HomeMy WebLinkAboutWhite's Store Mitigation SiteAk77i?:-aA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor James H. Gregson, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary November 16, 2007 Philip S. Harris, III, P.E. Project Development and Environmental Analysis N.C. Department of Transportation 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1598 RE: White's Store Mitigation Site, Dare County, Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Permit No. 7-98, TIP No. R-2551WM. Dear Mr. Harris: This letter is in response to the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) letter dated 6/13/05 regarding the White's Store Mitigation Site in Dare County. In the letter, NCDOT requests that the appropriate resource agencies provide documentation stating that no further monitoring is required and that the site is closed. The N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) apologizes for the delay in sending this response letter. The White's Store Mitigation Site involved restoring approximately 1.4 acres of sawgrass marsh as mitigation for impacts to 0.21 acres of a wetland community dominated by saw grass (Cladium jamaicense) and pond pine (Pinus serotina) interspersed with bays (Persia borbonia, Myrica cerifera, etc.). The mitigation plan is described in a letter from NCDOT to DCM dated 4/7/99. The mitigation plan and impacts were authorized by DCM in a Minor Modification of CAMA Major Permit No. 7-98 issued on 5/20/99. DCM has reviewed the annual monitoring reports prepared by NCDOT in 2002, 2003 and 2004. DCM has also visited the site on 6/14/07. DCM agrees that no further monitoring is required and that the site may be officially closed with the following remarks. DCM believes that there is enough successful CAMA Coastal Wetland restoration at the White's Store Mitigation Site to provide mitigation for the permitted impacts of approximately 0.21 acres. In addition to sawgrass, Cladium jamaicense, the successful restoration areas also include additional CAMA Coastal Wetland species, such as Scirpus sp., Spartina patens, and Typha spp. However, DCM is disappointed that the entire mitigation site did not meet the vegetative success criteria. Significant portions of the mitigation site contain 404 wetland species that are not classified as CAMA Coastal Wetland species (15A NCAC 07H.0205). Of greater concern is the amount of Phragmites on the site. During the site visit on 6/14/07, DCM staff observed that the amount of Phragmites on the site appears to be increasing. DCM believes that the Phragmites may continue to invade the site over time. Therefore, although we agree that there is enough successful CAMA Coastal Wetland 1638 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Phone: 919-733-2293 \ FAX: 919-733-1495 \ Internet: http://dcm2.enr.state.nc.Lis An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper restoration at the mitigation site to provide mitigation for the 0.21 acres of permitted impacts, we would not agree at this time to any future proposal that there are excess credits at this mitigation site that could be used for future project impacts. For your information, during our site visit on 6/14/07, DCM noticed that the two water gauges are still located on the site. DCM appreciates NCDOT's efforts to restore CAMA Coastal Wetlands at the White's Store Mitigation Site. Please contact Cathy Brittingham at (919) 733-2293 x238 or via e-mail at Cathy.Brittin,gham@ncmail.net if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, i .RFL, Doug Huggett Major Permits and Consistency Coordinator CC: Bill Biddlecome, USACE David Wainwright, DWQ Garcy Ward, DWQ Randy Griffin, NCDOT Jim Hoadley, DCM Cathy Brittingham, DCM