HomeMy WebLinkAboutUnderwood_94641_MY4_2016MONITORING YEAR 4 ANNUAL REPORT Final UNDERWOOD MITIGATION SITE Chatham County, NC NCDEQ Contract 003268 DMS Project Number 94641 Data Collection Period: May 2016- November 2016 Draft Submission Date: December 1, 2016 Final Submission Date: January 11, 2017 PREPARED FOR: 1� INC Department of Environment Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 PREPARED BY: WO.O* WILDLANDS E NG I NEER I N G Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 312 West Millbrook Road, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Jason Lorch jlorch@wildlandseng.com Phone: 919.851.9986 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Wildlands Engineering (Wildlands) completed a full -delivery project for the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) to restore and enhance a total of 9,133 linear feet (LF) of stream and restore, enhance, and create 13.84 acres (ac) of wetlands in Chatham County, North Carolina. The project streams consist of South Fork Cane Creek (South Fork) and three unnamed tributaries (UTs) of the South Fork. The largest of these streams, South Fork, ultimately drains to the Haw River. At the downstream limits of the project, the drainage area is 3,362 acres (5.25 square miles). The Site provides 6,765 Stream Mitigation Units (SMUs) and 9.1 Wetland Mitigation Units (WMUs). The Underwood Mitigation Site, hereafter referred to as the Site, consists of two separate areas (Harris Site and Lindley Site) located in western Chatham County north of Siler City, North Carolina. The Harris Site is located within the upstream area of the project watershed along Clyde Underwood Road, just west of Plainfield Church Road. The Lindley Site is located downstream from the Harris Site, southwest of Moon Lindley Road between Johnny Lindley Road and Bob Clark Road (Figure 1). The Sites are located within the Carolina Slate Belt of the Piedmont Physiographic Province (USGS, 1998). It is within the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) subbasin 03-06-04 of the Cape Fear River Basin and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit 03030002050050. Approximately 60% of the land in the project watershed is forested, 39% is classified as managed herbaceous cover or agricultural, and the remaining 1% is split between unmanaged herbaceous and open water (MRLC, 2001). Prior to construction activities, the streams and wetlands on the Harris Site were impacted by cattle grazing, which led to stream bank erosion and instability. The Lindley Site was used for row crop agriculture and the streams were straightened and deepened and much of the riparian vegetation was removed. Related degradation includes declining aquatic habitat, loss of forest, degraded riparian buffers, loss of wetlands, and water quality problems related to increased sediment and nutrient loadings. The design features of this project were developed to achieve multiple project objectives. The stream restoration elements were designed to frequently flood the reconnected floodplain and adjacent riparian wetlands. This design approach provides more frequent dissipation of energy from higher flows (bankfull and above) to improve channel stability; provide water quality treatment through detention, settling, and biological removal of pollutants; and restore a more natural hydrologic regime. These objectives were achieved by restoring and enhancing 9,133 linear feet (LF) of perennial and intermittent stream channel, and restoring, enhancing, and creating 13.84 acres of riparian and non -riparian wetlands. The stream riparian zone and wetland areas were also planted to stabilize streambanks, improve habitat, and protect water quality. Figure 2 and Table 1 present design applications for the Site. The following project goals were established to address the effects listed above from watershed and project site stressors: • Restore and stabilize stream dimensions, pattern, and profile; • Establish proper substrate distribution throughout restored and enhanced streams; • Improve aquatic and riparian habitat; • Reduce nutrient loads within the watershed and to downstream waters; • Further improve water quality within the watershed through reductions of sediment, bacteria, and other pollutants; • Decrease water temperature and increase dissolved oxygen concentrations; • Establish appropriate hydrology for wetland areas; • Restore native vegetation to wetlands and riparian buffers/improve existing buffers; and WUnderwood Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report — FINAL • Create appropriate terrestrial habitat. Stream and wetland restoration, enhancement, and creation construction efforts were completed in November 2012. A conservation easement is in place on 37.8 acres of riparian corridor and wetland resources to protect them in perpetuity. Monitoring Year 4 (MY4) monitoring and site visits were completed between May and November 2016 to assess the conditions of the project. Overall, the Site has met the required vegetation, and stream success criteria for MY4. The overall average planted stem density of 434 stems/ acre is greater than the 260 stem/ acre density required for MY5. All restored and enhanced streams are stable and functioning as designed. The Site has met the Monitoring Year 5 (MY5) hydrology success criteria for bankfull events. Groundwater wells have not met MY5 criteria. Ten of 15 groundwater wells have met MY4 success criteria. WUnderwood Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report — FINAL UNDERWOOD MITIGATION SITE Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW.......................................................................................................1-1 General Tables and Figures 1.1 Project Goals and Objectives.....................................................................................................1-1 Project Vicinity Map 1.2 Monitoring Year 4 Data Assessment..........................................................................................1-2 Project Component/Asset Map 1.2.1 Vegetative Assessment......................................................................................................1-2 Project Components and Mitigation Credits 1.2.2 Vegetation Areas of Concern.............................................................................................1-3 Project Activity and Reporting History 1.2.3 Stream Assessment............................................................................................................1-3 Project Contacts Table 1.2.4 Stream Areas of Concern...................................................................................................1-3 Project Baseline Information and Attributes 1.2.5 Hydrology Assessment.......................................................................................................1-3 Monitoring Data — Stream Reach Data Summary 1.2.6 Wetland Assessment..........................................................................................................1-4 Longitudinal Profile Plots 1.2.7 Maintenance Plan..............................................................................................................1-4 Cross Section Plots 1.3 Monitoring Year 4 Summary......................................................................................................1-5 Reachwide and Cross Section Pebble Count Plots Section 2: METHODOLOGY.............................................................................................................2-1 Hydrology Summary Data and Plots Section3: REFERENCES...................................................................................................................3-1 Verification of Bankfull Events APPENDICES Appendix 1 General Tables and Figures Figure 1 Project Vicinity Map Figure 2a -c Project Component/Asset Map Table 1 Project Components and Mitigation Credits Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contacts Table Table 4 Project Baseline Information and Attributes Appendix 2 Visual Assessment Data Figure 3.0-3.3 Integrated Current Condition Plan View Figure 4.1-4.3 Supplemental Planting Table 5a -h Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Table 6 Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Table 10a -c Stream Photographs Table 11 Vegetation Photographs Appendix 3 Vegetation Plot Data Table 7 Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Table 8 CVS Vegetation Table - Metadata Table 9 Planted and Total Stem Counts (Species by Plot with Annual Means) Appendix 4 Morphological Summary Data and Plots Table 10a -c Baseline Stream Data Summary Table 11 Morphology and Hydraulic Summary (Dimensional Parameters — Cross Section) Table 12a -f Monitoring Data — Stream Reach Data Summary Longitudinal Profile Plots Cross Section Plots Reachwide and Cross Section Pebble Count Plots Appendix 5 Hydrology Summary Data and Plots Table 13 Verification of Bankfull Events Table 14 Wetland Gage Attainment Summary WUnderwood Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report — FINAL iii Groundwater Gage Plots Monthly Rainfall Data Pre and Post Construction Groundwater Gage Comparison Plots WUnderwood Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report— FINAL Section 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW The Underwood Mitigation Site, hereafter referred to as the Site, consists of two separate areas (Harris Site and Lindley Site) located in western Chatham County within the Cape Fear River Basin (USGS Hydrologic Unit 03030002) north of Siler City, North Carolina. The Harris Site is located within the upstream area of the project watershed along Clyde Underwood Road, just west of Plainfield Church Road. The Lindley Site is located downstream from the Harris Site, southwest of Moon Lindley Road between Johnny Lindley Road and Bob Clark Road. The Site is located within the Carolina Slate Belt of the Piedmont Physiographic Province (USGS, 1998). The project watersheds consist of forested, managed herbaceous, unmanaged herbaceous, and open water areas (MRLC, 2001). The drainage areas for the Harris Site and Lindley Site are 1,051 acres (1.64 square miles) and 3,362 acres (5.25 square miles) respectively. The Site provides 6,765 Stream Mitigation Units (SMUs) and 9.1 Wetland Mitigation Units (WMUs). The project stream reaches consist of SF1, SF3, SF4, SF4A, UT1, and UT2 (stream restoration and/or enhancement level I approach) and SF2, SF3, UT1, UT1A, and UT113 (enhancement level II approach). Mitigation work within the Site included restoring and enhancing 9,133 linear feet (LF) of perennial and intermittent stream channel and restoring, enhancing, and creating 13.84 acres of riparian and non - riparian wetland. The stream and wetland areas were also planted with native vegetation to improve habitat and protect water quality. Four separate conservation easements have been recorded and are in place along the riparian corridors and stream resources to protect them in perpetuity; 7.68 acres (Deed Book 1578, Page 495) within the tract owned by Mary Jean Harris, 18.44 acres (Deed Book 1578, Page 507) within the tract owned by William Darrel Harris, 5.34 acres (Deed Book 1579, Page 1067) within the tract owned by James Randall Lindley, and 6.29 acres (Deed Book 716, Page 707) within the tract owned by Jonathan Marshall Lindley. Directions and a map of the Site are provided in Figure 1 and project components are illustrated for the Site in Figures 2a, 2b and 2c. 1.1 Project Goals and Objectives Prior to construction activities, the streams and wetlands on the Harris Site were impacted by cattle grazing, which led to stream bank erosion and instability. The Lindley Site was used for row crop agriculture and the streams were straightened and deepened and much of the riparian vegetation was removed. Related degradation included declining aquatic habitat, degraded riparian buffers, loss of wetlands, and water quality problems related to increased sediment and nutrient loadings. Tables 10a, 10b, and 10c in Appendix 4 present the pre -restoration conditions in detail. The Site was designed to meet the over -arching goals as described in the Mitigation Plan (Wildlands, 2011) to address the effects from watershed and project site stressors. The project addresses multiple watershed stressors that have been documented for both the Cane Creek and Jordan Lake watersheds. While many of these benefits are limited to the Underwood Site project area, others, such as pollutant removal and improved aquatic and terrestrial habitat, have more far-reaching effects. The following project specific goals established in the mitigation plan include: • Restore and stabilize stream dimensions, pattern, and profile; • Establish proper substrate distribution throughout restored and enhanced streams; • Improve aquatic and riparian habitat; • Reduce nutrient loads within the watershed and to downstream waters; • Further improve water quality within the watershed through reductions of sediment, bacteria, and other pollutants; • Decrease water temperature and increase dissolved oxygen concentrations; WUnderwood Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report— FINAL 1-1 • Establish appropriate hydrology for wetland areas; • Restore native vegetation to wetlands and riparian buffers/improve existing buffers; and • Create appropriate terrestrial habitat. The project goals were addressed through the following project objectives: • Construct stream channels that will remain relatively stable over time and adequately transport their sediment loads without significant erosion or aggradation; • Construct stream channels that maintain riffles with coarse bed material and pools with finer bed material; • Provide aquatic and benthic habitat diversity in the form of pools, riffles, woody debris, and in - stream structures; • Add riffle features and structures and riparian vegetation to decrease water temperatures and increase dissolved oxygen to improve water quality; • Construct stream reaches so that floodplains and wetlands are frequently flooded to provide energy dissipation, detain and treat flood flows, and create a more natural hydrologic regime; • Install fencing to keep livestock out of the streams; • Raise local groundwater table through raising stream beds and removing agricultural drainage features; • Grade wetland creation areas as necessary to promote wetland hydrology; and • Plant native tree species to establish appropriate wetland and floodplain communities and retain existing, native trees where possible. The project streams and wetlands were restored to the appropriate type based on the surrounding landscape, climate, and natural vegetation communities but also with strong consideration to existing watershed conditions and trajectory. The mitigation project corrected incision and lack of pattern caused by channelization, bank instability caused by erosion and livestock access, lack of vegetation in riparian zones, lack of riparian and aquatic habitat, and depletion of hydrology for adjacent wetlands. The final Mitigation Plan was submitted and accepted by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) in September of 2011. Construction activities were completed by Land Mechanics Designs, Inc. in November 2012. Planting and seeding activities were completed by Bruton Natural Systems, Inc. in January 2013. Baseline monitoring (MYO) was conducted between December 2012 and February of 2013. Annual monitoring will be conducted for five years with the close-out anticipated to commence in 2018 given the success criteria are met. Appendix 1 provides more detailed project activity, history, contact information, and watershed/site background information for this project. 1.2 Monitoring Year 4 Data Assessment Annual monitoring and quarterly site visits were conducted during Monitoring Year 4 (MY4) to assess the condition of the project. The stream and wetland mitigation success criteria for the Site follow the approved success criteria presented in the Underwood Mitigation Plan (Wildlands, 2011). 1.2.1 Vegetative Assessment A total of 42 (29 at the Harris Site; 13 at the Lindley Site) vegetation plots were established within the project easement areas using standard 10 meter by 10 meter plots. The final vegetative success criteria will be the survival of 260 planted stems per acre at the end of MY5. Early in MY4, supplemental planting was performed in low stem density areas along SF1, UTI, UT1B, and SF4 in areas shown to have low stem densities during MY3 (Figures 4.1-4.3 in Appendix 2). The MY4 vegetative survey was completed in June 2016. The 2016 annual vegetation monitoring resulted in an WUnderwood Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report — FINAL 1-2 average stem density of 434 stems per acre, which is greater than the final requirement of 260 planted stems per acre and approximately 39% less than the baseline density of 712 stems per acre. There was an average of 11 stems per plot compared to 19 stems per plot during MYO. While the Site is on track to meet the interim requirement, six plots are not meeting the success criteria. However, when volunteers and live stakes are included in the total stem counts, vegetation plots 10, 12, 16, and 40 met the success criteria. Vegetation plots 19 and 23 fall below the vegetation success criteria, even when volunteers are considered, and these plots will be closely monitored during subsequent monitoring years. Refer to Appendix 2 for vegetation plot photographs and the vegetation condition assessment table and Appendix 3 for vegetation data tables. 1.2.2 Vegetation Areas of Concern During MY4 a few isolated areas were observed to have low tree densities. These areas are shown on the CCPV maps (Figures 3.0-3.3 in Appendix 2). Vegetation plots 19, and 23 did not meet the MY4 success criteria as noted above in section 1.2.1. Plot 19 is in a shaded area dominated by mature trees, and plot 23 is in a wet area which has resulted in poor growth of planted stems. Isolated areas with low tree densities will be monitored during subsequent monitoring years. 1.2.3 Stream Assessment Morphological surveys for MY4 were conducted in May 2016. All streams within the Site are stable with little to no erosion and have met the success criteria for MY4. Refer to Appendix 2 for the visual assessment table, the Integrated Current Condition Plan View, and reference photographs. Refer to Appendix 4 for the morphological data and plots. In general, cross sections show little to no change in the bankfull area, maximum depth ratio, or width - to -depth ratio. Surveyed riffle cross sections fell within the parameters defined for channels of the appropriate stream type based on the Rosgen classification system. The surveyed longitudinal profile data for SF1, UT2, SF3, UT1, SF4, and SF4A illustrates that the bedform features are maintaining lateral and vertical stability. The riffles are remaining steeper and shallower than the pools, while the pools are remaining deeper than the riffles and maintaining flat water surface slopes. The longitudinal profiles show that the bank height ratios remain very near to 1.0 for the restoration reaches. Degradation was documented in the enhancement section on SF4A (approximate STA 900+00-905+33) between MYO and MY1. At the beginning of MY4, SF4A was repaired and the stream has remained stable since. Details regarding the repair work are discussed below in section 1.2.7. Pattern data will be collected in MY5 only if there are indicators from the profile or dimensions that significant geomorphic adjustments have occurred. No changes were observed during MY4 that indicated a change in the radius of curvature or channel belt width. 1.2.4 Stream Areas of Concern During MY4 beaver activity was observed along SF3 and SF4. Two beaver dams were located on SF4 and SF3. Beaver dams caused backwater, sediment build up in constructed riffles, and death of some plant species on the stream banks. Live stakes and some planted stems were gnawed down by beaver. Details regarding beaver and dam removal is discussed below in section 1.2.7. 1.2.5 Hydrology Assessment The hydrology success criteria for the site dictates that at the end of MY5, two or more bankfull events must have occurred in separate years within the restoration reaches. During MY4, bankfull events were recorded on all the streams by crest gages and onsite observations (wrack lines). All streams on the Site have had bankfull events in multiple monitoring years. Refer to Appendix 5 for hydrologic data. WUnderwood Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report — FINAL 1-3 1.2.6 Wetland Assessment Fifteen groundwater monitoring gages were established within the wetland restoration, creation, and enhancement zones. The gages were installed at appropriate locations so that the data collected will provide an indication of groundwater levels throughout the Site. A barotroll logger (to measure barometric pressure used in the calculations of groundwater levels with well transducer data) and a rain gage were also installed within the wetland areas on both the Harris and Lindley Sites. To provide data for the determination of the growing season for the wetland areas, two soil temperature probes were installed, one on each site. These probes are used to better define the beginning of the growing season using the threshold soil temperature of 41 degrees or higher measured at a depth of 12 inches (USACE, 2010). During MY1 and MY2 NRCS WETS Data was used to determine the growing season. After discussions with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) during MY2, it was agreed to use on-site soil temperature data to determine the beginning of the growing season and use NRCS WETS data to determine the end of the growing season in subsequent monitoring years. During MY4, the beginning of the growing season was extended by 29 days (from April 1 to March 3) based on data from the soil temperature probes. Onsite rain gage data was collected but a gage malfunction occurred in June of MY4. MY4 rain data was collected from an off-site USDA gage, SILER CITY 317924 and is shown on groundwater hydrology plots. All monitoring gages were downloaded on a quarterly basis and maintained as needed. The success criteria for wetland hydrology for this project is to have a free groundwater surface within 12 inches of the ground surface for 7.5 percent of the growing season, which is measured on consecutive days under typical precipitation conditions. Ten of fifteen groundwater gages met the annual wetland hydrology success criteria for MY4. Wildlands believes that lower than normal rainfall was the main reason five of the groundwater wells did not meet the wetland success criteria for MY4. Monthly rain totals were compared to 30th and 70th percentile rainfall data from USDA weather station: Siler City 2S, NC7924. During MY4, five of ten months were below normal rainfall amounts, suggesting a drier than normal year at the Site. Refer to Appendix 2 for the groundwater gage locations and Appendix 5 for groundwater hydrology data and plots. The USACE requested to have the pre -construction groundwater gage data overlain with the current monitoring year gage data to illustrate the hydrologic response of the wetlands associated with rainfall events. Wildlands overlaid the pre -construction groundwater well data with the closest monitoring groundwater well data and rain data for the monitoring period. Refer to Appendix 5 for pre and post construction groundwater gage comparison plots. 1.2.7 Maintenance Plan As mentioned in Section 1.2.3, SF4A repair work was completed early in MY4. The repair work consisted of installing seven constructed riffles with log sills to raise the elevation of the stream bed back to the design elevation. Minor stream bank grading was also performed as necessary and native grass seed and live stakes were planted in disturbed areas. SF4A has remained stable since repairs were performed. The USDA was contracted to trap beaver from the Sites. Four beaver were successfully removed from SF4 during MY4; however, the trapper was unable to locate any beaver on SF3 during MY4. Beaver trapping will continue during the winter on SF3. Live stakes along the banks of SF4, mainly black willow, were gnawed down by beaver. These live stakes are expected to grow back during MY5, therefore no supplemental planting of live stakes is expected during MY5. Two beaver dams were removed from SF4, one near the middle of the restoration reach and one near the lower end of the reach. Two beaver dams were also removed from the lower and middle sections of SF3. These areas are shown on the CCPV maps (Figures 3.0-3.3). Wildlands will make frequent site visits to make sure beaver activity isn't a problem in the future and will continue to contract the USDA to remove beaver as necessary. WUnderwood Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report — FINAL 1-4 1.3 Monitoring Year 4 Summary All streams on the Site are stable and functioning as designed. The average planted stem density for the Site is on track to meeting the MY5 success criteria; however, six individual vegetation plots out of 42 did not meet the MY4 success criteria as noted in the Integrated Current Condition Plan View. When volunteer stems are counted in these seven plots, all but two meet MY5 success criteria. Beaver presence was noted onsite and successful removal of beaver and dams was completed. All streams have experienced multiple documented bankfull events, therefore, the MY5 stream hydrology attainment requirement has been met for the Site. Ten of 15 groundwater gages met hydrology success criteria during MY4. WUnderwood Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report — FINAL 1-5 Section 2: METHODOLOGY Geomorphic data was collected following the standards outlined in The Stream Channel Reference Site: An Illustrated Guide to Field Techniques (Harrelson et al., 1994) and in the Stream Restoration: A Natural Channel Design Handbook (Doll et al., 2003). Cross sectional data was collected using a total station and was georeferenced. All data collected for the Integrated Current Condition Mapping was recorded using a Trimble handheld GPS with sub -meter accuracy and processed using Pathfinder and ArcGIS software. Crest gages were installed in surveyed riffle cross sections and monitored quarterly. Hydrology attainment installation and monitoring methods are in accordance with the USACE (2003) standards. Vegetation monitoring protocols followed the Carolina Vegetation Survey -DMS Level 2 Protocol (Lee et al., 2008). Reporting follows the DMS Monitoring Report Template and Guidance Version 1.2.1 (DMS, 2009). Summary information and data related to the performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in the report appendices. Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the Mitigation Plan documents available on DMS's website. All raw data supporting the tables and figures in the appendices are available from DMS upon request. WUnderwood Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report — FINAL 2-1 Section 3: REFERENCES Doll, B.A., Grabow, G.L., Hall, K.A., Halley, J., Harman, W.A., Jennings, G.D., and Wise, D.E. 2003. Stream Restoration A Natural Channel Design Handbook. Harrelson, C.C., Rawlins, C.L., Potyondy, J.P. 1994. Stream Channel Reference Sites: An Illustrated Guide to Field Technique. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM -245. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 61 p. Lee, M.T., Peet, R.K., S.D., Wentworth, T.R. 2008. CVS -DMS Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.2. Retrieved from http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/protocol/cvs-eep-protocol-v4.2-lev1-5.Pdf. Multi -Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium (MRLC). 2001. National Land Cover Database. http://www.mric.gov/nlcd.php North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). 2009. Monitoring Report Template and Guidance. Version 1.2.1. Raleigh, NC. Rosgen, D. L. 1994. A classification of natural rivers. Catena 22:169-199. Rosgen, D.L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Pagosa Springs, CO: Wildland Hydrology Books. Rosgen, D.L. 1997. A Geomorphological Approach to Restoration of Incised Rivers. Proceedings of the Conference on Management of Landscapes Disturbed by Channel Incision. Center For Computational Hydroscience and Bioengineering, Oxford Campus, University of Mississippi, Pages 12-22. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. USACE, NCDEQ- DWR, USEPA, NCWRC. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). 2002. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Climate Information for Catawba County, NC (1971-2000). WETS Station: Catawba 3 NNW, NC1579. http://www.wcc.nres.usda.gov/ftpref/support/climate/wetlands/nc/37035.txt United States Geological Survey (USGS). 1998. North Carolina Geology. http://www.geology.enr.state.nc.us/usgs/carolina.htm Wildlands Engineering, Inc (2011). Underwood Mitigation Site Mitigation Plan. DMS, Raleigh, NC. Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 2013. Underwood Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As - Built Baseline Report. DMS, Raleigh, NC. WUnderwood Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 4 Annual Report — FINAL 3-1 APPENDIX 1. General Tables and Figures ■ I M I L Hydrologic Unit Code (14) DMS Targeted Local Watershed 03030003070010 Siler City 0303000302007b Country Club s'1, Directions: The two locations of the stream and wetland mitigation sites are located in western Chatham County along Clyde Underwood Road just west of Plainfield Church Road (Harris Site) and southwest of Moon Lindley Road between Johnny Lindley Road and Bob Clark Road (Lindley Site) north of Siler City, North Carolina. 03030002050050 CHAr�I fiEft r�xr�xr►r�r�y���7�z�rra Lindley Site Harris Site 0 30003,0700 I /t'qt/p il. llr�* ,,, I � , . - . %/4 .I% )s0 930 The subject project site is an environmental restoration site of the NCDEQ Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) and is encompassed by a recorded conservation easement, but is bordered by land under private ownership. Accessing the site may require traversing areas near or along the easement boundary and therefore access by the general public is not permitted. Access by authorized personnel of state and federal agencies or their designees/contractors involved in the development, oversight,and stewardship of the restoration site is permitted within the terms and timeframes of their defined roles. Any intended site visitation or activity by any person outside of these previously sanctioned roles and activites requires prior coordination with DMS. Figure 1 Project Vicinity Map �► W I L D L A N D S 0 1 2 Miles Underwood Mitigation Site ENGINEERING I 1 1 1 I DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Chatham County, NC Stream Restoration Stream Enhancement I Stream Enhancement 11 Stream Restoration (no credit) Wetland Restoration _ Wetland Enhancement Wetland Creation Conservation Easement UJ Figure 2a Project Component/Asset Map W I L D L A N D S Underwood Mitigation Site - Harris Site E N G, N E E R, N c 0 100 200 Feet DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Chatham County, NC 00 1 NRW2 o` • - s ■ Raw 40 ■ I♦a.i. ■ ■ SF3 Y.i.Y tem Ya/.Y■I■�� : ■ ! 1 w RW3IP ■ ■ 2013 Aerial Photography ■ ■ i r.raYvr 4 i L.,� 1 � ■ F---`—SF2 i ■ � i 13 Aerial Photography Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No.94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Note that lengths do not match stationing because channel sections that do not generate credit have been removed from length calculations. Stream Riparian Wetland Non -Riparian Wetland Buffer Nitrogen Nutrient Offset Phosphorous Nutrient Offset Type R RE R RE R RE N/A N/A Totals 6,765 8.0 1.1 N/A Mill Project Components Reach ID As -Built Stationing/ Location (LF) Existing Footage (LF)/ Acreage (Ac) Approach Restoration or Restoration Equivalent Restoration Footage [LF) / Acreage (Ac). Mitigation Ratio Credits (SMU/ WMU) Streams SFS 100+00-108+74 773 Priority 1 Restoration 874 1:1 874 SF2 300+00-303+02 302 N/A Enhancement Level 11 302 2.5:1 121 SF3 532 N/A Enhancement Level 11 359 2.5:1 144 400+00-421+20 1,499 Priority 1 Restoration 1,586 1:1 1,586 152 N/A Enhancement Level l 153 1.5:1 102 SF4 800+00-814+29 1,450 Priority 1 Restoration 1,429 1:1 1,429 SMA 0 Priority 1 Restoration 257 1:1 257 900+00-908+66 609 N/A Enhancement Level 1 609 1.5:1 406 UTI 1,463 N/A Enhancement Level 11 1,468 2.5:1 587 500+00-520+38 452 Priority 1 Restoration 515 1:1 515 UTIA 700+00-705+11 524 N/A Enhancement Level 11 511 2.5:1 204 UT1B 600+00-606+52 660 N/A Enhancement Level 11 652 2.5:1 261 UT2 0+00-4+18 421 N/A Enhancement Level 418 1.5:1 279 Wetlands RW1 N/A 1.25 N/A Restoration 1.12 1:1 1.12 RW2 N/A 0.45 N/A Creation 0.30 3:1 0.10 0.50 Restoration 0.40 1:1 0.40 RW3 N/A 2.63 N/A Creation 2.53 3:1 0.84 1.33 Restoration 1.02 1:1 1.02 RW4 N/A 3.95 N/A Creation 3.63 3:1 1.21 3.65 Restoration 3.30 1:1 3.30 NRW1 N/A 1.20 N/A Restoration 0.75 1:1 0.75 Creation 0.45 3:1 0.15 NRW2 N/A 0.34 N/A Enhancement 0.34 2:1 0.17 IL L Component Summation Restoration Level Stream (LF) Riparian Wetland (acres) Non -Riparian Buffer Wetland (acres) (sq. ft) Upland (acres) Restoration 4,661 Riverine 5.84 Non-Riverine NEENNINEM - 0.75 - - Enhancement - 0.34 - - Enhancement 1 Enhancement II Creation 1,180 3,292 6.46 - 0.45 Preservation - - - - - High Quality Preservation - - - - - Note that lengths do not match stationing because channel sections that do not generate credit have been removed from length calculations. Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No.94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 or Report Date Collection Complete Completion DeliveryActivity or Scheduled Mitigation Plan September 2011 September 2011 Final Design - Construction Plans July 2012 July 2012 Construction November 2012 November 2012 Temporary S&E mix applied to entire project areal November 2012 November 2012 Permanent seed mix applied to reach/segments November 2012 November 2012 Bare root and live stake plantings for reach/segments January 2013 January 2013 Baseline Monitoring Document (Year 0 Monitoring - baseline) March 2013 March 2013 Year 1 Monitoring September 2013 November 2013 Year 2 Monitoring December 2014 December 2014 Year 3 Monitoring October 2015 December 2015 Year 4 Monitoring November 2016 December 2016 Year 5 Monitoring October 2017 December 2017 'Seed and mulch is added as each section of construction is completed. Table 3. Project Contacts Table Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No.94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Wildlands Engineering, Inc. Designer 312 West Millbrook Road, Suite 225 Nicole Macaluso, PE Raleigh, NC 27609 919.851.9986 Land Mechanic Designs, Inc. Construction Contractor 126 Circle G Lane Willow Spring, NC 27592 Bruton Natural Systems, Inc Planting Contractor P.O. Box 1197 Fremont, NC 27830 Land Mechanic Designs, Inc. Seeding Contractor 126 Circle G Lane Willow Spring, NC 27592 Seed Mix Sources Green Resource, LLC Nursery Stock Suppliers Bare Roots Arbor Glen, Inc Live Stakes Foggy Mountain Nursery Monitoring Performers Wildlands Engineering, Inc. Stream, Vegetation, and Wetland Monitoring POC Jason Lorch 919.851.9986, ext. 107 Table 4. Project Baseline Information and Attributes Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No.94641 Monitoring Year 4. 2016 Project Name Project Underwood Mitigation Site Information County IChatham County Project Area (acres) 138 ac Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude) Physiographic Province 35° 48'05"N, 79° 24' 10"W (Harris Site), 35° 49'51"N, 79` 22'60"W (Lindley Site) Project Watershed Summary Information mq�� Carolina Slate Belt of the Piedmont Physiographic Province River Basin Cape Fear USGS Hydrologic Unit 8 -digit 03030002 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14 -digit 03030002050050 D WQ Sub -basin 03-06-04 Project Drainage Area (acres) 1,504 ac (Harris Site) and 3,362 ac (Lindley Site) Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area <1% CGIA Land Use Classification 160% Forest Land, 39% managed herbaceous cover/agricultural, 1% unmanaged herbaceous/open water Parameters SF3 SF2 SF3 UTI UT1A UT3B UT2 SF4 SMA Length of reach (linear feet) - Post -Restoration 874 302 2,098 1,983 511 652 418 1,429 866 Drainage area (acres) 134 781 1,056 230 11 11 78 3,362 637 NCDWQ stream identification score 36.0/50.5/43.3 40.0 22.8 24.3 38.0 U 34.5 NCDWQ Water Quality Classification WS -V, WS -V, NSW NSW WS -V, C C C C NSW , WS-VNSW C Morphological Desription (stream type) P P P P I I P P P Evolutionary trend(Simon's Model) - Pre -Restoration IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV Underlying mapped soils Nanford-Baden Complex Georgeville Silt Loam Chewacla and Wehadkee Drainage class --- --- --- ------ --- --- --- --- Soil Hydric status --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -.. --- --- FEMA classification --- --- --- --- I--- ----- AE --- Native vegetation community Piedmont bottomland forest Percent composition of exotic invasive vegetation - Post -Restoration Regulation Applicable? Resolved? 0% Supporting Documentation Waters of the United States - Section 404 Waters of the United States -Section 401 X X X USAGE Nationwide Permit No.27 and DWQ401 Water Quality Certification No. 3689 Division of Land Quality (Dam Safety) N/A N/A N/A Endangered Species Act X X Underwood Mitigation Plan; no critical habitat for listed species exists within the project (USFWS correspondence letter) area Historic Preservation Act X X No historic resources were found to be impacted (letter from SHPO) Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) / Coastal Area Management Act (LAMA) N/A N/A N/A FEMAFloodplain Compliance X X Approved CLOMR Essential Fisheries Habitat I N/A I N/A N/A APPENDIX 2. Visual Assessment Data Figure 3.0 Integrated Current Condition Plan View ON WILDLANDS 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Feet (Key) ENGINEERINGUnderwood Mitigation Site I I I I I DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Chatham County, NC 177W - r 8 A 1 1 . g r .`X J. C) 5 317 e c— O a A 00 xQ5 — z� Stream Restoration ". Stream Enhancement I go y� Stream Enhancement 11 - r , Stream Restoration (no credit) � - j• ® Wetland Restoration � r Wetland Enhancement Wetland Creation Designed Bankfull� Conservation Easement AJ 4 i•,� i, Structures> t ; s Cross Section (XS) ! + Photo Point (PP) j Y Groundwater Gage (GWG) Condition-MY4( ` y i ' 4) Criteria Met ♦ Criteria Not Met Vegetation Plot Condition-MY4 ' �' tM1 Criteria Met Z - Criteria Not Met Vegetation Problem Areas-MY4 ~ Low Stem Density Stream Problem Areas-MY4 - Beaver Dam 2013 Aerial Photography WILDLANDS 0 50 100 150 200 Feet ENGINEERING Figure 3.1 Integrated Current Condition Plan View (Sheet 1 of 3) Underwood Mitigation Site - Harris Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Chatham County, NC a _ 70 y � xv's 'f/ /, r �%i ,f:."�� { .l.n4� ,'�'I A4' /,Y , r, f' r v "•'V- s. -y ::;-" .'l y r r i/ r'�i"r, � /r y�,. � ;:9 �/ t -•C � `t+ xt , t -.>� _ ':.$� a �f.Y �' ', :iyy9 x Al f;' 1 /'rti l/^:. , / , :,,'_'�' S. %� ,}¢'•' ,',r1�R,.` / f . 1•..�„ ",,`'. ;:$1 s, r{q.,- - ;a ,t;l/" 4"! 'A^ w �+� a as A y 0 25 ,101, rrF 17 60/x00 1'If at i A 24 0626 o ` ■ _ oo 22pp o t 70500 51�_%if. I" / p� �GWIO 15 E q�. W I L D L A N D S 0 100 200 300 400 Feet ENGINEERING I i I i I Figure 3.2 Integrated Current Condition Plan View (Sheet 2 of 3) Underwood Mitigation Site - Harris Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Chatham County, NC 13' a pyx. ',� Stream Cq%sin . Stream Restoration - Stream Enhancement I�' Stream Enhancement II Stream Restoration (no credit) ® Wetland Restoration Wetland Enhancement a Wetland Creation . rz ----- Designed Bankfull • 77 Conservation Easement Structures - a , Cross Section (XS) - + Photo Point (PP) Groundwater Gage (GWG) Condition-MY4 - r t ♦ Criteria Met ;t ♦ Criteria Not Met Vegetation Plot Condition-MY4 ' �1 0 Criteria Met ' - Criteria Not Met Vegetation Problem Areas-MY4 Low Stem Density Stream Problem Areas-MY4 = Beaver Dam W I L D L A N D S 0 100 200 300 400 Feet ENGINEERING I i I i I Figure 3.2 Integrated Current Condition Plan View (Sheet 2 of 3) Underwood Mitigation Site - Harris Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Chatham County, NC r 36 35 GWG 1 34 ` 33 ' •' /� / +''snn..nD, 'smart - 31 4 �� �r - o• t30"GWG 1 4 32 ' t -GR�?61 WG G15 fig# . •J%���'�.R, r _ Vis' Stream Restoration Stream Enhancement I Stream Enhancement II Stream Restoration (no credit) Wetland Restoration Wetland Enhancement Wetland Creation ---- Designed Bankfull Conservation Easement • Structures — Cross Section (XS) p ; Photo Point (PP) Groundwater Gage (GWG) Condition-MY4 Criteria Met 37 Criteria Not Met Vegetation Plot Condition-MY4 '•° Criteria Met `. Criteria Not Met Vegetation Problem Areas-MY4 Low Stem Density Stream Problem Areas-MY4 Beaver Dam Figure 3.3 Integrated Current Condition Plan View (Sheet 3 of 3) WILDLANDS Underwood Mitigation Site -Harris Site ENGINEERING , 0 100 200 Feet DMS Project No. 94641 I Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Chatham County, NC Supplemental Planting at 125 Stems/ Acre �•.•�• RW2 wr �•'•. - GWG 4 of i _. •• r i 1 r � •. s • • ` (!) Supplemental Planting at 125 Stems/ Acre inn 1 Supplemental Planting at 22 Stems/ Acre -41, i 2014 Aerial Photography Ak A Supplemental Planting at 61 Stems/ Acre PP #25 PP #36L I N RV PP #27 rIP #2 UT1 OPP #23• —rp .......... �P #28 P PO�,e Supplemental Planting '�•' %a�' at 20 Stems/ Acre PP #29 PP #30 • Supplemental Planting-MY4 Stream Restoration Stream Enhancement I Stream Enhancement 11 Stream Restoration (no credit) .......... Wetland Restoration —7 / /� %A/.,tl;inrl Fnhpnrpmpnt 7 Z, PP#181..M 4W U. 2014 A erial Photography Ar, -V PP #17 ")(S6 RW3 GWG PP #16 Pp #15'. 11 n PP #14 P#130 #134, 1 4� • AP #12 PP #11 LL PF, 2014 A erial Photography Ar, GWG i 34 0 Supplemental Planting-MY4 — Stream Restoration Stream Enhancement I Stream Enhancement 11 — Stream Restoration (no credit) Wetland Restoration Wetland Enhancement Wetland Creation ---- Designed Bankfull Conservation Easement Structures — Cross Section (XS) m Photo Point (PP) Groundwater Gage (GWG) Condition-MY4 Criteria Met ♦ Criteria Not Met Vegetation Plot Condition-MY4 0 Criteria Met Criteria Not Met txw.*� WILDLANDSrk 1� 0 100 200 Feet ENGINEERING �I I I II I I t Qo Figure 4.3 Supplemental Planting (Sheet 3 of 3) Underwood Mitigation Site - Harris Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Chatham County, NC Table Sa. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Harris Site; SF3 (874 LF) Major Channel Category Channel Sub -Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -Built Number of Amount of %Stable, Unstable Unstable Performing as Segments Footage Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust %for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation 1. Vertical Stability Aggradation 0 0 100% Degradation 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run units) 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 15 15 100% 3. Meander Pool Depth Sufficient 15 15 100% 1. Bed Condition 100% Length Appropriate 15 15 100% 100% 4. Thalweg Position Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) 15 15 Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide) 15 15 Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting 1. Scoured/Eroded simply from poor growth and/or scour 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a and erosion Banks undercut/overhanging to the 2. Bank extent that mass wasting appears likely. 2. Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, caving, or collapse 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a TOTALS 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs 10 10 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 10 10 100% 3. Engineered 2a. Pi Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms 10 10 100% Structures' 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15% 10 10 100% Pool forming structures maintaining 4. Habitat Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth >_ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at 10 10 100% baseflow Excludes constructed riffles since they are evaluated in section 1. Table 5b. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Harris Site; UT2 (418 LF) Major Channel Category Channel Sub -Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -Built Number of Amount of %Stable, Unstable Unstable Performing as Segments Footage Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust % for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation 1. Vertical Stability Aggradation 0 0 100% Degradation 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run units) 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 10 10 100% 3. Meander Pool Depth Sufficient 10 10 100% 1. Bed Condition 100% Length Appropriate 10 10 4. Thalweg Position Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) 10 10 100% 100% Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide) 10 10 Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting 1. Scoured/Eroded simply from poor growth and/or scour 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a and erosion Banks undercut/overhanging to the 2. Bank extent that mass wasting appears likely. 2. Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, caving, or collapse 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a TOTALS 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs n/a n/a n/a 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill n/a n/a n/a 3. Engineered Piping 2a. Pi Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms n/a n/a n/a Structures' 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15% n/a n/a n/a Pool forming structures maintaining 4. Habitat Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth>_ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at n/a n/a n/a baseflow Excludes constructed riffles since they are evaluated in section 1. Table 5c. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Harris Site; SF2 (302 LF) Major Channel Category Channel Sub -Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -Built Number of Unstable Segments Amount of %Stable, Unstable Performing as Footage Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust %for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation 1. Vertical Stability Aggradation 0 0 100% Degradation 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run units) 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate n/a n/a n/a 3. Meander Pool Depth Sufficient n/a n/a n/a 1. Bed Condition n/a Length Appropriate n/a n/a 4. Thalweg Position Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) n/a n/a n/a n/a Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide) n/a n/a Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting 1. Scoured/Eroded simply from poor growth and/or scour 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a and erosion Banks undercut/overhanging to the 2. Bank extent that mass wasting appears likely. 2. Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, caving, or collapse 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a TOTALS 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs n/a n/a n/a 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill n/a n/a n/a 3. Engineered 2a. Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms n/a n/a n/a Structures 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15% n/a n/a n/a Pool forming structures maintaining 4. Habitat Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth>_ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at n/a n/a n/a baseflow Table Scl. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Harris Site; SF3 (2,120 LF) Major Channel Category Channel Sub -Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -Built Number of Amount of %Stable, Unstable Unstable Performing as Segments Footage Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust % for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation 1. Vertical Stability Aggradation 0 0 100% Degradation 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run units) 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 19 19 100% 3. Meander Pool Depth Sufficient 19 19 100% 1. Bed' Condition 100% Length Appropriate 19 19 100% 100% 4. Thalweg Position Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) 19 19 Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide) 19 19 Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting 1. Scoured/Eroded simply from poor growth and/or scour0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a and erosion Banks undercut/overhanging to the 2. Bank extent that mass wasting appears likely. 2. Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, caving, or collapse 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a TOTALS 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs 7 7 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 7 7 100% 3. Engineered 2a. Piping P g Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms 7 7 100% StructureS2 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15% 7 7 100% Pool forming structures maintaining 4. Habitat —Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth>_ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at 7 7 100% baseflow 1Number of riffles and pools are determined based on the as -built survey along Restoration and Enhancement Level I reaches. 2Excludes constructed riffles since they are evaluated in section 1. Table 5e. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Harris Site; UT1 (2,038 LF) Major Channel Category Channel Sub -Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -Built Number of Amount of %Stable, Unstable Unstable Performing as Segments Footage Intended Numberwith Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footagewith Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust %for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation 1. Vertical Stability Aggradation 0 0 100% Degradation 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run units) 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 7 7 100% 3. Meander Pool Depth Sufficient 7 7 100% 1. Bed' Condition 100% Length Appropriate 7 7 100% 100% 4. Thalweg Position Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) 7 7 Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide) 7 7 Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting 1. Scoured/Eroded simply from poor growth and/or scour 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a and erosion Banks undercut/overhanging to the 2. Bank extent that mass wasting appears likely. 2. Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, caving, or collapse 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a TOTALS 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs 15 15 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 15 15 100% 3. Engineered 2a. Piping P g Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms 15 15 100% Structuresz 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15% 15 15 100% Pool forming structures maintaining 4. Habitat —Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth>_ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at 15 15 100% baseflow 'Number of riffles and pools are determined based on the as -built survey along Restoration and Enhancement Level I reaches. 2Excludes constructed riffles since they are evaluated in section 1. Table 5f. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Harris Site; UT1A & UT1B (1,163 LF) Major Channel Category Channel Sub -Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -Built Number of Amount of %Stable, Unstable Unstable Performing as Segments Footage Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust %for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation 1. Vertical Stability Aggradation 0 0 100% Degradation 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run units) 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate n/a n/a n/a 3. Meander Pool Depth Sufficient n/a n/a n/a 1. Bed Condition n/a Length Appropriate n/a n/a 4. Thalweg Position Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) n/a n/a n/a n/a Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide) n/a n/a Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting 1. Scoured/Eroded simply from poor growth and/or scour 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a and erosion Banks undercut/overhanging to the 2. Bank extent that mass wasting appears likely. 2. Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, caving, or collapse 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a TOTALS 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs n/a n/a n/a 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill n/a n/a n/a 3. Engineered 2a. Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms n/a n/a n/a Structures 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15% n/a n/a n/a Pool forming structures maintaining 4. Habitat Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth >_ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at n/a n/a n/a baseflow Table 5g. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Lindley Site; SF4 (1,429 LF) Major Channel Category Channel Sub -Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -Built Number of Amount of %Stable, Unstable Unstable Performing as Segments Footage Intended Numberwith Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footagewith Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust %for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation 1. Vertical Stability Aggradation 0 0 100% Degradation 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run units) 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 8 8 100% 3. Meander Pool Depth Sufficient 8 8 100% 1. Bed Condition 100% Length Appropriate 8 8 100% 100% 4. Thalweg Position Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) 8 8 Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide) 8 8 Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting 1. Scoured/Eroded simply from poor growth and/or scour 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a and erosion Banks undercut/overhanging to the 2. Bank extent that mass wasting appears likely. 2. Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat 10 3. Mass Wasting JBank slumping, caving, or collapse 1 0 100% n/a n/a n/a Totals 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs 2 2 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 2 2 100% 3. Engineered Piping 2a. Pim Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms 2 2 100% Structures' 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15% 2 2 100% Pool forming structures maintaining 4. Habitat Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth >_ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at 2 2 100% baseflow Excludes constructed riffles since they are evaluated in section 1. Table 5h. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Lindley Site; SMA (866 LF) Major Channel Category Channel Sub -Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -Built Number of Unstable Segments Amount of %Stable, Unstable Performing as Footage Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust %for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation 1. Vertical Stability Aggradation 0 0 100% Degradation 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run units) 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 10 10 100% 3. Meander Pool Depth Sufficient 9 9 100% 1. Bed' Condition 100% Length Appropriate 9 9 100% 100% 4. Thalweg Position Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) 9 9 Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide) 9 9 Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting 1. Scoured/Eroded simply from poor growth and/or scour 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a and erosion Banks undercut/overhanging to the 2. Bank extent that mass wasting appears likely. 2. Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat 10 3. Mass Wasting JBank slumping, caving, or collapse 1 0 100% n/a n/a n/a TOTALS 0 0 100% n/a n/a n/a 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs 2 2 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 2 2 100% 3. Engineered 2a. Piping P g Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms 2 2 100% Structures2 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15% 2 2 100% Pool forming structures maintaining 4. Habitat —Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth>_ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at 2 2 100% baseflow 1Number of riffles and pools are determined based on the as -built survey along Restoration and Enhancement Level I reaches. Approximately 533 LF of the stream bed has downcut along SF4A and riffles and pools have shifted downstream. Although these conditions were not intended in the design, the stream has maintained a stable bedform with riffles and pools at a lower elevation. 2Excludes constructed riffles since they are evaluated in section 1. Table 6. Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Undewood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Planted Acreage 38 Easement Acreage 38 Vegetation Category Definitions Mapping Number of Polygons Combined Acreage %of Invasive Areas of Concern Areas of points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale). 1,000 Number of Combined 0.0% Vegetation Category Definitions Threshold Planted Areas of points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale). none 0 Polygons Acreage (Ac) Acreage Bare Areas Very limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material. 0.10 0 0 0.0% Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count Low Stem Density Areas 0.10 3 0.5 1.4% criteria. Total 3 0.5 1.4% Areas with woody stems of a size class that are obviously small given the monitoring Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor 0.25 0 0.0 0.0% year. Cumulative Total 0 0.0 0.0% Easement Acreage 38 Vegetation Category Definitions Mapping Threshold (SF) Number of Polygons Combined Acreage %of Planted Acreage Invasive Areas of Concern Areas of points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale). 1,000 0 0.0 0.0% Easement Encroachment Areas Areas of points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale). none 0 0.0 0.0% Stream Photographs Underwood (Harris Site) T � h I. I. Photo Point 7 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 7 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) Photo Point 8 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 8 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 9 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 9 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) 1 `r .d �. �`'? � z , _ *� sE �- � Vis• _ � ? L i }+.f 1i' `' 'lam• � � \ S �. �, a', �y�, WT- ��. • • • •int 11 — looking upstreamI I : I . Photo Point 11 — looking• • (0510812016) "L all t - low, !t OF 'lei k � _ a. isq 8Y1� ►: '' : -Q Photo Point 13 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) Photo Point 13 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) Photo Point 14 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) j Photo Point 14 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) Photo Point 15 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 15 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 16 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 16 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) Photo Point 17 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 17 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 18 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 18 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 19 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 19 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) Photo Point 20 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 20— looking downstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 21— looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 21— looking downstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 22 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 22 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) Photo Point 23 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 23 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 24 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 24 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) Photo Point 25 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 25 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) Photo Point 26 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 26 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 27 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 27 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) /w r w ��, a '�.T"y.'` IR � , �,•. .x. � pR�41 Y "k a � �' � ��, � a "lam' h-+` � -.f• lei i i H •i Photo Point 31— looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 31— looking downstream (05/08/2016) Photo Point 34— looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 34— looking downstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 35 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 35 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 36 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 36 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) Photo Point 37 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 37 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 38 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 38 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) Stream Photographs Underwood (Lindley Site) I Photo Point 40 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 40 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) Photo Point 41— looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 41— looking downstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 42 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 42 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 43 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 43 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) Photo Point 44— looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 44— looking downstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 45 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 45 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) Photo Point 46 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) Photo Point 46 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) Photo Point 47 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) Photo Point 47 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) Photo Point 48 — looking upstream (05/08/2016) 1 Photo Point 48 — looking downstream (05/08/2016) Vegetation Photographs Underwood (Harris Site) 104 f a 1414 ` Z � r 77717, r 11 7 i a�1 y ` y 71 yn � n. • �q E: .r h` fF �"ry}4i `srf b b - I Lsrt, >,->s i v � XA 4� a A1[ r ., .. ✓ r r .'� e � � 1 a a� �` �c ! �` �`• yR .o xa �� � \ u ti Fl, Val 4A A1&114� ,62, Aw 4"A J1� Vegetation Plot 25 (06/07/2016) 1 Vegetation Plot 26 (06/07/2016) Vegetation Plot 27 (06/07/2016) 1 Vegetation Plot 28 (06/07/2016) Vegetation Plot 29 (06/07/2016) Vegetation Photographs Underwood (Lindley Site) � ��� a �'.� �`'.,•'�„ �� y f "m- +, ^Air �- �.4Iv Fi+iyi 't t u [Y,,m7; ,gyF - e ,Y f I � A,_ e - R � O. ,f i ti Fi+iyi 't t u [Y,,m7; ,gyF - e ,Y f I � A,_ e - lop F i j1r t I _ ' as Vegetation Plot 42 (06/08/2016) APPENDIX 3. Vegetation Plot Data Table 7. Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Plot MY4 Success Criteria Met (Y/N) Tract Mean 1 Y 83°% 2 Y 3 Y 4 Y 5 Y 6 Y 7 Y 8 Y 9 Y 10 N 11 Y 12 N 13 Y 14 Y 15 Y 16 N 17 Y 18 Y 19 N 20 Y 21 Y 22 Y 23 N 24 Y 25 Y 26 Y 27 Y 28 Y 29 Y MY4 Success Criteria Plot Met (Y/N) Tract Mean 30 Y 92% 31 Y 32 Y 33 Y 34 Y 35 Y 36 Y 37 Y 38 Y 39 Y 40 N 41 Y 42 Y Table 8. CVS Vegetation Table - Metaclata Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Database name Underwood MY4 cvs-eep-entrytool-v2.3.1.mdb Database location F:\Projects\005-02125 Underwood\Monitoring\Monitoring Year 4\Vegetation Assessment Computer name KENTON DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT------------ Metadata Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s) and project data. Proj, planted Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year. This excludes live stakes. Proj, total stems Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year. This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural/volunteer stems. Plots List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, missing, etc.). Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots. Vigor by Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species. Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each. Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species. Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot. Planted Stems by Plot and Spp A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. ALL Stems by Plot and spp A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers combined) for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. PROJECT SUMMARY ------------------------------------- Project Code 94641 project Name Underwood Mitigation Site Description Stream and Wetland Sampled Plots 42 Table 9. Planted and Total Stem Counts Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Current Plot Data (MY4 2016) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 94641-WEI-0001 Pnol-S P -all T 94641-WEI-0002 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0003 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0004 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0005 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0006 Pnol-S P -all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree Betula nigra river birch Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree 2 2 2 Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 2 1 Z 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 4 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 Juglans nigra black walnut Tree Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum Tree 6 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 1 1 1 5 5 5 3 3 3 4 4 4 7 7 7 4 4 5 Quercus oal< Tree Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 4 4 1 4 1 1 6 1 6 6 3 3 3 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oal< Tree 4 4 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 2 Z 2 6 6 6 3 3 3 2 2 Z Quercus rubra northern red oak Tree Salix sericea silky willow Shrub Stem count 15 15 15 17 17 17 13 13 13 12 12 12 14 14 14 12 12 19 size (ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 size (ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 Stems per ACRE 607 607 607 688 688 688 526.1 526.1 526.1 485.6 485.6 485.6 566.6 566.6 566.6 485.6 485.6 768.9 Color Coding for Table Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of Planted stems excluding live stakes P -all: Number of planted stems including live stakes, T: Total Stems Table 9. Planted and Total Stem Counts Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Current Plot Data (MY4 2016) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 94641-WEI-0007 Pnol-S P -all T 94641-WEI-0008 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0009 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0010 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0011 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0012 Pnol-S P -all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree Betula nigra river birch Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 1 1 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 11 100 Juglans nigra black walnut Tree Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum Tree Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 Quercus oal< Tree Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 4 4 4 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 4 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oal< Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 6 6 6 2 2 2 1 1 1 Quercus rubra northern red oak Tree Salix sericea silky willow Shrub 1 1 4 4 Stem count 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 11 12 5 10 10 14 14 14 6 6 106 size (ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 size (ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 3 5 5 6 6 6 3 3 4 Stems per ACRE 364.2 364.2 364.2 364.2 364.2 364.2 404.7 445.2 485.6 202.3 404.7 404.7 566.6 566.6 566.6 242.81 242.8 4290 Color Coding for Table Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of Planted stems excluding live stakes P -all: Number of planted stems including live stakes, T: Total Stems Table 9. Planted and Total Stem Counts Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Current Plot Data (MY4 2016) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 94641-WEI-0013 Pnol-S P -all T 94641-WEI-0014 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0015 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0016 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0017 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0018 Pnol-S P -all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree Betula nigra river birch Tree 6 6 6 3 3 3 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 3 3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 3 3 Juglans nigra black walnut Tree Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum Tree Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 4 4 4 1 1 1 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 16 16 16 5 5 5 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 Quercus oal< Tree Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oal< Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 1 1 1 Quercus rubra northern red oak Tree Salix sericea silky willow Shrub 1 1 4 4 Stem count 16 16 16 13 13 13 15 16 16 7 14 14 12 12 12 10 10 10 size (ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 size (ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 6 6 4 6 6 3 3 3 5 5 5 Stems per ACRE 647.5 647.5 647.5 526.1 526.1 526.1 607 647.5 647.5 283.3 566.6 566.6 485.6 485.6 485.6 404.7 404.71 404.7 Color Coding for Table Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of Planted stems excluding live stakes P -all: Number of planted stems including live stakes, T: Total Stems Table 9. Planted and Total Stem Counts Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Current Plot Data (MY4 2016) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 94641-WEI-0019 Pnol-S P -all T 94641-WEI-0020 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0021 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0022 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0023 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0024 Pnol-S P -all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree Betula nigra river birch Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Juglans nigra black walnut Tree Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum Tree 1 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 1 1 1 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 Quercus oal< Tree Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 4 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 7 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oal< Tree 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 Quercus rubra northern red oak Tree 1 Salix sericea silky willow Shrub 2 2 Stem count 5 5 S 9 9 10 8 8 11 15 15 15 5 5 6 11 13 13 size (ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 size (ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 2 2 2 3 3 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 5 4 5 5 Stems per ACRE 202.3 202.3 202.3 364.2 364.2 404.7 323.7 323.7 445.2 607 607 607 202.3 202.3 242.8 445.2 526.11 526.1 Color Coding for Table Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of Planted stems excluding live stakes P -all: Number of planted stems including live stakes, T: Total Stems Table 9. Planted and Total Stem Counts Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Current Plot Data (MY4 2016) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 94641-WEI-0025 Pnol-S P -all T 94641-WEI-0026 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0027 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0028 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0029 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0030 Pnol-S P -all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree Betula nigra river birch Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 9 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree 1 1 1 Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 4 4 4 2 1 2 5 1 3 3 1 3 1 1 3 9 1 9 9 Juglans nigra black walnut Tree Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum Tree Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 5 5 6 3 3 3 1 1 2 7 7 7 Quercus oal< Tree Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 5 2 1 2 2 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oal< Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 4 4 4 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus rubra northern red oak Tree 1 1 1 Salix sericea silky willow Shrub 2 2 2 2 Stem count 12 12 13 16 16 16 8 8 11 11 11 12 20 22 25 12 14 14 size (ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 size (ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 4 4 4 6 6 6 4 4 4 7 7 7 5 6 6 3 4 4 Stems per ACRE 485.6 485.6 526.1 647.51 647.51 647.5 323.71 323.71 445.2 445.21 445.21 485.6 809.41 890.3 1012 485.61 566.61 566.6 Color Coding for Table Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of Planted stems excluding live stakes P -all: Number of planted stems including live stakes, T: Total Stems Table 9. Planted and Total Stem Counts Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Current Plot Data (MY4 2016) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 94641-WEI-0031 Pnol-S P -all T 94641-WEI-0032 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0033 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0034 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0035 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0036 Pnol-S P -all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree 20 5 Betula nigra river birch Tree 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 2 2 22 4 4 4 3 3 1 3 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 5 3 1 3 3 Juglans nigra black walnut Tree Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum Tree 20 5 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 1 1 1 4 4 4 9 9 9 4 4 4 7 7 7 Quercus oal< Tree Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree Quercus pagoda cherrybark oal< Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 3 3 3 2 2 2 5 5 5 Quercus rubra northern red oak Tree Salix sericea silky willow Shrub 4 4 2 2 4 4 3 3 Stem count 9 14 74 9 12 12 16 16 16 12 18 18 10 10 24 12 17 17 size (ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 size (ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 4 6 8 3 5 5 4 4 4 4 6 6 4 4 6 4 6 6 Stems per ACRE 364.2 566.6 2995 364.2 485.6 485.6 647.5 647.5 647.5 485.6 728.4 728.4 404.7 404.7 971.2 485.6 688 688 Color Coding for Table Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of Planted stems excluding live stakes P -all: Number of planted stems including live stakes, T: Total Stems Table 9. Planted and Total Stem Counts Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Current Plot Data (MY4 2016) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 94641-WEI-0037 Pnol-S P -all T 94641-WEI-0038 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0039 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0040 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0041 PnoLS P -all T 94641-WEI-0042 Pnol-S P -all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree 10 Betula nigra river birch Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 1 1 1 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 15 4 4 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 Juglans nigra black walnut Tree Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum Tree Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 3 3 3 3 13 1 1 1 2 2 2 Quercus oal< Tree Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 6 6 1 6 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oal< Tree 4 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 1 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus rubra northern red oak Tree Salix sericea silky willow Shrub 10 3 3 1 1 Stem count 12 12 27 8 8 21 9 9 9 5 5 45 9 13 13 9 11 11 size (ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 size (ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 4 4 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 2 2 5 4 6 6 5 7 7 Stems per ACRE 485.6 485.6 1093 323.7 323.7 849.8 364.2 364.2 364.2 202.3 202.3 1821 364.2 526.1 526.1 364.2 445.2 445.2 Color Coding for Table Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of Planted stems excluding live stakes P -all: Number of planted stems including live stakes, T: Total Stems FW Table 9. Planted and Total Stem Counts Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Color Coding for Table Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of Planted stems excluding live stakes P -all: Number of planted stems including live stakes, T: Total Stems Annual Means Scientific Name Common Name Species Type MY4 (2016) PnoLS P -all T MY3 (2015) PnoLS P -all T MY2 (2014) PnoLS P -all T MY1 (2013) Pri P -all T MYO (2012) PnoLS P -all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree 35 57 55 Betula nigra river birch Tree 53 53 56 56 56 57 64 64 64 82 82 82 124 124 124 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree 1 Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 12 13 1 16 16 16 20 25 25 25 30 30 30 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 76 76 245 74 74 573 74 1 74 1 387 82 1 82 142 1 86 1 86 86 Juglans nigra black walnut Tree 1 Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum Tree 32 170 92 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 16 20 20 20 3S 35 3S Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 131 131 148 140 140 221 143 143 193 144 144 204 145 145 145 Quercus oak Tree 2 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 56 56 56 1 61 61 61 62 1 62 1 62 71 1 71 71 1 87 1 87 87 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 60 60 61 68 68 69 72 72 73 93 93 93 131 131 131 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 64 64 66 67 67 72 69 69 69 72 72 72 64 64 64 Quercus rubra Inorthern red oak I Tree 2 2 Salix sericea Isilky willow I Shrub 33 43 37 60 37 66 39 39 39 38 38 38 Stem count 450 495 768 476 529 1370 499 552 1098 628 628 748 740 740 740 size (ares) 42 42 42 142 142 size (ACRES) 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1 1.04 Species count 71 9T 13 71 9 13 71 91 12191 91 91 9 9 9 Stems per ACRE 433.61 4771 740 458.61 509.71 1320 480.81 531.91 1058 605.11 605.11 720.71 7121 7121 712 Color Coding for Table Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of Planted stems excluding live stakes P -all: Number of planted stems including live stakes, T: Total Stems APPENDIX 4. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Table 10a. Baseline Stream Data Summary Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Harris Site; SF3 and UT2 Parameter Gage Pre -Restoration SF1 Condition UT2 J.1elLrenice Long Branch Reach D. UT to Cane Creek SH )- E UT2 SFl UT2 Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min I Max Min I Max Min Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width (ft) 7.6 7.0 14.8 18.6 8.2 11.8 8.8 7.1 9.0 16.6 Floodprone Width (ft) 51.9 133.2 50+ 40+ 50+ 200+ 50+ 200+ Bankfull Mean Depth 1.2 1.4 1.3 2.1 0.9 1.0 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.8 Bankfull Max Depth 2.2 1.8 1.9 2.9 1.5 1.7 1.0 0.7 1.1 1.1 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft) n/a 9.5 9.6 25.0 34.6 8.5 10.7 6.5 4.2 6.3 13.6 Width/Depth Ratio 6.2 5.2 7.9 13.8 7.9 13.1 12.0 12.0 12.9 20.4 Entrenchment Ratio 6.8 18.9 3.4+ 4.59+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ Bank Height Ratio 1.6 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 D50 (mm) 4.7 6.1 119.3 145.5 Profile Riffle Length (ft) - --- --- --- 11 36 7 25 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.011 0.0100 0.0130 0.0120 0.0120 0.0143 0.0255 0.0197 0.0353 0.0053 0.0283 0.0040 0.1512 Pool Length (ft) -- --- --- --- 16 34 16 51 Pool Max Depth (ft) n/a --- --- -- --- --- --- 1.67 2.70 Pool Spacing (ft)A --- --- -- --- 35 62 29 50 37 61 23 59 Pool Volume (ft') Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) N/A N/A 60 50 77 26 44 N/A 26 44 N/A Radius of Curvature (ft) N/A N/A 16 87 11.3 27.1 15 25 N/A 15 25 N/A Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) n/a --- --- 1.1 4.7 1 2.5 2 3 N/A 2 3 N/A Meander Length (ft) N/A N/A 66 191 29 96 62 106 N/A 62 106 N/A Meander Width Ratio --- --- 3.2 4.1 50 77 3 5 N/A 3 5 N/A Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% N/A/0.9/4.7/20.9/87/362 N/A/N/A/6.1/62/128/256 SC/SC/SC/46.6/100/256 SC/SC/SC/58.6/111.2/180 SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/d100 Reach Shear Stress (Competency) Ib/ft n/a --- 0.42 0.39 N/A Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull Stream Power (Capacity) W/m Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (SM) 0.21 0.12 1.49 0.28 0.21 0.12 0.21 0.12 Watershed Impervious Cover Estimate (%) <1% <1% --- --- <1% <1% <1% <1% Rosgen Classification E4 E4 C/E4 C/E4 C4 C4 C5 C5 Bankfull Velocity (fps) 3.1 2.04 nommommommom 3.1 3.1 3.2 1.0 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 20 13.1 101 1 124 20.6 53.2 20 13.1 20 13.1 Q-NFF regression n/a 45.2 --- --- 30.96 --- --- --- --- --- Q-USGS extrapolation Q-Mannings Valley Length (ft) Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 773 421 --- --- 878 421 874 418 Sinuosity (ft) 1.1 1.0 1.30 1.20 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.0 Water Surface Slope-(ft/ft)' 0.011 0.015 0.004 0.005 0.0102 0.0141 0.0104 0.0143 Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) --- --- 0.006 --- I --- I --- 0.0104 0.0145 ( --- ): Data was not provided N/A: Not Applicable Design Parameters based on revised Shields Diagram. Channel was dry at time of baseline survey. Slopes were calculated using the channel thalweg. 3As-Built pattern measuremeants fell within the design ranges, therefore the design parameters set are still applicable. °Slopes outside of design range are from the tie in points at the channel confluence. Table 10b. Baseline Stream Data Summary Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Harris Site; SF3 and UT3 (---1: Data was not provided N/A: Not Applicable 'Design Parameters based on revised Shields Diagram. Channel was dry at time of baseline survey. Slopes were calculated using the channel thalweg. 3As-Built pattern measuremeants fell within the design ranges, therefore the design parameters set are still applicable. 'Slopes outside of design range are from the tie in points at the channel confluence. Pre -Restoration Condltion��& Reference Reach Data Desig Parameter Gage SF3 UT1 Long Branch UT to Cane Creek SF3-u/s of UTl SF3-d/s of UTl UT1 SF3 UT1 Mi -____F Max Min Max Min I Max I Min I Max Min I Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width (ft) 15.9 9.0 14.8 18.6 8.2 11.8 18.2 18.0 10.7 22.6 29.3 4.1 Floodprone Width (ft) 48.6 14.2 50+ 40+ 50+ 200+ >100 50+ 200+ 100+ Bankfull Mean Depth 1.8 0.8 1.3 2.1 0.9 1.0 1.5 1.5 0.9 1.0 1.5 0.3 Bankfull Max Depth 2.4 1.5 1.9 2.9 1.5 1.7 2.1 2.1 1.3 2.3 2.6 0.5 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft) n/a 28.9 7.2 25.0 34.6 8.5 10.7 27.5 27.1 9.6 27.0 34.5 1.2 Width/Depth Ratio 8.8 1 11.1 7.9 13.8 7.9 13.1 12.0 12.0 12.0 1 14.8 28.8 1 14.2 Entrenchment Ratio 3.1 1.6 3.4+ 4.59+ 2.2+ 2.2+ >2.2 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ Bank Height Ratio 1.6 1.9 1.2 1 1.5 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 D50 (mm) 4.7 1.0 MENEEM SIMENJEM 50.6 63.3 73.8 Profile Riffle Length (ft) --- --- --- --- --- 12 103 11 26 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.030 0.0500 0.0130 1 0.0120 0.0120 0.005 1 0.009 0.0078 0.0140 0.0118 1 0.0210 0.0003 0.0169 0.0023 0.0185 Pool Length (ft) --- --- --- --- -- 23 100 20 80 Pool Max Depth (ft) n/a --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.0 0.0 2.5 Pool Spacing (ft)A --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 53 166 58 76 Pool Volume (ft') Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) 51 106 31 59 60 50 77 54 91 54 90 32 54 54 91 32 54 Radius of Curvature (ft) 27 105 10 83 16-1 87 11.3 27.1 31 51 31 50 21 30 31 51 21 30 Rc:Bankfu(I Width (ft/ft) n/a 7 16 1 9 1 5 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 Meander Length (ft) 46 272 80 161 66 191 29 96 127 218 126 216 75 129 126 218 75 129 Meander Width Ratio 26 70 3 7 3 4 50 77 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% 7.53/16.66/40.82/74.02/97.42/180 N/A/N/A/1/16/107.3/256 0.08/0.21/11/67.2/256/>2048 0.07/0.16/0.3/26.9/71.7/256 SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/d100 Reach Shear Stress (Competency) Ib/ft n/a --- --- 0.35 0.52 0.37 0.28 0.12 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull Stream Power (Capa(ity) W/m Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (SM) 1.27 0.36 1.49 0.28 1.27 0.36 1.27 0.36 Watershed Impervious Cover Estimate (%) <1% <1% --- --- <1% <1% <1% <1% <1% Rosgen Classification E4 E/G5 C/E4 C/E4 C4 C4 C5 C4 C5 Bankfull Velocity (fps) 3.7 5.87 11111111MEM11111MIJIMM 3.0 3.4 3.2 2.9 3.0 25.3 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 81.5 30.3 101 124 81.5 99.8 30.3 81.5 99.8 30.3 Q-NFF regression 159.7 65.7 NEEMEMENNEEM Q-USGS extrapolation n/a --- --- --- -- --- i2O.M653.2 -- --- --- Q-Mannings Valley Va ey Length-- Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 2,183 1,915 --- 2,116 1,997 2,120 2,038 Sinuosity (ft) 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) 0.004 0.01 0.004 0.005 0.0036 0.0056 0.0084 0.0041 0.0075 Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) --- 0.006 --- --- I --- I --- 0.0047 0.0083 (---1: Data was not provided N/A: Not Applicable 'Design Parameters based on revised Shields Diagram. Channel was dry at time of baseline survey. Slopes were calculated using the channel thalweg. 3As-Built pattern measuremeants fell within the design ranges, therefore the design parameters set are still applicable. 'Slopes outside of design range are from the tie in points at the channel confluence. Table 10c. Baseline Stream Data Summary Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Lindlev Site; SF4 and SMA (---): Data was not provided N/A: Not Applicable 'Design Parameters based on revised Shields Diagram. Channel was dry at time of baseline survey. Slopes were calculated using the channel thalweg. 3As-Built pattern measuremeants fell within the design ranges, therefore the design parameters set are still applicable. °Slopes outside of design range are from the tie in points at the channel confluence. Pre -Restoration Condition Reference Reach DIA. Design As-Built/Baseline Gage SH SFA Long Branch UT to Cane Creek SF4 SFA SF4 SFA Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width (ft) 18.6 10.3 14.8 1 18.6 8.2 1 11.8 14.0 12.0 26.7 27.3 13.6 17.3 Floodprone Width (ft) 157.3 29.4 50+ 40+ 50+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 2..+ 200+ Bankfull Mean Depth 2.7 1.6 1.3 2.1 0.9 1.0 1.9 1.2 2.0 2.9 1.2 1.6 Bankfull Max Depth 4.0 2.2 1.9 2.9 1.5 1.7 2.3 1.7 2.9 3.0 2.1 2.8 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft') n/a 49.7 16.9 25.0 34.6 8.5 10.7 53.0 18.0 49.0 53.8 16.1 27.1 Width/Depth Ratio 6.9 6.3 7.9 13.8 7.9 13.1 14.0 12.0 13.8 14.6 11.1 11.5 Entrenchment Ratio 3.5 2.9 3.4+ 4.59+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ Bank Height Ratio 1.4 1.8 1.2 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 D50 (mm) Profile 0.3 0.8 117.2 134.4 22.6 82.0 Riffle Length (ft) - --- 51 112 41 79 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) --- --- 0.0130 0.0120 0.0120 0.0048 0.0085 0.0108 0.0193 0.0010 0.0098 0.0001 0.0210 Pool Length (ft) --- --- --- --- 54 123 28 79 Pool Max Depth (ft) n/a --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pool Spacing (ft)^ --- --- --- --- --- --- 146 210 71 110 Pool Volume (ft) Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) N/A N/A 60 50 77 82 136 44 74 82 136 44 74 Radius of Curvature (ft) N/A N/A 16 87 11 27 46 76 25 41 46 76 25 41 Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) n/a --- --- 1 5 1 3 1.7 2.8 1.7 2.8 2 3 2 3 Meander Length (ft) N/A N/A 66 191 29 96 191 327 103 177 191 327 103 177 Meander Width Ratio --- --- 3 4 6 7 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% MINNIMEEMOMmom N/A/N/A/0.3/17.9/45.8/90 N/A/0.1/0.8/204./62.9/362 0.13/0.36/5.3/102.5/320.7/>2048 SC/0.12/1.4/44/71.3/362 SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/d1DD Reach Shear Stress (Competency) Ib/ft" n/a --- --- 0.32 0.63 0.33 0.33 0.44 0.58 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull Stream Power (Capacity) W/mz Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (SM) 5.26 1.00 1.49 0.28 5.26 1.00 5.26 1.00 Watershed Impervious Cover Estimate (%) <1% <1% --- --- <1% <1% <1% <1% Rosgen Classification E5 E5 C/E4 C/E4 C5 C5 C4 C5 Bankfull Velocity (fps) 5.9 5.26 mommommommom 3.9 3.7 4.2 1 3.8 2.5 1 4.2 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 247.4 67.3 101 124 20.6 53.2 204 67.3 204 67.3 Q-NFF regression n/a 432.92 --- --- 134.59 --- --- Q-USGS extrapolation Q-Mannings Valley Length (ft) --- --- Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 1450.0 609.0 - 1,424 868 1,429 866 Sinuosity (ft) 1.3 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.1 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft)z 0.003 0.008 0.004 0.005 0.0034 0.0077 0.0033 0.0070 Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) 0.006 --- 1 0.0034 0.0077 0.0034 0.0067 (---): Data was not provided N/A: Not Applicable 'Design Parameters based on revised Shields Diagram. Channel was dry at time of baseline survey. Slopes were calculated using the channel thalweg. 3As-Built pattern measuremeants fell within the design ranges, therefore the design parameters set are still applicable. °Slopes outside of design range are from the tie in points at the channel confluence. Table 11. Morphology and Hydraulic Summary (Dimensional Parameters - Cross Section) Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Harris and Lindley Site OEM- -,M Dimension and Substrate Base Cross MY1 Section MY2 I 1 (Riffle) MY3 MY4 �= MY5 Base Cross MY1 Section MY2 2 (Pool) I MY3 MY4 WJULL� MYS Base Cross MY1 Section MY2 3 (Pool) I MY3 MY4 UT2 MBase Cross MY1 Section MY2 I 4 (Riffle) MY3 MY4 MYS based on fixed bankfull elevation 595.5 594.9 600.2 599.5 Bankfull Width (ft) 8.4 9.0 8.2 7.8 8.2 11.7 13.9 10.9 10.4 11.3 15.0 19.4 15.7 14.2 15.2 16.6 18.6 17.4 16.9 16.5 Floodprone Width (ft) 50+ 50+ 50+ 50+ 50+ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 1.0 1.6 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.8 1.0 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.0 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.7 2.1 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.8 1.1 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.5 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (W) 5.6 6.3 4.8 4.6 4.8 12.8 12.2 9.9 8.8 11.4 24.2 26.2 23.1 22.5 24.7 13.6 18.6 14.1 13.9 16.6 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 12.8 12.9 14.2 13.5 14.1 N/A N/A 12.0 12.3 11.2 N/A N/A 10.7 9.0 9.4 20.4 25.4 21.4 20.6 16.5 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 SFe- Dimension and Substrate Base I MY1 Section FMY2 5 (Riffle) MY3 MY4 MY5 Base Cross MYl Section MY2 6 (Pool) MY3 MY4 MYS Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS based on fixed bankfull elevation 567.8 575.0 574.7 572.9 Bankfull Width (ft) 19.7 22.6 19.4 18.8 18.8 19.7 24.8 22.7 23.5 23.4 16.7 29.3 15.8 16.5 18.5 19.7 22.3 15.9 17.0 17.4 Floodprone Width (ft) 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.7 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 2.3 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.3 4.1 3.7 3.7 3.7 2.2 2.6 2.2 2.2 2.1 3.0 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.1 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft) 30.5 34.5 29.9 28.3 28.6 30.5 50.2 43.1 41.4 43.4 20.6 29.8 19.2 19.5 21.4 28.0 36.9 26.2 27.6 28.8 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 12.7 14.8 12.5 12.5 12.4 12.7 12.1 12.0 13.3 12.7 13.5 28.8 12.9 14.0 16.0 13.9 13.5 9.7 10.5 10.5 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Dimension and Substrate Base Cross MY1 SF3 Section 9 (Riffle) MY2 I MY3 MY4 7MYS Base Cross MY3 Section MY2 10 (Riffle) I MY3 MY4 UTI "W MYS Base Cross MY3 Section MY2 11 (Pool) I MY3 MY4 FIMY5 Base Cross MY1 SF4 Section 12 (Pool) MY2 I MY3 MY4 MYS based on fixed bankfull elevation 572.5 574.0 573.8 539.7 Bankfull Width (ft) 15.9 24.2 14.9 15.4 14.9 12.6 10.1 11.3 10.6 10.8 14.2 19.4 12.0 13.4 14.0 33.3 34.1 29.8 29.6 33.2 Floodprone Width (ft) 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 100+ 100+ 100+ 100+ 100+ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.2 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.3 0.9 1.2 1.1 1.2 2.2 2.1 2.4 2.4 2.2 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.8 2.3 1.8 1.7 1.9 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.6 2.6 2.5 2.3 2.4 2.5 4.9 4.7 4.9 4.8 4.9 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (W) 19.0 27.0 15.5 16.2 18.1 10.5 9.5 9.5 8.1 9.7 17.7 17.0 14.6 15.0 17.4 74.4 72.2 70.7 71.7 72.5 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 13.3 21.6 14.4 14.6 12.2 15.1 10.7 13.4 13.8 11.9 11.3 22.1 10.0 12.0 11.2 14.9 16.2 12.5 12.2 15.2 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Dimension and Substrate Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY1 SF4 MY2 I MY3 MY4 MYS Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS Base MY1 SF4A MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS based on fixed bankfull elevation 539.6 537.8 537.7 540.4 Bankfull Width (ft) 27.3 26.7 26.0 28.8 28.4 38.7 44.4 45.4 47.6 45.7 27.6 27.3 26.2 28.3 29.2 23.7 17.3 13.9 14.9 17.3 Floodprone Width (ft) 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.8 2.9 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.1 1.9 2.0 2.1 1.9 1.9 0.9 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.7 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 3.0 2.9 2.9 3.1 3.1 4.3 4.6 5.0 5.0 5.7 3.2 3.0 3.2 3.1 3.5 2.3 2.8 3.0 3.1 3.4 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft') 49.5 49.0 49.7 51.8 54.3 70.6 78.1 82.2 86.0 96.0 51.2 53.8 53.9 53.3 56.6 20.4 27.1 25.2 25.5 30.3 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 15.1 14.6 13.6 16.0 14.8 21.2 25.3 25.1 26.4 21.8 14.9 13.8 12.8 15.0 15.1 27.5 11.1 7.7 8.7 9.9 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 11.0 Dimension and Substrate based on fixed bankfull elevation Bankfull Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft) Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio Bankfull Bank Height Ratio Base 13.9 200+ 1.3 2.1 17.5 11.0 2.2+ 1.0 Cross MY1 13.6 200+ 1.2 2.1 16.1 11.5 2.2+ 1.0 Section 17 (Riffle) MY2 I MY3 537.3 12.8 11.5 200+ 200+ 1.2 1.2 2.4 2.3 15.2 13.9 10.7 9.5 2.2+ 2.2+ 1.0 1.0 MY4 11.4 200+ 1.6 2.6 18.3 7.1 2.2+ 1.0 SF4A MY5 Base 16.0 N/A 1.4 2.8 22.9 11.1 N/A 1.0 Cross MY3 13.5 N/A 1.6 3.4 21.0 8.6 N/A 1.0 Section 18 (Pool) MY2 I MY3 536.9 10.6 11.1 N/A N/A 1.9 1.6 3.0 2.7 20.5 18.3 5.4 6.7 N/A N/A 1.0 1.0 MY4 11.6 N/A 2.1 3.3 24.3 5.5 N/A 1.0 7MYS Table 12a. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Harris Site: SF3 Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min I Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width (ft) 8.4 9.0 8.2 7.8 8.2 Floodprone Width (ft) 50+ 50+ 50+ 50+ 50+ Bankfull Mean Depth 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 Bankfull Max Depth 1.0 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.9 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft) 5.6 6.3 4.8 4.6 4.8 Width/Depth Ratio 12.8 12.9 14.2 13.5 14.1 Entrenchment Ratio 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 D50 (mm) 23.3 27.8 31.0 34.6 23.9 Profile Riffle Length (ft) 11 36 13 38 11 37 13 37 13 38 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.0053 0.0283 0.0008 0.0376 0.0077 0.0426 0.0111 0.0362 0.0080 0.0496 Pool Length (ft) 16 34 15 30 15 33 18 36 13 29 Pool Max Depth (ft) 1.7 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.9 Pool Spacing (ft) 37 61 36 59 37 59 41 64 35 62 Pool Volume (ft') Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) Radius of Curvature (ft) Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) Meander Wave Length (ft) Meander Width Ratio Additional Reach Parameters 26 15 1.7 62 3.0 44 25 2.8 106 5.0 Rosgen Classification C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 874 874 874 874 874 Sinuosity (ft) 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) 0.0104 0.0104 0.0111 0.0101 0.0112 Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) 0.0104 0.0108 0.0104 0.0099 0.0086 Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC %/Sa%/G %/C %/B %/Be% d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/d100 SC/SC/SC/46.6/100/256 SC/SC/SC/91.6/202.4/362 SC/0.2/9.7/42.0/128/256 SC/0.25/13.3/52.9/77.8/128 SC/9.0/23.9/96.6/180/320 % of Reach with Eroding Banks 0% 0% 0% 0% Table 12b. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Harris Site: UT2 Mn Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width (ft) 16.6 18.6 17.4 16.9 16.5 Floodprone Width (ft) 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ Bankfull Mean Depth 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.8 1.0 Bankfull Max Depth 1.1 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.5 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft) 13.6 18.6 14.1 13.9 16.6 Width/Depth Ratio 20.4 25.4 21.4 20.6 16.5 Entrenchment Ratio 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 D50 (mm) 34.3 77.3 27.6 29.3 20.1 Profile Riffle Length (ft) 7 25 3 24 4 13 4 27 4 16 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.0040 0.1512 0.0045 0.0775 0.0117 0.0373 0.0098 0.0387 0.0049 0.0637 Pool Length (ft) 16 1 51 11 46 18 47 17 45 17 43 Pool Max Depth (ft) 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.3 2.3 Pool Spacing (ft) 23 59 21 60 21 55 23 58 20 58 Pool Volume (ft') Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) Radius of Curvature (ft) Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) Meander Wave Length (ft) Meander Width Ratio Additional Reach Parameters N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Rosgen Classification C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 418 418 418 418 418 Sinuosity (ft) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) 0.0143 1 0.0149 0.0152 0.0141 0.0147 Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) 0.0145 0.0141 0.0141 0.0128 0.0133 Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/d100 SC/SC/SC/110.1/163.3/256 I SC/SC/SC/58.6/111.2/181 SC/0.5/17.4/58.6/99.5/128 SC/0.2/6.7/62.2/83.1/256 SC/10.04/20.1/69/160.7/362 %of Reach with Eroding Banks IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIM 0% 0% 0% 0% Table 12c. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Harris Site; SF3 Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width (ft) 15.9 19.7 22.6 29.3 14.9 19.4 16.5 18.8 14.9 18.8 Floodprone Width (ft) 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ Bankfull Mean Depth 1.2 1.6 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.5 1.1 1.5 1.2 1.5 Bankfull Max Depth 1.8 2.3 2.3 2.6 1.8 2.4 1.7 2.4 1.9 2.4 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (W) 19.0 30.5 27.0 34.5 15.5 29.9 1 16.2 28.3 18.1 28.6 Width/Depth Ratio 12.7 13.5 14.8 28.8 12.5 14.4 12.5 14.6 12.2 16.0 Entrenchment Ratio 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 D50 (mm) 19.8 35.4 22.6 39.8 18.6 38.7 13.9 35.5 29.2 46.5 Profile Riffle Length (ft) 12 103 29 100 18 102 17 100 13 95 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.0003 0.0169 0.0019 0.0129 0.0008 0.0131 1 0.0012 0.0128 0.0004 0.0188 Pool Length (ft) 23 100 45 74 21 72 19 78 22 77 Pool Max Depth (ft) 2.3 2.5 2.8 5.0 3.0 3.7 3.4 2.9 Pool Spacing (ft) 53 166 50 151 42 156 41 155 42 153 Pool Volume (ft) Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) Radius of Curvature (ft) Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) Meander Wave Length (ft) Meander Width Ratio Additional Reach Parameters 54 31 1.7 126 3.0 91 51 3.0 218 5.0 Rosgen Classification C4 C4 C5 C5 C5 Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 2,120 2,120 2,120 2,120 2,120 Sinuosity (ft) 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) 0.0041 0.0045 0.0043 0.0043 0.0044 Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) 0.0047 1 0.0047 0.0042 0.0043 0.0040 Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% d16/d35/d5D/d84/d95/d100 0.08/0.21/11/67.2/256/>2048 1 0.50/16.47/26/66.8/119.3/180 0.42/9.38/17.3/53.7/90/,2048 1.41/8/17/70.2/111.2/256 1.15/9.09/16.5/73.8/119.3/180 % of Reach with Eroding Banks 0% 0% 0% 0% Table 12d. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Harris Site; UTI Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width (ft) 12.7 10.1 11.3 10.6 10.8 Floodprone Width (ft) 100+ 100+ 100+ 100+ 100+ Bankfull Mean Depth 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9 Bankfull Max Depth 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.6 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft) 10.5 9.5 9.5 8.1 9.7 Width/Depth Ratio 15.1 10.7 13.4 13.8 12 Entrenchment Ratio 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 D50 (mm) 21.1 40.8 39.3 33.9 32.9 Profile Riffle Length (ft) 11 39 19 36 14 36 14 36 18 36 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.0023 0.0185 0.0016 0.0258 0.0025 0.0407 0.0012 0.0299 0.0031 0.0218 Pool Length (ft) 20 80 18 51 25 53 23 52 23 48 Pool Max Depth (ft) 2.6 2.5 2.3 2.7 2.4 Pool Spacing (ft) 58 76 39 76 43 73 52 77 52 82 Pool Volume (ft) Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) Radius of Curvature (ft) Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) Meander Wave Length (ft) Meander Width Ratio Additional Reach Parameters 32 21 2.0 75 3.0 54 30 2.8 129 S.0 Rosgen Classification C5 C5 C5 C 5 C 5 Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 2,038 2,038 2,038 2,038 2,038 Sinuosity (ft) 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) 0.0075 0.0078 0.0070 0.0077 0.0079 Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) 0.0083 0.0058 0.0077 0.0091 0.0078 Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/d100 0.07/0.16/0.3/26.9/71.7/256 SC/1.15/11/67.2/87.8/180 SC/0.20/6.7./45.0/84.1/362 SC/0.30/8.0/78.5/128.0/180.0 SC/.25/4.0/80.3/151.8/362 %of Reach with Eroding Banks 0% 0% 0% 0% Table 12e. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Lindlev Site: SF4 Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width (ft) 27.3 27.6 26.7 27.3 26.0 26.2 28.3 28.8 28.4 29.8 Floodprone Width (ft) 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ Bankfull Mean Depth 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.9 1.9 2.1 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.9 Bankfull Max Depth 3.0 3.2 2.9 3.0 2.9 3.2 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.5 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft') 49.5 51.2 49.0 53.8 49.7 53.9 51.8 53.3 54.3 56.6 Width/Depth Ratio 14.9 15.1 13.8 14.6 12.8 13.6 15.0 16.0 14.8 15.1 Entrenchment Ratio 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 D50 (mm) 29.1 35.6 19 25 26.9 28.1 28.5 40.5 52.3 59 Profile Riffle Length (ft) 51 112 31 111 46 115 50 119 22 110 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.0010 0.0098 0.0034 0.0119 0.0028 0.0075 0.0032 0.0072 0.0017 0.0185 Pool Length (ft) 54 123 27 169 26 123 24 135 28 122 Pool Max Depth (ft) 4.3 4.9 4.6 4.7 4.9 5.0 4.9 5.3 Pool Spacing (ft) 146 210 1 151 211 150 210 138 221 106 236 Pool Volume (ft) Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) Radius of Curvature (ft) Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) Meander Wave Length (ft) Meander Width Ratio Additional Reach Parameters 82 46 1.7 191 3.0 136 76 2.8 327 5.0 Rosgen Classification C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 1,429 1,429 1,429 1,429 1,429 Sinuosity (ft) 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) 0.0033 0.0031 0.0031 0.0030 0.0033 Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) 0.0034 0.0034 0.0035 0.0031 0.0031 RiV/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa9l/G%/C%/8%/Be% d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/d100 0.13/0.36/5.3/102.5/320.7/>2048 I SC/0.25/5.1/72.7/139.4/256 SC/1.41/16/69.7/115.7/>2048 .17/4.98/18.2/135.2/246.5/>204 .25/4.89/15/117.2/214.7/512 %of Reach with Eroding Banks 0% 0% 0% 0% Table 12f. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Lindley Site; SF4A Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width (ft) 13.9 23.7 13.6 15.4 12.8 13.9 11.5 14.9 11.4 17.3 Floodprone Width (ft) 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ Bankfull Mean Depth 0.9 1.3 1.2 1.7 1.2 1.8 1.2 1.7 1.6 1.7 Bankfull Max Depth 2.1 2.3 2.1 2.8 2.4 3.0 2.3 3.1 2.6 3.4 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft) 17.5 20.4 16.1 26.3 15.2 25.2 13.9 25.5 18.3 30.3 Width/Depth Ratio 11.0 27.5 9.0 11.5 7.7 10.7 8.7 9.5 7.1 9.9 Entrenchment Ratio 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ 2.2+ Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 D50 (mm) 9.4 12.7 4.4 17.1 31.4 32 17 25.1 20 33 Profile Riffle Length (ft) 41 79 6 75 5 52 5 67 4 30 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.0001 0.0210 0.0177 0.0321 0.0063 0.0577 0.0004 0.0483 0.0087 0.0554 Pool Length (ft) 28 79 15 46 16 68 16 61 23 82 Pool Max Depth (ft) 2.1 2.8 2.8 3.8 3.0 3.8 4.1 Pool Spacing (ft) 71 110 32 111 35 104 35 109 46 107 Pool Volume (ft) Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) Radius of Curvature (ft) Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) Meander Wave Length (ft) Meander Width Ratio Additional Reach Parameters 44 25 1.7 103 3.0 74 41 2.8 177 5.0 Rosgen Classification C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 866 866 866 866 866 Sinuosity (ft) 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) 0.0070 0.0047 0.0049 0.0046 0.0060 Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) 0.0067 1 0.0077 0.0066 0.0067 1 0.0067 Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% c116/cI35/d5O/d84/cI95/d100 SC/0.12/1.4/44/71.3/362 I SC/0.10/0.3/48.8/123.6/256 0.93/5.6/12.8/42.0/85.0/180 SC/0.71/18.0/64.0/121.7/512 I SC/0.45/16.8/64.0/112.2/180.0 % of Reach with Eroding Banks MENNEEMEM 43% 43% Longitudinal Profile Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Harris Site; SF1 605 603 601 599 597 Cu 595 c 0 593 v w 591 589 587 585 ♦ ♦ -- -- ♦ ♦ i' H N X X WF 1000 10100 10200 10300 10400 10500 10600 10700 10800 10900 Station (feet) 0 TW (MYO-1/2013) +TW (MY1-8/2013) $ TW (MY2-5/2014) tTW (MY3-4/2015) t TW (MY4-5/2016) ------- WS (MY4-5/2016) ♦ BKF/TOB (MY4-5/2016) • STRUCTURES Longitudinal Profile Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Harris Site; UT2 610 608 606 604 602 ♦ w 600 o ----- ♦ > v 598 –� --: 596 ' m v '— 594 X X 592 590 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Station (feet) --* TW (MYO-1/2013) —4 TW (MY1-8/2013) TW (MY2-5/2014) ♦ TW (MY3-4/2015) 4 TW (MY4-5/2016) ♦ BKF/TOB (MY4-5/2016) ----- WS (MY4-5/2016) 0 STRUCTURES Longitudinal Profile Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Harris Site; SF3 590 585 580 575 v v 0 570 v w 565 560 555 550 40250 40450 40650 40850 41050 41250 41450 41650 Station (feet) t TW (MYO-1/2013) c$ TW (MY1-8/2013) * TW (MY2-5/2014) * TW (MY3-4/2015) f TW (MY4-5/2016)------- WS (MY4-5/2016) ♦ BKF/TOB (MY4-5/2016) • STRUCTURES 41850 42050 Longitudinal Profile Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Harris Site; UTI 590 585 580 Zr v c 575 0 m v w 570 565 560 51520 51620 51720 51820 51920 52020 Station (feet) TW (MYO-1/2013) TW (MY1-8/2013) TW (MY2-5/2014) 0 TW (MY3-4/2015) —s— TW (MY4-5/2016)------- WS (MY4-5/2016) ♦ BKF/TOB (MY4-5/2016) • STRUCTURES Longitudinal Profile Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Lindley Site; SF4 560 555 550 545 v v c 540 m AL - -- v- --- ----- ------ - 535 ------- -------- -- -- 530 ti ti N Ln X X X X 525 520 80000 80200 80400 80600 80800 81000 81200 81400 Station (feet) t TW (MYO-1/2013) s TW (MY1-8/2013) s TW (MY2-5/2014) s TW (MY3-4/2015) TW (MY4-5/2016) ------- WS (MY4-5/2016) ♦ BKF/TOB (MY4-5/2016) 0 STRUCTURES Longitudinal Profile Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Lindley Site; SF4A 555 550 545 X X X 540 v 0 m 535 i v w ti N 00 530 525 520 90000 90100 90200 90300 90400 90500 90600 90700 90800 90900 Station (feet) +TW (m 0-1/2013) — TW (MY1-8/2013) * TW (MY2-5/2014) 4 TW (MY3-4/2015) TW (MY4-5/2016) ------- WS (MY4-5/2016) ♦ BKF/TOB (MY4-5/2016) 0 STRUCTURES X X X Cross -Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 Cross Section 1 - SH 104+44 Riffle 4.8 x -section area (ft.sq.) 8.2 width (ft) 0.6 mean depth (ft) 0.9 max depth (ft) 8.5 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.6 hyd radi (ft) 14.1 width -depth ratio 50.0 W flood prone area (ft) 6.1 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio 597 0 595 'm w 593 0 10 20 30 40 50 Width (ft) 4 MYO (1/2013) 0 MY1(8/2013) +MY2 (5/2014) tMY3 (4/2015) +MY4 (5/2016) —Bankfull—Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 4.8 x -section area (ft.sq.) 8.2 width (ft) 0.6 mean depth (ft) 0.9 max depth (ft) 8.5 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.6 hyd radi (ft) 14.1 width -depth ratio 50.0 W flood prone area (ft) 6.1 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 5/2016 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 Cross Section 2 - SH 104+64 Pool x -section area (ft.sq.) 11.3 width (ft) 1.0 mean depth (ft) 1.9 max depth (ft) 12.1 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.9 hyd radi (ft) 11.2 width -depth ratio = 596 c m 594 'm w 592 0 10 20 30 40 50 Width (ft) +MYO (1/2013) 6 MY1 (8/2013) 4 MY2 (5/2014) +MY3 (4/2015) tMY4 (5/2016) —Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 11.4 x -section area (ft.sq.) 11.3 width (ft) 1.0 mean depth (ft) 1.9 max depth (ft) 12.1 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.9 hyd radi (ft) 11.2 width -depth ratio Survey Date: 5/2016 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 Cross Section 3 - UT2 2+51 Pool 602 600 4 mom 00 — - c 0 m v w 598 596 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width (ft) tMYO (1/2013) 6 MY1 (8/2013) 4 MY2 (5/2014) +MY3 (4/2015) tMY4 (5/2016) —Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 24.7 x -section area (ft.sq.) 15.2 width (ft) 1.6 mean depth (ft) 2.8 max depth (ft) 16.6 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.5 hyd radi (ft) 9.4 width -depth ratio Survey Date: 5/2016 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 Cross Section 4 - UT2 2+87 Riffle 16.6 x -section area (ft.sq.) 16.5 width (ft) 1.0 mean depth (ft) 1.5 max depth (ft) 17.2 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.0 hyd radi (ft) 16.5 width -depth ratio 200.0 W flood prone area (ft) 12.1 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio 602 600 4= c 0 v w 598 596 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width (ft) +MYO (1/2013) --*-- MY1(8/2013) t—MY2 (5/2014) +MY3 (4/2015) t—MY4 (5/2016) —Bankfull—Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 16.6 x -section area (ft.sq.) 16.5 width (ft) 1.0 mean depth (ft) 1.5 max depth (ft) 17.2 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.0 hyd radi (ft) 16.5 width -depth ratio 200.0 W flood prone area (ft) 12.1 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 5/2016 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 Cross Section 5 - SF3 402+86 Riffle 579 too wall Ott 577 c m v w 575 573 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width (ft) I MYO (1/2013) 4 MY1(8/2013) +MY2 (5/2014) tMY3 (4/2015) +MY4 (5/2016) —Bankfull—Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 28.6 x -section area (ft.sq.) 18.8 width (ft) 1.5 mean depth (ft) 2.4 max depth (ft) 19.7 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.4 hyd radi (ft) 12.4 width -depth ratio 100.0 W flood prone area (ft) 5.3 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 5/2016 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 Cross Section 6 - SF3 Bankfull Dimensions 43.3 x -section area (ft.sq.) 23.4 width (ft) 1.8 mean depth (ft) 3.7 max depth (ft) 24.9 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.7 hyd radi (ft) 12.7 width -depth ratio Survey Date: 5/2016 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 Cross Section 7 - SF3 Bankfull Dimensions 21.4 x -section area (ft.sq.) 18.5 width (ft) 1.2 mean depth (ft) 2.1 max depth (ft) 19.2 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.1 hyd radi (ft) 16.0 width -depth ratio 200.0 W flood prone area (ft) 10.8 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 5/2016 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering -1 h6k, lll�� View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 Cross Section 8 - SF3 mull RINE11 IN, ISI Bankfull Dimensions 28.8 x -section area (ft.sq.) 17.4 width (ft) 1.7 mean depth (ft) 3.1 max depth (ft) 19.2 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.5 hyd radi (ft) 10.5 width -depth ratio Survey Date: 5/2016 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 Cross Section 9 - SF3 Bankfull Dimensions 18.1 1111111111'111'11,1111111'111'111111111111111'111'11111'1'111111" 14.9 width (ft) 1.2 mean depth (ft) 1.9 max depth (ft) 15.6 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.2 hyd radi (ft) 12.2 width -depth ratio 200.0 W flood prone area (ft) 13.5 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio 111111111 Jill II��I•IiI�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 0- Bankfull Dimensions 18.1 x -section area (ft.sq.) 14.9 width (ft) 1.2 mean depth (ft) 1.9 max depth (ft) 15.6 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.2 hyd radi (ft) 12.2 width -depth ratio 200.0 W flood prone area (ft) 13.5 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 5/2016 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 Cross Section 10 - UT1 517+63 Riffle 576 x -section area (ft.sq.) 10.8 width (ft) 0.9 mean depth (ft) 1.6 max depth (ft) 11.2 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.9 hyd radi (ft) 11.9 width -depth ratio 200.0 W flood prone area (ft) 18.6 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio 574 c 0 v w 572 570 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Width (ft) t MYO (1/2013) 4 MYI (8/2013) MY2 (5/2014) +MY3 (4/2015) --;­ MY4 (5/2016) —Bankfull—Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 9.7 x -section area (ft.sq.) 10.8 width (ft) 0.9 mean depth (ft) 1.6 max depth (ft) 11.2 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.9 hyd radi (ft) 11.9 width -depth ratio 200.0 W flood prone area (ft) 18.6 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 5/2016 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 Cross Section 11 - UT1 518+10 Pool 577 575 c 573 0 m v w 571 569 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (ft) tMYO (1/2013) s MY1 (8/2013) 4 MY2 (5/2014) +MY3 (4/2015) tMY4 (5/2016) -Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 17.4 x -section area (ft.sq.) 14.0 width (ft) 1.2 mean depth (ft) 2.5 max depth (ft) 16.0 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.1 hyd radi (ft) 11.2 width -depth ratio Survey Date: 5/2016 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream tF� Cross -Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 Cross Section 12 - SF4 Bankfull Dimensions 72.5 x -section area (ft.sq.) 33.2 width (ft) 2.2 mean depth (ft) 4.9 max depth (ft) 36.1 wetted parimeter (ft) 2.0 hyd radi (ft) 15.2 width -depth ratio Survey Date: 5/2016 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream OWN Cross -Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 Cross Section 13 - SF4 Bankfull Dimensions 54.3 x -section area (ft.sq.) 28.4 width (ft) 1.9 mean depth (ft) 3.1 max depth (ft) 29.5 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.8 hyd radi (ft) 14.8 width -depth ratio 200.0 W flood prone area (ft) 7.1entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 5/2016 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 Cross Section 14 - SF4 Bankfull Dimensions 96.0 x -section area (ft.sq.) 45.7 width (ft) 2.1 mean depth (ft) 5.7 max depth (ft) 49.1 wetted parimeter (ft) 2.0 hyd radi (ft) 21.8 width -depth ratio Survey Date: 5/2016 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 Cross Section 15 - SF4 pill if Jill Bankfull Dimensions 56.6 x -section area (ft.sq.) 29.2 width (ft) 1.9 mean depth (ft) 3.5 max depth (ft) 30.9 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.8 hyd radi (ft) 15.1 width -depth ratio 200.0 W flood prone area (ft) 6.9entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 5/2016 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 Cross Section 16 - SF4A 902+44 Riffle 544 542 c 540 0 m v w 538 536 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (ft) +MYO (1/2013) t MY1(8/2013) +MY2 (5/2014) tMY3 (4/2015) +MY4 (5/2016) -Bankfull-Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 30.3 x -section area (ft.sq.) 17.3 width (ft) 1.7 mean depth (ft) 3.4 max depth (ft) 19.5 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.6 hyd radi (ft) 9.9 width -depth ratio 200.0 W flood prone area (ft) 11.5 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 5/2016 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 Cross Section 17 - SF4A Bankfull Dimensions 18.3 x -section area (ft.sq.) 11.4 width (ft) 1.6 mean depth (ft) 2.6 max depth (ft) 13.7 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.3 hyd radi (ft) 7.1 width -depth ratio 200.0 W flood prone area (ft) 17.6 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 5/2016 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering MORE MEMO View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 Cross Section 18 - SF4A Bankfull Dimensions 24.3 x -section area (ft.sq.) 11.6 width (ft) 2.1 mean depth (ft) 3.3 max depth (ft) 14.3 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.7 hyd radi (ft) 5.5 width -depth ratio Survey Date: 5/2016 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Reachwide and Cross Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 SF3, Reachwide Particle Class Diameter (mm) min max Particle Count Riffle Pool Total each Summary Class Percent Percentage Cumulative Silt/Clay Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 23.9 16 16 16 16 D300 = Very fine 0.062 0.125 90 16 Fine 0.125 0.250 16 Medium 0.25 0.50 1 1 1 17 70 Coarse 0.5 1.0 m `w 60 17 a Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 1 1 1 18 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 2 2 2 20 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 1 1 1 21 Fine 4.0 5.6 3 3 6 6 27 20 Fine 5.6 8.0 1 5 6 6 33 c Medium 8.0 11.0 2 3 5 5 38 Medium 11.0 16.0 2 2 4 4 42 Coarse 16.0 22.6 4 2 6 6 48 Coarse 22.6 32 8 4 12 12 60 Very Coarse 32 45 4 4 8 8 68 Very Coarse 45 64 4 3 7 7 75 Small 64 90 7 1 8 8 83 Small 90 128 4 1 5 5 88 Large 128 180 6 1 7 7 95 Large 180 256 3 3 3 98 ................................................ Small 256 362 2 2 2 100 Small Medium Large/Very Large 362 512 1024 512 1024 2048 100 100 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Total 50 50 100 100 100 100 90 80 2' 70 j 60 3 50 E 40 y 30 u a 20 10 SF1, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0 , I 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) �MYO02/2013 �MYl-10/2013 -MYZ-05/2014 ---*—MY3-04/2015 —41--MY"5/2016 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16= Silt/Clay D35 = 9.09 D50 = 23.9 D84 = 96.6 D95 = 180.0 D300 = 362.0 100 90 80 2' 70 j 60 3 50 E 40 y 30 u a 20 10 SF1, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0 , I 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) �MYO02/2013 �MYl-10/2013 -MYZ-05/2014 ---*—MY3-04/2015 —41--MY"5/2016 SR, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 70 m `w 60 a 50 M 40 u m 30 20 10 c r 0 r o�ti titi5 tih oy ti ti ti� 11 e� lb titi do �� 3Vay 6a -yw h6 oti yti yo p 0 o ti tip ti 3 h 10 Particle Class Size (mm) •MYM2/2013 •MYI-10/2013 •MY2-05/2014 •MYM4/2015 MY4-05/2016 Reachwide and Cross Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 SF1, Cross Section 1 Particle Class Diameter (mm) min max Riffle 100- Count Summary Class Percent Percentage Cumulative 4.4 Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 2 2 2 D95 = Very fine 0.062 0.125 2 Fine 0.125 0.250 2 Medium 0.25 0.50 80 2 Coarse 0.5 1.0 2 2 4 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 2 2 6 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 2 2 8 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 6 6 14 50 Fine 4.0 5.6 8 8 22 Fine 5.6 8.0 11 11 33 Medium 8.0 11.0 9 9 42 Medium 11.0 16.0 7 7 49 Coarse 16.0 22.6 1 6 1 6 55 Coarse 22.6 32 9 9 64 Very Coarse 32 45 5 5 69 Very Coarse 45 64 11 11 80 Small 64 90 8 8 88 Small 90 128 2 2 90 Large 128 180 8 8 98 Large 180 256 2 2 100 Small 256 362 100 Small362 Medium Large/Very Large 512 1024 5 12 1024 2048 100 100 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Total 100 100 100 100 90 80 ae 70 60 m 50 3 E u 40 C 30 u a 20 a 10 SF1, Cross Section 1 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) �MYO02/2013 MYl-10/2013 — MY2-05/2014 --*--MYM4/2015 --O--MY405/2016 Cross Section 1 Channel materials (mm) D16 = 4.4 D35 = 8.6 D50 = 16.9 D84 = 75.9 D95 = 158.4 D100 = 256.0 100 90 80 ae 70 60 m 50 3 E u 40 C 30 u a 20 a 10 SF1, Cross Section 1 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) �MYO02/2013 MYl-10/2013 — MY2-05/2014 --*--MYM4/2015 --O--MY405/2016 SF3, Cross Section 1 Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 70 V 60 d a N 50 N 40 u m 30 20 10 0 4ZIC3 - ' Qti oy 1 ti ti� a e� 11 1� �ti� 3ti ah fo , -O 1,p 'p �y�o ��ti y1ti yO�b �ObO ":0 Particle Class Size (mm) Particle • MYO-02/2013 • MYl-10/2013 • MY2-05/2014 • MY3-04/2015 • MY4-05/2016 Reachwide and Cross Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 UT2, Reachwide Particle Class Diameter (mm) min max Particle Count Riffle Pool Total each Summary Class Percent Percentage Cumulative Silt/Clay Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 1 16 17 17 17 D300 = Very fine 0.062 0.125 17 80 Fine 0.125 0.250 17 Medium 0.25 0.50 4 4 4 21 Coarse 0.5 1.0 M 40 21 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 21 m 30 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 21 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 1 LM 1 1 22 c 10 Fine 4.0 5.6 1� Rh rod` AO yti� 140 tihfo �d'k ytiti y�1,b It 0 Particle Class Size (mm) 22 • MYl-10/2013 • MY2-05/2014 • MYM4/2015 • MY4-05/2016 Fine 5.6 8.0 2 6 8 8 30 Medium 8.0 11.0 3 4 7 7 37 Medium 11.0 16.0 3 6 9 9 46 Coarse 16.0 22.6 3 3 6 6 52 Coarse 22.6 32 9 5 14 14 66 Very Coarse 32 45 5 2 7 7 73 Very Coarse 45 64 8 1 9 9 82 Small 64 90 8 1 9 9 91 Small 90 128 1 1 2 2 93 Large 128 180 2 1 3 3 96 Large 180 256 3 3 3 99 ................................................ Small 256 362 1 1 1 100 ..... Small Medium Large/Very Large 362 512 1024 512 1024 2048 100 100 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Totall 50 1 50 1 100 1 100 1 100 100 90 80 2' 70 j 60 3 50 E 40 y 30 u a 20 10 UT2, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0 , I 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) �MYO02/2013 �MYl-10/2013 -MYZ-05/2014 ---*—MY3-04/2015 —41--MY"5/2016 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16= Silt/Clay D35 = 10.04 D50 = 20.1 D80. = 69.0 D95 = 160.7 D300 = 362.0 100 90 80 2' 70 j 60 3 50 E 40 y 30 u a 20 10 UT2, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0 , I 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) �MYO02/2013 �MYl-10/2013 -MYZ-05/2014 ---*—MY3-04/2015 —41--MY"5/2016 UT2, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 C 70 m 60 `w a 50 M 40 u m 30 20 v LM c 10 0 1� Rh rod` AO yti� 140 tihfo �d'k ytiti y�1,b It 0 Particle Class Size (mm) • MYM2/2013 • MYl-10/2013 • MY2-05/2014 • MYM4/2015 • MY4-05/2016 Reachwide and Cross Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 UT2, Cross Section 4 Particle Class Diameter (mm) min max Riffle 100- Count Summary Class Percent Percentage Cumulative 12.46 Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 1 1 1 D95 = Very fine 0.062 0.125 1 Fine 0.125 0.250 1 Medium 0.25 0.50 80 1 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 2 2 3 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 3 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 3 50 Fine 4.0 5.6 1 1 4 Fine 5.6 8.0 2 2 6 Medium 8.0 11.0 8 8 14 Medium 11.0 16.0 6 6 20 Coarse 16.0 22.6 8 8 28 Coarse 22.6 32 8 8 36 Very Coarse 32 45 4 4 40 Very Coarse 45 64 15 15 55 Small 64 90 13 13 68 Small 90 128 4 4 72 Large 128 180 10 10 82 Large 180 256 12 12 94 Small 256 362 6 6 100 Sma II Medium Large/Very Large 362 512 1024 512 1024 2048 100 100 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Total 100 100 100 100 90 80 ae 70 60 m 50 3 E u 40 C 30 a 20 a 10 UT2, Cross Section 4 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) —&--MYO-02/2013 — MYl-10/2013 — MY2-05/2014 --S--MYM4/2015 --*--MY405/2016 Cross Section 4 Channel materials (mm) D1fi= 12.46 Di5 = 30.64 D50 = 56.9 D84 = 190.9 D95 = 271.2 D100 = 362.0 100 90 80 ae 70 60 m 50 3 E u 40 C 30 a 20 a 10 UT2, Cross Section 4 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) —&--MYO-02/2013 — MYl-10/2013 — MY2-05/2014 --S--MYM4/2015 --*--MY405/2016 UT2, Cross Section 4 Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 70 V 60 d a N 50 N 40 u m 30 20 10 0 oo�tiotiyh otih oy ti ti ti� a e� a titi ti� �ti� 3ti ah o� �O 11b 1�0 �y0 ��ti ytiti yO�b �ObO �o Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO-02/2013 ■ MYl-10/2013 ■ MY2-05/2014 ■ MY3-04/2015 ■ MY4-05/2016 Reachwide and Cross Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 SF3, Reachwide Particle Class Diameter (mm) min max Particle Count Riffle Pool Total each Summary Class Percent Percentage Cumulative 1.15 Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 16.5 8 8 8 8 D100 = Very fine 0.062 0.125 1 1 1 9 Fine 0.125 0.250 2 2 2 11 j 60 Medium 0.25 0.50 11 70 Coarse 0.5 1.0 m 4 4 4 15 `w Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 5 5 S 20 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 M 40 20 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 y 30 u 1 1 1 21 Fine 4.0 5.6 1 3 4 4 2S Fine 5.6 8.0 1 5 6 6 31 O Medium 8.0 11.0 2 8 10 10 41 0 P Medium 11.0 16.0 2 1 6 8 8 49 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Coarse 16.0 22.6 7 5 12 12 61 Coarse 22.6 32 5 2 7 7 68 Very Coarse 32 45 4 4 4 72 Very Coarse 45 64 7 7 7 79 Small 64 90 12 12 12 91 Small 90 128 5 5 5 96 Large 1 128 180 1 4 4 4 1 100 ENIMMI-arge 180 1 256 1 1 1 100 ................................................ Small 256 362 100 iiiiiii Small Medium Large/Very Large 362 512 1024 512 1024 2048 100 100 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Total 50 50 100 100 100 SF3, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 90 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16 = 1.15 D35 = 9.09 D50 = 16.5 D80. = 73.8 D95 = 119.3 D100 = 180.0 SF3, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 90 SIR/clay T Sandave' Individual Class Percent r bble 80 a ro 90 2' 70 80 j 60 C 70 3 50 m 60 `w E 0 50 - 40 M 40 u y 30 u m 30 a 20 20 10 O c 10 Id A 0 P o�6'Loyt5 otih oh 1 'L ,y� b h� 0 1ti yb,,ti6 15 Ah roA Ao yti� ,410 e "V�1e�o','o Particle Class Size (mm) 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) --0— YO -02/2013 --.e -MY1-10/2013 � MY2-05/2014 tMYM4/2015 --0— MY -5/2016 SF3, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 C 70 m 60 `w 0 50 - M 40 u m 30 20 O c 10 Id A 0 P o�6'Loyt5 otih oh 1 'L ,y� b h� 0 1ti yb,,ti6 15 Ah roA Ao yti� ,410 e "V�1e�o','o Particle Class Size (mm) • MYO-02/2013 MYl-10/2013 •MY2-05/2014 •MY3-04/2015 •MY4-05/2016 Reachwide and Cross Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 SF3, Cross Section 5 Particle Class Diameter (mm) min max Riffle 100- Count Summary Class Percent Percentage Cumulative 6.46 Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 4 4 4 D95 = Very fine 0.062 0.125 90 4 Fine 0.125 0.250 2 2 6 80 Medium 0.25 0.50 2 2 8 Coarse 0.5 1.0 8 as � a Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 a r, 8 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 8 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 8 Fine 4.0 5.6 6 6 14 Fine 5.6 8.0 5 5 19 Medium 8.0 11.0 6 6 25 Medium 11.0 16.0 7 7 32 Coarse 16.0 22.6 7 7 39 m Coarse 22.6 32 15 15 54 Very Coarse 32 45 13 13 67 Very Coarse 45 64 10 10 77 Small 64 90 9 9 86 Small 90 128 6 6 92 Large 128 180 6 6 98 Large 180 256 2 2 100 ................................................ Small 256 362 100 ..... Small362 Medium ::Large/Very Large 512 1024 5 12 1024 2048 100 100 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Total 100 100 100 100 90 80 70 60 50 E �? 40 y 30 u a 20 10 SF3, Cross Section 5 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0 , Y -i --, 01 . 6. 10 i =X -I 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO-02/2013 � MYI-10/2013 MY2-05/2014 --0- MY3-04/2015 tMY4-05/2016 Cross Section 5 Channel materials (mm) D1fi= 6.46 Di5 = 18.55 D50 = 29.2 D84 = 83.4 D95 = 151.8 D100 = 256.0 100 90 80 70 60 50 E �? 40 y 30 u a 20 10 SF3, Cross Section 5 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0 , Y -i --, 01 . 6. 10 i =X -I 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO-02/2013 � MYI-10/2013 MY2-05/2014 --0- MY3-04/2015 tMY4-05/2016 SF3, Cross Section 5 Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 C 70 as � a 60 a r, 50 u 40 m 3 30 v 20 -O10 C0 e m ro'L by .y0 Oh 00 oti o 1 'L ,L0 b 0�O 41 yh y�o t00j0 ,l , p hp n, 1ti ,yP a0 A� VIti ti ti 5 do ,yo �o Particle Class Size (mm) •MYO-02/2013 • MYI-10/2013 •MY2-05/2014 0MY3-04/2015 •MU -/2016. Reachwide and Cross Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 SF3, Cross Section 7 Particle Class Diameter (mm) min max Riffle 100- Count Summary Class Percent Percentage Cumulative 11.00 Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 4 4 4 D95 = Very fine 0.062 0.125 90 4 Fine 0.125 0.250 4 80 Medium 0.25 0.50 2 2 6 Coarse 0.5 1.0 3 3 9 as � a Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 3 3 12 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 12 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 12 Fine 4.0 5.6 m 3 30 12 Fine 5.6 8.0 1 1 13 Medium 8.0 11.0 3 3 16 0 Medium 11.0 16.0 6 6 22 Particle Class Size (mm) Coarse 16.0 22.6 4 4 26 Coarse 1 22.6 32 10 10 36 Very Coarse 32 45 13 13 49 Very Coarse 45 64 11 11 60 Small 64 90 12 12 72 Small 90 128 10 10 82 Large 128 180 7 7 89 Large 180 256 9 9 98 ................................................ Small 256 362 2 2 100 IISma Medium Large/Very Large 36 2 512 1024 5 12 1024 2048 100 100 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Total 100 100 100 100 90 80 70 60 50 E �? 40 y 30 u a 20 10 SF3, Cross Section 7 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO-02/2013 � MYI-10/2013 MY2-05/2014 --0- MY3-04/2015 tMY4-05/2016 Cross Section 7 Channel materials (mm) D1fi= 11.00 Di5 = 30.91 D50 = 46.5 D84 = 141.1 D95 = 227.6 D100 = 362.0 100 90 80 70 60 50 E �? 40 y 30 u a 20 10 SF3, Cross Section 7 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO-02/2013 � MYI-10/2013 MY2-05/2014 --0- MY3-04/2015 tMY4-05/2016 SF3, Cross Section 7 Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 C 70 as � a 60 a r, 50 u 40 m 3 30 v 20 _ 10 0 0'L by by Oh 00 oti o. 'ti ti ti� a 5� 0 til ,y0 0 ,y'L ah 0b 00 ,y'b 00 y0 0'L titi ,ya a0 00 titi. ti ti ti � 5 do ,yo ao Particle Class Size (mm) •MYO-02/2013 • MYI-10/2013 •MY2-05/2014 0MY3.04/2015 •MY4-05/2016. Reachwide and Cross Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 SF3, Cross Section 9 Particle Class Diameter (mm) min max Riffle 100- Count Summary Class Percent Percentage Cumulative 5.60 Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 4 4 4 D95 = Very fine 0.062 0.125 90 4 Fine 0.125 0.250 4 80 Medium 0.25 0.50 4 Coarse 0.5 1.0 4 4 8 a � a Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 a H 8 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 8 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 2 2 10 Fine 4.0 5.6 6 6 16 Fine 5.6 8.0 4 4 20 Medium 8.0 11.0 6 6 26 Medium 11.0 16.0 8 8 34 0 Coarse 16.0 22.6 7 7 41 Particle Class Size (mm) Coarse 1 22.6 32 10 10 51 Very Coarse 32 45 6 6 57 Very Coarse 45 64 11 11 68 Small 64 90 6 6 74 Small 90 128 8 8 82 Large 128 180 10 10 92 Large 180 256 8 8 100 ................................................ Small 256 362 100 HHHHHHHH11 Small362 I: Medium Large/Very Large 512 1024 5 12 1024 2048 100 100 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Total 100 100 100 100 90 80 70 60 50 E �? 40 y 30 u a 20 10 SF3, Cross Section 9 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO-02/2013 � MYl-10/2013 MV2-05/2014 --0- MY3-06/2015 tMY4-05/2016 Cross Section 9 Channel materials (mm) D1fi= 5.60 Di5 = 16.81 D50 = 30.9 D84 = 137.0 D95 = 205.4 D100 = 256.0 100 90 80 70 60 50 E �? 40 y 30 u a 20 10 SF3, Cross Section 9 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO-02/2013 � MYl-10/2013 MV2-05/2014 --0- MY3-06/2015 tMY4-05/2016 SF3, Cross Section 9 Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 C 70 a � a 60 a H 50 u 40 m 3 30 v 20 _ 10 0 0'L by by Oh 00 oti o. 'ti ti ti� a 5� 0 til tib 0 ,y'L ah 0b 00 ,yw 00 y0 0'L titi ,ya a0 00 titi. ti ti ti 3 h do ,yo ao Particle Class Size (mm) •MYO-02/2013 • MY3-10/2013 • MU -05/2014 0MY3-04/2015 • MV4-05/2016 Reachwide and Cross Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 UT1, Reachwide Particle Class Diameter (mm) min max Particle Count Riffle Pool Total each Summary Class Percent Percentage Cumulative Silt/Clay Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 4 25 29 29 29 D100 = Very fine 0.062 0.125 2 2 2 31 Fine 0.125 0.250 4 4 4 35 Medium 0.25 0.50 8 8 8 43 70 Coarse 0.5 1.0 m 60 43 `w Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 2 2 4 4 47 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 M 40 47 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 3 3 3 50 Fine 4.0 5.6 1 1 1 51 Fine 5.6 8.0 2 20 2 2 53 v Medium 8.0 11.0 4 2 6 6 59 0 Medium 11.0 16.0 2 2 2 61 w MYO-02/2013 Coarse 16.0 22.6 4 2 6 6 67 Coarse 22.6 32 67 Very Coarse 32 45 4 4 4 71 Very Coarse 45 64 4 3 7 7 78 Small 64 90 7 2 9 9 87 Small 90 128 6 6 6 93 Large 128 180 4 4 4 97 Large 180 256 2 2 2 99 ................................................ Small 256 362 1 1 1 100 Small Medium Large/Very Large 362 512 1024 512 1024 2048 100 100 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Total 50 50 100 100 100 100 90 80 2' 70 j 60 3 50 E 40 y 30 u a 20 10 UT1, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0 , I 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) --0—MYO02/2013 - -MY1-10/2013 � MY2-05/2014 tMYM4/2015 tMYb05/2016 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16= Silt/Clay D35 - 0.25 D50 = 4.0 D80. = 80.3 D95 = 151.8 D100 = 362.0 100 90 80 2' 70 j 60 3 50 E 40 y 30 u a 20 10 UT1, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0 , I 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) --0—MYO02/2013 - -MY1-10/2013 � MY2-05/2014 tMYM4/2015 tMYb05/2016 UT1, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 70 m 60 `w a 50 - M 40 u m 30 20 v c 10 0 OO�'LOyyS O.yh Oh 1 'L ti� b h� 0 1,' 16 �,L�o .�'L Rh /off` AO till 1420 tihfo �d'k y1ti y�1,b tip o Particle Class Size (mm) w MYO-02/2013 • MYI-10/2013 •MY2-05/2014 •MY3-04/2015 •MY4-05/2016 Reachwide and Cross Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 UTI, Cross Section 10 Particle Class Diameter (mm) min max Riffle 100- Count Summary class Percent Percentage Cumulative 4.00 Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 3 3 3 D95 = Very fine 0.062 0.125 90 3 Fine 0.125 0.250 2 2 5 80 Medium 0.25 0.50 2 2 7 Coarse 0.5 1.0 7 as � Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 a r, 7 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 3 3 10 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 6 6 16 Fine 4.0 5.6 m 3 30 16 Fine 5.6 8.0 16 Medium 8.0 11.0 10 10 26 10 Medium 11.0 16.0 4 4 30 Coarse 16.0 22.6 6 6 36 Coarse 1 22.6 32 1 13 1 13 49 Very Coarse 32 45 12 12 61 Very Coarse 45 64 4 4 65 Small 64 90 10 10 75 Small 90 128 6 6 81 Large 128 180 10 10 91 Large 180 256 7 7 98 ................................................ Small 256 362 2 2 100 IISma Medium Large/Very Large 36 2 512 1024 5 12 1024 2048 100 100 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Totall 100 100 100 100 90 80 70 60 50 E �? 40 y 30 u a 20 10 UTI, Cross Section 10 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO-02/2013 � MYI-10/2013 MY2-05/2014 --0- MY3-04/2015 tMY4-05/2016 Cross Section 10 Channel materials (mm) D1fi= 4.00 Di5 = 21.34 D50 = 32.9 D84 = 141.8 D95 = 220.1 D100 = 362.0 100 90 80 70 60 50 E �? 40 y 30 u a 20 10 UTI, Cross Section 10 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO-02/2013 � MYI-10/2013 MY2-05/2014 --0- MY3-04/2015 tMY4-05/2016 UTI, Cross Section 10 Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 C 70 as � 60 a r, 50 u 40 m 3 30 v 20 10 _ 0 �ti by tih o`' p0 Oy p ti ti ti� a e° a yti tie 0 3ti ay 6a �o yro �o y6 �ti titi ya ae �5o ryti' ti ti ti 5 yp ,tip a0 Particle Class Size (mm) •MYO-02/2013 • MYI-10/2013 •MY2-05/2014 •MY3.04/2015 •MU -/2016. Reachwide and Cross Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 SF4, Reachwide Particle Class Diameter (mm) min max Particle Count Riffle Pool Total each Summary Class Percent Percentage Cumulative 0.25 Silt/Clay Very fine 0.000 0.062 0.062 0.125 15.0 12 12 12 12 12 D100 = Fine 0.125 0.250 4 90 4 4 16 Medium 0.25 0.50 80 16 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 1 1 17 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 6 5 11 11 28 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 M 40 28 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 4 4 4 32 Fine 4.0 5.6 1 4 5 5 37 Fine 5.6 8.0 2 2 4 4 41 0 Medium 8.0 11.0 4 4 4 45 MY1-10/2013 MY2-05/2014 •MY3-04/2015 •MY4-05/2016 Medium 11.0 16.0 1 5 6 6 51 Coarse 16.0 22.6 1 3 5 8 8 59 Coarse 22.6 32 2 6 8 8 67 Very Coarse 32 45 1 6 7 7 74 Very Coarse 45 64 3 3 3 77 Small 64 90 4 4 4 81 Small 90 128 4 4 4 85 Large 128 180 6 6 6 91 Large 180 256 8 8 8 99 Small 256 362 99 Small Medium Large/Very Large 362 512 1024 512 1024 2048 1 1 1 100 100 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Totall 50 1 50 1 100 1 100 1 100 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16 = 0.25 Das = 4.89 D50 = 15.0 D80. = 117.2 D95 = 214.7 D100 = 512.0 SF4, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 70 u 60 v a 50 M 40 u m 30 20 10 c 0 00 oti o ti ti ti ti 3 5 10 .yo �o Particle Class Size (mm) •MYO-02/2013 MY1-10/2013 MY2-05/2014 •MY3-04/2015 •MY4-05/2016 Reachwide and Cross Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 SF4, Cross Section 13 Particle Class Diameter (mm) min max Riffle 100- Count Summary Class Percent Percentage Cumulative 16.00 Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 52.3 D84 = 0 D95 = Very fine 0.062 0.125 0 Fine 0.125 0.250 0 Medium 0.25 0.50 80 0 Coarse 0.5 1.0 0 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 V 0 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 0 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 0 50 Fine 4.0 5.6 2 2 2 Fine 5.6 8.0 4 4 6 m Medium 8.0 11.0 4 4 10 Medium 11.0 16.0 6 6 16 Coarse 16.0 22.6 1 4 1 4 20 Coarse 22.6 32 14 14 34 '1 'L ,y� b 5� yti ,y�o ,L,yt° ,5'L bh fo , -O 1,ti`b 'p �o 'p, ytiti yO,�b �O0 tp0 Very Coarse 32 45 13 13 47 Very Coarse 45 64 7 7 54 Small 64 90 14 14 68 Small 90 128 12 12 80 Large 128 180 10 10 90 Large 180 256 3 3 93 Small 256 362 6 6 99 S mail Medium Large/Very Large 36 2 512 1024 5 12 1024 2048 1 1 1 00 100 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Totall 100 1 100 1 100 100 90 80 ae 70 60 m 50 3 E u 40 C 30 u a 20 a 10 SF4, Cross Section 13 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0 i I I I I .F�� 1.W1 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) —&--MYO-02/2013 � MYl-10/2013 — MY2-05/2014 �MY3-04/2015 --*--MY405/2016 Cross Section 13 Channel materials (mm) D1fi= 16.00 Di5 = 32.85 D50 = 52.3 D84 = 146.7 D95 = 287.3 D100 = 512.0 100 90 80 ae 70 60 m 50 3 E u 40 C 30 u a 20 a 10 SF4, Cross Section 13 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0 i I I I I .F�� 1.W1 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) —&--MYO-02/2013 � MYl-10/2013 — MY2-05/2014 �MY3-04/2015 --*--MY405/2016 SF4, Cross Section 13 Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 70 V 60 d a N 50 N 40 u m 30 20 10 0 oO5'Loy,�h O,lh Oh '1 'L ,y� b 5� yti ,y�o ,L,yt° ,5'L bh fo , -O 1,ti`b 'p �o 'p, ytiti yO,�b �O0 tp0 Particle Class Size (mm) • MYO-02/2013 • MYl-10/2013 • MY2-05/2014 • MY3-04/2015 • MY4-05/2016 Reachwide and Cross Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 SF4, Cross Section 15 Particle Class Diameter (mm) min max Riffle 100- Count Summary Class Percent Percentage Cumulative 16.00 Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 5 5 5 D95 = Very fine 0.062 0.125 5 Fine 0.125 0.250 1 1 6 Medium 0.25 0.50 1 1 7 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 1 8 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 2 2 10 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 10 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 10 50 Fine 4.0 5.6 N 40 10 Fine 5.6 8.0 10 m Medium 8.0 11.0 2 2 12 Medium 11.0 16.0 4 4 16 Coarse 16.0 22.6 1 4 1 4 20 Coarse 22.6 32 9 9 29 ti ti ti� a e� ' titi ti��tiq 3ti ah � -,0 'p 'p �o 'p, ytiti yoyo Very Coarse 32 45 it 11 40 Very Coarse 45 64 13 13 53 Small 64 90 14 14 67 Small 90 128 9 9 76 Large 128 180 12 12 88 Large 180 256 12 12 100 Small 256 362 100 Small362 Medium Large/Very Large 512 1024 5 12 1024 2048 100 100 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Totall 100 100 100 100 90 80 ae 70 60 m 50 3 E u 40 C 30 u a 20 a 10 SF4, Cross Section 15 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) —&--MYO-02/2013 —H MYl-10/2013 — MY2-05/2014 �MY3-04/2015 --*--MY405/2016 Cross Section 15 Channel materials (mm) D1fi= 16.00 Di5 = 38.54 D50 = 59.0 D84 = 160.7 D95 = 221.1 D100 = 256.0 100 90 80 ae 70 60 m 50 3 E u 40 C 30 u a 20 a 10 SF4, Cross Section 15 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) —&--MYO-02/2013 —H MYl-10/2013 — MY2-05/2014 �MY3-04/2015 --*--MY405/2016 SF4, Cross Section 15 Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 70 V 60 d a N 50 N 40 u m 30 20 10 0 oo�tiotiyh otih oy ti ti ti� a e� ' titi ti��tiq 3ti ah � -,0 'p 'p �o 'p, ytiti yoyo Particle Class Size (mm) • MYO-02/2013 • MYl-10/2013 • MY2-05/2014 • MY3-04/2015 • MY4-05/2016 Reachwide and Cross Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 SF4A, Reachwide Particle Class Diameter (mm) min max Particle Count Riffle Pool Total each Summary Class Percent Percentage Cumulative Silt/Clay Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 5 14 19 19 19 D100 = Very fine 0.062 0.125 90 19 Fine 0.125 0.250 80 10 10 10 29 Medium 0.25 0.50 1 6 7 7 36 Coarse 0.5 1.0 a 50 36 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 M 40 36 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 m 36 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 20 36 Fine 4.0 5.6 6 6 6 42 c Fine S.6 8.0 4 4 4 46 Medium 8.0 11.0 •MYO-02/2013 1 1 1 47 Medium 11.0 16.0 2 2 2 49 Coarse 1 16.0 22.6 4 3 7 7 56 Coarse 22.6 32 2 1 3 3 59 Very Coarse 32 45 10 1 11 11 70 Very Coarse 45 64 10 4 14 14 84 Small 64 90 2 4 6 6 90 Small 90 128 4 4 8 8 98 Large 128 180 2 2 2 100 Large 180 256 100 Small 256 362 100 Small Medium Large/Very Large 362 512 1024 512 1024 2048 100 100 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Totall 50 1 50 1 100 1 100 1 100 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16= Silt/Clay D35 — 0.45 D50 = 16.8 D80. = 64.0 D95 = 112.2 D100 = 180.0 SF4A, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 70 u 60 v a 50 M 40 u m 30 20 10 c 0 eti by by oy ti ti tiw o- 5� titi ti� ti� 3ti ay 6o- 0o yw �o h6 �ti titi n� p a° Particle Class Size (mm) •MYO-02/2013 MY1-10/2013 MY2-05/2014 •MYM4/2015 •MY4-05/2016 Reachwide and Cross Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 SF4A, Cross Section 16 Particle Class Diameter (mm) min max Riffle 100- Count Summary Class Percent Percentage Cumulative 6.68 Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 4 4 4 D95 = Very fine 0.062 0.125 4 Fine 0.125 0.250 4 Medium 0.25 0.50 80 4 Coarse 0.5 1.0 4 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 2 2 6 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 6 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 2 2 8 50 Fine 4.0 5.6 5 5 13 Fine 5.6 8.0 6 6 19 m Medium 8.0 11.0 8 8 27 Medium 11.0 16.0 14 14 41 Coarse 16.0 22.6 1 13 1 14 55 Coarse 22.6 32 12 12 67 Very Coarse 32 45 9 9 76 • MYO-02/2013 Very Coarse 45 64 10 10 86 Small 64 90 7 7 93 Small 90 128 5 5 98 Large 128 180 2 2 100 Large 180 256 100 Small 256 362 100 S mail Medium Large/Very Large 36 2 512 1024 5 12 1024 2048 1 00 100 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Totall 99 1 101 1 100 100 90 80 ae 70 60 m 50 3 E u 40 C 30 u a 20 a 10 SF4A, Cross Section 16 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0 i I I I I ✓t�� I � --,6—,I 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) —&--MYO-02/2013 � MYl-10/2013 — MY2-05/2014 --S--MYM4/2015 --*--MY405/2016 Cross Section 16 Channel materials (mm) D1fi= 6.68 Di5 = 13.61 D50 = 20.0 D84 = 59.7 D95 = 103.7 D100 = 180.0 100 90 80 ae 70 60 m 50 3 E u 40 C 30 u a 20 a 10 SF4A, Cross Section 16 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0 i I I I I ✓t�� I � --,6—,I 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) —&--MYO-02/2013 � MYl-10/2013 — MY2-05/2014 --S--MYM4/2015 --*--MY405/2016 SRA, Cross Section 16 Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 70 V 60 d a N 50 N 40 u m 30 20 10 0 oo�tiotiyh otih oy ti ti ti� a e� a2 titi ti� �ti� 3ti ah �o�` �O 1,1`b 1�0 �y0 ��ti ytiti yO,�b �ObO ��b Particle Class Size (mm) • MYO-02/2013 • MYl-10/2013 • MY2-05/2014 • MY3-04/2015 • MY4-05/2016 Reachwide and Cross Section Pebble Count Plots Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 SF4A, Cross Section 17 Particle Class Diameter (mm) min max Riffle 100- Count Summary class Percent Percentage Cumulative 10.04 Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 3 3 3 D95 = Very fine 0.062 0.125 90 3 Fine 0.125 0.250 4 4 7 80 Medium 0.25 0.50 7 Coarse 0.5 1.0 3 3 10 a � Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 a H 10 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 10 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 10 Fine 4.0 5.6 m 3 30 10 Fine 5.6 8.0 1 1 11 Medium 8.0 11.0 7 7 18 Medium 11.0 16.0 9 9 27 _ Coarse 16.0 22.6 10 10 37 000�OtiIy c1t, Oh Coarse 1 22.6 32 12 12 49 • MYI-10/2013 0 MY2-05/2014 0 MY3-04/2015 0 MY4-05/2016 Very Coarse 32 45 11 11 60 Very Coarse 45 64 7 7 67 Small 64 90 8 8 7S Small 90 128 10 10 85 Large 128 180 6 6 91 Large 180 256 7 7 98 ................................................ Small 256 362 2 2 100 IISma Medium Large/Very Large 36 2 512 1024 5 12 1024 2048 100 100 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Totall 100 100 100 100 90 80 70 60 50 E �? 40 y 30 u a 20 10 SF4A, Cross Section 17 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0 i I I I I - 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYp 2/2013 � MY1-10/2013 MY2-05/2014 --@-- MY3-04/2015 --*-• MY4-05/2016 Cross Section 17 Channel materials (mm) D1fi= 10.04 Di5 = 21.09 D50 = 33.0 D84 = 123.6 D95 = 220.1 D300 = 362.0 100 90 80 70 60 50 E �? 40 y 30 u a 20 10 SF4A, Cross Section 17 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 0 i I I I I - 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYp 2/2013 � MY1-10/2013 MY2-05/2014 --@-- MY3-04/2015 --*-• MY4-05/2016 SF4A, Cross Section 17 Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 C 70 a � 60 a H 50 u 40 m 3 30 v 20 10 _ 0 000�OtiIy c1t, Oh 'Y ti ,y4 b 5� y1 y0 �,L�o ,5'L by 0b 00 yti4� y00 �y0 001- yti1-yO,yA �ObO �00 Particle Class Size (mm) 0 MYO-02/2013 • MYI-10/2013 0 MY2-05/2014 0 MY3-04/2015 0 MY4-05/2016 APPENDIX 5. Hydrology Summary Data and Plots Table 13. Verification of Bankfull Events Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Reach Approximate Date of Data Date of Collection Occurrence Method SH 5/8/2016 3/28/2016 Crest Gage/Visual (Rack Lines) 11/15/2016 10/9/2016 UT2 11/15/2016 10/9/2016 SF3 5/8/2016 3/28/2016 11/15/2016 10/9/2016 UT1 5/8/2016 3/28/2016 11/15/2016 10/9/2016 SF4 5/8/2016 3/28/2016 11/15/2016 1 10/9/2016 SF4A 5/8/2016 3/28/2016 11/15/2016 10/9/2016 Table 14. Wetland Gage Attainment Summary Underwood Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 94641 Monitoring Year 4 -2016 Summary of Groundwater Gage Results for Years 1 through 7 Success Criteria Achieved/Max Consecutive Days During Growing Season (Percentage) Gage Year 1(2013) Year 2 (2014) Year 3 (2015) Year 4 (2016) Year 5 (2017) Year 6 (2018) Year 7 (2019) Yes/44.5 Days Yes/35.5 Days Yes/65 Days Yes/45 Days 1 (20.6%) (16.4%) (27.1%) (36.7%) Yes/51.5 Days Yes/38.5 Days Yes/59 Days No/13 Days 2 (23.8%) (17.8%) (24.6%) (5.3%) Yes/23.5 Days Yes/31.5 Days Yes/29 Days Yes/19 Days 3 (10.9%) (14.6%) (12.1%) (7.8%) Yes/19.5 Days Yes/31.5 Days Yes/59 Days Yes/19 Days 4 (9.0 %) (14.6%) (24.6%) (7.8 %) Yes/25 Days Yes/32.5 Days Yes/65 Days Yes/47 Days 5 (11.6%) (15.0%) (27.1%) (19.2%) Yes/22.5 Days Yes/21 Days Yes/28 Days No/12 Days 6 (10.4%) (9.7%) (11.7%) (4.9%) Yes/44.5 Days Yes/31.5 Days Yes/32 Days Yes/38 Days 7 (20.6%) (14.6 %) (13.3%) (15.5 %) Yes/22 Days Yes/23 Days Yes/61 Days Yes/23 Days 8 (10.2 %) (14.6%) (25.4%) (9.4%) Yes/98 Days Yes/41.5 Days Yes/68 Days Yes/49 Days 9 (45.4%) (10.6%) (28.3%) (20%) Yes/96.5 Days Yes/36 Days Yes/67 Days Yes/23Days 10 (44.7%) (16.7%) (27.9%) (9.4%) Yes/66 Days Yes/40.5 Days Yes/61 Days Yes/38 Days 11 (30.6%) (18.8%) (25.4%) (15.5%) Yes/23 Days Yes/32.5 Days Yes/28 Days No/9 Days 12 (10.6%) (15.0%) (11.7%) (3.7%) Yes/22 Days No/12.5 Days Yes/27 Days No/10 Days 13 (10.2%) (5.8 %) (11.3%) (4.1%) Yes/21 Days Yes/32 Days Yes/29 Days No/16 Days 14 (9.7%) 14.8% (12.1%) (6.5% Yes/163 Days Yes/57 Days Yes/80 Days Yes/104 Days 15 (75.5%) (26.4%) (33.3%) (42.4%) * NRCS WETS data was used to determine the growing season for monitorg years 1 and 2. After discussions with the US Army Corps of Engineers, on-site soil temperature probe data is being used to determine the beginning of the growing season. Groundwater Gage Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 94641) Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Wetland Harris Site; RW1 Underwood Groundwater Gage #1 o Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 N cu (J 20 N no 6.0 3 O N 10 o m m 2 m (D - °0 5.0 t- -° 2 0 n "' 4.0 At WL -10 v – 3.0 -20 c m 3 -30 2.0 -40 1.0 -50 0.0 -60 c -0 > c On a + > U 2! <g a 0z Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #1 — — Criteria Level Groundwater Gage Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 94641) Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Wetland Harris Site; RW2 20 10 0 -10 v -20 v Y f6 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 c > c on a +- > U Q � n O0 cu 2!g a z Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #2 — — Criteria Level 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c 2.0 1.0 0.0 Groundwater Gage Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 94641) Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Wetland Harris Site; NRW1 20 10 0 -10 v -20 v Y f6 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 c > c on a + > U Q � n O0 cu 2!g a z Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #3 — — Criteria Level 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c 2.0 1.0 0.0 Groundwater Gage Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 94641) Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Wetland Harris Site; RW2 20 10 0 -10 v -20 v Y f6 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 c > c on a + > U Q � n O0 cu 2!g a z Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #4 — — Criteria Level 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c 2.0 1.0 0.0 Groundwater Gage Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 94641) Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Wetland Harris Site; RW3 20 10 0 -10 v -20 v Y f6 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 c > c on a > U Q � n O0 cu 2!g a z Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #5 — — Criteria Level 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c 2.0 1.0 0.0 Groundwater Gage Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 94641) Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Wetland Harris Site; RW3 20 10 0 -10 v -20 v Y f6 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c 2.0 C75 W a + > U Q � n 0 cu O 2!g a z Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #6 — — Criteria Level Groundwater Gage Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 94641) Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Wetland Harris Site; RW3 20 10 0 -10 v -20 v Y f6 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c 2.0 to a + > U Q ° n O ° cu 2!g a z Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #7 — — Criteria Level Groundwater Gage Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 94641) Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Wetland Harris Site; RW3 20 10 0 -10 v -20 v Y f6 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c 2.0 to a > U �i Q ° n O ° cu 2:g a z Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #8 — — Criteria Level Groundwater Gage Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 94641) Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Wetland Harris Site; NRW2 20 10 0 -10 v -20 v Y f6 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 c > c on a + > Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #9 — — Criteria Level 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c 2.0 1.0 0.0 Groundwater Gage Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 94641) Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Wetland RW4 20 10 0 -10 v -20 v Y f6 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 c > c 75 on a + > U 2: < g a 0z Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #10 — — Criteria Level 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c 2.0 1.0 0.0 Groundwater Gage Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 94641) Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Wetland RW4 20 10 0 -10 v -20 v Y f6 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 c > c 75 on a + > U 2: < g a 0z Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #11 — — Criteria Level 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c 2.0 1.0 0.0 Groundwater Gage Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 94641) Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Wetland RW4 20 10 0 -10 v -20 v Y f6 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 c > c 75 on a + > U 2: < g a 0z Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #12 — — Criteria Level 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c 2.0 1.0 0.0 Groundwater Gage Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 94641) Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Wetland RW4 20 10 0 -10 v -20 v Y f6 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 c > c on a + > U Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #13 — — Criteria Level 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c 2.0 1.0 0.0 Groundwater Gage Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 94641) Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Wetland RW4 20 10 0 -10 v -20 v Y f6 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 c > c 75 on a + > U 2: < g a 0z Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #14 — — Criteria Level 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c 2.0 1.0 0.0 Groundwater Gage Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 94641) Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Wetland RW4 20 10 0 -10 v -20 v Y f6 3 -30 -40 -50 -60 c > c 75 on a + > U 2: < g a 0z Rainfall Reference Gage Depth Gage #15 — — Criteria Level 6.0 5.0 4.0 c 3.0 c 2.0 1.0 0.0 Monthly Rainfall Data Underwood Mitigation Site (NCDMS Project No. 94641) Monitoring Year 4 -2016 Underwood 30-70 Percentile Graph for Rainfall in 2016 Siler City, NC 10 9 8 7 S 6 c 0 0 5 1+ .Q u Cu 4 CL 3 2 1 0 Jan -16 Feb -16 Mar -16 Apr -16 May -16 Jun -16 Jul -16 Aug -16 Sep -16 Oct -16 Date 2016 Rainfall 30th Percentile 70th Percentile 1 2016 rainfall from USDA Station SILER CITY (317924) 2 30th and 70th percentile rainfall data collected from weather station Siler City 2 S, NC7924 (USDA, 2002). Pre and Post Construction Groundwater Gage Comparison Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 94641) Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Wetland RW1 30 20 10 0 c Z -10 J (v -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 Underwood Groundwater Gage #1 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 C Q i T C -5 Oz Q> U a � a (n o z° o mmmmmi Pre -Construction Rainfall Rainfall Pre -Construction Gage Depth Gage #1 — — Criteria Level 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 C 2.5 w C 2.0 °C 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Pre and Post Construction Groundwater Gage Comparison Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 94641) Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Wetland RW2 30 20 10 0 c Underwood Groundwater Gage #4 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 -30 -40 -50 -60 C Q i T C -5 ho d> U a � a o z° o mmmmmi Pre -Construction Rainfall Rainfall Pre -Construction Gage Depth Gage #4 — — Criteria Level 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 C 2.5 w C 2.0 °C 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Pre and Post Construction Groundwater Gage Comparison Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 94641) Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Wetland RW4 30 20 10 0 c Underwood Groundwater Gage #12 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 -30 -40 -50 -60 C i T C -5Oo CL +"' > U to �0 � 3;Q Z Pre -Construction Rainfall Rainfall Pre -Construction Gage Depth Gage #12 — — Criteria Level 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 C 2.5 w C 2.0 °C 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Pre and Post Construction Groundwater Gage Comparison Plots Underwood Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 94641) Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 Wetland RW4 30 20 10 0 c Z -10 J (v -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 Underwood Groundwater Gage #15 Monitoring Year 4 - 2016 C i T C -5 ho d > U � � Q0 Z Pre -Construction Rainfall Rainfall Pre -Construction Gage Depth Gage #15 — — Criteria Level 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 C 2.5 w C 2.0 °C 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0