HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0013181_Monitoring - 11-2016_20170106Please Print Clearly or :Facility Narn'ar _` 'Permit Name (if I Fat,agity Address: - -aaul--- ( '-County 21:tO) Corrlact Person.. -_ Telephone 4, WL511 Locationl Site Name, No. of Wells to be. Sampled:_-- ;e1i 1c entificafilnnjqumberl (from For Groun0woter Treatment Systems Well . Depth: OL, -ft. well Diameter Check One '13 Influent (98) Screened , Interval; "'Effluent (99-) Depth to Water Level-' ft. below measuring point. - _0 Measuring Point (M.P.) is -3— _' it. above land surfate. Relatlye M.P.Elevation in It., - . 1 1. - 17 4-1 G,allong of Water pumped/ atjed, before sarnplin --o� - Oetq sample c0lject,&/r4&SW'5 --sper-ific Ccmduc L�MhQS Temp. /4_�-C . Odor 4qdlzxz_ Appearance DEPARTNJENT QP ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RE90URC-ES WATER QUALITY DIVISION, GROUNDWATER SECTION lr-,36 MAIL.SERVICE .CENTER - -- q 6. UQTF- Val.ue$should reflect dissai'ved and. colla one ��dgl c-� centrations: Date sarnpla analyzed.: 11Z 71,1 a / L Laboratory Name:, Certification No. PARAMELJTVI(Samples for metals were collected unfiltered _ YES ' _KQ and field acidified c). / 7 M 9A 'GOD rngil /I 00ml I Nitrite (NO2)as, N Nitrate rate(NO3) as, N �4- M g/1 - ­ Coliform' MF F Coliform: MFT01al _,..11 00ml Phosphorus:- Total as P-_ - - 6,S3 mg/1 (Note., Use KIP 14 rneth9d for jilghly, tu%bicittmpit Orthophosphatia MQ/1 rng Dissolved Solids: Total m g/l Al -Aluminum (Spec,fy, test and method C Attach 16b report.) mg/1/l pH (when arialyzed) 5 unit's Ba -.13rarium- method 0 mg/l TOC Z mg/l Ca - Calcium MIg/} 'Chloride MCl/I Cd - Cadmi Chromium, Total A I a rng/l ArseniCmg/l, Grease anti Oils mg/{Cu - Copper Mg/l Phenol Sulfate mg/I' M, mg/l Fe r Iron Ng - Mercury Specific Conductance _uMhos K- Potassium- - Mg/l Mg/j Total AmmonirCl mg/I Mg - Magnesium 'Mn in TKN as N mg/1 - Manganese 1911 YES N, 0). Ni - Nickel- - mg) it P I b - Lead Mg/l Zn - Zinc mgll Ammonia Nitrogen �' . �. _ Mg/l Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) 013G. NICS.- (&C,,, C/M8.HPLO) (Spec,fy, test and method C Attach 16b report.) Report Attached? Yes. (1) NO —M VOC method ff method 0 method #= GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACILITY INFORMAfi ION • , Please Print FacilityName: 'Permit Name (if different F fitly Address: -� t0'7J 664rn Contact Person: Well Location/ Site Name: or Type County r�'.c� r•� Telephone fl:9�a No. of Wells to be Sampled: Well Identification Number from Permit): FX 2-- For Groundwater Treatment Systems Welf Depth: It. Well Dlameter: in, CheckOne:0 Influent (98) Screened Interval: ff. to it. []" Effluent (99) Depth to Water Level: (o tt. below measuring point. Measuring Poiret (M.P.) is: -3Z- It. above land surface. n Relative M.P. Elevation in it.: Gallons of water4pumpedlballed before sampling:_ Date sample cplfected:% % O Field analysis,,,.' `::; `' Specific Conductance uMhos 7el Odor-� Appearance Al— - DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES WATER QUALITY DIVISION, GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER _ ,..,..• PERMIT it: W&____()01 31 !Kj EXPIRATION DATE:._ Non -Discharge UiC NPDES TYPE OF agBMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Lagoon Remediation: Infiltration Gallery Spray Field Remediation: Rotary Distributor ._ . n._ Land Application: of Sludge other: _ Dl d I �'�'/ CSC I n a NOTE: values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. Date sample analy22d: 20I Laboratory Name: Certification No. _�— PARAMETEB:9 (Samples for metals were collected untiltered YES NO and field acidified COD mg/I /i OOml Nitrite(NO2) as N. Nitrate (W03) as N Z6 .o mg/i Coliform: MF Fecal 46-d Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P • G mg/1 Use MPN method for' highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Total q_ mg/i Orthophosphate Al - Aluminum mg/1 pH (when analyzed) S. �� units Ba --Barium g/I mn-ig/t TOCmg/I Ca - Calcium mg(I Chloride Arsenic mg/f mg/I Cd - Cadmium Chromium: Total mg/I Grease and Oils mg/l Cu -Copper mg/I 111M.1 a :�n�9 mg/1 Phenol Sulfate mg/I mg/l Fe - iron, Hg - Mercury _ `"• mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos K - Potassium mg/1' mg/1 Total Ammonia mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/l TKN as N mg/I Mn - Manganese YES NO) Ni -. Nickel mg/l . Pb - Lea mg/i mg/I Zn - Zinc Ammonia Nitrogen ' A `Lmg/I .Other (Specify compounds and Concentration Units) .ORGANICS: (GC,GC/MS,HPLC) (Specify test and method #. Attach tab report-) Report Attached? Yes (1) No (0) VOC method # = method # = : method H= Rev. 03/2000 ' il" 1 2 1017 • • Information Processing Unit DWR Section GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONiTORING COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM - - Ar`11 ITV INFOPMATIDN Please Facility Name; j"' "-;p - "Permit Name (if diiferent), _ Fpflfity Address: ✓`' +te"e" i -_ - - (City � Sloss) Contact Person: ^ Well Location/ Site Narne:_ov 3 - Type County . t -El ef/ __- Telephone #: f% �2'��1' No. of Welts to be Sampled e T Well identification umber (from Permit): 3 For Groundwater Treatment Systems Well Depth: ARW J6e %2 ft. Well Diameter,_ in, ChecROne: ❑ Influent (98) Screened Interval: ff: to ft. 11 Effluent (99) Depth to Water Level:` -'=--ft. below measuring point. Measuring Point (MR.) is: E1 1-_ 4t. above land surface. Relative M.P. 1 levalion in ft.: Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling: _ - Date sample collected.1 Field analysis .° pH ;-Specific Conductance uMhos Temp„ --C. Odor Appearance _ ri'e�r DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT 8, HATURAL RESOURCES WATER QUALITY DIVISION, GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER PERMIT #: Wa- 00/ 312 1 EXPIRATION BATE. Non -Discharge -- __. UIC NPDES TYPE OF, PERMITTED OPERATION BEiNG MONITORED Lagoon - - Remediation: Infiltration Gallery Spray Field _ . Remediation: Rotary Distributor _Land Application of Sludge �blhef: _Jt.L%�_ rsa awP _ NOTE: Values should reflect disalved and Colloidal concentrations. LLaboDate sample analyzed: I 7 A d IL- Laboratory ratory Name: Gertification No. _ PABAMETERS (Samples for metals Were collected unfiltered YES -NO and field acidified COD mg/I 1100mi Nitrite (NO2) as N - Nitrate (NOS) as N__C3,ct - _ mg/1 mg/! Coliform: MF Fecal Coliform: MF Total __ /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/1 (Mote: Use MPH method for highly turbid samp)es) Dissolved Soiids: Total 77 trig/I Orthophosphate - - Al - Aluminum - mg/1 mg/l _ = _ pH (when analyzed) — - y_ units Ba -Barium _ mg/1 m9/1. TOCe mg/i Ca - Calcium - _ mg/1. ChloridI- � _ mg/I mg/I Cd - Cadmium - Chromium: Total' " mg/1 Arsenic _ Grease and Oils - - mg/I Cu - Copper _- r Mg/1 mg/1 Phenol mg/I Fe - iron _ mg/1 _ - Sulfate Specific Conductance - mg/I uMhos Hg - Mercury-- K - Potassium rng/1 __ Total Ammonia ---- mg_/I Mg -Magnesium mg/1 mg/l TKN as N mg/I Mn - Manganese YES NO) Ni - Nickel- _ mg/I Pb - Lea mg/l Zn - Zinc _ - mg/I Ammonia Nitrogen ` = mcg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) ORGANICS: (GC,GCJMS,HPLC) (Specify test and method #. Attach lab report.) Report Attached? Yes- -- -(1) No _ (0) VOC . method tt =ry method # = method It= Permittee (or Aolhonzea Agent) rva+ne n,+v +i.o— "e- GW -5$ Signature of Permillee (or Authorized Agent) - - (Date) Rev. 03/2000