HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0087084_LV20160135_20160727L - I WOOO lk* r: k. V tj 4 L lry Certified Mail # 7012:101.0 0002.1965 6973, Return Reeciot Requested July 27, 2016 John Condrey, City Manager Town of Forest City PO Box 728 Forest; City, NC ' ,M41-01,29, RA—z R 0 R: -Y, ,Goverilor SUBJECTS Notice of Violation. atid,Assessment of Civil Penalty fof Violations. of 'North Qarolina. Genera f Statute (G.S.) 1-48-215L. l(4)(0) -and NPDE.S: WV Permit No.. NC.0087084 Town:6f Forest Qity, RiverstonQ, industrial Park 'WWTP Case. No.'ILV-2016=0135 Rutherford County' Dear—Permittee: Y 2 RECEIVEDINCDEOMM AUG 3.1 2010 water Quality pern,-aitting Section This letter transmits allotice.of Violation and assessment ofcivil penalty in the, amount, of,$462.04 ($350,0.0 civil penalty $11.2;94 enforcement costs),against Town of -Forest City. This assessment is based 'upon,ih0following facts: a review has been conducted of thedischarge monitoring report (DMR) submitted by Town of Forest City for the month of February,1016. This review las shownthe, subj ect.,fkilfty to, be in up " violation of the-dischargei� limitations and/or monitoring � uirements found in NPDES WW Permit No. NCO68-lo.84. The ons req violations, which occurred ii,i,February 2016, are summarized `in Attachment Ato this letter. Based'upontlid. above fadts;. I conclude as a, matter of taw- that Town of Forest City viJ P lated the terms,, conditions or I requirements.of NFI)E8W—WC Permit NON 0087084 -and G.,S. 143-215,1(a)(6) in the manner and extent shown in, Attachment A. ln,accbrdande with,, the maximums'establiffid ,e'by G.S. 141-2. . 15.6,A(d)(2)�- a civil penalty may be assessed against any person who violdfO19 theAlernis conditions or requirements ofa permit requirdd'by G.S. 14MISJ(a). Based upon. the above findings of, fact and conclusions o law, and accordance with f providedby,theSecretary of the Department I 4- Environmental Quality And the .Directotofthe DivisionofWater Resources, 1, G. tatidon'Davids,on, ,. P.G., Regional Supervisor, Asheville Regional Office hereby make the following civilpenalty-assdssineiitz instTownof Forest City,:: t V y.:. State pf North Carolina, .1 'Environmental Quality I Water Resources 2090 U.S. 70 Highway, Swaftnanoa, NC 78778 828-29.6-4500 I-- $250-1.00 .1 'of the 1. viotatibifsof M-21,5. 21;5'.;1:(4)(6): and Permit lqo.NCO087084, by, discharging waste water"info the waters of the Statp m_ I " violation of e Permit Monthly Average: T'SS_­ Cone I the $100.00 1. ofthe I violations of 143=21:5.1'(4)(6) andPe- it !4o.NCO697084, by discharging waste water into rm the wat6rsof the State in violdtion,ofthe Permit. Weekly Average for TSS-,,- Cone. $35-0.00: TOTAL CIVIL PENALTY 51,12w94, Enforcement, Costs, $462.94 TOTAL. AMOUNT'DUE, Pursuant to'G.S. 143-215.(c 46A )jndeterrn Ming, the amount of the penalty, I have .taken into account the Findingsof Fact and Conclusions of Law, and the factors, set: forthat- G.S. 143B-2­82J(b),which. are: (1) The. degree- and extent of harm.to: the;natural resourco&of the- State, to the public,healthor-topAvate property resulting from the violation. (2) The duration,and gravity of. the Violatibin 3Thect, on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality; (4). The cost otrectifying the . damag; (5) The amount ofm - ­ - lance money saved by hood in I p (6) Whetherthe violation- a ibIxionwas committed willfully intentionally; (7), 'The prior record of the violator in complying or., failin,g,jo comply with., programs over, which the Environmental Management- Commission has regulatory autfiority;­and (8) The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures, Within thirty , 0) dkys.Ofreoeil of t' u d- ortedftheifollo following; (3 receipt his,noweyouni ,(I) Submit payment, of the penalty, OR (02)) Submit. a writtewreqqe' st for -remission, OR ,(3) Submit a.wri,,tten..,,request -for ahadftiiiii§trat-ive�'.hearing Opfiwl'A 80bhift payment.of 'the.. penalty-, Payment should be made directly to the, older oUilioDdpattmefit ofEnvironmental "Quality (do -not include .waiver form Payment of the penalty, Will not foreclo,se further enforcement action for any continuing or new Violation(§). P , lease submitpqy-ment to the, attention of - Wastewater Branch Dlv'i4orr of Water Resources 16,17 Mail Service Center 1W6igh,,,North Carotina.27699-1617 /Option 2: 'S bmit awritten,request for remissiofi.Qe iiifflgAti6iiinciludixig A detailed justification ,for ,suck request* Please be, aware that a roq 4pst -for remission'is limited to consideration ofthe five fictors listed, bejbwas they may relate o,the r" reasonableness of the amount of thecivilpenalty assessed. Requesting remission is not the proper - Won procedurd f6rcoAtesting whether the violatioq(p) orgeurred.or the accuracy ofaqy of the factual statements in contained 41 .. n such a request. must be -accompanied by aw.aiver of yourrightto an administrative hearing and a stipulation, and agreement that nofactual brlegal issues are indigpuie'. Please:prepare'a detailed statement, thatestd , bli . sties why you believe the civil penalty,§h6uld be remitted, ..and submit it.to.the Diyisipn of Water Resourcesat.the address .1istedbelow.', In, determining whether aremission request"Will be approved, f4efollowing factors shall be considered: (1) whether one or more of the civil , -penaltyassesstiibnt.fodtots iflNCGS,143B-292.1(b,)Was wrongfully applied: to the detriment. of the petitioner; (2) whether rthe violatory- ' I prompttabated continuing environmental -damage resulting from the: violation! (3) Whether the violation was inadvertent or, a result of an. accident;. (4) 'whether the. violatorhad been assessed civil penaltfles for any previous,- Violations; or (5) Wlipth& payment. of the civilperialty will prevent payment for the remaining i ng necessary remedial actions;. Please note that'.,I,11'evidence "presented in support of your request for remission must be:submitted ,:itiwriting. Th6 1),i'rector-6fthe will !review your evidence and inform you -of his, dec.ision in the matter.of your remission request. The tespOnsow) p'It rovide details regarding1he case status, directions for payment, and provision for further °appp-al of the penalty .to the'Erivir,'orimental Management Commission's Committee on, Civil Penalty Remissions (Committee). Please, be advised, thatthe Committeecannot consider information that was)not -part of the original remissi remission request considered b theNrectof. ThQref6rej0s,veryAr.n important that you prepare a,complete .:and -Y P ihpT.ough statement, in, support 'ofyour request for "remission. In order to requestremission, you must complete and -siibftiit the enclosed ".Request for Remission of Civil Penalties, Waiver of'Right to an AdrrfihistrativeEe�aring, and Stipulation of Eads" f6tffi within thirty (30)..days,of receipt ofthis. notice. The Division of Water Resourcesalso requests that you comvkte, and submit, the enclosed "Justification.,for Remission -Request." Both "forms should be, submitted to the, fallowing,address: Wastewater Branch Division of Water Resources 16-17 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 ftlift Dig a "oetition for an administraiivel-hearing'wfth- the Ofrice.0f..Administraiive.Hear4ino: ;If y0ti,wish.1 toiitdstany statement in the attached assessment:docurftent,yoii-giust file apetifipn for, an administrative Bearing. V.'6ii,;tWobtain,,thepetition, formfromthe Office of AdmiMistrative Hbariogs, You must file, - the -petition- With :the *Qffi'6e.6f.Adriiini,st-rative!4eariqgswithin .th'ir(y(30)days of xeceiptofthisnotic'e., Apetition ig-considered filed when 'Itis febeived.in'the. Office: of Administrative Hearin* d al''offic hours;• The Office fAdministrativeJ xTingnorm 10. Hearings accepts filings °Morid4y,through Friday 'bet,w,certthe :hours of,$-.-0,0�,q.,aaid.5.00'p -ow except r official state; file (�Wijh restrictions) =provided I" h6lidays. The petition ,may�OeUpd,by facsimile (T, or electronic mail -,yran.,a#,cb ed thesignedoriginal,he .signone (1) copy -and Afriling fee -(if a filing fee M required byNcOs',,§I 501343.2) IS: receivedin the. Office Of Administrative Bearings -within 'seven :'(7).'business:day-sfol!6wing the faxed w Zfectronictransmissi6n. .You shouldt-,:contacthe Office: of Administrative; Hearings with all questions regarding . the.tiling fee;and/or the details,of the 'The, mailing address and telephone' and fax numbers fotthe Off ce.of Adiniaistrative Hearingsa 0 axe r � s: follows;; Office -of Administrative Hearings 6714 ,Mail "Service Center Raleigh, NC -27699'-6714,, Tel: r (9,19); 411=Wo ,Fax-,, One (1:) copy , Qfthe, petition must a'190 be served. on.DEQds follows: Mr. Sam M. Hayes, General lCouns.elt Department.of Environmentaly, Quality 00I Mail Sovipo Center Raleigh, Please ',indicate, the P45p inumber .(asfowd on ,Page one of -this lottef)�onthe. paition­-, Failure to :exercise, one of the options, above W­Jthin thirty letter, - I ' � by an internal` (3 0). days, of receipt of this, le er, as evidended datehime ,received stamp (riot eiveds '(no a, postmark), Will raWtin this,. matter b6migreferred-to t I heMtomey:6eneraTs --Office for; collection. 04 f' thepenaltyf on hwo" adiVf11 :action, Please "beadvised that additional penalties may, be assessed for -violations that occur aftWth0TeVidW. Period bf-this, assessment. If you; have , quesfipjoase contact Janet Cantwell with the Division: of Water Resources staff 'of the Ashevile IF(q9i0rkal Officelt (83) 29,64661;or,via email atjanet.cantwetl'-@'gcde,n,rgov,. SIncerely., ,G4 Landon Davidson,. P,.G,.-,_Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional11, Operations gectibfi Asheville Regional Office Division f kes6urd6s, N"CD.90, n,o . ate~' W't"r ATTACHMENTS Cc-:EnforcementVik z WWQ$`Ash.0WIf6',R' .Office NI'DESC 6Mpaceffirtf lid omamcat Unit - Enforcement File , i,fo ��Va� !�ci rd" AmAtO-AlunicipVTorest tNty' - rd J J9,TV'ICATION FOR REMISSION REQUEST Case Number: LV401,&0135 County.: Rutherford' Assessed Party Town°of Forest City% Riverstone Permit No,; NCO087084 Amount Assessed X462.94 Please use this form when, requesting remission of this civil penalty.. You -must also complete the "Request For Remission, Waiver of Right to an Admiti'strative Hearing, anal-Slipulation of Facts",form to request remission of this civil penalty. You should attach any documents th'at'you'believe support your request andare necessary --for the Director to consider in evaluating your request'forremissioi. P.leas.e be aware that a request for remission is limited to consideration of the five factors listedbelowAs they mayrelate"toahe: reasonableness of the amount oftha civil penalty assessed. Requesting remission is not the proper procedure for contesting whether "the violaf ions) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements.contained in the:civil penalty assessment document. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. §,143]1-282:1-(c), remission of a civil penalty may be granted only when one -or more of the following five factors. apply. Please. check each .factor that you believe applies io your case and provide: a detailed explanation, including copies of supporting documents, as to why the factor applies"(attach additional pages as; needed). (a) ,one or more ofthe civil penalty assessment factors in. N.C'.G.S. 1.43B -282.1(b) were wrongfully applied to the detriment of the, petitioner" (the assessment factors are listed in the civil penalty assessment document); _ (b) the violator promptly -abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation (;e., explain, the steps that -you took to correct -the violation and prevent fittzire :occitrrei.ices); (c) the violation was inadvertent or a .result of an.accident (i.e., explain why the violation -was unavoidable or something yo.0 could not prevent or prepare for); (d) the=violator had not been assessed civil penalties for any, previous violations;, (6) payment of the civil. penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions (i.e., explain how payinent of the civil penalty. will prevent you.fro.in performing the activities necessary to achieve_ compliance). EXPLANATION• Sem ar�Ac�C� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF RUTHERFORD IN THE MATTER OF ASSESSMENT OF CIVITENALMS AGAINST T6wn of Forest City, Riverstone Industrial. .Park ,W,WTIP PERMIT NO.'X.C-00,910,84 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WAIVER OF RIGHT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE INISTRATIVE HEARING AND STIPULATION OF FACTS CASE NO. LV -2016-0135 'Having been assessed civil penalties, totaling, $462.94 for violations) s; a set forth in the assessment document of the Division of Water Resources: dated July 27,2016, the undersigned d ifin g to seek remission of the, civil penalty; does hefeby-waive undersigned, ostri the. right to: a administrative in Ta6 as alleged in the n. the above -stated matter and does stipulate that, the'facts are " - 90 assessment document. Theundersigned further understands that all evidence Presented suppoi-t, in of remigsion.of this civil " peqqjtymti.st bestibmitted" to the Oirectof of the Division of Water Resmirces, within, thirty (30):daysof receiptofthe:notice- of;f$sessrneAt, No now evidence in. support -6faremission request will be allowed. after (3-0) (lays from the receipt of the notice Of assessment. This, the C2% 44-1 day of /41'r C? US 720 u IT SIGNATURE (17 ADDRESS P0. 3 ox r 7 A� CQ P j ,6 / M6,4t-V-3 TELEPHONE &-,2&yg ->/-, - � I - z ATTACHMENT A Town of Forest City CASE NUMBER:. LV -2016-0135 PERMIT: NC0:087084 REGION: Ashev'410e FACILITY: Riverstone Industrial Park WWTP LIMIT VIO.LATIO.N($) SAMPLE LOCATION: O'utfall_001_= Effluent COUNTY: Rutherford Violation ' Report Unit of Limit Calculated % Over Violation Penalty Date Month/Yr Parameter Frequency Measure Value Value Limit 'Type Amount 2/27/2016 2-2016 Solids, Total Weekly m'g/I 45 64 42.2 Weekly $100.00 Suspended- Concentration Average E,Xceeded 2/29/2016 -2-2016 :Solids, Total Weekly mg/I -30 37 213 Monthly $250:00 Suspended- °Condentration. Average Exceeded 4' F��pFFORBSTCfa� + + ��RTB CP.�A August 24, 2016 Town of Forest City PO Box 728 Forest City, NC 28043 To: Wastewater Branch Division of Water Resources From: Jeff Dotson, Plant Superintendant Town of Forest City, WWTP Cc: John Condrey, City Manager Sonny Penson, Chief Operator, ORC. Subject: Remission Request/Justification Yppw 1'�oo@�pF FOR6STCI The Town of Forest City Riverstone WWTP began going through extreme changes from the discharge of the Horsehead Corporation in December 2015. Plant staff experienced these changes and fought upset conditions through May 2016 causing numerous Total Suspended Solids violations. The new flow characteristics along with the heavy metals content that we had already been experiencing was more than the SBR facility was designed to treat. The Horsehead Corporation is now in idle mode as they have since filed Bankruptcy. During the time that the Horsehead plant has been idle, the Forest City staff has worked tirelessly attempting to turn the existing sludge in the SBR over to the point we could return to compliance. Numerous loads of "good" sludge was hauled from the Forest City WWTP to the Riverstone plant with hopes of reseeding and replacing the old sludge with a sludge that has a better source of bug activity. Beginning in early June, the plant improved significantly and by the end of the month had returned to full compliance. Toxicity testing along with suspended solids were both passed and became compliant. At the present time, July and it appears August will also be in full compliance with our NPDES Permit as well. This response will be similar to previous responses sent in for TSS violations but we were actually dealing with the same issues from December 2015 to March 2016. It then took plant staff an additional two months making changes to eventually see and improvement. We would like to request remission for the following Total Suspended Solids violations: • 2/27/2016 Weekly • 2/29/2016 Monthly As always feel free to Contact me or Sonny Penson (ORC) with any questions or concerns. Sincerel , Jeff Dotson, Superintendant PO Box 728 Forest City, NC 28043 Telephone: (828) 248-5217 Fax (828) 247-1626 Email: jeffdotson@townofforestcity.com