HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000396_AMEC boring logs_20150823AMEC ENVIRONMENT & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. DUKE ENERGY COAL COMBUSTION RESIDUALS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PHASE 2 RECONSTITUTION OF ASH POND DESIGNS W.H. WEATHERSPOON STEAM STATION FINAL REPORT, REVISION A APPENDIX C Exploration Logs D I P 71' H C0 d 5 F fes■ V 13 30 SICIM CLASfSUF ATICINI v >1 SAMPLIHSI HQUUMEN1 : Diedrich 11-111, Aito-Haunrer DRILIJ ME1 HOD: Mud Notary HOL® DIAMEIF-A 9-inah AND REMARKS E G L 11 ®2 l T (Ree") N -COUNT ♦ FINHS (°ic; E V � H Y or SEH KEY SYMBCIIJ SHEHT FOR 11XPLA11,IA1 ]ON CIF N 1 P Rec%/RQD% • SP11 tlbpf I SYMBCIIJS ANL AHBREV1AT101.31 EHIJCIWI. D (f) 1 E 14 6"- 6"_ f _ 6" --2164.6 20 74 40 90 tlU 70 80 94 104 12" Graded Aggregate Road Base 1 ®• 815-1 7-7-7 Embankment Fill: Medium dense to loose reddish -brown silty Rina to niadimr SANE (SMI wiithlittla to sania mica, moist116,8181-1 x 4'.2-4 tna a e i ock kagments Embankment Fill: Very stiff reddish-yellow and brown (16) zniaacscue-fine sandy SIL11(MH),moist tc wet x - 8181-:I 3-5-7 2159.6 5 (2) SS -4 6-10-11 (18; LD -1 2154.6 11 Embankment Fill: Medium dense yellowish -brown and brown silty fine SAND(SM) with tray a rc ala fia gin ental, wet ('10) SS -9 11-12-15 O �' 2119,6 19 (10; SS -fl 10-11-13 UH -2: PP 4.5 tsf 21214.6 (23; H Ilfhative fha tion angle= IO.4 degrees) Clahesic n = L'.I 11si - UD -2 Embankment Fill: Vary stiff reddish-yellow and brown fine sandy SHE (ML) rvith sorre mina, wet (12, SS -7 X 14-11-13 2139.6 7.I Embankment Fill: Medium dense reddish-yellow and brown silhIiii editur SANE ($MI with soma miaa and a tra cc c 11 gravel, wet (11) qr1n ti SS4 1-11-1:1 CCUERA(ITOA: M&WI Drilling, LIM ➢OGCIFII EY: William D. Spencer, P.G. HQUUMEN1 : Diedrich 11-111, Aito-Haunrer DRILIJ ME1 HOD: Mud Notary HOL® DIAMEIF-A 9-inah CIJCISURI MJITHCID: Fu11;1 Grouted RJTM RX 81: Ilamm er Elffia iancy = (14.11/1 Gtc undrva to r ancoun taro d at a depth of 81.9 feet bgs in adjacaat piezc metar PI41 on 12/3/14. RIEVIEMIE111 Y: U 1U 7U 3U ZIU �)U W JU I 9U RU GEOTI C HNIC Al ]BIC (RING RECORI PROJECT INIAME : Duke Energy - Pf . U Recon9l:itillio n A sh liond L1eiii in PIRIGUA CT INC.: 78:1044••01521 � TART DATE: 10/16i121C 1.4 COOR:D N: 64292t CGIIVIP. DA TE::1 WE >I2C 14 COIOR:D E: 9441821 Page 1 cif 4 I10CAZION: Asfevi le Sleana'Ita'lion Ba 1VNG N0.: 812-1B1 maW.0c faster W1 eider u GI r E E P T E 35 K 45 50 W 60 CI]L CLAS I If ICATION v H SAMPLES HQUI1NBNA DiedrirhD-120,Auto-Hammer DRILL MI To-ICID : PLIC(°i ; 1 -inch Nle (OA) LL AND "MARKS E L G H II T COU N -COUNT ♦ HINH: ('/c) E V H Y at SEH KEY SYMBCILI SHBHT FCIId HXIILAAIAAION CIF N 1 P Nese/n/PIQD'rc • SPT (bpfl SYMBOLS ANE AIBRBVIAWN81 EIHI1CIA. D (ft) E 6% 6"� (1"- 6" 6, 6"- (I" —2134.6-- 134.6— Iq 1a 20 20 34 R 40 40 50 (10 50 tla 70 70 80 qO 80 90 10a IN Embankment Embankment Fill: Medium dense reddish-yellow and brown silt silty rrediuni 31ANI (SIM) with some rrica and a tuma of @iviel, wet Embankment Fill: Medium dense reddish-yellow and brown alayay rr edium SAND (81CI) with a traea of gravel, Viet 1112; SS -9 6-12-12 UD -3: HP 3.5 tsf 2129.6 (22; 3 g lWatNa Nation angle = 3 9.,1 dagaees Cal asion= 11.3 IIsi UD -3 Embankment Fill: Very stiff reddish-yellow and brown it. icaaeous fit a sandy SILT (MH), wet (13) SS -10 8-10-13 2124:6 40 Embankment Fill: Medium dense reddish-yellow and brown miaaceau; silt} fina SAND (SN), coat 1141 81S-11 11-13-ld 2119.6 41 (16) 8191-13 X 12-9-11 2114,6 Ila Embankment Fill: Medium dense reddish -brown clayey tine SANE (SCS vaitl a trace a I mica, it a ist to v at (14) SS -13 11-1: -13 UB -=I: Bffactive fiiction an8la = 37.9 deg-aes 2109,6 (117; 15 Clohes ion = 1.1 psi H.0ranlic coaduativity, (in s,lsac Ca 20 deg UD --4 - CK .79E-01 Embankment Fill: V ary dense to medium dense reddish-yellovi, raddisb-brown, aad br<vin silty fine NIAND (SN) e lith s on- e rock ftagrren ts, rr oiat to viet SS -14 X 1012" �1OA CIC1NIIII ITCR: M& W Drilling, LLCI LIOGCHHII BY: William D. 8 Oancar, P.G, HQUI1NBNA DiedrirhD-120,Auto-Hammer DRILL MI To-ICID : N ud Rota ry WILE DIAMI TFR: 1 -inch CILCISUREMEIHOD: FullyClroutad R11MA AKS: HanrniarEffrcienay=94,7Ya Clroundwater enaonntered a t a depth ( 0 81.1 teat 1 gs in adjaaent pieaorr eter P101 en 1: 014, RF VIE WHD BYI: U I LU ]a 4U ]U 6U 7U 8U 90 IN G11101 F CLINICAL BORING R101C CIRD PROJIICT NAME: 11hlke Enorgy- H. H Meconstirlution Ait Ponc Elesiarl PROJECT NO.: 781a••Iz-0153 STAIR TEATE: ]alll6/10:14 COCIRTI N 641%11 COMA. EATS: ] ail] 7/1014 COCIRTIF: 5144782 Page 2 of 4 LCICA TICIN: A shevil le ; learn Slatior BORING NO,: H—BI arrea to! ter wheeler 6;11 7U 80 85 L 90 5OILCILA IAICA7'ICENI �NDMIZI�ti L H H H HAIMIFLFS PD(�N) 2 rMIp/I L11('W 1 0 (Rec") �I G I I 1 COUNT ♦ FINH81 (`/a; H V H Y or SPE KEY SYMI CID SHHHT ]'C1R EXPIIANATION CIF N N P Rec%/RQD% •SPT (bptl Si1MI CII AND AHBREVV TICIIN 9 BHLCIW. 11 (i}) A I 6"- fl"- 6"- 6° 14 20 :0 44 50 (14 70 80- S 0 144 Embankment Fill: Ver}I dense to medium dense 2104.6 ra ddish-ya llo w, : u ddisl -brov ai , and bi own silty fine SANT (SM; with soma rook f-agriants, moist to wat t ace mil a, trace rock fi agmal is (14; SS -11 1:1145-16 : 2099.6 1191 III icaf col la (10) SS -1(I x E-1:1-15 094.6 —2094.6— SS -17 SS-17 11-11-11 A 2089.6 75 Residuum: Medium dense to dense reddish-yellow and brown slightly erica f eous siltymaciuln 81PIND (SM), moist to wet (19) SS -18 ;I-19-17 2084.6 80 (12). SS -19 12 ](-IS — 2079.6 8:11 anon SS -20 7.12-18 C ONT'RAC11OR: M AAA Drilling, IILCI 110( ICED BY: Willian I. 9peucor, RG, HQUIPMEI. 1: Iliadrifl D-120, Auto-l-lanmuQr I rdIDL MPTHCID: N ud Rota ry 11I I IIAMFTBR: 1 --inch CILCISURH MEI HOII: Fully C routed HEa InarBfiaienoy=S4.7% Ciroundluater enaonntered at a depth al I LS seat bgs in adj as ent pieaonl eter P101 on 1313114. 0 lU 20 A 40 50 lIU 70 80 80 100 GDC I'11ECI4INIC AL BORING RE CORD PROTACI NAME: Lu1iia Ener€ly -Ih.I Recarslilulian Alli Panc Design PROJDCI NO.: 7 810-: 4 -0: 52 ST AR 7 LIATF : 10,116, 110 14 COCIRTIINI: (42921 CCIIVII.I]AIF:10J]7,120114 CUR][ F: 5144782 Page 3 of 4 I CICAIICIN: A slheville "leam Stlatian � � BORING NO.: 821-131 amec RF VWIID BU wheeler ID d_ N D E P T H A 6I— 100 ITf 121 SOIL CLASSIFIIC'A110N 11 A SAMPLE EQLIIPME%T: INdrial7 D-120, Auto-Hentxer L RILL MI T11CID: N ud Rc tory EIOIIE AIAWTAR: 9 -inti T ANL REMARK S B Il C B D N -COUNT A FINES B V E Y or SE E KED 9 YMBOII SHEET' FOA EXI AM A7 ICIN OF N N P Rec%/RQD% 41 8 P'I (bpf l SYMBOAS ANL ABEIRAVIAI ONS HEIIOWI. A (h) 2074.6— T B fl"- 6"- W'- 6" 10 20 31 40 94 61 70 84 9/ 100 Residuum: Medium dense to dense reddish-yellow and brown sli@htl}Irnicaa(jons siltymediun SAND (SM), moist to wet 2069.6 9:1 SS -21 25-2.-41 Boring Wmiinated at 1.4 8set below existin@I grade dua to roller cone refusal. Ao chole pully groutad upon canilllation. 2064,6 119 20:19.6 Al 2054.6 114 — 2049.6— ')OAA a 111 CIONIAFIC➢OR: N &W Arilling,11I1C 1XIC GAD M: William D. Spenaer, P.C. EQLIIPME%T: INdrial7 D-120, Auto-Hentxer L RILL MI T11CID: N ud Rc tory EIOIIE AIAWTAR: 9 -inti CIIIOSURAME"llH011: FullyCrcutad REMARKS: HacomerEi'ficieuay=94,1',c Clra undwater enaol mtery Et a del th a f f 1.9 let I @lain ad 'a a ent piazonretar P111 a n 12,1'_ ;114. RE,VIEWP D BI1: U IU LU N 4U -)U (K) H 6U 9U ICU GFIOTlI3IC HNICAU E ORINC RECORD PRCIJIICTINANM: EulseEnergly -Ph. HRecam I ifliticnA,,Iillond Deji€In PRCIJBCT1NCl.: 781(1-14-.015', START DAIT: 1(Ii1161<014 CCURD A: 6 z 2 S 121 C CMP. DA TE: 10/41l 014 C CURD E: q/ 4, 8: Pap z of 4 ILCCAT] ION: Asheuille5tearnSlation BORING NO.: 821-131 if oster —who I In r a 5 10 A 2'1 M SOIL, CLIA <IFIC AT]IGIN EI H HAMPIIES E(IUIPMEI`T: LiadriofD-120,Auta41aniiner DRILIIMETAICID: PB ( 1) `I -inch NM (°i) RHMARKS: vn (%) Clraundwat4r anaountered ata del th al ll.'I lbet AND REMARK, H G H H 1 I (Ra a") N -COUNT A BINES O (%) H u D F N or SHE KBN SA ME OL S HEH7 FOR HXPEIANA'1110N CIF N N P Rac°/a/R(I11% • SPI (1 pt) SiIMBCIH9I AND AE-BRF' 1VT1CINS BHLCIW, 11 (Ifi) 'I H 10 24 30 ] 50 €10 '.IC 84 90 1Q0 6"- 6"- 6"- fl" 12" Graded Aggregate Road Base 2164.9 , SS' -1 'I-9-9 Embankment Fill: Stiff reddish -brown fine sandy CLAY (CL) with iamarack fiagnenta and tricz,itai:t Ex (116) SS-: X I-4-5 Embankment Fill: Medium dense reddish-yellow and brown fins silty 31ANE (SM) with little rock fi•agni tits and ni iaa, Q16) III oist SS -3 X14-7 2199,9 (23) 1 LID -1: PP - 4.5 tsil UD -1 Efllbative friation angle= 14.1 degiea: Cal asioi = 1.11 si Embankment Fill: Medium dense reddish-yellow, brown, and palet rowtn siltymadium to fine 81AND (SM) wiitl traae tocla f to g in a nts, ni a ist to wit (16) SS -4 1-12-16 21°14.9 1C (12) SS -1 x O 1149.9 11 Slightly it ica a eons (16) SSA 1-12-12 2144.9 1 C (16) SS '7 '.1-8-10. CI 2139,9 (111) 71 - UD -2 (116) '--II C)— SS -a x 1-9-13 C10NTRA C'll OII: M&W L rilling, LIIIC LCICGHD EPA: ' Nilliatr D. Spenaer, P.C. E(IUIPMEI`T: LiadriofD-120,Auta41aniiner DRILIIMETAICID: MildAataq I10LIEIIIAMFTH:: `I -inch C1110SUREMEIHCIL: Hilly Crauted RHMARKS: F air mer E1lficianay = 94.7%- Clraundwat4r anaountered ata del th al ll.'I lbet by in adja(entpiazoir.etarPl9U on 11126,114, PEVIEWIID BY: GAIA I MI 0 10 :U 30 z1Q 50 60 ;IU aU 90 HQ GE, IOTII]IC NNICA 11 BC (RING RECORD PF CH I .NA.IVIE : Dir lee Energ)I - P11, Ill Recan;ll itntion A sh F arl d Desi€inl Ph C]IJEC I NCI.: W CI -14-0152 c TARI DATE: 10/2W,1C114 C CIORD N: 642831 C GIMP. DA TE: 10/2] I:ICI14 C CIORD E: 944955 1 ap( l of 4 IOC A ➢]ICIN: Adeviile Stearn e Cation BORING NO.: 82-132 atm a lliv fa=ter whe eler �a A 0 0 45 50 55 60 9C IL C LA111III ICAT ION L E SAMI EQUTAMEN'll: LfE I RILL MEAFICII : Pvl (aio> HCILB DIAM ET➢R: 5 -inch NM N> LLI (va> AND REMARKS E G L E ] T (Rec") N -COUNT ♦ FINW (%) 4 E V Y an SEH KEY SYMBCIIJ SHB111T FCI11 EXII LANAI ION CIF N N P Rec%/RQD%e • .IPT (bpfl SYMl CILS AND Al- BREVIA'IIONS BELCIAL D (ft) 7 E 6"- 6"- W'- 6" 10 20 :1 a 40 50 t10 70 8 0 9 a 10a Embankment Fill: Medium dense reddish-yellow, brown, , nd 2134.9 I ale brown silty medium to fine SAND (SM) with trace rao1i flagments, hoist to wet Embankment Fill: Medium dense reddish -brown micaceous silty fine SANE (SM., n a is 112) S-9 10-13.12 2129.9 31 Embankment Fill: Medium dense reddish -brown, ra ddish-yells w; and brown mise coo its silt; I fin e SAND (SM) - with someroak fn gnonts, moist to wet (16) SS -10 9-1515 2124.9 40 disco a timia rack fragments (14; SS -11 10-14-14 UD -F': PP - 4.1 t,, f 2119.9 (19) 45 EfPeativa friction angle 22.0 deflraea Clohesion = 14.7 ps i U11-3 0 (16) SS -12 8-1245 2114,9 50 Embankment Fill: Medium dense reddish -brown slightly nAmaousahye;IfitaSAND (SC,with E trzaeollrocla ffiagmants, wet 114: SS -13 10-10-12 2109.9 5:1 Embat I n entFill: Very stiff to hard reddish-yellow and brown m is aca o us fine to ma dium sa a dy SILI (ML) with some to - littla roals I•a@n ants, moist to wet - 1tnn n SS -14 74-14 CIONIRACrICIR: M MW Drilling, LLCI LIOC UP BY: Willis rn F. 511 cncar, P.G. EQUTAMEN'll: Diadriol D-120, Arto-Eammar I RILL MEAFICII : Mud Rotary HCILB DIAM ET➢R: 5 -inch CILCI31URB MEIAOD: FullyGtoutad AEM ARMS: 1-1, to ma r I Ma iency = 9 z .7% Gror[n&is ter encs ua to re d at a depth of 73.7 fea t bgs in adjaaant piezomater P100 on 11J26/11,1. REVIIIVNED BNI: U 1U 2U A 4U JU ON /U SU 4U 1UU 11 GF OT ECM IC AL BORING RE C OPD 11 PROJI4CT TIAME:I]ulceErergy• W. Urleeairstitufion Asr Panic Design IROJI4CTN0.: 7810-:1z-(:151 SNAPTEATE ;10,12C1/a0:1z COORD N: 64]831 COMI. EATS: 10,121/301z COORD 1E : �14z 95`1 P,-Ige 21 of z LCICAWOP : A9hai]I'le 9lealn Sta1_ian BCn NC NC. 06 -BG ipster l wt ea la r v 1 i I 0 0 H A D E I T H il6 65 70 71 11M 85 90 GIL C LA< 1111F1111CA'I110NI Ii E. SL-1LV AQU IPM EN I: PLBS DRILL MF THCII : Pll��/c) H OflE IIIAMLTER: 1 -inch 1 T (Red') AND REMARK S E U 1 G E D N -COUNT AI FINE91 (%; E V A Y ar 81HH AY SYMBOU SHHAT FCIP P APIlANATION OF NN P AW//RIQD% 41 €1PT (bp(j SYMBCIUS AND AI BREVIA'IIIONS E EUOWI, D Ift) N E 2104.9 6' 6"- fl' 6' 10 20 :10 40 90 t10 70 80 90 100 Embankment Fill: Very stiff to hard reddish-yellow < nd brown miaacea u, fine to inulium sar dy SR,'A (ML; with salve to little rock A•agmants, moist to wet (16) 1181-11 12-17-19 UD -4: PP — 1.9 tsf 2099,9 (6; tl9 Hydraulic aondnctivity, am,lsac t 10 deg (I = 9.1E-06 U D-4 (14) SS-ld 1-12-15 2094.9 ;10 1 (117) SS -17X 8-10-11 7-0 8 9.9 75 (12) SS -18 9-11-1z1 2034.9 80 Embankment Fill: Medium dansa reddish-yellow and reddish -brawn milt; %na SAND (SM) viith little roala fragments, rvat (18: SS -19 10-14-16 20799 85 (14) MI -20 11-13-13 �maa CIONTRAM CIR: N &W Drilling,11U] UOCGAD BY: Wiliam D. Spenaar, I.C. AQU IPM EN I: I iadriali D-120, Anto-M i-imi ar DRILL MF THCII : M ud Ra tar; l H OflE IIIAMLTER: 1 -inch CUOSUREME'RIOD: FullyCrautad RBMAP IKS: 1. am mer Efticiea ay = 94.7'/o Clraundivataranaoiintered at a dellth a171.71aet 1 gls in ac ljE aent piaaom etar P100 a n 11, 2(1,114. REVIE, WEID BM: U lU ZU 3U 4U " fIU '.IU xU 9U lUU GE OT1EC HNICAL BORING RECORD PRCH' CH NA M1: Duke Energy • Ah. 11 Rlecanlsl iintion A sh F o ad Design PRCIJIC'11NCI.: '/8,10-14,,015, 1MARTDATU7::1MW2014 CCICIRDP\: E/2831 CCIMP.DATID::I(KI/L014 CCICIRD E: 9/ 4SI55 I age 3 c 11 4 I10CAMIGN: Asheu:illeSteam Siation BORING NO.: 82-B21 m bac=. r wl etialar 9'1 120 SOIL, CIIAS S, IFIC AT] CN ii EI Wlillia in D. Spen' or, P.CI. AMT LBS IIAILI) NH "I'HCIII: PI) q%) HCILF DIAMFITHR: 'Ancli NM (%) BEI (%) AND REMARK'- H C II EI 1 0 (Rec") N -COUNT ♦ FINHS H u D B or SHE KE A :IYMH OH HIE1111 FOR HXPHANATIOr CIF IIIP Rec%/RQD% • SPI (I PO$YME'OUS AND ABI RI WAIKINS BEILCIW. D (fit) ' H 6"- f ", 6"- f " 2074.9 10 A 30 Ia 50 60 10 H 90 100 Embankment Fill: Medium dense reddish-yellow and raddisl -brown eilty fine SANE (11M) with little dock fra@menti, met SS -21 2069.9 95 (1�I) SS -22 11-14-14 2064:9— 100 NF 50/0" Boring terminated at 102 -feet below existing grade due to roller cone aafusal. E- ore li ole Mlly grouted upon comph tia n. 2059.9 105 2054,9 Ito —2049.9 ')()AA n 111 CION'PACIVIR: U&W Hrilling, HLCI HOC CIHII BY: Wlillia in D. Spen' or, P.CI. IIQUIHMENA E Wrial D-120, A to -Hai unar IIAILI) NH "I'HCIII: N ud Ra to ty HCILF DIAMFITHR: 'Ancli CILCIIIUREMEHHOI1: RullyCkautad IUMARCS: IamnorEilCicienay= 94.7% Ciro mi(water enaountered at a depth all:1.1 &iat 1( s in adjaaent piaaorl eter P100 on 11/1(1.114. RE VIE IWItD BY ; U Ill ZU all 4U -)U (IU la H R Wa GE CFHECI3NICAL BORING RE CORD PRCIJIHCTNAME: DukeI'riergiy••Ah.I ReeclrsidiluticmAsh Ponc hesigr PRCIJBCTNO.: 711[-1f4-Cl152 START DATE: 1U IC✓2[:14 C CICIRII TI: 6z 21831 CCIMI. DATE: 101 11/2[ :14 C CICIRD E: 944955 Page 4 of 4 I CICA TIC IN: A sheu i] Ie , tealn Sihatiar. BORING NO.: �2I-B2 arne fa ste r wtaelcr 20 29 I] OIL, CLASSIFICAMON B E SAWLB� E(JUIPMI1`T: L iadriab D-120, Auta-Harainver DRILII M11711CID; P11 HOHH IIIAMETBA : 9 -inch NNE(S'o;' A ND REMARK S B a L E I 1 I (Rec") N -COUNT Al FINES ('/) B V E Y or SBH KEN SYMBOH SffHEfl FOA ENI IJAI, IATICIN OF N N P Hec1/o/HQD% i f IP`I (bpl) 91YMBOBS AND ABEIREVIAIIONS IIEBOMI, D R, T B ,_ 6„_ 2165,2 f f _ 6„ I0 20 30 40 94 60 70 EO 94 100 12” Graded Aggregate Road Base Embankment Fill: Reddish-yellow, yellowish -I rovun, and brown slilhtlyrricaceous siltyfina SAND (SM) with trace a ocic frlagmeu ts, tr ois t SS -1 74 -f (1(I) SS -2 5 9-9 little rock fi•agments, Vaca mina, moit to voat (14) ...-2160.2— SS -3 5-5-7 5 (13) UD -I, PP = 4.:1 t: f-1 (16) 915-4 7-6-7 Embankment Fill: Boulder or riprap layers with clayey sand sea nl a. ,'I 1w 1 21:1:1.2 10 oids neaulted in leas of circula tic n (LICIC' of drilling fluid. / C acing adva a a er ua (d to penatra to layer. 'I /1 1 (12) �° 919-5 2-2-4 100'% lJCIC Co 19' s 1 21:10.2 1:1 '1 ,'� • 1 - 100Y LCIa{ 19,6' ® 1 2149.2- (10) 20 X ',S111-6 4-2-5 � 1 Embankment Fill: Stiff reddish-yellow and reddish -brown alightly miaacea us clayey silt (ML) with t i a cc roots, in oist (18) 591-7 3-7-8 UD -.2: PP = z1.9 t: f 2140.2 (25) — 19 E1llba ti`ie fria tion angle = : 4.1 cIagrees Coha sion =1.9 1p i UD -2 CI Embankment Fill: Medium dense reddish -brown silty medium SANII (SM) witli traae clay, rash fi-agmenta, andrriica, rnaist (18; SSA 6-9-9 CONTE ACAOR: M &W Drilling, UW LCIGGBD EIN : lhlilliam D. Spenser, P.O. E(JUIPMI1`T: L iadriab D-120, Auta-Harainver DRILII M11711CID; Mnd lllotar}, Hollow-stalnl Anger HOHH IIIAMETBA : 9 -inch CHOSURE N E11HOL : Fully 0ronted REMARKS: Flan mierHF1cianay= 94,71ia Cira undwata r n as nut o ncountaracl in adjaaant yiazomatarPill an 11121,114. FEN IEM Ef SYI: U lU 2U `_U 4U N fU lU 11 9U IQU II GEOT]3CHNICAI HORINC RECORI II PRC FICT NAME : Llulae Ener851- Ph. II Recansl itultian A sh )_land Des; gr PRC JE Cil NC.: ?8:10-14-015,1 SW T DATE: 9/130,L1014 CC CRD N: 6/3543 COMA. DATE: 10,191,1014 CC C RD D: 9/ 41711 I agig l of 21 11 OCATACN: Astnille Steam.1I1,aticin ��� ■may, I��l 7(��{ q/ R 41 B01R]N N10.: N2—B3 IRaa�A0 foster whaeler F D E P 7 H I 2 60 SOIL CLIASSIFICAIIION L E SAM EQUIFIIM]IIT: L1. S DRILL MEIIHOIL PI HCIIIB DIAME11114: 5 inch IIII I 7 (Rec") N -COUNT ANI REMARK 9 B C B E A FID E S ('% E V D E Y or SHE KEY 3INMBOL SH11E71 FOR EXPBANPITICIN OF N N P Rec%/RQD% ® 81PI (bpf S'IMBOBS AND ABEIREVIA'II(INS I EIIOW. D (ft) 2135.2 T B 10 IC 30 40 I4 60 70 84 A 100 tI"- 6"- d"- 6" F ni bankruent Fill: Medium dense reddish -brown silty medium SAND (SM) viith trace slay, rock f•agment8, and mica, rroist (18) SS -9 4 t1-11 2130.2— (14) 3:1 UI1-3, PP '= 4.5 till UB -I {lfl SS -10 6-10-9 2125,2 40 discontinue trace clay and roeli fagments (1(Il SS -11 5-14-1 `I O 21202 (14 41 LID -4, PP = 3.7:1 is f-4 Embankment Fill: Stiff reddish -brown slightly micaccous silty Cll CIII , m aist 1118) SS -12 X 4-5-1 2115.2 54 NB 5010" O) Boris g Terming ted at ' II .:I h at belov i axisting ground surfs cc duo to anger reflna1. Mud rotary drilling Naas parlbrired 1-om tha 8raund surface to approximatel,122 fact. Hallovi-stem anger drilling Niaa I orthrmed 11rom apllroximataly 22 feet until 2110,2— 51 ref is al. Borehalo fully-groutodnpon oaiuplation. ornc � C C[MIRACITCIId: M81W Drilling, IILCI BOGC®II BY: William D. SHoncer, P.G. EQUIFIIM]IIT: Di'edri'cl II -12(, Anto-Hlammer DRILL MEIIHOIL Mud Rotary, Hlallaw-stem Auger HCIIIB DIAME11114: 5 inch CILCI€IURIIMETLICID: FidlyGrouted REMARK8I: Ha111nerI3ffNiene11= 94.7°/ Gronndmater was not enaauntered in adje cent piezaniater P102 on Ilip 1/11,1. REVIMMELI BY: U la 2U A 4U ;IU (IU /U N 9U 1Ua 0101 F CH NIC AL BORING RE C ORD FIROJEICA 1\IAME: Eluka Energy • M. H Mecavstill ulion Aih Panc Design) 1IROJECT1\I0.: ;1810.74-(1153 1TIARI ATH: 9,130/210:14 C OC IRID IN: 643541 C LIMP. DA TE: 'I M /20'14 COCIRD I: 514471 Page 2 of a LCICAMC II\I: A9hevillleflleamSlalliort B 0 RIN G NQ , ,, 82 -B3 an ea tc ! wtiElEr CI (0) 5 10 20 ►■ 30 �OILCIASISIFICATIC[NB N &AXI Drilling, Lf< C - El �AMPIE�I EQIIW ED '11: Diadriat D-120, Auto -Hanan or I]RILLMITIIICID: PL(aia> 110I E f1AMhTLR: 91 -inch NM("fo) US/)13 AT, D REMARKS CI L1(Rec") B D I N -COUNT ♦ FINES('/,) 8: B V B or SHE KEY SYMI CIL 1111EF7 FOR EXPIIANA'➢lON CIF 11 N P Rac%/R(IIl% • SP71(t pI) SYME CILs AIND ABHlali�l IATICV s BBLCIWI. I] Qft) `11 I 10 J( 30 �Ia 50 60 71( 1 4 90 100 6, fl"- fl" Embankment Fill; Medium dense to loose reddish -brown silty 21f13.5 fina 3AIND (SM) viith traac i ock fihagments and loots, n aist SS -1 1-7-6 slightly miaa cea us SS -1 I-4-6 littla Took ffi @ menta 219(.5 SS -3 4-8-10 `I (Ill ) SS -4 9-9-12 Embankment Fill: Boulder a r riprap layers with sandy clay sarns. a• (1'I Voids resulted ii la ea a Hairoulation(LCIC) ofdrillingflnid. X66 SS 9 X A-16-1.6 O C� sing ad,iancar used to panehate la3p . �• 21413.5 10 ®• (1) UD -1 •I 1 ®' SSA '11-8-13 ®• 21485 15 , 100% LCIC C 15.8' Embankment Fill: Medium dense reddish-yellow and brown siltymadiuir to coarse SANT (SN), dry (10) SSA l -7-12 UD -2: F flea tine fi•ia tion angle = ; 10 degrees 21 1-.5 (24) 20 Col asion = 1.8 1 si UE -2 (118) 591-8 12-12-11 2.138.5 -- 39 (18) S31-9 9-12-10 O CIONI" C11OR: N &AXI Drilling, Lf< C - LICICIGIDB)I; MilliEri D, Spenser, RCI. EQIIW ED '11: Diadriat D-120, Auto -Hanan or I]RILLMITIIICID: NudRatai]I,F]olloiv-stgmAuger 110I E f1AMhTLR: 91 -inch CII OSURF ME][ A0I1: Fully Ch -a uto d IVMAWS: Haill norEPficienay=94.7% Clroundwiater enaonntered at a depth oll46 Peat bgs in adjaacut pieaometer P103 on l IHIM 4. RDVIRWED Wyk 0 10 A 30 4U 50 (10 A W 90 1( 0 I I GE CIT EC HNICAI E ORING RE CORD I PRCIJPCI NA.NII : Llulae Brerffl - P.4.11Recor.slililticlr Ash Ponc Desiglr PRCIJPCTNO.: U10-14-0151 `1ARTTAlE:10/];12014 C CICIRD IS: (43193 CCW. DATE: 10dlC1,12014 CGORD E: Sk 4S165 Page 1 o1' 21 Il01CA TICIN: A slhn 117e .Itealn Statim n7� ��11 ��'11 ��11 CC r BORT l� G N ®. ,- C 2 -B4 arr ea W T 0 a U U WU F O w C7 50 55 60 SCILICLAHHHUCATICT H H 9AM1LES HQUIPMENI: Diedriali 11-12C, Anto-Harrnnat IH(ra) Mud Rotary, Hollow -stern Alger }ICILH DIAMETHR: 5 -inch NM(%) ILqui") I 1 (Rec") N -COUNT A 0 FMFI (%) i AND RFN ARK'i; H G H 11 F, u H Y or SHE KHY SYMI CIL SHE11T FCIRHXPHANATEON CIF N N P Rec%/RQD% ® SPT (bl q SYME CLS AND ABBRF"J V TKII, S HHLCIWI. H (ft) I I 6"- d"- 6"- 6' lfl 20 R 40 50 60 70 80 90 140' Embankment Fill: Medium dense redclish-yellow and brown 2133.5 silty inediuim to aoarsi S AND (SM), dry UD -1 Embankment Fill: Medium stiff reddish-yellow and brown sand}I 8IL'I (ML) with little rock flagrnents, trace roots and rniaa, rnoist S13-10 x 4-4.3 128.5 2128.5— O A Embankment Fill: Veryl stiff reddish -brown sandy CLAY Embankment (CIL), rnoist S 5-11 6-16-14 2123,5 (24) A UD -11 Embankment Fill: Medium dense yellowish -brown silty fine 8 AND i1SM) with little to oaaa racl9 flagrnents, rnoist to viat UD -4: Elleatina friatian angle= :17.1 dogrees (18) Ooha sion = 4.4 psi 15-12 7-642 2118.5 4'1 Embankment Fill: Stiff reddish -brown sandy silty CLAY (CL) with trace rook $agrnants, moist (16; 3S-11 x 6-5-� — 2111.5 ' I(I NR 50,10" i 0, Boring To tri it a ted at 17 ,.I het bels Nu oxistiri @ @ as iiia c surfa ca due to augur relhisal. M rod ra tary drilling uias 1 cArwed 11rorr tlia ground aurillaaa to approxiinatal}I17feet. HlaIlaw-sitern auger drillh @ was perfa nnscI $nom all Hroximatoly 17Ilest until -2108.5 rofihsal. I arahole ful ly-gra uto d upon aornpletion, m n2 < CICINARACIVIR: M&IWIDrilling, HLCI HOC C1111 BY: William 11. 91 ancar, B.0 . HQUIPMENI: Diedriali 11-12C, Anto-Harrnnat 1114ILI1NIHMH011: Mud Rotary, Hollow -stern Alger }ICILH DIAMETHR: 5 -inch CIL,CI5IU RE MAHCID: Fully Groutod REMARKS; Flammir Effiaiancy= S z1.7% Ground- a for encs uti toraid at a dapth of 46 fact bgs in adimantpiezaniaterP103 on 11,114114. REVUIWIED BNil: U la zu A 4U A 6a /U tU 9a lUa GEOZ ECHNIC AL BORING RI C GIN 10 PROJECI NAME: DiiIce Erergy• ALUPecarl9titution AdPanc Eesiati HROJECIISIC.: ;11810:x•0:53 STA.RTDATE: 1(1/1/210Iz COORD N: ( 43791 COMP. I ATE: 10,11.0/301 z COORD H: 5142 W5 Page 3 of J LCICATION: Asheville Sleatrl Stalian 1 Q WN G NO.,: O2 -B4 anEc fluster wI ea la r d u GI w Q D B P H H I a I— 20 25 �I 30 SOMCLASSWICAIION B B SAMPIE� BQUIBN EI` TI: L isdriah D-120, Auta-Hammer EIRIIIL M[ TIHCID: PI (a/c; HCIIIE I1IAM111TPR: 1 -inch NN (aro> HaunnsrEilrrcienay=94.7o/a Ilv(�%) Clroundwater encountered at a depth a1144,1 last I gs in adjaaentpiaaorneterP10:1 on I lAl1/14. ANI REMARKIS B CI 11 E II (Rec") N -COUNT ® AI FINLS e� (%) B VY D or SEMI 1KE51 SYMBOUSHHET FOPI EXIIBADIATCIN OF N N P Plac°/uAgD"/o 41 31PIl (bpf SYMB0BS AND ABEREVIAIIIONS HBBOWI. D R, T B fl"- 611- 611- 6" 2174,1 10 34 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Ash Fill: 9 a m pled as medium dense to loose dark gray silty fine nand with aorr e gravel and a traa a oftr ica , ni a ist to wa t Y SS -1 11-144 �r h SS -2 3-3-1 4 S 21-69.1 UTI -1 5 - 3IS-3 6-,1-9 Y: 2164.1 14 Ash Fill: Sampled as vat; stiffreddish brown and dark giay sandy silt, moist to- wet 116 $31-4 6-d-11 21:19.1 X118) I UD -1, PB n 4.1 taf ; F: Ull .3 (12. Residuum: Very stiff reddish-yellow and dark brown sandy 91M(NH)witha naceafmiaa,rroisttowet 991-:1 9-11-20 - 2114.1 31 Residuum: Medium dense reddish-yellow, dark brown, tan, and purple slightly micascow silty fine 91AND (SM;, rroist to - wet (12, 9191-6 6-10-9 2149.1 (22; 31 — UD -2, PP – z1.1 tsf UD -3 1114; 9181= 1 4-7-9 CIONMU COR: M &W Drilling, IRIC BCICIGHD BY: R illiain D, Spenaar, P.G. BQUIBN EI` TI: L isdriah D-120, Auta-Hammer EIRIIIL M[ TIHCID: IVnd Ra tart' HCIIIE I1IAM111TPR: 1 -inch CLOSURE ME'ItIO3: Fully Clrantad RHMARCS: HaunnsrEilrrcienay=94.7o/a Clroundwater encountered at a depth a1144,1 last I gs in adjaaentpiaaorneterP10:1 on I lAl1/14. RE11JBWDD BYI: 0 14 20 30 44 50 f10 '14 80 90 14C GE CITECHNICAL BORING REWORD PRUBCIINAMI IlulaeEr.eiEU-Fh,11 Recarslitultian A'IE Pond Desi€fin PRC JBC11 N0.: MG 14 -01152 S 71ART 111A I1E: 110,13 12014 CCICIRDT\: (45(127 COMP. Il1AM:110,161,1014 CCICIRD E: 943791 Page l cd1 2 I LICA TICIN: A sheuilla 1 team Sl'aticln BORING NO.: E -BI ams ` 10° -ter w Saler D B P 7 H Ta II Kim 4°I r_ r. t� 55 60 SOIL CIJIAS S IFIC A' 110N I1 1 Wlillit m D. Spenaar, RCI, AAIl'LES Ditdriab D-120, Auto-Hlamtnar 11RII-L MPTHCID: N ud Ra to ry ECLF DIAMPTIIR: ]-inch ANE REIVIARI{ 5 H H 1 (Rec") o C H D N -COUNT ♦PINES (%) II V E or 31 IP KIN SINNH30I1 SHAM 110REXPHAr ATICIN OA N N P Rec'/a,IRC D°/ • SPI (t pf) SNMB011S ANI PIBDIMVIA UNS DHIIOW. D (fl; T II 6, (1"- 6"- (1" -dense-reddish-yellow, 2144.1 10 20 30 4 50 60 7( .10 90 1( 0 Residuum; Medium dark brown, tan, ant. purple slightly mina cea u� eilt;l fin o SAND (SM, moist to wct Residuum: Medium dense to loose reddish -brown, grayish -brawn, tan ant purple silty fine IANID (SM), mount to viet (l. SS -8 1-9-11 2139.1 (:-7) -5 ULI-: , PP - 4.5 tsif UI14 som e to little In ica (117 ) SS -9 1-9-f 41 21341 40 to isace o us (12) SS -I0 7-8-1 2129.1 45 1`R 5� 0,10"0 Boring Tarin in a ted at 48.9 -cleat below existing ground : nrfa ce clue to collar cone refusial. Harclsole filly -grouted upon oompletion. 2124.1 50 2119.1 Ti1A i :If CIOMMP IG➢OR: N AW Drilling, HIICI HOCIGIID BY: Wlillit m D. Spenaar, RCI, IQUIMIENTI: Ditdriab D-120, Auto-Hlamtnar 11RII-L MPTHCID: N ud Ra to ry ECLF DIAMPTIIR: ]-inch CIIICISURH NIH7IHOD: Felly Clra utad WMAAKS: HatnmorEEcienay= 94.7% Grotmdwater ena our tered a t a depth o f44.14 e t bgs in adjacent piesometer P10:1 oti 11/11,114. REVMWED BY: 0 10 20 10 4( 50 (U 7( 80 90 Il ( GE CITECHNICAL BORING RE CORD PRCIMIC1I NAMI : Eutie Eher�Iy • BE D Recarsd.ilutiar, Ash Pcinc Design PRCUBMI NO.: U10.14-0'15,1 81AR11 HASH: 10/3,12014 C CICIRD T\: 6z 50211 C OMP. HAIR 10/6,12014 C CURD I: 9z 319,I Page I of I I OCAUCIN: A sheuille c team Shtiar BORING NC.: E -B1. amaa Foy ter M, eler d U 11 H P A I -I (0" 10 15 20 2:11 M SOIL CBASSIFICA'IION H E SAMPIIE HCIUIHIMENT: Diedrich I1-12U,Pluto-Mair rer DRIHH ME` FOD: ng/: F1UHH DIANIE`IEI1: 8'-J ich ANL REMARK H H flkRec%/RQD% (Rec") C H D -COUNT Al FINES-('/°; H V E Non SHE 14E A SNMBOH SHAE`ll FOR EXPJW, IPITIICIN OF N N P 41 $PT (bpfl $NMHOHSANI ABEIREVIAMICINSHEHOW. D (H; T H ',C 2174.2 6"- t'"- 6" 10 30 40 911 60 70 £ 0 94 100 Ash Fill: Sampled as medium dense brown and dark g ra91 silty .fine oand SS -1 1I -7-f (18) a SS -2 X 4-11=1 (l�f SS -3 X 444 2169,2 5 Ash Fill: Sampled as medium stiff to stiff dark @ray and yellow-brown;landy silt with tracenoal fiagnantsand recta, (121 moi: t to wet SS -4 X 4-5-4 ph ,t Some III is a 1110: $S-5 2-3-4 O 2164.2 (17; 10 UE -1 1112; Ash Fill: Sampled as loose olive -gray silty sand with little root: and coin e m ice a nd rock fi-agsr ents , m oist to rnet SI91-6 3-3-3 21919.9 191 .., (6 z SS '9 1-2-3 O $, 2154.2 (24; 74 f� UD -2 (16;' - SS -8 1-2-2 21 ,19 ,2 25 SS -9 9-'-: I an CCIl` TRA CI OII: M&MI Drilling, III HCIGGHD E1N: William D. Spencer, P.G. HCIUIHIMENT: Diedrich I1-12U,Pluto-Mair rer DRIHH ME` FOD: Eollow-stain Auger F1UHH DIANIE`IEI1: 8'-J ich CIJOSUIU MI TIICIE: Fully Grouted RENARIK81: FllatunerJIM(iiancy=94.'J`/° Gronnciv a tc r ancoun to re d at a depth of 44.8 feet bgs in edjacentpiazomatorPI04 on 11112/114. REVIEWED BY: U I :U 3U 9U :IM 6U 7U 2U yU lUU C EOTDC I-INIC AI E CIR1 NG REC ORE1 PIROJECT NAME: DnlceEliergy-PE, HRacaiistitntian Asli Aor,c UQsiglrl PR OJEC Tl r CI.: 781 CI -t -0152 START DATE: l0U13012 COOR:D N: 64z 8z 3 C CIMP. DATE: 10MA0'Iz C OOR:D E: 943915 Page I of 2 IJCICATIOP : Asl evi lle SllealrI Station B®" RING NO,: E -B2 WIN. frster wh E k D B P H 30 6� 40 45 50 55 60 SOIL CLASSEKICAMON B E SAW11hIS E(IUIPMEI` T: 11 iadric h D-120, Auto -Rammer DRILIIMBTBICID: Pnga/C; n HOBE MAMITBR: 8-inah NM ('/,) LIJ(�ia) ANE REMARKS B CI B E v 1 (Rec") N -COUNT Al FINES ^2 (%) ` F V D E Y or SIH KFS :IYMP 03 SEI EA FOR EXPBAD IAITKIN OF N N P Rec%/RQD% 41 1177 (bpf 1 $AMBOBS AND AIBBRF V1A'➢ICINS 3BBOW. D IB) 2144'2 T B d"- 6"- d"- 6" 10 20 30 40 914 60 70 80 94 100 Ash: Sampled as vary loose tc loose light olive -gray sandy silt with a traae of'rc ots, ma i.it }, UD -3 O U11-3: I fI etive stiction angle= 28.0 deg ra a s C ahesian =. 13 pas a SS -10 2-2-1 Residuum: Stiff reddish -brown and gray micaceous sandy —213 9.2 35 SUIT (ME), moist to wa t SS -11 3-4-6 2134.2 112; - 40 Residuum: Dense reddish-yellow and brown silty medium UB - SANE ISK,'rroistto vlet 915-12 15-16-15 p- 2119.7 491 Boring Tarnmated at zI8,0-1k at belovl axisting ground suw fa ca due to augar raflisal. 3orahole dully -grouted npan c orr pletion, 2124.2 914 — 2119.2 9191 111A CIONTRACHOR: M&W Drilling, BIC LCIC GBD IIIA : All m D, Spenaer, PA. E(IUIPMEI` T: 11 iadric h D-120, Auto -Rammer DRILIIMBTBICID: Fiallcw-stamAlger HOBE MAMITBR: 8-inah C30SUREMEAHOII: FhillyGrouted RBMARCS: MmmerIfficiaacy=94.7/c C ra undwata r a ncounta n d at a depth o f ,AA &set bgsinacl•jaceatIiazometarPlUIoti 11,112,114. REVIEWED BY: U lU A 3U 9U N bU 'IU 8U 9U IM 11 GE OTE( HNICAL L CIRING RECORI] 11 PIaC JEC T NAME': E ukle EaergA - P:Ii, A Recanil't111ic1 i A s1I T or d L1e sign PHCJECT NCI.: 'A8'10-14••CI1521 S'IAI2TEATE: 10/I I/l21a14 CCIORDNI: (/4843 COME EATE:10i1210a1z C CIORD E: 51z 3 X115 Page 21 cif 2 LOCA IICN: Ash-61le Steam �'l,alian BORING N10.: F—B2 anile fas. r wt eEilar k A L B P TI I1 (0 9 10 q 15 20 IBI [IN SOIL CIJASSIFICAT11CI� MSIAIIDrilling, LIJCI AOGCIEH BY: SAMFLES IQUIPMENlll: Diedricl A-110,Auto-Hammer DRILD ME111110I : PDaI% I 8 -inch NM 11%) AND ]REMARKS EI 11 1 Rec") COUNT CI D I) N ♦ FIINASI EI F 01 SBE ]{ESI . Si MBOD 51HE BD AOR EXPDANATICIA C1A D N P Rec%/RQD% •SPT (bl f 'W1301113 AND ABARI]VIA UNS BHEIC]W', D (D; TI EI "- " 24 63.7 6"- E 6"- f 10 24 30 49 50 f14 74 80 90 100 Riprap (0 to :I in maximum dimension) AU -1 �'. `r _ Embankment Fill: Stiff reddish -brown and dark brown slightly (16) micaceous fine sandy SIFT (ML), moist SS -1 iI-'I-11 2058,7 5 Uima raats (1 I) SS -2 X 344 10 Ing ist to wet (1z) SS -3 1-1-7 205:1.7 10 Residuum: Dense reddish -brown and dark brown silty medium 31ANID (SM; with souse rock fragments; moist to vial (12) 5151-4 4-10-20 q. 2048.7— 048.7 0 Medium Medium hard variably fi-actured 8 r y granitic GNEISS with —_ soil residue — F CH Hatd gray granitic CIN131515 miitl g3iarta, erica, and diagonal =— fra a turn — 144 _ =-2043.7- 2043.7 ------------------------- Hard Hard ,gray to white varial 1;1 stainad gra nitic GA EISS with = partly healed dial anaIIra otures — — 140 — 57 — _ - AC -3 = ICE.7 29 - _ - 100 115 - R(I-4 ')All 7 CONIRACITCIId: MSIAIIDrilling, LIJCI AOGCIEH BY: William 11. 511 ancor, P,G, IQUIPMENlll: Diedricl A-110,Auto-Hammer DRILD ME111110I : Hollow-stam Augat•, Iaoclo Clora HCIIDI DIAMETIP P: 8 -inch (LT UREI NIDTHOD: Folly Grouted DEMARM IS: Ila mmarEffiaieno94.7% REVHONED B)i: u IU A .!U 9u Ju bU -lu IU 9u 1 u GEOTI C HN ]IC AL BORING RECORD 11 F ROJEC T NAME: Du lce Er1 ergy - Pll , D Ra clans tits tion A sh I on d E a gig n HROJEC T NU: 781 CI -1z • 01571 c TART DA TE: 10/22/21014 C OORD N: 643916 C OMP. DA TE::I (II: COC RDI : 943557 Dngle 1 of I LCICA'IQON: Ailievi]le Slleam Stal'an BORING NO.: 64 -BI n Ea fa iter �fider B B P '➢ II I d U 95 L 60 SOIL CLASSIMICATIICI\ v E William H, ;1 ancar, P.G, AMI LES DiedriahD-120,Arnto-Hamm(r BRILL ME'ffICIII: Hollov i -sten;, Augar,14ocl Clora H011IIl DIAMI TBR: 8 -inch AND REIVIARREMARKSH v I (Rec") 2 J Cl H D I N COUNT ♦ FINHI, (°r°) H B Y or SHE KEY Ski MIICIH : HEIII FOR BXPIIANATIOr CIF r P Raa'% IRQII% • SPT (bpfl SS MBOH; AND ABHRHVIAIIICINS BHLCIW. D (It; 2033.7 H 6"_ fl"- 6"- tl" 13 20 30 4( 50 fl( Ill 80 SO 1( = Hard gray to white variably stained granitic GNEISS with partly hey led diaga n a 1 fry atura ,r = 96 —_ 76 R( -1 _— 2028,7 35 Hoiiin8, tarty ins ted al3fl..I-flint belovii axisting gtaund swiface, Borahole fully gaouted upon complatian. 2023.7— 40 20111.7 4;1 —2011.7- 013.7 -X08.7— 3 C08.7 99 �nm CIONTRACH OR: M&IWI Drilling, BLCI LOC GLIB BY: William H, ;1 ancar, P.G, BQUIHMENH: DiedriahD-120,Arnto-Hamm(r BRILL ME'ffICIII: Hollov i -sten;, Augar,14ocl Clora H011IIl DIAMI TBR: 8 -inch CIIIOSURB MEI'IIHOD: Fully (ra utad AFMAAKS: HanwarEVaienay=94.7'/ REVIE WHD BY: l 10 d l 30 40 :IIU 60 70 N( 9( 100 GEOIEICIH NTC AL I31ORl 1N G RE( CIRD PROXAC'H 1\AME: Duke Energy •• I1. II Rle(an9tituiliati AsP Pore Ilesigln PROJAC'D1\O.: 1810-1-0'151 S'DAR1111AW:10,I321/301z C OORD N: 643916 C OMP. 11 A Wl : 10, M/30I z COCIRD E: 51435571 Page 2 of 'I I CICATROT\ : A9he� it le E seam 8tal1crl BORING NC„ 64-B] amen pouter wt,eler M SOIL CL AS c IFIC ATIC A v E SAMI LL S E iadriahD-120, Auto -HI n near PB (%) FIaIlav -stein Ane a r,Rocl Clore HICILE! 111I IR: e(%j L-Ily i.; c ANL RLMARKI 11 1] I (Rec") G E.I 7 N -COUNT A FINH51(Y; 11 u EI Y or SEE U 51 'IN ME O➢ SHEH71 FOR EIXPtIANATION CIF N N P Rec%"/RQD% A SPT (bpf 91YMBOLIS ANI FIBE RH V IAI'I CINS BEI CIW. D (f) T 11 2062,9 6"- fl"- 6"- fl" 14 20 34 44 50 (14 70 80 90 100 Riprap (0 to 5 in maximum dimension) �'. �'• 1 AU -1 2057.9 9 �'. ;1 ,'I • 1 (a) Embankment Fill: Loose olive, dark brown, silty fine SAND (SM ulitl tan coarseg:aina(I sand and surra raala fragnents, 1110 lst to wat SS -1 7-3-3 2052:9 to Partially Weathered Rock: Sampled z s van31 dense yelloalish-browrt s ilty lma sand (PWPI) with little rock fi-a 8 n a nts, vlet (2) 8151-2 5011:1" 2047.9 1 ` 0 I:1 Medium hard to very soft gray granitic GNEISS with soil and = partially waatheredrook rasidue Haid gray variably;stained laaell ed 8ra31 granitic GNChS with— open stainad bedding ph a e:i Prom 17.5' to 18.9' ; and seam s = __ 84 — 20 — AC -2 - = 2042.9 14 Lard gray and v ittita granitic GNEISS = = 100 = 144 RCI -1 2037.9 7 9 -- 100 = 144 — RCI -4I CIONIRACIVIR: M&W Drilling, III BOCICII L BY: Witliatn D. Spenaar, P. G. EQUIFMENII: E iadriahD-120, Auto -HI n near DRILLMIPTHCIII: FIaIlav -stein Ane a r,Rocl Clore HICILE! 111I IR: 4 -incl CIIICISUREMEI1k]IOD: FullyClrautad PIEMAIE,S: 1-11atrmarElficienay=94.7% RDVIEWF D BYI: u to 2u ,iu 4u au nu iu au qu tuu GI OT ECBNIC AL BORIN G RDC CIRE PRCIJIll NAME: LWit Energy.- W.IIEIecar still ulianlAsliParc Eesigln PRCIJDCI NO.: 810•:14-(1"152 STAFTPATM: ]0,123/3alz CCICIRDIS: (4371 ]1 COMI. I]AIE: ia,123/2(I1z CCICIRDF: 5143696 Page "I of .2 DCICATICIN: ASheNullO�team Slallon BORT N G T� 0.: G 4-B2 an ea footer whi alar 30 79 40 45 94 55 60 CIIL C LA< c URCATION L E SAMPLH�I E(1UIPU W,T: DiadriahD-120,Auto -Harmer PI] Rolla w -sten Pli Iger, Roak Core H011tl HIAIVIEW,11: a -inah AND REMARKS E L(Rec") G I D -COUNT TkRcc%/RQDI/o II FINES (I 4/o SE B KEY SYM TIC L SHBI" FC R IIXPLPINA IJON CIF E N V H N Yan P 41 11P II (bpf)SyMI CIL11 AND ABBREV IMIONI IIFEICM. D (fl) 2032.9 E 6"- fl"- 6" 14 20 30 40 50 64 70 80 94' 100 Hard g:uay and white granitic GNEISS = lUd — 100 RCI -5 fla ting terminated at 32 -fact bale w existing grade. E orahole fully gra uted npa n aom pletion. 027.9 —2027.9- -2022.9- 2022,9 40 —201'.9— 45 012.9 —2012.9- 2007:9 -2007.9- 55 CION VCM M&WIlrilling,MIC IJCICGIID E'A: Ailliatr D, Spenaer, P.CI. E(1UIPU W,T: DiadriahD-120,Auto -Harmer DRILII MUT]-1O1): Rolla w -sten Pli Iger, Roak Core H011tl HIAIVIEW,11: a -inah CI OSURE M➢'IDICII7: Full;I Grouted REMARKS: Ham m or E 9tia iancy=94,70/0 IRE, Vffi"ll BY: U I LU iU 4U SU (IU 70 8U 9U 100 GDC TIECHNICAL BORING RECORD PRCIJHCT NAMI : L1ukle Ere.rg)i - Ph. H Reconsllitoltion Ash Pand Design PROJI]CT NO.: 8810-1441152 .TART DATE: 1(Il4 C CURD IN: (z 3111 C CIMP. DATE: 10i1l C CURD I]: 9z3(9( Pap I of 21 LIOCAT]IOIN: Ashe�lle�team�ltation BORING NO.; 64-E21 aR,C to stet wl e a ler ameO December 18, 2014 Mr. Dale Smith Program Manager Duke Energy 526 South Church Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Submitted by email: Dale.Smith@duke-energy.com Subject: Record of Piezometer Installation Asheville Steam Station 1982 Ash Pond Dam State Dam ID BUNCO -089 Buncombe County, North Carolina AMEC Project No.: 7810-14-0152 Mr. Smith, As part of the Reconstituted Design project for Asheville Steam Station (Asheville), AMEC installed a total of four new piezometers in the existing 1982 Ash Pond Dam (BUNCO -089). Details regarding the piezometer installations are attached including a location plan, a summary table, field installation records, and well construction records. The piezometers constructed in BUNCO -089 were completed during the period of November 12 to December 4, 2014. The piezometers were constructed in accordance with the requirements of 15A NCAC Subchapter 2C — Well Construction Standards by a certified well driller licensed in the State of North Carolina under the supervision of the Professional Engineer (PE) licensed in the state of North Carolina whose seal is attached to this letter. Details of the piezometers installed are attached and include field installation records reviewed by the Engineer of Record (EOR) and well construction records prepared by the certified driller. The field installation records are summarized in Table 1. The work was completed in accordance with approved work plans, and piezometer installations were completed with a standard of care commensurate with accepted industry standards and in a manner that did not alter the existing function or stability of the dam structure. The piezometers were installed to provide data to be used during the Reconstituted Design but are also intended for long term data collection by Duke Energy. AMEC will collect monthly readings in the piezometers until March of 2015 at which time responsibility for obtaining the readings will be transferred to Duke Energy personnel as a part of their normal instrumentation monitoring program at Asheville. Additional readings between the normal scheduled frequency may be taken as deemed necessary to support data collection needs. Duke Energy shall maintain a record of the readings as part of their dam monitoring program that will be available to the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources upon request. Correspondence: AMEC Environment &Infrastructure, Inc. 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 100 Durham, North Carolina 27703 Tel (919) 381-9900 Fax (919)381-9901 Licensure: NC Engineering F-1253 NC Geology C-247 F eao/ ct cdl REiaamEIIEir Ir,talk iilic in — B LI NCC -(BC / sill eiville S l eam Stailic ir, GIEiaEirritEIJI J 1, 2C'A AMEC PrciiectNu 71EI1C444453 Page 2 incerely, AMBCI Enviuonmeint & InfuzistrucltI re, Incl. ®oobl �1'B�d9d®e Q Timothe.Quigley,9z REALamn EC R — RrojEictl Eric 11 had Atllaar mEirills: Riezomellar Lcaatiorl Plan, Figu re 1 `c mmany of Plezometers Ins1lalled in 1982 Asl1 Rorc Dam, Table 'I RiezomE111Eir - Fielc Installaiian Reacuic, BL N CO -089-R'1 CICI Well Clarlsinuation Record, BUNC1O-089-P100 RiE13cmaien Field Inslallatiorl Record, BUNCIC-089-P1001 Well Clarnsinuation Record, BUNC1O-089-P101 Riezom81811- Fielc Inslallatiorl Reaond, BL N CO-089-R'l CIz'I Well Clarlairuciion Record, BUNC1O-089-P102 Riezc MEiten - Fielc Installation Reaorid, E L N CO -089 -RI 03 Well Clc r siruction Record, BUNCI&089-R103 R�t2014\Amh abed Qtr 9oabX046 FEZfl1ESE7t t=TM eiML-POM fr 11XI7.6- 7 - to 0— mrs — xwom .WW—A.% I i I r y BUNCO -089-1 BUNCO -089-P102 BUNCU-0$9 BUNCO-089-PIOI S BU1C10-089-P100 .� a cL SEAL w 034909 e LEGEND 200 0 200 400 Fr APPROXIMATE BASIN LIMIT AL PIEZOMETER LOCATION DRAWN: WJi] DATE: 16DEC14 FIGURE PIEZOMETER LOCATION FLAN DAM II). BUNCO -89 ENG CHECK: TPQ SCALE: 1.:200 1982 ASH POND DAM ASHEVILLE STEAM STATION APPROVAL. TPC,} JOB No.: 7810-14-0152 REFERENCE: NC OneMap„ INC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NC 911 Board 2013 TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF PIEZOMETERS INSTALLED IN 1982 ASH POND DAM ASHEVILLE STEAM STATION STATE DAM ID: BUNCO -089 PiezometerScreened Bentonite ID Northing Easting Total Depth Interval Seal Interval Grout Interval Finish (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) BUNCO -089- 642810.189 944985.522 100.3 80.3-99.9 73.0-78.2 0.0-73.0 Flush Mount P100 BUNCO -089- 642913.542 944784.735 97.4 77.4-97.0 70.4-73.9 0.0-70.4 Flush Mount P101 BUNCO -089- 643547.213 944773.538 52.8 42.8-52.4 35.2-39.8 0.0-35.2 Flush Mount P102 BUNCO -089- 643790.300 944960.145 54.1 44.1 —53.7 36.2-41.0 0.0-36.2 Flush Mount P103 * Depths referenced from existing ground surface during installation. PIEZCNIETER- FIELD INS-7ALLA7ION RECORD (FLUSH MCUN7' .TOB NAME Duke Elricirgy - AEill eville Rlant AMEC NLIMEER 781(1-1441'152.a1 RIEZOMEIERNO BUNCci—a89-moo INSIALLATIOf EATEI IV21J2a14-12J4J2a14 LOCATION' KIR7H: EI4281(1.189 EAST: 944E 89.922 GROUND EILEV: 2164.55 F7 AMEIC REILD RE RF ESENIATIVB T. C L igkly DRILI. E FI/ CONI FACTOR Garry AlkinsJM 81W GRAIN l LAR BACP FILI MAT BFIIPII. CIP A2 Qu arilzite DRILI. ING TEICIF I\ IQU EI M u Rotary 30FBBN MAIERIAL 2" 10 flLEli' jclint slol11ed PVC 113cIE. 4'(1) 30REIFOLE DIAMBTBFI El inclE Nclmirlal 31-01 E1128 ama" maclE Ina CIL 11 RE F8REV CE RCIINI E I BVAI ION'' Ground Surlacic F ISEIF MAI BRIAL 2'1101 flush joirlil solid PVC QS& . 4a) LOCV TYRB IKEY CODE C a ka PadlaclH/9951 Detenmined by as -.built survey Feilenenae point is gnound si race duaingl installation WELL CAP BOLTEI,❑ FLUSH MCIUf T COVER CC NCRETEI FIA 11 \ ijJ'N2')1EI") mss. I ORC UT R11IER LENGTH C R RISER/ DEPTH TO TOP OF SCIL I❑ SEIC TION BEINTONITEI SEAL= 8a',CI FT Ia.d FT = 73.a FTLelow 111usN mauni ccr�er' BENTCINITE SEAL = ELA RT DEPTH TO TOP OR . GRP NULF R NATERIF L ELA RT SIC FIE EIS GRP NUL AR BACKRILU C ENTERING DEVIC ES INSTALL ED ilAPPRCIAIMATE DEPTF S) Nor1EI SUN RIC AP DEIPTI- TC P CIR 1IC HEIEN SEC TICIN = EIC1.3 RT NOTEI: NOT TO SCF L EI GRCIUf ❑ St RF ACE TOTAL DEIPTH CIF F IEZCIN EITER = 1(ICI,"I FT ,ITP BILIZEID WP TER LEIVEL AFTEIR DE VELOPN ENT F RC IV BEL CIW TOP OF PVC RISER= 7 z FT ON 'I 3/1I/.Ia'14 L ENC TH OF 1IC RE EN)I SLOTTE ❑ SE CTION ��o�a` I C Al�s�dy� = 19:6 FT ' � ° a � � eA qjq . SEAL o DEPTH BOTTOM CIR w (I1 OEM " SCREEN SECTION; IA) I 99.9 FT a apo ti LENCTH OF SUMP & CAP ®�,eipBpd°I�\�y�• = 0.4 FT (IFlairltoc; if 2/-„ BCTTCIM CIR PI OMEITER Piezometer Cc nstructicln 11Etalil am= Dam ID: BUNCO -C ElcI Rrepaned Ey: SEK Elate: 2/1612014 ASN EIV Ille Station Fleviewec Ely: 11RQ Data: '111-11/20'4 BuncCIMLEI Ccunty, North Carolina AAI EC_Wa111nstallaUon F aced, FI ev 4 WELL CONSTRUCTION M,,CORD TM3 Corm ann bo imcd tars€ngic of niolilp!a wells 1, Well Contrliator Informntfon. Garry Akins Woll ContraatrrrNamd 3434 A NC: Weil Conttrietor Cevtlaiaatlpn Numb4r M&W Drilling, LLC ceminrny Mund 2. Well Culistructinn p1m,1111t LS4illiiappfieab.fip k smeniples rt a. Cosomy, Sfatc, Yar°aaHrre, alej 3, Well 1j" (0116C1[e'vcll use}; [Upp-imilwral b0cotherm€sl (11caathigtCvoling Supply) G3 htdmaxiaXominercint Nou-Wst for Supply ' eit t 0 Aquduv RC0hQr80 Cl Aquifer Storilgp and .R."overy ClAqut`fer T&A , t laperimenlal'1'caltnology 00colhettiial (Closed Loop) CIt4ItilatiClpnlli'tthl la Cliiesidendal Wfitor Supply (single) 01(coldentinl 'stater Supply (shared) 00roundwater Remodiation 05alinily 13arrier ❑$tom miter Drai nago llsu sldenco Coitttol ITEM= 13 Other (explain undo! k2I 12/4/2014 BUNCO-OW-PI00 �t• J3a to �4'eil(s)Carialtleted: Well ]Cb# go. Well I,ncat}ant Duke Energy Asheville Fhaility/owncrName FucilityUV(if applldablo) 200 CP&L Drive, Arden, 28704 Physical ftddresa, City, acid Gip Buncombe County TYMosi Idnntir'icatloilNo, (PN 5b, LoUtttde and U11gitirtle tai degreeslminatcs/seconds or doclinal dahroom (Ifwell field, Ono Inlltong Is suiiicioat) 35" 27L52.1.5" i`' 482" 32W,59" w ¢. Is (aro) the well(s); 'OPermawent ar OTemporory 7. 1s this a rep Or to nit oKistingmiii nYas or MNo i Mtt is o repah"fill dllt knoml well LyFrrSir7ldtifNi (mfOriXAtiOm eml Rgniatm Aa -110010'a of ibe repair under 01 remarkr Somali or On the Bark afrhla form, 8, Nnalbor of wells eonstruatodl 1 Porgy m011ilu it feeiiaa or nom -,Paler sop:line with the m me covrin(etlari, yart Crrrr 'T06"TO daeJbram, 9. ToMI !Yell (lal tb balmy )anti surt"neot 100.3 PG)•rmrrhiitlelva).4 fire all dejrahr ydfbrent(sxtempie-3&UU'lant 2@i0o) -� 1U. Static 0ftterievol balmy tole of easing! N/A - - - ..,� (ft•) V'tvater 101'el Is r€Gdua crxrhrY, rare "+" 11, BorDhole di€ motert 8 12, Well construction method: Rotary 0.0, angor, rotary, call IQ, dbut Posh, cto.) For IitWiml Use ONLY! 22rv'ti lelitfout � 12/17/2014 Slga lture otevalfled Wall Cprltroolat pefa fly gring tide form, I her'abv eviVy !fiat lire timUN mu (rvd7V ItarratrYr im M ece w daurd IVA ISA NCAC 022, 0100 of, IM MAC 0C.0240 Well Coca' mmilm .Strnddalrlr alld than a copy ofiiria reevrrtliar kwi p -oWded to the owlt omni'• 23. Site dingram or nelciltlonnl well tlotatlst Ymi may use tiro bnak of this page to pimide additional wall site detods or �voll evnstrtwliora details, You may Also attach additional pages ifnooessary. 3_111!MT"f"IMr INSTUC;TIC7iNS 24n. Icor All W+ollsi Submit 11115 fort!! within 30 days or oomplellan of well cwtsliuodon to the foliowlugt I)lvlsiou of"Wnfor 110sources, Ittfol•inntlon Processing Unit, 1617;Vliet! Sers`ite Couter, Rnkdgh, NC 2769.9.1617 24 h1 fpr lnlactcrst 4Vo11n ON1,iCt hi Rddition to sending tho form to tho rrddross In 24a above, also stibm!t a copy of this form within 30 drays of completion of well aanshiletion tv !ha 1011ming: D1Yislan at �'it9ttnt' i�aStilll"L'@B, 1IALleI'�t`Otf illi lrijeatioil 4,'elt El'OI I1i'81,h'nt17, TQXt lVA'P3,It,SIJP1'Llt"F� :[ 1.,i 8 ONC,Y; 1636 MallSmiee Center, RmIOgh, NC 2769 9-163 6 13a, Ylcld (glrtrt) Med wd of taste _ —• Also s baiWater fiotte copy e l ton of thIstiorin withbi 30 days ofoonlpiWon a 133.S]islufaadnn typo elinonnta well eoustwotion W the comily health department of the cvuntywhore. aonstivoted, Farslt tiw,I Narill Cnrnllna 7Jepar#matt! afEitvlranmantanti iYatatst Rasavtcds-T?Ivislaa uFwntur Rnsourtaex Rdylsed Aligmi 2013 FIELOMETER- FIELD INEIALLATION RECORD (FLI.EH MOLN1I Oil �PIN E Duke ErangY—AsHEIyilleiPlaW AMEICI N L MEIER 781 CI.14101E2.CI'I RIEIZOMETERNO BUNCO -089—P101 INEITALLATIICIN EIATIE Is`Ill(11)1,'ICI,14—'1sAIA12014 LOCATION* NCRTH: EI4Z13.94,'1 EAST: 9441184.739 PIN EC FIE LO REI FIRE 9ENTIATIIb E 111. Qu icl ley EIFIILLE R)l COF TIRACITIOR CAPINULAR BPICKFII L MAIIERIAL C P #2 QU artaitEl EIFIILLING TEICIFNIQUE- 9CREIEIN N ATE RIAL 2" ID i lu EIh jlairlil sloilted FIVC Il.Iah . 4(I; EICIFIEHOLE DIAME171E FI GRCFUND EIU EV: '1164.111 FT Garry Akin:ulM&W M u c Ratvry 6 inlclh Nominal 9LCI7I SI38 a.C12(1" maclh ine cuiF REIHE F ENCIE ROINT EIt EIVATIION*" C rau r C Surfacci I RISER MATIERIAL 2" ID flush joint solid RVC Il,&W.40) LOCH 7IYRIRIKE1 CIO❑E Duke Padlack)SE01 Eleteun fined I y as -built s urve�I "* Refenen(a point Is clnound surface during installation "ELL CAP BC1TEID FILL SF MOUNT CONE F C CFNC RETE PAD \ (j2'X2')1EI"j �a DEPT H TCI TOP CFR BENT CFNll EI SEIAIJ = 10.4 RT GF OUT NOTE: NCT TC SCALE GFOL NE SL RRACE TCIIAIJ DEIFTH CFR PIE 2CFNEIER RISER IJENGTH CR RISER/ _ X17.4 FIT SOLID SE CTIC N = 71.1 FT (10.3 R11 I: slaw -IIL sh MOL rlt �s cloy enl E ENTC Nil El SE AL = 3.E F T DEIPTH TO TCIF OF GRP NUL AR NATER IAL = ASIA FT SC FE EIN GRPNULPR EACKFILL C EINTE PING DEVICES INSTALIJ ED IJAPPRO)INATE D8PTH9; = Narle 9UIVF)ICAP DEFTH TOP OF SC REEIN :IEC l ION = 11.4 F T LENG l H CIF SC R REIN/ SLOTTED 9ECTIC N = 'M.6 FT DEIPTH BOTTOM CIF SCREEIN SECTION c1I1.CI FT LENC'l H CIF SUN P & C AP = 0.4 F T (PairItEIC ) S1IABILIZ8D WPTEIF LEUEIL AFTER ❑E�vELOPMEI`T RRCFN BELL" TOP OF FVC RISEIF = 8Z .EI3 F 11 C N '1,I/l EI/21014 � as sl dtl o a w n SAIL ep w 034809 BOTTOM C R F I �1' Piemmeter Consiructicn Dete it Cem ID: 8UNCQ-12891 PneranedEly: SEIK Cate; 2,116/20'4 ame&Asheville & a i I C n Reviewed EI�I: TIFIQ Elate: 12/,7,12014 Buncombe) County, orth Ce rcline AMEC Wa 11 In stalla tla n Ra aond, Rei i 0 WELL C0LXt vT:C UCT10N Rri C0RD Thie form can be tmd forsingla or mnldple wolls 1. WCIi Ctlrttrri001'3A1•oTtnitl1011, Gerry Akins Well Cuatrset4r Naua c 3434 A NC 4.11 ContranearCerkillaatinni�useGcl^ M&W Drilling, LLC collipaily Wnlc 2, Well 4 nnsiinlcNoY> AorttYit#tt Usi all ajr]Acrahtas isettpc,.wis (T.r, G`arltaary. ftw, faa•fauce. lrileaftap, ale.) 3. Well arse (Cllech %yell uso); Wotor 3ripply wail r7A,+ rieulturYil 0idYarninI(Hettring/CoolingSupply) CUn(histriallConvir pial WOU: 0Aslu ifcr 1t.ochargc OAqui.tbr Shrruge'and Recovery ❑Aquifor Test UExperhuoutuI `3`cciruology nucoti emial (Closed I.onji) ❑NrunicipaltPnblie U esidenGal Wato' Supply (singlo) ❑ttesidentlat Watel• SYtpply (shared) 00roundwater ft0mcdtnll6l Elan Rol ty 13acrier LIS toi'ti9w Ater Dratuago 13$1ibsidence Control 111'racot' Li Other Oxptntu_Linder 9211 4. Nto Wells) Coiriptotod: 12/4/2()14WeA M#BUNCO-0n9-P'I01 5a, Well Location; Duke Energy Ashevillp- Pea;llitylOwner Memo rgi'lity.[U# (if appbcablo) 200 CFI&L Drive, Arden, 28704 Physical Address, City, and Z. p _ Buncombe County PnrealislotaJitaolioliNo� (111N) Par lnrerilai u�o rlt�rl..Yl iflhl I 7'tl _ Ya%3CRtrT1fSY ft. rt. F' e( t, PAR Y1€ o. PYFplri' TO lAivl�'r!rtt 7irrC10EH9S5 htd:LkRlltj it. itlto-u 7t,1 ,,., n ti1,t&:1'Kri 7Y Cr4HTtF,S Af3'i'6tt1AL 0,0 rt. 77,4. it, 2.0 1n. k1.140 PVC it, rt. ba 177,4 � T 0.020 sc as wvc aR-IfthIr �1 O.c1 70,4 f{' P0118ndl80rltonito slurry ttlrough tremae !pe rr I it, 73.9 "' 97,4 rt GP42 Quartzite 35° 27'53.10" -82° 32'40,46" 12/17/2014 W ca 8l8vNnl c o W-10ad Well Conh-wor D;11. 6, b (sire) till) Yvell(s)I 01 evnimiaiit or 13'romporaiy mixt, a iYFI�: i - s::. i .F owl '1'e] #'11114 ar a repah" fttl0110 kanxra warel c,nl+,srri,ellon fat(araaralfon and evp6dij the rarilraw afrtic DrZCMFTION {cogpr, Lrt!•Anesa, so-lVi^nrk frim, krninsia efc; 0 ft, 197.4 ft, Roddish Brown Slil/hand rt. coustmotion domils. You may nisei ntttich oddidonal pfigus lfneomv y° rt. tt 6.LJBMi'f:[AT,firiSTC7C"r QN,5 ft. 24. Eor All i5c11: Subidt Us form witbla 36 days or completion of woll ft, comiroution to 11Ye fallowing: it. Mvlslan l)1'r�'alOT.ltesatu'eos, ilriMilltkurl PrucosstngXhttt, n, 1.617 Pbiil Service Cort tet', Xtahigh, NC 1783.9.1.617 rt. %rltie 7tpi' IMC I _ a In addiliial ill ft, 24% g6ovo, also tiubmit a copy of this form within 30 dtiya of colnpJetion of well - ft, collst*tloli its die following. ft, x S1ivlslar of Wolof Rossourcos, Undor'ground 111,1aetlan Control Pyogmm, Sentonite Seal from 70.4 to 73.9 feet 5b. L1ltifude unci Lnti$ltitda in degreesftnini teslseeall as or dedmo tlagreaats — 22. Corti Ucnflan.- (if wvll 11010, onoIatlllosig Is surf[vlent) �• 35° 27'53.10" -82° 32'40,46" 12/17/2014 W 8l8vNnl c o W-10ad Well Conh-wor D;11. 6, b (sire) till) Yvell(s)I 01 evnimiaiit or 13'romporaiy bly, INOl b rh6s jwral, 1 hcre4y rtr IP Ame fhe lmll(s) 1pa (IMM) catasinia al fn arcarriaire 7. is tills ft rellraic to no oxisting well: 0yos tri' EINo NIA IJA NCi1G 02CV00 oa, !Sri W4C 62C.o200 Irell CaarxOatoftoar ,StaNdeal>'s rale! Thal a copy oflhfs rwa7vd has bswf urarvidod to 1hs well aivnea. #'11114 ar a repah" fttl0110 kanxra warel c,nl+,srri,ellon fat(araaralfon and evp6dij the rarilraw afrtic relaalr aeadarU21 eraanro-kssaoatav! or alt the-halrkofrhitApaa: 23, Site dingYrnm or titldttlonnl trot! detitilst tl, 1 ati natty Use til& b11A of fits page to provide additional Well sitO ddaila or Well it.f Y'r411a Gaii9tt'rletod: coustmotion domils. You may nisei ntttich oddidonal pfigus lfneomv y° mrilllrtlt° rasa'muhlrlu t�Ifaetlalr or araaf•walal• xrapt+l}� Ir>etfs f�rvtY,vttlr rhe aanaa aanxn�uarlara, you aicaa alefHslrpalefoays, 6.LJBMi'f:[AT,firiSTC7C"r QN,5 9. Totrtir Yvell detsflY b¢Tais lend surYnce: 97'4 (rt,) 24. Eor All i5c11: Subidt Us form witbla 36 days or completion of woll Pur taartrtale ,Mtn rase rrlrei'epehs !iYV19era:,ar (rcra)aar,1e- 3@,Q' marl2610o'} - comiroution to 11Ye fallowing: 10,Sfnfie wator lovol below tots of omlag: N/ (rt.) Mvlslan l)1'r�'alOT.ltesatu'eos, ilriMilltkurl PrucosstngXhttt, #•siefrsr lave) to above ea bo xxa 19." 1.617 Pbiil Service Cort tet', Xtahigh, NC 1783.9.1.617 ll..i3nralrnto {ilalYit tea'! (tile,) %rltie 7tpi' IMC I _ a In addiliial ill 12. Wo1T C i t;r 24% g6ovo, also tiubmit a copy of this form within 30 dtiya of colnpJetion of well - consbrucuou illothodl T collst*tloli its die following. (lx, angor, ratnry, nnhlo, tliwol pisslL cic,) S1ivlslar of Wolof Rossourcos, Undor'ground 111,1aetlan Control Pyogmm, KA WATER SUPPLY WELTA ONLY: 1636 Mab Servr"Center, Rntelgli,NC 27604636 1311, Viold (glim) - -- Mothad of last; 24C, Ioy Wntur 50PIX &b CCtlokk sti10119: _., Also eubmil ono copy of t1Yls form within 30 days of owpletion of 13b. Disideatiuis 1ypot . e Arltount: well onilstructlon to the antinly Wilds dopartwoalt of tho ocunly whoro _ cgnslaticEsxi. _ I"ariti OW.I Norah Cnrolian 0e00mont oPxruVirorlsnnlitriliA hattlral KiMlIrces — Division pr Wntor Rcisoivcas ltavlsad. AUVA2013 PI820N E -M - F118L D IN c-nAL LAI]ION R000RE (FLLSS MOUNT) JC 81 NAME Duke Erergy— AshelvilleFlad FI821C ME TE R N C BL NCIO—CI89—PICI2 l C CIFITION' NORI Ii: 643947.213 FIN BC NUMBE 11 7810-14-(1152.01 IN EITFII LFITION D/1119 11/11/2014 — 11/2912014 EAST: 9447173.5":I8 C ROUND EL EV: 2'1( 9.28 R1 AMEC FIE l ❑ 118HREISEIN T/IIIIVE T. Qu iglE y ❑1111 LEIM CIC N TRF (ITC R Carry AN iris/IV &W GRANL LFIR EACI< FILL MFIIIEIRVIL G F #2 CIL art iIIE 11RI1 LINCI 1 ECH N IQL E Hallow :Hem Auger SCREIBN MAI ERIAL 2" ID flL ah joint s laite a PVCI (ISah . 4(I) EORE F C LEI ❑IFIN EITEIFI fl inch Nomir al SLOT 9213 0.020" rr aah it E au 1 FIBFE`REN CIE POINT BLEIVFITION- C nou r d Su ri acE RISER MmERIp11 2" ID flush joint solic PVCI (Sah. 40) 1 C CW T) RE)1KEIY CODE " Determiri ed by as -build s urvey Reilerence l a it I is ground surface during installation WEILL CPR BOLTED RLUSH MOUNT COVEIR CONCRETE PPD (, I'X J'X 6"; DEPTF TCI IC1P CR BBINTCIf ITE SEAL = 3EI.2 RT GFaCk T Dukes Pac locH/°9151 CITE: NOT TO SIC ALE] GROUND SURRPCE TCITAL DERTH CI RIEIZCINBITBIR RISER UE NGITF OF R13ER/ = 92.8 RT SOUID SECTICIN = 12.E FT ((1.3 RT kEloNn 111us1- maLni aO% E r' BBINTCINITE SEAL = 4.6 Rl DEF TH TCI TOP CIR GIRA� ULPR NATERIPL _ X19.8 FT SC RESIN GRANULAR EAC KFILL CENTBIRINC DEV IC HIS INEITALLBID (IPPPRCIX N/ATE DERTHErf = NcinE ElUN R/C AP DERTH l CIR OF EICREEf 3EC111CIN = 42.8 Rl LENGTH CIR SC RESIN/ SLOTTED SBICTICIN = 9.6 RT STP BILIZED WATBIR LEVEL AFTER DE VELCIPMENT FFICM BEI -0& TOP OF PVC RISE R = I EL1�I9 RT CIN 1 a/3/�IO'I CAI040;� a °#X SEAL. DERTH BOTTOM CA a 3C REEIN cIEC TION la l8 93.4 F T ' LENGTH C9SUN P 81 CAP 0.4 RT fair tEc) --�` BOTTOM OF IF I ZOMETE R Piezerr etE r Constructicn Clete it Cam ID: BUNCO -1289 HreraiedEy: SEK Date: 12/1642014 ame&Asheville S1a1ic n Reviewed Ely: TRC] Date: 174' 7,12014 Buncclmbe County, North CE roline AME( Well Installation Racnrc, Reu 0 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 'rhk lbrin unn lie uwd aw singly ar mokip[a wall 1,1Vell Contractor lllf'orluntLow Carry Akins Wail Cnittraclor NAInc 3434 A MG V of[Cuiitrnvtartrrii#icntinnNumber M&W Drilling, LLC company Name 2. Wel) Constructlen Permit #z- Llxt all alapl&;rahla Iwrfl pc vu#s a& Comity, Sat -k varha=' 110catarr, etn.j A. Wefl Vo (ebeuk weld use): r]A>,r°igulhlrnl 000afhot-mel (Eleathig/ tooling Supply) � Ll dustrf a UCommea'ottll BYRO DAgUprer Revhw#e OAgairer StoyoEo and Racovery CIAt)Ulfer "fest Qlixpei' mclital Technology ricoothermu[ (Closed Loops) 0municipxaupnlaiic DReMwitial Willer Supply (singfo} 0Rosidclitful Walor Sapply (;shared) 00reundwnter ltairicd1Atiws usali,nity 13aan'fev ❑storin wtrtee DMInugo C1Stlhaldauae Conernl C7Trsrfer 00tlier (txpalnln uadertM 4, Dnte NYeil(s) Complatod. 11/26/2014 won WOBUNCO-089-PI02 Sn, Well Locarilom Duke Energy AsheOle Faeilky/Ownw Nwito Facility IDN (if apgiticablo) 200 CP&L Drive, Arden, 28704 Phyalcnl Addrtws, My, and Zip Buncombe County Nroel ldeniifimttou No, (I'IM} 'Farr7i UmDMLYi 22, Certification — - 12/17/2014 5181latmv O ifiedwiAt Caaitr olor Dole 6. T8 (Are) the wi t( t rOPormisilenl or O empilYrary Byw; ffurng Illls jbnn' I ha'aby c'a+q 81"71 sire 11;711(s) umf (wrr+'e) 1:oweileal In vowntaara6 7. Is #itis a repair to fill existing swell: rlYas or Mu If t1114',1a a r'CjJaIF; filf alrf larpwtl aVCll4al13tFrinflir! b1f6fluallarr 610 f,vPlalrl the luoplre Of fits i-Opth, vnder'lld.l ramarb SOCU611 Ir all 11fa bgakcj'Ihie j(,1'r1r, 8. Naoiber of wells constructed: ivllli ISA AICAC 020,0100 or At iNCt1C> X.0,700 ffwoll Cwr.rrrrrsffor+ 3raaflat9v osd that a copy noires revord ho,; linea p ovtdad to Ike well owier; 23, Site 1t agram ov addllfnli Al %veil dotaft, You may we the stack of 11114 page to provide additional well site tletetls or well constuotion details. You luny also Wadi radditlonal p ilges Ifnoevssory. Fw mu Npia lrplacllon or own -water *apply hull? ON..r Ivfrh Ifrvsaraa ear strastlarP, you sur, 'Tubintl orleforau. 5'fl Qi'4"1' AL TINSTUM IONS ' 9.7'otnl svcll elcpilt faalaw !nasi sUrfuatst 5�$ _ (t't.) 24x1, FIM- Ai[ Wo Is; Submit line form within 30 days of catnplodoll of well Cbrnnrlt(P)s redia list all dapfha (f'dp)'ermu (arample- J@20V' anti 2Qd00'j owgiwoOoil to (ho rotlowingt 10, srtntie svator level bolow top Of th ing; _N/A (M) Ifwtrfer felh.l is abot,e on,sNg' ase "•1-" I3iwlslnn of Water Resnttreen,Tninrnlntion Processlub itch, 1617 Man Service Center, Rille(gh, NC 27699.1617 tI, Rorollole dirinlelert . {in,) U �, 12, Well Canstrattlon llretholl; Aug 24tl. Fai' jidwAiga TVA ONLYl In addition to sonbng the form to the Address In 24o ill]t vi; also atlbinit it oop y of ti Us form within 30 doyi of complelliHl of Well eonstrllolloll to [tic followillg: Ox- Btlgrlr, rotary, qa*, dlitol peals, cte.} ft, FOR WATER SUPPLY WE 111's C)MLY; ft, 1311. Yield (ginn) Mdtllod of MAI 24ei Far Water uSa Oly Iw.111.10iltion Wells,, Also submit ona copy of this fot'm within 30 days or conli letioo of rtmm wfjll conak'Lletilllf to the W}lln%y heallh dapfatnimt of the aobnly whore Mustmeted. rr. Banti OW -1 Martti Cl mlb1A 17olrnrtmeot o£ tsnvltgtureni mtttNahtrrli itescalrcea Df1 inlan eFVVsior ltnsanrcos Ravlsoll AupsU..b13 7.koryl r I 'ro Yr�3 MAi!'lETKIt a CKPifA.S3 iuTATRIHPAL ft. ft. tn. FROM T tAA Y.Y.f:R 7'tif - t CS HATZ Al - 0,0 rr, 42,8 tt 2.4 fn' uCi-; 40PVC; rt, Pt. tla, 142,8 rs 162.4 12.0 la' ! 4.020 SCH 40 PVC I� rt. I lo� I 0.0 D. 135,2 "' ri. rt, ihrrautgh trerfaie 39.8 rt' 152.8 _ 1.1QPO Quartzlte j I 1't. rt. 0 9.0 Reddish Brown Silty Salad 9.0 fl, 18,0 rt. Gra Sandy Gravel/Rock Fill 1 B.0 f" 82.8 rt, Reddish brown SiWand/Clay ft, rt. rt. it, rt, ff. Bentonite Seal if oin 35.2 io 39.8 feet $5. Latltudu itud Lorsgltndelaa t7egroaslmioutaslseennds or tlodmal degrees. (irwa[[ jaold, *no latl(ong 15-snllldWat) 35° 27E59.36" -820 321E10.87,1 22, Certification — - 12/17/2014 5181latmv O ifiedwiAt Caaitr olor Dole 6. T8 (Are) the wi t( t rOPormisilenl or O empilYrary Byw; ffurng Illls jbnn' I ha'aby c'a+q 81"71 sire 11;711(s) umf (wrr+'e) 1:oweileal In vowntaara6 7. Is #itis a repair to fill existing swell: rlYas or Mu If t1114',1a a r'CjJaIF; filf alrf larpwtl aVCll4al13tFrinflir! b1f6fluallarr 610 f,vPlalrl the luoplre Of fits i-Opth, vnder'lld.l ramarb SOCU611 Ir all 11fa bgakcj'Ihie j(,1'r1r, 8. Naoiber of wells constructed: ivllli ISA AICAC 020,0100 or At iNCt1C> X.0,700 ffwoll Cwr.rrrrrsffor+ 3raaflat9v osd that a copy noires revord ho,; linea p ovtdad to Ike well owier; 23, Site 1t agram ov addllfnli Al %veil dotaft, You may we the stack of 11114 page to provide additional well site tletetls or well constuotion details. You luny also Wadi radditlonal p ilges Ifnoevssory. Fw mu Npia lrplacllon or own -water *apply hull? ON..r Ivfrh Ifrvsaraa ear strastlarP, you sur, 'Tubintl orleforau. 5'fl Qi'4"1' AL TINSTUM IONS ' 9.7'otnl svcll elcpilt faalaw !nasi sUrfuatst 5�$ _ (t't.) 24x1, FIM- Ai[ Wo Is; Submit line form within 30 days of catnplodoll of well Cbrnnrlt(P)s redia list all dapfha (f'dp)'ermu (arample- J@20V' anti 2Qd00'j owgiwoOoil to (ho rotlowingt 10, srtntie svator level bolow top Of th ing; _N/A (M) Ifwtrfer felh.l is abot,e on,sNg' ase "•1-" I3iwlslnn of Water Resnttreen,Tninrnlntion Processlub itch, 1617 Man Service Center, Rille(gh, NC 27699.1617 tI, Rorollole dirinlelert . {in,) U �, 12, Well Canstrattlon llretholl; Aug 24tl. Fai' jidwAiga TVA ONLYl In addition to sonbng the form to the Address In 24o ill]t vi; also atlbinit it oop y of ti Us form within 30 doyi of complelliHl of Well eonstrllolloll to [tic followillg: Ox- Btlgrlr, rotary, qa*, dlitol peals, cte.} 311vi51if11 of Wntol' RLSa111'CeS, Ul34tC1'p;i'giinsl ilijcetlarl l:4nt1'g1 I'1'9g1't1153, FOR WATER SUPPLY WE 111's C)MLY; -1636 Nil It Sor vice Conter, Raalolgh, N''C 27609.16,16 1311. Yield (ginn) Mdtllod of MAI 24ei Far Water uSa Oly Iw.111.10iltion Wells,, Also submit ona copy of this fot'm within 30 days or conli letioo of 1311- l AInfee[ion type: � _-. 11ITItlllni'! wfjll conak'Lletilllf to the W}lln%y heallh dapfatnimt of the aobnly whore Mustmeted. Banti OW -1 Martti Cl mlb1A 17olrnrtmeot o£ tsnvltgtureni mtttNahtrrli itescalrcea Df1 inlan eFVVsior ltnsanrcos Ravlsoll AupsU..b13 RIEZOM®TEF-_FIELE INSTALLA-nION RECORD (FLUSH MOUNT JOB NAMEI C LING Energy -Asheville! Plart AM EIC r L ME BR a8'Iil '14 q'15.2.(11 F IEZOMEIIER NO BUNCO—OEM-113'10 1 INSIIALLA7ICII` ❑ATE ' ',I,I2112(I14 •.111/25/2014 LOCA1110I`* NCRTF: (4379C1.3g0 BAST: E1449EIq.145 GROW D ELEV:21E3.9(I FT FIN EIC] FIELD REIRREE EIN-1 ITIS E 1 . Cy L ig ley DRILLBRd CONIIFIAC11OR G arry Akir WIVl &%A CIRPII`LLAR BFICVFILL MATERIAL C P #2 Quarilzitel DRILLING 11EICIF NIQLE Hollow Steam ALE or ECREIEN MATEIFIVII. s`I" ID flush jainil slotlled PVC (Sch. 40' E OREF-OLB DIAME1113R 8 it till Naminal LaII Sia a V120" machine slut REIFEIF ENCEI ROIN T EILEVA11ION ' Grou r C Surfacle FIcEIRMAIIERIAL 2" IDilush joirt-salid PVC (Sall. 401 LOCKIIYRIEII<91 CICIEIB Duke RadlaakilWE'I —] ' Elateumined I y as t uilt survey Refanenaa point is ground suriace duping installation WELL CAP EICILTE D F LUSH N CIL NT C CIVER CCINCRElE RAD (12'� 2')46" 1 DEPTH TC TOP CIF BE NTC NIT EI SEAL = 36.2 RTI GRCIUT NCITEI: NCI TC SCAUE GRCIUND SL RFP CE TCITAII DEPTH CIF PIElZCIIV EITER RISER U ENC T H CIF RISERI = ; 4.'1 F T SOU ID SEICTICIN 43LF1 FT (10.3 F T t Ellaw flLsh moL Int CIO%EIr71 E ENTICIN11 E SHAL = 4.E1 FIT DEPTH TO TCF OF GRIA I\ UL AR NATER IAL = 4'I.CI FT SCREElN GRANULAR EACKFILU CENTEIRING DEVICEIS INEITAULEID (JAPPRCIXIN'ATE DEPTHS; = NanEI SUMFII/CAP DE RTH TOP OF SCREEN SEC ION = Z 4.'1 FT U ENC T H CIF SCR EE N/ SLOTTED SECTION = 9.6 F1 STABILIZED WATEIR LEU EIL AFTER DEVEILOPMENT FRCIM BELC" TC P OF F VC ROE R = 4EI.< <I F ll ON '12/3)[201 z �®gcl6ltlSlia�A�d o u n w "+ ,AL DE RTH BOTTOM CIF 0 m13 SCREE N SECT ION s vA _fz/& I 10.7 FT a ,� U ENC TIH CIF SUMP & CAP ��� ° P. (1.4I'll jPaintac) � BC TTCIM OF RIE ' I TER PiEzcmetE r Cc nstNucticn Detc- it Cam ID: BUNCO -0819 RnepanedBy: SEW Elate: 12,110201d ameoAsheuillE Static n Reviewed By: TF CI ❑ate: 12/'1742014 Buncc mbe Cc un11y, Nc rth C a rolinal AMEC ,Well Installation Ra ca, id As u 0 WELL CC)NSTRUCwrIO RECOUP Tris torah on bo umt For sin 1v or rm Itlplo wells 1, Wtsll Contractor I11ralminlloni Garry A€cites Well C owvacwr Nanw- 3434 A For Yntemal Use ONLY! ft. it. tVC Well ,COP mOtnrCoM� LC lTcatWIII�Niiibbor &r Drilling, IVi � Nl1itM ft. Company Maw 2. Wotl CorestrtictionPorbilt#:_ Usl all appuc able Sapp,-wArlfs 0 e. Con+liy, 31nly I urlrlarCa 1,11CCt}u+! B1Cj $, l'a'shUsc(cilosiciyoiirasa): W"% PAPH YE, it. � 1 wpniii 81IV151Y Well: 0A.6yriwitoral 00isothermal (HeatineCeo[ittg Supply) Cl fnchlatr3nllCotnmercfal ❑Aquffer Reahargo U Aquifer Storage And Recovery CIAcluifw Test IDEXPerflnewal Tociusology 00cothernmi (Closod Loop) 014mlicfptLYPtiblic DReshlentlal Water Shtpply (single) C]lbmfden6aI Witor.Supply (shared) CIC inundwaW Romediallotl 08111iuity HttIt`lor I� Slnrn wnwi,Urainago USubUence Control U I'nmi. Pt, rt. CtL3,h9lCTRR r-"37fillE,9.9 Br1A'rMIAI, u11��1z; raze krlcurl>�,ss � txa,`rrt -1 ft: 2,4 lit, SCH 40 PVC 44,1 ft. 517 rr. 2.0 In. 0.020 1 SCi-f 40 1 PVC ft. I _ ft In, ❑.o ft- 3g,g d'• Poral ndfBonlollll Slurry through tremle pit Pt. Fk. 141.0 ©Qco_t_hotmal (klu�tir (:oolt"ng ReWa) C7Clther (explain uadtrr.021 1emarks) I ❑ 11/25/201 BUNCO -089-P103 8 �l,Tlate Well(s) Completed: 1'VclllAl# 18.0 Sa, Wall Location: Duke Energy Asheville Fuwtylownot -mmilo Fad illy DO (if appilenble) 200 CP&L Drive, Arden, 28704 Pltysical llddmx% City, and Z11) _^ Buncombe county Pnraest Ideudilaftdon No. (PITT) FF. j54, i P- GP#2 Quartzite 35° 28�i1.82" -82e 3211138.72" �- l` C' ----.. - — - - - tri' a a. S. ,ip- •k �ii]SCRII'Tipdi ~_ 'i'n 6. U (are) Ute ivP11(s)t RIPirl'lnnnellt or Cy'CCn11lU1'il Cy traalnr Raninsrs seiVrark EyUa, $t1tIII l 8.9 rE, Reddish Brown SITYSand Pt. 18.0 Yt, Gray Sandy GrayeMook, Fig 54,1 It. reddish Brown SlWand/Cla' Yt, ft. commollon dolails, You may alsr3 unch wIdttlollaii pages ifncoassih`y. il, Ft. 006111italt(tfarm. al113i1417"TALINSryli -11063 9.'Iokrtlivtril doptll iscloty lanll slit'P1lccE 54.1 yr,) 24:t, Eat • i LWIN. Submit this Folin widdo 30 clays of oom;dation of h,vell ft, f5, 10. stil tit iruttlr tavel but ow top of u9tOng; N/A 00 Benton1te Beal from 36.2 to 41.0 feet $h.3LaitWde and Lono itidalu dograWmInuteslsoconds or decimal dogroosi 2 C lficationt�^— (IYwull ficld,.oue 1xt11ong is s13fYlnlcptj 35° 28�i1.82" -82e 3211138.72" -_,...o 12/17/2014 N W ----.. - — - - - �nphlre of Cot ild Well Centmoot Ylmta 6. U (are) Ute ivP11(s)t RIPirl'lnnnellt or Cy'CCn11lU1'il Cy By 4(gothig th✓:Y jowh I frrrreljy, Cur•Ijfp that the Nall{y) was {lmv) C!]A.almiaotl A flft wVriava lvhh 15AMG4C 02C,01#0 o!' 154 MC.40 020,000 EVell L`an pifeffan S1rlrxfulvls nerd Mai! a 7, fst ihls a rollnir to en existing iyelti Mes or ENO aapy uflfris,v:caa-d hot 6ewi prot>Wdto the avallavnor. Ij7hhr I,r a rrrpedr, fill. ane klroavr well mlydnrulkln drtf'ormewon onel e.rphdn me ltdtxra ajlf:a sVmir ++refer #21 remarke ssctiair m- on 1ha back of thb farrla, llc ciin l al` ntf ciitlonat] well dotatSsl � 'tstn Yom may use (he buck of tills page to provIdo additional wall slle dotalls or wail . l.ill1l11Cr ©C'Si'CllB CUSYsII'netL'iI: _ commollon dolails, You may alsr3 unch wIdttlollaii pages ifncoassih`y. For lrilr11110e Wodloir al` nal -w aftr mprply walla ONLYIrith Iha snula emisrrlrallorl, ylru cart 006111italt(tfarm. al113i1417"TALINSryli -11063 9.'Iokrtlivtril doptll iscloty lanll slit'P1lccE 54.1 yr,) 24:t, Eat • i LWIN. Submit this Folin widdo 30 clays of oom;dation of h,vell farnurtl1pr)rawe1Gvllsfcalfdnpdaaffll(¢Ij-,tn1eztrruprle-3 ZtlF!'arr112 1U117 colistmotiolttolbaU10,vlllry: 10. stil tit iruttlr tavel but ow top of u9tOng; N/A 00 Vvlsloli of Water Resources,. ful'nrmatlolt Prooming 1120, Ytatltar level & abovt; cawog, else ' a-"' 1617 Mall Service C'elltov, Raleigh, NC 276994617 11, Borehole (11mAotem (133,) 204 Vor Infoolim Walls ONLYt b1 addition to standing tiho form to tho Addresa in A �, Auger 24ti ubm, also submit a oopy off this fool 1011111 ail day& of Dompletioll of well 12.. Wall oonsil'tiction niciltadt g oonsaalcllotY to the fallowing: (l.o. aiva, rol hry, cable, direct push, oto.) illi'tetoll t1{}Yilt$1` R4S[71tt'CtlS, lfnflal'gl`t1111Yfi I]YJ£CtlU13 Lt17111'el P1'e11t1'l1rt1, FOR WXTER SUPPLY NVELL:4 ONL Yi 1636 kfull Service Cosltor, Ra 16gty NC 2709.1636 :1311.'Yle1t1 (gp111) Wtfod of tos1, 24c, For Water Sup 6latgctlon Wells: Also suhinit one copy of this JTvm within 30 days ofooulpledinior 13b. DISinrectim ty11e: Amallutl well constlaleticn to tine county hoaltll dupahtnlont of thu My whom _�. _. ,••w�, oonstructed. rotrlh 0111.1 North Cntxrlinn I}olmlrtltxnat of Ytawlranlnout aI1(lltAu1r111 lie9at110@6 ulvisian tsf Wrier itesnuraes ltcafscel August 2013 ameO December 18, 2014 Mr. Dale Smith Program Manager Duke Energy 526 South Church Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Submitted by email: Dale.Smith@duke-energy.com Subject: Record of Piezometer Installation Asheville Steam Station 1964 Ash Pond Dam State Dam ID BUNCO -097 Buncombe County, North Carolina AMEC Project No.: 7810-14-0152 Mr. Smith, As part of the Reconstituted Design project for Asheville Steam Station (Asheville), AMEC installed a total of two new piezometers in the existing 1964 Ash Pond Dam (BUNCO -097). Details regarding the piezometer installations are attached including a location plan, a summary table, field installation records, and well construction records. The piezometers constructed in BUNCO -097 were completed during the period of November 10 to November 26, 2014. The piezometers were constructed in accordance with the requirements of 15A NCAC Subchapter 2C — Well Construction Standards by a certified well driller licensed in the State of North Carolina under the supervision of the Professional Engineer (PE) licensed in the state of North Carolina whose seal is attached to this letter. Details of the piezometers installed are attached and include field installation records reviewed by the Engineer of Record (EOR) and well construction records prepared by the certified driller. The field installation records are summarized in Table 1. The work was completed in accordance with approved work plans, and piezometer installations were completed with a standard of care commensurate with accepted industry standards and in a manner that did not alter the existing function or stability of the dam structure. The piezometers were installed to provide data to be used during the Reconstituted Design but are also intended for long term data collection by Duke Energy. AMEC will collect monthly readings in the piezometers until March of 2015 at which time responsibility for obtaining the readings will be transferred to Duke Energy personnel as a part of their normal instrumentation monitoring program at Asheville. Additional readings between the normal scheduled frequency may be taken as deemed necessary to support data collection needs. Duke Energy shall maintain a record of the readings as part of their dam monitoring program that will be available to the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources upon request. Correspondence: AMEC Environment &Infrastructure, Inc. 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 100 Durham, North Carolina 27703 Tel (919) 381-9900 Fax (919)381-9901 Licensure: NC Engineering F-1253 NC Geology C-247 Fleoond oillPi(ocimelor Instalkitic°n — BUNCC -( W Eecierrideii �1E, 3G 114 Page 2 Ashavilki Teiarr 31adior AMEICFrcyieotAlo.; NE 1(1-1=-0153 clincerely, AMECI EnOonmient 81 Infizatruailure, Ina. ���ro 9 B B 91+lila alp IP k BEAL I'VI" Tlimoth�Ic uiclley, E� AI EIOR- FriojElal Erlgineerl AtiladrrElr1IE: RiezorrellElr Lacialian Rlan, Figure 1 8 L rr marry of Piezometer: Installed in 'I 9E 4 Ash Raric C arr, , Tal: IEI 'I RiezorrellElr- Field Installaiian FIElaarc, BIUhCO-097-R' CI4 Well C an:11 rlL ation Reaorid, EU N C O -097•-P' Oz F iEI2 arralert - Fielc Insil Illation Reaorld, BIL N C O -097-P" 09 Well C an: tnL ation Reaorld, EU N C O -089-R'109 P\E—rw\M*vcb\DLdm\Nl4\w- P— D+At1 00*ft\CAD PEMbETM WCAMM MAKJU7W tlxs7.4p Tlm to Om ZD14 — Mftm w49 mAWOW i i i BiJNCC1-Q97-P105 B'�NC©-097 a BllNCO-097-P104 seA� CAR6,111 o SEAL: �S 4Q 0 iT oEea �' LEGEND 50 Q 50 100 FT APPROXIMATE BASIN LIMIT AL PIEZOMETER DRAWN: WJD DATE. 184EC14 FIGURE PIEZOMETER LOCATION PLAN DAM ID: BUNCO -97 ENG CHECK TPQ SCALE: 1:200 1964 ASH POND DAM ASHEVILLE STEAM STATION APPROVAL -70 I JOB No.: 7810-140152 01 REFERENCE: NC OneMap, NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NC 911 Board 2013 TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF PIEZOMETERS INSTALLED IN 1964 ASH POND DAM ASHEVILLE STEAM STATION STATE DAM ID: BUNCO -097 PiezometerScreened Bentonite ID Northing Easting Total Depth Interval Seal Interval Grout Interval Finish (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) BUNCO -097- 644847.977 943912.409 54.5 44.5-54.1 37.6-43.2 0.0-37.6 Flush Mount P104 BUNCO -097- 645029.624 943789.910 48.3 38.3-47.9 31.5-36.0 0.0-31.5 Flush Mount P105 * Depths referenced from existing ground surface during installation. FI8aC1VI81BR- FIBLD INSTALLATION RBCCRE (FLUSF NICLNT) JOB � AM3 Du N E EnE ugy - Ash E v illE Plariil AM3a r L MB3R 7181 a-14 -011,12A 1 FIIE1ZOMBT3R I` O BUNCO -0971-•P1(14 II` EITALLATION DAl B 1 1 111 1 )12(114 - 11/s'IEI/s'1(1'14 L OCAI ION, NCIRTH; E144801.97171 EAST: 94 391;1.409 C RCIUN11 ELE V: A'11714.,26 FT AMEIC FIELD REIPRE EIBNTAIm T. Quigley IRILLERJCO( TRACIOR Garry Akirls/M&W GRANULAR EACKFILL MATERIAL GF #sl QuartaitE EIFRILLINGIECH NIQLB Hollow Siem AlugE11 EICR33N MAI 3RIAL 2" ID flush joirlil alottE c PVC (SCh. 401 BOREIHOL 3 I VIM3IER 8 iris 11 Nomiriz SLOT SI21E1 (1.0:1(1' machiric cut RBFBRBNCE POINT 9L3VATION- G riou rlc Surf ace RIS3R MATBRIFIL 2" ID flush jalnt solid PUC IISch .' (I) I OCK IYPOAKEY COEIEI Duke F z c locH/9€191 * Deter mined by as- built survey *' Re'lerence point is ground surface during installation WELL CAP BOLTED FLUSH N CIUNT C CIVER CCINCRETEI FIAD QJZXZ>X EI") GRCIUT RISE 1441111ii6i, LENGTF OR RISEIR/ DEIPTH TO TCIP CIF SCIL IC SECTION BENTCINITE SEIAL = 3-1.6 RT = = 44.' FT (10.4 FT H EII1aw 111U91' mou rii :. aoveu) BENTONITEI E EAL = E.EI FT _�®:,,,,,,, C EPTH TO TOP OF �� DERITH TOP OF SCREEIN SE CTICIN C RANULAR MATERIAL = 44.E FT = 43.2 FT ECFIEEIN LENGTH CR SCREEN/ SLCITTED SECTICIN C RANULAR BACKFILL = `I,EI FT C Ef TEIRINC DEVICES INSTALLEID (APPROXIMATE DEPTHS; DERITH BCITTOM CIF = None SC REE N SE CTION E4.1 FT LENGTH CIF SUMFI & CAP SUMP/CAP = CLz FT Tairlie(' NOTEL NOT TCI SCALE GROUND SL RRACE TCITAL DEFITH CR PIEZOMETER rI2.1I FT STABILIZED WATEIR LEVEL A F I ER DEUEIIJCIPMENT FRCIM EIELCIW TCP OF PVC FUSER = 4z .5f1 FT CIN 1,', )1312(114 BCIITOM CIF PIEZOMEITER RE2ometer COnE tructicln C etc- it Cam IC. EUNCO-0171 Frepared By: SEK Elate '12.1'1612014 amcAE r EIV Ille d tation Reviewed 3y: IF 0 Date: 12A,17J: 014 Buncclmbe CClunty, North Carolina AM EIC Well lnsta Ila tia n Rena is F ev 6 AEULL CQNSTRUC ION "I CQ" Thih form snit be iued for stnglo or mtitlipto w0s 1, Well Cuntrnctor 2nfua'mation; Garry Akins Well ContmctarNzim 3434 A NC Wall Conitnctnr Geniftaat[oil Number M&W Drfffing, LLC Coulpany Name 2, Well Constrttction Yarmit ii; _ List nl1 epplicabfa mr(l porn:lla 6.a. Car+rr% 5tnla, lrarlarrcd:Injeallda, afe, j 3.'VVeII Tlsc (elsccic wall rase}; DAgricultulnl ❑040thorinnl (FlcatiDpJGoalhlg Sr pply) OkidtiatrlilXomincrolat Well G]AquifarReehargo []Aquifer Storage and ReoovoSy C]Atlltifor Test 0Iixperl;nenta1 eohnology 00cothernzal (Closed Loop) 00othemial (Vtmtingtcoolhj& C]IvlutllclpiaNfluhlia t]Residentiol Witter Supply (singla) ❑1t.esidenHal Watw Skipply (shared) ❑ ©Inn ndwator ltsmedladan ❑Salinity 1larrlor Mormwater Drainage DSubeldenca Control ClTraear under '121 4.17ntaVVell(s)t:om(xlatedt 11/26/2014WcilIl7BBUNCO-097-P!04 sit. Well 1'oeatlonl Dake Energy Asheville FocilltylOwnerNnma paeiilty mr: (4Colapllanhle} 230 GP&L Drive, Arden, 28704 11hysloni Address, City, sad Zip Buncombe County Purcul IdenliCir:alion No, (URI) Forlutunial Use ONLY: rRo"A TO .11 �nzsc 2ti+' tON . . - - ft. ft. ft. ff. FttOi41 TO D1A,14LTFlk THIC1093S ?o"AJ VAL I+ROM I TO I DIAMETER I THJC[Ch'F'S9 MATERIAL 0.0 tc. 44.6 fi, 2,() � In. SCFE 40 PVC WrAVit 4a 7}i:.i ,A .1Y1+. -.{{.� ik .. .. illi0l5l TO PAt THI(~ SLOTSTZC 71"C"MS MATERIAL. 44.6 rt' 54.1 2.0 t"• 0.420 SOH 40 PVC `PI..ACI3SSIJ"M6VED& PROM TO PIATMXU, C ARRUNT 0,0 t+ 37,6 ft Por0andffle'llonite Slurry through tremle p1pe [t, ft, rt. J ft, l� ' FRONS TO MATERIAL rKPI ACC, M, T MET110D 43.2 1t. 64.5 rt. GP -#2 quarizite PROYf Tfl n�SCR.IFT;t],Y toaiar ligniarrs, b©a7narwi n rein arca OSc.). 0 '1' 12.0 fr. Dark Gray Ash Filf 12.0 54,5 rt faddish Brown S1illSand ft. rt. ft. tY. rr, tt. BentoNte Seal from 37.6 to 43,2 feet 5h.Y.ntlhideand I.ongllttdo In dog aeesfminl;teslseecnds ez� doclmml dogrersi 22 rtil aalltaai; (If W011 Ulu one fatltong ;tilde Innt) 35" 28011,91" N -820 32[J31.84" ��, 12/17/2014 SlgnatnoivKnr CredWellCootradcr ;]ala 6.1.s (nre) tlto wolI(s); SP, lrnianeslt or OTarnporary 7.18 tills n repair to nit oxisliug wells Mes or oNa ff 1tPh,lr a mpotr,,flll atel krraivn Seal/ collrlrrlcflmr JVorsmlloi lead urjrlahl the nalifee vjrhe ITP00, irirrlm. Nal renut trsdclldl) nr on the back of llrtafalaa R. Nurt41or ofwclis cousla'uctud; 1 Fimnirdelple irrjactlan arnea-surfer sryip1a,1wa1ls ONLY WA the ilwxe aAtrsnYrcllarr, you call 41600 orleforvi. 9. Totnl wall depth balmy hind sorfaeas 54.5 For nudelfilu iye& lftl all ddgfke (rdo'ccredgi (sxn+uple 3@200'tru<t 3@100) 10.8iAtie sysltorlevel 40101v top of casing; N/A (ft,) 1f wwar level to above cedog, use "+' 11.1lorcholadhimoter; 8 12, Well eoltstruetloo netfo,., Adger (t,o. Magor, sninry,onislo, direal pualt, ale.} By,argNlpg, fhls furan. 7 harreby acr* Thal tha sswl(s) :wo (weir conslrrtcled la aacdrdmod 10h IF,rI NCxC 02c, 0198,01, LM NCAC 07C,0200 Well C:al>alrriclfpt) 51011rlm& aroyl tfrnl a espy aflhls raaard has baan provided to 1hn nwR envier. 23. Site dingmat or additiouill wall deta ts: You wiry use tho back of lhls page to provide t:dditlonnl well site details or wail conelmotian details, You may also attach odditionel pogaa trueomary, 5i]13M I'TTA ll I mirUCTi ONS 24% For All Wells; Submit this form w1dibi 30 days of completion of well conatttiction to the foilowfng: Divlsfou of"liirnter1kosouxees, Inraratation Proewing unit, 1617 Mail Sex'vtso Ccltter, Iinleigb, NC 27699-1617 2iM 'Cor Ittlac(lo is Wella ONLYI In siddition to soadiag the loan to tho address In 24 above, tilso stiliinht u copy of this fban ivltiiin 30 dnys or eornpleiloll of well coos IMO lots to the following; 1)lvisioil of Wnter Resoareeg,'Un rler'gro:tnd I5jeciloil Colitrol Plwgrnn3, FOR WATER SUPPY Y Y'VJs',I,YS ONLY. ICBG iwlrill Service Coaster, ktalelgv, NC 277699-1636 13a.y1ald (gpzn) h4otltod of testi 2k. For Wetter Supply +_yf U16otlon WOW Also subinit one copy of thie tbtin withht 30 days of completion of 13Ta,1 kinfact'ion typat Aiuonut: _ well eoltstrnotlors to trte ontialy health clsiynrtinent of tho oountywhotaa oomtruotcd, l+onuQw.I North tHyalineDopnrinient0MAVknnniontand NnlumlRosoorm—DlyCa aoi'WnierFAsoumt* RovitedAeigslst2413 R182ICMETER- FIELD INSTALLATICN R®CCRD (FLI.EIH MCLNT) JCIE I` DIME E u k a Eriangy —,As h eivillel Plaril PIN HW L ME E F 7810-14-01E2.01 PIE21OMETEIR0O BUNG®—(K71-131(lE IrEITALLAl1101\ DAME 11/1(11`,1(1141-1'I/2EU21(l14 1-CICP171CI1\1 NORTH: 645(12ISM241 ®HIST: E413789.91(I GROUNE ELEV:,1174.17 FT AME3C FIELE REPRE SEINTA-MVE T. Quiclley IRILLEIR4 CONTRPICITOR Garry Alkiris/M " GRANULAR EACKFILL MPTEIRIAL GF #e1 Quatib i11e1 C BILLING TEICF IN IQUE1 Hallaw/ Slem Aluger .ICREIEIN MAIIERIAL 21' ID 1111 E h .joirll E lot ac PVC iISch. 4(1; EORE HOLE C IPIN EITEIR EI 1rICIH Namirlal SLOT SIZE] (1.0,`1(1" nlachiria cut FE3FEIFE3NCEI FIOIN7 Ell-ILATION" Gllourlc Surlacia RISEIR MATEIF IFIL ,'1" 111 fly s h joint solid PVC 113d 41(1) L OCK lIYF1E1/k BY COE E Duke Pac Ioak/5 c 91 * Detei mined by as. L uili survey NOTEI: NOT 1 CI SCF L 9 *" Relerer ce point is ground surface durir g installation WELL CAR, BOLTED FLUSH NCIUNT CCNERI CICINCIRETE PAD 11,I'XZME") GROUND SL RIFACE E ENTCINITE SEAL - 4.G FT STAEILIZED WATEIR _.. DEFITH TOR OR LEIVEL ART ERI DEPTH TO TOR OR SCIRIEEN SEICITION DEVELC PMEINT GRA NULA R N ATE RIA L118.11 FT RROM BELOW TOP 3EI.(I RT CIR PUC RIMER = 44. El RT CIN 12,12,1001z SCIREIEN LEINCTH CIH SCREE N/ SLOTTED SECTION GRANULARI BACIKFIL L = 0.6 RT CIE NTERIING DE VIC11S INSTAL L E❑ QuiSEA L« QAPPRICIXINATE DEFITHS1 ❑EIPTH EIOTTON OF034 a f e �w None SCFE EN SECTION = 40.9 RTS°"�° L E NCTH OF SUN P & CPP° SUMP)ICAP = (I.4 H11 (Poin`IEdj BOTTCIN OF FIIEZON ETE R Pie2clrrEter Construction Detail Dam ICI; BUNCO -097 Fit epaiedEy: 9EK [late: '12,116/120'14" AsheVlllE SlIeticin Reviewed Ey: -IPQ [late: 121'17,1201, ame Buncombe County, North Carcllinca AME C Well Installation Rea ond, Re u 0 WRLL C MTSTRVCTfQN RE,C;t7�tll This 61(111 wn be used roe airigio or ntal#lpIt twolls 1, Well Con traotor Into rnln tion; Garry Akins wolf emn'actor l` dglt 3'34 A Nc wolf Contractor Certification Number M& vY DrIllIngy LLC Unnpany NamiG N - 2. Nell Corlstructiott L121 all applivable uwlpetlral£s 6.c. Cotnly, SIr1£c, ifarilrt rc Grfeailar, elc.) 3. wall 118P (thuk wall ease): water SuontV Welt! IlAgdollltliral l iMonivi'l illi ashlle 00cothermal (FlaatinglCovling Supply) Ol:asidential Waiar Supply (shigto) 0lndustriallCotnmorditil OResidentiol %ter Supply (sliarerfj Well Monitoring DAquifrtt' Reohargo 00roulidwatur ltame:dJatton l:lAcluifer Storage and Recovery QSnlinity Barrier Mcfe fcrTest UStoralwatcrDruinago DExperimoutalToohnology E7SuhsidenceCoArol 00oothzrtnnl (Cloned tool]) I.IT `awr 06d0thOlITIM(1:":lt304919'661i ROW[* 00 diel'(tl7fl3 lni a under 12.1 Rowo rks) a. Date Wel](9) Couiplotedi 11/26/2014�y eft1D BUNCO -097-1 106 Sri, Well Lucail6ni Duke Energy Asheville F4c11tty/0wrwr N1imu 200 CP&L Drive, Arden, 28704 PlwlcaI Address, City, and Zip Buncombe Bacllity III# (iYapplWablo) County Vat"I ldetit] firot10nNo. (M) Tiorlsaternnl use ORLY: i x1#1, i_RYl1L 7'0 11LS(AUPTION- fi. £t. -..__. rt. n. 1 t I woo TO tltAlfl'rxii 1 rt'X stns iSiAl MAL ft, Taft, ��'} las. .. G"it[ia1 Lo DW it1•Gn 'rHICi[(ggs ;kuylinki. 0,0 ft' 138.3 n' 3,0 ln' SCH 40 PVC j ,uto'M I TO nlrtiarF.T" st.OTSIZt i'tJIM14ess MnTira#At, 38.3 147.9 12.0 I°' 0.020 SOH 40 PVC ft, ft. fn, giom 'ra t~ta - ttr t. FMPLAC&ME—Mr METITOD& ANO UNT 0,0 ft, 31,5It, Po111andJF3®neon SIurry through treii Alpe ft. ft. FROM a. TO r rt NFATMUAL- Iii41PLACR11t1tN'#'�lE1irCJii 36.0 rt. 48,3 ft. GP#2 Quartzite ft, 1r ft. �� FROM TU PliSl:lttl'TLLitt ao-lor-Uaralnras sullhbsk c ralaa. a#r ck 0 rt. 17.07 rt, Dark Cray Ash RV 17.0 ft, 48,3 '• Reddish Brawn 51it15and ft, It. rt. ft, .rte Bontonito Sall trolls 31,5 to 36,0 foot 5h. Latitude And f ongttada is doli Inutollseconft or t 4dmal dagrobs: 22, Cei.ufientionI (ifwall Feld, 0110 lat1fou ; is atifttclaatt) 350 28F 13,661 -82' 32013.40 W12/17/2014 Si�iataro o itiFcat FYal1 Gbntenc#or � [lute 6. is 01e) 1110 well(s]c. t ar'tnsttsant or OTanipiwary 7. Is this n repair to an eitlsting well: t7Yes or ii !f £ills s, a repair, fflt ore£ k£iaim w4f (Intl arphdn NO ijawre of fhs rreparbl andel• 001 earmarks secdo)i or ori lb4 berth vflpls fart. S. Nuinhar of wolls cotsstructod. Por walllple liYeellon or uwr - water slrpply swells O?Vky)VIth Ihm Berme sorisrrlrortlli, yeal vire( sabadtono,forni. 9. Total wall depth halon land surfs#cc: 48'3 (fi,) P'ar INUMlrld kWffi;11x1 tall dayarlhr frrytirvrr£ (example- 3 ai 2M' and f cr 106) i(I. Malle lynter lovol he.tow toil of casing, N/A If) weer+•leiOI&obvver(wfs rf, (Ise "+" 1 #. Bor 0hula fllntttetar: 8 (in,) 11'si1e11cons(clicl1011nlatll0il. Auger (I.a auger, nelory, onho, tliraut gash, etc,) By,lignI rg ibis fans, I nar'sby evig(fy their lire 104711(1) nrns OVUM) Ctanstrytefed IR 114001 4tee s0ih I,sA NOI C 020,4100 or ISA MCAC 02C.0200 Well ComilAfe6orl Slarrelavds and dmf a COPY of ffiLe rarart'ef 8trs bualr p VVIded In Itis iwall urar MJ% 23.8ite dJa9rnnt or'sttit Moral well tletaflsi You may use filo OR* of tisis gaga to providxl tdditlona#1 well site detoils or hell concetruction•details. You tray also attnah additional pages ifnccossary. .S U B M ITI'AL INBT..VQ1JDN,5 Zia, For Ali IVa i SAnilt this form wilhin 30 days of complotion or weil callsisircilon to (fie rallowhig! Division nf'ftter Rosouraas, Tit iorninflon Proeoging UliIit, 1617 Ma It Service Canter, Aiilelglt, NC 27599.1617 244, For iiflection'Nel1S ONLY: In addition to xondlog tho rosin to flit: asddeems 61 2Aa L#bo , also stibinit a oopy of this form within 30 days or oamplalimi of well oonst(laotlon to the roltowing: Division of l,Yrltor lWoatrces, Undergr rand Taaltcilon Cants ai iaa'esgrltrti, 'FOR WA7E S-11 i1'LY WELLS ONLY; 1636 Kill] Sorvfeo Collor, kit Iolgli, NC 37 699-1 636 131. 11161(l. (ii Merited of tent: 24c. For _'4Yai ur Silk& Ra lajoa:tion Wellss Also stibnalt one copy of this f'oun within 30 flays tel coitlplelifl#i or 13b. Distals Mon type, Amonatl _ ,._: wol} colistlnioilon to Ills c uaty health deli of the. nowily where ctuintrootod.. roan Gw- l Noah Cafvlllio DOPilrtinclll Of IIHVIP00mont and Nolmni Rusain'om - UMj;len of Water k w4SaiL°i18 RdvlaecE Auguat 2013