HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000019_Renewal Modification 1989_19900518NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NC0000019 PERM=E NAME: Sprague Electric Company Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal with Modification Major Minor Pipe No.: 0 Design Capacity: 0. 0 1 p M&V Domestic (% of Flow): t 00 Industrial (% of Flow): 0 Comments: 1 ec C' 2 3- 4 STREAM INDEX: 10-24 12 ) RECEIVING STREAM: North Fork New River Class: C Sub -Basin: 05-07-02 Reference USGS Quad: B 12NE, Warrensville (please attach) County: Ashe Regional Office: Winston-Salem Regional Office Previous Exp. Date: 8/31/89 Treatment Plant Class: I Classification changes within three miles: Class C to Virginia Line - in excess of 20 miles. Requested Prepared b Reviewed Date: 11 /29/89 Date: Date: a l G [1 Modeler Date Rec. # Srn1J 11 30 $ 55D 3 Drainage Area (mil) /�tZ Avg. Streamflow (cfs): Z ga 7Q10 (cfs) f/ Winter 7Q10 (cfs) S6 30Q2 (cfs) ?q Toxicity Limits: IWC % Acute/Chronic Instream Monitoring: Parameters Upstream N Downstream N Location Location Effluent Characteristics Summer Winter BOD5 (mg/1) 30 NH3-N (mg/1) Nr D.O. (mg/1) ,vr, TSS (mg/1) 3o F. Col. (/100 ml) pH (SU) Discharge Number 001, formerly 001 & 002, (manufacturing areas) .750 MGD This discharge consists of non -contact cooling water from electro-coating process machines and related process equipment plus small amounts of process wastes from the cleaning and coating applications, air condition condensate, boiler blowdown, and water dionization plant discharge from regeneration stream. This discharge consists of Discharges 001 and 002 on the EPA issued permit. Discharge Number 003 (manufacturing areas). This discharge consists of non -contact cooling water plus wash water used to clean completed capacitors, and air condition condensate. Discharge Number 005 (etch house). .500 MGD This discharge consists of non -contact cooling water from various etching and cleaning operations -and contact rinse water. The discharge consists of acids alkalies, sodium chloride (brime), etched aluminum by-products, and cleaners. The majority of the aluminum removed from the foil during the anodizing operations is precipitated out and then vacuum filtered from the brine. Brine is re -used and the aluminum precipitate is sold to another company that converts it to alum. Discharge Number 006 (sanitary flows plus cafeteria). .018MGD The sanitary waste treatment facility is an 18,000 GPD plant consisting of a bar screen Imhoff tank, dosing tank with dual alternating siphons, dual sand filters, sludge drying beds with return for bed effluent, a chlorination system and flow measurement. Discharge Number 007, formerly water plant filter backwash, (fire pump test water only). The fire pump is operated to assure that it will function properly during emergencies. Water is merely withdrawn from the river and then returned directly with no treatment. Lagoon Holding System (no direct discharge). Wastewater from the etching areas and coating areas are discharged into a dual lagoon system at the rate of approx. 30 GPM. The primary lagoon (upper) receives all waste deemed inappropriate for direct discharges to the New River. No oils are put into the lagoon by intent. Precipitates settle out and wastes tend to equalize. During extremely wet weather, several siphons are used to releave high water levels in the upper lagoon to a lower lagoon. The wastewater either evaporates from the lagoons or flows through the solids under them. When the lagoons become full of solids, they have been drained, allowed to set up and then stabilized or covered. WARRENSVILLE QUADRANGLE C NORTH CAROLINA—ASHE CO. V�,,) 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) 0 32'30" 452 1153 1 260000 FEET I 454 1904 13 MI' To U.S. 58 1 81 30' STURGILLS 4.7 mi. 36'30' 1-AQS: Pzk C., 0 —Au�J�RE ATE In o AN 2 w Krrp 9.1.0N ld� E Y -R K Ai 'V7 0 194111 m _01 4138 �\Jl N Nf f -Bi ia. hoenix cC li :/o 0 o!5 X__ 0011 001 A t -eve T r 0. 1000000 FEET NJ >Zl� _j :J � � 4036 lem k High —0 4035 psy 2800 27'30" 3 N, rf 4V 11 Q1 4034 DMI, p -Zz p cz Request No.: 5503 ------------------- WASTELOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM ------------------- Facility Name- SPRAGUE ELECTRIC COMPANY NPDES NO.: NC0000019 (PIPE 006) Type of Waste: 100% DOMESTIC Status: EXISTING RENEWAL W/ MODIFICATION Receiving Stream: NORTH FORK NEW RIVER Classification: C Subbasin: 050702 Drainage area: 142.00 sq mi County: ASHE Summer 7010: 41.00 cfs Regional Office: WSRO Winter 7010: 56.00 cfs Requestor: SHANKLIN Average flow: 240.00 cfs Date of Request: 11/30/89 3002: 79.00 cfs Quad: B12NE -------------------- RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT LIMITS --------- ---------------- Wastef (mgd) : BOD5 (mg/1) : NH3N (mg/1) : DO (mg/1) : TSS (mg/1) Fecal coliform (#/100ml): PH (su) : COMMENDED OO EXISTING 0.018 .� RECEIVED30 30 NR NR MAY 17 1990 NR NR 30 30 PERMITS & FNGINEFRING NR NR NK NR Toxicity Testing Req.: N ---------------------------- MONITORING --------------------- Upstream (Y/N): N Location: Downstream (Y/N): N Location: ----------------------------- COMMENTS---------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended by: Date: 3 fo Reviewed by Instream Assessment: (:-4 Date: 4L314 Regional Supervisor: t>, Date: Permits & Engineering: Led Date: RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: APR 2 5 1990 11 ACV Boos— = 30 �//, ,rr IvWj r� . L �/d�/� _ lv#,3 ,j le G/�y`�, : 30drx�,e I , SPRAGUE ELECTRIC- PIPE 006 AMMONIA ANALYSIS 7Q10: 41.0000 cfs NH3 Effl. Conc: 349.0000 mg/l 1'M4l, AL (1/1.8 mg/1): 1000.00 ug/l Upstream NH3 Conc.: 220.0000 ug/l Design Flow: 0.0180 MGD Predicted NH3 Downstream: 457.18 ug/l 0.457179 mg/l NH3 Limit: 1147236. ug/l 1147.236 mg/l W7/10 SPRAGUE ELECTRIC- PIPE NH3 Effl. AL (1/1.8 Upstream NH3 Design Predicted NH3 Downs NH3 006 AMMONIA 7Q10: 41.0000 Conc: 20.0000 mg/1) : 1000.00 Conc.: 220.0000 Flow: 0.0180 tream: 233.45 0.233450 Limit: 1147236. 1147.236 ANALYSIS cfs mg/1 C NH UM iT� ug/l ug/l MGD ug/l mg/l ug/l mg/l ,. . ` ' . , .' � ' "KEX88/MP 11/10/89 ^ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION ANALYSIS REPORT PAGE i PERMIT--NCOOOOO19 PIPE--006 REPORT PERIOD: 8810-8909 LOC --- E FACILITY--%PRAGUE ELECTRIC COMPANY DESIGN FLOW-- .7500 CLASS --I LOCATION--LAN%ING REGION/COUNTY--04 A%HE 50050 0000 00530 00610 000iO 00400 MONTH Q/MGD DOD RE%/T%% NH3+NH4- TEMP PH LIMIT F .0180 F 30.00 F 30.0 NOL NOL 9.O 6.0 88/10 .OiOO 3.50 3.5 1.22 8.00 8.0-7.5 88/ii .0130 7.00 12.O KOO i2.50 7.5-7.0 88/12 .Oi3O 2.00 4.O .57 8.00 7.0-7.0 89/Oi .0072 7.50 8.5 2.50 i3.00 7.5-7.5 89/02 .Oi3O 6.50 5.0 1.54 21.00 7.5-7.0 89/03 .0130 7.50 LE%%THAN 1.52 i8.00 7.5-7.5 89/04 0072 LE%%THAN LE%%THAN 07;!)18.50 8.0-7.5 89/05 .013O 3.50 3.O i.06 20.50 7.0-6.2 89/06 .O130 6.50 2.5 1.62 3i.00 7.0-7.0 89/07 .030 19.00 34.5F i.51 24.50 8.0-7.5 89/08 .0ii5 LE%%THAN 13.5 1.50 22.80 6.5-6.0 89/09 .Oii5 5.50 9.0 .14 32.50 8.0-7.5 AVERAGE .0115 6.85 9.5 30.26 1932 MAXIMUM .0130 19.00 34.5 349.00 32.50 8.000 MINIMUM .0072 LE%%THAN LE%%THAN .14 8.00 6.000 UNIT MGD MG/L MG/L MG/L DEG.0 %U , . . .' , . .. ' GKEX88/MP 11/10/89 ^ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION ANALYSIS REPORT PACE i PERMIT--NCO800819 PIPE--006 REPORT PERIOD: 8710-8809 LOC---E FACILITY--%PRAGUE ELECTRIC COMPANY DESIGN FLOW-- .7500 CLASS --I LOCATION--LAN%ING REGION/COUNTY--04 A%HE 50050 0000 00530 0000 3106 OOOiO 00400 MONTH Q/MGD BOD RE%/T%% NH3+NH4- FEC COLI TEMP PH LIMIT F 30.00 F 30.0 F 200.0 9.0 6.0 87/10 .0175 LE%%THAN 1.5 2.0 87/ii .0120 8.00 2.5 2.0 87/12 .0057 6.50 1.0 7.0-7.0 LIMIT F 30.00 F 30.0 NOL F 200.0 NOL 9.0 6.0 88/01 .0012 14.00 LE%%THAN 7.66 7.50 6.5-6.5 LIMIT F .0180 F 30.00 F 30.0 NOL F 200.0 NOL 9.0 6.0 88/03 .0120 3.00 3.0 .54 8.58 7.5-6.5 88/04 .0012 4.50 4.5 2.70 6.50 6.5-6.5 88/05 .0M 4.00 2.0 3.04 9.00 7.0-6.0 88/06 .0ii5 9.80 iO.5 C(2302 -3 0 B DST 6.50 6.5-6.5 88/O7 .Oi3O 2.50 i.5 2.20 8.8O 7.0-7.0 AVERAGE .0095 6.43 3.3 54.02 2.0 7.66 MAXIMUM .0175 14.00 iO.5 308.00 2.0 9.00 7.500 MINIMUM .0012 LE%%THAN LE%%THAN .54 2.0 6.50 6.000 UNIT MGD MG/L MG/L MG/L 0000ML DEG.0 %U ' ^ � ` �KEX88/MP ii/i0/89 , COMPLIANCE EVALUATION ANALYSIS REPORT PAGE i PERMIT--NCOOOOOi9 PIPE--006 REPORT PERIOD: 8610-8709 LOC--- E FACILITY--%PRAGUE ELECTRIC COMPANY DESIGN FLOW-- .7500 CLASS --I LOCATION--LAN%ING REGION/COUNTY--04 A%HE 50050 00310 00530 31616 00400 MONTH Q/MGD DOD RE%/T%% FEC COLI PH LIMIT F 30.00 F 30.0 F 200.0 9.0 6.0 86/10 .0115 4.00 2.5 2.O 6.7-6.7 86/11 .O1i5 13.00 4.5 2.0 7.i-7.1 8602 3.50 i.0 2.O 87/01 0075 3.00 1.5 2.O 87/02 .0332 4.00 4.0 2.O 87/03 .0060 16.00 12.0 1 =2000 j� 87/04 .038 6.50 14.5 8 1=5 0 0 _:�ol 87/05 .075 2.50 3.0 2.0 87/06 .052 7.80 ii.O 2.0 87/07 .0290 3.00 2.0 2.O 87/08 .0270 i.50 3.0 2.0 87/09 .Oii5 15.00 3.5 566.0 AVERAGE .0166 6.58 5.2 7840.3 MAXIMUM .0332 WOO 14.5 81500.0 7.100 MINIMUM .0060 1.50 1.0 2.0 6.700 UNIT MGD MG/L MG/L 0000ML %U