HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070771 Ver 1_Meeting Minutes_20080310e.a AA7(o? y r- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GovERNoR March 10, 2008 WBS Element: 33663.3.1 (B-4326) Contract No.: C201714 F. A. Number: BRZ-1001 (27) County: Wilson Description: Bridge over Bloomery Swamp and Approaches on SR 1001 MEMORANDUM TO: Ellis C. Powell, Jr., PE State Construction Engineer FROM: Wendi O. Johnson, PE Division Construction Engineer LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY SUBJECT: Approved Preconstruction Conference & Permit Meeting Minutes We are transmitting an approved copy of the minutes covering the Preconstruction Conference for the above project, which was held on January 3, 2008. The minutes were approved by the Contractor, United Contractors, Inc., as recorded. Attachment c: Ron Lucas (FHWA) Gary Jordan (US Fish & Wildlife) Rob Ridings (NCDENR, Division of Water Quality) Brian Wrenn (NCDENR, Division of Water Quality) John Holley (NCDENR, Land Quality Section) Travis Wilson (NCWRC) David Cox (NCWRC) Ron Sechler (National Marine Fisheries) William Wescott (US Army Corps of Engineers) Allan Davis, City of Wilson (Power) Joseph Caster, City of Wilson (Gas) Burt Boswell, Embarq (Telephone) Nate Harris, Time Warner (Cable) Post Office Box 3165, Wilson, North Carolina 27895-3165 Telephone (252) 237-6164 Fax (252) 234-6174 Ellis C. Powell, Jr., PE March 10, 2008 Page 2 ec: Cecil Jones, PE Donald Pearson, EI, CPESC Robert Simpson Andy Brown, PE Bobby Lewis, PE Kevin Bowen, PE Warren Walker, PE Andy Pridgen Ron Hancock, PE Lloyd Johnston Eddie Bunn, PE Keith Honeycutt, PE, PLS Charles W. Brown, PE, PLS Kevin Lacy, PE Victor Barbour, PE Don G. Lee Jimmy Marler Chad Coggins Haywood Daughtry, PE Doug Allison Steven Cummings Chris Kreider, PE David R. Henderson, PE Queen Crittendon Judi Williams Bill Bass Lindsey Ethridge Kenny Baines PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE AND PERMIT MEETING WBS Element: 33663.3.1 (B-4326) Federal Aid No.: BRZ-1001 (27) Contract No.: C201714 County: Wilson Description: Bridge over Bloomery Swamp and Approaches on SR 1001 The Preconstruction Conference for the above project was held in the Wilson Division Office Conference Room on January 3, 2008 with the following persons in attendance: NAME REPRESENTING Mickey Renfrow NCDOT - Division Four R/W Steve Davis NCDOT - Nashville Construction Kenny Baines NCDOT - Materials and Tests Unit Steve Joyner NCDOT - Nashville Construction Chad Coggins NCDOT - Environmental Specialist Jimmy Long NCDOT - Nashville Construction Walter Spivey NCDOT - Roadside Environmental Kevin Bowen NCDOT - Construction Unit Joseph Caster City of Wilson - Gas Andy Pridgen NCDOT - QA Lab Rick Poythress NCDOT - Location & Surveys Sonny Ithipathachai City of Wilson - Gas Steve Sandquist United Contractors, Inc. Joe Hollis United Contractors, Inc. Michael Vaught Narron Contracting, Inc. Eddie Bunn NCDOT - Resident Engineer Wendi Johnson, Division Construction Engineer, presided over the conference. She asked everyone present to introduce themselves and their company affiliation. The Contractor submitted his letter naming persons authorized to sign Supplemental Agreements. Joe Hollis will act as Project Superintendent for the Contractor. Steve Davis will act as Project Inspector and Traffic Control Coordinator for the Division of Highways. The Contractor advised they plan to begin work January 21, 2008 putting up signs, clearing and erosion control. He should give the Resident Engineer 30 days notice if this date should change. The Contractor submitted his progress schedule. He was advised that it would be checked, and he would be advised if satisfactory. By copy of these minutes, we are advising the Contractor that his progress schedule has been checked and is approved as submitted. Preconstruction Conference Minutes B-4326 Page 2 RIGHT OF WAY Mickey Renfrow covered this portion of the contract. All of the right of way necessary for this project has been acquired and right of way agreements were given to the Resident Engineer. These agreements cover all of the right of way and easements necessary for this project that were acquired by negotiation. Parcel 001 (Charles W. Finch) and Parcel 005 (Robert F. Whitehead) were acquired by condemnation. There are no 200 Series Items on this project. There is no known asbestos contamination, underground storage tanks, nor any known soil contamination within the right of way of the project. The Contractor is advised not to exceed the right of way or easement areas during construction without written permission from the property owner. UTILITY CONFLICTS City of Wilson (Gas) - Their line has been relocated outside the construction area. City of Wilson (Power) - Poles should be relocated and out of conflict by the end of the day. The City has removed their power lines and will reinstall them after the project is completed. There are several poles in conflict with the ditch work and one underground power service to be removed. Time Warner Cable - Their facilities are on the same side of the project as the City of Wilson gas line. Time Warner has completed their relocation. Embarq - They are currently installing their cables by the horizontal bore method. The date to complete their relocation has not been determined due to the presence of rock in their bore path. The existing lines are in conflict with the new slope protection and new guardrail installation. This should not pose a delay to the Contractor in the early phases of the project. Embarq will complete their relocation as soon as possible. LOCATION AND SURVEYS Rick Poythress covered this portion of the contract. Right of way was verified in November 2007. Data Sheets are correct. This will be an in-house survey. ASPHALT PAVEMENTS Mr. Andy Pridgen, Division QA Supervisor, asked the Contractor if he had any questions of the Special Provisions outlined on pages 27 thru 31. Mr. Pridgen advised that the Special Provisions in this contract are dated 07/18/06 (Rev. 9/19/06). The Contractor advised that S. T. Wooten would perform paving on this project. A certified QMS Roadway Contractor's Representative will be required to be on the project during paving. Preconstruction Conference Minutes B-4326 Page 3 Density testing may be required for wedging (depending on the depth). Contractor advised cores would probably be used for density testing. Mr. Pridgen advised the Contractor that he will be allowed to design and run 20% Rap rather than 15%. PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS GENERAL Contract Time and Liquidated Damages - The date of availability for this contract is the date the Contractor begins work but not before January 2, 2008 or later than April 1, 2008. The completion date for this contract is December 31, 2008. The liquidated damages for this contract are $200.00 per calendar day. These liquidated damages will not be cumulative with any liquidated damages which may become chargeable under Intermediate Contract Time Number 1. Intermediate Contract Time Number 1 acrd Liquidated Damages - Except for work required under the Project Special Provisions entitled Planting and/or Reforestation, the Contractor will be required to complete all work included in this contract and place and maintain traffic on same by the date which is 165 consecutive calendar days after, and including, the date of availability (July 3, 2008). The date of availability for this Intermediate Contract Time is the date the Contractor begins work but not before January 2, 2008 or later than April 1, 2008. The liquidated damages for this Intermediate Contract Time are $1,000.00 per calendar day. CMS signs will be used to advise motorists of the date the road will be closed (should be January 21) DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE It is the policy of the North Carolina Department of Transportation that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) as defined in 49 CFR Part 26 shall have the opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part by federal funds in order to create a level playing field on which DBEs can compete fairly. The Contractor, subcontractor and sub-recipient shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in the performance of this contract. The Contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of federally assisted contracts. Failure by the Contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this contract, which may result in the termination of this contract or such other remedy, as the Department deems necessary. The Contractor is also encouraged to give every opportunity to allow DBE participation in Supplemental Agreements. Preconstruction Conference Minutes B-4326 Page 4 The Contractor's EEO Officer is Steve Sandquist. The Contractor shall exercise all necessary and reasonable steps to insure that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises participate in at least 6% of the contract. The contract was awarded with 6.3% participation. The Resident Engineer furnished the Contractor with required posters for his bulletin board. The Contractor's EEO Policy Statement is to be posted on the project's bulletin board, which should be weatherproof, along with the following posters: 1. Davis-Bacon Minimum Prevailing Wage Rate Schedule 2. Wage-Rate Information - F/A Project, Form PR-1495 3. Notice Relating to False Statements, Form PR-1022 4. EEO Poster - Discrimination is Prohibited The Contractor is urged to document, in writing, all actions taken in complying with Equal Opportunity of Employment Provisions, Training Provision, and Minority Business Enterprise Provision. This includes applicant referrals, meetings with employees, on-site inspections, wage evaluations, etc. All subcontractors and suppliers are responsible for meeting the same requirements as the prime contractor, and it is the prime contractor's responsibility to oversee that both are in compliance. All alleged discriminatory violations should be brought to the attention of the Resident Engineer. The State and/or FHWA will conduct a Contract Compliance Review sometime during the life of this contract. Therefore, fair employment practice should be maintained at all times. Reporting Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation - When payments are made to Disadvantaged Business Enterprise firms, including material suppliers, contractors at all levels shall provide the Engineer with an accounting of said payments. This accounting shall be furnished to the Engineer for any given month by the end of the following month. The Contractor shall report the accounting of payments through the Department's DBE Payment Tracking System, which is a web based application. The System can be accessed through the following web link: lulln:?'i???hs,?lol.si.uc.uc us; V?nci??rll':??uicnl"Il?acl:int/. The Contractor shall also provide the Engineer an affidavit attesting the accuracy of the information submitted in the Payment Tracking System. This, too, shall be submitted for any given month by the end of the following month. Submission of Records - Federal Aid Projects - This project is located on a roadway classified as a local road or rural, minor collector; therefore, the requirements of Paragraph IV, Payment of Predetermined Minimum Wage, and Paragraph V, Statements and Payrolls, are exempt from this contract. Erosion & Sediment Control/Storm Water Certification - Contractor shall provide a Certified Supervisor, Certified Foreman and Certified Installer on this project. Contractor will notify the Engineer of changes in certified personnel over the life of the contract within two days of change. Preconstruction Conference Minutes B-4326 Page 5 The Certified Supervisor shall oversee the work of subcontractors so that appropriate erosion and sediment/storm water control preventive measures are conformed to at each stage of the work; prepare the required weekly erosion control punch list and submit to the Engineer; attend all weekly or monthly construction meetings; implement the erosion and sediment/storm water control site plans; provide for erosion and sediment/storm water control methods for the Contractor's temporary work not shown on the plans; acquire applicable permits; conduct all erosion and sediment/storm water control work in a timely manner; fully install erosion and sediment/storm water control work prior to suspension of the work; coordinate with department, federal, state and local regulatory agencies on resolution of erosion and sediment/storm water control issues, insure that proper cleanup occurs from vehicle tracking on paved surfaces and/or any location where sediment leaves the right of way and have available at all times an updated set of erosion control plans. The roles and responsibilities of the Certified Supervisor, Certified Foreman and Certified Installer are shown on pages 17 thru 20 of the contract. The Contractor advised that they will be using commercial sites for waste and borrow on this project. PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS ROADWAY Clearing and Grubbitig - Perform clearing on this project to the limits established by Method III shown on Standard No. 200.03 of the Roadway Standard Drawings. Shoulder and Fill Slope Material The Contractor shall construct the top six inches of shoulder and fill slopes with soils capable of supporting vegetation. Provide soil with a P.I. greater than six and less than 25 and with a pH ranging from 5.5 to 6.8. Remove stones and other foreign material two inches or larger in diameter. All soil is subject to testing and acceptance or rejection by the Engineer. EROSION CONTROL Crimping Straw Mulch - Crimping shall be required on this project adjacent to any section of roadway where traffic is to be maintained or allowed during construction. In areas within six feet of the edge of pavement, straw is to be applied and then crimped. After the crimping operation is complete, an additional application of straw shall be applied and immediately tacked with a sufficient amount of undiluted, emulsified asphalt. Environmentally Sensitive Areas -- This project is located in an Environmentally Sensitive Area. This designation requires special procedures to be used for clearing and grubbing, temporary stream crossings and grading operations within the Environmentally Sensitive Areas identified on the plans and as designated by the Engineer. This also requires special procedures to be used for seeding and mulching and stage seeding within the project. The Environmentally Sensitive Area shall be defined as a 50-foot buffer zone on both sides of the stream or depression, measured from top of stream bank or center of depression. The Contractor was reminded to only clear where absolutely necessary in the buffers. Preconstruction Conference Minutes B-4326 Page 6 (Tearing and Grabbing - In areas identified as Environmentally Sensitive Areas, the Contractor may perform clearing operations but not grubbing operations until immediately prior to beginning grading operations as described in Article 200-1 of the Standard Specifications. Only clearing operations (not grubbing) shall be allowed in this buffer zone until immediately prior to beginning grading operations. Erosion control devices shall be installed immediately following the clearing operation. Grading - Once grading operations begin in identified Environmentally Sensitive Areas, work shall progress in a continuous manner until complete. All construction within these areas shall progress in a continuous manner such that each phase is complete and areas are permanently stabilized prior to beginning of next phase. Failure on the part of the Contractor to complete any phase of construction in a continuous manner in Environmentally Sensitive Areas will be just cause for the Engineer to direct the suspension of work in accordance with Article 108-7 of the Standard Specifications. There are Special Stilling Basins and Coir Fiber Baffles to be installed on this project. The Contractor advised that he is familiar with these. The Seeding Contractor for this project will be Holland Landscaping. STRUCTURES Submittal of Working Drcrwings -- Contractor was advised to submit working drawings in accordance with Article 105-2 of the Standard Specifications and the requirements of this Special Provision. Make submittals that are not specifically noted in this Special Provision directly to the Resident Engineer. The Contractor advised that he has submitted his demolition plan for approval. The Contractor advised that Seaboard will be doing the drilled piers. PERMITS Ms. Johnson advised that the US Army Corps of Engineers and NCDENR have issued a permit for this project. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable permit conditions during construction of this project. Agents of the permitting authority will periodically inspect the project for adherence to the permits. Should the Contractor propose to utilize construction methods (such as temporary structures or fill in waters and/or wetlands for haul roads, work platforms, cofferdams, etc.) not specifically identified in the permit (individual, general or nationwide) authorizing the project, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate with the Engineer to determine what, if any, additional permit action is required. The Contractor shall also be responsible for initiating the request for the authorization of such construction method by the permitting agency. The request shall be submitted through the Engineer. The Contractor shall not utilize the construction method until it is approved by the permitting agency. The request normally takes approximately 60 days to process; however, no extensions of time or additional compensation will be granted for delays resulting from the Contractor's request for approval of construction methods not specifically identified in the permit. Preconstruction Conference Minutes B-4326 Page 7 Where construction moratoriums are contained in a permit condition which restricts the Contractor's activities to certain times of the year, those moratoriums will apply only to the portions of the work taking place in the waters or wetlands, provided that activities outside those areas are done in such a manner as to not affect the waters or wetlands. Permit was issued to replace the existing bridge with a new bridge structure at the same location. Off-site detours will be utilized during construction. The total permanent impacts to Section 404 wetlands for this project will be 0.00 acres. This permit expired March 18, 2007, and a modification has been requested. Permitted areas have been staked but not flagged. The Resident and the Contractor will meet on site before any clearing is done. The Safety Fence will be installed prior to any land disturbing activities. Impacts to areas within the fencing are prohibited. The equipment operators should be present for this meeting if at all possible. A copy of the Water Quality Certification shall be posted on the construction site at all times. In addition, the Water Quality Certification and all subsequent modifications shall be maintained by the Division Engineer and the on-site Project Manager. There shall be no excavation from, or waste disposal into, jurisdictional wetlands or waters associated with this permit without appropriate modification. Buffer drawings were given to the Contractor. The Resident Engineer and the Contractor will hold monthly construction meetings. There were no further questions and/or comments and the meeting was adjourned. UNITED CONTRACTORS, INC. 55Pp, E5 IDstAT DAT APP OVED AND TITLE