HomeMy WebLinkAboutUTRocky River_92383_MY5_2016YEAR S MONITORING REPORT UT ROCKY RIVER — HARRIS ROAD MIDDLE Cabarrus County, North Carolina DMS IMS No. 92383, Contract No. 004346 Prepared for: NCDEQ Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) 217 West Jones St., Suite 3000A Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 Construction Completed: August, 2010 Morphology Data Collected: February 15, 2016 Vegetation Data Collected: August 11, 2016 Submitted: October 20, 2016 Prepared by: FEZ ICA ICA Engineering, Inc. 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 919.851.6066 919.851.6846 (fax) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DOCUMENT CONTAINED HEREIN, UT ROCKY RIVER -HARRIS ROAD MIDDLE YEAR 5 MONITORING REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION. SIGNED SEALED, AND DATED THIS DAY OF Chris L. Smith, PE Page i 2016. DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................1 1.1 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES........................................................................................................ 1 1.2 BACKGROUND SUMMARY...................................................................................................... 1 1.3 VEGETATION.......................................................................................................................... 2 1.4 STREAM STABILITY................................................................................................................ 2 1.5 WETLANDS............................................................................................................................. 3 1.6 NOTE...................................................................................................................................... 3 2.0 METHODOLOGY.............................................................................................................3 35 3.0 REFERENCES...................................................................................................................4 - 6.6 Crest Gauge Photos........................................................................................... APPENDIX A. PROJECT VICINITY MAP AND BACKGROUND TABLES ............................................ 5 APPENDIX B. VISUAL ASSESSMENT DATA................................................................................ 12 APPENDIX C. VEGETATION PLOT DATA.................................................................................... 24 APPENDIX D. STREAM SURVEY DATA....................................................................................... 28 APPENDIX E. HYDROLOGIC DATA............................................................................................. 40 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE Figure1. Vicinity Map.................................................................................................................... 6 Figures 2.0 - 2.4. Current Condition Plan View........................................................................... 13 Figures 3.1 - 3.14. Vegetation Plot Photos.................................................................................. 20 Figures 4.1 — 4.6. Cross Section Plots........................................................................................ 29 Figures 5.1 — 5.3. Longitudinal Profile Plots............................................................................... 35 Figures 6.1 - 6.6 Crest Gauge Photos........................................................................................... 40 LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits...................................................7 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History.........................................................8 Table 3. Project Contacts Table.............................................................................9 Table 4. Project Information...............................................................................10 Table 5. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment.......................................................... 18 Table 6. Vegetation Condition Assessment.................................................................................. 19 Table 7. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary............................................................... 24 Table 8. CVS Vegetation Metadata.............................................................................................. 25 Table 9. CVS Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot and Species ............................................... 26 Table 10. Baseline Stream Data Summary................................................................................... 37 Table 11. Monitoring Data - Dimensional Morphology Summary .............................................. 38 Table 12. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary......................................................... 39 Table 13. Verification of Bankfull Events.................................................................................... 40 lm)l ICA Page 11 DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The following report summarizes the vegetation establishment and stream stability for Year 5 monitoring for the UT Rocky River—Harris Road Middle Site (hereafter referred to as the "Site") in Cabarrus County, North Carolina. 1.1 Goals and Objectives The primary goals of the UT Rocky River stream restoration project focus on: • Improving water quality • Enhancing aquatic and terrestrial habitat within the Site watershed • Establishing wildlife corridors within the Site boundaries • Enhancing riparian wetlands adjacent to UT Rocky River • Providing educational opportunities for students at grade schools adjacent to the Site These goals will be achieved through the following objectives: • Stabilizing UT Rocky River by restoring a more natural pattern, profile, and dimension that transports its sediment and flow without aggrading (as seen in areas affected by beavers and erosion control devices), or degrading (as seen in gully reaches on-site). • Establishing a natural vegetative buffer adjacent to the UT Rocky River that filters runoff from adjacent development. • Enhancing semi -aquatic habitat by enhancing existing wetlands with native tree and shrub plantings. • Enhancing stream bed variability, providing shading/cover areas within the stream channel, and introducing woody debris in the form of rootwads, log vanes, and log sills. • Removing existing invasive vegetative species and planting the buffer (floodplain) with native trees, shrubs, herbs and grasses. • Create a wildlife corridor through the Site that connects habitat areas along the Rocky River with habitat areas at the upstream end of the Site. The corridors provide connectivity to a diversity of habitats including mature forest, early successional forest, stream -side forest, riparian wetlands, and uplands. • Providing an educational benefit to children who can utilize the planned pedestrian footpath crossing the floodplain, and can view the stream channel from adjacent terraces where schools are located. 1.2 Background Summary The NCDEQ Division of Mitigation Services (DMS), formerly Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) has completed restoration of 2,715 linear feet of stream and enhanced 8.7 acres of riparian wetland at the Site to assist in fulfilling stream and wetland mitigation goals in the area. The Site is located in northwest Cabarrus County approximately 6 miles southwest of the town of Kannapolis (Figure 1). The Site has a latitude and longitude of 035° 25' 34.52" N and 0800 44' 25.53" W. The Site is situated in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Harris 1=)� ICA Page I DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 Road and the Rocky River, between Harris Middle School and Odell Elementary School, approximately 1.5 miles south of Highway 73. The Site is located within United States Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit (HU) and Targeted Local Watershed 03040105010010 (North Carolina Division of Water Quality [NCDWQ] Subbasin 03-07-11) of the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin, and will service the USGS 8 -digit Cataloging Unit (CU) 03040105. The Site is currently owned by Cabarrus County and the State of North Carolina holds the conservation easement on the property. 1.3 Vegetation Bare root plantings are meeting success criteria for Year 5 monitoring of at least 260 stems per acre. All stems on-site total 338.5 planted stems per acre when counting planted stems alone. Individually, 9 of the 14 plots are exceeding the Year 5 criteria and 13 of the 14 plots are exceeding criteria when including natural recruits. Only plot 8 fails to meet success criteria when including natural recruits. Bare root plantings are surviving well across the site and are expected to sustain growth in the long term. Blackberry (Rubus argutus) has spread throughout the site and is now present in approximately 47% percent of the easement. The majority of planted stems on-site are taller than the blackberry and are not in danger of being out -competed by blackberry. Blackberry will eventually be shaded out as trees mature and canopy develops. Additionally, natural recruit development is expected to continue due to presence of nearby seed sources. Vegetation has met all success criteria after Year 5 monitoring. 1.4 Stream Stability UT Rocky River appears to be stable and functioning as designed. Heavy rain events have caused debris piles to build up in the channel behind stream bank vegetation, leading to minor scour and deposition in the channel profile. The most significant area of degradation on-site appears to be occurring between station 19+75 and 21+50. This change in profile is a result of natural pool scouring and is not an area of concern. The channel is aggrading from station 36+00 though the end of the profile. This deposition is likely a result of backwater from Rocky River entering the UT. Eye witness accounts during August vegetation surveys showed that the deposition washes out when Rocky River backwater recedes. The Double Step Log Cross Vane at approximately station 22+50 is piping under the second step and has been mapped on the CCPV as stressed. It is expected that sediment will fill in behind the step and piping will cease over time. Overall cross section data shows that while cross section dimensions have fluctuated over the course of the monitoring period, channel geometry remains similar to baseline dimensions. Throughout the course of monitoring the channel is moving from a C to an E type channel as the stream has become slightly more entrenched. 1=)� ICA Page 2 DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 The site has a history of beaver activity. DMS has contracted with the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to control beaver activity on the site. No beaver activity was observed during 2016 APHIS or HDRJICA inspections. Beaver removal history can be found in the Project Activities Table (Table 2). The site has experienced several bankfull flows throughout the monitoring period. Crest gauges installed on-site were inspected on February 2, 2016, February 17, 2016 and August 11, 2016. The crest gauges revealed that a bankfull event occurred at least twice during Year 5 monitoring (Table 13). Additional overbank evidence includes debris lines and vegetation bent in the downstream direction. Evidence of bankf ill events can be found in Appendix E. 1.5 Wetlands Existing wetlands at the Site were enhanced by removing exotic vegetation and plating native species. All vegetation plots located within wetland areas are exceeding success criteria when including natural recruits. Section 1.3 provides more details concerning vegetation at the site. 1.6 Note Summary information/data related to the occurrence of items and statistics related to performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in the report appendices. Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the Baseline Monitoring Report (formerly Mitigation Plan) and in the Mitigation Plan (formerly the Restoration Plan) documents available on DMS's website. All raw data supporting the tables and figures in the appendices is available from DMS upon request. 2.0 METHODOLOGY Year 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 monitoring surveys were completed using a Total Station. Each cross section was marked with rebar monuments at their beginning and ending points. The rebar has been located vertically and horizontally in NAD 83 -State Plane. Surveying these monuments throughout the Site ensured proper orientation. The survey data was imported into MicroStation for verification. The longitudinal stationing was developed from total station data and compared with previous years' data to ensure consistent beginning and ending points. RIVERMorph and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources' "The Reference Reach Spreadsheet Version 4.3L" were used to analyze the profile and cross section data (Mecklenburg 2006). Tables and figures were created using Microsoft Excel. The channel is entirely a sand bed system; therefore, a pebble count was not conducted. Vegetation monitoring was completed using CVS level II methods, for 14, 100 square meter vegetation plots (Lee et al. 2006). The taxonomic standard for vegetation used for this document was Flora of the Southern and Mid -Atlantic States (Weakley 2011). 1=)� ICA Page 3 DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 3.0 REFERENCES Lee, Michael T., R. K. Peet, S. D. Roberts, and T. R. Wentworth. 2006. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.0 (http:Hcvs.bio.unc.edu/methods.htm). Mecklenburg, Dan. 2006. The Reference Reach Spreadsheet Version 4.3L. 2006. Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Division of Soil and Water. (http://www.dnr. state.oh.us/tabid/9188/default.aspx) Weakley, Alan S. 2011. Flora of the Southern and Mid -Atlantic States (online). Available: http://www.herbarium.une.edu/FloraArchives/Weakle. F�_2011-May-nay.pdf [May 15, 2011]. University of North Carolina Herbarium, North Carolina Botanical Garden, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 1=)� ICA Page 4 DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 APPENDICES Appendix A. Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables 1m)l ICA Page 5 Cabarrus County • North Carolina Vicinity Map UT Rocky River —Harris Road Middle PROJECT Year 4 Monitoring AREA - - Cabarrus County, North Carolina F) I ICA 1833 1834 73 2942 2 41 \; o 1� 2943 / 1 1 1394 1543 :G 1449 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27607 NC License No: F-0258 1602 73 1451 Date: M015 Figure: 1 0 1000 2000 I I I I FEET 1865 1864 PROJECT y --- 1442 AREA A � 1 - 1449 �y0 —o - 2882 2822 \ 1524 2820 2904 — 2821 2906 1394 \ 1524 /' 1 "The subject project site is an environmental restoration site of the NCDEQ Department of Mitigation Services (DMS) and is encompassed by a recorded conservation easement, but is bordered by land under private ownership. Accessing the site may require traversing areas near or along the easement boundary and therefore access by the general public is not permitted. Access by authorized personnel of state and federal agencies or their designees! contractors involved in the development, oversight and stewardship of the restoration site is permitted within the terms and timeframes of their defined roles. Any intended site visitation or activity by any person outside of these previously sanctioned roles and activities requires prior coordination with DMS." DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle (DMS IMS No. 92383) Mitigation Credits Stream* Riparian Wetland** Type R R Total 2,615 4.1 Project Components Restoration Riparian Wetland (acres) AWRivcrinc Restoration Enhancement Segment/ Reach Station Existing Approach or Restored LF/AC Mitigation ID Range LF/AC Restoration Ratio Equivalent UT to Rocky 10+00— 2,020 PI R 2,450 1:1 River 34+50 UT to Rocky 34+50— 330 PII R 265 1:1 River 37+15 Invasive Wctland - 8.7 Removal & R 8.2 2:1 Planting Component Summation Rcstoration Lcvcl Stream (linear feet) Riparian Wetland (acres) AWRivcrinc Restoration 2,715 Enhancement 8.2 *Stream credits are less than the linear feet restored because 100 feet of the restored stream flows through sewer line easements and was not included as part of the stream credit calculations. **Wetlands located within the sewer line easements were not planted during the construction phase of this project and are not included as part of the enhanced wetland acreage or Wetland Mitigation Credits 1=)� ICA Page 7 DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle (DMS IMS No. 92383) Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Completion or Deliver Restoration Plan April 2008 September 2008 Final Design — Construction Plans September 2008 October 2008 Construction June 11, 2010 March 23, 2011 Temporary S&E Mix Applied to Entire Project Area August 30, 2010 March 23, 2011 Permanent Seed Mix Applied to Entire Project Area August 30, 2010 March 23, 2011 Bare Root, Containerized, and B&B plantings for Entire Project Area February 14, 2011 February 15, 2011 Mitigation Plan/As-built (Year 0 Monitoring- Baseline) April 11, 2012 June 27, 2012 Beaver/Dam Removal October 2012 Year 1 Monitoring October 4, 2012 January 3, 2013 Beaver/Dam Removal February 2013 Beaver/Dam Removal March 2013 Beaver/Dam Removal July 2013 Year 2 Monitoring September 24, 2013 November 6, 2013 Live Stake Supplemental Planting January/February 2014 Beaver/Dam Removal April 2014 Year 3 Monitoring September 23, 2014 November 2014 Beaver/Dam Removal January 2015 Beaver/Dam Removal August 2015 Year 4 Monitoring September 21, 2015 November 2015 Year 5 Monitoring August 11, 2016 September 2016 1=)� ICA Page 8 DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 Table 3. Project Contacts Table UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle (DMS IMS No. 92383) Designer HDR1ICA Engineering 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Primary project design POC Kevin Williams (919) 851-6066 Vaughn Contracting, Inc. Construction Contractor Tommy Vaughn P.O. Box 796 Construction Contractor POC Wadesboro, NC 28170 (704) 694-6450 Bruton Natural Systems Planting Contractor Charlie Bruton PO Box 1197 Planting Contractor POC Fremont, NC 27830 (919)242-6555 Vaughn Contracting, Inc. Seeding Contractor Tommy Vaughn P.O. Box 796 Seeding Contractor POC Wadesboro, NC 28170 (704)694-6450 Seed Mix Sources Green Resources — Triad Office 1) ArborGen - South Carolina SuperTree Nursery Nursery Stock Suppliers 2) Dykes & Son Nursery 3) NC Division of Forest Resources 4) Carolina Wetland Services HDR11CA Engineering Monitoring Performers 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Ben Furr (919) 851-6066 HDR11CA Engineering Stream Monitoring POC 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Ben Furr (919) 851-6066 HDR11CA Engineering Vegetation Monitoring POC 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Ben Furr (919) 851-6066 1=)� ICA Page 9 DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 Table 4. Project Information UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle (DMS IMS No. 92383) Project Information Project Name UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Project County Cabarrus Project Area (acres) 20 Project Coordinates 350 25' 34.52" N, 800 44' 25.53" W Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Region Southern Piedmont Ecoregion Southern Outer Piedmont Project River Basin Yadkin -Pee Dee USGS 8 -digit HUC 03040105 USGS 14 -digit HUC 03040105010010 NCDWQ Subbasin 03-07-11 Project Drainage Area 0.77 sq. mi (at end of restoration reach) Watershed Land Use Forested = 15% Residential/Commerical = 85% Reach Summary Information Parameters UT Rocky River Restored length 2,715 Drainage Area 0.77 sq. mi. NCDWQ Index Number 14-(7) NCDWQ Classification C Valley Type/Morphological Description VIIFC5 Dominant Soil Series Chewacla Drainage Class Somewhat poorly drained Soil Hydric Status Hydric Slope 0.0060 FEMA Classification AE & X Native Vegetation Community Piedmont Alluvial Forest Percent Composition of Exotic Invasives 7.1% Wetland Summary Information Parameters Wetland 1 Size of Wetland (acres) 8.2 Wetland Type Riparian Riverine Mapped Soil Series Chewacla Drainage Class Somewhat poorly drained Soil Hydric Status Hydric Source of Hyrdrology Groundwater and Floodwater Hydrologic Impairment No Native Vegetation Community Piedmont Alluvial Forest Percent Composition of Exotic Invasive Veg. 6.2% 1=)� ICA Page DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 Table 4. Project Information (continued) RegulatoryConsiderations Supporting Regulation Applicable Resolved Documentation Waters of the U.S. —Sections 404 and 401 Restoration Yes Yes Plan Endangered Species Act Restoration Yes Yes Plan Historic Preservation Act Restoration Yes Yes Plan CZMA/CAMA No -- -- FEMA Floodplain Compliance Restoration Yes Yes Plan Essential Fisheries Habitat No -- 1=)� ICA Page DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 Appendix B. Visual Assessment Data 1=)� ICA Page DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 Figures 2.0 - 2.4. Current Condition Plan View lm)� ICA Page 0 N 0 O 5.11., 0 000 0 0 A 0 C4 W V O C4 1833 1602,E 1834 1865 1864 zeaz / 73 2943 73 '1461 �V PROJECT kl 1442 AREA 1449 ^1, 1394 1543 \ 2882 /1- 2822 2822 2820 1524 %1449 2904 �� 821 1524 2906 1394 �15�6 VICINITY MAP OIL, 4k ` CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW (CCPV) UT R O CITY RIVER - HARRIS ROAD MIDDLE LOCATION. CABARRUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA LAT. 35025'34.52" N LONG: 80044'25.53- W TYPE OF WORK. CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW - CCPV (YR5) r iIN UT ROCKY RIVER -" r: HARRIS -ROAD MIDDLE ROCK L -VANE N = 616015.2714 CROSS SECTION E =1481909.5722 • OIL, 4k ` CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW (CCPV) UT R O CITY RIVER - HARRIS ROAD MIDDLE LOCATION. CABARRUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA LAT. 35025'34.52" N LONG: 80044'25.53- W TYPE OF WORK. CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW - CCPV (YR5) r END UT ROCKY RIVER - HARRIS ROAD MIDDLE N = 613901.2913 E =1481460.2720 YEAR 5 CONDITIONS BANK13ED CONDITION MAJOR EROSION MODERATE EROSION MINOR EROSION BEAVER DAM IN -STREAM STRUCTURE CONDITION FAILING STRESSED VEGETATION PROBLEM AREAS DENSE BLACKBERRY VEGETATION PLOT CONDITIONS (PLANTED STEMS ONLY) DCRITERIA MET DCRITERIA UNMET SURVIVAL THRESHOLD MET WHEN INCLUDING NATURAL RECRUITS DCRITERIA UNMET LEGEND MONITORING ROCK L -VANE CROSS SECTION • CREST GAUGE ROCK CROSS VANE p EXISTING PROPERTY LINE LOG VANE EASEMENT W/SILL BOUNDARY BANKFULL LOG CROSS THALWEG VANE $8H FPI - FLOODPLAIN DOUBLE STEP INTERCEPTOR LOG CROSS VANE =- - EXISTING WETLANDS TRANSPLANTS LOG SILL END UT ROCKY RIVER - HARRIS ROAD MIDDLE N = 613901.2913 E =1481460.2720 YEAR 5 CONDITIONS BANK13ED CONDITION MAJOR EROSION MODERATE EROSION MINOR EROSION BEAVER DAM IN -STREAM STRUCTURE CONDITION FAILING STRESSED VEGETATION PROBLEM AREAS DENSE BLACKBERRY VEGETATION PLOT CONDITIONS (PLANTED STEMS ONLY) DCRITERIA MET DCRITERIA UNMET SURVIVAL THRESHOLD MET WHEN INCLUDING NATURAL RECRUITS DCRITERIA UNMET e°� a CP -3 N ='616053.1140 E =1481902.6200 ELEV = 633.910 s LOG CROSS LEGEND VANE MONITORING DOUBLE STEP BANK/BED CONDITION LOG CROSS CROSS SECTION-,- VANE EXISTING TRANSPLANTS PLOT CONDITIONS LOG SILL WETLANDS • CREST GAUGE CRITERIA MET EROSION ROCK L -VANE CJ EXISTING L PROPERTY LINE ROCK CROSS — E — EASEMENT VANE BOUNDARY LOG VANE BANKFULL W/SILL THALWEG eae• FPI - FLOODPLAIN INTERCEPTOR e°� a CP -3 N ='616053.1140 E =1481902.6200 ELEV = 633.910 s PROJECT REFERENCE NO. FIGURE NO. UT ROCKY RIVER - HARRIS ROAD MIDDLE 2.1 CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW (CCPV) FN 'CA ' 25 0 50 SCALE UT ROCKY RIVER — .HARRIS ROAD MIDDLE , N = 616015.2714 E=1481909.5722 - _ e <- - BASIN X- f i .E�pED / • / // : a t tel' DEBRIS IN_ -)/ '- CHANNEL - DEBRIS IN - CHANNEL LESIPE pEZq - /, j G) C HARRIS ?MIDDLE SCHOOL r, • -f t T �- YEAR 5 LOG CROSS VANE DOUBLE STEP BANK/BED CONDITION LOG CROSS VANE MODERATE TRANSPLANTS PLOT CONDITIONS LOG SILL PROJECT REFERENCE NO. FIGURE NO. UT ROCKY RIVER - HARRIS ROAD MIDDLE 2.1 CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW (CCPV) FN 'CA ' 25 0 50 SCALE UT ROCKY RIVER — .HARRIS ROAD MIDDLE , N = 616015.2714 E=1481909.5722 - _ e <- - BASIN X- f i .E�pED / • / // : a t tel' DEBRIS IN_ -)/ '- CHANNEL - DEBRIS IN - CHANNEL LESIPE pEZq - /, j G) C HARRIS ?MIDDLE SCHOOL r, • -f t T �- YEAR 5 CONDITIONS DENSE BANK/BED CONDITION BLACKBERRY MODERATE VEGETATION PLOT CONDITIONS EROSION (PLANTED STEMS ONLY) MINOR CRITERIA MET EROSION DCRITERIA UNMET SURVIVAL THRESHOLD MET WHEN INCLUDING NATURAL RECRUITS CP -4 N = 615583.8840 E =1481538.7100 EFV _i636-.439 _ 1 FOR SITE OVERVIEW SEE FIGURE 2.0 FOR CCPV PLANS SEE FIGURES 2.1 THRU 2.4 CCPV UT ROCKY RIVER - HARRIS ROAD MIDDLE 070708001 CABARRUS °G RVs °`. RKW . W6 PEDESTRIAN M , y J. BRIDGE O'S� LESPEDEZALE D A - ! ., ..� VES 3 � s 1 • A' , jet / � T. V, E , Li _ • . s. LEGEND MONITORING PROJECT REFERENCE NO. FIGURE NO. CROSS SECTION '•A - •+ -�r CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW (CCPV� V UT ROCKY RIVER -HARRIS ROAD MIDDLE 2.2 • r. /� �° ROCK CROSS VANE ICA EXISTING �ry lur i LOG VANE —E— EASEMENT W/SILL BOUNDARY LOG CROSS BANKFULL 25 0 50 VANE --------- B♦ -44 LL, i "4 -, -.f 1 ,, - } r_ LOG CROSS VANE SCnLE PEDESTRIAN M , y J. BRIDGE O'S� LESPEDEZALE D A - ! ., ..� VES 3 � s 1 • A' , jet / � T. V, E , Li _ • . s. YEAR 5 CONDITIONS B Y T JL Affja BANK/BED CONDITION VEGETATION PLOT CONDITIONS �► ' y PLANTED STEMS ONLY sf / MODERATE a I * \ EROSION CRITERIA MET •����j MINOR EROSION CRITERIA UNMET � �`�"--�.�, r VEGETATION PROBLEM AREAS SURVIVAL THRESHOLD MET WHEN , f INCLUDING NATURAL RECRUITS DENSE . 1/ BLACKBERRY y 4 IN -STREAM STRUCTURE CONDITION _ CCPV • f�t,—�r�s _ _ UT ROCKY RIVER - STRESSED •+—+r,' - r - _ _ _ _ _ HARRIS ROAD MIDDLE Alyce " 070708001 0 "' CABARRUS if FOR SITE OVERVIEW SEE FIGURE 2.0 RVS FOR CCPV PLANS SEE FIGURES 2.1 THRU 2.4 aE° n. RKW o.,,. 8'16 LEGEND MONITORING ROCK L -VANE CROSS SECTION p • CREST GAUGE /� �° ROCK CROSS VANE EXISTING �ry PROPERTY LINE LOG VANE —E— EASEMENT W/SILL BOUNDARY LOG CROSS BANKFULL VANE --------- THALWEG DOUBLE STEP aea FPI - FLOODPLAIN LOG CROSS VANE INTERCEPTOR TRANSPLANTS EXISTING WETLANDS � LOG SILL — YEAR 5 CONDITIONS B Y T JL Affja BANK/BED CONDITION VEGETATION PLOT CONDITIONS �► ' y PLANTED STEMS ONLY sf / MODERATE a I * \ EROSION CRITERIA MET •����j MINOR EROSION CRITERIA UNMET � �`�"--�.�, r VEGETATION PROBLEM AREAS SURVIVAL THRESHOLD MET WHEN , f INCLUDING NATURAL RECRUITS DENSE . 1/ BLACKBERRY y 4 IN -STREAM STRUCTURE CONDITION _ CCPV • f�t,—�r�s _ _ UT ROCKY RIVER - STRESSED •+—+r,' - r - _ _ _ _ _ HARRIS ROAD MIDDLE Alyce " 070708001 0 "' CABARRUS if FOR SITE OVERVIEW SEE FIGURE 2.0 RVS FOR CCPV PLANS SEE FIGURES 2.1 THRU 2.4 aE° n. RKW o.,,. 8'16 TRANSPLANTS > A LOG SILL CP -5 = 614891.8620A. E =1481797.3510." ELEV = 635.892 is y S .�. +f ..r • _ ''. ` ''ter, r _ � L r � . v • _ � _` moi'. s - lr-� . r - '` � N � w YEAR 5 CONDITIONS BANKBED CONDITION ►����� MODERATE EROSION ►����j MINOR EROSION VEGETATION PROBLEM AREAS DENSE BLACKBERRY VEGETATION PLOT CONDITIONS (PLANTED STEMS ONLY) DCRITERIA MET DCRITERIA UNMET SURVIVAL THRESHOLD MET WHEN INCLUDING NATURAL RECRUITS F2 DEBRIS ,IN ° '2 CHANNEL FOR SITE OVERVIEW SEE FIGURE 2.0 FOR CCPV PLANS SEE FIGURES 2.1 THRU 2.4 CCPV UT ROCKY RIVER - HARRIS ROAD MIDDLE 070708001 CABARRUS RVS RKW °"` W6 CURRENT CONDITIONS \/ W PLAN ♦IE 1♦ (CCPV PROJECT REFERENCE OFIGURE NO. —NO-- UT ROCKY RIVER- HARRIS ROAD MIDDLE 2.3 LEGEND MONITORING CROSS SECTION �r `b � ROCK L -VANE r 1 ` ��� ICA •. CREST w. ` � f GAUGE {� ,p� ROCK CROSS ,� � •., J. ,; y f � EXISTING (�f 4 VANE � . 0 50 PROPERTY LINE %25 E EASEMENT LOG VANE. r '� BOUNDARY W/SILL r , SCALE BANKFULLC , P-6 + • ti N = 614257.9240 -- -- -- THALWEG LOG CROSS VANE ti, . % �.' E =1481738.0020 FPI - FLOODPLAIN_ ELEV = 635.892 �• INTERCEPTOR OG DOUBLESTEP OSS 14 VANE -_ EXISTING -' WETLANDS TRANSPLANTS > A LOG SILL CP -5 = 614891.8620A. E =1481797.3510." ELEV = 635.892 is y S .�. +f ..r • _ ''. ` ''ter, r _ � L r � . v • _ � _` moi'. s - lr-� . r - '` � N � w YEAR 5 CONDITIONS BANKBED CONDITION ►����� MODERATE EROSION ►����j MINOR EROSION VEGETATION PROBLEM AREAS DENSE BLACKBERRY VEGETATION PLOT CONDITIONS (PLANTED STEMS ONLY) DCRITERIA MET DCRITERIA UNMET SURVIVAL THRESHOLD MET WHEN INCLUDING NATURAL RECRUITS F2 DEBRIS ,IN ° '2 CHANNEL FOR SITE OVERVIEW SEE FIGURE 2.0 FOR CCPV PLANS SEE FIGURES 2.1 THRU 2.4 CCPV UT ROCKY RIVER - HARRIS ROAD MIDDLE 070708001 CABARRUS RVS RKW °"` W6 LEGEND l' MONITORING AND CROSS SECTION • CREST GAUGE �j EXISTING L PROPERTY LINE E— EASEMENT � BOUNDARY BANKFULL THALWEG — EXISTING *— WETLANDS •gea' FPI — CCPV UT ROCKY RIVER — HARRIS ROAD MIDDLE FLOODPLAIN FOR SITE OVERVIEW INTERCEPTOR `o' 070708001 ROCK L—VANE o a, RVS ROCK CROSS VANE LOG VANE W/SILL LOG CROSS ` 1116 VANE DOUBLE STEP LOG CROSS VANE TRANSPLANTS f LOG SILL YEAR 5 CONDITIONS BANK13ED CONDITION - MAJOR EROSION MODERATE EROSION MINOR EROSION BEAVER DAM VEGETATION PROBLEM AREAS DENSE BLACKBERRY IN -STREAM STRUCTURE CONDITION STRESSED FAILED VEGETATION PLOT CONDITIONS (PLANTED STEMS ONLY) DCRITERIA MET DCRITERIA UNMET SURVIVAL THRESHOLD MET WHEN INCLUDING NATURAL RECRUITS DCRITERIA UNMET �X " M clq uj BEAVERDAiY REM AN W W r LL Z J _ / CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW (CCPV PROJECT REFERENCE NO. FIGURE NO. UT ROCKY RIVER - HARRIS ROAD MIDDLE 2.4 FNS ICA j r 1 25 0 So END UT ROCKY RIVER HARRIS ROAD MIDDLE SCALE N = 613901.2913 E =1481460.2720 VE 8 xz' I r f Y ix iL ' l' 25' ACCESS, USE AND r CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 7 DB 3159 PG 65 iL ' 25' ACCESS, USE AND CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT DB 3159 PG 65 I � # ' CCPV UT ROCKY RIVER — HARRIS ROAD MIDDLE FOR SITE OVERVIEW SEE FIGURE 2.0 `o' 070708001 "' CABARRUS o a, RVS FOR CCPV PLANS SEE FIGURES 2.1 THRU 2.4 r RKW ` 1116 00 M a - Q V L s z z b� > a o �a3 � 11 z 'z N r C O z N yid d t� O � O O C 4r C d ~ iy O d y a en C C O O N O O N I N O as �' C ami Qid �y y R y y d tC � R � •= O V d 7 O Q N ^o ^a C4 'a E y M M M M N N N N N A _ e m K Z4�. °q •o o � m •a o 0 0, ou n o c Ci .r [V W Q 6 0.l $ V1 � �" O a A" 00 [z. 7 of ✓Gi O O L .� R> iY. e F ✓ 5 O C7 Gfl x U U •-i N M U N M N N M d _ as L Y L d � C C TUU m'A 00 M a - Q V � � � � � MLM a a \© �© }\c \ / )/ \ _ 22 § 7m ]f = _ d ' § � \ ] ] � \ \ � 2 2 §\ G\E )A� § _ 2]& § \ ]»» � { & } \ \ \ 4 ) ) } \ m ` \ \ \ 4 \ � 4 � ]_ ; ) � ) § . & ! & t■ a # k 2 WLAR .I I I I Iw � � � � � MLM VO, 19 -40 A wi 'w FIIF- � efa_ ¢s - ,x ar l ¢s - ,x ar ,n s `ISR � tom• -.JF DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 3.9 Vegetation Plot 9 3.10 Vegetation Plot 10 3.11 Vegetation Plot 11 lm)� ICA Page 3.12 Vegetation Plot 12 vsk DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 Appendix C. Vegetation Plot Data Table 7. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle (DMS IMS No. 92383) Stems Survival Plot CVS Planted Per Threshold ID Community Type Level Stems Acre Met? Piedmont Alluvial Forest 1 (non -wetland area) II 10 404 Yes Piedmont Alluvial Forest 2 II 4 162 No* (supplemental planting) Piedmont Alluvial Forest 3 II 9 364 Yes (riverine wetland area) Piedmont Alluvial Forest 4 II 6 242 No* (non -wetland area) Piedmont Alluvial Forest 5 II 8 323 Yes (riverine wetland area) Piedmont Alluvial Forest 6 II 11 445 Yes (riverine wetland area) Piedmont Alluvial Forest 7 II 6 242 No* (riverine wetland area) Piedmont Alluvial Forest 8 (non -wetland area) II 6 242 No Piedmont Alluvial Forest 9 (riverine wetland area & II 7 283 Yes non -wetland area) Piedmont Alluvial Forest 10 II 6 242 No* (non -wetland area) Piedmont Alluvial Forest 11 (non -wetland area) II 12 485 Yes Piedmont Alluvial Forest 12 II 8 323 Yes (riverine wetland area) Piedmont Alluvial Forest 13 (riverine wetland area) II 10 404 Yes Piedmont Alluvial Forest 14 II 14 566 Yes (non -wetland area) Average Stems Per Acre 339 *Survival threshold met when including natural recruits lm)l 'CA Page 24 DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 Table 8. CVS Vegetation Metadata Report Prepared By Ben Furr Date Prepared 8/12/2016 13:47 database name cvs-eep-entrytool-v2.2.7.mdb database location S:\ UT_Rocky_River\Docs\Monitoring\CVS Data computer name NC12194 file size 55574528 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT------------ Metadata Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s) and project data. Proj, planted Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year. This excludes live stakes. Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each Proj, total stems year. This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural/volunteer stems. Plots List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, missing, etc.). Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots. Vigor by Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species. Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each. Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species. Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot. Planted Stems by Plot and Spp A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species ALL Stems by Plot and spp (planted and natural volunteers combined) for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. PROJECT SUMMARY ------------------------------------- Project Code RR project Name UT Rocky River Description Stream and Wetland Restoration Project River Basin Yadkin -Pee Dee length(ft) 2715 stream -to -edge width (ft) 50 area (sq m) 25220.62 Required Plots (calculated) 14 Sampled Plots 14 F)l 'CA Page 25 Table 9. Planted and Total Stem Counts (Species by Plot with Annual Means) UT Rocky River— Harris Road Middle (EEP IMS No. 92383) (Year 5 Monitoring 2016) Plot 1 Plot 2 Plot 3 Plot 4 Plot 5 Plot 6 Plot 7 Plot 8 Scientific Name Common Name Type P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T Acer rubrum Red maple Tree Asimina triloba Paw-paw Shrub 1 1 Betula nigra River birch Tree 1 1 Carya ovata Shagbark hickory Tree 1 1 2 2 Cornus amomum Silky dogwood Shrub 5 3 3 1 2 2 Cornus florida Flowering dogwood Tree 2 2 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green ash Tree 4 4 3 3 1 4 4 8 8 1 1 Liquidambar styraciflua Sweetgum Tree 10 1 1 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 5 5 2 1 4 4 Quercus sp. Oak Tree 1 1 Quercus falcata Southern red oak Tree 3 3 Quercus michauxii Swamp chesnut oak Tree 2 2 Quercus phellos Willow oak Tree 3 4 4 3 5 Ulmus sp. Elm Tree Ulmus americana American elm Tree 1 2 1 1 4 4 Plot Area (acres) 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 Species Count 4 5 2 4 3 4 3 4 1 3 4 5 3 4 2 2 Stem Count 10 20 4 13 9 10 6 7 8 11 11 12 6 9 6 6 Stems per Acre 404.86 809.72 161.94 526.32 364.37 404.86 242.91 283.40 323.89 445.34 445.34 485.83 242.91 364.37 242.91 242.91 F) ICA Page 26 I=) ICA Page 27 Table 9. Planted and Total Stem Counts (Species by Plot with Annual Means) UT Rocky River - Harris Road Middle (EEP IMS No. 92383) (Year 5 Monitoring 2016) Annual Means Plot 9 Plot 10 Plot 11 Plot 12 Plot 13 Plot 14 YR5 (2016) YR4 (2015) YR3 (2014) YR2 (2013) YR1(2012) Scientific Name Common Name Type P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T Acer rubrum Red maple Tree 1 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 3.50 0.00 11.00 Asimina triloba Paw-paw Shrub 2 2 1.50 1.50 1.00 0.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.67 1.67 Betula nigra River birch Tree 2 2 1.50 1.50 1.00 0.00 1.50 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Carya ovata Shagbark hickory Tree 1.50 1.50 1.00 0.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Cornus amomum Silky dogwood Tree 2.50 2.75 1.67 2.75 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.78 2.67 4.67 Cornus florida Flowering dogwood Tree 2.00 4.50 1.00 4.50 2.00 4.10 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green ash Tree 1 1 5 5 1 1 4 4 1 3.44 3.00 3.10 3.00 3.20 4.30 3.56 3.56 3.50 3.27 Liquidambar styraciflua Sweetgum Tree 6 8 0.00 5.20 0.00 5.20 5.00 7.30 0.00 9.25 0.00 9.80 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 5 5 3 3 6 6 1 1 1 1 3.57 3.11 3.13 3.11 3.10 3.00 3.38 3.33 3.38 3.38 Quercus sp. Oak Tree 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 Quercus falcata Southern red oak Tree 1 3 1 1 1 1 7 7 2.60 3.00 2.17 3.00 3.00 4.50 2.60 2.60 3.40 3.40 Quercus michauxii Swamp chesnut oak Tree 3 3 3 3 3 3 2.75 2.75 2.20 0.00 2.30 2.50 2.50 2.25 2.75 2.75 Quercus phellos Willow oak Tree 4 5 3.67 4.25 2.75 4.25 3.50 4.00 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 Ulmus sp. Elm Tree 2 2 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Ulmus americana American elm Tree 1 1 1.75 2.00 1.40 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.00 3.00 2.00 5.50 Plot Area (acres) 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species Count 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 3.07 4.50 3.07 4.50 3.40 6.10 3.43 6.00 3.64 6.21 Stem Count 7 10 6 12 12 12 8 9 10 18 14 15 8.36 14.64 8.36 14.64 9.20 21.70 9.07 19.00 10.14 24.57 Stems per Acre 283.40 404.86 242.91 485.83 485.83 485.83 323.89 364.37 404.86 728.74 566.80 607.29 338.50 593.00 338.35 648.00 373.00 879.10 367.26 769.23 410.64 994.79 I=) ICA Page 27 DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 Appendix D. Stream Survey Data lm)l 'CA Page 28 DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 Figures 4.1 — 4.6. Cross Section Plots F)l 'CA Page 29 621.0 620.0 F c 619.0 m v W 618.0 617.0 0.0 DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 Figure 4.2, XS -2 Riffle, Sta. 18+55.09 Baseline - 3/22/11 —•—Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 Distance (ft) F)l ICA Page 30 40.0 45.0 616.0 615.0 c 614.0 m a) a Lu 613.0 DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 Figure 4.3, XS -3 Pool, Sta. 23+64.02 Baseline - 3/22/11 —•—Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 —Year 4 — Year 5 612.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 Distance (ft) 1m)l ICA Page 31 470 y, I 614.0 613.0 _ 612.0 a uj 611.0 610.0 0.0 DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 Figure 4.4, XS -4 Riffle, Sta. 28+54.29 Baseline - 3/23/11—Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 —Year 4 —Year 5 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 Distance (ft) A '' j�jjj" 1m)l 'CA Page 32 r, A '' j�jjj" 1m)l 'CA Page 32 613.0 612.0 DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 Figure 4.5, XS -5 Pool, Sta. 31+53.85 Baseline - 3/23/11 —m—Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 —*—Year 4 Year 5 ME .1. 1 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 Distance (ft) F)l 'CA Page 33 626.0 624.0 ._ 622.0 c 620.0 m v Lu 618.0 616.0 614.0 10+00.00 Figure 5.1 UT Rocky River - Longitudinal Profile Baseline Thalweg Baseline Bankfull -YR1 Thalweg ■ YR 1 Bankfull -YR 2 Thalweg YR 2 Bankfull YR 3 Thalweg YR 3 Bankfull YR4 Thalweg YR4 - Bankfull YR 5 Thalweg - MY 5 Water Surface YR 5 Bankfull 11+00.00 12+00.00 13+00.00 14+00.00 Sta. (ft) 15+00.00 16+00.00 17+00.00 18+00.00 Page 35 I=) ICA Figure 5.2 UT Rocky River - Longitudinal Profile Baseline Thalweg Baseline Bankfull YR 1 Thalweg ■ YR 1 Bankfull YR 2 Thalweg YR 2 Bankfull YR 3 Thalweg YR 3 Bankfull YR 4 Thalweg YR 4 Bankfull -YR 5 Thalweg YR 5 Bankfull MY 5 Water Surface Log Sill Log Sill Double Step Log Cross Vane 621.0 g 619.0 `.• + + A, +4m'! L09 Sill Lo Vane wJ-Sj-U ■ • �� . ■ tk ■ +. Do ble Step Log Cross Vane w 617.0 +w . Lig-1t��N/ Log Sill • dr Am+AN Log Vane w/ Sill 615.0 �-Ift A, ■ I • • ■ . + w 613.0 611.0 609.0 18+00.00 19+00.00 20+00.00 21+00.00 22+00.00 23+00.00 24+00.00 25+00.00 26+00.00 Sta. (ft) Page 35 I=) ICA 615.0 613.0 ■ 611.0 609.0 — fu v 607.0 605.0 603.0 26+00.00 Figure 5.3 UT Rocky River - Longitudinal Profile Baseline Thalweg Baseline Bankfull YR 1 Thalweg ■ YR 1 Bankfull YR 2 Thalweg YR 3 Bankfull YR4 Thalweg Yr4 - Bankfull YR 5 Thalwag —SYR 5 Water Surface Beaver am 2014 (Removed) Beaver Dam 2015 (Removed) Log Sill Log Sill B ver Dam 2012 (Removed) Log i •r ,. _. + . *■+. .•+ •,.. ..+ .� XS -6 Log Sill • �■ • ■.`♦ i 0 FEZ ICA 28+00.00 30+00.00 32+00.00 Sta. (ft) Page 36 34+00.00 YR 2 Bankfull YR 3 Thalweg MY 5 Bankfull Rock Cross Vane Log Cross Vane Zill Double Step Log Cross Vane 4�- r+- 36+00.00 r— W a v C�� d' V V V V V N N l0 1p V1 O N n W IA O N O V ISA V N W c x O o Iq moaq O m om N O� � O � �m+t ^ I� �m y N N O O y v n� Ol m io O N is m O O o cj 0 �O O 0 C N n Q N N N V A N M 0 N m Vp1 m uj m a m IO tp nO'1. N O W m T m V V N N O N m ..-� M iy N ut O V vt N m •+ V N E Lq q� o¢ o^ � ao n • WD 0 w 0 0 Vl m m v O o O O a m O O O fm't a m n W o 0 4 N N N C p m o .ti of O m •� `� o 0 0 ri m O ri �o• o O of N oo m N N N N o 0 L y C d V C N M p O cq m N N „y d � O1 a Ory M O O l0 O N m N N q I� N O p O N T M O 00 N O v v C m m M L m 9 O O M N ut �wi N .�-i r4 m N N O d' O O a � N Y Cc y N m m O u1 .-i m o0 O 00 O O n o 00 of m Ln N M V O O ttgq Z VI w � N g d � p 7 0 .Pi u1 R Q W N U C O O n O N n O m O n m vet a O O l0 O n O M Vl N N N ey m M M O O N O M N O w y 2i 7 �4 N m N V N O o N O O a 01 O N ti M tv1 ti m O ^O M o i � d � q C Y d 1 ` `^ o ^' o �^ m �++ IN n n o m9 N m o m .i n � a �o � m^ m o V F Y O C 1 V 7 d L W C m� c V o •% C d W O N C O M V O N N m p O O 6 O N � � O�� m � O 6 N N N 0 o c u - i u � 0 a9 s Q p m w « m E o -a C -a m w C\ s d L L L L E S L L 09 L N L \ E a C91 ry Y U Y L L> H U y a K K 3 3 0 o ¢ a v m a o a o- ¢ 3 L a_ L v a N m a y a b0`9 .o 0'"09 v v v 3 w=> o c ` x c y z = v '^ m f0 v i 3 > 3 «\ d a c° v ¢£ m u u ° o w g o r v iEm o o o a m u a v ^-' 9vp j n o m o a r m o 99 y> s v a°\ o cC o ,� Y �e c N 3 c �, ° m a w e o s' \ h o Q E N o `a o s c m c r v o o o a E a o o �v v a o ro v E m v ° m c w , o to E E E v w ° ° i 2 3 0 •O V a L VI m A C d '0 W - m L y M U d E y 3 2 m V a a y v m c � \ z - E o A r— W a v 00 M O M w V ML LC) m O O M fl_ M O LO CO O 00 It CO N co O LO M O N N� N co O } Lo L- 00 � ti Ln O } 00 N r O } 00 O d r O) O 2� I` O r CO 00 M N 2� p O r M CO r ~ M ^ Q 2 6 LO r co' M r CO Ln N r N w N V M O M N I- N LO O "t Ln CD O H O CD M~ OjR �' O O 00 M r M M 0 •-• } N aD O O O } O N Lf) b) Co N O } Ln O 00 N `- O O O 41 O7 S O N � r d7 r w� M 0) O Ln O CO i r 0 ('") O M r Q r r r ~ N r M Q r N r r N "� VCD 0) � M O O T CO O 0 0 L CO O CD O r r r r 0 CO r O r N M O Cl) N >- 0') LO LO O Il CO O d } N Ln Ln O 00 O O } CO CO d' r- r O CO O N O) r _ M O r I` , O r coCD , CO N r ch O O O N 1 CN O N N d O 00 LO 00 ti O U V V N LO O m M r co M O a N�O CD r r'T N M 0 (n >- co 00 00 r ~ O N} F- N CO M O r- m O(D}c O M r (.0U) M O O) Lf) r- O r M 0 000 r M O- CO N— Co r c r cn "'T M N r i U) N� N O N r M O O M M co N 0 O d O L O L r 00 O O LO 00 O LO M O V d r� O 0 CO ~ 00 E U } 00 00 CO r O U } 00 00 M Ln I. 00 O cn } N N LM N _ i M O O r 00 N r r 00 m O r � O N r r p r N M O) N r d� r r r r N r CO oN r N r N M O O CD O O Lo O O O O �C a) O O CD O O O O O p O U O p CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O M O O O 00 O Lfj a0 t� � M p U) c9 07 07 cO cO O O Q .N Z m a7 O r CO O M r CD M O O CO p e co r (B m r Ln . r O N r N r r r r N r r N r r c cn d LC) M CD O S d' CO r r O Ln CO CD O co r co r- N O LC) M CD O 00 O r 00 O O E co } M r f� d M N O } LO .. 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LO t1 O -a r O O r O I- N O I- O N +• CD m X O O O O O O CO M d L[) tY D L CO CO CO N 0� O f- t0 M r 00 0 M E> r N O r O N " r 00 O N 00 LO a) r r r co 00 O M 0) o m L{) LO C9 Co LO p C) CU CD O 0 O M O LO O O N r It co O V) [` CO 00 LCA LLQ r � CV O O O O . m N N 0 r 0) CO CO r C� N r o CU m CA N O r CO O O C0 � N r- O O O LO m r N O r co M m U 00 00 O LO 00 00 M - O j m 0 N 0 CSO CO co N r 0 O CA N � C6 CA CN O r CO r M LO O L!7 N LO OL () r N O r U � O � C O O O O CD CD LC) d' 00 CT C m L0 CO r r O C) 0) � U U) 0 r O r 0 rO m O p M r co U) > + N O O O Ia- 0�Qpw Q O m O Q C N J 0 J C, i CU O E N Q �_ C6 - C C O (n CX6 = N O O � O U Cf) W U �+ Y O CU 2E ,2 � C Y 0 O U m X CU L) _ W _ m � >� c� m O d cv a) 0 U 00 U) > W d Ca U 4- U U d O C N O LL m U i N L O N V C (U O d L O L C nZ3 (n L LL O 6 U) 0 O y (B = L O 0- (u CV iY1 0 t�:: L .Id ^^L d d Q r N M n ML DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River - Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 Appendix E. Hydrologic Data Table 13. Verification of Bankfull Events Date Crest Gauge Info Gauge Reading (ft) Gauge Elevation (ft) Crest Elevation (ft) Bankfull Elevation (ft) Height above Bankf 11 (ft) Photo Site Sta. 3/8/2012 1 16+85 0.75 620.65 621.40 621.05 0.35 6.1 10/4/2012 1 16+85 1.13 620.65 621.78 621.05 0.73 6.2 3/20/2013 1 16+85 1.75 620.65 622.40 621.05 1.35 6.3 9/24/2013 2 29+70 1.30 611.80 613.10 612.33 0.77 6.4 9/23/2014 1 16+85 1.66 620.65 622.31 621.05 1.26 6.5 9/23/2014 2 29+70 1.83 611.80 613.65 612.33 1.32 6.6 3/24/2015 2 29+70 1.29 611.80 613.09 612.33 0.76 6.7 9/21/2015 1 16+85 1.46 620.65 622.11 621.05 1.06 6.8 2/17/2016 1 16+85 3.9 620.65 624.55 621.05 3.5 6.9 2/1/2016 2 29+70 3.9 611.80 615.77 612.33 3.72 6.10 9/11/2016 1 16+85 3.9 620.65 624.55 621.05 3.5 6.11 Figures 6.1 - 6.11 Crest Gauge Photos 6.1 Crest Gauge 1 (3/8/2012) F)l 'CA Page 40 6.2 Crest Gauge 1 (10/4/2012) DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 6.3 Crest Gauge 1 (3/12/2013) 6.5 Crest Gauge 1 (9/23/2014) 1m)l ICA Page 41 6.4 Crest Gauge 2 (9/24/2013) 6.6 Crest Gauge 2 (9/23/2014) 7-7 t ? 6.5 Crest Gauge 1 (9/23/2014) 1m)l ICA Page 41 6.4 Crest Gauge 2 (9/24/2013) 6.6 Crest Gauge 2 (9/23/2014) DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 6.7 Crest Gauge 2 (3/24/2015) 6.8 Crest Gauge 1 (9/21/2015) 6.9 Crest Gauge 1 (2/17/2016) 1m)l 'CA Page 42 6.10 Crest Gauge 2 (2/1/2016) DMS IMS No. 92383 UT Rocky River — Harris Road Middle Cabarrus County, North Carolina YEAR FIVE MONITORING REPORT October 2016 6.11 Crest Gauge 1 (8/11/2016) F)l 'CA Page 43