Sameas above with increased fine grained feldspar, white mica, biotite vein with some chlorite at 55'. 65 5 AI // 70 ell- GNEISS, hard, fresh, light gray to nearly black interlayered with schist. Abundant quartz veins. Same as above. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-07 PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/9/15 COMPLETED: 4/9/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642758.8 EASTING: 945393.7 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2141.666 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2144.621 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 12.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p Of CD < Q� m0 n Same as above. (continued) I Boring terminated at 83' bgs. Bentonite chips placed to a depth of 62' bgs to facilitate well construction. 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-07BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/7/15 COMPLETED: 4/9/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642759.518 EASTING: 945404.438 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2141.636 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2144.565 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 83.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U Op O WQ DESCRIPTION Q o J p a CONSTRUCTION p m0 Protective locking cap 5 ASH. 10 15- 6" PVC surface casing 20 Grout ASH commingled with saprolite at 12'. Saprolite. 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 25- 530RK 30— RK Partially weathered rock. 35 Mica Schist, moderate to strong, dark gray, fresh, garnets observed. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-07BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/7/15 COMPLETED: 4/9/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642759.518 EASTING: 945404.438 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2141.636 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2144.565 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 83.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U =c7 ^ OU � p Ea WELLoODESCRIPTIONW Q O p 0 CONSTRUCTION p C� < �VJpa �— Bentonite seal Mica Schist, moderate to strong, dark gray, fresh, garnets observed. (continued) 45- 550—Sand 50— —SandPack Same as above, quartz vein at 51' and 56', blue green 2" pre packed well screen mineralization present. 55- 560Same 60— Sameas above with increased fine grained feldspar, white mica, biotite vein with some chlorite at 55'. 65- 70—"""' \ - GNEISS, hard, fresh, light gray to nearly black interlayered with schist. Abundant quartz veins. 75 - - Same as above. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-07BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/7/15 COMPLETED: 4/9/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642759.518 EASTING: 945404.438 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2141.636 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2144.565 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 83.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p x CD < Q� m0 n Same as above. (continued) I Boring terminated at 83' bgs. Bentonite chips placed to a depth of 62' bgs to facilitate well construction. 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-07D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 12/30/99 COMPLETED: 12/30/99 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642759.222 EASTING: 945399.069 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2141.636 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2144.66 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 0.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U U) OJ WELL W Q O D DESCRIPTION O � a Q CONSTRUCTION p CD W m 5 I ASH. 10 15- 520ASH 20— ASHcommingled with saprolite at 12'. Saprolite. 25- 530RK 30— RK Partially weathered rock. 35 Mica Schist, moderate to strong, dark gray, fresh, garnets observed. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-07D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 12/30/99 COMPLETED: 12/30/99 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642759.222 EASTING: 945399.069 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2141.636 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2144.66 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 0.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of CD < Q� m0 Mica Schist, moderate to strong, dark gray, fresh, garnets observed. (continued) 45- 550Same 50— Sameas above, quartz vein at 51' and 56', blue green mineralization present. 55- 560Same 60— Sameas above with increased fine grained feldspar, white mica, biotite vein with some chlorite at 55'. 65 5 AI // 70 ell- GNEISS, hard, fresh, light gray to nearly black interlayered with schist. Abundant quartz veins. Same as above. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-07D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 12/30/99 COMPLETED: 12/30/99 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642759.222 EASTING: 945399.069 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2141.636 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2144.66 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 0.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p Of CD < Q� m0 n Same as above. (continued) I Boring terminated at 83' bgs. Bentonite chips placed to a depth of 62' bgs to facilitate well construction. 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-07S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/9/15 COMPLETED: 4/9/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642759.2 EASTING: 945399.1 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2141.629 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2141.666 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 31.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O W p DESCRIPTION Q o J p a CONSTRUCTION p m0 Protective locking cap 5 ASH. Grout 10 15 �— Bentonite seal 20 ASH commingled with saprolite at 12'. Saprolite. —Sand Pack 25- 2" pre packed well screen 30 RK Partially weathered rock. 35 Mica Schist, moderate to strong, dark gray, fresh, garnets observed. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-07S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/9/15 COMPLETED: 4/9/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642759.2 EASTING: 945399.1 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2141.629 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2141.666 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 31.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of CD < Q� m0 Mica Schist, moderate to strong, dark gray, fresh, garnets observed. (continued) 45- 550Same 50— Sameas above, quartz vein at 51' and 56', blue green mineralization present. 55- 560Same 60— Sameas above with increased fine grained feldspar, white mica, biotite vein with some chlorite at 55'. 65 5 AI // 70 ell- GNEISS, hard, fresh, light gray to nearly black interlayered with schist. Abundant quartz veins. Same as above. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-07S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/9/15 COMPLETED: 4/9/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642759.2 EASTING: 945399.1 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2141.629 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2141.666 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 31.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p Of CD < Q� m0 n Same as above. (continued) I Boring terminated at 83' bgs. Bentonite chips placed to a depth of 62' bgs to facilitate well construction. 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-08 PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/28/15 COMPLETED: 4/28/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642779.646 EASTING: 946158.894 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2162.913 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2165.403 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 30.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: T. Platin Z U a Ooi p o fo WELLa W < D DESCRIPTION w — 0 a CONSTRUCTION o U U Q� U iv e casino with locking cap SM SAND, silt, backfill, some gravel and organic matter (grass and roots), orangish brown, wet, soft, ASH, wet, organic matter (grass), dark blackish gray. 5 SILT, sandy, some gravel, trace of clay, moist, fine to ML coarse sand, soft, orangish brown, greenish brown and dark gray. Grout 10 ASH, commingled with fill, trace of gravel, trace of organic matter (roots and sticks), moist, soft, dark greenish gray, layer of backfill/ash mix at 14.5-15.2', orangish brown and dark greenish, firm. 15 �— Bentonite seal 20 ASH, commingled with fill, trace of organic matter, trace of gravel, trace of cobbles, dark greenish gray with some orangish brown and dark gray almost black. —Sand Pack 25 2" pre packed well screen ASH commingled with fill, same as above except no cobbles. 30 Pulverized rock. 35 Partially weathered rock, wet, oxidation staining, orangish brown and grayish brown to brownish gray. Pulverized rock with large fragments of competent rock. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-08 PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/28/15 COMPLETED: 4/28/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642779.646 EASTING: 946158.894 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2162.913 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2165.403 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 30.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: T. Platin W p U C� p DESCRIPTION 0O� O —j Z) m0 a WELL CONSTRUCTION Pulverized rock with large fragments of competent rock. (continued) 45 - - GNEISS, garnet layers throughout, no fractures observed. (continued) - GNEISS, near vertical fracture at 48.7-49.5' with secondary mineralization including pyrite, garnet layer " observed in upper 2'(46-48'), some pyrite. 50 Biotite schist interlayered with gneiss, thin pegmatite at 51-51.2'. 55 Biotite schist with few thin layers of gneiss, trace of 60 garnets, no observed fractures. 65 1, GNEISS, no observed fractures. Biotite schist, no fractures observed. 70 - GNEISS, pegmatite at —71-71.5', no fragments observed. 75 \ - GNEISS interlayered with biotite schist, pegmatite at 76.3-77.7', no fractures observed. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvs lle, South na 29601 l864-421-9999 mTerra Phone: PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-08 PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/28/15 COMPLETED: 4/28/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642779.646 EASTING: 946158.894 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2162.913 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2165.403 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 30.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p x CD < Q� m0 GNEISS interlayered with biotite schist, pegmatite at - 76.3-77.7', no fractures observed. (continued) 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-08BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/28/15 COMPLETED: 4/29/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: EASTING: DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 88.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin a U o- o O oi p z o f WELL WW DESCRIPTION Q W `� m O a_ n CONSTRUCTION SM SAND, silt, backfill, some gravel and organic matter (grass and roots), orangish brown, wet, soft, ASH, wet, organic matter (grass), dark blackish gray. 5 SILT, sandy, some gravel, trace of clay, moist, fine to ML coarse sand, soft, orangish brown, greenish brown and dark gray. 10 ASH, commingled with fill, trace of gravel, trace of organic matter (roots and sticks), moist, soft, dark greenish gray, layer of backfill/ash mix at 14.5-15.2', orangish brown and dark greenish, firm. 15 20 ASH, commingled with fill, trace of organic matter, trace of gravel, trace of cobbles, dark greenish gray with some orangish brown and dark gray almost black. 25 ASH commingled with fill, same as above except no cobbles. 30 Pulverized rock. 35 Partially weathered rock, wet, oxidation staining, orangish brown and grayish brown to brownish gray. Pulverized rock with large fragments of competent rock. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s)mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-08BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/28/15 COMPLETED: 4/29/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: EASTING: DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 88,0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin W p U C� p DESCRIPTION 0O� O -j Z) m0 a WELL CONSTRUCTION Pulverized rock with large fragments of competent rock. (continued) 45 - - GNEISS, garnet layers throughout, no fractures observed. (continued) - GNEISS, near vertical fracture at 48.7-49.5' with secondary mineralization including pyrite, garnet layer " observed in upper 2'(46-48'), some pyrite. 50 Biotite schist interlayered with gneiss, thin pegmatite at 51-51.2'. 55 Biotite schist with few thin layers of gneiss, trace of 60 garnets, no observed fractures. 65 1, GNEISS, no observed fractures. Biotite schist, no fractures observed. 70 - GNEISS, pegmatite at —71-71.5', no fragments observed. 75 \ - GNEISS interlayered with biotite schist, pegmatite at 76.3-77.7', no fractures observed. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvs lle, South na 29601 l864-421-9999 mTerra Phone: PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-08BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/28/15 COMPLETED: 4/29/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: EASTING: DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 88.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p Of CD < Q� m0 GNEISS interlayered with biotite schist, pegmatite at - 76.3-77.7', no fractures observed. (continued) 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: CB -01 BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/10/15 COMPLETED: 4/12/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643309.762 EASTING: 946467.632 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2197.177 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2200.265 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 85.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Gilmer CHECKED BY: T. Platin a Z wo U o < U � DESCRIPTION a Q 0,—o w `� p z m 0 o f a n WELL CONSTRUCTION Protective casino with locking cap SAND with clay, color transitions from orangish yellow with white mottling (3-3.10') to yellowish orange with SC white and black mottling (3.10-4.8') to yellowish brown with reddish maroon, white, and black mottling. Minor angular gravel (schistose) with irregular sharp, very soft, non -plastic and dry. 5 SILT, color transitions with depth from brownish yellow ML to yellowish orange and reddish maroon with white and black mottling, minor sand and gravel, very soft, non -plastic and dry. SC SAND, color transitions with depth from orangish brown and blackish brown to tan -brown with orangish red and black mottling, fine to coarse-grained with clay and few ravel, very soft, low plasticity and dry. SM SAPROLITE (phyllitic-schistose), color variable 10 reddish Oran e, whitish yellow and some black). SAND, dark brown and orangish brown, silty with trac ML gravel sa rolitic , soft and dry. SILT, color transition with depth from orangish brown with white to reddish brown, some sand with minor clay and gravel, soft and non -plastic. SAPROLITE (phyllitic-schistose), variable color (brown, x§ <' 15 red, black, and white). SILT, red and white -tan with sand and few clay and gravel, soft, low plasticity and dry. ML CLAY, color transitions with depth from reddish brown 20 CL to tannish to orangish brown, silty with fine to coarse sand and trace gravel (phyllitic-schistose), moderate plasticity and dry. CL CLAY, tan- and orange -brown, contain little silt, moderate plasticity and moist. • �' . � GC GM GRAVEL (graphitic schist, quartz, feldspar), submetallic silvery gray, contains orangish/yellowish brown silt and clay, very low plasticity and moist. 25 CLAY, submetallic silvery gray and orangish CL yellow-brown, silty with sand and little gravel (graphitic schist), low plasticity and moist, becomes dry near 28' b s. GC 30GM GRAVEL (graphitic schist), submetallic silver gray with minor brown, contains fine to coarse sand, non -plastic SC and dry. SAND, reddish tan -brown and orangish tan -brown, fine -7 to coarse-grained with some clay and gravel, low plasticity and dry. Sands and gravels graphitic with brown discoloration. 6" PVC surface casing 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser ML SILT, white and tannish brown with minor 35 SC orange -brown, contains sand and clay with few gravel (graphitic schist), low plasticityand moist. Grout SAND, orangish brown with some white and black, CL clayey with minor gravel, low plasticity and moist. CLAY, orangish brown and gray -black, contains sand RK and silt with trace gravel and coarse sand, low plastici and moist. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: CB -01 BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/10/15 COMPLETED: 4/12/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643309.762 EASTING: 946467.632 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2197.177 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2200.265 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 85.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Gilmer CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of 0 < Q� m0 RK ROCK, pulverized. Fragments saprolitic schist and partially weathered biotite graphite schist. Fragments submetallic silvery gray with orangish and reddish 45 brown/ dark brown staining from oxidation. (continued) 50 - GNEISS, contains quartz and biotite, highly weathered, oxidized, hard. 55 - GNEISS, contains quartz and biotite, 1.5" quartz vein 60 near base with pyrite (fine grained) mineralization. GNEISS, very thinly foliated, very hard with very slight weathering. Fracture 64.3' bgs, sub -horizontal with minor fine pyrite mineralization. Fracture at 64.8' bgs, dip around 30' from horizontal. Multiple fractures at 65 66.4' bgs with fine grained pyrite mineralization.Ix Fracture at 67' bgs, subhorizontal with fine grained pyrite mineralization. GNEISS, contains biotite and quartz, very thinly foliated, subhorizontal fractures observed at 68.3', 69.5', 70.8', 73', and 74.4'. Fracture at 70.8' contains e matitic quartz and fine coarse rite mineralizatio . 70 �— Bentonite seal 75 SCHIST, contains quartz and biotite, very thinly - - foliated, slightly weathered. —Sand Pack GNEISS, contains biotite and quartz (pegmatitic), very hard, slight -moderate weathering, hard. Fractures, subhorizontal resent at 80' and 81' bgs. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: CB -01 BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/10/15 COMPLETED: 4/12/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643309.762 EASTING: 946467.632 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2197.177 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2200.265 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 85.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Gilmer CHECKED BY: T. Platin a U o_ a � p z o f WELL WW 0 < U) DESCRIPTION Q W `� U m O o- n CONSTRUCTION U 0 U pre-pac ed well screen GNEISS, contains quartz, biotite and feldspar. Fractures, subhorizontal, at 84' and 84.6'. Highly \ - sheared at 86', S -C fabrics present and feldspar highly deformed. 5 85- 90- 90 - \ Same as above, heavily foliated, very thinly foliated. Fractures, subhorizontal, at 87.4' and 88.4' bgs. Fracture, high -angled, 90.9' bgs. Staining from oxidation present around 93.6'. 95 - - GNEISS, contains quartz and biotite, weakly foliated, very slight weathering. 100 _ GNEISS, contains biotite, quartz and feldspar, minor - foliation, very slight weathering, hard. Has salt and - pepper appearance. 105 _- GNEISS, contains quartz and biotite, moderately - foliated, very slight weathering, hard. Quartz veins 110 present. j�SCHIST, contains biotite, muscovite, minor quartz and / garnet, thinly foliated. Fracture, subhorizontal, around 113' bgs. Fracture contains fine-grained pyrite and 115 chlorite(?). Boring terminated at 117' bgs. Bentonite chips placed to a depth of 85' bgs to facilitate well construction. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: CB-01 D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/13/15 COMPLETED: 4/13/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643314.249 EASTING: 946470.176 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2197.211 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2200.237 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 57.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Gilmer CHECKED BY: T. Platin a Z wo U o < U � DESCRIPTION a Q 0,—o w `� p z m 0 o f a n WELL CONSTRUCTION Protective casino with locking cap SAND with clay, color transitions from orangish yellow with white mottling (3-3.10') to yellowish orange with SC white and black mottling (3.10-4.8') to yellowish brown with reddish maroon, white, and black mottling. Minor angular gravel (schistose) with irregular sharp, very soft, non-plastic and dry. 5 SILT, color transitions with depth from brownish yellow ML to yellowish orange and reddish maroon with white and black mottling, minor sand and gravel, very soft, non-plastic and dry. SC SAND, color transitions with depth from orangish brown and blackish brown to tan-brown with orangish red and black mottling, fine to coarse-grained with clay and few ravel, very soft, low plasticity and dry. SAPROLITE (phyllitic-schistose), color variable 10__.SM reddish orange, whitish yellow and some black . SAND, dark brown and orangish brown, silty with trac ML ravel sa rolitic , soft and dry. SILT, color transition with depth from orangish brown with white to reddish brown, some sand with minor clay and gravel, soft and non-plastic. SAPROLITE (phyllitic-schistose), variable color (brown, 15 red, black, and white). SILT, red and white-tan with sand and few clay and gravel, soft, low plasticity and dry. ML CLAY, color transitions with depth from reddish brown 20 CL to tannish to orangish brown, silty with fine to coarse sand and trace gravel (phyllitic-schistose), moderate Grout plasticity and dry. CL CLAY, tan- and orange-brown, contain little silt, moderate plasticity and moist. • �' . b GC GM (graphitic schist, quartz, feldspar), submetallic silvery gray, contains orangish/yellowish brown silt and clay, very low plasticity and moist. 25—GRAVEL CLAY, submetallic silvery gray and orangish CL yellow-brown, silty with sand and little gravel (graphitic schist), low plasticity and moist, becomes dry near 28' 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC b s• riser GC 30 GM GRAVEL (graphitic schist), submetallic silver gray with minor brown, contains fine to coarse sand, non-plastic SC and dry. SAND, reddish tan-brown and orangish tan-brown, fine to coarse-grained with some clay and gravel, low plasticity and dry. Sands and gravels graphitic with ML brown discoloration. SILT, white and tannish brown with minor 35 SC orange-brown, contains sand and clay with few gravel (graphitic schist), low plasticity and moist. SAND, orangish brown with some white and black, CL clayey with minor ravel, low plasticityand moist. CLAY, orangish brown and gray-black, contains sand RK and silt with trace gravel and coarse sand, low plastici and moist. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: CB -01 D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/13/15 COMPLETED: 4/13/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643314.249 EASTING: 946470.176 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2197.211 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2200.237 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 57.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Gilmer CHECKED BY: T. Platin U =c7 a O^ o �z OJ p E WELL W Q O p DESCRIPTION U p a Q CONSTRUCTION p o 0 < �V m0 RK ROCK, pulverized. Fragments saprolitic schist and �— Bentonite seal partially weathered biotite graphite schist. Fragments submetallic silvery gray with orangish and reddish 45 brown/ dark brown staining from oxidation. (continued) 50— —Sand Pack _ - GNEISS, contains quartz and biotite, highly weathered, 2" pre packed well screen oxidized, hard. 55 - GNEISS, contains quartz and biotite, 1.5" quartz vein 60 near base with pyrite (fine grained) mineralization. GNEISS, very thinly foliated, very hard with very slight weathering. Fracture 64.3' bgs, sub -horizontal with minor fine pyrite mineralization. Fracture at 64.8' bgs, dip around 30' from horizontal. Multiple fractures at 65 66.4' bgs with fine grained pyrite mineralization. Fracture at 67' bgs, subhorizontal with fine grained pyrite mineralization. GNEISS, contains biotite and quartz, very thinly foliated, subhorizontal fractures observed at 68.3', 69.5', 70.8', 73', and 74.4'. Fracture at 70.8' contains e matitic quartz and fine coarse rite mineralizatio . 70- 075SCHIST, 75— SCHIST,contains quartz and biotite, very thinly - - foliated, slightly weathered. GNEISS, contains biotite and quartz (pegmatitic), very hard, slight -moderate weathering, hard. Fractures, subhorizontal resent at 80' and 81' bgs. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: CB -01 D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/13/15 COMPLETED: 4/13/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643314.249 EASTING: 946470.176 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2197.211 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2200.237 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 57.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Gilmer CHECKED BY: T. Platin a U o_ a � p z o f WELL WW 0 < U) DESCRIPTION Q W m O o- n CONSTRUCTION GNEISS, contains quartz, biotite and feldspar. Fractures, subhorizontal, at 84' and 84.6'. Highly \ - sheared at 86', S -C fabrics present and feldspar highly deformed. 85- 5 90- 90 - \ Same as above, heavily foliated, very thinly foliated. Fractures, subhorizontal, at 87.4' and 88.4' bgs. Fracture, high -angled, 90.9' bgs. Staining from oxidation present around 93.6'. 95 - - GNEISS, contains quartz and biotite, weakly foliated, very slight weathering. 100 _ GNEISS, contains biotite, quartz and feldspar, minor - foliation, very slight weathering, hard. Has salt and - pepper appearance. 105 _- GNEISS, contains quartz and biotite, moderately - foliated, very slight weathering, hard. Quartz veins 110 present. j�SCHIST, contains biotite, muscovite, minor quartz and / garnet, thinly foliated. Fracture, subhorizontal, around 113' bgs. Fracture contains fine-grained pyrite and 115 chlorite(?). CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: CB-08BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/23/15 COMPLETED: 4/24/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645127.296 EASTING: 943045.093 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2139.922 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2142.952 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 106.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: WQ p U Op DESCRIPTION Q Op J m0 a CONSTRUCTION Protective locking cap ML SILT, red (2.5 YR, 4/6), moist, non plastic, non cohesive. 5- 10- - ML SILT, reddish brown (5 YR, 5/4), moist, non plastic, non cohesive. 15 20 ML Same as above. 25 SW SM SAND with silt, well graded, brown (7.5 YR, 4/3). 30- 35— RK Partially weathered rock, gray, very intensely fractured, highly decomposed, heavily oxidized. Grout CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lina 29601 Greenvlle, South CaroTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: CB-08BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/23/15 COMPLETED: 4/24/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645127.296 EASTING: 943045.093 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2139.922 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2142.952 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 106.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: a U o_ a � p z o f WELL WW 0 < V) DESCRIPTION Q W m O o- n CONSTRUCTION RK Partially weathered rock, gray, very intensely fractured, highly decomposed, heavily oxidized. (continued) 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 45 GNEISS, gray, hard, intensely fractured, heavy oxidation. 0 50- 55 55 60 - GNEISS, fresh gray, no oxidation apparent, augen gneiss, observed sub -vertical fracture at 62'. 65 70-1 -" Same as above, moderately fractured between 70-72', intersecting fractures at 71', no oxidation observed. 75 \ - Same as above, moderately fractured 76-78', oxidation observed. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: CB-08BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/23/15 COMPLETED: 4/24/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645127.296 EASTING: 943045.093 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2139.922 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2142.952 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 106.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U 2 O WELL W p DESCRIPTION 0O� _j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p C� m0 �— Bentonite seal - Same as above, moderately fractured 76-78', oxidation _ observed. (continued) 85 - ' —Sand Pack 90 2" pre -packed well screen - Same as above, oxidation observed along foliation from 86-89', interlayered schist. 95 100 - Same as above, gneiss at 96'. 105 Boring terminated at 106' bgs. Bentonite chips placed to a depth of 98' bgs to facilitate well construction. 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: CB-08D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/22/15 COMPLETED: 4/22/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645122.331 EASTING: 943047.278 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2140.524 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2143.484 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 36.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O W p DESCRIPTION Q J p a CONSTRUCTION p m0 Protective locking cap ML SILT, red (2.5 YR, 4/6), moist, non plastic, non cohesive. 5- 10- - ML SILT, reddish brown (5 YR, 5/4), moist, non plastic, non cohesive. Grout 15- 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser - - ML Same as above. 20 25 SW SM SAND with silt, well graded, brown (7.5 YR, 4/3). Bentonite seal 30 an Pack 2" pre-packed well screen 35 RK Partially weathered rock, gray, very intensely fractured, highly decomposed, heavily oxidized. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: CB -08D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/22/15 COMPLETED: 4/22/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645122.331 EASTING: 943047.278 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2140.524 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2143.484 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 36.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin a U o_ a � p z o f WELL WW 0 < U) DESCRIPTION Q W m O o- n CONSTRUCTION RK Partially weathered rock, gray, very intensely fractured, highly decomposed, heavily oxidized. (continued) 45 GNEISS, gray, hard, intensely fractured, heavy oxidation. 50- 0 55 55 - GNEISS, fresh gray, no oxidation apparent, augen gneiss, observed sub -vertical fracture at 62'. 65 -" Same as above, moderately fractured between 70-72', intersecting fractures at 71', no oxidation observed. 75 \ - Same as above, moderately fractured 76-78', oxidation observed. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: CB -08D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/22/15 COMPLETED: 4/22/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645122.331 EASTING: 943047.278 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2140.524 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2143.484 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 36.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U =c7 a O WELLoODESCRIPTIONW Q O p 0 CONSTRUCTION p C� < �VJpa - Same as above, moderately fractured 76-78', oxidation _ observed. (continued) 5 85- 9 0 90 - Same as above, oxidation observed along foliation from 86-89', interlayered schist. 95 100-11,_ - Same as above, gneiss at 96'. 105 Boring terminated at 106' bgs. Bentonite chips placed to a depth of 98' bgs to facilitate well construction. 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: CB-09BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/14/15 COMPLETED: 4/21/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645587 EASTING: 944225.1 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2178.152 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2181.111 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 93.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O W p DESCRIPTION J p a CONSTRUCTION p of 0 m0 Protective casino with locking cap CL CLAY, with some fine sands and silt, brown 0-3', red/orange 3-8', mica present 5-8', moist. 5- 10— 10SANDS/SILT, SANDS/SILT, some clay, grayish brown with local orange yellow saprolite, fine, some clay, moist to dry, some saprolite fragments very well consolidated. 15 As above, saprolite, foliation structure visible, mica schist. 20 SAPROLITE, brownish red, -27' saprolite remains in more consolidated structure with a white mineral present (interbedded in part), foliation structure visible, mica, schist. 25 30 SAPROLITE, reddish brown, mostly remaining consolidated, foliation structure visible, mica, schist, wet. 35 6" PVC surface casing SAPROLITE, reddish brown to brownish red, wet, weathered mica schist (silt/clay). 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lina 29601 Greenvlle, South CaroTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 4 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: CB-09BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/14/15 COMPLETED: 4/21/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645587 EASTING: 944225.1 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2178.152 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2181.111 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 93.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of 0 < Q� m0 riser Grout SAPROLITE, reddish brown to brownish red, wet, 45 weathered mica schist (silt/clay). (continued) 50 SAPROLITE, wet (VERY). 55 SAPROLITE, (continued to cut dry), wet turned to gray -56'. 60 SAPROLITE, reddish brown, turns brown gray'63', fragments of partially weathered rock begin -64' and continue throughout (gravel size). 65- 70- - Saprolite with gravel inclusions (mica schist) at 74.5', fresh, gray. RK Rock 75 GNEISS, dark gray, hard, fresh. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 4 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: CB-09BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/14/15 COMPLETED: 4/21/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645587 EASTING: 944225.1 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2178.152 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2181.111 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 93.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p Of (D < Q� m0 �— Bentonite seal GNEISS, schist, pegmatite vein -3" thick - 84', vertical to subvertical fractures begin '84', heavily iron stained 85 faces (orangish brown), vuggy weathering in this zone, -' pyrite secondary and abundant where weathering ends. (continued) Sand Pack 2" pre -packed well screen 90 -" " GNEISS interlayered with schist, Vuggy weathering in N_ gneiss, coarse pegmatite throughout. 95-1- 5 _100 100-111'- - -" Same as aboe, fracture from 102-103' with oxidation - � observed. 105 110 Interlayered gneiss and schist pegmatite 111-115'. 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 4 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: CB-09BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/14/15 COMPLETED: 4/21/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645587 EASTING: 944225.1 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2178.152 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2181.111 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 93.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL w Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of CD < Q� m0 Interlayered gneiss and schist pegmatite 111-115'. (continued) 125 Boring terminated at 125' bgs. Bentonite chips placed to a depth of 98' bgs to facilitate well construction. 130 135 140 145 150 155 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 4 OF 4 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: CB-09SL PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/14/15 COMPLETED: 4/14/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645596.2 EASTING: 944227.8 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2181.424 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 74.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O W p DESCRIPTION J p a CONSTRUCTION p of 0 m0 Protective casino with locking cap CL CLAY, with some fine sands and silt, brown 0-3', red/orange 3-8', mica present 5-8', moist. 5 10 SANDS/SILT, some clay, grayish brown with local orange yellow saprolite, fine, some clay, moist to dry, some saprolite fragments very well consolidated. 15 As above, saprolite, foliation structure visible, mica schist. 20 SAPROLITE, brownish red, -27' saprolite remains in more consolidated structure with a white mineral present (interbedded in part), foliation structure visible, mica, schist. 25 30 SAPROLITE, reddish brown, mostly remaining consolidated, foliation structure visible, mica, schist, wet. Grout 35 SAPROLITE, reddish brown to brownish red, wet, weathered mica schist (silt/clay). CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 4 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: CB-09SL PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/14/15 COMPLETED: 4/14/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645596.2 EASTING: 944227.8 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2181.424 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 74.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of CD < Q� m0 SAPROLITE, reddish brown to brownish red, wet, 45 weathered mica schist (silt/clay). (continued) 50 SAPROLITE, wet (VERY). 55 SAPROLITE, (continued to cut dry), wet turned to gray -56'. 60 SAPROLITE, reddish brown, turns brown gray'63', fragments of partially weathered rock begin -64' and continue throughout (gravel size). 65 Bentonite seal i 70 Saprolite with gravel inclusions (mica schist) at 74.5', an Pack fresh, gray. 2" pre -packed well screen RK Rock 75--- 5 -GNEISS, GNEISS,dark gray, hard, fresh. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s)mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 4 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: CB-09SL PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/14/15 COMPLETED: 4/14/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645596.2 EASTING: 944227.8 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2181.424 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 74.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O WELL W p DESCRIPTION 0O� -j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p C� m0 GNEISS, schist, pegmatite vein -3" thick - 84', vertical to subvertical fractures begin '84', heavily iron stained 85 faces (orangish brown), vuggy weathering in this zone, -' pyrite secondary and abundant where weathering ends. (continued) -" 90 -" GNEISS interlayered with schist, Vuggy weathering in gneiss, coarse pegmatite throughout. 100 -" -" Same as aboe, fracture from 102-103' with oxidation - � observed. 105 110 Interlayered gneiss and schist pegmatite 111-115'. 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 4 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: CB-09SL PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/14/15 COMPLETED: 4/14/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645596.2 EASTING: 944227.8 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2181.424 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 74.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL w Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of CD < Q� m0 Interlayered gneiss and schist pegmatite 111-115'. (continued) 125 Boring terminated at 125' bgs. Bentonite chips placed to a depth of 98' bgs to facilitate well construction. 130 135 140 145 150 155 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 4 OF 4 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MS -06D PROJECT NO: 1026.102.1.4 STARTED: 4/13/15 COMPLETED: 4/13/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: EASTING: DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic ELEVATION ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 61N WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 28.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Plating U O� OWQ p DESCRIPTION Q o W J p 0 a Q CONSTRUCTION p Of O m Protective casino with locking cap Backfill, soil with large stones. >X1 -6" PVC surface casing Backfill with large pecks, orange brown. 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC K 5-10 1 riser ML SILT, sandy, very fine grained to medium grained, sand, trace of clay, wet, moist, gray (saprolite). Grout SILT, trace of fine sand, trace of clay, moist, relic 10 ML fabric, partially weathered rock at 8 to 8.8' and 10.5 to 10.8', micaceous, brownish gray, orangish brown and greenish brownish gray (saprolite). SILT, same as above except thin layer of partially 15 ML weathered rock at 15 to 15.1', moist to slightly wet, oran ish brown. Partially weathered rock, some portions of saprolite with relic fabric, portions grown to powder due to drilling dry. 16 to 19' is light brown grayish brown; 19-22' is light brownish gray and light gray. Bentonite seal 20 Note: For the 4th and 5th runs (22-26') and (26-31'), drilling was done using water. Partially weathered rock, vertical and subvertical fractures observed interspersed throughout; source rock appears to be a schist, varying degrees of weathering throughout. —Sand Pack 25 Note: Bottom portion of the sample collected from 22 2" pre packed well screen to 26' (Run 4) is not representative because the drill pit was pulled up at one point which allowed ground up rock to flow into the hole. This was captured in the bottom of the run. 30 35 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC PhoTerra n864-679-3711 Fax: PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-01 BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/2/15 COMPLETED: 4/8/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643965.616 EASTING: 946143.504 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2166.987 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2170.033 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 96.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U OWQ DESCRIPTIONU Om FL p p Q J0 CONSTRUCTION 0 0 U—Protective casino with locking cap 5 SILT, sandy and trace of clay, fine to coarse grained ML sand with trace of gravel, firm to soft, micaceous, dru to slight moist, orangish brown and light brown. 10 Saprolite zone from 10-11' appears wet and has abundant clay, relic fabric throughout. SAPROLITE, appears wet and has abundant clay, relic 15 fabric throughout. 20 Same as above, firm, slightly moist, micaceous, some gravel, relic fabric. Color varies throughout from greenish brown to orangish brown to greenish gray. 6" PVC surface casing 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 25 Grout Same as above, clayey, trace of fine sand, soft, wet, orangish brown and greenish orangish brown. 30 Same as above, sandy, trace of clay, fine to carse grained sand, trace of some gravel, trace of partially weathered rock (gravel to cobble size), firm to hard, slightly moise, micaceous, relic fabric throughout, orangish brown, greenish grayish brown, greenish brownish gray and brown. 35 PWR rock fragments with weathered rock, firm, relic fabric, moist with wet zone from 38.540', dark gray with fragments of light gray at 36.8' zone from 39-40' is highly weathered saprolite, orangish brown and dark gray. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -01 BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/2/15 COMPLETED: 4/8/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643965.616 EASTING: 946143.504 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2166.987 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2170.033 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 96.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of 0 < Q� m0 GNEISS with thin pegmatite at —42.8'. Zone from 44.3-45' interlayered with schist, no observed fractures. 45 50 Biotite schist, pegmatite at 46-46.5', fracture (vertical) in the bottom of this pegmatite, thin gneiss — 0.3' thick at —50.5. �—Bentonite seal 55 _ GNEISS with this layer of schist at —55-55.3', no observed fractures. Same as above. 60—Sand Pack SCHIST interlayered with thin pegmatite and gneiss, 2" pre -packed well screen slightly fractured. 5 65- 70— 70SCHIST, SCHIST,interlayerd with gneiss. 75 Same as above. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-01 BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/2/15 COMPLETED: 4/8/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643965.616 EASTING: 946143.504 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2166.987 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2170.033 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 96.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL w Q D DESCRIPTION 0 Z) 0 a Q CONSTRUCTION p o: CD <Q� m Same as above. (continued) 85 90- 095Boring 95— Boringterminated at 96' bgs. Bentonite chips placed in borehole to a depth of 71.5' bgs to facilitate construction. 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-01D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/9/15 COMPLETED: 4/9/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643962.563 EASTING: 946147.959 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2166.952 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2170.187 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 40.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U OWQ DESCRIPTIONU Om FL p p Q J0 CONSTRUCTION 0 0 U—Protective casino with locking cap 5 SILT, sandy and trace of clay, fine to coarse grained ML sand with trace of gravel, firm to soft, micaceous, dru to slight moist, orangish brown and light brown. 10 Saprolite zone from 10-11' appears wet and has abundant clay, relic fabric throughout. SAPROLITE, appears wet and has abundant clay, relic 15 fabric throughout. Grout 20 Same as above, firm, slightly moist, micaceous, some gravel, relic fabric. Color varies throughout from greenish brown to orangish brown to greenish gray. 25 Same as above, clayey, trace of fine sand, soft, wet, orangish brown and greenish orangish brown. 30 Same as above, sandy, trace of clay, fine to carse grained sand, trace of some gravel, trace of partially �— Bentonite seal weathered rock (gravel to cobble size), firm to hard, slightly moise, micaceous, relic fabric throughout, orangish brown, greenish grayish brown, greenish brownish gray and brown. 35 —Sand Pack PWR rock fragments with weathered rock, firm, relic fabric, moist with wet zone from 38.540', dark gray 2" pre-packed well screen with fragments of light gray at 36.8' zone from 39-40' is highly weathered saprolite, orangish brown and dark gray. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -01D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/9/15 COMPLETED: 4/9/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643962.563 EASTING: 946147.959 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2166.952 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2170.187 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 40.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin W U Q O � DESCRIPTION 2 0 OJ p a Q WELL p of p < m0 CONSTRUCTION 0 Q� GNEISS with thin pegmatite at —42.8'. Zone from 44.3-45' interlayered with schist, no observed fractures. 45- 50— Biotite schist, pegmatite at 46-46.5', fracture (vertical) in the bottom of this pegmatite, thin gneiss — 0.3' thick at —50.5. 55 _ GNEISS with this layer of schist at —55-55.3', no observed fractures. Same as above. 60 SCHIST interlayered with thin pegmatite and gneiss, slightly fractured. 65 70 /j SCHIST, interlayerd with gneiss. 75—/ Same as above. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-01D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/9/15 COMPLETED: 4/9/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643962.563 EASTING: 946147.959 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2166.952 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2170.187 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 40.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL w Q D DESCRIPTION 0 Z) 0 a Q CONSTRUCTION p o: CD <Q� m Same as above. (continued) 85 90- 095Boring 95— Boringterminated at 96' bgs. Bentonite chips placed in borehole to a depth of 71.5' bgs to facilitate construction. 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-02BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/20/15 COMPLETED: 3/24/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642718.441 EASTING: 945945.093 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2164.649 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2168.033 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 77.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin W p U O of CD p DESCRIPTION Op J m0 a CONSTRUCTION Protective casino with locking cap 5 ASH and backfill, abundant roots at 5 6', top 1' dark greenish gray and dark gray, bottom 1' dark greenish gray, dark gray and orangish brown, moist, soft, some very thin very dark layers. Saprolite, relic structure apparent, trace of clay, some 10 mica, soft, fragments break easily into finer particles, dry, , thin zone from 11.4-11.6'. Same as above, clayey, moist to slight wet, trace of roots over thin zone from 12.6-12.8', few large rock fragments. 15 Some fine to coarse sand, micaceous, dry, trace of clay, soft, light greenish brown and light brown. 6" PVC surface casing 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 20 Same as above except more fragments thin layers of dark gray to very dark gray. 25 Same as above, wet zone at 27-28'. Partial weathered rock. 30 Competent rock, very powdery due to drilling dry, light gray. Grout SCHIST, dark gray, hard, fine to medium grained, thinly 35 � foliated. Interlayered schist (same as above) and gneiss, / / Gneiss: light gray, hard, fine - medium grained, sub vertical fracture —44'. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC South Carolina 29601 Greenvra Phone:864llle, s mTerPAGE 1 OF 2 421 9999 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-02BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/20/15 COMPLETED: 3/24/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642718.441 EASTING: 945945.093 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2164.649 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2168.033 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 77.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q D DESCRIPTION 0 Z) 0 a Q CONSTRUCTION p o: CD <Q� m / f Interlayered schist (same as above) and gneiss, Gneiss: light gray, hard, fine - medium grained, sub 45-1/ vertical fracture —44'. (continued) f � / / 50 / Same as above, thin (.5-1") pegmatite veins present. f/X 55 / f � / / 60—f / Same as above, vertical fracture at —66.5', approx. 2" / length, pegmatite 66.5-67'. 65 / Bentonite seal / Same as above. 70 / —Sand Pack Gneiss, vertical to sub-vertical fractures from 71-73.5', pyrite mineralization and chlorite present on fracture faces. 2" pre-packed well screen 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-03BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/25/15 COMPLETED: 3/30/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642476.982 EASTING: 945214.383 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2138.146 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2141.311 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 91.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O W p DESCRIPTION J p a CONSTRUCTION p of 0 m0 Protective casino with locking cap ML SILT, reddish brown. 5- MIL SILT, grayish brown with gravel sized partially weathered rock. 10- 15 Partially weathered rock, orangish brown, moderately hard. 20 - 6" PVC surface casing 25 30 Interlayered partially weathered rock, gneiss. Partially rox - weathered rock heavily weathered orangish brown. Gneiss very slightly weathered, gray, fine to coarse grained. 35 Grout CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 -S) MTerM Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-03BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/25/15 COMPLETED: 3/30/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642476.982 EASTING: 945214.383 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2138.146 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2141.311 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 91.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin W U Q O � DESCRIPTION 2 0 OJ p a Q WELL CONSTRUCTION p Of CD p < Q� m0 45 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 50 SCHIST, dark gray, hard, very fine grained to aphanitic, yx very finley foliated, pyrite mineralization on foliation planes. 55 Localized garnet. (continued) 60- 0 65- 6570Mica 70— MicaSchist, abundant thin veins of pyrite throughout, no observed garnets, no observed fractures, thin pegmatite at 73-73.8'. 75 �— Bentonite seal Mica, Schist, localized abundant garnet, at —78' have thin verifilled with pyrite, no visible fractures. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-03BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/25/15 COMPLETED: 3/30/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642476.982 EASTING: 945214.383 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2138.146 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2141.311 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 91.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p O a Q CONSTRUCTION p o: CD < Q� m Mica, Schist, localized abundant garnet, at –78' have thin verifilled with pyrite, no visible fractures. (continued) 85 —Sand Pack 2" pre-packed well screen Mica, Schist, thin layers of abundant garnets, pegmatite at – 87.5-88.3', bottom foot 90-91' darker indicating possible more abundant biotite, no apparent fractures observed. 90 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-03D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/31/15 COMPLETED: 3/31/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642486.811 EASTING: 945215.216 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2139.031 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2142.037 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 40.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O W p DESCRIPTION J p a CONSTRUCTION p of 0 m0 Protective casino with locking cap ML SILT, reddish brown. 5- MIL SILT, grayish brown with gravel sized partially weathered rock. 10 Grout 15 Partially weathered rock, orangish brown, moderately hard. 20—- 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 25 Bentonite seal 30—ZInterlayered partially weathered rock, gneiss. Partially - weathered rock heavily weathered orangish brown. Gneiss very slightly weathered, gray, fine to coarse grained. Sand Pack 35- 2" pre-packed well screen CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 MTerM Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -03D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/31/15 COMPLETED: 3/31/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642486.811 EASTING: 945215.216 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2139.031 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2142.037 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 40.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin W U Q O � DESCRIPTION 2 0 OJ p a Q WELL CONSTRUCTION p Of CD p < Q� m0 45- 5 50— 50SCHIST, SCHIST,dark gray, hard, very fine grained to aphanitic, very finley foliated, pyrite mineralization on foliation planes. 55 /� Localized garnet. (continued) 60- 0 65 65 70 Mica Schist, abundant thin veins of pyrite throughout, no observed garnets, no observed fractures, thin pegmatite at 73-73.8'. 75 Mica, Schist, localized abundant garnet, at —78' have thin verifilled with pyrite, no visible fractures. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-03D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/31/15 COMPLETED: 3/31/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642486.811 EASTING: 945215.216 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2139.031 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2142.037 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 40.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p O a Q CONSTRUCTION p o: CD < Q� m Mica, Schist, localized abundant garnet, at —78' have thin verifilled with pyrite, no visible fractures. (continued) 85 Mica, Schist, thin layers of abundant garnets, pegmatite at — 87.5-88.3', bottom foot 90-91' darker indicating possible more abundant biotite, no apparent fractures observed. 90 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-04BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/17/15 COMPLETED: 3/19/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642758.697 EASTING: 946389.259 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2163.271 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 92.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin W p U Q O of 0 U) D DESCRIPTION < W OJ � m0 a Q WELL CONSTRUCTION Backfill, abundant organic matter 0-.5' moist, abundant coarse sand, some gravel, dark brown and orangish brown. ASH, moist, very fine, very dark gray. 5 ASH commingled with backfill, moist, dark gray, light gray and greenish brown. 10 . ASH commingled with backfill that includes construction debris, moist to wet. 15 7. ASH commingled with organic matter (very large 20 section of wood at 19-19.5'), abundant wood fragments, wet, dark gray and reddish orangish brown. ASH commingled with backfill, trace rock fragments and very coarse sand, dark greenish and silverish gray, wet, portions somewhat shining. 25—; Same as above except greenish brown. SAPROLITE with some sand (coarse to fine), trace of 30 gravel, moist, firm to soft, dark orangish reddish brown. RK Partially weathered rock, silt with rock fragments (some cobble size), moist, dark orangish brown, gray and light 35 gray. Partially weathered rock highly weathered with iron oxide staining at 37-38'. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-04BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/17/15 COMPLETED: 3/19/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642758.697 EASTING: 946389.259 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2163.271 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 92.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin W U DESCRIPTION 0O� OZ) a WELL p p —j m0 CONSTRUCTION C� Same as above. Same as above, possible fracture at —45' with possible 45 secondary mineralization. 50 Schist, light gray, dark gray with some white fragments. 55 /1 60-11 Same as above. 65 70 Interlayered schist and gneiss, vertical fractures observed at 71', thin pegmatite at 76.4-76.6'. 75 Same as above, more gneiss than schist at 82-87', sub vertical fracture at 84-86'. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-04BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/17/15 COMPLETED: 3/19/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642758.697 EASTING: 946389.259 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2163.271 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 92.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL w Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of CD < Q� m0 Same as above, more gneiss than schist at 82-87', sub vertical fracture at 84-86'. (continued) 85 Interlayered schist and gneiss, increased schist in this 90 5' interval. 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -04D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/17/15 COMPLETED: 3/17/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642758.697 EASTING: 946389.259 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2163.271 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2166.421 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 38.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin W p U O of 0 p DESCRIPTION U o Q� Op J m0 U a CONSTRUCTION iv e casino with Backfill, abundant organic matter 0-.5' moist, abundant locking cap coarse sand, some gravel, dark brown and orangish brown. ASH, moist, very fine, very dark gray. 5 ASH commingled with backfill, moist, dark gray, light gray and greenish brown. 10 ASH commingled with backfill that includes construction debris, moist to wet. Grout 15 ASH commingled with organic matter (very large 20 section of wood at 19-19.5'), abundant wood fragments, wet, dark gray and reddish orangish brown. ASH commingled with backfill, trace rock fragments and very coarse sand, dark greenish and silverish gray, wet, portions somewhat shining. 25 Same as above except greenish brown. 30 SAPROLITE with some sand (coarse to fine), trace of gravel, moist, firm to soft, dark orangish reddish brown. Bentonite seal RK Partially weathered rock, silt with rock fragments (some cobble size), moist, dark orangish brown, gray and light 35 —Sand Pack gray. 2" pre -packed well screen Partially weathered rock highly weathered with iron oxide staining at 37-38'. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -04D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/17/15 COMPLETED: 3/17/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642758.697 EASTING: 946389.259 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2163.271 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2166.421 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 38.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin W U Q O � DESCRIPTION 2 0 OJ p a Q WELL CONSTRUCTION p of CD p < Q� m0 Same as above. Same as above, possible fracture at —45' with possible 45 secondary mineralization. 50 Schist, light gray, dark gray with some white fragments. 55 /1 60-11 Same as above. 65 70 Interlayered schist and gneiss, vertical fractures observed at 71', thin pegmatite at 76.4-76.6'. 75 Same as above, more gneiss than schist at 82-87', sub vertical fracture at 84-86'. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-04D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/17/15 COMPLETED: 3/17/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642758.697 EASTING: 946389.259 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2163.271 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2166.421 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 38.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL w Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of CD < Q� m0 Same as above, more gneiss than schist at 82-87', sub vertical fracture at 84-86'. (continued) 85 Interlayered schist and gneiss, increased schist in this 90 5' interval. 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-05BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/25/15 COMPLETED: 4/26/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642369.098 EASTING: 944866.403 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2085.354 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2085.741 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 46.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O WELL W p DESCRIPTION Q 0O� —j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p of (D U m0 U l.�Protective locking cap ML SILT, medium, low plasticity, cohesive, brown, wet. Increased fine sand at 3'. 5 SAPROLITE, reddish brown to light gray. 10 Same as above, dark red to gray with depth, dry to slightly moist, non plastic, non cohesive. 6" PVC surface casing 15 Grout 20 Partially weathered rock, gneiss, mica, schist (GMS), highly fractured, weak to moderately strong, slight to moderately decomposed, heavy oxidation on fractures, 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC green secondary mineralization present. riser 25 K y GMS, gray, medium, fresh, fractures, parallel to 30 foliation, no oxidation observed, increased pyrite with depth. Bentonite seal 35 0/e, GNEISS, gray to greenish gray, moderate to strong pegmatite at 36, 39, and 41.5', fracture at 40' with oxidated pyrite surface. an Pack CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-05BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/25/15 COMPLETED: 4/26/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642369.098 EASTING: 944866.403 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2085.354 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2085.741 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 46.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O WELL W p DESCRIPTION 0O� —j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p C� m0 2" pre packed well screen GNEISS, gray to greenish gray, moderate to strong pegmatite at 36, 39, and 41.5', fracture at 40' with oxidated pyrite surface. (continued) 45 - 50 55 60 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:llle, 864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-05D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/27/15 COMPLETED: 4/27/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642371.685 EASTING: 944870.236 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2085.537 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2085.851 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 26.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O W p DESCRIPTION J p a CONSTRUCTION p of 0 m0 Protective casino with locking cap ML SILT, medium, low plasticity, cohesive, brown, wet. Increased fine sand at 3'. 5 Grout SAPROLITE, reddish brown to light gray. 10 i Same as above, dark red to gray with depth, dry to Bentonite seal slightly moist, non plastic, non cohesive. 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 15 20 Partially weathered rock, gneiss, mica, schist (GMS),—Sand Pack highly fractured, weak to moderately strong, slight to 2" pre packed well screen moderately decomposed, heavy oxidation on fractures, green secondary mineralization present. 25 GMS, gray, medium, fresh, fractures, parallel to 30 foliation, no oxidation observed, increased pyrite with depth. Mpg 35 GNEISS, gray to greenish gray, moderate to strong pegmatite at 36, 39, and 41.5', fracture at 40' with oxidated pyrite surface. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -05D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/27/15 COMPLETED: 4/27/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642371.685 EASTING: 944870.236 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2085.537 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2085.851 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 26.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O WELL w p DESCRIPTION 0O� —j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p C� m0 GNEISS, gray to greenish gray, moderate to strong pegmatite at 36, 39, and 41.5', fracture at 40' with oxidated pyrite surface. (continued) 45 - 50 55 60 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:llle, 864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-05S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 12/30/99 COMPLETED: 12/30/99 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: EASTING: DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 0.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U U) OJ WELL W Q O D DESCRIPTION Z:)a O Q CONSTRUCTION p of (D W m ML SILT, medium, low plasticity, cohesive, brown, wet. I Increased fine sand at 3'. 5 SAPROLITE, reddish brown to light gray. 10 Same as above, dark red to gray with depth, dry to slightly moist, non plastic, non cohesive. 15- 20— Partially weathered rock, gneiss, mica, schist (GMS), highly fractured, weak to moderately strong, slight to moderately decomposed, heavy oxidation on fractures, green secondary mineralization present. 25 GMS, gray, medium, fresh, fractures, parallel to 30 foliation, no oxidation observed, increased pyrite with depth. gg 35 GNEISS, gray to greenish gray, moderate to strong pegmatite at 36, 39, and 41.5', fracture at 40' with oxidated pyrite surface. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -05S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 12/30/99 COMPLETED: 12/30/99 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: EASTING: DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 0.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O WELL w p DESCRIPTION 0O� —j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p C� m0 GNEISS, gray to greenish gray, moderate to strong pegmatite at 36, 39, and 41.5', fracture at 40' with oxidated pyrite surface. (continued) 45 - 50 55 60 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:llle, 864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-06BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/11/15 COMPLETED: 4/12/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642610.67 EASTING: 944767.718 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2059.282 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2062.313 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 81.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O W p DESCRIPTION J p a CONSTRUCTION p Of 0 m0 Protective casino with locking cap Backfill, soil with gravel. Backfill with gravel, orange brown. 5 ML SILT, sandy, very fine grained to medium grained, sand, trace of clay, wet, moist, gray (saprolite). SILT, trace of fine sand, trace of clay, moist, relic 10 ML fabric, partially weathered rock at 8 to 8.8' and 10.5 to 10.8', micaceous, brownish gray, orangish brown and greenish brownish gray (saprolite). SILT, same as above except thin layer of partially 15 ML weathered rock at 15 to 15.1', moist to slightly wet, oran ish brown. 6" PVC surface casing 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser _ Partially weathered rock, some portions of saprolite with relic fabric. 16 to 19' is light brown grayish brown; 20 19-22' is light brownish gray and light gray. Grout Partially weathered rock, vertical and subvertical 25 - fractures observed interspersed throughout; source rock appears to be a schist, varying degrees of weathering throughout. 30 SCHIST, no fractures observed, black and white. jSCHIST, interlayered with thin pegmatite <1" to i approximately 4" thick. Few thin layers containing 35 small garnets. No fractures observed. Same as above, pegmatite observed at approximately 41.2' to 42.3'. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvs lle, South na 29601 l864-421-9999 mTerra Phone: PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-06BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/11/15 COMPLETED: 4/12/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642610.67 EASTING: 944767.718 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2059.282 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2062.313 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 81.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p 0 a Q CONSTRUCTION p Of CD < Q� m �— Bentonite seal Same as above, pegmatite observed at approximately 41.2' to 42.3'. (continued) 45— Sand Pack 50 Same as above except gneiss at approximately 55.5 to 56'. 2" pre packed well screen 55 Same as above. 60 - GNEISS with some thin layers of schist, no fractures - observed. 65 - Same as above. 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-06BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/11/15 COMPLETED: 4/12/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642610.67 EASTING: 944767.718 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2059.282 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2062.313 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 81.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p Of CD < Q� m0 Same as above. (continued) Boring terminated at 81' bgs. Bentonite chips placed in borhole to a depth of 61' bgs to faciliate well placement. 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -06D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/13/15 COMPLETED: 4/13/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642608.295 EASTING: 944772.91 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2059.449 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2062.731 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 28.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin W p U O D DESCRIPTION Omp J0Of a CONSTRUCTION Locking cal2 Backfill, soil with gravel. Grout Backfill with gravel, orange brown. 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC 5— riser ML SILT, sandy, very fine grained to medium grained, sand, trace of clay, wet, moist, gray (saprolite). SILT, trace of fine sand, trace of clay, moist, relic 10 ML fabric, partially weathered rock at 8 to 8.8' and 10.5 to 10.8', micaceous, brownish gray, orangish brown and greenish brownish gray (saprolite). Grout 15 ML SILT, same as above except thin layer of partially weathered rock at 15 to 15.1', moist to slightly wet, oran ish brown. _ Partially weathered rock, some portions of saprolite with relic fabric. 16 to 19' is light brown grayish brown; Bentonite seal 20 19-22' is light brownish gray and light gray. - Partially weathered rock, vertical and subvertical fractures observed interspersed throughout; source rock appears to be a schist, varying degrees of 25 —Sand Pack 2" pre -packed well screen weathering throughout. 30 SCHIST, no fractures observed, black and white. jSCHIST, interlayered with thin pegmatite <1" to i approximately 4" thick. Few thin layers containing 35 small garnets. No fractures observed. Same as above, pegmatite observed at approximately 41.2' to 42.3'. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -06D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/13/15 COMPLETED: 4/13/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642608.295 EASTING: 944772.91 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2059.449 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2062.731 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 28.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p 0 a Q CONSTRUCTION p Of CD < Q� m Same as above, pegmatite observed at approximately 41.2' to 42.3'. (continued) 45 50 Same as above except gneiss at approximately 55.5 to 56'. 55 Same as above. 60 GNEISS with some thin layers of schist, no fractures observed. 65 70 _ _ Same as above. 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-06D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/13/15 COMPLETED: 4/13/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642608.295 EASTING: 944772.91 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2059.449 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2062.731 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 28.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p Of CD < Q� m0 Same as above. (continued) Boring terminated at 81' bgs. Bentonite chips placed in borhole to a depth of 61' bgs to faciliate well placement. 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -06S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/13/15 COMPLETED: 4/13/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642607.038 EASTING: 944778.44 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2059.851 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2063.118 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 18.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O Om W D DESCRIPTION p J0Of a CONSTRUCTION p Locking cal2 Backfill, soil with gravel. Grout 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser Backfill with gravel, orange brown. Bentonite seal 5—M ML SILT, sandy, very fine grained to medium grained, sand, trace of clay, wet, moist, gray (saprolite). SILT, trace of fine sand, trace of clay, moist, relic 10 ML fabric, partially weathered rock at 8 to 8.8' and 10.5 to 10.8', micaceous, brownish gray, orangish brown and greenish brownish gray (saprolite). Sand Pack 2" pre -packed well screen SILT, same as above except thin layer of partially 15 ML weathered rock at 15 to 15.1', moist to slightly wet, oran ish brown. _ Partially weathered rock, some portions of saprolite with relic fabric. 16 to 19' is light brown grayish brown; 20 19-22' is light brownish gray and light gray. Partially weathered rock, vertical and subvertical 25 fractures observed interspersed throughout; source rock appears to be a schist, varying degrees of weathering throughout. 30 SCHIST, no fractures observed, black and white. jSCHIST, interlayered with thin pegmatite <1" to i approximately 4" thick. Few thin layers containing 35 small garnets. No fractures observed. Same as above, pegmatite observed at approximately 41.2' to 42.3'. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -06S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/13/15 COMPLETED: 4/13/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642607.038 EASTING: 944778.44 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2059.851 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2063.118 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 18.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p 0 a Q CONSTRUCTION p Of CD < Q� m Same as above, pegmatite observed at approximately 41.2' to 42.3'. (continued) 45 50 Same as above except gneiss at approximately 55.5 to 56'. 55 Same as above. 60 GNEISS with some thin layers of schist, no fractures observed. 65 70 _ _ Same as above. 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-06S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/13/15 COMPLETED: 4/13/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642607.038 EASTING: 944778.44 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2059.851 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2063.118 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 18.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p Of CD < Q� m0 Same as above. (continued) Boring terminated at 81' bgs. Bentonite chips placed in borhole to a depth of 61' bgs to faciliate well placement. 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-U%BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/7/15 COMPLETED: 4/11/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643619.05 EASTING: 943730.983 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2070.162 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2073.58 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 72.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin a Z wo U o < U � DESCRIPTION a Q U 0,—o w `� p z m 0 UProtective o f a n17� WELL CONSTRUCTION casino with locking cap CL CLAY, dark gray, orange with medium to fine grained sands. CL CLAY, red orange with med to fine grained sands. 5 CL CLAY, reddish brown with fine sands, some saprolite, few fragments of partially weathered rock. CLAY, grayish brown with fine sands, few rock 10 CL fragments, water table at 13', water observed in bottom of the hole. vo 6" PVC surface casing 15 Interlayered partially weathered rock and saprolite. Interlayered partially weathered rock and saprolite, 20 hard, heavily weathered, fine grained GNEISS. Dark orange red staining, dark gray at 20', brecciated zone (20-22.5'). 25 GNEISS, sharply dipping 3" fracture with red/orange staining, occasional pyrite, coarse grained to massive feldspar/quartz, steeply dipping vertical fractures. Grout Pegmatite with contact to GNEISS on top face, other small gravel size fragments of partially weathered rock, 30 dark red to orange staining. Interlayerd SCHIST and PEGMATITE, Schist hard, fresh to very slight weathering, dark gray to black. Very fine grained to aphenitic. Abundant pyrite throughout, frequent filling weathering planes along foliation and on foliation surfaces. vertical to steep fracture –3" around 31.5'. Slight pale green mineralization on fracture face Pegmatite, coarse to massive feldspar and quartz. 35 Very tight, filled (pyrite/biotite) fissure and fractures throughout. 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser Finely interlayerd biotite schist/pegmatite, gneissic locally –34'. 2" vertical fracture (no min) 36', 4" steep vertical fracture with pale green mineralization, 37' 5" steeply dipping fracture, some light green mineralization on surface. As above. 1' of hard rock CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-U%BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/7/15 COMPLETED: 4/11/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643619.05 EASTING: 943730.983 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2070.162 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2073.58 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 72.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION < 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of 0 � m0 of hardroc (continued) GNEISS and PEGMATITE, interlayerd, subvertical to 45 vertical fractures (tight, smooth), starting—46-48', green mineralization present on fracture faces, steep fractures continue to 49'. 50 GNEISS with pegmatite veins, 50-52' gravel sized pegmatite. 55 �— Bentonite seal 60— 0GNEISS—Sand GNEISS —SandPack 65 2" pre-packed well screen 70 GNEISS, dark gray, occasional garnet —69', no apparent fractures. 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-08BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/2/15 COMPLETED: 3/2/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644588.011 EASTING: 943388.961 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2123.896 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2123.885 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 97.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin Z U o Ooi p o fo WELLa W < D DESCRIPTION w— O o CONSTRUCTION TION o U U Q� U iv e casino with locking cap SM SAND, silt, backfill, some gravel and organic matter (grass and roots), orangish brown, wet, soft, ASH, wet, organic matter (grass), dark blackish gray. 5 SILT, sandy, some gravel, trace of clay, moist, fine to ML coarse sand, soft, orangish brown, greenish brown and dark gray. 10 ASH, commingled with fill, trace of gravel, trace of organic matter (roots and sticks), moist, soft, dark greenish gray, layer of backfill/ash mix at 14.5-15.2', orangish brown and dark greenish, firm. 15 20 ASH, commingled with fill, trace of organic matter, trace of gravel, trace of cobbles, dark greenish gray with some orangish brown and dark gray almost black. 25 ASH commingled with fill, same as above except no cobbles. 30 Grout Pulverized rock. 35 6" PVC surface casing Partially weathered rock, wet, oxidation staining, 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC orangish brown and grayish brown to brownish gray. riser Pulverized rock with large fragments of competent rock. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-08BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/2/15 COMPLETED: 3/2/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644588.011 EASTING: 943388.961 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2123.896 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2123.885 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 97.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of CD < Q� m0 Pulverized rock with large fragments of competent rock. (continued) 45 50 - GNEISS, gray to dark gray, fresh, slightly decomposed, secondary mineralization observed in fractures. 55 - 60 Amphibolia gneiss, strong gray to black, greenish black at 61'. 65 Bentonite seal 70 Same as above, greenish black at 67-72', white, garnet rich interval, slight weathering at 72-77'. —Sand Pack 75- 2" pre -packed well screen Same as above, light greenish gray 77-78'. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-08BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/2/15 COMPLETED: 3/2/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644588.011 EASTING: 943388.961 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2123.896 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2123.885 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 97.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p O a Q CONSTRUCTION p o: CD < Q� m Same as above, light greenish gray 77-78'. (continued) 85- 590Same 90— Sameas above, black 87-90', light gray to white 90-92'. 95 Boring terminated at 97' bgs. Bentonite chips placed in borehole to a depth of 84' bgs to facilitate well placement. 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -08S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/3/15 COMPLETED: 3/3/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644584.03 EASTING: 943389.913 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2123.457 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2123.343 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 40.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin Z U a Ooi p o fo WELLa W < D DESCRIPTION w — 0 a CONSTRUCTION o U U Q� U iv e casino with locking cap SM SAND, silt, backfill, some gravel and organic matter (grass and roots), orangish brown, wet, soft, ASH, wet, organic matter (grass), dark blackish gray. 5 SILT, sandy, some gravel, trace of clay, moist, fine to ML coarse sand, soft, orangish brown, greenish brown and dark gray. 10 ASH, commingled with fill, trace of gravel, trace of Grout organic matter (roots and sticks), moist, soft, dark greenish gray, layer of backfill/ash mix at 14.5-15.2', orangish brown and dark greenish, firm. 15 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 20 ASH, commingled with fill, trace of organic matter, trace of gravel, trace of cobbles, dark greenish gray with some orangish brown and dark gray almost black. 25 �— Bentonite seal ASH commingled with fill, same as above except no cobbles. 30 Pulverized rock. —Sand Pack 35- 2" pre -packed well screen Partially weathered rock, wet, oxidation staining, orangish brown and grayish brown to brownish gray. Pulverized rock with large fragments of competent rock. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -08S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/3/15 COMPLETED: 3/3/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644584.03 EASTING: 943389.913 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2123.457 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2123.343 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 40.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of CD < Q� m0 Pulverized rock with large fragments of competent rock. (continued) 45 50 - GNEISS, gray to dark gray, fresh, slightly decomposed, secondary mineralization observed in fractures. 55 - 60 Amphibolia gneiss, strong gray to black, greenish black at 61'. 65- 570Same 70— Sameas above, greenish black at 67-72', white, garnet rich interval, slight weathering at 72-77'. 75 Same as above, light greenish gray 77-78'. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lina 29601 Greenvlle, South CaroTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-08S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/3/15 COMPLETED: 3/3/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644584.03 EASTING: 943389.913 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2123.457 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2123.343 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 40.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p O a Q CONSTRUCTION p o: CD < Q� m Same as above, light greenish gray 77-78'. (continued) 85- 590Same 90— Sameas above, black 87-90', light gray to white 90-92'. 95 Boring terminated at 97' bgs. Bentonite chips placed in borehole to a depth of 84' bgs to facilitate well placement. 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-09BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/14/15 COMPLETED: 4/20/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644862.111 EASTING: 943406.689 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2142.218 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2145.427 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 87.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin W p U O of 0 p DESCRIPTION Op J m0 a CONSTRUCTION Protective casino with locking cap SM SAND, reddish brown, very fine with silt and some clay. 5 SC SAND with clay, orangish brown to red, fine. 10 SC SAND with clay, reddish brown, fine, saprolite from 14-19', moist to dry. 15- 20— Saprolite, trace of clay, trace of very fine sand, moist, relic fabric, loose, pegmatite layers at 18-18.5' and 20.8 - 21.1' with numerous rock fragments, orangish pegmatite layers are white and light orangish brown. Note: Partially weathered layer from 23.8-24. PVC surface casing 76" 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC 25 riser Grout Same as above, very fine to fine grained sand, moist, loose, light brownish greenish gray and light brownish tan, relic fabric. Same as above, trace of very fine sand, trace of fine to coarse gravel, moist, loose, orangish brown, relic fabric. Same as above, fine sand, trace of coarse gravel, 30----\moist, loose, relic fabric, orangish brown, light brown and blackish brown. Same as above, fine to very fine sand, trace of gravel, loose, relic fabric, moist, brownish orange and orangish brown. GNEISS, interlayered with amphibolite. 35 Same as above, fractures (sub vertical 45 degree to 30 degree) observed throughout some with evidence of weathering (staining). Pegmatite. T- — CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-09BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/14/15 COMPLETED: 4/20/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644862.111 EASTING: 943406.689 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2142.218 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2145.427 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 87.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O WELL W p DESCRIPTION 0O� _j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p D C� mO 15 GNEISS with schistose layers, fracture at 44' (subvertical) with secondary mineralization. (continued) 45 - �— Bentonite seal 50 - Same as above, slight oxidation at 53', fractures as 51 and 53'. 55— an Pack 2" pre -packed well screen -- 60 - \ - Same as above, substantial fractures at 63', green secondary mineralization, no oxidation. 65-11 70 70 K,- - Same as above. 75 - - Same as above. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-09BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/14/15 COMPLETED: 4/20/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644862.111 EASTING: 943406.689 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2142.218 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2145.427 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 87.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O WELL W p DESCRIPTION 0O� —j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p D C� mO Same as above. (continued) 85 Boring terminated at 87' bgs. Bentonite chips placed in borehole to a depth of 65' bgs to facilitate well placement. 90 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-09D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/21/15 COMPLETED: 4/21/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644856.171 EASTING: 943403.214 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2141.821 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2145.093 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 45.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: WQ p U x O CD p DESCRIPTION Op J m0 a CONSTRUCTION Protective casino with locking cap SM SAND, reddish brown, very fine with silt and some clay. 5 SC SAND with clay, orangish brown to red, fine. 10 SC SAND with clay, reddish brown, fine, saprolite from 14-19', moist to dry. Grout 15- 20— Saprolite, trace of clay, trace of very fine sand, moist, relic fabric, loose, pegmatite layers at 18-18.5' and 20.8 - 21.1' with numerous rock fragments, orangish pegmatite layers are white and light orangish brown. Note: Partially weathered layer from 23.8-24. 25 Same as above, very fine to fine grained sand, moist, loose, light brownish greenish gray and light brownish tan, relic fabric. Same as above, trace of very fine sand, trace of fine to coarse gravel, moist, loose, orangish brown, relic fabric. Same as above, fine sand, trace of coarse gravel, 30 moist, loose, relic fabric, orangish brown, light brown and blackish brown. Bentonite seal Same as above, fine to very fine sand, trace of gravel, loose, relic fabric, moist, brownish orange and orangish brown. GNEISS, interlayered with amphibolite. 35 Same as above, fractures (sub vertical 45 degree to 30 degree) observed throughout some with evidence of weathering (staining). —Sand Pack Pegmatite. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -09D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/21/15 COMPLETED: 4/21/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644856.171 EASTING: 943403.214 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2141.821 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2145.093 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 45.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U O U) W Q p DESCRIPTION p a Q CONSTRUCTION p D C� �V m0 pre-pac ed well screen GNEISS with schistose layers, fracture at 44' (subvertical) with secondary mineralization. (continued) 45- 5 50 50 - Same as above, slight oxidation at 53', fractures as 51 and 53'. 55 - 60 \ - Same as above, substantial fractures at 63', green secondary mineralization, no oxidation. 65 - 70 - Same as above. 75 - - Same as above. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvs lle, South na 29601 l864-421-9999 mTerra Phone: PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-09D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/21/15 COMPLETED: 4/21/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644856.171 EASTING: 943403.214 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2141.821 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2145.093 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 45.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U 2 O WELL W p DESCRIPTION 0O� —j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p D C� mO Same as above. (continued) 85 Boring terminated at 87' bgs. Bentonite chips placed in borehole to a depth of 65' bgs to facilitate well placement. 90 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -09S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/21/15 COMPLETED: 4/21/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644850.643 EASTING: 943401.141 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2141.507 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2144.606 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 28,0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin W p U O of CD p DESCRIPTION Op J m0 a CONSTRUCTION Protective casino with locking cap SM SAND, reddish brown, very fine with silt and some clay. 5 SC SAND with clay, orangish brown to red, fine. Grout 10 SC SAND with clay, reddish brown, fine, saprolite from 14-19', moist to dry. Bentonite seal 15- 20— Saprolite, trace of clay, trace of very fine sand, moist, relic fabric, loose, pegmatite layers at 18-18.5' and 20.8 21.1' with numerous rock fragments, orangish pegmatite layers are white and light orangish brown. —Sand Pack Note: Partially weathered layer from 23.8-24. 2" pre packed well screen 25 Same as above, very fine to fine grained sand, moist, loose, light brownish greenish gray and light brownish tan, relic fabric. Same as above, trace of very fine sand, trace of fine to coarse gravel, moist, loose, orangish brown, relic fabric. Same as above, fine sand, trace of coarse gravel, 30 ----\moist, loose, relic fabric, orangish brown, light brown and blackish brown. Same as above, fine to very fine sand, trace of gravel, loose, relic fabric, moist, brownish orange and orangish brown. GNEISS, interlayered with amphibolite. 35 Same as above, fractures (sub vertical 45 degree to 30 degree) observed throughout some with evidence of weathering (staining). Pegmatite. SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -09S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/21/15 COMPLETED: 4/21/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644850.643 EASTING: 943401.141 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2141.507 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2144.606 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 28,0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O WELL W p DESCRIPTION 0O� —j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p D C� mO GNEISS with schistose layers, fracture at 44' (subvertical) with secondary mineralization. (continued) 45 - 50 - Same as above, slight oxidation at 53', fractures as 51 and 53'. 55 - 60 \ - Same as above, substantial fractures at 63', green secondary mineralization, no oxidation. 65 - 70 - Same as above. 75 - - Same as above. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-09S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/21/15 COMPLETED: 4/21/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644850.643 EASTING: 943401.141 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2141.507 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2144.606 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 28.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O WELL W p DESCRIPTION 0O� —j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p D C� mO Same as above. (continued) 85 Boring terminated at 87' bgs. Bentonite chips placed in borehole to a depth of 65' bgs to facilitate well placement. 90 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-10 PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/24/14 COMPLETED: 2/24/14 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 641997.91 EASTING: 948045.12 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Augers G.S. ELEV: 2167.82 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2171.20 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8 IN DEPTH TO WATER:4.15 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 8.0 ft BGS NOTES: 2" PVC Pre-packed Screen LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: K. Webb U O Q DESCRIPTION o Z) a Q CONSTRUCTION p CD m0 OL SILT, dark brown/organic rich. Cement Grout b:• - Bentonite Seal ML SILT, clayey, tan, more yellow with depth, moist. Silica Sand Filter SP POORLY GRADED SAND, gray with silt and gravel, 5 increased mica, increased sand at 4.5'. Slotted Screen - ML SILT, clayey, tan/yellow tan, moist. 10 15 20 25 30 35 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-1 I PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/24/14 COMPLETED: 2/24/14 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 646195.801 EASTING: 942195.91 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Augers G.S. ELEV: 2031.72 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2035.00 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8 IN DEPTH TO WATER:4.0 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 8.0 ft BGS NOTES: 2" PVC Pre-packed Screen LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: K. Webb U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q DESCRIPTION 0 Z) M a Q CONSTRUCTION 17� p C� OL .1 SILT, dark brown, organic, moist. ,::� g. X � Cement Grout ML SILT, brownish red, moist. '°'° -Bentonite Seal Silica Sand Filter ML SILT, dark brown to gray, sandy, moist. 5—////// CL SILT, increased clay, greater plasticity, lighter gray with Slotted Screen ML depth. RK ROCK, vibration. SW SILT, light brown, fine to medium grain sand, graded a SM 8', wet. 10 15 20 25 30 35 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-11 BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/4/15 COMPLETED: 2/5/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645001.825 EASTING: 943708.374 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 87.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U U) OJ WELL W Q O D DESCRIPTION Z:)a O Q CONSTRUCTION p of CD W m 5 ML SILT, yellowish red to red, moist, non-plastic, some I gravel 1.5-2, becoming greenish gray with depth. 10 SP SAND with silt and gravel, poorly graded, gray to SM brown, dry, loose. 15- 520Partially 20— Partiallyweathered rock, gneiss, dark gray to light gray, RK moderately to highly decomposed, completely weathered zone 25-27', abundant mica and saturated. 25 RK Same as above, moist at 30'. 30 RK Same as above, dry at 30-33, gray. 35 Mica gneiss, strong, light gray to white, fresh. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-11 BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/4/15 COMPLETED: 2/5/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645001.825 EASTING: 943708.374 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 87.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin a U o_ a � p z o f WELL WW 0 < U) DESCRIPTION Q W `� m O a n CONSTRUCTION U U U Mica gneiss, strong, light gray to white, fresh. (continued) 45- 55055Same 50- 55— Sameas above, dark gray, garnets abundant. 60- 06570Same 65- 70— Sameas above. 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-11 BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/4/15 COMPLETED: 2/5/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645001.825 EASTING: 943708.374 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 87.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL w Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p O a Q CONSTRUCTION p o: CD < Q� m Same as above. (continued) 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -11D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/5/15 COMPLETED: 2/5/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 646194.603 EASTING: 942186.783 DRILLING METHOD: G.S. ELEV: 2032.439 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2035.215 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 34.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: CHECKED BY: a U a 0 U a Ov o 0Z o a WELL W '-' < � DESCRIPTION Q W `� m 0 a Q CONSTRUCTION Protective locking cap 5 ML SILT, yellowish red to red, moist, non -plastic, some gravel 1.5-2, becoming greenish gray with depth. Grout 10. SP SAND with silt and gravel, poorly graded, gray to Sch. 40 threaded PVC SM brown, d loose. dry, riser riser 15- 20— �— Bentonite seal Partially weathered rock, gneiss, dark gray to light gray, RK moderately to highly decomposed, completely weathered zone 25-27', abundant mica and saturated. 25— Sand Pack 2" pre -packed well screen RK Same as above, moist at 30'. 30 RK Same as above, dry at 30-33, gray. 35 Mica gneiss, strong, light gray to white, fresh. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-11D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/5/15 COMPLETED: 2/5/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 646194.603 EASTING: 942186.783 DRILLING METHOD: G.S. ELEV: 2032.439 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2035.215 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 34.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: CHECKED BY: a U a a � p z o f WELL WW < U DESCRIPTION Q W `� m O a n CONSTRUCTION U U U Mica gneiss, strong, light gray to white, fresh. (continued) 45- 55055Same 50- 55— Sameas above, dark gray, garnets abundant. 60- 06570Same 65- 70— Sameas above. 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-11D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/5/15 COMPLETED: 2/5/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 646194.603 EASTING: 942186.783 DRILLING METHOD: G.S. ELEV: 2032.439 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2035.215 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 34.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: CHECKED BY: o_ Z U o O OU o O Z a WELL ww < U DESCRIPTION Q w �- 0 a Q CONSTRUCTION U U m U Same as above. (continued) 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-12BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/17/15 COMPLETED: 3/19/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645001.825 EASTING: 943708.374 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2158.92 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2161.879 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 105.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U O O WQ p DESCRIPTION J p a CONSTRUCTION p of 0 m0 Protective casino with locking cap SILT, stiff to very stiff, grayish brown (2.5 YR, 5/2) to ML dark grayish brown (2.5 YR, 4/2), moist, non-plastic, non-cohesive. 51, 5 SW SAND with clay, medium to loose, reddish brown (5 SC YR, 4/4) to red (2.5 YR, 4/6), non plastic, non cohesive, few coarse gravel. 10 lz 15 20 SW SAND with silt and gravel, well graded, soft, red (2.5 SM YR, 4/6) with pinkish white mottling (2.5 YR, 8/2), moist to dry, non plastic, non cohesive. 25 6" PVC surface casing 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 30 35 SAPROLITE, dark red (7.5 YR, 3/6), low plasticity, non cohesive, massive. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-12BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/17/15 COMPLETED: 3/19/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645001.825 EASTING: 943708.374 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2158.92 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2161.879 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 105.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of CD < Q� m0 45 SAPROLITE, dark red (7.5 YR, 3/6), low plasticity, non Grout cohesive, massive. (continued) 50 RK Partially weathered rock, very intensely fractured, 55 highly decomposed, iron staining abundant. 60 21 - GNEISS, moderate to strong, dark gray, abundant - biotite, garnet, feldspar, some quartz, secondary mineralization of pyrite. 5 65- 70 70-1 - Same as above, black to dark green and black, white at - - 72', interlayered coarse grained muscovite garnets - present, no notable fractures, fresh. 75 " CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-12BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/17/15 COMPLETED: 3/19/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645001.825 EASTING: 943708.374 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2158.92 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2161.879 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 105.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p Of CD < Q� m0 85 - - -' Same as above, black to dark green and black, white at - 72', interlayered coarse grained muscovite garnets present, no notable fractures, fresh. (continued) 90 - �— Bentonite seal 95—,= - —Sand Pack 100 Amphibolite, black with white, medium to coarse 2" pre -packed well screen grained, feldspar, moderate to strong. 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-12D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/19/15 COMPLETED: 3/19/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645000.207 EASTING: 943704.17 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2158.826 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2161.891 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 55.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U O O WQ p DESCRIPTION J p a CONSTRUCTION p of 0 m0 Protective casino with locking cap SILT, stiff to very stiff, grayish brown (2.5 YR, 5/2) to ML dark grayish brown (2.5 YR, 4/2), moist, non-plastic, non-cohesive. 5 SW SAND with clay, medium to loose, reddish brown (5 SC YR, 4/4) to red (2.5 YR, 4/6), non plastic, non cohesive, few coarse gravel. 10- 01520SW 15- 20— SW SAND with silt and gravel, well graded, soft, red (2.5 SM YR, 4/6) with pinkish white mottling (2.5 YR, 8/2), moist Grout to dry, non plastic, non cohesive. 25 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 30 35 SAPROLITE, dark red (7.5 YR, 3/6), low plasticity, non cohesive, massive. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -12D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/19/15 COMPLETED: 3/19/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645000.207 EASTING: 943704.17 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2158.826 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2161.891 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 55.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U =c7 a O^ o �z OJ p E WELL W Q O p DESCRIPTION U p a Q CONSTRUCTION p o CD < �V m0 45 SAPROLITE, dark red (7.5 YR, 3/6), low plasticity, non cohesive, massive. (continued) Bentonite seal 50 ` — Sand Pack 2" pre -packed well screen RK Partially weathered rock, very intensely fractured, 55 highly decomposed, iron staining abundant. 60 - GNEISS, moderate to strong, dark gray, abundant - biotite, garnet, feldspar, some quartz, secondary mineralization of pyrite. 65 - 70 - Same as above, black to dark green and black, white at - - 72', interlayered coarse grained muscovite garnets - present, no notable fractures, fresh. 75 " CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s)mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-12D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/19/15 COMPLETED: 3/19/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645000.207 EASTING: 943704.17 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2158.826 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2161.891 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 55.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION < 0 p a Q CONSTRUCTION p of (D Q� m0 85 - -' Same as above, black to dark green and black, white at - 72', interlayered coarse grained muscovite garnets - present, no notable fractures, fresh. (continued) 90 95 100 Amphibolite, black with white, medium to coarse grained, feldspar, moderate to strong. 105 110 115 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-13BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/16/15 COMPLETED: 2/16/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645439.848 EASTING: 943740.8 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2151.475 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2154.28 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 57.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U O O WQ p DESCRIPTION J p a CONSTRUCTION p of 0 m0 Protective casino with locking cap ML SILT, stiff, reddish brown (5 YR, 4/4) to strong brown (7.5 YR 5/6), slightly moist, low plasticity. 5- MIL SILT, soft, dark grayish red (5 YR, 4/2), moist, moderately plastic. 10 -0 CL CLAY, red (2.5 YR, 4/6), moderately plastic, moist. 15 20 Grout SAPROLITE, soft, relict structure apparent, red (2.5 YR, 5/6), saturated 16.5-18.5'. 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 25 Same as above, brown (10 YR, 6/2) at 20.5'. 30 Same as above, light brownish gray (2.5 YR, 6/2) at 29'. 35 RK Partially weathered rock, very intensely fractured, highly decomposed, saturated 36.5-41.5'. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-13BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/16/15 COMPLETED: 2/16/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645439.848 EASTING: 943740.8 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2151.475 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2154.28 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 57.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U =c7 a O^ o �z OJ p E WELL W Q O p DESCRIPTION U p a Q CONSTRUCTION p o CD < �V m0 RK Partially weathered rock, very intensely fractured, highly decomposed, saturated 36.5-41.5'. (continued) Bentonite seal GNEISS, gray, weak to moderate, slightly 45 decomposed, fresh at 43.5'. 50 —Sand Pack _- Same as above, highly decomposed fracture zone at - 52', heavy oxidation on fracture surface, minor garnet, 2" pre -packed well screen - ` pyrite observed. 55 - 60 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-13D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 1/29/15 COMPLETED: 1/30/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645440.319 EASTING: 943735.67 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2151.225 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2153.973 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 42.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U O O WQ p DESCRIPTION J p a CONSTRUCTION p of 0 m0 Protective casino with locking cap ML SILT, stiff, reddish brown (5 YR, 4/4) to strong brown (7.5 YR 5/6), slightly moist, low plasticity. 5- MIL SILT, soft, dark grayish red (5 YR, 4/2), moist, moderately plastic. 10 -0 CL CLAY, red (2.5 YR, 4/6), moderately plastic, moist. 15 Grout 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 20 SAPROLITE, soft, relict structure apparent, red (2.5 YR, 5/6), saturated 16.5-18.5'. 25 Same as above, brown (10 YR, 6/2) at 20.5'. 30 Same as above, light brownish gray (2.5 YR, 6/2) at 29'. �— Bentonite seal 35 —Sand Pack RK Partially weathered rock, very intensely fractured, highly decomposed, saturated 36.5-41.5'. 2" pre-packed well screen CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -13D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 1/29/15 COMPLETED: 1/30/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645440.319 EASTING: 943735.67 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2151.225 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2153.973 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 42.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U =c7 a O^ o �z OJ p E WELL W Q O p DESCRIPTION U p a Q CONSTRUCTION p o CD < �V m0 RK Partially weathered rock, very intensely fractured, highly decomposed, saturated 36.5-41.5'. (continued) GNEISS, gray, weak to moderate, slightly 45 decomposed, fresh at 43.5'. 50 _ Same as above, highly decomposed fracture zone at - 52', heavy oxidation on fracture surface, minor garnet, - ` pyrite observed. 55 - 60 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-14BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/3/15 COMPLETED: 2/3/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645921.638 EASTING: 942943.861 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2076.884 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2076.867 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 57.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U Op O WQ DESCRIPTION Q J p a CONSTRUCTION p o m0 Protective locking cap ML SILT, soft, brown (7.5 YR, 4/4), dry to slightly moist, non plastic. 5 Grout 10 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser - GNEISS, gray, moderate to strong, fracture noted at 9 and 13', no oxidation observed. 15 - �— Bentonite seal 20 _ Same as above, slightly decomposed fracture at 18' with minor oxidation. —Sand Pack 2" pre packed well screen _ Same as above, intensely fractured zone, highly 25—" decomposed 23-25' with heavy oxidation observed - ` from 25-27', pyrite observed. 30 GNEISS, light gray, strong, fresh, increased biotite and decreased pyrite with depth. 35 - CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-14BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/3/15 COMPLETED: 2/3/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645921.638 EASTING: 942943.861 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2076.884 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2076.867 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 57.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U =c7 a O^ o �z OJ p E WELL W Q O p DESCRIPTION U p a Q CONSTRUCTION p � C� �V m0 45 15 - - GNEISS, light gray, strong, fresh, increased biotite and -' decreased pyrite with depth. (continued) 55 Boring terminated at 57' bgs. Bentonite chips placed in borehole to a depth of 30' bgs to facilitate well placement. 60 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s nTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -15 PROJECT NO: 1026.102.1.4 STARTED: 2/11/15 COMPLETED: 2/11/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: EASTING: DRILLING METHOD: ELEVATION ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: IN WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 11.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: CHECKED BY: a U a 0 U a Ov o O z o a WELL wo DESCRIPTION Q W �- m �0 a Q CONSTRUCTION U 0 U—Protective U casino with locking cap Grout 6" PVC surface casing 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 5 Bentonite seal —Sand Pack 2" pre -packed well screen 10 15 20 25 30 35 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC PhoTerra n864-679-3711 Fax: PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-15A PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/11/15 COMPLETED: 2/11/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645527.168 EASTING: 942348.227 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2031.643 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 3024.598 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 11.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: WQ U Op DESCRIPTIONU Om FL p Q J0 CONSTRUCTION 0 0 U—Protective casino with locking cap Grout �— Bentonite seal ML SILT, red (2.5YR, 4/6), moist, non plastic. 5— an Pack 2" pre-packed well screen SW SAND with silt and gravel, strong brown (7.5YR, 5/6), 10 SM saturated. SAPROLITE, gray, slightly moist, relic structure apparent. 15- Same as above, dry, increased mica. 20— Same as above, light gray (10 YR, 7/2), to pale brown 25 (10 YR, 6/3), rock fragments. 30 Same as above with less rock fragments. 35 PWR, Gneiss, weak, highly decomposed, oxidation abundant completely weathered. Same as above. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -15A PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/11/15 COMPLETED: 2/11/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645527.168 EASTING: 942348.227 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2031.643 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 3024.598 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 11.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U 2 O w p DESCRIPTION 0O� —j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p D C� mO Same as above. (continued) 45 50 \ - _ - GNEISS, strong, gray, slightly decomposed, competent. 55 - Same as above, dark gray. 60 - 65 70 - Same as above, oxidation at 73'. 75 - - Same as above. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -15A PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/11/15 COMPLETED: 2/11/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645527.168 EASTING: 942348.227 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2031.643 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 3024.598 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 11.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U =c7 a O^ o �z OJ p E WELL w Q O p DESCRIPTION U p a Q CONSTRUCTION p Of C� �V m0 15 Same as above. (continued) 85 - 90 - Same as above, increased biotite. 5 95- 100-11' 100 - Same as above. 105 - 110 - Same as above, slight oxidation at 110'. 115 - CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-15BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/6/15 COMPLETED: 2/10/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645533.236 EASTING: 942347.132 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2031.677 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2034.618 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 117.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: WQ U Op DESCRIPTIONU Om FL p Q J0 CONSTRUCTION 0 0 U—Protective casino with locking cap ML SILT, red (2.5YR, 4/6), moist, non plastic. 5 SW SAND with silt and gravel, strong brown (7.5YR, 5/6), 10 SM saturated. SAPROLITE, gray, slightly moist, relic structure apparent. 15 Same as above, dry, increased mica. 20 Same as above, light gray (10 YR, 7/2), to pale brown 25 (10 YR, 6/3), rock fragments. 6" PVC surface casing 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 30 Same as above with less rock fragments. 35 PWR, Gneiss, weak, highly decomposed, oxidation abundant completely weathered. Same as above. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-15BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/6/15 COMPLETED: 2/10/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645533.236 EASTING: 942347.132 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2031.677 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2034.618 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 117.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U 2 O WELL w p DESCRIPTION 0O� _j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p D C� mO Same as above. (continued) 45 Grout 50-11 \ - _ - GNEISS, strong, gray, slightly decomposed, competent. 55 - Same as above, dark gray. 60 - 5 65- 70 70 - Same as above, oxidation at 73'. 75 - - Same as above. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lina 29601 s mTerra Phone:llle864 421 9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-15BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/6/15 COMPLETED: 2/10/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645533.236 EASTING: 942347.132 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2031.677 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2034.618 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 117.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U 2 O WELL W p DESCRIPTION 0O� _j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p D C� mO 15 Same as above. (continued) 85 - 90-11 - Same as above, increased biotite. 95 - �— Bentonite seal 12 100 - Same as above. 105-1- - ` `—Sand Pack 2" pre packed well screen -- 110 - Same as above, slight oxidation at 110'. 115 - CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-15D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/11/15 COMPLETED: 2/11/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645539.537 EASTING: 942346.395 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2031.478 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2034.406 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 48.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: WQ U Op DESCRIPTIONU Om FL p Q J0 CONSTRUCTION 0 0 U—Protective casino with locking cap ML SILT, red (2.5YR, 4/6), moist, non plastic. 5 SW SAND with silt and gravel, strong brown (7.5YR, 5/6), 10 SM saturated. Grout SAPROLITE, gray, slightly moist, relic structure apparent. 15- Same as above, dry, increased mica. 20— Same as above, light gray (10 YR, 7/2), to pale brown 25 (10 YR, 6/3), rock fragments. �—Bentonite seal 30 Same as above with less rock fragments. 35 PWR, Gneiss, weak, highly decomposed, oxidation abundant completely weathered. —Sand Pack Same as above. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -15D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/11/15 COMPLETED: 2/11/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645539.537 EASTING: 942346.395 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2031.478 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2034.406 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 48.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U 2 O WELL W p DESCRIPTION 0O� _j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p D C� mO 2" pre -packed well screen Same as above. (continued) 45 50 \ 1- _ - GNEISS, strong, gray, slightly decomposed, competent. 55 - Same as above, dark gray. 60 - 65 70 - Same as above, oxidation at 73'. 75 - - Same as above. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -15D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/11/15 COMPLETED: 2/11/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645539.537 EASTING: 942346.395 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2031.478 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2034.406 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 48.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U =c7 a O^ o �z OJ p E WELL w Q O p DESCRIPTION U p a Q CONSTRUCTION p Of C� �V m0 15 Same as above. (continued) 85 - 90 - Same as above, increased biotite. 5 95- 100-11' 100 - Same as above. 105 - 110 - Same as above, slight oxidation at 110'. 115 - CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -16A PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/7/15 COMPLETED: 3/7/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644728.706 EASTING: 942586.9 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2033.845 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2036.962 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 12.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U O�p 0,—o O WQ DESCRIPTION _5 Z) a CONSTRUCTION 7 p 0 U m0 U—Protective casino with locking cap Grout ML SILT, soft, yellowish brown (10 YR, 5/4), some very fine sand, moist, non plastic, non cohesive. Bentonite seal 5 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser CL CLAY with very fine sand, med, moderately plastic, cohesive, red mottling present. �— Sand Pack 2" pre -packed well screen 10 SP SAND with gravel, poorly graded, very coarse, saturated, non cohesive. 15 - _ - GNEISS, gray, strong, slightly decomposed, competent. 20 - Same as above, oxidation observed 17-22'. 25 - 30 Y54 - Same as above, light gray. 35 - Same as above, secondary mineralization present on - fracture at 42', slightly decomposed 42-47', major vertical fracture observed at 46' with heavy oxidation. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -16A PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/7/15 COMPLETED: 3/7/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644728.706 EASTING: 942586.9 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2033.845 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2036.962 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 12.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U =c7 a O^ o �z OJ p E WELL W Q O p DESCRIPTION U p a Q CONSTRUCTION p � C� �V m0 15 Same as above, secondary mineralization present on fracture at 42', slightly decomposed 42-47', major 45 - - vertical fracture observed at 46' with heavy oxidation. _ (continued) 50 - Same as above, fresh. 55 - 60 Same as above, fresh. Boring terminated at 63' bgs. Bentonite chips placed in borehole to a depth of 50' bgs to facilitate well placement. 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s)mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-16BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/5/15 COMPLETED: 3/6/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644724.896 EASTING: 942588.655 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2033.659 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2037.02 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 63.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U Op O WQ DESCRIPTION Q J p a CONSTRUCTION p m0 Protective locking cap ML SILT, soft, yellowish brown (10 YR, 5/4), some very fine sand, moist, non plastic, non cohesive. 5 CL CLAY with very fine sand, med, moderately plastic, cohesive, red mottling present. -6" PVC surface casing 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 10 SP SAND with gravel, poorly graded, very coarse, saturated, non cohesive. ro GNEISS, gray, strong, slightly decomposed, � competent. Grout 20 - Same as above, oxidation observed 17-22'. 25 - 30 - Same as above, light gray. 35 - Same as above, secondary mineralization present on - fracture at 42', slightly decomposed 42-47', major Bentonite seal vertical fracture observed at 46' with heavy oxidation. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-16BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 3/5/15 COMPLETED: 3/6/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644724.896 EASTING: 942588.655 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2033.659 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2037.02 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 63.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: U =c7 ^ OU � Ea p WELLoODESCRIPTIONW Q O p WVJpa CONSTRUCTION p C� m0 15 - Same as above, secondary mineralization present on fracture at 42', slightly decomposed 42-47', major —Sand Pack 45 - - vertical fracture observed at 46' with heavy oxidation. (continued) 2" pre packed well screen 50 - Same as above, fresh. 55 - 60—,Same as above, fresh. Boring terminated at 63' bgs. Bentonite chips placed in borehole to a depth of 50' bgs to facilitate well placement. 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -17A PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/16/15 COMPLETED: 2/16/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644122.021 EASTING: 942913.03 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2032.161 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2034.808 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 7.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: T. Platin a U a p z f o WELLo_ W < �DESCRIPTION 0 oi 0 a CONSTRUCTIONw o O U 0 U—Prntprtive casino with locking cap 6" PVC surface casing M L SILT, dark brown (7.5 YR, 3/2), moist, non plastic. 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser Grout ML Same as above, yellowish brown (10 YR, 5/4), wet at Bentonite seal 3.5'. 2" pre -packed well screen 5 Sand Pack ML Same as above, yellowish brown (10 YR, 5/6), to light brownish gray (10 YR, 6/2) with orange mottling. SW SAND, well graded, very dark brown (10 YR 7/3). 10 - GNEISS, interlayered with garnetiferous mica schist and amphibiotite, strong, fresh, competent, dark gray to - greenish black with coarse to medium white feldspar, vertical fracture at 16', green secondary mineralization _ - present. 15- 520Garnet, 20— Garnet,mica, schist, medium to strong, light gray, interlayered with mica gneiss, fresh, competent. 25- 30—"""' _ GNEISS, strong, light gray interlayered with - garnetiferous schist, greenish blue mineralization - ` observed. 35 - Same as above, at 41.5' becoming dark gray to black - with coarse to medium graining of white feldspar, moderate to strong, competent. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-17A PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/16/15 COMPLETED: 2/16/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 644122.021 EASTING: 942913.03 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2032.161 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2034.808 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 7.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O WELL W p DESCRIPTION 0O� —j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p C� m0 Same as above, at 41.5' becoming dark gray to black with coarse to medium graining of white feldspar, _- moderate to strong, competent. (continued) 45 - 50 Mica, schist, very fine grained, strong, fresh, competent. 55 60 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-17BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/11/15 COMPLETED: 2/13/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: EASTING: DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 58.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: T. Platin a U o_ o O oi p z o f WELL WW o D DESCRIPTION Q W `� m O a_ n CONSTRUCTION U U U ML SILT, dark brown (7.5 YR, 3/2), moist, non plastic. ML Same as above, yellowish brown (10 YR, 5/4), wet at 3.5'. 5- MIL Same as above, yellowish brown (10 YR, 5/6), to light brownish gray (10 YR, 6/2) with orange mottling. SW SAND, well graded, very dark brown (10 YR 7/3). 10 - GNEISS, interlayered with garnetiferous mica schist and amphibiotite, strong, fresh, competent, dark gray to - greenish black with coarse to medium white feldspar, _ vertical fracture at 16', green secondary mineralization - present. 15- 520Garnet, 20— Garnet,mica, schist, medium to strong, light gray, interlayered with mica gneiss, fresh, competent. 25 30 _ GNEISS, strong, light gray interlayered with - garnetiferous schist, greenish blue mineralization - ` observed. 35 - lan'-1 Same as above, at 41.5' becoming dark gray to black with coarse to medium graining of white feldspar, moderate to strong, competent. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South na 29601 Greenvsy"Terra l864-421-9999 Phone: PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-17BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 2/11/15 COMPLETED: 2/13/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: EASTING: DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 58.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: T. Plating CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O WELL W p DESCRIPTION 0O� —j Z) a CONSTRUCTION p C� m0 Same as above, at 41.5' becoming dark gray to black with coarse to medium graining of white feldspar, _- moderate to strong, competent. (continued) 45 - 50 Mica, schist, very fine grained, strong, fresh, competent. 55 60 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-18BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/22/15 COMPLETED: 4/23/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643580.556 EASTING: 943192.704 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2032.782 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2035.541 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 33.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U 0.0 0 a O^ 0Z OJ 0 E WELL W Q O p DESCRIPTION Q 0.1-- W" p a Q CONSTRUCTION p 0 U m0 U17�Protective casino with locking cap 5 ML SILT, dark brown to dark gray, gravel/sand from 8-9', coarse gravel from 9-10'. 10__ Saprolite, tight, stiff, saturated, mica present. Grout 6" PVC surface casing 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 15 Partially weathered rock, consists of coarse sand, RK gravel, and abundant hightly weathered rock fragments. 20 GNEISS, hard, gray, fine to medium grained. �— Bentonite seal 25 _ Same as above, abundant fractures with iron oxidation present at 28-37'. —Sand Pack 30 - - 2" pre -packed well screen _ Gneiss interlayered with biotite shchist, dark gray, fine rained. 35 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -18D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 4/23/15 COMPLETED: 4/23/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643583.294 EASTING: 943186.685 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2032.489 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2035.443 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 22,0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O W p DESCRIPTION J p a CONSTRUCTION p of 0 m0 Protective casino with locking cap 5 ML SILT, dark brown to dark gray, gravel/sand from 8-9', coarse gravel from 9-10'. Grout 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 10 - Saprolite, tight, stiff, saturated, mica present. �— Bentonite seal 15 Partially weathered rock, consists of coarse sand, RK gravel, and abundant hightly weathered rock fragments. —Sand Pack 2" pre -packed well screen 20 GNEISS, hard, gray, fine to medium grained. 25 _ Same as above, abundant fractures with iron oxidation present at 28-37'. 30 - _ Gneiss interlayered with biotite shchist, dark gray, fine rained. 35 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-19BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 6/11/15 COMPLETED: 6/13/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643013.09 EASTING: 943571.76 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2033.42 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2036.18 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 55.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin W p U O of 0 p DESCRIPTION U Op J m0 U17�Protective a CONSTRUCTION casino with locking cap 5 -6" PVC surface casing ML SILT, gray, saturated. 10—' - _ ` GNEISS, hard, very slight to slight weathering, fine to medium grained, no apparent fractures. 15 —'- Same as above. ` Grout Same as above. _ - 20 25 _ - - ` GNEISS, biotite rich, pegmatite vein 28-28.5', diagonal fracture —23', no secondary mineralization or weathering present, another diagonal fracture —19'. 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 30 - _\ GNEISS, pegmatite vein 27-28', dark gray, fine grained. 35-11 �— Bentonite seal GNEISS, light gray, interlayered with pegmatite, very CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-19BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 6/11/15 COMPLETED: 6/13/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 643013.09 EASTING: 943571.76 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2033.42 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2036.18 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 55.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U =c7 a O WELLoODESCRIPTIONW Q O p 0 CONSTRUCTION p C� < �VJpa tine to tine grained. 15 GNEISS, light gray, interlayered with pegmatite, very 45 - fine to fine grained. (continued) —Sand Pack 50 2" pre -packed well screen Interlayered schist, gneiss, gray, fine to medium grained, abundant garnet throughout. 55 60 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-20A PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 6/12/15 COMPLETED: 6/12/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 642458.09 EASTING: 943846.03 DRILLING METHOD: Hand Auger G.S. ELEV: 2034.18 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2037.38 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 8.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O W p DESCRIPTION o J p a CONSTRUCTION p of 0 U m0 U—Protective casino with locking cap ML SILT, gray, moist. Bentonite seal ML SILT, gray, saturated, some fine - very fine sand. 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC - 5 SC SAND, gray, medium to coarse grained, saturated, riser f Sand Pack some silt. — 2" pre-packed well screen GRAVEL, with coarse grained sand. 10 15 20 25 30 35 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-21 BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 6/23/15 COMPLETED: 6/25/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: EASTING: DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 63.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U U) OJ WELL W Q O D DESCRIPTION � O a Q CONSTRUCTION p of 0 W m SC SAND, clayey, medium, red, (10 YR 5/8), low plasticity. I ML SILT, medium, orangish gray (GLEY 2 (5/1), fine, some mica. ML SILT, loose, light olive brown (2YR, 5/4), moist, non plastic, some medium to coarse grained sand. 5 ML SILT< loose, strong brown (7.5YR, 4/6). SC SAND to gravel, loose, nearly black (oxidation). SAPROLITE with gravel. 10 Interlayered partially weathered rock and saprolite. 15 Mica schist with gravel to cobble sized, competent rock with highly oxidized surfacing, fresh at 16' with 6-8" core return. Mica schist with minor garnet and pyrite, abundant chlorite, medium to coarse grained mica. 0�8 20— O Same as above, fracture zone at 20-21'. 25 Mica schist, moderate, competent, gray to greenish gray, some garnet and pyrite, heavy pyrite mineralization along foliation at 23'. 30 Same as above. Fractures (vertical/sub vertical) at 33, 34.5, 37, and 38'. Fracture at 38' displays minor weathering. 35 Same as above. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-21 BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 6/23/15 COMPLETED: 6/25/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: EASTING: DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: ft MSL M.P. ELEV: ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 63.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p O a Q CONSTRUCTION p o: CD < Q� m Same as above. (continued) 45- 50— Same as above, quartz veins 2-3" thick between 48-50', heavy pyrite mineralization. 55 Same as above. 60 Biotite schist, dark gray to gray, abundant pyrite and garnet, less quartz veins, dark green mineralization at 61'. Boring terminated at a depth of 63' bgs. Bentonite chips placed to a depth of 16' to facilitate well installation. 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-21 D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 6/23/15 COMPLETED: 6/25/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 641783.2 EASTING: 944429.87 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2044.54 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2044.23 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 16.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O W p DESCRIPTION J p a CONSTRUCTION p of CD m0 Protective casino with locking cap SC SAND, clayey, medium, red, (10 YR 5/8), low plasticity. Grout ML SILT, medium, orangish gray (GLEY 2 (5/1), fine, some mica. 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC ML SILT, loose, light olive brown (2YR, 5/4), moist, non riser Bentonite seal plastic, some medium to coarse grained sand. 5 - - - ML SILT< loose, strong brown (7.5YR, 4/6). SC SAND to gravel, loose, nearly black (oxidation). SAPROLITE with gravel. 10 —Sand Pack Interlayered partially weathered rock and saprolite. 2" pre-packed well screen ` 15—�38Mica schist, gravel sized, with highly oxidized surfaces, O minor garnet and pyrite, abundant chlorite, medium to coarse grained mica. 0�8 20— O Same as above, fracture zone at 20-21'. 25 Mica schist, moderate, competent, gray to greenish gray, some garnet and pyrite, heavy pyrite mineralization along foliation at 23'. 30 Same as above. Fractures (vertical/sub vertical) at 33, 34.5, 37, and 38'. Fracture at 38' displays minor weathering. 35 Same as above. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-21 D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 6/23/15 COMPLETED: 6/25/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 641783.2 EASTING: 944429.87 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2044.54 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2044.23 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 16.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p O a Q CONSTRUCTION p o: CD < Q� m Same as above. (continued) 45- 50— Same as above, quartz veins 2-3" thick between 48-50', heavy pyrite mineralization. 55 Same as above. 60 Biotite schist, dark gray to gray, abundant pyrite and garnet, less quartz veins, dark green mineralization at 61'. Boring terminated at a depth of 63' bgs. Bentonite chips placed to a depth of 16' to facilitate well installation. 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-22BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 6/23/15 COMPLETED: 6/24/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 641599.24 EASTING: 944541.54 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2049.33 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2048.98 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 47.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin a Z wo U o < U � DESCRIPTION o Q 0,—o w `� p z m 0 o f a n WELL CONSTRUCTION Protective casino with ML SILT with some sand, dark brown, organics. locking cap CL CLAY with some silt, tight, light brown. 5 CL CLAY with silt, orangish-brown/light brown, tight, dry. Interlayered partially weathered rock and saprolite, 10 abundant pyrite, chlorite mineralization, schist structure, very coarse mica. 15 SCHIST, gray, hard, heavily oxidized faces intermittent, heavily weathered. Grout VVIA SCHIST, heavily fractured/oxidized zone from 18-22', 20 vertical fracture -19'. Schist, very soft, thinly foliated mica, mica sheet, gold 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC appearance, heavily weathered, thinly foliated, greasy riser 25 / feel. Moderately hard, schist, moderate weathering. 30 / f Interlayered schist and gneiss. Dark gray/black schist: some with pale green hue. Healed, steeply dipping fracture 27-28', abundant garnet and pyrite. Gneiss: very fine grained, light gray. All pegmatitic in part - very / coarse grained quartz and feldspar with large muscovite sheets. 35 j SCHIST, same as above, two pegmatite veins 33-34', sub vertical fractures -36.5' with pale green mineralization on faces. �— Bentonite seal SCHIST, vertical fracture - 40' with green mineralization, steep, subvertical fracture at 43', fracture zone (gravel schist) from 45-46'. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lina 29601 Greenvlle, South CaroTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-22BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 6/23/15 COMPLETED: 6/24/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 641599.24 EASTING: 944541.54 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2049.33 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2048.98 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 47.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U =(7 a O^ �z OJ p E WELL W Q O p DESCRIPTION v p a Q CONSTRUCTION p Of (D < �V m0 SCHIST vertical fracture - 40' withreen g —Sand Pack mineralization, steep, subvertical fracture at 43', 45 / fracture zone (gravel schist) from 45-46'. (continued) 2" pre -packed well screen 50 55 60 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW -22D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 6/23/15 COMPLETED: 6/23/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 641604.32 EASTING: 944539.42 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2049.37 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2049.06 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 26.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin Z U o Ooi p o fo WELLa W < D DESCRIPTION w O o CONSTRUCTION TION o U Protective casino with ML SILT with some sand, dark brown, organics. locking cap -inS CL CLAY with some silt, tight, light brown. Grout 5 CL CLAY with silt, orangish-brown/light brown, tight, dry. �— Bentonite seal 10 Interlayered partially weathered rock and saprolite, abundant pyrite, chlorite mineralization, schist structure, very coarse mica. 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 15 SCHIST, gray, hard, heavily oxidized faces intermittent, heavily weathered. M/ SCHIST, heavily fractured/oxidized zone from 18-22', 20 vertical fracture –19'. —Sand Pack 2" pre -packed well screen / Schist, very soft, thinly foliated mica, mica sheet, gold appearance, heavily weathered, thinly foliated, greasy 25 / feel. Moderately hard, schist, moderate weathering. / Interlayered schist and gneiss. Dark gray/black schist: / some with pale green hue. Healed, steeply dipping 30 fracture 27-28', abundant garnet and pyrite. Gneiss: very fine grained, light gray. All pegmatitic in part - very coarse grained quartz and feld / SCHIST, same as above, two pegmatite veins 33-34', 35 j sub vertical fractures –36.5' with pale green mineralization on faces. SCHIST, vertical fracture – 40' with green mineralization, steep, subvertical fracture at 43', fracture zone (gravel schist) from 45-46'. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvs lle, South na 29601 l864-421-9999 mTerra Phone: PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-22D PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 6/23/15 COMPLETED: 6/23/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 641604.32 EASTING: 944539.42 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2049.37 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2049.06 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 26.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O � 2 OJ WELL w Q p DESCRIPTION 0 p 0 a Q CONSTRUCTION p o: CD <Q� m SCHIST, vertical fracture — 40' with green mineralization, steep, subvertical fracture at 43', 45 / fracture zone (gravel schist) from 45-46'. (continued) 50 55 60 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-23BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 6/14/15 COMPLETED: 6/27/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 641966.86 EASTING: 945486.77 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2103.14 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2106.44 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 58.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin W p U O of 0 p DESCRIPTION Op J m0 a CONSTRUCTION Protective casino with locking cap ML CLAY, red -orange, tight, some silt, some gravel 3-5', moist. Nx5 GRAVEL, partially weathered rock with some saprolite. ML CLAY, reddish -orange, tight, some silt and some gravel feces. 10 Gravel sized partially weathered rock, reddish -orange, some saprolite. -6" PVC surface casing 15 Partially weathered rock. Grout 20 GNEISS, heavily weathered, heavily fractured, iron and manganese staining throughout. 25 Finely interlayered pegmatite and schist, hard dark gray, finely foliated, pyrite mineralization in part. Slight to moderate weathering, steeply dipping 3" fracture —27' with pale green mineralization on fracture faces. 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser 30 Phyllitic schist, fracture —32', subvertical to vertical, pyrite mineralization on fracture faces, similar fractures from 35-38'. 35 0 SCHIST, fine to medium grained, abundant pyrite, weathered silicates, pegmatite in part, contains sheets of fresh muscovite. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-23BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 6/14/15 COMPLETED: 6/27/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 641966.86 EASTING: 945486.77 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2103.14 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2106.44 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 58.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin a U o_ a � p z o f WELL WW 0 < U) DESCRIPTION Q W `� m O a n CONSTRUCTION U U U �— Bentonite seal SCHIST, fine to medium grained, abundant pyrite, / weathered silicates, pegmatite in part, contains sheets i of fresh muscovite. (continued) 45 Pegmatitic mica schist, very coarse grained muscovite, dark gray. 50 —Sand Pack 2" pre-packed well screen 55 60 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-23DL PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 6/14/15 COMPLETED: 6/15/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 641167.4 EASTING: 945486.77 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2103.13 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2106.26 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 26.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O W p DESCRIPTION J p a CONSTRUCTION p of 0 m0 Protective casino with locking cap ML CLAY, red -orange, tight, some silt, some gravel 3-5', moist. 5 GRAVEL, partially weathered rock with some saprolite. Grout ML CLAY, reddish -orange, tight, some silt and some gravel feces. 10 Gravel sized partially weathered rock, reddish -orange, some saprolite. 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser Partially weathered rock. 15 �— Bentonite seal 20 GNEISS, heavily weathered, heavily fractured, iron and manganese staining throughout. —Sand Pack 2" pre -packed well screen 25 Finely interlayered pegmatite and schist, hard dark gray, finely foliated, pyrite mineralization in part. Slight to moderate weathering, steeply dipping 3" fracture ITT –27' with pale green mineralization on fracture faces. 30 Phyllitic schist, fracture –32', subvertical to vertical, pyrite mineralization on fracture faces, similar fractures from 35-38'. 35 /� SCHIST, fine to medium grained, abundant pyrite, weathered silicates, pegmatite in part, contains sheets of fresh muscovite. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-23DL PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 6/14/15 COMPLETED: 6/15/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 641167.4 EASTING: 945486.77 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2103.13 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2106.26 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 26.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin a U o_ a � p z o f WELL WW 0 < U) DESCRIPTION Q W `� m O a n CONSTRUCTION U U U , SRI/" SCHIST, fine to medium grained, abundant pyrite, weathered silicates, pegmatite in part, contains sheets of fresh muscovite. (continued) 45 Pegmatitic mica schist, very coarse grained muscovite, dark gray. 50 55 60 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-23DU PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 6/17/15 COMPLETED: 6/17/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 641966.03 EASTING: 945479.96 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2103.00 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2106.36 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 17.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O O W p DESCRIPTION o J p a CONSTRUCTION p of 0 m0 Protective casino with locking cap Grout ML CLAY, red -orange, tight, some silt, some gravel 3-5', moist. Bentonite seal 5 GRAVEL, partially weathered rock with some saprolite. 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC ML CLAY, reddish -orange, tight, some silt and some gravel feces. riser 10 Gravel sized partially weathered rock, reddish -orange, some saprolite. —Sand Pack 2" pre -packed well screen Partially weathered rock. 15 20 GNEISS, heavily weathered, heavily fractured, iron and manganese staining throughout. 25 Finely interlayered pegmatite and schist, hard dark gray, finely foliated, pyrite mineralization in part. Slight to moderate weathering, steeply dipping 3" fracture –27' with pale green mineralization on fracture faces. 30 Phyllitic schist, fracture –32', subvertical to vertical, pyrite mineralization on fracture faces, similar fractures from 35-38'. MIN35 NO /� SCHIST, fine to medium grained, abundant pyrite, weathered silicates, pegmatite in part, contains sheets of fresh muscovite. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-23DU PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 6/17/15 COMPLETED: 6/17/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 641966.03 EASTING: 945479.96 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2103.00 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2106.36 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 17.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: B. Wilker CHECKED BY: T. Platin a U o_ a � p z o f WELL WW 0 < U) DESCRIPTION Q W `� m O a n CONSTRUCTION U U U , SRI/" SCHIST, fine to medium grained, abundant pyrite, weathered silicates, pegmatite in part, contains sheets of fresh muscovite. (continued) 45 Pegmatitic mica schist, very coarse grained muscovite, dark gray. 50 55 60 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-24BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 5/4/15 COMPLETED: 5/7/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: EASTING: DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2170.44 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2173.03 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 69.3 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin a Z U o a 0,—o p z o f WELL wo < � DESCRIPTION Q w `� m 0 a n CONSTRUCTION U Protective casino with locking cap CLAY, silty, trace of very fine sand, thin gravel layer at CL 1.3', abundant roots at 0-0.7', moist to slight moist, dark brown and orangish brown. 5 CL CLAY, silty, slightly plastic, slightly moist, very firm, po orangish brown, appears to be backfill. ML SILT, clayey, slightly moist, trace of gravel, trace of fine sand, trace of relic fabric, dark brown and orangish 10 ML brown. SILT, clayey, trace of gravel, some coarse sand, moist to wet, loose, brown, dark brown and orangish brown. SAPROLITE trace of clay, trace of coarse sand, slightly 15 moist, strong relic fabric starting at 22.8', loose, dark brown, light brown, light brown gray, and black. 20 6" PVC surface casing SAPROLITE, some gravel, some coarse to med grained sand, trace of clay, slight moist, relic fabric, partially weathered rock layer at 25.2-25.4', light 25 yellowish brown, light orangish brown, dark grayish brown, brown and light greenish gray. Grout 30 Same as above except light brown and brown. 35 —2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC Partially weathered rock. riser - GNEISS, competent rock, fractures with voids at 43.5'. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-24BR PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 5/4/15 COMPLETED: 5/7/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: EASTING: DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2170.44 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2173.03 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10 and 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 69.3 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin U O U) a WELL W Q p DESCRIPTION Q CONSTRUCTION p C� < �V m0 \ - GNEISS, competent rock, fractures with voids at 43.5'. (continued) 45 Schist, biotite, no fractures observed, no weathering, no garnets observed, very consistent throughout. 50 Biotite, schist, possible near vertical fractures at 51.1-51.8' and 51.6-51.8'. Bentonite seal 55- 560—Sand 60— —SandPack Biotite, schist, no fractures observed, zone from 2" pre -packed well screen 61.2-61.7' is partially friable, trace of small garnets at 65 63.8' very consistent throughout. 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenvlle, South roina 29601 s mTerra Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-24S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 5/5/15 COMPLETED: 5/5/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645579.76 EASTING: 950641.35 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2173.44 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2170.89 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 33.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin Z U a Ooi p o fo WELLa W < D DESCRIPTION w O a CONSTRUCTION 177TION o U U UProtective casino with locking cap CLAY, silty, trace of very fine sand, thin gravel layer at CL 1.3', abundant roots at 0-0.7', moist to slight moist, dark brown and orangish brown. 5 CL CLAY, silty, slightly plastic, slightly moist, very firm, orangish brown, appears to be backfill. ML SILT, clayey, slightly moist, trace of gravel, trace of fine sand, trace of relic fabric, dark brown and orangish 10 ML brown. SILT, clayey, trace of gravel, some coarse sand, moist to wet, loose, brown, dark brown and orangish brown. Grout SAPROLITE trace of clay, trace of coarse sand, slightly 15 moist, strong relic fabric starting at 22.8', loose, dark brown, light brown, light brown gray, and black. 20 SAPROLITE, some gravel, some coarse to med grained sand, trace of clay, slight moist, relic fabric, partially weathered rock layer at 25.2-25.4', light 25 yellowish brown, light orangish brown, dark grayish �— Bentonite seal brown, brown and light greenish gray. —Sand Pack 30 Same as above except light brown and brown. 2" pre-packed well screen 35 Partially weathered rock. - GNEISS, competent rock, fractures with voids at 43.5'. CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerm Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Asheville Steam Plant WELL / BORING NO: MW-24S PROJECT NO: 1026.102 STARTED: 5/5/15 COMPLETED: 5/5/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 645579.76 EASTING: 950641.35 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 2173.44 ft MSL M.P. ELEV: 2170.89 ft MSL BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 33.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: S. Wixon CHECKED BY: T. Platin a U o- a � p z o f WELL WW 0 < U) DESCRIPTION Q W `� m O o- n CONSTRUCTION U U U - GNEISS, competent rock, fractures with voids at 43.5'. (continued) 45 Schist, biotite, no fractures observed, no weathering, no garnets observed, very consistent throughout. 50 Biotite, schist, possible near vertical fractures at 51.1-51.8'and 51.6-51.8'. 55- 560Biotite, 60— Biotite,schist, no fractures observed, zone from 61.2-61.7' is partially friable, trace of small garnets at 65 63.8' very consistent throughout. 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Arden, NC lle, South Carolina 29601 Ter Phone:l864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 SynTerra KEY TO SYMBOLS 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, SC 29601 sy"Terra 864-421-9999 864-421-9909 CLIENT Duke Energy Progress PROJECT NAME Asheville Steam Plant PROJECT NUMBER 1026.102 PROJECT LOCATION Arden, NC LITHOLOGIC SYMBOLS SAMPLER SYMBOLS (Unified Soil Classification System) 11 Air Rotary/Hammer ASH -COAL: Coal Ash IMCL: USCS Low Plasticity Clay Auger Cuttings CLAY_TTC: TTC Clay Grab Sample CLAYST_TTC: TTC Silty Clay WELL CONSTRUCTION SYMBOLS CLS: USCS Low Plasticity Sandy Clay COBBLES—TTC: TTC Cobbles Bentonite Seal FILL: Fill (made ground) ® Bentonite Seal (Cased Well) FILL_TTC: TTC Fill (made ground) Blank section • �• GRAVEL_TTC: TTC Gravel Bentonite Grout: 1 pipe group, 1 pipe ® MH: USCS Elastic Silt II ML: USCS Silt Capped Riser MLS: USCS Sandy Silt Cement Seal ORG_TTC: TTC Organics Cement Seal (Cased Well) SAND—TTC: TTC Sand Filter Pack SANDCL_TTC: TTC Clayey Sand SANDST_TTC: TTC Silty Sand Filter Pack (Cased Well) ABBREVIATIONS BGS -BELOW GROUND SURFACE PID PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR G.S. -GROUND SURFACE ppm PARTS PER MILLION M.P. -MEASURING POINT TOC -TOP OF CASING USCS- UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM — Water Level at Time ft FEET Drilling, or as Shown IN INCHES Water Level at End of Drilling, or as Shown Z Water Level After 24 Hours, or as Shown