HomeMy WebLinkAboutScope RequestTransportation Janu�ry 20. ?OI7 Statc Environmental Review Clcaringhouse 1301 Mail Service Cenler Raleigh, NC 27699-1301 �C �l �t I'1-c'3�(=3 ROY COOPER c��<�,��� MICHAEL L. HOLDER nningsecrern,y RP;: H;xternal Scoping Lettcr fm� S'17P Project No. R-57fi8; US 31 I hite�scction Upgrade at NC G5 and Railroad ('rossino Improvement at SR 1928 (Stokesbw�g Road); Stokcs County; Division 9; WI35 No. 44Fi70. I. I Dear State Environmental Review Clearinghouse, The North Carolina Deparhnent of Transportation (NCDOT) — Division 9 has started tl�e project development, environmental and engineering studies for Project Number R-576R for the preparation of an environmental document, which is anticipated to process as a Categorical l:nclusion (CI:). This project is listed in the State Transportation �mprovement Program (STIP). The CP is scheduled to be completed by Spring 2019. Right of way acquisition and construction are scheduled to hegin in Spring 2020 and Spring 2023,respectively. The prqject includes safety and u�af(ic operation improvements at the intersections oC US ; I l aud NC' 65 and NC' 65 and Stokesbw'g Rond. The Norfolk Southeru Railway crossing will be improved by providing more stora�e lor stopped (yueued) vehicles to reduce exposure with train traffic. Please see the attached vicinity mnp, USGS map, prqject data shects, mid environmcntal fcatiu�es map. 1 he purpose of this correspondence is to begin carly coordinatiou with agency partncrs and locnl represematives and to provide ai� opportunity for you to request continued involvcment throughout the life ofthe project. Please provide comments on this projcct and any adclitional information you have regarding your resow�ce and/or area of expertise as it may relate to the study area. We would especially appreciate any information you might have that would be hefpCul in idcntilying and evaluating important issues, topics, and/or resources that should be considered. Thank you for your assistance in the project devclopment process. If you have any questions concernin� the project, please contact our considtant with RK&K (Kristina Miller at 91)-653-73R4, or hy email ��t kmillcr�Drl.k.com) or me at (336) 747-7R00 or by email atibabernathy(r7i ncdoLgov. Please providc conunents by February 14, 2017 and include reFerence to Projecl Number R-5768 in all correspondence Sincerely, ����<c��-.. _�_. �� � Brett Abernathy, PP„ PLS Division Project Development Team Lead NCDO�C llivision 9 �`�Nothing Compares`%.�- ti�am�dVnilhCarolina I)cp�,imm�nollran.punalion IliglncapDl�IzinnU i7? Sll�,ti Crak I'm'6e:x O'in:�nu Snlcut A'C _'712] 3inaa�-�nuu PROJECT DATA SHEET Date: 1/17/17 Rev.: TIP No.: R-5768 County: Stokes Federal-aid No.: STP-0311(035) WBS No.: 44670.1.1 NCDOT Division: 9 Scoping: Coordination via E-mail Proiect Description: • Length: 0.25 mile • Termini (US 311/NC 65): (The project study area stretches 1,500 feet to the west of the intersection and 1,500 feet east of the intersection.) • MPO / RPO: Northwest Piedmont RPO • NEPA / 404 Merger Candidate? ❑ Yes � No ❑ Unknown • General Description of Project: Upgrade US 311 Intersection with NC 65 and improve Norfolk Southern Railway Crossing at NC 65/Stokesburg Road in Walnut Cove. Desiqn Data (Existinq Conditions): • Functional Classification: US 311 and NC 65 are minor arterials. SR 1928 (Stokesburg Road) is a local road. • Strategic Highway Corridor (SHC): N/A • Stokes County CTP Designation (Facility Type): US 331 is an "other Major Thoroughfare that needs improvements" (from NC 65 to NC 89). NC 65 is an "other Major Thoroughfare". • Type of Access Control: none • Typical Section: US 311 is a two-lane facility with 12-foot lanes. • Right of Way: US 311 has a variab�e ROW width • Posted Speed: US 311 is posted at 45 mph. NC 65 varies from an advisory of 25 mph to 55 mph. • Structure Inventory (bridges, RCBC, Walls, etc): Immediately north of the study area along US 311 is Bridge 4 over Town Fork Creek. • Other TIP Pro'ects in the Area • There are no other TIP Proiects in the Area. • Railroad Involvement: Norfolk Southern Railway has one track located in the study area, which generally runs parallel to US 311 and carries up to 10 trains a day. The NC 65 crossing is located at NS mileoost RW 109.0, AAR crossinq #470180V. Sa(e[y Improvements to US 311/NC 65 (STIP Project No. R-5768J, Stokes Caunty Page 1 Lonp Ranqe Plan Historv: • 2009 Stokes County CTP recommends US 311 be improved from NC 89 to NC 65 by widening the existing three-lane facility to a four-lane facility with a median. • 2009 Stokes County CTP recommends constructing a new two-lane facility from SR 1921 (Martin Luther King Jr. Rd.) to NC 65. The existing section of NC 65 from Martin Luther King Jr. Rd. to US 311 should then be rerouted onto the new facility to provide a more direct route for NC 65 traffic. • 2009 Stokes County CTP identified a safety issue at the Norfolk Southern Railway railroad crossing near the NC 65 and US 311 intersection that is poorly designed and placed. At this railroad crossing, the vertical clearance causes problems for tractor trailers. Additionally, the crossing is in close proximity to the intersection, and at times, traffic becomes backed up causing traffic to stop on the railroad tracks. • 2009 Stokes County CTP identified US 311 from Stokesburg Road to NC 89 on-road network bicycle facilities need improvement. • The 2017 Draft CTP is under development. Note: The Piedmont Triad Regional Council serves as the lead planning agency for the Northwest Piedmont Rurel Planning Organization (NWPRPO). The NWPRPO provides long-range transportation planning services and technical assistance to Davie, Stokes, Surry, and Yadkin Counties. Traffic Data (AADT): US 311 NC 65 SR 1928 2015 9,900-12,600 4,600 1,300 Future Year 2040 TBD TBD TBD Source of Traffic Data: NCDOT Traffic Forecast dated May 27, 2015 Cost Estimates: Construction Draft 2017- 2027 TIP $3.3 M Estimate Current TBD Estimate Project Schedule: Right-of-Way Prior and Utility Years $2.1 M `ieT�7 $750,000 i�7� Environmental Document CE Spring 2019 Right-of-Way FY 2020 Let FY 2023 Totai $6.15 M Safety Improvements [o US 311/NC 65 (STIP Prqett No. R-5768), Stokes County Page 2 Draft Proiect Need: • Approximately 70 feet north of the Nortolk Southern Railway tracks is the NC 65 intersection with US 311. • Approximately 70 feet south of the railroad tracks is the NC 65 intersection with Stokesburg Road. • Between these intersections and across the tracks, the vertical alignment (grade and curvature) of NC 65 does not meet current design standards. • There are signalized gates at the rail crossing and the intersections are both stop sign controlled. • Because the two intersections are located so close to each other and the railroad crossing, vehicles are stopping on the tracks, which increases exposure to train tra�c and the potential for crashes. • NC 65 currently carries approximately 4,600 vehicles per day, has a steep grade and a sharp curve approaching its intersection at US 311. • Up to ten freight trains travel through the study area each day. • The geometry of NC 65, combined with the traffic volumes, creates safety concerns for vehicles traveling from NC 65 to US 311. • There were six crashes reported from January 1, 2004-December 31, 2006 (2009 Stokes County CTP). • The most recent 5-year Highway Crash Data for the NC 65 intersections with US 311 and Stokesburg Road have been requested and will be addressed in the Environmental Document. - During a December 2016 site visit, our team spoke with a Stokes Co. Deputy who stated that he had responded to eight trucks that were stuck in 2016 both as a deputy and in a private capacity providing towing services. - In addition, an owner of a business located near the NC 65 approach (curve) to Stokesburg Road, the railroad crossing, and US 311 noted a safety concerns about: -- the lack of sight distance along the approach, -- travel speed along NC 65 and -- people/trucks accessing the builders supply company near the curve. • The last train-highway vehicle collision occurred in 1988. Gates were installed in 1989; the fve crashes reported to FRA prior to then all occurred while crossing warning devices were flashing light signals only. Since gates were installed, encroaching truck have damaged the crossing warning devices a number of times, thereby degrading warning to drivers until repaired, but nobody has hit a train. (1-15-2017 E-mail from Drew Thomas, NCDOT-Rail Division, Data Analysis & Crossing Inventory Manager to James Harris, NCDOT-Rail Division, State Railroad Coordination Engineer). • Per NCDOT policy, the Exposure Index (i.e., the product of the number of trains per day and the average daily traffic) was investigated and required a review of options to grade-separate NC 65 and the railroad. • Options to eliminate the existing at-grade railroad crossing and construct a new bridge to carry NC 65 over or under Norfolk Southern Railway were considered; however, they are not feasible due to engineering constraints (such as topography, steep grades, curves and reduced travel speed) and increased study area impacts (such as Floodplain impacts, relocations and property acquisition, among other potential effects like community impacts and potential Environmental Justice concerns related to an increased study area associated with grade separation Safety Improvements to US 311/NC 65 (STIP Project No. R-5768J, 5[okes County Page 3 • The US 311/NC 65 intersection needs improvement because of the potential for both vehicular and train crashes. Safety to motorists will be improved by providing more storage for queued vehicles and improving the intersection geometry by flattening the vertical alignment across the track. Additional safety measures at the crossing will also be considered. Draft Project Purpose: The purpose of the project is to improve the safety of traffic operations at: • the NC 65 / US 311 intersection, • the NC 65 / Stokesburg Road intersection, and • the NC 65 crossing of the Norfolk Southern Railway by increasing the spacing between the intersections, providing more storage for stopped (queued) vehicles and improving the vertical alignment along US 65 across the railroad tracks. Desiqn Data (Proposed Conditionsl: • CTP Designation (Facility Type): Minor Arterial • Type of Access Control: None • Typical Section: two-lane • Right of Way: Variable • Posted Speed: US 311-45 mph, NC 65-varies 25 mph advisory speed to 55 mph, Stokesburg Road-35 mph The Proposed Build Alternative includes: • Shifting US 311 approximately 75 feet northwest; • Increasing the elevation of US 311 (which raises it roughly 10 feet from that of the existing intersection; • Realigning approximately 800 feet of NC 65 on new location; • Relocating the NC 65 intersection with Stokesburg Road approximately 150 feet south; • Making NC 65 the through movement at the Stokesburg Road intersection; and • Providing additional safety measures at the railroad crossing, as necessary Sa/ety Improvements to US 311/NC 65 (STIP Project No. R-5768J, Stokes County Page 4 Preliminary Study Area Resources Inventory Table The information below is subject to change, pending additional research, coordination and fieldwork. This table provides an initial GIS-based invento of resources located within the stud area. Resource/Measure Preliminary Information Type Intersection improvements Potential for Interchanges No Potential for RR crossings Yes Other Infrastructure No Suspected/known Hazardous Material sites No National Register (NRHP) or eligible sites, No known sites. No architectural survey is required. districts, or other historic properties Determination on survey requirements for archaeology is forthcoming. Community facilities such and hospitals, nursing homes, churches, schools, cemeteries, No etc. Potentially Affected Residential Properties Yes Potentially Affected Business Properties Yes Fieldwork and research indicate that the Direct Community Impact Area (DCIA) does not have populations meeting EJ criteria; however, two neighborhoods with affordable/low-income housing are located Potentially Affected populations meeting EJ outside of the DCIA. No notably adverse community impacts are criteria anticipated with this project and no EJ populations appear to be affected. Benefts and burdens resulting from the project are anticipated to be equitably distributed throughout the community. No dis arate im acts are antici ated under Title VI and related statutes. Wetlands Yes, in the study area but no anticipated impacts Streams Yes, one potential impact (<150') Critical Water Supply Watersheds No Riparian Buffer rules apply No Area in active agriculture (nearest acre) No Parks, Greenways, Game Lands, Land and Segment 8 of the Mountains to Sea Trail (MST) Water Conservation Fund Properties, etc. Bike and Pedestrian Routes / Improvements MST, and improvements noted on the Bike & Ped Plans Transit Routes No Identified Critical habitat / species under ESA No FEMA Buyout Properties No The study area includes potential habitat for the NLEB and Schweinitz's Sunflower. Surveys for the Schweinitz's Sunflower will be completed in late August-October. The study area does not include habitat for the James (Virginia) spinymussel or the small anthered Potentially Affected Federally-protected species bittercress. According to the USFWS's records, confrmed hibernation Habitat for Stokes County and maternity sites for this species have not occurred in Stokes County. Therefore, incidental take of this species would not be prohibited under the 4(d) rule and its Biological Conclusion is expected to be "Not Applicable as project meets the criteria for the 4(d) Rule, ublished in the Federal Re ister on Janua 14, 2016:' Other known / suspected resources or issues No Safety Improvemen[s to US 311/NC 65 (STIP Project Na. R-5768J, 5[okes Lounty Page 5 � Miles 0.4 STIP Project No. R-5768 US 311 at NC 65 near SR 1928 (Stokesburg Road) in Walnut Covc Upgrade Intersection and Improve Railroad Crossing Stokes County, North Carolina �Nor[h Carolina Department of Transponation Division 9 "rnncnnrtnlina Vicinity Map � WORKING MAP d `` � �_q,� : a' SC - �� N �';,.A' s+ �., . , 4� ''� 1/17/2017 7 . � �r s � �, � �,�', � 6�, •� � ($UbJ@C� f0 Cif1811g@� u � � � � aF .�. � ��� . � OailerTSx�n � �, - � � _I �I � h� � f '; �i'^� ` � ��" � , i , v" . ��i r � r � `+ �W E . r �y�-� '� , � � � S ` (( � �f I � t \: t l f ` � � . b � li }$ � � 'f _1 �� - � :7 „ � , y n ,- i� � . ¢ � � .. �'� / � �i ,�c'�-% (. 1���,d� \p �1�� �� � ;�``, � � 'M �� �p j_ . �... S I �' , �) o �" ��p , , 1 1 ♦ ��r ' � 1' � .{ I! ' ! i .. �.y'nr �ti � , i � _' I � � � � t r'" "��. � �I� � � � � � V .' � � 71 3� ., t s� ��� m�/ � i � � / � � � � _ �� t� �i�� i bl h ��O �l l / � p.� �'. 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