HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160418 Ver 2_More Info Received_20170202 (2)January 20, 2017 '40 0-FAh'SITE 7500 Memorial Pkwy, SW, Suite 209 Huntsville, AL 35802 Phone: 256.539.1221 wwwAsiteinc.biz North Carolina Dept. of Environmental Quality 9 @�, �/ Water Quality Regional OperationsF®R, II II Asheville Regional Office IUU� SEB 0 2 2017 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 I I I ER ruESOURCES Attn.: Zan Price, Assistant Regional Supervisor D1 R RIAIFFFR PERMITTING— RE: ERMITTING RE: DWR # 16-0418-V2 Comments for New Retail Store - Brevard, NC Dear Mr. Price, We reviewed your request for additional information regarding the above -referenced project that was sent The Broadway Group, LLC on December 5, 2016. Your comments are listed below (in italics) along with our responses [bracketed] related to those items we have addressed with revisions to the plans or additional supporting documents. Some of the items below are not yet complete, though we are in the process of addressing them. We appreciate your review of the items which have been addressed and your feedback as to their adequacy or whether additional modifications are needed. 1. Page 10 of 10 carries the signature of Jerry M. Cargile. In order for Jerry M. Cargile to sign, the application package requires an agent authorization letter from the applicant. The Agent Authorization form submitted authorizes Robert M Broadway of the Broadway Group for permit authorization. Please provide correct responsible party application signature page or agent authorization form. A sample agent authorization letter can be found on the USA CE website. [ISA NCAC 02H. OS02 (0) [Applicant will sign the PCN form.] 2. Please provide more details regarding avoidance and minimization of the stream impacts for this project. [1SA NCAC 02H.OS06(1) and (g)) This should include alternative designs and layouts of the commercial retail store. This Office believes that the Retail Store Building and Parking area labeled on the plans can be moved or reconfigured to nunimize the impacts to the stream. Please revise the plans to minimize the impacts or provide a detailed e)(planation of why this plan for the activity cannot be practically accomplished, reduced or reconfigured to better minimize disturbance to the stream. [A detailed narrative ("Narrative for Trout Stream Impact") is included with the plans describing how the current design is optimal in every respect practical (site geometry, grading, storm and erosion control) to minimize impacts to the stream. The developer is also working on a more detailed narrative which will be provided as supplemental information when available.] CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTRUE COLLABORATIVE DESIGN + CREATIVE SOLUTIONS DWR # 16-0418-V2 Comments for New Retail Store — Brevard, NC 3. Please provide a detailed engineering plan, profile view, and cross-section of all proposed culverts and associated junction boxes. These drawings must include details regarding stream alignment in relation to pipe alignment, pipe slope, pipe burial, and dissipater pad if applicable [ISA NCAC 02H.OS02(b)) [A separate sheet (sheet 10) was added to include all of the requested information for the storm sewer line that replaces the stream.] 4. Per Condition 13 in GC 3890 "all culverts must be placed below the elevation of the stream bed by one foot for all culverts with a diameter greater than 48 inches and 20 percent of the culvert diameter for culverts having a diameter less than 48 inches. " Please revise your plans to meet this Condition or request an exemption from this Condition and provide justification for the exemption request. [ISA NCAC 02H. 0506(b)(2) and .OS02(b)J [The inverts of the pipe and structures meet this requirement and are indicated on sheet 10 of the plans.] 5. Please explain the need and purpose of the rockpipe inlet protection shown on the drawing on sheet 5 and provide how it will meet Condition #13 of GC 3890. [The rock pipe inlet protection was removed in order to meet Condition #13 (to "allow for aquatic life movement during low flows").] 6. Per Condition 6 of GC 3890, all work must be done "in the dry". Therefore, dewatering methods will be necessary to temporarily dewater the stream channel during pipe installation. Please provide a construction sequence that details the method of dewatering to be utilized at the site and the sequence of construction events to be followed to ensure compliance with this condition. In addition, please ensure that the location of the temporary impacts are shown on the construction drawings and clearly indicated in the revised impact table. [1SA NCAC 02H .OS02(b)(3)j ["Construction Notes" (#1) were added on the upper -left corner of all sheets to clarify work to be done "in the dry," and a "phasing plan" has been added to sheet 4 for this portion of the work.] 7. Application Item 2a. indicates that this project requires Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? Please clarify the need for this requirement. [The PCN form will be changed to state that Compensatory Mitigation is not required for the site since the stream disturbance is less than 150 linear feet (see Condition #10).] 8. Per GC 3890, this project is required to provide a stormwater management plan to protect water quality. Please see Appendix A of the General Certification 3890 (attached) and submit a stormwater management plan that is in accordance with these requirements. [ISA NCAC 02H .OS06(b)(S) and (c)(S)) Please contact Cory Larsen with questions regarding the stormwater component of this project. Awlk ,qw PF wwwAsiteincbiz January 20, 2017 '40 0-FAh'SITE 7500 Memorial Pkwy, SW, Suite 209 Huntsville, AL 35802 Phone: 256.539.1221 wwwAsiteinc.biz North Carolina Dept. of Environmental Quality 9 @�, �/ Water Quality Regional OperationsF®R, II II Asheville Regional Office IUU� SEB 0 2 2017 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 I I I ER ruESOURCES Attn.: Zan Price, Assistant Regional Supervisor D1 R RIAIFFFR PERMITTING— RE: ERMITTING RE: DWR # 16-0418-V2 Comments for New Retail Store - Brevard, NC Dear Mr. Price, We reviewed your request for additional information regarding the above -referenced project that was sent The Broadway Group, LLC on December 5, 2016. Your comments are listed below (in italics) along with our responses [bracketed] related to those items we have addressed with revisions to the plans or additional supporting documents. Some of the items below are not yet complete, though we are in the process of addressing them. We appreciate your review of the items which have been addressed and your feedback as to their adequacy or whether additional modifications are needed. 1. Page 10 of 10 carries the signature of Jerry M. Cargile. In order for Jerry M. Cargile to sign, the application package requires an agent authorization letter from the applicant. The Agent Authorization form submitted authorizes Robert M Broadway of the Broadway Group for permit authorization. Please provide correct responsible party application signature page or agent authorization form. A sample agent authorization letter can be found on the USA CE website. [ISA NCAC 02H. OS02 (0) [Applicant will sign the PCN form.] 2. Please provide more details regarding avoidance and minimization of the stream impacts for this project. [1SA NCAC 02H.OS06(1) and (g)) This should include alternative designs and layouts of the commercial retail store. This Office believes that the Retail Store Building and Parking area labeled on the plans can be moved or reconfigured to nunimize the impacts to the stream. Please revise the plans to minimize the impacts or provide a detailed e)(planation of why this plan for the activity cannot be practically accomplished, reduced or reconfigured to better minimize disturbance to the stream. [A detailed narrative ("Narrative for Trout Stream Impact") is included with the plans describing how the current design is optimal in every respect practical (site geometry, grading, storm and erosion control) to minimize impacts to the stream. The developer is also working on a more detailed narrative which will be provided as supplemental information when available.] CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTRUE COLLABORATIVE DESIGN + CREATIVE SOLUTIONS DWR # 16-0418-V2 Comments for New Retail Store — Brevard, NC 3. Please provide a detailed engineering plan, profile view, and cross-section of all proposed culverts and associated junction boxes. These drawings must include details regarding stream alignment in relation to pipe alignment, pipe slope, pipe burial, and dissipater pad if applicable [ISA NCAC 02H.OS02(b)) [A separate sheet (sheet 10) was added to include all of the requested information for the storm sewer line that replaces the stream.] 4. Per Condition 13 in GC 3890 "all culverts must be placed below the elevation of the stream bed by one foot for all culverts with a diameter greater than 48 inches and 20 percent of the culvert diameter for culverts having a diameter less than 48 inches. " Please revise your plans to meet this Condition or request an exemption from this Condition and provide justification for the exemption request. [ISA NCAC 02H. 0506(b)(2) and .OS02(b)J [The inverts of the pipe and structures meet this requirement and are indicated on sheet 10 of the plans.] 5. Please explain the need and purpose of the rockpipe inlet protection shown on the drawing on sheet 5 and provide how it will meet Condition #13 of GC 3890. [The rock pipe inlet protection was removed in order to meet Condition #13 (to "allow for aquatic life movement during low flows").] 6. Per Condition 6 of GC 3890, all work must be done "in the dry". Therefore, dewatering methods will be necessary to temporarily dewater the stream channel during pipe installation. Please provide a construction sequence that details the method of dewatering to be utilized at the site and the sequence of construction events to be followed to ensure compliance with this condition. In addition, please ensure that the location of the temporary impacts are shown on the construction drawings and clearly indicated in the revised impact table. [1SA NCAC 02H .OS02(b)(3)j ["Construction Notes" (#1) were added on the upper -left corner of all sheets to clarify work to be done "in the dry," and a "phasing plan" has been added to sheet 4 for this portion of the work.] 7. Application Item 2a. indicates that this project requires Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? Please clarify the need for this requirement. [The PCN form will be changed to state that Compensatory Mitigation is not required for the site since the stream disturbance is less than 150 linear feet (see Condition #10).] 8. Per GC 3890, this project is required to provide a stormwater management plan to protect water quality. Please see Appendix A of the General Certification 3890 (attached) and submit a stormwater management plan that is in accordance with these requirements. [ISA NCAC 02H .OS06(b)(S) and (c)(S)) Please contact Cory Larsen with questions regarding the stormwater component of this project. Awlk ,qw PF wwwAsiteincbiz DWR # 16-0418-V2 Comments for New Retail Store — Brevard, NC [The storm system has been modified to capture all runoff from the new impervious areas including the roof of the proposed retail store. Based on the updated design the runoff will be treated through a Contech StormFilter water quality unit. As shown on sheet 9, the parking areas and sidewalk will be captured by a trench grate; runoff from the building will be booted from the downspouts to the storm system. Please also see the "401 Permit Application Form" associated with this system. Note that based on our discussions the portion of this form associated with "Storage Volume" has been marked as "N/ DWR # 16-0418-V2 Comments for New Retail Store — Brevard, NC [The storm system has been modified to capture all runoff from the new impervious areas including the roof of the proposed retail store. Based on the updated design the runoff will be treated through a Contech StormFilter water quality unit. As shown on sheet 9, the parking areas and sidewalk will be captured by a trench grate; runoff from the building will be booted from the downspouts to the storm system. Please also see the "401 Permit Application Form" associated with this system. Note that based on our discussions the portion of this form associated with "Storage Volume" has been marked as "N/ Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM F -WA 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM woe wArE90 --- C WvNTECH STORMFILTER SUPPLEMENT NCDENR ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS o Y Pre -development 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff This form must be filled out on line, printed and submitted with all of the required information. Make sure to also fill out and submit the Required Items Checklist Section Ill and the 0&M Agreement I. PROJECT INFORMATION Pre/Post 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak control Project name Brevard, NC - New Retail Store Contact name Bradley Bailey Phone number 256-539-1221 Date January 6, 2017 Drainage area number Identified on the plans II. DESIGN INFORMATION 71 Site Characteristics Mean Annual Rainfall, P Drainage area (AD) 41,854.00 ft OK Impervious area 26,444.00 ft2 % Impervious (IA) 63.2% % Design rainfall depth (RD) 1.00 in Peak Flow Calculations 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff depth 4.00 in 1 -yr, 24 -hr intensity 5.48 in/hr Pre -development 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff 2.04 ft3/sec Post -development 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff 3.01 ft3/sec Pre/Post 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak control 0.97 ft3/sec Storage Volume* Design volume (WQV) N/A ft3 Adjusted water quality volume (WQVAdi) #VALUE! ft3 #VALUE! Volume contained before filter N/A ft Runoff Coefficient (Rv) 0.62 (unitless) Mass loading calculations Time to drain the StormFilter (t) Mean Annual Rainfall, P 64.00 in Agency required TSS% removal 85.00% Percent Runoff Capture (% capture) 100.00% Event Mean Concentration of Pollutant, EMC 70.00 mg/I for Industrial) Use 60 for residential, 70 for Commercial, 100 for Industrial) Filter System Cartridge height In Specific Flow Rate, q gpm/ft2 SHWT elevation ft amsl Bottom of the StormFilter vault elevation ft amsl Clearance (dsHwr) Time to drain the StormFilter (t) 0.13 hours Insufficient drainage time or the discharge rate from the system must be controlled so that the post -development rate is no greater Time to drain the StormFilter (t) 0.01 days than the pre -development rate for the 1 -year, 24-hour rain event. SUMMARY Maximum Treatment Flow Rate, cfs Number of Cartridges Additional Information Does volume in excess of the design volume bypass the filter? Y or N Is an off-line flow -splitting device used? Y or N If draining to SA waters: Does volume in excess of the design volume flow Y or N evenly distributed through a vegetated filter? What is the length of the vegetated filter? ft Does the design use a level spreader to evenly distribute flow? Y or N Is the BMP located at least 30ft from surface waters (50ft if SA waters)? Y Y or N OK Are the vegetated side slopes equal to or less than 3:1 Y Y or N OK Is the BMP located in a recorded drainage easement with a recorded access Y or N easement to a public Right of Way (ROW)? 'StormFilter is designed to treat peak flow alone, not storage volume. Form SW401-StormFilter-Rev.1 2012Aug Parts I and II. Project Design Summary, Page 1 of 1 January 20, 2017 State of North Carolina Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Atm. Mr. Stanley E. Aiken, PE 2090 US 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778-8211 RE: Revised Construction Documents In Response To Trout Buffer Zone Waiver Disapproval Trout Buffer Project ID: TB -TRANS -2017-002 Location: See Off Mountain Road and US 276 Intersection Transylvania County Dear Mr. Aiken: ,!SITE 7500 Memorial Pkwy, SW, Suite 209 Huntsville, AL 35802 Phone: 256.539.1221 www.4siteinc.biz FEB 0 2 2011 Per my recent phone message and email we have been working on revisions to the proposed construction documents based on the comments related to the above referenced as provided in your letter to Ms. Ballard which was dated January 10, 2017. The comments provided in that letter are listed below. These comments have now been addressed as indicated by our "bracketed notes" provided with each comment below and as shown on the revised plans submitted herewith. • The erosion control measures shown are not sufficient to restrain erosion and sediment during the multiple phases of construction. [G.S. 113A -54.1(c)1 {G.S. 113A-57(1)} (G.S.113A-5791)} (15A NCAC 04B.0105) [15A NCAC 04B.0106) [Additional measurers have been implemented and a 3 phase erosion control plan has been developed as indicated on sheets 6, 7, and 8 of the plans. As indicated in "Erosion Control Note 2" on sheet 6 and as labeled on the plan sheets adequate capacity has been documented for each measure proposed based on the criteria within the NC DEQ "Erosion & Sediment Control Planning & Design Manual."] • The plan as proposed does not address how the channel work will be performed in the dry. 11 5.\ NCAC 04B .01051 {15A NCAC 04B .0106} [A phasing plan has been developed for the work associated with the stream disturbance as indicated on sheet 4 of the revised plans to insure that this work will be performed in the dry and to prevent off-site sedimentation damage.] • Stockpiles called for in notes but location not identified on plan. 115A NCAC 04B .0106) [Stockpile area has now been identified on sheet 6 of the plans.] CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING COLLABORATIVE DESIGN + CREATIVE SOLUTIONS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Revised Construction Documents - Trout Buffer Project ID: TB -TRANS -2017-002 • Revegetation plantings for riparian area not provided. {15A NCAC 04B.01061 [Revegetation plan has been developed and included in the plan set ;see sheet 14). Vegetative plan has been established based on requirements and recommendations provided by Andrew W. Moore, P.G., Environmental Specialist — Asheville Regional Office, `Vater Quality Regional Operations Section, NCDEQ — Division of Water Resources] • There were no calculations for erosion control measures provided. {15A NCAC 04B.0108) [As indicated in "Erosion Control Note 2" on sheet 6 and as labeled on the plan sheets adequate capacity has been documented for each measure proposed based on the criteria within the NC DEQ "Erosion & Sediment Control Planning & Design Manual." Actual areas and capacities are listed for each measure proposed as labeled on the phased erosion control plan. See sheets 6, 7, and 8 of the plans.] • This plan does not address how adverse temperature fluctuations will be addressed. 115A NCAC 04B.0125) [As indicated in the "Protection of Stream Temperature" notes on the left hand side of sheet 6 USGS provides a list of construction activities which can affect temperature fluctuations for downstream waters. As indicated in these notes the only relevant activity for this project is the impervious area which will be constructed on this site. As stated none of this area discharges to the stream on site. All impervious areas will be routed to the storm system along US Highway 276 at the front of the site and will combine with other stormwater runoff from the highway and other areas upstream of the site. Given consideration of all possible factors no adverse effects on temperature change as a result of this development are anticipated and the proposed activities will comply with 15A NCAC 04B .0125 as stated on the plans.] Based on the above and the revised plans I certify that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief that the proposed activities will now comply with all regulations as outlined in your comments provided. Please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns. S* re y, J y M. Cargile, PE / LEED AP President I Principal Engineer 4Site, Incorporated Cc: Melissa Ballard, The Broadway Group CAROB :CL �90 L 036590 Q•• �i 1AA,GIN�• V �� ////11111 A xt wwwAsiteinc.biz i P' Commercial Real Estate Development The Broadway Group, LLC • 216 Westside Square • Huntsville, AL 35801 • Phone: 256.533.7287 • Fax: 256.533.7236 January 31, 2017 Mr. Stanley E. Aiken, P.E. (Ga.) Regional Engineer Land Quality Section Energy, Minerals, Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Asheville Regional Office 2090 US Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778-8211 RE: New Retail Store / Transylvania County, North Carolina Via Overnight Delivery and Electronic Mail Dear Mr. Aiken, L�C�L�QdL� D FEB 0 2 2017. DEQ -WATER RESOURCES The Broadway Group is resubmitting a request for a trout buffer waiver pursuant to Section 113A of the General Statutes and 15A North Carolina Administrative Code, 46.0104. Our engineers, Jerry Cargile and Brad Bailey of 4Site, Inc., have revised the plans for this project to address specific questions and concerns raised by the Division of Energy, Minerals and Land Resources. Those plans are being submitted to you under separate cover. In further support of the request for trout buffer waiver and the 401 Water Quality Certification, the Broadway Group offers the following narrative. In April of this year, this project will have been underway for 2 years. We were first made aware of the trout stream issue just over a year ago and have been pursuing variance information since that time. We worked with Andrea Leslie prior to Stan Aiken taking his current position. At first, we understood that we could disturb up to 210' of stream and that variances were issued fairly routinely if it could be shown the developer had made all reasonable efforts to minimize the disturbance. We changed our design multiple times in an effort to do just that. While trying to minimize impact, we made every attempt to negotiate the mountain to our east property line and made multiple attempts to locate a suitable area for septic. We determined there is no reasonable way to carve the mountain and be assured of the soil stability for a retaining wall without extensive, very costly testing and purchasing additional property. As for septic, this lot is over 2.5 acres and there is ONE space on the entire lot suitable. The septic can only go where it is currently located. We not only need to design around the stream, we have a 25' retaining wall on the opposite side of the property. We are using the smallest square footage retail store our tenant offers and have changed this design in excess of 15 times. Every effort possible has been made to minimize the impact to the stream. Each time we change the layout and think we have the issues resolved, we run into another topographical challenge. fsh'pengi 'Wai of Shopping Centers This site is steep and with only one artilPirlr#lbLL1 L;rc�'ti XSWcl parking to a point where we can reduce it no more. Special arrangergfo ""% PpjFt&gfteT9PMtiVe a smaller delivery vehicle so the par n area can be rlLc 'ce t �n ahsplute minimums h NCDOT is allowin access off the hi hway, roadway Group, CLQ 16� 1/estsicTe Square • Hunts!nile, 1 5801 Phone: 25 3 72 7 • Fax: 256.537236 but has required us to have 50 from our radius line to the first parking stal� for sa ety. The Army Corps of Engineers has issued our 404 Permit. The plans have been submitted for storm water management and erosion and sediment control review; however, the project cannot proceed unless and until the trout stream buffer variance is approved. As Exhibit "A", we are attaching a sampling of the various layouts we have attempted to use in our redesign efforts. Our property owner has been gracious enough to extend our contract in light of the excessive challenges and delays we have suffered over the past two years. He has now run out of patience and is demanding that The Broadway Group close on the purchase of this property on March 1, 2017. Being the developer, we can't purchase property without being assured permits are obtainable. At this point, I have less than 30 days for an approval or assurance permits can be issued before I am expected to purchase it. On November 7, 2016, we submitted all plans and required application paperwork to your office for review and comment. We received your comments and Letter of Disapproval on January 10, 2017, more than 60 days later. Since receiving the Letter of Disapproval, our engineers have attempted to contact you on multiple occasions, via telephone and email, to discuss the reasons for disapproval, but have not been able to communicate with you. We feel the prior review time was excessive. We no longer have the luxury of time for another extensive review period. We respectfully request this review be given priority and be completed within 10 business days of this request. Res Robert M. BroadwaI'l,lanager The Broadwav Group. LLC Cc: Tim Fox, Division of Water Resources Melissa Ballard, The Broadway Group Jerry Cargile, President/Principal Engineer, 4Site Inc. William Clark, Attorney, Roberts & Stevens, P.A. I n4$� dsM1Oppmg Centers •EXHIBIT "A" Original Layout from 2/3/2015 PRELIMINARY SITE LAYOUT BREVARD, NC PROTOTYPE, A DEVELOPER DESIGNER DATE: BLDG/SALES S/F: 9,026/7,195 COMPANY: THE BROADWAY GROUP COMPANY: THE BROADWAY GROUP 2/03/2015 ACREAGE, 1.6 NAME. BOB BROADWAY NAME: BERNADETTE BERENS PARKING: 30 PHONE M (256) 533-7287 PHONE 1h (256) 533-7287 18'x18' CONCRETE DUMPSTER PAD 18'x28.5' CONCRETE DELIVERY AREA xin PLAN A GROSS 9.025 SF SALES 7.195" SF (— SOLLARI I WITH ACCESS BLE , 11 SIGN I P / C4 CV REO'D HEAVY DUTY PAVEMENT IN TRUCK (� AREAS $ 81 253,+ PYLON SIGN L1�A� DIMENSIONS SHOWN ALONG PROPERTY, RIGHT -DF -WAY /y f AND/DR LEASE LIDS ARE PRELIMINARY AND SHOWN FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY N Scale 1:60, Layout dated 2/8/2015 PRELIMINARY SITE LAYOUT BREVARD, NC PROTOTYPE, B I DEVELOPER DESIGNER DATE, BLDG/SALES S/F, 9,026/7,195 COMPANY, THE BROADWAY GROUP COMPANY, THE BROADWAY GROUP 2/18/2015 ACREAGE, 2.4 NAME, BOB BROADWAY NAME, BERNADETTE BERENS PARKING, 30 PHONE p, (256) 533-7287 PHONE M, (256) 533-7287 4 N 171 :t O CV tl) tj Sca(e 1:100 r4� at4::&, ftiaw DIMENSIONS SHOWN ALONG PROPERTY, RIGHT-OF-WAY AND/OR LEASE LINES ARE PRELIMINARY AND SHOWN FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY cow"wdd W"Nwhomw uirrKr..t-tra - mum f6w. 269=7m - to lse aii m� Layout from 12/9/2015 WE ATTEMPTED �yg ff C) a I TO PURCHASE PROPERTY FROM ; tj NEIGHBOR ! g �� r( •' TO ENTIRELY! ELIMINATE J A ' � f(; ( { f DISTURBING; THE STREAM. ( N Nf1 {! � '�� I ' ti•di Q t/I j ! z J I � ; ? r t t �♦ a I- \ l 1 ♦ � D44, \ 1 �Ie ' .... 1'Q4� i ♦ � �� � `t 4 Sk 3 X C dor � �Y I. I \ i \ � E ��'� � Siett of Quality -- COVSTRUCTORS. IKC +ngeir DO � r /= r n tttl r ` J v fil I � w _.-_.. f }•"s-9--.. fie.. y� .1. __ _ ab - C5.0 Layout dated 7/13/2016 \ Ct / m TOP - 2764.54 TOP - 2743.81 BOTTOM - 2743,34 BOTTOM - 2742,68 HEIGHT - 22,2' HEIGHT - 1,13' 8 ! TOP - 2764.73 BOTTO - 42,7 BOTTOM - 2742,76 M - 27 . HEIG - 2 FOUGHT - 21.97' .-)HT - 16,75' m �! i6.0 i5.0 At m'p i> a J �c UP Lp TP uv � ! ou N ! o� ✓1 cts // // UP Layout dated 7/22/2016 ' i _ `5l F. Layout dated 8/4/2016 PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN I BREVARD, NC PROTOTYPE: F DEVELOPER DESIGNER DATE BLDG/SALES S.F.: 9,002\7,385 COMPANY: THE BROADWAY GROUP COMPANY: THE BROADWAY GROUP 8\4\2016 ACREAGE: 2.25 NAME: BOB BROADWAY NAME: MELISSA BALLARD PARKING SPACES: 27 PHONE: (256) 533-7287 PHONE: (256) 533-7287 2z 00 GD fir f4 l 1�.01 \�� �R S N F 00? \. A v / _ till F , 3e� Is,``vptil i to M � m E NOWT DIMENSIONS SHOWN ALONG PROPERTY, RIGHT—OF—WAY AND/OR LEASE LINES ARE PRELIMINARY AND SHOWN FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY If , - � +� SOALE" 50 = > 1 : The ; Group Py 50 0' 50 100, CommmMUNEstemilwdmmme 1 = 2111 N011111111111111I -1 — IR 35111 ftwIMI su-rM-Fft1=1 UMM 4D q 9 1 OZ/o 1 /0 1 p3jtlp InOAU-1 LAYOUT CONSTRUCnON PLANS FOR ITE 6 (A) PROPOSED RETAIL STORE PREPARED FOR THE BROADWAY GROUP. LLC U5 HIGHWAY 276- BREVARD. NC OUJN S ROCKTOWNSHIP TRANSYLVANACOUNTY 9 1 OZ/o 1 /0 1 p3jtlp InOAU-1 STREAM PROTECTION NOTES: o 1. ALL WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM WATERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT THE FLOWING I STREAM DOES NOT COME IN CONTACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA. LE. "IN THE DRY". (PER WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION NO. 3890. CONDITION N6) n- I (SEE "PHASING PLAN" ON SHEET 5 FOR I ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) I o .., 2. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT W K j Ira>=� INVOLVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM ® .,w ...., MAY TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT a Z W w n SPAWNING SEASON (JAN. 1 - APRIL 15). I 0 ...�. ..,,....ti.. O „_... 3. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS 6 SHEET roe 3 4 REGARDING PHASING OF THE WORK I N '° LI �, ) J SPECIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING OARo ��•�i Off: Wb'• STREAM / ) / 153, F Iryr,1E .rE 111— lT— `tel NEW �La. T I- GS. b eEvo 0 owll �SJ�d SREAREADETAE.S lull—WORCOUANMES AERREymmq .'. LEGEND s s ..�,�..,�..�.u,....".... o a Z o .., W K j Ira>=� ® .,w ...., a Z W w n OOaHN 0 ...�. ..,,....ti.. O „_... >~ �-oo au �Owz� O g 4z Zaao U Ein z OARo ��•�i Off: Wb'• z 3