HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120383 Ver 1_Year 0 Monitoring Report_2016_20170119Middle South Muddy As -Built Baseline Monitoring Report FINAL Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Site NCDMS Contract No. 6783 NCDMS Project No. 93875 McDowell County, North Carolina Data Collected: May 18th, 2015 - May 4th, 2016 Date Submitted: July 11, 2016 Submitted to: NCDEQ-Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh N C 27699-1652 Page Intentionally Left Blank Prepared by: EQUINOX bolonce through proper planning 37 Haywood Street, Suite 100 Asheville, NC 28801 Page Intentionally Left Blank Executive Summary The Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Site (Site) is located in the Catawba River Basin (NCDWQ sub -basin 03-08-30 and RUC 03050101040020) approximately 9.5 miles southeast of Marion, NC in southeast McDowell County at latitude 35.5635° N and 81.9249° W. The Site is comprised of two tracts, the Middle South Muddy Creek Tract which encompasses approximately 5.87 acres of predominately agricultural and forested land, and the 41.05 acre Haney Tract that is predominately forested. The Middle South Muddy Creek Tract consists of three streams, Iva Branch, Sprouse Branch, and South Muddy Creek. The Haney Tract consists of approximately 9,796 linear feet of stream. The tract is comprised of South Muddy Creek and approximately thirteen tributaries, including Jackson Branch and Moores Branch. The Site generated a total of 4,073 stream mitigation units through the use of Priority I and II Restoration, Enhancement I and II, and Preservation. The goal of the project was to address the stressors identified in the Targeted Local Watershed Plan (TLWP) such as improving water quality, aquatic and terrestrial habitat, flood flow attenuation, and precluding land disturbing activities. The goals were addressed by restoring stable channel morphology and sediment transport capacity, improving stream bed form and habitat, improving channel and stream bank stabilization, constructing a floodplain bench that is accessible at the proposed bankfull discharge, providing riparian buffer restoration and cattle exclusion fencing, and constructing a barricade on the existing dirt road network located on the Haney Preservation Tract. Historic land use at the Site consisted primarily of pastureland for cattle, hay production, and some forested land. Grazing livestock have historically had access to most on-site stream reaches and adjacent terraces. Additional land use practices included maintenance and removal of riparian vegetation, relocating, dredging and straightening of on-site streams have contributed to unstable channel characteristics and degraded water quality. The Haney Preservation Tract has been the location of continuous mining for the last 50 years. Mining operations may have been commercial at one time, but recently consisted of a club of individual prospectors mining for gold lag deposits in the floodplain. The Site was delineated into five components totaling 11,997 linear feet. The Site was then delineated into eight separate reaches South Muddy Creek (931 feet), Lower South Muddy Creek (177 feet), Upper and Lower Iva Branch (471 feet), Upper Sprouse Branch (24 feet), Middle and Lower Sprouse Branch (598 feet), and the Haney Tract (9,796 feet). South Muddy Creek received Priority II Restoration and Enhancement I, Upper and Lower Iva Branch received Priority I Restoration, Upper Sprouse Branch received Enhancement II, Middle and Lower Sprouse Branch received Priority II Restoration, and the Haney Tract is Preservation. The installation of brush, rock, and wood structures were utilized throughout the restored reaches to provide bed and bank stability as well as aquatic habitat. South Muddy Creek saw only minor adjustments to the profile which re-established proper riffle -pool sequence. Upper Sprouse Branch enhancement efforts included the installation of grade control structures in the upper portion of the reach and livestock exclusion fencing to reduce erosion and instability. Middle and Lower Sprouse Branch dimension adjustments included an increase in width/depth ratio to reduce stress on channel banks, and the excavation of a floodplain bench to provide for the conveyance of flood flows. The valley of Upper Iva Branch was filled to raise the channel and vertically stabilize the stream. The pattern, profile, and dimension of Lower Iva Branch was adjusted to provide proper pool spacing, riffle - pool sequence, and reductions of stress along stream banks. A bankfull bench was also constructed to provide proper conveyance of greater-than-bankfull flows. ii A baseline stream and topographic survey was performed between May 18th, 2015 and May 4th, 2016 to document baseline conditions at the Site. The stream pattern, profile, and dimension very closely reflected those values outlined in the design. A vegetation survey of the Site was conducted on March 23, 2016. Results from this initial survey indicate that the planted stem density ranged from 405 to 526 with the mean density of 486 through all plots in MYO. A total of seven species were documented across all plots with species diversity in plots ranging from four to five. Annual monitoring will begin during late 2016 and will include stream and vegetation monitoring components as established in this document. Annual monitoring will occur for five years. iii Table of Contents ExecutiveSummary................................................................................................................................ i 1.0 Project Goals, Background, and Attribute....................................................................................1 1.1. Location and Setting.............................................................................................................1 1.2. Project Goals and Objectives................................................................................................1 1.3. Project Structure, Restoration Type and Approach...............................................................2 1.4. Project History, Contacts and Attribute Data........................................................................ 3 2.0 Success Criteria............................................................................................................................. 3 2.1. Morphological Parameters and Channel Stability................................................................. 3 2.2. Surface Water Hydrology..................................................................................................... 4 2.3. Vegetation.............................................................................................................................4 3.0 Monitoring Plan............................................................................................................................ 4 3.1. Stream Channel Stability and Gcomorphology..................................................................... 4 3.2. Stream Hydrology................................................................................................................. 4 3.3. Vegetation.............................................................................................................................5 3.4. Permanent Photo Stations..................................................................................................... 5 3.5. Maintenance and Contingency.............................................................................................. 5 4.0 Baseline Conditions...................................................................................................................... 6 5.0 References.....................................................................................................................................7 Appendix A General Tables and Figures............................................................................................... 9 Appendix B Morphological Summary Data and Plots.........................................................................19 AppendixC Vegetation Data................................................................................................................ 37 Appendix D Permanent Photo Stations................................................................................................ 44 AppendixE Record Set........................................................................................................................ 68 Page Intentionally Left Blank 1.0 PROJECT GOALS, BACKGROUND, AND ATTRIBUTE 1.1. Location and Setting The Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Site (Site) is located in the Catawba River Basin (NCDWQ sub -basin 03-08-30 and HUC 03050101040020) approximately 9.5 miles southeast of Marion, NC in southeast McDowell County at latitude 35.5635° N and 81.9249° W. The Site is comprised of two tracts, the Middle South Muddy Creek tract which encompasses approximately 5.87 acres of predominately agricultural and forested land, and the 41.05 acre Haney Preservation Tract which is predominately forested. The Middle South Muddy Creek Tract consists of three streams, Iva Branch, Sprouse Branch, and South Muddy Creek. The Haney Tract consists of approximately 9,796 linear feet of stream. The tract is comprised of South Muddy Creek and approximately thirteen tributaries, including Jackson Branch and Moores Branch. The Site is located within the Muddy Creek Local Watershed planning area and the Site's watershed was identified as a Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) in DMS' 2009 Upper Catawba River Basin Restoration Priority report (RBRP). Historic land use at the Site consisted primarily of agriculture, livestock grazing, and mining operations. Livestock previously had unrestricted access to the majority of the streams on site, resulting in significant local disturbance to stream banks (Table 4). Additional land use practices, including the maintenance and removal of riparian vegetation, and the relocating, dredging, and straightening of on-site streams contributed to the degraded water quality and unstable channel characteristics on the site. 1.2. Project Goals and Objectives The following goals are established to guide the restoration process for the project as outlined in the Final Mitigation Plan: • Improve local water quality within the restored channel reaches as well as the downstream watercourses through: (a) the reduction of current channel sediment loads by restoring appropriately sized channels with stable beds and banks, (b) the reduction of nutrient loads from adjacent agricultural fields with a restored riparian buffer, and (c) the reduction of water temperatures provided through shading of the channel by canopy species along with the resultant increase in oxygen content. • Improve local aquatic and terrestrial habitat and diversity within the restored channels and their vicinity through: (a) the restoration of appropriate bed form to provide habitat for fish, amphibian, and benthic species, (b) the restoration of a suitable riparian buffer corridor in order to provide both vertical and horizontal structure and connectivity with adjacent upland areas, and (c) the restoration of understory and canopy species in order to provide forage, cover, and nesting for a variety of mammals, reptiles, and avian species. • Preclude land disturbing activities including the construction of additional infrastructure, future mining activities and agricultural practices including cattle grazing and the application of pesticides and fertilizer within the riparian buffer area by providing a permanent conservation easement. The following objectives are proposed for accomplishing the above listed goals as outlined in the Final Mitigation Plan: • Provide approximately 4,073 stream mitigation units (SMU's) through Priority I and II restoration of approximately 1,989 linear feet of stream, enhancement of approximately 196 linear feet of Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 1 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 stream, and preservation of approximately 9,796 linear feet of stream threatened by mining activities. • Restore natural stable channel morphology and proper sediment transport capacity. • Create and/or improve bed form diversity and improve aquatic and benthic macroinvertebrate habitat. • Construct a floodplain bench that is accessible at the proposed bankfull discharge. • Improve channel and stream bank stabilization by integrating in -stream structures and native bank vegetation. • Provide approximately 5.87 acres of riparian buffer restoration by establishing a native forested and herbaceous riparian buffer plant community with a minimum width of 30 feet from the edge of the restored channels. This new community will be established in conjunction with the eradication of any existing exotic and/or undesirable plant species. • Construct barricades on existing dirt road network on Haney Tract to prevent future vehicular trespassing. 1.3. Project Structure, Restoration Type and Approach 1.3.1. Project Structure Construction of the Site produced a total of 4,073 stream mitigation units, as outline in Table 1 and depicted in Figure 2. The Site is comprised of eight reaches totaling 11,981 length feet of Restoration or Restoration Equivalent; South Muddy Creek (916 feet), Lower South Muddy Creek (172 feet), Upper Sprouse Branch (24 feet), Middle and Lower Sprouse Branch (611 feet), Upper and Lower Iva Branch (462 feet), and Haney Tract (9,796 feet). 1.3.2. Restoration Type and Approach South Muddy Creek South Muddy Creek is divided into two sub -reaches, South Muddy Creek and Lower South Muddy Creek. South Muddy Creek was constructed as a Priority II restoration of a type C4 stream with moderate sinuosity and an average slope of 0.3%. Lower South Muddy Creek was constructed as an Enhancement I of a type C4 stream with moderate sinuosity and an average slope of 0.3%. This channel configuration provides a stable and natural form in the Type VIII(b) alluvial valley in which the existing stream is found. Restoration of the channel facilitated proper riffle -pool sequence and reduced bank stress. Sprouse Branch Sprouse Branch is divided into three sub -reaches, Upper Sprouse Branch, Middle Sprouse Branch, and Lower Sprouse Branch. Upper Sprouse Branch was constructed through Enhancement II restoration. Enhancement efforts include the installation of grade control at the top of the reach to prevent headcut migration, supplemental planting to stabilize bare banks, and cattle exclusion fencing to reduce erosion and instability within the reach. Middle and Lower Sprouse Branch was constructed through Priority II restoration of a type B5 and type 135c stream, with moderate sinuosity and an average channel slope of 2.9% and 1.7% respectively. These channel configurations provide the most stable and natural form for these slightly entrenched channels flowing through moderately sloped colluvial valleys. The moderately high gradient of Middle Sprouse Branch warrants installation of rock grade -control structures to stabilize the vertical profile. As Sprouse Branch intersects the valley of South Muddy Creek, gradient decreases, resulting in a transition to a 135c stream type. In order to accommodate the steep valley gradient a terraced profile was constructed. Dimension adjustments included an increase in width/depth ratio to reduce stress on channel banks and the excavation of a floodplain bench to provide for the conveyance of flood flows. Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 2 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Iva Branch Iva Branch is divided into two sub -reaches, Upper Iva Branch and Lower Iva Branch, both of which were constructed as Priority I restoration of type B5 stream with moderate sinuosity and an average slope of 5.6% and 3.2% respectively. The existing incised valley of Upper Iva Branch was filled to raise the channel to reconnect it with the floodplain. The constructed channel was vertically stabilized through the installation of rock structures. Lower Iva Branch was adjusted to provide proper pool spacing, riffle -pool sequence, and reductions of stress along the stream banks. A bankfull bench was constructed to provide proper conveyance of greater -than bankfull flows. Log and rock structures were installed to control the vertical alignment and provide aquatic habitat. Haney Tract The Haney Tract was put under a permanent conservation easement to preserve approximately 5,836 linear feet of stream channel and approximately 35 acres of riparian buffer (Mitigation Plan, 2012). Due to historic commercial and recreational mining operations within the floodplain of South Muddy Creek, the riparian buffer has been degraded over time. Establishment of the conservation easement will protect stream and adjacent floodplain from future destructive mining activities. The network of dirt roads was also barricaded in strategic locations to prevent future vehicular access. The Haney Tract surveyed conservation easement plat reveals additional stream linear feet within the protected easement. Streams include South Muddy Creek, Moores Branch, Jackson Branch and eleven unamend tributaries. The total stream length within the conservation easement is 9,796 LF (Figure 2. Asset Map). The project preservation assets have been updated to reflect this additional stream length. 1.4. Project History, Contacts and Attribute Data The project was first identified as a Design -Bid -Build mitigation project for the North Carolina Department of Mitigation Services by Equinox Environmental. Project planning began in 2011 with the final mitigation plan completed in March of 2012 and the final design and construction plans completed in September of 2014. Construction and planting of the Site was completed in March of 2016. Project activities, reporting dates, project contacts, and background information are outlined in Tables 2-4 (Appendix A) 2.0 SUCCESS CRITERIA 2.1. Morphological Parameters and Channel Stability Restored and enhanced streams should demonstrate morphologic stability to be considered successful. Stability does not equate to an absence of change, but rather to sustainable rates of change or stable patterns of variation. Restored streams often demonstrate some level of initial adjustment in the several months that follow construction and some change/variation subsequent to that is also to be expected. If some trend is evident, it should be very modest or indicate migration to another stable form. 2.1.1. Dimension Cross-section measurements should indicate little change from the as -built cross-sections. If changes do occur, they will be evaluated to determine whether the adjustments are associated with increased stability or whether they indicate movement towards an unstable condition. 2.1.2. Pattern and Profile Measurements and calculated values should indicate stability with little deviation from as -built conditions and established morphological ranges from the restored stream type. Annual measurements should Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 3 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 indicate stable bed -form features with little change from the as -built survey. The pools should maintain their depth with flatter water surface slopes, while the riffles should remain shallower and steeper. 2.1.3. Substrate Calculated D5o and D84 values should indicate coarser size class distribution of bed materials in riffles and finer size class distribution in pools. Generally, it is anticipated that the bed material will coarsen over time. 2.1.4. Sediment Transport Depositional features should be consistent with a stable stream that is effectively managing its sediment load. Point bar and inner berm features, if present, should develop without excessive encroachment of the channel. Lateral and mid -channel bar features should typically not be present and if so only in isolated instances. Bar features may be more prevalent in sand bed channels but should be transient in nature and should occupy no more than 20% of the cross sectional area. 2.2. Surface Water Hydrology Monitoring of stream surface water stages should indicate recurrence of bankfull flow on average every 1 to 2 years. At a minimum, throughout the monitoring period, the surface water stage should achieve bankfull or greater elevations at least twice. The bankfull events must occur during separate monitoring years. 2.3. Vegetation Riparian vegetation monitoring shall be conducted for a minimum of five years to ensure that success criteria are met per USACE guidelines. Accordingly, success criteria will consist of a minimum survival of 320 stems per acre by the end of the Year 3 monitoring period and a minimum of 260 stems per acre at the end of Year 5. If monitoring indicates either that the specified survival rate is not being met or the development of detrimental conditions (i.e., invasive species, diseased vegetation), appropriate corrective actions will be developed and implemented 3.0 MONITORING PLAN 3.1. Stream Channel Stability and Geomorphology A total of 10 cross-sections, including seven riffles and three pools, were installed upon completion of construction and will be monitored during Monitoring Years 1-5. The total number of cross-sections include four on South Muddy Creek, three on Sprouse Branch, and three on Iva branch. Additionally, a total of 2,166 linear feet— approximately 1,088 feet on South Muddy Creek and Lower South Muddy Creek, approximately 611 feet on Middle and Lower Sprouse Branch, and approximately 462 feet on Upper and Lower Iva Branch—of longitudinal profile data will be collected during Monitoring Years 1-5. Data collected from annual monitoring will be compared with the as -built conditions to document the current state of the channel and any trends in the stream profile occurring throughout the monitoring period. 3.2. Stream Hydrology A total of two crest gauges—one on South Muddy Creek and one on Sprouse Branch—were installed on site. Crest gauges will be monitored semi-annually to document highest stage for the monitoring interval and verify occurrences of bankfull events. Observations of wrack and depositional features in the floodplain will be documented with photos when encountered during field visits. Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 4 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 3.3. Vegetation Five vegetation monitoring plots, approximately 0.025 acres individually, were established based on guidance given in the CYS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.2 (Lee et al. 2008). Data was collected using the Level I protocol during initial baseline monitoring to document baseline conditions immediately after construction and planting. Subsequent annual vegetation monitoring will use the Level II protocol. Annual monitoring will determine planted vegetative success and the overall trajectory of woody plant restoration and regeneration at the Site. Vegetation monitoring plot corners were marked with t -posts and PVC conduit. 3.4. Permanent Photo Stations Permanent photo stations were established at each cross-section to digitally document annual conditions of the left and right banks. Each vegetation monitoring plot includes a photo station taken diagonally from the origin towards the opposite plot corner. Additionally, 31 permanent photo stations were established throughout the project area to provide representative digital documentation of stream features and vegetation conditions. Permanent photo stations were marked with labeled PVC pipe and red flagging tape. 3.5. Maintenance and Contingency NCDMS and Equinox will monitor the Site on a regular basis and shall conduct a physical inspection of the Site a minimum of once per year throughout the post -construction monitoring period until performance standards are met. These site inspections may identify site components and features that require routine maintenance. Routine maintenance should be expected most often in the first two years following site construction and may include the following: • Stream - Routine channel maintenance and repair activities may include chinking of in -stream structures to prevent piping, securing of loose coir matting, and supplemental installations of live stakes and other target vegetation along the channel. Areas where stormwater and floodplain flows intercept the channel may also require maintenance to prevent bank failures and head - cutting. • Vegetation - Vegetation shall be maintained to ensure the health and vigor of the targeted plant community. Routine vegetation maintenance and repair activities may include supplemental planting, pruning, mulching, and fertilizing. Exotic invasive plant species shall be controlled by mechanical and/or chemical methods. Any vegetation control requiring herbicide application will be performed in accordance with NC Department of Agriculture (NCDA) rules and regulations. • Site Boundary - Site boundaries shall be identified in the field to ensure clear distinction between the mitigation site and adjacent properties. Boundaries may be identified by fence, marker, bollard, post, tree -blazing, or other means as allowed by site conditions and/or conservation easement. Boundary markers disturbed, damaged, or destroyed will be repaired and/or replaced on an as needed basis. • Ford Crossings - Ford crossings within the site may be maintained only as allowed by Conservation Easement or existing easement, deed restrictions, rights of way, or corridor agreements. • Road Crossings - Road crossings within the site may be maintained only as allowed by Conservation Easement or existing easement, deed restrictions, rights of way, or corridor agreements. Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 5 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 • Stormwater Management Device -Storm water management devices will be monitored and maintained per the protocols and procedures defined by the NC Division of Water Quality Storm Water Best Management Practices Manual. 4.0 BASELINE CONDITIONS A baseline stream and topographic survey was completed on May 18" 2015 to document baseline conditions at the Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Site (Site). Additionally, permanent cross- sections were installed and data collected on February 25, 2016 and May 4, 2016. A vegetation survey was conducted March 23rd, 2016 to document planted vegetation after construction for future comparison. Reach summary tables, cross-section summary tables, and cross-section plots related to stream morphology can be found in Appendix B. Generally the pattern, profile, and dimension were very similar to those values outlined in the design. The Lower Iva Branch as -built slope (0.032 ft/ft) was slightly higher than the design slope of 0.026 ft/ft; however the slope falls within the applicable slope ranges for B5 stream types (0.02-0.039 ft/ft). Vegetation data, summary tables, and plot photos are located in Appendix C. Results from this initial survey indicate that the planted stem density ranged from 405 to 526 with the mean density of 486 across all plots in MYO. A total of seven species were documented across all plots with species diversity in plots ranging from four to five. At the time of vegetation data collection, herbaceous vegetation had begun to establish, however some bare areas were noted, which can be expected during the first year of monitoring after construction. Additionally, good recruitment of woody vegetation is expected within on the lower end of South Muddy Creek and Iva Branch due to the presence of mature trees within the easement. Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 6 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 5.0 REFERENCES Equinox Environmental. 2008. Muddy Creek Local Watershed Plan. Report prepared for North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. September. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual. 2007. Lee, Michael T., R.K. Peet, S.D. Roberts, and T.R. Wentworth. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.2 (http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/methods.htm) Turner Surveying. 2015. As -Built Survey of Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project. Prepared for N.C. Ecosystem Enhancement Program. Wolf Creek Engineering. 2012. Final Mitigation Plan Middle South Muddy Creek Restoration. Prepared for North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. Final Mitigation Plan, Middle South Muddy Restoration, McDowell County. EEP Project No: 93875 Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 7 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Page Intentionally Left Blank Appendix A General Tables and Figures Driving Directions: From Asheville drive east on 1-40 and take exit 83. Turn right onto Ashworth Road, after 0.9 miles turn right onto US -221.. Follow US -221 for 4.5 miles then tum left onto Folly Spout Road. After 1.7 miles tum left onto Vein Mountain Road, Follow Vein Mountain Road for 2.6 miles and then tum right onto Brackett Town Road. The Middle South Mitigation Site will be on the left after about 1 mile. The subject projoct site in an environmental restoration site ofthe \\\ NCDhfS and encompassed by a recorded conservation easement, but is bordered by land with private ownership. Accessing the site may require traversing areas near or along the easement boundary and therefore access to the general public is not permitted. Access by authorized persomtel of 1 state and federal agencies ortheir dcsignee�contractors involved in the I development, oversight and stewardship ofthe restoration site is /C permitted within the terms and timeframes of their defined role. Any '. intended site visitation or activity by any person outside of these previously sanctioned roles and activities requires prior coordination with NCD\45 � Ir Roads (,• 'rac tt wn I 1 Streams OMitigation Sites + � `32 t s Middle South Muddy Mitigation Site .��.reio� Figure do 1 1 I 1 r gpdppp�' Vicinity Map - a�r4lq- . I0.25 l Miles Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 10 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 3Cpr� Middle Sprouse Branch +� 201+74 - 203+51 Upper Sprouse Branch 1 Upper Iva Branch 2014-50 - 2o1+2a 3021 t4-305140 If I South Muddy Creels k,' % 101T00 - 110+91 �Lower Tva Branch 305-40-3306196 , w 4 J Lower South Muddy Creek '~ - 110+91 - 112+633 Prepared for Stream Asset Type t t Easement Enhancement I DMS Enhancement 11 Restoration Lower Sprouse Branch 203+51 - 208+04 0 100 Source'. Esri, Digital Globe, Geo Eye, I—bed, USDA, USGS, AEX Figure 2. Asset Map Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Site Project No. 93875 McDowell County, North Carolina Sheet I of 2 200 400 Feet Prepared by EQUINOX Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 11 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 o 52;.oa 1 •tom 1 5©100 149100 t ill 01 Jackson Branch Prepared for DMS Stream Asset T e Yp r r Easement r�! Preservation Haney Iraq Stream Components LLddle S¢¢th Stream Restoration Site $ ach \ e Sta4o¢i„g Leaeth Feet SVithi¢ Easement Figure 2. Asset Map Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Site Project No. 93875 McDowell County, North Carolina Sheet of 19 79 398 172 552 145 330 914 am Prepared by EQUINOX Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 12 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 a ,,.....y .., �. .1loores Beanch 0+90 -6+67 ICY tract .Jackson Branch 0+U0-0`93 T7-1 0+00 - 0+19 LT -2 0+00 - 6+79 17 3 6+00 - 3+98 % LT -4 0+00 - 3+94 LT -5 0+00 - 5+52 L"T-6 0+00 - "2 LT -1 0+00 - 1-190 LT -8 0-60-4-43 0-rn -'�•" o-•--� LT -9 a+00-1-45 LT -1D 01-3-30 UT -S UT -7 ��. L-1'-11 0-00-91-23 i+no �� Total 1+011 LIT -6 -,IU ' A ,-< a LTA 22!IYU 020 -LITS 21i00d c % n ' % i 5 UT-4� Sonrh Muddy Crcek ----�� 1 +oto UT -2 i '3-00 4 Moores Branch 0 100 200 400 v Feet /Source'. Esrl, 6igitelGlcbe, Geo Eye, Isu Figure 2. Asset Map Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Site Project No. 93875 McDowell County, North Carolina Sheet of 19 79 398 172 552 145 330 914 am Prepared by EQUINOX Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 12 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map 3 0 I y I ��3�•� I PP -16 I , Pl' 17 # \S-8 P � Middle Sprouse Branch,, 201 +74 - 203+51 r PP -18 rte` !Upper Sprouse / r � �XS-1 �� .-.1 1304• I �a3� Branch P-4 /P — PP-zo —�I 201+50 - 201+74 XS -10 -R Upper Iva Branch / PP I334fi5 , 302+14 - 305'-X 40 1 1 ' i l P-21 S -2-R %( South Muddy Creek r � Lower Iva Branch 101+00 - 110+91 '� � ' ,..` 305+40 - 306+96 606,00 X S�3-P +i i - -- - --- --- -1,�o 4as*5p Lower Sprouse Branch i 203+51 - 208+04 "• 3i77 PP -13 ; _.__. _ ..��.•- PP -11 XS-7-REPP-12 - _ �o�•oQ XS -5-R f % N1°1' 1 XS6P rte _ 1 r - / r - ` PP -9 /�c�.� s 1,11,1 ' XS -4- R 2+ o^ Lower South Muddy Creek 110+91-112+63 0 90 180 360 Feet Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye,'i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, Prepared for Middle South. Muddy PhotoPoim �.__, Thalweg Hook -Log RunLog Vane with Hook Notes: 1) Baseline Data Provided by TurnerLand Surveyin Prepared by Stream Restoration. Project 0 CrfttC—ge Hook Run Lag Sin/ Monitoring Year 0 DMS McDowell County NC � Ccmol Point Contour (1 ft) h Log B ffl Boulder -Arch Baffle �. NCDMS Contract No.: 00006783 S"Ctum Vegetation Plots no NCDMS Project No.: 93875 I �— -•-rte CYoss_Section Basement eme,t Boulder-och Brash Toe with Log EQUINOX May 2016 Sheet 1 of 2 L°�Pro sed Armored Riffle Figure 3. Monitoring Features Map o' 0+-00 f P 0 --• raCt i 52+00 PP -31 ,✓� 50+00, i49+000} 1 11 P-28 / r18+001 1 1 •,+00,.. _ '2-00 �� _.r 4 O �� ..,J k i f Branch .r ry + '` .' 0+00 Jackson Jackson ✓ o ,��, '" lq+p �0 UT -8 UT -7 . 4+0o � �1� ��� ��� -S • t--�%+C0 PP -27 ��•� '!� 1+ � 't + o ��.•� 0+00 {�4+00 UT -6 0-00 out Ck�3+00 0 low a. `N 'V � nj xQ� •�` UT -5 , 1 2200 8 � 21+001 + S i i ✓� UT -3 & 1 Al + O O I 1 _� • i 6+00 South Muddy Creek �� � 5+00 !�. +00�3 + i 4+00 q a UT -2 UT r-,-✓ ' 13+00 1 � i ! 00 q 12 1 t�! Moores BranchllI PP+25 0 250 500 1,00 +00+. F et Source: Esr, EigtalGlobe, Geo Eye, i -cub Prepared for Middle South Muddy PhotoPouLL � PreseNat1°n Streams Hook -Log Rutz Log Vane with Hook Notes: 1) Baseline Data Provided by Turner Land Surveyin Prepared by Stream Restoration. Project � �t��e �� TopoEBank Hook Run Log sill: Monitoring Year 0 DMS McDowell County NC � � Ccmh�ol Point contour(l ft) Log s`° Boulder -Arch Bae NCDMS Contract No.: 00006783 S"Ctum Vegetation Plats no NCDMS Poect No.: 93875 j _ Cos_Scn EesemelII Boulder-Arreh Brush Toe with Lo EQUINOX May 2016 _ _j Sheet 2 of 2 L° �Pro sed Armored Riffle Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 15 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Table 1. Project Mitigation Components and Summation Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Site Mitigation Credits Stream Riparian Wetland Non -riparian Wetland Buffer Nitrogen Phosphorous Nutrient Offset Nutrient Offset Type R RE R RE R RE Totals 2,114 1,959 Project Components Project Component -or- Reach ID Stationing/Location Existing Footage/Acreage Restoration Footage or Acreage Restoration -or- Restoration Equivalent Approach Mitigation Ratio Mitigation Credits Footage Excluded due to Easement Crossing/ Break (P I, PH etc.) South Muddy Creek 101+00— 110+91 931 916 R PII 1:1 916 75 Lower South Muddy Creek 110+91— 112+63 177 172 R EI 1.5:1 115 Upper Sprouse Branch 201+50— 201+74 24 24 R EII 2.5:1 10 - Middle and Lower Sprouse Branch 201+74— 208+04 598 611 R PII 1:1 611 19 Upper and Lower Iva Branch 302+14 —306+96 471 462 R PI 1:1 462 20 Haney Tract 9,796 9,796 RE Preservation 5:1 1,959 - Component Summation Restoration Stream Riparian Wetland Non -riparian Wetland Buffer Upland Level (linear feet) (acres) (acres) (square feet) (acres) Riverine Non-Riverine Restoration 1,989 Enhancement Enhancement 1 172 Enhancement II 24 Creation Preservation 9,796 High Quality Preservation BMP Hements Element Location Purpose/Function Notes FB Entire Site Protect Stream Channel BMP Elements BR= Bioretention Cell; SF = Sand Filter; SW = Stormwater Wetland; WDP = Wet Detention Pond; DDP =Dry Detention Pond; FS= Filter Strip; S= Grassed Swale; LS= Level Spreader; NI = Natural Infiltration Area; FB = Forested Buffer Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 15 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 16 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Site Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Completion or Delivery Mitigation Plan Feb - 2012 Mar - 2012 Final Design - Construction Plans N/A Nov - 2012 Construction N/A Dec - 2015 Permanent Seed Mix Applied - Mar - 2016 Live Stake Plantings - Mar - 2016 Baseline Monitoring Document (Year 0 Monitoring - Baseline) May - 2016 June -2016 Year 1 Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 4 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 16 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Table 3. Project Contacts Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Site North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services 217 W Jones Street Suite 3000a Prime Contractor Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 Matthew Reid (828) 231-7812 Wolf Creek Engineering 12 1/2 Wall Street Suite C Designer Asheville, North Carolina 28801 S. Grant Ginn (828) 449-1930 River Works, Inc Construction 6105 Chapel Hill Road Contractor Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Jon Harrell (919) 710-3326 River Works, Inc 6105 Chapel Hill Road Seeding Contractor Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Jon Harrell (919) 710-3326 River Works, Inc 6105 Chapel Hill Road Planting Contractor Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Jon Harrell (919) 710-3326 Turner Land Surveying 3719 Benson Drive As -built Surveys Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 David Turner (919) 827-0745 Green Resource 5204 Highreen Court Seeding Mix Source Colfax, North Carolina 27235 (336)855-6363 Foggy Mountain Nursery 797 Helton Creek Road Live Stakes Lansing, North Carolina (336)384-5323 Equinox Environmental Monitoring 37 Haywood St. Performers (YO)- 2016 Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Drew Alderman (828) 253-6856 Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 17 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Table 4. Project Baseline Information and Attributes Project Information Project Name Middle South Muddy Creek County McDowell Project Area (acres) 5.87 Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude) 35.5635° N, 91.92490 W Project Watershed Summary Information Pbysiograpbic Province Blue Ridge River Basin Catawba River USGS Hydrologic Unit 8 -digit 13050101 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14 -digit 103050101040020 DWR Sub -basin 03-08-30 Project Drainage Area (acres) 2,893 Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area > 1% CGIA Land Use Classification Reach Summary Information Parameters South Muddy Creek Iva Branch Sprouse Branch Length of reach (linear feet) 1,108 471 622 Valley classification (Rosgen) Valley Type VIIlb Valley Type H Valley Type 11 Drainage area (acres) 3,002 27 29 NCDWQ stream identification score 44 31 34 NCDWQ Water Quality Classification C C C Morphological Description (stream type) (Rosgen) 64 G5 G5 Evolutionary trend (Rosgen) F4 G5 G5 Underlying mapped soils Iotla, Hayesville Clay Iotla, Hayesville Clay Iotla, Hayesville Clay Drainage class Poorly drained Poorly drained Poorly drained Soil Hydric status Non -hydric Non -hydric Non -hydric Slope 0.40% 4.60% 2.20% FEMA classification Limited Detail N/A N/A Native vegetation community Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural Percent composition of exotic invasive vegetation <1% <1% <1% Wetland Summary Information Parameters WetlandI Welland2 Weiland3 Size of Wetland (acres) - - - Wetland Type (non -riparian, riparian riverine or riparian non-riverine) - - - Mapped Soil Series - - - Drainage class - - - Soil Hydric Status - - - Source of Hydrology - - - Hydrologic Impairment - - - Native vegetation community - - - Percent composition of exotic invasive vegetation - - - Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable Resolved? Supporting Documentation Waters of the United States—Section 404 Yes Yes NW 27 2011-02233 Waters of the United States— Section 401 Yes Yes 401 Certification WR# 12-0383 Endangered Species Act No N/A ERTR Historic Preservation Act No N/A ERTR Cc as is] Zone Management Act(CZMA)/ Cc as to] Area Management Act(CAMA) No N/A FEMA Floodplain Compliance Yes Yes Case #: 14-04-03678 Essential Fisheries Habitat No N/A Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 18 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Appendix B Morphological Summary Data and Plots - Information unavailable. Non -Applicable. Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 20 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Table 5. Baseline Stream Data Summary Middle South Mudd - South Muddy Creek / Lower South Muddy Creek (1,088 feet Parameter Regional Curve Pre -Existing Condition Reference Reach Data Design As -Built / Baseline Dimension&Substrate - Riffle LL UL Eq. Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Max Min Mean Med Max SD N Bankfull Width (ft) - 30.7 19.4 36.6 30.8 30.7 31.1 31.0 31.6 0.5 3 Floodprone Width (ft) 30.0 65.0 65.0 65.0 84.7 88.0 101.0 18.2 3 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.9 1.9 2.1 0.3 3 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 2.0 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.7 2.8 2.9 0.4 3 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft') 51 7 30.2 36.6 52.2 50.5 58.1 59.0 64.9 7.2 3 Width/Deptb Ratio 12.3 14.9 18.1 14.8 16.8 15.9 19.8 2.6 3 Entrenchment Ratio 1.3 2.8 2.1 2.1 2.7 2.8 3.3 0.6 3 Bank Height Ratio - - - - - - 1.0 - - 1.2 - - - 1.0 - 1.0 LO 1.0 1.0 0.0 3 d50 (mm) - - - - - - - 29.0 - - - - Profile Riffle Length (ft) - - - - - - 17.7 - - 64.0 - - - - - 54.4 109.6 85.4 229.5 68.9 5 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) - - - - - - 0.77 - - 3.60 - - - - - 0.001 0.003 0.003 0.005 0.001 5 Pool Length (ft) - - - - - - 12.0 - - 36.0 - - - - - 34.8 50.8 51.3 66.3 12.4 5 Pool Max Depth (ft) - - - - - - 2.3 - - 2.9 - - - 3.3 - 3.2 4.6 4.5 1 6.0 0.9 6 Pool Spacing (ft) - - - - - - 97.5 - - 193.0 - - 154.5 - 220.7 112.6 196.3 187.9T323.2 89.4 5 Pattern Channel Belt Width (ft) - 100.0 - - - - - 63.7 86.4 92.6 103 20.3 3 Radius of Curvature (ft) 32.0 - 514.0 - 61.0 102.1 114.7 120.1 121.8 10.9 3 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft) - - - - 3.3 3.7 3.9 3.9 0.4 3 Meander Wavelength (ft) 300.0 - - 466.5 495.0 497.3 521.1 27.4 3 Meander Width Ratio 4.3 3.2 2.0 2.8 3.0 3.3 0.7 3 Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% 55%/11%/26%/8%/0% SC%/Sit /G%/C%/B%/Be% 1%/8%/72%/17%/1%/1% d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/dip /di'P(mm) 7.2/20/29/42/69/120/ -/- Reach Shear Stress (Competency) lb/ft2 - 0.857 - - MaxPart Size (mm) Mobilized at Bankfull - 760 - - Stream Power (Transport Capacity) W/mz - - - Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (mi) - 3.33 4.7 Impervious Cover Estimate (%) - - - Rosgen Classification - C4 C4 C4 Bankfull Velocity (fps) 3.9 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 143.0 - Valley Length (ft) - 550 1,136 Channel Thalweg Length (ft) - 600 1,161 1,163 Sinuosity - 1.10 1.03 1.03 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) - - 0.003 0.003 Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) 0.003 0.002 Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) - - Proportion Over Wide (%) - - Entrenchment Class (ER Range) - - Incision Class (BHR Range) - - BEHI Channel Stability or Habitat Metric - - Biological or Other - - - Information unavailable. Non -Applicable. Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 20 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 - Information unavailable. Non -Applicable...: Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 21 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Table 5 Cont'd. Baseline Stream Data Summary Middle South Mudd - Middle Sprouse Branch 177 feet Parameter Regional Curve Pre -Existing Condition Reference Reach Data Design As -Built / Baseline Dimension & Substrate -Riffle LL UL Eq. Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Max Min Mean Med Max SD N Bankfull Width (ft) - 4.8 - _ _ _ _ _ _ 23.4 - - 24.7 - - - 4.8 - - - - - - - Floodprone Width (ft) - - - - - - 43.0 - - 52.0 - - - 15.0 - - - - - - - Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.5 1.3 1.5 0.3 Bankfull M ax Depth (ft) _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.8 - - 2.2 - - - 0.5 - - - - - - - Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft) 0.5 _ _ _ _ _ _ 33.4 - - 34.6 - - - 1.6 - - - - - - - Width/Depth Ratio - - - - - - 15.8 - - 18.4 - - - 14.1 - - - - - - - Entrenchment Ratio - - - - - - 1.8 - - 2.2 - - - 3.2 - - - - - - - Bank Height Ratio - - - - - - 1.4 - - 1.6 - - - 1.0 - - - - - - - d50 (mm) - Profile Riffle Length (ft) - - - - - - 20.0 - - 40.0 - - - - - 15.2 20.0 16.1 28.8 7.6 3 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) - - - - - - 1.500 - - 4.300 - - - - - 0.005 0.007 0.008 0.010 0.002 3 Pool Length (ft) 6.0 42.0 3.7 9.2 8.2 16.5 5.3 4 Pool Max Depth (ft) - - - - - - 2.3 - - 2.3 - - - 0.8 - 1.6 2.0 1.8 2.7 0.5 4 Pool Spacing (ft) - - - - - - 51.0 - - 113-0 - - 15.9 - 22.7 43.0 49.1 44.4 60.1 9.5 3 Pattern Channel Belt Width (ft) - - - - - - - 43.0 - - - - - - - 7.1 7.9 7.8 8.9 0.9 3 Radius of Curvature (ft) - - - - - - 44.0 - - 103.0 - - - - - 8.2 15.0 14.0 23.8 6.9 4 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.7 3.1 2.9 5.0 1.4 4 Meander Wavelength (ft) too.0 - - 20.4 26.3 27.1 30.7 4.5 4 Meander Width Ratio - - - - - - - 1.8 - - - - - 2.3 - 1.5 1.7 1.6 1.9 1 0.2 3 Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri% /Ru%/P%/G%/S% - - 39%/0%/24%/8%/29% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% 1%/10%/48%/41✓/0%/1% dl6/d35/d50/d84/d95/di' / di" (mm) 5.2/22/45/75/130/190/ -/- Reach Shear Stress (Competency) lb/ftz - 1.947 - - MaxPart Size (mm) Mobilized at Bankfull - 91 - - Stream Power (Transport Capacity) W/m2 - - - Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (mi') - 2.77 0.03 Impervious Cover Estimate (%) - - - Rosgen Classification - B4 B5 B5 Bankfull Velocity (fps) 6.1 Bankfull Discharge lets) 210.0 - Valley Length (ft) - 380 187 Channel Thalweg Length (ft) - 400 177 177 Sinuosity - 1.1 1.06 1.01 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) - - 0.031 0.029 Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) 0.031 0.029 Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) Proportion Over Wide (%) - - Entrenchment Class (ER Range) - - Incision Class (BHR Range) - - BEHI Channel Stability or Habitat Metric - - Biological or Other I- - - Information unavailable. Non -Applicable...: Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 21 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 - Information unavailable. Non -Applicable...: Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 22 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Table 5 Cont'd. Baseline Stream Data Summary Middle South Mudd - Lower Sprouse Branch 434 feet Parameter Regional Curve Pre -Existing Condition Reference Reach Data Design As -Built / Baseline Dimension & Substrate -Riffle LL UL Eq. Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Med Max SD N Join Mean Max Min Mean Med Max SD N Bankfull Width (ft) - 5.3 - _ _ _ _ _ _ 23.4 - - 24.7 - - - 5.2 - 5.1 5.3 5.3 5.4 0.2 2 Floodprone Width (ft) - - - - - - 43.0 - - 52.0 - - - 15.0 - 14.0 19.0 19.0 24.0 3.5 2 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.5 1.3 1.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.0 2 Bankfull M ax Depth (ft) _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.8 - - 2.2 - - - 0.6 - 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.0 2 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft) 2.2 _ _ _ _ _ _ 33.4 - - 34.6 - - - 1.9 - 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.8 0.0 2 Width/Depth Ratio - - - - - - 15.8 - - 18.4 - - - 14.3 - 15.1 15.9 15.9 16.7 1.1 2 Entrenchment Ratio - - - - - - 1.8 - - 2.2 - - - 2.9 - 2.6 3.6 3.6 1 4.5 1.3 2 Bank Height Ratio - - - - - - 1.4 - - 1.6 - - - 1.0 - 1.0 1.0 1.0 L0 0.0 2 d50 (mm) - - - - - - - 45.0 - - - - Profile Riffle Length (ft) - - - - - - 20.0 - - 40.0 - - - - - 6.0 16.2 14.2 32.2 9.3 9 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) - - - - - - 1.5 - - 4.3 - - - - - 0.003 0.011 0.011 0.025 0.007 9 Pool Length (ft) 6.0 42.0 3.4 8.7 9.0 12.1 3.1 11 Pool Max Depth (ft) - - - - - - 2.3 - - 2.3 - - - 0.8 - 1.3 1.8 1.8 1 2.3 0.3 11 Pool Spacing (ft) - - - - - - 51.0 - - 113-0 - - 18.1 - 25.8 19.0 32.9 32.2 55.1 10.5 10 Pattern Channel Belt Width (ft) - - - - - - - 43.0 - - - - - - - 10.1 10.4 10.4 10.6 0.3 3 Radius of Curvature (ft) - - - - - - 44.0 - - 103.0 - - - - - 8.8 10.6 10.6 12.5 1.9 4 Rc: Bankfull Width (ft) - 1.7 2.0 2.0 2.4 0.4 4 Meander Wavelength (ft) 100-0 - 33.2 38.1 38.5 42.9 3.5 5 Meander Width Ratio - - - - - - - 1.8 - - - - - 3.1 - 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 3 Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri% /Ru%/P%/G%/S% - - 41%/6%/27%/9%/17% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% 1%/10%/48%/41✓/0%/1% dl6/d35/d50/d84/d95/di' / di" (mm) 5.2/22/45/75/130/190/ -/- Reach Shear Stress (Competency) lb/ftz - 1.947 - - MaxPart Size (mm) Mobilized at Bankfull - 91 - - Stream Power (Transport Capacity) W/m2 - - - Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (miZ) - 2.77 0.04 Impervious Cover Estimate (%) - - - Rosgen Classification - B4 B5 B5 Bankfull Velocity (fps) 6.1 Bankfull Discharge lets) 210.0 - Valley Length (ft) - 380.0 422 Channel Thalweg Length (ft) - 400.0 453 453 Sinuosity 1.1 1.07 1.07 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) - - 0.014 0.017 Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) - - 0.014 0.017 Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) - - Proportion Over Wide (%) - - Entrenchment Class (ER Range) - - Incision Class (BHR Range) - - BEHI Channel Stability or Habitat Metric - - Biological or Other I- - - Information unavailable. Non -Applicable...: Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 22 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 - Information unavailable. Non -Applicable. Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 23 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Table 5 Cont'd. Baseline Stream Data Summary Middle South Mudd - Upper Iva Branch 326 feet Parameter Regional Curve Pre -Existing Condition Reference Reach Data Design As -Built/ Baseline Dimension & Substrate Riffle LL UL Eq. Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Max Min Mean Med Max SD N Bankfull Width (ft) - 4.8 - - - - - - - 23.4 - - 24.7 - - - 4.8 - 4.6 4.9 4.9 5.3 0.5 2 Floodprone Width (ft) - - - - - - 43.0 - - 52 - - - 15.0 - 14.0 15.5 15.5 17.0 2.1 2 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) - 0.5 - - - - - - - 1.3 - - 1.5 - - - 0.3 - 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.0 2 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) - - - - - - 1.8 - - 2.2 - - - 0.5 - 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.1 2 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft') 1.8 33.4 34.6 1.6 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 0.1 2 Width/Depth Ratio 15.8 18.4 14.1 11.0 12.2 12.2 13.3 1.6 2 Entrenchment Ratio 1.8 2.2 3.2 3.0 1 3.1 3.1 3.2 0.1 2 Bank Height Ratio - - - - - - 1.4 - - 1.6 - - - 1.0 - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 2 d50 (mm) - Profile Riffle Length (ft) - - - - - - 20.0 - - 40.0 - - - - - 26.7 48.8 40.1 90.6 24.6 5 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) - - - - - - 1.50 - - 4.30 - - - - - 0.001 0.004 0.002 0.009 0.003 5 Pool Length (ft) 6.0 42.0 2.1 2.8 2.7 3.4 0.6 4 Pool Max Depth (ft) 2.3 2.3 - 0.8 - 0.5 0.8 0.8 1.2 0.3 4 Pool Spacing (ft) - - - - - - 51.0 - - 113.0 - - 15.9 - 22.7 47.1 55.5 59.0 60.4 7.3 3 Pattern Channel Belt Width (ft) - - - - - - - 43.0 - - - - - - - 11.9 14.8 14.8 17.6 4.0 2 Radius of Curvature (ft) - - - - - - 44.0 - - 103.0 - - - - - 7.6 9.4 8.4 13.2 2.6 4 Re: Bankfull Width (ft) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.5 1.9 1.7 2.7 0.5 4 Meander Wavelength (ft) - - - - - - - 100.0 - - - - - - - 43.2 48.1 47.7 53.8 5.0 4 Meander Width Ratio - - - - - - - 1.8 - - - - - 2.5 - 2.4 3.0 3.0 3.5 0.8 2 Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% - - 80%/0%/4%/2%/14% SC%/Sal//G%/C%/13 /Be% - 1%/10%/48%/41%/0%/1% d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/diP/disP(mm) - 5.2/22/45/75/130/190/ -/- Reach Shear Stress (Competency) lb/ft' - 1.947 - - Max Part Size (mm) Mobilized at Bankfull - 91 - - Stream Power (Transport Capacity) W/m' - - - Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (mir) - 2.77 0.03 Impervious Cover Estimate (%) - - - Rosgm Classification - B4 B5 B5 Bankfull Velocity (fps) 6.1 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 210.0 - Valley Length (ft) 380 424 Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 400 326 326 Sinuosity - 1.10 1.09 1.10 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) - - 0.058 0.056 Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) 0.058 0.056 Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) - - Proportion Over Wide (% - - Entrenchment Class (ER Range) - - Incision Class (BHR Range) - - BEHI Channel Stability or Habitat Metric - - Biological or Other Ji- - - Information unavailable. Non -Applicable. Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 23 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 - Information unavailable. Non -Applicable. Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 24 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Table 5 Cont'd. Baseline Stream Data Summary Middle South Mudd - Lower Iva Branch 136 feet Parameter Regional Curve Pre -Existing Condition Reference Reach Data Design As -Built/ Baseline Dimension & Substrate Riffle LL UL Eq. Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Med Max SD N Min Mean Max Min Mean Med Max SD N Bankfull Width (ft) - 5.6 - - - - - - - 23.4 - - 24.7 - - - 5.5 - - - - - - - Floodprone Width (ft) - - - - - - 43.0 - - 52 - - - 15.0 - - - - - - - Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) - 0.5 - - - - - - - 1.3 - - 1.5 - - - 0.4 - - - - - - - BankfullMaxDepth(ft) 1.8 2.2 0.6 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft') 2.4 33.4 34.6 2.1 Width/Depth Ratio 1 15.8 18.4 1 1 14.4 Entrenchment Ratio - - - - - - 1.8 - - 2.2 - - - 2.7 - - - - - - - Bank Height Ratio - - - - - - 1.4 - - 1.6 - - - 1.0 - - - - - - - d50 (mm) - Profile Riffle Length (ft) - - - - - - 20.0 - - 40.0 - - - - - 9.4 11.8 11.8 14.3 3.5 2 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) - - - - - - 1.50 - - 4.30 - - - - - 0.010 0.021 0.021 0.033 0.016 2 Pool Length (ft) 6.0 42.0 5.8 9.4 9.4 12.9 3.3 4 Pool Max Depth (ft) 2.3 2.3 0.9 - 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 0.1 4 Pool Spacing (ft) - - - - - - 51.0 - - 113.0 - - 19.3 - 27.5 20.8 25.9 20.8 36.1 8.9 3 Pattern Channel Belt Width (ft) - - - - - - - 43.0 - - - - 8.9 9.6 9.6 10.3 1.0 2 Radius of Curvature (ft) - - - - - - 44.0 - - 103.0 - - 12.2 12.5 12.5 12.8 0.4 2 Re: Bankfull Width (ft) - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.3 0.1 2 Meander Wavelength (ft) - - - - - - - 100.0 - - - - 23.0 27.4 25.5 33.6 5.6 3 Meander Width Ratio - - - - - - - 1.8 - - - - - 2.2 - 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.9 0.2 2 Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% - - 24%/17%/38%/20%/0% SC%/Sal//G%/C%/13 /Be% - 1%/10%/48%/41%/0%/1% d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/diP/disP(mm) - 5.2/22/45/75/130/190/ -/- Reach Shear Stress (Competency) lb/ft2 - 1.947 - - Max Part Size (mm) Mobilized at Bankfull - 91 - - Stream Power (Transport Capacity) W/m' - - - Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (mir) - 2.77 0.046 Impervious Cover Estimate (%) - - - Rosgm Classification - B4 B5 B5 Bankfull Velocity (fps) 6.1 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 210.0 - Valley Length (ft) 380.0 151 Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 400.0 156 156 Sinuosity - 1.10 1.02 1.03 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) - - 0.026 0.032 Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) 0.026 0.035 Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) - - Proportion Over Wide (% - - Entrenchment Class (ER Range) - - Incision Class (BHR Range) - - BEHI Channel Stability or Habitat M etric - - Biological or Other - - - Information unavailable. Non -Applicable. Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 24 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 N/A - Item does not apply. Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 25 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Table 6. Baseline Morphology & Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Site Cross -Section 1 (Riffle) Lower Sprouse Branch Cross -Section 2 (Riffle) Lower Sprouse Branch Cross -Section 3 (Pool) Lower Sprouse Branch Cross -Section 4 (Riffle) South Muddy Creek Cross -Section 5 (Riffle) South Muddy Creek Dimension Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Record Elevation (datum) Used 1,278.1 1,275.8 1,273.7 1,269.4 1,267.9 Bankfull Width (ft) 5.4 5.1 6.1 1 31.6 30.7 Floodprone Width (ft) 14.0 1 1 1 23.0 1 1 32.0 1 1 65.0 101.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.3 0.3 1.0 1.6 1.9 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.6 0.6 1.5 2.3 2.8 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ft2 1.8 1.7 5.9 50.5 59.0 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 16.7 1 15.1 1 1 1 6.3 1 1 1 19.8 15.9 Bankf ill Entrenchment Ratio 2.6 4.5 5.3 2.1 3.3 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 d50 (mm) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Cross -Section 6 (Pool) South Muddy Creek Cross -Section 7 (Riffle) South Muddy Creek Cross -Section 8 (Pool) Upper Iva Branch Cross -Section 9 (Riffle) Upper Iva Branch Cross -Section 10 (Riffle) Upper Iva Branch Dimension Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Record Elevation (datum) Used 1,268.0 1,267.3 1,286.1 1,285.3 1,277.1 Bankfull Width (ft) 35.3 31.0 5.5 4.6 5.3 Floodprone Width (ft) 166.0 1 1 88.0 1 1 17.0 1 1 1 14.0 1 1 1 17.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 2.4 2.1 1.0 0.4 0.4 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 4.0 2.9 1.8 0.7 0.6 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ft2 85.7 64.9 5.7 1.9 2.1 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 14.5 1 1 14.8 5.4 11.0 13.3 Bankf ill Entrenchment Ratio 4.7 2.8 3.1 3.0 1 3.2 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 d50 (mm) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A - Item does not apply. Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 25 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 26 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Project Name: Middle South Muddy XS Number: 1 Station: 203+60 Reach Name: Lower Snrouse Branch XS Tvne: Riffle Left Descending Bank Right Descending Bank Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 27 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 1285 1284 1283 1282 1281 0 1280 1279 b 1278 1277 1276 1275 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 Station (feet) ' MYO - - - - - BKF CHANNEL DIMENS IONS SUMMARY MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Bankful Width (ft) 5.4 Floodprone Width (ft) 14.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.3 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.6 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (ft) 1.8 Width/Depth Ratio 16.7 Entrenchment Ratio 2.6 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Left Descending Bank Right Descending Bank Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 27 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Project Name: Middle South Muddy XS Number: 2 Station: 204+72 Reach Name: Lower Sprouse Branch XS Type: Riffle Left Descending Bank Right Descending Bank Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 28 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 1282 1281 1280 1279 1278 c 1277 1276 -------------------------- ------------ -------- ---------- - ------------- - ---------- - ------------- b 1275 1274 1273 1272 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 Station (feet) - MYO ----- BKF CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Bankful Width (ft) 5.1 Floodprone Width (ft) 23.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.3 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.6 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (ft) 1.7 Width/Depth Ratio 15.1 Entrenchment Ratio 4.5 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Left Descending Bank Right Descending Bank Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 28 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Project Name: Middle South Muddy XS Number: 3 Station: 205+79 Reach Name: Lower Sprouse Branch XS Type: Pool Left Descending Bank Right Descending Bank Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 29 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 1280 1279 1278 1277 1276 c 1275 1274 -------------------------- ----------- -- ----- ----- ------ ------------- ------------ ------------- b 1273 1272 1271 1270 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 Station (feet) MYO ----- BKF CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY MYo MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Bankful Width (ft) 6.1 Floodprone Width (ft) 32.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.0 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.5 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (ft) 5.9 Width/Depth Ratio 6.3 Entrenchment Ratio 5.3 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Left Descending Bank Right Descending Bank Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 29 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Project Name: Middle South Muddy Reach Name: South Muddy Creek K(.VM 1115! XS Type: Riffle Station: 102+79 Left Descending Bank Right Descending Bank Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 30 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 1278 1276 Z 1274 d t. 1272 c 1270 ------------------ ----- ----- -------------------------- ------------------------------ ----- ----- 1268 v F� 1266 1264 1262 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50 0+55 0+60 0+65 0+70 0+75 0+80 0+85 0+90 Station (feet) ' MYO ----- BKF CHANNEL DINIENS IONS SUMMARY MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Bankful Width (ft) 31.6 Floodprone Width (ft) 65.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.6 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 2.3 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (ft2)1 50.5 Width/Depth Ratio 19.8 Entrenchment Ratio 2.1 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Left Descending Bank Right Descending Bank Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 30 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Project Name: Middle South Muddy XS Number: 5 Station: 107+45 Reach Name: South Muddy Creek XS Type: Riffle Left Descending Bank Right Descending Bank i Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 31 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 1276 1274 Z 1272 d 1270 c 1268 1266 v F� 1264 1262 1260 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50 0+55 0+60 0+65 0+70 0+75 0+80 0+85 0+90 Station (feet) ' MYO ----- BKF CHANNEL DINIENS IONS SUMMARY MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Bankful Width (ft) 30.7 Floodprone Width (ft) 101.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.9 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 2.8 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (ft2)1 59.0 Width/Depth Ratio 15.9 Entrenchment Ratio 3.3 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Left Descending Bank Right Descending Bank i Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 31 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Project Name: Middle South Muddy Reach Name: South Muddy Creek K(.VM 111��:7 XS Type: Pool Station: 108+57 Left Descending Bank Right Descending Bank Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 32 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 1274 1272 d 1270 w 1268 e 0 1266 b 1264 1262 1260 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50 0+55 0+60 0+65 0+70 0+75 0+80 0+85 0+90 0+95 Station (feet) ' MYO ----- BKF CHANNEL DINIENS IONS SUMMARY MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Bankful Width (ft) 35.3 Floodprone Width (ft) 166.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 2.4 BankfullMax Depth (ft) 4.0 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (ft ) 85.7 Width/Depth Ratio 14.5 Entrenchment Ratio 4.7 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Left Descending Bank Right Descending Bank Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 32 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Project Name: Middle South Muddy XS Number: 7 Reach Name: South Muddv Creek XS Tvne: Riffle Station: 109+57 Left Descending Bank Right Descending Bank Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 33 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 1274 1272 v 1270 w 1268 a ---- 0 ------------------------- --------- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---------------- ----------- --------------------------------- ---- 1266 1266 b 1264 1262 1260 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 0+50 0+55 0+60 0+65 0+70 0+75 0+80 0+85 0+90 Station (feet) - MY0 ----- BKF CHANNEL DIMENSIONS SUMMARY MYo MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Bankful Width (ft) 31.0 Floodprone Width (ft) 88.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 2.1 Bankfull Max Depth (11) 2.9 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (ft ) 64.9 Width/Depth Ratio 14.8 Entrenchment Ratio 2.8 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Left Descending Bank Right Descending Bank Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 33 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Project Name: Middle South Muddy XS Number: 8 Station: 302+13 Reach Name: Unner iva Branch XS Tvne: Pool Left Descending Bank Right Descending Bank Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 34 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 1292 1291 1290 1289 1288 c 1287 -------------- -------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ 1286 1285 1285 1284 1283 1282 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 Station (feet) ' MYO ----- BKF CHANNEL DINIENS IONS SUMMARY MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Bankful Width (ft) 5.5 Floodprone Width (ft) 17.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.0 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.8 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (ft2)1 5.7 Width/Depth Ratio 5.4 Entrenchment Ratio 3.1 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Left Descending Bank Right Descending Bank Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 34 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Project Name: Middle South Muddy XS Number: 9 Station: 302+82 Reach Name: Upper Iva Branch XS Type: Riffle Left Descending Bank Right Descending Bank Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 35 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 1291 1290 1289 1288 1287 c 1286 --------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------- � 1255 b 1284 1283 1282 1281 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 Station (feet) ' MYO ----- BKF CHANNEL DINIENS IONS SUMMARY MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Bankful Width (ft) 4.6 Floodprone Width (ft) 14.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.4 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.7 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (ft2)1 1.9 Width/Depth Ratio 11.0 Entrenchment Ratio 3.0 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Left Descending Bank Right Descending Bank Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 35 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Project Name: Middle South Muddy Reach Name: Upper Iva Branch Kf-U[ii'i11,i [11 XS Type: Riffle Station: 304+20 Left Descending Bank Right Descending Bank Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 36 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 1283 1282 1281 1280 1279 c 1278 1277 b 1276 1275 1274 1273 0+00 0+05 0+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 Station (feet) ' MYO ----- BKF CHANNEL DEMENS IONS SUMMARY MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Bankful Width (ft) 5.3 Floodprone Width (ft) 17.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.4 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.6 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (ft2)1 2.1 Width/Depth Ratio 13.3 Entrenchment Ratio 3.2 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Left Descending Bank Right Descending Bank Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 36 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Appendix C Vegetation Data This Page Intentionally Left Blank P=Planted, T=Planted & Volunteer Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 39 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Table 7. Current Plot Data (MYO 2016) Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Site Current Plot Data (MYO 2016) Annual Means Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Plot 1 PnoLS P -all T Plot 2 Plot 3 PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all T Plot 4 PnoLS P -all T Plot 5 PnoLS P -all T MYO (2016) PnoLS P -all T Acer rubrum var. rubrun Red maple Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 7 11 11 11 Betula nigra River birch Tree 3 3 3 2 2 2 5 5 5 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 Cercis canadensis Eastern redbud Tree I 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green ash Tree 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 2 2 2 11 11 11 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 4 4 4 7 7 7 1 1 1 6 6 6 2 2 2 201 201 20 Ulmus americana American elm Tree 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 7 7 7 Stem count 13 13 13 13 13 13 10 10 10 11 11 11 13 13 13 60 60 60 size (ares) 1 1 1 1 1 5 size (ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.12 Species count 51 5 5 51 51 5 41 41 4 41 41 4 41 41 4 71 71 7 Stems per ACRE 526 526 526 5261 526 526 4051 405 405 4451 4451 45 5261 526 526 4861 486 486 P=Planted, T=Planted & Volunteer Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 39 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Table 8. Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Site Vegetation Vegetation Plot Survival Tract Mean ID Threshold Met? 1 Yes 100% 2 Yes 3 Yes 4 Yes 5 Yes Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 40 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 1 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2 Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 41 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 4 Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 42 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 5 Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 43 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5 Page Intentionally Left Blank Appendix D Permanent Photo Stations Upper Sprouse Branch — Permanent Photo Station 1 Looking Downstream Upper Sprouse Branch — Permanent Photo Station 2 Looking Downstream Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 46 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' Lower Sprouse Branch — Permanent Photo Station 3 Looking Downstream at Cross -Section 1 Lower Sprouse Branch — Permanent Photo Station 4 Looking Downstream, Northwest- 292 degrees Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 47 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' Lower Sprouse Branch — Permanent Photo Station 4 Looking Upstream; South 182 degrees Lower Sprouse Branch — Permanent Photo Station 5 Looking Downstream at Cross -Section 2 Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 48 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' Lower Sprouse Branch — Permanent Photo Station 6 Looking Downstream at Cross -Section 3 Lower Sprouse Branch — Permanent Photo Station 7 Looking Upstream from Crossing Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 49 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' XS ,F�4 1 All -' VA - Lower Sprouse Branch — Permanent Photo Station 6 Looking Downstream at Cross -Section 3 Lower Sprouse Branch — Permanent Photo Station 7 Looking Upstream from Crossing Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 49 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' Lower Sprouse Branch — Permanent Photo Station 8 Station 101+50 - Looking Upstream at Confluence with South Muddy South Muddy Creek — Permanent Photo Station 8 Station 101+50 - Looking Downstream Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 50 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' South Muddy Creek — Permanent Photo Station 8 Station 101+50 - Looking Upstream South Muddy Creek — Permanent Photo Station 9 Station 102+75 - Looking Downstream at Cross -Section 4 Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 51 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' South Muddy Creek — Permanent Photo Station 10 Station 104+75 - Looking Upstream from Bridge South Muddy Creek — Permanent Photo Station 10 Station 104+75 - Looking Downstream from Bridge Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 52 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' South Muddy Creek — Permanent Photo Station 11 Station 107+45 - Looking Downstream at Cross -Section 5 South Muddy Creek — Permanent Photo Station 12 Station 108+58- Looking Downstream at Cross -Section 6 Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 53 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' South Muddy Creek — Permanent Photo Station 13 Station 109+58 - Looking Downstream at Cross -Section 7 Lower South Muddy Creek — Permanent Photo Station 14 Station 111+20 - Looking Upstream Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 54 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' Lower Iva Branch — Permanent Photo Station 14 Station 111+20 - Looking Upstream from Confluence Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 55 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' Lower South Muddy Creek — Permanent Photo Station 15 Station 112+62 - Looking Upstream Upper Iva Branch — Permanent Photo Station 16 Station 300+50 - Looking Downstream Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 56 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' Upper Iva Branch — Permanent Photo Station 18 Station 300+50 - Looking Downstream at Cross -Section 9 Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 57 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' Upper Iva Branch — Permanent Photo Station 19 Station 303+75 - Looking Upstream Upper Iva Branch — Permanent Photo Station 20 Station 300+50 - Looking Downstream at Cross -Section 10 Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 58 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' Lower Iva Branch — Permanent Photo Station 22 Station 305+85 - Looking Upstream from Crossing Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 59 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' 1-4 z -.. •- s. _- yi J Upper Iva Branch — Permanent Photo Station 21 Station 305+10 - Looking Upstream Lower Iva Branch — Permanent Photo Station 22 Station 305+85 - Looking Upstream from Crossing Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 59 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' Haney Tract — Permanent Photo Station 23 Looking Upstream South Muddy Creek Haney Tract — Permanent Photo Station 24 Looking Upstream South Muddy Creek Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 60 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' Haney Tract — Permanent Photo Station 25 Looking Downstream Tributary to South Muddy Creek Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 61 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' Haney Tract — Permanent Photo Station 26 Looking Upstream South Muddy Creek Haney Tract — Permanent Photo Station 26 Looking Downstream South Muddy Creek Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 62 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' 1• L � 7. -. ,- �f r MIA s .�, 9 r, �R• c Y '�° aye.,' �'�r�?�� �w l� tib R y � ' �i��e'�.'° �. � '-�� � ifs � �*,'S�1�lCr a t3•!��$���z��aA4"� z - 7-7 j a ,. Haney Tract — Permanent Photo Station 27 Looking Downstream South Muddy Creek Haney Tract — Permanent Photo Station 28 Looking Upstream South Muddy Creek Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 64 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' Haney Tract — Permanent Photo Station 28 Looking Downstream South Muddy Creek Haney Tract — Permanent Photo Station 28 Looking Upstream Tributary to South Muddy Creek Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 65 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' Haney Tract — Permanent Photo Station 29 Looking Upstream South Muddy Creek Haney Tract — Permanent Photo Station 30 Looking Downstream Tributary to South Muddy Creek Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 66 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' Haney Tract — Permanent Photo Station 31 Looking Upstream Tributary to South Muddy Creek Middle South Muddy Stream Restoration Project 67 Equinox NCDMS Project No. 93875 Baseline Monitoring Document Monitoring Year 0 of 5' Page Intentionally Left Blank Appendix E Record Set I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 16th DAY OF OCTOBER, 2015. CAR04 /, � toSEAL/59� DAVID S. TURNER, P.L.S. # -4551 -r- L-4551 0: SUR. . AS -BUILT SURVEY OF MIDDLE SOUTH MUDDY STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT McDOWELL COUNTY, NC NCEEP PROJECT# 93875 `' =� REFERENCES: nWNFR- NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF MITIGATION SERVICES (Formerly ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM) 217 WEST JONES ST., SUITE 3000A RALEIGH, INC 27603 (919)707-8976 EEP PROJ. MANAGER: PAUL WIESNER DESIGNER: WOLF CREEK ENGINEERING 12 1/2 WALL ST., SUITE C ASHEVILLE, INC 28801 (828)449-1930 CONTRACTOR: RIVER WORKS, INC RALEIGH, NC (919)582-3574 AS -BUILT SURVEY CONTROL POINTS: O � u PT# Northing(Y) Easting(X) Elev(Z) Description Lo > O cE BRANCH -- OC�C� 1 672158.10 1130953.56 1282.72 gps ex-cpt __ 2 673478.96 1130950.27 1297.86 gps ex-cpt N �Zt3��o 3 673452.70 1131296.97 1333.32 gps ex-cpt Z=� v I•I 4 672057.12 1131154.83 1292.76 ex-cpt I L 11.3 1 7 672800.62 1130666.80 1274.05 ex-cpt J 5 ro � 8 673147.99 1130799.81 1274.65 ex-cpt w W 3 13 673382.71 1130944.29 1285.23 ex-cpt 19 W Of 19 672407.91 1130716.16 1273.52 gps ex-cpt ., W J Q F 7 a0 Q 20 672308.95 1130745.51 1274.55 TLS#20 NAIL z � W I- < Q IVA 21 673004.77 1130515.40 1271.32 TLS#21 NAIL Z QLU o J l BRANCH 22 673312.03 1130536.44 1270.22 TLS#22 NAIL Q F � 23 673356.48 1130701.97 1269.09 TLS#23 NAIL 5 U) Lu 24 673314.66 1131119.75 1300.75 TLS#24 NAIL 25 673537.90 1130640.33 1268.22 TLS#25 NAIL \ I z z 26 673293.08 1130839.46 1278.23 TLS#26 NAIL J Q U 2 Q 27 672794.03 1130562.20 1271.40 TLS#27 NAIL W z SHEET INDEX SHEET 1 - TITLE, VICINITY MAP, & SHEET INDEX GENERAL NOTES: SHEET 2 - SOUTH MUDDY CREEK STA. 101+00 TO 105+00 I 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. oo 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD83(2011) & VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. SHEET 3 - SOUTH MUDDY CREEK STA. 105+00 TO 110+00 3. CONTROL IS BASED ON EXISTING CONTROL DATA PROVIDED BY THE c z G O Lu o -) J DESIGNER AND RECOVERED DURING THE CONSTRUCTION & AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SHEET 4 - SOUTH MUDDY CREEK STA. 110+00 TO 113+00 ADDITIONAL CONTROL WAS ESTABLISHED USING TOTAL STATION METHODS AND CONFIRMED DURING AS -BUILT SURVEY. AS -BUILT CONTROL POINTS ARE SHEET 5 - SPROUSE BRANCH 200+00 TO 202+50 I LISTED ON SHEET 1. SHEET 6 - SPROUSE BRANCH 202+50 TO 205+00 (n�z 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES > WCf) W NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. SHEET 7 - SPROUSE BRANCH 205+00 TO 207+50 I 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY IS TO SHOW THE POST CONSTRUCTION Q F CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM AND GRADING RELATED TO THE MIDDLE SOUTH SHEET 8 - SPROUSE BRANCH 207+50 TO 208+10 MUDDY CREEK STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL 0 m W z UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, & BOUNDARIES. SHEET 9 - IVA BRANCH 300+00 TO 302+50 05/18/2015 6. INFORMATION SHOWN OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY WAS PROVIDED BY THE DESIGNER AND WAS NOT VERIFIED BY TURNER LAND SHEET 10 - IVA BRANCH 302+50 to 305+00 SURVEYING, PLLC. 7. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. FOR CONSERVATION SHEET 11 - IVA BRANCH 305+00 TO 307+20 EASEMENT SEE PLAT RECORDED IN McDOWELL COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS SHEET 12 -IVA DITCH 400+00 TO 401+22.90 OFFICE PLAT BOOK 21, PAGE 34. FILE: MSM CREEK 93875 AB_TILS _F.dwg SHEET 13 - CROSS SECTIONS AS SHOWN O Lo > O U OC�C� Nm N �Zt3��o 5 Z=� v 3 mL 0-)LLJ L 11.3 F W N �0 Qr\ M D ro � 3 3 w W 3 19 W Of N J W J Q F 7 a0 Q z � W I- < Q Z QLU o J Q F � z 0 F U) Lu ° 0 z z J Q U 2 Q 0 O W z z �U W MM) LO 00 oo ^�M � CL 06 �- z 0 c z G O Lu o -) J `\\\ O 0 z O W U (n�z > WCf) W JW J I..L- Q F G 0 m W z DATE: 05/18/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -15-007 FILE: MSM CREEK 93875 AB_TILS _F.dwg SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 1 of 13 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND 21 ' SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY `^ THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER ` £SQ MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE VN - -- --------------- '-., EXISTING EX REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND --------- OVERHEAD GRAVEL I THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ------------------------ .., UTILITY o ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED -_---- ' � LIMITS OF HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION AS -BUILT / ^� x NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 16th DAY OF OCTOBER, 2015. (Y� �2�5 /SURVEY L cf) ; o n I •``�� �� CARoIi�'% f -J1272 ` t :y \ DAVID S. TURNER, P.L.S. L-4551 s L-4551 0: 1 0 G/ �`. EXISTING D s. t��.` �\ STREAM CONSERVATION ; EASEMENTrl ; BY OTHERS O ^- r-- FENCE 30 N I — 30 30 D 30 30 30 ^ ;1 1 30 / BRUSH LOG SILL —3� _ D % z�' LOG J SOUTH TOE THALWEG — — _ 3� DN % It I ; HOOK MUDDY CREEK �� — — — _ a� Nr .� , I — \ o _- _ " ` -------------------- ------ — - EX. � n c � ® TRANSP 1271 � � ��_ jBRiDGE � � ch� I — / I SPROUSE BRANCH SEE SHEETS 5-8 AS—BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED JULY 2015 20' 0' 20' 40' SCALE: 1 "=20' (22x34) 1 "=40' (1 1 x17) CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' NOTES: 1. SEE SHEET 1 FOR NOTES. 2. SEE SHEET 13 FOR CROSS SECTIONS. 1270 1270 0 co o �0 PROFILE SCALE r� J �� rn AS -BUILT LONGITUDINAL PROFILE HORIZONTAL: 1"=20'(22x34) o NJN LEGEND: + r M 1"=40'(11x17) +u co fy_ooN SOUTH MUDDY CREEK VERTICAL: 1"=2'(22x34) ""D to — . — . — • — • —THALWEG +zU) --jr N 1"=4'(11x17) CON It 1268 - — — — — — -TOP OF BANK/TERRACE 1268 owzo STA 101+00 TO 105+00 r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - BANK/TERRACE TOE �07U N o c`\l CE CONSERVATION EASEMENT ��? M X x FENCE c� m n 00 `� Co -•---...._----........... - .... -............... LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY N(oo `r N CD (6 n n C o 1266 ---y---x-- —EXISTING FENCE 1266 �N 00 W co N c5 6 NN 4 m N o a N cD cD c0 N p O) — EX. PROPERTY LINE (0 co N 04 00 m uri (NOT SURVEYED) N N N M ((0 N N N N LOG 0CONTROL o J HOOK POINT 1264 1264 N TOE BRUSH TRANSPLANT co 1262 1262 101+00 +20 +40 +60 +80 102+00 +20 +40 +60 +80 103+00 +20 +40 +60 +80 104+00 +20 +40 +60 +80 105+00 O U W0-) DD > coo 0.g 0N N j Z 00 `w w 0 z F ) m0 LLJ r (D rnw`v c cm W �_�� N Lu �'� °L 3 m W 3 w 19 uj D W J J y Z Q Q F- 04 z w ul o a Z o Q J H J Q� o� N uS W z O o � a z z c:) 0 o a J m LO LL w Q< O � z Q�- �- U o Cn � >-4� o p�cy) p� Q p �Z � �ZW0 p aW w =�-o w pryw Uw >- 0Oz p C/) F. � JW !>— p0� r p 75 O O m LU z DATE: 05/18/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -15-007 FILE: MSM CREEK 931175 AB TLS F.dwg SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 2 of 13 2 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND AS–BUILT SURVEY BY: THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED SURVEYED JULY 2015 HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 16th DAY OF OCTOBER , 2015. 20' 0' 20' 40' �o�oFEssiati'�v SCALE: 1 "-20' (22x34) £gaidN ' Q�osEL: = 1 =40 (11x17) L-4551 o _ CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' DAVID S. TURN R, P.L. . #L-4551 s LEGEND: —•—.—•—•—THALWEG – — — — — — – TOP OF BANK/TERRACE - – – – – – – – – – – – - BANK/TERRACE TOE cE CONSERVATION EASEMENT ......* - -----------------* FENCE .........- . -----••- LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY _-- <-------- -_. -- EXISTING FENCE — EX. PROPERTY LINE (NOT SURVEYED) LOG 0CONTROL J HOOK POINT BRUSHTRANSPLANT TOEor- \ � 'V' DITCH 7' W/ CLASS B RIPRAP I W��— W„ E _ SOUTH MUDDY CREEK W I PERMANENT STREAM Z CROSSING (FORD) I 1-268 LOG J [ r i HOOK ja262' !'% 270 + 7267 1269 1267 1269 n ; DI TCH W/ LASS B RIPRAP 127p� GATE 24"CMP ---f267.114 '-EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITY 0 1268---T T— r- co N 1266N N N(0 (0o N 04 N O co 1264 1262 105+00 +20 +40 +60 +80 THALWEG BANK TOE / / LA TRANSPLANTS / 1269 i STOP OF BANK RUSH TOE LOG SILL --.-__ '• �J as '--------------------- FEN E --- ------ ---_- ------------------------ _ LIMITS OF AS–BUILT SURVEY NOTES: 1. SEE SHEET 1 FOR NOTES. 2. SEE SHEET 13 FOR CROSS SECTIONS. 106+00 +20 AS -BUILT LONGITUDINAL PROFILE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK STA 105+00 TO 110+00 LOr O N O 00 N � ,— c0 +40 +60 PROFILE SCALE HORIZONTAL: 1 "=20'(22x34) 1"=40'(11x17) VERTICAL: 1"=2'(22x34) 1 "=4'(11 x17) to O N 0404 of 0) Nj O O O N N N co N +80 107+00 +20 +40 +60 +80 108+00 +20 OJ ") - o DO U) M + U) O O N � i- t() rl co N 't O O N d N 0 CO N N M O N +40 +60 +80 1268 \2s6 \ �\ F�0 \ LTJ•,. \ 726(8 _ U P- O N --------------� o a, n LO to d 04 04 O T O 1264 04 I 1268 1266 1262 109+00 +20 +40 +60 +80 110+00 LO O U LL1tx � to �' m N �CV� i� 73 w Lu OZF U)EN Z rn c LLJ = 0 •— m 0 LLI C v Lu _ U)� M O 3 m 3 W 3 L x Q) z J I - 'Lu F- co Q Z F- 2 Z W (10 � O< Z o Z Q J Q m J o z U) N w Z O o ui a z Z 0 JO 0 5 U C L it Q O �. z ry o �U MW ++ �)L0 LO O QO00 M Q c)n'"� Hz �zLu U �Ow W W �w L.L 0 Opp � z 0 JW 2 C� Q F U) co O w w z DATE: 05/18/2015 �— SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -15-007 FILE: MSM CREEK-93875� AB TLS F.dwg SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 3 of 13 ---------------------- --- --- 1272 ,------ D �m ----------- CONSERVATION TIONr; -------------------- EASEMENT --------- BY OTHERS -- D 272 - ---- ---- z-{ --------------------- __ _ D N r CCE _�_ N X 'V' DITCH 7' W/ CLASS B RIPRAP I W��— W„ E _ SOUTH MUDDY CREEK W I PERMANENT STREAM Z CROSSING (FORD) I 1-268 LOG J [ r i HOOK ja262' !'% 270 + 7267 1269 1267 1269 n ; DI TCH W/ LASS B RIPRAP 127p� GATE 24"CMP ---f267.114 '-EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITY 0 1268---T T— r- co N 1266N N N(0 (0o N 04 N O co 1264 1262 105+00 +20 +40 +60 +80 THALWEG BANK TOE / / LA TRANSPLANTS / 1269 i STOP OF BANK RUSH TOE LOG SILL --.-__ '• �J as '--------------------- FEN E --- ------ ---_- ------------------------ _ LIMITS OF AS–BUILT SURVEY NOTES: 1. SEE SHEET 1 FOR NOTES. 2. SEE SHEET 13 FOR CROSS SECTIONS. 106+00 +20 AS -BUILT LONGITUDINAL PROFILE SOUTH MUDDY CREEK STA 105+00 TO 110+00 LOr O N O 00 N � ,— c0 +40 +60 PROFILE SCALE HORIZONTAL: 1 "=20'(22x34) 1"=40'(11x17) VERTICAL: 1"=2'(22x34) 1 "=4'(11 x17) to O N 0404 of 0) Nj O O O N N N co N +80 107+00 +20 +40 +60 +80 108+00 +20 OJ ") - o DO U) M + U) O O N � i- t() rl co N 't O O N d N 0 CO N N M O N +40 +60 +80 1268 \2s6 \ �\ F�0 \ LTJ•,. \ 726(8 _ U P- O N --------------� o a, n LO to d 04 04 O T O 1264 04 I 1268 1266 1262 109+00 +20 +40 +60 +80 110+00 LO O U LL1tx � to �' m N �CV� i� 73 w Lu OZF U)EN Z rn c LLJ = 0 •— m 0 LLI C v Lu _ U)� M O 3 m 3 W 3 L x Q) z J I - 'Lu F- co Q Z F- 2 Z W (10 � O< Z o Z Q J Q m J o z U) N w Z O o ui a z Z 0 JO 0 5 U C L it Q O �. z ry o �U MW ++ �)L0 LO O QO00 M Q c)n'"� Hz �zLu U �Ow W W �w L.L 0 Opp � z 0 JW 2 C� Q F U) co O w w z DATE: 05/18/2015 �— SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -15-007 FILE: MSM CREEK-93875� AB TLS F.dwg SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 3 of 13 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 16th DAY OF OCTOBER, 2015. ` u1 CA"/ p9��.... ROli ✓ � 2�pFESS/p�?y SEAL��: DAVM S. TURNER, P. .S. #L-4551 L-4551 SUR,4.- "fiiSiiiIU,\\\\`\` AS -BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED JULY 2015 20' 0' 20' 40' SCALE: 1 "=20' (22x34) 1 "=40' (1 1 x 17) CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' LEGEND: —.—.—•—•—THALWEG - — — — — — - TOP OF BANK/TERRACE - - - - - - - - - - - - - BANK/TERRACE TOE CE CONSERVATION EASEMENT x * FENCE ------•----------------------•-••-----•-••------- LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY - ----x - EXISTING FENCE — EX. PROPERTY LINE (NOT SURVEYED) LOG Q CONTROL J HOOK POINT ammznBRUSH TRANSPLANT TOE NOTES: 1. SEE SHEET 1 FOR NOTES. 2. SEE SHEET 13 FOR CROSS SECTIONS. CONSERVATION EASEMENT BY OTHERS -------------------- - SOUTH IVA BRANCH SEE SHEETS 9-11 1268 1266 •�� �t,17 /LIMITS OF I AS -BUILT SURVEY I NCE _ I E__ I ._CE1 I` �r¢ _ (CA- 1264 to N E N N N c0 N r N 00 U) PROFILE SCALE � N 1262AS-BUILT LONGITUDINAL PROFILE HORIZONTAL: 1"=20'(22x34) N N SOUTH MUDDY CREEK 1"=40'(11x17) N STA 110+00 TO 112+75.16 VERTICAL: 1 1"=4'(11 x17) x172x34) ) 1260 110+00 +20 +40 +60 +80 111+00 +20 +40 EXISTING FENCE w- - 0 0 _._.4- 1268 L0 o U LLI � 00 t�CVN jam, F- Z w_ N OZO�_0 LLJ rd m U1 _j0 W Qr�, Lu wMSO 3 m W 3 W W�U z W 'jw J a CiL Z W V) Z Z a LU J L3 z U w Z O o �o LU Q O z J O + Q U M F r 0 z z O U o MW + o �0� p()� ce) F-- z U)�z�o Clow W =�ao LLJ� �QW� U >_ 000 JW 0 cL Q 0r�� VJ O m W z DATE: 05/18/2015 �— SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -15-007 FILE: MSM CREEK_93875 _AB_TLS _F.dwg SCALE: AS SHOWN =o:f:l c� Z Z Z (n cn U Z Z 0 x N o U U O D 1266 r PO U ED N O U1 —Z N N <{ no �U N + No N o M z �W 1264 m N O 't c0 O O N N [O N p,j N �,.� c0 irj N n N N 1262 1260 +60 +80 112+00 +20 +40 +60 +80 L0 o U LLI � 00 t�CVN jam, F- Z w_ N OZO�_0 LLJ rd m U1 _j0 W Qr�, Lu wMSO 3 m W 3 W W�U z W 'jw J a CiL Z W V) Z Z a LU J L3 z U w Z O o �o LU Q O z J O + Q U M F r 0 z z O U o MW + o �0� p()� ce) F-- z U)�z�o Clow W =�ao LLJ� �QW� U >_ 000 JW 0 cL Q 0r�� VJ O m W z DATE: 05/18/2015 �— SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -15-007 FILE: MSM CREEK_93875 _AB_TLS _F.dwg SCALE: AS SHOWN =o:f:l I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 16th DAY OF OCTOBER, 2015. \ 9- SEAL .r L-4551 DAVID S. TURNER, P. .S. #L-4551 OliSiiI 3D - GATE FENCE PE MANENT STREAM CR SSING (FORD) \ \ \7 BASE DITCH W/CLASS "I" RIPRAP F��ST�c /I\F + \� CONSERVATION \ EASEMENT BY OTHERS NOTES: 1. SEE SHEET 1 FOR NOTES. LEGEND: ` BOULDER — • — • — • —THALWEG �i ARCH - — — — — - TOP OF BANK/TERRACE -----------BANK/TERRACE TOE BOULDER CE CONSERVATION EASEMENT STEP X FENCE13 --------------------LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY LOG SILL -- x-- - - x-- EXISTING FENCE EX. PROPERTY LINE BRUSH TOE (NOT SURVEYED) CONTROL TRANSPLANT o POINT RIPRAP LIMITS OF AS—BUILT SURVEY ---------------------------- AS—BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED MAY & JULY 2015 10' 0' 10' 20' P% IIIIIIIIIIIIIIE SCALE: 1 "=10' (22x34) 1 "=20' (1 1 x17) CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' BOULDER ARCH 201 +73 BEGIN SPROUSE BRANCH CONSTRUCTION lb OP OF /TERRAC TERRACE Ix TOE l � r � l EX. SPROUSE \ BRANCH 0 SPROUSE BRANCH Cb LIMITS OF-------"' AS—BUILT SURVEY ; ; TOP OF BANK i BANK \ TOE THALWEG \ \ BOULDER _ STEP Ltd _Ce / FENCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT _CE_� BY OTHERS - --------------------------------------------- ---- o U Lu 00 >c0�OO ACV N jpz- z 00 W w 0zrn �O Z 0) C LL1CNI = m (J L wuj ^QIP 73 m�0 3 a_ 3m W 3 w x w F W J C9 J C9 Q z w a � � °z o Z Q w .� w J a o ui W z o W 0 w z z 0 c:) a U F c:) z N W o �U c:)VJ � o >-0rZ C) ��rn c%4 C) Z)zW0 U Dow _ �~L U Dew Q 00 � m v^� !�z LJJ !^^ v! u JW C) 0. r U O m w z DATE: 05/18/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -15-007 FILE: MSM CREEK 93875 AB TLS_F.dwg SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 5 of 13 PROFILE SCALE AS -BUILT LONGITUDINAL PROFILE HORIZONTAL: 1"=10'(22x34) SPROUSE BRANCH 1"=20'(11x17) VERTICAL: 1"=2'(22x34) STA 201+60 TO 202+50 1 "=4'(11 x17) 1286 1286 Z o U Li V, U 0) 6 rl� � cj� 00 00oM inn 1284 o o 0 w 1284 Z NU 0 o c00v NO]— NM +z r w U' X Li F O W N 00 N W N CO N 00 N 1282 allo N dMN 0 Co m 00 1282 NO N N C4N N 00 ad C4OC) 04 Cb NO X 00 N — — N N N— N It 0 M r7 pp r- 0pp pp a0 r' o N 0O 00 M 0OOO -t 12801280 0 00 N -00 0 N 000 00' � N of fl- 04 N 1278 1278 201+60 +70 +80 +90 202+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 o U Lu 00 >c0�OO ACV N jpz- z 00 W w 0zrn �O Z 0) C LL1CNI = m (J L wuj ^QIP 73 m�0 3 a_ 3m W 3 w x w F W J C9 J C9 Q z w a � � °z o Z Q w .� w J a o ui W z o W 0 w z z 0 c:) a U F c:) z N W o �U c:)VJ � o >-0rZ C) ��rn c%4 C) Z)zW0 U Dow _ �~L U Dew Q 00 � m v^� !�z LJJ !^^ v! u JW C) 0. r U O m w z DATE: 05/18/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -15-007 FILE: MSM CREEK 93875 AB TLS_F.dwg SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 5 of 13 1282 1276 1274 n lyW �� r- 0 OR m m w a N -t�r- r 1280 � LO O O f -N N O �0 N 0] (n� '00 0 Ln O W p O 000 O00 N to,o 0 r 4� t� N N M N M cr0 O rr � O O O M O d 00 O N Oq MJrN 000 000 0�i 000 000r M 0 N MN N�r M 00 +70 +80 NN 0) M � 0 205+00 1278 00 ^ � M u7 WOO 1276 1274 n lyW �� r- 0 OR m m w a O r N N NDW00000 .4 cn M 00 r O O.. LO O O f -N N O �0 N 0] (n� '00 0 Ln O W O O^ L N N 0O �^ th r N to,o 0 r 4� t� 00 r N -N N M U) M rr �000 W O O O M O d N N Oq MJrN 000 000 0�i 000 000r M 0 N MN N�r M 00 +70 +80 NN 0) M � 0 205+00 N 00 ^ � M u7 WOO r N N 0) 00 r N M 0) N r a- N N CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' O c O DO r- co � N N N AS -BUILT LONGITUDINAL PROFILE SPROUSE BRANCH I- STA 202+50 TO 205+00 a O r N N M 00 r O LO r M r O W O O^ L N th r 0 r 4� t� rwM -N N N U) NN N r N O 0 �000 W �O d �� M N MJrN 000 W N +70 +80 M � 205+00 N N N N WOO N to N NCO a- ko 0 + + MJr N N D 00 LO ' 07 O O N N W N M M O N N 00 DO c0 (0 M N�} N O0 O0 N c0 DO Nk N 00 N r N �co A 00 �N N 00 N 04 n't M NN r, M 00 N N N N^ N MO) M 04 N n - 04 r N rO r N rr r Nr N f' N AS -BUILT LONGITUDINAL PROFILE SPROUSE BRANCH I- STA 202+50 TO 205+00 M r N M ^ N O r N N M 00 r O LO r M r O ui r N �N O O^ L N th r 0 r 4� t� rwM -N N N NNgm NN N r N O 0 �000 W �O d �� n^ MJrN 000 W N +70 +80 OON 205+00 N N N N WOO N to N ko N N r 00 LO ' M N O N NN DO (0 M N�} N O0 O0 c0 Nk N N �co A �N N NN M r N M ^ N O r N N M 00 r O LO PROFILE SCALE HORIZONTAL: 1 "=10'(22x34) 1"=20'(11x17) VERTICAL: 1 "=2'(22x34) 1 "=4'(11 x17) d W r O O M M J00 N N M p N W + + J O F Lo r NJN ImN 0) n N 0� � (D 0) M . 0) t0 O M 00 r O LO r M r L� M N M r ui r N �N O O^ L N th r 0 r 4� t� N O N -N N N NNgm NN N r N O 0 �O N �� n^ 000 N +70 +80 +90 205+00 N N N N N N N N 1272+70 +80 +90 203+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 +80 +90 204+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 202+50 +60 W W F- CO cn M O WO r OM +J� d 0 0r H O 0] O 00 r N 1282 1280 1278 In N CO � n 0) Fn(q + a ON O N 1276 O N J— co M 00 r O LO 1274 Nn N p .4. O O r d: 0 r 4� t� N N N It N r NN N r N N N 1272 +70 +80 +90 205+00 Ln o U W Oar, 00 0(V N cm �� z 00 "W U� m Lu �zcy70 ) J) rn c uJ = AWN v w ^ _j I _� m�0 3 � I � 3 w 3 w W U z D W J a a F � zN Z Q t� z aW LU a Lo o Lu W z O o � w > o w a a z O CD a O U + CD z N WF_ 0 ryU W L0�Lr) +>-O00 o ��� �z �ZWo U �0o� _~a U �w Q Of0oz m I— JW C)0. V O ED w z DATE: 0 5/1 81201 5 SURVEYED BY: DSTlJAP DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -15-007 FILE: MSM CREEK 93875 _AB_TLS _F.dwg SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 6 of 13 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA., HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 16th DAY OF OCTOBER, 2015. CARO 41 - 61DSEAL'#9� DAVID S. TURNER, P. S. #L-4551 - _� L-4551: NOTES: 1. SEE SHEET 1 FOR NOTES. 30 30 0 30 '• 30 - LEGEND: COD, BOULDER - •-- - -'--- THALWEG ARCH -- -- — — TOP OF BANK/TERRACE O � V W 07) 00 000 ----------�-----BANK/TERRACE TOE CE CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOULDER STEP FENCE Lo ---------------------LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY LOG SILL EXISTING FENCE Lo + ---EX. PROPERTY LINE (NOT SURVEYED) TRANSPLANT / 0\ CONTROL �,..,_� POINT BRUSH TOE RiPRAP CONSERVATION EASEMENT BY OTHERS AS -BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED MAY & JULY 2015 10' 0' 10' 20' SCALE: 1 "=10' (22x34) 1"=20' (1 1 x 17) CONTOUR INTERVAL = l' LIMITS OF ____-- --- ------- ----- AS -BUILT SURVEY - -------- ------- - -- --------------------------------------- __________________________ _ T -----------_ CO___________ _______-------__-----ANTRO EX.t�) ^J 36"CMP ` ^RIPRAP BRUSH INV 1270.27 TRANSPLANT ��° TOE ■ CO BOULDER BRUSH N _ -' r ■ �- LOG THALWEG i 0 �- ■� STEP SILL TOP OF TOE LOG Q - `` -- _ O + BANK SILL 1273 s ` . ui + ■ - - -_ BANK -� �' -` _ Cr TOE `- -- /`f`�� - �_ ^ - LI r - s `.•.� ger✓ may, . "'� �• - + s .y r _ -ted � � _ _ �� 1_ - 1272 7� -� _ -_ ..,_ r� �- __ �_ _r_ LOG ■ ..-- -- ��� _ �- r -� _� f r — -- SILL --- Lij. 127 BOULDER72�� FLOW SPROUSE BOULDER ----_-- 12-73 ■ `� -- LOG STEP _�"`"� BRANCH STEP _._ r r � ■ � ■ '� __.- f ____ — t TOE BRUSH SILL j 3 6"CMP --■ - - \-7 I INV TOP OF 1270.25 INTERRACE C� TERRACE TOE 1278 1270 1268 205+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 00 00 J LO u (�1'i + L(7 oON +60 00 c� cc J W O � V W 07) 00 000 N C� + Lo N 00 L.Lj 1276 Lo + LL LO LN + 0? c LLJ 2 t►_ L:l, N mr 4 2 + Lu < a _ m°eQ � �M1 M1 � M1 O 0 N 1 r- N U N CN 1274 N N oU .— J M1 M1 N M1 f� 4 M1 r 00 �+ n Irl N N N � N Lc r') V-} N N M1 rrS N I! N M1 �(7 0 O N M1 r N I, N M1 N N CO rrj 1272 r N r- N cq r- N W ��N F— a_ W Q Z_ J O L U r + ` r a N J r R U9 F_ Q Lf) + Q a 1270 1268 205+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 00 00 J LO u (�1'i + L(7 oON +60 00 cc J �'3 J 00 O � V W 07) 00 000 N + Lo C{) 00 L.Lj Lq 0 N _ LO LN + 0? c LLJ 2 t►_ L:l, 0 O C'4 N + Lu < a _ m°eQ � �M1 N O 0 N 1 0 - O � V W 07) 00 000 c Lo C{) 00 L.Lj Lq w0LnFT) LO LN 0? c LLJ 2 t►_ L:l, o N + Lu < a _ m°eQ � �M1 cl-3 O 0 N LL U � J CO oU .— J Q M1 N n Irl Z Z W Q Lo N N + cQ : M1 •- I, N M1 O © N N J� �a Lli r N (D C) AS -BUILT LONGITUDINAL PROFILE SPROUSE BRANCH STA 205+00 TO 207+50 '003Ls CO M1 M1 CO _ Cp N rf lf7 M1 N Nt() N ro N ¢ M1 M1 q�} M? N N M1 N CQ T M1N M1 LnN N N r N C7 NN O 0 QD C7 N M1 M1 N M1 N N Op 04 Y_ (14 N 00 T N M1 N N M1 `- r-- CU -ta? M1 M1 F- a) N N N M1 N - N M1_ r�- N N T N T Nr' N N N - PROFILE SCALE HORIZONTAL: 1"=10'(22x34) 1"=20'(11x17) VERTICAL: 1"=2'(22x34) -- to 1=4'Ld (11x17) +70 +80 +90 206+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 +80 +90 207+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 GAT E- 1278 1276 1274 0') 1272 �LO + Uo r � M1 O co N N n 1270 1268 +50 O � V W 07) 00 000 c C{) 00 L.Lj V) w0LnFT) 0? c LLJ 2 t►_ aJCO o N Lu < a _ m°eQ cl-3 L w Lu cn w w z oU .— Lu 00f�� m co � > tz � Z Z W Q Lo cp O N O z + cQ : M1 C O 0 �a Lli 4 Q (D C) W ��N F— a_ W Q Z_ J O L U r + ` r a N J r O U9 F_ Q Lf) + Q a L0 0 0� cy)Q CL c) Z O Wu /" f 1� __3J V , 0 IJJ T Q CO N z w < 0 0 LuV Z w W u) �j LU D C) ry O 0 Vr - u) U) m LL] 2 DATE. 05118/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP D RAW N BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DSTIEGT N PROJECT: TLS -15-007 N N FILE: MSM CREEK 93875 _AB_TLS _F.dwg to 00 0 00 c i act � 000a N N M1 `— �' h M1 N N N p] N , _ r F� I`+ M1E` (V N N� Q Cn M1 M1 N N e- N , 0 s -r00 N M1' Q 00 h (] N M1 N �N 0 O 0 O '4 N M1 M1 M1 cq .— 0) CD N NN +70 +80 +90 206+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 +80 +90 207+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 GAT E- 1278 1276 1274 0') 1272 �LO + Uo r � M1 O co N N n 1270 1268 +50 O � V W 07) 00 000 c f- 00 L.Lj w0LnFT) 0? c LLJ 2 t►_ o �-- +-' �LtJCV �r -1 Lu < a _ m°eQ cl-3 L w Lu cn w w z J Lu Q m co � > tz � Z Z W Q Lo Q O z < C O 0 �a Lli 4 Q Q Z_ J O L U r + ` r a CNI Lu O LU C Q Lf) + Q a L0 0 0� cy)Q CL c) Z O Wu /" f 1� __3J V , 0 IJJ T Q C z w < 0 0 LuV Z w W u) �j LU D C) ry O 0 Q U) m LL] 2 DATE. 05118/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP D RAW N BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DSTIEGT PROJECT: TLS -15-007 FILE: MSM CREEK 93875 _AB_TLS _F.dwg SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 7 Of 13 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 16th DAY OF OCTOBER, 2015. ,/ ASN CARCO/ �' ?�pFESS%pti'1'y': ao)S' _ : SEA�� /-S�' : _ DAVID S. TURNER, P.L . #L-4551 = :y L-4551 0 2 %9L.0 SUR`I��`�� LEGEND: ` BOULDER • — • — • — THALWEGi ARCH - — — — — - TOP OF BANK/TERRACE -----------BANK/TERRACE TOE BOULDER CE CONSERVATION EASEMENT STEP X FENCE ---------------------LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY LOG SILL -- - ---- EXISTING FENCE EX. PROPERTY LINE BRUSH TOE (NOT SURVEYED) TRANSPLANT CONTROL POINT � RIPRAP AS—BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED MAY & JULY 2015 10' 0' 10' 20' SCALE: I"=10' (22x34) 1 "=20' (1 1 x17) CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' NOTES: 1. SEE SHEET 1 FOR NOTES. CONSERVATION EASEMENT BY OTHERS I IKAlTS nF I 1� 1 1 1 1 1 nn+LO PROFILE SCALE AS -BUILT LONGITUDINAL PROFILE HORIZONTAL: 1"=10'(22x34) SPROUSE BRANCH 1"=20'(11x17) VERTICAL: 1"=2'(22x34) STA 207+50 TO 208+10 1"=4'(11x17) 1274 1274 1272 1270 M O r N 1268 1266 w W cncn mwtn coo* � � o O ON N M a_ W cD M N N O O N N D N� N O O n �m mM� N- O 66NOO om NN N 1264 207+50 +60 +70 a w F- 0� of � (D N N w 2 W N (00 't to 01 Do N N NNO O o6 (D O Nn 06 1 CL W (n D) N rnrn cd o6 ED CD NN d N � Ib to 00 N r +90 to 00 N N ly 1272 S U z < 1270 0] W !n O o c" 1268 Ib o Oz N W 00 (0o o ANN Nrry MN1266 '�6 m m CD (0 m 04 N N 1264 208+00 +10 O U W DO FF52 Q0 OO �w 0CV((N >� 00 ` w W 0 Ln Z N a mt r% cy)LlJN v C m W ^ _j N ui Myo -- W 3 W m w z W 4W > J Q a �!.00 �- rr Z w a Z o Q J LU J Q m 0 z LuZ O o Luo W ¢ z Z J O O Q r � U + 0 O N W o U o �� + �Q00 o ��00 �zWo �0�w U �< Z wW � °QZ m �� (n J W 0 LL w CLW O m W z DATE: 05/18/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -15-007 FILE: MSM CREEK 93875 _AB_TILS _F.dwg SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 8 of 13 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 16th DAY OF OCTOBER , 2015. \\\01111 \, „CAR04i''% ?,•oFESSipti Ly - L-4551 DAVID S. TURNER,F.L.S. #L-4551 o9�p S U R0�, .. , S. 1 EX. IVA BRANCH\ C Cl° °x LINE B rc (F— LEGEND: BOULDER — • — • — • —THALWEG ARCH - — — — — - TOP OF BANK/TERRACE __------------------- -----------BANK/TERRACE TOE BOULDER CE CONSERVATION EASEMENT STEP * FENCE --------------------- LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY LOG SILL ---- x— - X— -EXISTING FENCE EX. PROPERTY LINE BRUSH TOE (NOT SURVEYED) CONTROL TRANSPLANT POINT RIPRAP AS—BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED MAY & JULY 2015 10' 0' 10' 20' SCALE: 1 "=10' (22x34) 1 "=20' (1 1 x17) CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' NOTES: 1. SEE SHEET 1 FOR NOTES. CONSERVATION ------ EASEMENT BY OTHERS 6_ 72g;� __------------------- O Ln U WM� b0 > co � w 0 j I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 16th DAY OF OCTOBER, 2015. j L-4551 9 �O. �.�4�, %,9L• • .SURv, . �\c AS—BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED MAY & JULY 2015 10' 0' 10' 20' SCALE: 1 "=10' (22x34) 1"=20' (11x17) CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' LEGEND: — • — • — • — THALWEG - — — — — -TOP OF BANK/TERRACE -----------BANK/TERRACE TOE CE CONSERVATION EASEMENT X - FENCE ---------------------LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY x -x-EXISTING FENCE —EX. PROPERTY LINE _37 - (NOT SURVEYED) TRANSPLANT BOULDERCONTROL cd ARCH O POINT BOULDER STEP LOG SILL BRUSH TOE RIPRAP ------------ NOTES: 1. SEE SHEET 1 FOR NOTES. T_ IVA DITCH o I I -- SEE SHEET 12\` 'LLJ N o NWN co ' W co N o / cp O 0 NO 1286 cq 00 w 00 N (D cf) n O a- 7 M (D 0 Ld d• N n 04 OMD � L n 1284 ----- ' ro `'of N N Lnw d CO CO Wp CD 04 00 d� 00 00 N M J 00 00 N N j O� WCD �t _ ILl --'_. co U)4 '� M N N 04 co O O N __._i O 00 Ih m + a414 00 00 04 04 rq 1282 m m 00 o 1 0 - c ED CD_ I� m co� 0 00 00 1.280 -- N M N 00 0 N p �"� N N 00 O CD W ci C14 0000 _— .. N 0000 cn N r r 00 00 1278 � °,° N N ..' N 00 0 N r- 04 � N 00 n 0000 M 00 1276 --�— —I — N -', r N O ^ N _. _______ �N N N PROFILE SCALE AS -BUILT LONGITUDINAL PROFILE i HORIZONTAL: 1"=10'(22x34) 1274 IVA BRANCH 1"=20(11x17) - ----- STA 302+50 TO 305+00 VERTICAL: 1 xl7) 2x34) _I 1"=4'(11x17) 1272 — 1271 - � - — — 302+50 +60 +70 +80 +90 303+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 +80 +90 304+00 +10 +20 LIMITS OF �X. AS—BUILT jICONTROL SURVEY D PT. #13 It ��TOP OF BANK 2�6 CONSERVATION EASEMENT BY OTHERS 1286 1284 1282 1280 a_ W cn uj CD F- oma? 1278 + JtD D d JWui mN cn mcq a D w LO 00 p d' N cq fi Lo — M "' O ON ri 1276 O 7 m.- r N �'t � N rl LO r- 00 "' 00 Orn Dvi to ro N .- N ^ __ _ � — .. N N N 1274 N �I, ^ N I\ a' N N N N rl N N 1272 N r I\ + N N 1271 +3p + 40 50 +60 +70 +80 +90 305+00 O U > 0 CID—I>'L�u �CVN j� Z 00 Lu 0z6��mo Lu Ln O7 C lis W= mow' a co U�. �WCV C W �Q::3 LLJ N m°L 3 W 3 W am wO Z 7) WLLj J m Z W Q z o Z ¢ J d F J Dz ui W z � O o Lu > o Lu a z z J U it Q a O z CDw o �U cOn w H O LO 00 L0 ��� 0�� N D z O Z 0=) OOwJ ��w U O�w z ��z Iy W w ' W W C) O m w z DATE: 05/18/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -15-007 FILE: MSM CREEK -93875 _AB_TLS _F.dwg SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 10 of 13 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS - DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT 21 WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT F NCE GATE CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON.. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION -CE CE CE CE CE C CE-7iNUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 16th DAY OF OCTOBER , 2015. W o m CA r R Z r, _ SEAL _ y_ L-4551 z- TLS#26 " DAVID S. TURNER, P. .S. #L-4551 - ', E \ ST ER X • W \RIP \ RAP � -' . i -'. Ar' ---- o LEGEND: N —•—•—•—THALWEG rn — — — — —TOP OF BANK/TERRACE ----------BANK/TERRACE TOE CE CONSERVATION EASEMENT rn—O I FENCE -------------------- LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY - EXISTING FENCE <r EX. PROPERTY LINE Z CO w (NOT SURVEYED) CO p M TRANSPLANT BOULDER ACONTROL + L6 ARCH POINT BOULDER m STEP n LOG SILL O O N BRUSH TOE 0 o RIPRAP AS -BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED MAY & JULY 2015 10' 0' 10' 20' SCALE: 1"=10' (22x34) 1 "=20' (1 1 x 17) CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' NOTES: 1. SEE SHEET 1 FOR NOTES. • j♦ �...• .fid.... t �r gffn-,., .: as = - I 1 • .... 17 C-) is\ =. I36"CMP z INV.1267.12 I _a w \ PERMANENT STRE I CROSSING (PIPE) 0of •2, q.� GATE I"' Keyl THALWEG BANK 1269 \ BANK TOE W_ 39f------------------- 30 _ -- LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY ------ CONSERVATION EASEMENT BY OTHERS 1274 1266 1264 305+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 00 M N m rn 0 U a Lt Uj O (02 + U Inv rn—O I >:M cD f� Mz CO Q <r n Z CO w CO p M ozcy) + L6 CO Q c Lu m n O O N co of LL, co Lu ff)m � QI _� r'°CO N co ui LnM � m L6 L6 Lq mO N ED M N V) +J� J a J ¢1 a _ W o w a < (D O O (D U o J 1272 ., O m N N z 307+00 Q J o V) Z O CO) t N N ul) N o � w, N N N nj cD 00 O N w IX O LuZ +-J c6 r oF— �U 0 M m�L0 (D Dw O Lo O N 0) N cD t r Z 0 CzULLI GOoW m O N d Oi z OLLW -Z 01 co p I� N a1 f0 (D 1270 N 0) (O N d N N N d n r N (�v N N to O m W L6 to Z r DATE: 05/18/2015 w (D N r7 d Co o N N REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT +30 +40 ~ N +60 cq +70 U?N SCALE: AS SHOWN �r- (0D N � N O + 0' N N O 0) 0 In w'- pp O 6 1268 on N 06 N O o 04 N 0] 1266 1264 305+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 00 M N m rn n U a Lt Uj O (02 + U Inv rn—O I >:M cD f� Mz U Cn Q w �_ + a0 O D O O O N M M Ai an r - OD 00 7 N N (OD u')) 6 m m N N +80 +90 306+00 +10 +20 TLS#2 NAI LA 7D, SOUTH MUDDY CREEK 7269, PROFILE SCALE AS -BUILT LONGITUDINAL PROFILE HORIZONTAL: 1"=10'(22x34) IVA BRANCH 1"=20'(11x17) VERTICAL: 1"=2'(22x34) STA 305+00 TO 307+20 1"=4'(11x17) �T 0MM, 00 1274 1272 1270 z O_ H U c N 1268 z ro U O �Z n w 1266 d' O N 1264 +10 +20 x 2 U LO Lu Oc O V 00 U CO Q 0 W 0) Z CO w CO p M ozcy) + L6 CO Q c Lu m _a O O N co of LL, co Lu ff)m � QI _� r'°CO 06W ui LnM 3 3 m L6 L6 Lq mO N � (D N N +J� J a J ¢1 a _ W o w a < (D O (D U o J N ., O m N N z 307+00 Q J o V) Z O CO) t N W � w, N J 0 cD 00 U _ � IX O LuZ +-J c6 oF— �U 0 M m�L0 (D Dw O Lo O O 004r N /O L J OO t r Z 0 CzULLI GOoW n co O N = z OLLW -Z 01 co WF N wa) 00 (D (D LD N 0) (O N d \ / Q n r N N N to O m W L6 to Z DATE: 05/18/2015 w (D N N N REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 �T 0MM, 00 1274 1272 1270 z O_ H U c N 1268 z ro U O �Z n w 1266 d' O N 1264 +10 +20 x U LO Lu Oc O V 00 CO Q 0 W 0) Z CO w CO p M ozcy) + L6 c Lu m _a O O N c: CU LL, co Lu ff)m � QI _� r'°CO 06W o_ 3 3 m L6 L6 Lq mO N � (D N N N J a J ¢1 a W o w a < (D Z a o J N ., +90 N z 307+00 �T 0MM, 00 1274 1272 1270 z O_ H U c N 1268 z ro U O �Z n w 1266 d' O N 1264 +10 +20 LO Lu Oc O V 00 Oi Z CO w Lu ozcy) c Lu m _a m� 0-)wCV O c: CU LL, co Lu � QI _� r'°CO 06W o_ 3 3 W T 3 m w M J a J ¢1 a W o w a < -... Z a o J ., w a N z J o V) Z O CO) t o W a z J 0 U _ � IX O LuZ oF— �U M m�L0 O X000 O Q(/M it - /O L J OO t r Z 0 CzULLI GOoW =i -n = z OLLW -Z WF 9 wa) m j WQ 0 O.// \ / Q O m W Z DATE: 05/18/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -15-007 FILE: MSM CREEK 93875 _AB_TLS _F.dwg SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 11 of 13 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 16th DAY OF OCTOBER, 2015. CA Roti SEAL DA S. -TURNER, P.L.S. #L-4551 = r L-4551 an s -vy SURJ 9G.0. , LEGEND: • — • — • — THALWEG - — — — — - TOP OF BANK/TERRACE -----------BANK/TERRACE TOE CE CONSERVATION EASEMENT * FENCE ----------• LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY X ---X— EXISTING FENCE EX. PROPERTY LINE (NOT SURVEYED) RIPRAP APOINTROL AS—BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED MAY & JULY 2015 SCALE: 1"=10' (22x34) 1 "=20' (1 1 x17) CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' NOTES: 1. SEE SHEET 1 FOR NOTES. LIMITS OF AS—BUILT SURVEY EX. FENCE - O Y. -- O FLOW t O - - PROPERTY LINE BY OTHERS CONSERVATION EASEMENT BY OTHERS , I "V" DITCH W/ CLASS B RIP RAP 1286 -1288 1290—�— — — IVA DITCH 10 "W 1234-f u u / I 1% IVA BRANCH SEE SHEET 10 o LO WM1 U 00 >cooQ'�,,,, A CV N > � W 0 OZrn o® Z 0") LLJ C m o mtn LU 0 � EU i v Lu `�'°Co N a- 3 3 W Lu x 3 w � . U) J_ W J Q < Q H Z K F Z aLU o J F a in � z N W O m > o W o LU IX a z z J O Q U < x O c) WF_ N + �U 10� 19T �0 L0 rZ 0 00 c) 0 0 Q + �ZWo �OOLU 0 Lu U)O�W _ (f�OZ F_ u) p JW Q n NO Q O m LU z DATE: 05/18/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DSTlEGT PROJECT: TLS -15-007 FILE: MSM CREEK 93875 AB TLS F.dwg SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 12 of 13 ..] m I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY o 1280 THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER 1280 Li � CD MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE w z o z z 00 m z o z c� Z 00 X± z� w± 1275 REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND 1275 �' c� Cz, x THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS = ro M 0 o m J Lo o 0 (D rn ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED ri o 0) a) 00 m + m , V) M co � ^ N 1270 HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION 1270 N z+N N N N N r- T m r N r r- r NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 16th DAY OF OCTOBER , 2015. 00 r N r N O _ Lq '0 O N N N r' N N N N 04 __ a0 r- N N 10 1265 l,,// 1265 1101+03.23 XS3 N N N N N r1 N o'/ CI'IAIfi 1260 oFEssiati?y% 1260 0+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 +80 +90 1+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 +80 +90 SEAL S DAVID S. TURNER, P. .S. #L-4551 = r L-4551 4r: 9�p 0 4 : -71" • � 1284 , ..... q, 1284 O sl I IS V `\\ F-- 1280 1280 z o M _ c0 w z+ c8 z 0 N ± tri w+ 1275 1275 N 0 CZ's � o o � �+ c0 �° ao A mLO Ln m 1`1vi N O \n 00 m m r ^ M 00 O W M r 1270 1270 N N r N N O m W N N m t0 to N N N N O0 d' 0 N N � t 0 � � N N 1265 1265 102+55.63 XS4 N r rN O c0 N co N N N N 1260 1260 0+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 +80 +90 1+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 +80 +90 1280 1280 0 cx) 1275 7O z z z O w 0 WN wNz1275 U 0w W , O ��� 0 ~A A 000 N M r 00 c0 <t J m N of m m rn to o o M 00 m 1270 1270 N M In I"? 0 N m w + w °' 10 r r N NN NN O c14 N 04 NNN 1265 1265 - dIn 0) 0) 0) 0 CROSS SECTION SCALE m 0 m HORIZONTAL: V=10'(22x34) N N N N N N 1260 V=20'(11x17) 1260 104+47.26 XS5 T VERTICAL: V=10'(22x34) 1 "=20'(11 x17) 1255 TBL-LEFT TOP OF BANK TBR -RIGHT TOP OF BANK 1255+50 +60 +70 +g0 +g0 1+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +7p +gp +90 2+00 +10 +20 BBL -LEFT BANK TOE 0+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 BBR-RIGHT BANK TOE TW -THALWEG 1 GN -GROUND EGN-EXISTING GROUND 1280 00 EW -EDGE OF WATER r- ro WS -WATER SURFACE z z+ ° z0 1275 XING-CROSSING TOT -TOP OF TERRACE 1275 o w z w z+ z z z z z z 0 0� 0+ wN TT -TERRACE TOE (DO CD 0 0 CD z cI � m m z 0 0 LO 1270 t0 r tp N r M _j m N m m to N 0 't � 1270 N rn c0 .- N - o M m ± o r r r r N N N N N N 1265 1265 N N N N N cc0 M d- t W N N N c0 c0 w (0 tp 6 c0 (D t0 t0 ED N N N N N N N 1260 NOTES: 1260 105+41.46 XS6 1. SEE SHEET 1 FOR NOTES. 1255 1255 0+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 +80 +90 1+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 +g0 +90 2+00 1280 1280 0 CKD_CO 1275 1275 z CJ z O N Z+ Z ~ z z z U ZN LU 04 W w 00 (D Z � 0 J m � U) m z 0 C� �r 1270 1270 C0 z + 0o ~ c0 ro � co m r In - r 0 0 0 It 1 m 0 — w m — m m o^ to 0 N N 0 N O 00 (n cli N °' N N 04 1265 1265 N N N N N 00 cN0 LO n N O N �- N t�0 N CIDLn c0 In N N N N N •- 1260 1260 107+50.34 XS7 N 1255 1255 0+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 +80 +90 1+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 +80 +90 2+00 +10 +20 1280 1280 N N 4 + 1275 1275 N rn + Z CD WN w CDo (D0 0 0 0 Z 0 z 0 M 1270 1270 m � m m rn t0 m 0 M O r 0 � W + O m N r7 O p r N 0) 1265 Qui OM; 0; a) N M O OBD t�0 N N N .rN- 1265 N N N N N (D N 0) O O O) N (r0 N N (0m m 0 t0 N 1260 1260 109+71.58 XS8 N N N N N N N 1255 1255+20 0+00 +10 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 +80 +90 1+00 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 +80 +90 2+00 O U Wmr b0 ^m OcVN j