HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0005177_Mod to Renewal_20150601 Y FMC FMC corporation Lit Lithium Division Highway 161,PO Box 795 Bessemer City,NC 28016 704.868.5300 phone www.fmclithium.com May 15, 2015 North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1617 Attn: Ron Berry RECEIVED/DENR/DWR Subject: JUN 0 l 2015 Modifications to NPDES permit renewal Water Quality Addition of outfall 002, Toe Drain Permitting Sector Mr. Berry, On 3/24/15 Wes Bell of the NCDENR, Mooresville Regional Office, Water Quality Section visited the site to perform a compliance evaluation inspection. While conducting his inspection he identified an outfall originating from the Effluent Treatment Pond Dam. The subject outfall originates from the graded filter drain of the subject earthen dam. Filter drains are commonly incorporated and required in the construction to maintain integrity of earthen dams by controlling seepage moving through the dam. Once identified FMC was requested to monitor the subject outfall and report these results on DMR form (identified as outfall 002)and forward with the other sites monthly NPDES DMRs. Requested monitoring of the subject outfall identified as 002, Continuing thru July 2015 includes, twice monthly: • Flow • BOD • TSS • Total Chloride • TKN • Nitrate and Nitride • Total Phosphorus • pH • DO • Conductivity In addition to the requested monitoring please find included an addendum to the sites NPDES permit renewal. The addendum includes pages 1-4 of section 2C of the permit application, and revised PFD, + MC FMC Lit 1_24i Corporation Uthium Division Highway 161,PO Box 795 Bessemer City,NC 28016 704.868.5300 phone www.fmclithium.com If you have any questions, please contact at 704-868-7630 Sincerely, FMC Corporation — Lithium Division Rodney Willis Environmental Engineer FMC Corporation RECEIVEp �NR/pWR Lithium Division JUN 0 12015 EnclosuresWater Quali Pty ermitting Section CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 'FMC EPA I.D.NUMBER(copyfrom Item I of Form I) Form Approved. Please print or type In the unshaded areas only. NCD000771964 AMB No. 086. Approval exxpirespires3-31-98. FORM U.S.U.S.ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ZC rik -TEPA CATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER EXISTING MANUFACTURING,COMMERCIAL,MINING AND SILVICULTURE OPERATIONS NPDES Consolidated Permits Program I.OUTFALL LOCATIONIIIPIPOMIMIIIIMIIIOOIIIIIMIIIMPMIOIIMMIIMIP"- For each outfall,list the latitude and lois, its location to the nearest 1:, .id the name of the receiving water. A.OUTFALL NUMBER B.LATITUDE C.LONGITUDE (liar) 1.DEG. 2.MIN. 3.SEC. 1.DEG. 2.MIN. 3.SEC. D.RECEIVING WATER(mime) 001 35.00 15.00 43.00 81.00 17.00 54.00 First Creek 004 35.00 15.00 43.00 81.00 17.00 54.00 First Creek 002 35.00 15.00 43.00 81.00 17.00 54.00 UT of First Creek II.FLOWS,SOURCES OF POLLUTION,AND TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES z- —_ _0m... __ _ _ A. Attach a line drawing showing the water flow through the facility.Indicate sources of intake water,operations contributing wastewater to the effluent,and treatment units labeled to correspond to the more detailed descriptions in Item B.Construct a water balance on the line drawing by showing average flows between intakes,operations, treatment units,and outfalls.If a water balance cannot be determined(e.g.,for certain mining activities),provide a pictorial description of the nature and amount of any sources of water and any collection or treatment measures. B. For each outfall,provide a description of (1)All operations contributing wastewater to the effluent,including process wastewater,sanitary wastewater,cooling water, and storm water runoff; (2)The average flow contributed by each operation;and (3)The treatment received by the wastewater.Continue on additional sheets If necessary. 1 OUT. 2.OPERATION(S)CONTRIBUTING FLOW 3.TREATMENT FALL b.AVERAGE FLOW b.LIST CODES FROM NO.(list) a.OPERATION(list) (Include units) a.DESCRIPTION TABLE 2C-1 1) Misc. salts and Cat. Phosphate None 001 -5,000 gals/mth X X 2) LiOCL Air Scrubber Waste Water -100 gpm H202 Addition and Equalization 2 L 3) Boiler Slowdown None -15 gpm X X 41LiC1 RO permeate and condeeate Reverse Osmosis -9,550 OPD 1 S 5) left blank 6) Compressor Condensate None <1 gpm X X 7) Li Hydroxide RO Reverse Osmosis L 8 -5,000 gals/mth 5) Battery Metal Cooling Tower None <10 gpm X X 9) Combined Plant Waste Water 130 gpm pH adjustment 2 K 10) Li Hydroxide Cooling Twr. 35 9P15 None X X 11) R&D Pond stornwater management10 Spm Setteling X X Bff Treat Pond Toe Drain -3 Wm No Treatment 4 A 002 OFFICIAL USE ONLY(effluent guidelines sub-categories) EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE 1 of 4 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT C.Except for storm runoff,leaks,or spills,are any of the discharges described in Items II-A or B intermittent or seasonal? m YES(complete the following table) ❑NO(go to Section III) 3.FREQUENCY 4.FLOW a.DAYS PER B.TOTAL VOLUME 2.OPERATION(s) WEEK b.MONTHS a.FLOW RATE(M mgd) (spec wlth anus) 1.OUTFALL CONTRIBUTING FLOW (speck PER YEAR 1.LONG TERM 2.MAXIMUM 1.LONG TERM 2.MAXIMUM C.DURATION NUMBER(list) (ret) average) (speciyaverage) AVERAGE DAILY AVERAGE DAILY (ink) 001 1) Misc. Salts and Cat. Phosphate --- 6 --- 0.005 --- 5,000 gal --- 11) R&D Pond stormwater management 7 6 --- 0.015 --- 0.010 MG 180 002 Earthen Dam Filter Drain i.e. Toe 7 12 --- 150 --- 144,000 365 Drain and Stormwater gal III.PRODUCTION A.Does an effluent guideline limitation promulgated by EPA under Section 304 of the Clean Water Act apply to your facility? ❑YES(complete Item III-B) ®NO(go to Section IV) B.Are the limitations in the applicable effluent guideline expressed in terms of production(or other measure of operation)? 0 YES(complete Item 111-C) ❑NO(go to Section IV) C.If you answered"yes"to Item III-B,list the quantity which represents an actual measurement of your level of production,expressed in the terms and units used in the applicable effluent guideline,and indicate the affected outfalls. 1.AVERAGE DAILY PRODUCTION 2.AFFECTED OUTFALLS a.QUANTITY PER DAY b.UNITS OF MEASURE c.OPERATION,PRODUCT,MATERIAL,ETC. (list outfall numbers) (specify) IV.IMPROVEMENTS r ' A. Are you now required by any Feuerai, State or luoat auakuray to meet sutreuuie for the ouu0 u. on, upy..,�nity or uperauons or wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs which may affect the discharges described in this application?This includes,but is not limited to, permit conditions,administrative or enforcement orders,enforcement compliance schedule letters,stipulations,court orders,and grant or loan conditions. YES(complete the following table) 0 NO(go to Item 1V-B) 1.IDENTIFICATION OF CONDITION, 2.AFFECTED OUTFALLS 3.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT 4.FINAL COMPLIANCE DATE AGREEMENT,ETC. a a NO. b.SOURCE OF DISCHARGE a.REQUIRED b.PROJECTED Per direction of NCDENR 002 Toe Drain Twice per month, April through July 2015 o Flow o BOD o TSS o Total Chloride o TKN o Nitrate and Nitrite o Total Phosphorus o Conductivity o pH o DO See attached April DMR for completed analytical results. B. OPTIONAL: You may attach additional sheets describing any additional water pollution control programs (or other environmental projects which may affect your discharges)you now have underway or which you plan.Indicate whether each program is now underway or planned,and indicate your actual or planned schedules for construction. 0 MARK"X"IF DESCRIPTION OF ADDITIONAL CONTROL PROGRAMS IS ATTACHED EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE 2 of 4 CONTINUE ON PAGE 3 • EPA I.D.NUMBER(copy from item I of Form 1) CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 NC000771964 V.INTAKE AND EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS A,B,&C: See instructions before proceeding—Corn. :ne outfall number in the space provided. NOTE:Tables V-A,V-B,and V-C are incluc.... _.:,.orate snouts n,, ,n V-9. D. Use the space below to list any of the pollutants listed in Table 2c-3 of the instructions,which you know or have reason to believe is discharged or may be discharged from any outfall.For every pollutant you list,briefly describe the reasons you believe it to be present and report any analytical data in your possession. 1.POLLUTANT 2.SOURCE 1.POLLUTANT 2.SOURCE VI.POTENTIAL DISCHARGES NOT COVERED BY ANALYSIS Is any pollutant listed in Item V-C a substance or a component of a substance which you currently use or manufacture as an intermediate or final product or byproduct? ®YES(list all such pollutants below) LI NO(go to item VI-B) EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE 3 of 4 CONTINUE ON REVERSE ti , CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT VII.BIOLOGICAL TOXICITY TESTING DATA ...N. - • 41 _ . Do you have any knowledge or reason to believe that any biological test for acute or chronic toxicity has been made on any of your discharges or on a receiving water in relation to your discharge within the last 3 years? mYES(ident fy the test(s)and describe their purposes below) ❑NO(go to Section VI!!) Chronic Toxicity, Presently required by our NPDES discharge Permit of outfall 001. VIII.CONTRACT ANALYSIS INFORMATION Were any of the analyses reported in Item V performed by a contract laboratory or consulting firm? ®YES(list the name,address,and telephone number of,and pollutants analyzed by, ❑NO(go to Section IX) each such laboratory or firm below) A.NAME B.ADDRESS C.TELEPHONE D.POLLUTANTS ANALYZED (area code&no.) (list) Pace Analytical Services 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 704-875-9092 See page 4 of Pace Hunteraville, NC 28078 Analytical report Pace Analytical Services 2225 Riverside Dr. See page 4 of Pace Asheville, NC 828-254-7176 Analytical report Pace Analytical Services 1638 Roseytown Rd. Suites 2,364 724-850-5600 See page 4 of Pace Greensburg, PA 15601 Analytical report Pace Analytical Services 8 East Tower Circle, 386-672-5668 See page 4 of Pace Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Analytical report Pace Analytical Services 205 East Meadow Road Suite A 336-623-8921 See page 4 of Pace Eden, NC 27288 Analytical report Statesville Analytical PO Box 228 704-872-4697 See page 4 of Pace Statesville, NC 28687 Analytical report IX.CERTIFICATION t' — -- - - --- _ -- ------ f certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete.tam aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. A.NAME&OFFICIAL TITLE(type or print) B.PHONE NO.(area code&no.) Bruce Urban (704) 868-7650 C.SIGNATURE D.DATE SIGNED !4 AiZO(6 EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE 4 of 4 l y • EFFLUENT 1 of 2 NPDES PERMIT NO NC 0005177 DISCHARGE NO. 001 MONTH April YEAR 2015 FACILITY NAME FMC CORPORATION/LITHIUM DIVISION CLASS II COUNTY GASTON 1 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1) FMC Corp. Lithium Div. CERTIFICATION NO. 5023 (list additional laboratories on the backside/page 2 of this form) OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) Rodney S.Willis GRADE II CERTIFICATION NO. PC 28624 PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES Rodney Willis ORC PHONE 704-868-7630 CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED F-1 NO FLOW/DISCHARGE FROM SITE' n Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: . a ki j... ..... : ATTN:CENTRAL FILES j �(/1\� DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER (SIGNATURE OF OPERATOR INRESPOSIBLE CHARGE) RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 BY SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF KNOWLEDGE ,_ 50050 00100 (10300 0009.1 00530 ('0310 C0000 00910 (:0605 '1'111'311 TGP311 w Enter Parameter Code m a O �i FLOW Above Name and Units Z 2 U " w F El'I'' Q Below a, F. . >' >' c>r E- rid LO o' + -d p- CO ca Q 0 �cLi 07 o INF ❑ > p zO o o to CO co CO 0 ¢ w ,pd - i4 >- = 0 ) I- m � ? - a o 0 a E- O o Q �- n Q Fo 0 m m m O o U Z HRS HRS Y/B/N MGD units mg/I umho mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I ChV% P or F 1 7:30 8.0 Y 0.298 7.9 11.3 1413 <2.8 <2.0 <0.52 180 <0.050 2 7:30 8.0 Y 0.148 3 --- 0.0 H 0.147 4 --- 0.0 N 0.147 5 --- 0.0"" .N 0.145 6 6:30 8.0 B 0.145 7 7:30 8.0 Y 0.147 8 7:30 8.0 Y 0.148 7.9 8.6 9 7:30 8.0 Y 0.151 10 7:30 8.0 Y 0.143 11 --- 0.0 N 0.144 12 --- 0.0 N 0.144 13 7:30 8.0 Y 0.144 14 7:30 8.0 Y 0.148 15 7:30 8.0 Y 0.148 8.0 8.5 <2.7 >100 16 7:30 8.0 Y 0.147 17 7:30 8.0 Y 0.147 18 --- 0.0 N 0.144 19 --- 0.0 N 0.143 20 7:30 8.0 Y 0.141 21 7:30 8.0 Y 0.154 22 7:30 8.0 Y 0.157 7.8 8.4 23 7:30 8.0 Y 0.143 24 7:30 8.0 Y 0.143 25 --- 0.0 N 0.147 26 --- 0.0 N 0.148 27, 7:30 8.0 Y 0.154 28 7:30 8.0 Y 0.148 29 7:30 8.0 Y 0.145 7.8 8.9 30 7:30 8.0 Y 0.145 31 AVERAGE 0.152_ 9.2 1413 0.0 0.0 0.00 180 0.000 >100 MAXIMUM 0.298 8.0 11.3 1413 <2.8 <2.0 <0.52 180 <0.050 >100 MINIMUM 0.141 7.8 8.4 1413 <2.7 <2.0 <0.52 180 <0.050 >100 Comp.(C)Grab(G) Cont. G G G G GGG G G Monthly Limit 0.615 s-s >5.0 NA 30.0 30.0 NA NA NA 78% DEM Form MR-1 (01/00) Facility Status: (Please check one of the following) All monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet permit requirements (including weekly averages,if applicable) 1>< Compliant All monitoring data and sampling frequencies do NOT meet permit requirements Noncompliant The permittee shall report to the Director or the appropriate Regional Office any noncompliance that potentially threatens public health or the environment. Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from the time the permittee became aware If the facility is noncompliant,please attach a list of corrective actions being taken and a time-table for improvements to be made as required by Part II.E.6 of the NPDES permit. "I certify,under penalty of law,that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based Bruce Urban Permittee (Please print or type) �q d47,zo Signature of Permittee*** Date (Required unless submitted electronically) Box 795 Bessemer City,NC 28016 704-868-7650 bruce.urban(c fmc.com 8/31/2015 Permittee Address Phone Number e-mail address Permit Expiration Date ADDITIONAL CERTIFIED LABORATORIES Certified Laboratory(2) Pace Ashville Certification No. 40 Certified Laboratory(3) Research and Analytical Certification No. 14 Certified Laboratory(4) Certification No. Certified Laboratory(5) Certification No. PARAMETER CODES Parameter Code assistance may be obtained by calling the NPDES Unit at(919)733-5083 or by visiting the Surface Water Protection Section's web site at h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wqs and linking to the unit's information pages. Use only units of measurement designated in the reporting facility's NPDES permit for reporting data. * No Flow/Discharge From Site: Check this box if no discharge occurs and,as a result,there are no data to be entered for all of the parameters on the DMR for the entire monitoring period. ** ORC On Site?: ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8G.0204. ***Signature of Permittee: If signed by other than the permittee,then the delegation of the signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 2B .0506(b)(2)(D). EFFLUENT 2 OF 2 NPDES PERMIT NO NC 0005177 DISCHARGE NO 004 MONTH April YEAR 2015 FACILITY NAME FMC CORPORATION/LITHIUM DIVISION CLASS II COUNTY GASTON CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1) FMC Corp. Lithium Div. CERTIFICATION NO. 5023 (list additional laboratories on the backside/page 2 of this form) OPERATOR IN RESPOSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) Rodney S.Willis GRADE II CERTIFICATION NO. PC 28624 PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES Rodney Willis ORC PHONE 704-868-7630 CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED ( NO FLOW/DISCHARGE FROM SITE* n Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: VJA 19 ;- ATTN:CENTRAL FILES (SIGNATURE OF OPERATOR INRESPOSIBLE CHARGE) DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER BY SIGNATURE,1 CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS RALEIGH,NC 27699-1617 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF KNOWLEDGE 50050 00,100 00095 00530 00910 Uw * FLOW Enter Parameter Code E2 0 sj Above Name and Units EFF Q Below LIJo (7, p Q 0 . z 0 INN' ❑ '5 0 x w E. 0 W = 3 U) c (n U a E- O 0 0 HRS HRS Y/B/N MGD units umho mg/I mg/I 1 7:30 8.0 Y 0.271 7.6 934 <2.5 32.3 2 7:30 8.0 Y 3 --- 0.0 H 4 --- 0.0 N 5 --- 0.0 N 6 6:30 8.0 B 7 7:30 8.0 Y 8 7:30 8.0 Y 9 7:30 8.0 Y 10 7:30 8.0 Y 11 --- 0.0 N 12 --- 0.0 N 13 7:30 8.0 Y 14 7:30 8.0 Y 15 7:30 8.0 Y 16 7:30 8.0 Y 17 7:30 ''8.0 18 --- 0.0 N 19 -- 0.0 N 20 7:30 8.0 Y 21 7:30 8.0' "Y 22 7:30 8.0 Y 23 7:30 8.0 Y 24 7:30 8.0 Y 25 --;•,r 0.0 N 26 --- 0.0 N 27 7:30 8.0 Y 28 7:30 8.0 Y 29 7:30 8.0 Y 30 7:30 8.0 Y 31 AVERAGE 0.271 _ 934 0.0 32.3 MAXIMUM 0.271 7.6 934 <2.5 32.3 MINIMUM 0.271 7.6 934 <2.5 32.3 Comp.(C)Grab(G) G G G G Monthly Limit NA NA NA NA DEM Form MR-1 (01/00) Facility Status: (Please check one of the following) All monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet permit requirements (including weekly averages,if applicable) Compliant All monitoring data and sampling frequencies do NOT meet permit requirements Noncompliant The permittee shall report to the Director or the appropriate Regional Office any noncompliance that potentially threatens public health or the environment. Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from the time the permittee became aware If the facility is noncompliant,please attach a list of corrective actions being taken and a time-table for improvements to be made as required by Part II.E.6 of the NPDES permit. "I certify,under penalty of law,that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based Bruce Urban Permittee (Please print or type) t6/// L"— ( Signature of Permittee*** Date (Required unless submitted electronically) Box 795 Bessemer City,NC 28016 704-868-7650 bruce.urban(c�fmc.com 8/31/2015 Permittee Address Phone Number e-mail address Permit Expiration Date ADDITIONAL CERTIFIED LABORATORIES Certified Laboratory(2) Pace Ashville Certification No. 40 Certified Laboratory(3) Research and Analytical Certification No. 14 Certified Laboratory(4) Certification No. Certified Laboratory(5) Certification No. PARAMETER CODES Parameter Code assistance may be obtained by calling the NPDES Unit at(919)733-5083 or by visiting the Surface Water Protection Section's web site at h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wqs and linking to the unit's information pages. Use only units of measurement designated in the reporting facility's NPDES permit for reporting data. * No Flow/Discharge From Site: Check this box if no discharge occurs and,as a result,there are no data to be entered for all of the parameters on the DMR for the entire monitoring period. ** ORC On Site?: ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per ISA NCAC 8G.0204. ***Signature of Permittee: If signed by other than the permittee,then the delegation of the signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 2B .0506(b)(2)(D). • EFFLUENT 1 OF 2 NPDES PERMIT NO NC 0005177 DISCHARGE NO. 002 MONTH April YEAR 2015 FACILITY NAME FMC CORPORATION/LITHIUM DIVISION CLASS II COUNTY GASTON CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1) FMC Corp.Lithium Div. CERTIFICATION NO. 5023 (list additional laboratories on the backside/page 2 of this form) OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) Rodney S.Willie GRADE II CERTIFICATION NO. PC 28624 PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES Rodney Willi:a ORC PHONE 704-868-7630 CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED n NO FLOW/DISCHARGE FROM SITE* n Mail :ORIGINAL Land ONE COPY to: 11/41X-..a ATTN CENTRAL FILESittbi DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER (SIGNATURE OF OPERATOR INRESPOSIBLE CHARGE) RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 BY SIGNATURE,1 CERTIFYTHAT'l'HIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE'1'OTHE BEST OF KNOWLEDGE 50050 00100 00:300 00091 00530 C0310 (0600 00940 00665 j - * Enter Parameter Code pd �j FLOW Above Name and Units z v F W El'! Q Below ac O r aoo Fv' z INF El U) p °_ M o • Fes ,o > z 0 o o t w v >- = 0 07 m + - tL n. 0.°. 73 o N U @ o O O 0 < a OZ o U I- HRS HRS we/N GPM units mg/I umho mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I 1 7:30 8.0 Y 2.6 6.7 8.9 740 5.3 <2.0 1.3 36.2 <0.050 2 7:30 8.0 Y 3 --- 0.0 H 4 --- 0.0 N Sampling of Effluent Pond Toe Drainage. 5 --- 0.0 N 6 6:30 8.0 B This discharge requested by Wes Bell and 7 7:30 8.0 Y Ron Berry of NCDENR Water Quality. 8 7:30 8.0 Y 9 7:30 8.0 Y 10 7:30 8.0 Y 11 --- 0.0 N 12 --- 0.0 N • 13 7:30 8.0 Y 14 7:30 8.0 Y 15 7:30 8.0 Y 50.0 6.9 7.4 376 8.4 3.0 0.64 15.3 0.069 16 7:30 8.0 Y 17 7:30 8.0 Y 4/15/15 sample and flow collected 18 --- 0.0 N during rain event. 19 --- 0.0 N 20 7:30 8.0 Y 21 7:30 8.0 Y 22 7:30 8.0 Y 23 7:30 8.0 Y 24 7:30 8.0 Y 25 --- 0.0 N 26 --- 0.0 N 27 7:30 8.0 Y 28 7:30 8.0 Y 29 7:30 8.0 Y 30 7:30 8.0 Y 31 AVERAGE 26.3- 8.1 558 6.9 1.5 1.0 25.8 0.035 MAXIMUM 50.0 6.9 8.9 740 8.4 3.0 1.3 36.2 0.069 MINIMUM 2.6 6.7 7.4 376 5.3 <2.0 0.64 15.3 <0.050 Comp.(C)Grab(G) G G G G G G G G Monthly Limit NA 6-9 5 NA NA NA NA NA NA DEM Form MR-1 (01/00) Facility Status: (Please check one of the following) t . All monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet permit requirements *. (including weekly averages,if applicable) Compliant All monitoring data and sampling frequencies do NOT meet permit requirements Noncompliant The permittee shall report to the Director or the appropriate Regional Office any noncompliance that potentially threatens public health or the environment. Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from the time the permittee became aware If the facility is noncompliant,please attach a list of corrective actions being taken and a time-table for improvements to be made as required by Part II.E.6 of the NPDES permit. "I certify,under penalty of law,that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based Bruce Urban Permittee (Please print or type) 644311710' ,'? 20r.C. Signature of Permittee*** Date (Required unless submitted electronically) Box 795 Bessemer City,NC 28016 704-868-7650 bruce.urbanAfmc.com, 8/31/2015 Permittee Address Phone Number e-mail address Permit Expiration Date ADDITIONAL CERTIFIED LABORATORIES Certified Laboratory(2) Pace Ashville Certification No. 40 Certified Laboratory(3) Research and Analytical Certification No. 14 Certified Laboratory(4) Certification No. Certified Laboratory(5) Certification No. PARAMETER CODES Parameter Code assistance may be obtained by calling the NPDES Unit at(919)733-5083 or by visiting the Surface Water Protection Section's web site at h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wqs and linking to the unit's information pages. Use only units of measurement designated in the reporting facility's NPDES permit for reporting data. * No Flow/Discharge From Site: Check this box if no discharge occurs and,as a result,there are no data to be entered for all of the parameters on the DMR for the entire monitoring period. ** ORC On Site?: ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8G.0204. ***Signature of Permittee: If signed by other than the permittee,then the delegation of the signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 2B .0506(b)(2)(D). .16 • -Receiving stream ' —20' into wood line k Outfall 002 Toe drainage area^ _ _ _ _ _ •_ _,- confluence `,A i a ., • , Standing at top of Dam looking ' B east, down toe of slope 001 outfall 004 outfall - Back of Dam ', 002 outfall a Cfin iit * `.',�4�l-► t,`�• T t. aT•.:.: " ti 0" ., / .a .- ; y, v vr*4. t� .' }�' .f ,5 t 'Yr� v4' ""';',/,?,,--,` -'y , 1, — • ,a - •7 ;v 4..i . , ,.r, ,,,,.. ,., ,,, i...-4 ,i, r 1.k. , ,y.'t • 3.11,10/...:. , r-. -T * . ,•,6:4'.r ' '. 'cr 4. '/.-.4 '9",:44 • ' , ' ., . ;:-... -',...'. ,? ..t %; . -s , • 1 .. - 1.,' . -1. ../,-- ..-Ai, ii.r-C i I., ' . , ' ',' , ...rV..-. t" W't - r '/1 7'_.,,r _;.� f ; Lid" ' .— �, b� 4 l - 1! 4t, .�tiL,: �c40' '''''4,- ' gj" 1 •L � ani;.' f•" ':[�i'. .t r'.�� .. �i.iP r. '• `" 1. - i • r• - • * ''"S1.- - Standing at bottom of Dam ''*'"'---1. ` i `, slope looking south • t:I , ., STORMWATERB A } ROOF ORMN% 161+062 at y J -50%OF MANE.BLDG.02.900 SF DRAINAGE • Q. FLOWS PUVIT PROCESS SEWER VIA.NORrM ANO SOUTH aMINS AREA INCLUDES 1 Il ROOF DRAINS I p CN CC MISC.SALTS.CAT PHOSPHATE WASTE AMC EXPOSED LU O WATER TAME PUMP(-100 OPM)m GRADE Q STORMWATER FROM CHLORINE 51 RECOVERY FLOOR(Tomah)AREA - LU ..J JEXPO E)POSEO C3 I— a0 /7 00 LIT111UM NYPOCNLORRE 9 • ? -10 GPM(IIMISC.DRAINS FROM SHIPPING WATERS 11 I N3 HYPO EFF. COMPOSITE GRAB SAMPLE r l -10 GPM(1)SHIPPING AREA COOLING TOWERS 8 SAMPLE EonSAMPLER SAMPLE Eo004 60 U ! SAMPLE 010Ce PIS 04 P F 111 EXPOSED AWN M } 4,...PDTW RECEIVED/DENR/DWR wfl I !qP I AUTO.COMPOSITE SAMPLER JUN 0 1 2015 cn SAMPLE E0020 MB1 t COMM fl M 4 .t.nom - RECYCLED WATER BACK TO LU O BOILER SLOW DOWN!-,O GPM1 NORTH DRAIN GRAB �� I HYDROXIDE CRCUR Water Quality SAMPLE153002LITHNMHYORDIODECIRCIIR Permitting Section COLLECTED AT MIME COOLING TOWER PURGE(0-00 U �\ UCL RO.UNIT AND CONDENSATE Ni0 GPM)m LLI I I 111 Q GPM)TYP.36 GPM O v ' i El I dv�'!� -4 pH OF PLAPIT � EFFLUENT ilii, Ca �� i•-3 .4• i 1129D1"SULFURIC ACD �/ plop%pH I AUTO.COMPOeuTE SAMPLER Att.& tI��ppnnyy�+ F 11 AOORION.PH CONTROL Li 1 ,'`y SIMPLE VAN001,3 W I "{" 1 vie'FINAL'pH LU II� SAMPLE 012100113 WEEKLY I— I NdII Win PLANT'PROCESS sem/ 2Q �OlIN ' "� ftAIME SURFACE STORM WATER FU3WS 5o I MN 2B - CONDENSATE FROM \f A AUTO COMPOSTS SAMPLER F BOLPHARMACEUIC BLOW 001MRTE PROCESS WASTE WATER FLOWS i3EXPOSED SAMPLE moo, -6 GPM m NONCONTACT COOLING WATER, NYDRIZEUXINIANML 13 I m INTERMITTENT FLOW HYDROXIDE CENTRIFUGES VN ROOF DRAINS ^ ROOF DAN Qp 1 /�., `�// _1 GPM(I)COMPRESSOR CONOENSATE O S RII OORl1�! { wCsR PSANT SITE SURFACE camcamMIMS ql i ---S INLET AND ROOF ORANMNMGE LmI/MM HYDROXIDE CRCUIT RO I eOL,aalo AT1.N QUI ACUUSTED FH OF +TT T G CD, f / PERMEATE UNR 0.70�In)m PWRT EFFLUENT s FLOWD �./ FINM.• 1 STORM WATERS FROM PET1PERIMETERER OF RED POND AND iota/ERN '' 1PORTION OF NOLO LAB 1 EAST CANAL STORMNtATER CONVEYANCE ~' 8 `-$Tb it*ATER>fF`RIN EAST bF P"CA4Y !! \ I° 1 STORIAWATIBM \ STORIAWATERS LOWER POND• SIPHONssrsA \\r 04198 aL A TYPICALLY DRAINAGE AREA J TYPIC.PLLY II1 OPER INCLUDES ROOF DIVERSION PIPE UNE TO LOWER POND 4I -'----1 DRAMs RETENTION SEDIMENTATION AND - — EMERGENCY SRLLWAY OVER FLOW 2 avERSIDMI GATE DIVERSION t_-- I- - EQUALIZATION /e\ /" '/�,I/��� GATE TYPICALLY —� GATE --- - �/' CLOSED GRawOWATER - OUTFALL 1 `ovEiPLDw m �,, T CHARGE h?Epe--- 002 \\\ T I --- i ._ !II - FLOW,O-0.11SMOD "W __}TYPICJELY `-Tbp % _ \ GROUNDWATER R&D SURFACE AND STORM WAT'EtSWEST OFHWY1e1, i SEDIMENT OPEN POLISHING SNOfOX ' \ CHARGE Mtl4f_PNNEl41:115SP A9 4 44.4E y; POND s.G.ODOUNG '`'cwi,, \ S.O.BOILER BLOW DOWN STORMWATER POINT \• . WEST CANAL STORMWATER CONVEYANCE OUTFALL 004 SOURCE �— — — — Ppg RECTANGULAR OUTFALL 001 5 ABNIBoa2WIER gram I MIN 4 ••.,,>....• 2110114 - 3 w..r.+I•Rwrs 10114/10 RSW • 2 RSD TO POTW 222/10 1 ADDED FLOW 00 E2/06 1 RSW REV.I DESORPTION DATE IlY 04C I I fMC o voc AMMO WOES ROsd I2E10 j POSIT AND STORMWATER DISCHARGE FLOW steeT Reference Form 2C II.A and II.B UN-JOE I MON1041 de WI:AFE of NPDES Permit application ! • ...". 1 REV i9 �- I PFD . 5